# qbdi-based binary-only instrumentation for afl-fuzz ## 1) Introduction The code in ./qbdi_mode allows you to build a standalone feature that using the QBDI framework to fuzz android native library. ## 2) Build First download the Android NDK ``` https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r20-linux-x86_64.zip ``` Then unzip it and build the standalone-toolchain For x86_64 standalone-toolchain ``` unzip android-ndk-r20-linux-x86_64.zip cd android-ndk-r20/ ./build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --arch x86_64 --api 21 --install-dir ../android-standalone-toolchain-x86_64 ``` For x86 standalone-toolchain ``` ./build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --arch x86 --api 21 --install-dir ../android-standalone-toolchain-x86 ``` In alternative you can also use the prebuilt toolchain, in that case make sure to set the proper CC and CXX env variables because there are many different compilers for each API version in the prebuilt toolchain. For example: ``` export STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=~/Android/Sdk/ndk/20.1.5948944/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/ export CC=x86_64-linux-android21-clang export CXX=x86_64-linux-android21-clang++ ``` Then download the QBDI SDK from website ``` https://qbdi.quarkslab.com/ ``` For Android x86_64 ``` https://github.com/QBDI/QBDI/releases/download/v0.7.0/QBDI-0.7.0-android-X86_64.tar.gz ``` Then decompress the sdk ``` mkdir android-qbdi-sdk-x86_64 cp QBDI-0.7.0-android-X86_64.tar.gz android-qbdi-sdk-x86_64/ cd android-qbdi-sdk-x86_64/ tar xvf QBDI-0.7.0-android-X86_64.tar.gz ``` Now set the `STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` to the path of standalone-toolchain ``` export STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/home/hac425/workspace/android-standalone-toolchain-x86_64 ``` set the `QBDI_SDK_PATH` to the path of QBDI SDK ``` export QBDI_SDK_PATH=/home/hac425/workspace/AFLplusplus/qbdi_mode/android-qbdi-sdk-x86_64/ ``` Then run the build.sh ``` ./build.sh x86_64 ``` this could build the afl-fuzz and also the qbdi template for android x86_64 ### Example The demo-so.c is an vulnerable library, it has a function for test ```c int target_func(char *buf, int size) { printf("buffer:%p, size:%p\n", buf, size); switch (buf[0]) { case 1: puts("222"); if (buf[1] == '\x44') { puts("null ptr deference"); *(char *)(0) = 1; } break; case 0xff: if (buf[2] == '\xff') { if (buf[1] == '\x44') { puts("crash...."); *(char *)(0xdeadbeef) = 1; } } break; default: puts("default action"); break; } return 1; } ``` This could be build to `libdemo.so`. Then we should load the library in template.cpp and find the `target` function address. ```c void *handle = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... p_target_func = (target_func)dlsym(handle, "target_func"); ``` then we read the data from file and call the function in `fuzz_func` ```c QBDI_NOINLINE int fuzz_func() { if (afl_setup()) { afl_forkserver(); } /* Read the input from file */ unsigned long len = 0; char * data = read_file(input_pathname, &len); /* Call the target function with the input data */ p_target_func(data, len); return 1; } ``` Just compile it ``` ./build.sh x86_64 ``` Then push the `afl-fuzz`, `loader`, `libdemo.so`, the `libQBDI.so` from the QBDI SDK and the `libc++_shared.so` from android-standalone-toolchain to android device ``` adb push afl-fuzz /data/local/tmp adb push libdemo.so /data/local/tmp adb push loader /data/local/tmp adb push android-qbdi-sdk-x86_64/usr/local/lib/libQBDI.so /data/local/tmp adb push ../../android-standalone-toolchain-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/libc++_shared.so /data/local/tmp ``` In android adb shell, run the loader to test if it runs ``` cd /data/local/tmp export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp mkdir in echo 0000 > in/1 ./loader libdemo.so in/1 p_target_func:0x716d96a98600 offset:0x600 offset:0x580 buffer:0x716d96609050, size:0x5 offset:0x628 offset:0x646 offset:0x64b offset:0x65c offset:0x6df offset:0x590 default action offset:0x6eb ``` Now run `afl-fuzz` to fuzz the demo library ``` ./afl-fuzz -i in -o out -- ./loader /data/local/tmp/libdemo.so @@ ``` ![screen1](assets/screen1.png)