#include "../test.h" #include #include #include static const int static_tripletCount = 100; SCENARIO("pythagorian for loops", "[hide][for][pythagorian][perf]"){ const int& tripletCount = static_tripletCount; GIVEN("a for loop"){ WHEN("generating pythagorian triplets"){ using namespace std::chrono; typedef steady_clock clock; int c = 0; int ct = 0; int n = 1; auto start = clock::now(); for(int z = 1;; ++z) { for(int x = 1; x <= z; ++x) { for(int y = x; y <= z; ++y) { ++c; if(x*x + y*y == z*z) { ++ct; if(ct == tripletCount) goto done; } } } } done: auto finish = clock::now(); auto msElapsed = duration_cast(finish.time_since_epoch()) - duration_cast(start.time_since_epoch()); std::cout << "pythagorian for : " << n << " subscribed, " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed " << c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << " ops/sec" << std::endl; } } } SCENARIO("flat_map pythagorian ranges", "[hide][range][flat_map][pythagorian][perf]"){ const int& tripletCount = static_tripletCount; GIVEN("some ranges"){ WHEN("generating pythagorian triplets"){ using namespace std::chrono; typedef steady_clock clock; auto so = rx::identity_immediate(); int c = 0; int ct = 0; int n = 1; auto start = clock::now(); auto triples = rxs::range(1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so](int z){ return rxs::range(1, z, 1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so, z](int x){ return rxs::range(x, z, 1, so) .filter([&c, z, x](int y){++c; return x*x + y*y == z*z;}) .map([z, x](int y){return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*x*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*z*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}); triples .take(tripletCount) .subscribe( rxu::apply_to([&ct](int /*x*/,int /*y*/,int /*z*/){ ++ct; })); auto finish = clock::now(); auto msElapsed = duration_cast(finish.time_since_epoch()) - duration_cast(start.time_since_epoch()); std::cout << "merge pythagorian range : " << n << " subscribed, " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed " << c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << " ops/sec" << std::endl; } } } SCENARIO("synchronize flat_map pythagorian ranges", "[hide][range][flat_map][synchronize][pythagorian][perf]"){ const int& tripletCount = static_tripletCount; GIVEN("some ranges"){ WHEN("generating pythagorian triplets"){ using namespace std::chrono; typedef steady_clock clock; auto so = rx::synchronize_event_loop(); int c = 0; int n = 1; auto start = clock::now(); auto triples = rxs::range(1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so](int z){ return rxs::range(1, z, 1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so, z](int x){ return rxs::range(x, z, 1, so) .filter([&c, z, x](int y){ ++c; if (x*x + y*y == z*z) { return true;} else { return false;}}) .map([z, x](int y){return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*x*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*z*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so); int ct = triples .take(tripletCount) .as_blocking() .count(); auto finish = clock::now(); auto msElapsed = duration_cast(finish.time_since_epoch()) - duration_cast(start.time_since_epoch()); std::cout << "merge sync pythagorian range : " << n << " subscribed, " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed " << c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << " ops/sec" << std::endl; } } } SCENARIO("observe_on flat_map pythagorian ranges", "[hide][range][flat_map][observe_on][pythagorian][perf]"){ const int& tripletCount = static_tripletCount; GIVEN("some ranges"){ WHEN("generating pythagorian triplets"){ using namespace std::chrono; typedef steady_clock clock; auto so = rx::observe_on_event_loop(); int c = 0; int n = 1; auto start = clock::now(); auto triples = rxs::range(1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so](int z){ return rxs::range(1, z, 1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so, z](int x){ return rxs::range(x, z, 1, so) .filter([&c, z, x](int y){ ++c; if (x*x + y*y == z*z) { return true;} else { return false;}}) .map([z, x](int y){return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*x*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*z*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so); int ct = triples .take(tripletCount) .as_blocking() .count(); auto finish = clock::now(); auto msElapsed = duration_cast(finish.time_since_epoch()) - duration_cast(start.time_since_epoch()); std::cout << "merge observe_on pythagorian range : " << n << " subscribed, " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed " << c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << " ops/sec" << std::endl; } } } SCENARIO("serialize flat_map pythagorian ranges", "[hide][range][flat_map][serialize][pythagorian][perf]"){ const int& tripletCount = static_tripletCount; GIVEN("some ranges"){ WHEN("generating pythagorian triplets"){ using namespace std::chrono; typedef steady_clock clock; auto so = rx::serialize_event_loop(); int c = 0; int n = 1; auto start = clock::now(); auto triples = rxs::range(1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so](int z){ return rxs::range(1, z, 1, so) .flat_map( [&c, so, z](int x){ return rxs::range(x, z, 1, so) .filter([&c, z, x](int y){ ++c; if (x*x + y*y == z*z) { return true;} else { return false;}}) .map([z, x](int y){return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*x*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic();}, [](int /*z*/, std::tuple triplet){return triplet;}, so); int ct = triples .take(tripletCount) .as_blocking() .count(); auto finish = clock::now(); auto msElapsed = duration_cast(finish.time_since_epoch()) - duration_cast(start.time_since_epoch()); std::cout << "merge serial pythagorian range : " << n << " subscribed, " << c << " filtered to, " << ct << " triplets, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed " << c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << " ops/sec" << std::endl; } } } SCENARIO("flat_map completes", "[flat_map][map][operators]"){ GIVEN("two cold observables. one of ints. one of strings."){ auto sc = rxsc::make_test(); auto w = sc.create_worker(); const rxsc::test::messages i_on; const rxsc::test::messages s_on; auto xs = sc.make_cold_observable({ i_on.next(100, 4), i_on.next(200, 2), i_on.next(300, 3), i_on.next(400, 1), i_on.completed(500) }); auto ys = sc.make_cold_observable({ s_on.next(50, "foo"), s_on.next(100, "bar"), s_on.next(150, "baz"), s_on.next(200, "qux"), s_on.completed(250) }); WHEN("each int is mapped to the strings"){ auto res = w.start( [&]() { return xs .flat_map( [&](int){ return ys;}, [](int, std::string s){ return s;}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic(); } ); THEN("the output contains strings repeated for each int"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.next(350, "foo"), s_on.next(400, "bar"), s_on.next(450, "baz"), s_on.next(450, "foo"), s_on.next(500, "qux"), s_on.next(500, "bar"), s_on.next(550, "baz"), s_on.next(550, "foo"), s_on.next(600, "qux"), s_on.next(600, "bar"), s_on.next(650, "baz"), s_on.next(650, "foo"), s_on.next(700, "qux"), s_on.next(700, "bar"), s_on.next(750, "baz"), s_on.next(800, "qux"), s_on.completed(850) }); auto actual = res.get_observer().messages(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there was one subscription and one unsubscription to the ints"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ i_on.subscribe(200, 700) }); auto actual = xs.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there were four subscription and unsubscription to the strings"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.subscribe(300, 550), s_on.subscribe(400, 650), s_on.subscribe(500, 750), s_on.subscribe(600, 850) }); auto actual = ys.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } } WHEN("streamed, each int is mapped to the strings"){ auto res = w.start( [&]() { return xs >> rxo::flat_map( [&](int){ return ys;}, [](int, std::string s){ return s;}, rx::identity_current_thread()) >> // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 rxo::as_dynamic(); } ); THEN("the output contains strings repeated for each int"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.next(350, "foo"), s_on.next(400, "bar"), s_on.next(450, "baz"), s_on.next(450, "foo"), s_on.next(500, "qux"), s_on.next(500, "bar"), s_on.next(550, "baz"), s_on.next(550, "foo"), s_on.next(600, "qux"), s_on.next(600, "bar"), s_on.next(650, "baz"), s_on.next(650, "foo"), s_on.next(700, "qux"), s_on.next(700, "bar"), s_on.next(750, "baz"), s_on.next(800, "qux"), s_on.completed(850) }); auto actual = res.get_observer().messages(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there was one subscription and one unsubscription to the ints"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ i_on.subscribe(200, 700) }); auto actual = xs.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there were four subscription and unsubscription to the strings"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.subscribe(300, 550), s_on.subscribe(400, 650), s_on.subscribe(500, 750), s_on.subscribe(600, 850) }); auto actual = ys.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } } } } SCENARIO("flat_map source never ends", "[flat_map][map][operators]"){ GIVEN("two cold observables. one of ints. one of strings."){ auto sc = rxsc::make_test(); auto w = sc.create_worker(); const rxsc::test::messages i_on; const rxsc::test::messages s_on; auto xs = sc.make_cold_observable({ i_on.next(100, 4), i_on.next(200, 2), i_on.next(300, 3), i_on.next(400, 1), i_on.next(500, 5), i_on.next(700, 0) }); auto ys = sc.make_cold_observable({ s_on.next(50, "foo"), s_on.next(100, "bar"), s_on.next(150, "baz"), s_on.next(200, "qux"), s_on.completed(250) }); WHEN("each int is mapped to the strings"){ auto res = w.start( [&]() { return xs .flat_map([&](int){return ys;}, [](int, std::string s){return s;}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic(); } ); THEN("the output contains strings repeated for each int"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.next(350, "foo"), s_on.next(400, "bar"), s_on.next(450, "baz"), s_on.next(450, "foo"), s_on.next(500, "qux"), s_on.next(500, "bar"), s_on.next(550, "baz"), s_on.next(550, "foo"), s_on.next(600, "qux"), s_on.next(600, "bar"), s_on.next(650, "baz"), s_on.next(650, "foo"), s_on.next(700, "qux"), s_on.next(700, "bar"), s_on.next(750, "baz"), s_on.next(750, "foo"), s_on.next(800, "qux"), s_on.next(800, "bar"), s_on.next(850, "baz"), s_on.next(900, "qux"), s_on.next(950, "foo") }); auto actual = res.get_observer().messages(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there was one subscription and one unsubscription to the ints"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ i_on.subscribe(200, 1000) }); auto actual = xs.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there were four subscription and unsubscription to the strings"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.subscribe(300, 550), s_on.subscribe(400, 650), s_on.subscribe(500, 750), s_on.subscribe(600, 850), s_on.subscribe(700, 950), s_on.subscribe(900, 1000) }); auto actual = ys.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } } } } SCENARIO("flat_map inner error", "[flat_map][map][operators]"){ GIVEN("two cold observables. one of ints. one of strings."){ auto sc = rxsc::make_test(); auto w = sc.create_worker(); const rxsc::test::messages i_on; const rxsc::test::messages s_on; auto xs = sc.make_cold_observable({ i_on.next(100, 4), i_on.next(200, 2), i_on.next(300, 3), i_on.next(400, 1), i_on.completed(500) }); std::runtime_error ex("filter on_error from inner source"); auto ys = sc.make_cold_observable({ s_on.next(55, "foo"), s_on.next(104, "bar"), s_on.next(153, "baz"), s_on.next(202, "qux"), s_on.error(301, ex) }); WHEN("each int is mapped to the strings"){ auto res = w.start( [&]() { return xs .flat_map([&](int){return ys;}, [](int, std::string s){return s;}) // forget type to workaround lambda deduction bug on msvc 2013 .as_dynamic(); } ); THEN("the output contains strings repeated for each int"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.next(355, "foo"), s_on.next(404, "bar"), s_on.next(453, "baz"), s_on.next(455, "foo"), s_on.next(502, "qux"), s_on.next(504, "bar"), s_on.next(553, "baz"), s_on.next(555, "foo"), s_on.error(601, ex) }); auto actual = res.get_observer().messages(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there was one subscription and one unsubscription to the ints"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ i_on.subscribe(200, 601) }); auto actual = xs.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } THEN("there were four subscription and unsubscription to the strings"){ auto required = rxu::to_vector({ s_on.subscribe(300, 601), s_on.subscribe(400, 601), s_on.subscribe(500, 601), s_on.subscribe(600, 601) }); auto actual = ys.subscriptions(); REQUIRE(required == actual); } } } }