/* american fuzzy lop++ - redqueen implementation on top of cmplog --------------------------------------------------------------- Originally written by Michal Zalewski Forkserver design by Jann Horn Now maintained by by Marc Heuse , Heiko Eißfeldt and Andrea Fioraldi Copyright 2016, 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2019-2020 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Shared code to handle the shared memory. This is used by the fuzzer as well the other components like afl-tmin, afl-showmap, etc... */ #include #include "afl-fuzz.h" #include "cmplog.h" //#define _DEBUG #define COMBINE //#define CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION //#define ARITHMETIC_LESSER_GREATER //#define TRANSFORM //#define TRANSFORM_BASE64 // CMP attribute enum enum { IS_EQUAL = 1, // arithemtic equal comparison IS_GREATER = 2, // arithmetic greater comparison IS_LESSER = 4, // arithmetic lesser comparison IS_FP = 8, // is a floating point, not an integer /* --- below are internal settings, not from target cmplog */ IS_FP_MOD = 16, // arithemtic changed floating point IS_INT_MOD = 32, // arithmetic changed interger IS_TRANSFORM = 64 // transformed integer }; // CMPLOG LVL enum { LVL1 = 1, // Integer solving LVL2 = 2, // FP solving LVL3 = 4 // expensive tranformations }; struct range { u32 start; u32 end; struct range *next; struct range *prev; u8 ok; }; static struct range *add_range(struct range *ranges, u32 start, u32 end) { struct range *r = ck_alloc_nozero(sizeof(struct range)); r->start = start; r->end = end; r->next = ranges; r->ok = 0; if (likely(ranges)) ranges->prev = r; return r; } static struct range *pop_biggest_range(struct range **ranges) { struct range *r = *ranges; struct range *rmax = NULL; u32 max_size = 0; while (r) { if (!r->ok) { u32 s = 1 + r->end - r->start; if (s >= max_size) { max_size = s; rmax = r; } } r = r->next; } return rmax; } #ifdef _DEBUG // static int logging = 0; static void dump(char *txt, u8 *buf, u32 len) { u32 i; fprintf(stderr, "DUMP %s %016llx ", txt, hash64(buf, len, HASH_CONST)); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", buf[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static void dump_file(char *path, char *name, u32 counter, u8 *buf, u32 len) { char fn[4096]; if (!path) path = "."; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/%s%d", path, name, counter); int fd = open(fn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd >= 0) { write(fd, buf, len); close(fd); } } #endif static u8 get_exec_checksum(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *buf, u32 len, u64 *cksum) { if (unlikely(common_fuzz_stuff(afl, buf, len))) { return 1; } *cksum = hash64(afl->fsrv.trace_bits, afl->fsrv.map_size, HASH_CONST); return 0; } /* replace everything with different values but stay in the same type */ static void type_replace(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *buf, u32 len) { u32 i; u8 c; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // wont help for UTF or non-latin charsets do { switch (buf[i]) { case 'A' ... 'F': c = 'A' + rand_below(afl, 1 + 'F' - 'A'); break; case 'a' ... 'f': c = 'a' + rand_below(afl, 1 + 'f' - 'a'); break; case '0': c = '1'; break; case '1': c = '0'; break; case '2' ... '9': c = '2' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '9' - '2'); break; case 'G' ... 'Z': c = 'G' + rand_below(afl, 1 + 'Z' - 'G'); break; case 'g' ... 'z': c = 'g' + rand_below(afl, 1 + 'z' - 'g'); break; case '!' ... '*': c = '!' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '*' - '!'); break; case ',' ... '.': c = ',' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '.' - ','); break; case ':' ... '@': c = ':' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '@' - ':'); break; case '[' ... '`': c = '[' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '`' - '['); break; case '{' ... '~': c = '{' + rand_below(afl, 1 + '~' - '{'); break; case '+': c = '/'; break; case '/': c = '+'; break; case ' ': c = '\t'; break; case '\t': c = ' '; break; /* case '\r': case '\n': // nothing ... break; */ default: c = (buf[i] ^ 0xff); } } while (c == buf[i]); buf[i] = c; } } static u8 colorization(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *buf, u32 len, struct tainted **taints) { struct range * ranges = add_range(NULL, 0, len - 1), *rng; struct tainted *taint = NULL; u8 * backup = ck_alloc_nozero(len); u8 * changed = ck_alloc_nozero(len); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION) u64 start_time = get_cur_time(); #endif u32 screen_update = 1000000 / afl->queue_cur->exec_us; u64 orig_hit_cnt, new_hit_cnt, exec_cksum; orig_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; afl->stage_name = "colorization"; afl->stage_short = "colorization"; afl->stage_max = (len << 1); afl->stage_cur = 0; // in colorization we do not classify counts, hence we have to calculate // the original checksum. if (unlikely(get_exec_checksum(afl, buf, len, &exec_cksum))) { goto checksum_fail; } memcpy(backup, buf, len); memcpy(changed, buf, len); type_replace(afl, changed, len); while ((rng = pop_biggest_range(&ranges)) != NULL && afl->stage_cur < afl->stage_max) { u32 s = 1 + rng->end - rng->start; memcpy(buf + rng->start, changed + rng->start, s); u64 cksum = 0; u64 start_us = get_cur_time_us(); if (unlikely(get_exec_checksum(afl, buf, len, &cksum))) { goto checksum_fail; } u64 stop_us = get_cur_time_us(); /* Discard if the mutations change the path or if it is too decremental in speed - how could the same path have a much different speed though ...*/ if (cksum != exec_cksum || (unlikely(stop_us - start_us > 3 * afl->queue_cur->exec_us) && likely(!afl->fixed_seed))) { memcpy(buf + rng->start, backup + rng->start, s); if (s > 1) { // to not add 0 size ranges ranges = add_range(ranges, rng->start, rng->start - 1 + s / 2); ranges = add_range(ranges, rng->start + s / 2, rng->end); } if (ranges == rng) { ranges = rng->next; if (ranges) { ranges->prev = NULL; } } else if (rng->next) { rng->prev->next = rng->next; rng->next->prev = rng->prev; } else { if (rng->prev) { rng->prev->next = NULL; } } free(rng); } else { rng->ok = 1; } if (++afl->stage_cur % screen_update) { show_stats(afl); }; } rng = ranges; while (rng) { rng = rng->next; } u32 i = 1; u32 positions = 0; while (i) { restart: i = 0; struct range *r = NULL; u32 pos = (u32)-1; rng = ranges; while (rng) { if (rng->ok == 1 && rng->start < pos) { if (taint && taint->pos + taint->len == rng->start) { taint->len += (1 + rng->end - rng->start); positions += (1 + rng->end - rng->start); rng->ok = 2; goto restart; } else { r = rng; pos = rng->start; } } rng = rng->next; } if (r) { struct tainted *t = ck_alloc_nozero(sizeof(struct tainted)); t->pos = r->start; t->len = 1 + r->end - r->start; positions += (1 + r->end - r->start); if (likely(taint)) { taint->prev = t; } t->next = taint; t->prev = NULL; taint = t; r->ok = 2; i = 1; } } *taints = taint; /* temporary: clean ranges */ while (ranges) { rng = ranges; ranges = rng->next; ck_free(rng); } new_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION) FILE *f = stderr; #ifndef _DEBUG if (afl->not_on_tty) { char fn[4096]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/introspection_cmplog.txt", afl->out_dir); f = fopen(fn, "a"); } #endif if (f) { fprintf( f, "Colorization: fname=%s len=%u ms=%llu result=%u execs=%u found=%llu " "taint=%u\n", afl->queue_cur->fname, len, get_cur_time() - start_time, afl->queue_cur->colorized, afl->stage_cur, new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt, positions); #ifndef _DEBUG if (afl->not_on_tty) { fclose(f); } #endif } #endif afl->stage_finds[STAGE_COLORIZATION] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt; afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_COLORIZATION] += afl->stage_cur; ck_free(backup); ck_free(changed); return 0; checksum_fail: ck_free(backup); ck_free(changed); return 1; } ///// Input to State replacement static u8 its_fuzz(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *buf, u32 len, u8 *status) { u64 orig_hit_cnt, new_hit_cnt; orig_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; #ifdef _DEBUG dump("DATA", buf, len); #endif if (unlikely(common_fuzz_stuff(afl, buf, len))) { return 1; } new_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; if (unlikely(new_hit_cnt != orig_hit_cnt)) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "NEW FIND\n"); #endif *status = 1; } else { *status = 2; } return 0; } #ifdef TRANSFORM static int strntoll(const char *str, size_t sz, char **end, int base, long long *out) { char buf[64]; long long ret; const char *beg = str; for (; beg && sz && *beg == ' '; beg++, sz--) {}; if (!sz) return 1; if (sz >= sizeof(buf)) sz = sizeof(buf) - 1; memcpy(buf, beg, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; ret = strtoll(buf, end, base); if ((ret == LLONG_MIN || ret == LLONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE) return 1; if (end) *end = (char *)beg + (*end - buf); *out = ret; return 0; } static int strntoull(const char *str, size_t sz, char **end, int base, unsigned long long *out) { char buf[64]; unsigned long long ret; const char * beg = str; for (; beg && sz && *beg == ' '; beg++, sz--) ; if (!sz) return 1; if (sz >= sizeof(buf)) sz = sizeof(buf) - 1; memcpy(buf, beg, sz); buf[sz] = '\0'; ret = strtoull(buf, end, base); if (ret == ULLONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) return 1; if (end) *end = (char *)beg + (*end - buf); *out = ret; return 0; } static u8 hex_table_up[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; static u8 hex_table_low[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; static u8 hex_table[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}; // tests 2 bytes at location static int is_hex(const char *str) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '0' ... '9': case 'A' ... 'F': case 'a' ... 'f': break; default: return 0; } } return 1; } #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 // tests 4 bytes at location static int is_base64(const char *str) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '0' ... '9': case 'A' ... 'Z': case 'a' ... 'z': case '+': case '/': case '=': break; default: return 0; } } return 1; } static u8 base64_encode_table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static u8 base64_decode_table[] = { 62, 0, 0, 0, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51}; static u32 from_base64(u8 *src, u8 *dst, u32 dst_len) { u32 i, j, v; u32 len = ((dst_len / 3) << 2); u32 ret = 0; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i += 4, j += 3) { v = base64_decode_table[src[i] - 43]; v = (v << 6) | base64_decode_table[src[i + 1] - 43]; v = src[i + 2] == '=' ? v << 6 : (v << 6) | base64_decode_table[src[i + 2] - 43]; v = src[i + 3] == '=' ? v << 6 : (v << 6) | base64_decode_table[src[i + 3] - 43]; dst[j] = (v >> 16) & 0xFF; ++ret; if (src[i + 2] != '=') { dst[j + 1] = (v >> 8) & 0xFF; ++ret; } if (src[i + 3] != '=') { dst[j + 2] = v & 0xFF; ++ret; } } return ret; } static void to_base64(u8 *src, u8 *dst, u32 dst_len) { u32 i, j, v; u32 len = (dst_len >> 2) * 3; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i += 3, j += 4) { v = src[i]; v = i + 1 < len ? v << 8 | src[i + 1] : v << 8; v = i + 2 < len ? v << 8 | src[i + 2] : v << 8; dst[j] = base64_encode_table[(v >> 18) & 0x3F]; dst[j + 1] = base64_encode_table[(v >> 12) & 0x3F]; if (i + 1 < len) { dst[j + 2] = base64_encode_table[(v >> 6) & 0x3F]; } else { dst[j + 2] = '='; } if (i + 2 < len) { dst[j + 3] = base64_encode_table[v & 0x3F]; } else { dst[j + 3] = '='; } } } #endif #endif static u8 cmp_extend_encoding(afl_state_t *afl, struct cmp_header *h, u64 pattern, u64 repl, u64 o_pattern, u64 changed_val, u8 attr, u32 idx, u32 taint_len, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u8 *cbuf, u32 len, u8 do_reverse, u8 lvl, u8 *status) { u64 *buf_64 = (u64 *)&buf[idx]; u32 *buf_32 = (u32 *)&buf[idx]; u16 *buf_16 = (u16 *)&buf[idx]; u8 * buf_8 = &buf[idx]; u64 *o_buf_64 = (u64 *)&orig_buf[idx]; u32 *o_buf_32 = (u32 *)&orig_buf[idx]; u16 *o_buf_16 = (u16 *)&orig_buf[idx]; u8 * o_buf_8 = &orig_buf[idx]; u32 its_len = MIN(len - idx, taint_len); // fprintf(stderr, // "Encode: %llx->%llx into %llx(<-%llx) at idx=%u " // "taint_len=%u shape=%u attr=%u\n", // o_pattern, pattern, repl, changed_val, idx, taint_len, // h->shape + 1, attr); #ifdef TRANSFORM // reverse atoi()/strnu?toll() is expensive, so we only to it in lvl 3 if (lvl & LVL3) { u8 * endptr; u8 use_num = 0, use_unum = 0; unsigned long long unum; long long num; if (afl->queue_cur->is_ascii) { endptr = buf_8; if (strntoll(buf_8, len - idx, (char **)&endptr, 0, &num)) { if (!strntoull(buf_8, len - idx, (char **)&endptr, 0, &unum)) use_unum = 1; } else use_num = 1; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (idx == 0) fprintf(stderr, "ASCII is=%u use_num=%u use_unum=%u idx=%u %llx==%llx\n", afl->queue_cur->is_ascii, use_num, use_unum, idx, num, pattern); #endif // num is likely not pattern as atoi("AAA") will be zero... if (use_num && ((u64)num == pattern || !num)) { u8 tmp_buf[32]; size_t num_len = snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%lld", repl); size_t old_len = endptr - buf_8; u8 *new_buf = afl_realloc((void **)&afl->out_scratch_buf, len + num_len); if (unlikely(!new_buf)) { PFATAL("alloc"); } memcpy(new_buf, buf, idx); memcpy(new_buf + idx, tmp_buf, num_len); memcpy(new_buf + idx + num_len, buf_8 + old_len, len - idx - old_len); if (new_buf[idx + num_len] >= '0' && new_buf[idx + num_len] <= '9') { new_buf[idx + num_len] = ' '; } if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, new_buf, len, status))) { return 1; } } else if (use_unum && (unum == pattern || !unum)) { u8 tmp_buf[32]; size_t num_len = snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%llu", repl); size_t old_len = endptr - buf_8; u8 *new_buf = afl_realloc((void **)&afl->out_scratch_buf, len + num_len); if (unlikely(!new_buf)) { PFATAL("alloc"); } memcpy(new_buf, buf, idx); memcpy(new_buf + idx, tmp_buf, num_len); memcpy(new_buf + idx + num_len, buf_8 + old_len, len - idx - old_len); if (new_buf[idx + num_len] >= '0' && new_buf[idx + num_len] <= '9') { new_buf[idx + num_len] = ' '; } if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, new_buf, len, status))) { return 1; } } // Try to identify transform magic if (pattern != o_pattern && repl == changed_val && attr <= IS_EQUAL) { u64 *ptr = (u64 *)&buf[idx]; u64 *o_ptr = (u64 *)&orig_buf[idx]; u64 b_val, o_b_val, mask; switch (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)) { case 0: case 1: b_val = (u64)(*ptr % 0x100); o_b_val = (u64)(*o_ptr % 0x100); mask = 0xff; break; case 2: case 3: b_val = (u64)(*ptr % 0x10000); o_b_val = (u64)(*o_ptr % 0x10000); mask = 0xffff; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: b_val = (u64)(*ptr % 0x100000000); o_b_val = (u64)(*o_ptr % 0x100000000); mask = 0xffffffff; break; default: b_val = *ptr; o_b_val = *o_ptr; mask = 0xffffffffffffffff; } // test for arithmetic, eg. "if ((user_val - 0x1111) == 0x1234) ..." s64 diff = pattern - b_val; s64 o_diff = o_pattern - o_b_val; /* fprintf(stderr, "DIFF1 idx=%03u shape=%02u %llx-%llx=%lx\n", idx, h->shape + 1, o_pattern, o_b_val, o_diff); fprintf(stderr, "DIFF1 %016llx %llx-%llx=%lx\n", repl, pattern, b_val, diff);*/ if (diff == o_diff && diff) { // this could be an arithmetic transformation u64 new_repl = (u64)((s64)repl - diff); // fprintf(stderr, "SAME DIFF %llx->%llx\n", repl, new_repl); if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, pattern, new_repl, o_pattern, repl, IS_TRANSFORM, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } // if (*status == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "FOUND!\n"); } } // test for XOR, eg. "if ((user_val ^ 0xabcd) == 0x1234) ..." if (*status != 1) { diff = pattern ^ b_val; s64 o_diff = o_pattern ^ o_b_val; /* fprintf(stderr, "DIFF2 idx=%03u shape=%02u %llx-%llx=%lx\n", idx, h->shape + 1, o_pattern, o_b_val, o_diff); fprintf(stderr, "DIFF2 %016llx %llx-%llx=%lx\n", repl, pattern, b_val, diff);*/ if (diff == o_diff && diff) { // this could be a XOR transformation u64 new_repl = (u64)((s64)repl ^ diff); // fprintf(stderr, "SAME DIFF %llx->%llx\n", repl, new_repl); if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, pattern, new_repl, o_pattern, repl, IS_TRANSFORM, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } // if (*status == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "FOUND!\n"); } } } // test for to lowercase, eg. "new_val = (user_val | 0x2020) ..." if (*status != 1) { if ((b_val | (0x2020202020202020 & mask)) == (pattern & mask)) { diff = 1; } else { diff = 0; } if ((o_b_val | (0x2020202020202020 & mask)) == (o_pattern & mask)) { o_diff = 1; } else { diff = 0; } /* fprintf(stderr, "DIFF3 idx=%03u shape=%02u %llx-%llx=%lx\n", idx, h->shape + 1, o_pattern, o_b_val, o_diff); fprintf(stderr, "DIFF3 %016llx %llx-%llx=%lx\n", repl, pattern, b_val, diff);*/ if (o_diff && diff) { // this could be a lower to upper u64 new_repl = (repl & (0x5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f & mask)); // fprintf(stderr, "SAME DIFF %llx->%llx\n", repl, new_repl); if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, pattern, new_repl, o_pattern, repl, IS_TRANSFORM, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } // if (*status == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "FOUND!\n"); } } } // test for to uppercase, eg. "new_val = (user_val | 0x5f5f) ..." if (*status != 1) { if ((b_val & (0x5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f & mask)) == (pattern & mask)) { diff = 1; } else { diff = 0; } if ((o_b_val & (0x5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f & mask)) == (o_pattern & mask)) { o_diff = 1; } else { o_diff = 0; } /* fprintf(stderr, "DIFF4 idx=%03u shape=%02u %llx-%llx=%lx\n", idx, h->shape + 1, o_pattern, o_b_val, o_diff); fprintf(stderr, "DIFF4 %016llx %llx-%llx=%lx\n", repl, pattern, b_val, diff);*/ if (o_diff && diff) { // this could be a lower to upper u64 new_repl = (repl | (0x2020202020202020 & mask)); // fprintf(stderr, "SAME DIFF %llx->%llx\n", repl, new_repl); if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, pattern, new_repl, o_pattern, repl, IS_TRANSFORM, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } // if (*status == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "FOUND!\n"); } } } *status = 0; } } #endif // we only allow this for ascii2integer (above) if (unlikely(pattern == o_pattern)) { return 0; } if ((lvl & LVL1) || ((lvl & LVL2) && (attr >= IS_FP && attr < IS_FP_MOD)) || attr >= IS_FP_MOD) { if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) >= 8 && *status != 1) { // if (its_len >= 8) // fprintf(stderr, // "TestU64: %u>=8 (idx=%u attr=%u) %llx==%llx" // " %llx==%llx <= %llx<-%llx\n", // its_len, idx, attr, *buf_64, pattern, *o_buf_64, o_pattern, // repl, changed_val); // if this is an fcmp (attr & 8 == 8) then do not compare the patterns - // due to a bug in llvm dynamic float bitcasts do not work :( // the value 16 means this is a +- 1.0 test case if (its_len >= 8 && ((*buf_64 == pattern && *o_buf_64 == o_pattern) || attr >= IS_FP_MOD)) { u64 tmp_64 = *buf_64; *buf_64 = repl; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, buf_64, 8); } #endif *buf_64 = tmp_64; // fprintf(stderr, "Status=%u\n", *status); } // reverse encoding if (do_reverse && *status != 1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, SWAP64(pattern), SWAP64(repl), SWAP64(o_pattern), SWAP64(changed_val), attr, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 0, lvl, status))) { return 1; } } } if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) >= 4 && *status != 1) { // if (its_len >= 4 && (attr <= 1 || attr >= 8)) // fprintf(stderr, // "TestU32: %u>=4 (idx=%u attr=%u) %x==%x" // " %x==%x <= %x<-%x\n", // its_len, idx, attr, *buf_32, (u32)pattern, *o_buf_32, // (u32)o_pattern, (u32)repl, (u32)changed_val); if (its_len >= 4 && ((*buf_32 == (u32)pattern && *o_buf_32 == (u32)o_pattern) || attr >= IS_FP_MOD)) { u32 tmp_32 = *buf_32; *buf_32 = (u32)repl; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, buf_32, 4); } #endif *buf_32 = tmp_32; // fprintf(stderr, "Status=%u\n", *status); } // reverse encoding if (do_reverse && *status != 1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, SWAP32(pattern), SWAP32(repl), SWAP32(o_pattern), SWAP32(changed_val), attr, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 0, lvl, status))) { return 1; } } } if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) >= 2 && *status != 1) { if (its_len >= 2 && ((*buf_16 == (u16)pattern && *o_buf_16 == (u16)o_pattern) || attr >= IS_FP_MOD)) { u16 tmp_16 = *buf_16; *buf_16 = (u16)repl; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, buf_16, 2); } #endif *buf_16 = tmp_16; } // reverse encoding if (do_reverse && *status != 1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, SWAP16(pattern), SWAP16(repl), SWAP16(o_pattern), SWAP16(changed_val), attr, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 0, lvl, status))) { return 1; } } } if (*status != 1) { // u8 // if (its_len >= 1) // fprintf(stderr, // "TestU8: %u>=1 (idx=%u attr=%u) %x==%x %x==%x <= %x<-%x\n", // its_len, idx, attr, *buf_8, (u8)pattern, *o_buf_8, // (u8)o_pattern, (u8)repl, (u8)changed_val); if (its_len >= 1 && ((*buf_8 == (u8)pattern && *o_buf_8 == (u8)o_pattern) || attr >= IS_FP_MOD)) { u8 tmp_8 = *buf_8; *buf_8 = (u8)repl; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { cbuf[idx] = *buf_8; } #endif *buf_8 = tmp_8; } } } // here we add and subract 1 from the value, but only if it is not an // == or != comparison // Bits: 1 = Equal, 2 = Greater, 4 = Lesser, 8 = Float // 16 = modified float, 32 = modified integer (modified = wont match // in original buffer) #ifdef ARITHMETIC_LESSER_GREATER if (lvl < LVL3 || attr == IS_TRANSFORM) { return 0; } // lesser/greater FP comparison if ((attr & (IS_LESSER + IS_GREATER)) && (attr >= IS_FP && attr < IS_FP_MOD)) { u64 repl_new; if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) == 4 && its_len >= 4) { float *f = (float *)&repl; float g = *f; g += 1.0; u32 *r = (u32 *)&g; repl_new = (u32)*r; } else if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) == 8 && its_len >= 8) { double *f = (double *)&repl; double g = *f; g += 1.0; u64 *r = (u64 *)&g; repl_new = *r; } else { return 0; } changed_val = repl_new; if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, pattern, repl_new, o_pattern, changed_val, 16, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) == 4) { float *f = (float *)&repl; float g = *f; g -= 1.0; u32 *r = (u32 *)&g; repl_new = (u32)*r; } else if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) == 8) { double *f = (double *)&repl; double g = *f; g -= 1.0; u64 *r = (u64 *)&g; repl_new = *r; } else { return 0; } changed_val = repl_new; if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, pattern, repl_new, o_pattern, changed_val, 16, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } // transform double to float, llvm likes to do that internally ... if (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape) == 8 && its_len >= 4) { double *f = (double *)&repl; float g = (float)*f; repl_new = 0; #if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) memcpy((char *)&repl_new, (char *)&g, 4); #else memcpy(((char *)&repl_new) + 4, (char *)&g, 4); #endif changed_val = repl_new; h->shape = 3; // modify shape // fprintf(stderr, "DOUBLE2FLOAT %llx\n", repl_new); if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, pattern, repl_new, o_pattern, changed_val, 16, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { h->shape = 7; // recover shape return 1; } h->shape = 7; // recover shape } } else if ((attr & (IS_LESSER + IS_GREATER)) && attr < IS_FP) { // lesser/greater integer comparison u64 repl_new; repl_new = repl + 1; changed_val = repl_new; if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, pattern, repl_new, o_pattern, changed_val, 32, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } repl_new = repl - 1; changed_val = repl_new; if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding(afl, h, pattern, repl_new, o_pattern, changed_val, 32, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, status))) { return 1; } } #endif /* ARITHMETIC_LESSER_GREATER */ return 0; } #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 static u8 cmp_extend_encodingN(afl_state_t *afl, struct cmp_header *h, u128 pattern, u128 repl, u128 o_pattern, u128 changed_val, u8 attr, u32 idx, u32 taint_len, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u8 *cbuf, u32 len, u8 do_reverse, u8 lvl, u8 *status) { u8 *ptr = (u8 *)&buf[idx]; u8 *o_ptr = (u8 *)&orig_buf[idx]; u8 *p = (u8 *)&pattern; u8 *o_p = (u8 *)&o_pattern; u8 *r = (u8 *)&repl; u8 backup[16]; u32 its_len = MIN(len - idx, taint_len); u32 shape = h->shape + 1; #if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) size_t off = 0; #else size_t off = 16 - shape; #endif if (its_len >= shape) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "TestUN: %u>=%u (len=%u idx=%u attr=%u off=%lu) (%u) ", its_len, shape, len, idx, attr, off, do_reverse); u32 i; u8 *o_r = (u8 *)&changed_val; for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", ptr[i]); fprintf(stderr, "=="); for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", p[off + i]); fprintf(stderr, " "); for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o_ptr[i]); fprintf(stderr, "=="); for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o_p[off + i]); fprintf(stderr, " <= "); for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", r[off + i]); fprintf(stderr, "<-"); for (i = 0; i < shape; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o_r[off + i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif if (!memcmp(ptr, p + off, shape) && !memcmp(o_ptr, o_p + off, shape)) { memcpy(backup, ptr, shape); memcpy(ptr, r + off, shape); if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, r, shape); } #endif memcpy(ptr, backup, shape); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Status=%u\n", *status); #endif } // reverse encoding if (do_reverse && *status != 1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encodingN( afl, h, SWAPN(pattern, (shape << 3)), SWAPN(repl, (shape << 3)), SWAPN(o_pattern, (shape << 3)), SWAPN(changed_val, (shape << 3)), attr, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 0, lvl, status))) { return 1; } } } return 0; } #endif static void try_to_add_to_dict(afl_state_t *afl, u64 v, u8 shape) { u8 *b = (u8 *)&v; u32 k; u8 cons_ff = 0, cons_0 = 0; for (k = 0; k < shape; ++k) { if (b[k] == 0) { ++cons_0; } else if (b[k] == 0xff) { ++cons_0; } else { cons_0 = cons_ff = 0; } if (cons_0 > 1 || cons_ff > 1) { return; } } maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&v, shape); u64 rev; switch (shape) { case 1: break; case 2: rev = SWAP16((u16)v); maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&rev, shape); break; case 4: rev = SWAP32((u32)v); maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&rev, shape); break; case 8: rev = SWAP64(v); maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&rev, shape); break; } } #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 static void try_to_add_to_dictN(afl_state_t *afl, u128 v, u8 size) { u8 *b = (u8 *)&v; u32 k; u8 cons_ff = 0, cons_0 = 0; #if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) u32 off = 0; for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) { #else u32 off = 16 - size; for (k = 16 - size; k < 16; ++k) { #endif if (b[k] == 0) { ++cons_0; } else if (b[k] == 0xff) { ++cons_0; } else { cons_0 = cons_ff = 0; } } maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&v + off, size); u128 rev = SWAPN(v, size); maybe_add_auto(afl, (u8 *)&rev + off, size); } #endif static u8 cmp_fuzz(afl_state_t *afl, u32 key, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u8 *cbuf, u32 len, u32 lvl, struct tainted *taint) { struct cmp_header *h = &afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[key]; // FP handling only from lvl 2 onwards if ((h->attribute & IS_FP) && lvl < LVL2) { return 0; } struct tainted *t; u32 i, j, idx, taint_len, loggeds; u32 have_taint = 1, is_n = 0; u8 status = 0, found_one = 0; /* loop cmps are useless, detect and ignore them */ #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 u128 s128_v0 = 0, s128_v1 = 0, orig_s128_v0 = 0, orig_s128_v1 = 0; #endif u64 s_v0, s_v1; u8 s_v0_fixed = 1, s_v1_fixed = 1; u8 s_v0_inc = 1, s_v1_inc = 1; u8 s_v0_dec = 1, s_v1_dec = 1; if (h->hits > CMP_MAP_H) { loggeds = CMP_MAP_H; } else { loggeds = h->hits; } switch (SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: is_n = 1; } for (i = 0; i < loggeds; ++i) { struct cmp_operands *o = &afl->shm.cmp_map->log[key][i]; // loop detection code if (i == 0) { s_v0 = o->v0; s_v1 = o->v1; } else { if (s_v0 != o->v0) { s_v0_fixed = 0; } if (s_v1 != o->v1) { s_v1_fixed = 0; } if (s_v0 + 1 != o->v0) { s_v0_inc = 0; } if (s_v1 + 1 != o->v1) { s_v1_inc = 0; } if (s_v0 - 1 != o->v0) { s_v0_dec = 0; } if (s_v1 - 1 != o->v1) { s_v1_dec = 0; } s_v0 = o->v0; s_v1 = o->v1; } struct cmp_operands *orig_o = &afl->orig_cmp_map->log[key][i]; // opt not in the paper for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (afl->shm.cmp_map->log[key][j].v0 == o->v0 && afl->shm.cmp_map->log[key][i].v1 == o->v1) { goto cmp_fuzz_next_iter; } } #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Handling: %llx->%llx vs %llx->%llx attr=%u shape=%u\n", orig_o->v0, o->v0, orig_o->v1, o->v1, h->attribute, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); #endif t = taint; while (t->next) { t = t->next; } #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 if (unlikely(is_n)) { s128_v0 = ((u128)o->v0) + (((u128)o->v0_128) << 64); s128_v1 = ((u128)o->v1) + (((u128)o->v1_128) << 64); orig_s128_v0 = ((u128)orig_o->v0) + (((u128)orig_o->v0_128) << 64); orig_s128_v1 = ((u128)orig_o->v1) + (((u128)orig_o->v1_128) << 64); } #endif for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) { if (have_taint) { if (!t || idx < t->pos) { continue; } else { taint_len = t->pos + t->len - idx; if (idx == t->pos + t->len - 1) { t = t->prev; } } } else { taint_len = len - idx; } status = 0; #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 if (is_n) { // _ExtInt special case including u128 if (s128_v0 != orig_s128_v0 && orig_s128_v0 != orig_s128_v1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encodingN( afl, h, s128_v0, s128_v1, orig_s128_v0, orig_s128_v1, h->attribute, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } if (s128_v1 != orig_s128_v1 && orig_s128_v1 != orig_s128_v0) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encodingN( afl, h, s128_v1, s128_v0, orig_s128_v1, orig_s128_v0, h->attribute, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } } #endif // even for u128 and _ExtInt we do cmp_extend_encoding() because // if we got here their own special trials failed and it might just be // a cast from e.g. u64 to u128 from the input data. if ((o->v0 != orig_o->v0 || lvl >= LVL3) && orig_o->v0 != orig_o->v1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, o->v0, o->v1, orig_o->v0, orig_o->v1, h->attribute, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } status = 0; if ((o->v1 != orig_o->v1 || lvl >= LVL3) && orig_o->v0 != orig_o->v1) { if (unlikely(cmp_extend_encoding( afl, h, o->v1, o->v0, orig_o->v1, orig_o->v0, h->attribute, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, 1, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } } #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "END: %llx->%llx vs %llx->%llx attr=%u i=%u found=%u " "isN=%u size=%u\n", orig_o->v0, o->v0, orig_o->v1, o->v1, h->attribute, i, found_one, is_n, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); #endif // If failed, add to dictionary if (!found_one) { if (afl->pass_stats[key].total == 0) { if (unlikely(is_n)) { try_to_add_to_dictN(afl, s128_v0, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); try_to_add_to_dictN(afl, s128_v1, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); } else { try_to_add_to_dict(afl, o->v0, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); try_to_add_to_dict(afl, o->v1, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); } } } cmp_fuzz_next_iter: afl->stage_cur++; } if (loggeds > 3 && ((s_v0_fixed && s_v1_inc) || (s_v1_fixed && s_v0_inc) || (s_v0_fixed && s_v1_dec) || (s_v1_fixed && s_v0_dec))) { afl->pass_stats[key].total = afl->pass_stats[key].faileds = 0xff; } if (!found_one && afl->pass_stats[key].faileds < 0xff) { afl->pass_stats[key].faileds++; } if (afl->pass_stats[key].total < 0xff) { afl->pass_stats[key].total++; } return 0; } static u8 rtn_extend_encoding(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *pattern, u8 *repl, u8 *o_pattern, u8 *changed_val, u32 idx, u32 taint_len, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u8 *cbuf, u32 len, u8 lvl, u8 *status) { #ifndef COMBINE (void)(cbuf); #endif #ifndef TRANSFORM (void)(changed_val); #endif u8 save[40]; u32 saved_idx = idx, pre, from = 0, to = 0, i, j; u32 its_len = MIN((u32)32, len - idx); its_len = MIN(its_len, taint_len); u32 saved_its_len = its_len; if (lvl & LVL3) { u32 max_to = MIN(4U, idx); if (!(lvl & LVL1) && max_to) { from = 1; } to = max_to; } memcpy(save, &buf[saved_idx - to], its_len + to); (void)(j); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "RTN T idx=%u lvl=%02x ", idx, lvl); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", orig_buf[idx + j]); fprintf(stderr, " -> "); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o_pattern[j]); fprintf(stderr, " <= "); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", repl[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " "); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", buf[idx + j]); fprintf(stderr, " -> "); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pattern[j]); fprintf(stderr, " <= "); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", changed_val[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif // Try to match the replace value up to 4 bytes before the current idx. // This allows matching of eg.: // if (memcmp(user_val, "TEST") == 0) // if (memcmp(user_val, "TEST-VALUE") == 0) ... // We only do this in lvl 3, otherwise we only do direct matching for (pre = from; pre <= to; pre++) { if (*status != 1 && (!pre || !memcmp(buf + saved_idx - pre, repl, pre))) { idx = saved_idx - pre; its_len = saved_its_len + pre; for (i = 0; i < its_len; ++i) { if ((pattern[i] != buf[idx + i] && o_pattern[i] != orig_buf[idx + i]) || *status == 1) { break; } buf[idx + i] = repl[i]; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, &buf[idx], i); } #endif } memcpy(&buf[idx], save + to - pre, i); } } #ifdef TRANSFORM if (*status == 1) return 0; if (lvl & LVL3) { u32 toupper = 0, tolower = 0, xor = 0, arith = 0, tohex = 0, fromhex = 0; #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 u32 tob64 = 0, fromb64 = 0; #endif u32 from_0 = 0, from_x = 0, from_X = 0, from_slash = 0, from_up = 0; u32 to_0 = 0, to_x = 0, to_slash = 0, to_up = 0; u8 xor_val[32], arith_val[32], tmp[48]; idx = saved_idx; its_len = saved_its_len; memcpy(save, &buf[idx], its_len); for (i = 0; i < its_len; ++i) { xor_val[i] = pattern[i] ^ buf[idx + i]; arith_val[i] = pattern[i] - buf[idx + i]; if (i == 0) { if (orig_buf[idx] == '0') { from_0 = 1; } else if (orig_buf[idx] == '\\') { from_slash = 1; } if (repl[0] == '0') { to_0 = 1; } else if (repl[0] == '\\') { to_slash = 1; } } else if (i == 1) { if (orig_buf[idx + 1] == 'x') { from_x = 1; } else if (orig_buf[idx + 1] == 'X') { from_X = from_x = 1; } if (repl[1] == 'x' || repl[1] == 'X') { to_x = 1; } } if (i < 16 && is_hex(repl + (i << 1))) { ++tohex; if (!to_up) { if (repl[i << 1] >= 'A' && repl[i << 1] <= 'F') to_up = 1; else if (repl[i << 1] >= 'a' && repl[i << 1] <= 'f') to_up = 2; if (repl[(i << 1) + 1] >= 'A' && repl[(i << 1) + 1] <= 'F') to_up = 1; else if (repl[(i << 1) + 1] >= 'a' && repl[(i << 1) + 1] <= 'f') to_up = 2; } } if ((i % 2)) { if (len > idx + i && is_hex(orig_buf + idx + i)) { fromhex += 2; if (!from_up) { if (orig_buf[idx + i] >= 'A' && orig_buf[idx + i] <= 'F') from_up = 1; else if (orig_buf[idx + i] >= 'a' && orig_buf[idx + i] <= 'f') from_up = 2; if (orig_buf[idx + i - 1] >= 'A' && orig_buf[idx + i - 1] <= 'F') from_up = 1; else if (orig_buf[idx + i - 1] >= 'a' && orig_buf[idx + i - 1] <= 'f') from_up = 2; } } } #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 if (i % 3 == 2 && i < 24) { if (is_base64(repl + ((i / 3) << 2))) tob64 += 3; } if (i % 4 == 3 && i < 24) { if (is_base64(orig_buf + idx + i - 3)) fromb64 += 4; } #endif if ((o_pattern[i] ^ orig_buf[idx + i]) == xor_val[i] && xor_val[i]) { ++xor; } if ((o_pattern[i] - orig_buf[idx + i]) == arith_val[i] && arith_val[i]) { ++arith; } if ((buf[idx + i] | 0x20) == pattern[i] && (orig_buf[idx + i] | 0x20) == o_pattern[i]) { ++tolower; } if ((buf[idx + i] & 0x5a) == pattern[i] && (orig_buf[idx + i] & 0x5a) == o_pattern[i]) { ++toupper; } #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "RTN idx=%u loop=%u xor=%u arith=%u tolower=%u toupper=%u " "tohex=%u fromhex=%u to_0=%u to_slash=%u to_x=%u " "from_0=%u from_slash=%u from_x=%u\n", idx, i, xor, arith, tolower, toupper, tohex, fromhex, to_0, to_slash, to_x, from_0, from_slash, from_x); #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 fprintf(stderr, "RTN idx=%u loop=%u tob64=%u from64=%u\n", tob64, fromb64); #endif #endif #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 // input is base64 and converted to binary? convert repl to base64! if ((i % 4) == 3 && i < 24 && fromb64 > i) { to_base64(repl, tmp, i + 1); memcpy(buf + idx, tmp, i + 1); if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT fromb64 %u result %u\n", fromb64, // *status); } // input is converted to base64? decode repl with base64! if ((i % 3) == 2 && i < 24 && tob64 > i) { u32 olen = from_base64(repl, tmp, i + 1); memcpy(buf + idx, tmp, olen); if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT tob64 %u idx=%u result %u\n", tob64, // idx, *status); } #endif // input is converted to hex? convert repl to binary! if (i < 16 && tohex > i) { u32 off; if (to_slash + to_x + to_0 == 2) { off = 2; } else { off = 0; } for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) tmp[j] = (hex_table[repl[off + (j << 1)] - '0'] << 4) + hex_table[repl[off + (j << 1) + 1] - '0']; memcpy(buf + idx, tmp, i + 1); if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT tohex %u result %u\n", tohex, *status); } // input is hex and converted to binary? convert repl to hex! if (i && (i % 2) && i < 16 && fromhex && fromhex + from_slash + from_x + from_0 > i) { u8 off = 0; if (from_slash && from_x) { tmp[0] = '\\'; if (from_X) { tmp[1] = 'X'; } else { tmp[1] = 'x'; } off = 2; } else if (from_0 && from_x) { tmp[0] = '0'; if (from_X) { tmp[1] = 'X'; } else { tmp[1] = 'x'; } off = 2; } if (to_up == 1) { for (j = 0; j <= (i >> 1); j++) { tmp[off + (j << 1)] = hex_table_up[repl[j] >> 4]; tmp[off + (j << 1) + 1] = hex_table_up[repl[j] % 16]; } } else { for (j = 0; j <= (i >> 1); j++) { tmp[off + (j << 1)] = hex_table_low[repl[j] >> 4]; tmp[off + (j << 1) + 1] = hex_table_low[repl[j] % 16]; } } memcpy(buf + idx, tmp, i + 1 + off); if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT fromhex %u result %u\n", fromhex, // *status); memcpy(buf + idx + i, save + i, i + 1 + off); } if (xor > i) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) buf[idx + j] = repl[j] ^ xor_val[j]; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT xor %u result %u\n", xor, *status); } if (arith > i && *status != 1) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) buf[idx + j] = repl[j] - arith_val[j]; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT arith %u result %u\n", arith, *status); } if (toupper > i && *status != 1) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) buf[idx + j] = repl[j] | 0x20; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT toupper %u result %u\n", toupper, // *status); } if (tolower > i && *status != 1) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) buf[idx + j] = repl[j] & 0x5f; if (unlikely(its_fuzz(afl, buf, len, status))) { return 1; } // fprintf(stderr, "RTN ATTEMPT tolower %u result %u\n", tolower, // *status); } #ifdef COMBINE if (*status == 1) { memcpy(cbuf + idx, &buf[idx], i + 1); } #endif if ((i >= 7 && (i >= xor&&i >= arith &&i >= tolower &&i >= toupper &&i > tohex &&i > (fromhex + from_0 + from_x + from_slash + 1) #ifdef TRANSFORM_BASE64 && i > tob64 + 3 && i > fromb64 + 4 #endif )) || repl[i] != changed_val[i] || *status == 1) { break; } } memcpy(&buf[idx], save, i); } #endif return 0; } static u8 rtn_fuzz(afl_state_t *afl, u32 key, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u8 *cbuf, u32 len, u8 lvl, struct tainted *taint) { struct tainted * t; struct cmp_header *h = &afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[key]; u32 i, j, idx, have_taint = 1, taint_len, loggeds; u8 status = 0, found_one = 0; if (h->hits > CMP_MAP_RTN_H) { loggeds = CMP_MAP_RTN_H; } else { loggeds = h->hits; } for (i = 0; i < loggeds; ++i) { struct cmpfn_operands *o = &((struct cmpfn_operands *)afl->shm.cmp_map->log[key])[i]; struct cmpfn_operands *orig_o = &((struct cmpfn_operands *)afl->orig_cmp_map->log[key])[i]; // opt not in the paper for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (!memcmp(&((struct cmpfn_operands *)afl->shm.cmp_map->log[key])[j], o, sizeof(struct cmpfn_operands))) { goto rtn_fuzz_next_iter; } } /* struct cmp_header *hh = &afl->orig_cmp_map->headers[key]; fprintf(stderr, "RTN N hits=%u id=%u shape=%u attr=%u v0=", h->hits, h->id, h->shape, h->attribute); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o->v0[j]); fprintf(stderr, " v1="); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", o->v1[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\nRTN O hits=%u id=%u shape=%u attr=%u o0=", hh->hits, hh->id, hh->shape, hh->attribute); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", orig_o->v0[j]); fprintf(stderr, " o1="); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x", orig_o->v1[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); */ t = taint; while (t->next) { t = t->next; } for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) { if (have_taint) { if (!t || idx < t->pos) { continue; } else { taint_len = t->pos + t->len - idx; if (idx == t->pos + t->len - 1) { t = t->prev; } } } else { taint_len = len - idx; } status = 0; if (unlikely(rtn_extend_encoding(afl, o->v0, o->v1, orig_o->v0, orig_o->v1, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } status = 0; if (unlikely(rtn_extend_encoding(afl, o->v1, o->v0, orig_o->v1, orig_o->v0, idx, taint_len, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, lvl, &status))) { return 1; } if (status == 1) { found_one = 1; break; } } // If failed, add to dictionary if (!found_one && (lvl & LVL1)) { if (unlikely(!afl->pass_stats[key].total)) { maybe_add_auto(afl, o->v0, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); maybe_add_auto(afl, o->v1, SHAPE_BYTES(h->shape)); } } rtn_fuzz_next_iter: afl->stage_cur++; } if (!found_one && afl->pass_stats[key].faileds < 0xff) { afl->pass_stats[key].faileds++; } if (afl->pass_stats[key].total < 0xff) { afl->pass_stats[key].total++; } return 0; } ///// Input to State stage // afl->queue_cur->exec_cksum u8 input_to_state_stage(afl_state_t *afl, u8 *orig_buf, u8 *buf, u32 len) { u8 r = 1; if (unlikely(!afl->pass_stats)) { afl->pass_stats = ck_alloc(sizeof(struct afl_pass_stat) * CMP_MAP_W); } struct tainted *taint = NULL; if (!afl->queue_cur->taint || !afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput) { if (unlikely(colorization(afl, buf, len, &taint))) { return 1; } // no taint? still try, create a dummy to prevent again colorization if (!taint) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "TAINT FAILED\n"); #endif afl->queue_cur->colorized = CMPLOG_LVL_MAX; return 0; } #ifdef _DEBUG else if (taint->pos == 0 && taint->len == len) { fprintf(stderr, "TAINT FULL\n"); } #endif } else { buf = afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput; taint = afl->queue_cur->taint; } struct tainted *t = taint; while (t) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "T: idx=%u len=%u\n", t->pos, t->len); #endif t = t->next; } #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION) u64 start_time = get_cur_time(); u32 cmp_locations = 0; #endif // Generate the cmplog data // manually clear the full cmp_map memset(afl->shm.cmp_map, 0, sizeof(struct cmp_map)); if (unlikely(common_fuzz_cmplog_stuff(afl, orig_buf, len))) { return 1; } if (unlikely(!afl->orig_cmp_map)) { afl->orig_cmp_map = ck_alloc_nozero(sizeof(struct cmp_map)); } memcpy(afl->orig_cmp_map, afl->shm.cmp_map, sizeof(struct cmp_map)); memset(afl->shm.cmp_map->headers, 0, sizeof(struct cmp_header) * CMP_MAP_W); if (unlikely(common_fuzz_cmplog_stuff(afl, buf, len))) { return 1; } #ifdef _DEBUG dump("ORIG", orig_buf, len); dump("NEW ", buf, len); #endif // Start insertion loop u64 orig_hit_cnt, new_hit_cnt; u64 orig_execs = afl->fsrv.total_execs; orig_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; u64 screen_update = 100000 / afl->queue_cur->exec_us, execs = afl->fsrv.total_execs; afl->stage_name = "input-to-state"; afl->stage_short = "its"; afl->stage_max = 0; afl->stage_cur = 0; u32 lvl; u32 cmplog_done = afl->queue_cur->colorized; u32 cmplog_lvl = afl->cmplog_lvl; if (!cmplog_done) { lvl = LVL1; } else { lvl = 0; } if (cmplog_lvl >= 2 && cmplog_done < 2) { lvl += LVL2; } if (cmplog_lvl >= 3 && cmplog_done < 3) { lvl += LVL3; } #ifdef COMBINE u8 *cbuf = afl_realloc((void **)&afl->in_scratch_buf, len + 128); memcpy(cbuf, orig_buf, len); u8 *virgin_backup = afl_realloc((void **)&afl->ex_buf, afl->shm.map_size); memcpy(virgin_backup, afl->virgin_bits, afl->shm.map_size); #else u8 *cbuf = NULL; #endif u32 k; for (k = 0; k < CMP_MAP_W; ++k) { if (!afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].hits) { continue; } if (afl->pass_stats[k].faileds == 0xff || afl->pass_stats[k].total == 0xff) { #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DISABLED %u\n", k); #endif afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].hits = 0; // ignore this cmp } if (afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].type == CMP_TYPE_INS) { afl->stage_max += MIN((u32)(afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].hits), (u32)CMP_MAP_H); } else { afl->stage_max += MIN((u32)(afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].hits), (u32)CMP_MAP_RTN_H); } } for (k = 0; k < CMP_MAP_W; ++k) { if (!afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].hits) { continue; } #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION) ++cmp_locations; #endif if (afl->shm.cmp_map->headers[k].type == CMP_TYPE_INS) { if (unlikely(cmp_fuzz(afl, k, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, lvl, taint))) { goto exit_its; } } else if ((lvl & LVL1) #ifdef TRANSFORM || (lvl & LVL3) #endif ) { if (unlikely(rtn_fuzz(afl, k, orig_buf, buf, cbuf, len, lvl, taint))) { goto exit_its; } } if (afl->fsrv.total_execs - execs > screen_update) { execs = afl->fsrv.total_execs; show_stats(afl); } } r = 0; exit_its: afl->queue_cur->colorized = afl->cmplog_lvl; if (afl->cmplog_lvl == CMPLOG_LVL_MAX) { ck_free(afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput); t = taint; while (taint) { t = taint->next; ck_free(taint); taint = t; } afl->queue_cur->taint = NULL; } else { if (!afl->queue_cur->taint) { afl->queue_cur->taint = taint; } if (!afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput) { afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput = ck_alloc_nozero(len); memcpy(afl->queue_cur->cmplog_colorinput, buf, len); memcpy(buf, orig_buf, len); } } #ifdef COMBINE if (afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes > orig_hit_cnt + 1) { // copy the current virgin bits so we can recover the information u8 *virgin_save = afl_realloc((void **)&afl->eff_buf, afl->shm.map_size); memcpy(virgin_save, afl->virgin_bits, afl->shm.map_size); // reset virgin bits to the backup previous to redqueen memcpy(afl->virgin_bits, virgin_backup, afl->shm.map_size); u8 status = 0; its_fuzz(afl, cbuf, len, &status); // now combine with the saved virgin bits #ifdef WORD_SIZE_64 u64 *v = (u64 *)afl->virgin_bits; u64 *s = (u64 *)virgin_save; u32 i; for (i = 0; i < (afl->shm.map_size >> 3); i++) { v[i] &= s[i]; } #else u32 *v = (u64 *)afl->virgin_bits; u32 *s = (u64 *)virgin_save; u32 i; for (i = 0; i < (afl->shm.map_size >> 2); i++) { v[i] &= s[i]; } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG dump("COMB", cbuf, len); if (status == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "NEW COMBINED\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "NO new combined\n"); } #endif } #endif new_hit_cnt = afl->queued_paths + afl->unique_crashes; afl->stage_finds[STAGE_ITS] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt; afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_ITS] += afl->fsrv.total_execs - orig_execs; #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(CMPLOG_INTROSPECTION) FILE *f = stderr; #ifndef _DEBUG if (afl->not_on_tty) { char fn[4096]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/introspection_cmplog.txt", afl->out_dir); f = fopen(fn, "a"); } #endif if (f) { fprintf(f, "Cmplog: fname=%s len=%u ms=%llu result=%u finds=%llu entries=%u\n", afl->queue_cur->fname, len, get_cur_time() - start_time, r, new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt, cmp_locations); #ifndef _DEBUG if (afl->not_on_tty) { fclose(f); } #endif } #endif return r; } #ifdef COMBINE #undef COMBINE #endif