AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-10-29Merge "Remove the website since it's not needed" into klp-devandroid-4.4w_r1kitkat-wearRoman Nurik
2013-10-21Remove ABS website/ and samples/ directoriesRoman Nurik
2013-10-10Remove the website since it's not neededConley Owens
2013-06-18Update actionbarsherlock from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0Tom Taylor
2013-06-18Revert "Replace ActionBarSherlock version 4.2.0 with 4.3.1"Tom Taylor
2013-06-17Replace ActionBarSherlock version 4.2.0 with 4.3.1Tom Taylor
2013-03-07add for ActionBarSherlockKevin Jin
2012-06-08Add ActionBarSherlock 4.1.0 to master branch of actionbarsherlock projectRoman Nurik
2012-06-08Initial empty repositoryChad Jones