"""Build definitions and rules for XNNPACK.""" load(":emscripten.bzl", "xnnpack_emscripten_benchmark_linkopts", "xnnpack_emscripten_deps", "xnnpack_emscripten_minimal_linkopts", "xnnpack_emscripten_test_linkopts") def xnnpack_visibility(): """Visibility of :XNNPACK target. All other targets have private visibility, and can not have external dependencies. """ return ["//visibility:public"] def xnnpack_min_size_copts(): """Compiler flags for size-optimized builds.""" return ["-Os"] def xnnpack_gcc_std_copts(): """GCC-like compiler flags to specify language standard for C sources.""" return ["-std=c99"] def xnnpack_msvc_std_copts(): """MSVC compiler flags to specify language standard for C sources.""" return ["/Drestrict="] def xnnpack_std_cxxopts(): """Compiler flags to specify language standard for C++ sources.""" return ["-std=gnu++11"] def xnnpack_optional_ruy_copts(): """Compiler flags to optionally enable Ruy benchmarks.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_gemmlowp_copts(): """Compiler flags to optionally enable Gemmlowp benchmarks.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_tflite_copts(): """Compiler flags to optionally enable TensorFlow Lite benchmarks.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_armcl_copts(): """Compiler flags to optionally enable ARM ComputeLibrary benchmarks.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_dnnl_copts(): """Compiler flags to optionally enable Intel DNNL benchmarks.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_ruy_deps(): """Optional Ruy dependencies.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_gemmlowp_deps(): """Optional Gemmlowp dependencies.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_tflite_deps(): """Optional TensorFlow Lite dependencies.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_armcl_deps(): """Optional ARM ComputeLibrary dependencies.""" return [] def xnnpack_optional_dnnl_deps(): """Optional Intel DNNL dependencies.""" return [] def xnnpack_cc_library( name, srcs = [], x86_srcs = [], aarch32_srcs = [], aarch64_srcs = [], wasm_srcs = [], wasmsimd_srcs = [], copts = [], gcc_copts = [], msvc_copts = [], mingw_copts = [], msys_copts = [], gcc_x86_copts = [], msvc_x86_32_copts = [], msvc_x86_64_copts = [], apple_aarch32_copts = [], aarch32_copts = [], aarch64_copts = [], wasm_copts = [], wasmsimd_copts = [], optimized_copts = ["-O2"], hdrs = [], defines = [], includes = [], deps = [], visibility = []): """C/C++/assembly library with architecture-specific configuration. Define a static library with architecture- and instruction-specific source files and/or compiler flags. Args: name: The name of the library target to define. srcs: The list of architecture-independent source files. x86_srcs: The list of x86-specific source files. aarch32_srcs: The list of AArch32-specific source files. aarch64_srcs: The list of AArch64-specific source files. wasm_srcs: The list of WebAssembly/MVP-specific source files. wasmsimd_srcs: The list of WebAssembly/SIMD-specific source files. copts: The list of compiler flags to use in all builds. -I flags for include/ and src/ directories of XNNPACK are always prepended before these user-specified flags. gcc_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with GCC-like compilers. msvc_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with MSVC compiler. mingw_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with MinGW GCC compilers. msys_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with MSYS (Cygwin) GCC compilers. gcc_x86_copts: The list of GCC-like compiler flags to use in x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) builds. msvc_x86_32_copts: The list of MSVC compiler flags to use in x86 (32-bit) builds. msvc_x86_64_copts: The list of MSVC compiler flags to use in x86 (64-bit) builds. apple_aarch32_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in AArch32 builds with Apple Clang. aarch32_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in AArch32 builds. aarch64_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in AArch64 builds. wasm_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in WebAssembly/MVP builds. wasmsimd_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in WebAssembly/SIMD builds. optimized_copts: The list of compiler flags to use in optimized builds. Defaults to -O2. hdrs: The list of header files published by this library to be textually included by sources in dependent rules. defines: List of predefines macros to be added to the compile line. includes: List of include dirs to be added to the compile line. deps: The list of other libraries to be linked. visibility: The list of packages that can depend on this target. """ native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = srcs + select({ ":linux_k8": x86_srcs, ":linux_arm": aarch32_srcs, ":linux_armeabi": aarch32_srcs, ":linux_armhf": aarch32_srcs, ":linux_armv7a": aarch32_srcs, ":linux_aarch64": aarch64_srcs, ":macos_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":macos_arm64": aarch64_srcs, ":windows_x86_64_clang": x86_srcs, ":windows_x86_64_mingw": x86_srcs, ":windows_x86_64_msys": x86_srcs, ":windows_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":android_armv7": aarch32_srcs, ":android_arm64": aarch64_srcs, ":android_x86": x86_srcs, ":android_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":ios_armv7": aarch32_srcs, ":ios_arm64": aarch64_srcs, ":ios_arm64e": aarch64_srcs, ":ios_x86": x86_srcs, ":ios_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":watchos_armv7k": aarch32_srcs, ":watchos_arm64_32": aarch64_srcs, ":watchos_x86": x86_srcs, ":watchos_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":tvos_arm64": aarch64_srcs, ":tvos_x86_64": x86_srcs, ":emscripten_wasm": wasm_srcs, ":emscripten_wasmsimd": wasmsimd_srcs, "//conditions:default": [], }), copts = [ "-Iinclude", "-Isrc", ] + copts + select({ ":linux_k8": gcc_x86_copts, ":linux_arm": aarch32_copts, ":linux_armeabi": aarch32_copts, ":linux_armhf": aarch32_copts, ":linux_armv7a": aarch32_copts, ":linux_aarch64": aarch64_copts, ":macos_x86_64": gcc_x86_copts, ":macos_arm64": aarch64_copts, ":windows_x86_64_clang": ["/clang:" + opt for opt in gcc_x86_copts], ":windows_x86_64_mingw": mingw_copts + gcc_x86_copts, ":windows_x86_64_msys": msys_copts + gcc_x86_copts, ":windows_x86_64": msvc_x86_64_copts, ":android_armv7": aarch32_copts, ":android_arm64": aarch64_copts, ":android_x86": gcc_x86_copts, ":android_x86_64": gcc_x86_copts, ":ios_armv7": apple_aarch32_copts, ":ios_arm64": aarch64_copts, ":ios_arm64e": aarch64_copts, ":ios_x86": gcc_x86_copts, ":ios_x86_64": gcc_x86_copts, ":watchos_armv7k": apple_aarch32_copts, ":watchos_arm64_32": aarch64_copts, ":watchos_x86": gcc_x86_copts, ":watchos_x86_64": gcc_x86_copts, ":tvos_arm64": aarch64_copts, ":tvos_x86_64": gcc_x86_copts, ":emscripten_wasm": wasm_copts, ":emscripten_wasmsimd": wasmsimd_copts, "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ ":windows_x86_64_clang": ["/clang:" + opt for opt in gcc_copts], ":windows_x86_64_mingw": gcc_copts, ":windows_x86_64_msys": gcc_copts, ":windows_x86_64": msvc_copts, "//conditions:default": gcc_copts, }) + select({ ":optimized_build": optimized_copts, "//conditions:default": [], }), defines = defines, deps = deps, includes = ["include", "src"] + includes, linkstatic = True, linkopts = select({ ":linux_k8": ["-lpthread"], ":linux_arm": ["-lpthread"], ":linux_armeabi": ["-lpthread"], ":linux_armhf": ["-lpthread"], ":linux_armv7a": ["-lpthread"], ":linux_aarch64": ["-lpthread"], ":android": ["-lm"], "//conditions:default": [], }), textual_hdrs = hdrs, visibility = visibility, ) def xnnpack_aggregate_library( name, generic_deps = [], x86_deps = [], aarch32_deps = [], aarch64_deps = [], wasm_deps = [], wasmsimd_deps = []): """Static library that aggregates architecture-specific dependencies. Args: name: The name of the library target to define. generic_deps: The list of libraries to link on all architectures. x86_deps: The list of libraries to link in x86 and x86-64 builds. aarch32_deps: The list of libraries to link in AArch32 builds. aarch64_deps: The list of libraries to link in AArch32 builds. wasm_deps: The list of libraries to link in WebAssembly (MVP) builds. wasmsimd_deps: The list of libraries to link in WebAssembly SIMD builds. """ native.cc_library( name = name, linkstatic = True, deps = generic_deps + select({ ":linux_k8": x86_deps, ":linux_arm": aarch32_deps, ":linux_armeabi": aarch32_deps, ":linux_armhf": aarch32_deps, ":linux_armv7a": aarch32_deps, ":linux_aarch64": aarch64_deps, ":macos_x86_64": x86_deps, ":macos_arm64": aarch64_deps, ":windows_x86_64_clang": x86_deps, ":windows_x86_64_mingw": x86_deps, ":windows_x86_64_msys": x86_deps, ":windows_x86_64": x86_deps, ":android_armv7": aarch32_deps, ":android_arm64": aarch64_deps, ":android_x86": x86_deps, ":android_x86_64": x86_deps, ":ios_armv7": aarch32_deps, ":ios_arm64": aarch64_deps, ":ios_arm64e": aarch64_deps, ":ios_x86": x86_deps, ":ios_x86_64": x86_deps, ":watchos_armv7k": aarch32_deps, ":watchos_arm64_32": aarch64_deps, ":watchos_x86": x86_deps, ":watchos_x86_64": x86_deps, ":tvos_arm64": aarch64_deps, ":tvos_x86_64": x86_deps, ":emscripten_wasm": wasm_deps, ":emscripten_wasmsimd": wasmsimd_deps, }), ) def xnnpack_unit_test(name, srcs, copts = [], mingw_copts = [], msys_copts = [], deps = [], tags = [], automatic = True, timeout = "short"): """Unit test binary based on Google Test. Args: name: The name of the test target to define. srcs: The list of source and header files. copts: The list of additional compiler flags for the target. -I flags for include/ and src/ directories of XNNPACK are always prepended before these user-specified flags. mingw_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with MinGW GCC compilers. msys_copts: The list of compiler flags to use with MSYS (Cygwin) GCC compilers. deps: The list of additional libraries to be linked. Google Test library (with main() function) is always added as a dependency and does not need to be explicitly specified. tags: List of arbitrary text tags. automatic: Whether to create the test or testable binary. timeout: How long the test is expected to run before returning. """ if automatic: native.cc_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, copts = xnnpack_std_cxxopts() + [ "-Iinclude", "-Isrc", ] + select({ ":windows_x86_64_mingw": mingw_copts, ":windows_x86_64_msys": msys_copts, "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ ":windows_x86_64_clang": ["/clang:-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_mingw": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_msys": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64": [], "//conditions:default": ["-Wno-unused-function"], }) + copts, linkopts = select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_test_linkopts(), "//conditions:default": [], }), linkstatic = True, deps = [ "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ] + deps + select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_deps(), "//conditions:default": [], }), tags = tags, timeout = timeout, ) else: native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, copts = xnnpack_std_cxxopts() + [ "-Iinclude", "-Isrc", ] + select({ ":windows_x86_64_mingw": mingw_copts, ":windows_x86_64_msys": msys_copts, "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ ":windows_x86_64_clang": ["/clang:-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_mingw": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_msys": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64": [], "//conditions:default": ["-Wno-unused-function"], }) + copts, linkopts = select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_test_linkopts(), "//conditions:default": [], }), linkstatic = True, deps = [ "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ] + deps + select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_deps(), "//conditions:default": [], }), testonly = True, tags = tags, ) def xnnpack_binary(name, srcs, copts = [], deps = []): """Minimal binary Args: name: The name of the binary target to define. srcs: The list of source and header files. copts: The list of additional compiler flags for the target. -I flags for include/ and src/ directories of XNNPACK are always prepended before these user-specified flags. deps: The list of libraries to be linked. """ native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, copts = [ "-Iinclude", "-Isrc", ] + copts, linkopts = select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_minimal_linkopts(), "//conditions:default": [], }), linkstatic = True, deps = deps, ) def xnnpack_benchmark(name, srcs, copts = [], deps = [], tags = []): """Microbenchmark binary based on Google Benchmark Args: name: The name of the binary target to define. srcs: The list of source and header files. copts: The list of additional compiler flags for the target. -I flags for include/ and src/ directories of XNNPACK are always prepended before these user-specified flags. deps: The list of additional libraries to be linked. Google Benchmark library is always added as a dependency and does not need to be explicitly specified. """ native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, copts = xnnpack_std_cxxopts() + [ "-Iinclude", "-Isrc", ] + select({ ":windows_x86_64_clang": ["/clang:-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_mingw": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64_msys": ["-Wno-unused-function"], ":windows_x86_64": [], "//conditions:default": ["-Wno-unused-function"], }) + copts, linkopts = select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_benchmark_linkopts(), ":windows_x86_64_mingw": ["-lshlwapi"], ":windows_x86_64_msys": ["-lshlwapi"], "//conditions:default": [], }), linkstatic = True, deps = [ "@com_google_benchmark//:benchmark", ] + deps + select({ ":emscripten": xnnpack_emscripten_deps(), "//conditions:default": [], }), tags = tags, )