#!/bin/sh . ./test-pre.sh $ECHO "$BLUE[*] Testing: custom mutator" # normalize path CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH=$(cd $(pwd)/../custom_mutators/examples;pwd) test -e test-custom-mutator.c -a -e ${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH}/example.c -a -e ${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH}/example.py && { unset AFL_CC # Compile the vulnerable program for single mutator test -e ../afl-clang-fast && { ../afl-clang-fast -o test-custom-mutator test-custom-mutator.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } || { test -e ../afl-gcc-fast && { ../afl-gcc-fast -o test-custom-mutator test-custom-mutator.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } || { ../afl-gcc -o test-custom-mutator test-custom-mutator.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } } # Compile the vulnerable program for multiple mutators test -e ../afl-clang-fast && { ../afl-clang-fast -o test-multiple-mutators test-multiple-mutators.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } || { test -e ../afl-gcc-fast && { ../afl-gcc-fast -o test-multiple-mutators test-multiple-mutators.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } || { ../afl-gcc -o test-multiple-mutators test-multiple-mutators.c > /dev/null 2>&1 } } # Compile the custom mutator cc -D_FIXED_CHAR=0x41 -g -fPIC -shared -I../include ../custom_mutators/examples/simple_example.c -o libexamplemutator.so > /dev/null 2>&1 cc -D_FIXED_CHAR=0x42 -g -fPIC -shared -I../include ../custom_mutators/examples/simple_example.c -o libexamplemutator2.so > /dev/null 2>&1 test -e test-custom-mutator -a -e ./libexamplemutator.so && { # Create input directory mkdir -p in echo "00000" > in/in # Run afl-fuzz w/ the C mutator $ECHO "$GREY[*] running afl-fuzz for the C mutator, this will take approx 10 seconds" { AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY=./libexamplemutator.so AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_ONLY=1 ../afl-fuzz -V07 -m ${MEM_LIMIT} -i in -o out -- ./test-custom-mutator >>errors 2>&1 } >>errors 2>&1 # Check results test -n "$( ls out/default/crashes/id:000000* 2>/dev/null )" && { # TODO: update here $ECHO "$GREEN[+] afl-fuzz is working correctly with the C mutator" } || { echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT cat errors echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT $ECHO "$RED[!] afl-fuzz is not working correctly with the C mutator" CODE=1 } # Clean rm -rf out errors core.* # Run afl-fuzz w/ multiple C mutators $ECHO "$GREY[*] running afl-fuzz with multiple custom C mutators, this will take approx 10 seconds" { AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY="./libexamplemutator.so;./libexamplemutator2.so" AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_ONLY=1 ../afl-fuzz -V07 -m ${MEM_LIMIT} -i in -o out -- ./test-multiple-mutators >>errors 2>&1 } >>errors 2>&1 test -n "$( ls out/default/crashes/id:000000* 2>/dev/null )" && { # TODO: update here $ECHO "$GREEN[+] afl-fuzz is working correctly with multiple C mutators" } || { echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT cat errors echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT $ECHO "$RED[!] afl-fuzz is not working correctly with multiple C mutators" CODE=1 } # Clean rm -rf out errors core.* } || { ls . ls ${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH} $ECHO "$RED[!] cannot compile the test program or the custom mutator" CODE=1 } } test "1" = "`../afl-fuzz | grep -i 'without python' >/dev/null; echo $?`" && { test -e test-custom-mutator && { # Run afl-fuzz w/ the Python mutator $ECHO "$GREY[*] running afl-fuzz for the Python mutator, this will take approx 10 seconds" { export PYTHONPATH=${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH} export AFL_PYTHON_MODULE=example AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_ONLY=1 ../afl-fuzz -V07 -m ${MEM_LIMIT} -i in -o out -- ./test-custom-mutator >>errors 2>&1 unset PYTHONPATH unset AFL_PYTHON_MODULE } >>errors 2>&1 # Check results test -n "$( ls out/default/crashes/id:000000* 2>/dev/null )" && { # TODO: update here $ECHO "$GREEN[+] afl-fuzz is working correctly with the Python mutator" } || { echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT cat errors echo CUT------------------------------------------------------------------CUT $ECHO "$RED[!] afl-fuzz is not working correctly with the Python mutator" CODE=1 } # Clean rm -rf in out errors core.* rm -rf ${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH}/__pycache__/ rm -f test-multiple-mutators test-custom-mutator libexamplemutator.so libexamplemutator2.so } || { ls . ls ${CUSTOM_MUTATOR_PATH} $ECHO "$RED[!] cannot compile the test program or the custom mutator" CODE=1 } } || { $ECHO "$YELLOW[-] no python support in afl-fuzz, cannot test" INCOMPLETE=1 } make -C ../utils/custom_mutators clean > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f test-custom-mutator test-custom-mutators . ./test-post.sh