From 0f84a2664abe0ab10cc2195b97316f07817be7e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Valeriy Kopylov Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 13:20:05 +0300 Subject: Convert readme to UTF-8 --- Readme.html | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Readme.html b/Readme.html index 0ffeade..4dde88c 100644 --- a/Readme.html +++ b/Readme.html @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

The application is active in the data retrieval process, controlling the pace of the retrieval by calling on_next at its own convenience. This pattern is synchronous, which means that the application might be blocked while polling the data source. Such pulling pattern is similar to visiting your library and checking out a book. After you are done with the book, you pay another visit to check out another one.

On the other hand, in reactive programming, the application is offered more information by subscribing to a data stream (called observable sequence in Rx), and any update is handed to it from the source. The application is passive in the data retrieval process: apart from subscribing to the observable source, it does not actively poll the source, but merely reacts to the data being pushed to it. When the stream has no more data to offer, or when it errs, the source will send a notice to the subscriber. In this way, the application will not be blocked by waiting for the source to update.

This is the push pattern employed by Reactive Extensions. It is similar to joining a book club in which you register your interest in a particular genre, and books that match your interest are automatically sent to you as they are published. You do not need to stand in line to acquire something that you want. Employing a push pattern is helpful in many scenarios, especially in a UI-heavy environment in which the UI thread cannot be blocked while the application is waiting for some events. In summary, by using Rx, you can make your application more responsive.


The push model implemented by Rx is represented by the observable pattern of Rx.Observable/Observer. The Rx.Observable will notify all the observers automatically of any state changes. To register an interest through a subscription, you use the subscribe method of Rx.Observable, which takes on an Observer and returns a disposable. This gives you the ability to track and dispose of the subscription. In addition, Rx’s LINQ implementation over observable sequences allows developers to compose complex event processing queries over push-based sequences such as events, APM-based (“AsyncResult”) computations, Task-based computations, and asynchronous workflows. For more information on the Observable/Observer classes, see Exploring The Major Classes in Rx. For tutorials on using the different features in Rx, see Using Rx.


The push model implemented by Rx is represented by the observable pattern of Rx.Observable/Observer. The Rx.Observable will notify all the observers automatically of any state changes. To register an interest through a subscription, you use the subscribe method of Rx.Observable, which takes on an Observer and returns a disposable. This gives you the ability to track and dispose of the subscription. In addition, Rx’s LINQ implementation over observable sequences allows developers to compose complex event processing queries over push-based sequences such as events, APM-based (“AsyncResult”) computations, Task-based computations, and asynchronous workflows. For more information on the Observable/Observer classes, see Exploring The Major Classes in Rx. For tutorials on using the different features in Rx, see Using Rx.

Getting Started with Rx

This section describes in general what Reactive Extensions (Rx) is, and how it can benefit programmers who are creating asynchronous applications.

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ auto values1 = rxcpp::Range(1, 10);


One drawback of the C++ event model is that your event handler is always called every time an event is raised, and events arrive exactly as they were sent out by the source. To filter out events that you are not interested in, or transform data before your handler is called, you have to add custom filter logic to your handler.


Take an application that detects mouse-down as an example. In the current event programming model, the application can react to the event raised by displaying a message. In Rx, such mouse-down events are treated as a stream of information about clicks. Whenever you click the mouse, information (e.g., cursor position) about this click appears in a stream, ready to be processed. In this paradigm, events (or event streams) are very similar to lists or other collections. This means that we can use techniques for working with collections to process events. For example, you can filter out those clicks that appear outside a specific area, and only display a message when the user clicks inside an area. Or you can wait a specific period of time, and inform the user the number of “valid” clicks during this period. Similarly, you can capture a stream of stock ticks and only respond to those ticks that have changed for a specific range during a particular time window. All these can be done easily by using LINQ-query style operators provided by Rx.


Take an application that detects mouse-down as an example. In the current event programming model, the application can react to the event raised by displaying a message. In Rx, such mouse-down events are treated as a stream of information about clicks. Whenever you click the mouse, information (e.g., cursor position) about this click appears in a stream, ready to be processed. In this paradigm, events (or event streams) are very similar to lists or other collections. This means that we can use techniques for working with collections to process events. For example, you can filter out those clicks that appear outside a specific area, and only display a message when the user clicks inside an area. Or you can wait a specific period of time, and inform the user the number of “valid” clicks during this period. Similarly, you can capture a stream of stock ticks and only respond to those ticks that have changed for a specific range during a particular time window. All these can be done easily by using LINQ-query style operators provided by Rx.

In this way, a function can take an event, process it, and then pass out the processed stream to an application. This gives you flexibility that is not available in the current programming model. Moreover, as Rx is performing all the plumbing work at the background for filtering, synchronizing, and transforming the data, your handler can just react to the data it receives and do something with it. This results in cleaner code that is easier to read and maintain. For more information on filtering, see Querying Observable Collections using LINQ Operators.

Manipulating Events

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ auto values1 = rxcpp::Range(1, 10);

Rx exposes asynchronous and event-based data sources as push-based, observable sequences. This Observable class represents a data source that can be observed, meaning that it can send data to anyone who is interested. It maintains a list of dependent Observer implementations representing such interested listeners, and notifies them automatically of any state changes.

As described in What is Rx, the other half of the push model is represented by the Observer class, which represents an observer who registers an interest through a subscription. Items are subsequently handed to the observer from the observable sequence to which it subscribes.

In order to receive notifications from an observable collection, you use the subscribe method of Observable to hand it an Observer object. In return for this observer, the subscribe method returns a disposable object that acts as a handle for the subscription. This allows you to clean up the subscription after you are done. Calling dispose on this object detaches the observer from the source so that notifications are no longer delivered. As you can infer, in Rx you do not need to explicitly unsubscribe from an event.


Observers support three publication events, reflected by the interface’s methods. OnNext can be called zero or more times, when the observable data source has data available. For example, an observable data source used for mouse move events can send out a Point object every time the mouse has moved. The other two methods are used to indicate completion or errors.


Observers support three publication events, reflected by the interface’s methods. OnNext can be called zero or more times, when the observable data source has data available. For example, an observable data source used for mouse move events can send out a Point object every time the mouse has moved. The other two methods are used to indicate completion or errors.

The following lists the Observable/Observer definitions.

namespace rxcpp {
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ auto input1 = std::make_shared<rxcpp::EventLoopScheduler>();

You can extend Rx by adding new operators for operations that are not provided by the LINQ library, or by creating your own implementation of standard query operators to improve readability and performance. Writing a customized version of a standard LINQ operator is useful when you want to operate with in-memory objects and when the intended customization does not require a comprehensive view of the query.

Creating New Operators


LINQ offers a full set of operators that cover most of the possible operations on a set of entities. However, you might need an operator to add a particular semantic meaning to your query—especially if you can reuse that same operator several times in your code.


LINQ offers a full set of operators that cover most of the possible operations on a set of entities. However, you might need an operator to add a particular semantic meaning to your query—especially if you can reuse that same operator several times in your code.

By reusing existing LINQ operators when you build a new one, you can take advantage of the existing performance or exception handling capabilities implemented in the Rx libraries.

When writing a custom operator, it is good practice not to leave any disposables unused; otherwise, you may find that resources could actually be leaked and cancellation may not work correctly.

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