# CmpLog instrumentation The CmpLog instrumentation enables the logging of the comparisons operands in a shared memory. These values can be used by various mutators built on top of it. At the moment we support the RedQueen mutator (input-2-state instructions only). ## Build To use CmpLog, you have to build two versions of the instrumented target program. The first version is built using the regular AFL++ instrumentation. The second one, the CmpLog binary, with setting AFL_LLVM_CMPLOG during the compilation. For example: ``` ./configure --cc=~/path/to/afl-clang-fast make cp ./program ./program.afl make clean export AFL_LLVM_CMPLOG=1 ./configure --cc=~/path/to/afl-clang-fast make cp ./program ./program.cmplog ``` ## Use AFL++ has the new -c option that needs to be used to specify the CmpLog binary (the second build). For example: ``` afl-fuzz -i input -o output -c ./program.cmplog -m none -- ./program.afl @@ ``` Be sure to use `-m none` because CmpLog can map a lot of pages.