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index 7e0f65ae4..758041528 100644
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+++ b/www/history.html
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<title>ImageMagick - History</title>
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@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of anot
<p>The next generation of ImageMagick, version 5, started when Bob Friesenhahn contacted me and suggested I improve the application programming interface so users could leverage the image-processing algorithms from other languages or scripts. Bob also wrote a C++ wrapper for ImageMagick called Magick++, and began contributing enhancements such as the module loader facility, automatic file identification, and test suites. In the mean-time, the project picked up a few other notable contributors: Glenn Randers-Pehrson, William Radcliffe, and Leonard Rosenthol. By now, ImageMagick was utilized by tens of thousands of users, who reacted gruffly when a new release broke an existing API call or script. The other members of the group wanted to freeze the API and command line, but I felt ImageMagick was not quite what I had envisioned it could be. Bob and the others created a fork of ImageMagick while I continued to develop ImageMagick.</p>
-<p>I did not work alone for long. Anthony Thyssen contacted me about deficiencies in the ImageMagick command line programs. He pointed out that the command line was confusing when dealing with more than one image. He suggested an orderly, well-defined method for dealing with the command line, and this became ImageMagick version 6 (the current release). His efforts are detailed on his web pages, <a href="">Examples of ImageMagick Usage</a>. I highly recommend that you peruse his site. He has illustrated the power of ImageMagick in ways that even I did not know were possible.</p>
+<p>I did not work alone for long. Anthony Thyssen contacted me about deficiencies in the ImageMagick command line programs. He pointed out that the command line was confusing when dealing with more than one image. He suggested an orderly, well-defined method for dealing with the command line, and this became ImageMagick version 6. His efforts are detailed on his web pages, <a href="">Examples of ImageMagick Usage</a>. I highly recommend that you peruse his site. He has illustrated the power of ImageMagick in ways that even I did not know were possible.</p>
<p>Another notable contributor, Fred Weinhaus, makes available a plethora of command-line <a href="">scripts</a> that perform geometric transforms, blurs, sharpens, edging, noise removal, and color manipulations. Glenn Randers-Pehrson is our PNG guru and makes other valuable contributions. Dirk Lemstra made, and continues to make, numerous improvements to make ImageMagick more robust under Windows and distributes a .NET wrapper, <a href="">Magick.NET</a>.</p>
-<p>It has been more than 25 years since ImageMagick was first conceived, and it looks likely that it will be here for another 25 and beyond. The command line and the application programming interface are stable, but there is still work to do. The design of ImageMagick is an evolutionary process, with the design and implementation efforts serving to influence and guide further progress in the other. With <a href="../index.html">ImageMagick version 7</a>, we aim to improve the design based on lessons learned from the version 6 implementation.</p>
+<p>The design of ImageMagick is an evolutionary process, with the design and implementation efforts serving to influence and guide further progress in the other. With ImageMagick <a href="../index.html">version 7</a>, we improved the design based on lessons learned from the version 6 implementation. ImageMagick was originally designed to display RGB images to an X Windows server. Over time we extended support to RGBA images and then to the CMYK and CMYKA image format. With ImageMagick version 7, we extend support to arbitrary colorspaces with an arbitrary number of pixel channels. In addition, ImageMagick 7 stores pixel channels as floats permitting out of band values (e.g. negative) and reduces rounding error.</p>
<p>Cristy<br />Principal ImageMagick Architect</p>
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of anot
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- <small>© 1999-2020 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p>
+ <small>© 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p>
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