// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BENCHMARK_RUY #include "ruy/ruy.h" #endif // BENCHMARK_RUY #include "bench/gemm.h" #include "bench/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static void GEMMBenchmark(benchmark::State& state, xnn_qs8_gemm_ukernel_function gemm, size_t mr, size_t nr, size_t kr, size_t sr, benchmark::utils::IsaCheckFunction isa_check = nullptr) { if (!cpuinfo_initialize()) { state.SkipWithError("cpuinfo initialization failed"); return; } if (isa_check && !isa_check(state)) { return; } const size_t mc = state.range(0); const size_t nc = state.range(1); const size_t kc = state.range(2); const size_t nc_stride = benchmark::utils::RoundUp(nc, nr); const size_t kc_stride = benchmark::utils::RoundUp(kc, kr); std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto i32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(-10000, 10000), std::ref(rng)); auto i8rng = std::bind( std::uniform_int_distribution(std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max()), std::ref(rng)); std::vector a(mc * kc); std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), std::ref(i8rng)); std::vector k(nc * kc); std::generate(k.begin(), k.end(), std::ref(i8rng)); std::vector b(nc); std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), std::ref(i32rng)); const size_t w_size = kc_stride * nc_stride * sizeof(int8_t) + nc_stride * sizeof(int32_t); const size_t c_elements = mc * nc; const size_t num_buffers = 1 + benchmark::utils::DivideRoundUp(benchmark::utils::GetMaxCacheSize(), w_size + c_elements * sizeof(int8_t)); std::vector> w(w_size * num_buffers); std::fill(w.begin(), w.end(), 0); const xnn_qs8_packing_params packing_params = { 127 }; xnn_pack_qs8_gemm_goi_w(1 /* groups */, nc, kc, nr, kr, sr, k.data(), b.data(), w.data(), &packing_params); std::vector c(c_elements * num_buffers); std::fill(c.begin(), c.end(), 0xA5); union xnn_qs8_gemm_params quantization_params = xnn_init_qs8_gemm_params(0.75f, 127, -127, 126); size_t buffer_index = 0; for (auto _ : state) { // Use circular buffers (exceeding cache size) and prefetch to control cache state: // - A is always in L1 cache (if fits, otherwise L2, L3, etc) // - W is not in cache (for any cache level) // - C is not in cache (for any cache level) state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1(a.data(), a.size() * sizeof(int8_t)); buffer_index = (buffer_index + 1) % num_buffers; state.ResumeTiming(); for (uint32_t m = 0; m < mc; m += mr) { const uint32_t mb = min(mc - m, mr); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nc; n += nr) { const uint32_t nb = min(nc - n, nr); gemm( mb, nb, kc * sizeof(int8_t), a.data() + m * kc, kc * sizeof(int8_t), w.data() + w_size * buffer_index + n * (kc_stride * sizeof(int8_t) + sizeof(int32_t)), c.data() + (mc * buffer_index + m) * nc + n, nc * sizeof(int8_t), nr * sizeof(int8_t), &quantization_params); } } } state.counters["Freq"] = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); state.counters["OPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * mc * nc * kc, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); } static void GEMMBenchmark(benchmark::State& state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_ukernel_function gemm, size_t mr, size_t nr, size_t kr, size_t sr, benchmark::utils::IsaCheckFunction isa_check = nullptr) { if (!cpuinfo_initialize()) { state.SkipWithError("cpuinfo initialization failed"); return; } if (isa_check && !isa_check(state)) { return; } const size_t mc = state.range(0); const size_t nc = state.range(1); const size_t kc = state.range(2); const size_t nc_stride = benchmark::utils::RoundUp(nc, nr); const size_t kc_stride = benchmark::utils::RoundUp(kc, kr); std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto i32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(-10000, 10000), rng); auto i8rng = std::bind( std::uniform_int_distribution(std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max()), rng); std::vector a(mc * kc); std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), std::ref(i8rng)); std::vector k(nc * kc); std::generate(k.begin(), k.end(), std::ref(i8rng)); std::vector b(nc); std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), std::ref(i32rng)); const size_t w_size = kc_stride * nc_stride * sizeof(int16_t) + nc_stride * sizeof(int32_t); const size_t c_elements = mc * nc; const size_t num_buffers = 1 + benchmark::utils::DivideRoundUp(benchmark::utils::GetMaxCacheSize(), w_size + c_elements * sizeof(int8_t)); std::vector> w(w_size * num_buffers); std::fill(w.begin(), w.end(), 0); const xnn_qs8_packing_params packing_params = { 127 }; xnn_pack_qs8_gemm_xw_goi_w(1 /* groups */, nc, kc, nr, kr, sr, k.data(), b.data(), w.data(), &packing_params); std::vector c(c_elements * num_buffers); std::fill(c.begin(), c.end(), 0xA5); union xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_params quantization_params = xnn_init_qs8_gemm_xw_params(0.75f, 127, -127, 126); size_t buffer_index = 0; for (auto _ : state) { // Use circular buffers (exceeding cache size) and prefetch to control cache state: // - A is always in L1 cache (if fits, otherwise L2, L3, etc) // - W is not in cache (for any cache level) // - C is not in cache (for any cache level) state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1(a.data(), a.size() * sizeof(int8_t)); buffer_index = (buffer_index + 1) % num_buffers; state.ResumeTiming(); for (uint32_t m = 0; m < mc; m += mr) { const uint32_t mb = min(mc - m, mr); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nc; n += nr) { const uint32_t nb = min(nc - n, nr); gemm( mb, nb, kc * sizeof(int8_t), a.data() + m * kc, kc * sizeof(int8_t), w.data() + w_size * buffer_index + n * (kc_stride * sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(int32_t)), c.data() + (mc * buffer_index + m) * nc + n, nc * sizeof(int8_t), nr * sizeof(int8_t), &quantization_params); } } } state.counters["Freq"] = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); state.counters["OPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * mc * nc * kc, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); } #ifdef BENCHMARK_RUY static void RuyBenchmark(benchmark::State& state, size_t threads) { const size_t mc = state.range(0); const size_t nc = state.range(1); const size_t kc = state.range(2); std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto i32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(-10000, 10000), std::ref(rng)); auto u8rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(0, std::numeric_limits::max()), std::ref(rng)); const size_t num_buffers = 1 + benchmark::utils::DivideRoundUp(benchmark::utils::GetMaxCacheSize(), nc * (sizeof(int8_t) * (mc + kc) + sizeof(int32_t))); std::vector a(mc * kc); std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), std::ref(u8rng)); std::vector k(num_buffers * nc * kc); std::generate(k.begin(), k.end(), std::ref(u8rng)); std::vector b(num_buffers * nc); std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), std::ref(i32rng)); std::vector c(num_buffers * nc * mc); std::fill(c.begin(), c.end(), std::nanf("")); // Note: context must be static to avoid the cost of re-creating it for each benchmark. static ruy::Context context; context.set_max_num_threads(threads); ruy::Matrix ruy_a; ruy::MakeSimpleLayout(nc, kc, ruy::Order::kRowMajor, ruy_a.mutable_layout()); ruy_a.set_zero_point(127); ruy::Matrix ruy_b; ruy::MakeSimpleLayout(kc, mc, ruy::Order::kColMajor, ruy_b.mutable_layout()); ruy_b.set_data(a.data()); ruy_b.set_zero_point(127); ruy::Matrix ruy_c; ruy::MakeSimpleLayout(nc, mc, ruy::Order::kColMajor, ruy_c.mutable_layout()); ruy_c.set_zero_point(127); ruy::MulParams mul_params; mul_params.set_multiplier_fixedpoint(0x40000000); // ruy::Context uses deferred initialization, which affects percieved GEMM performance. Initialization happens during // the first GEMM calls, and per Benoit Jacob it takes up to ~250 milliseconds for performance to stabilize. // Thus, on the first benchmark, we compute GEMM for 500 milliseconds (to be safe) without recording performance, and // keep the ruy::Context object initialized (by being static) between subsequent benchmarks. static std::once_flag warmup; std::call_once(warmup, [&](){ auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); do { ruy_a.set_data(k.data()); ruy_c.set_data(c.data()); mul_params.set_bias(b.data()); ruy::Mul(ruy_a, ruy_b, mul_params, &context, &ruy_c); } while (std::chrono::duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start).count() < 0.5); }); size_t buffer_index = 0; for (auto _ : state) { // Use circular buffers (exceeding cache size) and prefetch to control cache state: // - A is always in L1 cache (if fits, otherwise L2, L3, etc) // - K is not in cache (for any cache level) // - B is not in cache (for any cache level) // - C is not in cache (for any cache level) state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1(a.data(), a.size() * sizeof(int8_t)); buffer_index = (buffer_index + 1) % num_buffers; state.ResumeTiming(); ruy_a.set_data(k.data() + buffer_index * nc * kc); ruy_c.set_data(c.data() + buffer_index * mc * nc); mul_params.set_bias(b.data() + buffer_index * nc); ruy::Mul(ruy_a, ruy_b, mul_params, &context, &ruy_c); } state.counters["Freq"] = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); state.counters["OPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * mc * nc * kc, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); } static void ruy_st(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { RuyBenchmark(state, 1); } #endif // BENCHMARK_RUY #if XNN_ARCH_ARM || XNN_ARCH_ARM64 static void qs8_gemm_2x8__neon_mlal_lane(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x8__neon_mlal_lane, 2, 8, 1, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEON); } static void qs8_gemm_2x16__neon_mlal_lane(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x16__neon_mlal_lane, 2, 16, 1, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEON); } static void qs8_gemm_1x8c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_1x8c4__neondot, 1, 8, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_4x8c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x8c4__neondot, 4, 8, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_6x8c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_6x8c4__neondot, 6, 8, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_8x8c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_8x8c4__neondot, 8, 8, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_12x8c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_12x8c4__neondot, 12, 8, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_1x16c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_1x16c4__neondot, 1, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_4x16c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x16c4__neondot, 4, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_6x16c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_6x16c4__neondot, 6, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_8x16c4__neondot(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_8x16c4__neondot, 8, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x8__neon_mlal_lane) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x16__neon_mlal_lane) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_1x8c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x8c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_6x8c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_8x8c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_12x8c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_1x16c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x16c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_6x16c4__neondot) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_8x16c4__neondot) #endif // XNN_ARCH_ARM || XNN_ARCH_ARM64 #if XNN_ARCH_ARM64 static void qs8_gemm_1x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_1x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64, 1, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64, 4, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } static void qs8_gemm_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_cortex_a55(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_cortex_a55, 4, 16, 4, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckNEONDOT); } BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_1x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x16c4__aarch64_neondot_cortex_a55) #endif // XNN_ARCH_ARM64 #if XNN_ARCH_X86 || XNN_ARCH_X86_64 static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse2_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse2_ld64, 4, 4, 2, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__ssse3_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__ssse3_ld64, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse41_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse41_ld64, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__xop_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__xop_ld64, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse2_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse2_ld128, 4, 4, 2, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__ssse3_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__ssse3_ld128, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse41_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse41_ld128, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_4x4c2__xop_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__xop_ld128, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__sse2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse2, 4, 4, 2, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__ssse3(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__ssse3, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__sse41(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__sse41, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__xop(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_4x4c2__xop, 4, 4, 2, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse2_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse2_ld64, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__ssse3_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__ssse3_ld64, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse41_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse41_ld64, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__xop_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__xop_ld64, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse2_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse2_ld128, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__ssse3_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__ssse3_ld128, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse41_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse41_ld128, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__xop_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__xop_ld128, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__sse2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse2, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__ssse3(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__ssse3, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__sse41(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__sse41, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__xop(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__xop, 2, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse2_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse2_ld64, 3, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__ssse3_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__ssse3_ld64, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse41_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse41_ld64, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__xop_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__xop_ld64, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse2_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse2_ld128, 3, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__ssse3_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__ssse3_ld128, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse41_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse41_ld128, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__xop_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__xop_ld128, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__sse2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse2, 3, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__ssse3(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__ssse3, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSSE3); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__sse41(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__sse41, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckSSE41); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__xop(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__xop, 3, 4, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckXOP); } static void qs8_gemm_2x8c8__avx2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x8c8__avx2, 2, 8, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX2); } static void qs8_gemm_3x8c8__avx2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x8c8__avx2, 3, 8, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX2); } static void qs8_gemm_2x16c8__avx512skx(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x16c8__avx512skx, 2, 16, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX512SKX); } static void qs8_gemm_3x16c8__avx512skx(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x16c8__avx512skx, 3, 16, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX512SKX); } static void qs8_gemm_4x16c8__avx512skx(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x16c8__avx512skx, 4, 16, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX512SKX); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x8c8__avx2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x8c8__avx2, 2, 8, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX2); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x8c8__avx2(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x8c8__avx2, 3, 8, 8, 1, benchmark::utils::CheckAVX2); } BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x16c8__avx512skx) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x16c8__avx512skx) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x16c8__avx512skx) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x8c8__avx2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x8c8__avx2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x8c8__avx2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x8c8__avx2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__xop_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__xop_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__xop) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__xop_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__xop_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__xop_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__xop_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__xop) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__xop) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse41_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse41_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__sse41) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse41_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse41_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse41_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse41_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__sse41) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__sse41) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__ssse3_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__ssse3_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__ssse3) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__ssse3_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__ssse3_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__ssse3_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__ssse3_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__ssse3) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__ssse3) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse2_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_4x4c2__sse2_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_4x4c2__sse2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse2_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse2_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__sse2_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__sse2_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__sse2) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__sse2) #endif // XNN_ARCH_X86 || XNN_ARCH_X86_64 #if XNN_ARCH_WASMSIMD static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64, 3, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128, 3, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__wasmsimd(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_2x4c8__wasmsimd, 2, 4, 8, 1); } static void qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__wasmsimd(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { GEMMBenchmark(state, xnn_qs8_gemm_xw_minmax_ukernel_3x4c8__wasmsimd, 3, 4, 8, 1); } BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld64) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_2x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_3x4c8__wasmsimd_ld128) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_2x4c8__wasmsimd) BENCHMARK_GEMM(qs8_gemm_xw_3x4c8__wasmsimd) #endif // XNN_ARCH_WASMSIMD #ifdef BENCHMARK_RUY BENCHMARK_GEMM(ruy_st) #endif // BENCHMARK_RUY #ifndef XNNPACK_BENCHMARK_NO_MAIN BENCHMARK_MAIN(); #endif