# Source Folder Quick explanation about the files here: - `afl-analyze.c` - afl-analyze binary tool - `afl-as.c` - afl-as binary tool - `afl-cc.c` - afl-cc binary tool - `afl-common.c` - common functions, used by afl-analyze, afl-fuzz, afl-showmap and afl-tmin - `afl-forkserver.c` - forkserver implementation, used by afl-fuzz afl-showmap, afl-tmin - `afl-fuzz-bitmap.c` - afl-fuzz bitmap handling - `afl-fuzz.c` - afl-fuzz binary tool (just main() and usage()) - `afl-fuzz-cmplog.c` - afl-fuzz cmplog functions - `afl-fuzz-extras.c` - afl-fuzz the *extra* function calls - `afl-fuzz-init.c` - afl-fuzz initialization - `afl-fuzz-misc.c` - afl-fuzz misc functions - `afl-fuzz-mutators.c` - afl-fuzz custom mutator and python support - `afl-fuzz-one.c` - afl-fuzz fuzzer_one big loop, this is where the mutation is happening - `afl-fuzz-performance.c` - hash64 and rand functions - `afl-fuzz-python.c` - afl-fuzz the python mutator extension - `afl-fuzz-queue.c` - afl-fuzz handling the queue - `afl-fuzz-redqueen.c` - afl-fuzz redqueen implemention - `afl-fuzz-run.c` - afl-fuzz running the target - `afl-fuzz-state.c` - afl-fuzz state and globals - `afl-fuzz-stats.c` - afl-fuzz writing the statistics file - `afl-gotcpu.c` - afl-gotcpu binary tool - `afl-ld-lto.c` - LTO linker helper - `afl-sharedmem.c` - sharedmem implementation, used by afl-fuzz, afl-showmap, afl-tmin - `afl-showmap.c` - afl-showmap binary tool - `afl-tmin.c` - afl-tmin binary tool