#include #include #include #include #include /* cmocka < 1.0 didn't support these features we need */ #ifndef assert_ptr_equal #define assert_ptr_equal(a, b) \ _assert_int_equal(cast_ptr_to_largest_integral_type(a), \ cast_ptr_to_largest_integral_type(b), \ __FILE__, __LINE__) #define CMUnitTest UnitTest #define cmocka_unit_test unit_test #define cmocka_run_group_tests(t, setup, teardown) run_tests(t) #endif extern void mock_assert(const int result, const char* const expression, const char * const file, const int line); #undef assert #define assert(expression) \ mock_assert((int)(expression), #expression, __FILE__, __LINE__); #include "afl-fuzz.h" #include "hash.h" /* remap exit -> assert, then use cmocka's mock_assert (compile with `--wrap=exit`) */ extern void exit(int status); extern void __real_exit(int status); void __wrap_exit(int status); void __wrap_exit(int status) { (void)status; assert(0); } /* ignore all printfs */ #undef printf extern int printf(const char *format, ...); extern int __real_printf(const char *format, ...); int __wrap_printf(const char *format, ...); int __wrap_printf(const char *format, ...) { (void)format; return 1; } /* Rand with 0 seed would broke in the past */ static void test_hash(void **state) { (void)state; char bitmap[64] = {0}; u64 hash0 = hash64(bitmap, sizeof(bitmap), 0xa5b35705); bitmap[10] = 1; u64 hash1 = hash64(bitmap, sizeof(bitmap), 0xa5b35705); assert_int_not_equal(hash0, hash1); bitmap[10] = 0; assert_int_equal(hash0, hash64(bitmap, sizeof(bitmap), 0xa5b35705)); bitmap[10] = 1; assert_int_equal(hash1, hash64(bitmap, sizeof(bitmap), 0xa5b35705)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test(test_hash) }; //return cmocka_run_group_tests (tests, setup, teardown); __real_exit( cmocka_run_group_tests (tests, NULL, NULL) ); // fake return for dumb compilers return 0; }