AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-12-18Merge pull request #882 from Morocat/masterAidan Follestad
2015-12-18UpdateAidan Follestad
2015-12-18UpdateAidan Follestad
2015-12-18Added file chooser to sampleAidan Follestad
2015-12-18Updated text layout padding to be in-line with non-materialpreference layouts...Alex Loper
2015-12-17Update README.mdAidan Follestad
2015-12-16Trying to get Travis Ci building to workAidan Follestad
2015-12-15More attempts at getting Travis to build correctly.Aidan Follestad
2015-12-15Added support repo to travis.ymlAidan Follestad
2015-12-15Updated .travis.yml fileAidan Follestad
2015-12-15Moved travis/jitpack badges to the topAidan Follestad
2015-12-15Added travis-ciAidan Follestad
2015-12-15Merge branch 'master' of github.com:afollestad/material-dialogsAidan Follestad
2015-12-15Added travis-ciAidan Follestad
2015-12-12Re-enable Javadoc/sources - fixed missing dependencies generate warningsplusCubed
2015-12-09Update README.mdAidan Follestad
2015-12-08Update README.mdAidan Follestad
2015-12-07Resolved #854Aidan Follestad
2015-12-07Merge pull request #861 from jmartingit/masterAidan Follestad
2015-12-07new File Chooser Dialogjmartingit
2015-12-03Update README.mdAidan Follestad
2015-12-03Update README.mdAidan Follestad
2015-12-02Merge pull request #853 from Morocat/masterAidan Follestad
2015-12-02Update MaterialListPreference.javaMorocat
2015-12-02Undid https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/issues/848Aidan Follestad
2015-12-01Disabled JavaDoc. It causes build issues on JitPack and floods the logs with ...Aidan Follestad
2015-12-01Downgraded Gradle pluginAidan Follestad
2015-12-01Updated version in the READMEAidan Follestad
2015-12-01Updated sample APKAidan Follestad
2015-12- Follestad
2015-12-01Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Aidan Follestad
2015-12-01Resolved #851Aidan Follestad
2015-12-01Merge pull request #850 from AkshayChordiya/masterAidan Follestad
2015-12-01Fixed the wrong padding dimenAkshay
2015-11-30Resolved #848Aidan Follestad
2015-11-23New Gradle pluginAidan Follestad
2015-11-22If no preselected color is set, the color chooser will still default to the p...Aidan Follestad
2015-11-21FixAidan Follestad
2015-11-21FixAidan Follestad
2015-11-21Fixed deprecated API usage, and duplicate codeAidan Follestad
2015-11-20Merge pull request #836 from JasperG/masterAidan Follestad
2015-11-20Update MaterialMultiSelectListPreference.javaJasperG
2015-11-20Update MaterialListPreference.javaJasperG
2015-11-20Merge pull request #1 from afollestad/masterJasperG
2015-11-20Merge pull request #834 from JasperG/patch-1Aidan Follestad
2015-11-20Removed setting content before checking for custom contentViewJasperG
2015-11-19Added getIconView(), resolves https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/...Aidan Follestad
2015-11-15Build Tools 23.0.2Aidan Follestad
2015-11- Follestad
2015-11-15Custom color frame can scroll, e.g. when in landscape on a phone. Color choos...Aidan Follestad