#!/bin/sh # # american fuzzy lop++ - unicorn mode build script # ------------------------------------------------ # # Originally written by Nathan Voss # # Adapted from code by Andrew Griffiths and # Michal Zalewski # # Adapted for AFLplusplus by Dominik Maier # # CompareCoverage and NeverZero counters by Andrea Fioraldi # # # Copyright 2017 Battelle Memorial Institute. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2019-2020 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This script downloads, patches, and builds a version of Unicorn with # minor tweaks to allow Unicorn-emulated binaries to be run under # afl-fuzz. # # The modifications reside in patches/*. The standalone Unicorn library # will be written to /usr/lib/libunicornafl.so, and the Python bindings # will be installed system-wide. # # You must make sure that Unicorn Engine is not already installed before # running this script. If it is, please uninstall it first. UNICORNAFL_VERSION="$(cat ./UNICORNAFL_VERSION)" echo "=================================================" echo "UnicornAFL build script" echo "=================================================" echo echo "[*] Performing basic sanity checks..." PLT=`uname -s` if [ ! "$PLT" = "Linux" ] && [ ! "$PLT" = "Darwin" ] && [ ! "$PLT" = "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! "$PLT" = "NetBSD" ] && [ ! "$PLT" = "OpenBSD" ] && [ ! "$PLT" = "DragonFly" ]; then echo "[-] Error: Unicorn instrumentation is unsupported on $PLT." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "../config.h" ]; then echo "[-] Error: key files not found - wrong working directory?" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "../afl-showmap" ]; then echo "[-] Error: ../afl-showmap not found - compile AFL first!" exit 1 fi PYTHONBIN=`command -v python3 || command -v python || command -v python2 || echo python3` MAKECMD=make TARCMD=tar if [ "$PLT" = "Linux" ]; then MUSL=`ldd --version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d " "` if [ "musl" = $MUSL ]; then echo "[-] Error: Unicorn instrumentation is unsupported with the musl's libc." exit 1 fi CORES=`nproc` fi if [ "$PLT" = "Darwin" ]; then CORES=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu` TARCMD=tar fi if [ "$PLT" = "FreeBSD" ]; then MAKECMD=gmake CORES=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu` TARCMD=gtar fi if [ "$PLT" = "DragonFly" ]; then MAKECMD=gmake CORES=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu` TARCMD=tar fi if [ "$PLT" = "NetBSD" ] || [ "$PLT" = "OpenBSD" ]; then MAKECMD=gmake CORES=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu` TARCMD=gtar fi PREREQ_NOTFOUND= for i in $PYTHONBIN automake autoconf git $MAKECMD $TARCMD; do T=`command -v "$i" 2>/dev/null` if [ "$T" = "" ]; then echo "[-] Error: '$i' not found. Run 'sudo apt-get install $i' or similar." PREREQ_NOTFOUND=1 fi done # some python version should be available now PYTHONS="`command -v python3` `command -v python` `command -v python2`" SETUPTOOLS_FOUND=0 for PYTHON in $PYTHONS ; do if $PYTHON -c "import setuptools" ; then SETUPTOOLS_FOUND=1 PYTHONBIN=$PYTHON break fi done if [ "0" = $SETUPTOOLS_FOUND ]; then echo "[-] Error: Python setup-tools not found. Run 'sudo apt-get install python-setuptools', or install python3-setuptools, or run '$PYTHONBIN -m ensurepip', or create a virtualenv, or ..." PREREQ_NOTFOUND=1 fi if echo "$CC" | grep -qF /afl-; then echo "[-] Error: do not use afl-gcc or afl-clang to compile this tool." PREREQ_NOTFOUND=1 fi if [ "$PREREQ_NOTFOUND" = "1" ]; then exit 1 fi unset CFLAGS echo "[+] All checks passed!" echo "[*] Making sure unicornafl is checked out" git status 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "[*] initializing unicornafl submodule" git submodule init || exit 1 git submodule update ./unicornafl 2>/dev/null # ignore errors git submodule sync ./unicornafl 2>/dev/null # ignore errors else echo "[*] cloning unicornafl" test -d unicornafl || { CNT=1 while [ '!' -d unicornafl -a "$CNT" -lt 4 ]; do echo "Trying to clone unicornafl (attempt $CNT/3)" git clone https://github.com/AFLplusplus/unicornafl CNT=`expr "$CNT" + 1` done } fi test -d unicornafl || { echo "[-] not checked out, please install git or check your internet connection." ; exit 1 ; } echo "[+] Got unicornafl." cd "unicornafl" || exit 1 echo "[*] Checking out $UNICORNAFL_VERSION" sh -c 'git stash && git stash drop' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null git checkout "$UNICORNAFL_VERSION" || exit 1 echo "[*] making sure afl++ header files match" cp "../../include/config.h" "." || exit 1 cp "../../include/types.h" "." || exit 1 echo "[*] Configuring Unicorn build..." echo "[+] Configuration complete." echo "[*] Attempting to build unicornafl (fingers crossed!)..." $MAKECMD clean # make doesn't seem to work for unicorn # Fixed to 1 core for now as there is a race condition in the makefile $MAKECMD -j1 || exit 1 echo "[+] Build process successful!" echo "[*] Installing Unicorn python bindings..." cd bindings/python || exit 1 if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then echo "[*] Info: Installing python unicornafl using --user" $PYTHONBIN setup.py install --user --force --prefix=|| exit 1 else echo "[*] Info: Installing python unicornafl to virtualenv: $VIRTUAL_ENV" $PYTHONBIN setup.py install --force || exit 1 fi echo '[*] If needed, you can (re)install the bindings from `./unicornafl/bindings/python` using `python setup.py install`' cd ../../ || exit 1 echo "[*] Unicornafl bindings installed successfully." # Compile the sample, run it, verify that it works! echo "[*] Testing unicornafl python functionality by running a sample test harness" cd ../samples/simple || echo "Cannot cd" # Run afl-showmap on the sample application. If anything comes out then it must have worked! unset AFL_INST_RATIO echo 0 | ../../../afl-showmap -U -m none -t 2000 -q -o ./.test-instr0 -- $PYTHONBIN ./simple_test_harness.py ./sample_inputs/sample1.bin || echo "Showmap" if [ -s ./.test-instr0 ] then echo "[+] Instrumentation tests passed. " echo '[+] Make sure to adapt older scripts to `import unicornafl` and use `uc.afl_forkserver_start`' echo ' or `uc.afl_fuzz` to kick off fuzzing.' echo "[+] All set, you can now use Unicorn mode (-U) in afl-fuzz!" RETVAL=0 else echo "[-] Error: Unicorn mode doesn't seem to work!" RETVAL=1 fi rm -f ./.test-instr0 exit $RETVAL