#!/bin/bash -e # # (c) Joel Fernandes VERSION=v0.99f spath="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" # spath=$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P ) curdir=$( pwd -P ) source $spath/utils/support source $spath/utils/banners # Set default vars DISTRO=buster; ARCH=arm64 ADB="adb" FULL=0 # Default to a minimal install DOWNLOAD=1 # Default to downloading from web SKIP_DEVICE=0 # Skip device preparation INSTALL_BCC=0 # Decide if BCC is to be installed # Default packages PACKAGES="" DEFAULT_PACKAGES="bash ca-certificates apt net-tools iputils-ping procps vim" EXTRA_FILES="none" config_full_build() { for f in $(ls $spath/packages); do source $spath/packages/$f; done; } # Parse command line parameters if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage; fi; POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1"; # If its shell mode, any future args become shell's args if [ "x$ASHELL" == "x1" ]; then if [ -z "$SHELL_ARGS" ]; then SHELL_ARGS=$key else SHELL_ARGS="$SHELL_ARGS $key" fi shift || true; continue fi case $key in shell) ASHELL=1; shift || true; ;; remove) REMOVE=1; shift || true; ;; git-pull) GIT_PULL=1; shift || true; ;; pull) PULL=1; shift || true; break ;; push) PUSH=1; shift || true; break ;; prepare) PREPARE=1; shift || true; ;; --full) FULL=1; config_full_build; shift || true; ;; --arch) ARCH=$2; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --archive) DOWNLOAD=0; TARF=$2; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --bcc) source $spath/packages/bcc; shift || true; ;; --kernelsrc) KERNELSRC="$2"; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --skip-install) SKIP_INSTALL=1; shift || true; ;; --kernel-headers-targz) KERNELHDRS=$2; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --tempdir) TDIR="$2"; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --build) DOWNLOAD=0; shift || true; ;; --buildtar) BTAR=1; DOWNLOAD=0; TARDIR="$2"; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --device|-s) ADB="$ADB -s $2"; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --build-image) BI=1; BUILD_IMAGEF=$2; SKIP_DEVICE=1; shift || true; shift || true; ;; --debug) set -x; shift || true; ;; *) c_error "Unknown option ($1)"; usage; ;; esac done [ -z $ASHELL ] && box_out "adeb: $VERSION" if [ $FULL -eq 1 ]; then FNAME=androdeb-fs.tgz.zip FNAME_UZ=androdeb-fs.tgz else FNAME=androdeb-fs-minimal.tgz.zip FNAME_UZ=androdeb-fs-minimal.tgz fi if [ ! -z $BTAR ] && [ -z $TARDIR ]; then TARDIR=$spath fi if [ ! -z "$GIT_PULL" ]; then c_info "Updating androdeb by git pull" cd $spath git pull c_info "Done." exit 0 fi if [ ! -z "$PULL" ]; then if [ $1 == "-a" ]; then PRESERVE="-a" c_info "Preserving filestamps and mode" shift || true fi file_count=`count_sources $@` i=0 while [ $i -lt $file_count ]; do files["$i"]=/data/androdeb/debian/$1 shift || true i=$((i + 1)) done $ADB pull $PRESERVE "${files[@]}" "$@" exit 0 fi if [ ! -z "$PUSH" ]; then file_count=`count_sources $@` i=0 while [ $i -lt $file_count ]; do files["$i"]=$1 shift || true i=$((i + 1)) done dest=/data/androdeb/debian/$1 $ADB push $sync "${files[@]}" $dest exit 0 fi if [[ ! -z ${TARDIR+x} ]] && [[ ! -d $TARDIR ]]; then die 7 "Tar dir specified doesn't exist"; fi if [ -z $BI ]; then [ -z $ASHELL ] && c_info "Looking for device.." set +e do_adb_root "$ADB" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then c_error "adb root failed, make sure:" c_error " * If multiple devices connected, provide --device (or -s )" c_error " * Try to run \"adb root\" manually and see if it works. Typically this needs a userdebug build." c_error "" c_error "Note: adb can be typically obtained using the android-tools-adb or the adb" c_error "packages on your distro, or by installing the Android SDK." die 3 "Exiting." fi set -e else [ ! -z $BUILD_IMAGEF ] || die 8 "--build-image passed but no image file provided" fi if [ ! -z "$REMOVE" ]; then die_if_no_androdeb "Nothing to remove." $ADB shell /data/androdeb/device-umount-all || true; $ADB shell rm -rf /data/androdeb; exit 0; fi ########################################################## # SHELL ########################################################## if [ ! -z ${ASHELL+x} ]; then set +e; $ADB shell ls /data/androdeb/debian/.bashrc > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then die 2 "Device doesn't have an androdeb environment, run \"./androdeb prepare\" first"; fi; set -e if [ ! -z ${SHELL_ARGS+x} ]; then # Explanation of quotes: # Outer quote is so that androdeb's bash passes the SHELL_ARGS as a single # argument to $ADB shell. Inner quotes is so that run-command can receive all # the args even though they may be separated by spaces. \m/ $ADB shell -t /data/androdeb/run-command "\"$SHELL_ARGS\"" else $ADB shell -t /data/androdeb/run fi exit 0 fi ########################################################## # PREPARE ########################################################## function do_cleanup() { rm -rf $TDIR/*; if [ $MKTEMP -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf $TDIR; fi } function push_unpack_headers() { die_if_no_androdeb "Couldn't update headers." c_info "Storing kernel headers into androdeb /kernel-headers/" $ADB shell rm -rf /data/androdeb/debian/kernel-headers/ $ADB shell mkdir /data/androdeb/debian/kernel-headers/ run_quiet $ADB push $TDIR_ABS/kh.tgz /data/androdeb/ $ADB shell tar -xvf /data/androdeb/kh.tgz -C /data/androdeb/debian/kernel-headers/ > /dev/null $ADB shell rm /data/androdeb/kh.tgz } function push_unpack_tarred_headers() { die_if_no_androdeb "Couldn't update headers." $ADB shell rm -rf /data/androdeb/debian/kernel-headers/ $ADB shell mkdir /data/androdeb/debian/kernel-headers/ c_info "Pushing headers tar onto device" run_quiet $ADB push $1 /data/androdeb/ c_info "Storing kernel headers into androdeb root directory" $ADB shell tar -xvf /data/androdeb/$(basename $1) -C /data/androdeb/debian/ > /dev/null $ADB shell rm /data/androdeb/$(basename $1) } function all_done_banner() { c_info "All done! Run \"adeb shell\" to enter environment" } # Prepare is the last command checked if [ -z "$PREPARE" ]; then usage; fi if [ ! -z "$TARF" ] && [ ! -f $TARF ] && [ -z "$DOWNLOAD" ]; then die 5 "archive provided doesn't exist"; fi if [ ! -z "$KERNELSRC" ] && [ ! -d $KERNELSRC ]; then die 6 "Kernel source directory provided doesn't exist"; fi if [ ! -z "$KERNELHDRS" ] && [ ! -f $KERNELHDRS ]; then die 7 "Kernel headers tar.gz doesn't exist"; fi print_prepare_banner # Where do we want to store temporary files MKTEMP=0; if [[ -z ${TDIR+x} ]] || [[ ! -d "${TDIR}" ]]; then TDIR=`mktemp -d`; MKTEMP=1; fi rm -rf $TDIR/* TDIR_ABS=$( cd "$TDIR" ; pwd -P ) if [ $DOWNLOAD -eq 1 ]; then c_info "Downloading Androdeb from the web..."; c_info "" # Github dropped tar gz support! ##?#??#! Now we've to zip everything. if [ -z $ADEB_REPO_URL ]; then c_warning "Automatic download is disabled. To enable it, please set the \$ADEB_REPO_URL" c_warning "environment variable as recommended in the setup instructions in the README.md" do_cleanup exit 0 fi curl -L https://$ADEB_REPO_URL/adeb/releases/download/$VERSION/$FNAME --output $TDIR_ABS/$FNAME || die 9 "Failed to download adeb release." unzip -e $TDIR_ABS/$FNAME -d $TDIR_ABS/ || die 10 "Failed to download adeb release. Double check the ADEB_REPO_URL value." TARF=$TDIR_ABS/$FNAME_UZ fi OUT_TMP=$TDIR/debian; rm -rf $OUT_TMP; mkdir -p $OUT_TMP # Unpack the supplied kernel headers tar.gz directly into androdeb root if [ ! -z "$KERNELHDRS" ]; then c_info "Building updating kernel headers from supplied tar.gz ($KERNELHDRS)" # Is header tar gz update the only thing left to do? if [[ ! -z "$SKIP_INSTALL" ]]; then c_info "Skipping install" push_unpack_tarred_headers $KERNELHDRS; do_cleanup; all_done_banner; exit 0; fi tar -xvf $KERNELHDRS -C $OUT_TMP/ > /dev/null fi # Package kernel headers if [ ! -z "$KERNELSRC" ]; then c_info "Building and updating kernel headers from kernel source dir ($KERNELSRC)" $spath/bcc/build-kheaders-targz.sh ${KERNELSRC} $TDIR_ABS/kh.tgz > /dev/null # Is header update the only thing left to do? if [[ ! -z "$SKIP_INSTALL" ]]; then c_info "Skipping install" push_unpack_headers; do_cleanup; all_done_banner; exit 0; fi mkdir $OUT_TMP/kernel-headers tar -xvf $TDIR_ABS/kh.tgz -C $OUT_TMP/kernel-headers/ > /dev/null fi # Build FS from existing tar, very simple. if [ ! -z "$TARF" ]; then c_info "Using archive at $TARF for filesystem preparation" $ADB shell mkdir -p /data/androdeb/ c_info "Pushing filesystem to device.." run_quiet $ADB push $TARF /data/androdeb/deb.tar.gz c_info "Pushing addons to device.." run_quiet $ADB push $spath/addons/* /data/androdeb/ c_info "Unpacking filesystem in device.." run_quiet $ADB shell /data/androdeb/device-unpack if [ ! -z "$KERNELHDRS" ]; then push_unpack_tarred_headers $KERNELHDRS; fi if [ ! -z "$KERNELSRC" ]; then push_unpack_headers; fi do_cleanup; all_done_banner; exit 0 fi PACKAGES+="$DEFAULT_PACKAGES" c_info "Using temporary directory: $TDIR" if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then c_info "The next stage runs as sudo, please enter password if asked."; fi ex_files=$(mktemp); echo $EXTRA_FILES > $ex_files sudo $spath/buildstrap $ARCH $DISTRO $TDIR $OUT_TMP \ "$(make_csv "$PACKAGES")"\ $ex_files $INSTALL_BCC $SKIP_DEVICE rm $ex_files # If we only wanted to prepare a rootfs and don't have # a device connected, then just echo that and skip cleanup if [ $SKIP_DEVICE -eq 1 ]; then c_info "Device preparation is being skipped for the selected options" c_info "any builds that need to happen on device may be cloned but not built." if [ ! -z $BI ]; then sudo $spath/buildimage $OUT_TMP $(dirname $BUILD_IMAGEF)/$(basename $BUILD_IMAGEF) sudo chmod a+rw $(dirname $BUILD_IMAGEF)/$(basename $BUILD_IMAGEF) c_info "Your .img has been built! Enjoy!" fi do_cleanup exit 0 fi # Push tar to device and start unpack $ADB shell mkdir -p /data/androdeb/ $ADB push $TDIR/deb.tar.gz /data/androdeb/ $ADB push $spath/addons/* /data/androdeb/ $ADB shell /data/androdeb/device-unpack # Build BCC and install bcc on device if needed if [ $INSTALL_BCC -eq 1 ]; then $ADB shell /data/androdeb/run-command /bcc-master/build-bcc.sh; fi # Extract a tar of the built, compiled and installed androdeb env if [[ ! -z ${TARDIR+x} ]]; then c_info "Creating tarball" pushd $TARDIR if [ $INSTALL_BCC -eq 0 ]; then mv $TDIR/deb.tar.gz $FNAME_UZ else $ADB shell /data/androdeb/build-debian-tar $ADB pull /data/androdeb/androdeb-fs.tgz $FNAME_UZ $ADB shell rm /data/androdeb/androdeb-fs.tgz; fi zip -r $FNAME $FNAME_UZ popd fi do_cleanup all_done_banner