# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Generates BoringSSL documentation and uploads it to Cloud Storage.""" DEPS = [ 'bot_update', 'gclient', 'gsutil', 'path', 'properties', 'python', ] def RunSteps(api): # Sync and pull in everything. api.gclient.set_config('boringssl') api.bot_update.ensure_checkout(force=True) api.gclient.runhooks() # Set up paths. util = api.path['checkout'].join('util') go_env = util.join('bot', 'go', 'env.py') output = api.path.mkdtemp('boringssl-docs') # Generate and upload documentation. api.python('generate', go_env, ['go', 'run', 'doc.go', '-out', output], cwd=util) api.gsutil(['-m', 'cp', '-a', 'public-read', api.path.join(output, '**'), 'gs://chromium-boringssl-docs/']) def GenTests(api): yield api.test('boringssl-docs') + \ api.properties.generic(mastername='client.boringssl', buildername='docs', slavename='slavename')