Roadmap 2.60: ============= afl-fuzz: - radamsa mutator (via dlopen()) gcc_plugin: - laf-intel libdislocator: - add a wrapper for posix_memalign qemu_mode: - update to 4.x (probably this will be skipped :( ) - instrim for QEMU mode via static analysis (with r2pipe? or angr?) Idea: The static analyzer outputs a map in which each edge that must be skipped is marked with 1. QEMU loads it at startup in the parent process. custom_mutators: - rip what Superion is doing into custom mutators for js, php, etc. enhance test/ script for checking if compcov features are working correctly (especially float splitting) The far away future: ==================== Problem: Average targets (tiff, jpeg, unrar) go through 1500 edges. At afl's default map that means ~16 collisions and ~3 wrappings. Solution #1: increase map size. every +1 decreases fuzzing speed by ~10% and halfs the collisions birthday paradox predicts collisions at this # of edges: mapsize => collisions 2^16 = 302 2^17 = 427 2^18 = 603 2^19 = 853 2^20 = 1207 2^21 = 1706 2^22 = 2412 2^23 = 3411 2^24 = 4823 Increasing the map is an easy solution but also not a good one. Solution #2: use dynamic map size and collision free basic block IDs This only works in llvm_mode and llvm >= 9 though A potential good future solution. Heiko/hexcoder follows this up Solution #3: write instruction pointers to a big shared map 512kb/1MB shared map and the instrumented code writes the instruction pointer into the map. Map must be big enough but could be command line controlled. Good: complete coverage information, nothing is lost. choice of analysis impacts speed, but this can be decided by user options Neutral: a little bit slower but no loss of coverage Bad: completely changes how afl uses the map and the scheduling. Overall another very good solution, Marc Heuse/vanHauser follows this up