# MOpt(imized) AFL by ### 1. Description MOpt-AFL is a AFL-based fuzzer that utilizes a customized Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to find the optimal selection probability distribution of operators with respect to fuzzing effectiveness. More details can be found in the technical report. ### 2. Cite Information Chenyang Lyu, Shouling Ji, Chao Zhang, Yuwei Li, Wei-Han Lee, Yu Song and Raheem Beyah, MOPT: Optimized Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers, USENIX Security 2019. ### 3. Seed Sets We open source all the seed sets used in the paper "MOPT: Optimized Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers". ### 4. Experiment Results The experiment results can be found in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/184GOzkZGls1H2NuLuUfSp9gfqp1E2-lL?usp=sharing. We only open source the crash files since the space is limited. ### 5. Technical Report MOpt_TechReport.pdf is the technical report of the paper "MOPT: Optimized Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers", which contains more deatails. ### 6. Parameter Introduction Most important, you must add the parameter `-L` (e.g., `-L 0`) to launch the MOpt scheme. Option '-L' controls the time to move on to the pacemaker fuzzing mode. '-L t': when MOpt-AFL finishes the mutation of one input, if it has not discovered any new unique crash or path for more than t minutes, MOpt-AFL will enter the pacemaker fuzzing mode. Setting 0 will enter the pacemaker fuzzing mode at first, which is recommended in a short time-scale evaluation. Other important parameters can be found in afl-fuzz.c, for instance, 'swarm_num': the number of the PSO swarms used in the fuzzing process. 'period_pilot': how many times MOpt-AFL will execute the target program in the pilot fuzzing module, then it will enter the core fuzzing module. 'period_core': how many times MOpt-AFL will execute the target program in the core fuzzing module, then it will enter the PSO updating module. 'limit_time_bound': control how many interesting test cases need to be found before MOpt-AFL quits the pacemaker fuzzing mode and reuses the deterministic stage. 0 < 'limit_time_bound' < 1, MOpt-AFL-tmp. 'limit_time_bound' >= 1, MOpt-AFL-ever. Have fun with MOpt in AFL!