# AFL N-Gram Branch Coverage ## Source This is an LLVM-based implementation of the n-gram branch coverage proposed in the paper ["Be Sensitive and Collaborative: Analzying Impact of Coverage Metrics in Greybox Fuzzing"](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/raid2019-wang-jinghan.pdf), by Jinghan Wang, et. al. Note that the original implementation (available [here](https://github.com/bitsecurerlab/afl-sensitive)) is built on top of AFL's QEMU mode. This is essentially a port that uses LLVM vectorized instructions to achieve the same results when compiling source code. In math the branch coverage is performed as follows: `map[current_location ^ prev_location[0] >> 1 ^ prev_location[1] >> 1 ^ ... up to n-1`] += 1` ## Usage The size of `n` (i.e., the number of branches to remember) is an option that is specified either in the `AFL_LLVM_INSTRUMENT=NGRAM-{value}` or the `AFL_LLVM_NGRAM_SIZE` environment variable. Good values are 2, 4 or 8, valid are 2-16. It is highly recommended to increase the MAP_SIZE_POW2 definition in config.h to at least 18 and maybe up to 20 for this as otherwise too many map collisions occur.