path: root/sound_card_init/max98390d/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sound_card_init/max98390d/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/sound_card_init/max98390d/src/ b/sound_card_init/max98390d/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35340226..00000000
--- a/sound_card_init/max98390d/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-use std::fmt;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
-use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
-use std::thread;
-use std::thread::JoinHandle;
-use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
-use audio_streams::SampleFormat;
-use cros_alsa::{Card, IntControl, SwitchControl};
-use libcras::{CrasClient, CrasNodeType};
-use sys_util::{error, info};
-use crate::{
- datastore::Datastore,
- error::{Error, Result},
- settings::AmpCalibSettings,
- vpd::VPD,
-const CALI_ERROR_UPPER_LIMIT: f32 = 0.3;
-const CALI_ERROR_LOWER_LIMIT: f32 = 0.03;
-const FRAMES_PER_BUFFER: usize = 256;
-const FRAME_RATE: u32 = 48000;
-const NUM_CHANNELS: usize = 2;
-const FORMAT: SampleFormat = SampleFormat::S16LE;
-const DURATION_MS: u32 = 1000;
-const WARM_UP_DURATION_MS: u32 = 300;
-/// Amp volume mode emulation used by set_volume().
-pub enum VolumeMode {
- /// Low mode protects the speaker by limiting its output volume if the
- /// calibration has not been completed successfully.
- Low,
- /// High mode removes the speaker output volume limitation after
- /// having successfully completed the calibration.
- High,
-/// It implements the amplifier boot time calibration flow.
-pub struct AmpCalibration<'a> {
- card: &'a mut Card,
- setting: AmpCalibSettings,
-impl<'a> fmt::Debug for AmpCalibration<'a> {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- f.debug_struct("AmpCalibration")
- .field("snd_card_id", &
- .field("amp_calib", &self.setting)
- .finish()
- }
-impl<'a> AmpCalibration<'a> {
- /// Creates an `AmpCalibration`.
- /// # Arguments
- ///
- /// * `card` - `&Card`.
- /// * `setting` - `AmpCalibSettings`.
- ///
- /// # Results
- ///
- /// * `AmpCalibration` - It implements the amplifier boot time calibration flow.
- ///
- /// # Errors
- ///
- /// * If `Card` creation from sound card name fails.
- pub fn new(card: &mut Card, setting: AmpCalibSettings) -> Result<AmpCalibration> {
- let amp = AmpCalibration { card, setting };
- Ok(amp)
- }
- /// Sets card volume control to given VolumeMode.
- pub fn set_volume(&mut self, mode: VolumeMode) -> Result<()> {
- match mode {
- VolumeMode::High => self
- .card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.volume_ctrl)?
- .set(self.setting.amp.volume_high_limit)?,
- VolumeMode::Low => self
- .card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.volume_ctrl)?
- .set(self.setting.amp.volume_low_limit)?,
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// The implementation of max98390d boot time calibration logic.
- ///
- /// The boot time calibration logic includes the following steps:
- /// * Gets results from `do_calibration`.
- /// * Decides whether the new calibration result should replace the stored value.
- /// * Applies a good calibration value.
- pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- let vpd = VPD::from_file(&self.setting.rdc_vpd, &self.setting.temp_vpd)?;
- let (rdc_cali, temp_cali) = self.do_calibration()?;
- let datastore = match Datastore::from_file(, &self.setting.calib_file) {
- Ok(sci_calib) => Some(sci_calib),
- Err(e) => {
- info!("failure in Datastore::from_file: {}", e);
- None
- }
- };
- // Given that rdc_cali is the inverse of hardware real_rdc, the result of `rdc_diff`
- // equals to transforming `rdc`s to `real_rdc`s and calculating the relative difference
- // from the `real_rdc`s.
- let rdc_diff = |x: i32, x_ref: i32| (x - x_ref).abs() as f32 / x as f32;
- let diff: f32 = match datastore {
- None => rdc_diff(rdc_cali, vpd.dsm_calib_r0),
- Some(d) => match d {
- Datastore::UseVPD => rdc_diff(rdc_cali, vpd.dsm_calib_r0),
- Datastore::DSM { rdc, .. } => rdc_diff(rdc_cali, rdc),
- },
- };
- if !self.validate_temperature(temp_cali) {
- info!("invalid temperature: {}.", temp_cali);
- return match datastore {
- None => Err(Error::InvalidTemperature(temp_cali)),
- Some(d) => self.apply_datastore(d),
- };
- }
- return Err(Error::LargeCalibrationDiff(rdc_cali, temp_cali));
- } else if diff < CALI_ERROR_LOWER_LIMIT {
- match datastore {
- None =>, &self.setting.calib_file)?,
- Some(d) => self.apply_datastore(d)?,
- }
- } else {
- info!("apply boot time calibration values.");
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.rdc_ctrl)?
- .set(rdc_cali)?;
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.temp_ctrl)?
- .set(temp_cali)?;
- Datastore::DSM {
- rdc: rdc_cali,
- ambient_temp: temp_cali,
- }
- .save(, &self.setting.calib_file)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn apply_datastore(&mut self, d: Datastore) -> Result<()> {
- info!("apply datastore values.");
- match d {
- Datastore::UseVPD => Ok(()),
- Datastore::DSM { rdc, ambient_temp } => {
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.rdc_ctrl)?
- .set(rdc)?;
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.temp_ctrl)?
- .set(ambient_temp)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- }
- fn validate_temperature(&self, temp: i32) -> bool {
- temp < self.setting.amp.temp_upper_limit && temp > self.setting.amp.temp_lower_limit
- }
- /// Triggers the amplifier calibration and reads the calibrated rdc and ambient_temp value
- /// from the mixer control.
- /// To get accurate calibration results, the main thread calibrates the amplifier while
- /// the another thread plays zeros to the speakers.
- fn do_calibration(&mut self) -> Result<(i32, i32)> {
- // The playback worker uses `playback_started` to notify the main thread that playback
- // of zeros has started.
- let playback_started = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new()));
- // Shares `calib_finished` to the playback worker and uses it to notify the worker when
- // the calibration is finished.
- let calib_finished = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
- let handle =
- AmpCalibration::run_play_zero_worker(playback_started.clone(), calib_finished.clone())?;
- // Waits until zero playback starts or timeout.
- let mut timeout = Duration::from_millis(1000);
- let (lock, cvar) = &*playback_started;
- let mut started = lock.lock()?;
- while !*started {
- let start_time = Instant::now();
- started = cvar.wait_timeout(started, timeout)?.0;
- if *started {
- break;
- } else {
- let elapsed = start_time.elapsed();
- if elapsed > timeout {
- return Err(Error::StartPlaybackTimeout);
- } else {
- // Spurious wakes. Decrements the sleep duration by the amount slept.
- timeout -= start_time.elapsed();
- }
- }
- }
- // Playback of zeros is started, and the main thread can start the calibration.
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<SwitchControl>(&self.setting.amp.calib_ctrl)?
- .on()?;
- let rdc = self
- .card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.rdc_ctrl)?
- .get()?;
- let temp = self
- .card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.amp.temp_ctrl)?
- .get()?;
- self.card
- .control_by_name::<SwitchControl>(&self.setting.amp.calib_ctrl)?
- .off()?;
- // Notifies the play_zero_worker that the calibration is finished.
-, Ordering::Relaxed);
- // If play_zero_worker has error during the calibration, returns an error to keep the volume
- // low to protect the speaker.
- match handle.join() {
- Ok(res) => {
- if let Err(e) = res {
- error!("run_play_zero_worker has error: {}", e);
- return Err(e);
- }
- }
- Err(e) => {
- error!("run_play_zero_worker panics: {:?}", e);
- return Err(Error::WorkerPanics);
- }
- }
- Ok((rdc, temp))
- }
- // Creates a thread to play zeros to the internal speakers.
- fn run_play_zero_worker(
- playback_started: Arc<(Mutex<bool>, Condvar)>,
- calib_finished: Arc<AtomicBool>,
- ) -> Result<JoinHandle<Result<()>>> {
- let mut cras_client = CrasClient::new().map_err(Error::CrasClientFailed)?;
- // TODO(b/155007305): Implement cras_client.wait_node_change and use it here.
- let node = cras_client
- .output_nodes()
- .find(|node| node.node_type == CrasNodeType::CRAS_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL_SPEAKER)
- .ok_or(Error::InternalSpeakerNotFound)?;
- let handle = thread::spawn(move || -> Result<()> {
- let local_buffer = [0u8; FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * 2];
- let iterations = (FRAME_RATE * DURATION_MS) / FRAMES_PER_BUFFER as u32 / 1000;
- let warm_up_iterations =
- let (_control, mut stream) = cras_client
- .new_pinned_playback_stream(
- node.iodev_index,
- )
- .map_err(|e| Error::NewPlayStreamFailed(e))?;
- // Plays zeros for at most DURATION_MS.
- for i in 0..iterations {
- if calib_finished.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
- break;
- }
- let mut buffer = stream
- .next_playback_buffer()
- .map_err(|e| Error::NextPlaybackBufferFailed(e))?;
- let _write_frames = buffer.write(&local_buffer).map_err(Error::PlaybackFailed)?;
- // Notifies the main thread to start the calibration.
- // The mute playing time need to be longer than WARM_UP_DURATION_MS to get rdc properly.
- if i == warm_up_iterations {
- let (lock, cvar) = &*playback_started;
- let mut started = lock.lock()?;
- *started = true;
- cvar.notify_one();
- }
- // The playback_started lock is unlocked here when `started` goes out of scope.
- }
- // Returns an error if the calibration is not finished before playback stops.
- if !calib_finished.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
- return Err(Error::CalibrationTimeout);
- }
- Ok(())
- });
- Ok(handle)
- }
- /// Skips max98390d boot time calibration when the speaker may be hot.
- ///
- /// If datastore exists, applies the stored value and sets volume to high.
- /// If datastore does not exist, sets volume to low.
- pub fn hot_speaker_workflow(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- if let Ok(sci_calib) = Datastore::from_file(, &self.setting.calib_file) {
- self.apply_datastore(sci_calib)?;
- self.set_volume(VolumeMode::High)?;
- return Ok(());
- }
- info!("no datastore, set volume low");
- self.set_volume(VolumeMode::Low)
- }