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authorHaitao Shan <>2019-11-06 13:39:17 -0800
committerHaitao Shan <>2019-11-06 13:39:17 -0800
commit5e1e4edf91bbd320dfd914b210a2f47d5533ac50 (patch)
parentd9c0b9070fc0aca672f828bc7c34c093fca059a0 (diff)
Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors 1.0
122 files changed, 17220 insertions, 29512 deletions
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+# How to Contribute
+We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are
+just a few small guidelines you need to follow.
+## Contributor License Agreement
+Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
+Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution;
+this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as
+part of the project. Head over to <> to see
+your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
+You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one
+(even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it
+## Code reviews
+All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
+use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult
+[GitHub Help]( for more
+information on using pull requests.
+## Community Guidelines
+This project follows [Google's Open Source Community
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+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
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+# Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors
+Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors is a hypervisor to
+accelerate [Android Emulator][android-studio]. It is made by porting KVM to
+Windows (Windows 7 or later, 64bit).
+Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors runs as a Windows driver.
+User space support for Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors is
+available from Android Emulator.
+## Downloads
+Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors is released through
+## Contributing
+If you would like to contribute a patch to the code base, please read
+[these guidelines](
+## Reporting an Issue
+You are welcome to file an issue at [Issuetracker]. Please remember to supply
+your OS information, CPU model in addition to details on the issue.
+## Notes
+At the time of open source releasing, user space support from [qemu] is NOT
+offered. But it should be straight forward if you need to port from Android
+Emulator to qemu.
+As its name suggests, Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors is
+developed and tested on AMD platform. We only make our best effort in keeping
+Intel Processor support.
diff --git a/__asm.h b/__asm.h
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+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+// assembly function declaration
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+extern u16 gvm_read_ldt(void);
+extern void gvm_load_ldt(u16 sel);
+extern void load_TR_desc(void);
+extern u16 gvm_read_tr(void);
+extern void gvm_load_tr(u16 sel);
+#pragma warning(disable : 4210)
+#define savesegment(seg, value) \
+extern u16 save_##seg ##_segment(void); \
+value = save_##seg ##_segment()
+#define loadsegment(seg, value) \
+extern u16 load_##seg ##_segment(u16 sel); \
+load_##seg ##_segment(value)
+extern void load_gs_index(u16 value);
+extern void __asm_vmx_vcpu_run(void *vmx);
+extern void __asm_vmx_handle_external_intr(size_t entry);
+extern void __asm_svm_vcpu_run(void *svm);
+extern void __int2(void);
+extern void __int12(void);
+//debug register
+extern u64 __read_dr0();
+extern u64 __read_dr1();
+extern u64 __read_dr2();
+extern u64 __read_dr3();
+extern u64 __read_dr6();
+extern u64 __read_dr7();
+extern void __write_dr0(u64 val);
+extern void __write_dr1(u64 val);
+extern void __write_dr2(u64 val);
+extern void __write_dr3(u64 val);
+extern void __write_dr6(u64 val);
+extern void __write_dr7(u64 val);
+#define dr_read_case(regno) \
+case regno: \
+ val = __read_dr##regno(); \
+ break
+static __forceinline u64 __get_debugreg(int regno)
+ u64 val = 0;
+ switch (regno) {
+ dr_read_case(0);
+ dr_read_case(1);
+ dr_read_case(2);
+ dr_read_case(3);
+ dr_read_case(6);
+ dr_read_case(7);
+ default:
+ BUG();
+ }
+ return val;
+#define get_debugreg(a, b) a = __get_debugreg(b)
+#define dr_write_case(regno) \
+case regno: \
+ __write_dr##regno(val); \
+ break
+static __forceinline void set_debugreg(u64 val, int regno)
+ switch (regno) {
+ dr_write_case(0);
+ dr_write_case(1);
+ dr_write_case(2);
+ dr_write_case(3);
+ dr_write_case(6);
+ dr_write_case(7);
+ default:
+ BUG();
+ }
+extern void __asm_save_mm0(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm1(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm2(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm3(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm4(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm5(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm6(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_save_mm7(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm0(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm1(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm2(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm3(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm4(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm5(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm6(u64 *data);
+extern void __asm_store_mm7(u64 *data);
+extern void __fninit(void);
+extern void __fnstcw(u16 *fcw);
+extern void __fnstsw(u16 *fcw);
+extern void __fwait(void);
+extern void __clts(void);
+extern void __bswap64(u64 *val);
+extern void __bswap32(u32 *val);
+#define read_cr0 __readcr0
+#define read_cr3 __readcr3
+#define stts() __writecr0(__readcr0() | X86_CR0_TS)
+#define load_gdt(pdesc) _lgdt((void *)pdesc)
+#define load_idt(pdesc) __lidt((void *)pdesc)
+static __forceinline size_t cr4_read_shadow(void)
+ return __readcr4();
+static __forceinline void cr4_set_bits(size_t mask)
+ size_t cr4 = __readcr4();
+ if ((cr4 | mask) != cr4)
+ {
+ cr4 |= mask;
+ __writecr4(cr4);
+ }
+static __forceinline void cr4_clear_bits(size_t mask)
+ size_t cr4 = __readcr4();
+ if ((cr4 & ~mask) != cr4)
+ {
+ cr4 &= ~mask;
+ __writecr4(cr4);
+ }
+static __forceinline void native_store_gdt(void *gdt)
+ _sgdt(gdt);
+static __forceinline void native_store_idt(void *idt)
+ __sidt(idt);
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+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/apicdef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_APICDEF_H
+#define _ASM_X86_APICDEF_H
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+ * Constants for various Intel APICs. (local APIC, IOAPIC, etc.)
+ *
+ * Alan Cox <>, 1995.
+ * Ingo Molnar <>, 1999, 2000
+ */
+#define IO_APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE 0xfec00000
+#define APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE 0xfee00000
+ * This is the IO-APIC register space as specified
+ * by Intel docs:
+ */
+#define IO_APIC_SLOT_SIZE 1024
+#define APIC_ID 0x20
+#define APIC_LVR 0x30
+#define APIC_LVR_MASK 0xFF00FF
+#define APIC_LVR_DIRECTED_EOI (1 << 24)
+#define GET_APIC_VERSION(x) ((x) & 0xFFu)
+#define GET_APIC_MAXLVT(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xFFu)
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+# define APIC_INTEGRATED(x) ((x) & 0xF0u)
+# define APIC_INTEGRATED(x) (1)
+#define APIC_XAPIC(x) ((x) >= 0x14)
+#define APIC_EXT_SPACE(x) ((x) & 0x80000000)
+#define APIC_TASKPRI 0x80
+#define APIC_TPRI_MASK 0xFFu
+#define APIC_ARBPRI 0x90
+#define APIC_PROCPRI 0xA0
+#define APIC_EOI 0xB0
+#define APIC_EOI_ACK 0x0 /* Docs say 0 for future compat. */
+#define APIC_RRR 0xC0
+#define APIC_LDR 0xD0
+#define APIC_LDR_MASK (0xFFu << 24)
+#define GET_APIC_LOGICAL_ID(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xFFu)
+#define SET_APIC_LOGICAL_ID(x) (((x) << 24))
+#define APIC_ALL_CPUS 0xFFu
+#define APIC_DFR 0xE0
+#define APIC_SPIV 0xF0
+#define APIC_SPIV_DIRECTED_EOI (1 << 12)
+#define APIC_SPIV_FOCUS_DISABLED (1 << 9)
+#define APIC_SPIV_APIC_ENABLED (1 << 8)
+#define APIC_ISR 0x100
+#define APIC_ISR_NR 0x8 /* Number of 32 bit ISR registers. */
+#define APIC_TMR 0x180
+#define APIC_IRR 0x200
+#define APIC_ESR 0x280
+#define APIC_ESR_SEND_CS 0x00001
+#define APIC_ESR_RECV_CS 0x00002
+#define APIC_ESR_SEND_ACC 0x00004
+#define APIC_ESR_RECV_ACC 0x00008
+#define APIC_ESR_SENDILL 0x00020
+#define APIC_ESR_RECVILL 0x00040
+#define APIC_ESR_ILLREGA 0x00080
+#define APIC_LVTCMCI 0x2f0
+#define APIC_ICR 0x300
+#define APIC_DEST_SELF 0x40000
+#define APIC_DEST_ALLINC 0x80000
+#define APIC_DEST_ALLBUT 0xC0000
+#define APIC_ICR_RR_MASK 0x30000
+#define APIC_ICR_RR_INVALID 0x00000
+#define APIC_ICR_RR_INPROG 0x10000
+#define APIC_ICR_RR_VALID 0x20000
+#define APIC_INT_LEVELTRIG 0x08000
+#define APIC_INT_ASSERT 0x04000
+#define APIC_ICR_BUSY 0x01000
+#define APIC_DEST_LOGICAL 0x00800
+#define APIC_DEST_PHYSICAL 0x00000
+#define APIC_DM_FIXED 0x00000
+#define APIC_DM_FIXED_MASK 0x00700
+#define APIC_DM_LOWEST 0x00100
+#define APIC_DM_SMI 0x00200
+#define APIC_DM_NMI 0x00400
+#define APIC_DM_INIT 0x00500
+#define APIC_DM_STARTUP 0x00600
+#define APIC_DM_EXTINT 0x00700
+#define APIC_VECTOR_MASK 0x000FF
+#define APIC_ICR2 0x310
+#define GET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xFF)
+#define SET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(x) ((x) << 24)
+#define APIC_LVTT 0x320
+#define APIC_LVTTHMR 0x330
+#define APIC_LVTPC 0x340
+#define APIC_LVT0 0x350
+#define APIC_LVT_TIMER_BASE_MASK (0x3 << 18)
+#define GET_APIC_TIMER_BASE(x) (((x) >> 18) & 0x3)
+#define SET_APIC_TIMER_BASE(x) (((x) << 18))
+#define APIC_TIMER_BASE_DIV 0x2
+#define APIC_LVT_TIMER_ONESHOT (0 << 17)
+#define APIC_LVT_TIMER_PERIODIC (1 << 17)
+#define APIC_LVT_MASKED (1 << 16)
+#define APIC_LVT_LEVEL_TRIGGER (1 << 15)
+#define APIC_LVT_REMOTE_IRR (1 << 14)
+#define APIC_INPUT_POLARITY (1 << 13)
+#define APIC_SEND_PENDING (1 << 12)
+#define APIC_MODE_MASK 0x700
+#define GET_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0x7)
+#define SET_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE(x, y) (((x) & ~0x700) | ((y) << 8))
+#define APIC_MODE_FIXED 0x0
+#define APIC_MODE_NMI 0x4
+#define APIC_MODE_EXTINT 0x7
+#define APIC_LVT1 0x360
+#define APIC_LVTERR 0x370
+#define APIC_TMICT 0x380
+#define APIC_TMCCT 0x390
+#define APIC_TDCR 0x3E0
+#define APIC_SELF_IPI 0x3F0
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_TMBASE (1 << 2)
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_1 0xB
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_2 0x0
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_4 0x1
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_8 0x2
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_16 0x3
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_32 0x8
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_64 0x9
+#define APIC_TDR_DIV_128 0xA
+#define APIC_EFEAT 0x400
+#define APIC_ECTRL 0x410
+#define APIC_EILVTn(n) (0x500 + 0x10 * n)
+#define APIC_EILVT_NR_AMD_K8 1 /* # of extended interrupts */
+#define APIC_EILVT_NR_AMD_10H 4
+#define APIC_EILVT_LVTOFF(x) (((x) >> 4) & 0xF)
+#define APIC_EILVT_MSG_FIX 0x0
+#define APIC_EILVT_MSG_SMI 0x2
+#define APIC_EILVT_MSG_NMI 0x4
+#define APIC_EILVT_MSG_EXT 0x7
+#define APIC_EILVT_MASKED (1 << 16)
+#define APIC_BASE (fix_to_virt(FIX_APIC_BASE))
+#define APIC_BASE_MSR 0x800
+#define XAPIC_ENABLE (1ULL << 11)
+#define X2APIC_ENABLE (1ULL << 10)
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+# define MAX_IO_APICS 64
+# define MAX_LOCAL_APIC 256
+# define MAX_IO_APICS 128
+# define MAX_LOCAL_APIC 32768
+ * All x86-64 systems are xAPIC compatible.
+ * In the following, "apicid" is a physical APIC ID.
+ */
+#define APIC_CLUSTER(apicid) ((apicid) & XAPIC_DEST_CLUSTER_MASK)
+#define APIC_CPUID(apicid) ((apicid) & XAPIC_DEST_CPUS_MASK)
+ * the local APIC register structure, memory mapped. Not terribly well
+ * tested, but we might eventually use this one in the future - the
+ * problem why we cannot use it right now is the P5 APIC, it has an
+ * errata which cannot take 8-bit reads and writes, only 32-bit ones ...
+ */
+#define u32 unsigned int
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+// It seems Windows SDK/WDK defines __reserved which causes conflict here
+#undef __reserved
+struct local_apic {
+ /*000*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_01;
+ /*010*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_02;
+ /*020*/ struct { /* APIC ID Register */
+ u32 __reserved_1 : 24,
+ phys_apic_id : 4,
+ __reserved_2 : 4;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } id;
+ /*030*/ const
+ struct { /* APIC Version Register */
+ u32 version : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 8,
+ max_lvt : 8,
+ __reserved_2 : 8;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } version;
+ /*040*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_03;
+ /*050*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_04;
+ /*060*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_05;
+ /*070*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_06;
+ /*080*/ struct { /* Task Priority Register */
+ u32 priority : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 24;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } tpr;
+ /*090*/ const
+ struct { /* Arbitration Priority Register */
+ u32 priority : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 24;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } apr;
+ /*0A0*/ const
+ struct { /* Processor Priority Register */
+ u32 priority : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 24;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } ppr;
+ /*0B0*/ struct { /* End Of Interrupt Register */
+ u32 eoi;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } eoi;
+ /*0C0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_07;
+ /*0D0*/ struct { /* Logical Destination Register */
+ u32 __reserved_1 : 24,
+ logical_dest : 8;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } ldr;
+ /*0E0*/ struct { /* Destination Format Register */
+ u32 __reserved_1 : 28,
+ model : 4;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } dfr;
+ /*0F0*/ struct { /* Spurious Interrupt Vector Register */
+ u32 spurious_vector : 8,
+ apic_enabled : 1,
+ focus_cpu : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 22;
+ u32 __reserved_3[3];
+ } svr;
+ /*100*/ struct { /* In Service Register */
+ /*170*/ u32 bitfield;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } isr[8];
+ /*180*/ struct { /* Trigger Mode Register */
+ /*1F0*/ u32 bitfield;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } tmr[8];
+ /*200*/ struct { /* Interrupt Request Register */
+ /*270*/ u32 bitfield;
+ u32 __reserved[3];
+ } irr[8];
+ /*280*/ union { /* Error Status Register */
+ struct {
+ u32 send_cs_error : 1,
+ receive_cs_error : 1,
+ send_accept_error : 1,
+ receive_accept_error : 1,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ send_illegal_vector : 1,
+ receive_illegal_vector : 1,
+ illegal_register_address : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 24;
+ u32 __reserved_3[3];
+ } error_bits;
+ struct {
+ u32 errors;
+ u32 __reserved_3[3];
+ } all_errors;
+ } esr;
+ /*290*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_08;
+ /*2A0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_09;
+ /*2B0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_10;
+ /*2C0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_11;
+ /*2D0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_12;
+ /*2E0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_13;
+ /*2F0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_14;
+ /*300*/ struct { /* Interrupt Command Register 1 */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ delivery_mode : 3,
+ destination_mode : 1,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ level : 1,
+ trigger : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 2,
+ shorthand : 2,
+ __reserved_3 : 12;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } icr1;
+ /*310*/ struct { /* Interrupt Command Register 2 */
+ union {
+ u32 __reserved_1 : 24,
+ phys_dest : 4,
+ __reserved_2 : 4;
+ u32 __reserved_3 : 24,
+ logical_dest : 8;
+ } dest;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } icr2;
+ /*320*/ struct { /* LVT - Timer */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 4,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 3,
+ mask : 1,
+ timer_mode : 1,
+ __reserved_3 : 14;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } lvt_timer;
+ /*330*/ struct { /* LVT - Thermal Sensor */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ delivery_mode : 3,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 3,
+ mask : 1,
+ __reserved_3 : 15;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } lvt_thermal;
+ /*340*/ struct { /* LVT - Performance Counter */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ delivery_mode : 3,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 3,
+ mask : 1,
+ __reserved_3 : 15;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } lvt_pc;
+ /*350*/ struct { /* LVT - LINT0 */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ delivery_mode : 3,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ polarity : 1,
+ remote_irr : 1,
+ trigger : 1,
+ mask : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 15;
+ u32 __reserved_3[3];
+ } lvt_lint0;
+ /*360*/ struct { /* LVT - LINT1 */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ delivery_mode : 3,
+ __reserved_1 : 1,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ polarity : 1,
+ remote_irr : 1,
+ trigger : 1,
+ mask : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 15;
+ u32 __reserved_3[3];
+ } lvt_lint1;
+ /*370*/ struct { /* LVT - Error */
+ u32 vector : 8,
+ __reserved_1 : 4,
+ delivery_status : 1,
+ __reserved_2 : 3,
+ mask : 1,
+ __reserved_3 : 15;
+ u32 __reserved_4[3];
+ } lvt_error;
+ /*380*/ struct { /* Timer Initial Count Register */
+ u32 initial_count;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } timer_icr;
+ /*390*/ const
+ struct { /* Timer Current Count Register */
+ u32 curr_count;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } timer_ccr;
+ /*3A0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_16;
+ /*3B0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_17;
+ /*3C0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_18;
+ /*3D0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_19;
+ /*3E0*/ struct { /* Timer Divide Configuration Register */
+ u32 divisor : 4,
+ __reserved_1 : 28;
+ u32 __reserved_2[3];
+ } timer_dcr;
+ /*3F0*/ struct { u32 __reserved[4]; } __reserved_20;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#undef u32
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+ #define BAD_APICID 0xFFu
+ #define BAD_APICID 0xFFFFu
+enum ioapic_irq_destination_types {
+ dest_Fixed = 0,
+ dest_LowestPrio = 1,
+ dest_SMI = 2,
+ dest__reserved_1 = 3,
+ dest_NMI = 4,
+ dest_INIT = 5,
+ dest__reserved_2 = 6,
+ dest_ExtINT = 7
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_APICDEF_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/cpufeatures.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/cpufeatures.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7cc6ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/cpufeatures.h
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+ * Defines x86 CPU feature bits
+ */
+#define NCAPINTS 18 /* N 32-bit words worth of info */
+#define NBUGINTS 1 /* N 32-bit bug flags */
+ * Note: If the comment begins with a quoted string, that string is used
+ * in /proc/cpuinfo instead of the macro name. If the string is "",
+ * this feature bit is not displayed in /proc/cpuinfo at all.
+ */
+/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000001 (edx), word 0 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FPU ( 0*32+ 0) /* Onboard FPU */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VME ( 0*32+ 1) /* Virtual Mode Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DE ( 0*32+ 2) /* Debugging Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PSE ( 0*32+ 3) /* Page Size Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TSC ( 0*32+ 4) /* Time Stamp Counter */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MSR ( 0*32+ 5) /* Model-Specific Registers */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PAE ( 0*32+ 6) /* Physical Address Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MCE ( 0*32+ 7) /* Machine Check Exception */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CX8 ( 0*32+ 8) /* CMPXCHG8 instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_APIC ( 0*32+ 9) /* Onboard APIC */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SEP ( 0*32+11) /* SYSENTER/SYSEXIT */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MTRR ( 0*32+12) /* Memory Type Range Registers */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PGE ( 0*32+13) /* Page Global Enable */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MCA ( 0*32+14) /* Machine Check Architecture */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CMOV ( 0*32+15) /* CMOV instructions */
+ /* (plus FCMOVcc, FCOMI with FPU) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PAT ( 0*32+16) /* Page Attribute Table */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PSE36 ( 0*32+17) /* 36-bit PSEs */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PN ( 0*32+18) /* Processor serial number */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CLFLUSH ( 0*32+19) /* CLFLUSH instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DS ( 0*32+21) /* "dts" Debug Store */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ACPI ( 0*32+22) /* ACPI via MSR */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MMX ( 0*32+23) /* Multimedia Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FXSR ( 0*32+24) /* FXSAVE/FXRSTOR, CR4.OSFXSR */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XMM ( 0*32+25) /* "sse" */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XMM2 ( 0*32+26) /* "sse2" */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SELFSNOOP ( 0*32+27) /* "ss" CPU self snoop */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HT ( 0*32+28) /* Hyper-Threading */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ACC ( 0*32+29) /* "tm" Automatic clock control */
+#define X86_FEATURE_IA64 ( 0*32+30) /* IA-64 processor */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PBE ( 0*32+31) /* Pending Break Enable */
+/* AMD-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80000001, word 1 */
+/* Don't duplicate feature flags which are redundant with Intel! */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SYSCALL ( 1*32+11) /* SYSCALL/SYSRET */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MP ( 1*32+19) /* MP Capable. */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NX ( 1*32+20) /* Execute Disable */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MMXEXT ( 1*32+22) /* AMD MMX extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FXSR_OPT ( 1*32+25) /* FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations */
+#define X86_FEATURE_GBPAGES ( 1*32+26) /* "pdpe1gb" GB pages */
+#define X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP ( 1*32+27) /* RDTSCP */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LM ( 1*32+29) /* Long Mode (x86-64) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOWEXT ( 1*32+30) /* AMD 3DNow! extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOW ( 1*32+31) /* 3DNow! */
+/* Transmeta-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80860001, word 2 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_RECOVERY ( 2*32+ 0) /* CPU in recovery mode */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LONGRUN ( 2*32+ 1) /* Longrun power control */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LRTI ( 2*32+ 3) /* LongRun table interface */
+/* Other features, Linux-defined mapping, word 3 */
+/* This range is used for feature bits which conflict or are synthesized */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CXMMX ( 3*32+ 0) /* Cyrix MMX extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_K6_MTRR ( 3*32+ 1) /* AMD K6 nonstandard MTRRs */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CYRIX_ARR ( 3*32+ 2) /* Cyrix ARRs (= MTRRs) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CENTAUR_MCR ( 3*32+ 3) /* Centaur MCRs (= MTRRs) */
+/* cpu types for specific tunings: */
+#define X86_FEATURE_K8 ( 3*32+ 4) /* "" Opteron, Athlon64 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_K7 ( 3*32+ 5) /* "" Athlon */
+#define X86_FEATURE_P3 ( 3*32+ 6) /* "" P3 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_P4 ( 3*32+ 7) /* "" P4 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC ( 3*32+ 8) /* TSC ticks at a constant rate */
+#define X86_FEATURE_UP ( 3*32+ 9) /* smp kernel running on up */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ART ( 3*32+10) /* Platform has always running timer (ART) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ARCH_PERFMON ( 3*32+11) /* Intel Architectural PerfMon */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PEBS ( 3*32+12) /* Precise-Event Based Sampling */
+#define X86_FEATURE_BTS ( 3*32+13) /* Branch Trace Store */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SYSCALL32 ( 3*32+14) /* "" syscall in ia32 userspace */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SYSENTER32 ( 3*32+15) /* "" sysenter in ia32 userspace */
+#define X86_FEATURE_REP_GOOD ( 3*32+16) /* rep microcode works well */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MFENCE_RDTSC ( 3*32+17) /* "" Mfence synchronizes RDTSC */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LFENCE_RDTSC ( 3*32+18) /* "" Lfence synchronizes RDTSC */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ACC_POWER ( 3*32+19) /* AMD Accumulated Power Mechanism */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NOPL ( 3*32+20) /* The NOPL (0F 1F) instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ALWAYS ( 3*32+21) /* "" Always-present feature */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XTOPOLOGY ( 3*32+22) /* cpu topology enum extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE ( 3*32+23) /* TSC is known to be reliable */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC ( 3*32+24) /* TSC does not stop in C states */
+/* free, was #define X86_FEATURE_CLFLUSH_MONITOR ( 3*32+25) * "" clflush reqd with monitor */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EXTD_APICID ( 3*32+26) /* has extended APICID (8 bits) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AMD_DCM ( 3*32+27) /* multi-node processor */
+#define X86_FEATURE_APERFMPERF ( 3*32+28) /* APERFMPERF */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EAGER_FPU ( 3*32+29) /* "eagerfpu" Non lazy FPU restore */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC_S3 ( 3*32+30) /* TSC doesn't stop in S3 state */
+/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000001 (ecx), word 4 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XMM3 ( 4*32+ 0) /* "pni" SSE-3 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PCLMULQDQ ( 4*32+ 1) /* PCLMULQDQ instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DTES64 ( 4*32+ 2) /* 64-bit Debug Store */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MWAIT ( 4*32+ 3) /* "monitor" Monitor/Mwait support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DSCPL ( 4*32+ 4) /* "ds_cpl" CPL Qual. Debug Store */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VMX ( 4*32+ 5) /* Hardware virtualization */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SMX ( 4*32+ 6) /* Safer mode */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EST ( 4*32+ 7) /* Enhanced SpeedStep */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TM2 ( 4*32+ 8) /* Thermal Monitor 2 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SSSE3 ( 4*32+ 9) /* Supplemental SSE-3 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CID ( 4*32+10) /* Context ID */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SDBG ( 4*32+11) /* Silicon Debug */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FMA ( 4*32+12) /* Fused multiply-add */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CX16 ( 4*32+13) /* CMPXCHG16B */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XTPR ( 4*32+14) /* Send Task Priority Messages */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PDCM ( 4*32+15) /* Performance Capabilities */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PCID ( 4*32+17) /* Process Context Identifiers */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DCA ( 4*32+18) /* Direct Cache Access */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XMM4_1 ( 4*32+19) /* "sse4_1" SSE-4.1 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XMM4_2 ( 4*32+20) /* "sse4_2" SSE-4.2 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_X2APIC ( 4*32+21) /* x2APIC */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MOVBE ( 4*32+22) /* MOVBE instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_POPCNT ( 4*32+23) /* POPCNT instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TSC_DEADLINE_TIMER ( 4*32+24) /* Tsc deadline timer */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AES ( 4*32+25) /* AES instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_OSXSAVE ( 4*32+27) /* "" XSAVE enabled in the OS */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX ( 4*32+28) /* Advanced Vector Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_F16C ( 4*32+29) /* 16-bit fp conversions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_RDRAND ( 4*32+30) /* The RDRAND instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HYPERVISOR ( 4*32+31) /* Running on a hypervisor */
+/* VIA/Cyrix/Centaur-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0xC0000001, word 5 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XSTORE ( 5*32+ 2) /* "rng" RNG present (xstore) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XSTORE_EN ( 5*32+ 3) /* "rng_en" RNG enabled */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT ( 5*32+ 6) /* "ace" on-CPU crypto (xcrypt) */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT_EN ( 5*32+ 7) /* "ace_en" on-CPU crypto enabled */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ACE2 ( 5*32+ 8) /* Advanced Cryptography Engine v2 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ACE2_EN ( 5*32+ 9) /* ACE v2 enabled */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PHE ( 5*32+10) /* PadLock Hash Engine */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PHE_EN ( 5*32+11) /* PHE enabled */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PMM ( 5*32+12) /* PadLock Montgomery Multiplier */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PMM_EN ( 5*32+13) /* PMM enabled */
+/* More extended AMD flags: CPUID level 0x80000001, ecx, word 6 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LAHF_LM ( 6*32+ 0) /* LAHF/SAHF in long mode */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CMP_LEGACY ( 6*32+ 1) /* If yes HyperThreading not valid */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SVM ( 6*32+ 2) /* Secure virtual machine */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EXTAPIC ( 6*32+ 3) /* Extended APIC space */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CR8_LEGACY ( 6*32+ 4) /* CR8 in 32-bit mode */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ABM ( 6*32+ 5) /* Advanced bit manipulation */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SSE4A ( 6*32+ 6) /* SSE-4A */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MISALIGNSSE ( 6*32+ 7) /* Misaligned SSE mode */
+#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOWPREFETCH ( 6*32+ 8) /* 3DNow prefetch instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_OSVW ( 6*32+ 9) /* OS Visible Workaround */
+#define X86_FEATURE_IBS ( 6*32+10) /* Instruction Based Sampling */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XOP ( 6*32+11) /* extended AVX instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SKINIT ( 6*32+12) /* SKINIT/STGI instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_WDT ( 6*32+13) /* Watchdog timer */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LWP ( 6*32+15) /* Light Weight Profiling */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FMA4 ( 6*32+16) /* 4 operands MAC instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TCE ( 6*32+17) /* translation cache extension */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NODEID_MSR ( 6*32+19) /* NodeId MSR */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TBM ( 6*32+21) /* trailing bit manipulations */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TOPOEXT ( 6*32+22) /* topology extensions CPUID leafs */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PERFCTR_CORE ( 6*32+23) /* core performance counter extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PERFCTR_NB ( 6*32+24) /* NB performance counter extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_BPEXT (6*32+26) /* data breakpoint extension */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PTSC ( 6*32+27) /* performance time-stamp counter */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PERFCTR_L2 ( 6*32+28) /* L2 performance counter extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MWAITX ( 6*32+29) /* MWAIT extension (MONITORX/MWAITX) */
+ * Auxiliary flags: Linux defined - For features scattered in various
+ * CPUID levels like 0x6, 0xA etc, word 7.
+ *
+ * Reuse free bits when adding new feature flags!
+ */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CPB ( 7*32+ 2) /* AMD Core Performance Boost */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EPB ( 7*32+ 3) /* IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HW_PSTATE ( 7*32+ 8) /* AMD HW-PState */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PROC_FEEDBACK ( 7*32+ 9) /* AMD ProcFeedbackInterface */
+#define X86_FEATURE_INTEL_PT ( 7*32+15) /* Intel Processor Trace */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512_4VNNIW (7*32+16) /* AVX-512 Neural Network Instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512_4FMAPS (7*32+17) /* AVX-512 Multiply Accumulation Single precision */
+/* Virtualization flags: Linux defined, word 8 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TPR_SHADOW ( 8*32+ 0) /* Intel TPR Shadow */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VNMI ( 8*32+ 1) /* Intel Virtual NMI */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FLEXPRIORITY ( 8*32+ 2) /* Intel FlexPriority */
+#define X86_FEATURE_EPT ( 8*32+ 3) /* Intel Extended Page Table */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VPID ( 8*32+ 4) /* Intel Virtual Processor ID */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VMMCALL ( 8*32+15) /* Prefer vmmcall to vmcall */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XENPV ( 8*32+16) /* "" Xen paravirtual guest */
+/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000007:0 (ebx), word 9 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FSGSBASE ( 9*32+ 0) /* {RD/WR}{FS/GS}BASE instructions*/
+#define X86_FEATURE_TSC_ADJUST ( 9*32+ 1) /* TSC adjustment MSR 0x3b */
+#define X86_FEATURE_BMI1 ( 9*32+ 3) /* 1st group bit manipulation extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HLE ( 9*32+ 4) /* Hardware Lock Elision */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX2 ( 9*32+ 5) /* AVX2 instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SMEP ( 9*32+ 7) /* Supervisor Mode Execution Protection */
+#define X86_FEATURE_BMI2 ( 9*32+ 8) /* 2nd group bit manipulation extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ERMS ( 9*32+ 9) /* Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB */
+#define X86_FEATURE_INVPCID ( 9*32+10) /* Invalidate Processor Context ID */
+#define X86_FEATURE_RTM ( 9*32+11) /* Restricted Transactional Memory */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CQM ( 9*32+12) /* Cache QoS Monitoring */
+#define X86_FEATURE_MPX ( 9*32+14) /* Memory Protection Extension */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512F ( 9*32+16) /* AVX-512 Foundation */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512DQ ( 9*32+17) /* AVX-512 DQ (Double/Quad granular) Instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_RDSEED ( 9*32+18) /* The RDSEED instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ADX ( 9*32+19) /* The ADCX and ADOX instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SMAP ( 9*32+20) /* Supervisor Mode Access Prevention */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CLFLUSHOPT ( 9*32+23) /* CLFLUSHOPT instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CLWB ( 9*32+24) /* CLWB instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512PF ( 9*32+26) /* AVX-512 Prefetch */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512ER ( 9*32+27) /* AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512CD ( 9*32+28) /* AVX-512 Conflict Detection */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SHA_NI ( 9*32+29) /* SHA1/SHA256 Instruction Extensions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512BW ( 9*32+30) /* AVX-512 BW (Byte/Word granular) Instructions */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVX512VL ( 9*32+31) /* AVX-512 VL (128/256 Vector Length) Extensions */
+/* Extended state features, CPUID level 0x0000000d:1 (eax), word 10 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XSAVEOPT (10*32+ 0) /* XSAVEOPT */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XSAVEC (10*32+ 1) /* XSAVEC */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XGETBV1 (10*32+ 2) /* XGETBV with ECX = 1 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_XSAVES (10*32+ 3) /* XSAVES/XRSTORS */
+/* Intel-defined CPU QoS Sub-leaf, CPUID level 0x0000000F:0 (edx), word 11 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CQM_LLC (11*32+ 1) /* LLC QoS if 1 */
+/* Intel-defined CPU QoS Sub-leaf, CPUID level 0x0000000F:1 (edx), word 12 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CQM_OCCUP_LLC (12*32+ 0) /* LLC occupancy monitoring if 1 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CQM_MBM_TOTAL (12*32+ 1) /* LLC Total MBM monitoring */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CQM_MBM_LOCAL (12*32+ 2) /* LLC Local MBM monitoring */
+/* AMD-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80000008 (ebx), word 13 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_CLZERO (13*32+0) /* CLZERO instruction */
+#define X86_FEATURE_IRPERF (13*32+1) /* Instructions Retired Count */
+/* Thermal and Power Management Leaf, CPUID level 0x00000006 (eax), word 14 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DTHERM (14*32+ 0) /* Digital Thermal Sensor */
+#define X86_FEATURE_IDA (14*32+ 1) /* Intel Dynamic Acceleration */
+#define X86_FEATURE_ARAT (14*32+ 2) /* Always Running APIC Timer */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PLN (14*32+ 4) /* Intel Power Limit Notification */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PTS (14*32+ 6) /* Intel Package Thermal Status */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HWP (14*32+ 7) /* Intel Hardware P-states */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HWP_NOTIFY (14*32+ 8) /* HWP Notification */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HWP_ACT_WINDOW (14*32+ 9) /* HWP Activity Window */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HWP_EPP (14*32+10) /* HWP Energy Perf. Preference */
+#define X86_FEATURE_HWP_PKG_REQ (14*32+11) /* HWP Package Level Request */
+/* AMD SVM Feature Identification, CPUID level 0x8000000a (edx), word 15 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NPT (15*32+ 0) /* Nested Page Table support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_LBRV (15*32+ 1) /* LBR Virtualization support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SVML (15*32+ 2) /* "svm_lock" SVM locking MSR */
+#define X86_FEATURE_NRIPS (15*32+ 3) /* "nrip_save" SVM next_rip save */
+#define X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR (15*32+ 4) /* "tsc_scale" TSC scaling support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_VMCBCLEAN (15*32+ 5) /* "vmcb_clean" VMCB clean bits support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_FLUSHBYASID (15*32+ 6) /* flush-by-ASID support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_DECODEASSISTS (15*32+ 7) /* Decode Assists support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PAUSEFILTER (15*32+10) /* filtered pause intercept */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PFTHRESHOLD (15*32+12) /* pause filter threshold */
+#define X86_FEATURE_AVIC (15*32+13) /* Virtual Interrupt Controller */
+/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000007:0 (ecx), word 16 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_PKU (16*32+ 3) /* Protection Keys for Userspace */
+#define X86_FEATURE_OSPKE (16*32+ 4) /* OS Protection Keys Enable */
+/* AMD-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80000007 (ebx), word 17 */
+#define X86_FEATURE_OVERFLOW_RECOV (17*32+0) /* MCA overflow recovery support */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SUCCOR (17*32+1) /* Uncorrectable error containment and recovery */
+#define X86_FEATURE_SMCA (17*32+3) /* Scalable MCA */
+ * BUG word(s)
+ */
+#define X86_BUG(x) (NCAPINTS*32 + (x))
+#define X86_BUG_F00F X86_BUG(0) /* Intel F00F */
+#define X86_BUG_FDIV X86_BUG(1) /* FPU FDIV */
+#define X86_BUG_COMA X86_BUG(2) /* Cyrix 6x86 coma */
+#define X86_BUG_AMD_TLB_MMATCH X86_BUG(3) /* "tlb_mmatch" AMD Erratum 383 */
+#define X86_BUG_AMD_APIC_C1E X86_BUG(4) /* "apic_c1e" AMD Erratum 400 */
+#define X86_BUG_11AP X86_BUG(5) /* Bad local APIC aka 11AP */
+#define X86_BUG_FXSAVE_LEAK X86_BUG(6) /* FXSAVE leaks FOP/FIP/FOP */
+#define X86_BUG_CLFLUSH_MONITOR X86_BUG(7) /* AAI65, CLFLUSH required before MONITOR */
+#define X86_BUG_SYSRET_SS_ATTRS X86_BUG(8) /* SYSRET doesn't fix up SS attrs */
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+ * 64-bit kernels don't use X86_BUG_ESPFIX. Make the define conditional
+ * to avoid confusion.
+ */
+#define X86_BUG_ESPFIX X86_BUG(9) /* "" IRET to 16-bit SS corrupts ESP/RSP high bits */
+#define X86_BUG_NULL_SEG X86_BUG(10) /* Nulling a selector preserves the base */
+#define X86_BUG_SWAPGS_FENCE X86_BUG(11) /* SWAPGS without input dep on GS */
+#define X86_BUG_MONITOR X86_BUG(12) /* IPI required to wake up remote CPU */
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_CPUFEATURES_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/fpu/types.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/fpu/types.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55397e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/fpu/types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+ * FPU data structures:
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_FPU_H
+#define _ASM_X86_FPU_H
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+ * The legacy x87 FPU state format, as saved by FSAVE and
+ * restored by the FRSTOR instructions:
+ */
+struct fregs_state {
+ u32 cwd; /* FPU Control Word */
+ u32 swd; /* FPU Status Word */
+ u32 twd; /* FPU Tag Word */
+ u32 fip; /* FPU IP Offset */
+ u32 fcs; /* FPU IP Selector */
+ u32 foo; /* FPU Operand Pointer Offset */
+ u32 fos; /* FPU Operand Pointer Selector */
+ /* 8*10 bytes for each FP-reg = 80 bytes: */
+ u32 st_space[20];
+ /* Software status information [not touched by FSAVE]: */
+ u32 status;
+ * The legacy fx SSE/MMX FPU state format, as saved by FXSAVE and
+ * restored by the FXRSTOR instructions. It's similar to the FSAVE
+ * format, but differs in some areas, plus has extensions at
+ * the end for the XMM registers.
+ */
+struct fxregs_state {
+ u16 cwd; /* Control Word */
+ u16 swd; /* Status Word */
+ u16 twd; /* Tag Word */
+ u16 fop; /* Last Instruction Opcode */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ u64 rip; /* Instruction Pointer */
+ u64 rdp; /* Data Pointer */
+ };
+ struct {
+ u32 fip; /* FPU IP Offset */
+ u32 fcs; /* FPU IP Selector */
+ u32 foo; /* FPU Operand Offset */
+ u32 fos; /* FPU Operand Selector */
+ };
+ };
+ u32 mxcsr; /* MXCSR Register State */
+ u32 mxcsr_mask; /* MXCSR Mask */
+ /* 8*16 bytes for each FP-reg = 128 bytes: */
+ u32 st_space[32];
+ /* 16*16 bytes for each XMM-reg = 256 bytes: */
+ u32 xmm_space[64];
+ u32 padding[12];
+ union {
+ u32 padding1[12];
+ u32 sw_reserved[12];
+ };
+/* Default value for fxregs_state.mxcsr: */
+#define MXCSR_DEFAULT 0x1f80
+ * Software based FPU emulation state. This is arbitrary really,
+ * it matches the x87 format to make it easier to understand:
+ */
+struct swregs_state {
+ u32 cwd;
+ u32 swd;
+ u32 twd;
+ u32 fip;
+ u32 fcs;
+ u32 foo;
+ u32 fos;
+ /* 8*10 bytes for each FP-reg = 80 bytes: */
+ u32 st_space[20];
+ u8 ftop;
+ u8 changed;
+ u8 lookahead;
+ u8 no_update;
+ u8 rm;
+ u8 alimit;
+ struct math_emu_info *info;
+ u32 entry_eip;
+ * List of XSAVE features Linux knows about:
+ */
+enum xfeature {
+ /*
+ * Values above here are "legacy states".
+ * Those below are "extended states".
+ */
+#define XFEATURE_MASK_ZMM_Hi256 (1 << XFEATURE_ZMM_Hi256)
+#define XFEATURE_MASK_Hi16_ZMM (1 << XFEATURE_Hi16_ZMM)
+struct reg_128_bit {
+ u8 regbytes[128/8];
+struct reg_256_bit {
+ u8 regbytes[256/8];
+struct reg_512_bit {
+ u8 regbytes[512/8];
+#undef __packed
+#define __packed
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ * State component 2:
+ *
+ * There are 16x 256-bit AVX registers named YMM0-YMM15.
+ * The low 128 bits are aliased to the 16 SSE registers (XMM0-XMM15)
+ * and are stored in 'struct fxregs_state::xmm_space[]' in the
+ * "legacy" area.
+ *
+ * The high 128 bits are stored here.
+ */
+struct ymmh_struct {
+ struct reg_128_bit hi_ymm[16];
+} __packed;
+/* Intel MPX support: */
+struct mpx_bndreg {
+ u64 lower_bound;
+ u64 upper_bound;
+} __packed;
+ * State component 3 is used for the 4 128-bit bounds registers
+ */
+struct mpx_bndreg_state {
+ struct mpx_bndreg bndreg[4];
+} __packed;
+ * State component 4 is used for the 64-bit user-mode MPX
+ * configuration register BNDCFGU and the 64-bit MPX status
+ * register BNDSTATUS. We call the pair "BNDCSR".
+ */
+struct mpx_bndcsr {
+ u64 bndcfgu;
+ u64 bndstatus;
+} __packed;
+ * The BNDCSR state is padded out to be 64-bytes in size.
+ */
+struct mpx_bndcsr_state {
+ union {
+ struct mpx_bndcsr bndcsr;
+ u8 pad_to_64_bytes[64];
+ };
+} __packed;
+/* AVX-512 Components: */
+ * State component 5 is used for the 8 64-bit opmask registers
+ * k0-k7 (opmask state).
+ */
+struct avx_512_opmask_state {
+ u64 opmask_reg[8];
+} __packed;
+ * State component 6 is used for the upper 256 bits of the
+ * registers ZMM0-ZMM15. These 16 256-bit values are denoted
+ * ZMM0_H-ZMM15_H (ZMM_Hi256 state).
+ */
+struct avx_512_zmm_uppers_state {
+ struct reg_256_bit zmm_upper[16];
+} __packed;
+ * State component 7 is used for the 16 512-bit registers
+ * ZMM16-ZMM31 (Hi16_ZMM state).
+ */
+struct avx_512_hi16_state {
+ struct reg_512_bit hi16_zmm[16];
+} __packed;
+ * State component 9: 32-bit PKRU register. The state is
+ * 8 bytes long but only 4 bytes is used currently.
+ */
+struct pkru_state {
+ u32 pkru;
+ u32 pad;
+} __packed;
+struct xstate_header {
+ u64 xfeatures;
+ u64 xcomp_bv;
+ u64 reserved[6];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * xstate_header.xcomp_bv[63] indicates that the extended_state_area
+ * is in compacted format.
+ */
+#define XCOMP_BV_COMPACTED_FORMAT ((u64)1 << 63)
+ * This is our most modern FPU state format, as saved by the XSAVE
+ * and restored by the XRSTOR instructions.
+ *
+ * It consists of a legacy fxregs portion, an xstate header and
+ * subsequent areas as defined by the xstate header. Not all CPUs
+ * support all the extensions, so the size of the extended area
+ * can vary quite a bit between CPUs.
+ */
+#pragma pack(push, 16)
+struct xregs_state {
+ struct fxregs_state i387;
+ struct xstate_header header;
+ u8 extended_state_area[0];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * This is a union of all the possible FPU state formats
+ * put together, so that we can pick the right one runtime.
+ *
+ * The size of the structure is determined by the largest
+ * member - which is the xsave area. The padding is there
+ * to ensure that statically-allocated task_structs (just
+ * the init_task today) have enough space.
+ */
+union fpu_state {
+ struct fxregs_state fxsave;
+ struct xregs_state xsave;
+ u8 __padding[PAGE_SIZE];
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_FPU_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_emulate.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_emulate.h
index e9cd7be..c195abb 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_emulate.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_emulate.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
* x86_emulate.h
@@ -11,7 +15,7 @@
#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_X86_EMULATE_H
#define _ASM_X86_KVM_X86_EMULATE_H
-#include <asm/desc_defs.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
struct x86_emulate_ctxt;
enum x86_intercept;
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to read from memory.
int (*read_std)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *val,
+ size_t addr, void *val,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @val: [OUT] Value read from memory.
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to read from memory.
- int (*read_phys)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, unsigned long addr,
+ int (*read_phys)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, size_t addr,
void *val, unsigned int bytes);
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to write to memory.
int (*write_std)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
+ size_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
* fetch: Read bytes of standard (non-emulated/special) memory.
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to read from memory.
int (*fetch)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
+ size_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to read from memory.
int (*read_emulated)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
+ size_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to write to memory.
int (*write_emulated)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, const void *val,
+ size_t addr, const void *val,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
@@ -173,9 +177,9 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
* @bytes: [IN ] Number of bytes to access using CMPXCHG.
int (*cmpxchg_emulated)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr,
+ size_t addr,
const void *old,
- const void *new,
+ const void *_new,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *fault);
void (*invlpg)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, ulong addr);
@@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
struct desc_struct *desc, u32 *base3, int seg);
void (*set_segment)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u16 selector,
struct desc_struct *desc, u32 base3, int seg);
- unsigned long (*get_cached_segment_base)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
+ size_t (*get_cached_segment_base)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
int seg);
void (*get_gdt)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct desc_ptr *dt);
void (*get_idt)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct desc_ptr *dt);
@@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_ops {
void (*set_nmi_mask)(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, bool masked);
-typedef u32 __attribute__((vector_size(16))) sse128_t;
+typedef u32 sse128_t[4];
/* Type, address-of, and value of an instruction's operand. */
struct operand {
@@ -231,11 +235,11 @@ struct operand {
unsigned int bytes;
unsigned int count;
union {
- unsigned long orig_val;
+ size_t orig_val;
u64 orig_val64;
union {
- unsigned long *reg;
+ size_t *reg;
struct segmented_address {
ulong ea;
unsigned seg;
@@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ struct operand {
unsigned mm;
} addr;
union {
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
u64 val64;
char valptr[sizeof(sse128_t)];
sse128_t vec_val;
@@ -261,8 +265,8 @@ struct fetch_cache {
struct read_cache {
u8 data[1024];
- unsigned long pos;
- unsigned long end;
+ size_t pos;
+ size_t end;
/* Execution mode, passed to the emulator. */
@@ -283,8 +287,8 @@ struct x86_emulate_ctxt {
const struct x86_emulate_ops *ops;
/* Register state before/after emulation. */
- unsigned long eflags;
- unsigned long eip; /* eip before instruction emulation */
+ size_t eflags;
+ size_t eip; /* eip before instruction emulation */
/* Emulated execution mode, represented by an X86EMUL_MODE value. */
enum x86emul_mode mode;
@@ -334,10 +338,10 @@ struct x86_emulate_ctxt {
u8 modrm_seg;
u8 seg_override;
u64 d;
- unsigned long _eip;
+ size_t _eip;
struct operand memop;
/* Fields above regs are cleared together. */
- unsigned long _regs[NR_VCPU_REGS];
+ size_t _regs[NR_VCPU_REGS];
struct operand *memopp;
struct fetch_cache fetch;
struct read_cache io_read;
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_guest.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_guest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a92b176..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_guest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H
-#define _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H
-int kvm_setup_vsyscall_timeinfo(void);
-#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_host.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_host.h
index bdde807..4ea863c 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_host.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_host.h
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
* Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux
* This header defines architecture specific interfaces, x86 version
@@ -11,119 +13,74 @@
#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_HOST_H
#define _ASM_X86_KVM_HOST_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/mmu_notifier.h>
-#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
-#include <linux/cpumask.h>
-#include <linux/irq_work.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_para.h>
#include <linux/kvm_types.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <linux/pvclock_gtod.h>
-#include <linux/clocksource.h>
-#include <linux/irqbypass.h>
-#include <linux/hyperv.h>
-#include <asm/apic.h>
-#include <asm/pvclock-abi.h>
-#include <asm/desc.h>
-#include <asm/mtrr.h>
-#include <asm/msr-index.h>
-#include <asm/asm.h>
#include <asm/kvm_page_track.h>
-#define KVM_MAX_VCPUS 288
-#define KVM_SOFT_MAX_VCPUS 240
-#define KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID 1023
-#define KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS 509
+#include <asm/fpu/types.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/kvm.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <__asm.h>
+#define GVM_MAX_VCPUS 288
+#define GVM_SOFT_MAX_VCPUS 240
+#define GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID 1023
+#define GVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS 125
/* memory slots that are not exposed to userspace */
-#define KVM_HALT_POLL_NS_DEFAULT 400000
/* x86-specific vcpu->requests bit members */
-#define KVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC 11
-#define KVM_REQ_EVENT 14
-#define KVM_REQ_APF_HALT 15
-#define KVM_REQ_NMI 17
-#define KVM_REQ_PMU 18
-#define KVM_REQ_PMI 19
-#define KVM_REQ_SMI 20
-#define KVM_REQ_HV_CRASH 26
-#define KVM_REQ_HV_RESET 28
-#define KVM_REQ_HV_EXIT 29
-#define KVM_REQ_HV_STIMER 30
+#define GVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC 11
+#define GVM_REQ_EVENT 14
+#define GVM_REQ_NMI 17
+#define GVM_REQ_PMU 18
+#define GVM_REQ_PMI 19
+#define GVM_REQ_SMI 20
- (~(unsigned long)(X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_MP | X86_CR0_EM | X86_CR0_TS \
+ (~(size_t)(X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_MP | X86_CR0_EM | X86_CR0_TS \
| X86_CR0_ET | X86_CR0_NE | X86_CR0_WP | X86_CR0_AM \
| X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD | X86_CR0_PG))
+#define BIT_64(a) (unsigned long long)(a)
#define CR3_PCID_INVD BIT_64(63)
- (~(unsigned long)(X86_CR4_VME | X86_CR4_PVI | X86_CR4_TSD | X86_CR4_DE\
+ (~(size_t)(X86_CR4_VME | X86_CR4_PVI | X86_CR4_TSD | X86_CR4_DE\
| X86_CR4_PSE | X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_MCE \
| X86_CR4_PGE | X86_CR4_PCE | X86_CR4_OSFXSR | X86_CR4_PCIDE \
| X86_CR4_PKE))
-#define CR8_RESERVED_BITS (~(unsigned long)X86_CR8_TPR)
+#define CR8_RESERVED_BITS (~(size_t)X86_CR8_TPR)
-#define INVALID_PAGE (~(hpa_t)0)
+/* Let we assume Windows won't give us a page at BIOS range */
+#define INVALID_PAGE (~(hpa_t)0xFFFF)
#define VALID_PAGE(x) ((x) != INVALID_PAGE)
#define UNMAPPED_GVA (~(gpa_t)0)
-/* KVM Hugepage definitions for x86 */
-#define KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES 3
-#define KVM_HPAGE_GFN_SHIFT(x) (((x) - 1) * 9)
-#define KVM_HPAGE_SIZE(x) (1UL << KVM_HPAGE_SHIFT(x))
-#define KVM_HPAGE_MASK(x) (~(KVM_HPAGE_SIZE(x) - 1))
-static inline gfn_t gfn_to_index(gfn_t gfn, gfn_t base_gfn, int level)
- return (gfn >> KVM_HPAGE_GFN_SHIFT(level)) -
- (base_gfn >> KVM_HPAGE_GFN_SHIFT(level));
-#define KVM_MMU_HASH_SHIFT 10
-#define KVM_REFILL_PAGES 25
-#define KVM_NR_VAR_MTRR 8
-#define ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU 64
+#define GVM_MMU_HASH_SHIFT 10
+#define GVM_REFILL_PAGES 25
+#define GVM_NR_VAR_MTRR 8
enum kvm_reg {
@@ -168,9 +125,9 @@ enum {
#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#define KVM_NR_MEM_OBJS 40
+#define GVM_NR_MEM_OBJS 40
-#define KVM_NR_DB_REGS 4
+#define GVM_NR_DB_REGS 4
#define DR6_BD (1 << 13)
#define DR6_BS (1 << 14)
@@ -200,14 +157,7 @@ enum {
/* apic attention bits */
- * The following bit is set with PV-EOI, unset on EOI.
- * We detect PV-EOI changes by guest by comparing
- * this bit with PV-EOI in guest memory.
- * See the implementation in apic_update_pv_eoi.
- */
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry;
@@ -217,7 +167,7 @@ struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry;
struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache {
int nobjs;
- void *objects[KVM_NR_MEM_OBJS];
+ void *objects[GVM_NR_MEM_OBJS];
@@ -254,7 +204,7 @@ union kvm_mmu_page_role {
struct kvm_rmap_head {
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
struct kvm_mmu_page {
@@ -277,7 +227,7 @@ struct kvm_mmu_page {
struct kvm_rmap_head parent_ptes; /* rmap pointers to parent sptes */
/* The page is obsolete if mmu_valid_gen != kvm->arch.mmu_valid_gen. */
- unsigned long mmu_valid_gen;
+ size_t mmu_valid_gen;
DECLARE_BITMAP(unsync_child_bitmap, 512);
@@ -294,7 +244,7 @@ struct kvm_mmu_page {
struct kvm_pio_request {
- unsigned long count;
+ size_t count;
int in;
int port;
int size;
@@ -311,11 +261,10 @@ struct rsvd_bits_validate {
* mode.
struct kvm_mmu {
- void (*set_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long root);
- unsigned long (*get_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ void (*set_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t root);
+ size_t (*get_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
u64 (*get_pdptr)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int index);
- int (*page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, u32 err,
- bool prefault);
+ int (*page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, u32 err);
void (*inject_page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct x86_exception *fault);
gpa_t (*gva_to_gpa)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, u32 access,
@@ -340,14 +289,6 @@ struct kvm_mmu {
u8 permissions[16];
- /*
- * The pkru_mask indicates if protection key checks are needed. It
- * consists of 16 domains indexed by page fault error code bits [4:1],
- * with PFEC.RSVD replaced by ACC_USER_MASK from the page tables.
- * Each domain has 2 bits which are ANDed with AD and WD from PKRU.
- */
- u32 pkru_mask;
u64 *pae_root;
u64 *lm_root;
@@ -369,8 +310,8 @@ struct kvm_mmu {
enum pmc_type {
- KVM_PMC_GP = 0,
+ GVM_PMC_GP = 0,
struct kvm_pmc {
@@ -403,9 +344,9 @@ struct kvm_pmu {
struct kvm_pmu_ops;
enum {
struct kvm_mtrr_range {
@@ -415,70 +356,36 @@ struct kvm_mtrr_range {
struct kvm_mtrr {
- struct kvm_mtrr_range var_ranges[KVM_NR_VAR_MTRR];
- mtrr_type fixed_ranges[KVM_NR_FIXED_MTRR_REGION];
+ struct kvm_mtrr_range var_ranges[GVM_NR_VAR_MTRR];
+ mtrr_type fixed_ranges[GVM_NR_FIXED_MTRR_REGION];
u64 deftype;
struct list_head head;
-/* Hyper-V SynIC timer */
-struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer {
- struct hrtimer timer;
- int index;
- u64 config;
- u64 count;
- u64 exp_time;
- struct hv_message msg;
- bool msg_pending;
-/* Hyper-V synthetic interrupt controller (SynIC)*/
-struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic {
- u64 version;
- u64 control;
- u64 msg_page;
- u64 evt_page;
- atomic64_t sint[HV_SYNIC_SINT_COUNT];
- atomic_t sint_to_gsi[HV_SYNIC_SINT_COUNT];
- DECLARE_BITMAP(auto_eoi_bitmap, 256);
- DECLARE_BITMAP(vec_bitmap, 256);
- bool active;
-/* Hyper-V per vcpu emulation context */
-struct kvm_vcpu_hv {
- u64 hv_vapic;
- s64 runtime_offset;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic synic;
- struct kvm_hyperv_exit exit;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer stimer[HV_SYNIC_STIMER_COUNT];
- DECLARE_BITMAP(stimer_pending_bitmap, HV_SYNIC_STIMER_COUNT);
struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
* rip and regs accesses must go through
* kvm_{register,rip}_{read,write} functions.
- unsigned long regs[NR_VCPU_REGS];
+ size_t regs[NR_VCPU_REGS];
u32 regs_avail;
u32 regs_dirty;
- unsigned long cr0;
- unsigned long cr0_guest_owned_bits;
- unsigned long cr2;
- unsigned long cr3;
- unsigned long cr4;
- unsigned long cr4_guest_owned_bits;
- unsigned long cr8;
+ size_t cr0;
+ size_t cr0_guest_owned_bits;
+ size_t cr2;
+ size_t cr3;
+ size_t cr4;
+ size_t cr4_guest_owned_bits;
+ size_t cr8;
u32 hflags;
u64 efer;
u64 apic_base;
struct kvm_lapic *apic; /* kernel irqchip context */
bool apicv_active;
DECLARE_BITMAP(ioapic_handled_vectors, 256);
- unsigned long apic_attention;
+ size_t apic_attention;
int32_t apic_arb_prio;
int mp_state;
u64 ia32_misc_enable_msr;
@@ -515,7 +422,8 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache mmu_page_cache;
struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache mmu_page_header_cache;
- struct fpu guest_fpu;
+ union fpu_state host_fpu;
+ union fpu_state guest_fpu;
u64 xcr0;
u64 guest_supported_xcr0;
u32 guest_xstate_size;
@@ -542,7 +450,7 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
int halt_request; /* real mode on Intel only */
int cpuid_nent;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 cpuid_entries[KVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES];
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry cpuid_entries[GVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES];
int maxphyaddr;
@@ -554,34 +462,13 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
int (*complete_userspace_io)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
gpa_t time;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info hv_clock;
unsigned int hw_tsc_khz;
struct gfn_to_hva_cache pv_time;
- bool pv_time_enabled;
- /* set guest stopped flag in pvclock flags field */
- bool pvclock_set_guest_stopped_request;
- struct {
- u64 msr_val;
- u64 last_steal;
- struct gfn_to_hva_cache stime;
- struct kvm_steal_time steal;
- } st;
u64 tsc_offset;
u64 last_guest_tsc;
- u64 last_host_tsc;
u64 tsc_offset_adjustment;
- u64 this_tsc_nsec;
- u64 this_tsc_write;
- u64 this_tsc_generation;
- bool tsc_catchup;
- bool tsc_always_catchup;
- s8 virtual_tsc_shift;
- u32 virtual_tsc_mult;
- u32 virtual_tsc_khz;
s64 ia32_tsc_adjust_msr;
- u64 tsc_scaling_ratio;
atomic_t nmi_queued; /* unprocessed asynchronous NMIs */
unsigned nmi_pending; /* NMI queued after currently running handler */
@@ -592,17 +479,11 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
u64 pat;
unsigned switch_db_regs;
- unsigned long db[KVM_NR_DB_REGS];
- unsigned long dr6;
- unsigned long dr7;
- unsigned long eff_db[KVM_NR_DB_REGS];
- unsigned long guest_debug_dr7;
- u64 mcg_cap;
- u64 mcg_status;
- u64 mcg_ctl;
- u64 mcg_ext_ctl;
- u64 *mce_banks;
+ size_t db[GVM_NR_DB_REGS];
+ size_t dr6;
+ size_t dr7;
+ size_t eff_db[GVM_NR_DB_REGS];
+ size_t guest_debug_dr7;
/* Cache MMIO info */
u64 mmio_gva;
@@ -613,23 +494,10 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
struct kvm_pmu pmu;
/* used for guest single stepping over the given code position */
- unsigned long singlestep_rip;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv hyperv;
+ size_t singlestep_rip;
- cpumask_var_t wbinvd_dirty_mask;
- unsigned long last_retry_eip;
- unsigned long last_retry_addr;
- struct {
- bool halted;
- gfn_t gfns[roundup_pow_of_two(ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU)];
- struct gfn_to_hva_cache data;
- u64 msr_val;
- u32 id;
- bool send_user_only;
- } apf;
+ size_t last_retry_eip;
+ size_t last_retry_addr;
/* OSVW MSRs (AMD only) */
struct {
@@ -637,11 +505,6 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
u64 status;
} osvw;
- struct {
- u64 msr_val;
- struct gfn_to_hva_cache data;
- } pv_eoi;
* Indicate whether the access faults on its page table in guest
* which is set when fix page fault and used to detect unhandeable
@@ -650,24 +513,14 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_arch {
bool write_fault_to_shadow_pgtable;
/* set at EPT violation at this point */
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
- /* pv related host specific info */
- struct {
- bool pv_unhalted;
- } pv;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
int pending_ioapic_eoi;
int pending_external_vector;
-struct kvm_lpage_info {
- int disallow_lpage;
struct kvm_arch_memory_slot {
- struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap[KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES];
- struct kvm_lpage_info *lpage_info[KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES - 1];
+ struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap;
unsigned short *gfn_track[KVM_PAGE_TRACK_MAX];
@@ -678,12 +531,11 @@ struct kvm_arch_memory_slot {
* configured for multiple modes; in that case, we cannot use the map and
* hence cannot use kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic_fast either.
-#define KVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC 16
+#define GVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC 16
struct kvm_apic_map {
- struct rcu_head rcu;
u8 mode;
u32 max_apic_id;
union {
@@ -693,41 +545,21 @@ struct kvm_apic_map {
struct kvm_lapic *phys_map[];
-/* Hyper-V emulation context */
-struct kvm_hv {
- u64 hv_guest_os_id;
- u64 hv_hypercall;
- u64 hv_tsc_page;
- /* Hyper-v based guest crash (NT kernel bugcheck) parameters */
- u64 hv_crash_param[HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_PARAMS];
- u64 hv_crash_ctl;
struct kvm_arch {
unsigned int n_used_mmu_pages;
unsigned int n_requested_mmu_pages;
unsigned int n_max_mmu_pages;
unsigned int indirect_shadow_pages;
- unsigned long mmu_valid_gen;
- struct hlist_head mmu_page_hash[KVM_NUM_MMU_PAGES];
+ size_t mmu_valid_gen;
+ struct hlist_head mmu_page_hash[GVM_NUM_MMU_PAGES];
* Hash table of struct kvm_mmu_page.
struct list_head active_mmu_pages;
struct list_head zapped_obsolete_pages;
- struct kvm_page_track_notifier_node mmu_sp_tracker;
- struct kvm_page_track_notifier_head track_notifier_head;
- struct list_head assigned_dev_head;
- struct iommu_domain *iommu_domain;
- bool iommu_noncoherent;
- atomic_t noncoherent_dma_count;
- atomic_t assigned_device_count;
+ struct kvm_page_track_notifier_node mmu_sp_tracker;
+ struct kvm_page_track_notifier_head track_notifier_head;
struct kvm_pic *vpic;
struct kvm_ioapic *vioapic;
struct kvm_pit *vpit;
@@ -743,33 +575,15 @@ struct kvm_arch {
bool ept_identity_pagetable_done;
gpa_t ept_identity_map_addr;
- unsigned long irq_sources_bitmap;
- s64 kvmclock_offset;
+ size_t irq_sources_bitmap;
raw_spinlock_t tsc_write_lock;
- u64 last_tsc_nsec;
- u64 last_tsc_write;
- u32 last_tsc_khz;
- u64 cur_tsc_nsec;
- u64 cur_tsc_write;
- u64 cur_tsc_offset;
- u64 cur_tsc_generation;
- int nr_vcpus_matched_tsc;
- spinlock_t pvclock_gtod_sync_lock;
- bool use_master_clock;
- u64 master_kernel_ns;
- cycle_t master_cycle_now;
- struct delayed_work kvmclock_update_work;
- struct delayed_work kvmclock_sync_work;
- struct kvm_xen_hvm_config xen_hvm_config;
+ u64 master_kernel_ns;
/* reads protected by irq_srcu, writes by irq_lock */
struct hlist_head mask_notifier_list;
- struct kvm_hv hyperv;
int audit_point;
@@ -778,7 +592,6 @@ struct kvm_arch {
u64 disabled_quirks;
- bool irqchip_split;
u8 nr_reserved_ioapic_pins;
bool disabled_lapic_found;
@@ -828,7 +641,6 @@ struct kvm_vcpu_stat {
u64 irq_exits;
u64 host_state_reload;
u64 efer_reload;
- u64 fpu_reload;
u64 insn_emulation;
u64 insn_emulation_fail;
u64 hypercalls;
@@ -875,7 +687,8 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
void (*vcpu_free)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*vcpu_reset)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event);
- void (*prepare_guest_switch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ void (*save_host_state)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ void (*load_host_state)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*vcpu_load)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu);
void (*vcpu_put)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -892,24 +705,21 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
void (*decache_cr0_guest_bits)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*decache_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*decache_cr4_guest_bits)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*set_cr0)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0);
- void (*set_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3);
- int (*set_cr4)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4);
+ void (*set_cr0)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0);
+ void (*set_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr3);
+ int (*set_cr4)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4);
void (*set_efer)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer);
void (*get_idt)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt);
void (*set_idt)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt);
void (*get_gdt)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt);
void (*set_gdt)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt);
u64 (*get_dr6)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*set_dr6)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long value);
+ void (*set_dr6)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t value);
void (*sync_dirty_debug_regs)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*set_dr7)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long value);
+ void (*set_dr7)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t value);
void (*cache_reg)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_reg reg);
- unsigned long (*get_rflags)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*set_rflags)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags);
- u32 (*get_pkru)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*fpu_activate)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*fpu_deactivate)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ size_t (*get_rflags)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ void (*set_rflags)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags);
void (*tlb_flush)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -941,7 +751,6 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
void (*set_virtual_x2apic_mode)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool set);
void (*set_apic_access_page_addr)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, hpa_t hpa);
void (*deliver_posted_interrupt)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector);
- void (*sync_pir_to_irr)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int (*set_tss_addr)(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int addr);
int (*get_tdp_level)(void);
u64 (*get_mt_mask)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool is_mmio);
@@ -949,9 +758,9 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
bool (*rdtscp_supported)(void);
bool (*invpcid_supported)(void);
- void (*set_tdp_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3);
+ void (*set_tdp_cr3)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr3);
- void (*set_supported_cpuid)(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry);
+ void (*set_supported_cpuid)(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry);
bool (*has_wbinvd_exit)(void);
@@ -968,8 +777,6 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
int (*check_nested_events)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool external_intr);
- void (*sched_in)(struct kvm_vcpu *kvm, int cpu);
* Arch-specific dirty logging hooks. These hooks are only supposed to
* be valid if the specific arch has hardware-accelerated dirty logging
@@ -993,40 +800,14 @@ struct kvm_x86_ops {
void (*flush_log_dirty)(struct kvm *kvm);
void (*enable_log_dirty_pt_masked)(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t offset, unsigned long mask);
+ gfn_t offset, size_t mask);
/* pmu operations of sub-arch */
const struct kvm_pmu_ops *pmu_ops;
- /*
- * Architecture specific hooks for vCPU blocking due to
- * HLT instruction.
- * Returns for .pre_block():
- * - 0 means continue to block the vCPU.
- * - 1 means we cannot block the vCPU since some event
- * happens during this period, such as, 'ON' bit in
- * posted-interrupts descriptor is set.
- */
- int (*pre_block)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*post_block)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*vcpu_blocking)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void (*vcpu_unblocking)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- int (*update_pi_irte)(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set);
void (*apicv_post_state_restore)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- int (*set_hv_timer)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 guest_deadline_tsc);
- void (*cancel_hv_timer)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- void (*setup_mce)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-struct kvm_arch_async_pf {
- u32 token;
- gfn_t gfn;
- unsigned long cr3;
- bool direct_map;
extern struct kvm_x86_ops *kvm_x86_ops;
@@ -1049,19 +830,17 @@ void kvm_mmu_zap_collapsible_sptes(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot);
void kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot);
-void kvm_mmu_slot_largepage_remove_write_access(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot);
void kvm_mmu_slot_set_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot);
void kvm_mmu_clear_dirty_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t gfn_offset, unsigned long mask);
+ gfn_t gfn_offset, size_t mask);
void kvm_mmu_zap_all(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_mmu_invalidate_mmio_sptes(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memslots *slots);
unsigned int kvm_mmu_calculate_mmu_pages(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_mmu_change_mmu_pages(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int kvm_nr_mmu_pages);
-int load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu, unsigned long cr3);
+int load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu, size_t cr3);
int emulator_write_phys(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
const void *val, int bytes);
@@ -1081,21 +860,6 @@ void kvm_fire_mask_notifiers(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin,
extern bool tdp_enabled;
-u64 vcpu_tsc_khz(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-/* control of guest tsc rate supported? */
-extern bool kvm_has_tsc_control;
-/* maximum supported tsc_khz for guests */
-extern u32 kvm_max_guest_tsc_khz;
-/* number of bits of the fractional part of the TSC scaling ratio */
-extern u8 kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits;
-/* maximum allowed value of TSC scaling ratio */
-extern u64 kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio;
-/* 1ull << kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits */
-extern u64 kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio;
-extern u64 kvm_mce_cap_supported;
enum emulation_result {
EMULATE_DONE, /* no further processing */
EMULATE_USER_EXIT, /* kvm_run ready for userspace exit */
@@ -1107,7 +871,7 @@ enum emulation_result {
#define EMULTYPE_SKIP (1 << 2)
#define EMULTYPE_RETRY (1 << 3)
#define EMULTYPE_NO_REEXECUTE (1 << 4)
-int x86_emulate_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr2,
+int x86_emulate_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr2,
int emulation_type, void *insn, int insn_len);
static inline int emulate_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
@@ -1136,22 +900,22 @@ void kvm_vcpu_deliver_sipi_vector(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 vector);
int kvm_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u16 tss_selector, int idt_index,
int reason, bool has_error_code, u32 error_code);
-int kvm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0);
-int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3);
-int kvm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4);
-int kvm_set_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr8);
-int kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long val);
-int kvm_get_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long *val);
-unsigned long kvm_get_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_lmsw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long msw);
+int kvm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0);
+int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr3);
+int kvm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4);
+int kvm_set_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr8);
+int kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, size_t val);
+int kvm_get_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, size_t *val);
+size_t kvm_get_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+void kvm_lmsw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t msw);
void kvm_get_cs_db_l_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *db, int *l);
int kvm_set_xcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 index, u64 xcr);
int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr);
int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr);
-unsigned long kvm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags);
+size_t kvm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+void kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags);
bool kvm_rdpmc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr);
@@ -1165,7 +929,7 @@ int kvm_read_guest_page_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
bool kvm_require_cpl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int required_cpl);
bool kvm_require_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr);
-static inline int __kvm_irq_line_state(unsigned long *irq_state,
+static inline int __kvm_irq_line_state(size_t *irq_state,
int irq_source_id, int level)
/* Logical OR for level trig interrupt */
@@ -1214,32 +978,33 @@ void kvm_disable_tdp(void);
static inline gpa_t translate_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, u32 access,
struct x86_exception *exception)
+ _CRT_UNUSED(vcpu);
+ _CRT_UNUSED(access);
+ _CRT_UNUSED(exception);
return gpa;
static inline struct kvm_mmu_page *page_header(hpa_t shadow_page)
- struct page *page = pfn_to_page(shadow_page >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ struct page *page = (struct page *)pfn_to_page(shadow_page >> PAGE_SHIFT);
return (struct kvm_mmu_page *)page_private(page);
static inline u16 kvm_read_ldt(void)
- u16 ldt;
- asm("sldt %0" : "=g"(ldt));
- return ldt;
+ return gvm_read_ldt();
static inline void kvm_load_ldt(u16 sel)
- asm("lldt %0" : : "rm"(sel));
+ gvm_load_ldt(sel);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-static inline unsigned long read_msr(unsigned long msr)
+static inline size_t read_msr(unsigned int msr)
- u64 value;
+ u64 value = 0;
rdmsrl(msr, value);
return value;
@@ -1293,41 +1058,18 @@ enum {
#define HF_SMM_MASK (1 << 6)
#define HF_SMM_INSIDE_NMI_MASK (1 << 7)
#define kvm_arch_vcpu_memslots_id(vcpu) ((vcpu)->arch.hflags & HF_SMM_MASK ? 1 : 0)
#define kvm_memslots_for_spte_role(kvm, role) __kvm_memslots(kvm, (role).smm)
- * Hardware virtualization extension instructions may fault if a
- * reboot turns off virtualization while processes are running.
- * Trap the fault and ignore the instruction if that happens.
- */
-asmlinkage void kvm_spurious_fault(void);
-#define ____kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(insn, cleanup_insn) \
- "666: " insn "\n\t" \
- "668: \n\t" \
- ".pushsection .fixup, \"ax\" \n" \
- "667: \n\t" \
- cleanup_insn "\n\t" \
- "cmpb $0, kvm_rebooting \n\t" \
- "jne 668b \n\t" \
- __ASM_SIZE(push) " $666b \n\t" \
- "call kvm_spurious_fault \n\t" \
- ".popsection \n\t" \
- _ASM_EXTABLE(666b, 667b)
-#define __kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(insn) \
- ____kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(insn, "")
-int kvm_unmap_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva);
-int kvm_unmap_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
-int kvm_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
-int kvm_test_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva);
-void kvm_set_spte_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva, pte_t pte);
+int kvm_unmap_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva);
+int kvm_unmap_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm, size_t start, size_t end);
+int kvm_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t start, size_t end);
+int kvm_test_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva);
+void kvm_set_spte_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva, pte_t pte);
int kvm_cpu_has_injectable_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *v);
int kvm_cpu_has_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int kvm_arch_interrupt_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -1335,7 +1077,7 @@ int kvm_cpu_get_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *v);
void kvm_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event);
void kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_arch_mmu_notifier_invalidate_page(struct kvm *kvm,
- unsigned long address);
+ size_t address);
void kvm_define_shared_msr(unsigned index, u32 msr);
int kvm_set_shared_msr(unsigned index, u64 val, u64 mask);
@@ -1343,21 +1085,11 @@ int kvm_set_shared_msr(unsigned index, u64 val, u64 mask);
u64 kvm_scale_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 tsc);
u64 kvm_read_l1_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 host_tsc);
-unsigned long kvm_get_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-bool kvm_is_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long linear_rip);
+size_t kvm_get_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+bool kvm_is_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t linear_rip);
-void kvm_make_mclock_inprogress_request(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_make_scan_ioapic_request(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_arch_async_page_not_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work);
-void kvm_arch_async_page_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work);
-void kvm_arch_async_page_ready(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work);
-bool kvm_arch_can_inject_async_page_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-extern bool kvm_find_async_pf_gfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
void kvm_complete_insn_gp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int err);
int kvm_is_in_guest(void);
@@ -1385,13 +1117,17 @@ static inline void kvm_arch_vcpu_unblocking(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static inline void kvm_arch_vcpu_block_finish(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) {}
+static inline void kvm_arch_vcpu_block_finish(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ _CRT_UNUSED(vcpu);
static inline int kvm_cpu_get_apicid(int mps_cpu)
return __default_cpu_present_to_apicid(mps_cpu);
+ _CRT_UNUSED(mps_cpu);
return BAD_APICID;
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_page_track.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_page_track.h
index c2b8d24..117ef6a 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_page_track.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_page_track.h
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
enum kvm_page_track_mode {
@@ -35,11 +41,12 @@ struct kvm_page_track_notifier_node {
void kvm_page_track_init(struct kvm *kvm);
+void kvm_page_track_destroy(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_page_track_free_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *free,
struct kvm_memory_slot *dont);
int kvm_page_track_create_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- unsigned long npages);
+ size_t npages);
void kvm_slot_page_track_add_page(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_para.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_para.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc62e7c..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_para.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H
-#define _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/alternative.h>
-#include <uapi/asm/kvm_para.h>
-extern void kvmclock_init(void);
-extern int kvm_register_clock(char *txt);
-bool kvm_check_and_clear_guest_paused(void);
-static inline bool kvm_check_and_clear_guest_paused(void)
- return false;
-#endif /* CONFIG_KVM_GUEST */
-#define KVM_HYPERCALL \
- ALTERNATIVE(".byte 0x0f,0x01,0xc1", ".byte 0x0f,0x01,0xd9", X86_FEATURE_VMMCALL)
-/* For KVM hypercalls, a three-byte sequence of either the vmcall or the vmmcall
- * instruction. The hypervisor may replace it with something else but only the
- * instructions are guaranteed to be supported.
- *
- * Up to four arguments may be passed in rbx, rcx, rdx, and rsi respectively.
- * The hypercall number should be placed in rax and the return value will be
- * placed in rax. No other registers will be clobbered unless explicitly
- * noted by the particular hypercall.
- */
-static inline long kvm_hypercall0(unsigned int nr)
- long ret;
- asm volatile(KVM_HYPERCALL
- : "=a"(ret)
- : "a"(nr)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
-static inline long kvm_hypercall1(unsigned int nr, unsigned long p1)
- long ret;
- asm volatile(KVM_HYPERCALL
- : "=a"(ret)
- : "a"(nr), "b"(p1)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
-static inline long kvm_hypercall2(unsigned int nr, unsigned long p1,
- unsigned long p2)
- long ret;
- asm volatile(KVM_HYPERCALL
- : "=a"(ret)
- : "a"(nr), "b"(p1), "c"(p2)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
-static inline long kvm_hypercall3(unsigned int nr, unsigned long p1,
- unsigned long p2, unsigned long p3)
- long ret;
- asm volatile(KVM_HYPERCALL
- : "=a"(ret)
- : "a"(nr), "b"(p1), "c"(p2), "d"(p3)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
-static inline long kvm_hypercall4(unsigned int nr, unsigned long p1,
- unsigned long p2, unsigned long p3,
- unsigned long p4)
- long ret;
- asm volatile(KVM_HYPERCALL
- : "=a"(ret)
- : "a"(nr), "b"(p1), "c"(p2), "d"(p3), "S"(p4)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
-bool kvm_para_available(void);
-unsigned int kvm_arch_para_features(void);
-void __init kvm_guest_init(void);
-void kvm_async_pf_task_wait(u32 token);
-void kvm_async_pf_task_wake(u32 token);
-u32 kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason(void);
-extern void kvm_disable_steal_time(void);
-void __init kvm_spinlock_init(void);
-static inline void kvm_spinlock_init(void)
-#else /* CONFIG_KVM_GUEST */
-#define kvm_guest_init() do {} while (0)
-#define kvm_async_pf_task_wait(T) do {} while(0)
-#define kvm_async_pf_task_wake(T) do {} while(0)
-static inline bool kvm_para_available(void)
- return false;
-static inline unsigned int kvm_arch_para_features(void)
- return 0;
-static inline u32 kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_disable_steal_time(void)
- return;
-#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/msidef.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/msidef.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4cc48af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/msidef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_MSIDEF_H
+#define _ASM_X86_MSIDEF_H
+ * Constants for Intel APIC based MSI messages.
+ */
+ * Shifts for MSI data
+ */
+#define MSI_DATA_VECTOR_MASK 0x000000ff
+#define MSI_DATA_VECTOR(v) (((v) << MSI_DATA_VECTOR_SHIFT) & \
+ * Shift/mask fields for msi address
+ */
+#define MSI_ADDR_BASE_HI 0
+#define MSI_ADDR_BASE_LO 0xfee00000
+ /* dedicated cpu */
+ /* lowest priority */
+#define MSI_ADDR_DEST_ID_MASK 0x00ffff0
+#define MSI_ADDR_DEST_ID(dest) (((dest) << MSI_ADDR_DEST_ID_SHIFT) & \
+#define MSI_ADDR_EXT_DEST_ID(dest) ((dest) & 0xffffff00)
+#define MSI_ADDR_IR_EXT_INT (1 << 4)
+#define MSI_ADDR_IR_SHV (1 << 3)
+#define MSI_ADDR_IR_INDEX1(index) ((index & 0x8000) >> 13)
+#define MSI_ADDR_IR_INDEX2(index) ((index & 0x7fff) << 5)
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_MSIDEF_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38fd286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H
+#define _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H
+ * CPU model specific register (MSR) numbers.
+ *
+ * Do not add new entries to this file unless the definitions are shared
+ * between multiple compilation units.
+ */
+/* x86-64 specific MSRs */
+#define MSR_EFER 0xc0000080 /* extended feature register */
+#define MSR_STAR 0xc0000081 /* legacy mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_LSTAR 0xc0000082 /* long mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_CSTAR 0xc0000083 /* compat mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_SYSCALL_MASK 0xc0000084 /* EFLAGS mask for syscall */
+#define MSR_FS_BASE 0xc0000100 /* 64bit FS base */
+#define MSR_GS_BASE 0xc0000101 /* 64bit GS base */
+#define MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE 0xc0000102 /* SwapGS GS shadow */
+#define MSR_TSC_AUX 0xc0000103 /* Auxiliary TSC */
+/* EFER bits: */
+#define _EFER_SCE 0 /* SYSCALL/SYSRET */
+#define _EFER_LME 8 /* Long mode enable */
+#define _EFER_LMA 10 /* Long mode active (read-only) */
+#define _EFER_NX 11 /* No execute enable */
+#define _EFER_SVME 12 /* Enable virtualization */
+#define _EFER_LMSLE 13 /* Long Mode Segment Limit Enable */
+#define _EFER_FFXSR 14 /* Enable Fast FXSAVE/FXRSTOR */
+#define EFER_SCE (1<<_EFER_SCE)
+#define EFER_LME (1<<_EFER_LME)
+#define EFER_LMA (1<<_EFER_LMA)
+#define EFER_NX (1<<_EFER_NX)
+#define EFER_SVME (1<<_EFER_SVME)
+#define EFER_LMSLE (1<<_EFER_LMSLE)
+#define EFER_FFXSR (1<<_EFER_FFXSR)
+/* Intel MSRs. Some also available on other CPUs */
+#define MSR_IA32_PERFCTR0 0x000000c1
+#define MSR_IA32_PERFCTR1 0x000000c2
+#define MSR_FSB_FREQ 0x000000cd
+#define MSR_PLATFORM_INFO 0x000000ce
+#define MSR_NHM_SNB_PKG_CST_CFG_CTL 0x000000e2
+#define NHM_C3_AUTO_DEMOTE (1ULL << 25)
+#define NHM_C1_AUTO_DEMOTE (1ULL << 26)
+#define ATM_LNC_C6_AUTO_DEMOTE (1ULL << 25)
+#define SNB_C1_AUTO_UNDEMOTE (1ULL << 27)
+#define SNB_C3_AUTO_UNDEMOTE (1ULL << 28)
+#define MSR_MTRRcap 0x000000fe
+#define MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL 0x00000119
+#define MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL3 0x0000011e
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS 0x00000174
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP 0x00000175
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP 0x00000176
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_CAP 0x00000179
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_STATUS 0x0000017a
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL 0x0000017b
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EXT_CTL 0x000004d0
+#define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_0 0x000001a6
+#define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_1 0x000001a7
+#define MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT 0x000001ad
+#define MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT1 0x000001ae
+#define MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT2 0x000001af
+#define MSR_LBR_SELECT 0x000001c8
+#define MSR_LBR_TOS 0x000001c9
+#define MSR_LBR_NHM_FROM 0x00000680
+#define MSR_LBR_NHM_TO 0x000006c0
+#define MSR_LBR_CORE_FROM 0x00000040
+#define MSR_LBR_CORE_TO 0x00000060
+#define MSR_LBR_INFO_0 0x00000dc0 /* ... 0xddf for _31 */
+#define LBR_INFO_IN_TX BIT_ULL(62)
+#define LBR_INFO_CYCLES 0xffff
+#define MSR_IA32_PEBS_ENABLE 0x000003f1
+#define MSR_IA32_DS_AREA 0x00000600
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES 0x00000345
+#define MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD 0x000003f6
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_CTL 0x00000570
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_STATUS 0x00000571
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR0_A 0x00000580
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR0_B 0x00000581
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR1_A 0x00000582
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR1_B 0x00000583
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR2_A 0x00000584
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR2_B 0x00000585
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR3_A 0x00000586
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR3_B 0x00000587
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_CR3_MATCH 0x00000572
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_OUTPUT_BASE 0x00000560
+#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_OUTPUT_MASK 0x00000561
+#define MSR_MTRRfix64K_00000 0x00000250
+#define MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000 0x00000258
+#define MSR_MTRRfix16K_A0000 0x00000259
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_C0000 0x00000268
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_C8000 0x00000269
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_D0000 0x0000026a
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_D8000 0x0000026b
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_E0000 0x0000026c
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_E8000 0x0000026d
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_F0000 0x0000026e
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_F8000 0x0000026f
+#define MSR_MTRRdefType 0x000002ff
+#define MSR_IA32_CR_PAT 0x00000277
+#define MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR 0x000001d9
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTBRANCHFROMIP 0x000001db
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTBRANCHTOIP 0x000001dc
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTINTFROMIP 0x000001dd
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTINTTOIP 0x000001de
+/* DEBUGCTLMSR bits (others vary by model): */
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_LBR (1ULL << 0) /* last branch recording */
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTF (1ULL << 1) /* single-step on branches */
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_TR (1ULL << 6)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTS (1ULL << 7)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTINT (1ULL << 8)
+#define MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND 0x000003f7
+#define MSR_IA32_POWER_CTL 0x000001fc
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL 0x00000400
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_STATUS 0x00000401
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_ADDR 0x00000402
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_MISC 0x00000403
+/* C-state Residency Counters */
+#define MSR_PKG_C3_RESIDENCY 0x000003f8
+#define MSR_PKG_C6_RESIDENCY 0x000003f9
+#define MSR_PKG_C7_RESIDENCY 0x000003fa
+#define MSR_CORE_C3_RESIDENCY 0x000003fc
+#define MSR_CORE_C6_RESIDENCY 0x000003fd
+#define MSR_CORE_C7_RESIDENCY 0x000003fe
+#define MSR_KNL_CORE_C6_RESIDENCY 0x000003ff
+#define MSR_PKG_C2_RESIDENCY 0x0000060d
+#define MSR_PKG_C8_RESIDENCY 0x00000630
+#define MSR_PKG_C9_RESIDENCY 0x00000631
+#define MSR_PKG_C10_RESIDENCY 0x00000632
+/* Interrupt Response Limit */
+#define MSR_PKGC3_IRTL 0x0000060a
+#define MSR_PKGC6_IRTL 0x0000060b
+#define MSR_PKGC7_IRTL 0x0000060c
+#define MSR_PKGC8_IRTL 0x00000633
+#define MSR_PKGC9_IRTL 0x00000634
+#define MSR_PKGC10_IRTL 0x00000635
+/* Run Time Average Power Limiting (RAPL) Interface */
+#define MSR_RAPL_POWER_UNIT 0x00000606
+#define MSR_PKG_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000610
+#define MSR_PKG_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000611
+#define MSR_PKG_PERF_STATUS 0x00000613
+#define MSR_PKG_POWER_INFO 0x00000614
+#define MSR_DRAM_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000618
+#define MSR_DRAM_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000619
+#define MSR_DRAM_PERF_STATUS 0x0000061b
+#define MSR_DRAM_POWER_INFO 0x0000061c
+#define MSR_PP0_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000638
+#define MSR_PP0_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000639
+#define MSR_PP0_POLICY 0x0000063a
+#define MSR_PP0_PERF_STATUS 0x0000063b
+#define MSR_PP1_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000640
+#define MSR_PP1_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000641
+#define MSR_PP1_POLICY 0x00000642
+/* Config TDP MSRs */
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_NOMINAL 0x00000648
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_LEVEL_1 0x00000649
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_LEVEL_2 0x0000064A
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_CONTROL 0x0000064B
+#define MSR_PKG_WEIGHTED_CORE_C0_RES 0x00000658
+#define MSR_PKG_ANY_CORE_C0_RES 0x00000659
+#define MSR_PKG_ANY_GFXE_C0_RES 0x0000065A
+#define MSR_PKG_BOTH_CORE_GFXE_C0_RES 0x0000065B
+#define MSR_CORE_C1_RES 0x00000660
+#define MSR_CC6_DEMOTION_POLICY_CONFIG 0x00000668
+#define MSR_MC6_DEMOTION_POLICY_CONFIG 0x00000669
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_LIMIT_REASONS 0x00000690
+#define MSR_GFX_PERF_LIMIT_REASONS 0x000006B0
+/* Hardware P state interface */
+#define MSR_PPERF 0x0000064e
+#define MSR_PERF_LIMIT_REASONS 0x0000064f
+#define MSR_PM_ENABLE 0x00000770
+#define MSR_HWP_CAPABILITIES 0x00000771
+#define MSR_HWP_REQUEST_PKG 0x00000772
+#define MSR_HWP_INTERRUPT 0x00000773
+#define MSR_HWP_REQUEST 0x00000774
+#define MSR_HWP_STATUS 0x00000777
+/* CPUID.6.EAX */
+#define HWP_BASE_BIT (1<<7)
+#define HWP_HIGHEST_PERF(x) (((x) >> 0) & 0xff)
+#define HWP_GUARANTEED_PERF(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define HWP_MOSTEFFICIENT_PERF(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xff)
+#define HWP_LOWEST_PERF(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xff)
+#define HWP_MIN_PERF(x) (x & 0xff)
+#define HWP_MAX_PERF(x) ((x & 0xff) << 8)
+#define HWP_DESIRED_PERF(x) ((x & 0xff) << 16)
+#define HWP_ENERGY_PERF_PREFERENCE(x) ((x & 0xff) << 24)
+#define HWP_ACTIVITY_WINDOW(x) ((x & 0xff3) << 32)
+#define HWP_PACKAGE_CONTROL(x) ((x & 0x1) << 42)
+/* IA32_HWP_STATUS */
+#define HWP_GUARANTEED_CHANGE(x) (x & 0x1)
+#define HWP_EXCURSION_TO_MINIMUM(x) (x & 0x4)
+#define HWP_CHANGE_TO_GUARANTEED_INT(x) (x & 0x1)
+#define HWP_EXCURSION_TO_MINIMUM_INT(x) (x & 0x2)
+#define MSR_AMD64_MC0_MASK 0xc0010044
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_STATUS(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_STATUS + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_ADDR(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_ADDR + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_MISC(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_MISC + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_AMD64_MCx_MASK(x) (MSR_AMD64_MC0_MASK + (x))
+/* These are consecutive and not in the normal 4er MCE bank block */
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL2 0x00000280
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL2(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL2 + (x))
+#define MSR_P6_PERFCTR0 0x000000c1
+#define MSR_P6_PERFCTR1 0x000000c2
+#define MSR_P6_EVNTSEL0 0x00000186
+#define MSR_P6_EVNTSEL1 0x00000187
+#define MSR_KNC_PERFCTR0 0x00000020
+#define MSR_KNC_PERFCTR1 0x00000021
+#define MSR_KNC_EVNTSEL0 0x00000028
+#define MSR_KNC_EVNTSEL1 0x00000029
+/* Alternative perfctr range with full access. */
+#define MSR_IA32_PMC0 0x000004c1
+/* AMD64 MSRs. Not complete. See the architecture manual for a more
+ complete list. */
+#define MSR_AMD64_PATCH_LEVEL 0x0000008b
+#define MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO 0xc0000104
+#define MSR_AMD64_NB_CFG 0xc001001f
+#define MSR_AMD64_PATCH_LOADER 0xc0010020
+#define MSR_AMD64_OSVW_ID_LENGTH 0xc0010140
+#define MSR_AMD64_OSVW_STATUS 0xc0010141
+#define MSR_AMD64_LS_CFG 0xc0011020
+#define MSR_AMD64_DC_CFG 0xc0011022
+#define MSR_AMD64_BU_CFG2 0xc001102a
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHCTL 0xc0011030
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHLINAD 0xc0011031
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHPHYSAD 0xc0011032
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPCTL 0xc0011033
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPRIP 0xc0011034
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA 0xc0011035
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA2 0xc0011036
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA3 0xc0011037
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSDCLINAD 0xc0011038
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSDCPHYSAD 0xc0011039
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSCTL 0xc001103a
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSBRTARGET 0xc001103b
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA4 0xc001103d
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBS_REG_COUNT_MAX 8 /* includes MSR_AMD64_IBSBRTARGET */
+/* Fam 17h MSRs */
+#define MSR_F17H_IRPERF 0xc00000e9
+/* Fam 16h MSRs */
+#define MSR_F16H_L2I_PERF_CTL 0xc0010230
+#define MSR_F16H_L2I_PERF_CTR 0xc0010231
+#define MSR_F16H_DR1_ADDR_MASK 0xc0011019
+#define MSR_F16H_DR2_ADDR_MASK 0xc001101a
+#define MSR_F16H_DR3_ADDR_MASK 0xc001101b
+#define MSR_F16H_DR0_ADDR_MASK 0xc0011027
+/* Fam 15h MSRs */
+#define MSR_F15H_PERF_CTL 0xc0010200
+#define MSR_F15H_PERF_CTR 0xc0010201
+#define MSR_F15H_NB_PERF_CTL 0xc0010240
+#define MSR_F15H_NB_PERF_CTR 0xc0010241
+#define MSR_F15H_PTSC 0xc0010280
+#define MSR_F15H_IC_CFG 0xc0011021
+/* Fam 10h MSRs */
+#define MSR_FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_BASE 0xc0010058
+#define FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_ENABLE (1<<0)
+#define FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_BASE_MASK 0xfffffffULL
+#define MSR_FAM10H_NODE_ID 0xc001100c
+/* K8 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM1 0xc001001a
+#define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM2 0xc001001d
+#define MSR_K8_SYSCFG 0xc0010010
+#define MSR_K8_INT_PENDING_MSG 0xc0010055
+/* C1E active bits in int pending message */
+#define K8_INTP_C1E_ACTIVE_MASK 0x18000000
+#define MSR_K8_TSEG_ADDR 0xc0010112
+#define MSR_K8_TSEG_MASK 0xc0010113
+#define K8_MTRRFIXRANGE_DRAM_ENABLE 0x00040000 /* MtrrFixDramEn bit */
+#define K8_MTRRFIXRANGE_DRAM_MODIFY 0x00080000 /* MtrrFixDramModEn bit */
+#define K8_MTRR_RDMEM_WRMEM_MASK 0x18181818 /* Mask: RdMem|WrMem */
+/* K7 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0 0xc0010000
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR0 0xc0010004
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL1 0xc0010001
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR1 0xc0010005
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL2 0xc0010002
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR2 0xc0010006
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL3 0xc0010003
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR3 0xc0010007
+#define MSR_K7_CLK_CTL 0xc001001b
+#define MSR_K7_HWCR 0xc0010015
+#define MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL 0xc0010041
+#define MSR_K7_FID_VID_STATUS 0xc0010042
+/* K6 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K6_WHCR 0xc0000082
+#define MSR_K6_UWCCR 0xc0000085
+#define MSR_K6_EPMR 0xc0000086
+#define MSR_K6_PSOR 0xc0000087
+#define MSR_K6_PFIR 0xc0000088
+/* Centaur-Hauls/IDT defined MSRs. */
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR1 0x00000107
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR2 0x00000108
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR3 0x00000109
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR4 0x0000010a
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR0 0x00000110
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR1 0x00000111
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR2 0x00000112
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR3 0x00000113
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR4 0x00000114
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR5 0x00000115
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR6 0x00000116
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR7 0x00000117
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR_CTRL 0x00000120
+/* VIA Cyrix defined MSRs*/
+#define MSR_VIA_FCR 0x00001107
+#define MSR_VIA_LONGHAUL 0x0000110a
+#define MSR_VIA_RNG 0x0000110b
+#define MSR_VIA_BCR2 0x00001147
+/* Transmeta defined MSRs */
+#define MSR_TMTA_LONGRUN_CTRL 0x80868010
+#define MSR_TMTA_LONGRUN_FLAGS 0x80868011
+#define MSR_TMTA_LRTI_READOUT 0x80868018
+#define MSR_TMTA_LRTI_VOLT_MHZ 0x8086801a
+/* Intel defined MSRs. */
+#define MSR_IA32_P5_MC_ADDR 0x00000000
+#define MSR_IA32_P5_MC_TYPE 0x00000001
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC 0x00000010
+#define MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID 0x00000017
+#define MSR_IA32_EBL_CR_POWERON 0x0000002a
+#define MSR_EBC_FREQUENCY_ID 0x0000002c
+#define MSR_SMI_COUNT 0x00000034
+#define MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL 0x0000003a
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC_ADJUST 0x0000003b
+#define MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS 0x00000d90
+#define MSR_IA32_XSS 0x00000da0
+#define FEATURE_CONTROL_LMCE (1<<20)
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE 0x0000001b
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BSP (1<<8)
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE (1<<11)
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BASE (0xfffff<<12)
+#define MSR_IA32_TSCDEADLINE 0x000006e0
+#define MSR_IA32_UCODE_WRITE 0x00000079
+#define MSR_IA32_UCODE_REV 0x0000008b
+#define MSR_IA32_SMM_MONITOR_CTL 0x0000009b
+#define MSR_IA32_SMBASE 0x0000009e
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS 0x00000198
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL 0x00000199
+#define INTEL_PERF_CTL_MASK 0xffff
+#define MSR_AMD_PSTATE_DEF_BASE 0xc0010064
+#define MSR_AMD_PERF_STATUS 0xc0010063
+#define MSR_AMD_PERF_CTL 0xc0010062
+#define MSR_IA32_MPERF 0x000000e7
+#define MSR_IA32_APERF 0x000000e8
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_CONTROL 0x0000019a
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_INTERRUPT 0x0000019b
+#define THERM_INT_HIGH_ENABLE (1 << 0)
+#define THERM_INT_LOW_ENABLE (1 << 1)
+#define THERM_INT_PLN_ENABLE (1 << 24)
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_STATUS 0x0000019c
+#define THERM_STATUS_PROCHOT (1 << 0)
+#define THERM_STATUS_POWER_LIMIT (1 << 10)
+#define MSR_THERM2_CTL 0x0000019d
+#define MSR_THERM2_CTL_TM_SELECT (1ULL << 16)
+#define MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE 0x000001a0
+#define MSR_IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET 0x000001a2
+#define MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT 0x000001aa
+#define MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS 0x000001b0
+#define MSR_IA32_PACKAGE_THERM_STATUS 0x000001b1
+#define MSR_IA32_PACKAGE_THERM_INTERRUPT 0x000001b2
+/* Thermal Thresholds Support */
+#define THERM_INT_THRESHOLD0_ENABLE (1 << 15)
+#define THERM_INT_THRESHOLD1_ENABLE (1 << 23)
+#define THERM_STATUS_THRESHOLD0 (1 << 6)
+#define THERM_LOG_THRESHOLD0 (1 << 7)
+#define THERM_STATUS_THRESHOLD1 (1 << 8)
+#define THERM_LOG_THRESHOLD1 (1 << 9)
+/* MISC_ENABLE bits: architectural */
+/* MISC_ENABLE bits: model-specific, meaning may vary from core to core */
+#define MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE_TM2_BIT 13
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC_DEADLINE 0x000006E0
+/* P4/Xeon+ specific */
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EAX 0x00000180
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EBX 0x00000181
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ECX 0x00000182
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EDX 0x00000183
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ESI 0x00000184
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EDI 0x00000185
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EBP 0x00000186
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ESP 0x00000187
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EFLAGS 0x00000188
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EIP 0x00000189
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_RESERVED 0x0000018a
+/* Pentium IV performance counter MSRs */
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR0 0x00000300
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR1 0x00000301
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR2 0x00000302
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR3 0x00000303
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR0 0x00000304
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR1 0x00000305
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR2 0x00000306
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR3 0x00000307
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR0 0x00000308
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR1 0x00000309
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR2 0x0000030a
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR3 0x0000030b
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR0 0x0000030c
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR1 0x0000030d
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR2 0x0000030e
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR3 0x0000030f
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR4 0x00000310
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR5 0x00000311
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR0 0x00000360
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR1 0x00000361
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR2 0x00000362
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR3 0x00000363
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR0 0x00000364
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR1 0x00000365
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR2 0x00000366
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR3 0x00000367
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR0 0x00000368
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR1 0x00000369
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR2 0x0000036a
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR3 0x0000036b
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0 0x0000036c
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR1 0x0000036d
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR2 0x0000036e
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR3 0x0000036f
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR4 0x00000370
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR5 0x00000371
+#define MSR_P4_ALF_ESCR0 0x000003ca
+#define MSR_P4_ALF_ESCR1 0x000003cb
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_ESCR0 0x000003b2
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_ESCR1 0x000003b3
+#define MSR_P4_BSU_ESCR0 0x000003a0
+#define MSR_P4_BSU_ESCR1 0x000003a1
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0 0x000003b8
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR1 0x000003b9
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR2 0x000003cc
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR3 0x000003cd
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR4 0x000003e0
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR5 0x000003e1
+#define MSR_P4_DAC_ESCR0 0x000003a8
+#define MSR_P4_DAC_ESCR1 0x000003a9
+#define MSR_P4_FIRM_ESCR0 0x000003a4
+#define MSR_P4_FIRM_ESCR1 0x000003a5
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_ESCR0 0x000003a6
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_ESCR1 0x000003a7
+#define MSR_P4_FSB_ESCR0 0x000003a2
+#define MSR_P4_FSB_ESCR1 0x000003a3
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR0 0x000003ba
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR1 0x000003bb
+#define MSR_P4_IS_ESCR0 0x000003b4
+#define MSR_P4_IS_ESCR1 0x000003b5
+#define MSR_P4_ITLB_ESCR0 0x000003b6
+#define MSR_P4_ITLB_ESCR1 0x000003b7
+#define MSR_P4_IX_ESCR0 0x000003c8
+#define MSR_P4_IX_ESCR1 0x000003c9
+#define MSR_P4_MOB_ESCR0 0x000003aa
+#define MSR_P4_MOB_ESCR1 0x000003ab
+#define MSR_P4_MS_ESCR0 0x000003c0
+#define MSR_P4_MS_ESCR1 0x000003c1
+#define MSR_P4_PMH_ESCR0 0x000003ac
+#define MSR_P4_PMH_ESCR1 0x000003ad
+#define MSR_P4_RAT_ESCR0 0x000003bc
+#define MSR_P4_RAT_ESCR1 0x000003bd
+#define MSR_P4_SAAT_ESCR0 0x000003ae
+#define MSR_P4_SAAT_ESCR1 0x000003af
+#define MSR_P4_SSU_ESCR0 0x000003be
+#define MSR_P4_SSU_ESCR1 0x000003bf /* guess: not in manual */
+#define MSR_P4_TBPU_ESCR0 0x000003c2
+#define MSR_P4_TBPU_ESCR1 0x000003c3
+#define MSR_P4_TC_ESCR0 0x000003c4
+#define MSR_P4_TC_ESCR1 0x000003c5
+#define MSR_P4_U2L_ESCR0 0x000003b0
+#define MSR_P4_U2L_ESCR1 0x000003b1
+#define MSR_P4_PEBS_MATRIX_VERT 0x000003f2
+/* Intel Core-based CPU performance counters */
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR0 0x00000309
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR1 0x0000030a
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR2 0x0000030b
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR_CTRL 0x0000038d
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS 0x0000038e
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL 0x0000038f
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL 0x00000390
+/* Geode defined MSRs */
+#define MSR_GEODE_BUSCONT_CONF0 0x00001900
+/* Intel VT MSRs */
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC 0x00000480
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS 0x00000481
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS 0x00000482
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS 0x00000483
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS 0x00000484
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC 0x00000485
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 0x00000486
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1 0x00000487
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 0x00000488
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 0x00000489
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM 0x0000048a
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2 0x0000048b
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP 0x0000048c
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS 0x0000048d
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS 0x0000048e
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_EXIT_CTLS 0x0000048f
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_ENTRY_CTLS 0x00000490
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMFUNC 0x00000491
+/* VMX_BASIC bits and bitmasks */
+#define VMX_BASIC_TRUE_CTLS (1ULL << 55)
+#define VMX_BASIC_64 0x0001000000000000LLU
+#define VMX_BASIC_MEM_TYPE_MASK 0x003c000000000000LLU
+#define VMX_BASIC_INOUT 0x0040000000000000LLU
+/* MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC bits */
+/* AMD-V MSRs */
+#define MSR_VM_CR 0xc0010114
+#define MSR_VM_IGNNE 0xc0010115
+#define MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA 0xc0010117
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/svm.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/svm.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29241ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/svm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef __SVM_H
+#define __SVM_H
+#include <uapi/asm/svm.h>
+enum {
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct vmcb_control_area {
+ u32 intercept_cr;
+ u32 intercept_dr;
+ u32 intercept_exceptions;
+ u64 intercept;
+ u8 reserved_1[40];
+ u16 pause_filter_thresh;
+ u16 pause_filter_count;
+ u64 iopm_base_pa;
+ u64 msrpm_base_pa;
+ u64 tsc_offset;
+ u32 asid;
+ u8 tlb_ctl;
+ u8 reserved_2[3];
+ u32 int_ctl;
+ u32 int_vector;
+ u32 int_state;
+ u8 reserved_3[4];
+ u32 exit_code;
+ u32 exit_code_hi;
+ u64 exit_info_1;
+ u64 exit_info_2;
+ u32 exit_int_info;
+ u32 exit_int_info_err;
+ u64 nested_ctl;
+ u64 avic_vapic_bar;
+ u8 reserved_4[8];
+ u32 event_inj;
+ u32 event_inj_err;
+ u64 nested_cr3;
+ u64 lbr_ctl;
+ u32 clean;
+ u32 reserved_5;
+ u64 next_rip;
+ u8 insn_len;
+ u8 insn_bytes[15];
+ u64 avic_backing_page; /* Offset 0xe0 */
+ u8 reserved_6[8]; /* Offset 0xe8 */
+ u64 avic_logical_id; /* Offset 0xf0 */
+ u64 avic_physical_id; /* Offset 0xf8 */
+ u8 reserved_7[768];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define V_TPR_MASK 0x0f
+#define V_IRQ_SHIFT 8
+#define V_IRQ_MASK (1 << V_IRQ_SHIFT)
+#define V_GIF_SHIFT 9
+#define V_GIF_MASK (1 << V_GIF_SHIFT)
+#define V_INTR_PRIO_SHIFT 16
+#define V_IGN_TPR_SHIFT 20
+#define V_IGN_TPR_MASK (1 << V_IGN_TPR_SHIFT)
+#define V_GIF_ENABLE_SHIFT 25
+#define SVM_VM_CR_VALID_MASK 0x001fULL
+#define SVM_VM_CR_SVM_LOCK_MASK 0x0008ULL
+#define SVM_VM_CR_SVM_DIS_MASK 0x0010ULL
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct vmcb_seg {
+ u16 selector;
+ u16 attrib;
+ u32 limit;
+ u64 base;
+struct vmcb_save_area {
+ struct vmcb_seg es;
+ struct vmcb_seg cs;
+ struct vmcb_seg ss;
+ struct vmcb_seg ds;
+ struct vmcb_seg fs;
+ struct vmcb_seg gs;
+ struct vmcb_seg gdtr;
+ struct vmcb_seg ldtr;
+ struct vmcb_seg idtr;
+ struct vmcb_seg tr;
+ u8 reserved_1[43];
+ u8 cpl;
+ u8 reserved_2[4];
+ u64 efer;
+ u8 reserved_3[112];
+ u64 cr4;
+ u64 cr3;
+ u64 cr0;
+ u64 dr7;
+ u64 dr6;
+ u64 rflags;
+ u64 rip;
+ u8 reserved_4[88];
+ u64 rsp;
+ u8 reserved_5[24];
+ u64 rax;
+ u64 star;
+ u64 lstar;
+ u64 cstar;
+ u64 sfmask;
+ u64 kernel_gs_base;
+ u64 sysenter_cs;
+ u64 sysenter_esp;
+ u64 sysenter_eip;
+ u64 cr2;
+ u8 reserved_6[32];
+ u64 g_pat;
+ u64 dbgctl;
+ u64 br_from;
+ u64 br_to;
+ u64 last_excp_from;
+ u64 last_excp_to;
+struct vmcb {
+ struct vmcb_control_area control;
+ struct vmcb_save_area save;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define SVM_CPUID_FUNC 0x8000000a
+#define SVM_SELECTOR_WRITE_MASK (1 << 1)
+#define SVM_SELECTOR_CODE_MASK (1 << 3)
+#define INTERCEPT_CR0_WRITE (16 + 0)
+#define INTERCEPT_CR3_WRITE (16 + 3)
+#define INTERCEPT_CR4_WRITE (16 + 4)
+#define INTERCEPT_CR8_WRITE (16 + 8)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR0_WRITE (16 + 0)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR1_WRITE (16 + 1)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR2_WRITE (16 + 2)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR3_WRITE (16 + 3)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR4_WRITE (16 + 4)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR5_WRITE (16 + 5)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR6_WRITE (16 + 6)
+#define INTERCEPT_DR7_WRITE (16 + 7)
+#define SVM_EVTINJ_VEC_MASK 0xff
+#define SVM_EVTINJ_VALID (1 << 31)
+#define SVM_EVTINJ_VALID_ERR (1 << 11)
+#define SVM_CR0_SELECTIVE_MASK (X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP)
+#define SVM_VMLOAD ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xda"
+#define SVM_VMRUN ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xd8"
+#define SVM_VMSAVE ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xdb"
+#define SVM_CLGI ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xdd"
+#define SVM_STGI ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xdc"
+#define SVM_INVLPGA ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xdf"
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dec5bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ * vmx.h: VMX Architecture related definitions
+ * Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+ * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ *
+ * A few random additions are:
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet
+ * Avi Kivity <>
+ * Yaniv Kamay <>
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef VMX_H
+#define VMX_H
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/vmx.h>
+ * Definitions of Primary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls.
+ */
+#define CPU_BASED_USE_TSC_OFFSETING 0x00000008
+#define CPU_BASED_HLT_EXITING 0x00000080
+#define CPU_BASED_INVLPG_EXITING 0x00000200
+#define CPU_BASED_MWAIT_EXITING 0x00000400
+#define CPU_BASED_RDPMC_EXITING 0x00000800
+#define CPU_BASED_RDTSC_EXITING 0x00001000
+#define CPU_BASED_CR3_LOAD_EXITING 0x00008000
+#define CPU_BASED_CR3_STORE_EXITING 0x00010000
+#define CPU_BASED_CR8_LOAD_EXITING 0x00080000
+#define CPU_BASED_CR8_STORE_EXITING 0x00100000
+#define CPU_BASED_TPR_SHADOW 0x00200000
+#define CPU_BASED_MOV_DR_EXITING 0x00800000
+#define CPU_BASED_UNCOND_IO_EXITING 0x01000000
+#define CPU_BASED_USE_IO_BITMAPS 0x02000000
+#define CPU_BASED_MONITOR_TRAP_FLAG 0x08000000
+#define CPU_BASED_USE_MSR_BITMAPS 0x10000000
+#define CPU_BASED_MONITOR_EXITING 0x20000000
+#define CPU_BASED_PAUSE_EXITING 0x40000000
+ * Definitions of Secondary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls.
+ */
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_EPT 0x00000002
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_RDTSCP 0x00000008
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_VPID 0x00000020
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_SHADOW_VMCS 0x00004000
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_PML 0x00020000
+#define SECONDARY_EXEC_XSAVES 0x00100000
+#define PIN_BASED_EXT_INTR_MASK 0x00000001
+#define PIN_BASED_NMI_EXITING 0x00000008
+#define PIN_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMIS 0x00000020
+#define VM_EXIT_SAVE_DEBUG_CONTROLS 0x00000004
+#define VM_EXIT_HOST_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE 0x00000200
+#define VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL 0x00001000
+#define VM_EXIT_ACK_INTR_ON_EXIT 0x00008000
+#define VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_PAT 0x00040000
+#define VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PAT 0x00080000
+#define VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_EFER 0x00100000
+#define VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_EFER 0x00200000
+#define VM_EXIT_CLEAR_BNDCFGS 0x00800000
+#define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS 0x00000004
+#define VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE 0x00000200
+#define VM_ENTRY_SMM 0x00000400
+#define VM_ENTRY_DEACT_DUAL_MONITOR 0x00000800
+#define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL 0x00002000
+#define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT 0x00004000
+#define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_EFER 0x00008000
+#define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_BNDCFGS 0x00010000
+#define VMX_MISC_SAVE_EFER_LMA 0x00000020
+#define VMX_MISC_ACTIVITY_HLT 0x00000040
+/* VMCS Encodings */
+enum vmcs_field {
+ VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID = 0x00000000,
+ POSTED_INTR_NV = 0x00000002,
+ GUEST_ES_SELECTOR = 0x00000800,
+ GUEST_CS_SELECTOR = 0x00000802,
+ GUEST_SS_SELECTOR = 0x00000804,
+ GUEST_DS_SELECTOR = 0x00000806,
+ GUEST_FS_SELECTOR = 0x00000808,
+ GUEST_GS_SELECTOR = 0x0000080a,
+ GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR = 0x0000080c,
+ GUEST_TR_SELECTOR = 0x0000080e,
+ GUEST_INTR_STATUS = 0x00000810,
+ GUEST_PML_INDEX = 0x00000812,
+ HOST_ES_SELECTOR = 0x00000c00,
+ HOST_CS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c02,
+ HOST_SS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c04,
+ HOST_DS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c06,
+ HOST_FS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c08,
+ HOST_GS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c0a,
+ HOST_TR_SELECTOR = 0x00000c0c,
+ IO_BITMAP_A = 0x00002000,
+ IO_BITMAP_A_HIGH = 0x00002001,
+ IO_BITMAP_B = 0x00002002,
+ IO_BITMAP_B_HIGH = 0x00002003,
+ MSR_BITMAP = 0x00002004,
+ MSR_BITMAP_HIGH = 0x00002005,
+ VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_ADDR = 0x00002006,
+ VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_ADDR = 0x00002008,
+ VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_ADDR_HIGH = 0x00002009,
+ VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_ADDR = 0x0000200a,
+ PML_ADDRESS = 0x0000200e,
+ PML_ADDRESS_HIGH = 0x0000200f,
+ TSC_OFFSET = 0x00002010,
+ TSC_OFFSET_HIGH = 0x00002011,
+ VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR = 0x00002012,
+ APIC_ACCESS_ADDR = 0x00002014,
+ APIC_ACCESS_ADDR_HIGH = 0x00002015,
+ POSTED_INTR_DESC_ADDR = 0x00002016,
+ EPT_POINTER = 0x0000201a,
+ EPT_POINTER_HIGH = 0x0000201b,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0 = 0x0000201c,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0_HIGH = 0x0000201d,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1 = 0x0000201e,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1_HIGH = 0x0000201f,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2 = 0x00002020,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2_HIGH = 0x00002021,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3 = 0x00002022,
+ EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3_HIGH = 0x00002023,
+ VMREAD_BITMAP = 0x00002026,
+ VMWRITE_BITMAP = 0x00002028,
+ XSS_EXIT_BITMAP = 0x0000202C,
+ XSS_EXIT_BITMAP_HIGH = 0x0000202D,
+ VMCS_LINK_POINTER = 0x00002800,
+ VMCS_LINK_POINTER_HIGH = 0x00002801,
+ GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL = 0x00002802,
+ GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL_HIGH = 0x00002803,
+ GUEST_IA32_PAT = 0x00002804,
+ GUEST_IA32_PAT_HIGH = 0x00002805,
+ GUEST_IA32_EFER = 0x00002806,
+ GUEST_IA32_EFER_HIGH = 0x00002807,
+ GUEST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL = 0x00002808,
+ GUEST_PDPTR0 = 0x0000280a,
+ GUEST_PDPTR0_HIGH = 0x0000280b,
+ GUEST_PDPTR1 = 0x0000280c,
+ GUEST_PDPTR1_HIGH = 0x0000280d,
+ GUEST_PDPTR2 = 0x0000280e,
+ GUEST_PDPTR2_HIGH = 0x0000280f,
+ GUEST_PDPTR3 = 0x00002810,
+ GUEST_PDPTR3_HIGH = 0x00002811,
+ GUEST_BNDCFGS = 0x00002812,
+ GUEST_BNDCFGS_HIGH = 0x00002813,
+ HOST_IA32_PAT = 0x00002c00,
+ HOST_IA32_PAT_HIGH = 0x00002c01,
+ HOST_IA32_EFER = 0x00002c02,
+ HOST_IA32_EFER_HIGH = 0x00002c03,
+ HOST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL = 0x00002c04,
+ EXCEPTION_BITMAP = 0x00004004,
+ CR3_TARGET_COUNT = 0x0000400a,
+ VM_EXIT_CONTROLS = 0x0000400c,
+ VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_COUNT = 0x0000400e,
+ VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT = 0x00004010,
+ VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS = 0x00004012,
+ VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT = 0x00004014,
+ VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD = 0x00004016,
+ TPR_THRESHOLD = 0x0000401c,
+ PLE_GAP = 0x00004020,
+ PLE_WINDOW = 0x00004022,
+ VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR = 0x00004400,
+ VM_EXIT_REASON = 0x00004402,
+ VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO = 0x00004404,
+ VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE = 0x00004406,
+ VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO = 0x0000440e,
+ GUEST_ES_LIMIT = 0x00004800,
+ GUEST_CS_LIMIT = 0x00004802,
+ GUEST_SS_LIMIT = 0x00004804,
+ GUEST_DS_LIMIT = 0x00004806,
+ GUEST_FS_LIMIT = 0x00004808,
+ GUEST_GS_LIMIT = 0x0000480a,
+ GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT = 0x0000480c,
+ GUEST_TR_LIMIT = 0x0000480e,
+ GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT = 0x00004810,
+ GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT = 0x00004812,
+ GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES = 0x00004814,
+ GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES = 0x00004816,
+ GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES = 0x00004818,
+ GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481a,
+ GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481c,
+ GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481e,
+ GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES = 0x00004820,
+ GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES = 0x00004822,
+ GUEST_SYSENTER_CS = 0x0000482A,
+ HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS = 0x00004c00,
+ CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK = 0x00006000,
+ CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK = 0x00006002,
+ CR0_READ_SHADOW = 0x00006004,
+ CR4_READ_SHADOW = 0x00006006,
+ CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 = 0x00006008,
+ CR3_TARGET_VALUE1 = 0x0000600a,
+ CR3_TARGET_VALUE2 = 0x0000600c,
+ CR3_TARGET_VALUE3 = 0x0000600e,
+ EXIT_QUALIFICATION = 0x00006400,
+ GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS = 0x0000640a,
+ GUEST_CR0 = 0x00006800,
+ GUEST_CR3 = 0x00006802,
+ GUEST_CR4 = 0x00006804,
+ GUEST_ES_BASE = 0x00006806,
+ GUEST_CS_BASE = 0x00006808,
+ GUEST_SS_BASE = 0x0000680a,
+ GUEST_DS_BASE = 0x0000680c,
+ GUEST_FS_BASE = 0x0000680e,
+ GUEST_GS_BASE = 0x00006810,
+ GUEST_LDTR_BASE = 0x00006812,
+ GUEST_TR_BASE = 0x00006814,
+ GUEST_GDTR_BASE = 0x00006816,
+ GUEST_IDTR_BASE = 0x00006818,
+ GUEST_DR7 = 0x0000681a,
+ GUEST_RSP = 0x0000681c,
+ GUEST_RIP = 0x0000681e,
+ GUEST_RFLAGS = 0x00006820,
+ GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP = 0x00006824,
+ GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x00006826,
+ HOST_CR0 = 0x00006c00,
+ HOST_CR3 = 0x00006c02,
+ HOST_CR4 = 0x00006c04,
+ HOST_FS_BASE = 0x00006c06,
+ HOST_GS_BASE = 0x00006c08,
+ HOST_TR_BASE = 0x00006c0a,
+ HOST_GDTR_BASE = 0x00006c0c,
+ HOST_IDTR_BASE = 0x00006c0e,
+ HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP = 0x00006c10,
+ HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x00006c12,
+ HOST_RSP = 0x00006c14,
+ HOST_RIP = 0x00006c16,
+ * Interruption-information format
+ */
+#define INTR_INFO_VECTOR_MASK 0xff /* 7:0 */
+#define INTR_INFO_INTR_TYPE_MASK 0x700 /* 10:8 */
+#define INTR_INFO_DELIVER_CODE_MASK 0x800 /* 11 */
+#define INTR_INFO_UNBLOCK_NMI 0x1000 /* 12 */
+#define INTR_INFO_VALID_MASK 0x80000000 /* 31 */
+#define INTR_INFO_RESVD_BITS_MASK 0x7ffff000
+#define INTR_TYPE_EXT_INTR (0 << 8) /* external interrupt */
+#define INTR_TYPE_NMI_INTR (2 << 8) /* NMI */
+#define INTR_TYPE_HARD_EXCEPTION (3 << 8) /* processor exception */
+#define INTR_TYPE_SOFT_INTR (4 << 8) /* software interrupt */
+#define INTR_TYPE_SOFT_EXCEPTION (6 << 8) /* software exception */
+#define GUEST_INTR_STATE_STI 0x00000001
+#define GUEST_INTR_STATE_MOV_SS 0x00000002
+#define GUEST_INTR_STATE_SMI 0x00000004
+#define GUEST_INTR_STATE_NMI 0x00000008
+ * Exit Qualifications for MOV for Control Register Access
+ */
+#define CONTROL_REG_ACCESS_NUM 0x7 /* 2:0, number of control reg.*/
+#define CONTROL_REG_ACCESS_TYPE 0x30 /* 5:4, access type */
+#define CONTROL_REG_ACCESS_REG 0xf00 /* 10:8, general purpose reg. */
+#define LMSW_SOURCE_DATA (0xFFFF << LMSW_SOURCE_DATA_SHIFT) /* 16:31 lmsw source */
+#define REG_EAX (0 << 8)
+#define REG_ECX (1 << 8)
+#define REG_EDX (2 << 8)
+#define REG_EBX (3 << 8)
+#define REG_ESP (4 << 8)
+#define REG_EBP (5 << 8)
+#define REG_ESI (6 << 8)
+#define REG_EDI (7 << 8)
+#define REG_R8 (8 << 8)
+#define REG_R9 (9 << 8)
+#define REG_R10 (10 << 8)
+#define REG_R11 (11 << 8)
+#define REG_R12 (12 << 8)
+#define REG_R13 (13 << 8)
+#define REG_R14 (14 << 8)
+#define REG_R15 (15 << 8)
+ * Exit Qualifications for MOV for Debug Register Access
+ */
+#define DEBUG_REG_ACCESS_NUM 0x7 /* 2:0, number of debug reg. */
+#define DEBUG_REG_ACCESS_TYPE 0x10 /* 4, direction of access */
+#define TYPE_MOV_TO_DR (0 << 4)
+#define TYPE_MOV_FROM_DR (1 << 4)
+#define DEBUG_REG_ACCESS_REG(eq) (((eq) >> 8) & 0xf) /* 11:8, general purpose reg. */
+ * Exit Qualifications for APIC-Access
+ */
+#define APIC_ACCESS_OFFSET 0xfff /* 11:0, offset within the APIC page */
+#define APIC_ACCESS_TYPE 0xf000 /* 15:12, access type */
+#define TYPE_LINEAR_APIC_INST_READ (0 << 12)
+#define TYPE_LINEAR_APIC_INST_WRITE (1 << 12)
+#define TYPE_LINEAR_APIC_INST_FETCH (2 << 12)
+#define TYPE_LINEAR_APIC_EVENT (3 << 12)
+#define TYPE_PHYSICAL_APIC_EVENT (10 << 12)
+#define TYPE_PHYSICAL_APIC_INST (15 << 12)
+/* segment AR in VMCS -- these are different from what LAR reports */
+#define VMX_SEGMENT_AR_L_MASK (1 << 13)
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_READABLE_MASK (1 << 1)
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_WRITEABLE_MASK (1 << 2)
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_CODE_MASK (1 << 3)
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_MASK 0x0f
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_BUSY_64_TSS 11
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_BUSY_32_TSS 11
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_BUSY_16_TSS 3
+#define VMX_AR_TYPE_LDT 2
+#define VMX_AR_UNUSABLE_MASK (1 << 16)
+#define VMX_AR_S_MASK (1 << 4)
+#define VMX_AR_P_MASK (1 << 7)
+#define VMX_AR_L_MASK (1 << 13)
+#define VMX_AR_DB_MASK (1 << 14)
+#define VMX_AR_G_MASK (1 << 15)
+#define VMX_AR_DPL_SHIFT 5
+#define VMX_AR_DPL(ar) (((ar) >> VMX_AR_DPL_SHIFT) & 3)
+#define VMX_AR_RESERVD_MASK 0xfffe0f00
+#define VMX_NR_VPIDS (1 << 16)
+#define VMX_EPT_EXECUTE_ONLY_BIT (1ull)
+#define VMX_EPT_PAGE_WALK_4_BIT (1ull << 6)
+#define VMX_EPTP_UC_BIT (1ull << 8)
+#define VMX_EPTP_WB_BIT (1ull << 14)
+#define VMX_EPT_2MB_PAGE_BIT (1ull << 16)
+#define VMX_EPT_1GB_PAGE_BIT (1ull << 17)
+#define VMX_EPT_INVEPT_BIT (1ull << 20)
+#define VMX_EPT_AD_BIT (1ull << 21)
+#define VMX_EPT_EXTENT_CONTEXT_BIT (1ull << 25)
+#define VMX_EPT_EXTENT_GLOBAL_BIT (1ull << 26)
+#define VMX_VPID_INVVPID_BIT (1ull << 0) /* (32 - 32) */
+#define VMX_VPID_EXTENT_SINGLE_CONTEXT_BIT (1ull << 9) /* (41 - 32) */
+#define VMX_VPID_EXTENT_GLOBAL_CONTEXT_BIT (1ull << 10) /* (42 - 32) */
+#define VMX_EPT_MAX_GAW 0x4
+#define VMX_EPT_AD_ENABLE_BIT (1ull << 6)
+#define VMX_EPT_DEFAULT_MT 0x6ull
+#define VMX_EPT_READABLE_MASK 0x1ull
+#define VMX_EPT_WRITABLE_MASK 0x2ull
+#define VMX_EPT_IPAT_BIT (1ull << 6)
+#define VMX_EPT_ACCESS_BIT (1ull << 8)
+#define VMX_EPT_DIRTY_BIT (1ull << 9)
+#define ASM_VMX_VMCLEAR_RAX ".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0xc7, 0x30"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMLAUNCH ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xc2"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMRESUME ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xc3"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMPTRLD_RAX ".byte 0x0f, 0xc7, 0x30"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMREAD_RDX_RAX ".byte 0x0f, 0x78, 0xd0"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMWRITE_RAX_RDX ".byte 0x0f, 0x79, 0xd0"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMWRITE_RSP_RDX ".byte 0x0f, 0x79, 0xd4"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMXOFF ".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xc4"
+#define ASM_VMX_VMXON_RAX ".byte 0xf3, 0x0f, 0xc7, 0x30"
+#define ASM_VMX_INVEPT ".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x38, 0x80, 0x08"
+#define ASM_VMX_INVVPID ".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x38, 0x81, 0x08"
+struct vmx_msr_entry {
+ u32 index;
+ u32 reserved;
+ u64 value;
+ * Exit Qualifications for entry failure during or after loading guest state
+ */
+#define ENTRY_FAIL_NMI 3
+ * VM-instruction error numbers
+ */
+enum vm_instruction_error_number {
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/debugreg.h b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/debugreg.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c0874d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/debugreg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* Indicate the register numbers for a number of the specific
+ debug registers. Registers 0-3 contain the addresses we wish to trap on */
+#define DR_FIRSTADDR 0 /* u_debugreg[DR_FIRSTADDR] */
+#define DR_LASTADDR 3 /* u_debugreg[DR_LASTADDR] */
+#define DR_STATUS 6 /* u_debugreg[DR_STATUS] */
+#define DR_CONTROL 7 /* u_debugreg[DR_CONTROL] */
+/* Define a few things for the status register. We can use this to determine
+ which debugging register was responsible for the trap. The other bits
+ are either reserved or not of interest to us. */
+/* Define reserved bits in DR6 which are always set to 1 */
+#define DR6_RESERVED (0xFFFF0FF0)
+#define DR_TRAP0 (0x1) /* db0 */
+#define DR_TRAP1 (0x2) /* db1 */
+#define DR_TRAP2 (0x4) /* db2 */
+#define DR_TRAP3 (0x8) /* db3 */
+#define DR_STEP (0x4000) /* single-step */
+#define DR_SWITCH (0x8000) /* task switch */
+/* Now define a bunch of things for manipulating the control register.
+ The top two bytes of the control register consist of 4 fields of 4
+ bits - each field corresponds to one of the four debug registers,
+ and indicates what types of access we trap on, and how large the data
+ field is that we are looking at */
+#define DR_CONTROL_SHIFT 16 /* Skip this many bits in ctl register */
+#define DR_CONTROL_SIZE 4 /* 4 control bits per register */
+#define DR_RW_EXECUTE (0x0) /* Settings for the access types to trap on */
+#define DR_RW_WRITE (0x1)
+#define DR_RW_READ (0x3)
+#define DR_LEN_1 (0x0) /* Settings for data length to trap on */
+#define DR_LEN_2 (0x4)
+#define DR_LEN_4 (0xC)
+#define DR_LEN_8 (0x8)
+/* The low byte to the control register determine which registers are
+ enabled. There are 4 fields of two bits. One bit is "local", meaning
+ that the processor will reset the bit after a task switch and the other
+ is global meaning that we have to explicitly reset the bit. With linux,
+ you can use either one, since we explicitly zero the register when we enter
+ kernel mode. */
+#define DR_LOCAL_ENABLE_SHIFT 0 /* Extra shift to the local enable bit */
+#define DR_GLOBAL_ENABLE_SHIFT 1 /* Extra shift to the global enable bit */
+#define DR_LOCAL_ENABLE (0x1) /* Local enable for reg 0 */
+#define DR_GLOBAL_ENABLE (0x2) /* Global enable for reg 0 */
+#define DR_ENABLE_SIZE 2 /* 2 enable bits per register */
+#define DR_LOCAL_ENABLE_MASK (0x55) /* Set local bits for all 4 regs */
+#define DR_GLOBAL_ENABLE_MASK (0xAA) /* Set global bits for all 4 regs */
+/* The second byte to the control register has a few special things.
+ We can slow the instruction pipeline for instructions coming via the
+ gdt or the ldt if we want to. I am not sure why this is an advantage */
+#ifdef __i386__
+#define DR_CONTROL_RESERVED (0xFC00) /* Reserved by Intel */
+#define DR_CONTROL_RESERVED (0xFFFFFFFF0000FC00UL) /* Reserved */
+#define DR_LOCAL_SLOWDOWN (0x100) /* Local slow the pipeline */
+#define DR_GLOBAL_SLOWDOWN (0x200) /* Global slow the pipeline */
+ * HW breakpoint additions
+ */
+#endif /* _UAPI_ASM_X86_DEBUGREG_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d1dbb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_H
+#define _ASM_X86_KVM_H
+ * kvm x86 specific structures and definitions
+ *
+ */
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#define DE_VECTOR 0
+#define DB_VECTOR 1
+#define BP_VECTOR 3
+#define OF_VECTOR 4
+#define BR_VECTOR 5
+#define UD_VECTOR 6
+#define NM_VECTOR 7
+#define DF_VECTOR 8
+#define TS_VECTOR 10
+#define NP_VECTOR 11
+#define SS_VECTOR 12
+#define GP_VECTOR 13
+#define PF_VECTOR 14
+#define MF_VECTOR 16
+#define AC_VECTOR 17
+#define MC_VECTOR 18
+#define XM_VECTOR 19
+#define VE_VECTOR 20
+/* Select x86 specific features in <linux/kvm.h> */
+#define __GVM_HAVE_MSI
+#define __GVM_HAVE_USER_NMI
+#define __GVM_HAVE_MSIX
+#define __GVM_HAVE_XSAVE
+#define __GVM_HAVE_XCRS
+/* Architectural interrupt line count. */
+#define GVM_NR_INTERRUPTS 256
+struct kvm_memory_alias {
+ __u32 slot; /* this has a different namespace than memory slots */
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u64 guest_phys_addr;
+ __u64 memory_size;
+ __u64 target_phys_addr;
+struct kvm_pic_state {
+ __u8 last_irr; /* edge detection */
+ __u8 irr; /* interrupt request register */
+ __u8 imr; /* interrupt mask register */
+ __u8 isr; /* interrupt service register */
+ __u8 priority_add; /* highest irq priority */
+ __u8 irq_base;
+ __u8 read_reg_select;
+ __u8 poll;
+ __u8 special_mask;
+ __u8 init_state;
+ __u8 auto_eoi;
+ __u8 rotate_on_auto_eoi;
+ __u8 special_fully_nested_mode;
+ __u8 init4; /* true if 4 byte init */
+ __u8 elcr; /* PIIX edge/trigger selection */
+ __u8 elcr_mask;
+struct kvm_ioapic_state {
+ __u64 base_address;
+ __u32 ioregsel;
+ __u32 id;
+ __u32 irr;
+ __u32 pad;
+ union {
+ __u64 bits;
+ struct {
+ __u8 vector;
+ __u8 delivery_mode:3;
+ __u8 dest_mode:1;
+ __u8 delivery_status:1;
+ __u8 polarity:1;
+ __u8 remote_irr:1;
+ __u8 trig_mode:1;
+ __u8 mask:1;
+ __u8 reserve:7;
+ __u8 reserved[4];
+ __u8 dest_id;
+ } fields;
+ } redirtbl[GVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS];
+#define GVM_NR_IRQCHIPS 3
+#define GVM_RUN_X86_SMM (1 << 0)
+/* for GVM_GET_REGS and GVM_SET_REGS */
+struct kvm_regs {
+ /* out (GVM_GET_REGS) / in (GVM_SET_REGS) */
+ __u64 rax, rbx, rcx, rdx;
+ __u64 rsi, rdi, rsp, rbp;
+ __u64 r8, r9, r10, r11;
+ __u64 r12, r13, r14, r15;
+ __u64 rip, rflags;
+#define GVM_APIC_REG_SIZE 0x400
+struct kvm_lapic_state {
+ char regs[GVM_APIC_REG_SIZE];
+struct kvm_segment {
+ __u64 base;
+ __u32 limit;
+ __u16 selector;
+ __u8 type;
+ __u8 present, dpl, db, s, l, g, avl;
+ __u8 unusable;
+ __u8 padding;
+struct kvm_dtable {
+ __u64 base;
+ __u16 limit;
+ __u16 padding[3];
+struct kvm_sregs {
+ /* out (GVM_GET_SREGS) / in (GVM_SET_SREGS) */
+ struct kvm_segment cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss;
+ struct kvm_segment tr, ldt;
+ struct kvm_dtable gdt, idt;
+ __u64 cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr8;
+ __u64 efer;
+ __u64 apic_base;
+ __u64 interrupt_bitmap[(GVM_NR_INTERRUPTS + 63) / 64];
+/* for GVM_GET_FPU and GVM_SET_FPU */
+struct kvm_fpu {
+ __u8 fpr[8][16];
+ __u16 fcw;
+ __u16 fsw;
+ __u8 ftwx; /* in fxsave format */
+ __u8 pad1;
+ __u16 last_opcode;
+ __u64 last_ip;
+ __u64 last_dp;
+ __u8 xmm[16][16];
+ __u32 mxcsr;
+ __u32 pad2;
+struct kvm_msr_entry {
+ __u32 index;
+ __u32 reserved;
+ __u64 data;
+#pragma warning(disable : 4200)
+/* for GVM_GET_MSRS and GVM_SET_MSRS */
+struct kvm_msrs {
+ __u32 nmsrs; /* number of msrs in entries */
+ __u32 pad;
+ struct kvm_msr_entry entries[0];
+struct kvm_msr_list {
+ __u32 nmsrs; /* number of msrs in entries */
+ __u32 indices[0];
+struct kvm_cpuid_entry {
+ __u32 function;
+ __u32 index;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u32 eax;
+ __u32 ebx;
+ __u32 ecx;
+ __u32 edx;
+ __u32 padding[3];
+/* for GVM_SET_CPUID */
+struct kvm_cpuid {
+ __u32 nent;
+ __u32 padding;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry entries[0];
+/* for GVM_GET_PIT and GVM_SET_PIT */
+struct kvm_pit_channel_state {
+ __u32 count; /* can be 65536 */
+ __u16 latched_count;
+ __u8 count_latched;
+ __u8 status_latched;
+ __u8 status;
+ __u8 read_state;
+ __u8 write_state;
+ __u8 write_latch;
+ __u8 rw_mode;
+ __u8 mode;
+ __u8 bcd;
+ __u8 gate;
+ __s64 count_load_time;
+struct kvm_debug_exit_arch {
+ __u32 exception;
+ __u32 pad;
+ __u64 pc;
+ __u64 dr6;
+ __u64 dr7;
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP 0x00010000
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP 0x00020000
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_DB 0x00040000
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_BP 0x00080000
+struct kvm_guest_debug_arch {
+ __u64 debugreg[8];
+struct kvm_reinject_control {
+ __u8 pit_reinject;
+ __u8 reserved[31];
+/* When set in flags, include corresponding fields on GVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS */
+#define GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SHADOW 0x00000004
+#define GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SMM 0x00000008
+/* Interrupt shadow states */
+#define GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS 0x01
+#define GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI 0x02
+struct kvm_vcpu_events {
+ struct {
+ __u8 injected;
+ __u8 nr;
+ __u8 has_error_code;
+ __u8 pad;
+ __u32 error_code;
+ } exception;
+ struct {
+ __u8 injected;
+ __u8 nr;
+ __u8 soft;
+ __u8 shadow;
+ } interrupt;
+ struct {
+ __u8 injected;
+ __u8 pending;
+ __u8 masked;
+ __u8 pad;
+ } nmi;
+ __u32 sipi_vector;
+ __u32 flags;
+ struct {
+ __u8 smm;
+ __u8 pending;
+ __u8 smm_inside_nmi;
+ __u8 latched_init;
+ } smi;
+ __u32 reserved[9];
+struct kvm_debugregs {
+ __u64 db[4];
+ __u64 dr6;
+ __u64 dr7;
+ __u64 flags;
+ __u64 reserved[9];
+/* for GVM_CAP_XSAVE */
+struct kvm_xsave {
+ __u32 region[1024];
+#define GVM_MAX_XCRS 16
+struct kvm_xcr {
+ __u32 xcr;
+ __u32 reserved;
+ __u64 value;
+struct kvm_xcrs {
+ __u32 nr_xcrs;
+ __u32 flags;
+ struct kvm_xcr xcrs[GVM_MAX_XCRS];
+ __u64 padding[16];
+/* definition of registers in kvm_run */
+struct kvm_sync_regs {
+ u64 reg;
+#define GVM_X86_QUIRK_LINT0_REENABLED (1 << 0)
+#define GVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED (1 << 1)
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/processor-flags.h b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/processor-flags.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a65cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/processor-flags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+/* Various flags defined: can be included from assembler. */
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+#define _BITUL(a) ((1ULL) << a)
+#define _BITUL(a) ((1UL) << a)
+#define _AC(X, Y) X##Y
+ * EFLAGS bits
+ */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_CF_BIT 0 /* Carry Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_FIXED_BIT 1 /* Bit 1 - always on */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_PF_BIT 2 /* Parity Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_AF_BIT 4 /* Auxiliary carry Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_ZF_BIT 6 /* Zero Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_SF_BIT 7 /* Sign Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_TF_BIT 8 /* Trap Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_IF_BIT 9 /* Interrupt Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_DF_BIT 10 /* Direction Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_OF_BIT 11 /* Overflow Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_IOPL_BIT 12 /* I/O Privilege Level (2 bits) */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_IOPL (_AC(3,UL) << X86_EFLAGS_IOPL_BIT)
+#define X86_EFLAGS_NT_BIT 14 /* Nested Task */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_RF_BIT 16 /* Resume Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VM_BIT 17 /* Virtual Mode */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_AC_BIT 18 /* Alignment Check/Access Control */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VIF_BIT 19 /* Virtual Interrupt Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VIP_BIT 20 /* Virtual Interrupt Pending */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_ID_BIT 21 /* CPUID detection */
+ * Basic CPU control in CR0
+ */
+#define X86_CR0_PE_BIT 0 /* Protection Enable */
+#define X86_CR0_PE _BITUL(X86_CR0_PE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_MP_BIT 1 /* Monitor Coprocessor */
+#define X86_CR0_MP _BITUL(X86_CR0_MP_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_EM_BIT 2 /* Emulation */
+#define X86_CR0_EM _BITUL(X86_CR0_EM_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_TS_BIT 3 /* Task Switched */
+#define X86_CR0_TS _BITUL(X86_CR0_TS_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_ET_BIT 4 /* Extension Type */
+#define X86_CR0_ET _BITUL(X86_CR0_ET_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_NE_BIT 5 /* Numeric Error */
+#define X86_CR0_NE _BITUL(X86_CR0_NE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_WP_BIT 16 /* Write Protect */
+#define X86_CR0_WP _BITUL(X86_CR0_WP_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_AM_BIT 18 /* Alignment Mask */
+#define X86_CR0_AM _BITUL(X86_CR0_AM_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_NW_BIT 29 /* Not Write-through */
+#define X86_CR0_NW _BITUL(X86_CR0_NW_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_CD_BIT 30 /* Cache Disable */
+#define X86_CR0_CD _BITUL(X86_CR0_CD_BIT)
+#define X86_CR0_PG_BIT 31 /* Paging */
+#define X86_CR0_PG _BITUL(X86_CR0_PG_BIT)
+ * Paging options in CR3
+ */
+#define X86_CR3_PWT_BIT 3 /* Page Write Through */
+#define X86_CR3_PWT _BITUL(X86_CR3_PWT_BIT)
+#define X86_CR3_PCD_BIT 4 /* Page Cache Disable */
+#define X86_CR3_PCD _BITUL(X86_CR3_PCD_BIT)
+#define X86_CR3_PCID_MASK _AC(0x00000fff,UL) /* PCID Mask */
+ * Intel CPU features in CR4
+ */
+#define X86_CR4_VME_BIT 0 /* enable vm86 extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_VME _BITUL(X86_CR4_VME_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PVI_BIT 1 /* virtual interrupts flag enable */
+#define X86_CR4_PVI _BITUL(X86_CR4_PVI_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_TSD_BIT 2 /* disable time stamp at ipl 3 */
+#define X86_CR4_TSD _BITUL(X86_CR4_TSD_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_DE_BIT 3 /* enable debugging extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_DE _BITUL(X86_CR4_DE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PSE_BIT 4 /* enable page size extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_PSE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PSE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PAE_BIT 5 /* enable physical address extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_PAE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PAE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_MCE_BIT 6 /* Machine check enable */
+#define X86_CR4_MCE _BITUL(X86_CR4_MCE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PGE_BIT 7 /* enable global pages */
+#define X86_CR4_PGE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PGE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PCE_BIT 8 /* enable performance counters at ipl 3 */
+#define X86_CR4_PCE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PCE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_OSFXSR_BIT 9 /* enable fast FPU save and restore */
+#define X86_CR4_OSXMMEXCPT_BIT 10 /* enable unmasked SSE exceptions */
+#define X86_CR4_VMXE_BIT 13 /* enable VMX virtualization */
+#define X86_CR4_VMXE _BITUL(X86_CR4_VMXE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_SMXE_BIT 14 /* enable safer mode (TXT) */
+#define X86_CR4_SMXE _BITUL(X86_CR4_SMXE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_FSGSBASE_BIT 16 /* enable RDWRFSGS support */
+#define X86_CR4_PCIDE_BIT 17 /* enable PCID support */
+#define X86_CR4_PCIDE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PCIDE_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_OSXSAVE_BIT 18 /* enable xsave and xrestore */
+#define X86_CR4_SMEP_BIT 20 /* enable SMEP support */
+#define X86_CR4_SMEP _BITUL(X86_CR4_SMEP_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_SMAP_BIT 21 /* enable SMAP support */
+#define X86_CR4_SMAP _BITUL(X86_CR4_SMAP_BIT)
+#define X86_CR4_PKE_BIT 22 /* enable Protection Keys support */
+#define X86_CR4_PKE _BITUL(X86_CR4_PKE_BIT)
+ * x86-64 Task Priority Register, CR8
+ */
+#define X86_CR8_TPR _AC(0x0000000f,UL) /* task priority register */
+ * AMD and Transmeta use MSRs for configuration; see <asm/msr-index.h>
+ */
+ * NSC/Cyrix CPU configuration register indexes
+ */
+#define CX86_PCR0 0x20
+#define CX86_GCR 0xb8
+#define CX86_CCR0 0xc0
+#define CX86_CCR1 0xc1
+#define CX86_CCR2 0xc2
+#define CX86_CCR3 0xc3
+#define CX86_CCR4 0xe8
+#define CX86_CCR5 0xe9
+#define CX86_CCR6 0xea
+#define CX86_CCR7 0xeb
+#define CX86_PCR1 0xf0
+#define CX86_DIR0 0xfe
+#define CX86_DIR1 0xff
+#define CX86_ARR_BASE 0xc4
+#define CX86_RCR_BASE 0xdc
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/svm.h b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/svm.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9731f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/svm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+#ifndef _UAPI__SVM_H
+#define _UAPI__SVM_H
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_CR0 0x000
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_CR2 0x002
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_CR3 0x003
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_CR4 0x004
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_CR8 0x008
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR0 0x010
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR2 0x012
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR3 0x013
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR4 0x014
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR8 0x018
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR0 0x020
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR1 0x021
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR2 0x022
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR3 0x023
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR4 0x024
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR5 0x025
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR6 0x026
+#define SVM_EXIT_READ_DR7 0x027
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR0 0x030
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR1 0x031
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR2 0x032
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR3 0x033
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR4 0x034
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR5 0x035
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR6 0x036
+#define SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR7 0x037
+#define SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE 0x040
+#define SVM_EXIT_INTR 0x060
+#define SVM_EXIT_NMI 0x061
+#define SVM_EXIT_SMI 0x062
+#define SVM_EXIT_INIT 0x063
+#define SVM_EXIT_VINTR 0x064
+#define SVM_EXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE 0x065
+#define SVM_EXIT_IDTR_READ 0x066
+#define SVM_EXIT_GDTR_READ 0x067
+#define SVM_EXIT_LDTR_READ 0x068
+#define SVM_EXIT_TR_READ 0x069
+#define SVM_EXIT_IDTR_WRITE 0x06a
+#define SVM_EXIT_GDTR_WRITE 0x06b
+#define SVM_EXIT_LDTR_WRITE 0x06c
+#define SVM_EXIT_TR_WRITE 0x06d
+#define SVM_EXIT_RDTSC 0x06e
+#define SVM_EXIT_RDPMC 0x06f
+#define SVM_EXIT_PUSHF 0x070
+#define SVM_EXIT_POPF 0x071
+#define SVM_EXIT_CPUID 0x072
+#define SVM_EXIT_RSM 0x073
+#define SVM_EXIT_IRET 0x074
+#define SVM_EXIT_SWINT 0x075
+#define SVM_EXIT_INVD 0x076
+#define SVM_EXIT_PAUSE 0x077
+#define SVM_EXIT_HLT 0x078
+#define SVM_EXIT_INVLPG 0x079
+#define SVM_EXIT_INVLPGA 0x07a
+#define SVM_EXIT_IOIO 0x07b
+#define SVM_EXIT_MSR 0x07c
+#define SVM_EXIT_TASK_SWITCH 0x07d
+#define SVM_EXIT_FERR_FREEZE 0x07e
+#define SVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN 0x07f
+#define SVM_EXIT_VMRUN 0x080
+#define SVM_EXIT_VMMCALL 0x081
+#define SVM_EXIT_VMLOAD 0x082
+#define SVM_EXIT_VMSAVE 0x083
+#define SVM_EXIT_STGI 0x084
+#define SVM_EXIT_CLGI 0x085
+#define SVM_EXIT_SKINIT 0x086
+#define SVM_EXIT_RDTSCP 0x087
+#define SVM_EXIT_ICEBP 0x088
+#define SVM_EXIT_WBINVD 0x089
+#define SVM_EXIT_MONITOR 0x08a
+#define SVM_EXIT_MWAIT 0x08b
+#define SVM_EXIT_MWAIT_COND 0x08c
+#define SVM_EXIT_XSETBV 0x08d
+#define SVM_EXIT_NPF 0x400
+#define SVM_EXIT_ERR -1
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_CR0, "read_cr0" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_CR2, "read_cr2" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_CR3, "read_cr3" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_CR4, "read_cr4" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_CR8, "read_cr8" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR0, "write_cr0" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR2, "write_cr2" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR3, "write_cr3" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR4, "write_cr4" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR8, "write_cr8" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR0, "read_dr0" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR1, "read_dr1" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR2, "read_dr2" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR3, "read_dr3" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR4, "read_dr4" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR5, "read_dr5" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR6, "read_dr6" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_READ_DR7, "read_dr7" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR0, "write_dr0" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR1, "write_dr1" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR2, "write_dr2" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR3, "write_dr3" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR4, "write_dr4" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR5, "write_dr5" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR6, "write_dr6" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR7, "write_dr7" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + DE_VECTOR, "DE excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + DB_VECTOR, "DB excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + BP_VECTOR, "BP excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + OF_VECTOR, "OF excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + BR_VECTOR, "BR excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + UD_VECTOR, "UD excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + NM_VECTOR, "NM excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + DF_VECTOR, "DF excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + TS_VECTOR, "TS excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + NP_VECTOR, "NP excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + SS_VECTOR, "SS excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + GP_VECTOR, "GP excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + PF_VECTOR, "PF excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + MF_VECTOR, "MF excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + AC_VECTOR, "AC excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + MC_VECTOR, "MC excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + XM_VECTOR, "XF excp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_INTR, "interrupt" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_NMI, "nmi" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_SMI, "smi" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_INIT, "init" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_VINTR, "vintr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE, "cr0_sel_write" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_IDTR_READ, "read_idtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_GDTR_READ, "read_gdtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_LDTR_READ, "read_ldtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_TR_READ, "read_rt" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_IDTR_WRITE, "write_idtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_GDTR_WRITE, "write_gdtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_LDTR_WRITE, "write_ldtr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_TR_WRITE, "write_rt" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_RDTSC, "rdtsc" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_RDPMC, "rdpmc" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_PUSHF, "pushf" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_POPF, "popf" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_CPUID, "cpuid" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_RSM, "rsm" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_IRET, "iret" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_SWINT, "swint" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_INVD, "invd" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_PAUSE, "pause" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_HLT, "hlt" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_INVLPG, "invlpg" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_INVLPGA, "invlpga" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_IOIO, "io" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_MSR, "msr" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_TASK_SWITCH, "task_switch" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_FERR_FREEZE, "ferr_freeze" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN, "shutdown" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_VMRUN, "vmrun" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_VMMCALL, "hypercall" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_VMLOAD, "vmload" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_VMSAVE, "vmsave" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_STGI, "stgi" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_CLGI, "clgi" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_SKINIT, "skinit" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_RDTSCP, "rdtscp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_ICEBP, "icebp" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_WBINVD, "wbinvd" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_MONITOR, "monitor" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_MWAIT, "mwait" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_XSETBV, "xsetbv" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_NPF, "npf" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_AVIC_INCOMPLETE_IPI, "avic_incomplete_ipi" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_AVIC_UNACCELERATED_ACCESS, "avic_unaccelerated_access" }, \
+ { SVM_EXIT_ERR, "invalid_guest_state" }
+#endif /* _UAPI__SVM_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/vmx.h b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/vmx.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09c0f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/vmx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * vmx.h: VMX Architecture related definitions
+ * Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+ * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ *
+ * A few random additions are:
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet
+ * Avi Kivity <>
+ * Yaniv Kamay <>
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _UAPIVMX_H
+#define _UAPIVMX_H
+#define EXIT_REASON_HLT 12
+#define EXIT_REASON_INVD 13
+#define EXIT_REASON_VMON 27
+#endif /* _UAPIVMX_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/kvm.c b/arch/x86/kernel/kvm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index edbbfc8..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/kvm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
- * KVM paravirt_ops implementation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar <>
- * Copyright IBM Corporation, 2007
- * Authors: Anthony Liguori <>
- */
-#include <linux/context_tracking.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_para.h>
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/hardirq.h>
-#include <linux/notifier.h>
-#include <linux/reboot.h>
-#include <linux/hash.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/kprobes.h>
-#include <linux/debugfs.h>
-#include <linux/nmi.h>
-#include <linux/swait.h>
-#include <asm/timer.h>
-#include <asm/cpu.h>
-#include <asm/traps.h>
-#include <asm/desc.h>
-#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-#include <asm/idle.h>
-#include <asm/apic.h>
-#include <asm/apicdef.h>
-#include <asm/hypervisor.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_guest.h>
-static int kvmapf = 1;
-static int parse_no_kvmapf(char *arg)
- kvmapf = 0;
- return 0;
-early_param("no-kvmapf", parse_no_kvmapf);
-static int steal_acc = 1;
-static int parse_no_stealacc(char *arg)
- steal_acc = 0;
- return 0;
-early_param("no-steal-acc", parse_no_stealacc);
-static int kvmclock_vsyscall = 1;
-static int parse_no_kvmclock_vsyscall(char *arg)
- kvmclock_vsyscall = 0;
- return 0;
-early_param("no-kvmclock-vsyscall", parse_no_kvmclock_vsyscall);
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct kvm_vcpu_pv_apf_data, apf_reason) __aligned(64);
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct kvm_steal_time, steal_time) __aligned(64);
-static int has_steal_clock = 0;
- * No need for any "IO delay" on KVM
- */
-static void kvm_io_delay(void)
-struct kvm_task_sleep_node {
- struct hlist_node link;
- struct swait_queue_head wq;
- u32 token;
- int cpu;
- bool halted;
-static struct kvm_task_sleep_head {
- raw_spinlock_t lock;
- struct hlist_head list;
-} async_pf_sleepers[KVM_TASK_SLEEP_HASHSIZE];
-static struct kvm_task_sleep_node *_find_apf_task(struct kvm_task_sleep_head *b,
- u32 token)
- struct hlist_node *p;
- hlist_for_each(p, &b->list) {
- struct kvm_task_sleep_node *n =
- hlist_entry(p, typeof(*n), link);
- if (n->token == token)
- return n;
- }
- return NULL;
-void kvm_async_pf_task_wait(u32 token)
- u32 key = hash_32(token, KVM_TASK_SLEEP_HASHBITS);
- struct kvm_task_sleep_head *b = &async_pf_sleepers[key];
- struct kvm_task_sleep_node n, *e;
- rcu_irq_enter();
- raw_spin_lock(&b->lock);
- e = _find_apf_task(b, token);
- if (e) {
- /* dummy entry exist -> wake up was delivered ahead of PF */
- hlist_del(&e->link);
- kfree(e);
- raw_spin_unlock(&b->lock);
- rcu_irq_exit();
- return;
- }
- n.token = token;
- n.cpu = smp_processor_id();
- n.halted = is_idle_task(current) || preempt_count() > 1;
- init_swait_queue_head(&n.wq);
- hlist_add_head(&, &b->list);
- raw_spin_unlock(&b->lock);
- for (;;) {
- if (!n.halted)
- prepare_to_swait(&n.wq, &wait, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- if (hlist_unhashed(&
- break;
- if (!n.halted) {
- local_irq_enable();
- schedule();
- local_irq_disable();
- } else {
- /*
- * We cannot reschedule. So halt.
- */
- rcu_irq_exit();
- native_safe_halt();
- rcu_irq_enter();
- local_irq_disable();
- }
- }
- if (!n.halted)
- finish_swait(&n.wq, &wait);
- rcu_irq_exit();
- return;
-static void apf_task_wake_one(struct kvm_task_sleep_node *n)
- hlist_del_init(&n->link);
- if (n->halted)
- smp_send_reschedule(n->cpu);
- else if (swait_active(&n->wq))
- swake_up(&n->wq);
-static void apf_task_wake_all(void)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_TASK_SLEEP_HASHSIZE; i++) {
- struct hlist_node *p, *next;
- struct kvm_task_sleep_head *b = &async_pf_sleepers[i];
- raw_spin_lock(&b->lock);
- hlist_for_each_safe(p, next, &b->list) {
- struct kvm_task_sleep_node *n =
- hlist_entry(p, typeof(*n), link);
- if (n->cpu == smp_processor_id())
- apf_task_wake_one(n);
- }
- raw_spin_unlock(&b->lock);
- }
-void kvm_async_pf_task_wake(u32 token)
- u32 key = hash_32(token, KVM_TASK_SLEEP_HASHBITS);
- struct kvm_task_sleep_head *b = &async_pf_sleepers[key];
- struct kvm_task_sleep_node *n;
- if (token == ~0) {
- apf_task_wake_all();
- return;
- }
- raw_spin_lock(&b->lock);
- n = _find_apf_task(b, token);
- if (!n) {
- /*
- * async PF was not yet handled.
- * Add dummy entry for the token.
- */
- n = kzalloc(sizeof(*n), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!n) {
- /*
- * Allocation failed! Busy wait while other cpu
- * handles async PF.
- */
- raw_spin_unlock(&b->lock);
- cpu_relax();
- goto again;
- }
- n->token = token;
- n->cpu = smp_processor_id();
- init_swait_queue_head(&n->wq);
- hlist_add_head(&n->link, &b->list);
- } else
- apf_task_wake_one(n);
- raw_spin_unlock(&b->lock);
- return;
-u32 kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason(void)
- u32 reason = 0;
- if (__this_cpu_read(apf_reason.enabled)) {
- reason = __this_cpu_read(apf_reason.reason);
- __this_cpu_write(apf_reason.reason, 0);
- }
- return reason;
-dotraplinkage void
-do_async_page_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
- enum ctx_state prev_state;
- switch (kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason()) {
- default:
- trace_do_page_fault(regs, error_code);
- break;
- /* page is swapped out by the host. */
- prev_state = exception_enter();
- exit_idle();
- kvm_async_pf_task_wait((u32)read_cr2());
- exception_exit(prev_state);
- break;
- rcu_irq_enter();
- exit_idle();
- kvm_async_pf_task_wake((u32)read_cr2());
- rcu_irq_exit();
- break;
- }
-static void __init paravirt_ops_setup(void)
- = "KVM";
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_NOP_IO_DELAY))
- pv_cpu_ops.io_delay = kvm_io_delay;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC
- no_timer_check = 1;
-static void kvm_register_steal_time(void)
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- struct kvm_steal_time *st = &per_cpu(steal_time, cpu);
- if (!has_steal_clock)
- return;
- wrmsrl(MSR_KVM_STEAL_TIME, (slow_virt_to_phys(st) | KVM_MSR_ENABLED));
- pr_info("kvm-stealtime: cpu %d, msr %llx\n",
- cpu, (unsigned long long) slow_virt_to_phys(st));
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, kvm_apic_eoi) = KVM_PV_EOI_DISABLED;
-static void kvm_guest_apic_eoi_write(u32 reg, u32 val)
- /**
- * This relies on __test_and_clear_bit to modify the memory
- * in a way that is atomic with respect to the local CPU.
- * The hypervisor only accesses this memory from the local CPU so
- * there's no need for lock or memory barriers.
- * An optimization barrier is implied in apic write.
- */
- if (__test_and_clear_bit(KVM_PV_EOI_BIT, this_cpu_ptr(&kvm_apic_eoi)))
- return;
- apic_write(APIC_EOI, APIC_EOI_ACK);
-static void kvm_guest_cpu_init(void)
- if (!kvm_para_available())
- return;
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_ASYNC_PF) && kvmapf) {
- u64 pa = slow_virt_to_phys(this_cpu_ptr(&apf_reason));
- __this_cpu_write(apf_reason.enabled, 1);
- printk(KERN_INFO"KVM setup async PF for cpu %d\n",
- smp_processor_id());
- }
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_EOI)) {
- unsigned long pa;
- /* Size alignment is implied but just to make it explicit. */
- BUILD_BUG_ON(__alignof__(kvm_apic_eoi) < 4);
- __this_cpu_write(kvm_apic_eoi, 0);
- pa = slow_virt_to_phys(this_cpu_ptr(&kvm_apic_eoi))
- wrmsrl(MSR_KVM_PV_EOI_EN, pa);
- }
- if (has_steal_clock)
- kvm_register_steal_time();
-static void kvm_pv_disable_apf(void)
- if (!__this_cpu_read(apf_reason.enabled))
- return;
- wrmsrl(MSR_KVM_ASYNC_PF_EN, 0);
- __this_cpu_write(apf_reason.enabled, 0);
- printk(KERN_INFO"Unregister pv shared memory for cpu %d\n",
- smp_processor_id());
-static void kvm_pv_guest_cpu_reboot(void *unused)
- /*
- * We disable PV EOI before we load a new kernel by kexec,
- * since MSR_KVM_PV_EOI_EN stores a pointer into old kernel's memory.
- * New kernel can re-enable when it boots.
- */
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_EOI))
- wrmsrl(MSR_KVM_PV_EOI_EN, 0);
- kvm_pv_disable_apf();
- kvm_disable_steal_time();
-static int kvm_pv_reboot_notify(struct notifier_block *nb,
- unsigned long code, void *unused)
- if (code == SYS_RESTART)
- on_each_cpu(kvm_pv_guest_cpu_reboot, NULL, 1);
- return NOTIFY_DONE;
-static struct notifier_block kvm_pv_reboot_nb = {
- .notifier_call = kvm_pv_reboot_notify,
-static u64 kvm_steal_clock(int cpu)
- u64 steal;
- struct kvm_steal_time *src;
- int version;
- src = &per_cpu(steal_time, cpu);
- do {
- version = src->version;
- rmb();
- steal = src->steal;
- rmb();
- } while ((version & 1) || (version != src->version));
- return steal;
-void kvm_disable_steal_time(void)
- if (!has_steal_clock)
- return;
- wrmsr(MSR_KVM_STEAL_TIME, 0, 0);
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-static void __init kvm_smp_prepare_boot_cpu(void)
- kvm_guest_cpu_init();
- native_smp_prepare_boot_cpu();
- kvm_spinlock_init();
-static void kvm_guest_cpu_offline(void)
- kvm_disable_steal_time();
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_EOI))
- wrmsrl(MSR_KVM_PV_EOI_EN, 0);
- kvm_pv_disable_apf();
- apf_task_wake_all();
-static int kvm_cpu_online(unsigned int cpu)
- local_irq_disable();
- kvm_guest_cpu_init();
- local_irq_enable();
- return 0;
-static int kvm_cpu_down_prepare(unsigned int cpu)
- local_irq_disable();
- kvm_guest_cpu_offline();
- local_irq_enable();
- return 0;
-static void __init kvm_apf_trap_init(void)
- set_intr_gate(14, async_page_fault);
-void __init kvm_guest_init(void)
- int i;
- if (!kvm_para_available())
- return;
- paravirt_ops_setup();
- register_reboot_notifier(&kvm_pv_reboot_nb);
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_TASK_SLEEP_HASHSIZE; i++)
- raw_spin_lock_init(&async_pf_sleepers[i].lock);
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_ASYNC_PF))
- x86_init.irqs.trap_init = kvm_apf_trap_init;
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_STEAL_TIME)) {
- has_steal_clock = 1;
- pv_time_ops.steal_clock = kvm_steal_clock;
- }
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_EOI))
- apic_set_eoi_write(kvm_guest_apic_eoi_write);
- if (kvmclock_vsyscall)
- kvm_setup_vsyscall_timeinfo();
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- smp_ops.smp_prepare_boot_cpu = kvm_smp_prepare_boot_cpu;
- if (cpuhp_setup_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_ONLINE_DYN, "x86/kvm:online",
- kvm_cpu_online, kvm_cpu_down_prepare) < 0)
- pr_err("kvm_guest: Failed to install cpu hotplug callbacks\n");
- kvm_guest_cpu_init();
- /*
- * Hard lockup detection is enabled by default. Disable it, as guests
- * can get false positives too easily, for example if the host is
- * overcommitted.
- */
- hardlockup_detector_disable();
-static noinline uint32_t __kvm_cpuid_base(void)
- if (boot_cpu_data.cpuid_level < 0)
- return 0; /* So we don't blow up on old processors */
- if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_HYPERVISOR))
- return hypervisor_cpuid_base("KVMKVMKVM\0\0\0", 0);
- return 0;
-static inline uint32_t kvm_cpuid_base(void)
- static int kvm_cpuid_base = -1;
- if (kvm_cpuid_base == -1)
- kvm_cpuid_base = __kvm_cpuid_base();
- return kvm_cpuid_base;
-bool kvm_para_available(void)
- return kvm_cpuid_base() != 0;
-unsigned int kvm_arch_para_features(void)
- return cpuid_eax(kvm_cpuid_base() | KVM_CPUID_FEATURES);
-static uint32_t __init kvm_detect(void)
- return kvm_cpuid_base();
-const struct hypervisor_x86 x86_hyper_kvm __refconst = {
- .name = "KVM",
- .detect = kvm_detect,
- .x2apic_available = kvm_para_available,
-static __init int activate_jump_labels(void)
- if (has_steal_clock) {
- static_key_slow_inc(&paravirt_steal_enabled);
- if (steal_acc)
- static_key_slow_inc(&paravirt_steal_rq_enabled);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Kick a cpu by its apicid. Used to wake up a halted vcpu */
-static void kvm_kick_cpu(int cpu)
- int apicid;
- unsigned long flags = 0;
- apicid = per_cpu(x86_cpu_to_apicid, cpu);
- kvm_hypercall2(KVM_HC_KICK_CPU, flags, apicid);
-#include <asm/qspinlock.h>
-static void kvm_wait(u8 *ptr, u8 val)
- unsigned long flags;
- if (in_nmi())
- return;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- if (READ_ONCE(*ptr) != val)
- goto out;
- /*
- * halt until it's our turn and kicked. Note that we do safe halt
- * for irq enabled case to avoid hang when lock info is overwritten
- * in irq spinlock slowpath and no spurious interrupt occur to save us.
- */
- if (arch_irqs_disabled_flags(flags))
- halt();
- else
- safe_halt();
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- * Setup pv_lock_ops to exploit KVM_FEATURE_PV_UNHALT if present.
- */
-void __init kvm_spinlock_init(void)
- if (!kvm_para_available())
- return;
- /* Does host kernel support KVM_FEATURE_PV_UNHALT? */
- if (!kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_UNHALT))
- return;
- __pv_init_lock_hash();
- pv_lock_ops.queued_spin_lock_slowpath = __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath;
- pv_lock_ops.queued_spin_unlock = PV_CALLEE_SAVE(__pv_queued_spin_unlock);
- pv_lock_ops.wait = kvm_wait;
- pv_lock_ops.kick = kvm_kick_cpu;
-static __init int kvm_spinlock_init_jump(void)
- if (!kvm_para_available())
- return 0;
- if (!kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_PV_UNHALT))
- return 0;
- static_key_slow_inc(&paravirt_ticketlocks_enabled);
- printk(KERN_INFO "KVM setup paravirtual spinlock\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/kvmclock.c b/arch/x86/kernel/kvmclock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b9949..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/kvmclock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-/* KVM paravirtual clock driver. A clocksource implementation
- Copyright (C) 2008 Glauber de Oliveira Costa, Red Hat Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include <linux/clocksource.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_para.h>
-#include <asm/pvclock.h>
-#include <asm/msr.h>
-#include <asm/apic.h>
-#include <linux/percpu.h>
-#include <linux/hardirq.h>
-#include <linux/memblock.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/x86_init.h>
-#include <asm/reboot.h>
-static int kvmclock __ro_after_init = 1;
-static int msr_kvm_system_time = MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME;
-static int msr_kvm_wall_clock = MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK;
-static cycle_t kvm_sched_clock_offset;
-static int parse_no_kvmclock(char *arg)
- kvmclock = 0;
- return 0;
-early_param("no-kvmclock", parse_no_kvmclock);
-/* The hypervisor will put information about time periodically here */
-static struct pvclock_vsyscall_time_info *hv_clock;
-static struct pvclock_wall_clock wall_clock;
-struct pvclock_vsyscall_time_info *pvclock_pvti_cpu0_va(void)
- return hv_clock;
- * The wallclock is the time of day when we booted. Since then, some time may
- * have elapsed since the hypervisor wrote the data. So we try to account for
- * that with system time
- */
-static void kvm_get_wallclock(struct timespec *now)
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *vcpu_time;
- int low, high;
- int cpu;
- low = (int)__pa_symbol(&wall_clock);
- high = ((u64)__pa_symbol(&wall_clock) >> 32);
- native_write_msr(msr_kvm_wall_clock, low, high);
- cpu = get_cpu();
- vcpu_time = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- pvclock_read_wallclock(&wall_clock, vcpu_time, now);
- put_cpu();
-static int kvm_set_wallclock(const struct timespec *now)
- return -1;
-static cycle_t kvm_clock_read(void)
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *src;
- cycle_t ret;
- int cpu;
- preempt_disable_notrace();
- cpu = smp_processor_id();
- src = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- ret = pvclock_clocksource_read(src);
- preempt_enable_notrace();
- return ret;
-static cycle_t kvm_clock_get_cycles(struct clocksource *cs)
- return kvm_clock_read();
-static cycle_t kvm_sched_clock_read(void)
- return kvm_clock_read() - kvm_sched_clock_offset;
-static inline void kvm_sched_clock_init(bool stable)
- if (!stable) {
- pv_time_ops.sched_clock = kvm_clock_read;
- return;
- }
- kvm_sched_clock_offset = kvm_clock_read();
- pv_time_ops.sched_clock = kvm_sched_clock_read;
- set_sched_clock_stable();
- printk(KERN_INFO "kvm-clock: using sched offset of %llu cycles\n",
- kvm_sched_clock_offset);
- BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(kvm_sched_clock_offset) >
- sizeof(((struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *)NULL)->system_time));
- * If we don't do that, there is the possibility that the guest
- * will calibrate under heavy load - thus, getting a lower lpj -
- * and execute the delays themselves without load. This is wrong,
- * because no delay loop can finish beforehand.
- * Any heuristics is subject to fail, because ultimately, a large
- * poll of guests can be running and trouble each other. So we preset
- * lpj here
- */
-static unsigned long kvm_get_tsc_khz(void)
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *src;
- int cpu;
- unsigned long tsc_khz;
- cpu = get_cpu();
- src = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- tsc_khz = pvclock_tsc_khz(src);
- put_cpu();
- return tsc_khz;
-static void kvm_get_preset_lpj(void)
- unsigned long khz;
- u64 lpj;
- khz = kvm_get_tsc_khz();
- lpj = ((u64)khz * 1000);
- do_div(lpj, HZ);
- preset_lpj = lpj;
-bool kvm_check_and_clear_guest_paused(void)
- bool ret = false;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *src;
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- if (!hv_clock)
- return ret;
- src = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- if ((src->flags & PVCLOCK_GUEST_STOPPED) != 0) {
- src->flags &= ~PVCLOCK_GUEST_STOPPED;
- pvclock_touch_watchdogs();
- ret = true;
- }
- return ret;
-static struct clocksource kvm_clock = {
- .name = "kvm-clock",
- .read = kvm_clock_get_cycles,
- .rating = 400,
- .mask = CLOCKSOURCE_MASK(64),
-int kvm_register_clock(char *txt)
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- int low, high, ret;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *src;
- if (!hv_clock)
- return 0;
- src = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- low = (int)slow_virt_to_phys(src) | 1;
- high = ((u64)slow_virt_to_phys(src) >> 32);
- ret = native_write_msr_safe(msr_kvm_system_time, low, high);
- printk(KERN_INFO "kvm-clock: cpu %d, msr %x:%x, %s\n",
- cpu, high, low, txt);
- return ret;
-static void kvm_save_sched_clock_state(void)
-static void kvm_restore_sched_clock_state(void)
- kvm_register_clock("primary cpu clock, resume");
-static void kvm_setup_secondary_clock(void)
- /*
- * Now that the first cpu already had this clocksource initialized,
- * we shouldn't fail.
- */
- WARN_ON(kvm_register_clock("secondary cpu clock"));
- * After the clock is registered, the host will keep writing to the
- * registered memory location. If the guest happens to shutdown, this memory
- * won't be valid. In cases like kexec, in which you install a new kernel, this
- * means a random memory location will be kept being written. So before any
- * kind of shutdown from our side, we unregister the clock by writing anything
- * that does not have the 'enable' bit set in the msr
- */
-static void kvm_crash_shutdown(struct pt_regs *regs)
- native_write_msr(msr_kvm_system_time, 0, 0);
- kvm_disable_steal_time();
- native_machine_crash_shutdown(regs);
-static void kvm_shutdown(void)
- native_write_msr(msr_kvm_system_time, 0, 0);
- kvm_disable_steal_time();
- native_machine_shutdown();
-void __init kvmclock_init(void)
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *vcpu_time;
- unsigned long mem;
- int size, cpu;
- u8 flags;
- size = PAGE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct pvclock_vsyscall_time_info)*NR_CPUS);
- if (!kvm_para_available())
- return;
- if (kvmclock && kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE2)) {
- msr_kvm_system_time = MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME_NEW;
- msr_kvm_wall_clock = MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK_NEW;
- } else if (!(kvmclock && kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE)))
- return;
- printk(KERN_INFO "kvm-clock: Using msrs %x and %x",
- msr_kvm_system_time, msr_kvm_wall_clock);
- mem = memblock_alloc(size, PAGE_SIZE);
- if (!mem)
- return;
- hv_clock = __va(mem);
- memset(hv_clock, 0, size);
- if (kvm_register_clock("primary cpu clock")) {
- hv_clock = NULL;
- memblock_free(mem, size);
- return;
- }
- if (kvm_para_has_feature(KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE_STABLE_BIT))
- pvclock_set_flags(PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT);
- cpu = get_cpu();
- vcpu_time = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- flags = pvclock_read_flags(vcpu_time);
- kvm_sched_clock_init(flags & PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT);
- put_cpu();
- x86_platform.calibrate_tsc = kvm_get_tsc_khz;
- x86_platform.calibrate_cpu = kvm_get_tsc_khz;
- x86_platform.get_wallclock = kvm_get_wallclock;
- x86_platform.set_wallclock = kvm_set_wallclock;
- x86_cpuinit.early_percpu_clock_init =
- kvm_setup_secondary_clock;
- x86_platform.save_sched_clock_state = kvm_save_sched_clock_state;
- x86_platform.restore_sched_clock_state = kvm_restore_sched_clock_state;
- machine_ops.shutdown = kvm_shutdown;
- machine_ops.crash_shutdown = kvm_crash_shutdown;
- kvm_get_preset_lpj();
- clocksource_register_hz(&kvm_clock, NSEC_PER_SEC);
- = "KVM";
-int __init kvm_setup_vsyscall_timeinfo(void)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- int cpu;
- u8 flags;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *vcpu_time;
- unsigned int size;
- if (!hv_clock)
- return 0;
- size = PAGE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct pvclock_vsyscall_time_info)*NR_CPUS);
- cpu = get_cpu();
- vcpu_time = &hv_clock[cpu].pvti;
- flags = pvclock_read_flags(vcpu_time);
- if (!(flags & PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT)) {
- put_cpu();
- return 1;
- }
- put_cpu();
- kvm_clock.archdata.vclock_mode = VCLOCK_PVCLOCK;
- return 0;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/Kconfig b/arch/x86/kvm/Kconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8e32f..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/Kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# KVM configuration
-source "virt/kvm/Kconfig"
- bool "Virtualization"
- depends on HAVE_KVM || X86
- default y
- ---help---
- Say Y here to get to see options for using your Linux host to run other
- operating systems inside virtual machines (guests).
- This option alone does not add any kernel code.
- If you say N, all options in this submenu will be skipped and disabled.
-config KVM
- tristate "Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) support"
- depends on HAVE_KVM
- depends on HIGH_RES_TIMERS
- depends on NET
- select ANON_INODES
- select KVM_ASYNC_PF
- select KVM_MMIO
- select TASKSTATS
- select PERF_EVENTS
- select HAVE_KVM_MSI
- select KVM_VFIO
- select SRCU
- ---help---
- Support hosting fully virtualized guest machines using hardware
- virtualization extensions. You will need a fairly recent
- processor equipped with virtualization extensions. You will also
- need to select one or more of the processor modules below.
- This module provides access to the hardware capabilities through
- a character device node named /dev/kvm.
- To compile this as a module, choose M here: the module
- will be called kvm.
- If unsure, say N.
-config KVM_INTEL
- tristate "KVM for Intel processors support"
- depends on KVM
- # for perf_guest_get_msrs():
- depends on CPU_SUP_INTEL
- ---help---
- Provides support for KVM on Intel processors equipped with the VT
- extensions.
- To compile this as a module, choose M here: the module
- will be called kvm-intel.
-config KVM_AMD
- tristate "KVM for AMD processors support"
- depends on KVM
- ---help---
- Provides support for KVM on AMD processors equipped with the AMD-V
- (SVM) extensions.
- To compile this as a module, choose M here: the module
- will be called kvm-amd.
- bool "Audit KVM MMU"
- depends on KVM && TRACEPOINTS
- ---help---
- This option adds a R/W kVM module parameter 'mmu_audit', which allows
- auditing of KVM MMU events at runtime.
- bool "KVM legacy PCI device assignment support (DEPRECATED)"
- depends on KVM && PCI && IOMMU_API
- default n
- ---help---
- Provide support for legacy PCI device assignment through KVM. The
- kernel now also supports a full featured userspace device driver
- framework through VFIO, which supersedes this support and provides
- better security.
- If unsure, say N.
-# OK, it's a little counter-intuitive to do this, but it puts it neatly under
-# the virtualization menu.
-source drivers/vhost/Kconfig
-source drivers/lguest/Kconfig
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/Makefile b/arch/x86/kvm/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bff207..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-ccflags-y += -Iarch/x86/kvm
-CFLAGS_x86.o := -I.
-CFLAGS_svm.o := -I.
-CFLAGS_vmx.o := -I.
-KVM := ../../../virt/kvm
-kvm-y += $(KVM)/kvm_main.o $(KVM)/coalesced_mmio.o \
- $(KVM)/eventfd.o $(KVM)/irqchip.o $(KVM)/vfio.o
-kvm-$(CONFIG_KVM_ASYNC_PF) += $(KVM)/async_pf.o
-kvm-y += x86.o mmu.o emulate.o i8259.o irq.o lapic.o \
- i8254.o ioapic.o irq_comm.o cpuid.o pmu.o mtrr.o \
- hyperv.o page_track.o debugfs.o
-kvm-$(CONFIG_KVM_DEVICE_ASSIGNMENT) += assigned-dev.o iommu.o
-kvm-intel-y += vmx.o pmu_intel.o
-kvm-amd-y += svm.o pmu_amd.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_KVM) += kvm.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_KVM_INTEL) += kvm-intel.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_KVM_AMD) += kvm-amd.o
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.c b/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 308b859..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
- * Kernel-based Virtual Machine - device assignment support
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
- * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
- *
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/namei.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "assigned-dev.h"
-#include "trace/events/kvm.h"
-struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel {
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier ack_notifier;
- struct list_head list;
- int assigned_dev_id;
- int host_segnr;
- int host_busnr;
- int host_devfn;
- unsigned int entries_nr;
- int host_irq;
- bool host_irq_disabled;
- bool pci_2_3;
- struct msix_entry *host_msix_entries;
- int guest_irq;
- struct msix_entry *guest_msix_entries;
- unsigned long irq_requested_type;
- int irq_source_id;
- int flags;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- spinlock_t intx_lock;
- spinlock_t intx_mask_lock;
- char irq_name[32];
- struct pci_saved_state *pci_saved_state;
-static struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *kvm_find_assigned_dev(struct list_head *head,
- int assigned_dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- list_for_each_entry(match, head, list) {
- if (match->assigned_dev_id == assigned_dev_id)
- return match;
- }
- return NULL;
-static int find_index_from_host_irq(struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel
- *assigned_dev, int irq)
- int i, index;
- struct msix_entry *host_msix_entries;
- host_msix_entries = assigned_dev->host_msix_entries;
- index = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < assigned_dev->entries_nr; i++)
- if (irq == host_msix_entries[i].vector) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- if (index < 0)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Fail to find correlated MSI-X entry!\n");
- return index;
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_intx(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- int ret;
- spin_lock(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- if (pci_check_and_mask_intx(assigned_dev->dev)) {
- assigned_dev->host_irq_disabled = true;
- } else
- ret = IRQ_NONE;
- spin_unlock(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- return ret;
-static void
-kvm_assigned_dev_raise_guest_irq(struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev,
- int vector)
- if (unlikely(assigned_dev->irq_requested_type &
- spin_lock(&assigned_dev->intx_mask_lock);
- if (!(assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX))
- kvm_set_irq(assigned_dev->kvm,
- assigned_dev->irq_source_id, vector, 1,
- false);
- spin_unlock(&assigned_dev->intx_mask_lock);
- } else
- kvm_set_irq(assigned_dev->kvm, assigned_dev->irq_source_id,
- vector, 1, false);
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_thread_intx(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- if (!(assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3)) {
- spin_lock_irq(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- disable_irq_nosync(irq);
- assigned_dev->host_irq_disabled = true;
- spin_unlock_irq(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- }
- kvm_assigned_dev_raise_guest_irq(assigned_dev,
- assigned_dev->guest_irq);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Deliver an IRQ in an atomic context if we can, or return a failure,
- * user can retry in a process context.
- * Return value:
- * -EWOULDBLOCK - Can't deliver in atomic context: retry in a process context.
- * Other values - No need to retry.
- */
-static int kvm_set_irq_inatomic(struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id, u32 irq,
- int level)
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry entries[KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS];
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
- int ret = -EINVAL;
- int idx;
- trace_kvm_set_irq(irq, level, irq_source_id);
- /*
- * Injection into either PIC or IOAPIC might need to scan all CPUs,
- * which would need to be retried from thread context; when same GSI
- * is connected to both PIC and IOAPIC, we'd have to report a
- * partial failure here.
- * Since there's no easy way to do this, we only support injecting MSI
- * which is limited to 1:1 GSI mapping.
- */
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- if (kvm_irq_map_gsi(kvm, entries, irq) > 0) {
- e = &entries[0];
- ret = kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(e, kvm, irq_source_id,
- irq, level);
- }
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- return ret;
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_msi(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- int ret = kvm_set_irq_inatomic(assigned_dev->kvm,
- assigned_dev->irq_source_id,
- assigned_dev->guest_irq, 1);
- return unlikely(ret == -EWOULDBLOCK) ? IRQ_WAKE_THREAD : IRQ_HANDLED;
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_thread_msi(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- kvm_assigned_dev_raise_guest_irq(assigned_dev,
- assigned_dev->guest_irq);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_msix(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- int index = find_index_from_host_irq(assigned_dev, irq);
- u32 vector;
- int ret = 0;
- if (index >= 0) {
- vector = assigned_dev->guest_msix_entries[index].vector;
- ret = kvm_set_irq_inatomic(assigned_dev->kvm,
- assigned_dev->irq_source_id,
- vector, 1);
- }
- return unlikely(ret == -EWOULDBLOCK) ? IRQ_WAKE_THREAD : IRQ_HANDLED;
-static irqreturn_t kvm_assigned_dev_thread_msix(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev = dev_id;
- int index = find_index_from_host_irq(assigned_dev, irq);
- u32 vector;
- if (index >= 0) {
- vector = assigned_dev->guest_msix_entries[index].vector;
- kvm_assigned_dev_raise_guest_irq(assigned_dev, vector);
- }
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-/* Ack the irq line for an assigned device */
-static void kvm_assigned_dev_ack_irq(struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev =
- container_of(kian, struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel,
- ack_notifier);
- kvm_set_irq(dev->kvm, dev->irq_source_id, dev->guest_irq, 0, false);
- spin_lock(&dev->intx_mask_lock);
- if (!(dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX)) {
- bool reassert = false;
- spin_lock_irq(&dev->intx_lock);
- /*
- * The guest IRQ may be shared so this ack can come from an
- * IRQ for another guest device.
- */
- if (dev->host_irq_disabled) {
- if (!(dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3))
- enable_irq(dev->host_irq);
- else if (!pci_check_and_unmask_intx(dev->dev))
- reassert = true;
- dev->host_irq_disabled = reassert;
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&dev->intx_lock);
- if (reassert)
- kvm_set_irq(dev->kvm, dev->irq_source_id,
- dev->guest_irq, 1, false);
- }
- spin_unlock(&dev->intx_mask_lock);
-static void deassign_guest_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev)
- if (assigned_dev->ack_notifier.gsi != -1)
- kvm_unregister_irq_ack_notifier(kvm,
- &assigned_dev->ack_notifier);
- kvm_set_irq(assigned_dev->kvm, assigned_dev->irq_source_id,
- assigned_dev->guest_irq, 0, false);
- if (assigned_dev->irq_source_id != -1)
- kvm_free_irq_source_id(kvm, assigned_dev->irq_source_id);
- assigned_dev->irq_source_id = -1;
- assigned_dev->irq_requested_type &= ~(KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK);
-/* The function implicit hold kvm->lock mutex due to cancel_work_sync() */
-static void deassign_host_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev)
- /*
- * We disable irq here to prevent further events.
- *
- * Notice this maybe result in nested disable if the interrupt type is
- * INTx, but it's OK for we are going to free it.
- *
- * If this function is a part of VM destroy, please ensure that till
- * now, the kvm state is still legal for probably we also have to wait
- * on a currently running IRQ handler.
- */
- if (assigned_dev->irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSIX) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < assigned_dev->entries_nr; i++)
- disable_irq(assigned_dev->host_msix_entries[i].vector);
- for (i = 0; i < assigned_dev->entries_nr; i++)
- free_irq(assigned_dev->host_msix_entries[i].vector,
- assigned_dev);
- assigned_dev->entries_nr = 0;
- kfree(assigned_dev->host_msix_entries);
- kfree(assigned_dev->guest_msix_entries);
- pci_disable_msix(assigned_dev->dev);
- } else {
- /* Deal with MSI and INTx */
- if ((assigned_dev->irq_requested_type &
- (assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3)) {
- spin_lock_irq(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- pci_intx(assigned_dev->dev, false);
- spin_unlock_irq(&assigned_dev->intx_lock);
- synchronize_irq(assigned_dev->host_irq);
- } else
- disable_irq(assigned_dev->host_irq);
- free_irq(assigned_dev->host_irq, assigned_dev);
- if (assigned_dev->irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSI)
- pci_disable_msi(assigned_dev->dev);
- }
- assigned_dev->irq_requested_type &= ~(KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK);
-static int kvm_deassign_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev,
- unsigned long irq_requested_type)
- unsigned long guest_irq_type, host_irq_type;
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* no irq assignment to deassign */
- if (!assigned_dev->irq_requested_type)
- return -ENXIO;
- host_irq_type = irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK;
- guest_irq_type = irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK;
- if (host_irq_type)
- deassign_host_irq(kvm, assigned_dev);
- if (guest_irq_type)
- deassign_guest_irq(kvm, assigned_dev);
- return 0;
-static void kvm_free_assigned_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev)
- kvm_deassign_irq(kvm, assigned_dev, assigned_dev->irq_requested_type);
-static void kvm_free_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel
- *assigned_dev)
- kvm_free_assigned_irq(kvm, assigned_dev);
- pci_reset_function(assigned_dev->dev);
- if (pci_load_and_free_saved_state(assigned_dev->dev,
- &assigned_dev->pci_saved_state))
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Couldn't reload %s saved state\n",
- __func__, dev_name(&assigned_dev->dev->dev));
- else
- pci_restore_state(assigned_dev->dev);
- pci_clear_dev_assigned(assigned_dev->dev);
- pci_release_regions(assigned_dev->dev);
- pci_disable_device(assigned_dev->dev);
- pci_dev_put(assigned_dev->dev);
- list_del(&assigned_dev->list);
- kfree(assigned_dev);
-void kvm_free_all_assigned_devices(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *assigned_dev, *tmp;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(assigned_dev, tmp,
- &kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head, list) {
- kvm_free_assigned_device(kvm, assigned_dev);
- }
-static int assigned_device_enable_host_intx(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev)
- irq_handler_t irq_handler;
- unsigned long flags;
- dev->host_irq = dev->dev->irq;
- /*
- * We can only share the IRQ line with other host devices if we are
- * able to disable the IRQ source at device-level - independently of
- * the guest driver. Otherwise host devices may suffer from unbounded
- * IRQ latencies when the guest keeps the line asserted.
- */
- if (dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3) {
- irq_handler = kvm_assigned_dev_intx;
- flags = IRQF_SHARED;
- } else {
- irq_handler = NULL;
- flags = IRQF_ONESHOT;
- }
- if (request_threaded_irq(dev->host_irq, irq_handler,
- kvm_assigned_dev_thread_intx, flags,
- dev->irq_name, dev))
- return -EIO;
- if (dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3) {
- spin_lock_irq(&dev->intx_lock);
- pci_intx(dev->dev, true);
- spin_unlock_irq(&dev->intx_lock);
- }
- return 0;
-static int assigned_device_enable_host_msi(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev)
- int r;
- if (!dev->dev->msi_enabled) {
- r = pci_enable_msi(dev->dev);
- if (r)
- return r;
- }
- dev->host_irq = dev->dev->irq;
- if (request_threaded_irq(dev->host_irq, kvm_assigned_dev_msi,
- kvm_assigned_dev_thread_msi, 0,
- dev->irq_name, dev)) {
- pci_disable_msi(dev->dev);
- return -EIO;
- }
- return 0;
-static int assigned_device_enable_host_msix(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev)
- int i, r = -EINVAL;
- /* host_msix_entries and guest_msix_entries should have been
- * initialized */
- if (dev->entries_nr == 0)
- return r;
- r = pci_enable_msix_exact(dev->dev,
- dev->host_msix_entries, dev->entries_nr);
- if (r)
- return r;
- for (i = 0; i < dev->entries_nr; i++) {
- r = request_threaded_irq(dev->host_msix_entries[i].vector,
- kvm_assigned_dev_msix,
- kvm_assigned_dev_thread_msix,
- 0, dev->irq_name, dev);
- if (r)
- goto err;
- }
- return 0;
- for (i -= 1; i >= 0; i--)
- free_irq(dev->host_msix_entries[i].vector, dev);
- pci_disable_msix(dev->dev);
- return r;
-static int assigned_device_enable_guest_intx(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq *irq)
- dev->guest_irq = irq->guest_irq;
- dev->ack_notifier.gsi = irq->guest_irq;
- return 0;
-static int assigned_device_enable_guest_msi(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq *irq)
- dev->guest_irq = irq->guest_irq;
- dev->ack_notifier.gsi = -1;
- return 0;
-static int assigned_device_enable_guest_msix(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq *irq)
- dev->guest_irq = irq->guest_irq;
- dev->ack_notifier.gsi = -1;
- return 0;
-static int assign_host_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev,
- __u32 host_irq_type)
- int r = -EEXIST;
- if (dev->irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK)
- return r;
- snprintf(dev->irq_name, sizeof(dev->irq_name), "kvm:%s",
- pci_name(dev->dev));
- switch (host_irq_type) {
- r = assigned_device_enable_host_intx(kvm, dev);
- break;
- r = assigned_device_enable_host_msi(kvm, dev);
- break;
- r = assigned_device_enable_host_msix(kvm, dev);
- break;
- default:
- r = -EINVAL;
- }
- dev->host_irq_disabled = false;
- if (!r)
- dev->irq_requested_type |= host_irq_type;
- return r;
-static int assign_guest_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *dev,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq *irq,
- unsigned long guest_irq_type)
- int id;
- int r = -EEXIST;
- if (dev->irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK)
- return r;
- id = kvm_request_irq_source_id(kvm);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- dev->irq_source_id = id;
- switch (guest_irq_type) {
- r = assigned_device_enable_guest_intx(kvm, dev, irq);
- break;
- r = assigned_device_enable_guest_msi(kvm, dev, irq);
- break;
- r = assigned_device_enable_guest_msix(kvm, dev, irq);
- break;
- default:
- r = -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!r) {
- dev->irq_requested_type |= guest_irq_type;
- if (dev->ack_notifier.gsi != -1)
- kvm_register_irq_ack_notifier(kvm, &dev->ack_notifier);
- } else {
- kvm_free_irq_source_id(kvm, dev->irq_source_id);
- dev->irq_source_id = -1;
- }
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq *assigned_irq)
- int r = -EINVAL;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- unsigned long host_irq_type, guest_irq_type;
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
- return r;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- r = -ENODEV;
- match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- assigned_irq->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!match)
- goto out;
- host_irq_type = (assigned_irq->flags & KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK);
- guest_irq_type = (assigned_irq->flags & KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK);
- r = -EINVAL;
- /* can only assign one type at a time */
- if (hweight_long(host_irq_type) > 1)
- goto out;
- if (hweight_long(guest_irq_type) > 1)
- goto out;
- if (host_irq_type == 0 && guest_irq_type == 0)
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- if (host_irq_type)
- r = assign_host_irq(kvm, match, host_irq_type);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- if (guest_irq_type)
- r = assign_guest_irq(kvm, match, assigned_irq, guest_irq_type);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_deassign_dev_irq(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_irq
- *assigned_irq)
- int r = -ENODEV;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- unsigned long irq_type;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- assigned_irq->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!match)
- goto out;
- irq_type = assigned_irq->flags & (KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK |
- r = kvm_deassign_irq(kvm, match, irq_type);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
- * We want to test whether the caller has been granted permissions to
- * use this device. To be able to configure and control the device,
- * the user needs access to PCI configuration space and BAR resources.
- * These are accessed through PCI sysfs. PCI config space is often
- * passed to the process calling this ioctl via file descriptor, so we
- * can't rely on access to that file. We can check for permissions
- * on each of the BAR resource files, which is a pretty clear
- * indicator that the user has been granted access to the device.
- */
-static int probe_sysfs_permissions(struct pci_dev *dev)
- int i;
- bool bar_found = false;
- char *kpath, *syspath;
- struct path path;
- struct inode *inode;
- int r;
- if (!pci_resource_len(dev, i))
- continue;
- kpath = kobject_get_path(&dev->dev.kobj, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!kpath)
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* Per sysfs-rules, sysfs is always at /sys */
- syspath = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "/sys%s/resource%d", kpath, i);
- kfree(kpath);
- if (!syspath)
- return -ENOMEM;
- r = kern_path(syspath, LOOKUP_FOLLOW, &path);
- kfree(syspath);
- if (r)
- return r;
- inode = d_backing_inode(path.dentry);
- r = inode_permission(inode, MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_ACCESS);
- path_put(&path);
- if (r)
- return r;
- bar_found = true;
- }
- /* If no resources, probably something special */
- if (!bar_found)
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- return -EINVAL; /* No way to control the device without sysfs */
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_device(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev *assigned_dev)
- int r = 0, idx;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- if (!(assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_ENABLE_IOMMU))
- return -EINVAL;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
- match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- assigned_dev->assigned_dev_id);
- if (match) {
- /* device already assigned */
- r = -EEXIST;
- goto out;
- }
- match = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (match == NULL) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Couldn't allocate memory\n",
- __func__);
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- dev = pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot(assigned_dev->segnr,
- assigned_dev->busnr,
- assigned_dev->devfn);
- if (!dev) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: host device not found\n", __func__);
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto out_free;
- }
- /* Don't allow bridges to be assigned */
- if (dev->hdr_type != PCI_HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL) {
- r = -EPERM;
- goto out_put;
- }
- r = probe_sysfs_permissions(dev);
- if (r)
- goto out_put;
- if (pci_enable_device(dev)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Could not enable PCI device\n", __func__);
- r = -EBUSY;
- goto out_put;
- }
- r = pci_request_regions(dev, "kvm_assigned_device");
- if (r) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Could not get access to device regions\n",
- __func__);
- goto out_disable;
- }
- pci_reset_function(dev);
- pci_save_state(dev);
- match->pci_saved_state = pci_store_saved_state(dev);
- if (!match->pci_saved_state)
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Couldn't store %s saved state\n",
- __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev));
- if (!pci_intx_mask_supported(dev))
- assigned_dev->flags &= ~KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3;
- match->assigned_dev_id = assigned_dev->assigned_dev_id;
- match->host_segnr = assigned_dev->segnr;
- match->host_busnr = assigned_dev->busnr;
- match->host_devfn = assigned_dev->devfn;
- match->flags = assigned_dev->flags;
- match->dev = dev;
- spin_lock_init(&match->intx_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&match->intx_mask_lock);
- match->irq_source_id = -1;
- match->kvm = kvm;
- match->ack_notifier.irq_acked = kvm_assigned_dev_ack_irq;
- list_add(&match->list, &kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head);
- if (!kvm->arch.iommu_domain) {
- r = kvm_iommu_map_guest(kvm);
- if (r)
- goto out_list_del;
- }
- r = kvm_assign_device(kvm, match->dev);
- if (r)
- goto out_list_del;
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, idx);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
- if (pci_load_and_free_saved_state(dev, &match->pci_saved_state))
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Couldn't reload %s saved state\n",
- __func__, dev_name(&dev->dev));
- list_del(&match->list);
- pci_release_regions(dev);
- pci_disable_device(dev);
- pci_dev_put(dev);
- kfree(match);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, idx);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_deassign_device(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev *assigned_dev)
- int r = 0;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- assigned_dev->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!match) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: device hasn't been assigned before, "
- "so cannot be deassigned\n", __func__);
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- kvm_deassign_device(kvm, match->dev);
- kvm_free_assigned_device(kvm, match);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_msix_nr(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_msix_nr *entry_nr)
- int r = 0;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *adev;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- adev = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- entry_nr->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!adev) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto msix_nr_out;
- }
- if (adev->entries_nr == 0) {
- adev->entries_nr = entry_nr->entry_nr;
- if (adev->entries_nr == 0 ||
- adev->entries_nr > KVM_MAX_MSIX_PER_DEV) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto msix_nr_out;
- }
- adev->host_msix_entries = kzalloc(sizeof(struct msix_entry) *
- entry_nr->entry_nr,
- if (!adev->host_msix_entries) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto msix_nr_out;
- }
- adev->guest_msix_entries =
- kzalloc(sizeof(struct msix_entry) * entry_nr->entry_nr,
- if (!adev->guest_msix_entries) {
- kfree(adev->host_msix_entries);
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto msix_nr_out;
- }
- } else /* Not allowed set MSI-X number twice */
- r = -EINVAL;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_msix_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_msix_entry *entry)
- int r = 0, i;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *adev;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- adev = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- entry->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!adev) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto msix_entry_out;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < adev->entries_nr; i++)
- if (adev->guest_msix_entries[i].vector == 0 ||
- adev->guest_msix_entries[i].entry == entry->entry) {
- adev->guest_msix_entries[i].entry = entry->entry;
- adev->guest_msix_entries[i].vector = entry->gsi;
- adev->host_msix_entries[i].entry = entry->entry;
- break;
- }
- if (i == adev->entries_nr) {
- r = -ENOSPC;
- goto msix_entry_out;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pci_irq_mask(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev *assigned_dev)
- int r = 0;
- struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
- assigned_dev->assigned_dev_id);
- if (!match) {
- r = -ENODEV;
- goto out;
- }
- spin_lock(&match->intx_mask_lock);
- match->flags &= ~KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX;
- match->flags |= assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX;
- if (match->irq_requested_type & KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_INTX) {
- if (assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX) {
- kvm_set_irq(match->kvm, match->irq_source_id,
- match->guest_irq, 0, false);
- /*
- * Masking at hardware-level is performed on demand,
- * i.e. when an IRQ actually arrives at the host.
- */
- } else if (!(assigned_dev->flags & KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3)) {
- /*
- * Unmask the IRQ line if required. Unmasking at
- * device level will be performed by user space.
- */
- spin_lock_irq(&match->intx_lock);
- if (match->host_irq_disabled) {
- enable_irq(match->host_irq);
- match->host_irq_disabled = false;
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&match->intx_lock);
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&match->intx_mask_lock);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-long kvm_vm_ioctl_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned ioctl,
- unsigned long arg)
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
- int r;
- switch (ioctl) {
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev assigned_dev;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&assigned_dev, argp, sizeof assigned_dev))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_device(kvm, &assigned_dev);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_ASSIGN_IRQ: {
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_irq assigned_irq;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&assigned_irq, argp, sizeof assigned_irq))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_assign_irq(kvm, &assigned_irq);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_irq assigned_irq;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&assigned_irq, argp, sizeof assigned_irq))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_deassign_dev_irq(kvm, &assigned_irq);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev assigned_dev;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&assigned_dev, argp, sizeof assigned_dev))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_deassign_device(kvm, &assigned_dev);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_msix_nr entry_nr;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&entry_nr, argp, sizeof entry_nr))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_msix_nr(kvm, &entry_nr);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_msix_entry entry;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&entry, argp, sizeof entry))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_msix_entry(kvm, &entry);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev assigned_dev;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&assigned_dev, argp, sizeof assigned_dev))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pci_irq_mask(kvm, &assigned_dev);
- break;
- }
- default:
- r = -ENOTTY;
- break;
- }
- return r;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.h b/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a428c1a..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/assigned-dev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-int kvm_assign_device(struct kvm *kvm, struct pci_dev *pdev);
-int kvm_deassign_device(struct kvm *kvm, struct pci_dev *pdev);
-int kvm_iommu_map_guest(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_iommu_unmap_guest(struct kvm *kvm);
-long kvm_vm_ioctl_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned ioctl,
- unsigned long arg);
-void kvm_free_all_assigned_devices(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline int kvm_iommu_unmap_guest(struct kvm *kvm)
- return 0;
-static inline long kvm_vm_ioctl_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned ioctl,
- unsigned long arg)
- return -ENOTTY;
-static inline void kvm_free_all_assigned_devices(struct kvm *kvm) {}
-#endif /* ARCH_X86_KVM_ASSIGNED_DEV_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
index afa7bbb..ad85822 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
* Copyright IBM Corporation, 2008
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
* the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
@@ -13,16 +14,9 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/fpu/internal.h> /* For use_eager_fpu. Ugh! */
-#include <asm/user.h>
-#include <asm/fpu/xstate.h>
#include "cpuid.h"
#include "lapic.h"
#include "mmu.h"
-#include "trace.h"
#include "pmu.h"
static u32 xstate_required_size(u64 xstate_bv, bool compacted)
@@ -33,7 +27,7 @@ static u32 xstate_required_size(u64 xstate_bv, bool compacted)
while (xstate_bv) {
if (xstate_bv & 0x1) {
- u32 eax, ebx, ecx, edx, offset;
+ u32 eax = 0, ebx = 0, ecx, edx, offset;
cpuid_count(0xD, feature_bit, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
offset = compacted ? ret : ebx;
ret = max(ret, offset + eax);
@@ -51,11 +45,10 @@ bool kvm_mpx_supported(void)
&& kvm_x86_ops->mpx_supported());
u64 kvm_supported_xcr0(void)
- u64 xcr0 = KVM_SUPPORTED_XCR0 & host_xcr0;
+ u64 xcr0 = GVM_SUPPORTED_XCR0 & host_xcr0;
if (!kvm_mpx_supported())
@@ -67,7 +60,7 @@ u64 kvm_supported_xcr0(void)
int kvm_update_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
@@ -114,9 +107,6 @@ int kvm_update_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (best && (best->eax & (F(XSAVES) | F(XSAVEC))))
best->ebx = xstate_required_size(vcpu->arch.xcr0, true);
- if (use_eager_fpu())
- kvm_x86_ops->fpu_activate(vcpu);
* The existing code assumes virtual address is 48-bit in the canonical
* address checks; exit if it is ever changed.
@@ -144,7 +134,7 @@ static int is_efer_nx(void)
static void cpuid_fix_nx_cap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int i;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *e, *entry;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *e, *entry;
entry = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent; ++i) {
@@ -162,7 +152,7 @@ static void cpuid_fix_nx_cap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int cpuid_query_maxphyaddr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000000, 0);
if (!best || best->eax < 0x80000008)
@@ -173,65 +163,19 @@ int cpuid_query_maxphyaddr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 36;
-/* when an old userspace process fills a new kernel module */
int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries)
- int r, i;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry *cpuid_entries = NULL;
- r = -E2BIG;
- if (cpuid->nent > KVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES)
- goto out;
- r = -ENOMEM;
- if (cpuid->nent) {
- cpuid_entries = vmalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry) *
- cpuid->nent);
- if (!cpuid_entries)
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(cpuid_entries, entries,
- cpuid->nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry)))
- goto out;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < cpuid->nent; i++) {
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].function = cpuid_entries[i].function;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].eax = cpuid_entries[i].eax;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].ebx = cpuid_entries[i].ebx;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].ecx = cpuid_entries[i].ecx;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].edx = cpuid_entries[i].edx;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].index = 0;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].flags = 0;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].padding[0] = 0;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].padding[1] = 0;
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i].padding[2] = 0;
- }
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent = cpuid->nent;
- cpuid_fix_nx_cap(vcpu);
- kvm_apic_set_version(vcpu);
- kvm_x86_ops->cpuid_update(vcpu);
- r = kvm_update_cpuid(vcpu);
- vfree(cpuid_entries);
- return r;
-int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid2(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries)
+ struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries)
int r;
r = -E2BIG;
- if (cpuid->nent > KVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES)
+ if (cpuid->nent > GVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES)
goto out;
r = -EFAULT;
if (copy_from_user(&vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries, entries,
- cpuid->nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2)))
+ cpuid->nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry)))
goto out;
vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent = cpuid->nent;
@@ -241,19 +185,16 @@ out:
return r;
-int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid2(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries)
+int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+ struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries)
int r;
r = -E2BIG;
if (cpuid->nent < vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(entries, &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries,
- vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2)))
- goto out;
return 0;
@@ -263,10 +204,12 @@ out:
static void cpuid_mask(u32 *word, int wordnum)
+#if 0
*word &= boot_cpu_data.x86_capability[wordnum];
-static void do_cpuid_1_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
+static void do_cpuid_1_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry, u32 function,
u32 index)
entry->function = function;
@@ -276,7 +219,7 @@ static void do_cpuid_1_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
entry->flags = 0;
-static int __do_cpuid_ent_emulated(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry,
+static int __do_cpuid_ent_emulated(struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry,
u32 func, u32 index, int *nent, int maxnent)
switch (func) {
@@ -298,7 +241,7 @@ static int __do_cpuid_ent_emulated(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry,
return 0;
-static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
+static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry, u32 function,
u32 index, int *nent, int maxnent)
int r;
@@ -346,7 +289,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
F(FMA) | F(CX16) | 0 /* xTPR Update, PDCM */ |
F(PCID) | 0 /* Reserved, DCA */ | F(XMM4_1) |
F(XMM4_2) | F(X2APIC) | F(MOVBE) | F(POPCNT) |
- 0 /* Reserved*/ | F(AES) | F(XSAVE) | 0 /* OSXSAVE */ | F(AVX) |
+ 0 /* Reserved*/ | F(AES) | 0 /*F(XSAVE)*/ | 0 /* OSXSAVE */ | 0 /*F(AVX)*/ |
F(F16C) | F(RDRAND);
/* cpuid 0x80000001.ecx */
const u32 kvm_cpuid_8000_0001_ecx_x86_features =
@@ -403,18 +346,18 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
/* function 2 entries are STATEFUL. That is, repeated cpuid commands
* may return different values. This forces us to get_cpu() before
* issuing the first command, and also to emulate this annoying behavior
- * in kvm_emulate_cpuid() using KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATE_READ_NEXT */
+ * in kvm_emulate_cpuid() using GVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATE_READ_NEXT */
case 2: {
int t, times = entry->eax & 0xff;
for (t = 1; t < times; ++t) {
if (*nent >= maxnent)
goto out;
do_cpuid_1_ent(&entry[t], function, 0);
- entry[t].flags |= KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC;
+ entry[t].flags |= GVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC;
@@ -423,7 +366,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
case 4: {
int i, cache_type;
/* read more entries until cache_type is zero */
for (i = 1; ; ++i) {
if (*nent >= maxnent)
@@ -434,7 +377,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
do_cpuid_1_ent(&entry[i], function, i);
entry[i].flags |=
@@ -446,7 +389,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
entry->edx = 0;
case 7: {
/* Mask ebx against host capability word 9 */
if (index == 0) {
entry->ebx &= kvm_cpuid_7_0_ebx_x86_features;
@@ -469,6 +412,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
case 9:
case 0xa: { /* Architectural Performance Monitoring */
+#if 0
struct x86_pmu_capability cap;
union cpuid10_eax eax;
union cpuid10_edx edx;
@@ -495,13 +439,14 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
entry->ebx = cap.events_mask;
entry->ecx = 0;
entry->edx = edx.full;
/* function 0xb has additional index. */
case 0xb: {
int i, level_type;
/* read more entries until level_type is zero */
for (i = 1; ; ++i) {
if (*nent >= maxnent)
@@ -512,7 +457,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
do_cpuid_1_ent(&entry[i], function, i);
entry[i].flags |=
@@ -525,7 +470,7 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
entry->ebx = xstate_required_size(supported, false);
entry->ecx = entry->ebx;
entry->edx &= supported >> 32;
if (!supported)
@@ -552,37 +497,12 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
entry[i].ecx = 0;
entry[i].edx = 0;
entry[i].flags |=
- static const char signature[12] = "KVMKVMKVM\0\0";
- const u32 *sigptr = (const u32 *)signature;
- entry->eax = KVM_CPUID_FEATURES;
- entry->ebx = sigptr[0];
- entry->ecx = sigptr[1];
- entry->edx = sigptr[2];
- break;
- }
- entry->eax = (1 << KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE) |
- if (sched_info_on())
- entry->eax |= (1 << KVM_FEATURE_STEAL_TIME);
- entry->ebx = 0;
- entry->ecx = 0;
- entry->edx = 0;
- break;
case 0x80000000:
entry->eax = min(entry->eax, 0x8000001a);
@@ -593,11 +513,13 @@ static inline int __do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 function,
cpuid_mask(&entry->ecx, CPUID_8000_0001_ECX);
case 0x80000007: /* Advanced power management */
+#if 0
/* invariant TSC is CPUID.80000007H:EDX[8] */
entry->edx &= (1 << 8);
/* mask against host */
entry->edx &= boot_cpu_data.x86_power;
entry->eax = entry->ebx = entry->ecx = 0;
case 0x80000008: {
unsigned g_phys_as = (entry->eax >> 16) & 0xff;
@@ -646,10 +568,10 @@ out:
return r;
-static int do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry, u32 func,
+static int do_cpuid_ent(struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry, u32 func,
u32 idx, int *nent, int maxnent, unsigned int type)
return __do_cpuid_ent_emulated(entry, func, idx, nent, maxnent);
return __do_cpuid_ent(entry, func, idx, nent, maxnent);
@@ -666,23 +588,23 @@ struct kvm_cpuid_param {
static bool is_centaur_cpu(const struct kvm_cpuid_param *param)
- return boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor == X86_VENDOR_CENTAUR;
+ return 0;
-static bool sanity_check_entries(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries,
+static bool sanity_check_entries(struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries,
__u32 num_entries, unsigned int ioctl_type)
int i;
__u32 pad[3];
- if (ioctl_type != KVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID)
+ if (ioctl_type != GVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID)
return false;
* We want to make sure that ->padding is being passed clean from
* userspace in case we want to use it for something in the future.
- * Sadly, this wasn't enforced for KVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID and so we
+ * Sadly, this wasn't enforced for GVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID and so we
* have to give ourselves satisfied only with the emulated side. /me
* sheds a tear.
@@ -696,31 +618,29 @@ static bool sanity_check_entries(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries,
return false;
-int kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries,
+int kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(PIRP pIrp, struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries,
unsigned int type)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *cpuid_entries;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *cpuid_entries;
int limit, nent = 0, r = -E2BIG, i;
u32 func;
static const struct kvm_cpuid_param param[] = {
{ .func = 0, .has_leaf_count = true },
{ .func = 0x80000000, .has_leaf_count = true },
{ .func = 0xC0000000, .qualifier = is_centaur_cpu, .has_leaf_count = true },
- { .func = KVM_CPUID_SIGNATURE },
- { .func = KVM_CPUID_FEATURES },
if (cpuid->nent < 1)
goto out;
- if (cpuid->nent > KVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES)
- cpuid->nent = KVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES;
+ if (cpuid->nent > GVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES)
+ cpuid->nent = GVM_MAX_CPUID_ENTRIES;
if (sanity_check_entries(entries, cpuid->nent, type))
return -EINVAL;
r = -ENOMEM;
- cpuid_entries = vzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2) * cpuid->nent);
+ cpuid_entries = vzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry) * cpuid->nent);
if (!cpuid_entries)
goto out;
@@ -749,11 +669,19 @@ int kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
goto out_free;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(entries, cpuid_entries,
- nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2)))
- goto out_free;
cpuid->nent = nent;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, cpuid, sizeof(cpuid));
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(r)) {
+ r = -EFAULT;
+ goto out_free;
+ }
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, sizeof(cpuid), cpuid_entries,
+ nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry));
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(r)) {
+ r = -EFAULT;
+ goto out_free;
+ }
r = 0;
@@ -764,48 +692,47 @@ out:
static int move_to_next_stateful_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int i)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *e = &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i];
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *e = &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i];
int j, nent = vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent;
/* when no next entry is found, the current entry[i] is reselected */
for (j = i + 1; ; j = (j + 1) % nent) {
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *ej = &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[j];
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *ej = &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[j];
if (ej->function == e->function) {
return j;
- return 0; /* silence gcc, even though control never reaches here */
/* find an entry with matching function, matching index (if needed), and that
* should be read next (if it's stateful) */
-static int is_matching_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *e,
+static int is_matching_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_cpuid_entry *e,
u32 function, u32 index)
if (e->function != function)
return 0;
- if ((e->flags & KVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX) && e->index != index)
+ if ((e->flags & GVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX) && e->index != index)
return 0;
- if ((e->flags & KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC) &&
+ if ((e->flags & GVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC) &&
return 0;
return 1;
-struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *kvm_find_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+struct kvm_cpuid_entry *kvm_find_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
u32 function, u32 index)
int i;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best = NULL;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent; ++i) {
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *e;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *e;
e = &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries[i];
if (is_matching_cpuid_entry(e, function, index)) {
move_to_next_stateful_cpuid_entry(vcpu, i);
best = e;
@@ -813,17 +740,16 @@ struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *kvm_find_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return best;
* If no match is found, check whether we exceed the vCPU's limit
* and return the content of the highest valid _standard_ leaf instead.
* This is to satisfy the CPUID specification.
-static struct kvm_cpuid_entry2* check_cpuid_limit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+static struct kvm_cpuid_entry* check_cpuid_limit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
u32 function, u32 index)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *maxlevel;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *maxlevel;
maxlevel = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, function & 0x80000000, 0);
if (!maxlevel || maxlevel->eax >= function)
@@ -839,7 +765,7 @@ static struct kvm_cpuid_entry2* check_cpuid_limit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
void kvm_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 *eax, u32 *ebx, u32 *ecx, u32 *edx)
u32 function = *eax, index = *ecx;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, function, index);
@@ -859,9 +785,7 @@ void kvm_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 *eax, u32 *ebx, u32 *ecx, u32 *edx)
*edx = best->edx;
} else
*eax = *ebx = *ecx = *edx = 0;
- trace_kvm_cpuid(function, *eax, *ebx, *ecx, *edx);
void kvm_emulate_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -876,4 +800,3 @@ void kvm_emulate_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX, edx);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.h b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.h
index 35058c2..4bfa008 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.h
@@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
#ifndef ARCH_X86_KVM_CPUID_H
#define ARCH_X86_KVM_CPUID_H
#include "x86.h"
-#include <asm/cpu.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <asm/cpufeatures.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
int kvm_update_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
bool kvm_mpx_supported(void);
-struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *kvm_find_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+struct kvm_cpuid_entry *kvm_find_cpuid_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
u32 function, u32 index);
-int kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries,
+int kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(PIRP pIrp, struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries,
unsigned int type);
int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries);
-int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid2(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries);
-int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid2(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_cpuid2 *cpuid,
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 __user *entries);
+int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+ struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries);
+int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+ struct kvm_cpuid *cpuid,
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry __user *entries);
void kvm_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 *eax, u32 *ebx, u32 *ecx, u32 *edx);
int cpuid_query_maxphyaddr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ static inline int cpuid_maxphyaddr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
if (!static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE))
return false;
@@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_mtrr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
return best && (best->edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_MTRR));
@@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_mtrr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_tsc_adjust(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ebx & bit(X86_FEATURE_TSC_ADJUST));
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_tsc_adjust(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_smep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ebx & bit(X86_FEATURE_SMEP));
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_smep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_smap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ebx & bit(X86_FEATURE_SMAP));
@@ -74,7 +80,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_smap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_fsgsbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ebx & bit(X86_FEATURE_FSGSBASE));
@@ -82,7 +88,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_fsgsbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_pku(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ecx & bit(X86_FEATURE_PKU));
@@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_pku(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_longmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
return best && (best->edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_LM));
@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_longmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_osvw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
return best && (best->ecx & bit(X86_FEATURE_OSVW));
@@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_osvw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_pcid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
return best && (best->ecx & bit(X86_FEATURE_PCID));
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_pcid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_x2apic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
return best && (best->ecx & bit(X86_FEATURE_X2APIC));
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_x2apic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_is_amd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0, 0);
return best && best->ebx == X86EMUL_CPUID_VENDOR_AuthenticAMD_ebx;
@@ -130,7 +136,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_is_amd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_gbpages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
return best && (best->edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_GBPAGES));
@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_gbpages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_rtm(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 7, 0);
return best && (best->ebx & bit(X86_FEATURE_RTM));
@@ -146,7 +152,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_rtm(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_rdtscp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
return best && (best->edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP));
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_rdtscp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_nrips(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x8000000a, 0);
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@ static inline bool guest_cpuid_has_nrips(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline int guest_cpuid_family(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x1, 0);
if (!best)
@@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ static inline int guest_cpuid_family(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline int guest_cpuid_model(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x1, 0);
if (!best)
@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ static inline int guest_cpuid_model(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline int guest_cpuid_stepping(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x1, 0);
if (!best)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/debugfs.c b/arch/x86/kvm/debugfs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c19c7ed..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/debugfs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux
- *
- * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
- * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
- *
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/debugfs.h>
-bool kvm_arch_has_vcpu_debugfs(void)
- return true;
-static int vcpu_get_tsc_offset(void *data, u64 *val)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = (struct kvm_vcpu *) data;
- *val = vcpu->arch.tsc_offset;
- return 0;
-DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(vcpu_tsc_offset_fops, vcpu_get_tsc_offset, NULL, "%lld\n");
-static int vcpu_get_tsc_scaling_ratio(void *data, u64 *val)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = (struct kvm_vcpu *) data;
- *val = vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio;
- return 0;
-DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(vcpu_tsc_scaling_fops, vcpu_get_tsc_scaling_ratio, NULL, "%llu\n");
-static int vcpu_get_tsc_scaling_frac_bits(void *data, u64 *val)
- *val = kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits;
- return 0;
-DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(vcpu_tsc_scaling_frac_fops, vcpu_get_tsc_scaling_frac_bits, NULL, "%llu\n");
-int kvm_arch_create_vcpu_debugfs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct dentry *ret;
- ret = debugfs_create_file("tsc-offset", 0444,
- vcpu->debugfs_dentry,
- vcpu, &vcpu_tsc_offset_fops);
- if (!ret)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control) {
- ret = debugfs_create_file("tsc-scaling-ratio", 0444,
- vcpu->debugfs_dentry,
- vcpu, &vcpu_tsc_scaling_fops);
- if (!ret)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ret = debugfs_create_file("tsc-scaling-ratio-frac-bits", 0444,
- vcpu->debugfs_dentry,
- vcpu, &vcpu_tsc_scaling_frac_fops);
- if (!ret)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/emulate.c b/arch/x86/kvm/emulate.c
index a3ce9d2..6ae4ce5 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/emulate.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/emulate.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Avi Kivity <>
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -23,12 +24,15 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include <linux/stringify.h>
-#include <asm/debugreg.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/debugreg.h>
#include "x86.h"
#include "tss.h"
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/processor-flags.h>
+#include <asm/cpufeatures.h>
* Operand types
@@ -174,14 +178,14 @@
#define DstXacc (DstAccLo | SrcAccHi | SrcWrite)
-#define X2(x...) x, x
-#define X3(x...) X2(x), x
-#define X4(x...) X2(x), X2(x)
-#define X5(x...) X4(x), x
-#define X6(x...) X4(x), X2(x)
-#define X7(x...) X4(x), X3(x)
-#define X8(x...) X4(x), X4(x)
-#define X16(x...) X8(x), X8(x)
+#define X2(x,...) x, x
+#define X3(x,...) X2(x), x
+#define X4(x,...) X2(x), X2(x)
+#define X5(x,...) X4(x), x
+#define X6(x,...) X4(x), X2(x)
+#define X7(x,...) X4(x), X3(x)
+#define X8(x,...) X4(x), X4(x)
+#define X16(x,...) X8(x), X8(x)
#define NR_FASTOP (ilog2(sizeof(ulong)) + 1)
#define FASTOP_SIZE 8
@@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ static ulong *reg_rmw(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, unsigned nr)
static void writeback_registers(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- unsigned reg;
+ unsigned reg = 0;
for_each_set_bit(reg, (ulong *)&ctxt->regs_dirty, 16)
ctxt->ops->write_gpr(ctxt, reg, ctxt->_regs[reg]);
@@ -308,32 +312,23 @@ static void invalidate_registers(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *));
-#define FOP_FUNC(name) \
- ".align " __stringify(FASTOP_SIZE) " \n\t" \
- ".type " name ", @function \n\t" \
- name ":\n\t"
+#define FOP_FUNC(name)
-#define FOP_RET "ret \n\t"
+#define FOP_RET
#define FOP_START(op) \
- extern void em_##op(struct fastop *fake); \
- asm(".pushsection .text, \"ax\" \n\t" \
- ".global em_" #op " \n\t" \
- FOP_FUNC("em_" #op)
+ extern void em_##op(struct fastop *fake);
-#define FOP_END \
- ".popsection")
+#define FOP_END
#define FOPNOP() \
- FOP_FUNC(__stringify(__UNIQUE_ID(nop))) \
+ FOP_FUNC(__stringify(__UNIQUE_ID(nop)))
#define FOP1E(op, dst) \
- FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst) \
- "10: " #op " %" #dst " \n\t" FOP_RET
+ FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst)
#define FOP1EEX(op, dst) \
- FOP1E(op, dst) _ASM_EXTABLE(10b, kvm_fastop_exception)
+ FOP1E(op, dst)
#define FASTOP1(op) \
@@ -362,8 +357,7 @@ static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *));
#define FOP2E(op, dst, src) \
- FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst "_" #src) \
- #op " %" #src ", %" #dst " \n\t" FOP_RET
+ FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst "_" #src)
#define FASTOP2(op) \
@@ -401,8 +395,7 @@ static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *));
#define FOP3E(op, dst, src, src2) \
- FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst "_" #src "_" #src2) \
- #op " %" #src2 ", %" #src ", %" #dst " \n\t" FOP_RET
+ FOP_FUNC(#op "_" #dst "_" #src "_" #src2)
/* 3-operand, word-only, src2=cl */
#define FASTOP3WCL(op) \
@@ -414,15 +407,7 @@ static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *));
/* Special case for SETcc - 1 instruction per cc */
-#define FOP_SETCC(op) \
- ".align 4 \n\t" \
- ".type " #op ", @function \n\t" \
- #op ": \n\t" \
- #op " %al \n\t" \
-asm(".global kvm_fastop_exception \n"
- "kvm_fastop_exception: xor %esi, %esi; ret");
+#define FOP_SETCC(op)
@@ -443,7 +428,7 @@ FOP_SETCC(setle)
-FOP_START(salc) "pushf; sbb %al, %al; popf \n\t" FOP_RET
static int emulator_check_intercept(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
@@ -472,7 +457,7 @@ static void assign_masked(ulong *dest, ulong src, ulong mask)
*dest = (*dest & ~mask) | (src & mask);
-static void assign_register(unsigned long *reg, u64 val, int bytes)
+static void assign_register(size_t *reg, u64 val, int bytes)
/* The 4-byte case *is* correct: in 64-bit mode we zero-extend. */
switch (bytes) {
@@ -491,9 +476,9 @@ static void assign_register(unsigned long *reg, u64 val, int bytes)
-static inline unsigned long ad_mask(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
+static inline size_t ad_mask(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- return (1UL << (ctxt->ad_bytes << 3)) - 1;
+ return (1ULL << (ctxt->ad_bytes << 3)) - 1;
static ulong stack_mask(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
@@ -513,16 +498,16 @@ static int stack_size(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
/* Access/update address held in a register, based on addressing mode. */
-static inline unsigned long
-address_mask(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, unsigned long reg)
+static inline size_t
+address_mask(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, size_t reg)
- if (ctxt->ad_bytes == sizeof(unsigned long))
+ if (ctxt->ad_bytes == sizeof(size_t))
return reg;
return reg & ad_mask(ctxt);
-static inline unsigned long
+static inline size_t
register_address(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int reg)
return address_mask(ctxt, reg_read(ctxt, reg));
@@ -553,7 +538,7 @@ static u32 desc_limit_scaled(struct desc_struct *desc)
return desc->g ? (limit << 12) | 0xfff : limit;
-static unsigned long seg_base(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int seg)
+static size_t seg_base(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int seg)
if (ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64 && seg < VCPU_SREG_FS)
return 0;
@@ -733,8 +718,8 @@ static inline int assign_eip(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, ulong dst,
struct segmented_address addr = { .seg = VCPU_SREG_CS,
.ea = dst };
- if (ctxt->op_bytes != sizeof(unsigned long))
- addr.ea = dst & ((1UL << (ctxt->op_bytes << 3)) - 1);
+ if (ctxt->op_bytes != sizeof(size_t))
+ addr.ea = dst & ((1ULL << (ctxt->op_bytes << 3)) - 1);
rc = __linearize(ctxt, addr, &max_size, 1, false, true, mode, &linear);
if (rc == X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
ctxt->_eip = addr.ea;
@@ -799,7 +784,7 @@ static int __do_insn_fetch_bytes(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int op_size)
int rc;
unsigned size, max_size;
- unsigned long linear;
+ size_t linear;
int cur_size = ctxt->fetch.end - ctxt->;
struct segmented_address addr = { .seg = VCPU_SREG_CS,
.ea = ctxt->eip + cur_size };
@@ -851,27 +836,53 @@ static __always_inline int do_insn_fetch_bytes(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
/* Fetch next part of the instruction being emulated. */
-#define insn_fetch(_type, _ctxt) \
-({ _type _x; \
- \
- rc = do_insn_fetch_bytes(_ctxt, sizeof(_type)); \
- if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
- goto done; \
- ctxt->_eip += sizeof(_type); \
- _x = *(_type __aligned(1) *) ctxt->fetch.ptr; \
- ctxt->fetch.ptr += sizeof(_type); \
- _x; \
-#define insn_fetch_arr(_arr, _size, _ctxt) \
-({ \
- rc = do_insn_fetch_bytes(_ctxt, _size); \
- if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
- goto done; \
- ctxt->_eip += (_size); \
- memcpy(_arr, ctxt->fetch.ptr, _size); \
- ctxt->fetch.ptr += (_size); \
+#define __insn_fetch_type(_type) \
+static __always_inline int \
+ __insn_fetch_##_type(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, _type *_x) \
+{ \
+ int rc; \
+ rc = do_insn_fetch_bytes(ctxt, sizeof(_type)); \
+ if (rc == X86EMUL_CONTINUE) { \
+ ctxt->_eip += sizeof(_type); \
+ *_x = *(_type *) ctxt->fetch.ptr; \
+ ctxt->fetch.ptr += sizeof(_type); \
+ } \
+ return rc; \
+#define insn_fetch(_type, _ctxt, _data) __insn_fetch_##_type(_ctxt, &(_type)_data)
+#define insn_fetch_modrmea(_type, _ctxt) \
+ do { \
+ _type __temp; \
+ rc = insn_fetch(_type, _ctxt, __temp); \
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
+ goto done; \
+ modrm_ea += __temp; \
+ } while (0)
+static __always_inline int insn_fetch_arr(char *_arr,
+ unsigned int _size, struct x86_emulate_ctxt *_ctxt)
+ int rc;
+ rc = do_insn_fetch_bytes(_ctxt, _size);
+ if (rc == X86EMUL_CONTINUE) {
+ _ctxt->_eip += (_size);
+ memcpy(_arr, _ctxt->fetch.ptr, _size);
+ _ctxt->fetch.ptr += (_size);
+ }
+ return rc;
* Given the 'reg' portion of a ModRM byte, and a register block, return a
@@ -893,7 +904,7 @@ static void *decode_register(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u8 modrm_reg,
static int read_descriptor(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
struct segmented_address addr,
- u16 *size, unsigned long *address, int op_bytes)
+ u16 *size, size_t *address, int op_bytes)
int rc;
@@ -968,14 +979,14 @@ static int em_bsr_c(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return fastop(ctxt, em_bsr);
-static __always_inline u8 test_cc(unsigned int condition, unsigned long flags)
+extern u8 __asm_test_cc(void *fop, size_t flags);
+static __always_inline u8 test_cc(unsigned int condition, size_t flags)
- u8 rc;
- void (*fop)(void) = (void *)em_setcc + 4 * (condition & 0xf);
+ u8 rc = 0;
+ void(*fop)(void) = (void(*)(void))((char *)em_setcc + 4 * (condition & 0xf));
flags = (flags & EFLAGS_MASK) | X86_EFLAGS_IF;
- asm("push %[flags]; popf; call *%[fastop]"
- : "=a"(rc) : [fastop]"r"(fop), [flags]"r"(flags));
+ rc = __asm_test_cc(fop, flags);
return rc;
@@ -997,55 +1008,80 @@ static void fetch_register_operand(struct operand *op)
+#define DECLARE_XMM(n) \
+extern __asm_save_xmm##n(sse128_t *data); \
+extern __asm_store_xmm##n(sse128_t *data);
+#define SAVE_XMM(n) \
+case n: __asm_save_xmm##n(data); break;
static void read_sse_reg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, sse128_t *data, int reg)
switch (reg) {
- case 0: asm("movdqa %%xmm0, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 1: asm("movdqa %%xmm1, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 2: asm("movdqa %%xmm2, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 3: asm("movdqa %%xmm3, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 4: asm("movdqa %%xmm4, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 5: asm("movdqa %%xmm5, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 6: asm("movdqa %%xmm6, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 7: asm("movdqa %%xmm7, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- case 8: asm("movdqa %%xmm8, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 9: asm("movdqa %%xmm9, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 10: asm("movdqa %%xmm10, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 11: asm("movdqa %%xmm11, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 12: asm("movdqa %%xmm12, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 13: asm("movdqa %%xmm13, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 14: asm("movdqa %%xmm14, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 15: asm("movdqa %%xmm15, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
+ SAVE_XMM(10)
+ SAVE_XMM(11)
+ SAVE_XMM(12)
+ SAVE_XMM(13)
+ SAVE_XMM(14)
+ SAVE_XMM(15)
default: BUG();
+#define STORE_XMM(n) \
+case n: __asm_store_xmm##n(data); break;
static void write_sse_reg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, sse128_t *data,
int reg)
switch (reg) {
- case 0: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm0" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 1: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm1" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 2: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm2" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 3: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm3" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 4: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm4" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 5: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm5" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 6: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm6" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 7: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm7" : : "m"(*data)); break;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- case 8: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm8" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 9: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm9" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 10: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm10" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 11: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm11" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 12: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm12" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 13: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm13" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 14: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm14" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 15: asm("movdqa %0, %%xmm15" : : "m"(*data)); break;
default: BUG();
@@ -1056,14 +1092,14 @@ static void read_mmx_reg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 *data, int reg)
switch (reg) {
- case 0: asm("movq %%mm0, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 1: asm("movq %%mm1, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 2: asm("movq %%mm2, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 3: asm("movq %%mm3, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 4: asm("movq %%mm4, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 5: asm("movq %%mm5, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 6: asm("movq %%mm6, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
- case 7: asm("movq %%mm7, %0" : "=m"(*data)); break;
+ case 0: __asm_save_mm0(data); break;
+ case 1: __asm_save_mm1(data); break;
+ case 2: __asm_save_mm2(data); break;
+ case 3: __asm_save_mm3(data); break;
+ case 4: __asm_save_mm4(data); break;
+ case 5: __asm_save_mm5(data); break;
+ case 6: __asm_save_mm6(data); break;
+ case 7: __asm_save_mm7(data); break;
default: BUG();
@@ -1073,14 +1109,14 @@ static void write_mmx_reg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 *data, int reg)
switch (reg) {
- case 0: asm("movq %0, %%mm0" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 1: asm("movq %0, %%mm1" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 2: asm("movq %0, %%mm2" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 3: asm("movq %0, %%mm3" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 4: asm("movq %0, %%mm4" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 5: asm("movq %0, %%mm5" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 6: asm("movq %0, %%mm6" : : "m"(*data)); break;
- case 7: asm("movq %0, %%mm7" : : "m"(*data)); break;
+ case 0: __asm_store_mm0(data); break;
+ case 1: __asm_store_mm1(data); break;
+ case 2: __asm_store_mm2(data); break;
+ case 3: __asm_store_mm3(data); break;
+ case 4: __asm_store_mm4(data); break;
+ case 5: __asm_store_mm5(data); break;
+ case 6: __asm_store_mm6(data); break;
+ case 7: __asm_store_mm7(data); break;
default: BUG();
@@ -1092,20 +1128,20 @@ static int em_fninit(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return emulate_nm(ctxt);
- asm volatile("fninit");
+ __fninit();
static int em_fnstcw(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- u16 fcw;
+ u16 fcw = 0;
if (ctxt->ops->get_cr(ctxt, 0) & (X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM))
return emulate_nm(ctxt);
- asm volatile("fnstcw %0": "+m"(fcw));
+ __fnstcw(&fcw);
ctxt->dst.val = fcw;
@@ -1115,13 +1151,13 @@ static int em_fnstcw(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_fnstsw(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- u16 fsw;
+ u16 fsw = 0;
if (ctxt->ops->get_cr(ctxt, 0) & (X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM))
return emulate_nm(ctxt);
- asm volatile("fnstsw %0": "+m"(fsw));
+ __fnstsw(&fsw);
ctxt->dst.val = fsw;
@@ -1217,13 +1253,13 @@ static int decode_modrm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
switch (ctxt->modrm_mod) {
case 0:
if (ctxt->modrm_rm == 6)
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(u16, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(u16, ctxt);
case 1:
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(s8, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(s8, ctxt);
case 2:
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(u16, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(u16, ctxt);
switch (ctxt->modrm_rm) {
@@ -1260,13 +1296,15 @@ static int decode_modrm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
} else {
/* 32/64-bit ModR/M decode. */
if ((ctxt->modrm_rm & 7) == 4) {
- sib = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt, sib);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
index_reg |= (sib >> 3) & 7;
base_reg |= sib & 7;
scale = sib >> 6;
if ((base_reg & 7) == 5 && ctxt->modrm_mod == 0)
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(s32, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(s32, ctxt);
else {
modrm_ea += reg_read(ctxt, base_reg);
adjust_modrm_seg(ctxt, base_reg);
@@ -1278,7 +1316,7 @@ static int decode_modrm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
if (index_reg != 4)
modrm_ea += reg_read(ctxt, index_reg) << scale;
} else if ((ctxt->modrm_rm & 7) == 5 && ctxt->modrm_mod == 0) {
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(s32, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(s32, ctxt);
if (ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64)
ctxt->rip_relative = 1;
} else {
@@ -1288,10 +1326,10 @@ static int decode_modrm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
switch (ctxt->modrm_mod) {
case 1:
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(s8, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(s8, ctxt);
case 2:
- modrm_ea += insn_fetch(s32, ctxt);
+ insn_fetch_modrmea(s32, ctxt);
@@ -1311,13 +1349,19 @@ static int decode_abs(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
op->type = OP_MEM;
switch (ctxt->ad_bytes) {
case 2:
- op->addr.mem.ea = insn_fetch(u16, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u16, ctxt, op->addr.mem.ea);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
case 4:
- op->addr.mem.ea = insn_fetch(u32, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u32, ctxt, op->addr.mem.ea);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
case 8:
- op->addr.mem.ea = insn_fetch(u64, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u64, ctxt, op->addr.mem.ea);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
@@ -1347,7 +1391,7 @@ static void fetch_bit_operand(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int read_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *dest, unsigned size)
+ size_t addr, void *dest, unsigned size)
int rc;
struct read_cache *mc = &ctxt->mem_read;
@@ -1716,7 +1760,7 @@ static int load_segment_descriptor(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
static void write_register_operand(struct operand *op)
- return assign_register(op->addr.reg, op->val, op->bytes);
+ assign_register(op->addr.reg, op->val, op->bytes);
static int writeback(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct operand *op)
@@ -1802,7 +1846,7 @@ static int emulate_popf(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
void *dest, int len)
int rc;
- unsigned long val, change_mask;
+ size_t val, change_mask;
int iopl = (ctxt->eflags & X86_EFLAGS_IOPL) >> X86_EFLAGS_IOPL_BIT;
int cpl = ctxt->ops->cpl(ctxt);
@@ -1834,7 +1878,7 @@ static int emulate_popf(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- *(unsigned long *)dest =
+ *(size_t *)dest =
(ctxt->eflags & ~change_mask) | (val & change_mask);
return rc;
@@ -1893,7 +1937,7 @@ static int em_push_sreg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_pop_sreg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int seg = ctxt->src2.val;
- unsigned long selector;
+ size_t selector;
int rc;
rc = emulate_pop(ctxt, &selector, 2);
@@ -1901,7 +1945,7 @@ static int em_pop_sreg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return rc;
if (ctxt->modrm_reg == VCPU_SREG_SS)
- ctxt->interruptibility = KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS;
+ ctxt->interruptibility = GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS;
if (ctxt->op_bytes > 2)
rsp_increment(ctxt, ctxt->op_bytes - 2);
@@ -1911,7 +1955,7 @@ static int em_pop_sreg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_pusha(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- unsigned long old_esp = reg_read(ctxt, VCPU_REGS_RSP);
+ size_t old_esp = reg_read(ctxt, VCPU_REGS_RSP);
int rc = X86EMUL_CONTINUE;
int reg = VCPU_REGS_RAX;
@@ -1931,7 +1975,7 @@ static int em_pusha(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_pushf(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- ctxt->src.val = (unsigned long)ctxt->eflags & ~X86_EFLAGS_VM;
+ ctxt->src.val = (size_t)ctxt->eflags & ~X86_EFLAGS_VM;
return em_push(ctxt);
@@ -2034,16 +2078,16 @@ static int emulate_int(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int irq)
static int emulate_iret_real(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int rc = X86EMUL_CONTINUE;
- unsigned long temp_eip = 0;
- unsigned long temp_eflags = 0;
- unsigned long cs = 0;
- unsigned long mask = X86_EFLAGS_CF | X86_EFLAGS_PF | X86_EFLAGS_AF |
+ size_t temp_eip = 0;
+ size_t temp_eflags = 0;
+ size_t cs = 0;
+ size_t mask = X86_EFLAGS_CF | X86_EFLAGS_PF | X86_EFLAGS_AF |
- unsigned long vm86_mask = X86_EFLAGS_VM | X86_EFLAGS_VIF |
+ size_t vm86_mask = X86_EFLAGS_VM | X86_EFLAGS_VIF |
/* TODO: Add stack limit check */
@@ -2168,7 +2212,7 @@ static int em_cmpxchg8b(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_ret(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int rc;
- unsigned long eip;
+ size_t eip;
rc = emulate_pop(ctxt, &eip, ctxt->op_bytes);
if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
@@ -2180,7 +2224,7 @@ static int em_ret(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_ret_far(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int rc;
- unsigned long eip, cs;
+ size_t eip, cs;
int cpl = ctxt->ops->cpl(ctxt);
struct desc_struct new_desc;
@@ -2267,15 +2311,26 @@ static int emulator_has_longmode(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_LM);
-#define GET_SMSTATE(type, smbase, offset) \
- ({ \
- type __val; \
- int r = ctxt->ops->read_phys(ctxt, smbase + offset, &__val, \
- sizeof(__val)); \
- if (r != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
- __val; \
- })
+#define GET_SMSTATE(type, smbase, offset, val) \
+do { \
+ type __val; \
+ int __r = ctxt->ops->read_phys(ctxt, smbase + offset, &__val,\
+ sizeof(__val)); \
+ if (__r != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
+ val = __val; \
+} while(0)
+#define __GET_SMSTATE_TYPE(type, smbase, offset) \
+static __always_inline int __get_smstate_##type(size_t smbase, size_t offset, type *val) \
+{ \
+ type __val; \
+ int __r = ctxt->ops->read_phys(ctxt, smbase + offset, &__val, \
+ sizeof(__val)); \
+ if (__r == X86EMUL_CONTINUE) \
+ *val = __val; \
+ return r; \
static void rsm_set_desc_flags(struct desc_struct *desc, u32 flags)
@@ -2294,17 +2349,21 @@ static int rsm_load_seg_32(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase, int n)
struct desc_struct desc;
int offset;
u16 selector;
+ u32 temp;
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fa8 + n * 4);
+ GET_SMSTATE(int, smbase, 0x7fa8 + n * 4, selector);
if (n < 3)
offset = 0x7f84 + n * 12;
offset = 0x7f2c + (n - 3) * 12;
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 8));
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 4));
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset));
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 8, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 4, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset, temp);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, 0, n);
@@ -2313,16 +2372,19 @@ static int rsm_load_seg_64(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase, int n)
struct desc_struct desc;
int offset;
- u16 selector;
- u32 base3;
+ u16 selector, temp16;
+ u32 base3, temp;
offset = 0x7e00 + n * 16;
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u16, smbase, offset);
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u16, smbase, offset + 2) << 8);
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 4));
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 8));
- base3 = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 12);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u16, smbase, offset, selector);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u16, smbase, offset + 2, temp16);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp16 << 8);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 4, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 8, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, offset + 12, base3);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, base3, n);
@@ -2362,38 +2424,47 @@ static int rsm_load_state_32(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase)
u16 selector;
u32 val, cr0, cr4;
int i;
+ u32 temp;
- cr0 = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ffc);
- ctxt->ops->set_cr(ctxt, 3, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff8));
- ctxt->eflags = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff4) | X86_EFLAGS_FIXED;
- ctxt->_eip = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff0);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ffc, cr0);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff8, temp);
+ ctxt->ops->set_cr(ctxt, 3, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff4, ctxt->eflags);
+ ctxt->eflags |= X86_EFLAGS_FIXED;
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ff0, ctxt->_eip);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- *reg_write(ctxt, i) = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fd0 + i * 4);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fd0 + i * 4, *reg_write(ctxt, i));
- val = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fcc);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fcc, val);
ctxt->ops->set_dr(ctxt, 6, (val & DR6_VOLATILE) | DR6_FIXED_1);
- val = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc8);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc8, val);
ctxt->ops->set_dr(ctxt, 7, (val & DR7_VOLATILE) | DR7_FIXED_1);
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc4);
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f64));
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f60));
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f5c));
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc4, selector);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f64, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f60, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f5c, temp);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, 0, VCPU_SREG_TR);
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc0);
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f80));
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f7c));
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f78));
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7fc0, selector);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f80, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f7c, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f78, temp);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, 0, VCPU_SREG_LDTR);
- dt.address = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f74);
- dt.size = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f70);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f74, dt.address);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f70, dt.size);
ctxt->ops->set_gdt(ctxt, &dt);
- dt.address = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f58);
- dt.size = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f54);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f58, dt.address);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f54, dt.size);
ctxt->ops->set_idt(ctxt, &dt);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
@@ -2402,9 +2473,10 @@ static int rsm_load_state_32(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase)
return r;
- cr4 = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f14);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f14, cr4);
- ctxt->ops->set_smbase(ctxt, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ef8));
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7ef8, temp);
+ ctxt->ops->set_smbase(ctxt, temp);
return rsm_enter_protected_mode(ctxt, cr0, cr4);
@@ -2417,45 +2489,56 @@ static int rsm_load_state_64(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase)
u32 base3;
u16 selector;
int i, r;
+ u64 temp64;
+ u32 temp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- *reg_write(ctxt, i) = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7ff8 - i * 8);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7ff8 - i * 8, *reg_write(ctxt, i));
- ctxt->_eip = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f78);
- ctxt->eflags = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f70) | X86_EFLAGS_FIXED;
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f78, ctxt->_eip);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f70, ctxt->eflags);
+ ctxt->eflags |= X86_EFLAGS_FIXED;
- val = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f68);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f68, val);
ctxt->ops->set_dr(ctxt, 6, (val & DR6_VOLATILE) | DR6_FIXED_1);
- val = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f60);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f60, val);
ctxt->ops->set_dr(ctxt, 7, (val & DR7_VOLATILE) | DR7_FIXED_1);
- cr0 = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f58);
- ctxt->ops->set_cr(ctxt, 3, GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f50));
- cr4 = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f48);
- ctxt->ops->set_smbase(ctxt, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f00));
- val = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7ed0);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f58, cr0);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f50, temp64);
+ ctxt->ops->set_cr(ctxt, 3, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7f48, cr4);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7f00, temp);
+ ctxt->ops->set_smbase(ctxt, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7ed0, val);
ctxt->ops->set_msr(ctxt, MSR_EFER, val & ~EFER_LMA);
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e90);
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e92) << 8);
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e94));
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e98));
- base3 = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e9c);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e90, selector);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e92, temp);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp << 8);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e94, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e98, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e9c, base3);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, base3, VCPU_SREG_TR);
- dt.size = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e84);
- dt.address = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7e88);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e84, dt.size);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7e88, dt.address);
ctxt->ops->set_idt(ctxt, &dt);
- selector = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e70);
- rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e72) << 8);
- set_desc_limit(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e74));
- set_desc_base(&desc, GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e78));
- base3 = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e7c);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e70, selector);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e72, temp);
+ rsm_set_desc_flags(&desc, temp << 8);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e74, temp);
+ set_desc_limit(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e78, temp);
+ set_desc_base(&desc, temp);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e7c, base3);
ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &desc, base3, VCPU_SREG_LDTR);
- dt.size = GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e64);
- dt.address = GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7e68);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u32, smbase, 0x7e64, dt.size);
+ GET_SMSTATE(u64, smbase, 0x7e68, dt.address);
ctxt->ops->set_gdt(ctxt, &dt);
r = rsm_enter_protected_mode(ctxt, cr0, cr4);
@@ -2473,7 +2556,7 @@ static int rsm_load_state_64(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase)
static int em_rsm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- unsigned long cr0, cr4, efer;
+ size_t cr0, cr4, efer;
u64 smbase;
int ret;
@@ -2806,7 +2889,7 @@ static bool emulator_io_port_access_allowed(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
int r;
u16 tr, io_bitmap_ptr, perm, bit_idx = port & 0x7;
unsigned mask = (1 << len) - 1;
- unsigned long base;
+ size_t base;
ops->get_segment(ctxt, &tr, &tr_seg, &base3, VCPU_SREG_TR);
if (!tr_seg.p)
@@ -3226,7 +3309,7 @@ static int emulator_do_task_switch(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
if (has_error_code) {
ctxt->op_bytes = ctxt->ad_bytes = (next_tss_desc.type & 8) ? 4 : 2;
ctxt->lock_prefix = 0;
- ctxt->src.val = (unsigned long) error_code;
+ ctxt->src.val = (size_t) error_code;
ret = em_push(ctxt);
@@ -3260,7 +3343,7 @@ int emulator_task_switch(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
static void string_addr_inc(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int reg,
struct operand *op)
- int df = (ctxt->eflags & X86_EFLAGS_DF) ? -op->count : op->count;
+ int df = (ctxt->eflags & X86_EFLAGS_DF) ? -(int)op->count : op->count;
register_address_increment(ctxt, reg, df * op->bytes);
op->addr.mem.ea = register_address(ctxt, reg);
@@ -3349,7 +3432,7 @@ static int em_call(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int rc;
long rel = ctxt->src.val;
- ctxt->src.val = (unsigned long)ctxt->_eip;
+ ctxt->src.val = (size_t)ctxt->_eip;
rc = jmp_rel(ctxt, rel);
if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
return rc;
@@ -3389,7 +3472,7 @@ static int em_call_far(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
/* If we failed, we tainted the memory, but the very least we should
restore cs */
if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) {
- pr_warn_once("faulting far call emulation tainted memory\n");
+ //pr_warn_once("faulting far call emulation tainted memory\n");
goto fail;
return rc;
@@ -3403,7 +3486,7 @@ fail:
static int em_ret_near_imm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
int rc;
- unsigned long eip;
+ size_t eip;
rc = emulate_pop(ctxt, &eip, ctxt->op_bytes);
if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
@@ -3496,7 +3579,7 @@ static int em_movbe(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
tmp = (u16)ctxt->src.val;
ctxt->dst.val &= ~0xffffUL;
- ctxt->dst.val |= (unsigned long)swab16(tmp);
+ ctxt->dst.val |= (size_t)swab16(tmp);
case 4:
ctxt->dst.val = swab32((u32)ctxt->src.val);
@@ -3522,7 +3605,7 @@ static int em_cr_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int em_dr_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
if (ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64)
val = ctxt->src.val & ~0ULL;
@@ -3581,7 +3664,7 @@ static int em_mov_sreg_rm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return emulate_ud(ctxt);
if (ctxt->modrm_reg == VCPU_SREG_SS)
- ctxt->interruptibility = KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS;
+ ctxt->interruptibility = GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS;
/* Disable writeback. */
ctxt->dst.type = OP_NONE;
@@ -3672,6 +3755,8 @@ static int em_sidt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
return emulate_store_desc_ptr(ctxt, ctxt->ops->get_idt);
+// Disable VC warning for unaligned access in desc_ptr
+#pragma warning(disable : 4366)
static int em_lgdt_lidt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, bool lgdt)
struct desc_ptr desc_ptr;
@@ -3695,6 +3780,7 @@ static int em_lgdt_lidt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, bool lgdt)
ctxt->dst.type = OP_NONE;
+#pragma warning(default : 4366)
static int em_lgdt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
@@ -3776,7 +3862,7 @@ static int em_sti(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
if (emulator_bad_iopl(ctxt))
return emulate_gp(ctxt, 0);
- ctxt->interruptibility = KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI;
+ ctxt->interruptibility = GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI;
ctxt->eflags |= X86_EFLAGS_IF;
@@ -3820,11 +3906,11 @@ static int em_bswap(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
switch (ctxt->op_bytes) {
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
case 8:
- asm("bswap %0" : "+r"(ctxt->dst.val));
+ __bswap64(&ctxt->dst.val);
- asm("bswap %0" : "+r"(*(u32 *)&ctxt->dst.val));
+ __bswap32((u32 *)&ctxt->dst.val);
@@ -3846,7 +3932,9 @@ static bool valid_cr(int nr)
switch (nr) {
case 0:
- case 2 ... 4:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
case 8:
return true;
@@ -3925,7 +4013,7 @@ static int check_cr_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int check_dr7_gd(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- unsigned long dr7;
+ size_t dr7;
ctxt->ops->get_dr(ctxt, 7, &dr7);
@@ -4575,16 +4663,24 @@ static int decode_imm(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct operand *op,
/* NB. Immediates are sign-extended as necessary. */
switch (op->bytes) {
case 1:
- op->val = insn_fetch(s8, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(s8, ctxt, op->val);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
case 2:
- op->val = insn_fetch(s16, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(s16, ctxt, op->val);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
case 4:
- op->val = insn_fetch(s32, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(s32, ctxt, op->val);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
case 8:
- op->val = insn_fetch(s64, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(s64, ctxt, (s64)op->val);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
if (!sign_extension) {
@@ -4766,7 +4862,6 @@ static int decode_operand(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct operand *op,
return rc;
@@ -4817,7 +4912,10 @@ int x86_decode_insn(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void *insn, int insn_len)
/* Legacy prefixes. */
for (;;) {
- switch (ctxt->b = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt)) {
+ rc = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt, ctxt->b);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
+ switch (ctxt->b) {
case 0x66: /* operand-size override */
op_prefix = true;
/* switch between 2/4 bytes */
@@ -4843,7 +4941,22 @@ int x86_decode_insn(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void *insn, int insn_len)
has_seg_override = true;
ctxt->seg_override = ctxt->b & 7;
- case 0x40 ... 0x4f: /* REX */
+ case 0x40:
+ case 0x41:
+ case 0x42:
+ case 0x43:
+ case 0x44:
+ case 0x45:
+ case 0x46:
+ case 0x47:
+ case 0x48:
+ case 0x49:
+ case 0x4a:
+ case 0x4b:
+ case 0x4c:
+ case 0x4d:
+ case 0x4e:
+ case 0x4f: /* REX */
if (mode != X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64)
goto done_prefixes;
ctxt->rex_prefix = ctxt->b;
@@ -4875,20 +4988,27 @@ done_prefixes:
/* Two-byte opcode? */
if (ctxt->b == 0x0f) {
ctxt->opcode_len = 2;
- ctxt->b = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt, ctxt->b);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
opcode = twobyte_table[ctxt->b];
/* 0F_38 opcode map */
if (ctxt->b == 0x38) {
ctxt->opcode_len = 3;
- ctxt->b = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt);
+ rc = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt, ctxt->b);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
opcode = opcode_map_0f_38[ctxt->b];
ctxt->d = opcode.flags;
- if (ctxt->d & ModRM)
- ctxt->modrm = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt);
+ if (ctxt->d & ModRM) {
+ rc = insn_fetch(u8, ctxt, ctxt->modrm);
+ if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE)
+ goto done;
+ }
/* vex-prefix instructions are not implemented */
if (ctxt->opcode_len == 1 && (ctxt->b == 0xc5 || ctxt->b == 0xc4) &&
@@ -5069,15 +5189,11 @@ static int flush_pending_x87_faults(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
bool fault = false;
- asm volatile("1: fwait \n\t"
- "2: \n\t"
- ".pushsection .fixup,\"ax\" \n\t"
- "3: \n\t"
- "movb $1, %[fault] \n\t"
- "jmp 2b \n\t"
- ".popsection \n\t"
- _ASM_EXTABLE(1b, 3b)
- : [fault]"+qm"(fault));
+ __try {
+ __fwait();
+ fault = true;
+ }
if (unlikely(fault))
@@ -5093,18 +5209,17 @@ static void fetch_possible_mmx_operand(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
read_mmx_reg(ctxt, &op->mm_val, op->;
+extern void __asm_fastop(size_t *flags,void *fop,
+ struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt);
static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *))
- register void *__sp asm(_ASM_SP);
- ulong flags = (ctxt->eflags & EFLAGS_MASK) | X86_EFLAGS_IF;
+ size_t flags = (ctxt->eflags & EFLAGS_MASK) | X86_EFLAGS_IF;
+ char *__fop = (char *)fop;
if (!(ctxt->d & ByteOp))
- fop += __ffs(ctxt->dst.bytes) * FASTOP_SIZE;
+ __fop += __ffs(ctxt->dst.bytes) * FASTOP_SIZE;
- asm("push %[flags]; popf; call *%[fastop]; pushf; pop %[flags]\n"
- : "+a"(ctxt->dst.val), "+d"(ctxt->src.val), [flags]"+D"(flags),
- [fastop]"+S"(fop), "+r"(__sp)
- : "c"(ctxt->src2.val));
+ __asm_fastop(&flags, __fop, ctxt);
ctxt->eflags = (ctxt->eflags & ~EFLAGS_MASK) | (flags & EFLAGS_MASK);
if (!fop) /* exception is returned in fop variable */
@@ -5115,7 +5230,7 @@ static int fastop(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, void (*fop)(struct fastop *))
void init_decode_cache(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
memset(&ctxt->rip_relative, 0,
- (void *)&ctxt->modrm - (void *)&ctxt->rip_relative);
+ (char *)&ctxt->modrm - (char *)&ctxt->rip_relative);
ctxt->io_read.pos = 0;
ctxt->io_read.end = 0;
@@ -5289,14 +5404,36 @@ special_insn:
goto threebyte_insn;
switch (ctxt->b) {
- case 0x70 ... 0x7f: /* jcc (short) */
+ case 0x70: /* jcc (short) */
+ case 0x71:
+ case 0x72:
+ case 0x73:
+ case 0x74:
+ case 0x75:
+ case 0x76:
+ case 0x77:
+ case 0x78:
+ case 0x79:
+ case 0x7a:
+ case 0x7b:
+ case 0x7c:
+ case 0x7d:
+ case 0x7e:
+ case 0x7f:
if (test_cc(ctxt->b, ctxt->eflags))
rc = jmp_rel(ctxt, ctxt->src.val);
case 0x8d: /* lea r16/r32, m */
ctxt->dst.val = ctxt->src.addr.mem.ea;
- case 0x90 ... 0x97: /* nop / xchg reg, rax */
+ case 0x90: /* nop / xchg reg, rax */
+ case 0x91:
+ case 0x92:
+ case 0x93:
+ case 0x94:
+ case 0x95:
+ case 0x96:
+ case 0x97:
if (ctxt->dst.addr.reg == reg_rmw(ctxt, VCPU_REGS_RAX))
ctxt->dst.type = OP_NONE;
@@ -5382,7 +5519,7 @@ writeback:
count = ctxt->src.count;
count = ctxt->dst.count;
- register_address_increment(ctxt, VCPU_REGS_RCX, -count);
+ register_address_increment(ctxt, VCPU_REGS_RCX, -(int)count);
if (!string_insn_completed(ctxt)) {
@@ -5436,25 +5573,72 @@ twobyte_insn:
case 0x21: /* mov from dr to reg */
ops->get_dr(ctxt, ctxt->modrm_reg, &ctxt->dst.val);
- case 0x40 ... 0x4f: /* cmov */
+ case 0x40: /* cmov */
+ case 0x41:
+ case 0x42:
+ case 0x43:
+ case 0x44:
+ case 0x45:
+ case 0x46:
+ case 0x47:
+ case 0x48:
+ case 0x49:
+ case 0x4a:
+ case 0x4b:
+ case 0x4c:
+ case 0x4d:
+ case 0x4e:
+ case 0x4f:
if (test_cc(ctxt->b, ctxt->eflags))
ctxt->dst.val = ctxt->src.val;
else if (ctxt->op_bytes != 4)
ctxt->dst.type = OP_NONE; /* no writeback */
- case 0x80 ... 0x8f: /* jnz rel, etc*/
+ case 0x80: /* jnz rel, etc*/
+ case 0x81:
+ case 0x82:
+ case 0x83:
+ case 0x84:
+ case 0x85:
+ case 0x86:
+ case 0x87:
+ case 0x88:
+ case 0x89:
+ case 0x8a:
+ case 0x8b:
+ case 0x8c:
+ case 0x8d:
+ case 0x8e:
+ case 0x8f:
if (test_cc(ctxt->b, ctxt->eflags))
rc = jmp_rel(ctxt, ctxt->src.val);
- case 0x90 ... 0x9f: /* setcc r/m8 */
+ case 0x90: /* setcc r/m8 */
+ case 0x91:
+ case 0x92:
+ case 0x93:
+ case 0x94:
+ case 0x95:
+ case 0x96:
+ case 0x97:
+ case 0x98:
+ case 0x99:
+ case 0x9a:
+ case 0x9b:
+ case 0x9c:
+ case 0x9d:
+ case 0x9e:
+ case 0x9f:
ctxt->dst.val = test_cc(ctxt->b, ctxt->eflags);
- case 0xb6 ... 0xb7: /* movzx */
+ case 0xb6: /* movzx */
+ case 0xb7:
ctxt->dst.bytes = ctxt->op_bytes;
ctxt->dst.val = (ctxt->src.bytes == 1) ? (u8) ctxt->src.val
: (u16) ctxt->src.val;
- case 0xbe ... 0xbf: /* movsx */
+ case 0xbe: /* movsx */
+ case 0xbf:
ctxt->dst.bytes = ctxt->op_bytes;
ctxt->dst.val = (ctxt->src.bytes == 1) ? (s8) ctxt->src.val :
(s16) ctxt->src.val;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.c b/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b1c83..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1266 +0,0 @@
- * KVM Microsoft Hyper-V emulation
- *
- * derived from arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Qumranet, Inc.
- * Copyright IBM Corporation, 2008
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrey Smetanin <>
- *
- * Authors:
- * Avi Kivity <>
- * Yaniv Kamay <>
- * Amit Shah <>
- * Ben-Ami Yassour <>
- * Andrey Smetanin <>
- *
- * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
- * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
- *
- */
-#include "x86.h"
-#include "lapic.h"
-#include "ioapic.h"
-#include "hyperv.h"
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <asm/apicdef.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-static inline u64 synic_read_sint(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, int sint)
- return atomic64_read(&synic->sint[sint]);
-static inline int synic_get_sint_vector(u64 sint_value)
- if (sint_value & HV_SYNIC_SINT_MASKED)
- return -1;
- return sint_value & HV_SYNIC_SINT_VECTOR_MASK;
-static bool synic_has_vector_connected(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic,
- int vector)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint); i++) {
- if (synic_get_sint_vector(synic_read_sint(synic, i)) == vector)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static bool synic_has_vector_auto_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic,
- int vector)
- int i;
- u64 sint_value;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint); i++) {
- sint_value = synic_read_sint(synic, i);
- if (synic_get_sint_vector(sint_value) == vector &&
- sint_value & HV_SYNIC_SINT_AUTO_EOI)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static int synic_set_sint(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, int sint,
- u64 data, bool host)
- int vector;
- vector = data & HV_SYNIC_SINT_VECTOR_MASK;
- if (vector < 16 && !host)
- return 1;
- /*
- * Guest may configure multiple SINTs to use the same vector, so
- * we maintain a bitmap of vectors handled by synic, and a
- * bitmap of vectors with auto-eoi behavior. The bitmaps are
- * updated here, and atomically queried on fast paths.
- */
- atomic64_set(&synic->sint[sint], data);
- if (synic_has_vector_connected(synic, vector))
- __set_bit(vector, synic->vec_bitmap);
- else
- __clear_bit(vector, synic->vec_bitmap);
- if (synic_has_vector_auto_eoi(synic, vector))
- __set_bit(vector, synic->auto_eoi_bitmap);
- else
- __clear_bit(vector, synic->auto_eoi_bitmap);
- /* Load SynIC vectors into EOI exit bitmap */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_SCAN_IOAPIC, synic_to_vcpu(synic));
- return 0;
-static struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic_get(struct kvm *kvm, u32 vcpu_id)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic;
- if (vcpu_id >= atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus))
- return NULL;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, vcpu_id);
- if (!vcpu)
- return NULL;
- synic = vcpu_to_synic(vcpu);
- return (synic->active) ? synic : NULL;
-static void synic_clear_sint_msg_pending(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic,
- u32 sint)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = synic_to_vcpu(synic);
- struct page *page;
- gpa_t gpa;
- struct hv_message *msg;
- struct hv_message_page *msg_page;
- gpa = synic->msg_page & PAGE_MASK;
- page = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page)) {
- vcpu_err(vcpu, "Hyper-V SynIC can't get msg page, gpa 0x%llx\n",
- gpa);
- return;
- }
- msg_page = kmap_atomic(page);
- msg = &msg_page->sint_message[sint];
- msg->header.message_flags.msg_pending = 0;
- kunmap_atomic(msg_page);
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
- kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-static void kvm_hv_notify_acked_sint(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 sint)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic = vcpu_to_synic(vcpu);
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu = vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu);
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer;
- int gsi, idx, stimers_pending;
- trace_kvm_hv_notify_acked_sint(vcpu->vcpu_id, sint);
- if (synic->msg_page & HV_SYNIC_SIMP_ENABLE)
- synic_clear_sint_msg_pending(synic, sint);
- /* Try to deliver pending Hyper-V SynIC timers messages */
- stimers_pending = 0;
- for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(hv_vcpu->stimer); idx++) {
- stimer = &hv_vcpu->stimer[idx];
- if (stimer->msg_pending &&
- (stimer->config & HV_STIMER_ENABLE) &&
- HV_STIMER_SINT(stimer->config) == sint) {
- set_bit(stimer->index,
- hv_vcpu->stimer_pending_bitmap);
- stimers_pending++;
- }
- }
- if (stimers_pending)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_HV_STIMER, vcpu);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- gsi = atomic_read(&synic->sint_to_gsi[sint]);
- if (gsi != -1)
- kvm_notify_acked_gsi(kvm, gsi);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
-static void synic_exit(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, u32 msr)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = synic_to_vcpu(synic);
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu = &vcpu->arch.hyperv;
- hv_vcpu->exit.type = KVM_EXIT_HYPERV_SYNIC;
- hv_vcpu->exit.u.synic.msr = msr;
- hv_vcpu->exit.u.synic.control = synic->control;
- hv_vcpu->exit.u.synic.evt_page = synic->evt_page;
- hv_vcpu->exit.u.synic.msg_page = synic->msg_page;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_HV_EXIT, vcpu);
-static int synic_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic,
- u32 msr, u64 data, bool host)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = synic_to_vcpu(synic);
- int ret;
- if (!synic->active)
- return 1;
- trace_kvm_hv_synic_set_msr(vcpu->vcpu_id, msr, data, host);
- ret = 0;
- switch (msr) {
- synic->control = data;
- if (!host)
- synic_exit(synic, msr);
- break;
- if (!host) {
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- synic->version = data;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIEFP:
- if (kvm_clear_guest(vcpu->kvm,
- data & PAGE_MASK, PAGE_SIZE)) {
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- synic->evt_page = data;
- if (!host)
- synic_exit(synic, msr);
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIMP:
- if (data & HV_SYNIC_SIMP_ENABLE)
- if (kvm_clear_guest(vcpu->kvm,
- data & PAGE_MASK, PAGE_SIZE)) {
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- synic->msg_page = data;
- if (!host)
- synic_exit(synic, msr);
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOM: {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint); i++)
- kvm_hv_notify_acked_sint(vcpu, i);
- break;
- }
- case HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- ret = synic_set_sint(synic, msr - HV_X64_MSR_SINT0, data, host);
- break;
- default:
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-static int synic_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
- int ret;
- if (!synic->active)
- return 1;
- ret = 0;
- switch (msr) {
- *pdata = synic->control;
- break;
- *pdata = synic->version;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIEFP:
- *pdata = synic->evt_page;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIMP:
- *pdata = synic->msg_page;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOM:
- *pdata = 0;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- *pdata = atomic64_read(&synic->sint[msr - HV_X64_MSR_SINT0]);
- break;
- default:
- ret = 1;
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-int synic_set_irq(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, u32 sint)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = synic_to_vcpu(synic);
- struct kvm_lapic_irq irq;
- int ret, vector;
- if (sint >= ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint))
- return -EINVAL;
- vector = synic_get_sint_vector(synic_read_sint(synic, sint));
- if (vector < 0)
- return -ENOENT;
- memset(&irq, 0, sizeof(irq));
- irq.dest_id = kvm_apic_id(vcpu->arch.apic);
- irq.dest_mode = APIC_DEST_PHYSICAL;
- irq.delivery_mode = APIC_DM_FIXED;
- irq.vector = vector;
- irq.level = 1;
- ret = kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic(vcpu->kvm, NULL, &irq, NULL);
- trace_kvm_hv_synic_set_irq(vcpu->vcpu_id, sint, irq.vector, ret);
- return ret;
-int kvm_hv_synic_set_irq(struct kvm *kvm, u32 vcpu_id, u32 sint)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic;
- synic = synic_get(kvm, vcpu_id);
- if (!synic)
- return -EINVAL;
- return synic_set_irq(synic, sint);
-void kvm_hv_synic_send_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic = vcpu_to_synic(vcpu);
- int i;
- trace_kvm_hv_synic_send_eoi(vcpu->vcpu_id, vector);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint); i++)
- if (synic_get_sint_vector(synic_read_sint(synic, i)) == vector)
- kvm_hv_notify_acked_sint(vcpu, i);
-static int kvm_hv_set_sint_gsi(struct kvm *kvm, u32 vcpu_id, u32 sint, int gsi)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic;
- synic = synic_get(kvm, vcpu_id);
- if (!synic)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (sint >= ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint_to_gsi))
- return -EINVAL;
- atomic_set(&synic->sint_to_gsi[sint], gsi);
- return 0;
-void kvm_hv_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table *irq_rt;
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
- u32 gsi;
- irq_rt = srcu_dereference_check(kvm->irq_routing, &kvm->irq_srcu,
- lockdep_is_held(&kvm->irq_lock));
- for (gsi = 0; gsi < irq_rt->nr_rt_entries; gsi++) {
- hlist_for_each_entry(e, &irq_rt->map[gsi], link) {
- if (e->type == KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_HV_SINT)
- kvm_hv_set_sint_gsi(kvm, e->hv_sint.vcpu,
- e->hv_sint.sint, gsi);
- }
- }
-static void synic_init(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic)
- int i;
- memset(synic, 0, sizeof(*synic));
- synic->version = HV_SYNIC_VERSION_1;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(synic->sint); i++) {
- atomic64_set(&synic->sint[i], HV_SYNIC_SINT_MASKED);
- atomic_set(&synic->sint_to_gsi[i], -1);
- }
-static u64 get_time_ref_counter(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &kvm->arch.hyperv;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- u64 tsc;
- /*
- * The guest has not set up the TSC page or the clock isn't
- * stable, fall back to get_kvmclock_ns.
- */
- if (!hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence)
- return div_u64(get_kvmclock_ns(kvm), 100);
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, 0);
- tsc = kvm_read_l1_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
- return mul_u64_u64_shr(tsc, hv->tsc_ref.tsc_scale, 64)
- + hv->tsc_ref.tsc_offset;
-static void stimer_mark_pending(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer,
- bool vcpu_kick)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = stimer_to_vcpu(stimer);
- set_bit(stimer->index,
- vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu)->stimer_pending_bitmap);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_HV_STIMER, vcpu);
- if (vcpu_kick)
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
-static void stimer_cleanup(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = stimer_to_vcpu(stimer);
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_cleanup(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index);
- hrtimer_cancel(&stimer->timer);
- clear_bit(stimer->index,
- vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu)->stimer_pending_bitmap);
- stimer->msg_pending = false;
- stimer->exp_time = 0;
-static enum hrtimer_restart stimer_timer_callback(struct hrtimer *timer)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer;
- stimer = container_of(timer, struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer, timer);
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_callback(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index);
- stimer_mark_pending(stimer, true);
- * stimer_start() assumptions:
- * a) stimer->count is not equal to 0
- * b) stimer->config has HV_STIMER_ENABLE flag
- */
-static int stimer_start(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- u64 time_now;
- ktime_t ktime_now;
- time_now = get_time_ref_counter(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->kvm);
- ktime_now = ktime_get();
- if (stimer->config & HV_STIMER_PERIODIC) {
- if (stimer->exp_time) {
- if (time_now >= stimer->exp_time) {
- u64 remainder;
- div64_u64_rem(time_now - stimer->exp_time,
- stimer->count, &remainder);
- stimer->exp_time =
- time_now + (stimer->count - remainder);
- }
- } else
- stimer->exp_time = time_now + stimer->count;
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_start_periodic(
- stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index,
- time_now, stimer->exp_time);
- hrtimer_start(&stimer->timer,
- ktime_add_ns(ktime_now,
- 100 * (stimer->exp_time - time_now)),
- return 0;
- }
- stimer->exp_time = stimer->count;
- if (time_now >= stimer->count) {
- /*
- * Expire timer according to Hypervisor Top-Level Functional
- * specification v4(15.3.1):
- * "If a one shot is enabled and the specified count is in
- * the past, it will expire immediately."
- */
- stimer_mark_pending(stimer, false);
- return 0;
- }
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_start_one_shot(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index,
- time_now, stimer->count);
- hrtimer_start(&stimer->timer,
- ktime_add_ns(ktime_now, 100 * (stimer->count - time_now)),
- return 0;
-static int stimer_set_config(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer, u64 config,
- bool host)
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_set_config(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index, config, host);
- stimer_cleanup(stimer);
- if ((stimer->config & HV_STIMER_ENABLE) && HV_STIMER_SINT(config) == 0)
- config &= ~HV_STIMER_ENABLE;
- stimer->config = config;
- stimer_mark_pending(stimer, false);
- return 0;
-static int stimer_set_count(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer, u64 count,
- bool host)
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_set_count(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index, count, host);
- stimer_cleanup(stimer);
- stimer->count = count;
- if (stimer->count == 0)
- stimer->config &= ~HV_STIMER_ENABLE;
- else if (stimer->config & HV_STIMER_AUTOENABLE)
- stimer->config |= HV_STIMER_ENABLE;
- stimer_mark_pending(stimer, false);
- return 0;
-static int stimer_get_config(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer, u64 *pconfig)
- *pconfig = stimer->config;
- return 0;
-static int stimer_get_count(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer, u64 *pcount)
- *pcount = stimer->count;
- return 0;
-static int synic_deliver_msg(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic, u32 sint,
- struct hv_message *src_msg)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = synic_to_vcpu(synic);
- struct page *page;
- gpa_t gpa;
- struct hv_message *dst_msg;
- int r;
- struct hv_message_page *msg_page;
- if (!(synic->msg_page & HV_SYNIC_SIMP_ENABLE))
- return -ENOENT;
- gpa = synic->msg_page & PAGE_MASK;
- page = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page))
- return -EFAULT;
- msg_page = kmap_atomic(page);
- dst_msg = &msg_page->sint_message[sint];
- if (sync_cmpxchg(&dst_msg->header.message_type, HVMSG_NONE,
- src_msg->header.message_type) != HVMSG_NONE) {
- dst_msg->header.message_flags.msg_pending = 1;
- r = -EAGAIN;
- } else {
- memcpy(&dst_msg->u.payload, &src_msg->u.payload,
- src_msg->header.payload_size);
- dst_msg->header.message_type = src_msg->header.message_type;
- dst_msg->header.payload_size = src_msg->header.payload_size;
- r = synic_set_irq(synic, sint);
- if (r >= 1)
- r = 0;
- else if (r == 0)
- r = -EFAULT;
- }
- kunmap_atomic(msg_page);
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
- kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- return r;
-static int stimer_send_msg(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = stimer_to_vcpu(stimer);
- struct hv_message *msg = &stimer->msg;
- struct hv_timer_message_payload *payload =
- (struct hv_timer_message_payload *)&msg->u.payload;
- payload->expiration_time = stimer->exp_time;
- payload->delivery_time = get_time_ref_counter(vcpu->kvm);
- return synic_deliver_msg(vcpu_to_synic(vcpu),
- HV_STIMER_SINT(stimer->config), msg);
-static void stimer_expiration(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- int r;
- stimer->msg_pending = true;
- r = stimer_send_msg(stimer);
- trace_kvm_hv_stimer_expiration(stimer_to_vcpu(stimer)->vcpu_id,
- stimer->index, r);
- if (!r) {
- stimer->msg_pending = false;
- if (!(stimer->config & HV_STIMER_PERIODIC))
- stimer->config &= ~HV_STIMER_ENABLE;
- }
-void kvm_hv_process_stimers(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu = vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu);
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer;
- u64 time_now, exp_time;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hv_vcpu->stimer); i++)
- if (test_and_clear_bit(i, hv_vcpu->stimer_pending_bitmap)) {
- stimer = &hv_vcpu->stimer[i];
- if (stimer->config & HV_STIMER_ENABLE) {
- exp_time = stimer->exp_time;
- if (exp_time) {
- time_now =
- get_time_ref_counter(vcpu->kvm);
- if (time_now >= exp_time)
- stimer_expiration(stimer);
- }
- if ((stimer->config & HV_STIMER_ENABLE) &&
- stimer->count)
- stimer_start(stimer);
- else
- stimer_cleanup(stimer);
- }
- }
-void kvm_hv_vcpu_uninit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu = vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hv_vcpu->stimer); i++)
- stimer_cleanup(&hv_vcpu->stimer[i]);
-static void stimer_prepare_msg(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- struct hv_message *msg = &stimer->msg;
- struct hv_timer_message_payload *payload =
- (struct hv_timer_message_payload *)&msg->u.payload;
- memset(&msg->header, 0, sizeof(msg->header));
- msg->header.message_type = HVMSG_TIMER_EXPIRED;
- msg->header.payload_size = sizeof(*payload);
- payload->timer_index = stimer->index;
- payload->expiration_time = 0;
- payload->delivery_time = 0;
-static void stimer_init(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer, int timer_index)
- memset(stimer, 0, sizeof(*stimer));
- stimer->index = timer_index;
- hrtimer_init(&stimer->timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
- stimer->timer.function = stimer_timer_callback;
- stimer_prepare_msg(stimer);
-void kvm_hv_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu = vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu);
- int i;
- synic_init(&hv_vcpu->synic);
- bitmap_zero(hv_vcpu->stimer_pending_bitmap, HV_SYNIC_STIMER_COUNT);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hv_vcpu->stimer); i++)
- stimer_init(&hv_vcpu->stimer[i], i);
-int kvm_hv_activate_synic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- /*
- * Hyper-V SynIC auto EOI SINT's are
- * not compatible with APICV, so deactivate APICV
- */
- kvm_vcpu_deactivate_apicv(vcpu);
- vcpu_to_synic(vcpu)->active = true;
- return 0;
-static bool kvm_hv_msr_partition_wide(u32 msr)
- bool r = false;
- switch (msr) {
- case HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 ... HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4:
- case HV_X64_MSR_RESET:
- r = true;
- break;
- }
- return r;
-static int kvm_hv_msr_get_crash_data(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u32 index, u64 *pdata)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &vcpu->kvm->arch.hyperv;
- if (WARN_ON_ONCE(index >= ARRAY_SIZE(hv->hv_crash_param)))
- return -EINVAL;
- *pdata = hv->hv_crash_param[index];
- return 0;
-static int kvm_hv_msr_get_crash_ctl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *pdata)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &vcpu->kvm->arch.hyperv;
- *pdata = hv->hv_crash_ctl;
- return 0;
-static int kvm_hv_msr_set_crash_ctl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data, bool host)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &vcpu->kvm->arch.hyperv;
- if (host)
- hv->hv_crash_ctl = data & HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL_NOTIFY;
- if (!host && (data & HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL_NOTIFY)) {
- vcpu_debug(vcpu, "hv crash (0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx)\n",
- hv->hv_crash_param[0],
- hv->hv_crash_param[1],
- hv->hv_crash_param[2],
- hv->hv_crash_param[3],
- hv->hv_crash_param[4]);
- /* Send notification about crash to user space */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_HV_CRASH, vcpu);
- }
- return 0;
-static int kvm_hv_msr_set_crash_data(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u32 index, u64 data)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &vcpu->kvm->arch.hyperv;
- if (WARN_ON_ONCE(index >= ARRAY_SIZE(hv->hv_crash_param)))
- return -EINVAL;
- hv->hv_crash_param[index] = data;
- return 0;
- * The kvmclock and Hyper-V TSC page use similar formulas, and converting
- * between them is possible:
- *
- * kvmclock formula:
- * nsec = (ticks - tsc_timestamp) * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32)
- * + system_time
- *
- * Hyper-V formula:
- * nsec/100 = ticks * scale / 2^64 + offset
- *
- * When tsc_timestamp = system_time = 0, offset is zero in the Hyper-V formula.
- * By dividing the kvmclock formula by 100 and equating what's left we get:
- * ticks * scale / 2^64 = ticks * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32) / 100
- * scale / 2^64 = tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32) / 100
- * scale = tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(32+tsc_shift) / 100
- *
- * Now expand the kvmclock formula and divide by 100:
- * nsec = ticks * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32)
- * - tsc_timestamp * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32)
- * + system_time
- * nsec/100 = ticks * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32) / 100
- * - tsc_timestamp * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32) / 100
- * + system_time / 100
- *
- * Replace tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift-32) / 100 by scale / 2^64:
- * nsec/100 = ticks * scale / 2^64
- * - tsc_timestamp * scale / 2^64
- * + system_time / 100
- *
- * Equate with the Hyper-V formula so that ticks * scale / 2^64 cancels out:
- * offset = system_time / 100 - tsc_timestamp * scale / 2^64
- *
- * These two equivalencies are implemented in this function.
- */
-static bool compute_tsc_page_parameters(struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *hv_clock,
- u64 max_mul;
- if (!(hv_clock->flags & PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT))
- return false;
- /*
- * check if scale would overflow, if so we use the time ref counter
- * tsc_to_system_mul * 2^(tsc_shift+32) / 100 >= 2^64
- * tsc_to_system_mul / 100 >= 2^(32-tsc_shift)
- * tsc_to_system_mul >= 100 * 2^(32-tsc_shift)
- */
- max_mul = 100ull << (32 - hv_clock->tsc_shift);
- if (hv_clock->tsc_to_system_mul >= max_mul)
- return false;
- /*
- * Otherwise compute the scale and offset according to the formulas
- * derived above.
- */
- tsc_ref->tsc_scale =
- mul_u64_u32_div(1ULL << (32 + hv_clock->tsc_shift),
- hv_clock->tsc_to_system_mul,
- 100);
- tsc_ref->tsc_offset = hv_clock->system_time;
- do_div(tsc_ref->tsc_offset, 100);
- tsc_ref->tsc_offset -=
- mul_u64_u64_shr(hv_clock->tsc_timestamp, tsc_ref->tsc_scale, 64);
- return true;
-void kvm_hv_setup_tsc_page(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *hv_clock)
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &kvm->arch.hyperv;
- u32 tsc_seq;
- u64 gfn;
- BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(tsc_seq) != sizeof(hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence));
- BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(HV_REFERENCE_TSC_PAGE, tsc_sequence) != 0);
- if (!(hv->hv_tsc_page & HV_X64_MSR_TSC_REFERENCE_ENABLE))
- return;
- gfn = hv->hv_tsc_page >> HV_X64_MSR_TSC_REFERENCE_ADDRESS_SHIFT;
- /*
- * Because the TSC parameters only vary when there is a
- * change in the master clock, do not bother with caching.
- */
- if (unlikely(kvm_read_guest(kvm, gfn_to_gpa(gfn),
- &tsc_seq, sizeof(tsc_seq))))
- return;
- /*
- * While we're computing and writing the parameters, force the
- * guest to use the time reference count MSR.
- */
- hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence = 0;
- if (kvm_write_guest(kvm, gfn_to_gpa(gfn),
- &hv->tsc_ref, sizeof(hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence)))
- return;
- if (!compute_tsc_page_parameters(hv_clock, &hv->tsc_ref))
- return;
- /* Ensure sequence is zero before writing the rest of the struct. */
- smp_wmb();
- if (kvm_write_guest(kvm, gfn_to_gpa(gfn), &hv->tsc_ref, sizeof(hv->tsc_ref)))
- return;
- /*
- * Now switch to the TSC page mechanism by writing the sequence.
- */
- tsc_seq++;
- if (tsc_seq == 0xFFFFFFFF || tsc_seq == 0)
- tsc_seq = 1;
- /* Write the struct entirely before the non-zero sequence. */
- smp_wmb();
- hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence = tsc_seq;
- kvm_write_guest(kvm, gfn_to_gpa(gfn),
- &hv->tsc_ref, sizeof(hv->tsc_ref.tsc_sequence));
-static int kvm_hv_set_msr_pw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data,
- bool host)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &kvm->arch.hyperv;
- switch (msr) {
- case HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID:
- hv->hv_guest_os_id = data;
- /* setting guest os id to zero disables hypercall page */
- if (!hv->hv_guest_os_id)
- hv->hv_hypercall &= ~HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_ENABLE;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL: {
- u64 gfn;
- unsigned long addr;
- u8 instructions[4];
- /* if guest os id is not set hypercall should remain disabled */
- if (!hv->hv_guest_os_id)
- break;
- if (!(data & HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_ENABLE)) {
- hv->hv_hypercall = data;
- break;
- }
- addr = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gfn);
- if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
- return 1;
- kvm_x86_ops->patch_hypercall(vcpu, instructions);
- ((unsigned char *)instructions)[3] = 0xc3; /* ret */
- if (__copy_to_user((void __user *)addr, instructions, 4))
- return 1;
- hv->hv_hypercall = data;
- mark_page_dirty(kvm, gfn);
- break;
- }
- hv->hv_tsc_page = data;
- if (hv->hv_tsc_page & HV_X64_MSR_TSC_REFERENCE_ENABLE)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_MASTERCLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 ... HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4:
- return kvm_hv_msr_set_crash_data(vcpu,
- msr - HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0,
- data);
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL:
- return kvm_hv_msr_set_crash_ctl(vcpu, data, host);
- case HV_X64_MSR_RESET:
- if (data == 1) {
- vcpu_debug(vcpu, "hyper-v reset requested\n");
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_HV_RESET, vcpu);
- }
- break;
- default:
- vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "Hyper-V uhandled wrmsr: 0x%x data 0x%llx\n",
- msr, data);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Calculate cpu time spent by current task in 100ns units */
-static u64 current_task_runtime_100ns(void)
- cputime_t utime, stime;
- task_cputime_adjusted(current, &utime, &stime);
- return div_u64(cputime_to_nsecs(utime + stime), 100);
-static int kvm_hv_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data, bool host)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv = &vcpu->arch.hyperv;
- switch (msr) {
- u64 gfn;
- unsigned long addr;
- if (!(data & HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ENABLE)) {
- hv->hv_vapic = data;
- if (kvm_lapic_enable_pv_eoi(vcpu, 0))
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- addr = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(vcpu, gfn);
- if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
- return 1;
- if (__clear_user((void __user *)addr, PAGE_SIZE))
- return 1;
- hv->hv_vapic = data;
- kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(vcpu, gfn);
- if (kvm_lapic_enable_pv_eoi(vcpu,
- gfn_to_gpa(gfn) | KVM_MSR_ENABLED))
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOI:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_write(vcpu, APIC_EOI, data);
- case HV_X64_MSR_ICR:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_write(vcpu, APIC_ICR, data);
- case HV_X64_MSR_TPR:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_write(vcpu, APIC_TASKPRI, data);
- if (!host)
- return 1;
- hv->runtime_offset = data - current_task_runtime_100ns();
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIEFP:
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIMP:
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOM:
- case HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- return synic_set_msr(vcpu_to_synic(vcpu), msr, data, host);
- int timer_index = (msr - HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_CONFIG)/2;
- return stimer_set_config(vcpu_to_stimer(vcpu, timer_index),
- data, host);
- }
- case HV_X64_MSR_STIMER3_COUNT: {
- int timer_index = (msr - HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_COUNT)/2;
- return stimer_set_count(vcpu_to_stimer(vcpu, timer_index),
- data, host);
- }
- default:
- vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "Hyper-V uhandled wrmsr: 0x%x data 0x%llx\n",
- msr, data);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int kvm_hv_get_msr_pw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
- u64 data = 0;
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- struct kvm_hv *hv = &kvm->arch.hyperv;
- switch (msr) {
- case HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID:
- data = hv->hv_guest_os_id;
- break;
- data = hv->hv_hypercall;
- break;
- data = get_time_ref_counter(kvm);
- break;
- data = hv->hv_tsc_page;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 ... HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4:
- return kvm_hv_msr_get_crash_data(vcpu,
- msr - HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0,
- pdata);
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL:
- return kvm_hv_msr_get_crash_ctl(vcpu, pdata);
- case HV_X64_MSR_RESET:
- data = 0;
- break;
- default:
- vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "Hyper-V unhandled rdmsr: 0x%x\n", msr);
- return 1;
- }
- *pdata = data;
- return 0;
-static int kvm_hv_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
- u64 data = 0;
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv = &vcpu->arch.hyperv;
- switch (msr) {
- case HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX: {
- int r;
- struct kvm_vcpu *v;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(r, v, vcpu->kvm) {
- if (v == vcpu) {
- data = r;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOI:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_read(vcpu, APIC_EOI, pdata);
- case HV_X64_MSR_ICR:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_read(vcpu, APIC_ICR, pdata);
- case HV_X64_MSR_TPR:
- return kvm_hv_vapic_msr_read(vcpu, APIC_TASKPRI, pdata);
- data = hv->hv_vapic;
- break;
- data = current_task_runtime_100ns() + hv->runtime_offset;
- break;
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIEFP:
- case HV_X64_MSR_SIMP:
- case HV_X64_MSR_EOM:
- case HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- return synic_get_msr(vcpu_to_synic(vcpu), msr, pdata);
- int timer_index = (msr - HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_CONFIG)/2;
- return stimer_get_config(vcpu_to_stimer(vcpu, timer_index),
- pdata);
- }
- case HV_X64_MSR_STIMER3_COUNT: {
- int timer_index = (msr - HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_COUNT)/2;
- return stimer_get_count(vcpu_to_stimer(vcpu, timer_index),
- pdata);
- }
- default:
- vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "Hyper-V unhandled rdmsr: 0x%x\n", msr);
- return 1;
- }
- *pdata = data;
- return 0;
-int kvm_hv_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data, bool host)
- if (kvm_hv_msr_partition_wide(msr)) {
- int r;
- mutex_lock(&vcpu->kvm->lock);
- r = kvm_hv_set_msr_pw(vcpu, msr, data, host);
- mutex_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->lock);
- return r;
- } else
- return kvm_hv_set_msr(vcpu, msr, data, host);
-int kvm_hv_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
- if (kvm_hv_msr_partition_wide(msr)) {
- int r;
- mutex_lock(&vcpu->kvm->lock);
- r = kvm_hv_get_msr_pw(vcpu, msr, pdata);
- mutex_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->lock);
- return r;
- } else
- return kvm_hv_get_msr(vcpu, msr, pdata);
-bool kvm_hv_hypercall_enabled(struct kvm *kvm)
- return kvm->arch.hyperv.hv_hypercall & HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_ENABLE;
-static void kvm_hv_hypercall_set_result(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 result)
- bool longmode;
- longmode = is_64_bit_mode(vcpu);
- if (longmode)
- kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX, result);
- else {
- kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX, result >> 32);
- kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX, result & 0xffffffff);
- }
-static int kvm_hv_hypercall_complete_userspace(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_run *run = vcpu->run;
- kvm_hv_hypercall_set_result(vcpu, run->hyperv.u.hcall.result);
- return 1;
-int kvm_hv_hypercall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u64 param, ingpa, outgpa, ret;
- uint16_t code, rep_idx, rep_cnt, res = HV_STATUS_SUCCESS, rep_done = 0;
- bool fast, longmode;
- /*
- * hypercall generates UD from non zero cpl and real mode
- * per HYPER-V spec
- */
- if (kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(vcpu) != 0 || !is_protmode(vcpu)) {
- kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
- return 1;
- }
- longmode = is_64_bit_mode(vcpu);
- if (!longmode) {
- param = ((u64)kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX) << 32) |
- (kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX) & 0xffffffff);
- ingpa = ((u64)kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RBX) << 32) |
- (kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RCX) & 0xffffffff);
- outgpa = ((u64)kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDI) << 32) |
- (kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RSI) & 0xffffffff);
- }
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- else {
- param = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RCX);
- ingpa = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX);
- outgpa = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_R8);
- }
- code = param & 0xffff;
- fast = (param >> 16) & 0x1;
- rep_cnt = (param >> 32) & 0xfff;
- rep_idx = (param >> 48) & 0xfff;
- trace_kvm_hv_hypercall(code, fast, rep_cnt, rep_idx, ingpa, outgpa);
- /* Hypercall continuation is not supported yet */
- if (rep_cnt || rep_idx) {
- goto set_result;
- }
- switch (code) {
- kvm_vcpu_on_spin(vcpu);
- break;
- /* don't bother userspace if it has no way to handle it */
- if (!vcpu_to_synic(vcpu)->active) {
- break;
- }
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_HYPERV;
- vcpu->run->hyperv.type = KVM_EXIT_HYPERV_HCALL;
- vcpu->run->hyperv.u.hcall.input = param;
- vcpu->run->hyperv.u.hcall.params[0] = ingpa;
- vcpu->run->hyperv.u.hcall.params[1] = outgpa;
- vcpu->arch.complete_userspace_io =
- kvm_hv_hypercall_complete_userspace;
- return 0;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ret = res | (((u64)rep_done & 0xfff) << 32);
- kvm_hv_hypercall_set_result(vcpu, ret);
- return 1;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.h b/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd11195..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/hyperv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * KVM Microsoft Hyper-V emulation
- *
- * derived from arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Qumranet, Inc.
- * Copyright IBM Corporation, 2008
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrey Smetanin <>
- *
- * Authors:
- * Avi Kivity <>
- * Yaniv Kamay <>
- * Amit Shah <>
- * Ben-Ami Yassour <>
- * Andrey Smetanin <>
- *
- * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
- * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
- *
- */
-#ifndef __ARCH_X86_KVM_HYPERV_H__
-#define __ARCH_X86_KVM_HYPERV_H__
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu_hv *vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return &vcpu->arch.hyperv;
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu *hv_vcpu_to_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu)
- struct kvm_vcpu_arch *arch;
- arch = container_of(hv_vcpu, struct kvm_vcpu_arch, hyperv);
- return container_of(arch, struct kvm_vcpu, arch);
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *vcpu_to_synic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return &vcpu->arch.hyperv.synic;
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu *synic_to_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_synic *synic)
- return hv_vcpu_to_vcpu(container_of(synic, struct kvm_vcpu_hv, synic));
-int kvm_hv_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data, bool host);
-int kvm_hv_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata);
-bool kvm_hv_hypercall_enabled(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_hv_hypercall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_hv_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_hv_synic_set_irq(struct kvm *kvm, u32 vcpu_id, u32 sint);
-void kvm_hv_synic_send_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector);
-int kvm_hv_activate_synic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_hv_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_hv_vcpu_uninit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *vcpu_to_stimer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- int timer_index)
- return &vcpu_to_hv_vcpu(vcpu)->stimer[timer_index];
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu *stimer_to_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu_hv_stimer *stimer)
- struct kvm_vcpu_hv *hv_vcpu;
- hv_vcpu = container_of(stimer - stimer->index, struct kvm_vcpu_hv,
- stimer[0]);
- return hv_vcpu_to_vcpu(hv_vcpu);
-static inline bool kvm_hv_has_stimer_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return !bitmap_empty(vcpu->arch.hyperv.stimer_pending_bitmap,
-void kvm_hv_process_stimers(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_hv_setup_tsc_page(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *hv_clock);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.c b/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a7134..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
- * 8253/8254 interval timer emulation
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Fabrice Bellard
- * Copyright (c) 2006 Intel Corporation
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Keir Fraser, XenSource Inc
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Intel Corporation
- * Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Authors:
- * Sheng Yang <>
- * Based on QEMU and Xen.
- */
-#define pr_fmt(fmt) "pit: " fmt
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include "ioapic.h"
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "i8254.h"
-#include "x86.h"
-#ifndef CONFIG_X86_64
-#define mod_64(x, y) ((x) - (y) * div64_u64(x, y))
-#define mod_64(x, y) ((x) % (y))
-#define RW_STATE_LSB 1
-#define RW_STATE_MSB 2
-#define RW_STATE_WORD0 3
-#define RW_STATE_WORD1 4
-static void pit_set_gate(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel, u32 val)
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c = &pit->pit_state.channels[channel];
- switch (c->mode) {
- default:
- case 0:
- case 4:
- /* XXX: just disable/enable counting */
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- /* Restart counting on rising edge. */
- if (c->gate < val)
- c->count_load_time = ktime_get();
- break;
- }
- c->gate = val;
-static int pit_get_gate(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel)
- return pit->pit_state.channels[channel].gate;
-static s64 __kpit_elapsed(struct kvm_pit *pit)
- s64 elapsed;
- ktime_t remaining;
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = &pit->pit_state;
- if (!ps->period)
- return 0;
- /*
- * The Counter does not stop when it reaches zero. In
- * Modes 0, 1, 4, and 5 the Counter ``wraps around'' to
- * the highest count, either FFFF hex for binary counting
- * or 9999 for BCD counting, and continues counting.
- * Modes 2 and 3 are periodic; the Counter reloads
- * itself with the initial count and continues counting
- * from there.
- */
- remaining = hrtimer_get_remaining(&ps->timer);
- elapsed = ps->period - ktime_to_ns(remaining);
- return elapsed;
-static s64 kpit_elapsed(struct kvm_pit *pit, struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c,
- int channel)
- if (channel == 0)
- return __kpit_elapsed(pit);
- return ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), c->count_load_time));
-static int pit_get_count(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel)
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c = &pit->pit_state.channels[channel];
- s64 d, t;
- int counter;
- t = kpit_elapsed(pit, c, channel);
- d = mul_u64_u32_div(t, KVM_PIT_FREQ, NSEC_PER_SEC);
- switch (c->mode) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- counter = (c->count - d) & 0xffff;
- break;
- case 3:
- /* XXX: may be incorrect for odd counts */
- counter = c->count - (mod_64((2 * d), c->count));
- break;
- default:
- counter = c->count - mod_64(d, c->count);
- break;
- }
- return counter;
-static int pit_get_out(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel)
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c = &pit->pit_state.channels[channel];
- s64 d, t;
- int out;
- t = kpit_elapsed(pit, c, channel);
- d = mul_u64_u32_div(t, KVM_PIT_FREQ, NSEC_PER_SEC);
- switch (c->mode) {
- default:
- case 0:
- out = (d >= c->count);
- break;
- case 1:
- out = (d < c->count);
- break;
- case 2:
- out = ((mod_64(d, c->count) == 0) && (d != 0));
- break;
- case 3:
- out = (mod_64(d, c->count) < ((c->count + 1) >> 1));
- break;
- case 4:
- case 5:
- out = (d == c->count);
- break;
- }
- return out;
-static void pit_latch_count(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel)
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c = &pit->pit_state.channels[channel];
- if (!c->count_latched) {
- c->latched_count = pit_get_count(pit, channel);
- c->count_latched = c->rw_mode;
- }
-static void pit_latch_status(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel)
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c = &pit->pit_state.channels[channel];
- if (!c->status_latched) {
- /* TODO: Return NULL COUNT (bit 6). */
- c->status = ((pit_get_out(pit, channel) << 7) |
- (c->rw_mode << 4) |
- (c->mode << 1) |
- c->bcd);
- c->status_latched = 1;
- }
-static inline struct kvm_pit *pit_state_to_pit(struct kvm_kpit_state *ps)
- return container_of(ps, struct kvm_pit, pit_state);
-static void kvm_pit_ack_irq(struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = container_of(kian, struct kvm_kpit_state,
- irq_ack_notifier);
- struct kvm_pit *pit = pit_state_to_pit(ps);
- atomic_set(&ps->irq_ack, 1);
- /* irq_ack should be set before pending is read. Order accesses with
- * inc(pending) in pit_timer_fn and xchg(irq_ack, 0) in pit_do_work.
- */
- smp_mb();
- if (atomic_dec_if_positive(&ps->pending) > 0)
- kthread_queue_work(&pit->worker, &pit->expired);
-void __kvm_migrate_pit_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = vcpu->kvm->arch.vpit;
- struct hrtimer *timer;
- if (!kvm_vcpu_is_bsp(vcpu) || !pit)
- return;
- timer = &pit->pit_state.timer;
- mutex_lock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- if (hrtimer_cancel(timer))
- hrtimer_start_expires(timer, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
- mutex_unlock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
-static void destroy_pit_timer(struct kvm_pit *pit)
- hrtimer_cancel(&pit->pit_state.timer);
- kthread_flush_work(&pit->expired);
-static void pit_do_work(struct kthread_work *work)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = container_of(work, struct kvm_pit, expired);
- struct kvm *kvm = pit->kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int i;
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = &pit->pit_state;
- if (atomic_read(&ps->reinject) && !atomic_xchg(&ps->irq_ack, 0))
- return;
- kvm_set_irq(kvm, pit->irq_source_id, 0, 1, false);
- kvm_set_irq(kvm, pit->irq_source_id, 0, 0, false);
- /*
- * Provides NMI watchdog support via Virtual Wire mode.
- * The route is: PIT -> LVT0 in NMI mode.
- *
- * Note: Our Virtual Wire implementation does not follow
- * the MP specification. We propagate a PIT interrupt to all
- * VCPUs and only when LVT0 is in NMI mode. The interrupt can
- * also be simultaneously delivered through PIC and IOAPIC.
- */
- if (atomic_read(&kvm->arch.vapics_in_nmi_mode) > 0)
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- kvm_apic_nmi_wd_deliver(vcpu);
-static enum hrtimer_restart pit_timer_fn(struct hrtimer *data)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = container_of(data, struct kvm_kpit_state, timer);
- struct kvm_pit *pt = pit_state_to_pit(ps);
- if (atomic_read(&ps->reinject))
- atomic_inc(&ps->pending);
- kthread_queue_work(&pt->worker, &pt->expired);
- if (ps->is_periodic) {
- hrtimer_add_expires_ns(&ps->timer, ps->period);
- } else
-static inline void kvm_pit_reset_reinject(struct kvm_pit *pit)
- atomic_set(&pit->pit_state.pending, 0);
- atomic_set(&pit->pit_state.irq_ack, 1);
-void kvm_pit_set_reinject(struct kvm_pit *pit, bool reinject)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = &pit->pit_state;
- struct kvm *kvm = pit->kvm;
- if (atomic_read(&ps->reinject) == reinject)
- return;
- if (reinject) {
- /* The initial state is preserved while ps->reinject == 0. */
- kvm_pit_reset_reinject(pit);
- kvm_register_irq_ack_notifier(kvm, &ps->irq_ack_notifier);
- kvm_register_irq_mask_notifier(kvm, 0, &pit->mask_notifier);
- } else {
- kvm_unregister_irq_ack_notifier(kvm, &ps->irq_ack_notifier);
- kvm_unregister_irq_mask_notifier(kvm, 0, &pit->mask_notifier);
- }
- atomic_set(&ps->reinject, reinject);
-static void create_pit_timer(struct kvm_pit *pit, u32 val, int is_period)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = &pit->pit_state;
- struct kvm *kvm = pit->kvm;
- s64 interval;
- if (!ioapic_in_kernel(kvm) ||
- return;
- interval = mul_u64_u32_div(val, NSEC_PER_SEC, KVM_PIT_FREQ);
- pr_debug("create pit timer, interval is %llu nsec\n", interval);
- /* TODO The new value only affected after the retriggered */
- hrtimer_cancel(&ps->timer);
- kthread_flush_work(&pit->expired);
- ps->period = interval;
- ps->is_periodic = is_period;
- kvm_pit_reset_reinject(pit);
- /*
- * Do not allow the guest to program periodic timers with small
- * interval, since the hrtimers are not throttled by the host
- * scheduler.
- */
- if (ps->is_periodic) {
- s64 min_period = min_timer_period_us * 1000LL;
- if (ps->period < min_period) {
- pr_info_ratelimited(
- "kvm: requested %lld ns "
- "i8254 timer period limited to %lld ns\n",
- ps->period, min_period);
- ps->period = min_period;
- }
- }
- hrtimer_start(&ps->timer, ktime_add_ns(ktime_get(), interval),
-static void pit_load_count(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel, u32 val)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *ps = &pit->pit_state;
- pr_debug("load_count val is %d, channel is %d\n", val, channel);
- /*
- * The largest possible initial count is 0; this is equivalent
- * to 216 for binary counting and 104 for BCD counting.
- */
- if (val == 0)
- val = 0x10000;
- ps->channels[channel].count = val;
- if (channel != 0) {
- ps->channels[channel].count_load_time = ktime_get();
- return;
- }
- /* Two types of timer
- * mode 1 is one shot, mode 2 is period, otherwise del timer */
- switch (ps->channels[0].mode) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- /* FIXME: enhance mode 4 precision */
- case 4:
- create_pit_timer(pit, val, 0);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- create_pit_timer(pit, val, 1);
- break;
- default:
- destroy_pit_timer(pit);
- }
-void kvm_pit_load_count(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel, u32 val,
- int hpet_legacy_start)
- u8 saved_mode;
- WARN_ON_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&pit->pit_state.lock));
- if (hpet_legacy_start) {
- /* save existing mode for later reenablement */
- WARN_ON(channel != 0);
- saved_mode = pit->pit_state.channels[0].mode;
- pit->pit_state.channels[0].mode = 0xff; /* disable timer */
- pit_load_count(pit, channel, val);
- pit->pit_state.channels[0].mode = saved_mode;
- } else {
- pit_load_count(pit, channel, val);
- }
-static inline struct kvm_pit *dev_to_pit(struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- return container_of(dev, struct kvm_pit, dev);
-static inline struct kvm_pit *speaker_to_pit(struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- return container_of(dev, struct kvm_pit, speaker_dev);
-static inline int pit_in_range(gpa_t addr)
- return ((addr >= KVM_PIT_BASE_ADDRESS) &&
-static int pit_ioport_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_io_device *this,
- gpa_t addr, int len, const void *data)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = dev_to_pit(this);
- struct kvm_kpit_state *pit_state = &pit->pit_state;
- int channel, access;
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *s;
- u32 val = *(u32 *) data;
- if (!pit_in_range(addr))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- val &= 0xff;
- mutex_lock(&pit_state->lock);
- if (val != 0)
- pr_debug("write addr is 0x%x, len is %d, val is 0x%x\n",
- (unsigned int)addr, len, val);
- if (addr == 3) {
- channel = val >> 6;
- if (channel == 3) {
- /* Read-Back Command. */
- for (channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
- s = &pit_state->channels[channel];
- if (val & (2 << channel)) {
- if (!(val & 0x20))
- pit_latch_count(pit, channel);
- if (!(val & 0x10))
- pit_latch_status(pit, channel);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* Select Counter <channel>. */
- s = &pit_state->channels[channel];
- access = (val >> 4) & KVM_PIT_CHANNEL_MASK;
- if (access == 0) {
- pit_latch_count(pit, channel);
- } else {
- s->rw_mode = access;
- s->read_state = access;
- s->write_state = access;
- s->mode = (val >> 1) & 7;
- if (s->mode > 5)
- s->mode -= 4;
- s->bcd = val & 1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* Write Count. */
- s = &pit_state->channels[addr];
- switch (s->write_state) {
- default:
- case RW_STATE_LSB:
- pit_load_count(pit, addr, val);
- break;
- case RW_STATE_MSB:
- pit_load_count(pit, addr, val << 8);
- break;
- case RW_STATE_WORD0:
- s->write_latch = val;
- s->write_state = RW_STATE_WORD1;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_WORD1:
- pit_load_count(pit, addr, s->write_latch | (val << 8));
- s->write_state = RW_STATE_WORD0;
- break;
- }
- }
- mutex_unlock(&pit_state->lock);
- return 0;
-static int pit_ioport_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_io_device *this,
- gpa_t addr, int len, void *data)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = dev_to_pit(this);
- struct kvm_kpit_state *pit_state = &pit->pit_state;
- int ret, count;
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *s;
- if (!pit_in_range(addr))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- if (addr == 3)
- return 0;
- s = &pit_state->channels[addr];
- mutex_lock(&pit_state->lock);
- if (s->status_latched) {
- s->status_latched = 0;
- ret = s->status;
- } else if (s->count_latched) {
- switch (s->count_latched) {
- default:
- case RW_STATE_LSB:
- ret = s->latched_count & 0xff;
- s->count_latched = 0;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_MSB:
- ret = s->latched_count >> 8;
- s->count_latched = 0;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_WORD0:
- ret = s->latched_count & 0xff;
- s->count_latched = RW_STATE_MSB;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch (s->read_state) {
- default:
- case RW_STATE_LSB:
- count = pit_get_count(pit, addr);
- ret = count & 0xff;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_MSB:
- count = pit_get_count(pit, addr);
- ret = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_WORD0:
- count = pit_get_count(pit, addr);
- ret = count & 0xff;
- s->read_state = RW_STATE_WORD1;
- break;
- case RW_STATE_WORD1:
- count = pit_get_count(pit, addr);
- ret = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
- s->read_state = RW_STATE_WORD0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (len > sizeof(ret))
- len = sizeof(ret);
- memcpy(data, (char *)&ret, len);
- mutex_unlock(&pit_state->lock);
- return 0;
-static int speaker_ioport_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_io_device *this,
- gpa_t addr, int len, const void *data)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = speaker_to_pit(this);
- struct kvm_kpit_state *pit_state = &pit->pit_state;
- u32 val = *(u32 *) data;
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- mutex_lock(&pit_state->lock);
- pit_state->speaker_data_on = (val >> 1) & 1;
- pit_set_gate(pit, 2, val & 1);
- mutex_unlock(&pit_state->lock);
- return 0;
-static int speaker_ioport_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_io_device *this,
- gpa_t addr, int len, void *data)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = speaker_to_pit(this);
- struct kvm_kpit_state *pit_state = &pit->pit_state;
- unsigned int refresh_clock;
- int ret;
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- /* Refresh clock toggles at about 15us. We approximate as 2^14ns. */
- refresh_clock = ((unsigned int)ktime_to_ns(ktime_get()) >> 14) & 1;
- mutex_lock(&pit_state->lock);
- ret = ((pit_state->speaker_data_on << 1) | pit_get_gate(pit, 2) |
- (pit_get_out(pit, 2) << 5) | (refresh_clock << 4));
- if (len > sizeof(ret))
- len = sizeof(ret);
- memcpy(data, (char *)&ret, len);
- mutex_unlock(&pit_state->lock);
- return 0;
-static void kvm_pit_reset(struct kvm_pit *pit)
- int i;
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state *c;
- pit->pit_state.flags = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- c = &pit->pit_state.channels[i];
- c->mode = 0xff;
- c->gate = (i != 2);
- pit_load_count(pit, i, 0);
- }
- kvm_pit_reset_reinject(pit);
-static void pit_mask_notifer(struct kvm_irq_mask_notifier *kimn, bool mask)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = container_of(kimn, struct kvm_pit, mask_notifier);
- if (!mask)
- kvm_pit_reset_reinject(pit);
-static const struct kvm_io_device_ops pit_dev_ops = {
- .read = pit_ioport_read,
- .write = pit_ioport_write,
-static const struct kvm_io_device_ops speaker_dev_ops = {
- .read = speaker_ioport_read,
- .write = speaker_ioport_write,
-struct kvm_pit *kvm_create_pit(struct kvm *kvm, u32 flags)
- struct kvm_pit *pit;
- struct kvm_kpit_state *pit_state;
- struct pid *pid;
- pid_t pid_nr;
- int ret;
- pit = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_pit), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!pit)
- return NULL;
- pit->irq_source_id = kvm_request_irq_source_id(kvm);
- if (pit->irq_source_id < 0)
- goto fail_request;
- mutex_init(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- pid = get_pid(task_tgid(current));
- pid_nr = pid_vnr(pid);
- put_pid(pid);
- kthread_init_worker(&pit->worker);
- pit->worker_task = kthread_run(kthread_worker_fn, &pit->worker,
- "kvm-pit/%d", pid_nr);
- if (IS_ERR(pit->worker_task))
- goto fail_kthread;
- kthread_init_work(&pit->expired, pit_do_work);
- pit->kvm = kvm;
- pit_state = &pit->pit_state;
- hrtimer_init(&pit_state->timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
- pit_state->timer.function = pit_timer_fn;
- pit_state->irq_ack_notifier.gsi = 0;
- pit_state->irq_ack_notifier.irq_acked = kvm_pit_ack_irq;
- pit->mask_notifier.func = pit_mask_notifer;
- kvm_pit_reset(pit);
- kvm_pit_set_reinject(pit, true);
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kvm_iodevice_init(&pit->dev, &pit_dev_ops);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, KVM_PIT_BASE_ADDRESS,
- KVM_PIT_MEM_LENGTH, &pit->dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto fail_register_pit;
- if (flags & KVM_PIT_SPEAKER_DUMMY) {
- kvm_iodevice_init(&pit->speaker_dev, &speaker_dev_ops);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS,
- &pit->speaker_dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto fail_register_speaker;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return pit;
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &pit->dev);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kvm_pit_set_reinject(pit, false);
- kthread_stop(pit->worker_task);
- kvm_free_irq_source_id(kvm, pit->irq_source_id);
- kfree(pit);
- return NULL;
-void kvm_free_pit(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = kvm->arch.vpit;
- if (pit) {
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &pit->dev);
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &pit->speaker_dev);
- kvm_pit_set_reinject(pit, false);
- hrtimer_cancel(&pit->pit_state.timer);
- kthread_flush_work(&pit->expired);
- kthread_stop(pit->worker_task);
- kvm_free_irq_source_id(kvm, pit->irq_source_id);
- kfree(pit);
- }
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.h b/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f5af07..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/i8254.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __I8254_H
-#define __I8254_H
-#include <linux/kthread.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-struct kvm_kpit_channel_state {
- u32 count; /* can be 65536 */
- u16 latched_count;
- u8 count_latched;
- u8 status_latched;
- u8 status;
- u8 read_state;
- u8 write_state;
- u8 write_latch;
- u8 rw_mode;
- u8 mode;
- u8 bcd; /* not supported */
- u8 gate; /* timer start */
- ktime_t count_load_time;
-struct kvm_kpit_state {
- /* All members before "struct mutex lock" are protected by the lock. */
- struct kvm_kpit_channel_state channels[3];
- u32 flags;
- bool is_periodic;
- s64 period; /* unit: ns */
- struct hrtimer timer;
- u32 speaker_data_on;
- struct mutex lock;
- atomic_t reinject;
- atomic_t pending; /* accumulated triggered timers */
- atomic_t irq_ack;
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier irq_ack_notifier;
-struct kvm_pit {
- struct kvm_io_device dev;
- struct kvm_io_device speaker_dev;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_kpit_state pit_state;
- int irq_source_id;
- struct kvm_irq_mask_notifier mask_notifier;
- struct kthread_worker worker;
- struct task_struct *worker_task;
- struct kthread_work expired;
-#define KVM_PIT_BASE_ADDRESS 0x40
-#define KVM_PIT_FREQ 1193181
-struct kvm_pit *kvm_create_pit(struct kvm *kvm, u32 flags);
-void kvm_free_pit(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_pit_load_count(struct kvm_pit *pit, int channel, u32 val,
- int hpet_legacy_start);
-void kvm_pit_set_reinject(struct kvm_pit *pit, bool reinject);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/i8259.c b/arch/x86/kvm/i8259.c
index 7cc2360..c178239 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/i8259.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/i8259.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Fabrice Bellard
* Copyright (c) 2007 Intel Corporation
* Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -26,13 +27,11 @@
* Yaozu (Eddie) Dong <>
* Port from Qemu.
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include "irq.h"
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include "trace.h"
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
#define pr_pic_unimpl(fmt, ...) \
pr_err_ratelimited("kvm: pic: " fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -40,13 +39,11 @@
static void pic_irq_request(struct kvm *kvm, int level);
static void pic_lock(struct kvm_pic *s)
- __acquires(&s->lock)
static void pic_unlock(struct kvm_pic *s)
- __releases(&s->lock)
bool wakeup = s->wakeup_needed;
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, *found = NULL;
@@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ static void pic_unlock(struct kvm_pic *s)
if (!found)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, found);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, found);
@@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ static void pic_clear_isr(struct kvm_kpic_state *s, int irq)
* it should be safe since PIC state is already updated at this stage.
- kvm_notify_acked_irq(s->pics_state->kvm, SELECT_PIC(irq), irq);
+ //kvm_notify_acked_irq(s->pics_state->kvm, SELECT_PIC(irq), irq);
@@ -199,8 +196,6 @@ int kvm_pic_set_irq(struct kvm_pic *s, int irq, int irq_source_id, int level)
irq_source_id, level);
ret = pic_set_irq1(&s->pics[irq >> 3], irq & 7, irq_level);
- trace_kvm_pic_set_irq(irq >> 3, irq & 7, s->pics[irq >> 3].elcr,
- s->pics[irq >> 3].imr, ret == 0);
return ret;
@@ -620,16 +615,16 @@ struct kvm_pic *kvm_create_pic(struct kvm *kvm)
kvm_iodevice_init(&s->dev_slave, &picdev_slave_ops);
kvm_iodevice_init(&s->dev_eclr, &picdev_eclr_ops);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, 0x20, 2,
+ ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, 0x20, 2,
if (ret < 0)
goto fail_unlock;
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, 0xa0, 2, &s->dev_slave);
+ ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, 0xa0, 2, &s->dev_slave);
if (ret < 0)
goto fail_unreg_2;
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, 0x4d0, 2, &s->dev_eclr);
+ ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, 0x4d0, 2, &s->dev_eclr);
if (ret < 0)
goto fail_unreg_1;
@@ -638,10 +633,10 @@ struct kvm_pic *kvm_create_pic(struct kvm *kvm)
return s;
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &s->dev_slave);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, &s->dev_slave);
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &s->dev_master);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, &s->dev_master);
@@ -653,8 +648,8 @@ fail_unlock:
void kvm_destroy_pic(struct kvm_pic *vpic)
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_master);
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_slave);
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, KVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_eclr);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_master);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_slave);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(vpic->kvm, GVM_PIO_BUS, &vpic->dev_eclr);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.c b/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.c
index 6e219e5..4e2c62b 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft S.A.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* MandrakeSoft S.A.
* 43, rue d'Aboukir
@@ -28,36 +29,26 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/smp.h>
-#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
-#include <linux/io.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/current.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
+#include <uapi/linux/kvm.h>
#include "ioapic.h"
#include "lapic.h"
#include "irq.h"
-#if 0
-#define ioapic_debug(fmt,arg...) printk(KERN_WARNING fmt,##arg)
+#define ioapic_debug DbgPrint
-#define ioapic_debug(fmt, arg...)
+#define ioapic_debug(fmt,...)
static int ioapic_service(struct kvm_ioapic *vioapic, int irq,
bool line_status);
-static unsigned long ioapic_read_indirect(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic,
- unsigned long addr,
- unsigned long length)
+static size_t ioapic_read_indirect(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic,
+ size_t addr,
+ size_t length)
- unsigned long result = 0;
+ size_t result = 0;
switch (ioapic->ioregsel) {
@@ -94,7 +85,7 @@ static unsigned long ioapic_read_indirect(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic,
static void rtc_irq_eoi_tracking_reset(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic)
ioapic->rtc_status.pending_eoi = 0;
- bitmap_zero(ioapic->, KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID);
+ bitmap_zero(ioapic->, GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID);
static void kvm_rtc_eoi_tracking_restore_all(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic);
@@ -148,9 +139,6 @@ static void kvm_rtc_eoi_tracking_restore_all(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
int i;
- return;
kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, ioapic->kvm)
@@ -220,11 +208,10 @@ static int ioapic_set_irq(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, unsigned int irq,
ret = ioapic_service(ioapic, irq, line_status);
- trace_kvm_ioapic_set_irq(entry.bits, irq, ret == 0);
return ret;
-static void kvm_ioapic_inject_all(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, unsigned long irr)
+static void kvm_ioapic_inject_all(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, size_t irr)
u32 idx;
@@ -253,7 +240,7 @@ void kvm_ioapic_scan_entry(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, ulong *ioapic_handled_vectors)
for (index = 0; index < IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; index++) {
e = &ioapic->redirtbl[index];
if (e->fields.trig_mode == IOAPIC_LEVEL_TRIG ||
- kvm_irq_has_notifier(ioapic->kvm, KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, index) ||
+ //kvm_irq_has_notifier(ioapic->kvm, GVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, index) ||
index == RTC_GSI) {
if (kvm_apic_match_dest(vcpu, NULL, 0,
e->fields.dest_id, e->fields.dest_mode) ||
@@ -311,7 +298,7 @@ static void ioapic_write_indirect(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, u32 val)
mask_after = e->fields.mask;
if (mask_before != mask_after)
- kvm_fire_mask_notifiers(ioapic->kvm, KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, index, mask_after);
+ kvm_fire_mask_notifiers(ioapic->kvm, GVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, index, mask_after);
if (e->fields.trig_mode == IOAPIC_LEVEL_TRIG
&& ioapic->irr & (1 << index))
ioapic_service(ioapic, index, false);
@@ -389,31 +376,11 @@ void kvm_ioapic_clear_all(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, int irq_source_id)
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; i++)
__clear_bit(irq_source_id, &ioapic->irq_states[i]);
-static void kvm_ioapic_eoi_inject_work(struct work_struct *work)
- int i;
- struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic = container_of(work, struct kvm_ioapic,
- spin_lock(&ioapic->lock);
- for (i = 0; i < IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; i++) {
- union kvm_ioapic_redirect_entry *ent = &ioapic->redirtbl[i];
- if (ent->fields.trig_mode != IOAPIC_LEVEL_TRIG)
- continue;
- if (ioapic->irr & (1 << i) && !ent->fields.remote_irr)
- ioapic_service(ioapic, i, false);
- }
- spin_unlock(&ioapic->lock);
static void __kvm_ioapic_update_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic, int vector, int trigger_mode)
@@ -441,7 +408,7 @@ static void __kvm_ioapic_update_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* after ack notifier returns.
- kvm_notify_acked_irq(ioapic->kvm, KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, i);
+ //kvm_notify_acked_irq(ioapic->kvm, GVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, i);
if (trigger_mode != IOAPIC_LEVEL_TRIG ||
@@ -452,21 +419,7 @@ static void __kvm_ioapic_update_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
ent->fields.remote_irr = 0;
if (!ent->fields.mask && (ioapic->irr & (1 << i))) {
- if (ioapic->irq_eoi[i] == IOAPIC_SUCCESSIVE_IRQ_MAX_COUNT) {
- /*
- * Real hardware does not deliver the interrupt
- * immediately during eoi broadcast, and this
- * lets a buggy guest make slow progress
- * even if it does not correctly handle a
- * level-triggered interrupt. Emulate this
- * behavior if we detect an interrupt storm.
- */
- schedule_delayed_work(&ioapic->eoi_inject, HZ / 100);
- ioapic->irq_eoi[i] = 0;
- trace_kvm_ioapic_delayed_eoi_inj(ent->bits);
- } else {
- ioapic_service(ioapic, i, false);
- }
+ ioapic_service(ioapic, i, false);
} else {
ioapic->irq_eoi[i] = 0;
@@ -501,7 +454,7 @@ static int ioapic_mmio_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_device *this,
if (!ioapic_in_range(ioapic, addr))
- ioapic_debug("addr %lx\n", (unsigned long)addr);
+ ioapic_debug("addr %lx\n", (size_t)addr);
ASSERT(!(addr & 0xf)); /* check alignment */
addr &= 0xff;
@@ -586,7 +539,6 @@ static void kvm_ioapic_reset(struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic)
int i;
- cancel_delayed_work_sync(&ioapic->eoi_inject);
for (i = 0; i < IOAPIC_NUM_PINS; i++)
ioapic->redirtbl[i].fields.mask = 1;
ioapic->base_address = IOAPIC_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDRESS;
@@ -612,13 +564,12 @@ int kvm_ioapic_init(struct kvm *kvm)
if (!ioapic)
return -ENOMEM;
- INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&ioapic->eoi_inject, kvm_ioapic_eoi_inject_work);
kvm->arch.vioapic = ioapic;
kvm_iodevice_init(&ioapic->dev, &ioapic_mmio_ops);
ioapic->kvm = kvm;
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, ioapic->base_address,
+ ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, GVM_MMIO_BUS, ioapic->base_address,
IOAPIC_MEM_LENGTH, &ioapic->dev);
if (ret < 0) {
@@ -635,8 +586,7 @@ void kvm_ioapic_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic = kvm->arch.vioapic;
- cancel_delayed_work_sync(&ioapic->eoi_inject);
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, &ioapic->dev);
+ kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, GVM_MMIO_BUS, &ioapic->dev);
kvm->arch.vioapic = NULL;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.h b/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.h
index 1cc6e54..854f770 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/ioapic.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
#ifndef __KVM_IO_APIC_H
#define __KVM_IO_APIC_H
@@ -5,11 +9,13 @@
#include <kvm/iodev.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
struct kvm;
struct kvm_vcpu;
#define IOAPIC_VERSION_ID 0x11 /* IOAPIC version */
@@ -34,21 +40,17 @@ struct kvm_vcpu;
#define IOAPIC_INIT 0x5
#define IOAPIC_EXTINT 0x7
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86
#define RTC_GSI 8
-#define RTC_GSI -1U
struct dest_map {
/* vcpu bitmap where IRQ has been sent */
* Vector sent to a given vcpu, only valid when
* the vcpu's bit in map is set
- u8 vectors[KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID];
+ u8 vectors[GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID];
@@ -81,30 +83,16 @@ struct kvm_ioapic {
u32 irr;
u32 pad;
union kvm_ioapic_redirect_entry redirtbl[IOAPIC_NUM_PINS];
- unsigned long irq_states[IOAPIC_NUM_PINS];
+ size_t irq_states[IOAPIC_NUM_PINS];
struct kvm_io_device dev;
struct kvm *kvm;
void (*ack_notifier)(void *opaque, int irq);
spinlock_t lock;
struct rtc_status rtc_status;
- struct delayed_work eoi_inject;
u32 irq_eoi[IOAPIC_NUM_PINS];
u32 irr_delivered;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define ASSERT(x) \
-do { \
- if (!(x)) { \
- printk(KERN_EMERG "assertion failed %s: %d: %s\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
- BUG(); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-#define ASSERT(x) do { } while (0)
static inline struct kvm_ioapic *ioapic_irqchip(struct kvm *kvm)
return kvm->arch.vioapic;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/iommu.c b/arch/x86/kvm/iommu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b181426..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/iommu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Intel Corporation
- * Copyright IBM Corporation, 2008
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * Author: Allen M. Kay <>
- * Author: Weidong Han <>
- * Author: Ben-Ami Yassour <>
- */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/stat.h>
-#include <linux/iommu.h>
-#include "assigned-dev.h"
-static bool allow_unsafe_assigned_interrupts;
- allow_unsafe_assigned_interrupts, bool, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
- "Enable device assignment on platforms without interrupt remapping support.");
-static int kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(struct kvm *kvm);
-static void kvm_iommu_put_pages(struct kvm *kvm,
- gfn_t base_gfn, unsigned long npages);
-static kvm_pfn_t kvm_pin_pages(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
- unsigned long npages)
- gfn_t end_gfn;
- kvm_pfn_t pfn;
- pfn = gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn);
- end_gfn = gfn + npages;
- gfn += 1;
- if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn))
- return pfn;
- while (gfn < end_gfn)
- gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn++);
- return pfn;
-static void kvm_unpin_pages(struct kvm *kvm, kvm_pfn_t pfn,
- unsigned long npages)
- unsigned long i;
- for (i = 0; i < npages; ++i)
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn + i);
-int kvm_iommu_map_pages(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- gfn_t gfn, end_gfn;
- kvm_pfn_t pfn;
- int r = 0;
- struct iommu_domain *domain = kvm->arch.iommu_domain;
- int flags;
- /* check if iommu exists and in use */
- if (!domain)
- return 0;
- gfn = slot->base_gfn;
- end_gfn = gfn + slot->npages;
- flags = IOMMU_READ;
- if (!(slot->flags & KVM_MEM_READONLY))
- flags |= IOMMU_WRITE;
- if (!kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent)
- flags |= IOMMU_CACHE;
- while (gfn < end_gfn) {
- unsigned long page_size;
- /* Check if already mapped */
- if (iommu_iova_to_phys(domain, gfn_to_gpa(gfn))) {
- gfn += 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* Get the page size we could use to map */
- page_size = kvm_host_page_size(kvm, gfn);
- /* Make sure the page_size does not exceed the memslot */
- while ((gfn + (page_size >> PAGE_SHIFT)) > end_gfn)
- page_size >>= 1;
- /* Make sure gfn is aligned to the page size we want to map */
- while ((gfn << PAGE_SHIFT) & (page_size - 1))
- page_size >>= 1;
- /* Make sure hva is aligned to the page size we want to map */
- while (__gfn_to_hva_memslot(slot, gfn) & (page_size - 1))
- page_size >>= 1;
- /*
- * Pin all pages we are about to map in memory. This is
- * important because we unmap and unpin in 4kb steps later.
- */
- pfn = kvm_pin_pages(slot, gfn, page_size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn)) {
- gfn += 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* Map into IO address space */
- r = iommu_map(domain, gfn_to_gpa(gfn), pfn_to_hpa(pfn),
- page_size, flags);
- if (r) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "kvm_iommu_map_address:"
- "iommu failed to map pfn=%llx\n", pfn);
- kvm_unpin_pages(kvm, pfn, page_size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- goto unmap_pages;
- }
- gfn += page_size >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- cond_resched();
- }
- return 0;
- kvm_iommu_put_pages(kvm, slot->base_gfn, gfn - slot->base_gfn);
- return r;
-static int kvm_iommu_map_memslots(struct kvm *kvm)
- int idx, r = 0;
- struct kvm_memslots *slots;
- struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
- if (kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent)
- kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma(kvm);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
- slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
- kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots) {
- r = kvm_iommu_map_pages(kvm, memslot);
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, idx);
- return r;
-int kvm_assign_device(struct kvm *kvm, struct pci_dev *pdev)
- struct iommu_domain *domain = kvm->arch.iommu_domain;
- int r;
- bool noncoherent;
- /* check if iommu exists and in use */
- if (!domain)
- return 0;
- if (pdev == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- r = iommu_attach_device(domain, &pdev->dev);
- if (r) {
- dev_err(&pdev->dev, "kvm assign device failed ret %d", r);
- return r;
- }
- noncoherent = !iommu_capable(&pci_bus_type, IOMMU_CAP_CACHE_COHERENCY);
- /* Check if need to update IOMMU page table for guest memory */
- if (noncoherent != kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent) {
- kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(kvm);
- kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent = noncoherent;
- r = kvm_iommu_map_memslots(kvm);
- if (r)
- goto out_unmap;
- }
- kvm_arch_start_assignment(kvm);
- pci_set_dev_assigned(pdev);
- dev_info(&pdev->dev, "kvm assign device\n");
- return 0;
- kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(kvm);
- return r;
-int kvm_deassign_device(struct kvm *kvm, struct pci_dev *pdev)
- struct iommu_domain *domain = kvm->arch.iommu_domain;
- /* check if iommu exists and in use */
- if (!domain)
- return 0;
- if (pdev == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- iommu_detach_device(domain, &pdev->dev);
- pci_clear_dev_assigned(pdev);
- kvm_arch_end_assignment(kvm);
- dev_info(&pdev->dev, "kvm deassign device\n");
- return 0;
-int kvm_iommu_map_guest(struct kvm *kvm)
- int r;
- if (!iommu_present(&pci_bus_type)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: iommu not found\n", __func__);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kvm->arch.iommu_domain = iommu_domain_alloc(&pci_bus_type);
- if (!kvm->arch.iommu_domain) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (!allow_unsafe_assigned_interrupts &&
- !iommu_capable(&pci_bus_type, IOMMU_CAP_INTR_REMAP)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: No interrupt remapping support,"
- " disallowing device assignment."
- " Re-enable with \"allow_unsafe_assigned_interrupts=1\""
- " module option.\n", __func__);
- iommu_domain_free(kvm->arch.iommu_domain);
- kvm->arch.iommu_domain = NULL;
- r = -EPERM;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- r = kvm_iommu_map_memslots(kvm);
- if (r)
- kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return r;
-static void kvm_iommu_put_pages(struct kvm *kvm,
- gfn_t base_gfn, unsigned long npages)
- struct iommu_domain *domain;
- gfn_t end_gfn, gfn;
- kvm_pfn_t pfn;
- u64 phys;
- domain = kvm->arch.iommu_domain;
- end_gfn = base_gfn + npages;
- gfn = base_gfn;
- /* check if iommu exists and in use */
- if (!domain)
- return;
- while (gfn < end_gfn) {
- unsigned long unmap_pages;
- size_t size;
- /* Get physical address */
- phys = iommu_iova_to_phys(domain, gfn_to_gpa(gfn));
- if (!phys) {
- gfn++;
- continue;
- }
- pfn = phys >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- /* Unmap address from IO address space */
- size = iommu_unmap(domain, gfn_to_gpa(gfn), PAGE_SIZE);
- unmap_pages = 1ULL << get_order(size);
- /* Unpin all pages we just unmapped to not leak any memory */
- kvm_unpin_pages(kvm, pfn, unmap_pages);
- gfn += unmap_pages;
- cond_resched();
- }
-void kvm_iommu_unmap_pages(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- kvm_iommu_put_pages(kvm, slot->base_gfn, slot->npages);
-static int kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(struct kvm *kvm)
- int idx;
- struct kvm_memslots *slots;
- struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
- slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
- kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots)
- kvm_iommu_unmap_pages(kvm, memslot);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, idx);
- if (kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent)
- kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma(kvm);
- return 0;
-int kvm_iommu_unmap_guest(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct iommu_domain *domain = kvm->arch.iommu_domain;
- /* check if iommu exists and in use */
- if (!domain)
- return 0;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kvm_iommu_unmap_memslots(kvm);
- kvm->arch.iommu_domain = NULL;
- kvm->arch.iommu_noncoherent = false;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- iommu_domain_free(domain);
- return 0;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/irq.c b/arch/x86/kvm/irq.c
index 60d91c9..ba0db8f 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/irq.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/irq.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* irq.c: API for in kernel interrupt controller
* Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation.
* Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
@@ -20,11 +21,9 @@
-#include <linux/export.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include "irq.h"
-#include "i8254.h"
#include "x86.h"
@@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ int kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 0;
* check if there is a pending userspace external interrupt
@@ -57,10 +55,7 @@ static int kvm_cpu_has_extint(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
u8 accept = kvm_apic_accept_pic_intr(v);
if (accept) {
- if (irqchip_split(v->kvm))
- return pending_userspace_extint(v);
- else
- return pic_irqchip(v->kvm)->output;
+ return pic_irqchip(v->kvm)->output;
} else
return 0;
@@ -99,7 +94,6 @@ int kvm_cpu_has_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
return kvm_apic_has_interrupt(v) != -1; /* LAPIC */
* Read pending interrupt(from non-APIC source)
@@ -108,13 +102,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kvm_cpu_has_interrupt);
static int kvm_cpu_get_extint(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
if (kvm_cpu_has_extint(v)) {
- if (irqchip_split(v->kvm)) {
- int vector = v->arch.pending_external_vector;
- v->arch.pending_external_vector = -1;
- return vector;
- } else
- return kvm_pic_read_irq(v->kvm); /* PIC */
+ return kvm_pic_read_irq(v->kvm); /* PIC */
} else
return -1;
@@ -136,17 +124,9 @@ int kvm_cpu_get_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
return kvm_get_apic_interrupt(v); /* APIC */
void kvm_inject_pending_timer_irqs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
-void __kvm_migrate_timers(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- __kvm_migrate_apic_timer(vcpu);
- __kvm_migrate_pit_timer(vcpu);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/irq.h b/arch/x86/kvm/irq.h
index 035731e..b51da4d 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/irq.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/irq.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
* irq.h: in kernel interrupt controller related definitions
* Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
@@ -22,10 +23,7 @@
#ifndef __IRQ_H
#define __IRQ_H
-#include <linux/mm_types.h>
-#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <kvm/iodev.h>
#include "ioapic.h"
@@ -33,7 +31,7 @@
#define PIC_NUM_PINS 16
#define SELECT_PIC(irq) \
struct kvm;
struct kvm_vcpu;
@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ struct kvm_pic {
struct kvm_io_device dev_slave;
struct kvm_io_device dev_eclr;
void (*ack_notifier)(void *opaque, int irq);
- unsigned long irq_states[PIC_NUM_PINS];
+ size_t irq_states[PIC_NUM_PINS];
struct kvm_pic *kvm_create_pic(struct kvm *kvm);
@@ -91,18 +89,12 @@ static inline int pic_in_kernel(struct kvm *kvm)
return ret;
-static inline int irqchip_split(struct kvm *kvm)
- return kvm->arch.irqchip_split;
static inline int irqchip_in_kernel(struct kvm *kvm)
struct kvm_pic *vpic = pic_irqchip(kvm);
bool ret;
ret = (vpic != NULL);
- ret |= irqchip_split(kvm);
/* Read vpic before kvm->irq_routing. */
@@ -114,9 +106,6 @@ void kvm_pic_reset(struct kvm_kpic_state *s);
void kvm_inject_pending_timer_irqs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_inject_apic_timer_irqs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_apic_nmi_wd_deliver(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void __kvm_migrate_apic_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void __kvm_migrate_pit_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void __kvm_migrate_timers(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int apic_has_pending_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/irq_comm.c b/arch/x86/kvm/irq_comm.c
index 6c01916..1fd7c73 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/irq_comm.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/irq_comm.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
* irq_comm.c: Common API for in kernel interrupt controller
* Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
@@ -21,21 +22,15 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
#include <asm/msidef.h>
#include "irq.h"
#include "ioapic.h"
#include "lapic.h"
-#include "hyperv.h"
#include "x86.h"
+#include <gvm_types.h>
static int kvm_set_pic_irq(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id, int level,
bool line_status)
@@ -45,7 +40,7 @@ static int kvm_set_pic_irq(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
* XXX: rejecting pic routes when pic isn't in use would be better,
* but the default routing table is installed while kvm->arch.vpic is
if (!pic)
return -1;
@@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ int kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic *src,
int i, r = -1;
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, *lowest = NULL;
- unsigned long dest_vcpu_bitmap[BITS_TO_LONGS(KVM_MAX_VCPUS)];
+ size_t dest_vcpu_bitmap[BITS_TO_LONGS(GVM_MAX_VCPUS)];
unsigned int dest_vcpus = 0;
if (irq->dest_mode == 0 && irq->dest_id == 0xff &&
@@ -112,7 +107,7 @@ int kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic *src,
if (dest_vcpus != 0) {
int idx = kvm_vector_to_index(irq->vector, dest_vcpus,
- dest_vcpu_bitmap, KVM_MAX_VCPUS);
+ dest_vcpu_bitmap, GVM_MAX_VCPUS);
lowest = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, idx);
@@ -126,10 +121,6 @@ int kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic *src,
void kvm_set_msi_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq)
- trace_kvm_msi_set_irq(e->msi.address_lo | (kvm->arch.x2apic_format ?
- (u64)e->msi.address_hi << 32 : 0),
- e->;
irq->dest_id = (e->msi.address_lo &
if (kvm->arch.x2apic_format)
@@ -144,7 +135,6 @@ void kvm_set_msi_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
irq->level = 1;
irq->shorthand = 0;
static inline bool kvm_msi_route_invalid(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e)
@@ -169,16 +159,6 @@ int kvm_set_msi(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
-static int kvm_hv_set_sint(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
- struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id, int level,
- bool line_status)
- if (!level)
- return -1;
- return kvm_hv_synic_set_irq(kvm, e->hv_sint.vcpu, e->hv_sint.sint);
int kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id, int level,
bool line_status)
@@ -187,11 +167,7 @@ int kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
int r;
switch (e->type) {
- return kvm_hv_set_sint(e, kvm, irq_source_id, level,
- line_status);
if (kvm_msi_route_invalid(kvm, e))
return -EINVAL;
@@ -210,7 +186,7 @@ int kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
int kvm_request_irq_source_id(struct kvm *kvm)
- unsigned long *bitmap = &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap;
+ size_t *bitmap = &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap;
int irq_source_id;
@@ -222,8 +198,7 @@ int kvm_request_irq_source_id(struct kvm *kvm)
goto unlock;
set_bit(irq_source_id, bitmap);
@@ -233,8 +208,7 @@ unlock:
void kvm_free_irq_source_id(struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id)
if (irq_source_id < 0 ||
@@ -257,7 +231,7 @@ void kvm_register_irq_mask_notifier(struct kvm *kvm, int irq,
kimn->irq = irq;
- hlist_add_head_rcu(&kimn->link, &kvm->arch.mask_notifier_list);
+ hlist_add_head(&kimn->link, &kvm->arch.mask_notifier_list);
@@ -265,24 +239,25 @@ void kvm_unregister_irq_mask_notifier(struct kvm *kvm, int irq,
struct kvm_irq_mask_notifier *kimn)
- hlist_del_rcu(&kimn->link);
+ hlist_del(&kimn->link);
- synchronize_srcu(&kvm->irq_srcu);
void kvm_fire_mask_notifiers(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin,
bool mask)
struct kvm_irq_mask_notifier *kimn;
- int idx, gsi;
+ int gsi;
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
+ mutex_lock(&kvm->irq_lock);
gsi = kvm_irq_map_chip_pin(kvm, irqchip, pin);
if (gsi != -1)
- hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(kimn, &kvm->arch.mask_notifier_list, link)
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_irq_mask_notifier
+ hlist_for_each_entry(kimn, &kvm->arch.mask_notifier_list, link)
if (kimn->irq == gsi)
kimn->func(kimn, mask);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
+ mutex_unlock(&kvm->irq_lock);
int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -294,20 +269,20 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
unsigned max_pin;
switch (ue->type) {
delta = 0;
switch (ue->u.irqchip.irqchip) {
e->set = kvm_set_pic_irq;
max_pin = PIC_NUM_PINS;
e->set = kvm_set_pic_irq;
max_pin = PIC_NUM_PINS;
delta = 8;
- max_pin = KVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS;
+ max_pin = GVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS;
e->set = kvm_set_ioapic_irq;
@@ -318,7 +293,7 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
if (e-> >= max_pin)
goto out;
e->set = kvm_set_msi;
e->msi.address_lo = ue->u.msi.address_lo;
e->msi.address_hi = ue->u.msi.address_hi;
@@ -327,11 +302,6 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
if (kvm_msi_route_invalid(kvm, e))
goto out;
- e->set = kvm_hv_set_sint;
- e->hv_sint.vcpu = ue->u.hv_sint.vcpu;
- e->hv_sint.sint = ue->u.hv_sint.sint;
- break;
goto out;
@@ -366,15 +336,14 @@ bool kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
return r == 1;
- { .gsi = irq, .type = KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP, \
- .u.irqchip = { .irqchip = KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, .pin = (irq) } }
+ { .gsi = irq, .type = GVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP, \
+ .u.irqchip = { .irqchip = GVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC, .pin = (irq) } }
#define PIC_ROUTING_ENTRY(irq) \
- { .gsi = irq, .type = KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP, \
+ { .gsi = irq, .type = GVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP, \
.u.irqchip = { .irqchip = SELECT_PIC(irq), .pin = (irq) % 8 } }
#define ROUTING_ENTRY2(irq) \
@@ -400,13 +369,6 @@ int kvm_setup_default_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm)
ARRAY_SIZE(default_routing), 0);
-static const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry empty_routing[] = {};
-int kvm_setup_empty_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm)
- return kvm_set_irq_routing(kvm, empty_routing, 0, 0);
void kvm_arch_post_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
if (ioapic_in_kernel(kvm) || !irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
@@ -414,37 +376,3 @@ void kvm_arch_post_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
-void kvm_scan_ioapic_routes(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- ulong *ioapic_handled_vectors)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *entry;
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table *table;
- u32 i, nr_ioapic_pins;
- int idx;
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- table = srcu_dereference(kvm->irq_routing, &kvm->irq_srcu);
- nr_ioapic_pins = min_t(u32, table->nr_rt_entries,
- kvm->arch.nr_reserved_ioapic_pins);
- for (i = 0; i < nr_ioapic_pins; ++i) {
- hlist_for_each_entry(entry, &table->map[i], link) {
- struct kvm_lapic_irq irq;
- if (entry->type != KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_MSI)
- continue;
- kvm_set_msi_irq(vcpu->kvm, entry, &irq);
- if (irq.level && kvm_apic_match_dest(vcpu, NULL, 0,
- irq.dest_id, irq.dest_mode))
- __set_bit(irq.vector, ioapic_handled_vectors);
- }
- }
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
-void kvm_arch_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm_hv_irq_routing_update(kvm);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/kvm_cache_regs.h b/arch/x86/kvm/kvm_cache_regs.h
index 762cdf2..2ca26a9 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/kvm_cache_regs.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/kvm_cache_regs.h
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#include <uapi/asm/processor-flags.h>
(X86_CR4_PVI | X86_CR4_DE | X86_CR4_PCE | X86_CR4_OSFXSR \
-static inline unsigned long kvm_register_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+static inline size_t kvm_register_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
enum kvm_reg reg)
- if (!test_bit(reg, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
+ if (!test_bit(reg, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
kvm_x86_ops->cache_reg(vcpu, reg);
return vcpu->arch.regs[reg];
@@ -17,19 +23,19 @@ static inline unsigned long kvm_register_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static inline void kvm_register_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
enum kvm_reg reg,
- unsigned long val)
+ size_t val)
vcpu->arch.regs[reg] = val;
- __set_bit(reg, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
- __set_bit(reg, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
+ __set_bit(reg, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
+ __set_bit(reg, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
-static inline unsigned long kvm_rip_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static inline size_t kvm_rip_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RIP);
-static inline void kvm_rip_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
+static inline void kvm_rip_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RIP, val);
@@ -39,54 +45,49 @@ static inline u64 kvm_pdptr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int index)
might_sleep(); /* on svm */
if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR,
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
kvm_x86_ops->cache_reg(vcpu, VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR);
return vcpu->arch.walk_mmu->pdptrs[index];
-static inline ulong kvm_read_cr0_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, ulong mask)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_cr0_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t mask)
- ulong tmask = mask & KVM_POSSIBLE_CR0_GUEST_BITS;
+ size_t tmask = mask & KVM_POSSIBLE_CR0_GUEST_BITS;
if (tmask & vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits)
return vcpu->arch.cr0 & mask;
-static inline ulong kvm_read_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, ~0UL);
+ return kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, ~(size_t)0);
-static inline ulong kvm_read_cr4_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, ulong mask)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_cr4_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t mask)
- ulong tmask = mask & KVM_POSSIBLE_CR4_GUEST_BITS;
+ size_t tmask = mask & KVM_POSSIBLE_CR4_GUEST_BITS;
if (tmask & vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits)
return vcpu->arch.cr4 & mask;
-static inline ulong kvm_read_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_CR3, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
+ if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_CR3, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
return vcpu->arch.cr3;
-static inline ulong kvm_read_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, ~0UL);
+ return kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, ~(size_t)0);
static inline u64 kvm_read_edx_eax(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return (kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX) & -1u)
- | ((u64)(kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX) & -1u) << 32);
-static inline u32 kvm_read_pkru(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_x86_ops->get_pkru(vcpu);
+ return (kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX) & (unsigned)-1)
+ | ((u64)(kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX) & (unsigned)-1) << 32);
static inline void enter_guest_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.c b/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.c
index 6f69340..7a156d4 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 Novell
* Copyright (C) 2007 Intel
* Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Dor Laor <>
@@ -19,29 +20,15 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/smp.h>
-#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
-#include <linux/io.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <linux/math64.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/msr.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/current.h>
+#include <uapi/linux/kvm.h>
#include <asm/apicdef.h>
-#include <asm/delay.h>
-#include <linux/atomic.h>
-#include <linux/jump_label.h>
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
#include "irq.h"
-#include "trace.h"
#include "x86.h"
#include "cpuid.h"
-#include "hyperv.h"
+#include <gvm_types.h>
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_64
#define mod_64(x, y) ((x) - (y) * div64_u64(x, y))
@@ -57,10 +44,10 @@
/* #define apic_debug(fmt,arg...) printk(KERN_WARNING fmt,##arg) */
-#define apic_debug(fmt, arg...)
+#define apic_debug(fmt, arg,...)
/* 14 is the version for Xeon and Pentium 8.4.8*/
-#define APIC_VERSION (0x14UL | ((KVM_APIC_LVT_NUM - 1) << 16))
+#define APIC_VERSION (0x14UL | ((GVM_APIC_LVT_NUM - 1) << 16))
#define LAPIC_MMIO_LENGTH (1 << 12)
/* followed define is not in apicdef.h */
#define APIC_SHORT_MASK 0xc0000
@@ -72,9 +59,33 @@
+ * hweightN - returns the hamming weight of a N-bit word
+ * @x: the word to weigh
+ *
+ * The Hamming Weight of a number is the total number of bits set in it.
+ */
+static unsigned int hweight32(unsigned int w)
+ w -= (w >> 1) & 0x55555555;
+ w = (w & 0x33333333) + ((w >> 2) & 0x33333333);
+ w = (w + (w >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
+ return (w * 0x01010101) >> 24;
+static unsigned int hweight16(unsigned int w)
+ unsigned int res = w - ((w >> 1) & 0x5555);
+ res = (res & 0x3333) + ((res >> 2) & 0x3333);
+ res = (res + (res >> 4)) & 0x0F0F;
+ return (res + (res >> 8)) & 0x00FF;
static inline int apic_test_vector(int vec, void *bitmap)
- return test_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (bitmap) + REG_POS(vec));
+ return test_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (size_t *)((char *)(bitmap)+REG_POS(vec)));
bool kvm_apic_pending_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
@@ -87,22 +98,19 @@ bool kvm_apic_pending_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
static inline void apic_clear_vector(int vec, void *bitmap)
- clear_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (bitmap) + REG_POS(vec));
+ clear_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (size_t *)((u8 *)(bitmap) + REG_POS(vec)));
static inline int __apic_test_and_set_vector(int vec, void *bitmap)
- return __test_and_set_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (bitmap) + REG_POS(vec));
+ return __test_and_set_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (size_t *)((u8 *)(bitmap) + REG_POS(vec)));
static inline int __apic_test_and_clear_vector(int vec, void *bitmap)
- return __test_and_clear_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (bitmap) + REG_POS(vec));
+ return __test_and_clear_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (size_t *)((u8 *)(bitmap) + REG_POS(vec)));
-struct static_key_deferred apic_hw_disabled __read_mostly;
-struct static_key_deferred apic_sw_disabled __read_mostly;
static inline int apic_enabled(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
return kvm_apic_sw_enabled(apic) && kvm_apic_hw_enabled(apic);
@@ -118,7 +126,7 @@ static inline int apic_enabled(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
static inline bool kvm_apic_map_get_logical_dest(struct kvm_apic_map *map,
u32 dest_id, struct kvm_lapic ***cluster, u16 *mask) {
switch (map->mode) {
u32 offset = (dest_id >> 16) * 16;
u32 max_apic_id = map->max_apic_id;
@@ -133,11 +141,11 @@ static inline bool kvm_apic_map_get_logical_dest(struct kvm_apic_map *map,
return true;
*cluster = map->xapic_flat_map;
*mask = dest_id & 0xff;
return true;
*cluster = map->xapic_cluster_map[(dest_id >> 4) & 0xf];
*mask = dest_id & 0xf;
return true;
@@ -147,13 +155,6 @@ static inline bool kvm_apic_map_get_logical_dest(struct kvm_apic_map *map,
-static void kvm_apic_map_free(struct rcu_head *rcu)
- struct kvm_apic_map *map = container_of(rcu, struct kvm_apic_map, rcu);
- kvfree(map);
static void recalculate_apic_map(struct kvm *kvm)
struct kvm_apic_map *new, *old = NULL;
@@ -191,13 +192,13 @@ static void recalculate_apic_map(struct kvm *kvm)
new->phys_map[aid] = apic;
if (apic_x2apic_mode(apic)) {
- new->mode |= KVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC;
+ new->mode |= GVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC;
} else if (ldr) {
if (kvm_lapic_get_reg(apic, APIC_DFR) == APIC_DFR_FLAT)
- new->mode |= KVM_APIC_MODE_XAPIC_FLAT;
+ new->mode |= GVM_APIC_MODE_XAPIC_FLAT;
if (!kvm_apic_map_get_logical_dest(new, ldr, &cluster, &mask))
@@ -207,13 +208,12 @@ static void recalculate_apic_map(struct kvm *kvm)
cluster[ffs(mask) - 1] = apic;
- old = rcu_dereference_protected(kvm->arch.apic_map,
- lockdep_is_held(&kvm->arch.apic_map_lock));
- rcu_assign_pointer(kvm->arch.apic_map, new);
+ old = kvm->arch.apic_map;
+ kvm->arch.apic_map = new;
if (old)
- call_rcu(&old->rcu, kvm_apic_map_free);
+ kvfree(old);
@@ -227,10 +227,8 @@ static inline void apic_set_spiv(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 val)
if (enabled != apic->sw_enabled) {
apic->sw_enabled = enabled;
if (enabled) {
- static_key_slow_dec_deferred(&apic_sw_disabled);
- } else
- static_key_slow_inc(&apic_sw_disabled.key);
+ } //else
@@ -275,11 +273,6 @@ static inline int apic_lvtt_period(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
return apic->lapic_timer.timer_mode == APIC_LVT_TIMER_PERIODIC;
-static inline int apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- return apic->lapic_timer.timer_mode == APIC_LVT_TIMER_TSCDEADLINE;
static inline int apic_lvt_nmi_mode(u32 lvt_val)
return (lvt_val & (APIC_MODE_MASK | APIC_LVT_MASKED)) == APIC_DM_NMI;
@@ -288,7 +281,7 @@ static inline int apic_lvt_nmi_mode(u32 lvt_val)
void kvm_apic_set_version(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *feat;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *feat;
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
@@ -300,7 +293,7 @@ void kvm_apic_set_version(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_LVR, v);
-static const unsigned int apic_lvt_mask[KVM_APIC_LVT_NUM] = {
+static const unsigned int apic_lvt_mask[GVM_APIC_LVT_NUM] = {
LVT_MASK , /* part LVTT mask, timer mode mask added at runtime */
@@ -315,7 +308,7 @@ static int find_highest_vector(void *bitmap)
vec >= 0; vec -= APIC_VECTORS_PER_REG) {
- reg = bitmap + REG_POS(vec);
+ reg = (u32 *)((u8 *)bitmap + REG_POS(vec));
if (*reg)
return fls(*reg) - 1 + vec;
@@ -330,7 +323,7 @@ static u8 count_vectors(void *bitmap)
u8 count = 0;
for (vec = 0; vec < MAX_APIC_VECTOR; vec += APIC_VECTORS_PER_REG) {
- reg = bitmap + REG_POS(vec);
+ reg = (u32 *)((u8 *)bitmap + REG_POS(vec));
count += hweight32(*reg);
@@ -344,10 +337,9 @@ void __kvm_apic_update_irr(u32 *pir, void *regs)
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
pir_val = xchg(&pir[i], 0);
if (pir_val)
- *((u32 *)(regs + APIC_IRR + i * 0x10)) |= pir_val;
+ *((u32 *)((u8 *)regs + APIC_IRR + i * 0x10)) |= pir_val;
void kvm_apic_update_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 *pir)
@@ -355,9 +347,8 @@ void kvm_apic_update_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 *pir)
__kvm_apic_update_irr(pir, apic->regs);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
static inline int apic_search_irr(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
@@ -375,8 +366,6 @@ static inline int apic_find_highest_irr(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
if (!apic->irr_pending)
return -1;
- if (apic->vcpu->arch.apicv_active)
- kvm_x86_ops->sync_pir_to_irr(apic->vcpu);
result = apic_search_irr(apic);
ASSERT(result == -1 || result >= 16);
@@ -392,7 +381,7 @@ static inline void apic_clear_irr(int vec, struct kvm_lapic *apic)
if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.apicv_active)) {
/* try to update RVI */
apic_clear_vector(vec, apic->regs + APIC_IRR);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
} else {
apic->irr_pending = false;
apic_clear_vector(vec, apic->regs + APIC_IRR);
@@ -496,54 +485,6 @@ int kvm_apic_set_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
irq->level, irq->trig_mode, dest_map);
-static int pv_eoi_put_user(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 val)
- return kvm_write_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->, &val,
- sizeof(val));
-static int pv_eoi_get_user(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 *val)
- return kvm_read_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->, val,
- sizeof(*val));
-static inline bool pv_eoi_enabled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val & KVM_MSR_ENABLED;
-static bool pv_eoi_get_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u8 val;
- if (pv_eoi_get_user(vcpu, &val) < 0)
- apic_debug("Can't read EOI MSR value: 0x%llx\n",
- (unsigned long long)vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val);
- return val & 0x1;
-static void pv_eoi_set_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (pv_eoi_put_user(vcpu, KVM_PV_EOI_ENABLED) < 0) {
- apic_debug("Can't set EOI MSR value: 0x%llx\n",
- (unsigned long long)vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val);
- return;
- }
- __set_bit(KVM_APIC_PV_EOI_PENDING, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
-static void pv_eoi_clr_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (pv_eoi_put_user(vcpu, KVM_PV_EOI_DISABLED) < 0) {
- apic_debug("Can't clear EOI MSR value: 0x%llx\n",
- (unsigned long long)vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val);
- return;
- }
- __clear_bit(KVM_APIC_PV_EOI_PENDING, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
static void apic_update_ppr(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
u32 tpr, isrv, ppr, old_ppr;
@@ -565,7 +506,7 @@ static void apic_update_ppr(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
if (old_ppr != ppr) {
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_PROCPRI, ppr);
if (ppr < old_ppr)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
@@ -623,7 +564,7 @@ static bool kvm_apic_match_logical_addr(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 mda)
-/* The KVM local APIC implementation has two quirks:
+/* The kvm local APIC implementation has two quirks:
* - the xAPIC MDA stores the destination at bits 24-31, while this
* is not true of struct kvm_lapic_irq's dest_id field. This is
@@ -635,7 +576,7 @@ static bool kvm_apic_match_logical_addr(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 mda)
* rewrites the destination of non-IPI messages from APIC_BROADCAST
- * The broadcast quirk can be disabled with KVM_CAP_X2APIC_API. This is
+ * The broadcast quirk can be disabled with GVM_CAP_X2APIC_API. This is
* important when userspace wants to use x2APIC-format MSIs, because
* APIC_BROADCAST (0xff) is a legal route for "cluster 0, CPUs 0-7".
@@ -681,10 +622,9 @@ bool kvm_apic_match_dest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic *source,
return false;
int kvm_vector_to_index(u32 vector, u32 dest_vcpus,
- const unsigned long *bitmap, u32 bitmap_size)
+ const size_t *bitmap, u32 bitmap_size)
u32 mod;
int i, idx = -1;
@@ -713,7 +653,7 @@ static bool kvm_apic_is_broadcast_dest(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic **src,
if (kvm->arch.x2apic_broadcast_quirk_disabled) {
if ((irq->dest_id == APIC_BROADCAST &&
- map->mode != KVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC))
+ map->mode != GVM_APIC_MODE_X2APIC))
return true;
if (irq->dest_id == X2APIC_BROADCAST)
return true;
@@ -737,7 +677,7 @@ static bool kvm_apic_is_broadcast_dest(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic **src,
static inline bool kvm_apic_map_get_dest_lapic(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_lapic **src, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
struct kvm_apic_map *map, struct kvm_lapic ***dst,
- unsigned long *bitmap)
+ size_t *bitmap)
int i, lowest;
@@ -803,7 +743,7 @@ bool kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic_fast(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic *src,
struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq, int *r, struct dest_map *dest_map)
struct kvm_apic_map *map;
- unsigned long bitmap;
+ size_t bitmap;
struct kvm_lapic **dst = NULL;
int i;
bool ret;
@@ -850,7 +790,7 @@ bool kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu_fast(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
struct kvm_vcpu **dest_vcpu)
struct kvm_apic_map *map;
- unsigned long bitmap;
+ size_t bitmap;
struct kvm_lapic **dst = NULL;
bool ret = false;
@@ -862,7 +802,7 @@ bool kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu_fast(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
if (kvm_apic_map_get_dest_lapic(kvm, NULL, irq, map, &dst, &bitmap) &&
hweight16(bitmap) == 1) {
- unsigned long i = find_first_bit(&bitmap, 16);
+ size_t i = find_first_bit(&bitmap, 16);
if (dst[i]) {
*dest_vcpu = dst[i]->vcpu;
@@ -885,8 +825,6 @@ static int __apic_accept_irq(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int delivery_mode,
int result = 0;
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = apic->vcpu;
- trace_kvm_apic_accept_irq(vcpu->vcpu_id, delivery_mode,
- trig_mode, vector);
switch (delivery_mode) {
@@ -912,26 +850,20 @@ static int __apic_accept_irq(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int delivery_mode,
apic_clear_vector(vector, apic->regs + APIC_TMR);
- if (vcpu->arch.apicv_active)
+ if (vcpu->arch.apicv_active &&
+ kvm_x86_ops->deliver_posted_interrupt)
kvm_x86_ops->deliver_posted_interrupt(vcpu, vector);
else {
kvm_lapic_set_irr(vector, apic);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- result = 1;
- vcpu->arch.pv.pv_unhalted = 1;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- break;
result = 1;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu);
@@ -944,12 +876,12 @@ static int __apic_accept_irq(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int delivery_mode,
if (!trig_mode || level) {
result = 1;
- /* assumes that there are only KVM_APIC_INIT/SIPI */
- apic->pending_events = (1UL << KVM_APIC_INIT);
+ /* assumes that there are only GVM_APIC_INIT/SIPI */
+ apic->pending_events = (1ULL << GVM_APIC_INIT);
/* make sure pending_events is visible before sending
* the request */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
} else {
apic_debug("Ignoring de-assert INIT to vcpu %d\n",
@@ -964,8 +896,8 @@ static int __apic_accept_irq(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int delivery_mode,
apic->sipi_vector = vector;
/* make sure sipi_vector is visible for the receiver */
- set_bit(KVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ set_bit(GVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
@@ -1003,13 +935,6 @@ static void kvm_ioapic_send_eoi(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int vector)
if (!kvm_ioapic_handles_vector(apic, vector))
- /* Request a KVM exit to inform the userspace IOAPIC. */
- if (irqchip_split(apic->vcpu->kvm)) {
- apic->vcpu->arch.pending_ioapic_eoi = vector;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_IOAPIC_EOI_EXIT, apic->vcpu);
- return;
- }
if (apic_test_vector(vector, apic->regs + APIC_TMR))
trigger_mode = IOAPIC_LEVEL_TRIG;
@@ -1022,8 +947,6 @@ static int apic_set_eoi(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
int vector = apic_find_highest_isr(apic);
- trace_kvm_eoi(apic, vector);
* Not every write EOI will has corresponding ISR,
* one example is when Kernel check timer on setup_IO_APIC
@@ -1034,11 +957,8 @@ static int apic_set_eoi(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
apic_clear_isr(vector, apic);
- if (test_bit(vector, vcpu_to_synic(apic->vcpu)->vec_bitmap))
- kvm_hv_synic_send_eoi(apic->vcpu, vector);
kvm_ioapic_send_eoi(apic, vector);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
return vector;
@@ -1050,12 +970,9 @@ void kvm_apic_set_eoi_accelerated(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- trace_kvm_eoi(apic, vector);
kvm_ioapic_send_eoi(apic, vector);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, apic->vcpu);
static void apic_send_ipi(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
@@ -1075,8 +992,6 @@ static void apic_send_ipi(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
irq.dest_id = GET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(icr_high);
- trace_kvm_apic_ipi(icr_low, irq.dest_id);
apic_debug("icr_high 0x%x, icr_low 0x%x, "
"short_hand 0x%x, dest 0x%x, trig_mode 0x%x, level 0x%x, "
"dest_mode 0x%x, delivery_mode 0x%x, vector 0x%x, "
@@ -1117,7 +1032,7 @@ static void __report_tpr_access(struct kvm_lapic *apic, bool write)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = apic->vcpu;
struct kvm_run *run = vcpu->run;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_REPORT_TPR_ACCESS, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_REPORT_TPR_ACCESS, vcpu);
run-> = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
run->tpr_access.is_write = write;
@@ -1137,13 +1052,9 @@ static u32 __apic_read(struct kvm_lapic *apic, unsigned int offset)
switch (offset) {
- apic_debug("Access APIC ARBPRI register which is for P6\n");
+ //apic_debug("Access APIC ARBPRI register which is for P6\n");
case APIC_TMCCT: /* Timer CCR */
- if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic))
- return 0;
val = apic_get_tmcct(apic);
@@ -1175,21 +1086,19 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_read(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 offset, int len,
static const u64 rmask = 0x43ff01ffffffe70cULL;
if ((alignment + len) > 4) {
- apic_debug("KVM_APIC_READ: alignment error %x %d\n",
+ apic_debug("GVM_APIC_READ: alignment error %x %d\n",
offset, len);
return 1;
if (offset > 0x3f0 || !(rmask & (1ULL << (offset >> 4)))) {
- apic_debug("KVM_APIC_READ: read reserved register %x\n",
+ apic_debug("GVM_APIC_READ: read reserved register %x\n",
return 1;
result = __apic_read(apic, offset & ~0xf);
- trace_kvm_apic_read(offset, result);
switch (len) {
case 1:
case 2:
@@ -1203,7 +1112,6 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_read(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 offset, int len,
return 0;
static int apic_mmio_in_range(struct kvm_lapic *apic, gpa_t addr)
@@ -1253,8 +1161,7 @@ static void apic_update_lvtt(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
static void apic_timer_expired(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = apic->vcpu;
- struct swait_queue_head *q = &vcpu->wq;
- struct kvm_timer *ktimer = &apic->lapic_timer;
+ //struct swait_queue_head *q = &vcpu->wq;
if (atomic_read(&apic->lapic_timer.pending))
@@ -1262,11 +1169,12 @@ static void apic_timer_expired(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
+ kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
+#if 0
if (swait_active(q))
- if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic))
- ktimer->expired_tscdeadline = ktimer->tscdeadline;
@@ -1292,136 +1200,6 @@ static bool lapic_timer_int_injected(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return false;
-void wait_lapic_expire(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- u64 guest_tsc, tsc_deadline;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- return;
- if (apic->lapic_timer.expired_tscdeadline == 0)
- return;
- if (!lapic_timer_int_injected(vcpu))
- return;
- tsc_deadline = apic->lapic_timer.expired_tscdeadline;
- apic->lapic_timer.expired_tscdeadline = 0;
- guest_tsc = kvm_read_l1_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
- trace_kvm_wait_lapic_expire(vcpu->vcpu_id, guest_tsc - tsc_deadline);
- /* __delay is delay_tsc whenever the hardware has TSC, thus always. */
- if (guest_tsc < tsc_deadline)
- __delay(min(tsc_deadline - guest_tsc,
- nsec_to_cycles(vcpu, lapic_timer_advance_ns)));
-static void start_sw_tscdeadline(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- u64 guest_tsc, tscdeadline = apic->lapic_timer.tscdeadline;
- u64 ns = 0;
- ktime_t expire;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = apic->vcpu;
- unsigned long this_tsc_khz = vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz;
- unsigned long flags;
- ktime_t now;
- if (unlikely(!tscdeadline || !this_tsc_khz))
- return;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- now = apic->lapic_timer.timer.base->get_time();
- guest_tsc = kvm_read_l1_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
- if (likely(tscdeadline > guest_tsc)) {
- ns = (tscdeadline - guest_tsc) * 1000000ULL;
- do_div(ns, this_tsc_khz);
- expire = ktime_add_ns(now, ns);
- expire = ktime_sub_ns(expire, lapic_timer_advance_ns);
- hrtimer_start(&apic->lapic_timer.timer,
- } else
- apic_timer_expired(apic);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
-bool kvm_lapic_hv_timer_in_use(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- return false;
- return vcpu->arch.apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use;
-static void cancel_hv_tscdeadline(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- kvm_x86_ops->cancel_hv_timer(apic->vcpu);
- apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use = false;
-void kvm_lapic_expired_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- WARN_ON(!apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use);
- WARN_ON(swait_active(&vcpu->wq));
- cancel_hv_tscdeadline(apic);
- apic_timer_expired(apic);
-static bool start_hv_tscdeadline(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- u64 tscdeadline = apic->lapic_timer.tscdeadline;
- if (atomic_read(&apic->lapic_timer.pending) ||
- kvm_x86_ops->set_hv_timer(apic->vcpu, tscdeadline)) {
- if (apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use)
- cancel_hv_tscdeadline(apic);
- } else {
- apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use = true;
- hrtimer_cancel(&apic->lapic_timer.timer);
- /* In case the sw timer triggered in the window */
- if (atomic_read(&apic->lapic_timer.pending))
- cancel_hv_tscdeadline(apic);
- }
- trace_kvm_hv_timer_state(apic->vcpu->vcpu_id,
- apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use);
- return apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use;
-void kvm_lapic_switch_to_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- WARN_ON(apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use);
- if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic))
- start_hv_tscdeadline(apic);
-void kvm_lapic_switch_to_sw_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- /* Possibly the TSC deadline timer is not enabled yet */
- if (!apic->lapic_timer.hv_timer_in_use)
- return;
- cancel_hv_tscdeadline(apic);
- if (atomic_read(&apic->lapic_timer.pending))
- return;
- start_sw_tscdeadline(apic);
static void start_apic_timer(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
ktime_t now;
@@ -1467,9 +1245,6 @@ static void start_apic_timer(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- } else if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic)) {
- if (!(kvm_x86_ops->set_hv_timer && start_hv_tscdeadline(apic)))
- start_sw_tscdeadline(apic);
@@ -1492,8 +1267,6 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_write(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 reg, u32 val)
int ret = 0;
- trace_kvm_apic_write(reg, val);
switch (reg) {
case APIC_ID: /* Local APIC ID */
if (!apic_x2apic_mode(apic))
@@ -1535,7 +1308,7 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_write(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 reg, u32 val)
int i;
u32 lvt_val;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_APIC_LVT_NUM; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_APIC_LVT_NUM; i++) {
lvt_val = kvm_lapic_get_reg(apic,
APIC_LVTT + 0x10 * i);
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_LVTT + 0x10 * i,
@@ -1583,9 +1356,6 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_write(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 reg, u32 val)
- if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic))
- break;
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_TMICT, val);
@@ -1593,14 +1363,14 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_write(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 reg, u32 val)
if (val & 4)
- apic_debug("KVM_WRITE:TDCR %x\n", val);
+ apic_debug("GVM_WRITE:TDCR %x\n", val);
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_TDCR, val);
case APIC_ESR:
if (apic_x2apic_mode(apic) && val != 0) {
- apic_debug("KVM_WRITE:ESR not zero %x\n", val);
+ apic_debug("GVM_WRITE:ESR not zero %x\n", val);
ret = 1;
@@ -1619,7 +1389,6 @@ int kvm_lapic_reg_write(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 reg, u32 val)
apic_debug("Local APIC Write to read-only register %x\n", reg);
return ret;
static int apic_mmio_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_device *this,
gpa_t address, int len, const void *data)
@@ -1658,7 +1427,6 @@ void kvm_lapic_set_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm_lapic_reg_write(vcpu->arch.apic, APIC_EOI, 0);
/* emulate APIC access in a trap manner */
void kvm_apic_write_nodecode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 offset)
@@ -1673,7 +1441,6 @@ void kvm_apic_write_nodecode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 offset)
/* TODO: optimize to just emulate side effect w/o one more write */
kvm_lapic_reg_write(vcpu->arch.apic, offset, val);
void kvm_free_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -1684,14 +1451,8 @@ void kvm_free_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!(vcpu->arch.apic_base & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE))
- static_key_slow_dec_deferred(&apic_hw_disabled);
- if (!apic->sw_enabled)
- static_key_slow_dec_deferred(&apic_sw_disabled);
if (apic->regs)
- free_page((unsigned long)apic->regs);
+ free_page((size_t)apic->regs);
@@ -1702,31 +1463,7 @@ void kvm_free_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-u64 kvm_get_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) || apic_lvtt_oneshot(apic) ||
- apic_lvtt_period(apic))
- return 0;
- return apic->lapic_timer.tscdeadline;
-void kvm_set_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) || apic_lvtt_oneshot(apic) ||
- apic_lvtt_period(apic))
- return;
- hrtimer_cancel(&apic->lapic_timer.timer);
- apic->lapic_timer.tscdeadline = data;
- start_apic_timer(apic);
-void kvm_lapic_set_tpr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr8)
+void kvm_lapic_set_tpr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr8)
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
@@ -1760,9 +1497,7 @@ void kvm_lapic_set_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 value)
if ((old_value ^ value) & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE) {
if (value & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE) {
kvm_apic_set_xapic_id(apic, vcpu->vcpu_id);
- static_key_slow_dec_deferred(&apic_hw_disabled);
} else {
- static_key_slow_inc(&apic_hw_disabled.key);
@@ -1780,7 +1515,7 @@ void kvm_lapic_set_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 value)
if ((value & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE) &&
apic->base_address != APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE)
- pr_warn_once("APIC base relocation is unsupported by KVM");
+ pr_warn_once("APIC base relocation is unsupported by kvm");
/* with FSB delivery interrupt, we can restart APIC functionality */
apic_debug("apic base msr is 0x%016" PRIx64 ", and base address is "
@@ -1809,10 +1544,10 @@ void kvm_lapic_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event)
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_APIC_LVT_NUM; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_APIC_LVT_NUM; i++)
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_LVTT + 0x10 * i, APIC_LVT_MASKED);
- if (kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, KVM_X86_QUIRK_LINT0_REENABLED))
+ if (kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, GVM_X86_QUIRK_LINT0_REENABLED))
kvm_lapic_set_reg(apic, APIC_LVT0,
apic_manage_nmi_watchdog(apic, kvm_lapic_get_reg(apic, APIC_LVT0));
@@ -1840,7 +1575,6 @@ void kvm_lapic_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event)
if (kvm_vcpu_is_bsp(vcpu))
vcpu->arch.apic_base | MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BSP);
- vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val = 0;
vcpu->arch.apic_arb_prio = 0;
@@ -1945,7 +1679,6 @@ int kvm_create_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* thinking that APIC satet has changed.
vcpu->arch.apic_base = MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE;
- static_key_slow_inc(&apic_sw_disabled.key); /* sw disabled at reset */
kvm_lapic_reset(vcpu, false);
kvm_iodevice_init(&apic->dev, &apic_mmio_ops);
@@ -1991,8 +1724,6 @@ void kvm_inject_apic_timer_irqs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (atomic_read(&apic->lapic_timer.pending) > 0) {
kvm_apic_local_deliver(apic, APIC_LVTT);
- if (apic_lvtt_tscdeadline(apic))
- apic->lapic_timer.tscdeadline = 0;
atomic_set(&apic->lapic_timer.pending, 0);
@@ -2016,11 +1747,6 @@ int kvm_get_apic_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
apic_clear_irr(vector, apic);
- if (test_bit(vector, vcpu_to_synic(vcpu)->auto_eoi_bitmap)) {
- apic_clear_isr(vector, apic);
- apic_update_ppr(apic);
- }
return vector;
@@ -2086,7 +1812,7 @@ int kvm_apic_set_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic_state *s)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
if (ioapic_in_kernel(vcpu->kvm))
@@ -2095,63 +1821,11 @@ int kvm_apic_set_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic_state *s)
return 0;
-void __kvm_migrate_apic_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct hrtimer *timer;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- return;
- timer = &vcpu->arch.apic->lapic_timer.timer;
- if (hrtimer_cancel(timer))
- hrtimer_start_expires(timer, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS_PINNED);
- * apic_sync_pv_eoi_from_guest - called on vmexit or cancel interrupt
- *
- * Detect whether guest triggered PV EOI since the
- * last entry. If yes, set EOI on guests's behalf.
- * Clear PV EOI in guest memory in any case.
- */
-static void apic_sync_pv_eoi_from_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- bool pending;
- int vector;
- /*
- * PV EOI state is derived from KVM_APIC_PV_EOI_PENDING in host
- * and KVM_PV_EOI_ENABLED in guest memory as follows:
- *
- * -> host disabled PV EOI.
- * -> host enabled PV EOI, guest did not execute EOI yet.
- * -> host enabled PV EOI, guest executed EOI.
- */
- BUG_ON(!pv_eoi_enabled(vcpu));
- pending = pv_eoi_get_pending(vcpu);
- /*
- * Clear pending bit in any case: it will be set again on vmentry.
- * While this might not be ideal from performance point of view,
- * this makes sure pv eoi is only enabled when we know it's safe.
- */
- pv_eoi_clr_pending(vcpu);
- if (pending)
- return;
- vector = apic_set_eoi(apic);
- trace_kvm_pv_eoi(apic, vector);
void kvm_lapic_sync_from_vapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 data;
- if (test_bit(KVM_APIC_PV_EOI_PENDING, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
- apic_sync_pv_eoi_from_guest(vcpu, vcpu->arch.apic);
- if (!test_bit(KVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
+ if (!test_bit(GVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
if (kvm_read_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->arch.apic->vapic_cache, &data,
@@ -2161,41 +1835,13 @@ void kvm_lapic_sync_from_vapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
apic_set_tpr(vcpu->arch.apic, data & 0xff);
- * apic_sync_pv_eoi_to_guest - called before vmentry
- *
- * Detect whether it's safe to enable PV EOI and
- * if yes do so.
- */
-static void apic_sync_pv_eoi_to_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- if (!pv_eoi_enabled(vcpu) ||
- /* IRR set or many bits in ISR: could be nested. */
- apic->irr_pending ||
- /* Cache not set: could be safe but we don't bother. */
- apic->highest_isr_cache == -1 ||
- /* Need EOI to update ioapic. */
- kvm_ioapic_handles_vector(apic, apic->highest_isr_cache)) {
- /*
- * PV EOI was disabled by apic_sync_pv_eoi_from_guest
- * so we need not do anything here.
- */
- return;
- }
- pv_eoi_set_pending(apic->vcpu);
void kvm_lapic_sync_to_vapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 data, tpr;
int max_irr, max_isr;
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- apic_sync_pv_eoi_to_guest(vcpu, apic);
- if (!test_bit(KVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
+ if (!test_bit(GVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
tpr = kvm_lapic_get_reg(apic, APIC_TASKPRI) & 0xff;
@@ -2218,9 +1864,9 @@ int kvm_lapic_set_vapic_addr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t vapic_addr)
vapic_addr, sizeof(u32)))
return -EINVAL;
- __set_bit(KVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
+ __set_bit(GVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
} else {
- __clear_bit(KVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
+ __clear_bit(GVM_APIC_CHECK_VAPIC, &vcpu->arch.apic_attention);
vcpu->arch.apic->vapic_addr = vapic_addr;
@@ -2253,7 +1899,7 @@ int kvm_x2apic_msr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *data)
return 1;
if (reg == APIC_DFR || reg == APIC_ICR2) {
- apic_debug("KVM_APIC_READ: read x2apic reserved register %x\n",
+ apic_debug("GVM_APIC_READ: read x2apic reserved register %x\n",
return 1;
@@ -2268,95 +1914,48 @@ int kvm_x2apic_msr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *data)
return 0;
-int kvm_hv_vapic_msr_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 reg, u64 data)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- return 1;
- /* if this is ICR write vector before command */
- if (reg == APIC_ICR)
- kvm_lapic_reg_write(apic, APIC_ICR2, (u32)(data >> 32));
- return kvm_lapic_reg_write(apic, reg, (u32)data);
-int kvm_hv_vapic_msr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 reg, u64 *data)
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
- u32 low, high = 0;
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- return 1;
- if (kvm_lapic_reg_read(apic, reg, 4, &low))
- return 1;
- if (reg == APIC_ICR)
- kvm_lapic_reg_read(apic, APIC_ICR2, 4, &high);
- *data = (((u64)high) << 32) | low;
- return 0;
-int kvm_lapic_enable_pv_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data)
- u64 addr = data & ~KVM_MSR_ENABLED;
- if (!IS_ALIGNED(addr, 4))
- return 1;
- vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val = data;
- if (!pv_eoi_enabled(vcpu))
- return 0;
- return kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- addr, sizeof(u8));
void kvm_apic_accept_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_lapic *apic = vcpu->arch.apic;
u8 sipi_vector;
- unsigned long pe;
+ size_t pe;
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) || !apic->pending_events)
* INITs are latched while in SMM. Because an SMM CPU cannot
- * be in KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED state, just eat SIPIs
+ * be in GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED state, just eat SIPIs
* and delay processing of INIT until the next RSM.
if (is_smm(vcpu)) {
- WARN_ON_ONCE(vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED);
- if (test_bit(KVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events))
- clear_bit(KVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events);
+ WARN_ON_ONCE(vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED);
+ if (test_bit(GVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events))
+ clear_bit(GVM_APIC_SIPI, &apic->pending_events);
pe = xchg(&apic->pending_events, 0);
- if (test_bit(KVM_APIC_INIT, &pe)) {
+ if (test_bit(GVM_APIC_INIT, &pe)) {
kvm_lapic_reset(vcpu, true);
kvm_vcpu_reset(vcpu, true);
if (kvm_vcpu_is_bsp(apic->vcpu))
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED;
- if (test_bit(KVM_APIC_SIPI, &pe) &&
- vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED) {
+ if (test_bit(GVM_APIC_SIPI, &pe) &&
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED) {
/* evaluate pending_events before reading the vector */
sipi_vector = apic->sipi_vector;
apic_debug("vcpu %d received sipi with vector # %x\n",
vcpu->vcpu_id, sipi_vector);
kvm_vcpu_deliver_sipi_vector(vcpu, sipi_vector);
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
void kvm_lapic_init(void)
- /* do not patch jump label more than once per second */
- jump_label_rate_limit(&apic_hw_disabled, HZ);
- jump_label_rate_limit(&apic_sw_disabled, HZ);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.h b/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.h
index f60d01c..ffbed39 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/lapic.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
#ifndef __KVM_X86_LAPIC_H
#define __KVM_X86_LAPIC_H
@@ -5,26 +9,31 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#define KVM_APIC_INIT 0
-#define KVM_APIC_SIPI 1
-#define KVM_APIC_LVT_NUM 6
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <asm/apicdef.h>
+#include <asm/msr-index.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#define GVM_APIC_INIT 0
+#define GVM_APIC_SIPI 1
+#define GVM_APIC_LVT_NUM 6
+#define GVM_APIC_SHORT_MASK 0xc0000
+#define GVM_APIC_DEST_MASK 0x800
-#define KVM_APIC_SHORT_MASK 0xc0000
-#define KVM_APIC_DEST_MASK 0x800
+#define u32 unsigned int
struct kvm_timer {
struct hrtimer timer;
s64 period; /* unit: ns */
u32 timer_mode;
u32 timer_mode_mask;
- u64 tscdeadline;
- u64 expired_tscdeadline;
atomic_t pending; /* accumulated triggered timers */
- bool hv_timer_in_use;
struct kvm_lapic {
- unsigned long base_address;
+ size_t base_address;
struct kvm_io_device dev;
struct kvm_timer lapic_timer;
u32 divide_count;
@@ -41,10 +50,10 @@ struct kvm_lapic {
* the guest 1:1, because it is accessed by the vmx microcode.
* Note: Only one register, the TPR, is used by the microcode.
- void *regs;
+ u8 *regs;
gpa_t vapic_addr;
struct gfn_to_hva_cache vapic_cache;
- unsigned long pending_events;
+ size_t pending_events;
unsigned int sipi_vector;
@@ -59,7 +68,7 @@ int kvm_get_apic_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_apic_accept_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_lapic_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event);
u64 kvm_lapic_get_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_lapic_set_tpr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr8);
+void kvm_lapic_set_tpr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr8);
void kvm_lapic_set_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_lapic_set_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 value);
u64 kvm_lapic_get_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -85,9 +94,6 @@ int kvm_apic_get_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic_state *s);
int kvm_apic_set_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_lapic_state *s);
int kvm_lapic_find_highest_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-u64 kvm_get_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_set_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data);
void kvm_apic_write_nodecode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 offset);
void kvm_apic_set_eoi_accelerated(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector);
@@ -98,15 +104,6 @@ void kvm_lapic_sync_to_vapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int kvm_x2apic_msr_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data);
int kvm_x2apic_msr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *data);
-int kvm_hv_vapic_msr_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data);
-int kvm_hv_vapic_msr_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *data);
-static inline bool kvm_hv_vapic_assist_page_enabled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return vcpu->arch.hyperv.hv_vapic & HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ENABLE;
-int kvm_lapic_enable_pv_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data);
void kvm_lapic_init(void);
#define VEC_POS(v) ((v) & (32 - 1))
@@ -114,12 +111,12 @@ void kvm_lapic_init(void);
static inline void kvm_lapic_set_vector(int vec, void *bitmap)
- set_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (bitmap) + REG_POS(vec));
+ set_bit(VEC_POS(vec), (size_t *)((u8 *)(bitmap) + REG_POS(vec)));
static inline void kvm_lapic_set_irr(int vec, struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- kvm_lapic_set_vector(vec, apic->regs + APIC_IRR);
+ kvm_lapic_set_vector(vec, (unsigned char *)apic->regs + APIC_IRR);
* irr_pending must be true if any interrupt is pending; set it after
* APIC_IRR to avoid race with apic_clear_irr
@@ -129,39 +126,27 @@ static inline void kvm_lapic_set_irr(int vec, struct kvm_lapic *apic)
static inline u32 kvm_lapic_get_reg(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int reg_off)
- return *((u32 *) (apic->regs + reg_off));
+ return *((u32 *) ((unsigned char *)apic->regs + reg_off));
static inline void kvm_lapic_set_reg(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int reg_off, u32 val)
- *((u32 *) (apic->regs + reg_off)) = val;
+ *((u32 *) ((unsigned char *)apic->regs + reg_off)) = val;
-extern struct static_key kvm_no_apic_vcpu;
static inline bool lapic_in_kernel(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (static_key_false(&kvm_no_apic_vcpu))
- return vcpu->arch.apic;
- return true;
+ return vcpu->arch.apic;
-extern struct static_key_deferred apic_hw_disabled;
static inline int kvm_apic_hw_enabled(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- if (static_key_false(&apic_hw_disabled.key))
- return apic->vcpu->arch.apic_base & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE;
+ return apic->vcpu->arch.apic_base & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE;
-extern struct static_key_deferred apic_sw_disabled;
static inline bool kvm_apic_sw_enabled(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
- if (static_key_false(&apic_sw_disabled.key))
- return apic->sw_enabled;
- return true;
+ return apic->sw_enabled;
static inline bool kvm_apic_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -197,7 +182,7 @@ static inline bool kvm_lowest_prio_delivery(struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq)
static inline int kvm_lapic_latched_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) && test_bit(KVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
+ return lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) && test_bit(GVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
static inline u32 kvm_apic_id(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
@@ -213,14 +198,8 @@ static inline u32 kvm_apic_id(struct kvm_lapic *apic)
bool kvm_apic_pending_eoi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector);
-void wait_lapic_expire(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
bool kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu_fast(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_lapic_irq *irq,
struct kvm_vcpu **dest_vcpu);
int kvm_vector_to_index(u32 vector, u32 dest_vcpus,
- const unsigned long *bitmap, u32 bitmap_size);
-void kvm_lapic_switch_to_sw_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_lapic_switch_to_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_lapic_expired_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-bool kvm_lapic_hv_timer_in_use(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+ const size_t *bitmap, u32 bitmap_size);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.c b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.c
index d9c7e98..e183d24 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -23,27 +24,12 @@
#include "x86.h"
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
#include "cpuid.h"
+#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <linux/swap.h>
-#include <linux/hugetlb.h>
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/srcu.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <asm/cmpxchg.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/vmx.h>
#include <asm/kvm_page_track.h>
+#pragma warning(disable : 4221)
* When setting this variable to true it enables Two-Dimensional-Paging
* where the hardware walks 2 page tables:
@@ -51,7 +37,7 @@
* 2. while doing 1. it walks guest-physical to host-physical
* If the hardware supports that we don't need to do shadow paging.
-bool tdp_enabled = false;
+bool tdp_enabled = true;
enum {
@@ -72,8 +58,8 @@ module_param(dbg, bool, 0644);
#define rmap_printk(x...) do { if (dbg) printk(x); } while (0)
#define MMU_WARN_ON(x) WARN_ON(x)
-#define pgprintk(x...) do { } while (0)
-#define rmap_printk(x...) do { } while (0)
+#define pgprintk(x,...) do { } while (0)
+#define rmap_printk(x,...) do { } while (0)
#define MMU_WARN_ON(x) do { } while (0)
@@ -129,11 +115,6 @@ module_param(dbg, bool, 0644);
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include "mmutrace.h"
@@ -162,13 +143,13 @@ struct kvm_shadow_walk_iterator {
#define for_each_shadow_entry_lockless(_vcpu, _addr, _walker, spte) \
for (shadow_walk_init(&(_walker), _vcpu, _addr); \
- shadow_walk_okay(&(_walker)) && \
- ({ spte = mmu_spte_get_lockless(_walker.sptep); 1; }); \
+ shadow_walk_okay(&(_walker)); \
__shadow_walk_next(&(_walker), spte))
-static struct kmem_cache *pte_list_desc_cache;
-static struct kmem_cache *mmu_page_header_cache;
-static struct percpu_counter kvm_total_used_mmu_pages;
+// todo-001
+//static struct kmem_cache *pte_list_desc_cache;
+//static struct kmem_cache *mmu_page_header_cache;
+//static struct percpu_counter kvm_total_used_mmu_pages;
static u64 __read_mostly shadow_nx_mask;
static u64 __read_mostly shadow_x_mask; /* mutual exclusive with nx_mask */
@@ -178,6 +159,60 @@ static u64 __read_mostly shadow_dirty_mask;
static u64 __read_mostly shadow_mmio_mask;
static u64 __read_mostly shadow_present_mask;
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+typedef u64 phys_addr_t;
+/* PAGE_SHIFT determines the page size */
+#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
+#define PAGE_SHIFT 12
+#define PAGE_SIZE (_AC(1,UL) << PAGE_SHIFT)
+#define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE-1))
+#define PMD_PAGE_SIZE (_AC(1, UL) << PMD_SHIFT)
+#define PUD_PAGE_SIZE (_AC(1, UL) << PUD_SHIFT)
+#define __PHYSICAL_MASK ((phys_addr_t)((1ULL << __PHYSICAL_MASK_SHIFT) - 1))
+#define __VIRTUAL_MASK ((1ULL << __VIRTUAL_MASK_SHIFT) - 1)
+/* Cast *PAGE_MASK to a signed type so that it is sign-extended if
+virtual addresses are 32-bits but physical addresses are larger
+(ie, 32-bit PAE). */
+/* Extracts the PFN from a (pte|pmd|pud|pgd)val_t of a 4KB page */
+#define PTE_PFN_MASK ((pteval_t)PHYSICAL_PAGE_MASK)
+* Extracts the flags from a (pte|pmd|pud|pgd)val_t
+* This includes the protection key value.
+#define pte_val(pte) (pte.pte)
+static pteval_t pte_flags(pte_t pte)
+ return pte_val(pte) & PTE_FLAGS_MASK;
+static size_t pte_pfn(pte_t pte)
+ return (pte_val(pte)& PTE_PFN_MASK) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+static int pte_write(pte_t pte)
+ return pte_flags(pte) & _PAGE_RW;
static void mmu_spte_set(u64 *sptep, u64 spte);
static void mmu_free_roots(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -185,7 +220,6 @@ void kvm_mmu_set_mmio_spte_mask(u64 mmio_mask)
shadow_mmio_mask = mmio_mask;
* the low bit of the generation number is always presumed to be zero.
@@ -240,7 +274,6 @@ static void mark_mmio_spte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep, u64 gfn,
mask |= shadow_mmio_mask | access | gfn << PAGE_SHIFT;
- trace_mark_mmio_spte(sptep, gfn, access, gen);
mmu_spte_set(sptep, mask);
@@ -279,7 +312,6 @@ static bool check_mmio_spte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 spte)
kvm_gen = kvm_current_mmio_generation(vcpu);
spte_gen = get_mmio_spte_generation(spte);
- trace_check_mmio_spte(spte, kvm_gen, spte_gen);
return likely(kvm_gen == spte_gen);
@@ -293,7 +325,6 @@ void kvm_mmu_set_mask_ptes(u64 user_mask, u64 accessed_mask,
shadow_x_mask = x_mask;
shadow_present_mask = p_mask;
static int is_cpuid_PSE36(void)
@@ -354,7 +385,9 @@ static u64 __update_clear_spte_slow(u64 *sptep, u64 spte)
static u64 __get_spte_lockless(u64 *sptep)
- return ACCESS_ONCE(*sptep);
+ u64 temp;
+ ACCESS_ONCE(*sptep, temp);
+ return temp;
union split_spte {
@@ -561,12 +594,6 @@ static bool mmu_spte_update(u64 *sptep, u64 new_spte)
ret = true;
if (!shadow_accessed_mask) {
- /*
- * We don't set page dirty when dropping non-writable spte.
- * So do it now if the new spte is becoming non-writable.
- */
- if (ret)
- kvm_set_pfn_dirty(spte_to_pfn(old_spte));
return ret;
@@ -578,11 +605,6 @@ static bool mmu_spte_update(u64 *sptep, u64 new_spte)
shadow_accessed_mask | shadow_dirty_mask))
ret = true;
- if (spte_is_bit_cleared(old_spte, new_spte, shadow_accessed_mask))
- kvm_set_pfn_accessed(spte_to_pfn(old_spte));
- if (spte_is_bit_cleared(old_spte, new_spte, shadow_dirty_mask))
- kvm_set_pfn_dirty(spte_to_pfn(old_spte));
return ret;
@@ -607,17 +629,12 @@ static int mmu_spte_clear_track_bits(u64 *sptep)
pfn = spte_to_pfn(old_spte);
- * KVM does not hold the refcount of the page used by
+ * kvm does not hold the refcount of the page used by
* kvm mmu, before reclaiming the page, we should
* unmap it from mmu first.
WARN_ON(!kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn) && !page_count(pfn_to_page(pfn)));
- if (!shadow_accessed_mask || old_spte & shadow_accessed_mask)
- kvm_set_pfn_accessed(pfn);
- if (old_spte & (shadow_dirty_mask ? shadow_dirty_mask :
- kvm_set_pfn_dirty(pfn);
return 1;
@@ -663,14 +680,14 @@ static void walk_shadow_page_lockless_end(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int mmu_topup_memory_cache(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *cache,
- struct kmem_cache *base_cache, int min)
+ size_t cache_size, int min)
void *obj;
if (cache->nobjs >= min)
return 0;
while (cache->nobjs < ARRAY_SIZE(cache->objects)) {
- obj = kmem_cache_zalloc(base_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
+ obj = kzalloc_fast(cache_size, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!obj)
return -ENOMEM;
cache->objects[cache->nobjs++] = obj;
@@ -683,11 +700,10 @@ static int mmu_memory_cache_free_objects(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *cache)
return cache->nobjs;
-static void mmu_free_memory_cache(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *mc,
- struct kmem_cache *cache)
+static void mmu_free_memory_cache(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *mc)
while (mc->nobjs)
- kmem_cache_free(cache, mc->objects[--mc->nobjs]);
+ kfree_fast(mc->objects[--mc->nobjs]);
static int mmu_topup_memory_cache_page(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *cache,
@@ -709,7 +725,7 @@ static int mmu_topup_memory_cache_page(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *cache,
static void mmu_free_memory_cache_page(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *mc)
while (mc->nobjs)
- free_page((unsigned long)mc->objects[--mc->nobjs]);
+ free_page((size_t)mc->objects[--mc->nobjs]);
static int mmu_topup_memory_caches(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -717,25 +733,23 @@ static int mmu_topup_memory_caches(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int r;
r = mmu_topup_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_pte_list_desc_cache,
- pte_list_desc_cache, 8 + PTE_PREFETCH_NUM);
+ sizeof(struct pte_list_desc), 8 + PTE_PREFETCH_NUM);
if (r)
goto out;
r = mmu_topup_memory_cache_page(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_cache, 8);
if (r)
goto out;
r = mmu_topup_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_header_cache,
- mmu_page_header_cache, 4);
+ sizeof(struct kvm_mmu_page), 4);
return r;
static void mmu_free_memory_caches(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- mmu_free_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_pte_list_desc_cache,
- pte_list_desc_cache);
+ mmu_free_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_pte_list_desc_cache);
- mmu_free_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_header_cache,
- mmu_page_header_cache);
+ mmu_free_memory_cache(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_header_cache);
static void *mmu_memory_cache_alloc(struct kvm_mmu_memory_cache *mc)
@@ -754,7 +768,7 @@ static struct pte_list_desc *mmu_alloc_pte_list_desc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void mmu_free_pte_list_desc(struct pte_list_desc *pte_list_desc)
- kmem_cache_free(pte_list_desc_cache, pte_list_desc);
+ kfree_fast(pte_list_desc);
static gfn_t kvm_mmu_page_get_gfn(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp, int index)
@@ -773,43 +787,6 @@ static void kvm_mmu_page_set_gfn(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp, int index, gfn_t gfn)
sp->gfns[index] = gfn;
- * Return the pointer to the large page information for a given gfn,
- * handling slots that are not large page aligned.
- */
-static struct kvm_lpage_info *lpage_info_slot(gfn_t gfn,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- int level)
- unsigned long idx;
- idx = gfn_to_index(gfn, slot->base_gfn, level);
- return &slot->arch.lpage_info[level - 2][idx];
-static void update_gfn_disallow_lpage_count(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t gfn, int count)
- struct kvm_lpage_info *linfo;
- int i;
- linfo = lpage_info_slot(gfn, slot, i);
- linfo->disallow_lpage += count;
- WARN_ON(linfo->disallow_lpage < 0);
- }
-void kvm_mmu_gfn_disallow_lpage(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn)
- update_gfn_disallow_lpage_count(slot, gfn, 1);
-void kvm_mmu_gfn_allow_lpage(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn)
- update_gfn_disallow_lpage_count(slot, gfn, -1);
static void account_shadowed(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
struct kvm_memslots *slots;
@@ -823,10 +800,8 @@ static void account_shadowed(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
/* the non-leaf shadow pages are keeping readonly. */
if (sp->role.level > PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL)
- return kvm_slot_page_track_add_page(kvm, slot, gfn,
+ kvm_slot_page_track_add_page(kvm, slot, gfn,
- kvm_mmu_gfn_disallow_lpage(slot, gfn);
static void unaccount_shadowed(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
@@ -840,55 +815,20 @@ static void unaccount_shadowed(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
slots = kvm_memslots_for_spte_role(kvm, sp->role);
slot = __gfn_to_memslot(slots, gfn);
if (sp->role.level > PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL)
- return kvm_slot_page_track_remove_page(kvm, slot, gfn,
+ kvm_slot_page_track_remove_page(kvm, slot, gfn,
- kvm_mmu_gfn_allow_lpage(slot, gfn);
-static bool __mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed(gfn_t gfn, int level,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- struct kvm_lpage_info *linfo;
- if (slot) {
- linfo = lpage_info_slot(gfn, slot, level);
- return !!linfo->disallow_lpage;
- }
- return true;
static bool mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
int level)
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
- slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
- return __mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed(gfn, level, slot);
-static int host_mapping_level(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
- unsigned long page_size;
- int i, ret = 0;
- page_size = kvm_host_page_size(kvm, gfn);
- if (page_size >= KVM_HPAGE_SIZE(i))
- ret = i;
- else
- break;
- }
- return ret;
+ return true;
static inline bool memslot_valid_for_gpte(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
bool no_dirty_log)
- if (!slot || slot->flags & KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
+ if (!slot || slot->flags & GVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
return false;
if (no_dirty_log && slot->dirty_bitmap)
return false;
@@ -912,29 +852,7 @@ gfn_to_memslot_dirty_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
static int mapping_level(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t large_gfn,
bool *force_pt_level)
- int host_level, level, max_level;
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
- if (unlikely(*force_pt_level))
- slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, large_gfn);
- *force_pt_level = !memslot_valid_for_gpte(slot, true);
- if (unlikely(*force_pt_level))
- host_level = host_mapping_level(vcpu->kvm, large_gfn);
- if (host_level == PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL)
- return host_level;
- max_level = min(kvm_x86_ops->get_lpage_level(), host_level);
- for (level = PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL; level <= max_level; ++level)
- if (__mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed(large_gfn, level, slot))
- break;
- return level - 1;
@@ -956,17 +874,17 @@ static int pte_list_add(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *spte,
if (!rmap_head->val) {
rmap_printk("pte_list_add: %p %llx 0->1\n", spte, *spte);
- rmap_head->val = (unsigned long)spte;
+ rmap_head->val = (size_t)spte;
} else if (!(rmap_head->val & 1)) {
rmap_printk("pte_list_add: %p %llx 1->many\n", spte, *spte);
desc = mmu_alloc_pte_list_desc(vcpu);
desc->sptes[0] = (u64 *)rmap_head->val;
desc->sptes[1] = spte;
- rmap_head->val = (unsigned long)desc | 1;
+ rmap_head->val = (size_t)desc | 1;
} else {
rmap_printk("pte_list_add: %p %llx many->many\n", spte, *spte);
- desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ul);
+ desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ull);
while (desc->sptes[PTE_LIST_EXT-1] && desc->more) {
desc = desc->more;
count += PTE_LIST_EXT;
@@ -996,12 +914,12 @@ pte_list_desc_remove_entry(struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
if (j != 0)
if (!prev_desc && !desc->more)
- rmap_head->val = (unsigned long)desc->sptes[0];
+ rmap_head->val = (size_t)desc->sptes[0];
if (prev_desc)
prev_desc->more = desc->more;
- rmap_head->val = (unsigned long)desc->more | 1;
+ rmap_head->val = (size_t)desc->more | 1;
@@ -1023,7 +941,7 @@ static void pte_list_remove(u64 *spte, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head)
rmap_head->val = 0;
} else {
rmap_printk("pte_list_remove: %p many->many\n", spte);
- desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ul);
+ desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ull);
prev_desc = NULL;
while (desc) {
for (i = 0; i < PTE_LIST_EXT && desc->sptes[i]; ++i) {
@@ -1041,13 +959,13 @@ static void pte_list_remove(u64 *spte, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head)
-static struct kvm_rmap_head *__gfn_to_rmap(gfn_t gfn, int level,
+static struct kvm_rmap_head *__gfn_to_rmap(gfn_t gfn,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- unsigned long idx;
+ size_t idx;
- idx = gfn_to_index(gfn, slot->base_gfn, level);
- return &slot->arch.rmap[level - PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL][idx];
+ idx = gfn - slot->base_gfn;
+ return &slot->arch.rmap[idx];
static struct kvm_rmap_head *gfn_to_rmap(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn,
@@ -1058,7 +976,7 @@ static struct kvm_rmap_head *gfn_to_rmap(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn,
slots = kvm_memslots_for_spte_role(kvm, sp->role);
slot = __gfn_to_memslot(slots, gfn);
- return __gfn_to_rmap(gfn, sp->role.level, slot);
+ return __gfn_to_rmap(gfn, slot);
static bool rmap_can_add(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -1123,7 +1041,7 @@ static u64 *rmap_get_first(struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
goto out;
- iter->desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ul);
+ iter->desc = (struct pte_list_desc *)(rmap_head->val & ~1ull);
iter->pos = 0;
sptep = iter->desc->sptes[iter->pos];
@@ -1296,13 +1214,13 @@ static bool __rmap_set_dirty(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head)
static void kvm_mmu_write_protect_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t gfn_offset, unsigned long mask)
+ gfn_t gfn_offset, size_t mask)
struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head;
while (mask) {
rmap_head = __gfn_to_rmap(slot->base_gfn + gfn_offset + __ffs(mask),
+ slot);
__rmap_write_protect(kvm, rmap_head, false);
/* clear the first set bit */
@@ -1321,20 +1239,19 @@ static void kvm_mmu_write_protect_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
void kvm_mmu_clear_dirty_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t gfn_offset, unsigned long mask)
+ gfn_t gfn_offset, size_t mask)
struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head;
while (mask) {
rmap_head = __gfn_to_rmap(slot->base_gfn + gfn_offset + __ffs(mask),
+ slot);
__rmap_clear_dirty(kvm, rmap_head);
/* clear the first set bit */
mask &= mask - 1;
* kvm_arch_mmu_enable_log_dirty_pt_masked - enable dirty logging for selected
@@ -1348,7 +1265,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kvm_mmu_clear_dirty_pt_masked);
void kvm_arch_mmu_enable_log_dirty_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- gfn_t gfn_offset, unsigned long mask)
+ gfn_t gfn_offset, size_t mask)
if (kvm_x86_ops->enable_log_dirty_pt_masked)
kvm_x86_ops->enable_log_dirty_pt_masked(kvm, slot, gfn_offset,
@@ -1361,13 +1278,10 @@ bool kvm_mmu_slot_gfn_write_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, u64 gfn)
struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head;
- int i;
bool write_protected = false;
- rmap_head = __gfn_to_rmap(gfn, i, slot);
- write_protected |= __rmap_write_protect(kvm, rmap_head, true);
- }
+ rmap_head = __gfn_to_rmap(gfn, slot);
+ write_protected |= __rmap_write_protect(kvm, rmap_head, true);
return write_protected;
@@ -1386,11 +1300,13 @@ static bool kvm_zap_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head)
struct rmap_iterator iter;
bool flush = false;
- while ((sptep = rmap_get_first(rmap_head, &iter))) {
+ sptep = rmap_get_first(rmap_head, &iter);
+ while (sptep) {
rmap_printk("%s: spte %p %llx.\n", __func__, sptep, *sptep);
drop_spte(kvm, sptep);
flush = true;
+ sptep = rmap_get_first(rmap_head, &iter);
return flush;
@@ -1398,14 +1314,14 @@ static bool kvm_zap_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head)
static int kvm_unmap_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn, int level,
- unsigned long data)
+ size_t data)
return kvm_zap_rmapp(kvm, rmap_head);
static int kvm_set_pte_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn, int level,
- unsigned long data)
+ size_t data)
u64 *sptep;
struct rmap_iterator iter;
@@ -1468,8 +1384,8 @@ rmap_walk_init_level(struct slot_rmap_walk_iterator *iterator, int level)
iterator->level = level;
iterator->gfn = iterator->start_gfn;
- iterator->rmap = __gfn_to_rmap(iterator->gfn, level, iterator->slot);
- iterator->end_rmap = __gfn_to_rmap(iterator->end_gfn, level,
+ iterator->rmap = __gfn_to_rmap(iterator->gfn, iterator->slot);
+ iterator->end_rmap = __gfn_to_rmap(iterator->end_gfn,
@@ -1495,7 +1411,7 @@ static bool slot_rmap_walk_okay(struct slot_rmap_walk_iterator *iterator)
static void slot_rmap_walk_next(struct slot_rmap_walk_iterator *iterator)
if (++iterator->rmap <= iterator->end_rmap) {
- iterator->gfn += (1UL << KVM_HPAGE_GFN_SHIFT(iterator->level));
+ iterator->gfn += 1ULL;
@@ -1515,15 +1431,15 @@ static void slot_rmap_walk_next(struct slot_rmap_walk_iterator *iterator)
static int kvm_handle_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end,
- unsigned long data,
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end,
+ size_t data,
int (*handler)(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
gfn_t gfn,
int level,
- unsigned long data))
+ size_t data))
struct kvm_memslots *slots;
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
@@ -1531,10 +1447,10 @@ static int kvm_handle_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm,
int ret = 0;
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, i);
kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots) {
- unsigned long hva_start, hva_end;
+ size_t hva_start, hva_end;
gfn_t gfn_start, gfn_end;
hva_start = max(start, memslot->userspace_addr);
@@ -1550,7 +1466,7 @@ static int kvm_handle_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm,
gfn_end = hva_to_gfn_memslot(hva_end + PAGE_SIZE - 1, memslot);
for_each_slot_rmap_range(memslot, PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL,
gfn_start, gfn_end - 1,
ret |= handler(kvm, iterator.rmap, memslot,
@@ -1561,38 +1477,38 @@ static int kvm_handle_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm,
return ret;
-static int kvm_handle_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva,
- unsigned long data,
+static int kvm_handle_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva,
+ size_t data,
int (*handler)(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
gfn_t gfn, int level,
- unsigned long data))
+ size_t data))
return kvm_handle_hva_range(kvm, hva, hva + 1, data, handler);
-int kvm_unmap_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva)
+int kvm_unmap_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva)
return kvm_handle_hva(kvm, hva, 0, kvm_unmap_rmapp);
-int kvm_unmap_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+int kvm_unmap_hva_range(struct kvm *kvm, size_t start, size_t end)
return kvm_handle_hva_range(kvm, start, end, 0, kvm_unmap_rmapp);
-void kvm_set_spte_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva, pte_t pte)
+void kvm_set_spte_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva, pte_t pte)
- kvm_handle_hva(kvm, hva, (unsigned long)&pte, kvm_set_pte_rmapp);
+ kvm_handle_hva(kvm, hva, (size_t)&pte, kvm_set_pte_rmapp);
static int kvm_age_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn, int level,
- unsigned long data)
+ size_t data)
u64 *sptep;
- struct rmap_iterator uninitialized_var(iter);
+ struct rmap_iterator iter;
int young = 0;
@@ -1601,17 +1517,16 @@ static int kvm_age_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
if (*sptep & shadow_accessed_mask) {
young = 1;
clear_bit((ffs(shadow_accessed_mask) - 1),
- (unsigned long *)sptep);
+ (size_t *)sptep);
- trace_kvm_age_page(gfn, level, slot, young);
return young;
static int kvm_test_age_rmapp(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_rmap_head *rmap_head,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
- int level, unsigned long data)
+ int level, size_t data)
u64 *sptep;
struct rmap_iterator iter;
@@ -1649,8 +1564,9 @@ static void rmap_recycle(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *spte, gfn_t gfn)
kvm_unmap_rmapp(vcpu->kvm, rmap_head, NULL, gfn, sp->role.level, 0);
-int kvm_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+#if 0
+int kvm_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t start, size_t end)
* In case of absence of EPT Access and Dirty Bits supports,
@@ -1674,8 +1590,9 @@ int kvm_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
return kvm_handle_hva_range(kvm, start, end, 0, kvm_age_rmapp);
-int kvm_test_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long hva)
+int kvm_test_age_hva(struct kvm *kvm, size_t hva)
return kvm_handle_hva(kvm, hva, 0, kvm_test_age_rmapp);
@@ -1705,7 +1622,7 @@ static int is_empty_shadow_page(u64 *spt)
static inline void kvm_mod_used_mmu_pages(struct kvm *kvm, int nr)
kvm->arch.n_used_mmu_pages += nr;
- percpu_counter_add(&kvm_total_used_mmu_pages, nr);
+ //percpu_counter_add(&kvm_total_used_mmu_pages, nr);
static void kvm_mmu_free_page(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
@@ -1713,15 +1630,15 @@ static void kvm_mmu_free_page(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
- free_page((unsigned long)sp->spt);
+ free_page((size_t)sp->spt);
if (!sp->
- free_page((unsigned long)sp->gfns);
- kmem_cache_free(mmu_page_header_cache, sp);
+ free_page((size_t)sp->gfns);
+ kfree_fast(sp);
static unsigned kvm_page_table_hashfn(gfn_t gfn)
- return gfn & ((1 << KVM_MMU_HASH_SHIFT) - 1);
+ return gfn & ((1 << GVM_MMU_HASH_SHIFT) - 1);
static void mmu_page_add_parent_pte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
@@ -1754,7 +1671,7 @@ static struct kvm_mmu_page *kvm_mmu_alloc_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int direct
sp->spt = mmu_memory_cache_alloc(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_cache);
if (!direct)
sp->gfns = mmu_memory_cache_alloc(&vcpu->arch.mmu_page_cache);
- set_page_private(virt_to_page(sp->spt), (unsigned long)sp);
+ set_page_private(virt_to_page(sp->spt), (size_t)sp);
* The active_mmu_pages list is the FIFO list, do not move the
@@ -1808,13 +1725,13 @@ static void nonpaging_update_pte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
-#define KVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR 16
+#define GVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR 16
struct kvm_mmu_pages {
struct mmu_page_and_offset {
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp;
unsigned int idx;
- } page[KVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR];
+ } page[GVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR];
unsigned int nr;
@@ -1831,7 +1748,7 @@ static int mmu_pages_add(struct kvm_mmu_pages *pvec, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp,
pvec->page[pvec->nr].sp = sp;
pvec->page[pvec->nr].idx = idx;
- return (pvec->nr == KVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR);
+ return (pvec->nr == GVM_PAGE_ARRAY_NR);
static inline void clear_unsync_child_bit(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp, int idx)
@@ -1896,7 +1813,6 @@ static int mmu_unsync_walk(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp,
static void kvm_unlink_unsync_page(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
- trace_kvm_mmu_sync_page(sp);
sp->unsync = 0;
@@ -1953,10 +1869,10 @@ static void kvm_mmu_flush_or_zap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (remote_flush)
else if (local_flush)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
#include "mmu_audit.c"
static void kvm_mmu_audit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int point) { }
@@ -1982,6 +1898,7 @@ static bool kvm_sync_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
struct kvm_mmu_page *s;
bool ret = false;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
for_each_gfn_indirect_valid_sp(vcpu->kvm, s, gfn) {
if (!s->unsync)
@@ -1989,6 +1906,7 @@ static bool kvm_sync_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
WARN_ON(s->role.level != PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL);
ret |= kvm_sync_page(vcpu, s, invalid_list);
return ret;
@@ -1998,9 +1916,16 @@ struct mmu_page_path {
unsigned int idx[PT64_ROOT_LEVEL];
+static int __for_each_sp_end(struct kvm_mmu_page **sp, struct kvm_mmu_pages *pvec, int nr)
+ *sp = pvec->page[nr].sp;
+ return 1;
#define for_each_sp(pvec, sp, parents, i) \
for (i = mmu_pages_first(&pvec, &parents); \
- i < && ({ sp =[i].sp; 1;}); \
+ i < && __for_each_sp_end(&sp, &pvec, i); \
i = mmu_pages_next(&pvec, &parents, i))
static int mmu_pages_next(struct kvm_mmu_pages *pvec,
@@ -2090,9 +2015,10 @@ static void mmu_sync_children(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
flush |= kvm_sync_page(vcpu, sp, &invalid_list);
- if (need_resched() || spin_needbreak(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock)) {
+ //if (need_resched() || spin_needbreak(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock))
+ {
kvm_mmu_flush_or_zap(vcpu, &invalid_list, false, flush);
- cond_resched_lock(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock);
+ //cond_resched_lock(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock);
flush = false;
@@ -2138,6 +2064,8 @@ static struct kvm_mmu_page *kvm_mmu_get_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
quadrant &= (1 << ((PT32_PT_BITS - PT64_PT_BITS) * level)) - 1;
role.quadrant = quadrant;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
for_each_gfn_valid_sp(vcpu->kvm, sp, gfn) {
if (!need_sync && sp->unsync)
need_sync = true;
@@ -2153,16 +2081,16 @@ static struct kvm_mmu_page *kvm_mmu_get_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
if (sp->unsync_children)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC, vcpu);
- trace_kvm_mmu_get_page(sp, false);
return sp;
@@ -2188,7 +2116,6 @@ static struct kvm_mmu_page *kvm_mmu_get_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
sp->mmu_valid_gen = vcpu->kvm->arch.mmu_valid_gen;
- trace_kvm_mmu_get_page(sp, true);
kvm_mmu_flush_or_zap(vcpu, &invalid_list, false, flush);
return sp;
@@ -2240,7 +2167,7 @@ static void __shadow_walk_next(struct kvm_shadow_walk_iterator *iterator,
static void shadow_walk_next(struct kvm_shadow_walk_iterator *iterator)
- return __shadow_walk_next(iterator, *iterator->sptep);
+ __shadow_walk_next(iterator, *iterator->sptep);
static void link_shadow_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep,
@@ -2248,8 +2175,6 @@ static void link_shadow_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep,
u64 spte;
spte = __pa(sp->spt) | shadow_present_mask | PT_WRITABLE_MASK |
shadow_user_mask | shadow_x_mask | shadow_accessed_mask;
@@ -2322,8 +2247,11 @@ static void kvm_mmu_unlink_parents(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
u64 *sptep;
struct rmap_iterator iter;
- while ((sptep = rmap_get_first(&sp->parent_ptes, &iter)))
+ sptep = rmap_get_first(&sp->parent_ptes, &iter);
+ while (sptep) {
drop_parent_pte(sp, sptep);
+ sptep = rmap_get_first(&sp->parent_ptes, &iter);
+ }
static int mmu_zap_unsync_children(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -2355,7 +2283,6 @@ static int kvm_mmu_prepare_zap_page(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp,
int ret;
- trace_kvm_mmu_prepare_zap_page(sp);
ret = mmu_zap_unsync_children(kvm, sp, invalid_list);
kvm_mmu_page_unlink_children(kvm, sp);
@@ -2405,10 +2332,12 @@ static void kvm_mmu_commit_zap_page(struct kvm *kvm,
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
list_for_each_entry_safe(sp, nsp, invalid_list, link) {
WARN_ON(!sp->role.invalid || sp->root_count);
static bool prepare_zap_oldest_mmu_page(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -2460,22 +2389,22 @@ int kvm_mmu_unprotect_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
pgprintk("%s: looking for gfn %llx\n", __func__, gfn);
r = 0;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
for_each_gfn_indirect_valid_sp(kvm, sp, gfn) {
pgprintk("%s: gfn %llx role %x\n", __func__, gfn,
r = 1;
kvm_mmu_prepare_zap_page(kvm, sp, &invalid_list);
kvm_mmu_commit_zap_page(kvm, &invalid_list);
return r;
static void kvm_unsync_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
- trace_kvm_mmu_unsync_page(sp);
sp->unsync = 1;
@@ -2487,9 +2416,12 @@ static bool mmu_need_write_protect(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp;
- if (kvm_page_track_is_active(vcpu, gfn, KVM_PAGE_TRACK_WRITE))
+#if 0
+ if (kvm_page_track_is_active(vcpu, gfn, GVM_PAGE_TRACK_WRITE))
return true;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
for_each_gfn_indirect_valid_sp(vcpu->kvm, sp, gfn) {
if (!can_unsync)
return true;
@@ -2500,16 +2432,15 @@ static bool mmu_need_write_protect(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
WARN_ON(sp->role.level != PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL);
kvm_unsync_page(vcpu, sp);
return false;
static bool kvm_is_mmio_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (pfn_valid(pfn))
- return !is_zero_pfn(pfn) && PageReserved(pfn_to_page(pfn));
- return true;
+ /* Without IOMMU, we won't assign real MMIO resource */
+ return false;
static int set_spte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep,
@@ -2635,7 +2566,7 @@ static bool mmu_set_spte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep, unsigned pte_access,
true, host_writable)) {
if (write_fault)
emulate = true;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
if (unlikely(is_mmio_spte(*sptep)))
@@ -2657,8 +2588,6 @@ static bool mmu_set_spte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep, unsigned pte_access,
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
return emulate;
@@ -2669,7 +2598,7 @@ static kvm_pfn_t pte_prefetch_gfn_to_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
slot = gfn_to_memslot_dirty_bitmap(vcpu, gfn, no_dirty_log);
if (!slot)
return gfn_to_pfn_memslot_atomic(slot, gfn);
@@ -2678,7 +2607,7 @@ static int direct_pte_prefetch_many(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp,
u64 *start, u64 *end)
- struct page *pages[PTE_PREFETCH_NUM];
+ pfn_t pfn[PTE_PREFETCH_NUM];
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
unsigned access = sp->role.access;
int i, ret;
@@ -2689,13 +2618,13 @@ static int direct_pte_prefetch_many(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (!slot)
return -1;
- ret = gfn_to_page_many_atomic(slot, gfn, pages, end - start);
+ ret = gfn_to_pfn_many_atomic(slot, gfn, pfn, end - start);
if (ret <= 0)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++, gfn++, start++)
mmu_set_spte(vcpu, start, access, 0, sp->role.level, gfn,
- page_to_pfn(pages[i]), true, true);
+ pfn[i], true, true);
return 0;
@@ -2744,7 +2673,7 @@ static void direct_pte_prefetch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *sptep)
static int __direct_map(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int write, int map_writable,
- int level, gfn_t gfn, kvm_pfn_t pfn, bool prefault)
+ int level, gfn_t gfn, kvm_pfn_t pfn)
struct kvm_shadow_walk_iterator iterator;
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp;
@@ -2757,7 +2686,7 @@ static int __direct_map(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int write, int map_writable,
for_each_shadow_entry(vcpu, (u64)gfn << PAGE_SHIFT, iterator) {
if (iterator.level == level) {
emulate = mmu_set_spte(vcpu, iterator.sptep, ACC_ALL,
- write, level, gfn, pfn, prefault,
+ write, level, gfn, pfn, false,
direct_pte_prefetch(vcpu, iterator.sptep);
@@ -2779,19 +2708,6 @@ static int __direct_map(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int write, int map_writable,
return emulate;
-static void kvm_send_hwpoison_signal(unsigned long address, struct task_struct *tsk)
- siginfo_t info;
- info.si_signo = SIGBUS;
- info.si_errno = 0;
- info.si_code = BUS_MCEERR_AR;
- info.si_addr = (void __user *)address;
- info.si_addr_lsb = PAGE_SHIFT;
- send_sig_info(SIGBUS, &info, tsk);
static int kvm_handle_bad_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, kvm_pfn_t pfn)
@@ -2800,59 +2716,12 @@ static int kvm_handle_bad_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, kvm_pfn_t pfn)
* caused mmio page fault and treat it as mmio access.
* Return 1 to tell kvm to emulate it.
- if (pfn == KVM_PFN_ERR_RO_FAULT)
+ if (pfn == GVM_PFN_ERR_RO_FAULT)
return 1;
- if (pfn == KVM_PFN_ERR_HWPOISON) {
- kvm_send_hwpoison_signal(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(vcpu, gfn), current);
- return 0;
- }
return -EFAULT;
-static void transparent_hugepage_adjust(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gfn_t *gfnp, kvm_pfn_t *pfnp,
- int *levelp)
- kvm_pfn_t pfn = *pfnp;
- gfn_t gfn = *gfnp;
- int level = *levelp;
- /*
- * Check if it's a transparent hugepage. If this would be an
- * hugetlbfs page, level wouldn't be set to
- * PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL and there would be no adjustment done
- * here.
- */
- if (!is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn) && !kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn) &&
- level == PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL &&
- PageTransCompoundMap(pfn_to_page(pfn)) &&
- !mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed(vcpu, gfn, PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL)) {
- unsigned long mask;
- /*
- * mmu_notifier_retry was successful and we hold the
- * mmu_lock here, so the pmd can't become splitting
- * from under us, and in turn
- * __split_huge_page_refcount() can't run from under
- * us and we can safely transfer the refcount from
- * PG_tail to PG_head as we switch the pfn to tail to
- * head.
- */
- *levelp = level = PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL;
- mask = KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1;
- VM_BUG_ON((gfn & mask) != (pfn & mask));
- if (pfn & mask) {
- gfn &= ~mask;
- *gfnp = gfn;
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
- pfn &= ~mask;
- kvm_get_pfn(pfn);
- *pfnp = pfn;
- }
- }
static bool handle_abnormal_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, gfn_t gfn,
kvm_pfn_t pfn, unsigned access, int *ret_val)
@@ -2941,9 +2810,11 @@ static bool fast_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, int level,
return false;
- for_each_shadow_entry_lockless(vcpu, gva, iterator, spte)
+ for_each_shadow_entry_lockless(vcpu, gva, iterator, spte) {
+ spte = mmu_spte_get_lockless(iterator.sptep);
if (!is_shadow_present_pte(spte) || iterator.level < level)
+ }
* If the mapping has been changed, let the vcpu fault on the
@@ -2996,67 +2867,42 @@ static bool fast_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, int level,
ret = fast_pf_fix_direct_spte(vcpu, sp, iterator.sptep, spte);
- trace_fast_page_fault(vcpu, gva, error_code, iterator.sptep,
- spte, ret);
return ret;
-static bool try_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool prefault, gfn_t gfn,
+static void get_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
gva_t gva, kvm_pfn_t *pfn, bool write, bool *writable);
static void make_mmu_pages_available(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static int nonpaging_map(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t v, u32 error_code,
- gfn_t gfn, bool prefault)
+ gfn_t gfn)
int r;
int level;
bool force_pt_level = false;
kvm_pfn_t pfn;
- unsigned long mmu_seq;
bool map_writable, write = error_code & PFERR_WRITE_MASK;
level = mapping_level(vcpu, gfn, &force_pt_level);
- if (likely(!force_pt_level)) {
- /*
- * This path builds a PAE pagetable - so we can map
- * 2mb pages at maximum. Therefore check if the level
- * is larger than that.
- */
- if (level > PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL)
- gfn &= ~(KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1);
- }
if (fast_page_fault(vcpu, v, level, error_code))
return 0;
- mmu_seq = vcpu->kvm->mmu_notifier_seq;
- if (try_async_pf(vcpu, prefault, gfn, v, &pfn, write, &map_writable))
- return 0;
+ get_pfn(vcpu, gfn, v, &pfn, write, &map_writable);
if (handle_abnormal_pfn(vcpu, v, gfn, pfn, ACC_ALL, &r))
return r;
- if (mmu_notifier_retry(vcpu->kvm, mmu_seq))
- goto out_unlock;
- if (likely(!force_pt_level))
- transparent_hugepage_adjust(vcpu, &gfn, &pfn, &level);
- r = __direct_map(vcpu, write, map_writable, level, gfn, pfn, prefault);
+ r = __direct_map(vcpu, write, map_writable, level, gfn, pfn);
return r;
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock);
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
- return 0;
@@ -3110,7 +2956,7 @@ static int mmu_check_root(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t root_gfn)
int ret = 0;
if (!kvm_is_visible_gfn(vcpu->kvm, root_gfn)) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
ret = 1;
@@ -3291,7 +3137,6 @@ void kvm_mmu_sync_roots(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static gpa_t nonpaging_gva_to_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t vaddr,
u32 access, struct x86_exception *exception)
@@ -3405,7 +3250,6 @@ int handle_mmio_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 addr, bool direct)
if (direct)
addr = 0;
- trace_handle_mmio_page_fault(addr, gfn, access);
vcpu_cache_mmio_info(vcpu, addr, gfn, access);
@@ -3416,7 +3260,6 @@ int handle_mmio_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 addr, bool direct)
static bool page_fault_handle_page_track(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
u32 error_code, gfn_t gfn)
@@ -3428,12 +3271,14 @@ static bool page_fault_handle_page_track(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
!(error_code & PFERR_WRITE_MASK))
return false;
+#if 0
* guest is writing the page which is write tracked which can
* not be fixed by page fault handler.
- if (kvm_page_track_is_active(vcpu, gfn, KVM_PAGE_TRACK_WRITE))
+ if (kvm_page_track_is_active(vcpu, gfn, GVM_PAGE_TRACK_WRITE))
return true;
return false;
@@ -3448,6 +3293,7 @@ static void shadow_page_table_clear_flood(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr)
for_each_shadow_entry_lockless(vcpu, addr, iterator, spte) {
+ spte = mmu_spte_get_lockless(iterator.sptep);
if (!is_shadow_present_pte(spte))
@@ -3456,7 +3302,7 @@ static void shadow_page_table_clear_flood(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr)
static int nonpaging_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva,
- u32 error_code, bool prefault)
+ u32 error_code)
gfn_t gfn = gva >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int r;
@@ -3473,76 +3319,24 @@ static int nonpaging_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva,
- return nonpaging_map(vcpu, gva & PAGE_MASK,
- error_code, gfn, prefault);
+ return nonpaging_map(vcpu, gva & PAGE_MASK, error_code, gfn);
-static int kvm_arch_setup_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, gfn_t gfn)
- struct kvm_arch_async_pf arch;
- arch.token = (vcpu-> << 12) | vcpu->vcpu_id;
- arch.gfn = gfn;
- arch.direct_map = vcpu->arch.mmu.direct_map;
- arch.cr3 = vcpu->arch.mmu.get_cr3(vcpu);
- return kvm_setup_async_pf(vcpu, gva, kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(vcpu, gfn), &arch);
-static bool can_do_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (unlikely(!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) ||
- kvm_event_needs_reinjection(vcpu)))
- return false;
- return kvm_x86_ops->interrupt_allowed(vcpu);
-static bool try_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool prefault, gfn_t gfn,
+static void get_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
gva_t gva, kvm_pfn_t *pfn, bool write, bool *writable)
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
- bool async;
slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
- async = false;
- *pfn = __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn, false, &async, write, writable);
- if (!async)
- return false; /* *pfn has correct page already */
- if (!prefault && can_do_async_pf(vcpu)) {
- trace_kvm_try_async_get_page(gva, gfn);
- if (kvm_find_async_pf_gfn(vcpu, gfn)) {
- trace_kvm_async_pf_doublefault(gva, gfn);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_APF_HALT, vcpu);
- return true;
- } else if (kvm_arch_setup_async_pf(vcpu, gva, gfn))
- return true;
- }
*pfn = __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn, false, NULL, write, writable);
- return false;
-static bool
-check_hugepage_cache_consistency(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, int level)
- int page_num = KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level);
- gfn &= ~(page_num - 1);
- return kvm_mtrr_check_gfn_range_consistency(vcpu, gfn, page_num);
-static int tdp_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gpa, u32 error_code,
- bool prefault)
+static int tdp_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gpa, u32 error_code)
kvm_pfn_t pfn;
int r;
int level;
- bool force_pt_level;
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- unsigned long mmu_seq;
int write = error_code & PFERR_WRITE_MASK;
bool map_writable;
@@ -3555,43 +3349,24 @@ static int tdp_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gpa, u32 error_code,
if (r)
return r;
- force_pt_level = !check_hugepage_cache_consistency(vcpu, gfn,
- level = mapping_level(vcpu, gfn, &force_pt_level);
- if (likely(!force_pt_level)) {
- if (level > PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL &&
- !check_hugepage_cache_consistency(vcpu, gfn, level))
- gfn &= ~(KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1);
- }
+ level = mapping_level(vcpu, gfn, NULL);
if (fast_page_fault(vcpu, gpa, level, error_code))
return 0;
- mmu_seq = vcpu->kvm->mmu_notifier_seq;
- if (try_async_pf(vcpu, prefault, gfn, gpa, &pfn, write, &map_writable))
- return 0;
+ get_pfn(vcpu, gfn, gpa, &pfn, write, &map_writable);
if (handle_abnormal_pfn(vcpu, 0, gfn, pfn, ACC_ALL, &r))
return r;
- if (mmu_notifier_retry(vcpu->kvm, mmu_seq))
- goto out_unlock;
- if (likely(!force_pt_level))
- transparent_hugepage_adjust(vcpu, &gfn, &pfn, &level);
- r = __direct_map(vcpu, write, map_writable, level, gfn, pfn, prefault);
+ r = __direct_map(vcpu, write, map_writable, level, gfn, pfn);
return r;
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock);
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
- return 0;
static void nonpaging_init_context(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
@@ -3614,7 +3389,7 @@ void kvm_mmu_new_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static unsigned long get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static size_t get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_read_cr3(vcpu);
@@ -3662,10 +3437,12 @@ static inline bool is_last_gpte(struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
return gpte & PT_PAGE_SIZE_MASK;
+#if 0
#define PTTYPE_EPT 18 /* arbitrary */
#include "paging_tmpl.h"
#undef PTTYPE
#define PTTYPE 64
#include "paging_tmpl.h"
@@ -3820,7 +3597,7 @@ reset_shadow_zero_bits_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *context)
* Passing "true" to the last argument is okay; it adds a check
- * on bit 8 of the SPTEs which KVM doesn't use anyway.
+ * on bit 8 of the SPTEs which kvm doesn't use anyway.
__reset_rsvds_bits_mask(vcpu, &context->shadow_zero_check,
@@ -3828,7 +3605,6 @@ reset_shadow_zero_bits_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *context)
guest_cpuid_has_gbpages(vcpu), is_pse(vcpu),
static inline bool boot_cpu_is_amd(void)
@@ -3932,81 +3708,6 @@ static void update_permission_bitmask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
-* PKU is an additional mechanism by which the paging controls access to
-* user-mode addresses based on the value in the PKRU register. Protection
-* key violations are reported through a bit in the page fault error code.
-* Unlike other bits of the error code, the PK bit is not known at the
-* call site of e.g. gva_to_gpa; it must be computed directly in
-* permission_fault based on two bits of PKRU, on some machine state (CR4,
-* CR0, EFER, CPL), and on other bits of the error code and the page tables.
-* In particular the following conditions come from the error code, the
-* page tables and the machine state:
-* - PK is always zero unless CR4.PKE=1 and EFER.LMA=1
-* - PK is always zero if RSVD=1 (reserved bit set) or F=1 (instruction fetch)
-* - PK is always zero if U=0 in the page tables
-* - PKRU.WD is ignored if CR0.WP=0 and the access is a supervisor access.
-* The PKRU bitmask caches the result of these four conditions. The error
-* code (minus the P bit) and the page table's U bit form an index into the
-* PKRU bitmask. Two bits of the PKRU bitmask are then extracted and ANDed
-* with the two bits of the PKRU register corresponding to the protection key.
-* For the first three conditions above the bits will be 00, thus masking
-* away both AD and WD. For all reads or if the last condition holds, WD
-* only will be masked away.
-static void update_pkru_bitmask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
- bool ept)
- unsigned bit;
- bool wp;
- if (ept) {
- mmu->pkru_mask = 0;
- return;
- }
- /* PKEY is enabled only if CR4.PKE and EFER.LMA are both set. */
- if (!kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_PKE) || !is_long_mode(vcpu)) {
- mmu->pkru_mask = 0;
- return;
- }
- wp = is_write_protection(vcpu);
- for (bit = 0; bit < ARRAY_SIZE(mmu->permissions); ++bit) {
- unsigned pfec, pkey_bits;
- bool check_pkey, check_write, ff, uf, wf, pte_user;
- pfec = bit << 1;
- ff = pfec & PFERR_FETCH_MASK;
- uf = pfec & PFERR_USER_MASK;
- wf = pfec & PFERR_WRITE_MASK;
- /* PFEC.RSVD is replaced by ACC_USER_MASK. */
- pte_user = pfec & PFERR_RSVD_MASK;
- /*
- * Only need to check the access which is not an
- * instruction fetch and is to a user page.
- */
- check_pkey = (!ff && pte_user);
- /*
- * write access is controlled by PKRU if it is a
- * user access or CR0.WP = 1.
- */
- check_write = check_pkey && wf && (uf || wp);
- /* PKRU.AD stops both read and write access. */
- pkey_bits = !!check_pkey;
- /* PKRU.WD stops write access. */
- pkey_bits |= (!!check_write) << 1;
- mmu->pkru_mask |= (pkey_bits & 3) << pfec;
- }
static void update_last_nonleaf_level(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu)
unsigned root_level = mmu->root_level;
@@ -4025,7 +3726,6 @@ static void paging64_init_context_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
reset_rsvds_bits_mask(vcpu, context);
update_permission_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
- update_pkru_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
update_last_nonleaf_level(vcpu, context);
@@ -4053,7 +3753,6 @@ static void paging32_init_context(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
reset_rsvds_bits_mask(vcpu, context);
update_permission_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
- update_pkru_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
update_last_nonleaf_level(vcpu, context);
context->page_fault = paging32_page_fault;
@@ -4112,7 +3811,6 @@ static void init_kvm_tdp_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
update_permission_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
- update_pkru_bitmask(vcpu, context, false);
update_last_nonleaf_level(vcpu, context);
reset_tdp_shadow_zero_bits_mask(vcpu, context);
@@ -4144,10 +3842,10 @@ void kvm_init_shadow_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
context->base_role.smm = is_smm(vcpu);
reset_shadow_zero_bits_mask(vcpu, context);
void kvm_init_shadow_ept_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool execonly)
+#if 0
struct kvm_mmu *context = &vcpu->arch.mmu;
@@ -4165,11 +3863,10 @@ void kvm_init_shadow_ept_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool execonly)
context->direct_map = false;
update_permission_bitmask(vcpu, context, true);
- update_pkru_bitmask(vcpu, context, true);
reset_rsvds_bits_mask_ept(vcpu, context, execonly);
reset_ept_shadow_zero_bits_mask(vcpu, context, execonly);
static void init_kvm_softmmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -4220,7 +3917,6 @@ static void init_kvm_nested_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
update_permission_bitmask(vcpu, g_context, false);
- update_pkru_bitmask(vcpu, g_context, false);
update_last_nonleaf_level(vcpu, g_context);
@@ -4239,7 +3935,6 @@ void kvm_mmu_reset_context(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int kvm_mmu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -4257,14 +3952,12 @@ int kvm_mmu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return r;
void kvm_mmu_unload(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void mmu_pte_write_new_pte(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp, u64 *spte,
@@ -4413,7 +4106,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_pte_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
u64 entry, gentry, *spte;
int npte;
bool remote_flush, local_flush;
- union kvm_mmu_page_role mask = { };
+ union kvm_mmu_page_role mask = { 0 };
mask.cr0_wp = 1;
mask.cr4_pae = 1;
@@ -4426,7 +4119,9 @@ static void kvm_mmu_pte_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
* If we don't have indirect shadow pages, it means no page is
* write-protected, so we can exit simply.
- if (!ACCESS_ONCE(vcpu->kvm->arch.indirect_shadow_pages))
+ unsigned int temp;
+ ACCESS_ONCE(vcpu->kvm->arch.indirect_shadow_pages, temp);
+ if (!temp)
remote_flush = local_flush = false;
@@ -4446,6 +4141,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_pte_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
kvm_mmu_audit(vcpu, AUDIT_PRE_PTE_WRITE);
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
for_each_gfn_indirect_valid_sp(vcpu->kvm, sp, gfn) {
if (detect_write_misaligned(sp, gpa, bytes) ||
detect_write_flooding(sp)) {
@@ -4471,6 +4167,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_pte_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
kvm_mmu_flush_or_zap(vcpu, &invalid_list, remote_flush, local_flush);
kvm_mmu_audit(vcpu, AUDIT_POST_PTE_WRITE);
@@ -4490,16 +4187,15 @@ int kvm_mmu_unprotect_page_virt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva)
return r;
static void make_mmu_pages_available(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (likely(kvm_mmu_available_pages(vcpu->kvm) >= KVM_MIN_FREE_MMU_PAGES))
+ if (likely(kvm_mmu_available_pages(vcpu->kvm) >= GVM_MIN_FREE_MMU_PAGES))
- while (kvm_mmu_available_pages(vcpu->kvm) < KVM_REFILL_PAGES) {
+ while (kvm_mmu_available_pages(vcpu->kvm) < GVM_REFILL_PAGES) {
if (!prepare_zap_oldest_mmu_page(vcpu->kvm, &invalid_list))
@@ -4527,7 +4223,7 @@ int kvm_mmu_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t cr2, u32 error_code,
return r;
- r = vcpu->arch.mmu.page_fault(vcpu, cr2, error_code, false);
+ r = vcpu->arch.mmu.page_fault(vcpu, cr2, error_code);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (!r)
@@ -4550,38 +4246,33 @@ emulate:
void kvm_mmu_invlpg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva)
vcpu->arch.mmu.invlpg(vcpu, gva);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
void kvm_enable_tdp(void)
tdp_enabled = true;
void kvm_disable_tdp(void)
tdp_enabled = false;
static void free_mmu_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root);
if (vcpu->arch.mmu.lm_root != NULL)
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->arch.mmu.lm_root);
+ free_page((size_t)vcpu->arch.mmu.lm_root);
static int alloc_mmu_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct page *page;
int i;
@@ -4589,11 +4280,14 @@ static int alloc_mmu_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* Therefore we need to allocate shadow page tables in the first
* 4GB of memory, which happens to fit the DMA32 zone.
- page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_DMA32);
- if (!page)
+ addr_4g.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root =
+ MmAllocateContiguousMemory(PAGE_SIZE, addr_4g);
+ if (!vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root)
return -ENOMEM;
- vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root = page_address(page);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
vcpu->arch.mmu.pae_root[i] = INVALID_PAGE;
@@ -4649,6 +4343,7 @@ slot_handle_level_range(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
if (iterator.rmap)
flush |= fn(kvm, iterator.rmap);
+#if 0
if (need_resched() || spin_needbreak(&kvm->mmu_lock)) {
if (flush && lock_flush_tlb) {
@@ -4656,6 +4351,7 @@ slot_handle_level_range(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
if (flush && lock_flush_tlb) {
@@ -4682,15 +4378,7 @@ slot_handle_all_level(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
slot_level_handler fn, bool lock_flush_tlb)
return slot_handle_level(kvm, memslot, fn, PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL,
- PT_MAX_HUGEPAGE_LEVEL, lock_flush_tlb);
-static bool
-slot_handle_large_level(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
- slot_level_handler fn, bool lock_flush_tlb)
- return slot_handle_level(kvm, memslot, fn, PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL + 1,
- PT_MAX_HUGEPAGE_LEVEL, lock_flush_tlb);
+ PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL, lock_flush_tlb);
static bool
@@ -4708,7 +4396,7 @@ void kvm_zap_gfn_range(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn_start, gfn_t gfn_end)
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, i);
kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots) {
gfn_t start, end;
@@ -4719,7 +4407,7 @@ void kvm_zap_gfn_range(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn_start, gfn_t gfn_end)
slot_handle_level_range(kvm, memslot, kvm_zap_rmapp,
start, end - 1, true);
@@ -4748,7 +4436,7 @@ void kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access(struct kvm *kvm,
* which do tlb flush out of mmu-lock should be serialized by
* kvm->slots_lock otherwise tlb flush would be missed.
- lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
+ //lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
* We can flush all the TLBs out of the mmu lock without TLB
@@ -4786,9 +4474,8 @@ restart:
* the guest, and the guest page table is using 4K page size
* mapping if the indirect sp has level = 1.
- if (sp-> &&
- !kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn) &&
- PageTransCompoundMap(pfn_to_page(pfn))) {
+ if (sp-> //&&
+ /*PageTransCompoundMap(pfn_to_page(pfn))*/) {
drop_spte(kvm, sptep);
need_tlb_flush = 1;
goto restart;
@@ -4817,7 +4504,7 @@ void kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
flush = slot_handle_leaf(kvm, memslot, __rmap_clear_dirty, false);
- lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
+ //lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
* It's also safe to flush TLBs out of mmu lock here as currently this
@@ -4828,25 +4515,6 @@ void kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
if (flush)
-void kvm_mmu_slot_largepage_remove_write_access(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
- bool flush;
- spin_lock(&kvm->mmu_lock);
- flush = slot_handle_large_level(kvm, memslot, slot_rmap_write_protect,
- false);
- spin_unlock(&kvm->mmu_lock);
- /* see kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access */
- lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
- if (flush)
- kvm_flush_remote_tlbs(kvm);
void kvm_mmu_slot_set_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
@@ -4857,13 +4525,12 @@ void kvm_mmu_slot_set_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
flush = slot_handle_all_level(kvm, memslot, __rmap_set_dirty, false);
- lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
+ //lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
/* see kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty */
if (flush)
#define BATCH_ZAP_PAGES 10
static void kvm_zap_obsolete_pages(struct kvm *kvm)
@@ -4872,6 +4539,7 @@ static void kvm_zap_obsolete_pages(struct kvm *kvm)
int batch = 0;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mmu_page
list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse(sp, node,
&kvm->arch.active_mmu_pages, link) {
int ret;
@@ -4895,8 +4563,8 @@ restart:
* Need not flush tlb since we only zap the sp with invalid
* generation number.
- if (batch >= BATCH_ZAP_PAGES &&
- cond_resched_lock(&kvm->mmu_lock)) {
+ if (batch >= BATCH_ZAP_PAGES) {// &&
+ //cond_resched_lock(&kvm->mmu_lock)) {
batch = 0;
goto restart;
@@ -4908,6 +4576,7 @@ restart:
if (ret)
goto restart;
* Should flush tlb before free page tables since lockless-walking
@@ -4921,14 +4590,13 @@ restart:
* to zap obsolete pages.
* It's required when memslot is being deleted or VM is being
- * destroyed, in these cases, we should ensure that KVM MMU does
+ * destroyed, in these cases, we should ensure that kvm MMU does
* not use any resource of the being-deleted slot or all slots
* after calling the function.
void kvm_mmu_invalidate_zap_all_pages(struct kvm *kvm)
- trace_kvm_mmu_invalidate_zap_all_pages(kvm);
@@ -4963,12 +4631,14 @@ void kvm_mmu_invalidate_mmio_sptes(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memslots *slots)
-static unsigned long
+// todo-002
+#if 0
+static size_t
mmu_shrink_scan(struct shrinker *shrink, struct shrink_control *sc)
struct kvm *kvm;
int nr_to_scan = sc->nr_to_scan;
- unsigned long freed = 0;
+ size_t freed = 0;
@@ -5024,7 +4694,7 @@ unlock:
return freed;
-static unsigned long
+static size_t
mmu_shrink_count(struct shrinker *shrink, struct shrink_control *sc)
return percpu_counter_read_positive(&kvm_total_used_mmu_pages);
@@ -5035,39 +4705,16 @@ static struct shrinker mmu_shrinker = {
.scan_objects = mmu_shrink_scan,
.seeks = DEFAULT_SEEKS * 10,
static void mmu_destroy_caches(void)
+#if 0
if (pte_list_desc_cache)
if (mmu_page_header_cache)
-int kvm_mmu_module_init(void)
- pte_list_desc_cache = kmem_cache_create("pte_list_desc",
- sizeof(struct pte_list_desc),
- 0, 0, NULL);
- if (!pte_list_desc_cache)
- goto nomem;
- mmu_page_header_cache = kmem_cache_create("kvm_mmu_page_header",
- sizeof(struct kvm_mmu_page),
- 0, 0, NULL);
- if (!mmu_page_header_cache)
- goto nomem;
- if (percpu_counter_init(&kvm_total_used_mmu_pages, 0, GFP_KERNEL))
- goto nomem;
- register_shrinker(&mmu_shrinker);
- return 0;
- mmu_destroy_caches();
- return -ENOMEM;
@@ -5081,16 +4728,16 @@ unsigned int kvm_mmu_calculate_mmu_pages(struct kvm *kvm)
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, i);
kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots)
nr_pages += memslot->npages;
- nr_mmu_pages = nr_pages * KVM_PERMILLE_MMU_PAGES / 1000;
+ nr_mmu_pages = nr_pages * GVM_PERMILLE_MMU_PAGES / 1000;
nr_mmu_pages = max(nr_mmu_pages,
- (unsigned int) KVM_MIN_ALLOC_MMU_PAGES);
+ (unsigned int) GVM_MIN_ALLOC_MMU_PAGES);
return nr_mmu_pages;
@@ -5104,8 +4751,11 @@ void kvm_mmu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
void kvm_mmu_module_exit(void)
+ // todo-001
+#if 0
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.h b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.h
index ddc56e9..cf39e5a 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
#ifndef __KVM_X86_MMU_H
#define __KVM_X86_MMU_H
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
#define PT_PDPE_LEVEL 3
static inline u64 rsvd_bits(int s, int e)
@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ static inline int kvm_mmu_reload(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* Currently, we have two sorts of write-protection, a) the first one
* write-protects guest page to sync the guest modification, b) another one is
- * used to sync dirty bitmap when we do KVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG. The differences
+ * used to sync dirty bitmap when we do GVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG. The differences
* between these two sorts are:
* 1) the first case clears SPTE_MMU_WRITEABLE bit.
* 2) the first case requires flushing tlb immediately avoiding corrupting
@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ static inline int kvm_mmu_reload(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* TODO: introduce APIs to split these two cases.
-static inline int is_writable_pte(unsigned long pte)
+static inline int is_writable_pte(size_t pte)
return pte & PT_WRITABLE_MASK;
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ static inline u8 permission_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
unsigned pfec)
int cpl = kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(vcpu);
- unsigned long rflags = kvm_x86_ops->get_rflags(vcpu);
+ size_t rflags = kvm_x86_ops->get_rflags(vcpu);
* If CPL < 3, SMAP prevention are disabled if EFLAGS.AC = 1.
@@ -164,41 +168,20 @@ static inline u8 permission_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
* but it will be one in index if SMAP checks are being overridden.
* It is important to keep this branchless.
- unsigned long smap = (cpl - 3) & (rflags & X86_EFLAGS_AC);
+ size_t smap = (cpl - 3) & (rflags & X86_EFLAGS_AC);
int index = (pfec >> 1) +
(smap >> (X86_EFLAGS_AC_BIT - PFERR_RSVD_BIT + 1));
bool fault = (mmu->permissions[index] >> pte_access) & 1;
u32 errcode = PFERR_PRESENT_MASK;
- if (unlikely(mmu->pkru_mask)) {
- u32 pkru_bits, offset;
- /*
- * PKRU defines 32 bits, there are 16 domains and 2
- * attribute bits per domain in pkru. pte_pkey is the
- * index of the protection domain, so pte_pkey * 2 is
- * is the index of the first bit for the domain.
- */
- pkru_bits = (kvm_read_pkru(vcpu) >> (pte_pkey * 2)) & 3;
- /* clear present bit, replace PFEC.RSVD with ACC_USER_MASK. */
- offset = (pfec & ~1) +
- ((pte_access & PT_USER_MASK) << (PFERR_RSVD_BIT - PT_USER_SHIFT));
- pkru_bits &= mmu->pkru_mask >> offset;
- errcode |= -pkru_bits & PFERR_PK_MASK;
- fault |= (pkru_bits != 0);
- }
- return -(u32)fault & errcode;
+ return -(s32)fault & errcode;
void kvm_mmu_invalidate_zap_all_pages(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_zap_gfn_range(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn_start, gfn_t gfn_end);
-void kvm_mmu_gfn_disallow_lpage(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn);
-void kvm_mmu_gfn_allow_lpage(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn);
bool kvm_mmu_slot_gfn_write_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, u64 gfn);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu_audit.c b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu_audit.c
index dcce533..76050b1 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu_audit.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu_audit.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
+#if 0
#include <linux/ratelimit.h>
char const *audit_point_name[] = {
@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ static void mmu_audit_disable(void)
static int mmu_audit_set(const char *val, const struct kernel_param *kp)
int ret;
- unsigned long enable;
+ size_t enable;
ret = kstrtoul(val, 10, &enable);
if (ret < 0)
@@ -304,3 +306,4 @@ static const struct kernel_param_ops audit_param_ops = {
arch_param_cb(mmu_audit, &audit_param_ops, &mmu_audit, 0644);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mmutrace.h b/arch/x86/kvm/mmutrace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a24b84..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mmutrace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(_TRACE_KVMMMU_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
-#define _TRACE_KVMMMU_H
-#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
-#include <linux/trace_events.h>
-#define TRACE_SYSTEM kvmmmu
- __field(unsigned long, mmu_valid_gen) \
- __field(__u64, gfn) \
- __field(__u32, role) \
- __field(__u32, root_count) \
- __field(bool, unsync)
-#define KVM_MMU_PAGE_ASSIGN(sp) \
- __entry->mmu_valid_gen = sp->mmu_valid_gen; \
- __entry->gfn = sp->gfn; \
- __entry->role = sp->role.word; \
- __entry->root_count = sp->root_count; \
- __entry->unsync = sp->unsync;
-#define KVM_MMU_PAGE_PRINTK() ({ \
- const char *saved_ptr = trace_seq_buffer_ptr(p); \
- static const char *access_str[] = { \
- "---", "--x", "w--", "w-x", "-u-", "-ux", "wu-", "wux" \
- }; \
- union kvm_mmu_page_role role; \
- \
- role.word = __entry->role; \
- \
- trace_seq_printf(p, "sp gen %lx gfn %llx %u%s q%u%s %s%s" \
- " %snxe root %u %s%c", __entry->mmu_valid_gen, \
- __entry->gfn, role.level, \
- role.cr4_pae ? " pae" : "", \
- role.quadrant, \
- ? " direct" : "", \
- access_str[role.access], \
- role.invalid ? " invalid" : "", \
- role.nxe ? "" : "!", \
- __entry->root_count, \
- __entry->unsync ? "unsync" : "sync", 0); \
- saved_ptr; \
- })
-#define kvm_mmu_trace_pferr_flags \
- { PFERR_WRITE_MASK, "W" }, \
- { PFERR_USER_MASK, "U" }, \
- * A pagetable walk has started
- */
- kvm_mmu_pagetable_walk,
- TP_PROTO(u64 addr, u32 pferr),
- TP_ARGS(addr, pferr),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(__u64, addr)
- __field(__u32, pferr)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->addr = addr;
- __entry->pferr = pferr;
- ),
- TP_printk("addr %llx pferr %x %s", __entry->addr, __entry->pferr,
- __print_flags(__entry->pferr, "|", kvm_mmu_trace_pferr_flags))
-/* We just walked a paging element */
- kvm_mmu_paging_element,
- TP_PROTO(u64 pte, int level),
- TP_ARGS(pte, level),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(__u64, pte)
- __field(__u32, level)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->pte = pte;
- __entry->level = level;
- ),
- TP_printk("pte %llx level %u", __entry->pte, __entry->level)
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long table_gfn, unsigned index, unsigned size),
- TP_ARGS(table_gfn, index, size),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(__u64, gpa)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->gpa = ((u64)table_gfn << PAGE_SHIFT)
- + index * size;
- ),
- TP_printk("gpa %llx", __entry->gpa)
-/* We set a pte accessed bit */
-DEFINE_EVENT(kvm_mmu_set_bit_class, kvm_mmu_set_accessed_bit,
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long table_gfn, unsigned index, unsigned size),
- TP_ARGS(table_gfn, index, size)
-/* We set a pte dirty bit */
-DEFINE_EVENT(kvm_mmu_set_bit_class, kvm_mmu_set_dirty_bit,
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long table_gfn, unsigned index, unsigned size),
- TP_ARGS(table_gfn, index, size)
- kvm_mmu_walker_error,
- TP_PROTO(u32 pferr),
- TP_ARGS(pferr),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(__u32, pferr)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->pferr = pferr;
- ),
- TP_printk("pferr %x %s", __entry->pferr,
- __print_flags(__entry->pferr, "|", kvm_mmu_trace_pferr_flags))
- kvm_mmu_get_page,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp, bool created),
- TP_ARGS(sp, created),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(bool, created)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->created = created;
- ),
- TP_printk("%s %s", KVM_MMU_PAGE_PRINTK(),
- __entry->created ? "new" : "existing")
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp),
- TP_ARGS(sp),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- ),
- TP_printk("%s", KVM_MMU_PAGE_PRINTK())
-DEFINE_EVENT(kvm_mmu_page_class, kvm_mmu_sync_page,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp),
- TP_ARGS(sp)
-DEFINE_EVENT(kvm_mmu_page_class, kvm_mmu_unsync_page,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp),
- TP_ARGS(sp)
-DEFINE_EVENT(kvm_mmu_page_class, kvm_mmu_prepare_zap_page,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp),
- TP_ARGS(sp)
- mark_mmio_spte,
- TP_PROTO(u64 *sptep, gfn_t gfn, unsigned access, unsigned int gen),
- TP_ARGS(sptep, gfn, access, gen),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(void *, sptep)
- __field(gfn_t, gfn)
- __field(unsigned, access)
- __field(unsigned int, gen)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->sptep = sptep;
- __entry->gfn = gfn;
- __entry->access = access;
- __entry->gen = gen;
- ),
- TP_printk("sptep:%p gfn %llx access %x gen %x", __entry->sptep,
- __entry->gfn, __entry->access, __entry->gen)
- handle_mmio_page_fault,
- TP_PROTO(u64 addr, gfn_t gfn, unsigned access),
- TP_ARGS(addr, gfn, access),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(u64, addr)
- __field(gfn_t, gfn)
- __field(unsigned, access)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->addr = addr;
- __entry->gfn = gfn;
- __entry->access = access;
- ),
- TP_printk("addr:%llx gfn %llx access %x", __entry->addr, __entry->gfn,
- __entry->access)
-#define __spte_satisfied(__spte) \
- (__entry->retry && is_writable_pte(__entry->__spte))
- fast_page_fault,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, u32 error_code,
- u64 *sptep, u64 old_spte, bool retry),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu, gva, error_code, sptep, old_spte, retry),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(gva_t, gva)
- __field(u32, error_code)
- __field(u64 *, sptep)
- __field(u64, old_spte)
- __field(u64, new_spte)
- __field(bool, retry)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu->vcpu_id;
- __entry->gva = gva;
- __entry->error_code = error_code;
- __entry->sptep = sptep;
- __entry->old_spte = old_spte;
- __entry->new_spte = *sptep;
- __entry->retry = retry;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %d gva %lx error_code %s sptep %p old %#llx"
- " new %llx spurious %d fixed %d", __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->gva, __print_flags(__entry->error_code, "|",
- kvm_mmu_trace_pferr_flags), __entry->sptep,
- __entry->old_spte, __entry->new_spte,
- __spte_satisfied(old_spte), __spte_satisfied(new_spte)
- )
- kvm_mmu_invalidate_zap_all_pages,
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm *kvm),
- TP_ARGS(kvm),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(unsigned long, mmu_valid_gen)
- __field(unsigned int, mmu_used_pages)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->mmu_valid_gen = kvm->arch.mmu_valid_gen;
- __entry->mmu_used_pages = kvm->arch.n_used_mmu_pages;
- ),
- TP_printk("kvm-mmu-valid-gen %lx used_pages %x",
- __entry->mmu_valid_gen, __entry->mmu_used_pages
- )
- check_mmio_spte,
- TP_PROTO(u64 spte, unsigned int kvm_gen, unsigned int spte_gen),
- TP_ARGS(spte, kvm_gen, spte_gen),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(unsigned int, kvm_gen)
- __field(unsigned int, spte_gen)
- __field(u64, spte)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->kvm_gen = kvm_gen;
- __entry->spte_gen = spte_gen;
- __entry->spte = spte;
- ),
- TP_printk("spte %llx kvm_gen %x spte-gen %x valid %d", __entry->spte,
- __entry->kvm_gen, __entry->spte_gen,
- __entry->kvm_gen == __entry->spte_gen
- )
-#endif /* _TRACE_KVMMMU_H */
-#define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE mmutrace
-/* This part must be outside protection */
-#include <trace/define_trace.h>
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mtrr.c b/arch/x86/kvm/mtrr.c
index 0149ac5..6f3c042 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mtrr.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/mtrr.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
* Copyright(C) 2015 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/mtrr.h>
#include "cpuid.h"
#include "mmu.h"
@@ -26,10 +26,19 @@
#define IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE_FE (1ULL << 10)
#define IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE_TYPE_MASK (0xff)
+/* MTRR memory types, which are defined in SDM */
+/*#define MTRR_TYPE_ 2*/
+/*#define MTRR_TYPE_ 3*/
+#define MTRR_NUM_TYPES 7
static bool msr_mtrr_valid(unsigned msr)
switch (msr) {
- case 0x200 ... 0x200 + 2 * KVM_NR_VAR_MTRR - 1:
case MSR_MTRRfix64K_00000:
case MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000:
case MSR_MTRRfix16K_A0000:
@@ -44,6 +53,9 @@ static bool msr_mtrr_valid(unsigned msr)
case MSR_MTRRdefType:
case MSR_IA32_CR_PAT:
return true;
+ default:
+ if (msr >= 0x200 && msr < 0x210)
+ return true;
return false;
@@ -83,7 +95,7 @@ bool kvm_mtrr_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data)
/* variable MTRRs */
- WARN_ON(!(msr >= 0x200 && msr < 0x200 + 2 * KVM_NR_VAR_MTRR));
+ WARN_ON(!(msr >= 0x200 && msr < 0x200 + 2 * kvm_NR_VAR_MTRR));
mask = (~0ULL) << cpuid_maxphyaddr(vcpu);
if ((msr & 1) == 0) {
@@ -101,7 +113,6 @@ bool kvm_mtrr_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data)
return true;
static bool mtrr_is_enabled(struct kvm_mtrr *mtrr_state)
@@ -200,11 +211,19 @@ static bool fixed_msr_to_seg_unit(u32 msr, int *seg, int *unit)
*seg = 0;
*unit = 0;
- case MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000 ... MSR_MTRRfix16K_A0000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix16K_A0000:
*seg = 1;
*unit = msr - MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000;
- case MSR_MTRRfix4K_C0000 ... MSR_MTRRfix4K_F8000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_C0000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_C8000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_D0000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_D8000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_E0000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_E8000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_F0000:
+ case MSR_MTRRfix4K_F8000:
*seg = 2;
*unit = msr - MSR_MTRRfix4K_C0000;
@@ -319,8 +338,7 @@ static void update_mtrr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr)
gfn_t start, end;
int index;
- if (msr == MSR_IA32_CR_PAT || !tdp_enabled ||
- !kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm))
+ if (msr == MSR_IA32_CR_PAT || !tdp_enabled)
if (!mtrr_is_enabled(mtrr_state) && msr != MSR_MTRRdefType)
@@ -372,10 +390,12 @@ static void set_var_mtrr_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data)
/* add it to the list if it's enabled. */
if (var_mtrr_range_is_valid(cur)) {
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mtrr_range
list_for_each_entry(tmp, &mtrr_state->head, node)
if (cur->base >= tmp->base)
list_add_tail(&cur->node, &tmp->node);
@@ -410,9 +430,9 @@ int kvm_mtrr_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
* SMRR = 0
* WC = 1
* FIX = 1
+ * VCNT = kvm_NR_VAR_MTRR
- *pdata = 0x500 | KVM_NR_VAR_MTRR;
+ *pdata = 0x500 | 8;
return 0;
@@ -525,9 +545,11 @@ static void __mtrr_lookup_var_next(struct mtrr_iter *iter)
struct kvm_mtrr *mtrr_state = iter->mtrr_state;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mtrr_range
list_for_each_entry_continue(iter->range, &mtrr_state->head, node)
if (match_var_range(iter, iter->range))
iter->range = NULL;
iter->partial_map |= iter->start_max < iter->end;
@@ -540,7 +562,9 @@ static void mtrr_lookup_var_start(struct mtrr_iter *iter)
iter->fixed = false;
iter->start_max = iter->start;
iter->range = NULL;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_mtrr_range
iter->range = list_prepare_entry(iter->range, &mtrr_state->head, node);
@@ -557,9 +581,10 @@ static void mtrr_lookup_fixed_next(struct mtrr_iter *iter)
/* have looked up for all fixed MTRRs. */
- if (iter->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(iter->mtrr_state->fixed_ranges))
- return mtrr_lookup_var_start(iter);
+ if (iter->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(iter->mtrr_state->fixed_ranges)) {
+ mtrr_lookup_var_start(iter);
+ return;
+ }
/* switch to next segment. */
if (iter->index > fixed_mtrr_seg_end_range_index(iter->seg))
@@ -696,7 +721,6 @@ u8 kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
return type;
bool kvm_mtrr_check_gfn_range_consistency(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
int page_num)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/page_track.c b/arch/x86/kvm/page_track.c
index b431539..2d6d87d 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/page_track.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/page_track.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* write access is tracked.
* Copyright(C) 2015 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Author:
* Xiao Guangrong <>
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ void kvm_page_track_free_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *free,
int kvm_page_track_create_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- unsigned long npages)
+ size_t npages)
int i;
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ static void update_gfn_track(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
int index, val;
- index = gfn_to_index(gfn, slot->base_gfn, PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL);
+ index = gfn - slot->base_gfn;
val = slot->arch.gfn_track[mode][index];
@@ -96,12 +97,6 @@ void kvm_slot_page_track_add_page(struct kvm *kvm,
update_gfn_track(slot, gfn, mode, 1);
- /*
- * new track stops large page mapping for the
- * tracked page.
- */
- kvm_mmu_gfn_disallow_lpage(slot, gfn);
if (kvm_mmu_slot_gfn_write_protect(kvm, slot, gfn))
@@ -128,12 +123,6 @@ void kvm_slot_page_track_remove_page(struct kvm *kvm,
update_gfn_track(slot, gfn, mode, -1);
- /*
- * allow large page mapping for the tracked page
- * after the tracker is gone.
- */
- kvm_mmu_gfn_allow_lpage(slot, gfn);
@@ -144,6 +133,7 @@ bool kvm_page_track_is_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
int index;
+ unsigned short temp;
if (WARN_ON(!page_track_mode_is_valid(mode)))
return false;
@@ -152,8 +142,9 @@ bool kvm_page_track_is_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
if (!slot)
return false;
- index = gfn_to_index(gfn, slot->base_gfn, PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL);
- return !!ACCESS_ONCE(slot->arch.gfn_track[mode][index]);
+ index = gfn - slot->base_gfn;
+ ACCESS_ONCE(slot->arch.gfn_track[mode][index], temp);
+ return !!temp;
void kvm_page_track_init(struct kvm *kvm)
@@ -165,6 +156,14 @@ void kvm_page_track_init(struct kvm *kvm)
+void kvm_page_track_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
+ struct kvm_page_track_notifier_head *head;
+ head = &kvm->arch.track_notifier_head;
+ cleanup_srcu_struct(&head->track_srcu);
* register the notifier so that event interception for the tracked guest
* pages can be received.
@@ -220,8 +219,10 @@ void kvm_page_track_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, const u8 *new,
idx = srcu_read_lock(&head->track_srcu);
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_page_track_notifier_node
hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(n, &head->track_notifier_list, node)
if (n->track_write)
n->track_write(vcpu, gpa, new, bytes);
srcu_read_unlock(&head->track_srcu, idx);
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/paging_tmpl.h b/arch/x86/kvm/paging_tmpl.h
index a011054..0d5fd47 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/paging_tmpl.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/paging_tmpl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -27,9 +28,13 @@
* This is used to catch non optimized PT_GUEST_(DIRTY|ACCESS)_SHIFT macro
* uses for EPT without A/D paging type.
+#if 0
extern u64 __pure __using_nonexistent_pte_bit(void)
__compiletime_error("wrong use of PT_GUEST_(DIRTY|ACCESS)_SHIFT");
+#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4310)
#if PTTYPE == 64
#define pt_element_t u64
#define guest_walker guest_walker64
@@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ extern u64 __pure __using_nonexistent_pte_bit(void)
#define CMPXCHG cmpxchg
+#if 0
#define pt_element_t u64
#define guest_walker guest_walkerEPT
@@ -80,6 +86,7 @@ extern u64 __pure __using_nonexistent_pte_bit(void)
#define PT_GUEST_ACCESSED_SHIFT __using_nonexistent_pte_bit()
#define CMPXCHG cmpxchg64
#error Invalid PTTYPE value
@@ -119,8 +126,6 @@ static inline void FNAME(protect_clean_gpte)(unsigned *access, unsigned gpte)
mask = (unsigned)~ACC_WRITE_MASK;
/* Allow write access to dirty gptes */
@@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ static inline void FNAME(protect_clean_gpte)(unsigned *access, unsigned gpte)
*access &= mask;
-static inline int FNAME(is_present_gpte)(unsigned long pte)
+static inline int FNAME(is_present_gpte)(size_t pte)
return pte & PT_PRESENT_MASK;
@@ -144,18 +149,20 @@ static int FNAME(cmpxchg_gpte)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
int npages;
pt_element_t ret;
pt_element_t *table;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
- npages = get_user_pages_fast((unsigned long)ptep_user, 1, 1, &page);
+ npages = get_user_pages_fast((size_t)ptep_user, 1, 1, &kmap_mdl);
/* Check if the user is doing something meaningless. */
if (unlikely(npages != 1))
return -EFAULT;
- table = kmap_atomic(page);
+ table = kmap_atomic(kmap_mdl);
+ if (!table)
+ return -EFAULT;
ret = CMPXCHG(&table[index], orig_pte, new_pte);
- kunmap_atomic(table);
+ kunmap_atomic(kmap_mdl);
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
+ kvm_release_page(kmap_mdl);
return (ret != orig_pte);
@@ -195,8 +202,6 @@ static inline unsigned FNAME(gpte_access)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 gpte)
/* Combine NX with P (which is set here) to get ACC_EXEC_MASK. */
access ^= (gpte >> PT64_NX_SHIFT);
@@ -226,12 +231,10 @@ static int FNAME(update_accessed_dirty_bits)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
ptep_user = walker->ptep_user[level - 1];
index = offset_in_page(ptep_user) / sizeof(pt_element_t);
if (!(pte & PT_GUEST_ACCESSED_MASK)) {
- trace_kvm_mmu_set_accessed_bit(table_gfn, index, sizeof(pte));
if (level == walker->level && write_fault &&
- trace_kvm_mmu_set_dirty_bit(table_gfn, index, sizeof(pte));
if (pte == orig_pte)
@@ -266,11 +269,13 @@ static int FNAME(update_accessed_dirty_bits)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static inline unsigned FNAME(gpte_pkeys)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 gpte)
unsigned pkeys = 0;
+#if 0
#if PTTYPE == 64
pte_t pte = {.pte = gpte};
pkeys = pte_flags_pkey(pte_flags(pte));
return pkeys;
@@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ static int FNAME(walk_addr_generic)(struct guest_walker *walker,
int ret;
pt_element_t pte;
- pt_element_t __user *uninitialized_var(ptep_user);
+ pt_element_t __user *ptep_user;
gfn_t table_gfn;
unsigned index, pt_access, pte_access, accessed_dirty, pte_pkey;
gpa_t pte_gpa;
@@ -295,7 +300,6 @@ static int FNAME(walk_addr_generic)(struct guest_walker *walker,
gpa_t real_gpa;
gfn_t gfn;
- trace_kvm_mmu_pagetable_walk(addr, access);
walker->level = mmu->root_level;
pte = mmu->get_cr3(vcpu);
@@ -303,7 +307,6 @@ retry_walk:
#if PTTYPE == 64
if (walker->level == PT32E_ROOT_LEVEL) {
pte = mmu->get_pdptr(vcpu, (addr >> 30) & 3);
- trace_kvm_mmu_paging_element(pte, walker->level);
if (!FNAME(is_present_gpte)(pte))
goto error;
@@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ retry_walk:
do {
gfn_t real_gfn;
- unsigned long host_addr;
+ size_t host_addr;
pt_access &= pte_access;
@@ -355,13 +358,11 @@ retry_walk:
if (unlikely(kvm_is_error_hva(host_addr)))
goto error;
- ptep_user = (pt_element_t __user *)((void *)host_addr + offset);
+ ptep_user = (pt_element_t __user *)((char *)host_addr + offset);
if (unlikely(__copy_from_user(&pte, ptep_user, sizeof(pte))))
goto error;
walker->ptep_user[walker->level - 1] = ptep_user;
- trace_kvm_mmu_paging_element(pte, walker->level);
if (unlikely(!FNAME(is_present_gpte)(pte)))
goto error;
@@ -449,7 +450,6 @@ error:
walker->fault.address = addr;
walker->fault.nested_page_fault = mmu != vcpu->arch.walk_mmu;
- trace_kvm_mmu_walker_error(walker->fault.error_code);
return 0;
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ static void FNAME(pte_prefetch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct guest_walker *gw,
if (sp->
- return __direct_pte_prefetch(vcpu, sp, sptep);
+ __direct_pte_prefetch(vcpu, sp, sptep);
i = (sptep - sp->spt) & ~(PTE_PREFETCH_NUM - 1);
spte = sp->spt + i;
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ static void FNAME(pte_prefetch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct guest_walker *gw,
static int FNAME(fetch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr,
struct guest_walker *gw,
int write_fault, int hlevel,
- kvm_pfn_t pfn, bool map_writable, bool prefault)
+ kvm_pfn_t pfn, bool map_writable)
struct kvm_mmu_page *sp = NULL;
struct kvm_shadow_walk_iterator it;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ static int FNAME(fetch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr,
if (is_shadow_present_pte(*it.sptep))
- direct_gfn = gw->gfn & ~(KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(it.level) - 1);
+ direct_gfn = gw->gfn;
sp = kvm_mmu_get_page(vcpu, direct_gfn, addr, it.level-1,
true, direct_access);
@@ -643,13 +643,12 @@ static int FNAME(fetch)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr,
emulate = mmu_set_spte(vcpu, it.sptep, gw->pte_access, write_fault,
- it.level, gw->gfn, pfn, prefault, map_writable);
+ it.level, gw->gfn, pfn, false, map_writable);
FNAME(pte_prefetch)(vcpu, gw, it.sptep);
return emulate;
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
return 0;
@@ -676,7 +675,6 @@ FNAME(is_self_change_mapping)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
bool *write_fault_to_shadow_pgtable)
int level;
- gfn_t mask = ~(KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(walker->level) - 1);
bool self_changed = false;
if (!(walker->pte_access & ACC_WRITE_MASK ||
@@ -686,7 +684,7 @@ FNAME(is_self_change_mapping)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
for (level = walker->level; level <= walker->max_level; level++) {
gfn_t gfn = walker->gfn ^ walker->table_gfn[level - 1];
- self_changed |= !(gfn & mask);
+ self_changed |= !gfn;
*write_fault_to_shadow_pgtable |= !gfn;
@@ -707,8 +705,7 @@ FNAME(is_self_change_mapping)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* Returns: 1 if we need to emulate the instruction, 0 otherwise, or
* a negative value on error.
-static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code,
- bool prefault)
+static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code)
int write_fault = error_code & PFERR_WRITE_MASK;
int user_fault = error_code & PFERR_USER_MASK;
@@ -716,8 +713,6 @@ static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code,
int r;
kvm_pfn_t pfn;
int level = PT_PAGE_TABLE_LEVEL;
- bool force_pt_level = false;
- unsigned long mmu_seq;
bool map_writable, is_self_change_mapping;
pgprintk("%s: addr %lx err %x\n", __func__, addr, error_code);
@@ -742,8 +737,7 @@ static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code,
if (!r) {
pgprintk("%s: guest page fault\n", __func__);
- if (!prefault)
- inject_page_fault(vcpu, &walker.fault);
+ inject_page_fault(vcpu, &walker.fault);
return 0;
@@ -759,20 +753,13 @@ static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code,
&walker, user_fault, &vcpu->arch.write_fault_to_shadow_pgtable);
if (walker.level >= PT_DIRECTORY_LEVEL && !is_self_change_mapping) {
- level = mapping_level(vcpu, walker.gfn, &force_pt_level);
- if (likely(!force_pt_level)) {
- level = min(walker.level, level);
- walker.gfn = walker.gfn & ~(KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1);
- }
- } else
- force_pt_level = true;
+ level = mapping_level(vcpu, walker.gfn, NULL);
+ }
- mmu_seq = vcpu->kvm->mmu_notifier_seq;
+ //mmu_seq = vcpu->kvm->mmu_notifier_seq;
- if (try_async_pf(vcpu, prefault, walker.gfn, addr, &pfn, write_fault,
- &map_writable))
- return 0;
+ get_pfn(vcpu, walker.gfn, addr, &pfn, write_fault, &map_writable);
if (handle_abnormal_pfn(vcpu, mmu_is_nested(vcpu) ? 0 : addr,
walker.gfn, pfn, walker.pte_access, &r))
@@ -799,25 +786,15 @@ static int FNAME(page_fault)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t addr, u32 error_code,
- if (mmu_notifier_retry(vcpu->kvm, mmu_seq))
- goto out_unlock;
kvm_mmu_audit(vcpu, AUDIT_PRE_PAGE_FAULT);
- if (!force_pt_level)
- transparent_hugepage_adjust(vcpu, &walker.gfn, &pfn, &level);
r = FNAME(fetch)(vcpu, addr, &walker, write_fault,
- level, pfn, map_writable, prefault);
+ level, pfn, map_writable);
kvm_mmu_audit(vcpu, AUDIT_POST_PAGE_FAULT);
return r;
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock);
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
- return 0;
static gpa_t FNAME(get_level1_sp_gpa)(struct kvm_mmu_page *sp)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.c b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.c
index 06ce377..d3937d2 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* Kernel-based Virtual Machine -- Performance Monitoring Unit support
* Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Avi Kivity <>
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
+#if 0
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
@@ -63,9 +65,9 @@ static void kvm_perf_overflow(struct perf_event *perf_event,
struct kvm_pmu *pmu = pmc_to_pmu(pmc);
if (!test_and_set_bit(pmc->idx,
- (unsigned long *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi)) {
- __set_bit(pmc->idx, (unsigned long *)&pmu->global_status);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_PMU, pmc->vcpu);
+ (size_t *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi)) {
+ __set_bit(pmc->idx, (size_t *)&pmu->global_status);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_PMU, pmc->vcpu);
@@ -77,9 +79,9 @@ static void kvm_perf_overflow_intr(struct perf_event *perf_event,
struct kvm_pmu *pmu = pmc_to_pmu(pmc);
if (!test_and_set_bit(pmc->idx,
- (unsigned long *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi)) {
- __set_bit(pmc->idx, (unsigned long *)&pmu->global_status);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_PMU, pmc->vcpu);
+ (size_t *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi)) {
+ __set_bit(pmc->idx, (size_t *)&pmu->global_status);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_PMU, pmc->vcpu);
* Inject PMI. If vcpu was in a guest mode during NMI PMI
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ static void kvm_perf_overflow_intr(struct perf_event *perf_event,
if (!kvm_is_in_guest())
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_PMI, pmc->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_PMI, pmc->vcpu);
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ static void pmc_reprogram_counter(struct kvm_pmc *pmc, u32 type,
pmc->perf_event = event;
- clear_bit(pmc->idx, (unsigned long*)&pmc_to_pmu(pmc)->reprogram_pmi);
+ clear_bit(pmc->idx, (size_t*)&pmc_to_pmu(pmc)->reprogram_pmi);
void reprogram_gp_counter(struct kvm_pmc *pmc, u64 eventsel)
@@ -173,7 +175,6 @@ void reprogram_gp_counter(struct kvm_pmc *pmc, u64 eventsel)
(eventsel & HSW_IN_TX),
void reprogram_fixed_counter(struct kvm_pmc *pmc, u8 ctrl, int idx)
@@ -191,7 +192,6 @@ void reprogram_fixed_counter(struct kvm_pmc *pmc, u8 ctrl, int idx)
!(en_field & 0x1), /* exclude kernel */
pmi, false, false);
void reprogram_counter(struct kvm_pmu *pmu, int pmc_idx)
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ void reprogram_counter(struct kvm_pmu *pmu, int pmc_idx)
reprogram_fixed_counter(pmc, ctrl, idx);
void kvm_pmu_handle_event(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -219,11 +218,11 @@ void kvm_pmu_handle_event(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
bitmask = pmu->reprogram_pmi;
- for_each_set_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)&bitmask, X86_PMC_IDX_MAX) {
+ for_each_set_bit(bit, (size_t *)&bitmask, X86_PMC_IDX_MAX) {
struct kvm_pmc *pmc = kvm_x86_ops->pmu_ops->pmc_idx_to_pmc(pmu, bit);
if (unlikely(!pmc || !pmc->perf_event)) {
- clear_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi);
+ clear_bit(bit, (size_t *)&pmu->reprogram_pmi);
@@ -307,3 +306,4 @@ void kvm_pmu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.h b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.h
index f96e1f9..1025403 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu.h
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#ifndef __KVM_X86_PMU_H
#define __KVM_X86_PMU_H
+#if 0
#define vcpu_to_pmu(vcpu) (&(vcpu)->arch.pmu)
#define pmu_to_vcpu(pmu) (container_of((pmu), struct kvm_vcpu, arch.pmu))
#define pmc_to_pmu(pmc) (&(pmc)->vcpu->arch.pmu)
@@ -115,4 +117,6 @@ void kvm_pmu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
extern struct kvm_pmu_ops intel_pmu_ops;
extern struct kvm_pmu_ops amd_pmu_ops;
#endif /* __KVM_X86_PMU_H */
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_amd.c b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_amd.c
index cd94443..5db57c6 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_amd.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_amd.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
* Implementation is based on pmu_intel.c file
+#if 0
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
@@ -203,3 +204,4 @@ struct kvm_pmu_ops amd_pmu_ops = {
.init = amd_pmu_init,
.reset = amd_pmu_reset,
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_intel.c b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_intel.c
index 9d4a850..4fb5c5f 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_intel.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/pmu_intel.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* KVM PMU support for Intel CPUs
* Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Avi Kivity <>
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@
* the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+#if 0
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ static void global_ctrl_changed(struct kvm_pmu *pmu, u64 data)
pmu->global_ctrl = data;
- for_each_set_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)&diff, X86_PMC_IDX_MAX)
+ for_each_set_bit(bit, (size_t *)&diff, X86_PMC_IDX_MAX)
reprogram_counter(pmu, bit);
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ static bool intel_pmc_is_enabled(struct kvm_pmc *pmc)
struct kvm_pmu *pmu = pmc_to_pmu(pmc);
- return test_bit(pmc->idx, (unsigned long *)&pmu->global_ctrl);
+ return test_bit(pmc->idx, (size_t *)&pmu->global_ctrl);
static struct kvm_pmc *intel_pmc_idx_to_pmc(struct kvm_pmu *pmu, int pmc_idx)
@@ -356,3 +358,4 @@ struct kvm_pmu_ops intel_pmu_ops = {
.init = intel_pmu_init,
.reset = intel_pmu_reset,
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/svm.c b/arch/x86/kvm/svm.c
index 8ca1eca..31fc896 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/svm.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/svm.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Yaniv Kamay <>
@@ -26,199 +27,12 @@
#include "cpuid.h"
#include "pmu.h"
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/trace_events.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/amd-iommu.h>
-#include <linux/hashtable.h>
-#include <asm/apic.h>
-#include <asm/perf_event.h>
-#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-#include <asm/desc.h>
-#include <asm/debugreg.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_para.h>
-#include <asm/irq_remapping.h>
-#include <asm/virtext.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-#define __ex(x) __kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(x)
-static const struct x86_cpu_id svm_cpu_id[] = {
- {}
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(x86cpu, svm_cpu_id);
-#define SEG_TYPE_LDT 2
-#define SEG_TYPE_BUSY_TSS16 3
-#define SVM_FEATURE_NPT (1 << 0)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_LBRV (1 << 1)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_SVML (1 << 2)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_NRIP (1 << 3)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_TSC_RATE (1 << 4)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_VMCB_CLEAN (1 << 5)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_FLUSH_ASID (1 << 6)
-#define SVM_FEATURE_PAUSE_FILTER (1 << 10)
-#define SVM_AVIC_DOORBELL 0xc001011b
-#define NESTED_EXIT_HOST 0 /* Exit handled on host level */
-#define NESTED_EXIT_DONE 1 /* Exit caused nested vmexit */
-#define NESTED_EXIT_CONTINUE 2 /* Further checks needed */
-#define TSC_RATIO_RSVD 0xffffff0000000000ULL
-#define TSC_RATIO_MIN 0x0000000000000001ULL
-#define TSC_RATIO_MAX 0x000000ffffffffffULL
-#define AVIC_HPA_MASK ~((0xFFFULL << 52) | 0xFFF)
- * 0xff is broadcast, so the max index allowed for physical APIC ID
- * table is 0xfe. APIC IDs above 0xff are reserved.
- */
-/* AVIC GATAG is encoded using VM and VCPU IDs */
-#define AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS 8
-#define AVIC_VCPU_ID_MASK ((1 << AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS) - 1)
-#define AVIC_VM_ID_BITS 24
-#define AVIC_VM_ID_NR (1 << AVIC_VM_ID_BITS)
-#define AVIC_VM_ID_MASK ((1 << AVIC_VM_ID_BITS) - 1)
-#define AVIC_GATAG(x, y) (((x & AVIC_VM_ID_MASK) << AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS) | \
-static bool erratum_383_found __read_mostly;
-static const u32 host_save_user_msrs[] = {
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-#define NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS ARRAY_SIZE(host_save_user_msrs)
-struct kvm_vcpu;
-struct nested_state {
- struct vmcb *hsave;
- u64 hsave_msr;
- u64 vm_cr_msr;
- u64 vmcb;
- /* These are the merged vectors */
- u32 *msrpm;
- /* gpa pointers to the real vectors */
- u64 vmcb_msrpm;
- u64 vmcb_iopm;
- /* A VMEXIT is required but not yet emulated */
- bool exit_required;
- /* cache for intercepts of the guest */
- u32 intercept_cr;
- u32 intercept_dr;
- u32 intercept_exceptions;
- u64 intercept;
- /* Nested Paging related state */
- u64 nested_cr3;
-#define MSRPM_OFFSETS 16
-static u32 msrpm_offsets[MSRPM_OFFSETS] __read_mostly;
- * Set osvw_len to higher value when updated Revision Guides
- * are published and we know what the new status bits are
- */
-static uint64_t osvw_len = 4, osvw_status;
-struct vcpu_svm {
- struct kvm_vcpu vcpu;
- struct vmcb *vmcb;
- unsigned long vmcb_pa;
- struct svm_cpu_data *svm_data;
- uint64_t asid_generation;
- uint64_t sysenter_esp;
- uint64_t sysenter_eip;
- uint64_t tsc_aux;
- u64 next_rip;
- u64 host_user_msrs[NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS];
- struct {
- u16 fs;
- u16 gs;
- u16 ldt;
- u64 gs_base;
- } host;
+#include <asm/svm.h>
+#include <asm/vmx.h>
- u32 *msrpm;
- ulong nmi_iret_rip;
- struct nested_state nested;
- bool nmi_singlestep;
- unsigned int3_injected;
- unsigned long int3_rip;
- u32 apf_reason;
- /* cached guest cpuid flags for faster access */
- bool nrips_enabled : 1;
- u32 ldr_reg;
- struct page *avic_backing_page;
- u64 *avic_physical_id_cache;
- bool avic_is_running;
- /*
- * Per-vcpu list of struct amd_svm_iommu_ir:
- * This is used mainly to store interrupt remapping information used
- * when update the vcpu affinity. This avoids the need to scan for
- * IRTE and try to match ga_tag in the IOMMU driver.
- */
- struct list_head ir_list;
- spinlock_t ir_list_lock;
- * This is a wrapper of struct amd_iommu_ir_data.
- */
-struct amd_svm_iommu_ir {
- struct list_head node; /* Used by SVM for per-vcpu ir_list */
- void *data; /* Storing pointer to struct amd_ir_data */
+#include <__asm.h>
+//seperate definitions to svm_def.h for asmgen
+#include "svm_def.h"
@@ -228,9 +42,6 @@ struct amd_svm_iommu_ir {
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(u64, current_tsc_ratio);
-#define TSC_RATIO_DEFAULT 0x0100000000ULL
#define MSR_INVALID 0xffffffffU
static const struct svm_direct_access_msrs {
@@ -263,23 +74,18 @@ static bool npt_enabled;
/* allow nested paging (virtualized MMU) for all guests */
static int npt = true;
-module_param(npt, int, S_IRUGO);
-/* allow nested virtualization in KVM/SVM */
-static int nested = true;
-module_param(nested, int, S_IRUGO);
+/* allow nested virtualization in kvm/SVM */
+static int nested = false;
/* enable / disable AVIC */
static int avic;
-module_param(avic, int, S_IRUGO);
/* AVIC VM ID bit masks and lock */
static DECLARE_BITMAP(avic_vm_id_bitmap, AVIC_VM_ID_NR);
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(avic_vm_id_lock);
-static void svm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0);
+static void svm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0);
static void svm_flush_tlb(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static void svm_complete_interrupts(struct vcpu_svm *svm);
@@ -345,11 +151,13 @@ static inline bool avic_vcpu_is_running(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
u64 *entry = svm->avic_physical_id_cache;
+ u64 temp;
if (!entry)
return false;
+ READ_ONCE(*entry, temp);
static void recalc_intercepts(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
@@ -489,8 +297,10 @@ static inline bool gif_set(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return !!(svm->vcpu.arch.hflags & HF_GIF_MASK);
-static unsigned long iopm_base;
+static size_t iopm_base;
+static void *iopm_va;
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct kvm_ldttss_desc {
u16 limit0;
u16 base0;
@@ -498,7 +308,8 @@ struct kvm_ldttss_desc {
unsigned limit1:4, zero0:3, g:1, base2:8;
u32 base3;
u32 zero1;
-} __attribute__((packed));
+#pragma pack(pop)
struct svm_cpu_data {
int cpu;
@@ -549,17 +360,17 @@ static u32 svm_msrpm_offset(u32 msr)
static inline void clgi(void)
- asm volatile (__ex(SVM_CLGI));
+ __svm_clgi();
static inline void stgi(void)
- asm volatile (__ex(SVM_STGI));
+ __svm_stgi();
-static inline void invlpga(unsigned long addr, u32 asid)
+static inline void invlpga(size_t addr, u32 asid)
- asm volatile (__ex(SVM_INVLPGA) : : "a"(addr), "c"(asid));
+ __svm_invlpga((void *)addr, asid);
static int get_npt_level(void)
@@ -593,7 +404,7 @@ static u32 svm_get_interrupt_shadow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 ret = 0;
if (svm->vmcb->control.int_state & SVM_INTERRUPT_SHADOW_MASK)
return ret;
@@ -646,7 +457,7 @@ static void svm_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr,
if (nr == BP_VECTOR && !static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NRIPS)) {
- unsigned long rip, old_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu);
+ size_t rip, old_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu);
* For guest debugging where we have to reinject #BP if some
@@ -668,15 +479,28 @@ static void svm_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr,
svm->vmcb->control.event_inj_err = error_code;
+* upper_32_bits - return bits 32-63 of a number
+* @n: the number we're accessing
+* A basic shift-right of a 64- or 32-bit quantity. Use this to suppress
+* the "right shift count >= width of type" warning when that quantity is
+* 32-bits.
+#define upper_32_bits(n) ((u32)(((n) >> 16) >> 16))
+* lower_32_bits - return bits 0-31 of a number
+* @n: the number we're accessing
+#define lower_32_bits(n) ((u32)(n))
static void svm_init_erratum_383(void)
u32 low, high;
int err;
u64 val;
- if (!static_cpu_has_bug(X86_BUG_AMD_TLB_MMATCH))
- return;
/* Use _safe variants to not break nested virtualization */
val = native_read_msr_safe(MSR_AMD64_DC_CFG, &err);
if (err)
@@ -715,25 +539,23 @@ static void svm_init_osvw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int has_svm(void)
- const char *msg;
+ return static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_SVM);
- if (!cpu_has_svm(&msg)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "has_svm: %s\n", msg);
- return 0;
- }
+static inline void cpu_svm_disable(void)
+ uint64_t efer;
- return 1;
+ wrmsrl(MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA, 0);
+ rdmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer);
+ wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer & ~EFER_SVME);
static void svm_hardware_disable(void)
- /* Make sure we clean up behind us */
- if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR))
- amd_pmu_disable_virt();
+ //amd_pmu_disable_virt();
static int svm_hardware_enable(void)
@@ -771,11 +593,6 @@ static int svm_hardware_enable(void)
wrmsrl(MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA, page_to_pfn(sd->save_area) << PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR)) {
- __this_cpu_write(current_tsc_ratio, TSC_RATIO_DEFAULT);
- }
* Get OSVW bits.
@@ -808,7 +625,7 @@ static int svm_hardware_enable(void)
- amd_pmu_enable_virt();
+ //amd_pmu_enable_virt();
return 0;
@@ -864,7 +681,7 @@ static void set_msr_interception(u32 *msrpm, unsigned msr,
int read, int write)
u8 bit_read, bit_write;
- unsigned long tmp;
+ size_t tmp;
u32 offset;
@@ -965,70 +782,17 @@ static void svm_disable_lbrv(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
set_msr_interception(msrpm, MSR_IA32_LASTINTTOIP, 0, 0);
-/* Note:
- * This hash table is used to map VM_ID to a struct kvm_arch,
- * when handling AMD IOMMU GALOG notification to schedule in
- * a particular vCPU.
- */
-static spinlock_t svm_vm_data_hash_lock;
-/* Note:
- * This function is called from IOMMU driver to notify
- * SVM to schedule in a particular vCPU of a particular VM.
- */
-static int avic_ga_log_notifier(u32 ga_tag)
- unsigned long flags;
- struct kvm_arch *ka = NULL;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = NULL;
- u32 vm_id = AVIC_GATAG_TO_VMID(ga_tag);
- u32 vcpu_id = AVIC_GATAG_TO_VCPUID(ga_tag);
- pr_debug("SVM: %s: vm_id=%#x, vcpu_id=%#x\n", __func__, vm_id, vcpu_id);
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
- hash_for_each_possible(svm_vm_data_hash, ka, hnode, vm_id) {
- struct kvm *kvm = container_of(ka, struct kvm, arch);
- struct kvm_arch *vm_data = &kvm->arch;
- if (vm_data->avic_vm_id != vm_id)
- continue;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(kvm, vcpu_id);
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
- if (!vcpu)
- return 0;
- /* Note:
- * At this point, the IOMMU should have already set the pending
- * bit in the vAPIC backing page. So, we just need to schedule
- * in the vcpu.
- */
- if (vcpu->mode == OUTSIDE_GUEST_MODE)
- kvm_vcpu_wake_up(vcpu);
- return 0;
-static __init int svm_hardware_setup(void)
+static int svm_hardware_setup(void)
int cpu;
- struct page *iopm_pages;
- void *iopm_va;
int r;
+ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS max_phys = { .QuadPart = MAXULONG64 };
- iopm_pages = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL, IOPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
- if (!iopm_pages)
- return -ENOMEM;
- iopm_va = page_address(iopm_pages);
+ iopm_va = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(PAGE_SIZE * (1 << IOPM_ALLOC_ORDER), max_phys);
+ if (!iopm_va)
+ return ENOMEM;
memset(iopm_va, 0xff, PAGE_SIZE * (1 << IOPM_ALLOC_ORDER));
- iopm_base = page_to_pfn(iopm_pages) << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ iopm_base = MmGetPhysicalAddress(iopm_va).QuadPart;
@@ -1038,12 +802,6 @@ static __init int svm_hardware_setup(void)
if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_FXSR_OPT))
- if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR)) {
- kvm_has_tsc_control = true;
- kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio = TSC_RATIO_MAX;
- kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits = 32;
- }
if (nested) {
printk(KERN_INFO "kvm: Nested Virtualization enabled\n");
kvm_enable_efer_bits(EFER_SVME | EFER_LMSLE);
@@ -1071,34 +829,31 @@ static __init int svm_hardware_setup(void)
if (avic) {
if (!npt_enabled ||
- !boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AVIC) ||
+ !boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AVIC)) {
avic = false;
} else {
pr_info("AVIC enabled\n");
- hash_init(svm_vm_data_hash);
- spin_lock_init(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock);
- amd_iommu_register_ga_log_notifier(&avic_ga_log_notifier);
return 0;
- __free_pages(iopm_pages, IOPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(iopm_va);
+ iopm_va = NULL;
iopm_base = 0;
return r;
-static __exit void svm_hardware_unsetup(void)
+static void svm_hardware_unsetup(void)
int cpu;
- __free_pages(pfn_to_page(iopm_base >> PAGE_SHIFT), IOPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(iopm_va);
+ iopm_va = NULL;
iopm_base = 0;
@@ -1128,10 +883,7 @@ static void svm_write_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 offset)
g_tsc_offset = svm->vmcb->control.tsc_offset -
svm->nested.hsave->control.tsc_offset = offset;
- } else
- trace_kvm_write_tsc_offset(vcpu->vcpu_id,
- svm->vmcb->control.tsc_offset,
- offset);
+ }
svm->vmcb->control.tsc_offset = offset + g_tsc_offset;
@@ -1159,7 +911,6 @@ static void init_vmcb(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct vmcb_control_area *control = &svm->vmcb->control;
struct vmcb_save_area *save = &svm->vmcb->save;
- svm->vcpu.fpu_active = 1;
svm->vcpu.arch.hflags = 0;
set_cr_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_CR0_READ);
@@ -1260,11 +1011,6 @@ static void init_vmcb(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
svm->nested.vmcb = 0;
svm->vcpu.arch.hflags = 0;
- if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PAUSEFILTER)) {
- control->pause_filter_count = 3000;
- set_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_PAUSE);
- }
if (avic)
@@ -1338,7 +1084,7 @@ static int avic_init_backing_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!entry)
return -EINVAL;
- new_entry = READ_ONCE(*entry);
+ READ_ONCE(*entry, new_entry);
new_entry = (page_to_phys(svm->avic_backing_page) &
@@ -1379,7 +1125,6 @@ static inline int avic_free_vm_id(int id)
static void avic_vm_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
- unsigned long flags;
struct kvm_arch *vm_data = &kvm->arch;
@@ -1388,15 +1133,10 @@ static void avic_vm_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
if (vm_data->avic_physical_id_table_page)
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
- hash_del(&vm_data->hnode);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
static int avic_vm_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- unsigned long flags;
int vm_id, err = -ENOMEM;
struct kvm_arch *vm_data = &kvm->arch;
struct page *p_page;
@@ -1426,10 +1166,6 @@ static int avic_vm_init(struct kvm *kvm)
vm_data->avic_logical_id_table_page = l_page;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
- hash_add(svm_vm_data_hash, &vm_data->hnode, vm_data->avic_vm_id);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm_vm_data_hash_lock, flags);
return 0;
@@ -1437,36 +1173,6 @@ free_avic:
return err;
-static inline int
-avic_update_iommu_vcpu_affinity(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu, bool r)
- int ret = 0;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct amd_svm_iommu_ir *ir;
- struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(vcpu->kvm))
- return 0;
- /*
- * Here, we go through the per-vcpu ir_list to update all existing
- * interrupt remapping table entry targeting this vcpu.
- */
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
- if (list_empty(&svm->ir_list))
- goto out;
- list_for_each_entry(ir, &svm->ir_list, node) {
- ret = amd_iommu_update_ga(cpu, r, ir->data);
- if (ret)
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
- return ret;
static void avic_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
u64 entry;
@@ -1480,7 +1186,7 @@ static void avic_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
if (WARN_ON(h_physical_id >= AVIC_MAX_PHYSICAL_ID_COUNT))
- entry = READ_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache));
+ READ_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache), entry);
@@ -1491,8 +1197,6 @@ static void avic_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
WRITE_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache), entry);
- avic_update_iommu_vcpu_affinity(vcpu, h_physical_id,
- svm->avic_is_running);
static void avic_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -1503,10 +1207,7 @@ static void avic_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- entry = READ_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache));
- avic_update_iommu_vcpu_affinity(vcpu, -1, 0);
+ READ_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache), entry);
WRITE_ONCE(*(svm->avic_physical_id_cache), entry);
@@ -1550,12 +1251,13 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *svm_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
struct vcpu_svm *svm;
struct page *page;
- struct page *msrpm_pages;
struct page *hsave_page;
- struct page *nested_msrpm_pages;
+ void *msrpm_va;
+ void *nested_msrpm_va;
int err;
+ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS max_phys = { .QuadPart = MAXULONG64 };
- svm = kmem_cache_zalloc(kvm_vcpu_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
+ svm = kzalloc_fast(sizeof(struct vcpu_svm), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!svm) {
err = -ENOMEM;
goto out;
@@ -1570,12 +1272,12 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *svm_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
if (!page)
goto uninit;
- msrpm_pages = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL, MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
- if (!msrpm_pages)
+ msrpm_va = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(PAGE_SIZE * (1 << MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER), max_phys);
+ if (!msrpm_va)
goto free_page1;
- nested_msrpm_pages = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL, MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
- if (!nested_msrpm_pages)
+ nested_msrpm_va = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(PAGE_SIZE * (1 << MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER), max_phys);
+ if (!nested_msrpm_va)
goto free_page2;
hsave_page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -1586,9 +1288,6 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *svm_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
err = avic_init_backing_page(&svm->vcpu);
if (err)
goto free_page4;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&svm->ir_list);
- spin_lock_init(&svm->ir_list_lock);
/* We initialize this flag to true to make sure that the is_running
@@ -1598,10 +1297,10 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *svm_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
svm->nested.hsave = page_address(hsave_page);
- svm->msrpm = page_address(msrpm_pages);
+ svm->msrpm = msrpm_va;
- svm->nested.msrpm = page_address(nested_msrpm_pages);
+ svm->nested.msrpm = nested_msrpm_va;
svm->vmcb = page_address(page);
@@ -1617,15 +1316,15 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *svm_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
- __free_pages(nested_msrpm_pages, MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(nested_msrpm_va);
- __free_pages(msrpm_pages, MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(msrpm_va);
- kmem_cache_free(kvm_vcpu_cache, svm);
+ kfree(svm);
return ERR_PTR(err);
@@ -1635,16 +1334,27 @@ static void svm_free_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
__free_page(pfn_to_page(svm->vmcb_pa >> PAGE_SHIFT));
- __free_pages(virt_to_page(svm->msrpm), MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(svm->msrpm);
- __free_pages(virt_to_page(svm->nested.msrpm), MSRPM_ALLOC_ORDER);
+ MmFreeContiguousMemory(svm->nested.msrpm);
- kmem_cache_free(kvm_vcpu_cache, svm);
+ kfree(svm);
static void svm_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
+ avic_vcpu_load(vcpu, cpu);
+static void svm_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ avic_vcpu_put(vcpu);
+static void svm_save_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
int i;
if (unlikely(cpu != vcpu->cpu)) {
@@ -1661,38 +1371,17 @@ static void svm_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
for (i = 0; i < NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS; i++)
rdmsrl(host_save_user_msrs[i], svm->host_user_msrs[i]);
- if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR)) {
- u64 tsc_ratio = vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio;
- if (tsc_ratio != __this_cpu_read(current_tsc_ratio)) {
- __this_cpu_write(current_tsc_ratio, tsc_ratio);
- wrmsrl(MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO, tsc_ratio);
- }
- }
- /* This assumes that the kernel never uses MSR_TSC_AUX */
- if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP))
- wrmsrl(MSR_TSC_AUX, svm->tsc_aux);
- avic_vcpu_load(vcpu, cpu);
-static void svm_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static void svm_load_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
int i;
- avic_vcpu_put(vcpu);
- ++vcpu->stat.host_state_reload;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
loadsegment(fs, svm->host.fs);
- wrmsrl(MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE, current->thread.gsbase);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32_LAZY_GS
- loadsegment(gs, svm->;
for (i = 0; i < NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS; i++)
wrmsrl(host_save_user_msrs[i], svm->host_user_msrs[i]);
@@ -1708,12 +1397,12 @@ static void svm_vcpu_unblocking(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
avic_set_running(vcpu, true);
-static unsigned long svm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static size_t svm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return to_svm(vcpu)->vmcb->save.rflags;
-static void svm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
+static void svm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags)
* Any change of EFLAGS.VM is accompanied by a reload of SS
@@ -1723,11 +1412,6 @@ static void svm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
to_svm(vcpu)->vmcb->save.rflags = rflags;
-static u32 svm_get_pkru(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return 0;
static void svm_cache_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_reg reg)
switch (reg) {
@@ -1765,7 +1449,6 @@ static struct vmcb_seg *svm_seg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
case VCPU_SREG_LDTR: return &save->ldtr;
- return NULL;
static u64 svm_get_segment_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
@@ -1796,7 +1479,7 @@ static void svm_get_segment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* However, the SVM spec states that the G bit is not observed by the
* CPU, and some VMware virtual CPUs drop the G bit for all segments.
* So let's synthesize a legal G bit for all segments, this helps
- * running KVM nested. It also helps cross-vendor migration, because
+ * running kvm nested. It also helps cross-vendor migration, because
* Intel's vmentry has a check on the 'G' bit.
var->g = s->limit > 0xfffff;
@@ -1901,15 +1584,12 @@ static void update_cr0_intercept(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
ulong gcr0 = svm->vcpu.arch.cr0;
u64 *hcr0 = &svm->vmcb->save.cr0;
- if (!svm->vcpu.fpu_active)
- else
- *hcr0 = (*hcr0 & ~SVM_CR0_SELECTIVE_MASK)
- | (gcr0 & SVM_CR0_SELECTIVE_MASK);
+ *hcr0 = (*hcr0 & ~SVM_CR0_SELECTIVE_MASK)
+ | (gcr0 & SVM_CR0_SELECTIVE_MASK);
mark_dirty(svm->vmcb, VMCB_CR);
- if (gcr0 == *hcr0 && svm->vcpu.fpu_active) {
+ if (gcr0 == *hcr0) {
clr_cr_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_CR0_READ);
clr_cr_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_CR0_WRITE);
} else {
@@ -1918,7 +1598,7 @@ static void update_cr0_intercept(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
-static void svm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
+static void svm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -1940,24 +1620,22 @@ static void svm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
if (!npt_enabled)
cr0 |= X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP;
- if (!vcpu->fpu_active)
- cr0 |= X86_CR0_TS;
* re-enable caching here because the QEMU bios
* does not do it - this results in some delay at
* reboot
- if (kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, KVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED))
+ if (kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, GVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED))
cr0 &= ~(X86_CR0_CD | X86_CR0_NW);
svm->vmcb->save.cr0 = cr0;
mark_dirty(svm->vmcb, VMCB_CR);
-static int svm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
+static int svm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4)
- unsigned long host_cr4_mce = cr4_read_shadow() & X86_CR4_MCE;
- unsigned long old_cr4 = to_svm(vcpu)->vmcb->save.cr4;
+ size_t host_cr4_mce = cr4_read_shadow() & X86_CR4_MCE;
+ size_t old_cr4 = to_svm(vcpu)->vmcb->save.cr4;
if (cr4 & X86_CR4_VMXE)
return 1;
@@ -2014,8 +1692,8 @@ static void update_bp_intercept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
clr_exception_intercept(svm, BP_VECTOR);
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE) {
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE) {
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
set_exception_intercept(svm, BP_VECTOR);
} else
vcpu->guest_debug = 0;
@@ -2040,7 +1718,7 @@ static u64 svm_get_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return to_svm(vcpu)->vmcb->save.dr6;
-static void svm_set_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long value)
+static void svm_set_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t value)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -2059,11 +1737,11 @@ static void svm_sync_dirty_debug_regs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vcpu->arch.dr6 = svm_get_dr6(vcpu);
vcpu->arch.dr7 = svm->vmcb->save.dr7;
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
-static void svm_set_dr7(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long value)
+static void svm_set_dr7(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t value)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -2077,30 +1755,14 @@ static int pf_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
u32 error_code;
int r = 1;
- switch (svm->apf_reason) {
- default:
- error_code = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1;
- trace_kvm_page_fault(fault_address, error_code);
- if (!npt_enabled && kvm_event_needs_reinjection(&svm->vcpu))
- kvm_mmu_unprotect_page_virt(&svm->vcpu, fault_address);
- r = kvm_mmu_page_fault(&svm->vcpu, fault_address, error_code,
- svm->vmcb->control.insn_bytes,
- svm->vmcb->control.insn_len);
- break;
- svm->apf_reason = 0;
- local_irq_disable();
- kvm_async_pf_task_wait(fault_address);
- local_irq_enable();
- break;
- svm->apf_reason = 0;
- local_irq_disable();
- kvm_async_pf_task_wake(fault_address);
- local_irq_enable();
- break;
- }
+ error_code = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1;
+ if (!npt_enabled && kvm_event_needs_reinjection(&svm->vcpu))
+ kvm_mmu_unprotect_page_virt(&svm->vcpu, fault_address);
+ r = kvm_mmu_page_fault(&svm->vcpu, fault_address, error_code,
+ svm->vmcb->control.insn_bytes,
+ svm->vmcb->control.insn_len);
return r;
@@ -2109,7 +1771,7 @@ static int db_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = svm->;
if (!(svm->vcpu.guest_debug &
!svm->nmi_singlestep) {
kvm_queue_exception(&svm->vcpu, DB_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -2117,14 +1779,14 @@ static int db_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
if (svm->nmi_singlestep) {
svm->nmi_singlestep = false;
- if (!(svm->vcpu.guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP))
+ if (!(svm->vcpu.guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP))
svm->vmcb->save.rflags &=
if (svm->vcpu.guest_debug &
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
kvm_run->debug.arch.pc =
svm->vmcb->save.cs.base + svm->vmcb->;
kvm_run->debug.arch.exception = DB_VECTOR;
@@ -2138,7 +1800,7 @@ static int bp_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = svm->;
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
kvm_run->debug.arch.pc = svm->vmcb->save.cs.base + svm->vmcb->;
kvm_run->debug.arch.exception = BP_VECTOR;
return 0;
@@ -2160,22 +1822,6 @@ static int ac_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return 1;
-static void svm_fpu_activate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
- clr_exception_intercept(svm, NM_VECTOR);
- svm->vcpu.fpu_active = 1;
- update_cr0_intercept(svm);
-static int nm_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- svm_fpu_activate(&svm->vcpu);
- return 1;
static bool is_erratum_383(void)
int err, i;
@@ -2210,7 +1856,7 @@ static bool is_erratum_383(void)
/* Flush tlb to evict multi-match entries */
- __flush_tlb_all();
+ //__flush_tlb_all();
return true;
@@ -2222,9 +1868,9 @@ static void svm_handle_mce(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
* Erratum 383 triggered. Guest state is corrupt so kill the
* guest.
- pr_err("KVM: Guest triggered AMD Erratum 383\n");
+ pr_err("kvm: Guest triggered AMD Erratum 383\n");
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, &svm->vcpu);
@@ -2233,8 +1879,7 @@ static void svm_handle_mce(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
* On an #MC intercept the MCE handler is not called automatically in
* the host. So do it by hand here.
- asm volatile (
- "int $0x12\n");
+ __int12();
/* not sure if we ever come back to this point */
@@ -2256,7 +1901,7 @@ static int shutdown_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
return 0;
@@ -2303,13 +1948,7 @@ static int halt_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return kvm_emulate_halt(&svm->vcpu);
-static int vmmcall_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- svm->next_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu) + 3;
- return kvm_emulate_hypercall(&svm->vcpu);
-static unsigned long nested_svm_get_tdp_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static size_t nested_svm_get_tdp_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -2331,7 +1970,7 @@ static u64 nested_svm_get_tdp_pdptr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int index)
static void nested_svm_set_tdp_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long root)
+ size_t root)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -2455,7 +2094,6 @@ static inline bool nested_svm_intr(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
* the #vmexit here.
svm->nested.exit_required = true;
- trace_kvm_nested_intr_vmexit(svm->vmcb->;
return false;
@@ -2477,30 +2115,44 @@ static inline bool nested_svm_nmi(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return false;
-static void *nested_svm_map(struct vcpu_svm *svm, u64 gpa, struct page **_page)
+static void *nested_svm_map(struct vcpu_svm *svm, u64 gpa, PMDL *_mdl)
- struct page *page;
+ size_t hva;
+ PMDL mdl;
+ void *ret;
- page = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(&svm->vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page))
+ hva = gfn_to_hva(svm->vcpu.kvm, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ if (kvm_is_error_hva(hva))
goto error;
- *_page = page;
+ mdl = IoAllocateMdl((void *)hva, PAGE_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!mdl)
+ goto error;
+ MmProbeAndLockPages(mdl, KernelMode, IoWriteAccess);
- return kmap(page);
+ ret = kmap(mdl);
+ if (!ret)
+ goto error1;
+ *_mdl = mdl;
+ return ret;
+ MmUnlockPages(mdl);
+ IoFreeMdl(mdl);
kvm_inject_gp(&svm->vcpu, 0);
return NULL;
-static void nested_svm_unmap(struct page *page)
+static void nested_svm_unmap(PMDL mdl)
- kunmap(page);
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
+ kunmap(mdl);
+ kvm_release_page(mdl);
static int nested_svm_intercept_ioio(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
@@ -2569,12 +2221,9 @@ static int nested_svm_exit_special(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
/* When we're shadowing, trap PFs, but not async PF */
- if (!npt_enabled && svm->apf_reason == 0)
+ if (!npt_enabled)
- nm_interception(svm);
- break;
@@ -2597,26 +2246,77 @@ static int nested_svm_intercept(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
vmexit = nested_svm_intercept_ioio(svm);
+ case SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR8: {
u32 bit = 1U << (exit_code - SVM_EXIT_READ_CR0);
if (svm->nested.intercept_cr & bit)
+ case SVM_EXIT_WRITE_DR7: {
u32 bit = 1U << (exit_code - SVM_EXIT_READ_DR0);
if (svm->nested.intercept_dr & bit)
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x2:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x3:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x4:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x5:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x6:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x7:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x8:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x9:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xa:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xb:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xc:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xd:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xe:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0xf:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x10:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x11:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x12:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x13:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x14:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x15:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x16:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x17:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x18:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x19:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1a:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1b:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1c:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1d:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1e:
+ case SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + 0x1f: {
u32 excp_bits = 1 << (exit_code - SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE);
if (svm->nested.intercept_exceptions & excp_bits)
- /* async page fault always cause vmexit */
- else if ((exit_code == SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + PF_VECTOR) &&
- svm->apf_reason != 0)
- vmexit = NESTED_EXIT_DONE;
case SVM_EXIT_ERR: {
@@ -2680,16 +2380,9 @@ static int nested_svm_vmexit(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct vmcb *nested_vmcb;
struct vmcb *hsave = svm->nested.hsave;
struct vmcb *vmcb = svm->vmcb;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
- trace_kvm_nested_vmexit_inject(vmcb->control.exit_code,
- vmcb->control.exit_info_1,
- vmcb->control.exit_info_2,
- vmcb->control.exit_int_info,
- vmcb->control.exit_int_info_err,
- nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->nested.vmcb, &page);
+ nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->nested.vmcb, &kmap_mdl);
if (!nested_vmcb)
return 1;
@@ -2789,7 +2482,7 @@ static int nested_svm_vmexit(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- nested_svm_unmap(page);
+ nested_svm_unmap(kmap_mdl);
@@ -2850,12 +2543,12 @@ static bool nested_svm_vmrun(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct vmcb *nested_vmcb;
struct vmcb *hsave = svm->nested.hsave;
struct vmcb *vmcb = svm->vmcb;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
u64 vmcb_gpa;
vmcb_gpa = svm->vmcb->save.rax;
- nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &page);
+ nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &kmap_mdl);
if (!nested_vmcb)
return false;
@@ -2865,22 +2558,11 @@ static bool nested_svm_vmrun(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
nested_vmcb->control.exit_info_1 = 0;
nested_vmcb->control.exit_info_2 = 0;
- nested_svm_unmap(page);
+ nested_svm_unmap(kmap_mdl);
return false;
- trace_kvm_nested_vmrun(svm->vmcb->, vmcb_gpa,
- nested_vmcb->,
- nested_vmcb->control.int_ctl,
- nested_vmcb->control.event_inj,
- nested_vmcb->control.nested_ctl);
- trace_kvm_nested_intercepts(nested_vmcb->control.intercept_cr & 0xffff,
- nested_vmcb->control.intercept_cr >> 16,
- nested_vmcb->control.intercept_exceptions,
- nested_vmcb->control.intercept);
/* Clear internal status */
@@ -2985,7 +2667,7 @@ static bool nested_svm_vmrun(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
svm->vmcb->control.event_inj = nested_vmcb->control.event_inj;
svm->vmcb->control.event_inj_err = nested_vmcb->control.event_inj_err;
- nested_svm_unmap(page);
+ nested_svm_unmap(kmap_mdl);
/* Enter Guest-Mode */
@@ -3024,12 +2706,12 @@ static void nested_svm_vmloadsave(struct vmcb *from_vmcb, struct vmcb *to_vmcb)
static int vmload_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct vmcb *nested_vmcb;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
if (nested_svm_check_permissions(svm))
return 1;
- nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &page);
+ nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &kmap_mdl);
if (!nested_vmcb)
return 1;
@@ -3037,7 +2719,7 @@ static int vmload_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
nested_svm_vmloadsave(nested_vmcb, svm->vmcb);
- nested_svm_unmap(page);
+ nested_svm_unmap(kmap_mdl);
return 1;
@@ -3045,12 +2727,12 @@ static int vmload_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
static int vmsave_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct vmcb *nested_vmcb;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
if (nested_svm_check_permissions(svm))
return 1;
- nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &page);
+ nested_vmcb = nested_svm_map(svm, svm->vmcb->save.rax, &kmap_mdl);
if (!nested_vmcb)
return 1;
@@ -3058,7 +2740,7 @@ static int vmsave_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
nested_svm_vmloadsave(svm->vmcb, nested_vmcb);
- nested_svm_unmap(page);
+ nested_svm_unmap(kmap_mdl);
return 1;
@@ -3098,7 +2780,7 @@ static int stgi_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
svm->next_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu) + 3;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
@@ -3129,9 +2811,6 @@ static int invlpga_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = &svm->vcpu;
- trace_kvm_invlpga(svm->vmcb->, kvm_register_read(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RCX),
- kvm_register_read(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX));
/* Let's treat INVLPGA the same as INVLPG (can be optimized!) */
kvm_mmu_invlpg(vcpu, kvm_register_read(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX));
@@ -3142,8 +2821,6 @@ static int invlpga_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
static int skinit_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- trace_kvm_skinit(svm->vmcb->, kvm_register_read(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX));
kvm_queue_exception(&svm->vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -3227,8 +2904,8 @@ static int task_switch_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
if (kvm_task_switch(&svm->vcpu, tss_selector, int_vec, reason,
has_error_code, error_code) == EMULATE_FAIL) {
- svm->>exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- svm->>internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
+ svm->>exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ svm->>internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
svm->>internal.ndata = 0;
return 0;
@@ -3248,7 +2925,7 @@ static int iret_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
clr_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_IRET);
svm->vcpu.arch.hflags |= HF_IRET_MASK;
svm->nmi_iret_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
return 1;
@@ -3269,6 +2946,7 @@ static int emulate_on_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
static int rdpmc_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
+#if 0
int err;
if (!static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NRIPS))
@@ -3276,14 +2954,15 @@ static int rdpmc_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
err = kvm_rdpmc(&svm->vcpu);
kvm_complete_insn_gp(&svm->vcpu, err);
return 1;
static bool check_selective_cr0_intercepted(struct vcpu_svm *svm,
- unsigned long val)
+ size_t val)
- unsigned long cr0 = svm->vcpu.arch.cr0;
+ size_t cr0 = svm->vcpu.arch.cr0;
bool ret = false;
u64 intercept;
@@ -3309,7 +2988,7 @@ static bool check_selective_cr0_intercepted(struct vcpu_svm *svm,
static int cr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
int reg, cr;
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
int err;
if (!static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_DECODEASSISTS))
@@ -3346,7 +3025,7 @@ static int cr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
err = kvm_set_cr8(&svm->vcpu, val);
- WARN(1, "unhandled write to CR%d", cr);
+ //WARN(1, "unhandled write to CR%d", cr);
kvm_queue_exception(&svm->vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -3368,7 +3047,7 @@ static int cr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
val = kvm_get_cr8(&svm->vcpu);
- WARN(1, "unhandled read from CR%d", cr);
+ //WARN(1, "unhandled read from CR%d", cr);
kvm_queue_exception(&svm->vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -3382,7 +3061,7 @@ static int cr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
static int dr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
int reg, dr;
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
if (svm->vcpu.guest_debug == 0) {
@@ -3391,7 +3070,7 @@ static int dr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
* retrieve the full state of the debug registers.
- svm->vcpu.arch.switch_db_regs |= KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
+ svm->vcpu.arch.switch_db_regs |= GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
return 1;
@@ -3430,7 +3109,7 @@ static int cr8_write_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return r;
if (cr8_prev <= kvm_get_cr8(&svm->vcpu))
return r;
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SET_TPR;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_SET_TPR;
return 0;
@@ -3440,9 +3119,7 @@ static int svm_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
switch (msr_info->index) {
case MSR_IA32_TSC: {
- msr_info->data = svm->vmcb->control.tsc_offset +
- kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
+ msr_info->data = svm->vmcb->control.tsc_offset + rdtsc();
case MSR_STAR:
@@ -3536,11 +3213,8 @@ static int rdmsr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
msr_info.index = ecx;
msr_info.host_initiated = false;
if (svm_get_msr(&svm->vcpu, &msr_info)) {
- trace_kvm_msr_read_ex(ecx);
kvm_inject_gp(&svm->vcpu, 0);
} else {
- trace_kvm_msr_read(ecx,;
kvm_register_write(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX, & 0xffffffff);
kvm_register_write(&svm->vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX,
@@ -3624,7 +3298,6 @@ static int svm_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr)
* svm_vcpu_put.
svm->tsc_aux = data;
- wrmsrl(MSR_TSC_AUX, svm->tsc_aux);
if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_LBRV)) {
@@ -3672,10 +3345,8 @@ static int wrmsr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
svm->next_rip = kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu) + 2;
if (kvm_set_msr(&svm->vcpu, &msr)) {
- trace_kvm_msr_write_ex(ecx, data);
kvm_inject_gp(&svm->vcpu, 0);
} else {
- trace_kvm_msr_write(ecx, data);
return 1;
@@ -3691,7 +3362,7 @@ static int msr_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
static int interrupt_window_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
svm->vmcb->control.int_ctl &= ~V_IRQ_MASK;
mark_dirty(svm->vmcb, VMCB_INTR);
@@ -3699,12 +3370,6 @@ static int interrupt_window_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
return 1;
-static int pause_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- kvm_vcpu_on_spin(&(svm->vcpu));
- return 1;
static int nop_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
@@ -3735,11 +3400,8 @@ static int avic_incomplete_ipi_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
u32 icrh = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1 >> 32;
u32 icrl = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1;
u32 id = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_2 >> 32;
- u32 index = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_2 & 0xFF;
struct kvm_lapic *apic = svm->vcpu.arch.apic;
- trace_kvm_avic_incomplete_ipi(svm->vcpu.vcpu_id, icrh, icrl, id, index);
switch (id) {
@@ -3760,7 +3422,6 @@ static int avic_incomplete_ipi_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
int i;
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
struct kvm *kvm = svm->vcpu.kvm;
- struct kvm_lapic *apic = svm->vcpu.arch.apic;
* At this point, we expect that the AVIC HW has already
@@ -3769,9 +3430,9 @@ static int avic_incomplete_ipi_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
bool m = kvm_apic_match_dest(vcpu, apic,
if (m && !avic_vcpu_is_running(vcpu))
@@ -3781,7 +3442,7 @@ static int avic_incomplete_ipi_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
- WARN_ONCE(1, "Invalid backing page\n");
+ //WARN_ONCE(1, "Invalid backing page\n");
pr_err("Unknown IPI interception\n");
@@ -3830,7 +3491,7 @@ static int avic_ldr_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 g_physical_id, u32 ldr,
if (!entry)
return -EINVAL;
- new_entry = READ_ONCE(*entry);
+ READ_ONCE(*entry, new_entry);
new_entry |= (g_physical_id & AVIC_LOGICAL_ID_ENTRY_GUEST_PHYSICAL_ID_MASK);
if (valid)
@@ -3975,17 +3636,10 @@ static int avic_unaccelerated_access_interception(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
int ret = 0;
u32 offset = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1 &
- u32 vector = svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_2 &
- bool write = (svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1 >> 32) &
bool trap = is_avic_unaccelerated_access_trap(offset);
- trace_kvm_avic_unaccelerated_access(svm->vcpu.vcpu_id, offset,
- trap, write, vector);
if (trap) {
/* Handling Trap */
- WARN_ONCE(!write, "svm: Handling trap read.\n");
ret = avic_unaccel_trap_write(svm);
} else {
/* Handling Fault */
@@ -4025,7 +3679,6 @@ static int (*const svm_exit_handlers[])(struct vcpu_svm *svm) = {
[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + BP_VECTOR] = bp_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + UD_VECTOR] = ud_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + PF_VECTOR] = pf_interception,
- [SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + NM_VECTOR] = nm_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + MC_VECTOR] = mc_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + AC_VECTOR] = ac_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_INTR] = intr_interception,
@@ -4037,7 +3690,6 @@ static int (*const svm_exit_handlers[])(struct vcpu_svm *svm) = {
[SVM_EXIT_CPUID] = cpuid_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_IRET] = iret_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_INVD] = emulate_on_interception,
- [SVM_EXIT_PAUSE] = pause_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_HLT] = halt_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_INVLPG] = invlpg_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_INVLPGA] = invlpga_interception,
@@ -4046,7 +3698,6 @@ static int (*const svm_exit_handlers[])(struct vcpu_svm *svm) = {
[SVM_EXIT_TASK_SWITCH] = task_switch_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN] = shutdown_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_VMRUN] = vmrun_interception,
- [SVM_EXIT_VMMCALL] = vmmcall_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_VMLOAD] = vmload_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_VMSAVE] = vmsave_interception,
[SVM_EXIT_STGI] = stgi_interception,
@@ -4185,8 +3836,6 @@ static int handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = vcpu->run;
u32 exit_code = svm->vmcb->control.exit_code;
- trace_kvm_exit(exit_code, vcpu, KVM_ISA_SVM);
if (!is_cr_intercept(svm, INTERCEPT_CR0_WRITE))
vcpu->arch.cr0 = svm->vmcb->save.cr0;
if (npt_enabled)
@@ -4202,13 +3851,6 @@ static int handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
int vmexit;
- trace_kvm_nested_vmexit(svm->vmcb->, exit_code,
- svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_1,
- svm->vmcb->control.exit_info_2,
- svm->vmcb->control.exit_int_info,
- svm->vmcb->control.exit_int_info_err,
vmexit = nested_svm_exit_special(svm);
@@ -4221,10 +3863,10 @@ static int handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (svm->vmcb->control.exit_code == SVM_EXIT_ERR) {
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
= svm->vmcb->control.exit_code;
+ pr_err("kvm: FAILED VMRUN WITH VMCB:\n");
return 0;
@@ -4240,7 +3882,7 @@ static int handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (exit_code >= ARRAY_SIZE(svm_exit_handlers)
|| !svm_exit_handlers[exit_code]) {
- WARN_ONCE(1, "svm: unexpected exit reason 0x%x\n", exit_code);
+ //WARN_ONCE(1, "svm: unexpected exit reason 0x%x\n", exit_code);
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -4297,7 +3939,6 @@ static void svm_set_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- trace_kvm_inj_virq(vcpu->;
svm->vmcb->control.event_inj = vcpu-> |
@@ -4362,11 +4003,6 @@ static void svm_load_eoi_exitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *eoi_exit_bitmap)
-static void svm_sync_pir_to_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return;
static void svm_deliver_avic_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vec)
kvm_lapic_set_irr(vec, vcpu->arch.apic);
@@ -4379,209 +4015,6 @@ static void svm_deliver_avic_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vec)
-static void svm_ir_list_del(struct vcpu_svm *svm, struct amd_iommu_pi_data *pi)
- unsigned long flags;
- struct amd_svm_iommu_ir *cur;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
- list_for_each_entry(cur, &svm->ir_list, node) {
- if (cur->data != pi->ir_data)
- continue;
- list_del(&cur->node);
- kfree(cur);
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
-static int svm_ir_list_add(struct vcpu_svm *svm, struct amd_iommu_pi_data *pi)
- int ret = 0;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct amd_svm_iommu_ir *ir;
- /**
- * In some cases, the existing irte is updaed and re-set,
- * so we need to check here if it's already been * added
- * to the ir_list.
- */
- if (pi->ir_data && (pi->prev_ga_tag != 0)) {
- struct kvm *kvm = svm->vcpu.kvm;
- u32 vcpu_id = AVIC_GATAG_TO_VCPUID(pi->prev_ga_tag);
- struct kvm_vcpu *prev_vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(kvm, vcpu_id);
- struct vcpu_svm *prev_svm;
- if (!prev_vcpu) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- prev_svm = to_svm(prev_vcpu);
- svm_ir_list_del(prev_svm, pi);
- }
- /**
- * Allocating new amd_iommu_pi_data, which will get
- * add to the per-vcpu ir_list.
- */
- ir = kzalloc(sizeof(struct amd_svm_iommu_ir), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!ir) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- ir->data = pi->ir_data;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
- list_add(&ir->node, &svm->ir_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&svm->ir_list_lock, flags);
- return ret;
- * Note:
- * The HW cannot support posting multicast/broadcast
- * interrupts to a vCPU. So, we still use legacy interrupt
- * remapping for these kind of interrupts.
- *
- * For lowest-priority interrupts, we only support
- * those with single CPU as the destination, e.g. user
- * configures the interrupts via /proc/irq or uses
- * irqbalance to make the interrupts single-CPU.
- */
-static int
-get_pi_vcpu_info(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
- struct vcpu_data *vcpu_info, struct vcpu_svm **svm)
- struct kvm_lapic_irq irq;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = NULL;
- kvm_set_msi_irq(kvm, e, &irq);
- if (!kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu(kvm, &irq, &vcpu)) {
- pr_debug("SVM: %s: use legacy intr remap mode for irq %u\n",
- __func__, irq.vector);
- return -1;
- }
- pr_debug("SVM: %s: use GA mode for irq %u\n", __func__,
- irq.vector);
- *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
- vcpu_info->pi_desc_addr = page_to_phys((*svm)->avic_backing_page);
- vcpu_info->vector = irq.vector;
- return 0;
- * svm_update_pi_irte - set IRTE for Posted-Interrupts
- *
- * @kvm: kvm
- * @host_irq: host irq of the interrupt
- * @guest_irq: gsi of the interrupt
- * @set: set or unset PI
- * returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure
- */
-static int svm_update_pi_irte(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set)
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table *irq_rt;
- int idx, ret = -EINVAL;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP))
- return 0;
- pr_debug("SVM: %s: host_irq=%#x, guest_irq=%#x, set=%#x\n",
- __func__, host_irq, guest_irq, set);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- irq_rt = srcu_dereference(kvm->irq_routing, &kvm->irq_srcu);
- WARN_ON(guest_irq >= irq_rt->nr_rt_entries);
- hlist_for_each_entry(e, &irq_rt->map[guest_irq], link) {
- struct vcpu_data vcpu_info;
- struct vcpu_svm *svm = NULL;
- if (e->type != KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_MSI)
- continue;
- /**
- * Here, we setup with legacy mode in the following cases:
- * 1. When cannot target interrupt to a specific vcpu.
- * 2. Unsetting posted interrupt.
- * 3. APIC virtialization is disabled for the vcpu.
- */
- if (!get_pi_vcpu_info(kvm, e, &vcpu_info, &svm) && set &&
- kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(&svm->vcpu)) {
- struct amd_iommu_pi_data pi;
- /* Try to enable guest_mode in IRTE */
- pi.base = page_to_phys(svm->avic_backing_page) & AVIC_HPA_MASK;
- pi.ga_tag = AVIC_GATAG(kvm->arch.avic_vm_id,
- svm->vcpu.vcpu_id);
- pi.is_guest_mode = true;
- pi.vcpu_data = &vcpu_info;
- ret = irq_set_vcpu_affinity(host_irq, &pi);
- /**
- * Here, we successfully setting up vcpu affinity in
- * IOMMU guest mode. Now, we need to store the posted
- * interrupt information in a per-vcpu ir_list so that
- * we can reference to them directly when we update vcpu
- * scheduling information in IOMMU irte.
- */
- if (!ret && pi.is_guest_mode)
- svm_ir_list_add(svm, &pi);
- } else {
- /* Use legacy mode in IRTE */
- struct amd_iommu_pi_data pi;
- /**
- * Here, pi is used to:
- * - Tell IOMMU to use legacy mode for this interrupt.
- * - Retrieve ga_tag of prior interrupt remapping data.
- */
- pi.is_guest_mode = false;
- ret = irq_set_vcpu_affinity(host_irq, &pi);
- /**
- * Check if the posted interrupt was previously
- * setup with the guest_mode by checking if the ga_tag
- * was cached. If so, we need to clean up the per-vcpu
- * ir_list.
- */
- if (!ret && pi.prev_ga_tag) {
- int id = AVIC_GATAG_TO_VCPUID(pi.prev_ga_tag);
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(kvm, id);
- if (vcpu)
- svm_ir_list_del(to_svm(vcpu), &pi);
- }
- }
- if (!ret && svm) {
- trace_kvm_pi_irte_update(svm->vcpu.vcpu_id,
- host_irq, e->gsi,
- vcpu_info.vector,
- vcpu_info.pi_desc_addr, set);
- }
- if (ret < 0) {
- pr_err("%s: failed to update PI IRTE\n", __func__);
- goto out;
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- return ret;
static int svm_nmi_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -4682,10 +4115,6 @@ static void svm_flush_tlb(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static void svm_prepare_guest_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline void sync_cr8_to_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -4729,7 +4158,7 @@ static void svm_complete_interrupts(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
if ((svm->vcpu.arch.hflags & HF_IRET_MASK)
&& kvm_rip_read(&svm->vcpu) != svm->nmi_iret_rip) {
svm->vcpu.arch.hflags &= ~(HF_NMI_MASK | HF_IRET_MASK);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
svm->vcpu.arch.nmi_injected = false;
@@ -4739,7 +4168,7 @@ static void svm_complete_interrupts(struct vcpu_svm *svm)
if (!(exitintinfo & SVM_EXITINTINFO_VALID))
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &svm->vcpu);
vector = exitintinfo & SVM_EXITINTINFO_VEC_MASK;
type = exitintinfo & SVM_EXITINTINFO_TYPE_MASK;
@@ -4813,87 +4242,14 @@ static void svm_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- asm volatile (
- "push %%" _ASM_BP "; \n\t"
- "mov %c[rbx](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_BX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rcx](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_CX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rdx](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_DX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rsi](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_SI " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rdi](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_DI " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rbp](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_BP " \n\t"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- "mov %c[r8](%[svm]), %%r8 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r9](%[svm]), %%r9 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r10](%[svm]), %%r10 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r11](%[svm]), %%r11 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r12](%[svm]), %%r12 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r13](%[svm]), %%r13 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r14](%[svm]), %%r14 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r15](%[svm]), %%r15 \n\t"
- /* Enter guest mode */
- "push %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[vmcb](%[svm]), %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- __ex(SVM_VMLOAD) "\n\t"
- __ex(SVM_VMRUN) "\n\t"
- __ex(SVM_VMSAVE) "\n\t"
- "pop %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- /* Save guest registers, load host registers */
- "mov %%" _ASM_BX ", %c[rbx](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_CX ", %c[rcx](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_DX ", %c[rdx](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_SI ", %c[rsi](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_DI ", %c[rdi](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_BP ", %c[rbp](%[svm]) \n\t"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- "mov %%r8, %c[r8](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r9, %c[r9](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r10, %c[r10](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r11, %c[r11](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r12, %c[r12](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r13, %c[r13](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r14, %c[r14](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "mov %%r15, %c[r15](%[svm]) \n\t"
- "pop %%" _ASM_BP
- :
- : [svm]"a"(svm),
- [vmcb]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vmcb_pa)),
- [rbx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBX])),
- [rcx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RCX])),
- [rdx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX])),
- [rsi]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSI])),
- [rdi]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDI])),
- [rbp]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBP]))
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- , [r8]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R8])),
- [r9]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R9])),
- [r10]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R10])),
- [r11]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R11])),
- [r12]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R12])),
- [r13]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R13])),
- [r14]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R14])),
- [r15]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R15]))
- : "cc", "memory"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- , "rbx", "rcx", "rdx", "rsi", "rdi"
- , "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11" , "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"
- , "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi"
- );
+ __asm_svm_vcpu_run(svm);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
wrmsrl(MSR_GS_BASE, svm->host.gs_base);
loadsegment(fs, svm->host.fs);
-#ifndef CONFIG_X86_32_LAZY_GS
loadsegment(gs, svm->;
@@ -4920,10 +4276,6 @@ static void svm_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
svm->vmcb->control.tlb_ctl = TLB_CONTROL_DO_NOTHING;
- /* if exit due to PF check for async PF */
- if (svm->vmcb->control.exit_code == SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + PF_VECTOR)
- svm->apf_reason = kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason();
if (npt_enabled) {
vcpu->arch.regs_avail &= ~(1 << VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR);
vcpu->arch.regs_dirty &= ~(1 << VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR);
@@ -4940,7 +4292,7 @@ static void svm_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static void svm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long root)
+static void svm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t root)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -4949,7 +4301,7 @@ static void svm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long root)
-static void set_tdp_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long root)
+static void set_tdp_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t root)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
@@ -4974,17 +4326,6 @@ static int is_disabled(void)
return 0;
-static void
-svm_patch_hypercall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned char *hypercall)
- /*
- * Patch in the VMMCALL instruction:
- */
- hypercall[0] = 0x0f;
- hypercall[1] = 0x01;
- hypercall[2] = 0xd9;
static void svm_check_processor_compat(void *rtn)
*(int *)rtn = 0;
@@ -5008,7 +4349,7 @@ static u64 svm_get_mt_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool is_mmio)
static void svm_cpuid_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry;
/* Update nrips enabled cache */
svm->nrips_enabled = !!guest_cpuid_has_nrips(&svm->vcpu);
@@ -5021,7 +4362,7 @@ static void svm_cpuid_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
entry->ecx &= ~bit(X86_FEATURE_X2APIC);
-static void svm_set_supported_cpuid(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry)
+static void svm_set_supported_cpuid(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry)
switch (func) {
case 0x1:
@@ -5059,7 +4400,7 @@ static int svm_get_lpage_level(void)
static bool svm_rdtscp_supported(void)
- return boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP);
+ return false;
static bool svm_invpcid_supported(void)
@@ -5082,14 +4423,6 @@ static bool svm_has_wbinvd_exit(void)
return true;
-static void svm_fpu_deactivate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_svm *svm = to_svm(vcpu);
- set_exception_intercept(svm, NM_VECTOR);
- update_cr0_intercept(svm);
#define PRE_EX(exit) { .exit_code = (exit), \
.stage = X86_ICPT_PRE_EXCEPT, }
#define POST_EX(exit) { .exit_code = (exit), \
@@ -5176,7 +4509,7 @@ static int svm_check_intercept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
icpt_info.exit_code += info->modrm_reg;
- unsigned long cr0, val;
+ size_t cr0, val;
u64 intercept;
if (info->intercept == x86_intercept_cr_write)
@@ -5280,14 +4613,10 @@ static void svm_handle_external_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* We must have an instruction with interrupts enabled, so
* the timer interrupt isn't delayed by the interrupt shadow.
- asm("nop");
+ __nop();
-static void svm_sched_in(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
static inline void avic_post_state_restore(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (avic_handle_apic_id_update(vcpu) != 0)
@@ -5297,7 +4626,7 @@ static inline void avic_post_state_restore(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
+static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops = {
.cpu_has_kvm_support = has_svm,
.disabled_by_bios = is_disabled,
.hardware_setup = svm_hardware_setup,
@@ -5315,7 +4644,8 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.vm_init = avic_vm_init,
.vm_destroy = avic_vm_destroy,
- .prepare_guest_switch = svm_prepare_guest_switch,
+ .save_host_state = svm_save_host_state,
+ .load_host_state = svm_load_host_state,
.vcpu_load = svm_vcpu_load,
.vcpu_put = svm_vcpu_put,
.vcpu_blocking = svm_vcpu_blocking,
@@ -5348,11 +4678,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.get_rflags = svm_get_rflags,
.set_rflags = svm_set_rflags,
- .get_pkru = svm_get_pkru,
- .fpu_activate = svm_fpu_activate,
- .fpu_deactivate = svm_fpu_deactivate,
.tlb_flush = svm_flush_tlb,
.run = svm_vcpu_run,
@@ -5360,7 +4685,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.skip_emulated_instruction = skip_emulated_instruction,
.set_interrupt_shadow = svm_set_interrupt_shadow,
.get_interrupt_shadow = svm_get_interrupt_shadow,
- .patch_hypercall = svm_patch_hypercall,
.set_irq = svm_set_irq,
.set_nmi = svm_inject_nmi,
.queue_exception = svm_queue_exception,
@@ -5376,7 +4700,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.get_enable_apicv = svm_get_enable_apicv,
.refresh_apicv_exec_ctrl = svm_refresh_apicv_exec_ctrl,
.load_eoi_exitmap = svm_load_eoi_exitmap,
- .sync_pir_to_irr = svm_sync_pir_to_irr,
.hwapic_irr_update = svm_hwapic_irr_update,
.hwapic_isr_update = svm_hwapic_isr_update,
.apicv_post_state_restore = avic_post_state_restore,
@@ -5407,23 +4730,15 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops svm_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.check_intercept = svm_check_intercept,
.handle_external_intr = svm_handle_external_intr,
- .sched_in = svm_sched_in,
- .pmu_ops = &amd_pmu_ops,
.deliver_posted_interrupt = svm_deliver_avic_intr,
- .update_pi_irte = svm_update_pi_irte,
-static int __init svm_init(void)
+int svm_init(void)
- return kvm_init(&svm_x86_ops, sizeof(struct vcpu_svm),
- __alignof__(struct vcpu_svm), THIS_MODULE);
+ return kvm_init(&svm_x86_ops, sizeof(struct vcpu_svm), 0);
-static void __exit svm_exit(void)
+void svm_exit(void)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/svm_def.h b/arch/x86/kvm/svm_def.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b5ce8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/svm_def.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux
+ *
+ * AMD SVM support
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Yaniv Kamay <>
+ * Avi Kivity <>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+ * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+ *
+ */
+#define pr_fmt(fmt) "SVM: " fmt
+#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
+#include "irq.h"
+#include "mmu.h"
+#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
+#include "x86.h"
+#include "cpuid.h"
+#include "pmu.h"
+#include <asm/svm.h>
+#include <asm/vmx.h>
+#include <__asm.h>
+#define SEG_TYPE_LDT 2
+#define SEG_TYPE_BUSY_TSS16 3
+#define SVM_FEATURE_NPT (1 << 0)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_LBRV (1 << 1)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_SVML (1 << 2)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_NRIP (1 << 3)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_TSC_RATE (1 << 4)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_VMCB_CLEAN (1 << 5)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_FLUSH_ASID (1 << 6)
+#define SVM_FEATURE_PAUSE_FILTER (1 << 10)
+#define SVM_AVIC_DOORBELL 0xc001011b
+#define NESTED_EXIT_HOST 0 /* Exit handled on host level */
+#define NESTED_EXIT_DONE 1 /* Exit caused nested vmexit */
+#define NESTED_EXIT_CONTINUE 2 /* Further checks needed */
+#define TSC_RATIO_RSVD 0xffffff0000000000ULL
+#define TSC_RATIO_MIN 0x0000000000000001ULL
+#define TSC_RATIO_MAX 0x000000ffffffffffULL
+#define AVIC_HPA_MASK ~((0xFFFULL << 52) | 0xFFF)
+ * 0xff is broadcast, so the max index allowed for physical APIC ID
+ * table is 0xfe. APIC IDs above 0xff are reserved.
+ */
+/* AVIC GATAG is encoded using VM and VCPU IDs */
+#define AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS 8
+#define AVIC_VCPU_ID_MASK ((1 << AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS) - 1)
+#define AVIC_VM_ID_BITS 24
+#define AVIC_VM_ID_NR (1 << AVIC_VM_ID_BITS)
+#define AVIC_VM_ID_MASK ((1 << AVIC_VM_ID_BITS) - 1)
+#define AVIC_GATAG(x, y) (((x & AVIC_VM_ID_MASK) << AVIC_VCPU_ID_BITS) | \
+static bool erratum_383_found __read_mostly;
+static const u32 host_save_user_msrs[] = {
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+#define NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS ARRAY_SIZE(host_save_user_msrs)
+struct kvm_vcpu;
+struct nested_state {
+ struct vmcb *hsave;
+ u64 hsave_msr;
+ u64 vm_cr_msr;
+ u64 vmcb;
+ /* These are the merged vectors */
+ u32 *msrpm;
+ /* gpa pointers to the real vectors */
+ u64 vmcb_msrpm;
+ u64 vmcb_iopm;
+ /* A VMEXIT is required but not yet emulated */
+ bool exit_required;
+ /* cache for intercepts of the guest */
+ u32 intercept_cr;
+ u32 intercept_dr;
+ u32 intercept_exceptions;
+ u64 intercept;
+ /* Nested Paging related state */
+ u64 nested_cr3;
+#define MSRPM_OFFSETS 16
+static u32 msrpm_offsets[MSRPM_OFFSETS] __read_mostly;
+ * Set osvw_len to higher value when updated Revision Guides
+ * are published and we know what the new status bits are
+ */
+static uint64_t osvw_len = 4, osvw_status;
+struct vcpu_svm {
+ struct kvm_vcpu vcpu;
+ struct vmcb *vmcb;
+ size_t vmcb_pa;
+ struct svm_cpu_data *svm_data;
+ uint64_t asid_generation;
+ uint64_t sysenter_esp;
+ uint64_t sysenter_eip;
+ uint64_t tsc_aux;
+ u64 next_rip;
+ u64 host_user_msrs[NR_HOST_SAVE_USER_MSRS];
+ struct {
+ u16 fs;
+ u16 gs;
+ u16 ldt;
+ u64 gs_base;
+ } host;
+ u32 *msrpm;
+ ulong nmi_iret_rip;
+ struct nested_state nested;
+ bool nmi_singlestep;
+ unsigned int3_injected;
+ size_t int3_rip;
+ /* cached guest cpuid flags for faster access */
+ bool nrips_enabled : 1;
+ u32 ldr_reg;
+ struct page *avic_backing_page;
+ u64 *avic_physical_id_cache;
+ bool avic_is_running;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/trace.h b/arch/x86/kvm/trace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a6cc67..0000000
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/trace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(_TRACE_KVM_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
-#define _TRACE_KVM_H
-#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
-#include <asm/vmx.h>
-#include <asm/svm.h>
-#include <asm/clocksource.h>
-#include <asm/pvclock-abi.h>
-#define TRACE_SYSTEM kvm
- * Tracepoint for guest mode entry.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %u", __entry->vcpu_id)
- * Tracepoint for hypercall.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long nr, unsigned long a0, unsigned long a1,
- unsigned long a2, unsigned long a3),
- TP_ARGS(nr, a0, a1, a2, a3),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned long, nr )
- __field( unsigned long, a0 )
- __field( unsigned long, a1 )
- __field( unsigned long, a2 )
- __field( unsigned long, a3 )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->nr = nr;
- __entry->a0 = a0;
- __entry->a1 = a1;
- __entry->a2 = a2;
- __entry->a3 = a3;
- ),
- TP_printk("nr 0x%lx a0 0x%lx a1 0x%lx a2 0x%lx a3 0x%lx",
- __entry->nr, __entry->a0, __entry->a1, __entry->a2,
- __entry->a3)
- * Tracepoint for hypercall.
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u16 code, bool fast, __u16 rep_cnt, __u16 rep_idx,
- __u64 ingpa, __u64 outgpa),
- TP_ARGS(code, fast, rep_cnt, rep_idx, ingpa, outgpa),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u16, rep_cnt )
- __field( __u16, rep_idx )
- __field( __u64, ingpa )
- __field( __u64, outgpa )
- __field( __u16, code )
- __field( bool, fast )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rep_cnt = rep_cnt;
- __entry->rep_idx = rep_idx;
- __entry->ingpa = ingpa;
- __entry->outgpa = outgpa;
- __entry->code = code;
- __entry->fast = fast;
- ),
- TP_printk("code 0x%x %s cnt 0x%x idx 0x%x in 0x%llx out 0x%llx",
- __entry->code, __entry->fast ? "fast" : "slow",
- __entry->rep_cnt, __entry->rep_idx, __entry->ingpa,
- __entry->outgpa)
- * Tracepoint for PIO.
- */
-#define KVM_PIO_IN 0
-#define KVM_PIO_OUT 1
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int rw, unsigned int port, unsigned int size,
- unsigned int count, void *data),
- TP_ARGS(rw, port, size, count, data),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, rw )
- __field( unsigned int, port )
- __field( unsigned int, size )
- __field( unsigned int, count )
- __field( unsigned int, val )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rw = rw;
- __entry->port = port;
- __entry->size = size;
- __entry->count = count;
- if (size == 1)
- __entry->val = *(unsigned char *)data;
- else if (size == 2)
- __entry->val = *(unsigned short *)data;
- else
- __entry->val = *(unsigned int *)data;
- ),
- TP_printk("pio_%s at 0x%x size %d count %d val 0x%x %s",
- __entry->rw ? "write" : "read",
- __entry->port, __entry->size, __entry->count, __entry->val,
- __entry->count > 1 ? "(...)" : "")
- * Tracepoint for fast mmio.
- */
- TP_PROTO(u64 gpa),
- TP_ARGS(gpa),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(u64, gpa)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->gpa = gpa;
- ),
- TP_printk("fast mmio at gpa 0x%llx", __entry->gpa)
- * Tracepoint for cpuid.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int function, unsigned long rax, unsigned long rbx,
- unsigned long rcx, unsigned long rdx),
- TP_ARGS(function, rax, rbx, rcx, rdx),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, function )
- __field( unsigned long, rax )
- __field( unsigned long, rbx )
- __field( unsigned long, rcx )
- __field( unsigned long, rdx )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->function = function;
- __entry->rax = rax;
- __entry->rbx = rbx;
- __entry->rcx = rcx;
- __entry->rdx = rdx;
- ),
- TP_printk("func %x rax %lx rbx %lx rcx %lx rdx %lx",
- __entry->function, __entry->rax,
- __entry->rbx, __entry->rcx, __entry->rdx)
-#define AREG(x) { APIC_##x, "APIC_" #x }
-#define kvm_trace_symbol_apic \
- * Tracepoint for apic access.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int rw, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val),
- TP_ARGS(rw, reg, val),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, rw )
- __field( unsigned int, reg )
- __field( unsigned int, val )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rw = rw;
- __entry->reg = reg;
- __entry->val = val;
- ),
- TP_printk("apic_%s %s = 0x%x",
- __entry->rw ? "write" : "read",
- __print_symbolic(__entry->reg, kvm_trace_symbol_apic),
- __entry->val)
-#define trace_kvm_apic_read(reg, val) trace_kvm_apic(0, reg, val)
-#define trace_kvm_apic_write(reg, val) trace_kvm_apic(1, reg, val)
-#define KVM_ISA_VMX 1
-#define KVM_ISA_SVM 2
- * Tracepoint for kvm guest exit:
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int exit_reason, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 isa),
- TP_ARGS(exit_reason, vcpu, isa),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, exit_reason )
- __field( unsigned long, guest_rip )
- __field( u32, isa )
- __field( u64, info1 )
- __field( u64, info2 )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->exit_reason = exit_reason;
- __entry->guest_rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
- __entry->isa = isa;
- kvm_x86_ops->get_exit_info(vcpu, &__entry->info1,
- &__entry->info2);
- ),
- TP_printk("reason %s rip 0x%lx info %llx %llx",
- (__entry->isa == KVM_ISA_VMX) ?
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_reason, VMX_EXIT_REASONS) :
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_reason, SVM_EXIT_REASONS),
- __entry->guest_rip, __entry->info1, __entry->info2)
- * Tracepoint for kvm interrupt injection:
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int irq),
- TP_ARGS(irq),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, irq )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->irq = irq;
- ),
- TP_printk("irq %u", __entry->irq)
-#define EXS(x) { x##_VECTOR, "#" #x }
-#define kvm_trace_sym_exc \
- * Tracepoint for kvm interrupt injection:
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned exception, bool has_error, unsigned error_code),
- TP_ARGS(exception, has_error, error_code),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( u8, exception )
- __field( u8, has_error )
- __field( u32, error_code )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->exception = exception;
- __entry->has_error = has_error;
- __entry->error_code = error_code;
- ),
- TP_printk("%s (0x%x)",
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exception, kvm_trace_sym_exc),
- /* FIXME: don't print error_code if not present */
- __entry->has_error ? __entry->error_code : 0)
- * Tracepoint for page fault.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long fault_address, unsigned int error_code),
- TP_ARGS(fault_address, error_code),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned long, fault_address )
- __field( unsigned int, error_code )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->fault_address = fault_address;
- __entry->error_code = error_code;
- ),
- TP_printk("address %lx error_code %x",
- __entry->fault_address, __entry->error_code)
- * Tracepoint for guest MSR access.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned write, u32 ecx, u64 data, bool exception),
- TP_ARGS(write, ecx, data, exception),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned, write )
- __field( u32, ecx )
- __field( u64, data )
- __field( u8, exception )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->write = write;
- __entry->ecx = ecx;
- __entry->data = data;
- __entry->exception = exception;
- ),
- TP_printk("msr_%s %x = 0x%llx%s",
- __entry->write ? "write" : "read",
- __entry->ecx, __entry->data,
- __entry->exception ? " (#GP)" : "")
-#define trace_kvm_msr_read(ecx, data) trace_kvm_msr(0, ecx, data, false)
-#define trace_kvm_msr_write(ecx, data) trace_kvm_msr(1, ecx, data, false)
-#define trace_kvm_msr_read_ex(ecx) trace_kvm_msr(0, ecx, 0, true)
-#define trace_kvm_msr_write_ex(ecx, data) trace_kvm_msr(1, ecx, data, true)
- * Tracepoint for guest CR access.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int rw, unsigned int cr, unsigned long val),
- TP_ARGS(rw, cr, val),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, rw )
- __field( unsigned int, cr )
- __field( unsigned long, val )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rw = rw;
- __entry->cr = cr;
- __entry->val = val;
- ),
- TP_printk("cr_%s %x = 0x%lx",
- __entry->rw ? "write" : "read",
- __entry->cr, __entry->val)
-#define trace_kvm_cr_read(cr, val) trace_kvm_cr(0, cr, val)
-#define trace_kvm_cr_write(cr, val) trace_kvm_cr(1, cr, val)
- TP_PROTO(__u8 chip, __u8 pin, __u8 elcr, __u8 imr, bool coalesced),
- TP_ARGS(chip, pin, elcr, imr, coalesced),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u8, chip )
- __field( __u8, pin )
- __field( __u8, elcr )
- __field( __u8, imr )
- __field( bool, coalesced )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->chip = chip;
- __entry->pin = pin;
- __entry->elcr = elcr;
- __entry->imr = imr;
- __entry->coalesced = coalesced;
- ),
- TP_printk("chip %u pin %u (%s%s)%s",
- __entry->chip, __entry->pin,
- (__entry->elcr & (1 << __entry->pin)) ? "level":"edge",
- (__entry->imr & (1 << __entry->pin)) ? "|masked":"",
- __entry->coalesced ? " (coalesced)" : "")
-#define kvm_apic_dst_shorthand \
- {0x0, "dst"}, \
- {0x1, "self"}, \
- {0x2, "all"}, \
- {0x3, "all-but-self"}
- TP_PROTO(__u32 icr_low, __u32 dest_id),
- TP_ARGS(icr_low, dest_id),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u32, icr_low )
- __field( __u32, dest_id )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->icr_low = icr_low;
- __entry->dest_id = dest_id;
- ),
- TP_printk("dst %x vec %u (%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)",
- __entry->dest_id, (u8)__entry->icr_low,
- __print_symbolic((__entry->icr_low >> 8 & 0x7),
- kvm_deliver_mode),
- (__entry->icr_low & (1<<11)) ? "logical" : "physical",
- (__entry->icr_low & (1<<14)) ? "assert" : "de-assert",
- (__entry->icr_low & (1<<15)) ? "level" : "edge",
- __print_symbolic((__entry->icr_low >> 18 & 0x3),
- kvm_apic_dst_shorthand))
- TP_PROTO(__u32 apicid, __u16 dm, __u8 tm, __u8 vec),
- TP_ARGS(apicid, dm, tm, vec),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u32, apicid )
- __field( __u16, dm )
- __field( __u8, tm )
- __field( __u8, vec )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->apicid = apicid;
- __entry->dm = dm;
- __entry->tm = tm;
- __entry->vec = vec;
- ),
- TP_printk("apicid %x vec %u (%s|%s)",
- __entry->apicid, __entry->vec,
- __print_symbolic((__entry->dm >> 8 & 0x7), kvm_deliver_mode),
- __entry->tm ? "level" : "edge")
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int vector),
- TP_ARGS(apic, vector),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u32, apicid )
- __field( int, vector )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->apicid = apic->vcpu->vcpu_id;
- __entry->vector = vector;
- ),
- TP_printk("apicid %x vector %d", __entry->apicid, __entry->vector)
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_lapic *apic, int vector),
- TP_ARGS(apic, vector),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u32, apicid )
- __field( int, vector )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->apicid = apic->vcpu->vcpu_id;
- __entry->vector = vector;
- ),
- TP_printk("apicid %x vector %d", __entry->apicid, __entry->vector)
- * Tracepoint for nested VMRUN
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u64 rip, __u64 vmcb, __u64 nested_rip, __u32 int_ctl,
- __u32 event_inj, bool npt),
- TP_ARGS(rip, vmcb, nested_rip, int_ctl, event_inj, npt),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- __field( __u64, vmcb )
- __field( __u64, nested_rip )
- __field( __u32, int_ctl )
- __field( __u32, event_inj )
- __field( bool, npt )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rip = rip;
- __entry->vmcb = vmcb;
- __entry->nested_rip = nested_rip;
- __entry->int_ctl = int_ctl;
- __entry->event_inj = event_inj;
- __entry->npt = npt;
- ),
- TP_printk("rip: 0x%016llx vmcb: 0x%016llx nrip: 0x%016llx int_ctl: 0x%08x "
- "event_inj: 0x%08x npt: %s",
- __entry->rip, __entry->vmcb, __entry->nested_rip,
- __entry->int_ctl, __entry->event_inj,
- __entry->npt ? "on" : "off")
- TP_PROTO(__u16 cr_read, __u16 cr_write, __u32 exceptions, __u64 intercept),
- TP_ARGS(cr_read, cr_write, exceptions, intercept),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u16, cr_read )
- __field( __u16, cr_write )
- __field( __u32, exceptions )
- __field( __u64, intercept )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->cr_read = cr_read;
- __entry->cr_write = cr_write;
- __entry->exceptions = exceptions;
- __entry->intercept = intercept;
- ),
- TP_printk("cr_read: %04x cr_write: %04x excp: %08x intercept: %016llx",
- __entry->cr_read, __entry->cr_write, __entry->exceptions,
- __entry->intercept)
- * Tracepoint for #VMEXIT while nested
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u64 rip, __u32 exit_code,
- __u64 exit_info1, __u64 exit_info2,
- __u32 exit_int_info, __u32 exit_int_info_err, __u32 isa),
- TP_ARGS(rip, exit_code, exit_info1, exit_info2,
- exit_int_info, exit_int_info_err, isa),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- __field( __u32, exit_code )
- __field( __u64, exit_info1 )
- __field( __u64, exit_info2 )
- __field( __u32, exit_int_info )
- __field( __u32, exit_int_info_err )
- __field( __u32, isa )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rip = rip;
- __entry->exit_code = exit_code;
- __entry->exit_info1 = exit_info1;
- __entry->exit_info2 = exit_info2;
- __entry->exit_int_info = exit_int_info;
- __entry->exit_int_info_err = exit_int_info_err;
- __entry->isa = isa;
- ),
- TP_printk("rip: 0x%016llx reason: %s ext_inf1: 0x%016llx "
- "ext_inf2: 0x%016llx ext_int: 0x%08x ext_int_err: 0x%08x",
- __entry->rip,
- (__entry->isa == KVM_ISA_VMX) ?
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_code, VMX_EXIT_REASONS) :
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_code, SVM_EXIT_REASONS),
- __entry->exit_info1, __entry->exit_info2,
- __entry->exit_int_info, __entry->exit_int_info_err)
- * Tracepoint for #VMEXIT reinjected to the guest
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u32 exit_code,
- __u64 exit_info1, __u64 exit_info2,
- __u32 exit_int_info, __u32 exit_int_info_err, __u32 isa),
- TP_ARGS(exit_code, exit_info1, exit_info2,
- exit_int_info, exit_int_info_err, isa),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u32, exit_code )
- __field( __u64, exit_info1 )
- __field( __u64, exit_info2 )
- __field( __u32, exit_int_info )
- __field( __u32, exit_int_info_err )
- __field( __u32, isa )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->exit_code = exit_code;
- __entry->exit_info1 = exit_info1;
- __entry->exit_info2 = exit_info2;
- __entry->exit_int_info = exit_int_info;
- __entry->exit_int_info_err = exit_int_info_err;
- __entry->isa = isa;
- ),
- TP_printk("reason: %s ext_inf1: 0x%016llx "
- "ext_inf2: 0x%016llx ext_int: 0x%08x ext_int_err: 0x%08x",
- (__entry->isa == KVM_ISA_VMX) ?
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_code, VMX_EXIT_REASONS) :
- __print_symbolic(__entry->exit_code, SVM_EXIT_REASONS),
- __entry->exit_info1, __entry->exit_info2,
- __entry->exit_int_info, __entry->exit_int_info_err)
- * Tracepoint for nested #vmexit because of interrupt pending
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u64 rip),
- TP_ARGS(rip),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rip = rip
- ),
- TP_printk("rip: 0x%016llx", __entry->rip)
- * Tracepoint for nested #vmexit because of interrupt pending
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u64 rip, int asid, u64 address),
- TP_ARGS(rip, asid, address),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- __field( int, asid )
- __field( __u64, address )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rip = rip;
- __entry->asid = asid;
- __entry->address = address;
- ),
- TP_printk("rip: 0x%016llx asid: %d address: 0x%016llx",
- __entry->rip, __entry->asid, __entry->address)
- * Tracepoint for nested #vmexit because of interrupt pending
- */
- TP_PROTO(__u64 rip, __u32 slb),
- TP_ARGS(rip, slb),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- __field( __u32, slb )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->rip = rip;
- __entry->slb = slb;
- ),
- TP_printk("rip: 0x%016llx slb: 0x%08x",
- __entry->rip, __entry->slb)
-#define KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CR0_PE (1 << 0)
-#define KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_EFL_VM (1 << 1)
-#define KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CS_D (1 << 2)
-#define KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CS_L (1 << 3)
-#define kvm_trace_symbol_emul_flags \
- { 0, "real" }, \
- | KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_EFL_VM, "vm16" }, \
- { KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CR0_PE, "prot16" }, \
- | KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CS_D, "prot32" }, \
- | KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CS_L, "prot64" }
-#define kei_decode_mode(mode) ({ \
- u8 flags = 0xff; \
- switch (mode) { \
- case X86EMUL_MODE_REAL: \
- flags = 0; \
- break; \
- case X86EMUL_MODE_VM86: \
- flags = KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_EFL_VM; \
- break; \
- case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT16: \
- flags = KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CR0_PE; \
- break; \
- case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT32: \
- flags = KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CR0_PE \
- break; \
- case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64: \
- flags = KVM_EMUL_INSN_F_CR0_PE \
- break; \
- } \
- flags; \
- })
- TP_PROTO(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, __u8 failed),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu, failed),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( __u64, rip )
- __field( __u32, csbase )
- __field( __u8, len )
- __array( __u8, insn, 15 )
- __field( __u8, flags )
- __field( __u8, failed )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->csbase = kvm_x86_ops->get_segment_base(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_CS);
- __entry->len = vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt.fetch.ptr
- - vcpu->;
- __entry->rip = vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt._eip - __entry->len;
- memcpy(__entry->insn,
- vcpu->,
- 15);
- __entry->flags = kei_decode_mode(vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt.mode);
- __entry->failed = failed;
- ),
- TP_printk("%x:%llx:%s (%s)%s",
- __entry->csbase, __entry->rip,
- __print_hex(__entry->insn, __entry->len),
- __print_symbolic(__entry->flags,
- kvm_trace_symbol_emul_flags),
- __entry->failed ? " failed" : ""
- )
- );
-#define trace_kvm_emulate_insn_start(vcpu) trace_kvm_emulate_insn(vcpu, 0)
-#define trace_kvm_emulate_insn_failed(vcpu) trace_kvm_emulate_insn(vcpu, 1)
- vcpu_match_mmio,
- TP_PROTO(gva_t gva, gpa_t gpa, bool write, bool gpa_match),
- TP_ARGS(gva, gpa, write, gpa_match),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(gva_t, gva)
- __field(gpa_t, gpa)
- __field(bool, write)
- __field(bool, gpa_match)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->gva = gva;
- __entry->gpa = gpa;
- __entry->write = write;
- __entry->gpa_match = gpa_match
- ),
- TP_printk("gva %#lx gpa %#llx %s %s", __entry->gva, __entry->gpa,
- __entry->write ? "Write" : "Read",
- __entry->gpa_match ? "GPA" : "GVA")
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, __u64 previous_tsc_offset,
- __u64 next_tsc_offset),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, previous_tsc_offset, next_tsc_offset),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( __u64, previous_tsc_offset )
- __field( __u64, next_tsc_offset )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->previous_tsc_offset = previous_tsc_offset;
- __entry->next_tsc_offset = next_tsc_offset;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu=%u prev=%llu next=%llu", __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->previous_tsc_offset, __entry->next_tsc_offset)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-#define host_clocks \
- {VCLOCK_NONE, "none"}, \
- {VCLOCK_TSC, "tsc"} \
- TP_PROTO(bool use_master_clock, unsigned int host_clock, bool offset_matched),
- TP_ARGS(use_master_clock, host_clock, offset_matched),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( bool, use_master_clock )
- __field( unsigned int, host_clock )
- __field( bool, offset_matched )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->use_master_clock = use_master_clock;
- __entry->host_clock = host_clock;
- __entry->offset_matched = offset_matched;
- ),
- TP_printk("masterclock %d hostclock %s offsetmatched %u",
- __entry->use_master_clock,
- __print_symbolic(__entry->host_clock, host_clocks),
- __entry->offset_matched)
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, unsigned int nr_matched,
- unsigned int online_vcpus, bool use_master_clock,
- unsigned int host_clock),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, nr_matched, online_vcpus, use_master_clock,
- host_clock),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( unsigned int, nr_vcpus_matched_tsc )
- __field( unsigned int, online_vcpus )
- __field( bool, use_master_clock )
- __field( unsigned int, host_clock )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->nr_vcpus_matched_tsc = nr_matched;
- __entry->online_vcpus = online_vcpus;
- __entry->use_master_clock = use_master_clock;
- __entry->host_clock = host_clock;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %u masterclock %u offsetmatched %u nr_online %u"
- " hostclock %s",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->use_master_clock,
- __entry->nr_vcpus_matched_tsc, __entry->online_vcpus,
- __print_symbolic(__entry->host_clock, host_clocks))
-#endif /* CONFIG_X86_64 */
- * Tracepoint for PML full VMEXIT.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %d: PML full", __entry->vcpu_id)
- TP_PROTO(bool grow, unsigned int vcpu_id, int new, int old),
- TP_ARGS(grow, vcpu_id, new, old),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( bool, grow )
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( int, new )
- __field( int, old )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->grow = grow;
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->new = new;
- __entry->old = old;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %u: ple_window %d (%s %d)",
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->new,
- __entry->grow ? "grow" : "shrink",
- __entry->old)
-#define trace_kvm_ple_window_grow(vcpu_id, new, old) \
- trace_kvm_ple_window(true, vcpu_id, new, old)
-#define trace_kvm_ple_window_shrink(vcpu_id, new, old) \
- trace_kvm_ple_window(false, vcpu_id, new, old)
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info *pvclock),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, pvclock),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( __u32, version )
- __field( __u64, tsc_timestamp )
- __field( __u64, system_time )
- __field( __u32, tsc_to_system_mul )
- __field( __s8, tsc_shift )
- __field( __u8, flags )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->version = pvclock->version;
- __entry->tsc_timestamp = pvclock->tsc_timestamp;
- __entry->system_time = pvclock->system_time;
- __entry->tsc_to_system_mul = pvclock->tsc_to_system_mul;
- __entry->tsc_shift = pvclock->tsc_shift;
- __entry->flags = pvclock->flags;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %u, pvclock { version %u, tsc_timestamp 0x%llx, "
- "system_time 0x%llx, tsc_to_system_mul 0x%x, tsc_shift %d, "
- "flags 0x%x }",
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->version,
- __entry->tsc_timestamp,
- __entry->system_time,
- __entry->tsc_to_system_mul,
- __entry->tsc_shift,
- __entry->flags)
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, s64 delta),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, delta),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( s64, delta )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->delta = delta;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %u: delta %lld (%s)",
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->delta,
- __entry->delta < 0 ? "early" : "late")
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, u64 smbase, bool entering),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, smbase, entering),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( u64, smbase )
- __field( bool, entering )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->smbase = smbase;
- __entry->entering = entering;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu %u: %s SMM, smbase 0x%llx",
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->entering ? "entering" : "leaving",
- __entry->smbase)
- * Tracepoint for VT-d posted-interrupts.
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int host_irq, unsigned int vcpu_id,
- unsigned int gsi, unsigned int gvec,
- u64 pi_desc_addr, bool set),
- TP_ARGS(host_irq, vcpu_id, gsi, gvec, pi_desc_addr, set),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned int, host_irq )
- __field( unsigned int, vcpu_id )
- __field( unsigned int, gsi )
- __field( unsigned int, gvec )
- __field( u64, pi_desc_addr )
- __field( bool, set )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->host_irq = host_irq;
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->gsi = gsi;
- __entry->gvec = gvec;
- __entry->pi_desc_addr = pi_desc_addr;
- __entry->set = set;
- ),
- TP_printk("VT-d PI is %s for irq %u, vcpu %u, gsi: 0x%x, "
- "gvec: 0x%x, pi_desc_addr: 0x%llx",
- __entry->set ? "enabled and being updated" : "disabled",
- __entry->host_irq,
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->gsi,
- __entry->gvec,
- __entry->pi_desc_addr)
- * Tracepoint for kvm_hv_notify_acked_sint.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, u32 sint),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, sint),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(u32, sint)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->sint = sint;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d sint %u", __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->sint)
- * Tracepoint for synic_set_irq.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, u32 sint, int vector, int ret),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, sint, vector, ret),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(u32, sint)
- __field(int, vector)
- __field(int, ret)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->sint = sint;
- __entry->vector = vector;
- __entry->ret = ret;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d sint %u vector %d ret %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->sint, __entry->vector,
- __entry->ret)
- * Tracepoint for kvm_hv_synic_send_eoi.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int vector),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, vector),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(u32, sint)
- __field(int, vector)
- __field(int, ret)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->vector = vector;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d vector %d", __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->vector)
- * Tracepoint for synic_set_msr.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, u32 msr, u64 data, bool host),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, msr, data, host),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(u32, msr)
- __field(u64, data)
- __field(bool, host)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->msr = msr;
- __entry->data = data;
- __entry->host = host
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d msr 0x%x data 0x%llx host %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->msr, __entry->data, __entry->host)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_set_config.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index, u64 config, bool host),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index, config, host),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- __field(u64, config)
- __field(bool, host)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- __entry->config = config;
- __entry->host = host;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d config 0x%llx host %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index, __entry->config,
- __entry->host)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_set_count.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index, u64 count, bool host),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index, count, host),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- __field(u64, count)
- __field(bool, host)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- __entry->count = count;
- __entry->host = host;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d count %llu host %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index, __entry->count,
- __entry->host)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_start(periodic timer case).
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index, u64 time_now, u64 exp_time),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index, time_now, exp_time),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- __field(u64, time_now)
- __field(u64, exp_time)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- __entry->time_now = time_now;
- __entry->exp_time = exp_time;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d time_now %llu exp_time %llu",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index, __entry->time_now,
- __entry->exp_time)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_start(one-shot timer case).
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index, u64 time_now, u64 count),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index, time_now, count),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- __field(u64, time_now)
- __field(u64, count)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- __entry->time_now = time_now;
- __entry->count = count;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d time_now %llu count %llu",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index, __entry->time_now,
- __entry->count)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_timer_callback.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_expiration.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index, int msg_send_result),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index, msg_send_result),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- __field(int, msg_send_result)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- __entry->msg_send_result = msg_send_result;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d msg send result %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index,
- __entry->msg_send_result)
- * Tracepoint for stimer_cleanup.
- */
- TP_PROTO(int vcpu_id, int timer_index),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, timer_index),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(int, vcpu_id)
- __field(int, timer_index)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->timer_index = timer_index;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %d timer %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->timer_index)
- * Tracepoint for AMD AVIC
- */
- TP_PROTO(u32 vcpu, u32 icrh, u32 icrl, u32 id, u32 index),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu, icrh, icrl, id, index),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(u32, vcpu)
- __field(u32, icrh)
- __field(u32, icrl)
- __field(u32, id)
- __field(u32, index)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu = vcpu;
- __entry->icrh = icrh;
- __entry->icrl = icrl;
- __entry->id = id;
- __entry->index = index;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu=%u, icrh:icrl=%#010x:%08x, id=%u, index=%u\n",
- __entry->vcpu, __entry->icrh, __entry->icrl,
- __entry->id, __entry->index)
- TP_PROTO(u32 vcpu, u32 offset, bool ft, bool rw, u32 vec),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu, offset, ft, rw, vec),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(u32, vcpu)
- __field(u32, offset)
- __field(bool, ft)
- __field(bool, rw)
- __field(u32, vec)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu = vcpu;
- __entry->offset = offset;
- __entry->ft = ft;
- __entry->rw = rw;
- __entry->vec = vec;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu=%u, offset=%#x(%s), %s, %s, vec=%#x\n",
- __entry->vcpu,
- __entry->offset,
- __print_symbolic(__entry->offset, kvm_trace_symbol_apic),
- __entry->ft ? "trap" : "fault",
- __entry->rw ? "write" : "read",
- __entry->vec)
- TP_PROTO(unsigned int vcpu_id, unsigned int hv_timer_in_use),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, hv_timer_in_use),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field(unsigned int, vcpu_id)
- __field(unsigned int, hv_timer_in_use)
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->hv_timer_in_use = hv_timer_in_use;
- ),
- TP_printk("vcpu_id %x hv_timer %x\n",
- __entry->vcpu_id,
- __entry->hv_timer_in_use)
-#endif /* _TRACE_KVM_H */
-#define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH arch/x86/kvm
-#define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE trace
-/* This part must be outside protection */
-#include <trace/define_trace.h>
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/tss.h b/arch/x86/kvm/tss.h
index 622aa10..622aa10 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/tss.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/tss.h
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c b/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c
index 5382b82..4de8486 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Avi Kivity <>
@@ -22,639 +23,67 @@
#include "lapic.h"
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
-#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
-#include <linux/trace_events.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/tboot.h>
-#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <__asm.h>
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
#include "x86.h"
-#include <asm/cpu.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/desc.h>
#include <asm/vmx.h>
-#include <asm/virtext.h>
-#include <asm/mce.h>
-#include <asm/fpu/internal.h>
-#include <asm/perf_event.h>
-#include <asm/debugreg.h>
-#include <asm/kexec.h>
-#include <asm/apic.h>
-#include <asm/irq_remapping.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-#include "pmu.h"
-#define __ex(x) __kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(x)
-#define __ex_clear(x, reg) \
- ____kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot(x, "xor " reg " , " reg)
+#include "pmu.h"
+// seperate struct definitions to vmx_def.h so that asmgen can include
+#include "vmx_def.h"
+#pragma warning(disable : 4146)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4334)
-static const struct x86_cpu_id vmx_cpu_id[] = {
- {}
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(x86cpu, vmx_cpu_id);
+#define DR6_RESERVED (0xFFFF0FF0)
-static bool __read_mostly enable_vpid = 1;
-module_param_named(vpid, enable_vpid, bool, 0444);
+static bool enable_vpid = 0;
-static bool __read_mostly flexpriority_enabled = 1;
-module_param_named(flexpriority, flexpriority_enabled, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool flexpriority_enabled = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_ept = 1;
-module_param_named(ept, enable_ept, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool enable_ept = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_unrestricted_guest = 1;
- enable_unrestricted_guest, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool enable_unrestricted_guest = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_ept_ad_bits = 1;
-module_param_named(eptad, enable_ept_ad_bits, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool enable_ept_ad_bits = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly emulate_invalid_guest_state = true;
-module_param(emulate_invalid_guest_state, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool emulate_invalid_guest_state = true;
-static bool __read_mostly vmm_exclusive = 1;
-module_param(vmm_exclusive, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool vmm_exclusive = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly fasteoi = 1;
-module_param(fasteoi, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool fasteoi = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_apicv = 1;
-module_param(enable_apicv, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool enable_apicv = 1;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_shadow_vmcs = 1;
-module_param_named(enable_shadow_vmcs, enable_shadow_vmcs, bool, S_IRUGO);
+static bool enable_shadow_vmcs = 0;
* If nested=1, nested virtualization is supported, i.e., guests may use
* VMX and be a hypervisor for its own guests. If nested=0, guests may not
* use VMX instructions.
-static bool __read_mostly nested = 0;
-module_param(nested, bool, S_IRUGO);
-static u64 __read_mostly host_xss;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_pml = 1;
-module_param_named(pml, enable_pml, bool, S_IRUGO);
-#define KVM_VMX_TSC_MULTIPLIER_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffULL
-/* Guest_tsc -> host_tsc conversion requires 64-bit division. */
-static int __read_mostly cpu_preemption_timer_multi;
-static bool __read_mostly enable_preemption_timer = 1;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-module_param_named(preemption_timer, enable_preemption_timer, bool, S_IRUGO);
-#define KVM_GUEST_CR0_MASK (X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD)
-#define KVM_VM_CR0_ALWAYS_ON \
- (X86_CR4_PVI | X86_CR4_DE | X86_CR4_PCE | X86_CR4_OSFXSR \
-#define KVM_RMODE_VM_CR4_ALWAYS_ON (X86_CR4_VME | X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_VMXE)
- * These 2 parameters are used to config the controls for Pause-Loop Exiting:
- * ple_gap: upper bound on the amount of time between two successive
- * executions of PAUSE in a loop. Also indicate if ple enabled.
- * According to test, this time is usually smaller than 128 cycles.
- * ple_window: upper bound on the amount of time a guest is allowed to execute
- * in a PAUSE loop. Tests indicate that most spinlocks are held for
- * less than 2^12 cycles
- * Time is measured based on a counter that runs at the same rate as the TSC,
- * refer SDM volume 3b section 21.6.13 & 22.1.3.
- */
-static int ple_gap = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_GAP;
-module_param(ple_gap, int, S_IRUGO);
-static int ple_window = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_WINDOW;
-module_param(ple_window, int, S_IRUGO);
-/* Default doubles per-vcpu window every exit. */
-static int ple_window_grow = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_WINDOW_GROW;
-module_param(ple_window_grow, int, S_IRUGO);
-/* Default resets per-vcpu window every exit to ple_window. */
-static int ple_window_shrink = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_WINDOW_SHRINK;
-module_param(ple_window_shrink, int, S_IRUGO);
-/* Default is to compute the maximum so we can never overflow. */
-static int ple_window_actual_max = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_WINDOW_MAX;
-static int ple_window_max = KVM_VMX_DEFAULT_PLE_WINDOW_MAX;
-module_param(ple_window_max, int, S_IRUGO);
-extern const ulong vmx_return;
-#define VMCS02_POOL_SIZE 1
-struct vmcs {
- u32 revision_id;
- u32 abort;
- char data[0];
- * Track a VMCS that may be loaded on a certain CPU. If it is (cpu!=-1), also
- * remember whether it was VMLAUNCHed, and maintain a linked list of all VMCSs
- * loaded on this CPU (so we can clear them if the CPU goes down).
- */
-struct loaded_vmcs {
- struct vmcs *vmcs;
- struct vmcs *shadow_vmcs;
- int cpu;
- int launched;
- struct list_head loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link;
-struct shared_msr_entry {
- unsigned index;
- u64 data;
- u64 mask;
- * struct vmcs12 describes the state that our guest hypervisor (L1) keeps for a
- * single nested guest (L2), hence the name vmcs12. Any VMX implementation has
- * a VMCS structure, and vmcs12 is our emulated VMX's VMCS. This structure is
- * stored in guest memory specified by VMPTRLD, but is opaque to the guest,
- * which must access it using VMREAD/VMWRITE/VMCLEAR instructions.
- * More than one of these structures may exist, if L1 runs multiple L2 guests.
- * nested_vmx_run() will use the data here to build a vmcs02: a VMCS for the
- * underlying hardware which will be used to run L2.
- * This structure is packed to ensure that its layout is identical across
- * machines (necessary for live migration).
- * If there are changes in this struct, VMCS12_REVISION must be changed.
- */
-typedef u64 natural_width;
-struct __packed vmcs12 {
- /* According to the Intel spec, a VMCS region must start with the
- * following two fields. Then follow implementation-specific data.
- */
- u32 revision_id;
- u32 abort;
- u32 launch_state; /* set to 0 by VMCLEAR, to 1 by VMLAUNCH */
- u32 padding[7]; /* room for future expansion */
- u64 io_bitmap_a;
- u64 io_bitmap_b;
- u64 msr_bitmap;
- u64 vm_exit_msr_store_addr;
- u64 vm_exit_msr_load_addr;
- u64 vm_entry_msr_load_addr;
- u64 tsc_offset;
- u64 virtual_apic_page_addr;
- u64 apic_access_addr;
- u64 posted_intr_desc_addr;
- u64 ept_pointer;
- u64 eoi_exit_bitmap0;
- u64 eoi_exit_bitmap1;
- u64 eoi_exit_bitmap2;
- u64 eoi_exit_bitmap3;
- u64 xss_exit_bitmap;
- u64 guest_physical_address;
- u64 vmcs_link_pointer;
- u64 guest_ia32_debugctl;
- u64 guest_ia32_pat;
- u64 guest_ia32_efer;
- u64 guest_ia32_perf_global_ctrl;
- u64 guest_pdptr0;
- u64 guest_pdptr1;
- u64 guest_pdptr2;
- u64 guest_pdptr3;
- u64 guest_bndcfgs;
- u64 host_ia32_pat;
- u64 host_ia32_efer;
- u64 host_ia32_perf_global_ctrl;
- u64 padding64[8]; /* room for future expansion */
- /*
- * To allow migration of L1 (complete with its L2 guests) between
- * machines of different natural widths (32 or 64 bit), we cannot have
- * unsigned long fields with no explict size. We use u64 (aliased
- * natural_width) instead. Luckily, x86 is little-endian.
- */
- natural_width cr0_guest_host_mask;
- natural_width cr4_guest_host_mask;
- natural_width cr0_read_shadow;
- natural_width cr4_read_shadow;
- natural_width cr3_target_value0;
- natural_width cr3_target_value1;
- natural_width cr3_target_value2;
- natural_width cr3_target_value3;
- natural_width exit_qualification;
- natural_width guest_linear_address;
- natural_width guest_cr0;
- natural_width guest_cr3;
- natural_width guest_cr4;
- natural_width guest_es_base;
- natural_width guest_cs_base;
- natural_width guest_ss_base;
- natural_width guest_ds_base;
- natural_width guest_fs_base;
- natural_width guest_gs_base;
- natural_width guest_ldtr_base;
- natural_width guest_tr_base;
- natural_width guest_gdtr_base;
- natural_width guest_idtr_base;
- natural_width guest_dr7;
- natural_width guest_rsp;
- natural_width guest_rip;
- natural_width guest_rflags;
- natural_width guest_pending_dbg_exceptions;
- natural_width guest_sysenter_esp;
- natural_width guest_sysenter_eip;
- natural_width host_cr0;
- natural_width host_cr3;
- natural_width host_cr4;
- natural_width host_fs_base;
- natural_width host_gs_base;
- natural_width host_tr_base;
- natural_width host_gdtr_base;
- natural_width host_idtr_base;
- natural_width host_ia32_sysenter_esp;
- natural_width host_ia32_sysenter_eip;
- natural_width host_rsp;
- natural_width host_rip;
- natural_width paddingl[8]; /* room for future expansion */
- u32 pin_based_vm_exec_control;
- u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
- u32 exception_bitmap;
- u32 page_fault_error_code_mask;
- u32 page_fault_error_code_match;
- u32 cr3_target_count;
- u32 vm_exit_controls;
- u32 vm_exit_msr_store_count;
- u32 vm_exit_msr_load_count;
- u32 vm_entry_controls;
- u32 vm_entry_msr_load_count;
- u32 vm_entry_intr_info_field;
- u32 vm_entry_exception_error_code;
- u32 vm_entry_instruction_len;
- u32 tpr_threshold;
- u32 secondary_vm_exec_control;
- u32 vm_instruction_error;
- u32 vm_exit_reason;
- u32 vm_exit_intr_info;
- u32 vm_exit_intr_error_code;
- u32 idt_vectoring_info_field;
- u32 idt_vectoring_error_code;
- u32 vm_exit_instruction_len;
- u32 vmx_instruction_info;
- u32 guest_es_limit;
- u32 guest_cs_limit;
- u32 guest_ss_limit;
- u32 guest_ds_limit;
- u32 guest_fs_limit;
- u32 guest_gs_limit;
- u32 guest_ldtr_limit;
- u32 guest_tr_limit;
- u32 guest_gdtr_limit;
- u32 guest_idtr_limit;
- u32 guest_es_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_cs_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_ss_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_ds_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_fs_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_gs_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_ldtr_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_tr_ar_bytes;
- u32 guest_interruptibility_info;
- u32 guest_activity_state;
- u32 guest_sysenter_cs;
- u32 host_ia32_sysenter_cs;
- u32 vmx_preemption_timer_value;
- u32 padding32[7]; /* room for future expansion */
- u16 virtual_processor_id;
- u16 posted_intr_nv;
- u16 guest_es_selector;
- u16 guest_cs_selector;
- u16 guest_ss_selector;
- u16 guest_ds_selector;
- u16 guest_fs_selector;
- u16 guest_gs_selector;
- u16 guest_ldtr_selector;
- u16 guest_tr_selector;
- u16 guest_intr_status;
- u16 host_es_selector;
- u16 host_cs_selector;
- u16 host_ss_selector;
- u16 host_ds_selector;
- u16 host_fs_selector;
- u16 host_gs_selector;
- u16 host_tr_selector;
- * VMCS12_REVISION is an arbitrary id that should be changed if the content or
- * layout of struct vmcs12 is changed. MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC returns this id, and
- * VMPTRLD verifies that the VMCS region that L1 is loading contains this id.
- */
-#define VMCS12_REVISION 0x11e57ed0
+static bool nested = 0;
- * VMCS12_SIZE is the number of bytes L1 should allocate for the VMXON region
- * and any VMCS region. Although only sizeof(struct vmcs12) are used by the
- * current implementation, 4K are reserved to avoid future complications.
- */
-#define VMCS12_SIZE 0x1000
+static u64 host_xss;
-/* Used to remember the last vmcs02 used for some recently used vmcs12s */
-struct vmcs02_list {
- struct list_head list;
- gpa_t vmptr;
- struct loaded_vmcs vmcs02;
- * The nested_vmx structure is part of vcpu_vmx, and holds information we need
- * for correct emulation of VMX (i.e., nested VMX) on this vcpu.
- */
-struct nested_vmx {
- /* Has the level1 guest done vmxon? */
- bool vmxon;
- gpa_t vmxon_ptr;
- /* The guest-physical address of the current VMCS L1 keeps for L2 */
- gpa_t current_vmptr;
- /* The host-usable pointer to the above */
- struct page *current_vmcs12_page;
- struct vmcs12 *current_vmcs12;
- /*
- * Cache of the guest's VMCS, existing outside of guest memory.
- * Loaded from guest memory during VMPTRLD. Flushed to guest
- * memory during VMXOFF, VMCLEAR, VMPTRLD.
- */
- struct vmcs12 *cached_vmcs12;
- /*
- * Indicates if the shadow vmcs must be updated with the
- * data hold by vmcs12
- */
- bool sync_shadow_vmcs;
- /* vmcs02_list cache of VMCSs recently used to run L2 guests */
- struct list_head vmcs02_pool;
- int vmcs02_num;
- bool change_vmcs01_virtual_x2apic_mode;
- /* L2 must run next, and mustn't decide to exit to L1. */
- bool nested_run_pending;
- /*
- * Guest pages referred to in vmcs02 with host-physical pointers, so
- * we must keep them pinned while L2 runs.
- */
- struct page *apic_access_page;
- struct page *virtual_apic_page;
- struct page *pi_desc_page;
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc;
- bool pi_pending;
- u16 posted_intr_nv;
- unsigned long *msr_bitmap;
- struct hrtimer preemption_timer;
- bool preemption_timer_expired;
- /* to migrate it to L2 if VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS is off */
- u64 vmcs01_debugctl;
- u16 vpid02;
- u16 last_vpid;
- u32 nested_vmx_procbased_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_procbased_ctls_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_true_procbased_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_exit_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_exit_ctls_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_true_exit_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_entry_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_entry_ctls_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_true_entry_ctls_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_misc_low;
- u32 nested_vmx_misc_high;
- u32 nested_vmx_ept_caps;
- u32 nested_vmx_vpid_caps;
-#define POSTED_INTR_ON 0
-#define POSTED_INTR_SN 1
-/* Posted-Interrupt Descriptor */
-struct pi_desc {
- u32 pir[8]; /* Posted interrupt requested */
- union {
- struct {
- /* bit 256 - Outstanding Notification */
- u16 on : 1,
- /* bit 257 - Suppress Notification */
- sn : 1,
- /* bit 271:258 - Reserved */
- rsvd_1 : 14;
- /* bit 279:272 - Notification Vector */
- u8 nv;
- /* bit 287:280 - Reserved */
- u8 rsvd_2;
- /* bit 319:288 - Notification Destination */
- u32 ndst;
- };
- u64 control;
- };
- u32 rsvd[6];
-} __aligned(64);
-static bool pi_test_and_set_on(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return test_and_set_bit(POSTED_INTR_ON,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-static bool pi_test_and_clear_on(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return test_and_clear_bit(POSTED_INTR_ON,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-static int pi_test_and_set_pir(int vector, struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return test_and_set_bit(vector, (unsigned long *)pi_desc->pir);
+static bool enable_pml = 0;
-static inline void pi_clear_sn(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return clear_bit(POSTED_INTR_SN,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-static inline void pi_set_sn(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return set_bit(POSTED_INTR_SN,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-static inline int pi_test_on(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return test_bit(POSTED_INTR_ON,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-static inline int pi_test_sn(struct pi_desc *pi_desc)
- return test_bit(POSTED_INTR_SN,
- (unsigned long *)&pi_desc->control);
-struct vcpu_vmx {
- struct kvm_vcpu vcpu;
- unsigned long host_rsp;
- u8 fail;
- bool nmi_known_unmasked;
- u32 exit_intr_info;
- u32 idt_vectoring_info;
- ulong rflags;
- struct shared_msr_entry *guest_msrs;
- int nmsrs;
- int save_nmsrs;
- unsigned long host_idt_base;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- u64 msr_host_kernel_gs_base;
- u64 msr_guest_kernel_gs_base;
- u32 vm_entry_controls_shadow;
- u32 vm_exit_controls_shadow;
- /*
- * loaded_vmcs points to the VMCS currently used in this vcpu. For a
- * non-nested (L1) guest, it always points to vmcs01. For a nested
- * guest (L2), it points to a different VMCS.
- */
- struct loaded_vmcs vmcs01;
- struct loaded_vmcs *loaded_vmcs;
- bool __launched; /* temporary, used in vmx_vcpu_run */
- struct msr_autoload {
- unsigned nr;
- struct vmx_msr_entry guest[NR_AUTOLOAD_MSRS];
- struct vmx_msr_entry host[NR_AUTOLOAD_MSRS];
- } msr_autoload;
- struct {
- int loaded;
- u16 fs_sel, gs_sel, ldt_sel;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- u16 ds_sel, es_sel;
- int gs_ldt_reload_needed;
- int fs_reload_needed;
- u64 msr_host_bndcfgs;
- unsigned long vmcs_host_cr4; /* May not match real cr4 */
- } host_state;
- struct {
- int vm86_active;
- ulong save_rflags;
- struct kvm_segment segs[8];
- } rmode;
- struct {
- u32 bitmask; /* 4 bits per segment (1 bit per field) */
- struct kvm_save_segment {
- u16 selector;
- unsigned long base;
- u32 limit;
- u32 ar;
- } seg[8];
- } segment_cache;
- int vpid;
- bool emulation_required;
- /* Support for vnmi-less CPUs */
- int soft_vnmi_blocked;
- ktime_t entry_time;
- s64 vnmi_blocked_time;
- u32 exit_reason;
- /* Posted interrupt descriptor */
- struct pi_desc pi_desc;
- /* Support for a guest hypervisor (nested VMX) */
- struct nested_vmx nested;
- /* Dynamic PLE window. */
- int ple_window;
- bool ple_window_dirty;
- /* Support for PML */
-#define PML_ENTITY_NUM 512
- struct page *pml_pg;
- /* apic deadline value in host tsc */
- u64 hv_deadline_tsc;
- u64 current_tsc_ratio;
- bool guest_pkru_valid;
- u32 guest_pkru;
- u32 host_pkru;
- /*
- * Only bits masked by msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits can be set in
- * msr_ia32_feature_control. FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCKED is always included
- * in msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits.
- */
- u64 msr_ia32_feature_control;
- u64 msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits;
-enum segment_cache_field {
+extern const size_t vmx_return;
static inline struct vcpu_vmx *to_vmx(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return container_of(vcpu, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu);
-static struct pi_desc *vcpu_to_pi_desc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return &(to_vmx(vcpu)->pi_desc);
#define VMCS12_OFFSET(x) offsetof(struct vmcs12, x)
#define FIELD(number, name) [number] = VMCS12_OFFSET(name)
#define FIELD64(number, name) [number] = VMCS12_OFFSET(name), \
[number##_HIGH] = VMCS12_OFFSET(name)+4
-static unsigned long shadow_read_only_fields[] = {
+static size_t shadow_read_only_fields[] = {
* We do NOT shadow fields that are modified when L0
* traps and emulates any vmx instruction (e.g. VMPTRLD,
@@ -680,7 +109,7 @@ static unsigned long shadow_read_only_fields[] = {
static int max_shadow_read_only_fields =
-static unsigned long shadow_read_write_fields[] = {
+static size_t shadow_read_write_fields[] = {
@@ -853,10 +282,8 @@ static const unsigned short vmcs_field_to_offset_table[] = {
FIELD(HOST_RIP, host_rip),
-static inline short vmcs_field_to_offset(unsigned long field)
+static inline short vmcs_field_to_offset(size_t field)
- BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(vmcs_field_to_offset_table) > SHRT_MAX);
if (field >= ARRAY_SIZE(vmcs_field_to_offset_table) ||
vmcs_field_to_offset_table[field] == 0)
return -ENOENT;
@@ -869,27 +296,31 @@ static inline struct vmcs12 *get_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.cached_vmcs12;
-static struct page *nested_get_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr)
+static PMDL nested_get_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr)
- struct page *page = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(vcpu, addr >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page))
+ PMDL mdl;
+ size_t hva;
+ hva = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(vcpu, addr >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ if (kvm_is_error_hva(hva))
return NULL;
- return page;
+ mdl = IoAllocateMdl((void *)hva, PAGE_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!mdl)
+ return NULL;
-static void nested_release_page(struct page *page)
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
+ MmProbeAndLockPages(mdl, KernelMode, IoWriteAccess);
+ return mdl;
-static void nested_release_page_clean(struct page *page)
+static void nested_release_page(PMDL mdl)
- kvm_release_page_clean(page);
+ kvm_release_page(mdl);
-static unsigned long nested_ept_get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-static u64 construct_eptp(unsigned long root_hpa);
+static size_t nested_ept_get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+static u64 construct_eptp(size_t root_hpa);
static void kvm_cpu_vmxon(u64 addr);
static void kvm_cpu_vmxoff(void);
static bool vmx_xsaves_supported(void);
@@ -904,14 +335,10 @@ static void copy_vmcs12_to_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx);
static void copy_shadow_to_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx);
static int alloc_identity_pagetable(struct kvm *kvm);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct vmcs *, vmxarea);
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct vmcs *, current_vmcs);
- * We maintain a per-CPU linked-list of VMCS loaded on that CPU. This is needed
- * when a CPU is brought down, and we need to VMCLEAR all VMCSs loaded on it.
- */
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct list_head, loaded_vmcss_on_cpu);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct desc_ptr, host_gdt);
+static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct desc_ptr, host_idt);
* We maintian a per-CPU linked-list of vCPU, so in wakeup_handler() we
@@ -920,16 +347,16 @@ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct desc_ptr, host_gdt);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct list_head, blocked_vcpu_on_cpu);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(spinlock_t, blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock);
-static unsigned long *vmx_io_bitmap_a;
-static unsigned long *vmx_io_bitmap_b;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive;
-static unsigned long *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive;
-static unsigned long *vmx_vmread_bitmap;
-static unsigned long *vmx_vmwrite_bitmap;
+static size_t *vmx_io_bitmap_a;
+static size_t *vmx_io_bitmap_b;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive;
+static size_t *vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive;
+static size_t *vmx_vmread_bitmap;
+static size_t *vmx_vmwrite_bitmap;
static bool cpu_has_load_ia32_efer;
static bool cpu_has_load_perf_global_ctrl;
@@ -982,17 +409,6 @@ static u64 host_efer;
static void ept_save_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
- * Keep MSR_STAR at the end, as setup_msrs() will try to optimize it
- * away by decrementing the array size.
- */
-static const u32 vmx_msr_index[] = {
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
static inline bool is_exception_n(u32 intr_info, u8 vector)
@@ -1015,11 +431,6 @@ static inline bool is_page_fault(u32 intr_info)
return is_exception_n(intr_info, PF_VECTOR);
-static inline bool is_no_device(u32 intr_info)
- return is_exception_n(intr_info, NM_VECTOR);
static inline bool is_invalid_opcode(u32 intr_info)
return is_exception_n(intr_info, UD_VECTOR);
@@ -1083,69 +494,10 @@ static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_virtual_intr_delivery(void)
- * Comment's format: document - errata name - stepping - processor name.
- * Refer from
- *
- */
-static u32 vmx_preemption_cpu_tfms[] = {
-/* 323344.pdf - BA86 - D0 - Xeon 7500 Series */
-/* 323056.pdf - AAX65 - C2 - Xeon L3406 */
-/* 322814.pdf - AAT59 - C2 - i7-600, i5-500, i5-400 and i3-300 Mobile */
-/* 322911.pdf - AAU65 - C2 - i5-600, i3-500 Desktop and Pentium G6950 */
-/* 322911.pdf - AAU65 - K0 - i5-600, i3-500 Desktop and Pentium G6950 */
-/* 322373.pdf - AAO95 - B1 - Xeon 3400 Series */
-/* 322166.pdf - AAN92 - B1 - i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop */
- * 320767.pdf - AAP86 - B1 -
- * i7-900 Mobile Extreme, i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile
- */
-/* 321333.pdf - AAM126 - C0 - Xeon 3500 */
-/* 321333.pdf - AAM126 - C1 - Xeon 3500 */
-/* 320836.pdf - AAJ124 - C0 - i7-900 Desktop Extreme and i7-900 Desktop */
- /* 321333.pdf - AAM126 - D0 - Xeon 3500 */
- /* 321324.pdf - AAK139 - D0 - Xeon 5500 */
- /* 320836.pdf - AAJ124 - D0 - i7-900 Extreme and i7-900 Desktop */
-static inline bool cpu_has_broken_vmx_preemption_timer(void)
- u32 eax = cpuid_eax(0x00000001), i;
- /* Clear the reserved bits */
- eax &= ~(0x3U << 14 | 0xfU << 28);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vmx_preemption_cpu_tfms); i++)
- if (eax == vmx_preemption_cpu_tfms[i])
- return true;
- return false;
-static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_preemption_timer(void)
- return vmcs_config.pin_based_exec_ctrl &
-static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_posted_intr(void)
- vmcs_config.pin_based_exec_ctrl & PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR;
static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_apicv(void)
return cpu_has_vmx_apic_register_virt() &&
- cpu_has_vmx_virtual_intr_delivery() &&
- cpu_has_vmx_posted_intr();
+ cpu_has_vmx_virtual_intr_delivery();
static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_flexpriority(void)
@@ -1211,12 +563,6 @@ static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_unrestricted_guest(void)
-static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_ple(void)
- return vmcs_config.cpu_based_2nd_exec_ctrl &
static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_basic_inout(void)
return (((u64)vmcs_config.basic_cap << 32) & VMX_BASIC_INOUT);
@@ -1273,12 +619,6 @@ static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_pml(void)
return vmcs_config.cpu_based_2nd_exec_ctrl & SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_PML;
-static inline bool cpu_has_vmx_tsc_scaling(void)
- return vmcs_config.cpu_based_2nd_exec_ctrl &
static inline bool report_flexpriority(void)
return flexpriority_enabled;
@@ -1301,12 +641,6 @@ static inline bool nested_cpu_has_virtual_nmis(struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
return vmcs12->pin_based_vm_exec_control & PIN_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMIS;
-static inline bool nested_cpu_has_preemption_timer(struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- return vmcs12->pin_based_vm_exec_control &
static inline int nested_cpu_has_ept(struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
return nested_cpu_has2(vmcs12, SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_EPT);
@@ -1338,11 +672,6 @@ static inline bool nested_cpu_has_vid(struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
return nested_cpu_has2(vmcs12, SECONDARY_EXEC_VIRTUAL_INTR_DELIVERY);
-static inline bool nested_cpu_has_posted_intr(struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- return vmcs12->pin_based_vm_exec_control & PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR;
static inline bool is_exception(u32 intr_info)
@@ -1351,65 +680,20 @@ static inline bool is_exception(u32 intr_info)
static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
u32 exit_intr_info,
- unsigned long exit_qualification);
+ size_t exit_qualification);
static void nested_vmx_entry_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
- u32 reason, unsigned long qualification);
-static int __find_msr_index(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, u32 msr)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < vmx->nmsrs; ++i)
- if (vmx_msr_index[vmx->guest_msrs[i].index] == msr)
- return i;
- return -1;
+ u32 reason, size_t qualification);
-static inline void __invvpid(int ext, u16 vpid, gva_t gva)
- struct {
- u64 vpid : 16;
- u64 rsvd : 48;
- u64 gva;
- } operand = { vpid, 0, gva };
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_INVVPID)
- /* CF==1 or ZF==1 --> rc = -1 */
- "; ja 1f ; ud2 ; 1:"
- : : "a"(&operand), "c"(ext) : "cc", "memory");
-static inline void __invept(int ext, u64 eptp, gpa_t gpa)
- struct {
- u64 eptp, gpa;
- } operand = {eptp, gpa};
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_INVEPT)
- /* CF==1 or ZF==1 --> rc = -1 */
- "; ja 1f ; ud2 ; 1:\n"
- : : "a" (&operand), "c" (ext) : "cc", "memory");
-static struct shared_msr_entry *find_msr_entry(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, u32 msr)
- int i;
- i = __find_msr_index(vmx, msr);
- if (i >= 0)
- return &vmx->guest_msrs[i];
- return NULL;
+#define __invvpid(a, b, c)
+#define __invept(a, b, c)
static void vmcs_clear(struct vmcs *vmcs)
u64 phys_addr = __pa(vmcs);
u8 error;
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_VMCLEAR_RAX) "; setna %0"
- : "=qm"(error) : "a"(&phys_addr), "m"(phys_addr)
- : "cc", "memory");
+ error = __vmx_vmclear(&phys_addr);
if (error)
printk(KERN_ERR "kvm: vmclear fail: %p/%llx\n",
vmcs, phys_addr);
@@ -1429,85 +713,12 @@ static void vmcs_load(struct vmcs *vmcs)
u64 phys_addr = __pa(vmcs);
u8 error;
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_VMPTRLD_RAX) "; setna %0"
- : "=qm"(error) : "a"(&phys_addr), "m"(phys_addr)
- : "cc", "memory");
- if (error)
+ error = __vmx_vmptrld(&phys_addr);
+ if (error) {
+ DbgBreakPoint();
printk(KERN_ERR "kvm: vmptrld %p/%llx failed\n",
- vmcs, phys_addr);
- * This bitmap is used to indicate whether the vmclear
- * operation is enabled on all cpus. All disabled by
- * default.
- */
-static cpumask_t crash_vmclear_enabled_bitmap = CPU_MASK_NONE;
-static inline void crash_enable_local_vmclear(int cpu)
- cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, &crash_vmclear_enabled_bitmap);
-static inline void crash_disable_local_vmclear(int cpu)
- cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, &crash_vmclear_enabled_bitmap);
-static inline int crash_local_vmclear_enabled(int cpu)
- return cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &crash_vmclear_enabled_bitmap);
-static void crash_vmclear_local_loaded_vmcss(void)
- int cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();
- struct loaded_vmcs *v;
- if (!crash_local_vmclear_enabled(cpu))
- return;
- list_for_each_entry(v, &per_cpu(loaded_vmcss_on_cpu, cpu),
- loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link)
- vmcs_clear(v->vmcs);
-static inline void crash_enable_local_vmclear(int cpu) { }
-static inline void crash_disable_local_vmclear(int cpu) { }
-#endif /* CONFIG_KEXEC_CORE */
-static void __loaded_vmcs_clear(void *arg)
- struct loaded_vmcs *loaded_vmcs = arg;
- int cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();
- if (loaded_vmcs->cpu != cpu)
- return; /* vcpu migration can race with cpu offline */
- if (per_cpu(current_vmcs, cpu) == loaded_vmcs->vmcs)
- per_cpu(current_vmcs, cpu) = NULL;
- crash_disable_local_vmclear(cpu);
- list_del(&loaded_vmcs->loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link);
- /*
- * we should ensure updating loaded_vmcs->loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link
- * is before setting loaded_vmcs->vcpu to -1 which is done in
- * loaded_vmcs_init. Otherwise, other cpu can see vcpu = -1 fist
- * then adds the vmcs into percpu list before it is deleted.
- */
- smp_wmb();
- loaded_vmcs_init(loaded_vmcs);
- crash_enable_local_vmclear(cpu);
-static void loaded_vmcs_clear(struct loaded_vmcs *loaded_vmcs)
- int cpu = loaded_vmcs->cpu;
- if (cpu != -1)
- smp_call_function_single(cpu,
- __loaded_vmcs_clear, loaded_vmcs, 1);
+ vmcs, phys_addr);
+ }
static inline void vpid_sync_vcpu_single(int vpid)
@@ -1549,154 +760,118 @@ static inline void ept_sync_context(u64 eptp)
-static __always_inline void vmcs_check16(unsigned long field)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6001) == 0x2000,
- "16-bit accessor invalid for 64-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6001) == 0x2001,
- "16-bit accessor invalid for 64-bit high field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x4000,
- "16-bit accessor invalid for 32-bit high field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x6000,
- "16-bit accessor invalid for natural width field");
+#define VMCS_RW_DEBUG
-static __always_inline void vmcs_check32(unsigned long field)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0,
- "32-bit accessor invalid for 16-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x6000,
- "32-bit accessor invalid for natural width field");
+static void vmx_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu);
+static void vmx_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_check64(unsigned long field)
+static __forceinline size_t __vmcs_readl(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0,
- "64-bit accessor invalid for 16-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6001) == 0x2001,
- "64-bit accessor invalid for 64-bit high field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x4000,
- "64-bit accessor invalid for 32-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x6000,
- "64-bit accessor invalid for natural width field");
+ size_t value;
-static __always_inline void vmcs_checkl(unsigned long field)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0,
- "Natural width accessor invalid for 16-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6001) == 0x2000,
- "Natural width accessor invalid for 64-bit field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6001) == 0x2001,
- "Natural width accessor invalid for 64-bit high field");
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x4000,
- "Natural width accessor invalid for 32-bit field");
+ preempt_disable();
+ vmcs_load(to_vmx(vcpu)->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
-static __always_inline unsigned long __vmcs_readl(unsigned long field)
- unsigned long value;
+ __vmx_vmread(field, &value);
+ vmcs_clear(to_vmx(vcpu)->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
+ preempt_enable();
- asm volatile (__ex_clear(ASM_VMX_VMREAD_RDX_RAX, "%0")
- : "=a"(value) : "d"(field) : "cc");
return value;
-static __always_inline u16 vmcs_read16(unsigned long field)
+static __forceinline u16 vmcs_read16(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field)
- vmcs_check16(field);
- return __vmcs_readl(field);
+ return __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field);
-static __always_inline u32 vmcs_read32(unsigned long field)
+static __forceinline u32 vmcs_read32(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field)
- vmcs_check32(field);
- return __vmcs_readl(field);
+ return __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field);
-static __always_inline u64 vmcs_read64(unsigned long field)
+static __forceinline u64 vmcs_read64(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field)
- vmcs_check64(field);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- return __vmcs_readl(field);
+ return __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field);
return __vmcs_readl(field) | ((u64)__vmcs_readl(field+1) << 32);
-static __always_inline unsigned long vmcs_readl(unsigned long field)
+static __forceinline size_t vmcs_readl(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field)
- vmcs_checkl(field);
- return __vmcs_readl(field);
+ return __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field);
-static noinline void vmwrite_error(unsigned long field, unsigned long value)
+static __declspec(noinline) void vmwrite_error(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, size_t value)
printk(KERN_ERR "vmwrite error: reg %lx value %lx (err %d)\n",
- field, value, vmcs_read32(VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
+ field, value, vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
+#if 0
-static __always_inline void __vmcs_writel(unsigned long field, unsigned long value)
+static __always_inline void __vmcs_writel(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, size_t value)
u8 error;
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_VMWRITE_RAX_RDX) "; setna %0"
- : "=q"(error) : "a"(value), "d"(field) : "cc");
- if (unlikely(error))
- vmwrite_error(field, value);
+ preempt_disable();
+ vmcs_load(to_vmx(vcpu)->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
+ error = __vmx_vmwrite(field, value);
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ DbgBreakPoint();
+ vmwrite_error(vcpu, field, value);
+ }
+ vmcs_clear(to_vmx(vcpu)->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
+ preempt_enable();
-static __always_inline void vmcs_write16(unsigned long field, u16 value)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_write16(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, u16 value)
- vmcs_check16(field);
- __vmcs_writel(field, value);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, value);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_write32(unsigned long field, u32 value)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_write32(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, u32 value)
- vmcs_check32(field);
- __vmcs_writel(field, value);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, value);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_write64(unsigned long field, u64 value)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_write64(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, u64 value)
- vmcs_check64(field);
- __vmcs_writel(field, value);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, value);
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_64
asm volatile ("");
__vmcs_writel(field+1, value >> 32);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_writel(unsigned long field, unsigned long value)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_writel(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, size_t value)
- vmcs_checkl(field);
- __vmcs_writel(field, value);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, value);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_clear_bits(unsigned long field, u32 mask)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_clear_bits(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, u32 mask)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x2000,
- "vmcs_clear_bits does not support 64-bit fields");
- __vmcs_writel(field, __vmcs_readl(field) & ~mask);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field) & ~mask);
-static __always_inline void vmcs_set_bits(unsigned long field, u32 mask)
+static __always_inline void vmcs_set_bits(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, size_t field, u32 mask)
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(__builtin_constant_p(field) && ((field) & 0x6000) == 0x2000,
- "vmcs_set_bits does not support 64-bit fields");
- __vmcs_writel(field, __vmcs_readl(field) | mask);
+ __vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, __vmcs_readl(vcpu, field) | mask);
static inline void vm_entry_controls_reset_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- vmx->vm_entry_controls_shadow = vmcs_read32(VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS);
+ vmx->vm_entry_controls_shadow = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS);
static inline void vm_entry_controls_init(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, u32 val)
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS, val);
+ vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS, val);
vmx->vm_entry_controls_shadow = val;
@@ -1724,12 +899,12 @@ static inline void vm_entry_controls_clearbit(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, u32 val)
static inline void vm_exit_controls_reset_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- vmx->vm_exit_controls_shadow = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_CONTROLS);
+ vmx->vm_exit_controls_shadow = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_CONTROLS);
static inline void vm_exit_controls_init(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, u32 val)
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_CONTROLS, val);
+ vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_CONTROLS, val);
vmx->vm_exit_controls_shadow = val;
@@ -1780,7 +955,7 @@ static u16 vmx_read_guest_seg_selector(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned seg)
u16 *p = &vmx->segment_cache.seg[seg].selector;
if (!vmx_segment_cache_test_set(vmx, seg, SEG_FIELD_SEL))
- *p = vmcs_read16(kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].selector);
+ *p = vmcs_read16(&vmx->vcpu, kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].selector);
return *p;
@@ -1789,7 +964,7 @@ static ulong vmx_read_guest_seg_base(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned seg)
ulong *p = &vmx->segment_cache.seg[seg].base;
if (!vmx_segment_cache_test_set(vmx, seg, SEG_FIELD_BASE))
- *p = vmcs_readl(kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].base);
+ *p = vmcs_readl(&vmx->vcpu, kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].base);
return *p;
@@ -1798,7 +973,7 @@ static u32 vmx_read_guest_seg_limit(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned seg)
u32 *p = &vmx->segment_cache.seg[seg].limit;
if (!vmx_segment_cache_test_set(vmx, seg, SEG_FIELD_LIMIT))
- *p = vmcs_read32(kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].limit);
+ *p = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].limit);
return *p;
@@ -1807,7 +982,7 @@ static u32 vmx_read_guest_seg_ar(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned seg)
u32 *p = &vmx->segment_cache.seg[seg].ar;
if (!vmx_segment_cache_test_set(vmx, seg, SEG_FIELD_AR))
- *p = vmcs_read32(kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].ar_bytes);
+ *p = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg].ar_bytes);
return *p;
@@ -1816,17 +991,15 @@ static void update_exception_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 eb;
eb = (1u << PF_VECTOR) | (1u << UD_VECTOR) | (1u << MC_VECTOR) |
- (1u << NM_VECTOR) | (1u << DB_VECTOR) | (1u << AC_VECTOR);
+ (1u << DB_VECTOR) | (1u << AC_VECTOR);
if ((vcpu->guest_debug &
eb |= 1u << BP_VECTOR;
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->rmode.vm86_active)
eb = ~0;
if (enable_ept)
eb &= ~(1u << PF_VECTOR); /* bypass_guest_pf = 0 */
- if (vcpu->fpu_active)
- eb &= ~(1u << NM_VECTOR);
/* When we are running a nested L2 guest and L1 specified for it a
* certain exception bitmap, we must trap the same exceptions and pass
@@ -1836,11 +1009,11 @@ static void update_exception_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu))
eb |= get_vmcs12(vcpu)->exception_bitmap;
- vmcs_write32(EXCEPTION_BITMAP, eb);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, EXCEPTION_BITMAP, eb);
static void clear_atomic_switch_msr_special(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx,
- unsigned long entry, unsigned long exit)
+ size_t entry, size_t exit)
vm_entry_controls_clearbit(vmx, entry);
vm_exit_controls_clearbit(vmx, exit);
@@ -1879,17 +1052,17 @@ static void clear_atomic_switch_msr(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned msr)
m->guest[i] = m->guest[m->nr];
m->host[i] = m->host[m->nr];
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
+ vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
+ vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
static void add_atomic_switch_msr_special(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx,
- unsigned long entry, unsigned long exit,
- unsigned long guest_val_vmcs, unsigned long host_val_vmcs,
+ size_t entry, size_t exit,
+ size_t guest_val_vmcs, size_t host_val_vmcs,
u64 guest_val, u64 host_val)
- vmcs_write64(guest_val_vmcs, guest_val);
- vmcs_write64(host_val_vmcs, host_val);
+ vmcs_write64(&vmx->vcpu, guest_val_vmcs, guest_val);
+ vmcs_write64(&vmx->vcpu, host_val_vmcs, host_val);
vm_entry_controls_setbit(vmx, entry);
vm_exit_controls_setbit(vmx, exit);
@@ -1942,8 +1115,8 @@ static void add_atomic_switch_msr(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, unsigned msr,
} else if (i == m->nr) {
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
+ //vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
+ //vmcs_write32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, m->nr);
m->guest[i].index = msr;
@@ -1965,7 +1138,7 @@ static void reload_tss(void)
-static bool update_transition_efer(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, int efer_offset)
+static bool update_transition_efer(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
u64 guest_efer = vmx->vcpu.arch.efer;
u64 ignore_bits = 0;
@@ -1995,36 +1168,20 @@ static bool update_transition_efer(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, int efer_offset)
clear_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_EFER);
- /*
- * On EPT, we can't emulate NX, so we must switch EFER atomically.
- * On CPUs that support "load IA32_EFER", always switch EFER
- * atomically, since it's faster than switching it manually.
- */
- if (cpu_has_load_ia32_efer ||
- (enable_ept && ((vmx->vcpu.arch.efer ^ host_efer) & EFER_NX))) {
- if (!(guest_efer & EFER_LMA))
- guest_efer &= ~EFER_LME;
- if (guest_efer != host_efer)
- add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_EFER,
- guest_efer, host_efer);
- return false;
- } else {
- guest_efer &= ~ignore_bits;
- guest_efer |= host_efer & ignore_bits;
- vmx->guest_msrs[efer_offset].data = guest_efer;
- vmx->guest_msrs[efer_offset].mask = ~ignore_bits;
- return true;
- }
+ if (!(guest_efer & EFER_LMA))
+ guest_efer &= ~EFER_LME;
+ if (guest_efer != host_efer)
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_EFER,
+ guest_efer, host_efer);
+ return false;
-static unsigned long segment_base(u16 selector)
+static size_t segment_base(u16 selector)
struct desc_ptr *gdt = this_cpu_ptr(&host_gdt);
struct desc_struct *d;
- unsigned long table_base;
- unsigned long v;
+ size_t table_base;
+ size_t v;
if (!(selector & ~3))
return 0;
@@ -2043,47 +1200,40 @@ static unsigned long segment_base(u16 selector)
v = get_desc_base(d);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
if (d->s == 0 && (d->type == 2 || d->type == 9 || d->type == 11))
- v |= ((unsigned long)((struct ldttss_desc64 *)d)->base3) << 32;
+ v |= ((size_t)((struct ldttss_desc64 *)d)->base3) << 32;
return v;
-static inline unsigned long kvm_read_tr_base(void)
+static inline size_t kvm_read_tr_base(void)
- u16 tr;
- asm("str %0" : "=g"(tr));
+ u16 tr = 0;
+ tr = gvm_read_tr();
return segment_base(tr);
static void vmx_save_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int i;
- if (vmx->host_state.loaded)
- return;
- vmx->host_state.loaded = 1;
- * Set host fs and gs selectors. Unfortunately, 22.2.3 does not
+ * Set host fs and gs selectors. Unfortunately, 26.2.3 does not
* allow segment selectors with cpl > 0 or ti == 1.
- vmx->host_state.ldt_sel = kvm_read_ldt();
- vmx->host_state.gs_ldt_reload_needed = vmx->host_state.ldt_sel;
savesegment(fs, vmx->host_state.fs_sel);
if (!(vmx->host_state.fs_sel & 7)) {
- vmcs_write16(HOST_FS_SELECTOR, vmx->host_state.fs_sel);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_FS_SELECTOR, vmx->host_state.fs_sel);
vmx->host_state.fs_reload_needed = 0;
} else {
- vmcs_write16(HOST_FS_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_FS_SELECTOR, 0);
vmx->host_state.fs_reload_needed = 1;
savesegment(gs, vmx->host_state.gs_sel);
if (!(vmx->host_state.gs_sel & 7))
- vmcs_write16(HOST_GS_SELECTOR, vmx->host_state.gs_sel);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_GS_SELECTOR, vmx->host_state.gs_sel);
else {
- vmcs_write16(HOST_GS_SELECTOR, 0);
- vmx->host_state.gs_ldt_reload_needed = 1;
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_GS_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmx->host_state.gs_reload_needed = 1;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
@@ -2092,8 +1242,8 @@ static void vmx_save_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- vmcs_writel(HOST_FS_BASE, read_msr(MSR_FS_BASE));
- vmcs_writel(HOST_GS_BASE, read_msr(MSR_GS_BASE));
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_FS_BASE, read_msr(MSR_FS_BASE));
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_GS_BASE, read_msr(MSR_GS_BASE));
vmcs_writel(HOST_FS_BASE, segment_base(vmx->host_state.fs_sel));
vmcs_writel(HOST_GS_BASE, segment_base(vmx->host_state.gs_sel));
@@ -2106,25 +1256,16 @@ static void vmx_save_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_MPX))
rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS, vmx->host_state.msr_host_bndcfgs);
- for (i = 0; i < vmx->save_nmsrs; ++i)
- kvm_set_shared_msr(vmx->guest_msrs[i].index,
- vmx->guest_msrs[i].data,
- vmx->guest_msrs[i].mask);
static void __vmx_load_host_state(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- if (!vmx->host_state.loaded)
- return;
- vmx->host_state.loaded = 0;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
if (is_long_mode(&vmx->vcpu))
rdmsrl(MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE, vmx->msr_guest_kernel_gs_base);
- if (vmx->host_state.gs_ldt_reload_needed) {
- kvm_load_ldt(vmx->host_state.ldt_sel);
+ if (vmx->host_state.gs_reload_needed) {
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
@@ -2145,74 +1286,14 @@ static void __vmx_load_host_state(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
if (vmx->host_state.msr_host_bndcfgs)
wrmsrl(MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS, vmx->host_state.msr_host_bndcfgs);
- /*
- * If the FPU is not active (through the host task or
- * the guest vcpu), then restore the cr0.TS bit.
- */
- if (!fpregs_active() && !vmx->vcpu.guest_fpu_loaded)
- stts();
+ load_idt(this_cpu_ptr(&host_idt));
-static void vmx_load_host_state(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
+static void vmx_load_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- preempt_disable();
+ struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- preempt_enable();
-static void vmx_vcpu_pi_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc = vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu);
- struct pi_desc old, new;
- unsigned int dest;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(vcpu->kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP) ||
- !kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- return;
- do {
- old.control = new.control = pi_desc->control;
- /*
- * If 'nv' field is POSTED_INTR_WAKEUP_VECTOR, there
- * are two possible cases:
- * 1. After running 'pre_block', context switch
- * happened. For this case, 'sn' was set in
- * vmx_vcpu_put(), so we need to clear it here.
- * 2. After running 'pre_block', we were blocked,
- * and woken up by some other guy. For this case,
- * we don't need to do anything, 'pi_post_block'
- * will do everything for us. However, we cannot
- * check whether it is case #1 or case #2 here
- * (maybe, not needed), so we also clear sn here,
- * I think it is not a big deal.
- */
- if (pi_desc->nv != POSTED_INTR_WAKEUP_VECTOR) {
- if (vcpu->cpu != cpu) {
- dest = cpu_physical_id(cpu);
- if (x2apic_enabled())
- new.ndst = dest;
- else
- new.ndst = (dest << 8) & 0xFF00;
- }
- /* set 'NV' to 'notification vector' */
- }
- /* Allow posting non-urgent interrupts */
- = 0;
- } while (cmpxchg(&pi_desc->control, old.control,
- new.control) != old.control);
-static void decache_tsc_multiplier(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- vmx->current_tsc_ratio = vmx->vcpu.arch.tsc_scaling_ratio;
- vmcs_write64(TSC_MULTIPLIER, vmx->current_tsc_ratio);
@@ -2227,104 +1308,26 @@ static void vmx_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
if (!vmm_exclusive)
- else if (!already_loaded)
- loaded_vmcs_clear(vmx->loaded_vmcs);
- if (!already_loaded) {
- local_irq_disable();
- crash_disable_local_vmclear(cpu);
- /*
- * Read loaded_vmcs->cpu should be before fetching
- * loaded_vmcs->loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link.
- * See the comments in __loaded_vmcs_clear().
- */
- smp_rmb();
- list_add(&vmx->loaded_vmcs->loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link,
- &per_cpu(loaded_vmcss_on_cpu, cpu));
- crash_enable_local_vmclear(cpu);
- local_irq_enable();
- }
- if (per_cpu(current_vmcs, cpu) != vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs) {
- per_cpu(current_vmcs, cpu) = vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs;
- vmcs_load(vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
- }
if (!already_loaded) {
- struct desc_ptr *gdt = this_cpu_ptr(&host_gdt);
- unsigned long sysenter_esp;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
* Linux uses per-cpu TSS and GDT, so set these when switching
* processors.
- vmcs_writel(HOST_TR_BASE, kvm_read_tr_base()); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_writel(HOST_GDTR_BASE, gdt->address); /* 22.2.4 */
- rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, sysenter_esp);
- vmcs_writel(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, sysenter_esp); /* 22.2.3 */
vmx->loaded_vmcs->cpu = cpu;
- /* Setup TSC multiplier */
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control &&
- vmx->current_tsc_ratio != vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio)
- decache_tsc_multiplier(vmx);
- vmx_vcpu_pi_load(vcpu, cpu);
- vmx->host_pkru = read_pkru();
-static void vmx_vcpu_pi_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc = vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu);
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(vcpu->kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP) ||
- !kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- return;
- /* Set SN when the vCPU is preempted */
- if (vcpu->preempted)
- pi_set_sn(pi_desc);
static void vmx_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- vmx_vcpu_pi_put(vcpu);
- __vmx_load_host_state(to_vmx(vcpu));
if (!vmm_exclusive) {
- __loaded_vmcs_clear(to_vmx(vcpu)->loaded_vmcs);
- vcpu->cpu = -1;
-static void vmx_fpu_activate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- ulong cr0;
- if (vcpu->fpu_active)
- return;
- vcpu->fpu_active = 1;
- cr0 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR0);
- cr0 &= ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP);
- cr0 |= kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR0, cr0);
- update_exception_bitmap(vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits = X86_CR0_TS;
- if (is_guest_mode(vcpu))
- vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits &=
- ~get_vmcs12(vcpu)->cr0_guest_host_mask;
- vmcs_writel(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
static void vmx_decache_cr0_guest_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -2332,51 +1335,24 @@ static void vmx_decache_cr0_guest_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
* of the real cr0 used to run the guest (guest_cr0), and the bits shadowed by
* its hypervisor (cr0_read_shadow).
-static inline unsigned long nested_read_cr0(struct vmcs12 *fields)
+static inline size_t nested_read_cr0(struct vmcs12 *fields)
return (fields->guest_cr0 & ~fields->cr0_guest_host_mask) |
(fields->cr0_read_shadow & fields->cr0_guest_host_mask);
-static inline unsigned long nested_read_cr4(struct vmcs12 *fields)
+static inline size_t nested_read_cr4(struct vmcs12 *fields)
return (fields->guest_cr4 & ~fields->cr4_guest_host_mask) |
(fields->cr4_read_shadow & fields->cr4_guest_host_mask);
-static void vmx_fpu_deactivate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static size_t vmx_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- /* Note that there is no vcpu->fpu_active = 0 here. The caller must
- * set this *before* calling this function.
- */
- vmx_decache_cr0_guest_bits(vcpu);
- vmcs_set_bits(GUEST_CR0, X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP);
- update_exception_bitmap(vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits = 0;
- vmcs_writel(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
- if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
- /*
- * L1's specified read shadow might not contain the TS bit,
- * so now that we turned on shadowing of this bit, we need to
- * set this bit of the shadow. Like in nested_vmx_run we need
- * nested_read_cr0(vmcs12), but vmcs12->guest_cr0 is not yet
- * up-to-date here because we just decached cr0.TS (and we'll
- * only update vmcs12->guest_cr0 on nested exit).
- */
- struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
- vmcs12->guest_cr0 = (vmcs12->guest_cr0 & ~X86_CR0_TS) |
- (vcpu->arch.cr0 & X86_CR0_TS);
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW, nested_read_cr0(vmcs12));
- } else
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW, vcpu->arch.cr0);
-static unsigned long vmx_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long rflags, save_rflags;
+ size_t rflags, save_rflags;
if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_RFLAGS, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail)) {
__set_bit(VCPU_EXREG_RFLAGS, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
- rflags = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS);
+ rflags = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS);
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->rmode.vm86_active) {
save_rflags = to_vmx(vcpu)->rmode.save_rflags;
@@ -2387,7 +1363,7 @@ static unsigned long vmx_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return to_vmx(vcpu)->rflags;
-static void vmx_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
+static void vmx_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags)
__set_bit(VCPU_EXREG_RFLAGS, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
to_vmx(vcpu)->rflags = rflags;
@@ -2395,49 +1371,44 @@ static void vmx_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
to_vmx(vcpu)->rmode.save_rflags = rflags;
rflags |= X86_EFLAGS_IOPL | X86_EFLAGS_VM;
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RFLAGS, rflags);
-static u32 vmx_get_pkru(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return to_vmx(vcpu)->guest_pkru;
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS, rflags);
static u32 vmx_get_interrupt_shadow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u32 interruptibility = vmcs_read32(GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO);
+ u32 interruptibility = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO);
int ret = 0;
if (interruptibility & GUEST_INTR_STATE_STI)
- ret |= KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI;
+ ret |= GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI;
if (interruptibility & GUEST_INTR_STATE_MOV_SS)
return ret;
static void vmx_set_interrupt_shadow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int mask)
- u32 interruptibility_old = vmcs_read32(GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO);
+ u32 interruptibility_old = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO);
u32 interruptibility = interruptibility_old;
- if (mask & KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS)
+ if (mask & GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS)
interruptibility |= GUEST_INTR_STATE_MOV_SS;
- else if (mask & KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI)
+ else if (mask & GVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI)
interruptibility |= GUEST_INTR_STATE_STI;
if ((interruptibility != interruptibility_old))
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO, interruptibility);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO, interruptibility);
static void skip_emulated_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long rip;
+ size_t rip;
rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
- rip += vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
+ rip += vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
kvm_rip_write(vcpu, rip);
/* skipping an emulated instruction also counts */
@@ -2445,7 +1416,7 @@ static void skip_emulated_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- * KVM wants to inject page-faults which it got to the guest. This function
+ * kvm wants to inject page-faults which it got to the guest. This function
* checks whether in a nested guest, we need to inject them to L1 or L2.
static int nested_vmx_check_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr)
@@ -2456,8 +1427,8 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr)
return 0;
nested_vmx_vmexit(vcpu, to_vmx(vcpu)->exit_reason,
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
- vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
return 1;
@@ -2473,7 +1444,7 @@ static void vmx_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr,
if (has_error_code) {
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE, error_code);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE, error_code);
@@ -2482,18 +1453,18 @@ static void vmx_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr,
if (kvm_exception_is_soft(nr))
inc_eip = vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len;
if (kvm_inject_realmode_interrupt(vcpu, nr, inc_eip) != EMULATE_DONE)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
if (kvm_exception_is_soft(nr)) {
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN,
} else
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, intr_info);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, intr_info);
static bool vmx_rdtscp_supported(void)
@@ -2506,26 +1477,15 @@ static bool vmx_invpcid_supported(void)
return cpu_has_vmx_invpcid() && enable_ept;
- * Swap MSR entry in host/guest MSR entry array.
- */
-static void move_msr_up(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, int from, int to)
- struct shared_msr_entry tmp;
- tmp = vmx->guest_msrs[to];
- vmx->guest_msrs[to] = vmx->guest_msrs[from];
- vmx->guest_msrs[from] = tmp;
static void vmx_set_msr_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long *msr_bitmap;
+ size_t *msr_bitmap;
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu))
msr_bitmap = to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.msr_bitmap;
- else if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls() &&
+ else
+ if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls() &&
+ (vmcs_read32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL) &
if (enable_apicv && kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu)) {
if (is_long_mode(vcpu))
@@ -2545,7 +1505,7 @@ static void vmx_set_msr_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
msr_bitmap = vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy;
- vmcs_write64(MSR_BITMAP, __pa(msr_bitmap));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, MSR_BITMAP, __pa(msr_bitmap));
@@ -2555,37 +1515,33 @@ static void vmx_set_msr_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void setup_msrs(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- int save_nmsrs, index;
+ u64 value;
- save_nmsrs = 0;
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
if (is_long_mode(&vmx->vcpu)) {
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_SYSCALL_MASK);
- if (index >= 0)
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_LSTAR);
- if (index >= 0)
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_CSTAR);
- if (index >= 0)
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_TSC_AUX);
- if (index >= 0 && guest_cpuid_has_rdtscp(&vmx->vcpu))
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(MSR_SYSCALL_MASK, &value) &&
+ !wrmsrl_safe(MSR_SYSCALL_MASK, value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_SYSCALL_MASK, 0, value);
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(MSR_LSTAR, &value) &&
+ !wrmsrl_safe(MSR_LSTAR, value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_LSTAR, 0, value);
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(MSR_CSTAR, &value) &&
+ !wrmsrl_safe(MSR_CSTAR, value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_CSTAR, 0, value);
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(MSR_GS_BASE, &value) &&
+ !wrmsrl_safe(MSR_GS_BASE, value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_GS_BASE, 0, value);
* MSR_STAR is only needed on long mode guests, and only
* if efer.sce is enabled.
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_STAR);
- if ((index >= 0) && (vmx->vcpu.arch.efer & EFER_SCE))
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
+ if (vmx->vcpu.arch.efer & EFER_SCE)
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(MSR_STAR, &value) &&
+ !wrmsrl_safe(MSR_STAR, value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, MSR_STAR, 0, value);
- index = __find_msr_index(vmx, MSR_EFER);
- if (index >= 0 && update_transition_efer(vmx, index))
- move_msr_up(vmx, index, save_nmsrs++);
- vmx->save_nmsrs = save_nmsrs;
+ update_transition_efer(vmx);
if (cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap())
@@ -2600,9 +1556,10 @@ static u64 guest_read_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u64 host_tsc, tsc_offset;
- host_tsc = rdtsc();
- tsc_offset = vmcs_read64(TSC_OFFSET);
- return kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, host_tsc) + tsc_offset;
+ host_tsc = __rdtsc();
+ tsc_offset = vmcs_read64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET);
+ //return kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, host_tsc) + tsc_offset;
+ return host_tsc + tsc_offset;
@@ -2610,6 +1567,7 @@ static u64 guest_read_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void vmx_write_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 offset)
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET, offset);
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
* We're here if L1 chose not to trap WRMSR to TSC. According
@@ -2620,19 +1578,17 @@ static void vmx_write_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 offset)
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12;
/* recalculate vmcs02.TSC_OFFSET: */
vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
- vmcs_write64(TSC_OFFSET, offset +
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET, offset +
(nested_cpu_has(vmcs12, CPU_BASED_USE_TSC_OFFSETING) ?
vmcs12->tsc_offset : 0));
} else {
- trace_kvm_write_tsc_offset(vcpu->vcpu_id,
- vmcs_read64(TSC_OFFSET), offset);
- vmcs_write64(TSC_OFFSET, offset);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET, offset);
static bool guest_cpuid_has_vmx(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 1, 0);
return best && (best->ecx & (1 << (X86_FEATURE_VMX & 31)));
@@ -2685,11 +1641,7 @@ static void nested_vmx_setup_ctls_msrs(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
vmx->nested.nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_high |=
- if (kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(&vmx->vcpu))
- vmx->nested.nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_high |=
/* exit controls */
@@ -2804,7 +1756,7 @@ static void nested_vmx_setup_ctls_msrs(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
vmx->nested.nested_vmx_ept_caps = 0;
- * Old versions of KVM use the single-context version without
+ * Old versions of kvm use the single-context version without
* checking for support, so declare that it is supported even
* though it is treated as global context. The alternative is
* not failing the single-context invvpid, and it is worse.
@@ -2957,18 +1909,15 @@ static inline bool vmx_feature_control_msr_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static int vmx_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
- struct shared_msr_entry *msr;
switch (msr_info->index) {
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(GUEST_FS_BASE);
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_FS_BASE);
- msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(GUEST_GS_BASE);
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_GS_BASE);
- vmx_load_host_state(to_vmx(vcpu));
msr_info->data = to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_guest_kernel_gs_base;
@@ -2978,33 +1927,22 @@ static int vmx_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = guest_read_tsc(vcpu);
- msr_info->data = vmcs_read32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS);
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS);
- msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP);
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP);
- msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP);
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP);
if (!kvm_mpx_supported())
return 1;
- msr_info->data = vmcs_read64(GUEST_BNDCFGS);
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_EXT_CTL:
- if (!msr_info->host_initiated &&
- !(to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control &
- return 1;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.mcg_ext_ctl;
+ msr_info->data = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS);
msr_info->data = to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control;
- if (!nested_vmx_allowed(vcpu))
- return 1;
- return vmx_get_vmx_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
case MSR_IA32_XSS:
if (!vmx_xsaves_supported())
return 1;
@@ -3013,12 +1951,24 @@ static int vmx_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
if (!guest_cpuid_has_rdtscp(vcpu) && !msr_info->host_initiated)
return 1;
+ case MSR_LSTAR:
+ case MSR_CSTAR:
+ case MSR_STAR:
+ struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < vmx->; i++)
+ if (vmx->msr_autoload.guest[i].index == msr_info->index)
+ msr_info->data = vmx->msr_autoload.guest[i].value;
+ break;
/* Otherwise falls through */
- msr = find_msr_entry(to_vmx(vcpu), msr_info->index);
- if (msr) {
- msr_info->data = msr->data;
- break;
+ if (msr_info->index >= MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC
+ && msr_info->index <= MSR_IA32_VMX_VMFUNC) {
+ if (!nested_vmx_allowed(vcpu))
+ return 1;
+ return vmx_get_vmx_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index,
+ &msr_info->data);
return kvm_get_msr_common(vcpu, msr_info);
@@ -3036,10 +1986,10 @@ static void vmx_leave_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- struct shared_msr_entry *msr;
int ret = 0;
u32 msr_index = msr_info->index;
u64 data = msr_info->data;
+ u64 host_value = 0;
switch (msr_index) {
case MSR_EFER:
@@ -3048,30 +1998,29 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_FS_BASE, data);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_FS_BASE, data);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GS_BASE, data);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GS_BASE, data);
- vmx_load_host_state(vmx);
vmx->msr_guest_kernel_gs_base = data;
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, data);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, data);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, data);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, data);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, data);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, data);
if (!kvm_mpx_supported())
return 1;
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_BNDCFGS, data);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS, data);
case MSR_IA32_TSC:
kvm_write_tsc(vcpu, msr_info);
@@ -3080,7 +2029,7 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
if (vmcs_config.vmentry_ctrl & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT) {
if (!kvm_mtrr_valid(vcpu, MSR_IA32_CR_PAT, data))
return 1;
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PAT, data);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT, data);
vcpu->arch.pat = data;
@@ -3089,14 +2038,6 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
ret = kvm_set_msr_common(vcpu, msr_info);
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_EXT_CTL:
- if ((!msr_info->host_initiated &&
- !(to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control &
- (data & ~MCG_EXT_CTL_LMCE_EN))
- return 1;
- vcpu->arch.mcg_ext_ctl = data;
- break;
if (!vmx_feature_control_msr_valid(vcpu, data) ||
(to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control &
@@ -3106,14 +2047,12 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
if (msr_info->host_initiated && data == 0)
- return 1; /* they are read-only */
case MSR_IA32_XSS:
if (!vmx_xsaves_supported())
return 1;
* The only supported bit as of Skylake is bit 8, but
- * it is not supported on KVM.
+ * it is not supported on kvm.
if (data != 0)
return 1;
@@ -3130,22 +2069,18 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
/* Check reserved bit, higher 32 bits should be zero */
if ((data >> 32) != 0)
return 1;
+ case MSR_LSTAR:
+ case MSR_CSTAR:
+ case MSR_STAR:
+ if (!rdmsrl_safe(msr_index, &host_value))
+ add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, msr_index, data, host_value);
+ break;
/* Otherwise falls through */
- msr = find_msr_entry(vmx, msr_index);
- if (msr) {
- u64 old_msr_data = msr->data;
- msr->data = data;
- if (msr - vmx->guest_msrs < vmx->save_nmsrs) {
- preempt_disable();
- ret = kvm_set_shared_msr(msr->index, msr->data,
- msr->mask);
- preempt_enable();
- if (ret)
- msr->data = old_msr_data;
- }
- break;
- }
+ if (msr_index >= MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC
+ && msr_index <= MSR_IA32_VMX_VMFUNC)
+ return 1; /* they are read-only */
ret = kvm_set_msr_common(vcpu, msr_info);
@@ -3154,13 +2089,13 @@ static int vmx_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
static void vmx_cache_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_reg reg)
- __set_bit(reg, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
+ __set_bit(reg, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
switch (reg) {
- vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSP] = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RSP);
+ vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSP] = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RSP);
- vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RIP] = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RIP);
+ vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RIP] = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RIP);
if (enable_ept)
@@ -3171,32 +2106,28 @@ static void vmx_cache_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_reg reg)
-static __init int cpu_has_kvm_support(void)
+static int cpu_has_kvm_support(void)
return cpu_has_vmx();
-static __init int vmx_disabled_by_bios(void)
+static int vmx_disabled_by_bios(void)
u64 msr;
- rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL, msr);
+ if (rdmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL, &msr))
+ return 0;
- /* launched w/ TXT and VMX disabled */
- && tboot_enabled())
- return 1;
/* launched w/o TXT and VMX only enabled w/ TXT */
- && !tboot_enabled()) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "kvm: disable TXT in the BIOS or "
- "activate TXT before enabling KVM\n");
+ "activate TXT before enabling kvm\n");
return 1;
/* launched w/o TXT and VMX disabled */
- && !tboot_enabled())
return 1;
@@ -3205,11 +2136,9 @@ static __init int vmx_disabled_by_bios(void)
static void kvm_cpu_vmxon(u64 addr)
- intel_pt_handle_vmx(1);
- asm volatile (ASM_VMX_VMXON_RAX
- : : "a"(&addr), "m"(addr)
- : "memory", "cc");
+ u8 rc = __vmx_on(&addr);
+ if (rc)
+ printk(KERN_CRIT "rc is %d\n", rc);
static int hardware_enable(void)
@@ -3221,27 +2150,13 @@ static int hardware_enable(void)
if (cr4_read_shadow() & X86_CR4_VMXE)
return -EBUSY;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&per_cpu(loaded_vmcss_on_cpu, cpu));
INIT_LIST_HEAD(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu, cpu));
spin_lock_init(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock, cpu));
- /*
- * Now we can enable the vmclear operation in kdump
- * since the loaded_vmcss_on_cpu list on this cpu
- * has been initialized.
- *
- * Though the cpu is not in VMX operation now, there
- * is no problem to enable the vmclear operation
- * for the loaded_vmcss_on_cpu list is empty!
- */
- crash_enable_local_vmclear(cpu);
rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL, old);
- if (tboot_enabled())
if ((old & test_bits) != test_bits) {
/* enable and lock */
@@ -3255,44 +2170,31 @@ static int hardware_enable(void)
+ native_store_idt(this_cpu_ptr(&host_idt));
return 0;
-static void vmclear_local_loaded_vmcss(void)
- int cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();
- struct loaded_vmcs *v, *n;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(v, n, &per_cpu(loaded_vmcss_on_cpu, cpu),
- loaded_vmcss_on_cpu_link)
- __loaded_vmcs_clear(v);
/* Just like cpu_vmxoff(), but with the __kvm_handle_fault_on_reboot()
* tricks.
static void kvm_cpu_vmxoff(void)
- asm volatile (__ex(ASM_VMX_VMXOFF) : : : "cc");
- intel_pt_handle_vmx(0);
+ __vmx_off();
static void hardware_disable(void)
if (vmm_exclusive) {
- vmclear_local_loaded_vmcss();
-static __init int adjust_vmx_controls(u32 ctl_min, u32 ctl_opt,
+static int adjust_vmx_controls(u32 ctl_min, u32 ctl_opt,
u32 msr, u32 *result)
- u32 vmx_msr_low, vmx_msr_high;
+ u32 vmx_msr_low = 0, vmx_msr_high = 0;
u32 ctl = ctl_min | ctl_opt;
rdmsr(msr, vmx_msr_low, vmx_msr_high);
@@ -3308,17 +2210,17 @@ static __init int adjust_vmx_controls(u32 ctl_min, u32 ctl_opt,
return 0;
-static __init bool allow_1_setting(u32 msr, u32 ctl)
+static bool allow_1_setting(u32 msr, u32 ctl)
- u32 vmx_msr_low, vmx_msr_high;
+ u32 vmx_msr_low = 0, vmx_msr_high = 0;
rdmsr(msr, vmx_msr_low, vmx_msr_high);
return vmx_msr_high & ctl;
-static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
+static int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
- u32 vmx_msr_low, vmx_msr_high;
+ u32 vmx_msr_low = 0, vmx_msr_high = 0;
u32 min, opt, min2, opt2;
u32 _pin_based_exec_control = 0;
u32 _cpu_based_exec_control = 0;
@@ -3360,15 +2262,13 @@ static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
if (adjust_vmx_controls(min2, opt2,
&_cpu_based_2nd_exec_control) < 0)
@@ -3407,18 +2307,11 @@ static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
return -EIO;
if (adjust_vmx_controls(min, opt, MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS,
&_pin_based_exec_control) < 0)
return -EIO;
- if (cpu_has_broken_vmx_preemption_timer())
- _pin_based_exec_control &= ~PIN_BASED_VMX_PREEMPTION_TIMER;
- if (!(_cpu_based_2nd_exec_control &
- _pin_based_exec_control &= ~PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR;
if (adjust_vmx_controls(min, opt, MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS,
@@ -3442,7 +2335,8 @@ static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
return -EIO;
vmcs_conf->size = vmx_msr_high & 0x1fff;
- vmcs_conf->order = get_order(vmcs_conf->size);
+ /* should always 0 */
+ vmcs_conf->order = 0;
vmcs_conf->basic_cap = vmx_msr_high & ~0x1fff;
vmcs_conf->revision_id = vmx_msr_low;
@@ -3478,8 +2372,8 @@ static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
* BA97 (model 46)
- if (cpu_has_load_perf_global_ctrl && boot_cpu_data.x86 == 0x6) {
- switch (boot_cpu_data.x86_model) {
+ if (cpu_has_load_perf_global_ctrl && x86_cpuid_family() == 0x6) {
+ switch (x86_cpuid_model()) {
case 26:
case 30:
case 37:
@@ -3500,16 +2394,13 @@ static __init int setup_vmcs_config(struct vmcs_config *vmcs_conf)
return 0;
-static struct vmcs *alloc_vmcs_cpu(int cpu)
+static struct vmcs *alloc_vmcs_cpu(void)
- int node = cpu_to_node(cpu);
- struct page *pages;
struct vmcs *vmcs;
- pages = __alloc_pages_node(node, GFP_KERNEL, vmcs_config.order);
- if (!pages)
+ vmcs = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if (!vmcs)
return NULL;
- vmcs = page_address(pages);
memset(vmcs, 0, vmcs_config.size);
vmcs->revision_id = vmcs_config.revision_id; /* vmcs revision id */
return vmcs;
@@ -3517,12 +2408,12 @@ static struct vmcs *alloc_vmcs_cpu(int cpu)
static struct vmcs *alloc_vmcs(void)
- return alloc_vmcs_cpu(raw_smp_processor_id());
+ return alloc_vmcs_cpu();
static void free_vmcs(struct vmcs *vmcs)
- free_pages((unsigned long)vmcs, vmcs_config.order);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(vmcs, GVM_POOL_TAG);
@@ -3532,7 +2423,6 @@ static void free_loaded_vmcs(struct loaded_vmcs *loaded_vmcs)
if (!loaded_vmcs->vmcs)
- loaded_vmcs_clear(loaded_vmcs);
loaded_vmcs->vmcs = NULL;
WARN_ON(loaded_vmcs->shadow_vmcs != NULL);
@@ -3583,14 +2473,14 @@ static void init_vmcs_shadow_fields(void)
-static __init int alloc_kvm_area(void)
+static int alloc_kvm_area(void)
int cpu;
for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) {
struct vmcs *vmcs;
- vmcs = alloc_vmcs_cpu(cpu);
+ vmcs = alloc_vmcs_cpu();
if (!vmcs) {
return -ENOMEM;
@@ -3627,7 +2517,7 @@ static void fix_pmode_seg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg,
static void enter_pmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long flags;
+ size_t flags;
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
@@ -3647,13 +2537,13 @@ static void enter_pmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vmx_set_segment(vcpu, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_TR], VCPU_SREG_TR);
- flags = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS);
+ flags = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS);
flags |= vmx->rmode.save_rflags & ~RMODE_GUEST_OWNED_EFLAGS_BITS;
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RFLAGS, flags);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS, flags);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR4, (vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR4) & ~X86_CR4_VME) |
- (vmcs_readl(CR4_READ_SHADOW) & X86_CR4_VME));
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CR4, (vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR4) & ~X86_CR4_VME) |
+ (vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW) & X86_CR4_VME));
@@ -3665,7 +2555,7 @@ static void enter_pmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
fix_pmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_GS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_GS]);
-static void fix_rmode_seg(int seg, struct kvm_segment *save)
+static void fix_rmode_seg(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, int seg, struct kvm_segment *save)
const struct kvm_vmx_segment_field *sf = &kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg];
struct kvm_segment var = *save;
@@ -3692,15 +2582,15 @@ static void fix_rmode_seg(int seg, struct kvm_segment *save)
"protected mode (seg=%d)", seg);
- vmcs_write16(sf->selector, var.selector);
- vmcs_write32(sf->base, var.base);
- vmcs_write32(sf->limit, var.limit);
- vmcs_write32(sf->ar_bytes, vmx_segment_access_rights(&var));
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, sf->selector, var.selector);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->base, var.base);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->limit, var.limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->ar_bytes, vmx_segment_access_rights(&var));
static void enter_rmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long flags;
+ size_t flags;
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
vmx_get_segment(vcpu, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_TR], VCPU_SREG_TR);
@@ -3714,34 +2604,34 @@ static void enter_rmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vmx->rmode.vm86_active = 1;
- * Very old userspace does not call KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR before entering
+ * Very old userspace does not call GVM_SET_TSS_ADDR before entering
* vcpu. Warn the user that an update is overdue.
if (!vcpu->kvm->arch.tss_addr)
- printk_once(KERN_WARNING "kvm: KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR need to be "
+ printk_once(KERN_WARNING "kvm: GVM_SET_TSS_ADDR need to be "
"called before entering vcpu\n");
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_TR_BASE, vcpu->kvm->arch.tss_addr);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_LIMIT, RMODE_TSS_SIZE - 1);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, 0x008b);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_TR_BASE, vcpu->kvm->arch.tss_addr);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_LIMIT, RMODE_TSS_SIZE - 1);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, 0x008b);
- flags = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS);
+ flags = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS);
vmx->rmode.save_rflags = flags;
flags |= X86_EFLAGS_IOPL | X86_EFLAGS_VM;
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RFLAGS, flags);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR4, vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR4) | X86_CR4_VME);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS, flags);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CR4, vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR4) | X86_CR4_VME);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_SS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_SS]);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_CS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_CS]);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_ES, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_ES]);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_DS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_DS]);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_GS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_GS]);
- fix_rmode_seg(VCPU_SREG_FS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_FS]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_SS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_SS]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_CS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_CS]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_ES, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_ES]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_DS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_DS]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_GS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_GS]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_FS, &vmx->rmode.segs[VCPU_SREG_FS]);
@@ -3749,41 +2639,31 @@ static void enter_rmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void vmx_set_efer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- struct shared_msr_entry *msr = find_msr_entry(vmx, MSR_EFER);
- if (!msr)
- return;
- /*
- * Force kernel_gs_base reloading before EFER changes, as control
- * of this msr depends on is_long_mode().
- */
- vmx_load_host_state(to_vmx(vcpu));
vcpu->arch.efer = efer;
- if (efer & EFER_LMA) {
+ if (efer & EFER_LMA)
vm_entry_controls_setbit(to_vmx(vcpu), VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE);
- msr->data = efer;
- } else {
+ else
vm_entry_controls_clearbit(to_vmx(vcpu), VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE);
- msr->data = efer & ~EFER_LME;
- }
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+#define pr_debug_ratelimited DbgPrint
static void enter_lmode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 guest_tr_ar;
- guest_tr_ar = vmcs_read32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES);
+ guest_tr_ar = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES);
if ((guest_tr_ar & VMX_AR_TYPE_MASK) != VMX_AR_TYPE_BUSY_64_TSS) {
pr_debug_ratelimited("%s: tss fixup for long mode. \n",
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES,
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES,
(guest_tr_ar & ~VMX_AR_TYPE_MASK)
@@ -3818,13 +2698,13 @@ static void vmx_decache_cr0_guest_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
ulong cr0_guest_owned_bits = vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits;
vcpu->arch.cr0 &= ~cr0_guest_owned_bits;
- vcpu->arch.cr0 |= vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR0) & cr0_guest_owned_bits;
+ vcpu->arch.cr0 |= vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR0) & cr0_guest_owned_bits;
static void vmx_decache_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (enable_ept && is_paging(vcpu))
- vcpu->arch.cr3 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR3);
+ vcpu->arch.cr3 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR3);
__set_bit(VCPU_EXREG_CR3, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
@@ -3833,7 +2713,7 @@ static void vmx_decache_cr4_guest_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
ulong cr4_guest_owned_bits = vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits;
vcpu->arch.cr4 &= ~cr4_guest_owned_bits;
- vcpu->arch.cr4 |= vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR4) & cr4_guest_owned_bits;
+ vcpu->arch.cr4 |= vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR4) & cr4_guest_owned_bits;
static void ept_load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -3841,14 +2721,14 @@ static void ept_load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_mmu *mmu = vcpu->arch.walk_mmu;
if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR,
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
if (is_paging(vcpu) && is_pae(vcpu) && !is_long_mode(vcpu)) {
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR0, mmu->pdptrs[0]);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR1, mmu->pdptrs[1]);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR2, mmu->pdptrs[2]);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR3, mmu->pdptrs[3]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR0, mmu->pdptrs[0]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR1, mmu->pdptrs[1]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR2, mmu->pdptrs[2]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR3, mmu->pdptrs[3]);
@@ -3857,38 +2737,38 @@ static void ept_save_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_mmu *mmu = vcpu->arch.walk_mmu;
if (is_paging(vcpu) && is_pae(vcpu) && !is_long_mode(vcpu)) {
- mmu->pdptrs[0] = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR0);
- mmu->pdptrs[1] = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR1);
- mmu->pdptrs[2] = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR2);
- mmu->pdptrs[3] = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR3);
+ mmu->pdptrs[0] = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR0);
+ mmu->pdptrs[1] = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR1);
+ mmu->pdptrs[2] = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR2);
+ mmu->pdptrs[3] = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR3);
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
-static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4);
+static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4);
-static void ept_update_paging_mode_cr0(unsigned long *hw_cr0,
- unsigned long cr0,
+static void ept_update_paging_mode_cr0(size_t *hw_cr0,
+ size_t cr0,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_CR3, (ulong *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
if (!(cr0 & X86_CR0_PG)) {
/* From paging/starting to nonpaging */
- vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL) |
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL) |
vcpu->arch.cr0 = cr0;
vmx_set_cr4(vcpu, kvm_read_cr4(vcpu));
} else if (!is_paging(vcpu)) {
/* From nonpaging to paging */
- vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL) &
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL) &
vcpu->arch.cr0 = cr0;
@@ -3899,16 +2779,16 @@ static void ept_update_paging_mode_cr0(unsigned long *hw_cr0,
*hw_cr0 &= ~X86_CR0_WP;
-static void vmx_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
+static void vmx_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- unsigned long hw_cr0;
+ size_t hw_cr0;
- hw_cr0 = (cr0 & ~KVM_GUEST_CR0_MASK);
+ hw_cr0 = (cr0 & ~GVM_GUEST_CR0_MASK);
if (enable_unrestricted_guest)
else {
- hw_cr0 |= KVM_VM_CR0_ALWAYS_ON;
+ hw_cr0 |= GVM_VM_CR0_ALWAYS_ON;
if (vmx->rmode.vm86_active && (cr0 & X86_CR0_PE))
@@ -3929,18 +2809,15 @@ static void vmx_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
if (enable_ept)
ept_update_paging_mode_cr0(&hw_cr0, cr0, vcpu);
- if (!vcpu->fpu_active)
- hw_cr0 |= X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP;
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW, cr0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR0, hw_cr0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_READ_SHADOW, cr0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CR0, hw_cr0);
vcpu->arch.cr0 = cr0;
/* depends on vcpu->arch.cr0 to be set to a new value */
vmx->emulation_required = emulation_required(vcpu);
-static u64 construct_eptp(unsigned long root_hpa)
+static u64 construct_eptp(size_t root_hpa)
u64 eptp;
@@ -3954,15 +2831,15 @@ static u64 construct_eptp(unsigned long root_hpa)
return eptp;
-static void vmx_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3)
+static void vmx_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr3)
- unsigned long guest_cr3;
+ size_t guest_cr3;
u64 eptp;
guest_cr3 = cr3;
if (enable_ept) {
eptp = construct_eptp(cr3);
- vmcs_write64(EPT_POINTER, eptp);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EPT_POINTER, eptp);
if (is_paging(vcpu) || is_guest_mode(vcpu))
guest_cr3 = kvm_read_cr3(vcpu);
@@ -3971,21 +2848,21 @@ static void vmx_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3)
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR3, guest_cr3);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CR3, guest_cr3);
-static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
+static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4)
* Pass through host's Machine Check Enable value to hw_cr4, which
* is in force while we are in guest mode. Do not let guests control
* this bit, even if host CR4.MCE == 0.
- unsigned long hw_cr4 =
+ size_t hw_cr4 =
(cr4_read_shadow() & X86_CR4_MCE) |
(cr4 & ~X86_CR4_MCE) |
(to_vmx(vcpu)->rmode.vm86_active ?
if (cr4 & X86_CR4_VMXE) {
@@ -3994,7 +2871,7 @@ static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
* So basically the check on whether to allow nested VMX
* is here.
- if (!nested_vmx_allowed(vcpu))
+ //if (!nested_vmx_allowed(vcpu))
return 1;
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.vmxon &&
@@ -4025,8 +2902,8 @@ static int vmx_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
hw_cr4 &= ~(X86_CR4_SMEP | X86_CR4_SMAP | X86_CR4_PKE);
- vmcs_writel(CR4_READ_SHADOW, cr4);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CR4, hw_cr4);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW, cr4);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CR4, hw_cr4);
return 0;
@@ -4121,15 +2998,15 @@ static void vmx_set_segment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (vmx->rmode.vm86_active && seg != VCPU_SREG_LDTR) {
vmx->rmode.segs[seg] = *var;
if (seg == VCPU_SREG_TR)
- vmcs_write16(sf->selector, var->selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, sf->selector, var->selector);
else if (var->s)
- fix_rmode_seg(seg, &vmx->rmode.segs[seg]);
+ fix_rmode_seg(vcpu, seg, &vmx->rmode.segs[seg]);
goto out;
- vmcs_writel(sf->base, var->base);
- vmcs_write32(sf->limit, var->limit);
- vmcs_write16(sf->selector, var->selector);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, sf->base, var->base);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->limit, var->limit);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, sf->selector, var->selector);
* Fix the "Accessed" bit in AR field of segment registers for older
@@ -4145,7 +3022,7 @@ static void vmx_set_segment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (enable_unrestricted_guest && (seg != VCPU_SREG_LDTR))
var->type |= 0x1; /* Accessed */
- vmcs_write32(sf->ar_bytes, vmx_segment_access_rights(var));
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->ar_bytes, vmx_segment_access_rights(var));
vmx->emulation_required = emulation_required(vcpu);
@@ -4161,26 +3038,26 @@ static void vmx_get_cs_db_l_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *db, int *l)
static void vmx_get_idt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt)
- dt->size = vmcs_read32(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
- dt->address = vmcs_readl(GUEST_IDTR_BASE);
+ dt->size = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
+ dt->address = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE);
static void vmx_set_idt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt)
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, dt->size);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_IDTR_BASE, dt->address);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, dt->size);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE, dt->address);
static void vmx_get_gdt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt)
- dt->size = vmcs_read32(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
- dt->address = vmcs_readl(GUEST_GDTR_BASE);
+ dt->size = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
+ dt->address = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE);
static void vmx_set_gdt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct desc_ptr *dt)
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, dt->size);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GDTR_BASE, dt->address);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, dt->size);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE, dt->address);
static bool rmode_segment_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
@@ -4454,24 +3331,24 @@ out2:
return r;
-static void seg_setup(int seg)
+static void seg_setup(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
const struct kvm_vmx_segment_field *sf = &kvm_vmx_segment_fields[seg];
unsigned int ar;
- vmcs_write16(sf->selector, 0);
- vmcs_writel(sf->base, 0);
- vmcs_write32(sf->limit, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, sf->selector, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, sf->base, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->limit, 0xffff);
ar = 0x93;
if (seg == VCPU_SREG_CS)
ar |= 0x08; /* code segment */
- vmcs_write32(sf->ar_bytes, ar);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, sf->ar_bytes, ar);
static int alloc_apic_access_page(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct page *page;
+ pfn_t pfn;
int r = 0;
@@ -4482,17 +3359,12 @@ static int alloc_apic_access_page(struct kvm *kvm)
if (r)
goto out;
- page = gfn_to_page(kvm, APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page)) {
+ pfn = gfn_to_pfn(kvm, APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn)) {
r = -EFAULT;
goto out;
- /*
- * Do not pin the page in memory, so that memory hot-unplug
- * is able to migrate it.
- */
- put_page(page);
kvm->arch.apic_access_page_done = true;
@@ -4540,10 +3412,10 @@ static void free_vpid(int vpid)
#define MSR_TYPE_R 1
#define MSR_TYPE_W 2
-static void __vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(unsigned long *msr_bitmap,
+static void __vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(size_t *msr_bitmap,
u32 msr, int type)
- int f = sizeof(unsigned long);
+ int f = sizeof(size_t);
if (!cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap())
@@ -4575,10 +3447,10 @@ static void __vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(unsigned long *msr_bitmap,
-static void __vmx_enable_intercept_for_msr(unsigned long *msr_bitmap,
+static void __vmx_enable_intercept_for_msr(size_t *msr_bitmap,
u32 msr, int type)
- int f = sizeof(unsigned long);
+ int f = sizeof(size_t);
if (!cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap())
@@ -4614,11 +3486,11 @@ static void __vmx_enable_intercept_for_msr(unsigned long *msr_bitmap,
* If a msr is allowed by L0, we should check whether it is allowed by L1.
* The corresponding bit will be cleared unless both of L0 and L1 allow it.
-static void nested_vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(unsigned long *msr_bitmap_l1,
- unsigned long *msr_bitmap_nested,
+static void nested_vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(size_t *msr_bitmap_l1,
+ size_t *msr_bitmap_nested,
u32 msr, int type)
- int f = sizeof(unsigned long);
+ int f = sizeof(size_t);
if (!cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap()) {
@@ -4715,125 +3587,6 @@ static bool vmx_get_enable_apicv(void)
return enable_apicv;
-static int vmx_complete_nested_posted_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int max_irr;
- void *vapic_page;
- u16 status;
- if (vmx->nested.pi_desc &&
- vmx->nested.pi_pending) {
- vmx->nested.pi_pending = false;
- if (!pi_test_and_clear_on(vmx->nested.pi_desc))
- return 0;
- max_irr = find_last_bit(
- (unsigned long *)vmx->nested.pi_desc->pir, 256);
- if (max_irr == 256)
- return 0;
- vapic_page = kmap(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page);
- if (!vapic_page) {
- WARN_ON(1);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- __kvm_apic_update_irr(vmx->nested.pi_desc->pir, vapic_page);
- kunmap(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page);
- status = vmcs_read16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
- if ((u8)max_irr > ((u8)status & 0xff)) {
- status &= ~0xff;
- status |= (u8)max_irr;
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS, status);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static inline bool kvm_vcpu_trigger_posted_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- if (vcpu->mode == IN_GUEST_MODE) {
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- /*
- * Currently, we don't support urgent interrupt,
- * all interrupts are recognized as non-urgent
- * interrupt, so we cannot post interrupts when
- * 'SN' is set.
- *
- * If the vcpu is in guest mode, it means it is
- * running instead of being scheduled out and
- * waiting in the run queue, and that's the only
- * case when 'SN' is set currently, warning if
- * 'SN' is set.
- */
- WARN_ON_ONCE(pi_test_sn(&vmx->pi_desc));
- apic->send_IPI_mask(get_cpu_mask(vcpu->cpu),
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static int vmx_deliver_nested_posted_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- int vector)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- if (is_guest_mode(vcpu) &&
- vector == vmx->nested.posted_intr_nv) {
- /* the PIR and ON have been set by L1. */
- kvm_vcpu_trigger_posted_interrupt(vcpu);
- /*
- * If a posted intr is not recognized by hardware,
- * we will accomplish it in the next vmentry.
- */
- vmx->nested.pi_pending = true;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- * Send interrupt to vcpu via posted interrupt way.
- * 1. If target vcpu is running(non-root mode), send posted interrupt
- * notification to vcpu and hardware will sync PIR to vIRR atomically.
- * 2. If target vcpu isn't running(root mode), kick it to pick up the
- * interrupt from PIR in next vmentry.
- */
-static void vmx_deliver_posted_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int r;
- r = vmx_deliver_nested_posted_interrupt(vcpu, vector);
- if (!r)
- return;
- if (pi_test_and_set_pir(vector, &vmx->pi_desc))
- return;
- r = pi_test_and_set_on(&vmx->pi_desc);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- if (r || !kvm_vcpu_trigger_posted_interrupt(vcpu))
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
-static void vmx_sync_pir_to_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- if (!pi_test_and_clear_on(&vmx->pi_desc))
- return;
- kvm_apic_update_irr(vcpu, vmx->pi_desc.pir);
* Set up the vmcs's constant host-state fields, i.e., host-state fields that
* will not change in the lifetime of the guest.
@@ -4842,71 +3595,63 @@ static void vmx_sync_pir_to_irr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void vmx_set_constant_host_state(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- u32 low32, high32;
- unsigned long tmpl;
- struct desc_ptr dt;
- unsigned long cr4;
+ u32 low32 = 0, high32 = 0;
+ size_t tmpl;
+ size_t cr4;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = &vmx->vcpu;
- vmcs_writel(HOST_CR0, read_cr0() & ~X86_CR0_TS); /* 22.2.3 */
- vmcs_writel(HOST_CR3, read_cr3()); /* 22.2.3 FIXME: shadow tables */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_CR0, read_cr0() & ~X86_CR0_TS); /* 22.2.3 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_CR3, read_cr3()); /* 22.2.3 FIXME: shadow tables */
/* Save the most likely value for this task's CR4 in the VMCS. */
cr4 = cr4_read_shadow();
- vmcs_writel(HOST_CR4, cr4); /* 22.2.3, 22.2.5 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_CR4, cr4); /* 22.2.3, 22.2.5 */
vmx->host_state.vmcs_host_cr4 = cr4;
- vmcs_write16(HOST_CS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_CS); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_CS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_CS); /* 22.2.4 */
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
* Load null selectors, so we can avoid reloading them in
* __vmx_load_host_state(), in case userspace uses the null selectors
* too (the expected case).
- vmcs_write16(HOST_DS_SELECTOR, 0);
- vmcs_write16(HOST_ES_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_DS_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_ES_SELECTOR, 0);
- vmcs_write16(HOST_DS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_DS); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_write16(HOST_ES_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_DS); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_DS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_DS); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_ES_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_DS); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_write16(HOST_SS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_DS); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_write16(HOST_TR_SELECTOR, GDT_ENTRY_TSS*8); /* 22.2.4 */
- native_store_idt(&dt);
- vmcs_writel(HOST_IDTR_BASE, dt.address); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmx->host_idt_base = dt.address;
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_SS_SELECTOR, __KERNEL_SS); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_TR_SELECTOR, GDT_ENTRY_TSS*8); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_writel(HOST_RIP, vmx_return); /* 22.2.5 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_RIP, vmx_return); /* 22.2.5 */
rdmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, low32, high32);
- vmcs_write32(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, low32);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, low32);
rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, tmpl);
- vmcs_writel(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, tmpl); /* 22.2.3 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, tmpl); /* 22.2.3 */
if (vmcs_config.vmexit_ctrl & VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PAT) {
rdmsr(MSR_IA32_CR_PAT, low32, high32);
- vmcs_write64(HOST_IA32_PAT, low32 | ((u64) high32 << 32));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, HOST_IA32_PAT, low32 | ((u64) high32 << 32));
static void set_cr4_guest_host_mask(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits = KVM_CR4_GUEST_OWNED_BITS;
+ vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits = GVM_CR4_GUEST_OWNED_BITS;
if (enable_ept)
vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits |= X86_CR4_PGE;
if (is_guest_mode(&vmx->vcpu))
vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits &=
- vmcs_writel(CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits);
+ vmcs_writel(&vmx->vcpu, CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vmx->vcpu.arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits);
static u32 vmx_pin_based_exec_ctrl(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
u32 pin_based_exec_ctrl = vmcs_config.pin_based_exec_ctrl;
- if (!kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(&vmx->vcpu))
- pin_based_exec_ctrl &= ~PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR;
- /* Enable the preemption timer dynamically */
- pin_based_exec_ctrl &= ~PIN_BASED_VMX_PREEMPTION_TIMER;
return pin_based_exec_ctrl;
@@ -4914,14 +3659,14 @@ static void vmx_refresh_apicv_exec_ctrl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- vmcs_write32(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_pin_based_exec_ctrl(vmx));
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_pin_based_exec_ctrl(vmx));
if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls()) {
if (kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
+ vmcs_set_bits(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- vmcs_clear_bits(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
+ vmcs_clear_bits(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
@@ -4934,7 +3679,7 @@ static u32 vmx_exec_control(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
u32 exec_control = vmcs_config.cpu_based_exec_ctrl;
- if (vmx->vcpu.arch.switch_db_regs & KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT)
+ if (vmx->vcpu.arch.switch_db_regs & GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT)
exec_control &= ~CPU_BASED_MOV_DR_EXITING;
if (!cpu_need_tpr_shadow(&vmx->vcpu)) {
@@ -4966,8 +3711,6 @@ static u32 vmx_secondary_exec_control(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
if (!enable_unrestricted_guest)
- if (!ple_gap)
if (!kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(&vmx->vcpu))
@@ -5003,114 +3746,90 @@ static void ept_set_mmio_spte_mask(void)
static int vmx_vcpu_setup(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- unsigned long a;
+ size_t a;
- int i;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = &vmx->vcpu;
/* I/O */
- vmcs_write64(IO_BITMAP_A, __pa(vmx_io_bitmap_a));
- vmcs_write64(IO_BITMAP_B, __pa(vmx_io_bitmap_b));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, IO_BITMAP_A, __pa(vmx_io_bitmap_a));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, IO_BITMAP_B, __pa(vmx_io_bitmap_b));
if (enable_shadow_vmcs) {
- vmcs_write64(VMREAD_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_vmread_bitmap));
- vmcs_write64(VMWRITE_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_vmwrite_bitmap));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMREAD_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_vmread_bitmap));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMWRITE_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_vmwrite_bitmap));
if (cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap())
- vmcs_write64(MSR_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, MSR_BITMAP, __pa(vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy));
- vmcs_write64(VMCS_LINK_POINTER, -1ull); /* */
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMCS_LINK_POINTER, (u64)-1); /* */
/* Control */
- vmcs_write32(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_pin_based_exec_ctrl(vmx));
- vmx->hv_deadline_tsc = -1;
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_pin_based_exec_ctrl(vmx));
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_exec_control(vmx));
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, vmx_exec_control(vmx));
if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls()) {
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
if (kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(&vmx->vcpu)) {
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0, 0);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1, 0);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2, 0);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3, 0);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3, 0);
- vmcs_write64(POSTED_INTR_DESC_ADDR, __pa((&vmx->pi_desc)));
- }
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS, 0);
- if (ple_gap) {
- vmcs_write32(PLE_GAP, ple_gap);
- vmx->ple_window = ple_window;
- vmx->ple_window_dirty = true;
+ //vmcs_write16(vcpu, POSTED_INTR_NV, POSTED_INTR_VECTOR);
+ //vmcs_write64(vcpu, POSTED_INTR_DESC_ADDR, __pa((&vmx->pi_desc)));
- vmcs_write32(PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MASK, 0);
- vmcs_write32(PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MATCH, 0);
- vmcs_write32(CR3_TARGET_COUNT, 0); /* 22.2.1 */
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MASK, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MATCH, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CR3_TARGET_COUNT, 0); /* 22.2.1 */
- vmcs_write16(HOST_FS_SELECTOR, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_write16(HOST_GS_SELECTOR, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_FS_SELECTOR, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, HOST_GS_SELECTOR, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
rdmsrl(MSR_FS_BASE, a);
- vmcs_writel(HOST_FS_BASE, a); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_FS_BASE, a); /* 22.2.4 */
rdmsrl(MSR_GS_BASE, a);
- vmcs_writel(HOST_GS_BASE, a); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_GS_BASE, a); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_writel(HOST_FS_BASE, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_writel(HOST_GS_BASE, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_FS_BASE, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_GS_BASE, 0); /* 22.2.4 */
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_COUNT, 0);
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, 0);
- vmcs_write64(VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_ADDR, __pa(vmx->;
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, 0);
- vmcs_write64(VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_ADDR, __pa(vmx->msr_autoload.guest));
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_COUNT, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_ADDR, __pa(vmx->;
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_ADDR, __pa(vmx->msr_autoload.guest));
if (vmcs_config.vmentry_ctrl & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT)
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmx->vcpu.arch.pat);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vmx_msr_index); ++i) {
- u32 index = vmx_msr_index[i];
- u32 data_low, data_high;
- int j = vmx->nmsrs;
- if (rdmsr_safe(index, &data_low, &data_high) < 0)
- continue;
- if (wrmsr_safe(index, data_low, data_high) < 0)
- continue;
- vmx->guest_msrs[j].index = i;
- vmx->guest_msrs[j].data = 0;
- vmx->guest_msrs[j].mask = -1ull;
- ++vmx->nmsrs;
- }
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmx->vcpu.arch.pat);
vm_exit_controls_init(vmx, vmcs_config.vmexit_ctrl);
/* 22.2.1, 20.8.1 */
vm_entry_controls_init(vmx, vmcs_config.vmentry_ctrl);
- vmcs_writel(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~0UL);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~0UL);
if (vmx_xsaves_supported())
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, XSS_EXIT_BITMAP, VMX_XSS_EXIT_BITMAP);
if (enable_pml) {
- vmcs_write64(PML_ADDRESS, page_to_phys(vmx->pml_pg));
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_PML_INDEX, PML_ENTITY_NUM - 1);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, PML_ADDRESS, page_to_phys(vmx->pml_pg));
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_PML_INDEX, PML_ENTITY_NUM - 1);
return 0;
static void vmx_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
@@ -5135,72 +3854,68 @@ static void vmx_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event)
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_CS);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_CS_SELECTOR, 0xf000);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CS_BASE, 0xffff0000ul);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_CS);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_CS_SELECTOR, 0xf000);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CS_BASE, 0xffff0000ul);
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_DS);
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_ES);
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_FS);
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_GS);
- seg_setup(VCPU_SREG_SS);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_DS);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_ES);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_FS);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_GS);
+ seg_setup(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_SS);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_TR_SELECTOR, 0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_TR_BASE, 0);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, 0x008b);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_TR_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_TR_BASE, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, 0x008b);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR, 0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_LDTR_BASE, 0);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES, 0x00082);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_BASE, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES, 0x00082);
if (!init_event) {
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, 0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, 0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, 0);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, 0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RFLAGS, 0x02);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS, 0x02);
kvm_rip_write(vcpu, 0xfff0);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GDTR_BASE, 0);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_IDTR_BASE, 0);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, 0xffff);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO, 0);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_PENDING_DBG_EXCEPTIONS, 0);
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, 0); /* 22.2.1 */
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, 0); /* 22.2.1 */
if (cpu_has_vmx_tpr_shadow() && !init_event) {
- vmcs_write64(VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR, 0);
if (cpu_need_tpr_shadow(vcpu))
- vmcs_write64(VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR,
- vmcs_write32(TPR_THRESHOLD, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, TPR_THRESHOLD, 0);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu);
- if (kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- memset(&vmx->pi_desc, 0, sizeof(struct pi_desc));
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu);
if (vmx->vpid != 0)
- vmcs_write16(VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->vpid);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->vpid);
cr0 = X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD | X86_CR0_ET;
vmx->vcpu.arch.cr0 = cr0;
vmx_set_cr0(vcpu, cr0); /* enter rmode */
vmx_set_cr4(vcpu, 0);
vmx_set_efer(vcpu, 0);
- vmx_fpu_activate(vcpu);
@@ -5236,9 +3951,9 @@ static void enable_irq_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
- cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
cpu_based_vm_exec_control |= CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_INTR_PENDING;
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
static void enable_nmi_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -5246,14 +3961,14 @@ static void enable_nmi_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
if (!cpu_has_virtual_nmis() ||
- cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
cpu_based_vm_exec_control |= CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMI_PENDING;
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
static void vmx_inject_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -5262,25 +3977,23 @@ static void vmx_inject_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
uint32_t intr;
int irq = vcpu->;
- trace_kvm_inj_virq(irq);
if (vmx->rmode.vm86_active) {
int inc_eip = 0;
if (vcpu->arch.interrupt.soft)
inc_eip = vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len;
if (kvm_inject_realmode_interrupt(vcpu, irq, inc_eip) != EMULATE_DONE)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
intr = irq | INTR_INFO_VALID_MASK;
if (vcpu->arch.interrupt.soft) {
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN,
} else
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, intr);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, intr);
static void vmx_inject_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -5307,11 +4020,11 @@ static void vmx_inject_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (vmx->rmode.vm86_active) {
if (kvm_inject_realmode_interrupt(vcpu, NMI_VECTOR, 0) != EMULATE_DONE)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD,
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD,
@@ -5321,7 +4034,7 @@ static bool vmx_get_nmi_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return to_vmx(vcpu)->soft_vnmi_blocked;
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->nmi_known_unmasked)
return false;
static void vmx_set_nmi_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool masked)
@@ -5336,10 +4049,10 @@ static void vmx_set_nmi_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool masked)
} else {
vmx->nmi_known_unmasked = !masked;
if (masked)
+ vmcs_set_bits(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO,
+ vmcs_clear_bits(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO,
@@ -5352,7 +4065,7 @@ static int vmx_nmi_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!cpu_has_virtual_nmis() && to_vmx(vcpu)->soft_vnmi_blocked)
return 0;
- return !(vmcs_read32(GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO) &
+ return !(vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO) &
@@ -5360,8 +4073,8 @@ static int vmx_nmi_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int vmx_interrupt_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return (!to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.nested_run_pending &&
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS) & X86_EFLAGS_IF) &&
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS) & X86_EFLAGS_IF) &&
+ !(vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO) &
@@ -5386,13 +4099,13 @@ static bool rmode_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vec)
* from user space while in guest debugging mode.
to_vmx(vcpu)->vcpu.arch.event_exit_inst_len =
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
return false;
/* fall through */
if (vcpu->guest_debug &
return false;
/* fall through */
@@ -5445,14 +4158,14 @@ static int handle_rmode_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static void kvm_machine_check(void)
-#if defined(CONFIG_X86_MCE) && defined(CONFIG_X86_64)
- struct pt_regs regs = {
- .cs = 3, /* Fake ring 3 no matter what the guest ran on */
- .flags = X86_EFLAGS_IF,
- };
+ /*
+ * On an #MC intercept the MCE handler is not called automatically in
+ * the host. So do it by hand here.
+ */
+ __int12();
+ /* not sure if we ever come back to this point */
- do_machine_check(&regs, 0);
+ return;
static int handle_machine_check(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -5466,7 +4179,7 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = vcpu->run;
u32 intr_info, ex_no, error_code;
- unsigned long cr2, rip, dr6;
+ size_t cr2, rip, dr6;
u32 vect_info;
enum emulation_result er;
@@ -5479,11 +4192,6 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 1; /* already handled by vmx_vcpu_run() */
- if (is_no_device(intr_info)) {
- vmx_fpu_activate(vcpu);
- return 1;
- }
if (is_invalid_opcode(intr_info)) {
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
@@ -5497,7 +4205,7 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
error_code = 0;
- error_code = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE);
+ error_code = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE);
* The #PF with PFEC.RSVD = 1 indicates the guest is accessing
@@ -5506,8 +4214,8 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if ((vect_info & VECTORING_INFO_VALID_MASK) &&
!(is_page_fault(intr_info) && !(error_code & PFERR_RSVD_MASK))) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- vcpu->run->internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_SIMUL_EX;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ vcpu->run->internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_SIMUL_EX;
vcpu->run->internal.ndata = 3;
vcpu->run->[0] = vect_info;
vcpu->run->[1] = intr_info;
@@ -5518,8 +4226,7 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (is_page_fault(intr_info)) {
/* EPT won't cause page fault directly */
- cr2 = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
- trace_kvm_page_fault(cr2, error_code);
+ cr2 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
if (kvm_event_needs_reinjection(vcpu))
kvm_mmu_unprotect_page_virt(vcpu, cr2);
@@ -5536,9 +4243,9 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm_queue_exception_e(vcpu, AC_VECTOR, error_code);
return 1;
- dr6 = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ dr6 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
if (!(vcpu->guest_debug &
vcpu->arch.dr6 &= ~15;
vcpu->arch.dr6 |= dr6 | DR6_RTM;
if (!(dr6 & ~DR6_RESERVED)) /* icebp */
@@ -5548,7 +4255,7 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 1;
kvm_run->debug.arch.dr6 = dr6 | DR6_FIXED_1;
- kvm_run->debug.arch.dr7 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_DR7);
+ kvm_run->debug.arch.dr7 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_DR7);
/* fall through */
@@ -5557,14 +4264,14 @@ static int handle_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* #DB as well causes no harm, it is not used in that case.
vmx->vcpu.arch.event_exit_inst_len =
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
- kvm_run->debug.arch.pc = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CS_BASE) + rip;
+ kvm_run->debug.arch.pc = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CS_BASE) + rip;
kvm_run->debug.arch.exception = ex_no;
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_EXCEPTION;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_EXCEPTION;
kvm_run->ex.exception = ex_no;
kvm_run->ex.error_code = error_code;
@@ -5580,17 +4287,17 @@ static int handle_external_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_triple_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
return 0;
static int handle_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
int size, in, string;
unsigned port;
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
string = (exit_qualification & 16) != 0;
in = (exit_qualification & 8) != 0;
@@ -5606,20 +4313,9 @@ static int handle_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_fast_pio_out(vcpu, size, port);
-static void
-vmx_patch_hypercall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned char *hypercall)
+static bool nested_cr0_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
- /*
- * Patch in the VMCALL instruction:
- */
- hypercall[0] = 0x0f;
- hypercall[1] = 0x01;
- hypercall[2] = 0xc1;
-static bool nested_cr0_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
- unsigned long always_on = VMXON_CR0_ALWAYSON;
+ size_t always_on = VMXON_CR0_ALWAYSON;
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_high &
@@ -5630,11 +4326,11 @@ static bool nested_cr0_valid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
/* called to set cr0 as appropriate for a mov-to-cr0 exit. */
-static int handle_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
+static int handle_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
- unsigned long orig_val = val;
+ size_t orig_val = val;
* We get here when L2 changed cr0 in a way that did not change
@@ -5652,7 +4348,7 @@ static int handle_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
if (kvm_set_cr0(vcpu, val))
return 1;
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW, orig_val);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_READ_SHADOW, orig_val);
return 0;
} else {
if (to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.vmxon &&
@@ -5662,53 +4358,36 @@ static int handle_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
-static int handle_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
+static int handle_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
- unsigned long orig_val = val;
+ size_t orig_val = val;
/* analogously to handle_set_cr0 */
val = (val & ~vmcs12->cr4_guest_host_mask) |
(vmcs12->guest_cr4 & vmcs12->cr4_guest_host_mask);
if (kvm_set_cr4(vcpu, val))
return 1;
- vmcs_writel(CR4_READ_SHADOW, orig_val);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW, orig_val);
return 0;
} else
return kvm_set_cr4(vcpu, val);
-/* called to set cr0 as appropriate for clts instruction exit. */
-static void handle_clts(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
- /*
- * We get here when L2 did CLTS, and L1 didn't shadow CR0.TS
- * but we did (!fpu_active). We need to keep GUEST_CR0.TS on,
- * just pretend it's off (also in arch.cr0 for fpu_activate).
- */
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW,
- vmcs_readl(CR0_READ_SHADOW) & ~X86_CR0_TS);
- vcpu->arch.cr0 &= ~X86_CR0_TS;
- } else
- vmx_set_cr0(vcpu, kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, ~X86_CR0_TS));
static int handle_cr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification, val;
+ size_t exit_qualification, val;
int cr;
int reg;
int err;
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
cr = exit_qualification & 15;
reg = (exit_qualification >> 8) & 15;
switch ((exit_qualification >> 4) & 3) {
case 0: /* mov to cr */
val = kvm_register_readl(vcpu, reg);
- trace_kvm_cr_write(cr, val);
switch (cr) {
case 0:
err = handle_set_cr0(vcpu, val);
@@ -5731,36 +4410,31 @@ static int handle_cr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 1;
if (cr8_prev <= cr8)
return 1;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SET_TPR;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_SET_TPR;
return 0;
case 2: /* clts */
- handle_clts(vcpu);
- trace_kvm_cr_write(0, kvm_read_cr0(vcpu));
+ vmx_set_cr0(vcpu, kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, ~X86_CR0_TS));
- vmx_fpu_activate(vcpu);
return 1;
case 1: /*mov from cr*/
switch (cr) {
case 3:
val = kvm_read_cr3(vcpu);
kvm_register_write(vcpu, reg, val);
- trace_kvm_cr_read(cr, val);
return 1;
case 8:
val = kvm_get_cr8(vcpu);
kvm_register_write(vcpu, reg, val);
- trace_kvm_cr_read(cr, val);
return 1;
case 3: /* lmsw */
val = (exit_qualification >> LMSW_SOURCE_DATA_SHIFT) & 0x0f;
- trace_kvm_cr_write(0, (kvm_read_cr0(vcpu) & ~0xful) | val);
kvm_lmsw(vcpu, val);
@@ -5776,10 +4450,10 @@ static int handle_cr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
int dr, dr7, reg;
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
dr = exit_qualification & DEBUG_REG_ACCESS_NUM;
/* First, if DR does not exist, trigger UD */
@@ -5789,19 +4463,19 @@ static int handle_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* Do not handle if the CPL > 0, will trigger GP on re-entry */
if (!kvm_require_cpl(vcpu, 0))
return 1;
- dr7 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_DR7);
+ dr7 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_DR7);
if (dr7 & DR7_GD) {
* As the vm-exit takes precedence over the debug trap, we
* need to emulate the latter, either for the host or the
* guest debugging itself.
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) {
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) {
vcpu->run->debug.arch.dr6 = vcpu->arch.dr6;
vcpu->run->debug.arch.dr7 = dr7;
vcpu->run->debug.arch.pc = kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu);
vcpu->run->debug.arch.exception = DB_VECTOR;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
return 0;
} else {
vcpu->arch.dr6 &= ~15;
@@ -5812,7 +4486,7 @@ static int handle_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (vcpu->guest_debug == 0) {
- vmcs_clear_bits(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
+ vmcs_clear_bits(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
@@ -5820,13 +4494,13 @@ static int handle_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* and reenter on this instruction. The next vmexit will
* retrieve the full state of the debug registers.
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
return 1;
reg = DEBUG_REG_ACCESS_REG(exit_qualification);
if (exit_qualification & TYPE_MOV_FROM_DR) {
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
if (kvm_get_dr(vcpu, dr, &val))
return 1;
@@ -5844,7 +4518,7 @@ static u64 vmx_get_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return vcpu->arch.dr6;
-static void vmx_set_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
+static void vmx_set_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
@@ -5855,15 +4529,15 @@ static void vmx_sync_dirty_debug_regs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
get_debugreg(vcpu->arch.db[2], 2);
get_debugreg(vcpu->arch.db[3], 3);
get_debugreg(vcpu->arch.dr6, 6);
- vcpu->arch.dr7 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_DR7);
+ vcpu->arch.dr7 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_DR7);
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT;
-static void vmx_set_dr7(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long val)
+static void vmx_set_dr7(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t val)
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_DR7, val);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_DR7, val);
static int handle_cpuid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -5880,16 +4554,13 @@ static int handle_rdmsr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
msr_info.index = ecx;
msr_info.host_initiated = false;
if (vmx_get_msr(vcpu, &msr_info)) {
- trace_kvm_msr_read_ex(ecx);
kvm_inject_gp(vcpu, 0);
return 1;
- trace_kvm_msr_read(ecx,;
/* FIXME: handling of bits 32:63 of rax, rdx */
- vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX] = & -1u;
- vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX] = ( >> 32) & -1u;
+ vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX] = & (unsigned)-1;
+ vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX] = ( >> 32) & (unsigned)-1;
return 1;
@@ -5898,26 +4569,24 @@ static int handle_wrmsr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct msr_data msr;
u32 ecx = vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RCX];
- u64 data = (vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX] & -1u)
- | ((u64)(vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX] & -1u) << 32);
+ u64 data = (vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX] & (unsigned)-1)
+ | ((u64)(vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX] & (unsigned)-1) << 32); = data;
msr.index = ecx;
msr.host_initiated = false;
if (kvm_set_msr(vcpu, &msr) != 0) {
- trace_kvm_msr_write_ex(ecx, data);
kvm_inject_gp(vcpu, 0);
return 1;
- trace_kvm_msr_write(ecx, data);
return 1;
static int handle_tpr_below_threshold(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 1;
@@ -5926,11 +4595,11 @@ static int handle_interrupt_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
/* clear pending irq */
- cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
cpu_based_vm_exec_control &= ~CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_INTR_PENDING;
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 1;
@@ -5941,11 +4610,6 @@ static int handle_halt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_emulate_halt(vcpu);
-static int handle_vmcall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_emulate_hypercall(vcpu);
static int handle_invd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return emulate_instruction(vcpu, 0) == EMULATE_DONE;
@@ -5953,7 +4617,7 @@ static int handle_invd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_invlpg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
kvm_mmu_invlpg(vcpu, exit_qualification);
@@ -5962,10 +4626,12 @@ static int handle_invlpg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_rdpmc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+#if 0
int err;
err = kvm_rdpmc(vcpu);
kvm_complete_insn_gp(vcpu, err);
return 1;
@@ -5989,21 +4655,21 @@ static int handle_xsetbv(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_xsaves(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- WARN(1, "this should never happen\n");
+ //WARN(1, "this should never happen\n");
return 1;
static int handle_xrstors(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- WARN(1, "this should never happen\n");
+ //WARN(1, "this should never happen\n");
return 1;
static int handle_apic_access(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (likely(fasteoi)) {
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
int access_type, offset;
access_type = exit_qualification & APIC_ACCESS_TYPE;
@@ -6025,7 +4691,7 @@ static int handle_apic_access(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_apic_eoi_induced(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
int vector = exit_qualification & 0xff;
/* EOI-induced VM exit is trap-like and thus no need to adjust IP */
@@ -6035,7 +4701,7 @@ static int handle_apic_eoi_induced(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_apic_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
u32 offset = exit_qualification & 0xfff;
/* APIC-write VM exit is trap-like and thus no need to adjust IP */
@@ -6046,7 +4712,7 @@ static int handle_apic_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
bool has_error_code = false;
u32 error_code = 0;
u16 tss_selector;
@@ -6056,7 +4722,7 @@ static int handle_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
idt_index = (vmx->idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_VECTOR_MASK);
type = (vmx->idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_TYPE_MASK);
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
reason = (u32)exit_qualification >> 30;
if (reason == TASK_SWITCH_GATE && idt_v) {
@@ -6074,7 +4740,7 @@ static int handle_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
has_error_code = true;
error_code =
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, IDT_VECTORING_ERROR_CODE);
/* fall through */
@@ -6094,8 +4760,8 @@ static int handle_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (kvm_task_switch(vcpu, tss_selector,
type == INTR_TYPE_SOFT_INTR ? idt_index : -1, reason,
has_error_code, error_code) == EMULATE_FAIL) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- vcpu->run->internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ vcpu->run->internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
vcpu->run->internal.ndata = 0;
return 0;
@@ -6110,22 +4776,22 @@ static int handle_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_ept_violation(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
gpa_t gpa;
u32 error_code;
int gla_validity;
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
gla_validity = (exit_qualification >> 7) & 0x3;
if (gla_validity == 0x2) {
printk(KERN_ERR "EPT: Handling EPT violation failed!\n");
printk(KERN_ERR "EPT: GPA: 0x%lx, GVA: 0x%lx\n",
- (long unsigned int)vmcs_read64(GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS),
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS));
+ (long unsigned int)vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS));
printk(KERN_ERR "EPT: Exit qualification is 0x%lx\n",
(long unsigned int)exit_qualification);
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN;
vcpu->run->hw.hardware_exit_reason = EXIT_REASON_EPT_VIOLATION;
return 0;
@@ -6139,10 +4805,9 @@ static int handle_ept_violation(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!(to_vmx(vcpu)->idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_VALID_MASK) &&
cpu_has_virtual_nmis() &&
(exit_qualification & INTR_INFO_UNBLOCK_NMI))
- gpa = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS);
- trace_kvm_page_fault(gpa, exit_qualification);
+ gpa = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS);
/* it is a read fault? */
error_code = (exit_qualification << 2) & PFERR_USER_MASK;
@@ -6163,10 +4828,9 @@ static int handle_ept_misconfig(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int ret;
gpa_t gpa;
- gpa = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS);
- if (!kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, KVM_FAST_MMIO_BUS, gpa, 0, NULL)) {
+ gpa = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS);
+ if (!kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, GVM_FAST_MMIO_BUS, gpa, 0, NULL)) {
- trace_kvm_fast_mmio(gpa);
return 1;
@@ -6184,7 +4848,7 @@ static int handle_ept_misconfig(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* It is the real ept misconfig */
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN;
vcpu->run->hw.hardware_exit_reason = EXIT_REASON_EPT_MISCONFIG;
return 0;
@@ -6195,11 +4859,11 @@ static int handle_nmi_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
/* clear pending NMI */
- cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ cpu_based_vm_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
cpu_based_vm_exec_control &= ~CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMI_PENDING;
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, cpu_based_vm_exec_control);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 1;
@@ -6213,14 +4877,14 @@ static int handle_invalid_guest_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
bool intr_window_requested;
unsigned count = 130;
- cpu_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ cpu_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
intr_window_requested = cpu_exec_ctrl & CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_INTR_PENDING;
while (vmx->emulation_required && count-- != 0) {
if (intr_window_requested && vmx_interrupt_allowed(vcpu))
return handle_interrupt_window(&vmx->vcpu);
- if (test_bit(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &vcpu->requests))
+ if (test_bit(GVM_REQ_EVENT, &vcpu->requests))
return 1;
err = emulate_instruction(vcpu, EMULTYPE_NO_REEXECUTE);
@@ -6232,8 +4896,8 @@ static int handle_invalid_guest_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (err != EMULATE_DONE) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- vcpu->run->internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ vcpu->run->internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
vcpu->run->internal.ndata = 0;
return 0;
@@ -6244,155 +4908,65 @@ static int handle_invalid_guest_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
goto out;
+#if 0
if (signal_pending(current))
goto out;
if (need_resched())
return ret;
-static int __grow_ple_window(int val)
- if (ple_window_grow < 1)
- return ple_window;
- val = min(val, ple_window_actual_max);
- if (ple_window_grow < ple_window)
- val *= ple_window_grow;
- else
- val += ple_window_grow;
- return val;
-static int __shrink_ple_window(int val, int modifier, int minimum)
- if (modifier < 1)
- return ple_window;
- if (modifier < ple_window)
- val /= modifier;
- else
- val -= modifier;
- return max(val, minimum);
-static void grow_ple_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int old = vmx->ple_window;
- vmx->ple_window = __grow_ple_window(old);
- if (vmx->ple_window != old)
- vmx->ple_window_dirty = true;
- trace_kvm_ple_window_grow(vcpu->vcpu_id, vmx->ple_window, old);
-static void shrink_ple_window(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static int hardware_setup(void)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int old = vmx->ple_window;
- vmx->ple_window = __shrink_ple_window(old,
- ple_window_shrink, ple_window);
- if (vmx->ple_window != old)
- vmx->ple_window_dirty = true;
- trace_kvm_ple_window_shrink(vcpu->vcpu_id, vmx->ple_window, old);
- * ple_window_actual_max is computed to be one grow_ple_window() below
- * ple_window_max. (See __grow_ple_window for the reason.)
- * This prevents overflows, because ple_window_max is int.
- * ple_window_max effectively rounded down to a multiple of ple_window_grow in
- * this process.
- * ple_window_max is also prevented from setting vmx->ple_window < ple_window.
- */
-static void update_ple_window_actual_max(void)
- ple_window_actual_max =
- __shrink_ple_window(max(ple_window_max, ple_window),
- ple_window_grow, INT_MIN);
- */
-static void wakeup_handler(void)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- spin_lock(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock, cpu));
- list_for_each_entry(vcpu, &per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu, cpu),
- blocked_vcpu_list) {
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc = vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu);
- if (pi_test_on(pi_desc) == 1)
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- }
- spin_unlock(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock, cpu));
-static __init int hardware_setup(void)
- int r = -ENOMEM, i, msr;
+ int r = -ENOMEM, msr;
rdmsrl_safe(MSR_EFER, &host_efer);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vmx_msr_index); ++i)
- kvm_define_shared_msr(i, vmx_msr_index[i]);
- vmx_io_bitmap_a = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_io_bitmap_a = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_io_bitmap_a)
return r;
- vmx_io_bitmap_b = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_io_bitmap_b = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_io_bitmap_b)
goto out;
- vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy)
goto out1;
vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic =
- (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic)
goto out2;
vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive =
- (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive)
goto out3;
- vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode)
goto out4;
vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic =
- (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic)
goto out5;
vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive =
- (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive)
goto out6;
- vmx_vmread_bitmap = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_vmread_bitmap = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_vmread_bitmap)
goto out7;
- vmx_vmwrite_bitmap = (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ vmx_vmwrite_bitmap = (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx_vmwrite_bitmap)
goto out8;
@@ -6421,10 +4995,6 @@ static __init int hardware_setup(void)
if (!cpu_has_vmx_vpid())
enable_vpid = 0;
- if (!cpu_has_vmx_shadow_vmcs())
- enable_shadow_vmcs = 0;
- if (enable_shadow_vmcs)
- init_vmcs_shadow_fields();
if (!cpu_has_vmx_ept() ||
!cpu_has_vmx_ept_4levels()) {
@@ -6453,28 +5023,15 @@ static __init int hardware_setup(void)
if (!cpu_has_vmx_tpr_shadow())
kvm_x86_ops->update_cr8_intercept = NULL;
- if (enable_ept && !cpu_has_vmx_ept_2m_page())
- kvm_disable_largepages();
- if (!cpu_has_vmx_ple())
- ple_gap = 0;
if (!cpu_has_vmx_apicv())
enable_apicv = 0;
- if (cpu_has_vmx_tsc_scaling()) {
- kvm_has_tsc_control = true;
- kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio = KVM_VMX_TSC_MULTIPLIER_MAX;
- kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits = 48;
- }
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_FS_BASE, false);
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_GS_BASE, false);
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE, true);
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, false);
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, false);
vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, false);
- vmx_disable_intercept_for_msr(MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS, true);
vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy, PAGE_SIZE);
@@ -6522,8 +5079,6 @@ static __init int hardware_setup(void)
} else
- update_ple_window_actual_max();
* Only enable PML when hardware supports PML feature, and both EPT
* and EPT A/D bit features are enabled -- PML depends on them to work.
@@ -6538,78 +5093,50 @@ static __init int hardware_setup(void)
kvm_x86_ops->enable_log_dirty_pt_masked = NULL;
- if (cpu_has_vmx_preemption_timer() && enable_preemption_timer) {
- u64 vmx_msr;
- rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC, vmx_msr);
- cpu_preemption_timer_multi =
- } else {
- kvm_x86_ops->set_hv_timer = NULL;
- kvm_x86_ops->cancel_hv_timer = NULL;
- }
- kvm_set_posted_intr_wakeup_handler(wakeup_handler);
- kvm_mce_cap_supported |= MCG_LMCE_P;
+ //kvm_set_posted_intr_wakeup_handler(wakeup_handler);
return alloc_kvm_area();
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_vmwrite_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_vmwrite_bitmap);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_vmread_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_vmread_bitmap);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_io_bitmap_b);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_io_bitmap_b);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_io_bitmap_a);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_io_bitmap_a);
return r;
-static __exit void hardware_unsetup(void)
+static void hardware_unsetup(void)
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_io_bitmap_b);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_io_bitmap_a);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_vmwrite_bitmap);
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx_vmread_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode_x2apic_apicv_inactive);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_legacy);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_msr_bitmap_longmode);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_io_bitmap_b);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_io_bitmap_a);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_vmwrite_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx_vmread_bitmap);
- * Indicate a busy-waiting vcpu in spinlock. We do not enable the PAUSE
- * exiting, so only get here on cpu with PAUSE-Loop-Exiting.
- */
-static int handle_pause(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (ple_gap)
- grow_ple_window(vcpu);
- skip_emulated_instruction(vcpu);
- kvm_vcpu_on_spin(vcpu);
- return 1;
static int handle_nop(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -6650,11 +5177,13 @@ static int handle_monitor(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static struct loaded_vmcs *nested_get_current_vmcs02(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
struct vmcs02_list *item;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct vmcs02_list
list_for_each_entry(item, &vmx->nested.vmcs02_pool, list)
if (item->vmptr == vmx->nested.current_vmptr) {
list_move(&item->list, &vmx->nested.vmcs02_pool);
return &item->vmcs02;
if (vmx->nested.vmcs02_num >= max(VMCS02_POOL_SIZE, 1)) {
/* Recycle the least recently used VMCS. */
@@ -6686,6 +5215,7 @@ static struct loaded_vmcs *nested_get_current_vmcs02(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
static void nested_free_vmcs02(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, gpa_t vmptr)
struct vmcs02_list *item;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct vmcs02_list
list_for_each_entry(item, &vmx->nested.vmcs02_pool, list)
if (item->vmptr == vmptr) {
@@ -6694,6 +5224,7 @@ static void nested_free_vmcs02(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx, gpa_t vmptr)
@@ -6706,6 +5237,7 @@ static void nested_free_all_saved_vmcss(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
struct vmcs02_list *item, *n;
WARN_ON(vmx->loaded_vmcs != &vmx->vmcs01);
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct vmcs02_list
list_for_each_entry_safe(item, n, &vmx->nested.vmcs02_pool, list) {
* Something will leak if the above WARN triggers. Better than
@@ -6719,6 +5251,7 @@ static void nested_free_all_saved_vmcss(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
@@ -6766,22 +5299,10 @@ static void nested_vmx_failValid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static void nested_vmx_abort(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 indicator)
/* TODO: not to reset guest simply here. */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
pr_debug_ratelimited("kvm: nested vmx abort, indicator %d\n", indicator);
-static enum hrtimer_restart vmx_preemption_timer_fn(struct hrtimer *timer)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx =
- container_of(timer, struct vcpu_vmx, nested.preemption_timer);
- vmx->nested.preemption_timer_expired = true;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, &vmx->vcpu);
- kvm_vcpu_kick(&vmx->vcpu);
* Decode the memory-address operand of a vmx instruction, as recorded on an
* exit caused by such an instruction (run by a guest hypervisor).
@@ -6789,7 +5310,7 @@ static enum hrtimer_restart vmx_preemption_timer_fn(struct hrtimer *timer)
* #UD or #GP.
static int get_vmx_mem_address(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long exit_qualification,
+ size_t exit_qualification,
u32 vmx_instruction_info, bool wr, gva_t *ret)
gva_t off;
@@ -6892,12 +5413,12 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_vmptr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int exit_reason,
gva_t gva;
gpa_t vmptr;
struct x86_exception e;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
int maxphyaddr = cpuid_maxphyaddr(vcpu);
- if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
- vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO), false, &gva))
+ if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO), false, &gva))
return 1;
if (kvm_read_guest_virt(&vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt, gva, &vmptr,
@@ -6924,15 +5445,15 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_vmptr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int exit_reason,
return 1;
- page = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
- if (page == NULL ||
- *(u32 *)kmap(page) != VMCS12_REVISION) {
+ kmap_mdl = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
+ if (kmap_mdl == NULL ||
+ *(u32 *)kmap(kmap_mdl) != VMCS12_REVISION) {
- kunmap(page);
+ kunmap(kmap_mdl);
return 1;
- kunmap(page);
+ kunmap(kmap_mdl);
vmx->nested.vmxon_ptr = vmptr;
@@ -7030,7 +5551,7 @@ static int handle_vmon(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap()) {
vmx->nested.msr_bitmap =
- (unsigned long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ (size_t *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx->nested.msr_bitmap)
goto out_msr_bitmap;
@@ -7053,10 +5574,6 @@ static int handle_vmon(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vmx->nested.vmcs02_num = 0;
- hrtimer_init(&vmx->nested.preemption_timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
- vmx->nested.preemption_timer.function = vmx_preemption_timer_fn;
vmx->nested.vmxon = true;
@@ -7067,7 +5584,7 @@ out_shadow_vmcs:
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx->nested.msr_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx->nested.msr_bitmap);
return -ENOMEM;
@@ -7105,6 +5622,8 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_permission(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline void nested_release_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
+ struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu = &vmx->vcpu;
if (vmx->nested.current_vmptr == -1ull)
@@ -7117,18 +5636,17 @@ static inline void nested_release_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
they were modified */
vmx->nested.sync_shadow_vmcs = false;
- vmcs_clear_bits(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
+ vmcs_clear_bits(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- vmcs_write64(VMCS_LINK_POINTER, -1ull);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMCS_LINK_POINTER, -1ull);
- vmx->nested.posted_intr_nv = -1;
/* Flush VMCS12 to guest memory */
memcpy(vmx->nested.current_vmcs12, vmx->nested.cached_vmcs12,
- kunmap(vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_page);
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_page);
+ kunmap(vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_mdl);
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_mdl);
vmx->nested.current_vmptr = -1ull;
vmx->nested.current_vmcs12 = NULL;
@@ -7146,7 +5664,7 @@ static void free_nested(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
if (vmx->nested.msr_bitmap) {
- free_page((unsigned long)vmx->nested.msr_bitmap);
+ free_page((size_t)vmx->nested.msr_bitmap);
vmx->nested.msr_bitmap = NULL;
if (enable_shadow_vmcs) {
@@ -7156,19 +5674,13 @@ static void free_nested(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
/* Unpin physical memory we referred to in current vmcs02 */
- if (vmx->nested.apic_access_page) {
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_page);
- vmx->nested.apic_access_page = NULL;
- }
- if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page) {
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page);
- vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page = NULL;
+ if (vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl) {
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl = NULL;
- if (vmx->nested.pi_desc_page) {
- kunmap(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- vmx->nested.pi_desc_page = NULL;
- vmx->nested.pi_desc = NULL;
+ if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl) {
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl = NULL;
@@ -7191,7 +5703,7 @@ static int handle_vmclear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
gpa_t vmptr;
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12;
- struct page *page;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
if (!nested_vmx_check_permission(vcpu))
return 1;
@@ -7202,8 +5714,8 @@ static int handle_vmclear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (vmptr == vmx->nested.current_vmptr)
- page = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
- if (page == NULL) {
+ kmap_mdl = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
+ if (kmap_mdl == NULL) {
* For accurate processor emulation, VMCLEAR beyond available
* physical memory should do nothing at all. However, it is
@@ -7211,13 +5723,13 @@ static int handle_vmclear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* resulted in this case, so let's shut down before doing any
* more damage:
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
return 1;
- vmcs12 = kmap(page);
+ vmcs12 = kmap(kmap_mdl);
vmcs12->launch_state = 0;
- kunmap(page);
- nested_release_page(page);
+ kunmap(kmap_mdl);
+ nested_release_page(kmap_mdl);
nested_free_vmcs02(vmx, vmptr);
@@ -7248,14 +5760,14 @@ enum vmcs_field_type {
-static inline int vmcs_field_type(unsigned long field)
+static inline int vmcs_field_type(size_t field)
if (0x1 & field) /* the *_HIGH fields are all 32 bit */
return (field >> 13) & 0x3 ;
-static inline int vmcs_field_readonly(unsigned long field)
+static inline int vmcs_field_readonly(size_t field)
return (((field >> 10) & 0x3) == 1);
@@ -7268,7 +5780,7 @@ static inline int vmcs_field_readonly(unsigned long field)
* 64-bit fields are to be returned).
static inline int vmcs12_read_any(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long field, u64 *ret)
+ size_t field, u64 *ret)
short offset = vmcs_field_to_offset(field);
char *p;
@@ -7299,7 +5811,7 @@ static inline int vmcs12_read_any(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static inline int vmcs12_write_any(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long field, u64 field_value){
+ size_t field, u64 field_value){
short offset = vmcs_field_to_offset(field);
char *p = ((char *) get_vmcs12(vcpu)) + offset;
if (offset < 0)
@@ -7328,11 +5840,12 @@ static inline int vmcs12_write_any(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static void copy_shadow_to_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
int i;
- unsigned long field;
+ size_t field;
u64 field_value;
struct vmcs *shadow_vmcs = vmx->vmcs01.shadow_vmcs;
- const unsigned long *fields = shadow_read_write_fields;
+ const size_t *fields = shadow_read_write_fields;
const int num_fields = max_shadow_read_write_fields;
+ struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu = &vmx->vcpu;
@@ -7342,16 +5855,16 @@ static void copy_shadow_to_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
field = fields[i];
switch (vmcs_field_type(field)) {
- field_value = vmcs_read16(field);
+ field_value = vmcs_read16(vcpu, field);
- field_value = vmcs_read32(field);
+ field_value = vmcs_read32(vcpu, field);
- field_value = vmcs_read64(field);
+ field_value = vmcs_read64(vcpu, field);
- field_value = vmcs_readl(field);
+ field_value = vmcs_readl(vcpu, field);
@@ -7368,7 +5881,7 @@ static void copy_shadow_to_vmcs12(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
static void copy_vmcs12_to_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
- const unsigned long *fields[] = {
+ const size_t *fields[] = {
@@ -7377,9 +5890,10 @@ static void copy_vmcs12_to_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
int i, q;
- unsigned long field;
+ size_t field;
u64 field_value = 0;
struct vmcs *shadow_vmcs = vmx->vmcs01.shadow_vmcs;
+ struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu = &vmx->vcpu;
@@ -7390,16 +5904,16 @@ static void copy_vmcs12_to_shadow(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
switch (vmcs_field_type(field)) {
- vmcs_write16(field, (u16)field_value);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, field, (u16)field_value);
- vmcs_write32(field, (u32)field_value);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, field, (u32)field_value);
- vmcs_write64(field, (u64)field_value);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, field, (u64)field_value);
- vmcs_writel(field, (long)field_value);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, field, (long)field_value);
@@ -7429,10 +5943,10 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_vmread(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long field;
+ size_t field;
u64 field_value;
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
- u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
gva_t gva = 0;
if (!nested_vmx_check_permission(vcpu) ||
@@ -7472,10 +5986,10 @@ static int handle_vmread(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_vmwrite(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long field;
+ size_t field;
gva_t gva;
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
- u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
/* The value to write might be 32 or 64 bits, depending on L1's long
* mode, and eventually we need to write that into a field of several
* possible lengths. The code below first zero-extends the value to 64
@@ -7537,17 +6051,17 @@ static int handle_vmptrld(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (vmx->nested.current_vmptr != vmptr) {
struct vmcs12 *new_vmcs12;
- struct page *page;
- page = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
- if (page == NULL) {
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
+ kmap_mdl = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmptr);
+ if (kmap_mdl == NULL) {
return 1;
- new_vmcs12 = kmap(page);
+ new_vmcs12 = kmap(kmap_mdl);
if (new_vmcs12->revision_id != VMCS12_REVISION) {
- kunmap(page);
- nested_release_page_clean(page);
+ kunmap(kmap_mdl);
+ nested_release_page(kmap_mdl);
@@ -7557,7 +6071,7 @@ static int handle_vmptrld(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vmx->nested.current_vmptr = vmptr;
vmx->nested.current_vmcs12 = new_vmcs12;
- vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_page = page;
+ vmx->nested.current_vmcs12_mdl = kmap_mdl;
* Load VMCS12 from guest memory since it is not already
* cached.
@@ -7566,9 +6080,9 @@ static int handle_vmptrld(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vmx->nested.current_vmcs12, VMCS12_SIZE);
if (enable_shadow_vmcs) {
+ vmcs_set_bits(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- vmcs_write64(VMCS_LINK_POINTER,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMCS_LINK_POINTER,
vmx->nested.sync_shadow_vmcs = true;
@@ -7582,8 +6096,8 @@ static int handle_vmptrld(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* Emulate the VMPTRST instruction */
static int handle_vmptrst(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
- u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ u32 vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
gva_t vmcs_gva;
struct x86_exception e;
@@ -7610,7 +6124,7 @@ static int handle_invept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
u32 vmx_instruction_info, types;
- unsigned long type;
+ size_t type;
gva_t gva;
struct x86_exception e;
struct {
@@ -7632,7 +6146,7 @@ static int handle_invept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 1;
- vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
type = kvm_register_readl(vcpu, (vmx_instruction_info >> 28) & 0xf);
types = (vmx->nested.nested_vmx_ept_caps >> VMX_EPT_EXTENT_SHIFT) & 6;
@@ -7647,7 +6161,7 @@ static int handle_invept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* According to the Intel VMX instruction reference, the memory
* operand is read even if it isn't needed (e.g., for type==global)
- if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
+ if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
vmx_instruction_info, false, &gva))
return 1;
if (kvm_read_guest_virt(&vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt, gva, &operand,
@@ -7664,7 +6178,7 @@ static int handle_invept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
@@ -7680,7 +6194,7 @@ static int handle_invvpid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
u32 vmx_instruction_info;
- unsigned long type, types;
+ size_t type, types;
gva_t gva;
struct x86_exception e;
int vpid;
@@ -7695,7 +6209,7 @@ static int handle_invvpid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!nested_vmx_check_permission(vcpu))
return 1;
- vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
type = kvm_register_readl(vcpu, (vmx_instruction_info >> 28) & 0xf);
types = (vmx->nested.nested_vmx_vpid_caps >> 8) & 0x7;
@@ -7710,7 +6224,7 @@ static int handle_invvpid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* according to the intel vmx instruction reference, the memory
* operand is read even if it isn't needed (e.g., for type==global)
- if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
+ if (get_vmx_mem_address(vcpu, vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION),
vmx_instruction_info, false, &gva))
return 1;
if (kvm_read_guest_virt(&vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt, gva, &vpid,
@@ -7722,7 +6236,7 @@ static int handle_invvpid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
switch (type) {
- * Old versions of KVM use the single-context version so we
+ * Old versions of kvm use the single-context version so we
* have to support it; just treat it the same as all-context.
@@ -7741,11 +6255,9 @@ static int handle_invvpid(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int handle_pml_full(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
- trace_kvm_pml_full(vcpu->vcpu_id);
+ size_t exit_qualification;
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
* PML buffer FULL happened while executing iret from NMI,
@@ -7754,7 +6266,7 @@ static int handle_pml_full(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!(to_vmx(vcpu)->idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_VALID_MASK) &&
cpu_has_virtual_nmis() &&
(exit_qualification & INTR_INFO_UNBLOCK_NMI))
+ vmcs_set_bits(vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO,
@@ -7764,12 +6276,6 @@ static int handle_pml_full(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 1;
-static int handle_preemption_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_lapic_expired_hv_timer(vcpu);
- return 1;
* The exit handlers return 1 if the exit was handled fully and guest execution
* may resume. Otherwise they set the kvm_run parameter to indicate what needs
@@ -7791,7 +6297,6 @@ static int (*const kvm_vmx_exit_handlers[])(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) = {
[EXIT_REASON_INVD] = handle_invd,
[EXIT_REASON_INVLPG] = handle_invlpg,
[EXIT_REASON_RDPMC] = handle_rdpmc,
- [EXIT_REASON_VMCALL] = handle_vmcall,
[EXIT_REASON_VMCLEAR] = handle_vmclear,
[EXIT_REASON_VMLAUNCH] = handle_vmlaunch,
[EXIT_REASON_VMPTRLD] = handle_vmptrld,
@@ -7811,7 +6316,6 @@ static int (*const kvm_vmx_exit_handlers[])(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) = {
[EXIT_REASON_MCE_DURING_VMENTRY] = handle_machine_check,
[EXIT_REASON_EPT_VIOLATION] = handle_ept_violation,
[EXIT_REASON_EPT_MISCONFIG] = handle_ept_misconfig,
[EXIT_REASON_MONITOR_TRAP_FLAG] = handle_monitor_trap,
@@ -7820,7 +6324,6 @@ static int (*const kvm_vmx_exit_handlers[])(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) = {
[EXIT_REASON_XSAVES] = handle_xsaves,
[EXIT_REASON_XRSTORS] = handle_xrstors,
[EXIT_REASON_PML_FULL] = handle_pml_full,
- [EXIT_REASON_PREEMPTION_TIMER] = handle_preemption_timer,
static const int kvm_vmx_max_exit_handlers =
@@ -7829,7 +6332,7 @@ static const int kvm_vmx_max_exit_handlers =
static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- unsigned long exit_qualification;
+ size_t exit_qualification;
gpa_t bitmap, last_bitmap;
unsigned int port;
int size;
@@ -7838,7 +6341,7 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (!nested_cpu_has(vmcs12, CPU_BASED_USE_IO_BITMAPS))
return nested_cpu_has(vmcs12, CPU_BASED_UNCOND_IO_EXITING);
- exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
port = exit_qualification >> 16;
size = (exit_qualification & 7) + 1;
@@ -7915,10 +6418,10 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled_cr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- unsigned long exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ size_t exit_qualification = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
int cr = exit_qualification & 15;
int reg = (exit_qualification >> 8) & 15;
- unsigned long val = kvm_register_readl(vcpu, reg);
+ size_t val = kvm_register_readl(vcpu, reg);
switch ((exit_qualification >> 4) & 3) {
case 0: /* mov to cr */
@@ -7995,24 +6498,17 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled_cr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u32 intr_info = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
+ u32 intr_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
u32 exit_reason = vmx->exit_reason;
- trace_kvm_nested_vmexit(kvm_rip_read(vcpu), exit_reason,
- vmx->idt_vectoring_info,
- intr_info,
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE),
if (vmx->nested.nested_run_pending)
return false;
if (unlikely(vmx->fail)) {
pr_info_ratelimited("%s failed vm entry %x\n", __func__,
- vmcs_read32(VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
return true;
@@ -8022,15 +6518,12 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return false;
else if (is_page_fault(intr_info))
return enable_ept;
- else if (is_no_device(intr_info) &&
- !(vmcs12->guest_cr0 & X86_CR0_TS))
- return false;
else if (is_debug(intr_info) &&
vcpu->guest_debug &
return false;
else if (is_breakpoint(intr_info) &&
- vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
+ vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP)
return false;
return vmcs12->exception_bitmap &
(1u << (intr_info & INTR_INFO_VECTOR_MASK));
@@ -8129,8 +6622,6 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* the XSS exit bitmap in vmcs12.
return nested_cpu_has2(vmcs12, SECONDARY_EXEC_XSAVES);
- return false;
return true;
@@ -8138,8 +6629,8 @@ static bool nested_vmx_exit_handled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void vmx_get_exit_info(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *info1, u64 *info2)
- *info1 = vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
- *info2 = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
+ *info1 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION);
+ *info2 = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
static void vmx_destroy_pml_buffer(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
@@ -8156,7 +6647,7 @@ static void vmx_flush_pml_buffer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u64 *pml_buf;
u16 pml_idx;
- pml_idx = vmcs_read16(GUEST_PML_INDEX);
+ pml_idx = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_PML_INDEX);
/* Do nothing if PML buffer is empty */
if (pml_idx == (PML_ENTITY_NUM - 1))
@@ -8178,7 +6669,7 @@ static void vmx_flush_pml_buffer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* reset PML index */
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_PML_INDEX, PML_ENTITY_NUM - 1);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_PML_INDEX, PML_ENTITY_NUM - 1);
@@ -8199,160 +6690,156 @@ static void kvm_flush_pml_buffers(struct kvm *kvm)
-static void vmx_dump_sel(char *name, uint32_t sel)
+static void vmx_dump_sel(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, char *name, uint32_t sel)
- pr_err("%s sel=0x%04x, attr=0x%05x, limit=0x%08x, base=0x%016lx\n",
- name, vmcs_read32(sel),
- vmcs_read32(sel + GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR),
- vmcs_read32(sel + GUEST_ES_LIMIT - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR),
- vmcs_readl(sel + GUEST_ES_BASE - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR));
+ pr_err("%s sel=0x%04x, attr=0x%05x, limit=0x%08x, base=0x%016llx\n",
+ name, vmcs_read32(vcpu, sel),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, sel + GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, sel + GUEST_ES_LIMIT - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, sel + GUEST_ES_BASE - GUEST_ES_SELECTOR));
-static void vmx_dump_dtsel(char *name, uint32_t limit)
+static void vmx_dump_dtsel(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu, char *name, uint32_t limit)
- pr_err("%s limit=0x%08x, base=0x%016lx\n",
- name, vmcs_read32(limit),
- vmcs_readl(limit + GUEST_GDTR_BASE - GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT));
+ pr_err("%s limit=0x%08x, base=0x%016llx\n",
+ name, vmcs_read32(vcpu, limit),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, limit + GUEST_GDTR_BASE - GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT));
-static void dump_vmcs(void)
+static void dump_vmcs(struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu)
- u32 vmentry_ctl = vmcs_read32(VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS);
- u32 vmexit_ctl = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_CONTROLS);
- u32 cpu_based_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
- u32 pin_based_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ u32 vmentry_ctl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS);
+ u32 vmexit_ctl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_CONTROLS);
+ u32 cpu_based_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ u32 pin_based_exec_ctrl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
u32 secondary_exec_control = 0;
- unsigned long cr4 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR4);
- u64 efer = vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_EFER);
+ size_t cr4 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR4);
+ u64 efer = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_EFER);
int i, n;
if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls())
- secondary_exec_control = vmcs_read32(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ secondary_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
pr_err("*** Guest State ***\n");
- pr_err("CR0: actual=0x%016lx, shadow=0x%016lx, gh_mask=%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR0), vmcs_readl(CR0_READ_SHADOW),
- vmcs_readl(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK));
- pr_err("CR4: actual=0x%016lx, shadow=0x%016lx, gh_mask=%016lx\n",
- cr4, vmcs_readl(CR4_READ_SHADOW), vmcs_readl(CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK));
- pr_err("CR3 = 0x%016lx\n", vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR3));
+ pr_err("CR0: actual=0x%016llx, shadow=0x%016llx, gh_mask=%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR0), vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR0_READ_SHADOW),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK));
+ pr_err("CR4: actual=0x%016llx, shadow=0x%016llx, gh_mask=%016llx\n",
+ cr4, vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW), vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK));
+ pr_err("CR3 = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR3));
if ((secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_EPT) &&
(cr4 & X86_CR4_PAE) && !(efer & EFER_LMA))
pr_err("PDPTR0 = 0x%016llx PDPTR1 = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR0), vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR1));
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR0), vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR1));
pr_err("PDPTR2 = 0x%016llx PDPTR3 = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR2), vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR3));
- }
- pr_err("RSP = 0x%016lx RIP = 0x%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_RSP), vmcs_readl(GUEST_RIP));
- pr_err("RFLAGS=0x%08lx DR7 = 0x%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS), vmcs_readl(GUEST_DR7));
- pr_err("Sysenter RSP=%016lx CS:RIP=%04x:%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP),
- vmcs_read32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS), vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP));
- vmx_dump_sel("CS: ", GUEST_CS_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_sel("DS: ", GUEST_DS_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_sel("SS: ", GUEST_SS_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_sel("ES: ", GUEST_ES_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_sel("FS: ", GUEST_FS_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_sel("GS: ", GUEST_GS_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_dtsel("GDTR:", GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
- vmx_dump_sel("LDTR:", GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR);
- vmx_dump_dtsel("IDTR:", GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
- vmx_dump_sel("TR: ", GUEST_TR_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR2), vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR3));
+ }
+ pr_err("RSP = 0x%016llx RIP = 0x%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RSP), vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RIP));
+ pr_err("RFLAGS=0x%08lx DR7 = 0x%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS), vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_DR7));
+ pr_err("Sysenter RSP=%016llx CS:RIP=%04x:%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS), vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP));
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "CS: ", GUEST_CS_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "DS: ", GUEST_DS_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "SS: ", GUEST_SS_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "ES: ", GUEST_ES_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "FS: ", GUEST_FS_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "GS: ", GUEST_GS_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_dtsel(vcpu, "GDTR:", GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "LDTR:", GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR);
+ vmx_dump_dtsel(vcpu, "IDTR:", GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
+ vmx_dump_sel(vcpu, "TR: ", GUEST_TR_SELECTOR);
if ((vmexit_ctl & (VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_PAT | VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_EFER)) ||
(vmentry_ctl & (VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT | VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_EFER)))
pr_err("EFER = 0x%016llx PAT = 0x%016llx\n",
- efer, vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_PAT));
- pr_err("DebugCtl = 0x%016llx DebugExceptions = 0x%016lx\n",
- vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL),
+ efer, vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT));
+ pr_err("DebugCtl = 0x%016llx DebugExceptions = 0x%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_PENDING_DBG_EXCEPTIONS));
if (vmentry_ctl & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)
pr_err("PerfGlobCtl = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL));
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL));
if (vmentry_ctl & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_BNDCFGS)
- pr_err("BndCfgS = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(GUEST_BNDCFGS));
+ pr_err("BndCfgS = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS));
pr_err("Interruptibility = %08x ActivityState = %08x\n",
- vmcs_read32(GUEST_ACTIVITY_STATE));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_ACTIVITY_STATE));
if (secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_VIRTUAL_INTR_DELIVERY)
pr_err("InterruptStatus = %04x\n",
- vmcs_read16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS));
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS));
pr_err("*** Host State ***\n");
- pr_err("RIP = 0x%016lx RSP = 0x%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(HOST_RIP), vmcs_readl(HOST_RSP));
+ pr_err("RIP = 0x%016llx RSP = 0x%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_RIP), vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_RSP));
pr_err("CS=%04x SS=%04x DS=%04x ES=%04x FS=%04x GS=%04x TR=%04x\n",
- vmcs_read16(HOST_CS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(HOST_SS_SELECTOR),
- vmcs_read16(HOST_DS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(HOST_ES_SELECTOR),
- vmcs_read16(HOST_FS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(HOST_GS_SELECTOR),
- vmcs_read16(HOST_TR_SELECTOR));
- pr_err("FSBase=%016lx GSBase=%016lx TRBase=%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(HOST_FS_BASE), vmcs_readl(HOST_GS_BASE),
- vmcs_readl(HOST_TR_BASE));
- pr_err("GDTBase=%016lx IDTBase=%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(HOST_GDTR_BASE), vmcs_readl(HOST_IDTR_BASE));
- pr_err("CR0=%016lx CR3=%016lx CR4=%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(HOST_CR0), vmcs_readl(HOST_CR3),
- vmcs_readl(HOST_CR4));
- pr_err("Sysenter RSP=%016lx CS:RIP=%04x:%016lx\n",
- vmcs_readl(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP),
- vmcs_read32(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS),
- vmcs_readl(HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP));
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_CS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_SS_SELECTOR),
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_DS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_ES_SELECTOR),
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_FS_SELECTOR), vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_GS_SELECTOR),
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, HOST_TR_SELECTOR));
+ pr_err("FSBase=%016llx GSBase=%016llx TRBase=%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_FS_BASE), vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_GS_BASE),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_TR_BASE));
+ pr_err("GDTBase=%016llx IDTBase=%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_GDTR_BASE), vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_IDTR_BASE));
+ pr_err("CR0=%016llx CR3=%016llx CR4=%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_CR0), vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_CR3),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_CR4));
+ pr_err("Sysenter RSP=%016llx CS:RIP=%04x:%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP));
if (vmexit_ctl & (VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PAT | VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_EFER))
pr_err("EFER = 0x%016llx PAT = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(HOST_IA32_EFER),
- vmcs_read64(HOST_IA32_PAT));
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, HOST_IA32_EFER),
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, HOST_IA32_PAT));
if (vmexit_ctl & VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)
pr_err("PerfGlobCtl = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(HOST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL));
+ vmcs_read64(vcpu, HOST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL));
pr_err("*** Control State ***\n");
pr_err("PinBased=%08x CPUBased=%08x SecondaryExec=%08x\n",
pin_based_exec_ctrl, cpu_based_exec_ctrl, secondary_exec_control);
pr_err("EntryControls=%08x ExitControls=%08x\n", vmentry_ctl, vmexit_ctl);
pr_err("ExceptionBitmap=%08x PFECmask=%08x PFECmatch=%08x\n",
- vmcs_read32(EXCEPTION_BITMAP),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, EXCEPTION_BITMAP),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MASK),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MATCH));
pr_err("VMEntry: intr_info=%08x errcode=%08x ilen=%08x\n",
- vmcs_read32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN));
pr_err("VMExit: intr_info=%08x errcode=%08x ilen=%08x\n",
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE),
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN));
- pr_err(" reason=%08x qualification=%016lx\n",
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_REASON), vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN));
+ pr_err(" reason=%08x qualification=%016llx\n",
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_REASON), vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
+ pr_err(" gpa=%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS));
pr_err("IDTVectoring: info=%08x errcode=%08x\n",
- pr_err("TSC Offset = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(TSC_OFFSET));
- if (secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_TSC_SCALING)
- pr_err("TSC Multiplier = 0x%016llx\n",
- vmcs_read64(TSC_MULTIPLIER));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, IDT_VECTORING_INFO_FIELD),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, IDT_VECTORING_ERROR_CODE));
+ pr_err("TSC Offset = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET));
if (cpu_based_exec_ctrl & CPU_BASED_TPR_SHADOW)
- pr_err("TPR Threshold = 0x%02x\n", vmcs_read32(TPR_THRESHOLD));
- if (pin_based_exec_ctrl & PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR)
- pr_err("PostedIntrVec = 0x%02x\n", vmcs_read16(POSTED_INTR_NV));
+ pr_err("TPR Threshold = 0x%02x\n", vmcs_read32(vcpu, TPR_THRESHOLD));
if ((secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_EPT))
- pr_err("EPT pointer = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(EPT_POINTER));
- n = vmcs_read32(CR3_TARGET_COUNT);
+ pr_err("EPT pointer = 0x%016llx\n", vmcs_read64(vcpu, EPT_POINTER));
+ n = vmcs_read32(vcpu, CR3_TARGET_COUNT);
for (i = 0; i + 1 < n; i += 4)
- pr_err("CR3 target%u=%016lx target%u=%016lx\n",
- i, vmcs_readl(CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2),
- i + 1, vmcs_readl(CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2 + 2));
+ pr_err("CR3 target%u=%016llx target%u=%016llx\n",
+ i, vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2),
+ i + 1, vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2 + 2));
if (i < n)
- pr_err("CR3 target%u=%016lx\n",
- i, vmcs_readl(CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2));
+ pr_err("CR3 target%u=%016llx\n",
+ i, vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 + i * 2));
if (secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_PAUSE_LOOP_EXITING)
pr_err("PLE Gap=%08x Window=%08x\n",
- vmcs_read32(PLE_GAP), vmcs_read32(PLE_WINDOW));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, PLE_GAP), vmcs_read32(vcpu, PLE_WINDOW));
if (secondary_exec_control & SECONDARY_EXEC_ENABLE_VPID)
pr_err("Virtual processor ID = 0x%04x\n",
- vmcs_read16(VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID));
+ vmcs_read16(vcpu, VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID));
@@ -8365,8 +6852,6 @@ static int vmx_handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 exit_reason = vmx->exit_reason;
u32 vectoring_info = vmx->idt_vectoring_info;
- trace_kvm_exit(exit_reason, vcpu, KVM_ISA_VMX);
* Flush logged GPAs PML buffer, this will make dirty_bitmap more
* updated. Another good is, in kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log, before
@@ -8383,23 +6868,23 @@ static int vmx_handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu) && nested_vmx_exit_handled(vcpu)) {
nested_vmx_vmexit(vcpu, exit_reason,
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
- vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
return 1;
- dump_vmcs();
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
+ dump_vmcs(vcpu);
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
= exit_reason;
return 0;
if (unlikely(vmx->fail)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY;
- = vmcs_read32(VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR);
+ = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR);
return 0;
@@ -8415,8 +6900,8 @@ static int vmx_handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
exit_reason != EXIT_REASON_PML_FULL &&
exit_reason != EXIT_REASON_TASK_SWITCH)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- vcpu->run->internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_DELIVERY_EV;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ vcpu->run->internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_DELIVERY_EV;
vcpu->run->internal.ndata = 2;
vcpu->run->[0] = vectoring_info;
vcpu->run->[1] = exit_reason;
@@ -8447,7 +6932,7 @@ static int vmx_handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
&& kvm_vmx_exit_handlers[exit_reason])
return kvm_vmx_exit_handlers[exit_reason](vcpu);
else {
- WARN_ONCE(1, "vmx: unexpected exit reason 0x%x\n", exit_reason);
+ //WARN_ONCE(1, "vmx: unexpected exit reason 0x%x\n", exit_reason);
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return 1;
@@ -8462,11 +6947,11 @@ static void update_cr8_intercept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int tpr, int irr)
if (irr == -1 || tpr < irr) {
- vmcs_write32(TPR_THRESHOLD, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, TPR_THRESHOLD, 0);
- vmcs_write32(TPR_THRESHOLD, irr);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, TPR_THRESHOLD, irr);
static void vmx_set_virtual_x2apic_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool set)
@@ -8485,7 +6970,7 @@ static void vmx_set_virtual_x2apic_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool set)
if (!cpu_need_tpr_shadow(vcpu))
- sec_exec_control = vmcs_read32(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ sec_exec_control = vmcs_read32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
if (set) {
@@ -8494,14 +6979,14 @@ static void vmx_set_virtual_x2apic_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool set)
- vmcs_write32(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, sec_exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, sec_exec_control);
static void vmx_set_apic_access_page_addr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, hpa_t hpa)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
+ //struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
* Currently we do not handle the nested case where L2 has an
@@ -8516,10 +7001,10 @@ static void vmx_set_apic_access_page_addr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, hpa_t hpa)
* prepare_vmcs02. If the latter, the vmcs01 will be updated in
* the next L2->L1 exit.
- if (!is_guest_mode(vcpu) ||
- !nested_cpu_has2(get_vmcs12(&vmx->vcpu),
- vmcs_write64(APIC_ACCESS_ADDR, hpa);
+ //if (!is_guest_mode(vcpu) ||
+ //!nested_cpu_has2(get_vmcs12(&vmx->vcpu),
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, APIC_ACCESS_ADDR, hpa);
static void vmx_hwapic_isr_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int max_isr)
@@ -8530,16 +7015,16 @@ static void vmx_hwapic_isr_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int max_isr)
if (max_isr == -1)
max_isr = 0;
- status = vmcs_read16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
+ status = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
old = status >> 8;
if (max_isr != old) {
status &= 0xff;
status |= max_isr << 8;
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS, status);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS, status);
-static void vmx_set_rvi(int vector)
+static void vmx_set_rvi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int vector)
u16 status;
u8 old;
@@ -8547,19 +7032,19 @@ static void vmx_set_rvi(int vector)
if (vector == -1)
vector = 0;
- status = vmcs_read16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
+ status = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
old = (u8)status & 0xff;
if ((u8)vector != old) {
status &= ~0xff;
status |= (u8)vector;
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS, status);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS, status);
static void vmx_hwapic_irr_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int max_irr)
if (!is_guest_mode(vcpu)) {
- vmx_set_rvi(max_irr);
+ vmx_set_rvi(vcpu, max_irr);
@@ -8589,12 +7074,13 @@ static void vmx_load_eoi_exitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 *eoi_exit_bitmap)
if (!kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0, eoi_exit_bitmap[0]);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1, eoi_exit_bitmap[1]);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2, eoi_exit_bitmap[2]);
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3, eoi_exit_bitmap[3]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0, eoi_exit_bitmap[0]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1, eoi_exit_bitmap[1]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2, eoi_exit_bitmap[2]);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3, eoi_exit_bitmap[3]);
+static u64 nmi_count = 0;
static void vmx_complete_atomic_exit(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
u32 exit_intr_info;
@@ -8603,7 +7089,7 @@ static void vmx_complete_atomic_exit(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
|| vmx->exit_reason == EXIT_REASON_EXCEPTION_NMI))
- vmx->exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
+ vmx->exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
exit_intr_info = vmx->exit_intr_info;
/* Handle machine checks before interrupts are enabled */
@@ -8614,15 +7100,15 @@ static void vmx_complete_atomic_exit(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
if ((exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_INTR_TYPE_MASK) == INTR_TYPE_NMI_INTR &&
(exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_VALID_MASK)) {
- asm("int $2");
+ __int2();
+ nmi_count++;
static void vmx_handle_external_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u32 exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
- register void *__sp asm(_ASM_SP);
+ u32 exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
* If external interrupt exists, IF bit is set in rflags/eflags on the
@@ -8632,36 +7118,13 @@ static void vmx_handle_external_intr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
unsigned int vector;
- unsigned long entry;
+ size_t entry;
gate_desc *desc;
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- unsigned long tmp;
vector = exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_VECTOR_MASK;
- desc = (gate_desc *)vmx->host_idt_base + vector;
+ desc = (gate_desc *)(this_cpu_ptr(&host_idt))->address + vector;
entry = gate_offset(*desc);
- asm volatile(
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- "mov %%" _ASM_SP ", %[sp]\n\t"
- "and $0xfffffffffffffff0, %%" _ASM_SP "\n\t"
- "push $%c[ss]\n\t"
- "push %[sp]\n\t"
- "pushf\n\t"
- __ASM_SIZE(push) " $%c[cs]\n\t"
- "call *%[entry]\n\t"
- :
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- [sp]"=&r"(tmp),
- "+r"(__sp)
- :
- [entry]"r"(entry),
- [ss]"i"(__KERNEL_DS),
- [cs]"i"(__KERNEL_CS)
- );
+ __asm_vmx_handle_external_intr(entry);
@@ -8698,7 +7161,7 @@ static void vmx_recover_nmi_blocking(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
* Can't use vmx->exit_intr_info since we're not sure what
* the exit reason is.
- exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
+ exit_intr_info = vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO);
unblock_nmi = (exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_UNBLOCK_NMI) != 0;
vector = exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_VECTOR_MASK;
@@ -8713,11 +7176,11 @@ static void vmx_recover_nmi_blocking(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
if ((exit_intr_info & INTR_INFO_VALID_MASK) && unblock_nmi &&
vector != DF_VECTOR && !idtv_info_valid)
+ vmcs_set_bits(&vmx->vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO,
vmx->nmi_known_unmasked =
+ !(vmcs_read32(&vmx->vcpu, GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_INFO)
} else if (unlikely(vmx->soft_vnmi_blocked))
vmx->vnmi_blocked_time +=
@@ -8742,7 +7205,7 @@ static void __vmx_complete_interrupts(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (!idtv_info_valid)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
vector = idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_VECTOR_MASK;
type = idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_TYPE_MASK;
@@ -8758,17 +7221,17 @@ static void __vmx_complete_interrupts(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
vmx_set_nmi_mask(vcpu, false);
- vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len = vmcs_read32(instr_len_field);
+ vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len = vmcs_read32(vcpu, instr_len_field);
/* fall through */
if (idt_vectoring_info & VECTORING_INFO_DELIVER_CODE_MASK) {
- u32 err = vmcs_read32(error_code_field);
+ u32 err = vmcs_read32(vcpu, error_code_field);
kvm_requeue_exception_e(vcpu, vector, err);
} else
kvm_requeue_exception(vcpu, vector);
- vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len = vmcs_read32(instr_len_field);
+ vcpu->arch.event_exit_inst_len = vmcs_read32(vcpu, instr_len_field);
/* fall through */
kvm_queue_interrupt(vcpu, vector, type == INTR_TYPE_SOFT_INTR);
@@ -8788,15 +7251,16 @@ static void vmx_complete_interrupts(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
static void vmx_cancel_injection(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- vmcs_read32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD),
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD),
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD, 0);
static void atomic_switch_perf_msrs(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
+#if 0
int i, nr_msrs;
struct perf_guest_switch_msr *msrs;
@@ -8811,32 +7275,26 @@ static void atomic_switch_perf_msrs(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx)
add_atomic_switch_msr(vmx, msrs[i].msr, msrs[i].guest,
-void vmx_arm_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- u64 tscl;
- u32 delta_tsc;
- if (vmx->hv_deadline_tsc == -1)
- return;
- tscl = rdtsc();
- if (vmx->hv_deadline_tsc > tscl)
- /* sure to be 32 bit only because checked on set_hv_timer */
- delta_tsc = (u32)((vmx->hv_deadline_tsc - tscl) >>
- cpu_preemption_timer_multi);
- else
- delta_tsc = 0;
- vmcs_write32(VMX_PREEMPTION_TIMER_VALUE, delta_tsc);
+u64 last_vmexit_rip = 0;
+u64 last_vmexit_rsp = 0;
+u64 rip = 0xffffffffffffffff;
+u8 do_print = 1;
+u8 do_print1 = 1;
-static void __noclone vmx_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static void __declspec(noinline) vmx_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- unsigned long debugctlmsr, cr4;
+ //size_t debugctlmsr, cr4;
+ size_t cr4;
+ struct desc_ptr *gdt = this_cpu_ptr(&host_gdt);
+ struct desc_ptr *idt = this_cpu_ptr(&host_idt);
+ size_t sysenter_esp;
+ unsigned int i;
+ struct msr_autoload *m = &vmx->msr_autoload;
/* Record the guest's net vcpu time for enforced NMI injections. */
if (unlikely(!cpu_has_virtual_nmis() && vmx->soft_vnmi_blocked))
@@ -8847,24 +7305,19 @@ static void __noclone vmx_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (vmx->emulation_required)
- if (vmx->ple_window_dirty) {
- vmx->ple_window_dirty = false;
- vmcs_write32(PLE_WINDOW, vmx->ple_window);
- }
if (vmx->nested.sync_shadow_vmcs) {
vmx->nested.sync_shadow_vmcs = false;
- if (test_bit(VCPU_REGS_RSP, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RSP, vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSP]);
- if (test_bit(VCPU_REGS_RIP, (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_RIP, vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RIP]);
+ if (test_bit(VCPU_REGS_RSP, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RSP, vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSP]);
+ if (test_bit(VCPU_REGS_RIP, (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty))
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_RIP, vcpu->arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RIP]);
cr4 = cr4_read_shadow();
if (unlikely(cr4 != vmx->host_state.vmcs_host_cr4)) {
- vmcs_writel(HOST_CR4, cr4);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_CR4, cr4);
vmx->host_state.vmcs_host_cr4 = cr4;
@@ -8873,126 +7326,50 @@ static void __noclone vmx_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* vmentry fails as it then expects bit 14 (BS) in pending debug
* exceptions being set, but that's not correct for the guest debugging
* case. */
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
vmx_set_interrupt_shadow(vcpu, 0);
- if (vmx->guest_pkru_valid)
- __write_pkru(vmx->guest_pkru);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_TR_BASE, kvm_read_tr_base()); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_GDTR_BASE, gdt->address); /* 22.2.4 */
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_IDTR_BASE, idt->address); /* 22.2.4 */
+ rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, sysenter_esp);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, HOST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, sysenter_esp); /* 22.2.3 */
+#if 0
debugctlmsr = get_debugctlmsr();
- vmx_arm_hv_timer(vcpu);
- vmx->__launched = vmx->loaded_vmcs->launched;
- asm(
- /* Store host registers */
- "push %%" _ASM_DX "; push %%" _ASM_BP ";"
- "push %%" _ASM_CX " \n\t" /* placeholder for guest rcx */
- "push %%" _ASM_CX " \n\t"
- "cmp %%" _ASM_SP ", %c[host_rsp](%0) \n\t"
- "je 1f \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_SP ", %c[host_rsp](%0) \n\t"
- __ex(ASM_VMX_VMWRITE_RSP_RDX) "\n\t"
- "1: \n\t"
- /* Reload cr2 if changed */
- "mov %c[cr2](%0), %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- "mov %%cr2, %%" _ASM_DX " \n\t"
- "cmp %%" _ASM_AX ", %%" _ASM_DX " \n\t"
- "je 2f \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_AX", %%cr2 \n\t"
- "2: \n\t"
- /* Check if vmlaunch of vmresume is needed */
- "cmpl $0, %c[launched](%0) \n\t"
- /* Load guest registers. Don't clobber flags. */
- "mov %c[rax](%0), %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rbx](%0), %%" _ASM_BX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rdx](%0), %%" _ASM_DX " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rsi](%0), %%" _ASM_SI " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rdi](%0), %%" _ASM_DI " \n\t"
- "mov %c[rbp](%0), %%" _ASM_BP " \n\t"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- "mov %c[r8](%0), %%r8 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r9](%0), %%r9 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r10](%0), %%r10 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r11](%0), %%r11 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r12](%0), %%r12 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r13](%0), %%r13 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r14](%0), %%r14 \n\t"
- "mov %c[r15](%0), %%r15 \n\t"
- "mov %c[rcx](%0), %%" _ASM_CX " \n\t" /* kills %0 (ecx) */
- /* Enter guest mode */
- "jne 1f \n\t"
- __ex(ASM_VMX_VMLAUNCH) "\n\t"
- "jmp 2f \n\t"
- "1: " __ex(ASM_VMX_VMRESUME) "\n\t"
- "2: "
- /* Save guest registers, load host registers, keep flags */
- "mov %0, %c[wordsize](%%" _ASM_SP ") \n\t"
- "pop %0 \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_AX ", %c[rax](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_BX ", %c[rbx](%0) \n\t"
- __ASM_SIZE(pop) " %c[rcx](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_DX ", %c[rdx](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_SI ", %c[rsi](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_DI ", %c[rdi](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_BP ", %c[rbp](%0) \n\t"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- "mov %%r8, %c[r8](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r9, %c[r9](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r10, %c[r10](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r11, %c[r11](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r12, %c[r12](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r13, %c[r13](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r14, %c[r14](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%r15, %c[r15](%0) \n\t"
- "mov %%cr2, %%" _ASM_AX " \n\t"
- "mov %%" _ASM_AX ", %c[cr2](%0) \n\t"
- "pop %%" _ASM_BP "; pop %%" _ASM_DX " \n\t"
- "setbe %c[fail](%0) \n\t"
- ".pushsection .rodata \n\t"
- ".global vmx_return \n\t"
- "vmx_return: " _ASM_PTR " 2b \n\t"
- ".popsection"
- : : "c"(vmx), "d"((unsigned long)HOST_RSP),
- [launched]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, __launched)),
- [fail]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, fail)),
- [host_rsp]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, host_rsp)),
- [rax]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX])),
- [rbx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBX])),
- [rcx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RCX])),
- [rdx]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX])),
- [rsi]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSI])),
- [rdi]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDI])),
- [rbp]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBP])),
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- [r8]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R8])),
- [r9]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R9])),
- [r10]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R10])),
- [r11]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R11])),
- [r12]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R12])),
- [r13]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R13])),
- [r14]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R14])),
- [r15]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R15])),
- [cr2]"i"(offsetof(struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.cr2)),
- [wordsize]"i"(sizeof(ulong))
- : "cc", "memory"
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- , "rax", "rbx", "rdi", "rsi"
- , "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"
- , "eax", "ebx", "edi", "esi"
- );
+ if (do_print1) {
+ dump_vmcs(vcpu);
+ do_print1 = 0;
+ }
+ vmcs_load(vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
+ for (i = 0; i < m->nr; i++)
+ wrmsrl(m->guest[i].index, m->guest[i].value);
+ /* Calls to low-level assembly functions*/
+ __asm_vmx_vcpu_run(vmx);
+ for (i = 0; i < m->nr; i++)
+ wrmsrl(m->host[i].index, m->host[i].value);
+ vmcs_clear(vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs);
+ if (vcpu->vcpu_id == 0) {
+ last_vmexit_rip = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_RIP);
+ last_vmexit_rsp = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_RSP);
+ }
+ if (do_print && (vcpu->vcpu_id == 0)) {
+ DbgPrint("-------------------vcpu 0-----------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ dump_vmcs(vcpu);
+ do_print = 0;
+ }
+ if (last_vmexit_rip == rip)
+ DbgBreakPoint();
+#if 0
/* MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR is zeroed on vmexit. Restore it if needed */
if (debugctlmsr)
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_64
@@ -9014,33 +7391,17 @@ static void __noclone vmx_vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
| (1 << VCPU_EXREG_CR3));
vcpu->arch.regs_dirty = 0;
- vmx->idt_vectoring_info = vmcs_read32(IDT_VECTORING_INFO_FIELD);
- vmx->loaded_vmcs->launched = 1;
- vmx->exit_reason = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_REASON);
+ vmx->idt_vectoring_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, IDT_VECTORING_INFO_FIELD);
- /*
- * eager fpu is enabled if PKEY is supported and CR4 is switched
- * back on host, so it is safe to read guest PKRU from current
- * XSAVE.
- */
- if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_OSPKE)) {
- vmx->guest_pkru = __read_pkru();
- if (vmx->guest_pkru != vmx->host_pkru) {
- vmx->guest_pkru_valid = true;
- __write_pkru(vmx->host_pkru);
- } else
- vmx->guest_pkru_valid = false;
- }
+ vmx->exit_reason = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_REASON);
- * the KVM_REQ_EVENT optimization bit is only on for one entry, and if
+ * the GVM_REQ_EVENT optimization bit is only on for one entry, and if
* we did not inject a still-pending event to L1 now because of
* nested_run_pending, we need to re-enable this bit.
if (vmx->nested.nested_run_pending)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
vmx->nested.nested_run_pending = 0;
@@ -9072,13 +7433,9 @@ static void vmx_load_vmcs01(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void vmx_free_vcpu_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- int r;
- r = vcpu_load(vcpu);
- BUG_ON(r);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
static void vmx_free_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -9091,16 +7448,14 @@ static void vmx_free_vcpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kfree(vmx->guest_msrs);
- kmem_cache_free(kvm_vcpu_cache, vmx);
+ kfree(vmx);
static struct kvm_vcpu *vmx_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
int err;
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = kmem_cache_zalloc(kvm_vcpu_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
- int cpu;
+ struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = kzalloc_fast(sizeof(struct vcpu_vmx), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!vmx)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
@@ -9125,30 +7480,19 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *vmx_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
goto uninit_vcpu;
- vmx->guest_msrs = kmalloc(PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
- BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(vmx_msr_index) * sizeof(vmx->guest_msrs[0])
- if (!vmx->guest_msrs)
- goto free_pml;
vmx->loaded_vmcs = &vmx->vmcs01;
vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs = alloc_vmcs();
+ DbgPrint("vmcs allocated with phys %llx on cpu %d\n", __pa(vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs), smp_processor_id());
vmx->loaded_vmcs->shadow_vmcs = NULL;
if (!vmx->loaded_vmcs->vmcs)
- goto free_msrs;
+ goto free_pml;
if (!vmm_exclusive)
kvm_cpu_vmxon(__pa(per_cpu(vmxarea, raw_smp_processor_id())));
if (!vmm_exclusive)
- cpu = get_cpu();
- vmx_vcpu_load(&vmx->vcpu, cpu);
- vmx->vcpu.cpu = cpu;
err = vmx_vcpu_setup(vmx);
- vmx_vcpu_put(&vmx->vcpu);
- put_cpu();
if (err)
goto free_vmcs;
if (cpu_need_virtualize_apic_accesses(&vmx->vcpu)) {
@@ -9171,7 +7515,6 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *vmx_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
vmx->nested.vpid02 = allocate_vpid();
- vmx->nested.posted_intr_nv = -1;
vmx->nested.current_vmptr = -1ull;
vmx->nested.current_vmcs12 = NULL;
@@ -9182,19 +7525,17 @@ static struct kvm_vcpu *vmx_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int id)
- kfree(vmx->guest_msrs);
- kmem_cache_free(kvm_vcpu_cache, vmx);
+ kfree(vmx);
return ERR_PTR(err);
-static void __init vmx_check_processor_compat(void *rtn)
+static void vmx_check_processor_compat(void *rtn)
struct vmcs_config vmcs_conf;
@@ -9234,22 +7575,14 @@ static u64 vmx_get_mt_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool is_mmio)
goto exit;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm)) {
+ //if (!kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm)) {
+ {
goto exit;
- if (kvm_read_cr0(vcpu) & X86_CR0_CD) {
- ipat = VMX_EPT_IPAT_BIT;
- if (kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, KVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED))
- else
- goto exit;
- }
- cache = kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type(vcpu, gfn);
+ //cache = kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type(vcpu, gfn);
return (cache << VMX_EPT_MT_EPTE_SHIFT) | ipat;
@@ -9264,7 +7597,7 @@ static int vmx_get_lpage_level(void)
-static void vmcs_set_secondary_exec_control(u32 new_ctl)
+static void vmcs_set_secondary_exec_control(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 new_ctl)
* These bits in the secondary execution controls field
@@ -9277,15 +7610,15 @@ static void vmcs_set_secondary_exec_control(u32 new_ctl)
- u32 cur_ctl = vmcs_read32(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ u32 cur_ctl = vmcs_read32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
(new_ctl & ~mask) | (cur_ctl & mask));
static void vmx_cpuid_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *best;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *best;
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
u32 secondary_exec_ctl = vmx_secondary_exec_control(vmx);
@@ -9316,7 +7649,7 @@ static void vmx_cpuid_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls())
- vmcs_set_secondary_exec_control(secondary_exec_ctl);
+ vmcs_set_secondary_exec_control(vcpu, secondary_exec_ctl);
if (nested_vmx_allowed(vcpu))
to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits |=
@@ -9326,7 +7659,7 @@ static void vmx_cpuid_update(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static void vmx_set_supported_cpuid(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *entry)
+static void vmx_set_supported_cpuid(u32 func, struct kvm_cpuid_entry *entry)
if (func == 1 && nested)
entry->ecx |= bit(X86_FEATURE_VMX);
@@ -9348,7 +7681,7 @@ static void nested_ept_inject_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
/* Callbacks for nested_ept_init_mmu_context: */
-static unsigned long nested_ept_get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static size_t nested_ept_get_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
/* return the page table to be shadowed - in our case, EPT12 */
return get_vmcs12(vcpu)->ept_pointer;
@@ -9393,8 +7726,8 @@ static void vmx_inject_page_fault_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (nested_vmx_is_page_fault_vmexit(vmcs12, fault->error_code))
nested_vmx_vmexit(vcpu, to_vmx(vcpu)->exit_reason,
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
- vmcs_readl(EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO),
+ vmcs_readl(vcpu, EXIT_QUALIFICATION));
kvm_inject_page_fault(vcpu, fault);
@@ -9416,9 +7749,9 @@ static bool nested_get_vmcs12_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* physical address remains valid. We keep a reference
* to it so we can release it later.
- if (vmx->nested.apic_access_page) /* shouldn't happen */
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_page);
- vmx->nested.apic_access_page =
+ if (vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl) /* shouldn't happen */
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl =
nested_get_page(vcpu, vmcs12->apic_access_addr);
@@ -9427,9 +7760,9 @@ static bool nested_get_vmcs12_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
vmcs12->virtual_apic_page_addr >> maxphyaddr)
return false;
- if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page) /* shouldn't happen */
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page);
- vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page =
+ if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl) /* shouldn't happen */
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl =
nested_get_page(vcpu, vmcs12->virtual_apic_page_addr);
@@ -9442,61 +7775,13 @@ static bool nested_get_vmcs12_pages(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* the execution control. But such a configuration is useless,
* so let's keep the code simple.
- if (!vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page)
+ if (!vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl)
return false;
- if (nested_cpu_has_posted_intr(vmcs12)) {
- if (!IS_ALIGNED(vmcs12->posted_intr_desc_addr, 64) ||
- vmcs12->posted_intr_desc_addr >> maxphyaddr)
- return false;
- if (vmx->nested.pi_desc_page) { /* shouldn't happen */
- kunmap(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- }
- vmx->nested.pi_desc_page =
- nested_get_page(vcpu, vmcs12->posted_intr_desc_addr);
- if (!vmx->nested.pi_desc_page)
- return false;
- vmx->nested.pi_desc =
- (struct pi_desc *)kmap(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- if (!vmx->nested.pi_desc) {
- nested_release_page_clean(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- return false;
- }
- vmx->nested.pi_desc =
- (struct pi_desc *)((void *)vmx->nested.pi_desc +
- (unsigned long)(vmcs12->posted_intr_desc_addr &
- (PAGE_SIZE - 1)));
- }
return true;
-static void vmx_start_preemption_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u64 preemption_timeout = get_vmcs12(vcpu)->vmx_preemption_timer_value;
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- if (vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz == 0)
- return;
- /* Make sure short timeouts reliably trigger an immediate vmexit.
- * hrtimer_start does not guarantee this. */
- if (preemption_timeout <= 1) {
- vmx_preemption_timer_fn(&vmx->nested.preemption_timer);
- return;
- }
- preemption_timeout *= 1000000;
- do_div(preemption_timeout, vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz);
- hrtimer_start(&vmx->nested.preemption_timer,
- ns_to_ktime(preemption_timeout), HRTIMER_MODE_REL);
static int nested_vmx_check_msr_bitmap_controls(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
@@ -9527,22 +7812,22 @@ static inline bool nested_vmx_merge_msr_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
int msr;
- struct page *page;
- unsigned long *msr_bitmap_l1;
- unsigned long *msr_bitmap_l0 = to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.msr_bitmap;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
+ size_t *msr_bitmap_l1;
+ size_t *msr_bitmap_l0 = to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.msr_bitmap;
/* This shortcut is ok because we support only x2APIC MSRs so far. */
if (!nested_cpu_has_virt_x2apic_mode(vmcs12))
return false;
- page = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmcs12->msr_bitmap);
- if (!page) {
+ kmap_mdl = nested_get_page(vcpu, vmcs12->msr_bitmap);
+ if (!kmap_mdl) {
return false;
- msr_bitmap_l1 = (unsigned long *)kmap(page);
+ msr_bitmap_l1 = (size_t *)kmap(kmap_mdl);
if (!msr_bitmap_l1) {
- nested_release_page_clean(page);
+ nested_release_page(kmap_mdl);
return false;
@@ -9572,8 +7857,8 @@ static inline bool nested_vmx_merge_msr_bitmap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- kunmap(page);
- nested_release_page_clean(page);
+ kunmap(kmap_mdl);
+ nested_release_page(kmap_mdl);
return true;
@@ -9583,8 +7868,7 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_apicv_controls(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (!nested_cpu_has_virt_x2apic_mode(vmcs12) &&
!nested_cpu_has_apic_reg_virt(vmcs12) &&
- !nested_cpu_has_vid(vmcs12) &&
- !nested_cpu_has_posted_intr(vmcs12))
+ !nested_cpu_has_vid(vmcs12))
return 0;
@@ -9603,17 +7887,6 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_apicv_controls(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return -EINVAL;
- /*
- * bits 15:8 should be zero in posted_intr_nv,
- * the descriptor address has been already checked
- * in nested_get_vmcs12_pages.
- */
- if (nested_cpu_has_posted_intr(vmcs12) &&
- (!nested_cpu_has_vid(vmcs12) ||
- !nested_exit_intr_ack_set(vcpu) ||
- vmcs12->posted_intr_nv & 0xff00))
- return -EINVAL;
/* tpr shadow is needed by all apicv features. */
if (!nested_cpu_has(vmcs12, CPU_BASED_TPR_SHADOW))
return -EINVAL;
@@ -9622,8 +7895,8 @@ static int nested_vmx_check_apicv_controls(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static int nested_vmx_check_msr_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long count_field,
- unsigned long addr_field)
+ size_t count_field,
+ size_t addr_field)
int maxphyaddr;
u64 count, addr;
@@ -9792,98 +8065,74 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
u32 exec_control;
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_ES_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_es_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_CS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_cs_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_SS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ss_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_DS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ds_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_FS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_fs_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_GS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_gs_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_selector);
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_TR_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_tr_selector);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_ES_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_es_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_CS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_cs_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ss_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_DS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ds_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_FS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_fs_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_GS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_gs_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_tr_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_gdtr_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_idtr_limit);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_es_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_cs_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ss_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ds_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_fs_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_gs_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_tr_ar_bytes);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_ES_BASE, vmcs12->guest_es_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_CS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_cs_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ss_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_DS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ds_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_FS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_fs_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_gs_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_LDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_TR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_tr_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_gdtr_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_IDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_idtr_base);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_ES_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_es_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_CS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_cs_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_SS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ss_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_DS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ds_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_FS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_fs_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_GS_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_gs_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_selector);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_TR_SELECTOR, vmcs12->guest_tr_selector);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_ES_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_es_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_CS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_cs_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ss_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_DS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ds_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_FS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_fs_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_GS_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_gs_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_tr_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_gdtr_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, vmcs12->guest_idtr_limit);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_es_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_cs_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ss_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ds_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_fs_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_gs_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES, vmcs12->guest_tr_ar_bytes);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_ES_BASE, vmcs12->guest_es_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_CS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_cs_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ss_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_DS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ds_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_FS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_fs_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GS_BASE, vmcs12->guest_gs_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_ldtr_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_TR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_tr_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_gdtr_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE, vmcs12->guest_idtr_base);
if (vmcs12->vm_entry_controls & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS) {
kvm_set_dr(vcpu, 7, vmcs12->guest_dr7);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, vmcs12->guest_ia32_debugctl);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, vmcs12->guest_ia32_debugctl);
} else {
kvm_set_dr(vcpu, 7, vcpu->arch.dr7);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, vmx->nested.vmcs01_debugctl);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, vmx->nested.vmcs01_debugctl);
- vmcs_write32(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD,
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD,
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE,
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN,
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_cs);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_cs);
vmx_set_rflags(vcpu, vmcs12->guest_rflags);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_esp);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_eip);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_esp);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, vmcs12->guest_sysenter_eip);
if (nested_cpu_has_xsaves(vmcs12))
- vmcs_write64(XSS_EXIT_BITMAP, vmcs12->xss_exit_bitmap);
- vmcs_write64(VMCS_LINK_POINTER, -1ull);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, XSS_EXIT_BITMAP, vmcs12->xss_exit_bitmap);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VMCS_LINK_POINTER, -1ull);
exec_control = vmcs12->pin_based_vm_exec_control;
- /* Preemption timer setting is only taken from vmcs01. */
exec_control |= vmcs_config.pin_based_exec_ctrl;
- if (vmx->hv_deadline_tsc == -1)
- /* Posted interrupts setting is only taken from vmcs12. */
- if (nested_cpu_has_posted_intr(vmcs12)) {
- /*
- * Note that we use L0's vector here and in
- * vmx_deliver_nested_posted_interrupt.
- */
- vmx->nested.posted_intr_nv = vmcs12->posted_intr_nv;
- vmx->nested.pi_pending = false;
- vmcs_write64(POSTED_INTR_DESC_ADDR,
- page_to_phys(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page) +
- (unsigned long)(vmcs12->posted_intr_desc_addr &
- (PAGE_SIZE - 1)));
- } else
- exec_control &= ~PIN_BASED_POSTED_INTR;
- vmcs_write32(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
- vmx->nested.preemption_timer_expired = false;
- if (nested_cpu_has_preemption_timer(vmcs12))
- vmx_start_preemption_timer(vcpu);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
* Whether page-faults are trapped is determined by a combination of
@@ -9905,9 +8154,9 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
* To fix this, we will need to emulate the PFEC checking (on the L1
* page tables), using walk_addr(), when injecting PFs to L1.
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MASK,
enable_ept ? vmcs12->page_fault_error_code_mask : 0);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MATCH,
enable_ept ? vmcs12->page_fault_error_code_match : 0);
if (cpu_has_secondary_exec_ctrls()) {
@@ -9929,12 +8178,12 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
* can never be accessed, this feature won't do
* anything anyway.
- if (!vmx->nested.apic_access_page)
+ if (!vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl)
exec_control &=
- vmcs_write64(APIC_ACCESS_ADDR,
- page_to_phys(vmx->nested.apic_access_page));
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, APIC_ACCESS_ADDR,
+ mdl_to_phys(vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl));
} else if (!(nested_cpu_has_virt_x2apic_mode(vmcs12)) &&
cpu_need_virtualize_apic_accesses(&vmx->vcpu)) {
exec_control |=
@@ -9943,19 +8192,19 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0,
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP1,
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP2,
- vmcs_write64(EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, EOI_EXIT_BITMAP3,
- vmcs_write16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS,
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS,
- vmcs_write32(SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
@@ -9983,9 +8232,9 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
exec_control |= vmcs12->cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
if (exec_control & CPU_BASED_TPR_SHADOW) {
- vmcs_write64(VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR,
- page_to_phys(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page));
- vmcs_write32(TPR_THRESHOLD, vmcs12->tpr_threshold);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR,
+ mdl_to_phys(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl));
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, TPR_THRESHOLD, vmcs12->tpr_threshold);
if (cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap() &&
@@ -10002,7 +8251,7 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
exec_control &= ~CPU_BASED_USE_IO_BITMAPS;
- vmcs_write32(CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, exec_control);
/* EXCEPTION_BITMAP and CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK should basically be the
* bitwise-or of what L1 wants to trap for L2, and what we want to
@@ -10010,13 +8259,13 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits &= ~vmcs12->cr0_guest_host_mask;
- vmcs_writel(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
/* L2->L1 exit controls are emulated - the hardware exit is to L0 so
* we should use its exit controls. Note that VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_EFER
* bits are further modified by vmx_set_efer() below.
- vmcs_write32(VM_EXIT_CONTROLS, vmcs_config.vmexit_ctrl);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_CONTROLS, vmcs_config.vmexit_ctrl);
/* vmcs12's VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_EFER and VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE are
* emulated by vmx_set_efer(), below.
@@ -10027,24 +8276,22 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
(vmcs_config.vmentry_ctrl & ~VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE));
if (vmcs12->vm_entry_controls & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT) {
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmcs12->guest_ia32_pat);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmcs12->guest_ia32_pat);
vcpu->arch.pat = vmcs12->guest_ia32_pat;
} else if (vmcs_config.vmentry_ctrl & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_IA32_PAT)
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmx->vcpu.arch.pat);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmx->vcpu.arch.pat);
if (vmcs12->vm_entry_controls & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_BNDCFGS)
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_BNDCFGS, vmcs12->guest_bndcfgs);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS, vmcs12->guest_bndcfgs);
if (vmcs12->cpu_based_vm_exec_control & CPU_BASED_USE_TSC_OFFSETING)
- vmcs_write64(TSC_OFFSET,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET,
vcpu->arch.tsc_offset + vmcs12->tsc_offset);
- vmcs_write64(TSC_OFFSET, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset);
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control)
- decache_tsc_multiplier(vmx);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset);
if (enable_vpid) {
@@ -10056,13 +8303,13 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
* even if spawn a lot of nested vCPUs.
if (nested_cpu_has_vpid(vmcs12) && vmx->nested.vpid02) {
- vmcs_write16(VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->nested.vpid02);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->nested.vpid02);
if (vmcs12->virtual_processor_id != vmx->nested.last_vpid) {
vmx->nested.last_vpid = vmcs12->virtual_processor_id;
__vmx_flush_tlb(vcpu, to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.vpid02);
} else {
- vmcs_write16(VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->vpid);
+ vmcs_write16(vcpu, VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID, vmx->vpid);
@@ -10091,10 +8338,10 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
* have more bits than L1 expected.
vmx_set_cr0(vcpu, vmcs12->guest_cr0);
- vmcs_writel(CR0_READ_SHADOW, nested_read_cr0(vmcs12));
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_READ_SHADOW, nested_read_cr0(vmcs12));
vmx_set_cr4(vcpu, vmcs12->guest_cr4);
- vmcs_writel(CR4_READ_SHADOW, nested_read_cr4(vmcs12));
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW, nested_read_cr4(vmcs12));
/* shadow page tables on either EPT or shadow page tables */
kvm_set_cr3(vcpu, vmcs12->guest_cr3);
@@ -10107,10 +8354,10 @@ static void prepare_vmcs02(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
* L1 may access the L2's PDPTR, so save them to construct vmcs12
if (enable_ept) {
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR0, vmcs12->guest_pdptr0);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR1, vmcs12->guest_pdptr1);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR2, vmcs12->guest_pdptr2);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_PDPTR3, vmcs12->guest_pdptr3);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR0, vmcs12->guest_pdptr0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR1, vmcs12->guest_pdptr1);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR2, vmcs12->guest_pdptr2);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR3, vmcs12->guest_pdptr3);
kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RSP, vmcs12->guest_rsp);
@@ -10273,7 +8520,7 @@ static int nested_vmx_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool launch)
if (!(vmcs12->vm_entry_controls & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS))
- vmx->nested.vmcs01_debugctl = vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL);
+ vmx->nested.vmcs01_debugctl = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL);
cpu = get_cpu();
vmx->loaded_vmcs = vmcs02;
@@ -10330,23 +8577,23 @@ static int nested_vmx_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool launch)
* didn't necessarily allow them to be changed in GUEST_CR0 - and rather
* put them in vmcs02 CR0_READ_SHADOW. So take these bits from there.
-static inline unsigned long
+static inline size_t
vmcs12_guest_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- /*1*/ (vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR0) & vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits) |
+ /*1*/ (vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR0) & vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits) |
/*2*/ (vmcs12->guest_cr0 & vmcs12->cr0_guest_host_mask) |
- /*3*/ (vmcs_readl(CR0_READ_SHADOW) & ~(vmcs12->cr0_guest_host_mask |
+ /*3*/ (vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR0_READ_SHADOW) & ~(vmcs12->cr0_guest_host_mask |
-static inline unsigned long
+static inline size_t
vmcs12_guest_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12)
- /*1*/ (vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR4) & vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits) |
+ /*1*/ (vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR4) & vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits) |
/*2*/ (vmcs12->guest_cr4 & vmcs12->cr4_guest_host_mask) |
- /*3*/ (vmcs_readl(CR4_READ_SHADOW) & ~(vmcs12->cr4_guest_host_mask |
+ /*3*/ (vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR4_READ_SHADOW) & ~(vmcs12->cr4_guest_host_mask |
@@ -10396,14 +8643,6 @@ static int vmx_check_nested_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool external_intr)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- if (nested_cpu_has_preemption_timer(get_vmcs12(vcpu)) &&
- vmx->nested.preemption_timer_expired) {
- if (vmx->nested.nested_run_pending)
- return -EBUSY;
- nested_vmx_vmexit(vcpu, EXIT_REASON_PREEMPTION_TIMER, 0, 0);
- return 0;
- }
if (vcpu->arch.nmi_pending && nested_exit_on_nmi(vcpu)) {
if (vmx->nested.nested_run_pending ||
@@ -10428,21 +8667,7 @@ static int vmx_check_nested_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool external_intr)
return 0;
- return vmx_complete_nested_posted_interrupt(vcpu);
-static u32 vmx_get_preemption_timer_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- ktime_t remaining =
- hrtimer_get_remaining(&to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.preemption_timer);
- u64 value;
- if (ktime_to_ns(remaining) <= 0)
- return 0;
- value = ktime_to_ns(remaining) * vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz;
- do_div(value, 1000000);
+ return 0;
@@ -10458,7 +8683,7 @@ static u32 vmx_get_preemption_timer_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void prepare_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
u32 exit_reason, u32 exit_intr_info,
- unsigned long exit_qualification)
+ size_t exit_qualification)
/* update guest state fields: */
vmcs12->guest_cr0 = vmcs12_guest_cr0(vcpu, vmcs12);
@@ -10466,62 +8691,54 @@ static void prepare_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
vmcs12->guest_rsp = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RSP);
vmcs12->guest_rip = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RIP);
- vmcs12->guest_rflags = vmcs_readl(GUEST_RFLAGS);
- vmcs12->guest_es_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_ES_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_cs_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_CS_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_ss_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_SS_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_ds_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_DS_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_fs_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_FS_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_gs_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_GS_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_ldtr_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_tr_selector = vmcs_read16(GUEST_TR_SELECTOR);
- vmcs12->guest_es_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_ES_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_cs_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_CS_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_ss_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_SS_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_ds_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_DS_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_fs_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_FS_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_gs_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_GS_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_ldtr_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_tr_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_TR_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_gdtr_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_idtr_limit = vmcs_read32(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
- vmcs12->guest_es_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_cs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_ss_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_ds_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_fs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_gs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_ldtr_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_tr_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES);
- vmcs12->guest_es_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_ES_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_cs_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CS_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_ss_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_SS_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_ds_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_DS_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_fs_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_FS_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_gs_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_GS_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_ldtr_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_LDTR_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_tr_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_TR_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_gdtr_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_GDTR_BASE);
- vmcs12->guest_idtr_base = vmcs_readl(GUEST_IDTR_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_rflags = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_RFLAGS);
+ vmcs12->guest_es_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_ES_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_cs_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_CS_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_ss_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_SS_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_ds_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_DS_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_fs_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_FS_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_gs_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_GS_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_ldtr_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_tr_selector = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_TR_SELECTOR);
+ vmcs12->guest_es_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_ES_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_cs_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_CS_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_ss_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_SS_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_ds_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_DS_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_fs_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_FS_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_gs_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_GS_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_ldtr_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_tr_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_gdtr_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_idtr_limit = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT);
+ vmcs12->guest_es_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_cs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_ss_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_ds_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_fs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_gs_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_ldtr_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_tr_ar_bytes = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES);
+ vmcs12->guest_es_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_ES_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_cs_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CS_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_ss_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SS_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_ds_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_DS_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_fs_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_FS_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_gs_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_GS_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_ldtr_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_LDTR_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_tr_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_TR_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_gdtr_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE);
+ vmcs12->guest_idtr_base = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE);
vmcs12->guest_interruptibility_info =
vmcs12->guest_pending_dbg_exceptions =
- if (vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_HALTED)
+ if (vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_HALTED)
vmcs12->guest_activity_state = GUEST_ACTIVITY_HLT;
vmcs12->guest_activity_state = GUEST_ACTIVITY_ACTIVE;
- if (nested_cpu_has_preemption_timer(vmcs12)) {
- if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls &
- vmcs12->vmx_preemption_timer_value =
- vmx_get_preemption_timer_value(vcpu);
- hrtimer_cancel(&to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.preemption_timer);
- }
* In some cases (usually, nested EPT), L2 is allowed to change its
* own CR3 without exiting. If it has changed it, we must keep it.
@@ -10531,41 +8748,41 @@ static void prepare_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
* Additionally, restore L2's PDPTR to vmcs12.
if (enable_ept) {
- vmcs12->guest_cr3 = vmcs_readl(GUEST_CR3);
- vmcs12->guest_pdptr0 = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR0);
- vmcs12->guest_pdptr1 = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR1);
- vmcs12->guest_pdptr2 = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR2);
- vmcs12->guest_pdptr3 = vmcs_read64(GUEST_PDPTR3);
+ vmcs12->guest_cr3 = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_CR3);
+ vmcs12->guest_pdptr0 = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR0);
+ vmcs12->guest_pdptr1 = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR1);
+ vmcs12->guest_pdptr2 = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR2);
+ vmcs12->guest_pdptr3 = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_PDPTR3);
if (nested_cpu_has_ept(vmcs12))
- vmcs12->guest_linear_address = vmcs_readl(GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS);
+ vmcs12->guest_linear_address = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS);
if (nested_cpu_has_vid(vmcs12))
- vmcs12->guest_intr_status = vmcs_read16(GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
+ vmcs12->guest_intr_status = vmcs_read16(vcpu, GUEST_INTR_STATUS);
vmcs12->vm_entry_controls =
(vmcs12->vm_entry_controls & ~VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE) |
(vm_entry_controls_get(to_vmx(vcpu)) & VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE);
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_SAVE_DEBUG_CONTROLS) {
- kvm_get_dr(vcpu, 7, (unsigned long *)&vmcs12->guest_dr7);
- vmcs12->guest_ia32_debugctl = vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL);
+ kvm_get_dr(vcpu, 7, (size_t *)&vmcs12->guest_dr7);
+ vmcs12->guest_ia32_debugctl = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL);
/* TODO: These cannot have changed unless we have MSR bitmaps and
* the relevant bit asks not to trap the change */
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_PAT)
- vmcs12->guest_ia32_pat = vmcs_read64(GUEST_IA32_PAT);
+ vmcs12->guest_ia32_pat = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT);
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_SAVE_IA32_EFER)
vmcs12->guest_ia32_efer = vcpu->arch.efer;
- vmcs12->guest_sysenter_cs = vmcs_read32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS);
- vmcs12->guest_sysenter_esp = vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP);
- vmcs12->guest_sysenter_eip = vmcs_readl(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP);
+ vmcs12->guest_sysenter_cs = vmcs_read32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS);
+ vmcs12->guest_sysenter_esp = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP);
+ vmcs12->guest_sysenter_eip = vmcs_readl(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP);
if (kvm_mpx_supported())
- vmcs12->guest_bndcfgs = vmcs_read64(GUEST_BNDCFGS);
+ vmcs12->guest_bndcfgs = vmcs_read64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS);
if (nested_cpu_has_xsaves(vmcs12))
- vmcs12->xss_exit_bitmap = vmcs_read64(XSS_EXIT_BITMAP);
+ vmcs12->xss_exit_bitmap = vmcs_read64(vcpu, XSS_EXIT_BITMAP);
/* update exit information fields: */
@@ -10577,10 +8794,10 @@ static void prepare_vmcs12(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
vmcs12->vm_exit_intr_error_code =
- vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE);
+ vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE);
vmcs12->idt_vectoring_info_field = 0;
- vmcs12->vm_exit_instruction_len = vmcs_read32(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
- vmcs12->vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
+ vmcs12->vm_exit_instruction_len = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN);
+ vmcs12->vmx_instruction_info = vmcs_read32(vcpu, VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO);
if (!(vmcs12->vm_exit_reason & VMX_EXIT_REASONS_FAILED_VMENTRY)) {
/* vm_entry_intr_info_field is cleared on exit. Emulate this
@@ -10641,14 +8858,14 @@ static void load_vmcs12_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
* but we also need to update cr0_guest_host_mask and exception_bitmap.
- vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits = (vcpu->fpu_active ? X86_CR0_TS : 0);
- vmcs_writel(CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
+ vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits = X86_CR0_TS;
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK, ~vcpu->arch.cr0_guest_owned_bits);
* Note that CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK is already set in the original vmcs01
- * (KVM doesn't change it)- no reason to call set_cr4_guest_host_mask();
+ * (kvm doesn't change it)- no reason to call set_cr4_guest_host_mask();
- vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits = ~vmcs_readl(CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK);
+ vcpu->arch.cr4_guest_owned_bits = ~vmcs_readl(vcpu, CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK);
kvm_set_cr4(vcpu, vmcs12->host_cr4);
@@ -10669,22 +8886,22 @@ static void load_vmcs12_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- vmcs_write32(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_cs);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_esp);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_eip);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_IDTR_BASE, vmcs12->host_idtr_base);
- vmcs_writel(GUEST_GDTR_BASE, vmcs12->host_gdtr_base);
+ vmcs_write32(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_cs);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_esp);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, vmcs12->host_ia32_sysenter_eip);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_IDTR_BASE, vmcs12->host_idtr_base);
+ vmcs_writel(vcpu, GUEST_GDTR_BASE, vmcs12->host_gdtr_base);
/* If not VM_EXIT_CLEAR_BNDCFGS, the L2 value propagates to L1. */
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_CLEAR_BNDCFGS)
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_BNDCFGS, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_BNDCFGS, 0);
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PAT) {
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmcs12->host_ia32_pat);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PAT, vmcs12->host_ia32_pat);
vcpu->arch.pat = vmcs12->host_ia32_pat;
if (vmcs12->vm_exit_controls & VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL)
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL,
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL,
/* Set L1 segment info according to Intel SDM
@@ -10734,7 +8951,7 @@ static void load_vmcs12_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
vmx_set_segment(vcpu, &seg, VCPU_SREG_TR);
kvm_set_dr(vcpu, 7, 0x400);
- vmcs_write64(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, 0);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, 0);
if (cpu_has_vmx_msr_bitmap())
@@ -10751,7 +8968,7 @@ static void load_vmcs12_host_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
u32 exit_intr_info,
- unsigned long exit_qualification)
+ size_t exit_qualification)
struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12 = get_vmcs12(vcpu);
@@ -10777,13 +8994,6 @@ static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
- trace_kvm_nested_vmexit_inject(vmcs12->vm_exit_reason,
- vmcs12->exit_qualification,
- vmcs12->idt_vectoring_info_field,
- vmcs12->vm_exit_intr_info,
- vmcs12->vm_exit_intr_error_code,
@@ -10795,15 +9005,7 @@ static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
load_vmcs12_host_state(vcpu, vmcs12);
/* Update any VMCS fields that might have changed while L2 ran */
- vmcs_write64(TSC_OFFSET, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset);
- if (vmx->hv_deadline_tsc == -1)
- vmcs_clear_bits(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- else
- vmcs_set_bits(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control)
- decache_tsc_multiplier(vmx);
+ vmcs_write64(vcpu, TSC_OFFSET, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset);
if (vmx->nested.change_vmcs01_virtual_x2apic_mode) {
vmx->nested.change_vmcs01_virtual_x2apic_mode = false;
@@ -10815,26 +9017,20 @@ static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
vmx->host_rsp = 0;
/* Unpin physical memory we referred to in vmcs02 */
- if (vmx->nested.apic_access_page) {
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_page);
- vmx->nested.apic_access_page = NULL;
- }
- if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page) {
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page);
- vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page = NULL;
+ if (vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl) {
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.apic_access_mdl = NULL;
- if (vmx->nested.pi_desc_page) {
- kunmap(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- nested_release_page(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page);
- vmx->nested.pi_desc_page = NULL;
- vmx->nested.pi_desc = NULL;
+ if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl) {
+ nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl);
+ vmx->nested.virtual_apic_mdl = NULL;
* We are now running in L2, mmu_notifier will force to reload the
* page's hpa for L2 vmcs. Need to reload it for L1 before entering L1.
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu);
* Exiting from L2 to L1, we're now back to L1 which thinks it just
@@ -10843,14 +9039,14 @@ static void nested_vmx_vmexit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 exit_reason,
if (unlikely(vmx->fail)) {
vmx->fail = 0;
- nested_vmx_failValid(vcpu, vmcs_read32(VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
+ nested_vmx_failValid(vcpu, vmcs_read32(vcpu, VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR));
} else
if (enable_shadow_vmcs)
vmx->nested.sync_shadow_vmcs = true;
/* in case we halted in L2 */
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
@@ -10872,7 +9068,7 @@ static void vmx_leave_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void nested_vmx_entry_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct vmcs12 *vmcs12,
- u32 reason, unsigned long qualification)
+ u32 reason, size_t qualification)
load_vmcs12_host_state(vcpu, vmcs12);
vmcs12->vm_exit_reason = reason | VMX_EXIT_REASONS_FAILED_VMENTRY;
@@ -10889,75 +9085,10 @@ static int vmx_check_intercept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-/* (a << shift) / divisor, return 1 if overflow otherwise 0 */
-static inline int u64_shl_div_u64(u64 a, unsigned int shift,
- u64 divisor, u64 *result)
- u64 low = a << shift, high = a >> (64 - shift);
- /* To avoid the overflow on divq */
- if (high >= divisor)
- return 1;
- /* Low hold the result, high hold rem which is discarded */
- asm("divq %2\n\t" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high) :
- "rm" (divisor), "0" (low), "1" (high));
- *result = low;
- return 0;
-static int vmx_set_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 guest_deadline_tsc)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- u64 tscl = rdtsc();
- u64 guest_tscl = kvm_read_l1_tsc(vcpu, tscl);
- u64 delta_tsc = max(guest_deadline_tsc, guest_tscl) - guest_tscl;
- /* Convert to host delta tsc if tsc scaling is enabled */
- if (vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio != kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio &&
- u64_shl_div_u64(delta_tsc,
- kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits,
- vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio,
- &delta_tsc))
- return -ERANGE;
- /*
- * If the delta tsc can't fit in the 32 bit after the multi shift,
- * we can't use the preemption timer.
- * It's possible that it fits on later vmentries, but checking
- * on every vmentry is costly so we just use an hrtimer.
- */
- if (delta_tsc >> (cpu_preemption_timer_multi + 32))
- return -ERANGE;
- vmx->hv_deadline_tsc = tscl + delta_tsc;
- vmcs_set_bits(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
- return 0;
-static void vmx_cancel_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vcpu_vmx *vmx = to_vmx(vcpu);
- vmx->hv_deadline_tsc = -1;
- vmcs_clear_bits(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL,
-static void vmx_sched_in(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
- if (ple_gap)
- shrink_ple_window(vcpu);
static void vmx_slot_enable_log_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty(kvm, slot);
- kvm_mmu_slot_largepage_remove_write_access(kvm, slot);
static void vmx_slot_disable_log_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -10968,257 +9099,17 @@ static void vmx_slot_disable_log_dirty(struct kvm *kvm,
static void vmx_flush_log_dirty(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm_flush_pml_buffers(kvm);
+ //kvm_flush_pml_buffers(kvm);
static void vmx_enable_log_dirty_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
- gfn_t offset, unsigned long mask)
+ gfn_t offset, size_t mask)
kvm_mmu_clear_dirty_pt_masked(kvm, memslot, offset, mask);
- * This routine does the following things for vCPU which is going
- * to be blocked if VT-d PI is enabled.
- * - Store the vCPU to the wakeup list, so when interrupts happen
- * we can find the right vCPU to wake up.
- * - Change the Posted-interrupt descriptor as below:
- * 'NDST' <-- vcpu->pre_pcpu
- * - If 'ON' is set during this process, which means at least one
- * interrupt is posted for this vCPU, we cannot block it, in
- * this case, return 1, otherwise, return 0.
- *
- */
-static int pi_pre_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int dest;
- struct pi_desc old, new;
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc = vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu);
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(vcpu->kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP) ||
- !kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- return 0;
- vcpu->pre_pcpu = vcpu->cpu;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- list_add_tail(&vcpu->blocked_vcpu_list,
- &per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu));
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- do {
- old.control = new.control = pi_desc->control;
- /*
- * We should not block the vCPU if
- * an interrupt is posted for it.
- */
- if (pi_test_on(pi_desc) == 1) {
- spin_lock_irqsave(&per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- list_del(&vcpu->blocked_vcpu_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(
- &per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- vcpu->pre_pcpu = -1;
- return 1;
- }
- WARN((pi_desc->sn == 1),
- "Warning: SN field of posted-interrupts "
- "is set before blocking\n");
- /*
- * Since vCPU can be preempted during this process,
- * vcpu->cpu could be different with pre_pcpu, we
- * need to set pre_pcpu as the destination of wakeup
- * notification event, then we can find the right vCPU
- * to wakeup in wakeup handler if interrupts happen
- * when the vCPU is in blocked state.
- */
- dest = cpu_physical_id(vcpu->pre_pcpu);
- if (x2apic_enabled())
- new.ndst = dest;
- else
- new.ndst = (dest << 8) & 0xFF00;
- /* set 'NV' to 'wakeup vector' */
- } while (cmpxchg(&pi_desc->control, old.control,
- new.control) != old.control);
- return 0;
-static int vmx_pre_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (pi_pre_block(vcpu))
- return 1;
- if (kvm_lapic_hv_timer_in_use(vcpu))
- kvm_lapic_switch_to_sw_timer(vcpu);
- return 0;
-static void pi_post_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct pi_desc *pi_desc = vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu);
- struct pi_desc old, new;
- unsigned int dest;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(vcpu->kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP) ||
- !kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(vcpu))
- return;
- do {
- old.control = new.control = pi_desc->control;
- dest = cpu_physical_id(vcpu->cpu);
- if (x2apic_enabled())
- new.ndst = dest;
- else
- new.ndst = (dest << 8) & 0xFF00;
- /* Allow posting non-urgent interrupts */
- = 0;
- /* set 'NV' to 'notification vector' */
- } while (cmpxchg(&pi_desc->control, old.control,
- new.control) != old.control);
- if(vcpu->pre_pcpu != -1) {
- spin_lock_irqsave(
- &per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- list_del(&vcpu->blocked_vcpu_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(
- &per_cpu(blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock,
- vcpu->pre_pcpu), flags);
- vcpu->pre_pcpu = -1;
- }
-static void vmx_post_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (kvm_x86_ops->set_hv_timer)
- kvm_lapic_switch_to_hv_timer(vcpu);
- pi_post_block(vcpu);
- * vmx_update_pi_irte - set IRTE for Posted-Interrupts
- *
- * @kvm: kvm
- * @host_irq: host irq of the interrupt
- * @guest_irq: gsi of the interrupt
- * @set: set or unset PI
- * returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure
- */
-static int vmx_update_pi_irte(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set)
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table *irq_rt;
- struct kvm_lapic_irq irq;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct vcpu_data vcpu_info;
- int idx, ret = -EINVAL;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(kvm) ||
- !irq_remapping_cap(IRQ_POSTING_CAP) ||
- !kvm_vcpu_apicv_active(kvm->vcpus[0]))
- return 0;
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- irq_rt = srcu_dereference(kvm->irq_routing, &kvm->irq_srcu);
- BUG_ON(guest_irq >= irq_rt->nr_rt_entries);
- hlist_for_each_entry(e, &irq_rt->map[guest_irq], link) {
- if (e->type != KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_MSI)
- continue;
- /*
- * VT-d PI cannot support posting multicast/broadcast
- * interrupts to a vCPU, we still use interrupt remapping
- * for these kind of interrupts.
- *
- * For lowest-priority interrupts, we only support
- * those with single CPU as the destination, e.g. user
- * configures the interrupts via /proc/irq or uses
- * irqbalance to make the interrupts single-CPU.
- *
- * We will support full lowest-priority interrupt later.
- */
- kvm_set_msi_irq(kvm, e, &irq);
- if (!kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu(kvm, &irq, &vcpu)) {
- /*
- * Make sure the IRTE is in remapped mode if
- * we don't handle it in posted mode.
- */
- ret = irq_set_vcpu_affinity(host_irq, NULL);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "failed to back to remapped mode, irq: %u\n",
- host_irq);
- goto out;
- }
- continue;
- }
- vcpu_info.pi_desc_addr = __pa(vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu));
- vcpu_info.vector = irq.vector;
- trace_kvm_pi_irte_update(vcpu->vcpu_id, host_irq, e->gsi,
- vcpu_info.vector, vcpu_info.pi_desc_addr, set);
- if (set)
- ret = irq_set_vcpu_affinity(host_irq, &vcpu_info);
- else {
- /* suppress notification event before unposting */
- pi_set_sn(vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu));
- ret = irq_set_vcpu_affinity(host_irq, NULL);
- pi_clear_sn(vcpu_to_pi_desc(vcpu));
- }
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: failed to update PI IRTE\n",
- __func__);
- goto out;
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- return ret;
-static void vmx_setup_mce(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (vcpu->arch.mcg_cap & MCG_LMCE_P)
- to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits |=
- else
- to_vmx(vcpu)->msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits &=
-static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
+static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops = {
.cpu_has_kvm_support = cpu_has_kvm_support,
.disabled_by_bios = vmx_disabled_by_bios,
.hardware_setup = hardware_setup,
@@ -11233,7 +9124,8 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.vcpu_free = vmx_free_vcpu,
.vcpu_reset = vmx_vcpu_reset,
- .prepare_guest_switch = vmx_save_host_state,
+ .save_host_state = vmx_save_host_state,
+ .load_host_state = vmx_load_host_state,
.vcpu_load = vmx_vcpu_load,
.vcpu_put = vmx_vcpu_put,
@@ -11264,11 +9156,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.get_rflags = vmx_get_rflags,
.set_rflags = vmx_set_rflags,
- .get_pkru = vmx_get_pkru,
- .fpu_activate = vmx_fpu_activate,
- .fpu_deactivate = vmx_fpu_deactivate,
.tlb_flush = vmx_flush_tlb,
.run = vmx_vcpu_run,
@@ -11276,7 +9163,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.skip_emulated_instruction = skip_emulated_instruction,
.set_interrupt_shadow = vmx_set_interrupt_shadow,
.get_interrupt_shadow = vmx_get_interrupt_shadow,
- .patch_hypercall = vmx_patch_hypercall,
.set_irq = vmx_inject_irq,
.set_nmi = vmx_inject_nmi,
.queue_exception = vmx_queue_exception,
@@ -11295,8 +9181,6 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.load_eoi_exitmap = vmx_load_eoi_exitmap,
.hwapic_irr_update = vmx_hwapic_irr_update,
.hwapic_isr_update = vmx_hwapic_isr_update,
- .sync_pir_to_irr = vmx_sync_pir_to_irr,
- .deliver_posted_interrupt = vmx_deliver_posted_interrupt,
.set_tss_addr = vmx_set_tss_addr,
.get_tdp_level = get_ept_level,
@@ -11326,52 +9210,22 @@ static struct kvm_x86_ops vmx_x86_ops __ro_after_init = {
.check_nested_events = vmx_check_nested_events,
- .sched_in = vmx_sched_in,
.slot_enable_log_dirty = vmx_slot_enable_log_dirty,
.slot_disable_log_dirty = vmx_slot_disable_log_dirty,
.flush_log_dirty = vmx_flush_log_dirty,
.enable_log_dirty_pt_masked = vmx_enable_log_dirty_pt_masked,
- .pre_block = vmx_pre_block,
- .post_block = vmx_post_block,
- .pmu_ops = &intel_pmu_ops,
- .update_pi_irte = vmx_update_pi_irte,
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- .set_hv_timer = vmx_set_hv_timer,
- .cancel_hv_timer = vmx_cancel_hv_timer,
- .setup_mce = vmx_setup_mce,
+ //.pmu_ops = &intel_pmu_ops,
-static int __init vmx_init(void)
+int vmx_init(void)
- int r = kvm_init(&vmx_x86_ops, sizeof(struct vcpu_vmx),
- __alignof__(struct vcpu_vmx), THIS_MODULE);
- if (r)
- return r;
- rcu_assign_pointer(crash_vmclear_loaded_vmcss,
- crash_vmclear_local_loaded_vmcss);
- return 0;
+ return kvm_init(&vmx_x86_ops, sizeof(struct vcpu_vmx), 0);
-static void __exit vmx_exit(void)
+void vmx_exit(void)
- RCU_INIT_POINTER(crash_vmclear_loaded_vmcss, NULL);
- synchronize_rcu();
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/vmx_def.h b/arch/x86/kvm/vmx_def.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89ff76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/vmx_def.h
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux
+ *
+ * This module enables machines with Intel VT-x extensions to run virtual
+ * machines without emulation or binary translation.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Avi Kivity <>
+ * Yaniv Kamay <>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+ * the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+ *
+ */
+#include "irq.h"
+#include "mmu.h"
+#include "cpuid.h"
+#include "lapic.h"
+#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <__asm.h>
+#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
+#include "x86.h"
+#include <asm/vmx.h>
+#include "pmu.h"
+/* MTRR memory types, which are defined in SDM */
+/*#define MTRR_TYPE_ 2*/
+/*#define MTRR_TYPE_ 3*/
+#define MTRR_NUM_TYPES 7
+#define GVM_GUEST_CR0_MASK (X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD)
+#define GVM_VM_CR0_ALWAYS_ON \
+ (X86_CR4_PVI | X86_CR4_DE | X86_CR4_PCE | X86_CR4_OSFXSR \
+#define GVM_RMODE_VM_CR4_ALWAYS_ON (X86_CR4_VME | X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_VMXE)
+#define VMCS02_POOL_SIZE 1
+struct vmcs {
+ u32 revision_id;
+ u32 abort;
+ char data[1016];
+ * Track a VMCS that may be loaded on a certain CPU. If it is (cpu!=-1), also
+ * remember whether it was VMLAUNCHed, and maintain a linked list of all VMCSs
+ * loaded on this CPU (so we can clear them if the CPU goes down).
+ */
+struct loaded_vmcs {
+ struct vmcs *vmcs;
+ struct vmcs *shadow_vmcs;
+ int cpu;
+ int launched;
+ * struct vmcs12 describes the state that our guest hypervisor (L1) keeps for a
+ * single nested guest (L2), hence the name vmcs12. Any VMX implementation has
+ * a VMCS structure, and vmcs12 is our emulated VMX's VMCS. This structure is
+ * stored in guest memory specified by VMPTRLD, but is opaque to the guest,
+ * which must access it using VMREAD/VMWRITE/VMCLEAR instructions.
+ * More than one of these structures may exist, if L1 runs multiple L2 guests.
+ * nested_vmx_run() will use the data here to build a vmcs02: a VMCS for the
+ * underlying hardware which will be used to run L2.
+ * This structure is packed to ensure that its layout is identical across
+ * machines (necessary for live migration).
+ * If there are changes in this struct, VMCS12_REVISION must be changed.
+ */
+typedef u64 natural_width;
+struct __packed vmcs12 {
+ /* According to the Intel spec, a VMCS region must start with the
+ * following two fields. Then follow implementation-specific data.
+ */
+ u32 revision_id;
+ u32 abort;
+ u32 launch_state; /* set to 0 by VMCLEAR, to 1 by VMLAUNCH */
+ u32 padding[7]; /* room for future expansion */
+ u64 io_bitmap_a;
+ u64 io_bitmap_b;
+ u64 msr_bitmap;
+ u64 vm_exit_msr_store_addr;
+ u64 vm_exit_msr_load_addr;
+ u64 vm_entry_msr_load_addr;
+ u64 tsc_offset;
+ u64 virtual_apic_page_addr;
+ u64 apic_access_addr;
+ u64 posted_intr_desc_addr;
+ u64 ept_pointer;
+ u64 eoi_exit_bitmap0;
+ u64 eoi_exit_bitmap1;
+ u64 eoi_exit_bitmap2;
+ u64 eoi_exit_bitmap3;
+ u64 xss_exit_bitmap;
+ u64 guest_physical_address;
+ u64 vmcs_link_pointer;
+ u64 guest_ia32_debugctl;
+ u64 guest_ia32_pat;
+ u64 guest_ia32_efer;
+ u64 guest_ia32_perf_global_ctrl;
+ u64 guest_pdptr0;
+ u64 guest_pdptr1;
+ u64 guest_pdptr2;
+ u64 guest_pdptr3;
+ u64 guest_bndcfgs;
+ u64 host_ia32_pat;
+ u64 host_ia32_efer;
+ u64 host_ia32_perf_global_ctrl;
+ u64 padding64[8]; /* room for future expansion */
+ /*
+ * To allow migration of L1 (complete with its L2 guests) between
+ * machines of different natural widths (32 or 64 bit), we cannot have
+ * size_t fields with no explict size. We use u64 (aliased
+ * natural_width) instead. Luckily, x86 is little-endian.
+ */
+ natural_width cr0_guest_host_mask;
+ natural_width cr4_guest_host_mask;
+ natural_width cr0_read_shadow;
+ natural_width cr4_read_shadow;
+ natural_width cr3_target_value0;
+ natural_width cr3_target_value1;
+ natural_width cr3_target_value2;
+ natural_width cr3_target_value3;
+ natural_width exit_qualification;
+ natural_width guest_linear_address;
+ natural_width guest_cr0;
+ natural_width guest_cr3;
+ natural_width guest_cr4;
+ natural_width guest_es_base;
+ natural_width guest_cs_base;
+ natural_width guest_ss_base;
+ natural_width guest_ds_base;
+ natural_width guest_fs_base;
+ natural_width guest_gs_base;
+ natural_width guest_ldtr_base;
+ natural_width guest_tr_base;
+ natural_width guest_gdtr_base;
+ natural_width guest_idtr_base;
+ natural_width guest_dr7;
+ natural_width guest_rsp;
+ natural_width guest_rip;
+ natural_width guest_rflags;
+ natural_width guest_pending_dbg_exceptions;
+ natural_width guest_sysenter_esp;
+ natural_width guest_sysenter_eip;
+ natural_width host_cr0;
+ natural_width host_cr3;
+ natural_width host_cr4;
+ natural_width host_fs_base;
+ natural_width host_gs_base;
+ natural_width host_tr_base;
+ natural_width host_gdtr_base;
+ natural_width host_idtr_base;
+ natural_width host_ia32_sysenter_esp;
+ natural_width host_ia32_sysenter_eip;
+ natural_width host_rsp;
+ natural_width host_rip;
+ natural_width paddingl[8]; /* room for future expansion */
+ u32 pin_based_vm_exec_control;
+ u32 cpu_based_vm_exec_control;
+ u32 exception_bitmap;
+ u32 page_fault_error_code_mask;
+ u32 page_fault_error_code_match;
+ u32 cr3_target_count;
+ u32 vm_exit_controls;
+ u32 vm_exit_msr_store_count;
+ u32 vm_exit_msr_load_count;
+ u32 vm_entry_controls;
+ u32 vm_entry_msr_load_count;
+ u32 vm_entry_intr_info_field;
+ u32 vm_entry_exception_error_code;
+ u32 vm_entry_instruction_len;
+ u32 tpr_threshold;
+ u32 secondary_vm_exec_control;
+ u32 vm_instruction_error;
+ u32 vm_exit_reason;
+ u32 vm_exit_intr_info;
+ u32 vm_exit_intr_error_code;
+ u32 idt_vectoring_info_field;
+ u32 idt_vectoring_error_code;
+ u32 vm_exit_instruction_len;
+ u32 vmx_instruction_info;
+ u32 guest_es_limit;
+ u32 guest_cs_limit;
+ u32 guest_ss_limit;
+ u32 guest_ds_limit;
+ u32 guest_fs_limit;
+ u32 guest_gs_limit;
+ u32 guest_ldtr_limit;
+ u32 guest_tr_limit;
+ u32 guest_gdtr_limit;
+ u32 guest_idtr_limit;
+ u32 guest_es_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_cs_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_ss_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_ds_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_fs_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_gs_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_ldtr_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_tr_ar_bytes;
+ u32 guest_interruptibility_info;
+ u32 guest_activity_state;
+ u32 guest_sysenter_cs;
+ u32 host_ia32_sysenter_cs;
+ u32 vmx_preemption_timer_value;
+ u32 padding32[7]; /* room for future expansion */
+ u16 virtual_processor_id;
+ u16 posted_intr_nv;
+ u16 guest_es_selector;
+ u16 guest_cs_selector;
+ u16 guest_ss_selector;
+ u16 guest_ds_selector;
+ u16 guest_fs_selector;
+ u16 guest_gs_selector;
+ u16 guest_ldtr_selector;
+ u16 guest_tr_selector;
+ u16 guest_intr_status;
+ u16 host_es_selector;
+ u16 host_cs_selector;
+ u16 host_ss_selector;
+ u16 host_ds_selector;
+ u16 host_fs_selector;
+ u16 host_gs_selector;
+ u16 host_tr_selector;
+ * VMCS12_REVISION is an arbitrary id that should be changed if the content or
+ * layout of struct vmcs12 is changed. MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC returns this id, and
+ * VMPTRLD verifies that the VMCS region that L1 is loading contains this id.
+ */
+#define VMCS12_REVISION 0x11e57ed0
+ * VMCS12_SIZE is the number of bytes L1 should allocate for the VMXON region
+ * and any VMCS region. Although only sizeof(struct vmcs12) are used by the
+ * current implementation, 4K are reserved to avoid future complications.
+ */
+#define VMCS12_SIZE 0x1000
+/* Used to remember the last vmcs02 used for some recently used vmcs12s */
+struct vmcs02_list {
+ struct list_head list;
+ gpa_t vmptr;
+ struct loaded_vmcs vmcs02;
+ * The nested_vmx structure is part of vcpu_vmx, and holds information we need
+ * for correct emulation of VMX (i.e., nested VMX) on this vcpu.
+ */
+struct nested_vmx {
+ /* Has the level1 guest done vmxon? */
+ bool vmxon;
+ gpa_t vmxon_ptr;
+ /* The guest-physical address of the current VMCS L1 keeps for L2 */
+ gpa_t current_vmptr;
+ /* The host-usable pointer to the above */
+ PMDL current_vmcs12_mdl;
+ struct vmcs12 *current_vmcs12;
+ /*
+ * Cache of the guest's VMCS, existing outside of guest memory.
+ * Loaded from guest memory during VMPTRLD. Flushed to guest
+ * memory during VMXOFF, VMCLEAR, VMPTRLD.
+ */
+ struct vmcs12 *cached_vmcs12;
+ /*
+ * Indicates if the shadow vmcs must be updated with the
+ * data hold by vmcs12
+ */
+ bool sync_shadow_vmcs;
+ /* vmcs02_list cache of VMCSs recently used to run L2 guests */
+ struct list_head vmcs02_pool;
+ int vmcs02_num;
+ bool change_vmcs01_virtual_x2apic_mode;
+ /* L2 must run next, and mustn't decide to exit to L1. */
+ bool nested_run_pending;
+ /*
+ * Guest pages referred to in vmcs02 with host-physical pointers, so
+ * we must keep them pinned while L2 runs.
+ */
+ PMDL apic_access_mdl;
+ PMDL virtual_apic_mdl;
+ size_t *msr_bitmap;
+ /* to migrate it to L2 if VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS is off */
+ u64 vmcs01_debugctl;
+ u16 vpid02;
+ u16 last_vpid;
+ u32 nested_vmx_procbased_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_procbased_ctls_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_true_procbased_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_pinbased_ctls_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_exit_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_exit_ctls_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_true_exit_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_entry_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_entry_ctls_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_true_entry_ctls_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_misc_low;
+ u32 nested_vmx_misc_high;
+ u32 nested_vmx_ept_caps;
+ u32 nested_vmx_vpid_caps;
+struct vcpu_vmx {
+ struct kvm_vcpu vcpu;
+ size_t host_rsp;
+ u8 fail;
+ bool nmi_known_unmasked;
+ u32 exit_intr_info;
+ u32 idt_vectoring_info;
+ ulong rflags;
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+ u64 msr_host_kernel_gs_base;
+ u64 msr_guest_kernel_gs_base;
+ u32 vm_entry_controls_shadow;
+ u32 vm_exit_controls_shadow;
+ /*
+ * loaded_vmcs points to the VMCS currently used in this vcpu. For a
+ * non-nested (L1) guest, it always points to vmcs01. For a nested
+ * guest (L2), it points to a different VMCS.
+ */
+ struct loaded_vmcs vmcs01;
+ struct loaded_vmcs *loaded_vmcs;
+ bool __launched; /* temporary, used in vmx_vcpu_run */
+ struct msr_autoload {
+ unsigned nr;
+ struct vmx_msr_entry guest[NR_AUTOLOAD_MSRS];
+ struct vmx_msr_entry host[NR_AUTOLOAD_MSRS];
+ } msr_autoload;
+ struct {
+ u16 fs_sel, gs_sel;
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+ u16 ds_sel, es_sel;
+ int gs_reload_needed;
+ int fs_reload_needed;
+ u64 msr_host_bndcfgs;
+ size_t vmcs_host_cr4; /* May not match real cr4 */
+ } host_state;
+ struct {
+ int vm86_active;
+ ulong save_rflags;
+ struct kvm_segment segs[8];
+ } rmode;
+ struct {
+ u32 bitmask; /* 4 bits per segment (1 bit per field) */
+ struct kvm_save_segment {
+ u16 selector;
+ size_t base;
+ u32 limit;
+ u32 ar;
+ } seg[8];
+ } segment_cache;
+ int vpid;
+ bool emulation_required;
+ /* Support for vnmi-less CPUs */
+ int soft_vnmi_blocked;
+ ktime_t entry_time;
+ s64 vnmi_blocked_time;
+ u32 exit_reason;
+ /* Support for a guest hypervisor (nested VMX) */
+ struct nested_vmx nested;
+ /* Support for PML */
+#define PML_ENTITY_NUM 512
+ struct page *pml_pg;
+ /*
+ * Only bits masked by msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits can be set in
+ * msr_ia32_feature_control. FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCKED is always included
+ * in msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits.
+ */
+ u64 msr_ia32_feature_control;
+ u64 msr_ia32_feature_control_valid_bits;
+enum segment_cache_field {
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
index 04c5d96..44637f3 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright IBM Corporation, 2008
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Avi Kivity <>
@@ -19,67 +20,28 @@
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <gvm-main.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
#include "irq.h"
#include "mmu.h"
-#include "i8254.h"
#include "tss.h"
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
#include "x86.h"
#include "cpuid.h"
-#include "assigned-dev.h"
#include "pmu.h"
-#include "hyperv.h"
-#include <linux/clocksource.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
-#include <linux/mman.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/iommu.h>
-#include <linux/intel-iommu.h>
-#include <linux/cpufreq.h>
-#include <linux/user-return-notifier.h>
-#include <linux/srcu.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/hash.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/timekeeper_internal.h>
-#include <linux/pvclock_gtod.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_irqfd.h>
-#include <linux/irqbypass.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include <asm/debugreg.h>
-#include <asm/msr.h>
-#include <asm/desc.h>
-#include <asm/mce.h>
-#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-#include <asm/fpu/internal.h> /* Ugh! */
-#include <asm/pvclock.h>
-#include <asm/div64.h>
-#include <asm/irq_remapping.h>
-#include "trace.h"
+#include <asm/vmx.h>
#define MAX_IO_MSRS 256
-#define KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS 32
-u64 __read_mostly kvm_mce_cap_supported = MCG_CTL_P | MCG_SER_P;
#define emul_to_vcpu(ctxt) \
container_of(ctxt, struct kvm_vcpu, arch.emulate_ctxt)
/* EFER defaults:
- * - enable syscall per default because its emulated by KVM
- * - enable LME and LMA per default on 64 bit KVM
+ * - enable syscall per default because its emulated by kvm
+ * - enable LME and LMA per default on 64 bit kvm
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
@@ -88,219 +50,39 @@ u64 __read_mostly efer_reserved_bits = ~((u64)(EFER_SCE | EFER_LME | EFER_LMA));
static u64 __read_mostly efer_reserved_bits = ~((u64)EFER_SCE);
-#define VM_STAT(x) offsetof(struct kvm, stat.x), KVM_STAT_VM
-#define VCPU_STAT(x) offsetof(struct kvm_vcpu, stat.x), KVM_STAT_VCPU
+#define VM_STAT(x) offsetof(struct kvm, stat.x), GVM_STAT_VM
+#define VCPU_STAT(x) offsetof(struct kvm_vcpu, stat.x), GVM_STAT_VCPU
static void update_cr8_intercept(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static void process_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static void enter_smm(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-static void __kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags);
+static void __kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags);
struct kvm_x86_ops *kvm_x86_ops __read_mostly;
static bool __read_mostly ignore_msrs = 0;
-module_param(ignore_msrs, bool, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
unsigned int min_timer_period_us = 500;
-module_param(min_timer_period_us, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-static bool __read_mostly kvmclock_periodic_sync = true;
-module_param(kvmclock_periodic_sync, bool, S_IRUGO);
-bool __read_mostly kvm_has_tsc_control;
-u32 __read_mostly kvm_max_guest_tsc_khz;
-u8 __read_mostly kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits;
-u64 __read_mostly kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio;
-u64 __read_mostly kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio;
/* tsc tolerance in parts per million - default to 1/2 of the NTP threshold */
static u32 __read_mostly tsc_tolerance_ppm = 250;
-module_param(tsc_tolerance_ppm, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
/* lapic timer advance (tscdeadline mode only) in nanoseconds */
unsigned int __read_mostly lapic_timer_advance_ns = 0;
-module_param(lapic_timer_advance_ns, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
static bool __read_mostly vector_hashing = true;
-module_param(vector_hashing, bool, S_IRUGO);
static bool __read_mostly backwards_tsc_observed = false;
-#define KVM_NR_SHARED_MSRS 16
-struct kvm_shared_msrs_global {
- int nr;
- u32 msrs[KVM_NR_SHARED_MSRS];
-struct kvm_shared_msrs {
- struct user_return_notifier urn;
- bool registered;
- struct kvm_shared_msr_values {
- u64 host;
- u64 curr;
- } values[KVM_NR_SHARED_MSRS];
-static struct kvm_shared_msrs_global __read_mostly shared_msrs_global;
-static struct kvm_shared_msrs __percpu *shared_msrs;
-struct kvm_stats_debugfs_item debugfs_entries[] = {
- { "pf_fixed", VCPU_STAT(pf_fixed) },
- { "pf_guest", VCPU_STAT(pf_guest) },
- { "tlb_flush", VCPU_STAT(tlb_flush) },
- { "invlpg", VCPU_STAT(invlpg) },
- { "exits", VCPU_STAT(exits) },
- { "io_exits", VCPU_STAT(io_exits) },
- { "mmio_exits", VCPU_STAT(mmio_exits) },
- { "signal_exits", VCPU_STAT(signal_exits) },
- { "irq_window", VCPU_STAT(irq_window_exits) },
- { "nmi_window", VCPU_STAT(nmi_window_exits) },
- { "halt_exits", VCPU_STAT(halt_exits) },
- { "halt_successful_poll", VCPU_STAT(halt_successful_poll) },
- { "halt_attempted_poll", VCPU_STAT(halt_attempted_poll) },
- { "halt_poll_invalid", VCPU_STAT(halt_poll_invalid) },
- { "halt_wakeup", VCPU_STAT(halt_wakeup) },
- { "hypercalls", VCPU_STAT(hypercalls) },
- { "request_irq", VCPU_STAT(request_irq_exits) },
- { "irq_exits", VCPU_STAT(irq_exits) },
- { "host_state_reload", VCPU_STAT(host_state_reload) },
- { "efer_reload", VCPU_STAT(efer_reload) },
- { "fpu_reload", VCPU_STAT(fpu_reload) },
- { "insn_emulation", VCPU_STAT(insn_emulation) },
- { "insn_emulation_fail", VCPU_STAT(insn_emulation_fail) },
- { "irq_injections", VCPU_STAT(irq_injections) },
- { "nmi_injections", VCPU_STAT(nmi_injections) },
- { "mmu_shadow_zapped", VM_STAT(mmu_shadow_zapped) },
- { "mmu_pte_write", VM_STAT(mmu_pte_write) },
- { "mmu_pte_updated", VM_STAT(mmu_pte_updated) },
- { "mmu_pde_zapped", VM_STAT(mmu_pde_zapped) },
- { "mmu_flooded", VM_STAT(mmu_flooded) },
- { "mmu_recycled", VM_STAT(mmu_recycled) },
- { "mmu_cache_miss", VM_STAT(mmu_cache_miss) },
- { "mmu_unsync", VM_STAT(mmu_unsync) },
- { "remote_tlb_flush", VM_STAT(remote_tlb_flush) },
- { "largepages", VM_STAT(lpages) },
- { NULL }
u64 __read_mostly host_xcr0;
-static int emulator_fix_hypercall(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt);
-static inline void kvm_async_pf_hash_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < roundup_pow_of_two(ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU); i++)
- vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[i] = ~0;
-static void kvm_on_user_return(struct user_return_notifier *urn)
- unsigned slot;
- struct kvm_shared_msrs *locals
- = container_of(urn, struct kvm_shared_msrs, urn);
- struct kvm_shared_msr_values *values;
- unsigned long flags;
- /*
- * Disabling irqs at this point since the following code could be
- * interrupted and executed through kvm_arch_hardware_disable()
- */
- local_irq_save(flags);
- if (locals->registered) {
- locals->registered = false;
- user_return_notifier_unregister(urn);
- }
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- for (slot = 0; slot <; ++slot) {
- values = &locals->values[slot];
- if (values->host != values->curr) {
- wrmsrl(shared_msrs_global.msrs[slot], values->host);
- values->curr = values->host;
- }
- }
-static void shared_msr_update(unsigned slot, u32 msr)
- u64 value;
- unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- struct kvm_shared_msrs *smsr = per_cpu_ptr(shared_msrs, cpu);
- /* only read, and nobody should modify it at this time,
- * so don't need lock */
- if (slot >= {
- printk(KERN_ERR "kvm: invalid MSR slot!");
- return;
- }
- rdmsrl_safe(msr, &value);
- smsr->values[slot].host = value;
- smsr->values[slot].curr = value;
-void kvm_define_shared_msr(unsigned slot, u32 msr)
- shared_msrs_global.msrs[slot] = msr;
- if (slot >=
- = slot + 1;
-static void kvm_shared_msr_cpu_online(void)
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i <; ++i)
- shared_msr_update(i, shared_msrs_global.msrs[i]);
-int kvm_set_shared_msr(unsigned slot, u64 value, u64 mask)
- unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- struct kvm_shared_msrs *smsr = per_cpu_ptr(shared_msrs, cpu);
- int err;
- if (((value ^ smsr->values[slot].curr) & mask) == 0)
- return 0;
- smsr->values[slot].curr = value;
- err = wrmsrl_safe(shared_msrs_global.msrs[slot], value);
- if (err)
- return 1;
- if (!smsr->registered) {
- smsr->urn.on_user_return = kvm_on_user_return;
- user_return_notifier_register(&smsr->urn);
- smsr->registered = true;
- }
- return 0;
-static void drop_user_return_notifiers(void)
- unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
- struct kvm_shared_msrs *smsr = per_cpu_ptr(shared_msrs, cpu);
- if (smsr->registered)
- kvm_on_user_return(&smsr->urn);
u64 kvm_get_apic_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return vcpu->arch.apic_base;
int kvm_set_apic_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
@@ -323,14 +105,6 @@ int kvm_set_apic_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
kvm_lapic_set_base(vcpu, msr_info->data);
return 0;
-asmlinkage __visible void kvm_spurious_fault(void)
- /* Fault while not rebooting. We want the trace. */
- BUG();
#define EXCPT_BENIGN 0
@@ -385,7 +159,7 @@ static void kvm_multiple_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
u32 prev_nr;
int class1, class2;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
if (!vcpu->arch.exception.pending) {
@@ -403,7 +177,7 @@ static void kvm_multiple_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
prev_nr = vcpu->;
if (prev_nr == DF_VECTOR) {
/* triple fault -> shutdown */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
class1 = exception_class(prev_nr);
@@ -426,13 +200,11 @@ void kvm_queue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr)
kvm_multiple_exception(vcpu, nr, false, 0, false);
void kvm_requeue_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr)
kvm_multiple_exception(vcpu, nr, false, 0, true);
void kvm_complete_insn_gp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int err)
@@ -441,7 +213,6 @@ void kvm_complete_insn_gp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int err)
void kvm_inject_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct x86_exception *fault)
@@ -449,7 +220,6 @@ void kvm_inject_page_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct x86_exception *fault)
vcpu->arch.cr2 = fault->address;
kvm_queue_exception_e(vcpu, PF_VECTOR, fault->error_code);
static bool kvm_propagate_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct x86_exception *fault)
@@ -464,21 +234,18 @@ static bool kvm_propagate_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct x86_exception *fau
void kvm_inject_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_NMI, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_NMI, vcpu);
void kvm_queue_exception_e(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr, u32 error_code)
kvm_multiple_exception(vcpu, nr, true, error_code, false);
void kvm_requeue_exception_e(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned nr, u32 error_code)
kvm_multiple_exception(vcpu, nr, true, error_code, true);
* Checks if cpl <= required_cpl; if true, return true. Otherwise queue
@@ -491,7 +258,6 @@ bool kvm_require_cpl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int required_cpl)
kvm_queue_exception_e(vcpu, GP_VECTOR, 0);
return false;
bool kvm_require_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr)
@@ -501,7 +267,6 @@ bool kvm_require_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr)
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR);
return false;
* This function will be used to read from the physical memory of the currently
@@ -525,7 +290,6 @@ int kvm_read_guest_page_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu,
return kvm_vcpu_read_guest_page(vcpu, real_gfn, data, offset, len);
static int kvm_read_nested_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
void *data, int offset, int len, u32 access)
@@ -537,7 +301,7 @@ static int kvm_read_nested_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
* Load the pae pdptrs. Return true is they are all valid.
-int load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu, unsigned long cr3)
+int load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu, size_t cr3)
gfn_t pdpt_gfn = cr3 >> PAGE_SHIFT;
unsigned offset = ((cr3 & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) >> 5) << 2;
@@ -564,14 +328,13 @@ int load_pdptrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_mmu *mmu, unsigned long cr3)
memcpy(mmu->pdptrs, pdpte, sizeof(mmu->pdptrs));
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail);
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_dirty);
return ret;
static bool pdptrs_changed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -585,7 +348,7 @@ static bool pdptrs_changed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return false;
if (!test_bit(VCPU_EXREG_PDPTR,
- (unsigned long *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
+ (size_t *)&vcpu->arch.regs_avail))
return true;
gfn = (kvm_read_cr3(vcpu) & ~31u) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
@@ -600,10 +363,10 @@ out:
return changed;
-int kvm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
+int kvm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr0)
- unsigned long old_cr0 = kvm_read_cr0(vcpu);
- unsigned long update_bits = X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP;
+ size_t old_cr0 = kvm_read_cr0(vcpu);
+ size_t update_bits = X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP;
cr0 |= X86_CR0_ET;
@@ -642,28 +405,21 @@ int kvm_set_cr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr0)
kvm_x86_ops->set_cr0(vcpu, cr0);
- if ((cr0 ^ old_cr0) & X86_CR0_PG) {
- kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(vcpu);
- kvm_async_pf_hash_reset(vcpu);
- }
if ((cr0 ^ old_cr0) & update_bits)
if (((cr0 ^ old_cr0) & X86_CR0_CD) &&
- kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm) &&
- !kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, KVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED))
+ //kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm) &&
+ !kvm_check_has_quirk(vcpu->kvm, GVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED))
kvm_zap_gfn_range(vcpu->kvm, 0, ~0ULL);
return 0;
-void kvm_lmsw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long msw)
+void kvm_lmsw(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t msw)
(void)kvm_set_cr0(vcpu, kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, ~0x0eul) | (msw & 0x0f));
static void kvm_load_guest_xcr0(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -733,12 +489,11 @@ int kvm_set_xcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 index, u64 xcr)
return 0;
-int kvm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
+int kvm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr4)
- unsigned long old_cr4 = kvm_read_cr4(vcpu);
- unsigned long pdptr_bits = X86_CR4_PGE | X86_CR4_PSE | X86_CR4_PAE |
+ size_t old_cr4 = kvm_read_cr4(vcpu);
+ size_t pdptr_bits = X86_CR4_PGE | X86_CR4_PSE | X86_CR4_PAE |
X86_CR4_SMEP | X86_CR4_SMAP | X86_CR4_PKE;
if (cr4 & CR4_RESERVED_BITS)
@@ -789,9 +544,8 @@ int kvm_set_cr4(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr4)
return 0;
-int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3)
+int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr3)
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
cr3 &= ~CR3_PCID_INVD;
@@ -799,7 +553,7 @@ int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3)
if (cr3 == kvm_read_cr3(vcpu) && !pdptrs_changed(vcpu)) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -815,9 +569,8 @@ int kvm_set_cr3(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr3)
return 0;
-int kvm_set_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr8)
+int kvm_set_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t cr8)
if (cr8 & CR8_RESERVED_BITS)
return 1;
@@ -827,46 +580,44 @@ int kvm_set_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long cr8)
vcpu->arch.cr8 = cr8;
return 0;
-unsigned long kvm_get_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+size_t kvm_get_cr8(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
return kvm_lapic_get_cr8(vcpu);
return vcpu->arch.cr8;
static void kvm_update_dr0123(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int i;
- if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)) {
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_DB_REGS; i++)
+ if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_DB_REGS; i++)
vcpu->arch.eff_db[i] = vcpu->arch.db[i];
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= KVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= GVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
static void kvm_update_dr6(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP))
+ if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP))
kvm_x86_ops->set_dr6(vcpu, vcpu->arch.dr6);
static void kvm_update_dr7(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long dr7;
+ size_t dr7;
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)
dr7 = vcpu->arch.guest_debug_dr7;
dr7 = vcpu->arch.dr7;
kvm_x86_ops->set_dr7(vcpu, dr7);
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~KVM_DEBUGREG_BP_ENABLED;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~GVM_DEBUGREG_BP_ENABLED;
if (dr7 & DR7_BP_EN_MASK)
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= KVM_DEBUGREG_BP_ENABLED;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs |= GVM_DEBUGREG_BP_ENABLED;
static u64 kvm_dr6_fixed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -878,12 +629,15 @@ static u64 kvm_dr6_fixed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return fixed;
-static int __kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long val)
+static int __kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, size_t val)
switch (dr) {
- case 0 ... 3:
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
vcpu->arch.db[dr] = val;
- if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP))
+ if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP))
vcpu->arch.eff_db[dr] = val;
case 4:
@@ -907,7 +661,7 @@ static int __kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long val)
return 0;
-int kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long val)
+int kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, size_t val)
if (__kvm_set_dr(vcpu, dr, val)) {
kvm_inject_gp(vcpu, 0);
@@ -915,18 +669,20 @@ int kvm_set_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long val)
return 0;
-int kvm_get_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long *val)
+int kvm_get_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, size_t *val)
switch (dr) {
- case 0 ... 3:
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
*val = vcpu->arch.db[dr];
case 4:
/* fall through */
case 6:
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP)
*val = vcpu->arch.dr6;
*val = kvm_x86_ops->get_dr6(vcpu);
@@ -939,8 +695,8 @@ int kvm_get_dr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int dr, unsigned long *val)
return 0;
+#if 0
bool kvm_rdpmc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
u32 ecx = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RCX);
@@ -954,11 +710,11 @@ bool kvm_rdpmc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX, data >> 32);
return err;
- * List of msr numbers which we expose to userspace through KVM_GET_MSRS
+ * List of msr numbers which we expose to userspace through GVM_GET_MSRS
* This list is modified at module load time to reflect the
* capabilities of the host cpu. This capabilities test skips MSRs that are
@@ -972,45 +728,19 @@ static u32 msrs_to_save[] = {
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
static unsigned num_msrs_to_save;
-static u32 emulated_msrs[] = {
-static unsigned num_emulated_msrs;
bool kvm_valid_efer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer)
if (efer & efer_reserved_bits)
return false;
if (efer & EFER_FFXSR) {
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *feat;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *feat;
feat = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
if (!feat || !(feat->edx & bit(X86_FEATURE_FXSR_OPT)))
@@ -1018,7 +748,7 @@ bool kvm_valid_efer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer)
if (efer & EFER_SVME) {
- struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 *feat;
+ struct kvm_cpuid_entry *feat;
feat = kvm_find_cpuid_entry(vcpu, 0x80000001, 0);
if (!feat || !(feat->ecx & bit(X86_FEATURE_SVM)))
@@ -1027,7 +757,6 @@ bool kvm_valid_efer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer)
return true;
static int set_efer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 efer)
@@ -1056,7 +785,6 @@ void kvm_enable_efer_bits(u64 mask)
efer_reserved_bits &= ~mask;
* Writes msr value into into the appropriate "register".
@@ -1092,7 +820,6 @@ int kvm_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr)
return kvm_x86_ops->set_msr(vcpu, msr);
* Adapt set_msr() to msr_io()'s calling convention
@@ -1122,257 +849,22 @@ static int do_set_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned index, u64 *data)
return kvm_set_msr(vcpu, &msr);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-struct pvclock_gtod_data {
- seqcount_t seq;
- struct { /* extract of a clocksource struct */
- int vclock_mode;
- cycle_t cycle_last;
- cycle_t mask;
- u32 mult;
- u32 shift;
- } clock;
- u64 boot_ns;
- u64 nsec_base;
-static struct pvclock_gtod_data pvclock_gtod_data;
-static void update_pvclock_gtod(struct timekeeper *tk)
- struct pvclock_gtod_data *vdata = &pvclock_gtod_data;
- u64 boot_ns;
- boot_ns = ktime_to_ns(ktime_add(tk->tkr_mono.base, tk->offs_boot));
- write_seqcount_begin(&vdata->seq);
- /* copy pvclock gtod data */
- vdata->clock.vclock_mode = tk->tkr_mono.clock->archdata.vclock_mode;
- vdata->clock.cycle_last = tk->tkr_mono.cycle_last;
- vdata->clock.mask = tk->tkr_mono.mask;
- vdata->clock.mult = tk->tkr_mono.mult;
- vdata->clock.shift = tk->tkr_mono.shift;
- vdata->boot_ns = boot_ns;
- vdata->nsec_base = tk->tkr_mono.xtime_nsec;
- write_seqcount_end(&vdata->seq);
void kvm_set_pending_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- * Note: KVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER is implicitly checked in
+ * Note: GVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER is implicitly checked in
* vcpu_enter_guest. This function is only called from
* the physical CPU that is running vcpu.
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER, vcpu);
-static void kvm_write_wall_clock(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t wall_clock)
- int version;
- int r;
- struct pvclock_wall_clock wc;
- struct timespec64 boot;
- if (!wall_clock)
- return;
- r = kvm_read_guest(kvm, wall_clock, &version, sizeof(version));
- if (r)
- return;
- if (version & 1)
- ++version; /* first time write, random junk */
- ++version;
- if (kvm_write_guest(kvm, wall_clock, &version, sizeof(version)))
- return;
- /*
- * The guest calculates current wall clock time by adding
- * system time (updated by kvm_guest_time_update below) to the
- * wall clock specified here. guest system time equals host
- * system time for us, thus we must fill in host boot time here.
- */
- getboottime64(&boot);
- if (kvm->arch.kvmclock_offset) {
- struct timespec64 ts = ns_to_timespec64(kvm->arch.kvmclock_offset);
- boot = timespec64_sub(boot, ts);
- }
- wc.sec = (u32)boot.tv_sec; /* overflow in 2106 guest time */
- wc.nsec = boot.tv_nsec;
- wc.version = version;
- kvm_write_guest(kvm, wall_clock, &wc, sizeof(wc));
- version++;
- kvm_write_guest(kvm, wall_clock, &version, sizeof(version));
-static uint32_t div_frac(uint32_t dividend, uint32_t divisor)
- do_shl32_div32(dividend, divisor);
- return dividend;
-static void kvm_get_time_scale(uint64_t scaled_hz, uint64_t base_hz,
- s8 *pshift, u32 *pmultiplier)
- uint64_t scaled64;
- int32_t shift = 0;
- uint64_t tps64;
- uint32_t tps32;
- tps64 = base_hz;
- scaled64 = scaled_hz;
- while (tps64 > scaled64*2 || tps64 & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) {
- tps64 >>= 1;
- shift--;
- }
- tps32 = (uint32_t)tps64;
- while (tps32 <= scaled64 || scaled64 & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) {
- if (scaled64 & 0xffffffff00000000ULL || tps32 & 0x80000000)
- scaled64 >>= 1;
- else
- tps32 <<= 1;
- shift++;
- }
- *pshift = shift;
- *pmultiplier = div_frac(scaled64, tps32);
- pr_debug("%s: base_hz %llu => %llu, shift %d, mul %u\n",
- __func__, base_hz, scaled_hz, shift, *pmultiplier);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER, vcpu);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
static atomic_t kvm_guest_has_master_clock = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, cpu_tsc_khz);
-static unsigned long max_tsc_khz;
-static u32 adjust_tsc_khz(u32 khz, s32 ppm)
- u64 v = (u64)khz * (1000000 + ppm);
- do_div(v, 1000000);
- return v;
-static int set_tsc_khz(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 user_tsc_khz, bool scale)
- u64 ratio;
- /* Guest TSC same frequency as host TSC? */
- if (!scale) {
- vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio = kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio;
- return 0;
- }
- /* TSC scaling supported? */
- if (!kvm_has_tsc_control) {
- if (user_tsc_khz > tsc_khz) {
- vcpu->arch.tsc_catchup = 1;
- vcpu->arch.tsc_always_catchup = 1;
- return 0;
- } else {
- WARN(1, "user requested TSC rate below hardware speed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* TSC scaling required - calculate ratio */
- ratio = mul_u64_u32_div(1ULL << kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits,
- user_tsc_khz, tsc_khz);
- if (ratio == 0 || ratio >= kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio) {
- WARN_ONCE(1, "Invalid TSC scaling ratio - virtual-tsc-khz=%u\n",
- user_tsc_khz);
- return -1;
- }
- vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio = ratio;
- return 0;
-static int kvm_set_tsc_khz(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 user_tsc_khz)
- u32 thresh_lo, thresh_hi;
- int use_scaling = 0;
- /* tsc_khz can be zero if TSC calibration fails */
- if (user_tsc_khz == 0) {
- /* set tsc_scaling_ratio to a safe value */
- vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio = kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Compute a scale to convert nanoseconds in TSC cycles */
- kvm_get_time_scale(user_tsc_khz * 1000LL, NSEC_PER_SEC,
- &vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_shift,
- &vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_mult);
- vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz = user_tsc_khz;
- /*
- * Compute the variation in TSC rate which is acceptable
- * within the range of tolerance and decide if the
- * rate being applied is within that bounds of the hardware
- * rate. If so, no scaling or compensation need be done.
- */
- thresh_lo = adjust_tsc_khz(tsc_khz, -tsc_tolerance_ppm);
- thresh_hi = adjust_tsc_khz(tsc_khz, tsc_tolerance_ppm);
- if (user_tsc_khz < thresh_lo || user_tsc_khz > thresh_hi) {
- pr_debug("kvm: requested TSC rate %u falls outside tolerance [%u,%u]\n", user_tsc_khz, thresh_lo, thresh_hi);
- use_scaling = 1;
- }
- return set_tsc_khz(vcpu, user_tsc_khz, use_scaling);
-static u64 compute_guest_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, s64 kernel_ns)
- u64 tsc = pvclock_scale_delta(kernel_ns-vcpu->arch.this_tsc_nsec,
- vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_mult,
- vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_shift);
- tsc += vcpu->arch.this_tsc_write;
- return tsc;
-static void kvm_track_tsc_matching(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- bool vcpus_matched;
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &vcpu->kvm->arch;
- struct pvclock_gtod_data *gtod = &pvclock_gtod_data;
- vcpus_matched = (ka->nr_vcpus_matched_tsc + 1 ==
- atomic_read(&vcpu->kvm->online_vcpus));
- /*
- * Once the masterclock is enabled, always perform request in
- * order to update it.
- *
- * In order to enable masterclock, the host clocksource must be TSC
- * and the vcpus need to have matched TSCs. When that happens,
- * perform request to enable masterclock.
- */
- if (ka->use_master_clock ||
- (gtod->clock.vclock_mode == VCLOCK_TSC && vcpus_matched))
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_MASTERCLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- trace_kvm_track_tsc(vcpu->vcpu_id, ka->nr_vcpus_matched_tsc,
- atomic_read(&vcpu->kvm->online_vcpus),
- ka->use_master_clock, gtod->clock.vclock_mode);
+static DEFINE_PER_CPU(size_t, cpu_tsc_khz);
+static size_t max_tsc_khz;
static void update_ia32_tsc_adjust_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, s64 offset)
@@ -1380,47 +872,19 @@ static void update_ia32_tsc_adjust_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, s64 offset)
vcpu->arch.ia32_tsc_adjust_msr += offset - curr_offset;
- * Multiply tsc by a fixed point number represented by ratio.
- *
- * The most significant 64-N bits (mult) of ratio represent the
- * integral part of the fixed point number; the remaining N bits
- * (frac) represent the fractional part, ie. ratio represents a fixed
- * point number (mult + frac * 2^(-N)).
- *
- * N equals to kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits.
- */
-static inline u64 __scale_tsc(u64 ratio, u64 tsc)
- return mul_u64_u64_shr(tsc, ratio, kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits);
-u64 kvm_scale_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 tsc)
- u64 _tsc = tsc;
- u64 ratio = vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio;
- if (ratio != kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio)
- _tsc = __scale_tsc(ratio, tsc);
- return _tsc;
static u64 kvm_compute_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 target_tsc)
u64 tsc;
- tsc = kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
+ tsc = __rdtsc();
return target_tsc - tsc;
u64 kvm_read_l1_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 host_tsc)
- return vcpu->arch.tsc_offset + kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, host_tsc);
+ return vcpu->arch.tsc_offset + host_tsc;
static void kvm_vcpu_write_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 offset)
@@ -1430,128 +894,19 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_write_tsc_offset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 offset)
void kvm_write_tsc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- u64 offset, ns, elapsed;
- unsigned long flags;
- s64 usdiff;
- bool matched;
- bool already_matched;
+ u64 offset;
+ //size_t flags;
u64 data = msr->data;
- raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&kvm->arch.tsc_write_lock, flags);
+ //spin_lock_irqsave(&kvm->arch.tsc_write_lock, flags);
offset = kvm_compute_tsc_offset(vcpu, data);
- ns = ktime_get_boot_ns();
- elapsed = ns - kvm->arch.last_tsc_nsec;
- if (vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz) {
- int faulted = 0;
- /* n.b - signed multiplication and division required */
- usdiff = data - kvm->arch.last_tsc_write;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- usdiff = (usdiff * 1000) / vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz;
- /* do_div() only does unsigned */
- asm("1: idivl %[divisor]\n"
- "2: xor %%edx, %%edx\n"
- " movl $0, %[faulted]\n"
- "3:\n"
- ".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"
- "4: movl $1, %[faulted]\n"
- " jmp 3b\n"
- ".previous\n"
- _ASM_EXTABLE(1b, 4b)
- : "=A"(usdiff), [faulted] "=r" (faulted)
- : "A"(usdiff * 1000), [divisor] "rm"(vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz));
- do_div(elapsed, 1000);
- usdiff -= elapsed;
- if (usdiff < 0)
- usdiff = -usdiff;
- /* idivl overflow => difference is larger than USEC_PER_SEC */
- if (faulted)
- usdiff = USEC_PER_SEC;
- } else
- usdiff = USEC_PER_SEC; /* disable TSC match window below */
- /*
- * Special case: TSC write with a small delta (1 second) of virtual
- * cycle time against real time is interpreted as an attempt to
- * synchronize the CPU.
- *
- * For a reliable TSC, we can match TSC offsets, and for an unstable
- * TSC, we add elapsed time in this computation. We could let the
- * compensation code attempt to catch up if we fall behind, but
- * it's better to try to match offsets from the beginning.
- */
- if (usdiff < USEC_PER_SEC &&
- vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz == kvm->arch.last_tsc_khz) {
- if (!check_tsc_unstable()) {
- offset = kvm->arch.cur_tsc_offset;
- pr_debug("kvm: matched tsc offset for %llu\n", data);
- } else {
- u64 delta = nsec_to_cycles(vcpu, elapsed);
- data += delta;
- offset = kvm_compute_tsc_offset(vcpu, data);
- pr_debug("kvm: adjusted tsc offset by %llu\n", delta);
- }
- matched = true;
- already_matched = (vcpu->arch.this_tsc_generation == kvm->arch.cur_tsc_generation);
- } else {
- /*
- * We split periods of matched TSC writes into generations.
- * For each generation, we track the original measured
- * nanosecond time, offset, and write, so if TSCs are in
- * sync, we can match exact offset, and if not, we can match
- * exact software computation in compute_guest_tsc()
- *
- * These values are tracked in kvm->arch.cur_xxx variables.
- */
- kvm->arch.cur_tsc_generation++;
- kvm->arch.cur_tsc_nsec = ns;
- kvm->arch.cur_tsc_write = data;
- kvm->arch.cur_tsc_offset = offset;
- matched = false;
- pr_debug("kvm: new tsc generation %llu, clock %llu\n",
- kvm->arch.cur_tsc_generation, data);
- }
- /*
- * We also track th most recent recorded KHZ, write and time to
- * allow the matching interval to be extended at each write.
- */
- kvm->arch.last_tsc_nsec = ns;
- kvm->arch.last_tsc_write = data;
- kvm->arch.last_tsc_khz = vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz;
- vcpu->arch.last_guest_tsc = data;
- /* Keep track of which generation this VCPU has synchronized to */
- vcpu->arch.this_tsc_generation = kvm->arch.cur_tsc_generation;
- vcpu->arch.this_tsc_nsec = kvm->arch.cur_tsc_nsec;
- vcpu->arch.this_tsc_write = kvm->arch.cur_tsc_write;
if (guest_cpuid_has_tsc_adjust(vcpu) && !msr->host_initiated)
update_ia32_tsc_adjust_msr(vcpu, offset);
kvm_vcpu_write_tsc_offset(vcpu, offset);
- raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kvm->arch.tsc_write_lock, flags);
- spin_lock(&kvm->arch.pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- if (!matched) {
- kvm->arch.nr_vcpus_matched_tsc = 0;
- } else if (!already_matched) {
- kvm->arch.nr_vcpus_matched_tsc++;
- }
+ //spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kvm->arch.tsc_write_lock, flags);
- kvm_track_tsc_matching(vcpu);
- spin_unlock(&kvm->arch.pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
static inline void adjust_tsc_offset_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
s64 adjustment)
@@ -1559,549 +914,16 @@ static inline void adjust_tsc_offset_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
kvm_vcpu_write_tsc_offset(vcpu, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset + adjustment);
-static inline void adjust_tsc_offset_host(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, s64 adjustment)
- if (vcpu->arch.tsc_scaling_ratio != kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio)
- WARN_ON(adjustment < 0);
- adjustment = kvm_scale_tsc(vcpu, (u64) adjustment);
- adjust_tsc_offset_guest(vcpu, adjustment);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-static cycle_t read_tsc(void)
- cycle_t ret = (cycle_t)rdtsc_ordered();
- u64 last = pvclock_gtod_data.clock.cycle_last;
- if (likely(ret >= last))
- return ret;
- /*
- * GCC likes to generate cmov here, but this branch is extremely
- * predictable (it's just a function of time and the likely is
- * very likely) and there's a data dependence, so force GCC
- * to generate a branch instead. I don't barrier() because
- * we don't actually need a barrier, and if this function
- * ever gets inlined it will generate worse code.
- */
- asm volatile ("");
- return last;
-static inline u64 vgettsc(cycle_t *cycle_now)
- long v;
- struct pvclock_gtod_data *gtod = &pvclock_gtod_data;
- *cycle_now = read_tsc();
- v = (*cycle_now - gtod->clock.cycle_last) & gtod->clock.mask;
- return v * gtod->clock.mult;
-static int do_monotonic_boot(s64 *t, cycle_t *cycle_now)
- struct pvclock_gtod_data *gtod = &pvclock_gtod_data;
- unsigned long seq;
- int mode;
- u64 ns;
- do {
- seq = read_seqcount_begin(&gtod->seq);
- mode = gtod->clock.vclock_mode;
- ns = gtod->nsec_base;
- ns += vgettsc(cycle_now);
- ns >>= gtod->clock.shift;
- ns += gtod->boot_ns;
- } while (unlikely(read_seqcount_retry(&gtod->seq, seq)));
- *t = ns;
- return mode;
-/* returns true if host is using tsc clocksource */
-static bool kvm_get_time_and_clockread(s64 *kernel_ns, cycle_t *cycle_now)
- /* checked again under seqlock below */
- if (pvclock_gtod_data.clock.vclock_mode != VCLOCK_TSC)
- return false;
- return do_monotonic_boot(kernel_ns, cycle_now) == VCLOCK_TSC;
- *
- * Assuming a stable TSC across physical CPUS, and a stable TSC
- * across virtual CPUs, the following condition is possible.
- * Each numbered line represents an event visible to both
- * CPUs at the next numbered event.
- *
- * "timespecX" represents host monotonic time. "tscX" represents
- * RDTSC value.
- *
- * VCPU0 on CPU0 | VCPU1 on CPU1
- *
- * 1. read timespec0,tsc0
- * 2. | timespec1 = timespec0 + N
- * | tsc1 = tsc0 + M
- * 3. transition to guest | transition to guest
- * 4. ret0 = timespec0 + (rdtsc - tsc0) |
- * 5. | ret1 = timespec1 + (rdtsc - tsc1)
- * | ret1 = timespec0 + N + (rdtsc - (tsc0 + M))
- *
- * Since ret0 update is visible to VCPU1 at time 5, to obey monotonicity:
- *
- * - ret0 < ret1
- * - timespec0 + (rdtsc - tsc0) < timespec0 + N + (rdtsc - (tsc0 + M))
- * ...
- * - 0 < N - M => M < N
- *
- * That is, when timespec0 != timespec1, M < N. Unfortunately that is not
- * always the case (the difference between two distinct xtime instances
- * might be smaller then the difference between corresponding TSC reads,
- * when updating guest vcpus pvclock areas).
- *
- * To avoid that problem, do not allow visibility of distinct
- * system_timestamp/tsc_timestamp values simultaneously: use a master
- * copy of host monotonic time values. Update that master copy
- * in lockstep.
- *
- * Rely on synchronization of host TSCs and guest TSCs for monotonicity.
- *
- */
-static void pvclock_update_vm_gtod_copy(struct kvm *kvm)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &kvm->arch;
- int vclock_mode;
- bool host_tsc_clocksource, vcpus_matched;
- vcpus_matched = (ka->nr_vcpus_matched_tsc + 1 ==
- atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus));
- /*
- * If the host uses TSC clock, then passthrough TSC as stable
- * to the guest.
- */
- host_tsc_clocksource = kvm_get_time_and_clockread(
- &ka->master_kernel_ns,
- &ka->master_cycle_now);
- ka->use_master_clock = host_tsc_clocksource && vcpus_matched
- && !backwards_tsc_observed
- && !ka->boot_vcpu_runs_old_kvmclock;
- if (ka->use_master_clock)
- atomic_set(&kvm_guest_has_master_clock, 1);
- vclock_mode = pvclock_gtod_data.clock.vclock_mode;
- trace_kvm_update_master_clock(ka->use_master_clock, vclock_mode,
- vcpus_matched);
-void kvm_make_mclock_inprogress_request(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, KVM_REQ_MCLOCK_INPROGRESS);
-static void kvm_gen_update_masterclock(struct kvm *kvm)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- int i;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &kvm->arch;
- spin_lock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- kvm_make_mclock_inprogress_request(kvm);
- /* no guest entries from this point */
- pvclock_update_vm_gtod_copy(kvm);
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- /* guest entries allowed */
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- clear_bit(KVM_REQ_MCLOCK_INPROGRESS, &vcpu->requests);
- spin_unlock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
-static u64 __get_kvmclock_ns(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &kvm->arch;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info hv_clock;
- spin_lock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- if (!ka->use_master_clock) {
- spin_unlock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- return ktime_get_boot_ns() + ka->kvmclock_offset;
- }
- hv_clock.tsc_timestamp = ka->master_cycle_now;
- hv_clock.system_time = ka->master_kernel_ns + ka->kvmclock_offset;
- spin_unlock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- kvm_get_time_scale(NSEC_PER_SEC, __this_cpu_read(cpu_tsc_khz) * 1000LL,
- &hv_clock.tsc_shift,
- &hv_clock.tsc_to_system_mul);
- return __pvclock_read_cycles(&hv_clock, rdtsc());
-u64 get_kvmclock_ns(struct kvm *kvm)
- unsigned long flags;
- s64 ns;
- local_irq_save(flags);
- ns = __get_kvmclock_ns(kvm);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- return ns;
-static void kvm_setup_pvclock_page(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
- struct kvm_vcpu_arch *vcpu = &v->arch;
- struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info guest_hv_clock;
- if (unlikely(kvm_read_guest_cached(v->kvm, &vcpu->pv_time,
- &guest_hv_clock, sizeof(guest_hv_clock))))
- return;
- /* This VCPU is paused, but it's legal for a guest to read another
- * VCPU's kvmclock, so we really have to follow the specification where
- * it says that version is odd if data is being modified, and even after
- * it is consistent.
- *
- * Version field updates must be kept separate. This is because
- * kvm_write_guest_cached might use a "rep movs" instruction, and
- * writes within a string instruction are weakly ordered. So there
- * are three writes overall.
- *
- * As a small optimization, only write the version field in the first
- * and third write. The vcpu->pv_time cache is still valid, because the
- * version field is the first in the struct.
- */
- BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info, version) != 0);
- vcpu->hv_clock.version = guest_hv_clock.version + 1;
- kvm_write_guest_cached(v->kvm, &vcpu->pv_time,
- &vcpu->hv_clock,
- sizeof(vcpu->hv_clock.version));
- smp_wmb();
- /* retain PVCLOCK_GUEST_STOPPED if set in guest copy */
- vcpu->hv_clock.flags |= (guest_hv_clock.flags & PVCLOCK_GUEST_STOPPED);
- if (vcpu->pvclock_set_guest_stopped_request) {
- vcpu->hv_clock.flags |= PVCLOCK_GUEST_STOPPED;
- vcpu->pvclock_set_guest_stopped_request = false;
- }
- trace_kvm_pvclock_update(v->vcpu_id, &vcpu->hv_clock);
- kvm_write_guest_cached(v->kvm, &vcpu->pv_time,
- &vcpu->hv_clock,
- sizeof(vcpu->hv_clock));
- smp_wmb();
- vcpu->hv_clock.version++;
- kvm_write_guest_cached(v->kvm, &vcpu->pv_time,
- &vcpu->hv_clock,
- sizeof(vcpu->hv_clock.version));
-static int kvm_guest_time_update(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
- unsigned long flags, tgt_tsc_khz;
- struct kvm_vcpu_arch *vcpu = &v->arch;
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &v->kvm->arch;
- s64 kernel_ns;
- u64 tsc_timestamp, host_tsc;
- u8 pvclock_flags;
- bool use_master_clock;
- kernel_ns = 0;
- host_tsc = 0;
- /*
- * If the host uses TSC clock, then passthrough TSC as stable
- * to the guest.
- */
- spin_lock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- use_master_clock = ka->use_master_clock;
- if (use_master_clock) {
- host_tsc = ka->master_cycle_now;
- kernel_ns = ka->master_kernel_ns;
- }
- spin_unlock(&ka->pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- /* Keep irq disabled to prevent changes to the clock */
- local_irq_save(flags);
- tgt_tsc_khz = __this_cpu_read(cpu_tsc_khz);
- if (unlikely(tgt_tsc_khz == 0)) {
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, v);
- return 1;
- }
- if (!use_master_clock) {
- host_tsc = rdtsc();
- kernel_ns = ktime_get_boot_ns();
- }
- tsc_timestamp = kvm_read_l1_tsc(v, host_tsc);
- /*
- * We may have to catch up the TSC to match elapsed wall clock
- * time for two reasons, even if kvmclock is used.
- * 1) CPU could have been running below the maximum TSC rate
- * 2) Broken TSC compensation resets the base at each VCPU
- * entry to avoid unknown leaps of TSC even when running
- * again on the same CPU. This may cause apparent elapsed
- * time to disappear, and the guest to stand still or run
- * very slowly.
- */
- if (vcpu->tsc_catchup) {
- u64 tsc = compute_guest_tsc(v, kernel_ns);
- if (tsc > tsc_timestamp) {
- adjust_tsc_offset_guest(v, tsc - tsc_timestamp);
- tsc_timestamp = tsc;
- }
- }
- local_irq_restore(flags);
- /* With all the info we got, fill in the values */
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control)
- tgt_tsc_khz = kvm_scale_tsc(v, tgt_tsc_khz);
- if (unlikely(vcpu->hw_tsc_khz != tgt_tsc_khz)) {
- kvm_get_time_scale(NSEC_PER_SEC, tgt_tsc_khz * 1000LL,
- &vcpu->hv_clock.tsc_shift,
- &vcpu->hv_clock.tsc_to_system_mul);
- vcpu->hw_tsc_khz = tgt_tsc_khz;
- }
- vcpu->hv_clock.tsc_timestamp = tsc_timestamp;
- vcpu->hv_clock.system_time = kernel_ns + v->kvm->arch.kvmclock_offset;
- vcpu->last_guest_tsc = tsc_timestamp;
- /* If the host uses TSC clocksource, then it is stable */
- pvclock_flags = 0;
- if (use_master_clock)
- pvclock_flags |= PVCLOCK_TSC_STABLE_BIT;
- vcpu->hv_clock.flags = pvclock_flags;
- if (vcpu->pv_time_enabled)
- kvm_setup_pvclock_page(v);
- if (v == kvm_get_vcpu(v->kvm, 0))
- kvm_hv_setup_tsc_page(v->kvm, &vcpu->hv_clock);
- return 0;
- * kvmclock updates which are isolated to a given vcpu, such as
- * vcpu->cpu migration, should not allow system_timestamp from
- * the rest of the vcpus to remain static. Otherwise ntp frequency
- * correction applies to one vcpu's system_timestamp but not
- * the others.
- *
- * So in those cases, request a kvmclock update for all vcpus.
- * We need to rate-limit these requests though, as they can
- * considerably slow guests that have a large number of vcpus.
- * The time for a remote vcpu to update its kvmclock is bound
- * by the delay we use to rate-limit the updates.
- */
-#define KVMCLOCK_UPDATE_DELAY msecs_to_jiffies(100)
-static void kvmclock_update_fn(struct work_struct *work)
- int i;
- struct delayed_work *dwork = to_delayed_work(work);
- struct kvm_arch *ka = container_of(dwork, struct kvm_arch,
- kvmclock_update_work);
- struct kvm *kvm = container_of(ka, struct kvm, arch);
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- }
-static void kvm_gen_kvmclock_update(struct kvm_vcpu *v)
- struct kvm *kvm = v->kvm;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, v);
- schedule_delayed_work(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_update_work,
-#define KVMCLOCK_SYNC_PERIOD (300 * HZ)
-static void kvmclock_sync_fn(struct work_struct *work)
- struct delayed_work *dwork = to_delayed_work(work);
- struct kvm_arch *ka = container_of(dwork, struct kvm_arch,
- kvmclock_sync_work);
- struct kvm *kvm = container_of(ka, struct kvm, arch);
- if (!kvmclock_periodic_sync)
- return;
- schedule_delayed_work(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_update_work, 0);
- schedule_delayed_work(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_sync_work,
-static int set_msr_mce(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 data)
- u64 mcg_cap = vcpu->arch.mcg_cap;
- unsigned bank_num = mcg_cap & 0xff;
- switch (msr) {
- vcpu->arch.mcg_status = data;
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL:
- if (!(mcg_cap & MCG_CTL_P))
- return 1;
- if (data != 0 && data != ~(u64)0)
- return -1;
- vcpu->arch.mcg_ctl = data;
- break;
- default:
- if (msr >= MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL &&
- msr < MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(bank_num)) {
- u32 offset = msr - MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL;
- /* only 0 or all 1s can be written to IA32_MCi_CTL
- * some Linux kernels though clear bit 10 in bank 4 to
- * workaround a BIOS/GART TBL issue on AMD K8s, ignore
- * this to avoid an uncatched #GP in the guest
- */
- if ((offset & 0x3) == 0 &&
- data != 0 && (data | (1 << 10)) != ~(u64)0)
- return -1;
- vcpu->arch.mce_banks[offset] = data;
- break;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int xen_hvm_config(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- int lm = is_long_mode(vcpu);
- u8 *blob_addr = lm ? (u8 *)(long)kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.blob_addr_64
- : (u8 *)(long)kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.blob_addr_32;
- u8 blob_size = lm ? kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.blob_size_64
- : kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.blob_size_32;
- u32 page_num = data & ~PAGE_MASK;
- u64 page_addr = data & PAGE_MASK;
- u8 *page;
- int r;
- r = -E2BIG;
- if (page_num >= blob_size)
- goto out;
- r = -ENOMEM;
- page = memdup_user(blob_addr + (page_num * PAGE_SIZE), PAGE_SIZE);
- if (IS_ERR(page)) {
- r = PTR_ERR(page);
- goto out;
- }
- if (kvm_vcpu_write_guest(vcpu, page_addr, page, PAGE_SIZE))
- goto out_free;
- r = 0;
- kfree(page);
- return r;
-static int kvm_pv_enable_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data)
- gpa_t gpa = data & ~0x3f;
- /* Bits 2:5 are reserved, Should be zero */
- if (data & 0x3c)
- return 1;
- vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val = data;
- if (!(data & KVM_ASYNC_PF_ENABLED)) {
- kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(vcpu);
- kvm_async_pf_hash_reset(vcpu);
- return 0;
- }
- if (kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->, gpa,
- sizeof(u32)))
- return 1;
- vcpu->arch.apf.send_user_only = !(data & KVM_ASYNC_PF_SEND_ALWAYS);
- kvm_async_pf_wakeup_all(vcpu);
- return 0;
-static void kvmclock_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- vcpu->arch.pv_time_enabled = false;
-static void record_steal_time(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!(vcpu-> & KVM_MSR_ENABLED))
- return;
- if (unlikely(kvm_read_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time))))
- return;
- if (vcpu-> & 1)
- vcpu-> += 1; /* first time write, random junk */
- vcpu-> += 1;
- kvm_write_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time));
- smp_wmb();
- vcpu-> += current->sched_info.run_delay -
- vcpu->;
- vcpu-> = current->sched_info.run_delay;
- kvm_write_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time));
- smp_wmb();
- vcpu-> += 1;
- kvm_write_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time));
int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
- bool pr = false;
+ //bool pr = false;
u32 msr = msr_info->index;
u64 data = msr_info->data;
+ if (msr >= 0x200 && msr <= 0x2ff)
+ return kvm_mtrr_set_msr(vcpu, msr, data);
+ if (msr >= APIC_BASE_MSR && msr <= (APIC_BASE_MSR + 0x3ff))
+ return kvm_x2apic_msr_write(vcpu, msr, data);
switch (msr) {
case MSR_AMD64_NB_CFG:
@@ -2143,15 +965,8 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "%s: MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR 0x%llx, nop\n",
__func__, data);
- case 0x200 ... 0x2ff:
- return kvm_mtrr_set_msr(vcpu, msr, data);
return kvm_set_apic_base(vcpu, msr_info);
- case APIC_BASE_MSR ... APIC_BASE_MSR + 0x3ff:
- return kvm_x2apic_msr_write(vcpu, msr, data);
- kvm_set_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(vcpu, data);
- break;
if (guest_cpuid_has_tsc_adjust(vcpu)) {
if (!msr_info->host_initiated) {
@@ -2169,81 +984,7 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
return 1;
vcpu->arch.smbase = data;
- vcpu->kvm->arch.wall_clock = data;
- kvm_write_wall_clock(vcpu->kvm, data);
- break;
- u64 gpa_offset;
- struct kvm_arch *ka = &vcpu->kvm->arch;
- kvmclock_reset(vcpu);
- if (vcpu->vcpu_id == 0 && !msr_info->host_initiated) {
- bool tmp = (msr == MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME);
- if (ka->boot_vcpu_runs_old_kvmclock != tmp)
- &vcpu->requests);
- ka->boot_vcpu_runs_old_kvmclock = tmp;
- }
- vcpu->arch.time = data;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_GLOBAL_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- /* we verify if the enable bit is set... */
- if (!(data & 1))
- break;
- gpa_offset = data & ~(PAGE_MASK | 1);
- if (kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(vcpu->kvm,
- &vcpu->arch.pv_time, data & ~1ULL,
- sizeof(struct pvclock_vcpu_time_info)))
- vcpu->arch.pv_time_enabled = false;
- else
- vcpu->arch.pv_time_enabled = true;
- break;
- }
- if (kvm_pv_enable_async_pf(vcpu, data))
- return 1;
- break;
- if (unlikely(!sched_info_on()))
- return 1;
- return 1;
- if (kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->,
- sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time)))
- return 1;
- vcpu-> = data;
- if (!(data & KVM_MSR_ENABLED))
- break;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_STEAL_UPDATE, vcpu);
- break;
- if (kvm_lapic_enable_pv_eoi(vcpu, data))
- return 1;
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL:
- case MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL ... MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS) - 1:
- return set_msr_mce(vcpu, msr, data);
+#if 0
pr = true; /* fall through */
@@ -2256,6 +997,7 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "disabled perfctr wrmsr: "
"0x%x data 0x%llx\n", msr, data);
case MSR_K7_CLK_CTL:
* Ignore all writes to this no longer documented MSR.
@@ -2266,18 +1008,14 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
* the need to ignore the workaround.
- case HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 ... HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL:
- return kvm_hv_set_msr_common(vcpu, msr, data,
- msr_info->host_initiated);
+#if 0
case MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL3:
/* Drop writes to this legacy MSR -- see rdmsr
* counterpart for further detail.
vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, "ignored wrmsr: 0x%x data 0x%llx\n", msr, data);
if (!guest_cpuid_has_osvw(vcpu))
return 1;
@@ -2289,8 +1027,7 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
vcpu->arch.osvw.status = data;
- if (msr && (msr == vcpu->kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.msr))
- return xen_hvm_config(vcpu, data);
+#if 0
if (kvm_pmu_is_valid_msr(vcpu, msr))
return kvm_pmu_set_msr(vcpu, msr_info);
if (!ignore_msrs) {
@@ -2302,10 +1039,11 @@ int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr, data);
+ break;
return 0;
@@ -2317,45 +1055,13 @@ int kvm_get_msr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr)
return kvm_x86_ops->get_msr(vcpu, msr);
-static int get_msr_mce(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 msr, u64 *pdata)
- u64 data;
- u64 mcg_cap = vcpu->arch.mcg_cap;
- unsigned bank_num = mcg_cap & 0xff;
- switch (msr) {
- case MSR_IA32_P5_MC_ADDR:
- case MSR_IA32_P5_MC_TYPE:
- data = 0;
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CAP:
- data = vcpu->arch.mcg_cap;
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL:
- if (!(mcg_cap & MCG_CTL_P))
- return 1;
- data = vcpu->arch.mcg_ctl;
- break;
- data = vcpu->arch.mcg_status;
- break;
- default:
- if (msr >= MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL &&
- msr < MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(bank_num)) {
- u32 offset = msr - MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL;
- data = vcpu->arch.mce_banks[offset];
- break;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- *pdata = data;
- return 0;
int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
+ if (msr_info->index >= 0x200 && msr_info->index <= 0x2ff)
+ return kvm_mtrr_get_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
+ if (msr_info->index >= APIC_BASE_MSR && msr_info->index <= (APIC_BASE_MSR + 0x3ff))
+ return kvm_x2apic_msr_read(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
switch (msr_info->index) {
@@ -2376,6 +1082,7 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = 0;
+#if 0
@@ -2384,11 +1091,11 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
return kvm_pmu_get_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
msr_info->data = 0;
msr_info->data = 0x100000000ULL;
case MSR_MTRRcap:
- case 0x200 ... 0x2ff:
return kvm_mtrr_get_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
case 0xcd: /* fsb frequency */
msr_info->data = 3;
@@ -2410,12 +1117,6 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = kvm_get_apic_base(vcpu);
- case APIC_BASE_MSR ... APIC_BASE_MSR + 0x3ff:
- return kvm_x2apic_msr_read(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
- break;
- msr_info->data = kvm_get_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(vcpu);
- break;
msr_info->data = (u64)vcpu->arch.ia32_tsc_adjust_msr;
@@ -2436,30 +1137,7 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
case MSR_EFER:
msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.efer;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->kvm->arch.wall_clock;
- break;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.time;
- break;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val;
- break;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->;
- break;
- msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.pv_eoi.msr_val;
- break;
- case MSR_IA32_P5_MC_ADDR:
- case MSR_IA32_P5_MC_TYPE:
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CAP:
- case MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL:
- case MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL ... MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS) - 1:
- return get_msr_mce(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
+#if 0
case MSR_K7_CLK_CTL:
* Provide expected ramp-up count for K7. All other
@@ -2472,13 +1150,7 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = 0x20000000;
- case HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID ... HV_X64_MSR_SINT15:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 ... HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4:
- case HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL:
- return kvm_hv_get_msr_common(vcpu,
- msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
- break;
case MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL3:
/* This legacy MSR exists but isn't fully documented in current
* silicon. It is however accessed by winxp in very narrow
@@ -2503,6 +1175,7 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = vcpu->arch.osvw.status;
+#if 0
if (kvm_pmu_is_valid_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index))
return kvm_pmu_get_msr(vcpu, msr_info->index, &msr_info->data);
if (!ignore_msrs) {
@@ -2513,10 +1186,11 @@ int kvm_get_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info)
msr_info->data = 0;
+ break;
return 0;
* Read or write a bunch of msrs. All parameters are kernel addresses.
@@ -2544,7 +1218,8 @@ static int __msr_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_msrs *msrs,
* @return number of msrs set successfully.
-static int msr_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_msrs __user *user_msrs,
+static int msr_io(PIRP pIrp, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+ struct kvm_msrs __user *user_msrs,
int (*do_msr)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
unsigned index, u64 *data),
int writeback)
@@ -2573,10 +1248,17 @@ static int msr_io(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_msrs __user *user_msrs,
if (r < 0)
goto out_free;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (writeback && copy_to_user(user_msrs->entries, entries, size))
+ /* write back n of msrs handled here*/
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &n, sizeof(n));
+ if (r)
goto out_free;
+ if (writeback) {
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, sizeof(msrs), entries, size);
+ if (r)
+ goto out_free;
+ }
r = n;
@@ -2590,56 +1272,30 @@ int kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(struct kvm *kvm, long ext)
int r;
switch (ext) {
- case KVM_CAP_HLT:
- case KVM_CAP_PIT:
- case KVM_CAP_PIT2:
- case KVM_CAP_PCI_2_3:
+ case GVM_CAP_HLT:
r = 1;
+ r = 0;
- case KVM_CAP_X86_SMM:
+ case GVM_CAP_X86_SMM:
/* SMBASE is usually relocated above 1M on modern chipsets,
* and SMM handlers might indeed rely on 4G segment limits,
* so do not report SMM to be available if real mode is
@@ -2650,41 +1306,21 @@ int kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(struct kvm *kvm, long ext)
r = kvm_x86_ops->cpu_has_high_real_mode_segbase();
- break;
r = !kvm_x86_ops->cpu_has_accelerated_tpr();
- break;
- break;
- break;
- case KVM_CAP_PV_MMU: /* obsolete */
- r = 0;
- r = iommu_present(&pci_bus_type);
- case KVM_CAP_MCE:
- case KVM_CAP_XCRS:
+ case GVM_CAP_XCRS:
r = boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE);
- r = kvm_has_tsc_control;
- break;
- break;
r = 0;
@@ -2693,64 +1329,53 @@ int kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(struct kvm *kvm, long ext)
-long kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+long kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext,
+ PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl)
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
+ void __user *argp = (void __user *)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+ size_t args = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp)->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength;
long r;
switch (ioctl) {
- struct kvm_msr_list __user *user_msr_list = argp;
- struct kvm_msr_list msr_list;
+ struct kvm_msr_list *msr_list = argp;
unsigned n;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&msr_list, user_msr_list, sizeof msr_list))
- goto out;
- n = msr_list.nmsrs;
- msr_list.nmsrs = num_msrs_to_save + num_emulated_msrs;
- if (copy_to_user(user_msr_list, &msr_list, sizeof msr_list))
- goto out;
- r = -E2BIG;
- if (n < msr_list.nmsrs)
+ if (args < sizeof(struct kvm_msr_list)) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(user_msr_list->indices, &msrs_to_save,
- num_msrs_to_save * sizeof(u32)))
+ }
+ n = msr_list->nmsrs;
+ __u32 nmsrs = num_msrs_to_save;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &nmsrs, sizeof(nmsrs));
+ if (r)
goto out;
- if (copy_to_user(user_msr_list->indices + num_msrs_to_save,
- &emulated_msrs,
- num_emulated_msrs * sizeof(u32)))
+ if (n < nmsrs) {
+ r = -E2BIG;
goto out;
- r = 0;
+ }
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, sizeof(nmsrs), &msrs_to_save,
+ num_msrs_to_save * sizeof(u32));
- struct kvm_cpuid2 __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
- struct kvm_cpuid2 cpuid;
+ struct kvm_cpuid __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
+ struct kvm_cpuid cpuid;
r = -EFAULT;
if (copy_from_user(&cpuid, cpuid_arg, sizeof cpuid))
goto out;
- r = kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(&cpuid, cpuid_arg->entries,
+ r = kvm_dev_ioctl_get_cpuid(pIrp, &cpuid, cpuid_arg->entries,
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(cpuid_arg, &cpuid, sizeof cpuid))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &kvm_mce_cap_supported,
- sizeof(kvm_mce_cap_supported)))
- goto out;
r = 0;
@@ -2761,84 +1386,20 @@ out:
return r;
-static void wbinvd_ipi(void *garbage)
- wbinvd();
-static bool need_emulate_wbinvd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(vcpu->kvm);
-static inline void kvm_migrate_timers(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- set_bit(KVM_REQ_MIGRATE_TIMER, &vcpu->requests);
void kvm_arch_vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
- /* Address WBINVD may be executed by guest */
- if (need_emulate_wbinvd(vcpu)) {
- if (kvm_x86_ops->has_wbinvd_exit())
- cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask);
- else if (vcpu->cpu != -1 && vcpu->cpu != cpu)
- smp_call_function_single(vcpu->cpu,
- wbinvd_ipi, NULL, 1);
- }
kvm_x86_ops->vcpu_load(vcpu, cpu);
- /* Apply any externally detected TSC adjustments (due to suspend) */
- if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.tsc_offset_adjustment)) {
- adjust_tsc_offset_host(vcpu, vcpu->arch.tsc_offset_adjustment);
- vcpu->arch.tsc_offset_adjustment = 0;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- }
- if (unlikely(vcpu->cpu != cpu) || check_tsc_unstable()) {
- s64 tsc_delta = !vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc ? 0 :
- rdtsc() - vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc;
- if (tsc_delta < 0)
- mark_tsc_unstable("KVM discovered backwards TSC");
- if (check_tsc_unstable()) {
- u64 offset = kvm_compute_tsc_offset(vcpu,
- vcpu->arch.last_guest_tsc);
- kvm_vcpu_write_tsc_offset(vcpu, offset);
- vcpu->arch.tsc_catchup = 1;
- }
- if (kvm_lapic_hv_timer_in_use(vcpu) &&
- kvm_x86_ops->set_hv_timer(vcpu,
- kvm_get_lapic_tscdeadline_msr(vcpu)))
- kvm_lapic_switch_to_sw_timer(vcpu);
- /*
- * On a host with synchronized TSC, there is no need to update
- * kvmclock on vcpu->cpu migration
- */
- if (!vcpu->kvm->arch.use_master_clock || vcpu->cpu == -1)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_GLOBAL_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- if (vcpu->cpu != cpu)
- kvm_migrate_timers(vcpu);
- vcpu->cpu = cpu;
- }
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_STEAL_UPDATE, vcpu);
+ vcpu->cpu = cpu;
void kvm_arch_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_put_guest_fpu(vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc = rdtsc();
static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_lapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_lapic_state *s)
- if (vcpu->arch.apicv_active)
- kvm_x86_ops->sync_pir_to_irr(vcpu);
return kvm_apic_get_state(vcpu, s);
@@ -2878,12 +1439,12 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ready_for_interrupt_injection(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_interrupt *irq)
- if (irq->irq >= KVM_NR_INTERRUPTS)
+ if (irq->irq >= GVM_NR_INTERRUPTS)
return -EINVAL;
if (!irqchip_in_kernel(vcpu->kvm)) {
kvm_queue_interrupt(vcpu, irq->irq, false);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -2898,7 +1459,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return -EEXIST;
vcpu->arch.pending_external_vector = irq->irq;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -2911,7 +1472,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_smi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -2925,80 +1486,6 @@ static int vcpu_ioctl_tpr_access_reporting(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return 0;
-static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_setup_mce(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u64 mcg_cap)
- int r;
- unsigned bank_num = mcg_cap & 0xff, bank;
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (!bank_num || bank_num >= KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS)
- goto out;
- if (mcg_cap & ~(kvm_mce_cap_supported | 0xff | 0xff0000))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- vcpu->arch.mcg_cap = mcg_cap;
- /* Init IA32_MCG_CTL to all 1s */
- if (mcg_cap & MCG_CTL_P)
- vcpu->arch.mcg_ctl = ~(u64)0;
- /* Init IA32_MCi_CTL to all 1s */
- for (bank = 0; bank < bank_num; bank++)
- vcpu->arch.mce_banks[bank*4] = ~(u64)0;
- if (kvm_x86_ops->setup_mce)
- kvm_x86_ops->setup_mce(vcpu);
- return r;
-static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_mce(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_x86_mce *mce)
- u64 mcg_cap = vcpu->arch.mcg_cap;
- unsigned bank_num = mcg_cap & 0xff;
- u64 *banks = vcpu->arch.mce_banks;
- if (mce->bank >= bank_num || !(mce->status & MCI_STATUS_VAL))
- return -EINVAL;
- /*
- * if IA32_MCG_CTL is not all 1s, the uncorrected error
- * reporting is disabled
- */
- if ((mce->status & MCI_STATUS_UC) && (mcg_cap & MCG_CTL_P) &&
- vcpu->arch.mcg_ctl != ~(u64)0)
- return 0;
- banks += 4 * mce->bank;
- /*
- * if IA32_MCi_CTL is not all 1s, the uncorrected error
- * reporting is disabled for the bank
- */
- if ((mce->status & MCI_STATUS_UC) && banks[0] != ~(u64)0)
- return 0;
- if (mce->status & MCI_STATUS_UC) {
- if ((vcpu->arch.mcg_status & MCG_STATUS_MCIP) ||
- !kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_MCE)) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu);
- return 0;
- }
- if (banks[1] & MCI_STATUS_VAL)
- mce->status |= MCI_STATUS_OVER;
- banks[2] = mce->addr;
- banks[3] = mce->misc;
- vcpu->arch.mcg_status = mce->mcg_status;
- banks[1] = mce->status;
- kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, MC_VECTOR);
- } else if (!(banks[1] & MCI_STATUS_VAL)
- || !(banks[1] & MCI_STATUS_UC)) {
- if (banks[1] & MCI_STATUS_VAL)
- mce->status |= MCI_STATUS_OVER;
- banks[2] = mce->addr;
- banks[3] = mce->misc;
- banks[1] = mce->status;
- } else
- banks[1] |= MCI_STATUS_OVER;
- return 0;
static void kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_vcpu_events *events)
@@ -3030,19 +1517,19 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
!!(vcpu->arch.hflags & HF_SMM_INSIDE_NMI_MASK);
events->smi.latched_init = kvm_lapic_latched_init(vcpu);
memset(&events->reserved, 0, sizeof(events->reserved));
static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_vcpu_events *events)
- if (events->flags & ~(KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING
+ if (events->flags & ~(GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING
return -EINVAL;
if (events->exception.injected &&
@@ -3058,20 +1545,20 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
vcpu->arch.interrupt.pending = events->interrupt.injected;
vcpu-> = events->;
vcpu->arch.interrupt.soft = events->interrupt.soft;
- if (events->flags & KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SHADOW)
+ if (events->flags & GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SHADOW)
vcpu->arch.nmi_injected = events->nmi.injected;
- if (events->flags & KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING)
+ if (events->flags & GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING)
vcpu->arch.nmi_pending = events->nmi.pending;
kvm_x86_ops->set_nmi_mask(vcpu, events->nmi.masked);
- if (events->flags & KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SIPI_VECTOR &&
+ if (events->flags & GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SIPI_VECTOR &&
vcpu->arch.apic->sipi_vector = events->sipi_vector;
- if (events->flags & KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SMM) {
+ if (events->flags & GVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SMM) {
if (events->smi.smm)
vcpu->arch.hflags |= HF_SMM_MASK;
@@ -3083,13 +1570,13 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
vcpu->arch.hflags &= ~HF_SMM_INSIDE_NMI_MASK;
if (lapic_in_kernel(vcpu)) {
if (events->smi.latched_init)
- set_bit(KVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
+ set_bit(GVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
- clear_bit(KVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
+ clear_bit(GVM_APIC_INIT, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -3097,7 +1584,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_vcpu_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
static void kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_debugregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_debugregs *dbgregs)
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
memcpy(dbgregs->db, vcpu->arch.db, sizeof(vcpu->arch.db));
kvm_get_dr(vcpu, 6, &val);
@@ -3128,11 +1615,87 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_debugregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return 0;
+u64 xfeatures_mask;
+static unsigned int xstate_offsets[XFEATURE_MAX] = { 0 };
+static unsigned int xstate_sizes[XFEATURE_MAX] = { 0 };
+static unsigned int xstate_comp_offsets[sizeof(xfeatures_mask)*8];
+ * Note that in the future we will likely need a pair of
+ * functions here: one for user xstates and the other for
+ * system xstates. For now, they are the same.
+ */
+static int xfeature_enabled(enum xfeature xfeature)
+ return !!(xfeatures_mask & ((u64)1 << xfeature));
+ * Given an xstate feature mask, calculate where in the xsave
+ * buffer the state is. Callers should ensure that the buffer
+ * is valid.
+ *
+ * Note: does not work for compacted buffers.
+ */
+static void *__raw_xsave_addr(struct xregs_state *xsave, int xstate_feature_mask)
+ int feature_nr = fls64(xstate_feature_mask) - 1;
+ if (!xfeature_enabled(feature_nr)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return (u8 *)xsave + xstate_comp_offsets[feature_nr];
+ * Given the xsave area and a state inside, this function returns the
+ * address of the state.
+ *
+ * This is the API that is called to get xstate address in either
+ * standard format or compacted format of xsave area.
+ *
+ * Note that if there is no data for the field in the xsave buffer
+ * this will return NULL.
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * xstate: the thread's storage area for all FPU data
+ * xstate_feature: state which is defined in xsave.h (e.g.
+ * Output:
+ * address of the state in the xsave area, or NULL if the
+ * field is not present in the xsave buffer.
+ */
+void *get_xsave_addr(struct xregs_state *xsave, int xstate_feature)
+ /*
+ * Do we even *have* xsave state?
+ */
+ if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE))
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * This assumes the last 'xsave*' instruction to
+ * have requested that 'xstate_feature' be saved.
+ * If it did not, we might be seeing and old value
+ * of the field in the buffer.
+ *
+ * This can happen because the last 'xsave' did not
+ * request that this feature be saved (unlikely)
+ * or because the "init optimization" caused it
+ * to not be saved.
+ */
+ if (!(xsave->header.xfeatures & xstate_feature))
+ return NULL;
+ return __raw_xsave_addr(xsave, xstate_feature);
static void fill_xsave(u8 *dest, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct xregs_state *xsave = &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.xsave;
+ struct xregs_state *xsave = &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.xsave;
u64 xstate_bv = xsave->header.xfeatures;
u64 valid;
@@ -3151,7 +1714,7 @@ static void fill_xsave(u8 *dest, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
valid = xstate_bv & ~XFEATURE_MASK_FPSSE;
while (valid) {
- u64 feature = valid & -valid;
+ u64 feature = valid & -(s64)valid;
int index = fls64(feature) - 1;
void *src = get_xsave_addr(xsave, feature);
@@ -3168,7 +1731,7 @@ static void fill_xsave(u8 *dest, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void load_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 *src)
- struct xregs_state *xsave = &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.xsave;
+ struct xregs_state *xsave = &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.xsave;
u64 xstate_bv = *(u64 *)(src + XSAVE_HDR_OFFSET);
u64 valid;
@@ -3189,7 +1752,7 @@ static void load_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 *src)
valid = xstate_bv & ~XFEATURE_MASK_FPSSE;
while (valid) {
- u64 feature = valid & -valid;
+ u64 feature = valid & -(s64)valid;
int index = fls64(feature) - 1;
void *dest = get_xsave_addr(xsave, feature);
@@ -3212,7 +1775,7 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
fill_xsave((u8 *) guest_xsave->region, vcpu);
} else {
- &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.fxsave,
+ &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.fxsave,
sizeof(struct fxregs_state));
*(u64 *)&guest_xsave->region[XSAVE_HDR_OFFSET / sizeof(u32)] =
@@ -3237,7 +1800,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_xsave(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
} else {
if (xstate_bv & ~XFEATURE_MASK_FPSSE)
return -EINVAL;
- memcpy(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.fxsave,
+ memcpy(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.fxsave,
guest_xsave->region, sizeof(struct fxregs_state));
return 0;
@@ -3265,7 +1828,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_xcrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE))
return -EINVAL;
- if (guest_xcrs->nr_xcrs > KVM_MAX_XCRS || guest_xcrs->flags)
+ if (guest_xcrs->nr_xcrs > GVM_MAX_XCRS || guest_xcrs->flags)
return -EINVAL;
for (i = 0; i < guest_xcrs->nr_xcrs; i++)
@@ -3280,40 +1843,11 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_xcrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
return r;
- * kvm_set_guest_paused() indicates to the guest kernel that it has been
- * stopped by the hypervisor. This function will be called from the host only.
- * EINVAL is returned when the host attempts to set the flag for a guest that
- * does not support pv clocks.
- */
-static int kvm_set_guest_paused(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!vcpu->arch.pv_time_enabled)
- return -EINVAL;
- vcpu->arch.pvclock_set_guest_stopped_request = true;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_enable_cap(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_enable_cap *cap)
+long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext,
+ PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl)
- if (cap->flags)
- return -EINVAL;
- switch (cap->cap) {
- return kvm_hv_activate_synic(vcpu);
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = filp->private_data;
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = devext->PrivData;
+ void __user *argp = (void __user *)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
int r;
union {
struct kvm_lapic_state *lapic;
@@ -3324,7 +1858,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
u.buffer = NULL;
switch (ioctl) {
- case KVM_GET_LAPIC: {
+ case GVM_GET_LAPIC: {
r = -EINVAL;
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
goto out;
@@ -3336,13 +1870,11 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_lapic(vcpu, u.lapic);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, u.lapic, sizeof(struct kvm_lapic_state)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, u.lapic,
+ sizeof(struct kvm_lapic_state));
- case KVM_SET_LAPIC: {
+ case GVM_SET_LAPIC: {
r = -EINVAL;
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
goto out;
@@ -3353,7 +1885,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_lapic(vcpu, u.lapic);
struct kvm_interrupt irq;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -3362,59 +1894,50 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_interrupt(vcpu, &irq);
- case KVM_NMI: {
+ case GVM_NMI: {
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_nmi(vcpu);
- case KVM_SMI: {
+ case GVM_SMI: {
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_smi(vcpu);
- case KVM_SET_CPUID: {
+ case GVM_SET_CPUID: {
struct kvm_cpuid __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
struct kvm_cpuid cpuid;
r = -EFAULT;
if (copy_from_user(&cpuid, cpuid_arg, sizeof cpuid))
goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid(vcpu, &cpuid, cpuid_arg->entries);
- break;
- }
- case KVM_SET_CPUID2: {
- struct kvm_cpuid2 __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
- struct kvm_cpuid2 cpuid;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&cpuid, cpuid_arg, sizeof cpuid))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid2(vcpu, &cpuid,
+ r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_cpuid(vcpu, &cpuid,
- case KVM_GET_CPUID2: {
- struct kvm_cpuid2 __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
- struct kvm_cpuid2 cpuid;
+ case GVM_GET_CPUID: {
+ struct kvm_cpuid __user *cpuid_arg = argp;
+ struct kvm_cpuid cpuid;
r = -EFAULT;
if (copy_from_user(&cpuid, cpuid_arg, sizeof cpuid))
goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid2(vcpu, &cpuid,
+ r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_get_cpuid(vcpu, &cpuid,
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(cpuid_arg, &cpuid, sizeof cpuid))
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &cpuid, sizeof(cpuid));
+ if (r)
goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, sizeof(cpuid), &vcpu->arch.cpuid_entries,
+ vcpu->arch.cpuid_nent * sizeof(struct kvm_cpuid_entry));
- case KVM_GET_MSRS:
- r = msr_io(vcpu, argp, do_get_msr, 1);
+ case GVM_GET_MSRS:
+ r = msr_io(pIrp, vcpu, argp, do_get_msr, 1);
- case KVM_SET_MSRS:
- r = msr_io(vcpu, argp, do_set_msr, 0);
+ case GVM_SET_MSRS:
+ r = msr_io(pIrp, vcpu, argp, do_set_msr, 0);
struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl tac;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -3423,13 +1946,10 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = vcpu_ioctl_tpr_access_reporting(vcpu, &tac);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &tac, sizeof tac))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &tac, sizeof(tac));
struct kvm_vapic_addr va;
int idx;
@@ -3444,36 +1964,16 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, idx);
- case KVM_X86_SETUP_MCE: {
- u64 mcg_cap;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&mcg_cap, argp, sizeof mcg_cap))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_setup_mce(vcpu, mcg_cap);
- break;
- }
- case KVM_X86_SET_MCE: {
- struct kvm_x86_mce mce;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&mce, argp, sizeof mce))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_mce(vcpu, &mce);
- break;
- }
struct kvm_vcpu_events events;
kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_vcpu_events(vcpu, &events);
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &events, sizeof(struct kvm_vcpu_events)))
- break;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &events,
+ sizeof(struct kvm_vcpu_events));
struct kvm_vcpu_events events;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -3483,19 +1983,16 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_vcpu_events(vcpu, &events);
struct kvm_debugregs dbgregs;
kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_debugregs(vcpu, &dbgregs);
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &dbgregs,
- sizeof(struct kvm_debugregs)))
- break;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &dbgregs,
+ sizeof(struct kvm_debugregs));
struct kvm_debugregs dbgregs;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -3506,7 +2003,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_debugregs(vcpu, &dbgregs);
- case KVM_GET_XSAVE: {
+ case GVM_GET_XSAVE: {
u.xsave = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_xsave), GFP_KERNEL);
r = -ENOMEM;
if (!u.xsave)
@@ -3514,13 +2011,11 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_xsave(vcpu, u.xsave);
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, u.xsave, sizeof(struct kvm_xsave)))
- break;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, u.xsave,
+ sizeof(struct kvm_xsave));
- case KVM_SET_XSAVE: {
+ case GVM_SET_XSAVE: {
u.xsave = memdup_user(argp, sizeof(*u.xsave));
if (IS_ERR(u.xsave))
return PTR_ERR(u.xsave);
@@ -3528,7 +2023,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_xsave(vcpu, u.xsave);
- case KVM_GET_XCRS: {
+ case GVM_GET_XCRS: {
u.xcrs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_xcrs), GFP_KERNEL);
r = -ENOMEM;
if (!u.xcrs)
@@ -3536,14 +2031,11 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_get_xcrs(vcpu, u.xcrs);
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, u.xcrs,
- sizeof(struct kvm_xcrs)))
- break;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, u.xcrs,
+ sizeof(struct kvm_xcrs));
- case KVM_SET_XCRS: {
+ case GVM_SET_XCRS: {
u.xcrs = memdup_user(argp, sizeof(*u.xcrs));
if (IS_ERR(u.xcrs))
return PTR_ERR(u.xcrs);
@@ -3551,40 +2043,6 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_set_xcrs(vcpu, u.xcrs);
- case KVM_SET_TSC_KHZ: {
- u32 user_tsc_khz;
- r = -EINVAL;
- user_tsc_khz = (u32)arg;
- if (user_tsc_khz >= kvm_max_guest_tsc_khz)
- goto out;
- if (user_tsc_khz == 0)
- user_tsc_khz = tsc_khz;
- if (!kvm_set_tsc_khz(vcpu, user_tsc_khz))
- r = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- case KVM_GET_TSC_KHZ: {
- r = vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_khz;
- goto out;
- }
- r = kvm_set_guest_paused(vcpu);
- goto out;
- }
- case KVM_ENABLE_CAP: {
- struct kvm_enable_cap cap;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&cap, argp, sizeof(cap)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_enable_cap(vcpu, &cap);
- break;
- }
r = -EINVAL;
@@ -3593,12 +2051,7 @@ out:
return r;
-int kvm_arch_vcpu_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vm_fault *vmf)
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_tss_addr(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr)
+static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_tss_addr(struct kvm *kvm, size_t addr)
int ret;
@@ -3618,7 +2071,7 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_identity_map_addr(struct kvm *kvm,
static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_nr_mmu_pages(struct kvm *kvm,
u32 kvm_nr_mmu_pages)
- if (kvm_nr_mmu_pages < KVM_MIN_ALLOC_MMU_PAGES)
+ if (kvm_nr_mmu_pages < GVM_MIN_ALLOC_MMU_PAGES)
return -EINVAL;
@@ -3641,17 +2094,17 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_irqchip(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqchip *chip)
r = 0;
switch (chip->chip_id) {
sizeof(struct kvm_pic_state));
sizeof(struct kvm_pic_state));
r = kvm_get_ioapic(kvm, &chip->chip.ioapic);
@@ -3667,21 +2120,21 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_irqchip(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqchip *chip)
r = 0;
switch (chip->chip_id) {
sizeof(struct kvm_pic_state));
sizeof(struct kvm_pic_state));
r = kvm_set_ioapic(kvm, &chip->chip.ioapic);
@@ -3692,83 +2145,6 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_irqchip(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqchip *chip)
return r;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_pit(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_pit_state *ps)
- struct kvm_kpit_state *kps = &kvm->arch.vpit->pit_state;
- BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*ps) != sizeof(kps->channels));
- mutex_lock(&kps->lock);
- memcpy(ps, &kps->channels, sizeof(*ps));
- mutex_unlock(&kps->lock);
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pit(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_pit_state *ps)
- int i;
- struct kvm_pit *pit = kvm->arch.vpit;
- mutex_lock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- memcpy(&pit->pit_state.channels, ps, sizeof(*ps));
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- kvm_pit_load_count(pit, i, ps->channels[i].count, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_pit2(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_pit_state2 *ps)
- mutex_lock(&kvm->arch.vpit->pit_state.lock);
- memcpy(ps->channels, &kvm->arch.vpit->pit_state.channels,
- sizeof(ps->channels));
- ps->flags = kvm->arch.vpit->pit_state.flags;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->arch.vpit->pit_state.lock);
- memset(&ps->reserved, 0, sizeof(ps->reserved));
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pit2(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_pit_state2 *ps)
- int start = 0;
- int i;
- u32 prev_legacy, cur_legacy;
- struct kvm_pit *pit = kvm->arch.vpit;
- mutex_lock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- prev_legacy = pit->pit_state.flags & KVM_PIT_FLAGS_HPET_LEGACY;
- cur_legacy = ps->flags & KVM_PIT_FLAGS_HPET_LEGACY;
- if (!prev_legacy && cur_legacy)
- start = 1;
- memcpy(&pit->pit_state.channels, &ps->channels,
- sizeof(pit->pit_state.channels));
- pit->pit_state.flags = ps->flags;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- kvm_pit_load_count(pit, i, pit->pit_state.channels[i].count,
- start && i == 0);
- mutex_unlock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_reinject(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_reinject_control *control)
- struct kvm_pit *pit = kvm->arch.vpit;
- if (!pit)
- return -ENXIO;
- /* pit->pit_state.lock was overloaded to prevent userspace from getting
- * an inconsistent state after running multiple KVM_REINJECT_CONTROL
- * ioctls in parallel. Use a separate lock if that ioctl isn't rare.
- */
- mutex_lock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- kvm_pit_set_reinject(pit, control->pit_reinject);
- mutex_unlock(&pit->pit_state.lock);
- return 0;
* kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log - get and clear the log of dirty pages in a slot
* @kvm: kvm instance
@@ -3779,7 +2155,7 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_reinject(struct kvm *kvm,
* We call kvm_get_dirty_log_protect() to handle steps 1-3, upon return we
* always flush the TLB (step 4) even if previous step failed and the dirty
- * bitmap may be corrupt. Regardless of previous outcome the KVM logging API
+ * bitmap may be corrupt. Regardless of previous outcome the kvm logging API
* does not preclude user space subsequent dirty log read. Flushing TLB ensures
* writes will be marked dirty for next log read.
@@ -3791,7 +2167,7 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_reinject(struct kvm *kvm,
int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_dirty_log *log)
bool is_dirty = false;
- int r;
+ int r = 0;
@@ -3807,7 +2183,6 @@ int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_dirty_log *log)
* All the TLBs can be flushed out of mmu lock, see the comments in
* kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access().
- lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->slots_lock);
if (is_dirty)
@@ -3821,7 +2196,7 @@ int kvm_vm_ioctl_irq_line(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irq_level *irq_event,
if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
return -ENXIO;
- irq_event->status = kvm_set_irq(kvm, KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID,
+ irq_event->status = kvm_set_irq(kvm, GVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID,
irq_event->irq, irq_event->level,
return 0;
@@ -3836,44 +2211,10 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_enable_cap(struct kvm *kvm,
return -EINVAL;
switch (cap->cap) {
kvm->arch.disabled_quirks = cap->args[0];
r = 0;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (cap->args[0] > MAX_NR_RESERVED_IOAPIC_PINS)
- goto split_irqchip_unlock;
- r = -EEXIST;
- if (irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
- goto split_irqchip_unlock;
- if (kvm->created_vcpus)
- goto split_irqchip_unlock;
- r = kvm_setup_empty_irq_routing(kvm);
- if (r)
- goto split_irqchip_unlock;
- /* Pairs with irqchip_in_kernel. */
- smp_wmb();
- kvm->arch.irqchip_split = true;
- kvm->arch.nr_reserved_ioapic_pins = cap->args[0];
- r = 0;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- break;
- }
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (cap->args[0] & ~KVM_X2APIC_API_VALID_FLAGS)
- break;
- if (cap->args[0] & KVM_X2APIC_API_USE_32BIT_IDS)
- kvm->arch.x2apic_format = true;
- kvm->arch.x2apic_broadcast_quirk_disabled = true;
- r = 0;
- break;
r = -EINVAL;
@@ -3881,43 +2222,39 @@ split_irqchip_unlock:
return r;
-long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext,
+ PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl)
- struct kvm *kvm = filp->private_data;
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
+ struct kvm *kvm = devext->PrivData;
+ void __user *argp = (void __user *)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
int r = -ENOTTY;
- /*
- * This union makes it completely explicit to gcc-3.x
- * that these two variables' stack usage should be
- * combined, not added together.
- */
- union {
- struct kvm_pit_state ps;
- struct kvm_pit_state2 ps2;
- struct kvm_pit_config pit_config;
- } u;
switch (ioctl) {
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_tss_addr(kvm, arg);
+ r = -EFAULT;
+ if (IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp)->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
+ < sizeof(size_t))
+ goto out;
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_tss_addr(kvm, *(size_t *)argp);
u64 ident_addr;
r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&ident_addr, argp, sizeof ident_addr))
+ if (IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp)->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
+ < sizeof(ident_addr))
goto out;
+ ident_addr = *(u64 *)argp;
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_identity_map_addr(kvm, ident_addr);
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_nr_mmu_pages(kvm, arg);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_nr_mmu_pages(kvm, *(unsigned int*)argp);
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_nr_mmu_pages(kvm);
struct kvm_pic *vpic;
@@ -3956,27 +2293,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- u.pit_config.flags = KVM_PIT_SPEAKER_DUMMY;
- goto create_pit;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&u.pit_config, argp,
- sizeof(struct kvm_pit_config)))
- goto out;
- create_pit:
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- r = -EEXIST;
- if (kvm->arch.vpit)
- goto create_pit_unlock;
- r = -ENOMEM;
- kvm->arch.vpit = kvm_create_pit(kvm, u.pit_config.flags);
- if (kvm->arch.vpit)
- r = 0;
- create_pit_unlock:
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- break;
/* 0: PIC master, 1: PIC slave, 2: IOAPIC */
struct kvm_irqchip *chip;
@@ -3987,20 +2304,17 @@ long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = -ENXIO;
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm) || irqchip_split(kvm))
+ if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
goto get_irqchip_out;
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_irqchip(kvm, chip);
if (r)
goto get_irqchip_out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, chip, sizeof *chip))
- goto get_irqchip_out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, chip, sizeof(*chip));
/* 0: PIC master, 1: PIC slave, 2: IOAPIC */
struct kvm_irqchip *chip;
@@ -4011,7 +2325,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = -ENXIO;
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm) || irqchip_split(kvm))
+ if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
goto set_irqchip_out;
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_irqchip(kvm, chip);
if (r)
@@ -4021,121 +2335,16 @@ long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- case KVM_GET_PIT: {
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&, argp, sizeof(struct kvm_pit_state)))
- goto out;
- r = -ENXIO;
- if (!kvm->arch.vpit)
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_pit(kvm, &;
- if (r)
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &, sizeof(struct kvm_pit_state)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_SET_PIT: {
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&, argp, sizeof
- goto out;
- r = -ENXIO;
- if (!kvm->arch.vpit)
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pit(kvm, &;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_GET_PIT2: {
- r = -ENXIO;
- if (!kvm->arch.vpit)
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_pit2(kvm, &u.ps2);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &u.ps2, sizeof(u.ps2)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_SET_PIT2: {
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&u.ps2, argp, sizeof(u.ps2)))
- goto out;
- r = -ENXIO;
- if (!kvm->arch.vpit)
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_pit2(kvm, &u.ps2);
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_reinject_control control;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&control, argp, sizeof(control)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_reinject(kvm, &control);
- break;
- }
r = 0;
if (kvm->created_vcpus)
r = -EBUSY;
- kvm->arch.bsp_vcpu_id = arg;
+ kvm->arch.bsp_vcpu_id = *(u32 *)argp;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config, argp,
- sizeof(struct kvm_xen_hvm_config)))
- goto out;
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (kvm->arch.xen_hvm_config.flags)
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_SET_CLOCK: {
- struct kvm_clock_data user_ns;
- u64 now_ns;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&user_ns, argp, sizeof(user_ns)))
- goto out;
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (user_ns.flags)
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- local_irq_disable();
- now_ns = __get_kvmclock_ns(kvm);
- kvm->arch.kvmclock_offset += user_ns.clock - now_ns;
- local_irq_enable();
- kvm_gen_update_masterclock(kvm);
- break;
- }
- case KVM_GET_CLOCK: {
- struct kvm_clock_data user_ns;
- u64 now_ns;
- local_irq_disable();
- now_ns = __get_kvmclock_ns(kvm);
- user_ns.clock = now_ns;
- user_ns.flags = kvm->arch.use_master_clock ? KVM_CLOCK_TSC_STABLE : 0;
- local_irq_enable();
- memset(&user_ns.pad, 0, sizeof(user_ns.pad));
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &user_ns, sizeof(user_ns)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- case KVM_ENABLE_CAP: {
+ case GVM_ENABLE_CAP: {
struct kvm_enable_cap cap;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -4145,7 +2354,7 @@ long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_assigned_device(kvm, ioctl, arg);
+ break;
return r;
@@ -4183,6 +2392,7 @@ static void kvm_init_msr_list(void)
num_msrs_to_save = j;
+#if 0
for (i = j = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(emulated_msrs); i++) {
switch (emulated_msrs[i]) {
@@ -4198,6 +2408,7 @@ static void kvm_init_msr_list(void)
num_emulated_msrs = j;
static int vcpu_mmio_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr, int len,
@@ -4205,17 +2416,20 @@ static int vcpu_mmio_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr, int len,
int handled = 0;
int n;
+ const char *__v = v;
do {
n = min(len, 8);
if (!(lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) &&
!kvm_iodevice_write(vcpu, &vcpu->arch.apic->dev, addr, n, v))
- && kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, KVM_MMIO_BUS, addr, n, v))
+ && kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, GVM_MMIO_BUS, addr, n, v))
handled += n;
addr += n;
len -= n;
- v += n;
+ __v = (char *)v;
+ __v += n;
+ v = (void *)__v;
} while (len);
return handled;
@@ -4225,19 +2439,21 @@ static int vcpu_mmio_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr, int len, void *v)
int handled = 0;
int n;
+ char *__v;
do {
n = min(len, 8);
if (!(lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) &&
!kvm_iodevice_read(vcpu, &vcpu->arch.apic->dev,
addr, n, v))
- && kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, KVM_MMIO_BUS, addr, n, v))
+ && kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, GVM_MMIO_BUS, addr, n, v))
- trace_kvm_mmio(KVM_TRACE_MMIO_READ, n, addr, *(u64 *)v);
handled += n;
addr += n;
len -= n;
- v += n;
+ __v = (char *)v;
+ __v += n;
+ v = (void *)__v;
} while (len);
return handled;
@@ -4304,6 +2520,7 @@ static int kvm_read_guest_virt_helper(gva_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *exception)
void *data = val;
+ char *__data;
while (bytes) {
@@ -4323,7 +2540,9 @@ static int kvm_read_guest_virt_helper(gva_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
bytes -= toread;
- data += toread;
+ __data = (char *)data;
+ __data += toread;
+ data = (void *)__data;
addr += toread;
@@ -4367,7 +2586,6 @@ int kvm_read_guest_virt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
return kvm_read_guest_virt_helper(addr, val, bytes, vcpu, access,
static int kvm_read_guest_virt_system(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
gva_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes,
@@ -4378,7 +2596,7 @@ static int kvm_read_guest_virt_system(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
static int kvm_read_guest_phys_system(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes)
+ size_t addr, void *val, unsigned int bytes)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
int r = kvm_vcpu_read_guest(vcpu, addr, val, bytes);
@@ -4393,6 +2611,7 @@ int kvm_write_guest_virt_system(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
void *data = val;
+ char *__data;
while (bytes) {
@@ -4412,15 +2631,16 @@ int kvm_write_guest_virt_system(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
bytes -= towrite;
- data += towrite;
+ __data = (char *)data;
+ __data += towrite;
+ data = (void *)__data;
addr += towrite;
return r;
-static int vcpu_mmio_gva_to_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long gva,
+static int vcpu_mmio_gva_to_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t gva,
gpa_t *gpa, struct x86_exception *exception,
bool write)
@@ -4437,7 +2657,6 @@ static int vcpu_mmio_gva_to_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long gva,
vcpu->arch.access, 0, access)) {
*gpa = vcpu->arch.mmio_gfn << PAGE_SHIFT |
(gva & (PAGE_SIZE - 1));
- trace_vcpu_match_mmio(gva, *gpa, write, false);
return 1;
@@ -4451,7 +2670,6 @@ static int vcpu_mmio_gva_to_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long gva,
return 1;
if (vcpu_match_mmio_gpa(vcpu, *gpa)) {
- trace_vcpu_match_mmio(gva, *gpa, write, true);
return 1;
@@ -4485,8 +2703,6 @@ struct read_write_emulator_ops {
static int read_prepare(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, void *val, int bytes)
if (vcpu->mmio_read_completed) {
- trace_kvm_mmio(KVM_TRACE_MMIO_READ, bytes,
- vcpu->mmio_fragments[0].gpa, *(u64 *)val);
vcpu->mmio_read_completed = 0;
return 1;
@@ -4508,14 +2724,12 @@ static int write_emulate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
static int write_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, int bytes, void *val)
- trace_kvm_mmio(KVM_TRACE_MMIO_WRITE, bytes, gpa, *(u64 *)val);
return vcpu_mmio_write(vcpu, gpa, bytes, val);
static int read_exit_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
void *val, int bytes)
- trace_kvm_mmio(KVM_TRACE_MMIO_READ_UNSATISFIED, bytes, gpa, 0);
@@ -4542,7 +2756,7 @@ static const struct read_write_emulator_ops write_emultor = {
.write = true,
-static int emulator_read_write_onepage(unsigned long addr, void *val,
+static int emulator_read_write_onepage(size_t addr, void *val,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *exception,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
@@ -4552,6 +2766,7 @@ static int emulator_read_write_onepage(unsigned long addr, void *val,
int handled, ret;
bool write = ops->write;
struct kvm_mmio_fragment *frag;
+ char *__val;
ret = vcpu_mmio_gva_to_gpa(vcpu, addr, &gpa, exception, write);
@@ -4575,9 +2790,11 @@ mmio:
gpa += handled;
bytes -= handled;
- val += handled;
+ __val = val;
+ __val += handled;
+ val = __val;
- WARN_ON(vcpu->mmio_nr_fragments >= KVM_MAX_MMIO_FRAGMENTS);
+ WARN_ON(vcpu->mmio_nr_fragments >= GVM_MAX_MMIO_FRAGMENTS);
frag = &vcpu->mmio_fragments[vcpu->mmio_nr_fragments++];
frag->gpa = gpa;
frag->data = val;
@@ -4586,7 +2803,7 @@ mmio:
static int emulator_read_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr,
+ size_t addr,
void *val, unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *exception,
const struct read_write_emulator_ops *ops)
@@ -4594,6 +2811,7 @@ static int emulator_read_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
gpa_t gpa;
int rc;
+ char *__val;
if (ops->read_write_prepare &&
ops->read_write_prepare(vcpu, val, bytes))
@@ -4605,7 +2823,7 @@ static int emulator_read_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
if (((addr + bytes - 1) ^ addr) & PAGE_MASK) {
int now;
- now = -addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
+ now = -(ssize_t)addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
rc = emulator_read_write_onepage(addr, val, now, exception,
vcpu, ops);
@@ -4614,7 +2832,9 @@ static int emulator_read_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
addr += now;
if (ctxt->mode != X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64)
addr = (u32)addr;
- val += now;
+ __val = val;
+ __val += now;
+ val = __val;
bytes -= now;
@@ -4633,14 +2853,14 @@ static int emulator_read_write(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
vcpu->run->mmio.len = min(8u, vcpu->mmio_fragments[0].len);
vcpu->run->mmio.is_write = vcpu->mmio_is_write = ops->write;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_MMIO;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_MMIO;
vcpu->run->mmio.phys_addr = gpa;
return ops->read_write_exit_mmio(vcpu, gpa, val, bytes);
static int emulator_read_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr,
+ size_t addr,
void *val,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *exception)
@@ -4650,7 +2870,7 @@ static int emulator_read_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
static int emulator_write_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr,
+ size_t addr,
const void *val,
unsigned int bytes,
struct x86_exception *exception)
@@ -4670,7 +2890,7 @@ static int emulator_write_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
static int emulator_cmpxchg_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long addr,
+ size_t addr,
const void *old,
const void *new,
unsigned int bytes,
@@ -4678,9 +2898,10 @@ static int emulator_cmpxchg_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
gpa_t gpa;
- struct page *page;
char *kaddr;
bool exchanged;
+ size_t hva;
+ PMDL kmap_mdl;
/* guests cmpxchg8b have to be emulated atomically */
if (bytes > 8 || (bytes & (bytes - 1)))
@@ -4695,11 +2916,16 @@ static int emulator_cmpxchg_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
if (((gpa + bytes - 1) & PAGE_MASK) != (gpa & PAGE_MASK))
goto emul_write;
- page = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(vcpu, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page))
+ hva = gfn_to_hva(vcpu->kvm, gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ if (kvm_is_error_hva(hva))
goto emul_write;
- kaddr = kmap_atomic(page);
+ if (get_user_pages_fast(hva, 1, 1, &kmap_mdl) != 1)
+ goto emul_write;
+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(kmap_mdl);
+ if (!kaddr)
+ goto emul_write;
kaddr += offset_in_page(gpa);
switch (bytes) {
case 1:
@@ -4717,8 +2943,7 @@ static int emulator_cmpxchg_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- kunmap_atomic(kaddr);
- kvm_release_page_dirty(page);
+ kunmap_atomic(kmap_mdl);
if (!exchanged)
@@ -4740,10 +2965,10 @@ static int kernel_pio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, void *pd)
int r;
if (vcpu->
- r = kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, KVM_PIO_BUS, vcpu->arch.pio.port,
+ r = kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, GVM_PIO_BUS, vcpu->arch.pio.port,
vcpu->arch.pio.size, pd);
- r = kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, KVM_PIO_BUS,
+ r = kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, GVM_PIO_BUS,
vcpu->arch.pio.port, vcpu->arch.pio.size,
return r;
@@ -4763,10 +2988,10 @@ static int emulator_pio_in_out(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int size,
return 1;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_IO;
- vcpu->run->io.direction = in ? KVM_EXIT_IO_IN : KVM_EXIT_IO_OUT;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_IO;
+ vcpu->run->io.direction = in ? GVM_EXIT_IO_IN : GVM_EXIT_IO_OUT;
vcpu->run->io.size = size;
- vcpu->run->io.data_offset = KVM_PIO_PAGE_OFFSET * PAGE_SIZE;
+ vcpu->run->io.data_offset = GVM_PIO_PAGE_OFFSET * PAGE_SIZE;
vcpu->run->io.count = count;
vcpu->run->io.port = port;
@@ -4787,7 +3012,6 @@ static int emulator_pio_in_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
if (ret) {
memcpy(val, vcpu->arch.pio_data, size * count);
- trace_kvm_pio(KVM_PIO_IN, port, size, count, vcpu->arch.pio_data);
vcpu->arch.pio.count = 0;
return 1;
@@ -4802,11 +3026,10 @@ static int emulator_pio_out_emulated(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
memcpy(vcpu->arch.pio_data, val, size * count);
- trace_kvm_pio(KVM_PIO_OUT, port, size, count, vcpu->arch.pio_data);
return emulator_pio_in_out(vcpu, size, port, (void *)val, count, false);
-static unsigned long get_segment_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
+static size_t get_segment_base(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int seg)
return kvm_x86_ops->get_segment_base(vcpu, seg);
@@ -4818,19 +3041,6 @@ static void emulator_invlpg(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, ulong address)
int kvm_emulate_wbinvd_noskip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!need_emulate_wbinvd(vcpu))
- return X86EMUL_CONTINUE;
- if (kvm_x86_ops->has_wbinvd_exit()) {
- int cpu = get_cpu();
- cpumask_set_cpu(cpu, vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask);
- smp_call_function_many(vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask,
- wbinvd_ipi, NULL, 1);
- put_cpu();
- cpumask_clear(vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask);
- } else
- wbinvd();
@@ -4839,7 +3049,6 @@ int kvm_emulate_wbinvd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_emulate_wbinvd_noskip(vcpu);
@@ -4849,16 +3058,17 @@ static void emulator_wbinvd(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
static int emulator_get_dr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int dr,
- unsigned long *dest)
+ size_t *dest)
- return kvm_get_dr(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), dr, dest);
+ //return kvm_get_dr(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), dr, dest);
+ return 0;
static int emulator_set_dr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int dr,
- unsigned long value)
+ size_t value)
- return __kvm_set_dr(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), dr, value);
+ return 0;
+ //return __kvm_set_dr(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), dr, value);
static u64 mk_cr_64(u64 curr_cr, u32 new_val)
@@ -4866,10 +3076,10 @@ static u64 mk_cr_64(u64 curr_cr, u32 new_val)
return (curr_cr & ~((1ULL << 32) - 1)) | new_val;
-static unsigned long emulator_get_cr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int cr)
+static size_t emulator_get_cr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int cr)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
- unsigned long value;
+ size_t value;
switch (cr) {
case 0:
@@ -4888,7 +3098,7 @@ static unsigned long emulator_get_cr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int cr)
value = kvm_get_cr8(vcpu);
- kvm_err("%s: unexpected cr %u\n", __func__, cr);
+ //kvm_err("%s: unexpected cr %u\n", __func__, cr);
return 0;
@@ -4917,7 +3127,7 @@ static int emulator_set_cr(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int cr, ulong val)
res = kvm_set_cr8(vcpu, val);
- kvm_err("%s: unexpected cr %u\n", __func__, cr);
+ //kvm_err("%s: unexpected cr %u\n", __func__, cr);
res = -1;
@@ -4949,7 +3159,7 @@ static void emulator_set_idt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, struct desc_ptr *dt)
kvm_x86_ops->set_idt(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), dt);
-static unsigned long emulator_get_cached_segment_base(
+static size_t emulator_get_cached_segment_base(
struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int seg)
return get_segment_base(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), seg);
@@ -4972,7 +3182,7 @@ static bool emulator_get_segment(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u16 *selector,
if (var.g)
var.limit >>= 12;
set_desc_limit(desc, var.limit);
- set_desc_base(desc, (unsigned long)var.base);
+ set_desc_base(desc, (size_t)var.base);
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
if (base3)
*base3 = var.base >> 32;
@@ -5063,13 +3273,15 @@ static void emulator_set_smbase(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u64 smbase)
static int emulator_check_pmc(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
u32 pmc)
- return kvm_pmu_is_valid_msr_idx(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), pmc);
+ //return kvm_pmu_is_valid_msr_idx(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), pmc);
+ return 0;
static int emulator_read_pmc(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
u32 pmc, u64 *pdata)
- return kvm_pmu_rdpmc(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), pmc, pdata);
+ //return kvm_pmu_rdpmc(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt), pmc, pdata);
+ return 0;
static void emulator_halt(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
@@ -5085,11 +3297,12 @@ static void emulator_get_fpu(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
* CR0.TS may reference the host fpu state, not the guest fpu state,
* so it may be clear at this point.
- clts();
+ __clts();
static void emulator_put_fpu(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
+ kvm_save_guest_fpu(emul_to_vcpu(ctxt));
@@ -5154,7 +3367,6 @@ static const struct x86_emulate_ops emulate_ops = {
.read_pmc = emulator_read_pmc,
.halt = emulator_halt,
.wbinvd = emulator_wbinvd,
- .fix_hypercall = emulator_fix_hypercall,
.get_fpu = emulator_get_fpu,
.put_fpu = emulator_put_fpu,
.intercept = emulator_intercept,
@@ -5177,7 +3389,7 @@ static void toggle_interruptibility(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 mask)
if (unlikely(int_shadow || mask)) {
kvm_x86_ops->set_interrupt_shadow(vcpu, mask);
if (!mask)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
@@ -5209,9 +3421,6 @@ static void init_emulate_ctxt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
(cs_l && is_long_mode(vcpu)) ? X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64 :
cs_db ? X86EMUL_MODE_PROT32 :
ctxt->emul_flags = vcpu->arch.hflags;
@@ -5244,17 +3453,15 @@ int kvm_inject_realmode_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int irq, int inc_eip)
static int handle_emulation_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- trace_kvm_emulate_insn_failed(vcpu);
if (!is_guest_mode(vcpu) && kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(vcpu) == 0) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
- vcpu->run->internal.suberror = KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ vcpu->run->internal.suberror = GVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION;
vcpu->run->internal.ndata = 0;
@@ -5303,8 +3510,6 @@ static bool reexecute_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t cr2,
if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn))
return false;
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
/* The instructions are well-emulated on direct mmu. */
if (vcpu->arch.mmu.direct_map) {
unsigned int indirect_shadow_pages;
@@ -5335,10 +3540,10 @@ static bool reexecute_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t cr2,
static bool retry_instruction(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
- unsigned long cr2, int emulation_type)
+ size_t cr2, int emulation_type)
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
- unsigned long last_retry_eip, last_retry_addr, gpa = cr2;
+ size_t last_retry_eip, last_retry_addr, gpa = cr2;
last_retry_eip = vcpu->arch.last_retry_eip;
last_retry_addr = vcpu->arch.last_retry_addr;
@@ -5384,11 +3589,8 @@ static int complete_emulated_pio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
static void kvm_smm_changed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!(vcpu->arch.hflags & HF_SMM_MASK)) {
- /* This is a good place to trace that we are exiting SMM. */
- trace_kvm_enter_smm(vcpu->vcpu_id, vcpu->arch.smbase, false);
/* Process a latched INIT or SMI, if any. */
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
@@ -5404,8 +3606,8 @@ static void kvm_set_hflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned emul_flags)
-static int kvm_vcpu_check_hw_bp(unsigned long addr, u32 type, u32 dr7,
- unsigned long *db)
+static int kvm_vcpu_check_hw_bp(size_t addr, u32 type, u32 dr7,
+ size_t *db)
u32 dr6 = 0;
int i;
@@ -5419,7 +3621,7 @@ static int kvm_vcpu_check_hw_bp(unsigned long addr, u32 type, u32 dr7,
return dr6;
-static void kvm_vcpu_check_singlestep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags, int *r)
+static void kvm_vcpu_check_singlestep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags, int *r)
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = vcpu->run;
@@ -5432,12 +3634,12 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_check_singlestep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflag
* that sets the TF flag".
if (unlikely(rflags & X86_EFLAGS_TF)) {
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP) {
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP) {
kvm_run->debug.arch.dr6 = DR6_BS | DR6_FIXED_1 |
kvm_run->debug.arch.pc = vcpu->arch.singlestep_rip;
kvm_run->debug.arch.exception = DB_VECTOR;
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
} else {
vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt.eflags &= ~X86_EFLAGS_TF;
@@ -5455,10 +3657,10 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_check_singlestep(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflag
static bool kvm_vcpu_check_breakpoint(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *r)
- if (unlikely(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) &&
+ if (unlikely(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) &&
(vcpu->arch.guest_debug_dr7 & DR7_BP_EN_MASK)) {
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = vcpu->run;
- unsigned long eip = kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu);
+ size_t eip = kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu);
u32 dr6 = kvm_vcpu_check_hw_bp(eip, 0,
@@ -5467,7 +3669,7 @@ static bool kvm_vcpu_check_breakpoint(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *r)
kvm_run->debug.arch.dr6 = dr6 | DR6_FIXED_1 | DR6_RTM;
kvm_run->debug.arch.pc = eip;
kvm_run->debug.arch.exception = DB_VECTOR;
- kvm_run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
+ kvm_run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_DEBUG;
return true;
@@ -5475,7 +3677,7 @@ static bool kvm_vcpu_check_breakpoint(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *r)
if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.dr7 & DR7_BP_EN_MASK) &&
!(kvm_get_rflags(vcpu) & X86_EFLAGS_RF)) {
- unsigned long eip = kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu);
+ size_t eip = kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu);
u32 dr6 = kvm_vcpu_check_hw_bp(eip, 0,
@@ -5493,7 +3695,7 @@ static bool kvm_vcpu_check_breakpoint(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *r)
int x86_emulate_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- unsigned long cr2,
+ size_t cr2,
int emulation_type,
void *insn,
int insn_len)
@@ -5531,7 +3733,6 @@ int x86_emulate_instruction(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
r = x86_decode_insn(ctxt, insn, insn_len);
- trace_kvm_emulate_insn_start(vcpu);
if (r != EMULATION_OK) {
if (emulation_type & EMULTYPE_TRAP_UD)
@@ -5600,7 +3801,7 @@ restart:
if (writeback) {
- unsigned long rflags = kvm_x86_ops->get_rflags(vcpu);
+ size_t rflags = kvm_x86_ops->get_rflags(vcpu);
toggle_interruptibility(vcpu, ctxt->interruptibility);
vcpu->arch.emulate_regs_need_sync_to_vcpu = false;
if (vcpu->arch.hflags != ctxt->emul_flags)
@@ -5613,214 +3814,40 @@ restart:
__kvm_set_rflags(vcpu, ctxt->eflags);
- * For STI, interrupts are shadowed; so KVM_REQ_EVENT will
+ * For STI, interrupts are shadowed; so GVM_REQ_EVENT will
* do nothing, and it will be requested again as soon as
* the shadow expires. But we still need to check here,
* because POPF has no interrupt shadow.
if (unlikely((ctxt->eflags & ~rflags) & X86_EFLAGS_IF))
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
} else
vcpu->arch.emulate_regs_need_sync_to_vcpu = true;
return r;
int kvm_fast_pio_out(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int size, unsigned short port)
- unsigned long val = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX);
+ size_t val = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX);
int ret = emulator_pio_out_emulated(&vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt,
size, port, &val, 1);
/* do not return to emulator after return from userspace */
vcpu->arch.pio.count = 0;
return ret;
-static int kvmclock_cpu_down_prep(unsigned int cpu)
- __this_cpu_write(cpu_tsc_khz, 0);
- return 0;
-static void tsc_khz_changed(void *data)
- struct cpufreq_freqs *freq = data;
- unsigned long khz = 0;
- if (data)
- khz = freq->new;
- else if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC))
- khz = cpufreq_quick_get(raw_smp_processor_id());
- if (!khz)
- khz = tsc_khz;
- __this_cpu_write(cpu_tsc_khz, khz);
-static int kvmclock_cpufreq_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long val,
- void *data)
- struct cpufreq_freqs *freq = data;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int i, send_ipi = 0;
- /*
- * We allow guests to temporarily run on slowing clocks,
- * provided we notify them after, or to run on accelerating
- * clocks, provided we notify them before. Thus time never
- * goes backwards.
- *
- * However, we have a problem. We can't atomically update
- * the frequency of a given CPU from this function; it is
- * merely a notifier, which can be called from any CPU.
- * Changing the TSC frequency at arbitrary points in time
- * requires a recomputation of local variables related to
- * the TSC for each VCPU. We must flag these local variables
- * to be updated and be sure the update takes place with the
- * new frequency before any guests proceed.
- *
- * Unfortunately, the combination of hotplug CPU and frequency
- * change creates an intractable locking scenario; the order
- * of when these callouts happen is undefined with respect to
- * CPU hotplug, and they can race with each other. As such,
- * merely setting per_cpu(cpu_tsc_khz) = X during a hotadd is
- * undefined; you can actually have a CPU frequency change take
- * place in between the computation of X and the setting of the
- * variable. To protect against this problem, all updates of
- * the per_cpu tsc_khz variable are done in an interrupt
- * protected IPI, and all callers wishing to update the value
- * must wait for a synchronous IPI to complete (which is trivial
- * if the caller is on the CPU already). This establishes the
- * necessary total order on variable updates.
- *
- * Note that because a guest time update may take place
- * anytime after the setting of the VCPU's request bit, the
- * correct TSC value must be set before the request. However,
- * to ensure the update actually makes it to any guest which
- * starts running in hardware virtualization between the set
- * and the acquisition of the spinlock, we must also ping the
- * CPU after setting the request bit.
- *
- */
- if (val == CPUFREQ_PRECHANGE && freq->old > freq->new)
- return 0;
- if (val == CPUFREQ_POSTCHANGE && freq->old < freq->new)
- return 0;
- smp_call_function_single(freq->cpu, tsc_khz_changed, freq, 1);
- spin_lock(&kvm_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (vcpu->cpu != freq->cpu)
- continue;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- if (vcpu->cpu != smp_processor_id())
- send_ipi = 1;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&kvm_lock);
- if (freq->old < freq->new && send_ipi) {
- /*
- * We upscale the frequency. Must make the guest
- * doesn't see old kvmclock values while running with
- * the new frequency, otherwise we risk the guest sees
- * time go backwards.
- *
- * In case we update the frequency for another cpu
- * (which might be in guest context) send an interrupt
- * to kick the cpu out of guest context. Next time
- * guest context is entered kvmclock will be updated,
- * so the guest will not see stale values.
- */
- smp_call_function_single(freq->cpu, tsc_khz_changed, freq, 1);
- }
- return 0;
-static struct notifier_block kvmclock_cpufreq_notifier_block = {
- .notifier_call = kvmclock_cpufreq_notifier
-static int kvmclock_cpu_online(unsigned int cpu)
- tsc_khz_changed(NULL);
- return 0;
-static void kvm_timer_init(void)
- max_tsc_khz = tsc_khz;
- if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC)) {
- struct cpufreq_policy policy;
- int cpu;
- memset(&policy, 0, sizeof(policy));
- cpu = get_cpu();
- cpufreq_get_policy(&policy, cpu);
- if (policy.cpuinfo.max_freq)
- max_tsc_khz = policy.cpuinfo.max_freq;
- put_cpu();
- cpufreq_register_notifier(&kvmclock_cpufreq_notifier_block,
- }
- pr_debug("kvm: max_tsc_khz = %ld\n", max_tsc_khz);
- cpuhp_setup_state(CPUHP_AP_X86_KVM_CLK_ONLINE, "AP_X86_KVM_CLK_ONLINE",
- kvmclock_cpu_online, kvmclock_cpu_down_prep);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct kvm_vcpu *, current_vcpu);
-int kvm_is_in_guest(void)
- return __this_cpu_read(current_vcpu) != NULL;
-static int kvm_is_user_mode(void)
- int user_mode = 3;
- if (__this_cpu_read(current_vcpu))
- user_mode = kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(__this_cpu_read(current_vcpu));
- return user_mode != 0;
-static unsigned long kvm_get_guest_ip(void)
- unsigned long ip = 0;
- if (__this_cpu_read(current_vcpu))
- ip = kvm_rip_read(__this_cpu_read(current_vcpu));
- return ip;
-static struct perf_guest_info_callbacks kvm_guest_cbs = {
- .is_in_guest = kvm_is_in_guest,
- .is_user_mode = kvm_is_user_mode,
- .get_guest_ip = kvm_get_guest_ip,
void kvm_before_handle_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
__this_cpu_write(current_vcpu, vcpu);
void kvm_after_handle_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
__this_cpu_write(current_vcpu, NULL);
static void kvm_set_mmio_spte_mask(void)
@@ -5852,53 +3879,9 @@ static void kvm_set_mmio_spte_mask(void)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
-static void pvclock_gtod_update_fn(struct work_struct *work)
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int i;
- spin_lock(&kvm_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list)
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_MASTERCLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- atomic_set(&kvm_guest_has_master_clock, 0);
- spin_unlock(&kvm_lock);
-static DECLARE_WORK(pvclock_gtod_work, pvclock_gtod_update_fn);
- * Notification about pvclock gtod data update.
- */
-static int pvclock_gtod_notify(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long unused,
- void *priv)
- struct pvclock_gtod_data *gtod = &pvclock_gtod_data;
- struct timekeeper *tk = priv;
- update_pvclock_gtod(tk);
- /* disable master clock if host does not trust, or does not
- * use, TSC clocksource
- */
- if (gtod->clock.vclock_mode != VCLOCK_TSC &&
- atomic_read(&kvm_guest_has_master_clock) != 0)
- queue_work(system_long_wq, &pvclock_gtod_work);
- return 0;
-static struct notifier_block pvclock_gtod_notifier = {
- .notifier_call = pvclock_gtod_notify,
int kvm_arch_init(void *opaque)
- int r;
+ int r = -EFAULT, i;
struct kvm_x86_ops *ops = opaque;
if (kvm_x86_ops) {
@@ -5918,17 +3901,6 @@ int kvm_arch_init(void *opaque)
goto out;
- r = -ENOMEM;
- shared_msrs = alloc_percpu(struct kvm_shared_msrs);
- if (!shared_msrs) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "kvm: failed to allocate percpu kvm_shared_msrs\n");
- goto out;
- }
- r = kvm_mmu_module_init();
- if (r)
- goto out_free_percpu;
kvm_x86_ops = ops;
@@ -5936,79 +3908,46 @@ int kvm_arch_init(void *opaque)
kvm_mmu_set_mask_ptes(PT_USER_MASK, PT_ACCESSED_MASK,
- kvm_timer_init();
- perf_register_guest_info_callbacks(&kvm_guest_cbs);
if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE))
host_xcr0 = xgetbv(XCR_XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK);
+ /* We have to move array initialization here since gcc's extension
+ * of array initialization is not supported here.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < XFEATURE_MAX; i++)
+ xstate_offsets[i] = xstate_sizes[i] = -1;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- pvclock_gtod_register_notifier(&pvclock_gtod_notifier);
return 0;
- free_percpu(shared_msrs);
return r;
void kvm_arch_exit(void)
- perf_unregister_guest_info_callbacks(&kvm_guest_cbs);
- if (!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC))
- cpufreq_unregister_notifier(&kvmclock_cpufreq_notifier_block,
- cpuhp_remove_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_X86_KVM_CLK_ONLINE);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
- pvclock_gtod_unregister_notifier(&pvclock_gtod_notifier);
kvm_x86_ops = NULL;
- free_percpu(shared_msrs);
int kvm_vcpu_halt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (lapic_in_kernel(vcpu)) {
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_HALTED;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_HALTED;
return 1;
} else {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_HLT;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_HLT;
return 0;
int kvm_emulate_halt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_vcpu_halt(vcpu);
- * kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op: Kick a vcpu.
- *
- * @apicid - apicid of vcpu to be kicked.
- */
-static void kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long flags, int apicid)
- struct kvm_lapic_irq lapic_irq;
- lapic_irq.shorthand = 0;
- lapic_irq.dest_mode = 0;
- lapic_irq.dest_id = apicid;
- lapic_irq.msi_redir_hint = false;
- lapic_irq.delivery_mode = APIC_DM_REMRD;
- kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic(kvm, NULL, &lapic_irq, NULL);
void kvm_vcpu_deactivate_apicv(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -6016,70 +3955,6 @@ void kvm_vcpu_deactivate_apicv(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-int kvm_emulate_hypercall(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long nr, a0, a1, a2, a3, ret;
- int op_64_bit, r = 1;
- kvm_x86_ops->skip_emulated_instruction(vcpu);
- if (kvm_hv_hypercall_enabled(vcpu->kvm))
- return kvm_hv_hypercall(vcpu);
- nr = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX);
- a0 = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RBX);
- a1 = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RCX);
- a2 = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RDX);
- a3 = kvm_register_read(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RSI);
- trace_kvm_hypercall(nr, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- op_64_bit = is_64_bit_mode(vcpu);
- if (!op_64_bit) {
- nr &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- a0 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- a1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- a2 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- a3 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- }
- if (kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(vcpu) != 0) {
- ret = -KVM_EPERM;
- goto out;
- }
- switch (nr) {
- ret = 0;
- break;
- kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op(vcpu->kvm, a0, a1);
- ret = 0;
- break;
- default:
- ret = -KVM_ENOSYS;
- break;
- }
- if (!op_64_bit)
- ret = (u32)ret;
- kvm_register_write(vcpu, VCPU_REGS_RAX, ret);
- ++vcpu->stat.hypercalls;
- return r;
-static int emulator_fix_hypercall(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = emul_to_vcpu(ctxt);
- char instruction[3];
- unsigned long rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
- kvm_x86_ops->patch_hypercall(vcpu, instruction);
- return emulator_write_emulated(ctxt, rip, instruction, 3, NULL);
static int dm_request_for_irq_injection(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return vcpu->run->request_interrupt_window &&
@@ -6091,7 +3966,7 @@ static void post_kvm_run_save(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_run *kvm_run = vcpu->run;
kvm_run->if_flag = (kvm_get_rflags(vcpu) & X86_EFLAGS_IF) != 0;
- kvm_run->flags = is_smm(vcpu) ? KVM_RUN_X86_SMM : 0;
+ kvm_run->flags = is_smm(vcpu) ? GVM_RUN_X86_SMM : 0;
kvm_run->cr8 = kvm_get_cr8(vcpu);
kvm_run->apic_base = kvm_get_apic_base(vcpu);
kvm_run->ready_for_interrupt_injection =
@@ -6131,10 +4006,6 @@ static int inject_pending_event(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool req_int_win)
/* try to reinject previous events if any */
if (vcpu->arch.exception.pending) {
- trace_kvm_inj_exception(vcpu->,
- vcpu->arch.exception.has_error_code,
- vcpu->arch.exception.error_code);
if (exception_type(vcpu-> == EXCPT_FAULT)
__kvm_set_rflags(vcpu, kvm_get_rflags(vcpu) |
@@ -6182,7 +4053,7 @@ static int inject_pending_event(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool req_int_win)
* calling check_nested_events again here to avoid a race condition.
* See for discussion about this
* proposal and current concerns. Perhaps we should be setting
- * KVM_REQ_EVENT only on certain events and not unconditionally?
+ * GVM_REQ_EVENT only on certain events and not unconditionally?
if (is_guest_mode(vcpu) && kvm_x86_ops->check_nested_events) {
r = kvm_x86_ops->check_nested_events(vcpu, req_int_win);
@@ -6213,7 +4084,7 @@ static void process_nmi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vcpu->arch.nmi_pending += atomic_xchg(&vcpu->arch.nmi_queued, 0);
vcpu->arch.nmi_pending = min(vcpu->arch.nmi_pending, limit);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
#define put_smstate(type, buf, offset, val) \
@@ -6273,7 +4144,7 @@ static void enter_smm_save_state_32(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, char *buf)
struct desc_ptr dt;
struct kvm_segment seg;
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
int i;
put_smstate(u32, buf, 0x7ffc, kvm_read_cr0(vcpu));
@@ -6324,7 +4195,7 @@ static void enter_smm_save_state_64(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, char *buf)
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
struct desc_ptr dt;
struct kvm_segment seg;
- unsigned long val;
+ size_t val;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
@@ -6383,7 +4254,6 @@ static void enter_smm(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
char buf[512];
u32 cr0;
- trace_kvm_enter_smm(vcpu->vcpu_id, vcpu->arch.smbase, true);
vcpu->arch.hflags |= HF_SMM_MASK;
memset(buf, 0, 512);
if (guest_cpuid_has_longmode(vcpu))
@@ -6448,12 +4318,12 @@ static void enter_smm(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static void process_smi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vcpu->arch.smi_pending = true;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
void kvm_make_scan_ioapic_request(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, KVM_REQ_SCAN_IOAPIC);
+ kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, GVM_REQ_SCAN_IOAPIC);
static void vcpu_scan_ioapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -6465,15 +4335,8 @@ static void vcpu_scan_ioapic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
bitmap_zero(vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors, 256);
- if (irqchip_split(vcpu->kvm))
- kvm_scan_ioapic_routes(vcpu, vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors);
- else {
- if (vcpu->arch.apicv_active)
- kvm_x86_ops->sync_pir_to_irr(vcpu);
- kvm_ioapic_scan_entry(vcpu, vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors);
- }
- bitmap_or((ulong *)eoi_exit_bitmap, vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors,
- vcpu_to_synic(vcpu)->vec_bitmap, 256);
+ kvm_ioapic_scan_entry(vcpu, vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors);
+ bitmap_copy((ulong *)eoi_exit_bitmap, vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors, 256);
kvm_x86_ops->load_eoi_exitmap(vcpu, eoi_exit_bitmap);
@@ -6485,7 +4348,7 @@ static void kvm_vcpu_flush_tlb(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
void kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct page *page = NULL;
+ pfn_t pfn = 0;
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
@@ -6493,29 +4356,128 @@ void kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (!kvm_x86_ops->set_apic_access_page_addr)
- page = gfn_to_page(vcpu->kvm, APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- if (is_error_page(page))
+ pfn = gfn_to_pfn(vcpu->kvm, APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn))
- kvm_x86_ops->set_apic_access_page_addr(vcpu, page_to_phys(page));
+ kvm_x86_ops->set_apic_access_page_addr(vcpu, pfn << PAGE_SHIFT);
* Do not pin apic access page in memory, the MMU notifier
* will call us again if it is migrated or swapped out.
- put_page(page);
+ //put_page(page);
void kvm_arch_mmu_notifier_invalidate_page(struct kvm *kvm,
- unsigned long address)
+ size_t address)
* The physical address of apic access page is stored in the VMCS.
* Update it when it becomes invalid.
if (address == gfn_to_hva(kvm, APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT))
- kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, KVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD);
+ kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, GVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD);
+//#define HOST_STAT_DEBUG
+ * A useful tool to check whether host state remains the same across
+ * host->guest->host switches. In theory, host state should be saved/restored
+ * only when it is subject to change. However, without souce code and
+ * document, you never know. When something goes terribly wrong, this tool
+ * can help check whether it is caused by incomplete host stat restore.
+ */
+#include <intrin.h>
+struct host_stat {
+ struct desc_ptr gdt;
+ struct desc_ptr idt;
+ u16 cs_sel;
+ u16 ss_sel;
+ u16 ds_sel;
+ u16 es_sel;
+ u16 fs_sel;
+ u16 gs_sel;
+ u16 ldt_sel;
+ u16 tr_sel;
+ struct desc_struct cs;
+ struct desc_struct ss;
+ struct desc_struct ds;
+ struct desc_struct es;
+ struct desc_struct fs;
+ struct desc_struct gs;
+ struct desc_struct ldt;
+ struct desc_struct tr;
+ u64 fs_base;
+ u64 gs_base;
+ u64 kernel_gs_base;
+ u64 cr0;
+ u64 cr2;
+ u64 cr3;
+ u64 cr4;
+ u64 cr8;
+ u64 efer;
+ u64 star;
+ u64 lstar;
+ u64 cstar;
+ u64 sf_mask;
+ u64 sysenter_cs;
+ u64 sysenter_eip;
+ u64 sysenter_esp;
+static void save_host_stat_full(struct host_stat *hs)
+ struct desc_struct *gdt;
+ _sgdt(&hs->gdt);
+ __sidt(&hs->idt);
+ savesegment(cs, hs->ds_sel);
+ savesegment(ss, hs->ds_sel);
+ savesegment(ds, hs->ds_sel);
+ savesegment(es, hs->es_sel);
+ savesegment(fs, hs->fs_sel);
+ savesegment(gs, hs->gs_sel);
+ hs->ldt_sel = gvm_read_ldt();
+ hs->tr_sel = gvm_read_tr();
+ gdt = (struct desc_struct *)hs->gdt.address;
+ hs->cs = gdt[hs->cs_sel >> 3];
+ hs->ss = gdt[hs->ss_sel >> 3];
+ hs->ds = gdt[hs->ds_sel >> 3];
+ hs->es = gdt[hs->es_sel >> 3];
+ hs->fs = gdt[hs->fs_sel >> 3];
+ hs->gs = gdt[hs->gs_sel >> 3];
+ hs->ldt = gdt[hs->ldt_sel >> 3];
+ hs->tr = gdt[hs->tr_sel >> 3];
+ hs->fs_base = __readmsr(MSR_FS_BASE);
+ hs->gs_base = __readmsr(MSR_GS_BASE);
+ hs->kernel_gs_base = __readmsr(MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE);
+ hs->cr0 = __readcr0();
+ hs->cr2 = __readcr2();
+ hs->cr3 = __readcr3();
+ hs->cr4 = __readcr4();
+ hs->cr8 = __readcr8();
+ hs->efer = __readmsr(MSR_EFER);
+ hs->star = __readmsr(MSR_STAR);
+ hs->lstar = __readmsr(MSR_LSTAR);
+ hs->cstar = __readmsr(MSR_CSTAR);
+ hs->sf_mask = __readmsr(MSR_SYSCALL_MASK);
+ hs->sysenter_cs = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS);
+ hs->sysenter_eip = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP);
+ hs->sysenter_esp = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP);
+static int check_host_stat(struct host_stat *a, struct host_stat *b)
+ return 0;
* Returns 1 to let vcpu_run() continue the guest execution loop without
@@ -6530,100 +4492,46 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
bool req_immediate_exit = false;
+ struct host_stat *enter = kzalloc(sizeof(struct host_stat), GFP_KERNEL);
+ struct host_stat *exit = kzalloc(sizeof(struct host_stat), GFP_KERNEL);
if (vcpu->requests) {
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_MMU_RELOAD, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_MMU_RELOAD, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_MIGRATE_TIMER, vcpu))
- __kvm_migrate_timers(vcpu);
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_MASTERCLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu))
- kvm_gen_update_masterclock(vcpu->kvm);
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_GLOBAL_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu))
- kvm_gen_kvmclock_update(vcpu);
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu)) {
- r = kvm_guest_time_update(vcpu);
- if (unlikely(r))
- goto out;
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_MMU_SYNC, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_REPORT_TPR_ACCESS, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_TPR_ACCESS;
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_REPORT_TPR_ACCESS, vcpu)) {
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_TPR_ACCESS;
r = 0;
goto out;
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_TRIPLE_FAULT, vcpu)) {
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
r = 0;
goto out;
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_DEACTIVATE_FPU, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->fpu_active = 0;
- kvm_x86_ops->fpu_deactivate(vcpu);
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_APF_HALT, vcpu)) {
- /* Page is swapped out. Do synthetic halt */
- vcpu->arch.apf.halted = true;
- r = 1;
- goto out;
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_STEAL_UPDATE, vcpu))
- record_steal_time(vcpu);
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_SMI, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_NMI, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_NMI, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_PMU, vcpu))
+#if 0
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_PMU, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_PMI, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_PMI, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_IOAPIC_EOI_EXIT, vcpu)) {
- BUG_ON(vcpu->arch.pending_ioapic_eoi > 255);
- if (test_bit(vcpu->arch.pending_ioapic_eoi,
- vcpu->arch.ioapic_handled_vectors)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_IOAPIC_EOI;
- vcpu->run->eoi.vector =
- vcpu->arch.pending_ioapic_eoi;
- r = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_SCAN_IOAPIC, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_SCAN_IOAPIC, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu))
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_APIC_PAGE_RELOAD, vcpu))
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_HV_CRASH, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT;
- vcpu->run->system_event.type = KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_CRASH;
- r = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_HV_RESET, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT;
- vcpu->run->system_event.type = KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_RESET;
- r = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_HV_EXIT, vcpu)) {
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_HYPERV;
- vcpu->run->hyperv = vcpu->arch.hyperv.exit;
- r = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * KVM_REQ_HV_STIMER has to be processed after
- * KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, because Hyper-V SynIC timers
- * depend on the guest clock being up-to-date
- */
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_HV_STIMER, vcpu))
- kvm_hv_process_stimers(vcpu);
- * KVM_REQ_EVENT is not set when posted interrupts are set by
+ * GVM_REQ_EVENT is not set when posted interrupts are set by
* VT-d hardware, so we have to update RVI unconditionally.
if (kvm_lapic_enabled(vcpu)) {
@@ -6636,9 +4544,9 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu) || req_int_win) {
+ if (kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu) || req_int_win) {
- if (vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED) {
+ if (vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED) {
r = 1;
goto out;
@@ -6674,14 +4582,15 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
goto cancel_injection;
- preempt_disable();
+ srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, vcpu->srcu_idx);
- kvm_x86_ops->prepare_guest_switch(vcpu);
- if (vcpu->fpu_active)
- kvm_load_guest_fpu(vcpu);
+ local_irq_disable();
+ save_host_stat_full(enter);
+ kvm_x86_ops->save_host_state(vcpu);
vcpu->mode = IN_GUEST_MODE;
- srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, vcpu->srcu_idx);
+ vcpu->cpu = smp_processor_id();
* We should set ->mode before check ->requests,
@@ -6690,16 +4599,13 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* to the page tables done while the VCPU is running.
* Please see the comment in kvm_flush_remote_tlbs.
- smp_mb__after_srcu_read_unlock();
+ smp_mb();
- local_irq_disable();
- if (vcpu->mode == EXITING_GUEST_MODE || vcpu->requests
- || need_resched() || signal_pending(current)) {
+ if (vcpu->mode == EXITING_GUEST_MODE || vcpu->requests) {
vcpu->mode = OUTSIDE_GUEST_MODE;
+ kvm_x86_ops->load_host_state(vcpu);
- preempt_enable();
vcpu->srcu_idx = srcu_read_lock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu);
r = 1;
goto cancel_injection;
@@ -6708,14 +4614,10 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (req_immediate_exit) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- trace_kvm_entry(vcpu->vcpu_id);
- wait_lapic_expire(vcpu);
- guest_enter_irqoff();
if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs)) {
set_debugreg(0, 7);
set_debugreg(vcpu->arch.eff_db[0], 0);
@@ -6723,26 +4625,29 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
set_debugreg(vcpu->arch.eff_db[2], 2);
set_debugreg(vcpu->arch.eff_db[3], 3);
set_debugreg(vcpu->arch.dr6, 6);
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~KVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~GVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
+ kvm_load_guest_fpu(vcpu);
* Do this here before restoring debug registers on the host. And
* since we do this before handling the vmexit, a DR access vmexit
* can (a) read the correct value of the debug registers, (b) set
- if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs & KVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT)) {
- WARN_ON(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP);
+ if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs & GVM_DEBUGREG_WONT_EXIT)) {
+ WARN_ON(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP);
- vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~KVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
+ vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs &= ~GVM_DEBUGREG_RELOAD;
+#if 0
* If the guest has used debug registers, at least dr7
* will be disabled while returning to the host.
@@ -6752,36 +4657,34 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (hw_breakpoint_active())
vcpu->arch.last_guest_tsc = kvm_read_l1_tsc(vcpu, rdtsc());
+ kvm_save_guest_fpu(vcpu);
+ //Set CPU to -1 since we don't know when we got scheduled to another
+ //cpu by Windows scheduler.
+ vcpu->cpu = -1;
vcpu->mode = OUTSIDE_GUEST_MODE;
+ kvm_x86_ops->load_host_state(vcpu);
+ kvm_x86_ops->vcpu_put(vcpu);
+ save_host_stat_full(exit);
+ BUG_ON(check_host_stat(enter, exit));
- guest_exit_irqoff();
- preempt_enable();
vcpu->srcu_idx = srcu_read_lock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu);
- /*
- * Profile KVM exit RIPs:
- */
- if (unlikely(prof_on == KVM_PROFILING)) {
- unsigned long rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
- profile_hit(KVM_PROFILING, (void *)rip);
- }
- if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.tsc_always_catchup))
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
if (vcpu->arch.apic_attention)
@@ -6790,7 +4693,7 @@ static int vcpu_enter_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
+ if ((vcpu->arch.apic_attention))
return r;
@@ -6798,29 +4701,23 @@ out:
static inline int vcpu_block(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable(vcpu) &&
- (!kvm_x86_ops->pre_block || kvm_x86_ops->pre_block(vcpu) == 0)) {
+ if (!kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable(vcpu)) {
srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, vcpu->srcu_idx);
vcpu->srcu_idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
- if (kvm_x86_ops->post_block)
- kvm_x86_ops->post_block(vcpu);
- if (!kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_UNHALT, vcpu))
+ if (!kvm_check_request(GVM_REQ_UNHALT, vcpu))
return 1;
switch(vcpu->arch.mp_state) {
- vcpu->arch.pv.pv_unhalted = false;
vcpu->arch.mp_state =
- vcpu->arch.apf.halted = false;
return -EINTR;
@@ -6831,8 +4728,7 @@ static inline int vcpu_block(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline bool kvm_vcpu_running(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return (vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE &&
- !vcpu->arch.apf.halted);
+ return (vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE);
static int vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -6852,31 +4748,21 @@ static int vcpu_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (r <= 0)
- clear_bit(KVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER, &vcpu->requests);
+ clear_bit(GVM_REQ_PENDING_TIMER, &vcpu->requests);
if (kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer(vcpu))
if (dm_request_for_irq_injection(vcpu) &&
kvm_vcpu_ready_for_interrupt_injection(vcpu)) {
r = 0;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_IRQ_WINDOW_OPEN;
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_IRQ_WINDOW_OPEN;
- kvm_check_async_pf_completion(vcpu);
- if (signal_pending(current)) {
- r = -EINTR;
- vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_INTR;
- ++vcpu->stat.signal_exits;
+ if (test_and_clear_bit(0, (size_t *)&vcpu->run->user_event_pending)) {
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_INTR;
- if (need_resched()) {
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, vcpu->srcu_idx);
- cond_resched();
- vcpu->srcu_idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
- }
srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, vcpu->srcu_idx);
@@ -6925,6 +4811,7 @@ static int complete_emulated_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_run *run = vcpu->run;
struct kvm_mmio_fragment *frag;
unsigned len;
+ char *__data;
@@ -6940,7 +4827,9 @@ static int complete_emulated_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
} else {
/* Go forward to the next mmio piece. */
- frag->data += len;
+ __data = frag->data;
+ __data += len;
+ frag->data = __data;
frag->gpa += len;
frag->len -= len;
@@ -6955,7 +4844,7 @@ static int complete_emulated_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return complete_emulated_io(vcpu);
- run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_MMIO;
+ run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_MMIO;
run->mmio.phys_addr = frag->gpa;
if (vcpu->mmio_is_write)
memcpy(run->, frag->data, min(8u, frag->len));
@@ -6968,19 +4857,12 @@ static int complete_emulated_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_run *kvm_run)
- struct fpu *fpu = &current->thread.fpu;
int r;
- sigset_t sigsaved;
- fpu__activate_curr(fpu);
- if (vcpu->sigset_active)
- sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &vcpu->sigset, &sigsaved);
- if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED)) {
+ if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED)) {
- clear_bit(KVM_REQ_UNHALT, &vcpu->requests);
+ clear_bit(GVM_REQ_UNHALT, &vcpu->requests);
r = -EAGAIN;
goto out;
@@ -7006,9 +4888,6 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_run *kvm_run)
- if (vcpu->sigset_active)
- sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigsaved, NULL);
return r;
@@ -7079,7 +4958,7 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_regs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_regs *regs)
vcpu->arch.exception.pending = false;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -7092,7 +4971,6 @@ void kvm_get_cs_db_l_bits(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int *db, int *l)
*db = cs.db;
*l = cs.l;
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_sregs *sregs)
@@ -7128,7 +5006,7 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (vcpu->arch.interrupt.pending && !vcpu->arch.interrupt.soft)
- (unsigned long *)sregs->interrupt_bitmap);
+ (size_t *)sregs->interrupt_bitmap);
return 0;
@@ -7137,11 +5015,7 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_mpstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_mp_state *mp_state)
- if (vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_HALTED &&
- vcpu->arch.pv.pv_unhalted)
- mp_state->mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
- else
- mp_state->mp_state = vcpu->arch.mp_state;
+ mp_state->mp_state = vcpu->arch.mp_state;
return 0;
@@ -7150,15 +5024,15 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_mpstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_mp_state *mp_state)
if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu) &&
- mp_state->mp_state != KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE)
+ mp_state->mp_state != GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE)
return -EINVAL;
- if (mp_state->mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_SIPI_RECEIVED) {
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED;
- set_bit(KVM_APIC_SIPI, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
+ if (mp_state->mp_state == GVM_MP_STATE_SIPI_RECEIVED) {
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED;
+ set_bit(GVM_APIC_SIPI, &vcpu->arch.apic->pending_events);
} else
vcpu->arch.mp_state = mp_state->mp_state;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -7178,10 +5052,9 @@ int kvm_task_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u16 tss_selector, int idt_index,
kvm_rip_write(vcpu, ctxt->eip);
kvm_set_rflags(vcpu, ctxt->eflags);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_sregs *sregs)
@@ -7233,9 +5106,9 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (mmu_reset_needed)
- max_bits = KVM_NR_INTERRUPTS;
+ max_bits = GVM_NR_INTERRUPTS;
pending_vec = find_first_bit(
- (const unsigned long *)sregs->interrupt_bitmap, max_bits);
+ (const size_t *)sregs->interrupt_bitmap, max_bits);
if (pending_vec < max_bits) {
kvm_queue_interrupt(vcpu, pending_vec, false);
pr_debug("Set back pending irq %d\n", pending_vec);
@@ -7257,9 +5130,9 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
if (kvm_vcpu_is_bsp(vcpu) && kvm_rip_read(vcpu) == 0xfff0 &&
sregs->cs.selector == 0xf000 && sregs->cs.base == 0xffff0000 &&
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
return 0;
@@ -7267,14 +5140,14 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_guest_debug(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_guest_debug *dbg)
- unsigned long rflags;
+ size_t rflags;
int i, r;
r = -EBUSY;
if (vcpu->arch.exception.pending)
goto out;
- if (dbg->control & KVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_DB)
+ if (dbg->control & GVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_DB)
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, DB_VECTOR);
kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, BP_VECTOR);
@@ -7287,20 +5160,20 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_guest_debug(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
rflags = kvm_get_rflags(vcpu);
vcpu->guest_debug = dbg->control;
- if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE))
+ if (!(vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE))
vcpu->guest_debug = 0;
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) {
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_DB_REGS; ++i)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_DB_REGS; ++i)
vcpu->arch.eff_db[i] = dbg->arch.debugreg[i];
vcpu->arch.guest_debug_dr7 = dbg->arch.debugreg[7];
} else {
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_DB_REGS; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_DB_REGS; i++)
vcpu->arch.eff_db[i] = vcpu->arch.db[i];
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
vcpu->arch.singlestep_rip = kvm_rip_read(vcpu) +
get_segment_base(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_CS);
@@ -7325,7 +5198,7 @@ out:
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_translate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
struct kvm_translation *tr)
- unsigned long vaddr = tr->linear_address;
+ size_t vaddr = tr->linear_address;
gpa_t gpa;
int idx;
@@ -7343,7 +5216,7 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_translate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu)
struct fxregs_state *fxsave =
- &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.fxsave;
+ &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.fxsave;
memcpy(fpu->fpr, fxsave->st_space, 128);
fpu->fcw = fxsave->cwd;
@@ -7360,7 +5233,7 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu)
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu)
struct fxregs_state *fxsave =
- &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.fxsave;
+ &vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.fxsave;
memcpy(fxsave->st_space, fpu->fpr, 128);
fxsave->cwd = fpu->fcw;
@@ -7374,11 +5247,28 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu)
return 0;
+static inline void fpstate_init_fxstate(struct fxregs_state *fx)
+ fx->cwd = 0x37f;
+ fx->mxcsr = 0x1f80;
+static void fpstate_init(union fpu_state *state)
+ memset(state, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
+#if 0
+ if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVES))
+ fpstate_init_xstate(&state->xsave);
+ fpstate_init_fxstate(&state->fxsave);
static void fx_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- fpstate_init(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state);
+ fpstate_init(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu);
if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVES))
- vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state.xsave.header.xcomp_bv =
+ vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.xsave.header.xcomp_bv =
@@ -7389,54 +5279,78 @@ static void fx_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vcpu->arch.cr0 |= X86_CR0_ET;
-void kvm_load_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ * These must be called with preempt disabled. Returns
+ * 'true' if the FPU state is still intact and we can
+ * keep registers active.
+ *
+ * The legacy FNSAVE instruction cleared all FPU state
+ * unconditionally, so registers are essentially destroyed.
+ * Modern FPU state can be kept in registers, if there are
+ * no pending FP exceptions.
+ */
+static inline void fpu_fxsave(union fpu_state *fpu)
- if (vcpu->guest_fpu_loaded)
- return;
+#if 0
+ if (likely(use_xsave())) {
+ copy_xregs_to_kernel(&fpu->state.xsave);
+ }
- /*
- * Restore all possible states in the guest,
- * and assume host would use all available bits.
- * Guest xcr0 would be loaded later.
- */
- vcpu->guest_fpu_loaded = 1;
- __kernel_fpu_begin();
- __copy_kernel_to_fpregs(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state);
- trace_kvm_fpu(1);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ _fxsave64(&fpu->fxsave);
+ _fxsave(&fpu->fxsave);
-void kvm_put_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+static inline void fpu_fxstore(union fpu_state *fpu)
- if (!vcpu->guest_fpu_loaded) {
- vcpu->fpu_counter = 0;
+#if 0
+ if (use_xsave()) {
+ copy_kernel_to_xregs(&fpstate->xsave, mask);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ _fxrstor64(&fpu->fxsave);
+ _fxrstor(&fpu->fxsave);
- vcpu->guest_fpu_loaded = 0;
- copy_fpregs_to_fpstate(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu);
- __kernel_fpu_end();
- ++vcpu->stat.fpu_reload;
- /*
- * If using eager FPU mode, or if the guest is a frequent user
- * of the FPU, just leave the FPU active for next time.
- * Every 255 times fpu_counter rolls over to 0; a guest that uses
- * the FPU in bursts will revert to loading it on demand.
- */
- if (!use_eager_fpu()) {
- if (++vcpu->fpu_counter < 5)
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_DEACTIVATE_FPU, vcpu);
- }
- trace_kvm_fpu(0);
+void kvm_load_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ uint64_t efer;
+ rdmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer);
+ wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer & ~EFER_FFXSR);
+ fpu_fxsave(&vcpu->arch.host_fpu);
+ fpu_fxstore(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu);
+ if (efer & EFER_FFXSR)
+ wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer);
-void kvm_arch_vcpu_free(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+void kvm_save_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- void *wbinvd_dirty_mask = vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask;
+ uint64_t efer;
- kvmclock_reset(vcpu);
+ rdmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer);
+ if (efer & EFER_FFXSR)
+ wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer & ~EFER_FFXSR);
+ fpu_fxsave(&vcpu->arch.guest_fpu);
+ fpu_fxstore(&vcpu->arch.host_fpu);
+ if (efer & EFER_FFXSR)
+ wrmsrl(MSR_EFER, efer);
+void kvm_arch_vcpu_free(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- free_cpumask_var(wbinvd_dirty_mask);
struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_arch_vcpu_create(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -7456,47 +5370,25 @@ struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_arch_vcpu_create(struct kvm *kvm,
int kvm_arch_vcpu_setup(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int r;
- r = vcpu_load(vcpu);
- if (r)
- return r;
kvm_vcpu_reset(vcpu, false);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
- return r;
+ return 0;
void kvm_arch_vcpu_postcreate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct msr_data msr;
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- if (vcpu_load(vcpu))
- return; = 0x0;
msr.index = MSR_IA32_TSC;
msr.host_initiated = true;
kvm_write_tsc(vcpu, &msr);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
- if (!kvmclock_periodic_sync)
- return;
- schedule_delayed_work(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_sync_work,
void kvm_arch_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int r;
- vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val = 0;
- r = vcpu_load(vcpu);
- BUG_ON(r);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
@@ -7521,18 +5413,10 @@ void kvm_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool init_event)
vcpu->arch.cr2 = 0;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val = 0;
- vcpu-> = 0;
- kvmclock_reset(vcpu);
- kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(vcpu);
- kvm_async_pf_hash_reset(vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.apf.halted = false;
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
if (!init_event) {
- kvm_pmu_reset(vcpu);
+ //kvm_pmu_reset(vcpu);
vcpu->arch.smbase = 0x30000;
@@ -7556,99 +5440,12 @@ void kvm_vcpu_deliver_sipi_vector(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u8 vector)
int kvm_arch_hardware_enable(void)
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int i;
- int ret;
- u64 local_tsc;
- u64 max_tsc = 0;
- bool stable, backwards_tsc = false;
- kvm_shared_msr_cpu_online();
- ret = kvm_x86_ops->hardware_enable();
- if (ret != 0)
- return ret;
- local_tsc = rdtsc();
- stable = !check_tsc_unstable();
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (!stable && vcpu->cpu == smp_processor_id())
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- if (stable && vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc > local_tsc) {
- backwards_tsc = true;
- if (vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc > max_tsc)
- max_tsc = vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Sometimes, even reliable TSCs go backwards. This happens on
- * platforms that reset TSC during suspend or hibernate actions, but
- * maintain synchronization. We must compensate. Fortunately, we can
- * detect that condition here, which happens early in CPU bringup,
- * before any KVM threads can be running. Unfortunately, we can't
- * bring the TSCs fully up to date with real time, as we aren't yet far
- * enough into CPU bringup that we know how much real time has actually
- * elapsed; our helper function, ktime_get_boot_ns() will be using boot
- * variables that haven't been updated yet.
- *
- * So we simply find the maximum observed TSC above, then record the
- * adjustment to TSC in each VCPU. When the VCPU later gets loaded,
- * the adjustment will be applied. Note that we accumulate
- * adjustments, in case multiple suspend cycles happen before some VCPU
- * gets a chance to run again. In the event that no KVM threads get a
- * chance to run, we will miss the entire elapsed period, as we'll have
- * reset last_host_tsc, so VCPUs will not have the TSC adjusted and may
- * loose cycle time. This isn't too big a deal, since the loss will be
- * uniform across all VCPUs (not to mention the scenario is extremely
- * unlikely). It is possible that a second hibernate recovery happens
- * much faster than a first, causing the observed TSC here to be
- * smaller; this would require additional padding adjustment, which is
- * why we set last_host_tsc to the local tsc observed here.
- *
- * N.B. - this code below runs only on platforms with reliable TSC,
- * as that is the only way backwards_tsc is set above. Also note
- * that this runs for ALL vcpus, which is not a bug; all VCPUs should
- * have the same delta_cyc adjustment applied if backwards_tsc
- * is detected. Note further, this adjustment is only done once,
- * as we reset last_host_tsc on all VCPUs to stop this from being
- * called multiple times (one for each physical CPU bringup).
- *
- * Platforms with unreliable TSCs don't have to deal with this, they
- * will be compensated by the logic in vcpu_load, which sets the TSC to
- * catchup mode. This will catchup all VCPUs to real time, but cannot
- * guarantee that they stay in perfect synchronization.
- */
- if (backwards_tsc) {
- u64 delta_cyc = max_tsc - local_tsc;
- backwards_tsc_observed = true;
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- vcpu->arch.tsc_offset_adjustment += delta_cyc;
- vcpu->arch.last_host_tsc = local_tsc;
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_MASTERCLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu);
- }
- /*
- * We have to disable TSC offset matching.. if you were
- * booting a VM while issuing an S4 host suspend....
- * you may have some problem. Solving this issue is
- * left as an exercise to the reader.
- */
- kvm->arch.last_tsc_nsec = 0;
- kvm->arch.last_tsc_write = 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
+ return kvm_x86_ops->hardware_enable();
void kvm_arch_hardware_disable(void)
- drop_user_return_notifiers();
int kvm_arch_hardware_setup(void)
@@ -7659,20 +5456,6 @@ int kvm_arch_hardware_setup(void)
if (r != 0)
return r;
- if (kvm_has_tsc_control) {
- /*
- * Make sure the user can only configure tsc_khz values that
- * fit into a signed integer.
- * A min value is not calculated needed because it will always
- * be 1 on all machines.
- */
- u64 max = min(0x7fffffffULL,
- __scale_tsc(kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio, tsc_khz));
- kvm_max_guest_tsc_khz = max;
- kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio = 1ULL << kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits;
- }
return 0;
@@ -7691,19 +5474,16 @@ bool kvm_vcpu_is_reset_bsp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return vcpu->kvm->arch.bsp_vcpu_id == vcpu->vcpu_id;
bool kvm_vcpu_is_bsp(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return (vcpu->arch.apic_base & MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BSP) != 0;
-struct static_key kvm_no_apic_vcpu __read_mostly;
+int kvm_no_apic_vcpu = 1;
int kvm_arch_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct page *page;
struct kvm *kvm;
int r;
@@ -7711,50 +5491,27 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
kvm = vcpu->kvm;
vcpu->arch.apicv_active = kvm_x86_ops->get_enable_apicv();
- vcpu->arch.pv.pv_unhalted = false;
vcpu->arch.emulate_ctxt.ops = &emulate_ops;
if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm) || kvm_vcpu_is_reset_bsp(vcpu))
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
- page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO);
- if (!page) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail;
- }
- vcpu->arch.pio_data = page_address(page);
+ vcpu->arch.mp_state = GVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
- kvm_set_tsc_khz(vcpu, max_tsc_khz);
+ vcpu->arch.pio_data = (void *)((size_t)vcpu->run + PAGE_SIZE);
r = kvm_mmu_create(vcpu);
if (r < 0)
- goto fail_free_pio_data;
+ goto fail;
if (irqchip_in_kernel(kvm)) {
r = kvm_create_lapic(vcpu);
if (r < 0)
goto fail_mmu_destroy;
- } else
- static_key_slow_inc(&kvm_no_apic_vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.mce_banks = kzalloc(KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS * sizeof(u64) * 4,
- if (!vcpu->arch.mce_banks) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail_free_lapic;
- }
- vcpu->arch.mcg_cap = KVM_MAX_MCE_BANKS;
- if (!zalloc_cpumask_var(&vcpu->arch.wbinvd_dirty_mask, GFP_KERNEL)) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail_free_mce_banks;
- }
+ }
vcpu->arch.ia32_tsc_adjust_msr = 0x0;
- vcpu->arch.pv_time_enabled = false;
vcpu->arch.guest_supported_xcr0 = 0;
vcpu->arch.guest_xstate_size = XSAVE_HDR_SIZE + XSAVE_HDR_OFFSET;
@@ -7763,23 +5520,14 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
vcpu->arch.pat = MSR_IA32_CR_PAT_DEFAULT;
- kvm_async_pf_hash_reset(vcpu);
- kvm_pmu_init(vcpu);
+ //kvm_pmu_init(vcpu);
vcpu->arch.pending_external_vector = -1;
- kvm_hv_vcpu_init(vcpu);
return 0;
- kfree(vcpu->arch.mce_banks);
- kvm_free_lapic(vcpu);
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->arch.pio_data);
return r;
@@ -7788,24 +5536,14 @@ void kvm_arch_vcpu_uninit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int idx;
- kvm_hv_vcpu_uninit(vcpu);
- kvm_pmu_destroy(vcpu);
- kfree(vcpu->arch.mce_banks);
+ //kvm_pmu_destroy(vcpu);
idx = srcu_read_lock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu);
srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, idx);
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->arch.pio_data);
- if (!lapic_in_kernel(vcpu))
- static_key_slow_dec(&kvm_no_apic_vcpu);
-void kvm_arch_sched_in(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int cpu)
- kvm_x86_ops->sched_in(vcpu, cpu);
-int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
+int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, size_t type)
if (type)
return -EINVAL;
@@ -7813,24 +5551,12 @@ int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head);
- atomic_set(&kvm->arch.noncoherent_dma_count, 0);
/* Reserve bit 0 of irq_sources_bitmap for userspace irq source */
- set_bit(KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap);
- /* Reserve bit 1 of irq_sources_bitmap for irqfd-resampler */
- &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap);
+ set_bit(GVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap);
- spin_lock_init(&kvm->arch.pvclock_gtod_sync_lock);
- kvm->arch.kvmclock_offset = -ktime_get_boot_ns();
- pvclock_update_vm_gtod_copy(kvm);
- INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_update_work, kvmclock_update_fn);
- INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_sync_work, kvmclock_sync_fn);
@@ -7843,11 +5569,7 @@ int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
static void kvm_unload_vcpu_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int r;
- r = vcpu_load(vcpu);
- BUG_ON(r);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
static void kvm_free_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
@@ -7859,7 +5581,6 @@ static void kvm_free_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
* Unpin any mmu pages first.
kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(vcpu);
kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
@@ -7873,23 +5594,15 @@ static void kvm_free_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
-void kvm_arch_sync_events(struct kvm *kvm)
- cancel_delayed_work_sync(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_sync_work);
- cancel_delayed_work_sync(&kvm->arch.kvmclock_update_work);
- kvm_free_all_assigned_devices(kvm);
- kvm_free_pit(kvm);
int __x86_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm, int id, gpa_t gpa, u32 size)
int i, r;
- unsigned long hva;
+ size_t hva;
struct kvm_memslots *slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, old;
/* Called with kvm->slots_lock held. */
return -EINVAL;
slot = id_to_memslot(slots, id);
@@ -7913,7 +5626,7 @@ int __x86_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm, int id, gpa_t gpa, u32 size)
old = *slot;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
struct kvm_userspace_memory_region m;
m.slot = id | (i << 16);
@@ -7933,7 +5646,6 @@ int __x86_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm, int id, gpa_t gpa, u32 size)
return 0;
int x86_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm, int id, gpa_t gpa, u32 size)
@@ -7945,11 +5657,10 @@ int x86_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm, int id, gpa_t gpa, u32 size)
return r;
void kvm_arch_destroy_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
- if (current->mm == kvm->mm) {
+ if (IoGetCurrentProcess() == kvm->process) {
* Free memory regions allocated on behalf of userspace,
* unless the the memory map has changed due to process exit
@@ -7961,82 +5672,31 @@ void kvm_arch_destroy_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
if (kvm_x86_ops->vm_destroy)
- kvm_iommu_unmap_guest(kvm);
- kvfree(rcu_dereference_check(kvm->arch.apic_map, 1));
+ kvfree(rcu_dereference(kvm->arch.apic_map));
+ kvm_page_track_destroy(kvm);
void kvm_arch_free_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *free,
struct kvm_memory_slot *dont)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES; ++i) {
- if (!dont || free->arch.rmap[i] != dont->arch.rmap[i]) {
- kvfree(free->arch.rmap[i]);
- free->arch.rmap[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- continue;
- if (!dont || free->arch.lpage_info[i - 1] !=
- dont->arch.lpage_info[i - 1]) {
- kvfree(free->arch.lpage_info[i - 1]);
- free->arch.lpage_info[i - 1] = NULL;
- }
+ if (!dont || free->arch.rmap != dont->arch.rmap) {
+ kvfree(free->arch.rmap);
+ free->arch.rmap = NULL;
kvm_page_track_free_memslot(free, dont);
int kvm_arch_create_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- unsigned long npages)
+ size_t npages)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES; ++i) {
- struct kvm_lpage_info *linfo;
- unsigned long ugfn;
- int lpages;
- int level = i + 1;
- lpages = gfn_to_index(slot->base_gfn + npages - 1,
- slot->base_gfn, level) + 1;
- slot->arch.rmap[i] =
- kvm_kvzalloc(lpages * sizeof(*slot->arch.rmap[i]));
- if (!slot->arch.rmap[i])
- goto out_free;
- if (i == 0)
- continue;
- linfo = kvm_kvzalloc(lpages * sizeof(*linfo));
- if (!linfo)
- goto out_free;
- slot->arch.lpage_info[i - 1] = linfo;
- if (slot->base_gfn & (KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1))
- linfo[0].disallow_lpage = 1;
- if ((slot->base_gfn + npages) & (KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1))
- linfo[lpages - 1].disallow_lpage = 1;
- ugfn = slot->userspace_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- /*
- * If the gfn and userspace address are not aligned wrt each
- * other, or if explicitly asked to, disable large page
- * support for this slot
- */
- if ((slot->base_gfn ^ ugfn) & (KVM_PAGES_PER_HPAGE(level) - 1) ||
- !kvm_largepages_enabled()) {
- unsigned long j;
- for (j = 0; j < lpages; ++j)
- linfo[j].disallow_lpage = 1;
- }
- }
+ slot->arch.rmap =
+ kvm_kvzalloc(npages * sizeof(*slot->arch.rmap));
+ if (!slot->arch.rmap)
+ goto out_free;
if (kvm_page_track_create_memslot(slot, npages))
goto out_free;
@@ -8044,15 +5704,7 @@ int kvm_arch_create_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
return 0;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_PAGE_SIZES; ++i) {
- kvfree(slot->arch.rmap[i]);
- slot->arch.rmap[i] = NULL;
- if (i == 0)
- continue;
- kvfree(slot->arch.lpage_info[i - 1]);
- slot->arch.lpage_info[i - 1] = NULL;
- }
+ kvfree(slot->arch.rmap);
return -ENOMEM;
@@ -8077,7 +5729,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_slot_apply_flags(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *new)
/* Still write protect RO slot */
- if (new->flags & KVM_MEM_READONLY) {
+ if (new->flags & GVM_MEM_READONLY) {
kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access(kvm, new);
@@ -8087,8 +5739,8 @@ static void kvm_mmu_slot_apply_flags(struct kvm *kvm,
* kvm_x86_ops->slot_disable_log_dirty is called when:
- * - KVM_MR_CREATE with dirty logging is disabled
- * - KVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY with dirty logging is disabled in new flag
+ * - GVM_MR_CREATE with dirty logging is disabled
+ * - GVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY with dirty logging is disabled in new flag
* The reason is, in case of PML, we need to set D-bit for any slots
* with dirty logging disabled in order to eliminate unnecessary GPA
@@ -8112,7 +5764,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_slot_apply_flags(struct kvm *kvm,
* See the comments in fast_page_fault().
- if (new->flags & KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) {
+ if (new->flags & GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) {
if (kvm_x86_ops->slot_enable_log_dirty)
kvm_x86_ops->slot_enable_log_dirty(kvm, new);
@@ -8149,22 +5801,22 @@ void kvm_arch_commit_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
* which can be collapsed into a single large-page spte. Later
* page faults will create the large-page sptes.
- if ((change != KVM_MR_DELETE) &&
- (old->flags & KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) &&
- !(new->flags & KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES))
+ if ((change != GVM_MR_DELETE) &&
+ (old->flags & GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) &&
+ !(new->flags & GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES))
kvm_mmu_zap_collapsible_sptes(kvm, new);
* Set up write protection and/or dirty logging for the new slot.
- * For KVM_MR_DELETE and KVM_MR_MOVE, the shadow pages of old slot have
+ * For GVM_MR_DELETE and GVM_MR_MOVE, the shadow pages of old slot have
* been zapped so no dirty logging staff is needed for old slot. For
- * KVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY, the old slot is essentially the same one as the
+ * GVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY, the old slot is essentially the same one as the
* new and it's also covered when dealing with the new slot.
* FIXME: const-ify all uses of struct kvm_memory_slot.
- if (change != KVM_MR_DELETE)
+ if (change != GVM_MR_DELETE)
kvm_mmu_slot_apply_flags(kvm, (struct kvm_memory_slot *) new);
@@ -8181,28 +5833,19 @@ void kvm_arch_flush_shadow_memslot(struct kvm *kvm,
static inline bool kvm_vcpu_has_events(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!list_empty_careful(&vcpu->async_pf.done))
- return true;
if (kvm_apic_has_events(vcpu))
return true;
- if (vcpu->arch.pv.pv_unhalted)
- return true;
if (atomic_read(&vcpu->arch.nmi_queued))
return true;
- if (test_bit(KVM_REQ_SMI, &vcpu->requests))
+ if (test_bit(GVM_REQ_SMI, &vcpu->requests))
return true;
if (kvm_arch_interrupt_allowed(vcpu) &&
return true;
- if (kvm_hv_has_stimer_pending(vcpu))
- return true;
return false;
@@ -8224,295 +5867,45 @@ int kvm_arch_interrupt_allowed(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return kvm_x86_ops->interrupt_allowed(vcpu);
-unsigned long kvm_get_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+size_t kvm_get_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (is_64_bit_mode(vcpu))
return kvm_rip_read(vcpu);
return (u32)(get_segment_base(vcpu, VCPU_SREG_CS) +
-bool kvm_is_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long linear_rip)
+bool kvm_is_linear_rip(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t linear_rip)
return kvm_get_linear_rip(vcpu) == linear_rip;
-unsigned long kvm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+size_t kvm_get_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long rflags;
+ size_t rflags;
rflags = kvm_x86_ops->get_rflags(vcpu);
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP)
rflags &= ~X86_EFLAGS_TF;
return rflags;
-static void __kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
+static void __kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags)
- if (vcpu->guest_debug & KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP &&
+ if (vcpu->guest_debug & GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP &&
kvm_is_linear_rip(vcpu, vcpu->arch.singlestep_rip))
rflags |= X86_EFLAGS_TF;
kvm_x86_ops->set_rflags(vcpu, rflags);
-void kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long rflags)
+void kvm_set_rflags(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t rflags)
__kvm_set_rflags(vcpu, rflags);
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
-void kvm_arch_async_page_ready(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_async_pf *work)
- int r;
- if ((vcpu->arch.mmu.direct_map != work->arch.direct_map) ||
- work->wakeup_all)
- return;
- r = kvm_mmu_reload(vcpu);
- if (unlikely(r))
- return;
- if (!vcpu->arch.mmu.direct_map &&
- work->arch.cr3 != vcpu->arch.mmu.get_cr3(vcpu))
- return;
- vcpu->arch.mmu.page_fault(vcpu, work->gva, 0, true);
-static inline u32 kvm_async_pf_hash_fn(gfn_t gfn)
- return hash_32(gfn & 0xffffffff, order_base_2(ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU));
-static inline u32 kvm_async_pf_next_probe(u32 key)
- return (key + 1) & (roundup_pow_of_two(ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU) - 1);
-static void kvm_add_async_pf_gfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
- u32 key = kvm_async_pf_hash_fn(gfn);
- while (vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[key] != ~0)
- key = kvm_async_pf_next_probe(key);
- vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[key] = gfn;
-static u32 kvm_async_pf_gfn_slot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
- int i;
- u32 key = kvm_async_pf_hash_fn(gfn);
- for (i = 0; i < roundup_pow_of_two(ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU) &&
- (vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[key] != gfn &&
- vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[key] != ~0); i++)
- key = kvm_async_pf_next_probe(key);
- return key;
-bool kvm_find_async_pf_gfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
- return vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[kvm_async_pf_gfn_slot(vcpu, gfn)] == gfn;
-static void kvm_del_async_pf_gfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
- u32 i, j, k;
- i = j = kvm_async_pf_gfn_slot(vcpu, gfn);
- while (true) {
- vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[i] = ~0;
- do {
- j = kvm_async_pf_next_probe(j);
- if (vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[j] == ~0)
- return;
- k = kvm_async_pf_hash_fn(vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[j]);
- /*
- * k lies cyclically in ]i,j]
- * | i.k.j |
- * |....j i.k.| or |.k..j i...|
- */
- } while ((i <= j) ? (i < k && k <= j) : (i < k || k <= j));
- vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[i] = vcpu->arch.apf.gfns[j];
- i = j;
- }
-static int apf_put_user(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 val)
- return kvm_write_guest_cached(vcpu->kvm, &vcpu->, &val,
- sizeof(val));
-void kvm_arch_async_page_not_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work)
- struct x86_exception fault;
- trace_kvm_async_pf_not_present(work->arch.token, work->gva);
- kvm_add_async_pf_gfn(vcpu, work->arch.gfn);
- if (!(vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val & KVM_ASYNC_PF_ENABLED) ||
- (vcpu->arch.apf.send_user_only &&
- kvm_x86_ops->get_cpl(vcpu) == 0))
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_APF_HALT, vcpu);
- else if (!apf_put_user(vcpu, KVM_PV_REASON_PAGE_NOT_PRESENT)) {
- fault.vector = PF_VECTOR;
- fault.error_code_valid = true;
- fault.error_code = 0;
- fault.nested_page_fault = false;
- fault.address = work->arch.token;
- kvm_inject_page_fault(vcpu, &fault);
- }
-void kvm_arch_async_page_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work)
- struct x86_exception fault;
- trace_kvm_async_pf_ready(work->arch.token, work->gva);
- if (work->wakeup_all)
- work->arch.token = ~0; /* broadcast wakeup */
- else
- kvm_del_async_pf_gfn(vcpu, work->arch.gfn);
- if ((vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val & KVM_ASYNC_PF_ENABLED) &&
- !apf_put_user(vcpu, KVM_PV_REASON_PAGE_READY)) {
- fault.vector = PF_VECTOR;
- fault.error_code_valid = true;
- fault.error_code = 0;
- fault.nested_page_fault = false;
- fault.address = work->arch.token;
- kvm_inject_page_fault(vcpu, &fault);
- }
- vcpu->arch.apf.halted = false;
- vcpu->arch.mp_state = KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE;
-bool kvm_arch_can_inject_async_page_present(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!(vcpu->arch.apf.msr_val & KVM_ASYNC_PF_ENABLED))
- return true;
- else
- return !kvm_event_needs_reinjection(vcpu) &&
- kvm_x86_ops->interrupt_allowed(vcpu);
-void kvm_arch_start_assignment(struct kvm *kvm)
- atomic_inc(&kvm->arch.assigned_device_count);
-void kvm_arch_end_assignment(struct kvm *kvm)
- atomic_dec(&kvm->arch.assigned_device_count);
-bool kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm)
- return atomic_read(&kvm->arch.assigned_device_count);
-void kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
- atomic_inc(&kvm->arch.noncoherent_dma_count);
-void kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
- atomic_dec(&kvm->arch.noncoherent_dma_count);
-bool kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
- return atomic_read(&kvm->arch.noncoherent_dma_count);
-bool kvm_arch_has_irq_bypass(void)
- return kvm_x86_ops->update_pi_irte != NULL;
-int kvm_arch_irq_bypass_add_producer(struct irq_bypass_consumer *cons,
- struct irq_bypass_producer *prod)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(cons, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, consumer);
- irqfd->producer = prod;
- return kvm_x86_ops->update_pi_irte(irqfd->kvm,
- prod->irq, irqfd->gsi, 1);
-void kvm_arch_irq_bypass_del_producer(struct irq_bypass_consumer *cons,
- struct irq_bypass_producer *prod)
- int ret;
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(cons, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, consumer);
- WARN_ON(irqfd->producer != prod);
- irqfd->producer = NULL;
- /*
- * When producer of consumer is unregistered, we change back to
- * remapped mode, so we can re-use the current implementation
- * when the irq is masked/disabled or the consumer side (KVM
- * int this case doesn't want to receive the interrupts.
- */
- ret = kvm_x86_ops->update_pi_irte(irqfd->kvm, prod->irq, irqfd->gsi, 0);
- if (ret)
- printk(KERN_INFO "irq bypass consumer (token %p) unregistration"
- " fails: %d\n", irqfd->consumer.token, ret);
-int kvm_arch_update_irqfd_routing(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set)
- if (!kvm_x86_ops->update_pi_irte)
- return -EINVAL;
- return kvm_x86_ops->update_pi_irte(kvm, host_irq, guest_irq, set);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_EVENT, vcpu);
bool kvm_vector_hashing_enabled(void)
return vector_hashing;
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.h b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.h
index e8ff3e4..0b6b308 100644..100755
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.h
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.h
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-#ifndef ARCH_X86_KVM_X86_H
-#define ARCH_X86_KVM_X86_H
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef ARCH_X86_GVM_X86_H
+#define ARCH_X86_GVM_X86_H
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/pvclock.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
#include "kvm_cache_regs.h"
+#include <asm/msr-index.h>
#define MSR_IA32_CR_PAT_DEFAULT 0x0007040600070406ULL
@@ -67,17 +72,17 @@ static inline bool mmu_is_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
static inline int is_pae(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_PAE);
+ return (int)kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_PAE);
static inline int is_pse(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_PSE);
+ return (int)kvm_read_cr4_bits(vcpu, X86_CR4_PSE);
static inline int is_paging(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return likely(kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, X86_CR0_PG));
+ return likely((int)kvm_read_cr0_bits(vcpu, X86_CR0_PG));
static inline u32 bit(int bitno)
@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ static inline void vcpu_clear_mmio_info(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva)
vcpu->arch.mmio_gva = 0;
-static inline bool vcpu_match_mmio_gva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long gva)
+static inline bool vcpu_match_mmio_gva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, size_t gva)
if (vcpu_match_mmio_gen(vcpu) && vcpu->arch.mmio_gva &&
vcpu->arch.mmio_gva == (gva & PAGE_MASK))
@@ -131,21 +136,21 @@ static inline bool vcpu_match_mmio_gpa(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa)
return false;
-static inline unsigned long kvm_register_readl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+static inline size_t kvm_register_readl(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
enum kvm_reg reg)
- unsigned long val = kvm_register_read(vcpu, reg);
+ size_t val = kvm_register_read(vcpu, reg);
return is_64_bit_mode(vcpu) ? val : (u32)val;
static inline void kvm_register_writel(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
enum kvm_reg reg,
- unsigned long val)
+ size_t val)
if (!is_64_bit_mode(vcpu))
val = (u32)val;
- return kvm_register_write(vcpu, reg, val);
+ kvm_register_write(vcpu, reg, val);
static inline bool kvm_check_has_quirk(struct kvm *kvm, u64 quirk)
@@ -178,7 +183,7 @@ bool kvm_mtrr_check_gfn_range_consistency(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
int page_num);
bool kvm_vector_hashing_enabled(void);
@@ -190,13 +195,7 @@ extern unsigned int min_timer_period_us;
extern unsigned int lapic_timer_advance_ns;
-extern struct static_key kvm_no_apic_vcpu;
-static inline u64 nsec_to_cycles(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 nsec)
- return pvclock_scale_delta(nsec, vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_mult,
- vcpu->arch.virtual_tsc_shift);
+extern int kvm_no_apic_vcpu;
/* Same "calling convention" as do_div:
* - divide (n << 32) by base
diff --git a/asmgen/asmgen.c b/asmgen/asmgen.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e65723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmgen/asmgen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+ * This program prepares data definitions needed by assembly code
+ * in driver.
+ */
+#pragma warning(disable:4146)
+#pragma warning(disable:4013)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <linux\kvm_host.h>
+#include <arch\x86\kvm\vmx_def.h>
+#include <arch\x86\kvm\svm_def.h>
+#include <asm\kvm_emulate.h>
+#include <intrin.h>
+#define ASM_GEN_OFFSET(name, type, field) \
+ printf("\t" #name "\tEQU 0%zxh\n", offsetof(type, field))
+int main(void)
+ _ReadWriteBarrier();
+ printf("; This is generated by asmgen\n");
+ printf("; Please make sure to rerun asmgen after updating\n");
+ printf("; key data structures used by both assembly and C.\n\n");
+ //struct vcpu_vmx
+ printf("\n");
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_LAUNCHED, struct vcpu_vmx, __launched);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_FAIL, struct vcpu_vmx, fail);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RSP, struct vcpu_vmx, host_rsp);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RAX, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RAX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RBX, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RCX, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RCX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RDX, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RSI, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSI]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RDI, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDI]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_RBP, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBP]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R8, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R8]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R9, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R9]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R10, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R10]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R11, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R11]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R12, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R12]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R13, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R13]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R14, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R14]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_R15, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R15]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(VMX_TO_CR2, struct vcpu_vmx, vcpu.arch.cr2);
+ //struct vcpu_svm
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_VMCB_PA, struct vcpu_svm, vmcb_pa);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RBX, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RCX, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RCX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RDX, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDX]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RSI, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RSI]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RDI, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RDI]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_RBP, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_RBP]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R8, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R8]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R9, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R9]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R10, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R10]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R11, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R11]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R12, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R12]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R13, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R13]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R14, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R14]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(SVM_TO_R15, struct vcpu_svm, vcpu.arch.regs[VCPU_REGS_R15]);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(CXT_TO_DST, struct x86_emulate_ctxt, dst.val);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(CXT_TO_SRC, struct x86_emulate_ctxt, src.val);
+ ASM_GEN_OFFSET(CXT_TO_SRC2, struct x86_emulate_ctxt, src2.val);
diff --git a/asmgen/asmgen.vcxproj b/asmgen/asmgen.vcxproj
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5f31287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmgen/asmgen.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/asmgen/asmgen.vcxproj.user
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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diff --git a/assembly/x64/assembly.asm b/assembly/x64/assembly.asm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b5294c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assembly/x64/assembly.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2270 @@
+; Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+; version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; GNU General Public License for more details.
+; low-level assembly code for gvm as there is no inline assembly support
+; from microsoft c++ compiler.
+include <>
+public vmx_return
+ .data
+vmx_return qword offset ret_from_nonroot
+ .code
+__spin_lock proc
+ xor edx, edx
+ inc edx
+ jmp __spin_lock_try
+ pause
+ xor eax, eax
+ lock cmpxchg [rcx], edx
+ jnz __spin_lock_retry
+ ret
+__spin_lock endp
+read_flags proc
+ pushfq
+ pop rax
+ ret
+read_flags endp
+__fninit proc
+ fninit
+ ret
+__fninit endp
+__fnstsw proc
+ fnstsw word ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__fnstsw endp
+__fnstcw proc
+ fnstcw word ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__fnstcw endp
+__fwait proc
+ fwait
+ ret
+__fwait endp
+__clts proc
+ clts
+ ret
+__clts endp
+__bswap64 proc
+ mov rax, qword ptr[rcx]
+ bswap rax
+ mov qword ptr[rcx], rax
+ ret
+__bswap64 endp
+__bswap32 proc
+ mov eax, dword ptr[rcx]
+ bswap eax
+ mov dword ptr[rcx], eax
+ ret
+__bswap32 endp
+align 16
+__int2 proc
+ int 2
+ ret
+__int2 endp
+__divq proc
+ mov rax, rcx
+ div r8
+ ret
+__divq endp
+xchg8 proc
+ mov al, dl
+ lock xchg [rcx], al
+ ret
+xchg8 endp
+xchg16 proc
+ mov ax, dx
+ lock xchg [rcx], ax
+ ret
+xchg16 endp
+cmpxchg8 proc
+ mov al, dl
+ lock cmpxchg [rcx], r8b
+ ret
+cmpxchg8 endp
+cmpxchg16 proc
+ mov ax, dx
+ lock cmpxchg [rcx], r8w
+ ret
+cmpxchg16 endp
+load_TR_desc proc
+ mov rcx, 40h
+ ltr cx
+ ret
+load_TR_desc endp
+gvm_read_ldt proc
+ sldt ax
+ ret
+gvm_read_ldt endp
+gvm_load_ldt proc
+ lldt cx
+ ret
+gvm_load_ldt endp
+gvm_read_tr proc
+ str ax
+ ret
+gvm_read_tr endp
+gvm_load_tr proc
+ ltr cx
+ ret
+gvm_load_tr endp
+load_ss_segment proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ mov ss, cx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+load_ss_segment endp
+load_ds_segment proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ mov ds, cx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+load_ds_segment endp
+load_es_segment proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ mov es, cx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+load_es_segment endp
+load_fs_segment proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ mov fs, cx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+load_fs_segment endp
+load_gs_segment proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ mov gs, cx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+load_gs_segment endp
+load_gs_index proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ swapgs
+ mov gs, cx
+ swapgs
+ mov rsp, rbp;
+ pop rbp;
+ ret
+load_gs_index endp
+save_cs_segment proc
+ mov ax, cs
+ ret
+save_cs_segment endp
+save_ss_segment proc
+ mov ax, ss
+ ret
+save_ss_segment endp
+save_ds_segment proc
+ mov ax, ds
+ ret
+save_ds_segment endp
+save_es_segment proc
+ mov ax, es
+ ret
+save_es_segment endp
+save_fs_segment proc
+ mov ax, fs
+ ret
+save_fs_segment endp
+save_gs_segment proc
+ mov ax, gs
+ ret
+save_gs_segment endp
+__asm_vmx_vcpu_run proc
+ ;save abi non-volatile registers
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rbx
+ ;save host flags
+ pushfq
+ ;refer to KVM
+ push rbp
+ push rcx
+ push rcx
+ cmp rsp, qword ptr VMX_TO_RSP[rcx]
+ je skip_save_rsp
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RSP[rcx], rsp
+ mov rdx, 6c14h
+ vmwrite rdx, rsp
+ mov rax, qword ptr VMX_TO_CR2[rcx]
+ mov rdx, cr2
+ cmp rax, rdx
+ je skip_load_cr2
+ mov cr2, rax
+ cmp byte ptr VMX_TO_LAUNCHED[rcx], 0h
+ mov rax, qword ptr VMX_TO_RAX[rcx]
+ mov rbx, qword ptr VMX_TO_RBX[rcx]
+ mov rdx, qword ptr VMX_TO_RDX[rcx]
+ mov rsi, qword ptr VMX_TO_RSI[rcx]
+ mov rdi, qword ptr VMX_TO_RDI[rcx]
+ mov rbp, qword ptr VMX_TO_RBP[rcx]
+ mov r8, qword ptr VMX_TO_R8[rcx]
+ mov r9, qword ptr VMX_TO_R9[rcx]
+ mov r10, qword ptr VMX_TO_R10[rcx]
+ mov r11, qword ptr VMX_TO_R11[rcx]
+ mov r12, qword ptr VMX_TO_R12[rcx]
+ mov r13, qword ptr VMX_TO_R13[rcx]
+ mov r14, qword ptr VMX_TO_R14[rcx]
+ mov r15, qword ptr VMX_TO_R15[rcx]
+ mov rcx, qword ptr VMX_TO_RCX[rcx]
+ jne go_resume
+ vmlaunch
+ jmp ret_from_nonroot
+ vmresume
+ mov qword ptr 8h[rsp], rcx
+ pop rcx
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RAX[rcx], rax
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RBX[rcx], rbx
+ pop qword ptr VMX_TO_RCX[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RDX[rcx], rdx
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RSI[rcx], rsi
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RDI[rcx], rdi
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_RBP[rcx], rbp
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R8[rcx], r8
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R9[rcx], r9
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R10[rcx], r10
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R11[rcx], r11
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R12[rcx], r12
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R13[rcx], r13
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R14[rcx], r14
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_R15[rcx], r15
+ mov rax, cr2
+ mov qword ptr VMX_TO_CR2[rcx], rax
+ setbe byte ptr VMX_TO_FAIL[rcx]
+ pop rbp
+ ;restore host flags
+ popfq
+ pop rbx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ pop r15
+ pop r14
+ pop r13
+ pop r12
+ ret
+__asm_vmx_vcpu_run endp
+__asm_vmx_handle_external_intr proc
+ mov rax, rsp
+ and rsp, 0fffffffffffffff0h
+ push 18h
+ push rax
+ pushfq
+ push 10h
+ call rcx
+ ret
+__asm_vmx_handle_external_intr endp
+;-----mov mmx-------
+__asm_save_mm0 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm0
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm0 endp
+__asm_save_mm1 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm1
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm1 endp
+__asm_save_mm2 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm2
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm2 endp
+__asm_save_mm3 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm3
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm3 endp
+__asm_save_mm4 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm4
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm4 endp
+__asm_save_mm5 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm5
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm5 endp
+__asm_save_mm6 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm6
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm6 endp
+__asm_save_mm7 proc
+ movq [rcx], mm7
+ ret
+__asm_save_mm7 endp
+__asm_store_mm0 proc
+ movq mm0, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm0 endp
+__asm_store_mm1 proc
+ movq mm1, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm1 endp
+__asm_store_mm2 proc
+ movq mm2, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm2 endp
+__asm_store_mm3 proc
+ movq mm3, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm3 endp
+__asm_store_mm4 proc
+ movq mm4, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm4 endp
+__asm_store_mm5 proc
+ movq mm5, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm5 endp
+__asm_store_mm6 proc
+ movq mm6, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm6 endp
+__asm_store_mm7 proc
+ movq mm7, [rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_mm7 endp
+__asm_save_xmm0 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm0
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm0 endp
+__asm_store_xmm0 proc
+ movdqa xmm0, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm0 endp
+__asm_save_xmm1 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm1
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm1 endp
+__asm_store_xmm1 proc
+ movdqa xmm1, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm1 endp
+__asm_save_xmm2 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm2
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm2 endp
+__asm_store_xmm2 proc
+ movdqa xmm2, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm2 endp
+__asm_save_xmm3 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm3
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm3 endp
+__asm_store_xmm3 proc
+ movdqa xmm3, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm3 endp
+__asm_save_xmm4 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm4
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm4 endp
+__asm_store_xmm4 proc
+ movdqa xmm4, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm4 endp
+__asm_save_xmm5 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm5
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm5 endp
+__asm_store_xmm5 proc
+ movdqa xmm5, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm5 endp
+__asm_save_xmm6 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm6
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm6 endp
+__asm_store_xmm6 proc
+ movdqa xmm6, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm6 endp
+__asm_save_xmm7 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm7
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm7 endp
+__asm_store_xmm7 proc
+ movdqa xmm7, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm7 endp
+__asm_save_xmm8 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm8
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm8 endp
+__asm_store_xmm8 proc
+ movdqa xmm8, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm8 endp
+__asm_save_xmm9 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm9
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm9 endp
+__asm_store_xmm9 proc
+ movdqa xmm9, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm9 endp
+__asm_save_xmm10 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm10
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm10 endp
+__asm_store_xmm10 proc
+ movdqa xmm10, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm10 endp
+__asm_save_xmm11 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm11
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm11 endp
+__asm_store_xmm11 proc
+ movdqa xmm11, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm11 endp
+__asm_save_xmm12 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm12
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm12 endp
+__asm_store_xmm12 proc
+ movdqa xmm12, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm12 endp
+__asm_save_xmm13 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm13
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm13 endp
+__asm_store_xmm13 proc
+ movdqa xmm13, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm13 endp
+__asm_save_xmm14 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm14
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm14 endp
+__asm_store_xmm14 proc
+ movdqa xmm14, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm14 endp
+__asm_save_xmm15 proc
+ movdqa xmmword ptr[rcx], xmm15
+ ret
+__asm_save_xmm15 endp
+__asm_store_xmm15 proc
+ movdqa xmm15, xmmword ptr[rcx]
+ ret
+__asm_store_xmm15 endp
+;-----Fastop Functions------
+; Fastop functions's entry is __asm_fastop.
+; Never call underlying functions directly as it is not written following
+; normal ABI.
+ public __asm_test_cc
+__asm_test_cc proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ push rdx
+ popfq
+ call rcx
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+__asm_test_cc endp
+ public __asm_fastop
+__asm_fastop proc frame
+ push rbp
+ .pushreg rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ .setframe rbp, 0
+ .endprolog
+ push rdi
+ mov rdi, rcx
+ push rsi
+ mov rsi, rdx
+ mov rax, qword ptr CXT_TO_DST[r8]
+ mov rdx, qword ptr CXT_TO_SRC[r8]
+ mov rcx, qword ptr CXT_TO_SRC2[r8]
+ push qword ptr[rdi]
+ popfq
+ call rsi
+ pushfq
+ pop qword ptr[rdi]
+ mov qword ptr CXT_TO_DST[r8], rax
+ mov qword ptr CXT_TO_SRC[r8], rdx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ mov rsp, rbp
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+__asm_fastop endp
+ public kvm_fastop_exception
+kvm_fastop_exception proc
+ xor esi, esi
+ ret
+kvm_fastop_exception endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_setcc
+em_setcc proc
+__seto proc
+ seto al
+ ret
+__seto endp
+em_setcc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setno proc
+ setno al
+ ret
+__setno endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setc proc
+ setb al
+ ret
+__setc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnc proc
+ setnb al
+ ret
+__setnc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setz proc
+ setz al
+ ret
+__setz endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnz proc
+ setnz al
+ ret
+__setnz endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setbe proc
+ setbe al
+ ret
+__setbe endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnbe proc
+ setnbe al
+ ret
+__setnbe endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sets proc
+ sets al
+ ret
+__sets endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setns proc
+ setns al
+ ret
+__setns endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setp proc
+ setp al
+ ret
+__setp endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnp proc
+ setnp al
+ ret
+__setnp endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setl proc
+ setl al
+ ret
+__setl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnl proc
+ setnl al
+ ret
+__setnl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setle proc
+ setle al
+ ret
+__setle endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 4
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__setnle proc
+ setnle al
+ ret
+__setnle endp
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_salc
+em_salc proc
+ pushfq
+ sbb al, al
+ popfq
+ ret
+em_salc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_add
+em_add proc
+__addb_al_dl proc
+ add al, dl
+ ret
+__addb_al_dl endp
+em_add endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__addw_ax_dx proc
+ add ax, dx
+ ret
+__addw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__addl_eax_edx proc
+ add eax, edx
+ ret
+__addl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__addq_rax_rdx proc
+ add rax, rdx
+ ret
+__addq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_or
+em_or proc
+__orb_al_dl proc
+ or al, dl
+ ret
+__orb_al_dl endp
+em_or endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__orw_ax_dx proc
+ or ax, dx
+ ret
+__orw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__orl_eax_edx proc
+ or eax, edx
+ ret
+__orl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__orq_rax_rdx proc
+ or rax, rdx
+ ret
+__orq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_adc
+em_adc proc
+__adcb_al_dl proc
+ adc al, dl
+ ret
+__adcb_al_dl endp
+em_adc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__adcw_ax_dx proc
+ adc ax, dx
+ ret
+__adcw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__adcl_eax_edx proc
+ adc eax, edx
+ ret
+__adcl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__adcq_rax_rdx proc
+ adc rax, rdx
+ ret
+__adcq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_sbb
+em_sbb proc
+__sbbb_al_dl proc
+ sbb al, dl
+ ret
+__sbbb_al_dl endp
+em_sbb endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sbbw_ax_dx proc
+ sbb ax, dx
+ ret
+__sbbw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sbbl_eax_edx proc
+ sbb eax, edx
+ ret
+__sbbl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sbbq_rax_rdx proc
+ sbb rax, rdx
+ ret
+__sbbq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_and
+em_and proc
+__andb_al_dl proc
+ and al, dl
+ ret
+__andb_al_dl endp
+em_and endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__andw_ax_dx proc
+ and ax, dx
+ ret
+__andw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__andl_eax_edx proc
+ and eax, edx
+ ret
+__andl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__andq_rax_rdx proc
+ and rax, rdx
+ ret
+__andq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_sub
+em_sub proc
+__subb_al_dl proc
+ sub al, dl
+ ret
+__subb_al_dl endp
+em_sub endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__subw_ax_dx proc
+ sub ax, dx
+ ret
+__subw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__subl_eax_edx proc
+ sub eax, edx
+ ret
+__subl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__subq_rax_rdx proc
+ sub rax, rdx
+ ret
+__subq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_xor
+em_xor proc
+__xorb_al_dl proc
+ xor al, dl
+ ret
+__xorb_al_dl endp
+em_xor endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xorw_ax_dx proc
+ xor ax, dx
+ ret
+__xorw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xorl_eax_edx proc
+ xor eax, edx
+ ret
+__xorl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xorq_rax_rdx proc
+ xor rax, rdx
+ ret
+__xorq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_cmp
+em_cmp proc
+__cmpb_al_dl proc
+ cmp al, dl
+ ret
+__cmpb_al_dl endp
+em_cmp endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpw_ax_dx proc
+ cmp ax, dx
+ ret
+__cmpw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpl_eax_edx proc
+ cmp eax, edx
+ ret
+__cmpl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpq_rax_rdx proc
+ cmp rax, rdx
+ ret
+__cmpq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_test
+em_test proc
+__testb_al_dl proc
+ test al, dl
+ ret
+__testb_al_dl endp
+em_test endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__testw_ax_dx proc
+ test ax, dx
+ ret
+__testw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__testl_eax_edx proc
+ test eax, edx
+ ret
+__testl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__testq_rax_rdx proc
+ test rax, rdx
+ ret
+__testq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_mul_ex
+em_mul_ex proc
+__mul_cl proc
+ mul cl
+ ret
+__mul_cl endp
+em_mul_ex endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__mul_cx proc
+ mul cx
+ ret
+__mul_cx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__mul_ecx proc
+ mul ecx
+ ret
+__mul_ecx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__mul_rcx proc
+ mul rcx
+ ret
+__mul_rcx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_imul_ex
+em_imul_ex proc
+__imul_cl proc
+ imul cl
+ ret
+__imul_cl endp
+em_imul_ex endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imul_cx proc
+ imul cx
+ ret
+__imul_cx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imul_ecx proc
+ imul ecx
+ ret
+__imul_ecx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imul_rcx proc
+ imul rcx
+ ret
+__imul_rcx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_div_ex
+em_div_ex proc
+__div_cl proc
+ div cl
+ ret
+__div_cl endp
+em_div_ex endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__div_cx proc
+ div cx
+ ret
+__div_cx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__div_ecx proc
+ div ecx
+ ret
+__div_ecx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__div_rcx proc
+ div rcx
+ ret
+__div_rcx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_idiv_ex
+em_idiv_ex proc
+__idiv_cl proc
+ idiv cl
+ ret
+__idiv_cl endp
+em_idiv_ex endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__idiv_cx proc
+ idiv cx
+ ret
+__idiv_cx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__idiv_ecx proc
+ idiv ecx
+ ret
+__idiv_ecx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__idiv_rcx proc
+ idiv rcx
+ ret
+__idiv_rcx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_shld
+em_shld proc
+ ret
+em_shld endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shldw_ax_dx_cl proc
+ shld ax, dx, cl
+ ret
+__shldw_ax_dx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shldl_eax_edx_cl proc
+ shld eax, edx, cl
+ ret
+__shldl_eax_edx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shldq_rax_rdx_cl proc
+ shld rax, rdx, cl
+ ret
+__shldq_rax_rdx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_shrd
+em_shrd proc
+ ret
+em_shrd endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrdw_ax_dx_cl proc
+ shrd ax, dx, cl
+ ret
+__shrdw_ax_dx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrdl_eax_edx_cl proc
+ shrd eax, edx, cl
+ ret
+__shrdl_eax_edx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrdq_rax_rdx_cl proc
+ shrd rax, rdx, cl
+ ret
+__shrdq_rax_rdx_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_imul
+em_imul proc
+ ret
+em_imul endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imulw_ax_dx proc
+ imul ax, dx
+ ret
+__imulw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imull_eax_edx proc
+ imul eax, edx
+ ret
+__imull_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__imulq_rax_rdx proc
+ imul rax, rdx
+ ret
+__imulq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_not
+em_not proc
+__notb_al proc
+ not al
+ ret
+__notb_al endp
+em_not endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__notw_ax proc
+ not ax
+ ret
+__notw_ax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__notl_eax proc
+ not eax
+ ret
+__notl_eax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__notq_rax proc
+ not rax
+ ret
+__notq_rax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_neg
+em_neg proc
+__negb_al proc
+ neg al
+ ret
+__negb_al endp
+em_neg endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__negw_ax proc
+ neg ax
+ ret
+__negw_ax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__negl_eax proc
+ neg eax
+ ret
+__negl_eax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__negq_rax proc
+ neg rax
+ ret
+__negq_rax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_inc
+em_inc proc
+__incb_al proc
+ inc al
+ ret
+__incb_al endp
+em_inc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__incw_ax proc
+ inc ax
+ ret
+__incw_ax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__incl_eax proc
+ inc eax
+ ret
+__incl_eax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__incq_rax proc
+ inc rax
+ ret
+__incq_rax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_dec
+em_dec proc
+__decb_al proc
+ dec al
+ ret
+__decb_al endp
+em_dec endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__decw_ax proc
+ dec ax
+ ret
+__decw_ax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__decl_eax proc
+ dec eax
+ ret
+__decl_eax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__decq_rax proc
+ dec rax
+ ret
+__decq_rax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_rol
+em_rol proc
+__rolb_al_cl proc
+ rol al, cl
+ ret
+__rolb_al_cl endp
+em_rol endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rolw_ax_cl proc
+ rol ax, cl
+ ret
+__rolw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__roll_eax_cl proc
+ rol eax, cl
+ ret
+__roll_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rolq_rax_cl proc
+ rol rax, cl
+ ret
+__rolq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_ror
+em_ror proc
+__rorb_al_cl proc
+ ror al, cl
+ ret
+__rorb_al_cl endp
+em_ror endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rorw_ax_cl proc
+ ror ax, cl
+ ret
+__rorw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rorl_eax_cl proc
+ ror eax, cl
+ ret
+__rorl_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rorq_rax_cl proc
+ ror rax, cl
+ ret
+__rorq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_rcl
+em_rcl proc
+__rclb_al_cl proc
+ rcl al, cl
+ ret
+__rclb_al_cl endp
+em_rcl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rclw_ax_cl proc
+ rcl ax, cl
+ ret
+__rclw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rcll_eax_cl proc
+ rcl eax, cl
+ ret
+__rcll_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rclq_rax_cl proc
+ rcl rax, cl
+ ret
+__rclq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_rcr
+em_rcr proc
+__rcrb_al_cl proc
+ rcr al, cl
+ ret
+__rcrb_al_cl endp
+em_rcr endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rcrw_ax_cl proc
+ rcr ax, cl
+ ret
+__rcrw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rcrl_eax_cl proc
+ rcr eax, cl
+ ret
+__rcrl_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__rcrq_rax_cl proc
+ rcr rax, cl
+ ret
+__rcrq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_shl
+em_shl proc
+__shlb_al_cl proc
+ shl al, cl
+ ret
+__shlb_al_cl endp
+em_shl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shlw_ax_cl proc
+ shl ax, cl
+ ret
+__shlw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shll_eax_cl proc
+ shl eax, cl
+ ret
+__shll_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shlq_rax_cl proc
+ shl rax, cl
+ ret
+__shlq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_shr
+em_shr proc
+__shrb_al_cl proc
+ shr al, cl
+ ret
+__shrb_al_cl endp
+em_shr endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrw_ax_cl proc
+ shr ax, cl
+ ret
+__shrw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrl_eax_cl proc
+ shr eax, cl
+ ret
+__shrl_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__shrq_rax_cl proc
+ shr rax, cl
+ ret
+__shrq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_sar
+em_sar proc
+__sarb_al_cl proc
+ sar al, cl
+ ret
+__sarb_al_cl endp
+em_sar endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sarw_ax_cl proc
+ sar ax, cl
+ ret
+__sarw_ax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sarl_eax_cl proc
+ sar eax, cl
+ ret
+__sarl_eax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__sarq_rax_cl proc
+ sar rax, cl
+ ret
+__sarq_rax_cl endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_bsf
+em_bsf proc
+ ret
+em_bsf endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsfw_ax_dx proc
+ bsf ax, dx
+ ret
+__bsfw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsfl_eax_edx proc
+ bsf eax, edx
+ ret
+__bsfl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsfq_rax_rdx proc
+ bsf rax, rdx
+ ret
+__bsfq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_bsr
+em_bsr proc
+ ret
+em_bsr endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsrw_ax_dx proc
+ bsr ax, dx
+ ret
+__bsrw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsrl_eax_edx proc
+ bsr eax, edx
+ ret
+__bsrl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__bsrq_rax_rdx proc
+ bsr rax, rdx
+ ret
+__bsrq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_bt
+em_bt proc
+ ret
+em_bt endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btw_ax_dx proc
+ bt ax, dx
+ ret
+__btw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btl_eax_edx proc
+ bt eax, edx
+ ret
+__btl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btq_rax_rdx proc
+ bt rax, rdx
+ ret
+__btq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_bts
+em_bts proc
+ ret
+em_bts endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btsw_ax_dx proc
+ bts ax, dx
+ ret
+__btsw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btsl_eax_edx proc
+ bts eax, edx
+ ret
+__btsl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btsq_rax_rdx proc
+ bts rax, rdx
+ ret
+__btsq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_btr
+em_btr proc
+ ret
+em_btr endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btrw_ax_dx proc
+ btr ax, dx
+ ret
+__btrw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btrl_eax_edx proc
+ btr eax, edx
+ ret
+__btrl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btrq_rax_rdx proc
+ btr rax, rdx
+ ret
+__btrq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_btc
+em_btc proc
+ ret
+em_btc endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btcw_ax_dx proc
+ btc ax, dx
+ ret
+__btcw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btcl_eax_edx proc
+ btc eax, edx
+ ret
+__btcl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__btcq_rax_rdx proc
+ btc rax, rdx
+ ret
+__btcq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_xadd
+em_xadd proc
+__xaddb_al_dl proc
+ xadd al, dl
+ ret
+__xaddb_al_dl endp
+em_xadd endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xaddw_ax_dx proc
+ xadd ax, dx
+ ret
+__xaddw_ax_dx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xaddl_eax_edx proc
+ xadd eax, edx
+ ret
+__xaddl_eax_edx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__xaddq_rax_rdx proc
+ xadd rax, rdx
+ ret
+__xaddq_rax_rdx endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+ public em_cmp_r
+em_cmp_r proc
+__cmpb_dl_al proc
+ cmp dl, al
+ ret
+__cmpb_dl_al endp
+em_cmp_r endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpw_dx_ax proc
+ cmp dx, ax
+ ret
+__cmpw_dx_ax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpl_edx_eax proc
+ cmp edx, eax
+ ret
+__cmpl_edx_eax endp
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ align 8
+; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
+__cmpq_rdx_rax proc
+ cmp rdx, rax
+ ret
+__cmpq_rdx_rax endp
+__int12 proc
+ int 12h
+ ret
+__int12 endp
+__read_dr0 proc
+ mov rax, dr0
+ ret
+__read_dr0 endp
+__read_dr1 proc
+ mov rax, dr1
+ ret
+__read_dr1 endp
+__read_dr2 proc
+ mov rax, dr2
+ ret
+__read_dr2 endp
+__read_dr3 proc
+ mov rax, dr3
+ ret
+__read_dr3 endp
+__read_dr6 proc
+ mov rax, dr6
+ ret
+__read_dr6 endp
+__read_dr7 proc
+ mov rax, dr7
+ ret
+__read_dr7 endp
+__write_dr0 proc
+ mov dr0, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr0 endp
+__write_dr1 proc
+ mov dr1, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr1 endp
+__write_dr2 proc
+ mov dr2, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr2 endp
+__write_dr3 proc
+ mov dr3, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr3 endp
+__write_dr6 proc
+ mov dr6, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr6 endp
+__write_dr7 proc
+ mov dr7, rcx
+ ret
+__write_dr7 endp
+__asm_svm_vcpu_run proc
+ ;save abi non-volatile ergisters
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rbx
+ ;refer to KVM svm.c
+ mov rax, rcx
+ push rbp
+ mov rbx, qword ptr SVM_TO_RBX[rax]
+ mov rcx, qword ptr SVM_TO_RCX[rax]
+ mov rdx, qword ptr SVM_TO_RDX[rax]
+ mov rsi, qword ptr SVM_TO_RSI[rax]
+ mov rdi, qword ptr SVM_TO_RDI[rax]
+ mov rbp, qword ptr SVM_TO_RBP[rax]
+ mov r8, qword ptr SVM_TO_R8[rax]
+ mov r9, qword ptr SVM_TO_R9[rax]
+ mov r10, qword ptr SVM_TO_R10[rax]
+ mov r11, qword ptr SVM_TO_R11[rax]
+ mov r12, qword ptr SVM_TO_R12[rax]
+ mov r13, qword ptr SVM_TO_R13[rax]
+ mov r14, qword ptr SVM_TO_R14[rax]
+ mov r15, qword ptr SVM_TO_R15[rax]
+ ;Enter guest mode
+ push rax
+ mov rax, qword ptr SVM_TO_VMCB_PA[rax]
+ vmload rax
+ vmrun rax
+ vmsave rax
+ pop rax
+ ;Save guest registers, load host registers
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RBX[rax], rbx
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RCX[rax], rcx
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RDX[rax], rdx
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RSI[rax], rsi
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RDI[rax], rdi
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_RBP[rax], rbp
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R8[rax], r8
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R9[rax], r9
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R10[rax], r10
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R11[rax], r11
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R12[rax], r12
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R13[rax], r13
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R14[rax], r14
+ mov qword ptr SVM_TO_R15[rax], r15
+ pop rbp
+ ;restore abi non-volatile registers
+ pop rbx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ pop r15
+ pop r14
+ pop r13
+ pop r12
+ ret
+__asm_svm_vcpu_run endp
+ end
diff --git a/gvm-main.c b/gvm-main.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..02e4dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm-main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#include <gvm-main.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
+#define ClearFlag(_F,_SF) ((_F) &= ~(_SF))
+struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
+/* Device Name */
+#define GVM_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\gvm"
+#define GVM_DOS_DEVICE_NAME L"\\DosDevices\\gvm"
+#define POWER_CALL_BACK_NAME L"\\Callback\\PowerState"
+static PCALLBACK_OBJECT power_callback;
+static PVOID power_callback_handle;
+static int suspend;
+static atomic_t suspend_wait;
+PVOID pZeroPage = NULL;
+extern int vmx_init(void);
+extern void vmx_exit(void);
+extern int svm_init(void);
+extern void svm_exit(void);
+extern int kvm_suspend(void);
+extern void kvm_resume(void);
+int gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(PIRP pIrp, size_t start, void *src, size_t size)
+ PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
+ unsigned char *pBuff = pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+ size_t buffSize = pIoStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength;
+ if ((start + size) > buffSize)
+ return -E2BIG;
+ RtlCopyBytes(pBuff + start, src, size);
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Information = start + size;
+ return 0;
+VOID NTAPI gvmWaitSuspend(
+ _In_ PKAPC Apc,
+ _Inout_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* NormalContext,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument1,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument2)
+ atomic_inc(&suspend_wait);
+ while (suspend)
+ _mm_pause();
+ atomic_dec(&suspend_wait);
+VOID gvmDriverUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDrvObj)
+ //XXX: Clean up other devices?
+ PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj = pDrvObj->DeviceObject;
+ char CPUString[13];
+ unsigned int eax = 0;
+ if (power_callback_handle)
+ ExUnregisterCallback(power_callback_handle);
+ if (power_callback)
+ ObDereferenceObject(power_callback);
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&DosDeviceName, GVM_DOS_DEVICE_NAME);
+ IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&DosDeviceName);
+ IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);
+ RtlZeroBytes(CPUString, 13);
+ cpuid(0, &eax,
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[0],
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[8],
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[4]);
+ if (strcmp("GenuineIntel", CPUString) == 0)
+ vmx_exit();
+ else if (strcmp("AuthenticAMD", CPUString) == 0)
+ svm_exit();
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(pZeroPage, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ NtKrUtilsExit();
+NTSTATUS kvm_vcpu_release(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp);
+NTSTATUS kvm_vm_release(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp);
+ struct gvm_device_extension *pDevExt;
+ DbgPrint("GVM device close\n");
+ pDevExt = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ switch (pDevExt->DevType) {
+ break;
+ rc = kvm_vm_release(pDevObj, pIrp);
+ break;
+ rc = kvm_vcpu_release(pDevObj, pIrp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ DbgPrint("gvm Device Close with incorrect device type!\n");
+ }
+ if (pDevExt->DevType != GVM_DEVICE_TOP)
+ IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);
+ // Completing the device control
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Status = rc;
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+ IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+ return rc;
+NTSTATUS gvmDeviceCreate(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp)
+ DbgPrint("GVM device open\n");
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+ IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+NTSTATUS gvmCreateVMDevice(PHANDLE pHandle,
+ UINT32 vmNumber, INT32 vcpuNumber, PVOID PrivData)
+ UNICODE_STRING deviceName;
+ WCHAR wDeviceName[64] = { 0 };
+ HANDLE handle;
+ IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatBlock;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *pDevExt;
+ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&deviceName, wDeviceName, 64);
+ if (vcpuNumber == -1)
+ RtlUnicodeStringPrintf(&deviceName,
+ L"\\Device\\gvm_vm%d", vmNumber);
+ else if(vcpuNumber >= 0 && vcpuNumber <= 128 )
+ RtlUnicodeStringPrintf(&deviceName,
+ L"\\Device\\gvm_vm%d_vcpu%d",
+ vmNumber,
+ vcpuNumber);
+ rc = IoCreateDevice(gpDrvObj,
+ sizeof(struct gvm_device_extension),
+ &deviceName,
+ &pDevObj);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ pDevExt = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ if (vcpuNumber == -1)
+ pDevExt->DevType = GVM_DEVICE_VM;
+ else
+ pDevExt->DevType = GVM_DEVICE_VCPU;
+ pDevExt->PrivData = PrivData;
+ ClearFlag(pDevObj->Flags, DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING);
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(&objAttr, &deviceName, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ rc = ZwCreateFile(&handle,
+ &objAttr,
+ &ioStatBlock,
+ 0, 0);
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ *pHandle = handle;
+ return rc;
+ UINT32 vmNumber, INT32 vcpuNumber)
+ UNICODE_STRING deviceName;
+ WCHAR wDeviceName[32] = { 0 };
+ // If Device Object is already specified, simple delete it
+ if (pDevObj)
+ IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);
+ // We need to locate the device object first
+ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&deviceName, wDeviceName, 32);
+ if (vcpuNumber == -1)
+ RtlUnicodeStringPrintf(&deviceName,
+ L"\\Device\\gvm_vm%d", vmNumber);
+ else if (vcpuNumber >= 0 && vcpuNumber <= 128)
+ RtlUnicodeStringPrintf(&deviceName,
+ L"\\Device\\gvm_vm%d_vcpu%d",
+ vmNumber,
+ vcpuNumber);
+ rc = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(&deviceName,
+ &pFileObj,
+ &pDevObj);
+ ObDereferenceObject(pFileObj);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ goto out;
+ IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);
+ return rc;
+NTSTATUS gvmDeviceControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp)
+ PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStackLocation;
+ ULONG ioctl;
+ size_t arg;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *pDevExt;
+ pIoStackLocation = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
+ NT_ASSERT(pIoStackLocation != NULL);
+ ioctl = pIoStackLocation->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode;
+ arg = (size_t)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+ pDevExt = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ switch (pDevExt->DevType) {
+ rc = kvm_dev_ioctl(pDevObj, pIrp, ioctl);
+ break;
+ rc = kvm_vm_ioctl(pDevObj, pIrp, ioctl);
+ break;
+ rc = kvm_vcpu_ioctl(pDevObj, pIrp, ioctl);
+ break;
+ default:
+ DbgPrint("gvm Device Control with incorrect device type!\n");
+ }
+ switch (rc) {
+ case -EINVAL:
+ break;
+ case -EAGAIN:
+ break;
+ case -E2BIG:
+ break;
+ case -EFAULT:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Completing the device control
+ pIrp->IoStatus.Status = rc;
+ IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+ return rc;
+static void gvmPowerCallback(void *notused, void *arg1, void *arg2)
+ struct kvm *kvm;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ int i, wait;
+ return;
+ if (arg2 == (PVOID) 0) {
+ // About to enter suspend mode
+ suspend = 1;
+ wait = 0;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm
+ list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
+ kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
+ if (KeInsertQueueApc(&vcpu->apc, 0, 0, 0))
+ wait++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wait APC preempted vcpu threads
+ while (wait != suspend_wait)
+ _mm_pause();
+ kvm_suspend();
+ } else if (arg2 == (PVOID)1) {
+ // Resume from suspend mode
+ kvm_resume();
+ suspend = 0;
+ }
+ UNICODE_STRING PowerCallbackName;;
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PowerCallbackAttr;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *pDevExt;
+ int r;
+ char CPUString[13];
+ unsigned int eax = 0;
+ rc = NtKrUtilsInit();
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ // Allocate and Initialize a zero page
+ pZeroPage = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,
+ if (!pZeroPage)
+ RtlZeroBytes(pZeroPage, PAGE_SIZE);
+ RtlZeroBytes(CPUString, 13);
+ cpuid(0, &eax,
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[0],
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[8],
+ (unsigned int *)&CPUString[4]);
+ if (strcmp("GenuineIntel", CPUString) == 0)
+ r = vmx_init();
+ else if (strcmp("AuthenticAMD", CPUString) == 0)
+ r = svm_init();
+ else {
+ DbgPrint("Processor %s is not supported\n", CPUString);
+ }
+ if (r)
+ return r;
+ gpDrvObj = pDrvObj;
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&DeviceName, GVM_DEVICE_NAME);
+ rc = IoCreateDevice(pDrvObj,
+ sizeof(struct gvm_device_extension),
+ &DeviceName,
+ &pDevObj);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ goto out_free1;
+ pDevExt = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ pDevExt->DevType = GVM_DEVICE_TOP;
+ pDrvObj->DriverUnload = gvmDriverUnload;
+ pDrvObj->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = gvmDeviceCreate;
+ pDrvObj->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = gvmDeviceClose;
+ pDrvObj->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = gvmDeviceControl;
+ /* Register callback for system sleep transitions.
+ * According to OSR online document, the other way available
+ * is to convert the driver to be PNP compliant.
+ */
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&PowerCallbackName, POWER_CALL_BACK_NAME);
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(&PowerCallbackAttr,
+ &PowerCallbackName, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ rc = ExCreateCallback(&power_callback, &PowerCallbackAttr,
+ true, true);
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ power_callback_handle = ExRegisterCallback(power_callback,
+ gvmPowerCallback,
+ NULL);
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&DosDeviceName, GVM_DOS_DEVICE_NAME);
+ rc = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&DosDeviceName, &DeviceName);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ goto out_free2;
+ IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);
+ return rc;
diff --git a/gvm-main.h b/gvm-main.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0007c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm-main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#include <ntstrsafe.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#define GVM_DEVICE_TOP 0
+#define GVM_DEVICE_VM 1
+#define GVM_DEVICE_VCPU 2
+struct gvm_device_extension {
+ UINT32 DevType;
+ PVOID PrivData;
+extern PVOID pZeroPage;
+extern int gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(PIRP pIrp, size_t start, void *src, size_t size);
+extern void gvmWaitSuspend(
+ _In_ PKAPC Apc,
+ _Inout_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* NormalContext,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument1,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument2) ;
+extern long kvm_dev_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl);
+extern long kvm_vm_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl);
+extern long kvm_vcpu_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, unsigned int ioctl);
+extern NTSTATUS gvmCreateVMDevice(PHANDLE pHandle, UINT32 vmNumber, INT32 vcpuNumber,
+ PVOID PrivData);
+extern NTSTATUS gvmDeleteVMDevice(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, UINT32 vmNumber, INT32 vcpuNumber);
diff --git a/gvm.rc b/gvm.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3517aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <gvm_ver.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#define VER_DEBUG 2
+#define VER_PRODUCTNAME_STR "Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors"
+#define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W (0x0200)
+#define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_DW (0x0200)
+#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors"
+#define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors"
+#include "common.ver"
diff --git a/gvm/gvm.sln b/gvm/gvm.sln
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1eec919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm/gvm.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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+ <ClInclude Include="..\include\linux\kvm_types.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="..\include\linux\list.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="..\ntkrutils.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="..\__asm.h" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <None Include="..\arch\x86\kvm\Kconfig" />
+ <None Include="..\arch\x86\kvm\Makefile" />
+ <None Include="..\virt\kvm\Kconfig" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <MASM Include="..\assembly\x64\assembly.asm" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ResourceCompile Include="..\gvm.rc" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
+</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gvm_types.h b/gvm_types.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c54710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1534 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#pragma warning(disable : 4018)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4152)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4389)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4267)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4242)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4245)
+#include <intrin.h>
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#define __align(a) __declspec(align(a))
+#define inline __inline
+#define __always_inline __forceinline
+#define __alwaysinline __forceinline
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef char int8_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef short int16_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef int int32_t;
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+typedef long long int64_t;
+typedef unsigned char u8;
+typedef char s8;
+typedef unsigned short u16;
+typedef short s16;
+typedef unsigned int u32;
+typedef int s32;
+typedef unsigned long long u64;
+typedef long long s64;
+typedef unsigned char __u8;
+typedef char __s8;
+typedef unsigned short __u16;
+typedef short __s16;
+typedef unsigned int __u32;
+typedef int __s32;
+typedef unsigned long long __u64;
+typedef long long __s64;
+/* This is a hack. We should really replace ulong to size_t */
+typedef size_t ulong;
+#define bool _Bool
+#define null NULL
+/* It seems VS has size_t but not ssize_t*/
+typedef intptr_t ssize_t;
+// per-cpu implementation
+#define MAX_CPU_NUMBERS 512
+#define DEFINE_PER_CPU(type, name) \
+ type name[MAX_CPU_NUMBERS]
+#define DECLARE_PER_CPU(type, name) \
+ extern type name[MAX_CPU_NUMBERS]
+#define per_cpu(name, cpu) \
+ name[cpu]
+#define this_cpu_ptr(pname) \
+ pname[raw_smp_processor_id()]
+#define __this_cpu_write(name, val) \
+ name[smp_processor_id()] = val
+//intel pmc stuff
+struct irq_work {
+typedef u8 mtrr_type;
+#define PAGE_MASK (~(unsigned long long)(PAGE_SIZE - 1))
+#define kvm_PAGE_TRACK_MAX 1
+* These are used to make use of C type-checking..
+typedef size_t pteval_t;
+typedef size_t pmdval_t;
+typedef size_t pudval_t;
+typedef size_t pgdval_t;
+typedef size_t pgprotval_t;
+typedef struct { pteval_t pte; } pte_t;
+#define __default_cpu_present_to_apicid(a) 0
+#define NR_CPU_REGS 17
+/* BITS_PER_LONG is coming from linux kernel where long int has 64bits for
+ * x86_64 and 32bits for x86. Microsoft VC always treats long as int. So
+ * We keep the linux kernel definitions here. Since we replaced long(ulong)
+ * to ssize_t(size_t). This definition is indeed BITS_PER_SIZET.
+ */
+#ifdef _WIN64
+#define BITS_PER_LONG 64
+#define BITS_PER_LONG 32
+#define atomic_read(a) *a
+#define __must_check
+#define false (unsigned char)0
+#define true (unsigned char)1
+#pragma warning(disable : 4201)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct desc_struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int a;
+ unsigned int b;
+ };
+ struct {
+ u16 limit0;
+ u16 base0;
+ unsigned base1 : 8, type : 4, s : 1, dpl : 2, p : 1;
+ unsigned limit : 4, avl : 1, l : 1, d : 1, g : 1, base2 : 8;
+ };
+ };
+/* LDT or TSS descriptor in the GDT. 16 bytes. */
+struct ldttss_desc64 {
+ u16 limit0;
+ u16 base0;
+ unsigned base1 : 8, type : 5, dpl : 2, p : 1;
+ unsigned limit1 : 4, zero0 : 3, g : 1, base2 : 8;
+ u32 base3;
+ u32 zero1;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+static __inline size_t get_desc_base(const struct desc_struct *desc)
+ return (size_t)(desc->base0 | ((desc->base1) << 16) | ((desc->base2) << 24));
+static __inline void set_desc_base(struct desc_struct *desc, size_t base)
+ desc->base0 = base & 0xffff;
+ desc->base1 = (base >> 16) & 0xff;
+ desc->base2 = (base >> 24) & 0xff;
+static __inline size_t get_desc_limit(const struct desc_struct *desc)
+ return desc->limit0 | (desc->limit << 16);
+static __inline void set_desc_limit(struct desc_struct *desc, size_t limit)
+ desc->limit0 = limit & 0xffff;
+ desc->limit = (limit >> 16) & 0xf;
+#define __user
+#ifndef EPERM
+#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */
+#ifndef ENOENT
+#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
+#ifndef ESRCH
+#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
+#ifndef EINTR
+#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */
+#ifndef EIO
+#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
+#ifndef ENXIO
+#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
+#ifndef E2BIG
+#define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */
+#ifndef ENOEXEC
+#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
+#ifndef EBADF
+#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
+#ifndef ECHILD
+#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
+#ifndef EAGAIN
+#define EAGAIN 11 /* Try again */
+#ifndef ENOMEM
+#define ENOMEM 12 /* Out of memory */
+#ifndef EACCES
+#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
+#ifndef EFAULT
+#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
+#ifndef ENOTBLK
+#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
+#ifndef EBUSY
+#define EBUSY 16 /* Device or resource busy */
+#ifndef EEXIST
+#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
+#ifndef EXDEV
+#define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */
+#ifndef ENODEV
+#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
+#ifndef ENOTDIR
+#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
+#ifndef EISDIR
+#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
+#ifndef EINVAL
+#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
+#ifndef ENFILE
+#define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow */
+#ifndef EMFILE
+#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
+#ifndef ENOTTY
+#define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a typewriter */
+#ifndef ETXTBSY
+#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
+#ifndef EFBIG
+#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
+#ifndef ENOSPC
+#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
+#ifndef ESPIPE
+#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
+#ifndef EROFS
+#define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */
+#ifndef EMLINK
+#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
+#ifndef EPIPE
+#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
+#ifndef EDOM
+#define EDOM 33 /* Math argument out of domain of func */
+#ifndef ERANGE
+#define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */
+#ifndef EDEADLK
+#define EDEADLK 35 /* Resource deadlock would occur */
+#define ENAMETOOLONG 36 /* File name too long */
+#ifndef ENOLCK
+#define ENOLCK 37 /* No record locks available */
+#ifndef ENOSYS
+#define ENOSYS 38 /* Function not implemented */
+#ifndef ENOTEMPTY
+#define ENOTEMPTY 39 /* Directory not empty */
+#ifndef ELOOP
+#define ELOOP 40 /* Too many symbolic links encountered */
+#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
+#ifndef ENOMSG
+#define ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */
+#ifndef EIDRM
+#define EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */
+#ifndef ECHRNG
+#define ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */
+#ifndef EL2NSYNC
+#define EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
+#ifndef EL3HLT
+#define EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */
+#ifndef EL3RST
+#define EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */
+#ifndef ELNRNG
+#define ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */
+#ifndef EUNATCH
+#define EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */
+#ifndef ENOCSI
+#define ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */
+#ifndef EL2HLT
+#define EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */
+#ifndef EBADE
+#define EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */
+#ifndef EBADR
+#define EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */
+#ifndef EXFULL
+#define EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */
+#ifndef ENOANO
+#define ENOANO 55 /* No anode */
+#ifndef EBADRQC
+#define EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */
+#ifndef EBADSLT
+#define EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */
+#ifndef EDEADLOCK
+#ifndef EBFONT
+#define EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */
+#ifndef ENOSTR
+#define ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */
+#ifndef ENODATA
+#define ENODATA 61 /* No data available */
+#ifndef ETIME
+#define ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */
+#ifndef ENOSR
+#define ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */
+#ifndef ENONET
+#define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */
+#ifndef ENOPKG
+#define ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */
+#ifndef EREMOTE
+#define EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */
+#ifndef ENOLINK
+#define ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */
+#ifndef EADV
+#define EADV 68 /* Advertise error */
+#ifndef ESRMNT
+#define ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */
+#ifndef ECOMM
+#define ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */
+#ifndef EPROTO
+#define EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */
+#ifndef EMULTIHOP
+#define EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */
+#ifndef EDOTDOT
+#define EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */
+#ifndef EBADMSG
+#define EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */
+#ifndef EOVERFLOW
+#define EOVERFLOW 75 /* Value too large for defined data type */
+#ifndef ENOTUNIQ
+#define ENOTUNIQ 76 /* Name not unique on network */
+#ifndef EBADFD
+#define EBADFD 77 /* File descriptor in bad state */
+#ifndef EREMCHG
+#define EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */
+#ifndef ELIBACC
+#define ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared library */
+#ifndef ELIBBAD
+#define ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */
+#ifndef ELIBSCN
+#define ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */
+#ifndef ELIBMAX
+#define ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */
+#ifndef ELIBEXEC
+#define ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */
+#ifndef EILSEQ
+#define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence */
+#ifndef ERESTART
+#define ERESTART 85 /* Interrupted system call should be restarted */
+#ifndef ESTRPIPE
+#define ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */
+#ifndef EUSERS
+#define EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */
+#ifndef ENOTSOCK
+#define ENOTSOCK 88 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
+#define EDESTADDRREQ 89 /* Destination address required */
+#ifndef EMSGSIZE
+#define EMSGSIZE 90 /* Message too long */
+#define EPROTOTYPE 91 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
+#define ENOPROTOOPT 92 /* Protocol not available */
+#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 93 /* Protocol not supported */
+#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 /* Socket type not supported */
+#define EOPNOTSUPP 95 /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */
+#define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 /* Protocol family not supported */
+#define EAFNOSUPPORT 97 /* Address family not supported by protocol */
+#define EADDRINUSE 98 /* Address already in use */
+#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 99 /* Cannot assign requested address */
+#ifndef ENETDOWN
+#define ENETDOWN 100 /* Network is down */
+#define ENETUNREACH 101 /* Network is unreachable */
+#ifndef ENETRESET
+#define ENETRESET 102 /* Network dropped connection because of reset */
+#define ECONNABORTED 103 /* Software caused connection abort */
+#define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */
+#ifndef ENOBUFS
+#define ENOBUFS 105 /* No buffer space available */
+#ifndef EISCONN
+#define EISCONN 106 /* Transport endpoint is already connected */
+#ifndef ENOTCONN
+#define ENOTCONN 107 /* Transport endpoint is not connected */
+#ifndef ESHUTDOWN
+#define ESHUTDOWN 108 /* Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */
+#define ETOOMANYREFS 109 /* Too many references: cannot splice */
+#ifndef ETIMEDOUT
+#define ETIMEDOUT 110 /* Connection timed out */
+#define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */
+#ifndef EHOSTDOWN
+#define EHOSTDOWN 112 /* Host is down */
+#define EHOSTUNREACH 113 /* No route to host */
+#ifndef EALREADY
+#define EALREADY 114 /* Operation already in progress */
+#define EINPROGRESS 115 /* Operation now in progress */
+#ifndef ESTALE
+#define ESTALE 116 /* Stale NFS file handle */
+#ifndef EUCLEAN
+#define EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */
+#ifndef ENOTNAM
+#define ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */
+#ifndef ENAVAIL
+#define ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */
+#ifndef EISNAM
+#define EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */
+#ifndef EREMOTEIO
+#define EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */
+#ifndef EDQUOT
+#define EDQUOT 122 /* Quota exceeded */
+#ifndef ENOMEDIUM
+#define ENOMEDIUM 123 /* No medium found */
+#define EMEDIUMTYPE 124 /* Wrong medium type */
+#ifndef ECANCELED
+#define ECANCELED 125 /* Operation Cancelled */
+#ifndef ENOKEY
+#define ENOKEY 126 /* Required key not available */
+#define EKEYEXPIRED 127 /* Key has expired */
+#define EKEYREVOKED 128 /* Key has been revoked */
+#define EKEYREJECTED 129 /* Key was rejected by service */
+#ifndef MAX_ERRNO
+#define MAX_ERRNO 4095
+#define IS_ERR_VALUE(x) ((x) >= (size_t)-MAX_ERRNO)
+static __inline void* ERR_PTR(ssize_t error)
+ return (void *)error;
+static __inline size_t PTR_ERR(const void *ptr)
+ return (size_t)ptr;
+static __inline size_t IS_ERR(const void *ptr)
+ return IS_ERR_VALUE((size_t)ptr);
+#define FOLL_NOWAIT 0
+#define FOLL_HWPOISON 0
+#define FOLL_WRITE 0
+#define FOLL_TOUCH 0
+#define FOLL_NOWAIT 0
+#define VM_READ
+#define down_read(a)
+#define up_read(a)
+#define WRITE_ONCE(a, b) \
+do { \
+ _ReadWriteBarrier(); \
+ a = b; \
+} while(0)
+#define ACCESS_ONCE(a, b) \
+do { \
+ _ReadWriteBarrier(); \
+ b = a; \
+} while(0)
+#define READ_ONCE(a, b) ACCESS_ONCE(a, b)
+#define WARN_ON(a) 0
+#define PIDTYPE_PID 0
+#define NOTIFY_OK 0
+#define atomic_set(a, b) WRITE_ONCE(*a, b)
+#define XSAVE_HDR_SIZE 0
+#define XSAVE_HDR_OFFSET 0x10
+#define might_sleep() 0
+// visual c compiler does not support branch hint
+#define likely(a) a
+#define unlikely(a) a
+#define kvm_pmu_refresh(a) 0
+#define printk DbgPrint
+#define pr_info_ratelimited DbgPrint
+#define printk_ratelimited DbgPrint
+#define printk_once DbgPrint
+#define kdprint DbgPrint
+#define pr_info DbgPrint
+#define pr_warn_once DbgPrint
+// cpuid.c
+enum cpuid_leafs
+ CPUID_1_EDX = 0,
+ CPUID_8000_0001_EDX,
+ CPUID_8086_0001_EDX,
+ CPUID_C000_0001_EDX,
+ CPUID_8000_0001_ECX,
+ CPUID_7_0_EBX,
+ CPUID_8000_0008_EBX,
+ CPUID_8000_000A_EDX,
+ CPUID_8000_0007_EBX,
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_XSAVE;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_PKU;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_HLE;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_RTM;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_NX;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_NPT;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_AVIC;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_LBRV;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_NRIPS;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_SMEP;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_MPX;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_OSVW;
+extern int CPU_HAS_X86_FEATURE_SVM;
+#define cpu_has(notused, feature) (CPU_HAS_##feature)
+#define boot_cpu_has(feature) (CPU_HAS_##feature)
+#define static_cpu_has(feature) (CPU_HAS_##feature)
+#define WARN_ON_ONCE(a) 0
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x)))
+#define __min_t_func_type(a) \
+static __inline a __##a##_min(a b, a c) \
+{ \
+ return (b < c) ? b : c; \
+#define min_t(a, b, c) __##a##_min((b), (c))
+#define offset_in_page(p) ((size_t)(p) & ~PAGE_MASK)
+// Let's borrow MS's HYPERVISOR_ERR here
+#define BUG() KeBugCheck(0x00020001)
+#define BUG_ON(cond) do { if (cond) BUG();} while (0)
+#define volatile
+#define min3(a, b, c) min(min(a, b),c)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct desc_ptr {
+ unsigned short size;
+ size_t address;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * Bottom two bits of selector give the ring
+ * privilege level
+ */
+#define SEGMENT_RPL_MASK 0x3
+/* User mode is privilege level 3: */
+#define USER_RPL 0x3
+/* Bit 2 is Table Indicator (TI): selects between LDT or GDT */
+#define SEGMENT_TI_MASK 0x4
+/* LDT segment has TI set ... */
+#define SEGMENT_LDT 0x4
+/* ... GDT has it cleared */
+#define SEGMENT_GDT 0x0
+#define swab16 RtlUshortByteSwap
+#define swab32 RtlUlongByteSwap
+#define swab64 RtlUlonglongByteSwap
+#define container_of CONTAINING_RECORD
+#define KERN_INFO
+#define KERN_ERR
+#define KERN_CRIT
+#define KERN_DEBUG
+// Bitmaps
+#define BITS_TO_LONGS(bits) (bits + BITS_PER_LONG - 1)/BITS_PER_LONG
+#define DECLARE_BITMAP(name, bits) \
+ size_t name[BITS_TO_LONGS(bits)]
+#define BITMAP_FIRST_WORD_MASK(start) (~(size_t)0 << ((start) & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)))
+#define BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits) (~(size_t)0 >> (-((ssize_t)nbits) & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)))
+#define small_const_nbits(nbits) \
+ ((nbits) <= BITS_PER_LONG)
+static __inline int __bitmap_and(size_t *dst, const size_t *bitmap1,
+ const size_t *bitmap2, unsigned int bits)
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int lim = bits / BITS_PER_LONG;
+ size_t result = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < lim; k++)
+ result |= (dst[k] = bitmap1[k] & bitmap2[k]);
+ if (bits % BITS_PER_LONG)
+ result |= (dst[k] = bitmap1[k] & bitmap2[k] &
+ return result != 0;
+static __inline void __bitmap_or(size_t *dst, const size_t *bitmap1,
+ const size_t *bitmap2, unsigned int bits)
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int nr = BITS_TO_LONGS(bits);
+ for (k = 0; k < nr; k++)
+ dst[k] = bitmap1[k] | bitmap2[k];
+static __inline void __bitmap_xor(size_t *dst, const size_t *bitmap1,
+ const size_t *bitmap2, unsigned int bits)
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int nr = BITS_TO_LONGS(bits);
+ for (k = 0; k < nr; k++)
+ dst[k] = bitmap1[k] ^ bitmap2[k];
+static __inline int __bitmap_andnot(size_t *dst, const size_t *bitmap1,
+ const size_t *bitmap2, unsigned int bits)
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int lim = bits / BITS_PER_LONG;
+ size_t result = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < lim; k++)
+ result |= (dst[k] = bitmap1[k] & ~bitmap2[k]);
+ if (bits % BITS_PER_LONG)
+ result |= (dst[k] = bitmap1[k] & ~bitmap2[k] &
+ return result != 0;
+static __inline void __bitmap_complement(size_t *dst, const size_t *src, unsigned int bits)
+ unsigned int k, lim = bits / BITS_PER_LONG;
+ for (k = 0; k < lim; ++k)
+ dst[k] = ~src[k];
+ if (bits % BITS_PER_LONG)
+ dst[k] = ~src[k];
+static __inline void bitmap_zero(size_t *dst, unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ *dst = 0UL;
+ else {
+ unsigned int len = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits) * sizeof(size_t);
+ memset(dst, 0, len);
+ }
+static __inline void bitmap_copy(size_t *dst, const size_t *src,
+ unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ *dst = *src;
+ else {
+ unsigned int len = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits) * sizeof(size_t);
+ memcpy(dst, src, len);
+ }
+static __inline int bitmap_and(size_t *dst, const size_t *src1,
+ const size_t *src2, unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ return (*dst = *src1 & *src2 & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) != 0;
+ return __bitmap_and(dst, src1, src2, nbits);
+static __inline void bitmap_or(size_t *dst, const size_t *src1,
+ const size_t *src2, unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ *dst = *src1 | *src2;
+ else
+ __bitmap_or(dst, src1, src2, nbits);
+static __inline void bitmap_xor(size_t *dst, const size_t *src1,
+ const size_t *src2, unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ *dst = *src1 ^ *src2;
+ else
+ __bitmap_xor(dst, src1, src2, nbits);
+static __inline int bitmap_andnot(size_t *dst, const size_t *src1,
+ const size_t *src2, unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ return (*dst = *src1 & ~(*src2) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) != 0;
+ return __bitmap_andnot(dst, src1, src2, nbits);
+static inline void bitmap_complement(size_t *dst, const size_t *src,
+ unsigned int nbits)
+ if (small_const_nbits(nbits))
+ *dst = ~(*src);
+ else
+ __bitmap_complement(dst, src, nbits);
+// Bitwise operations
+#ifdef _WIN64
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline bool __test_and_set_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _bittestandset64((LONG64 *)bitmap, (LONG64)pos);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline bool __test_and_clear_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _bittestandreset64((LONG64 *)bitmap, (LONG64)pos);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline bool test_and_set_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _interlockedbittestandset64((LONG64 *)bitmap, (LONG64)pos);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline bool test_and_clear_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _interlockedbittestandreset64((LONG64 *)bitmap, (LONG64)pos);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline void __set_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _bittestandset64((LONG64 *)addr, (LONG64)nr);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline void __clear_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _bittestandreset64((LONG64 *)addr, (LONG64)nr);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline void set_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _interlockedbittestandset64((LONG64 *)addr, (LONG64)nr);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline void clear_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _interlockedbittestandreset64((LONG64 *)addr, (LONG64)nr);
+static __forceinline unsigned char test_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ return _bittest64((LONG64 *)addr, (LONG64)nr);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline bool __test_and_set_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _bittestandset((LONG *)bitmap, (LONG)pos);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline bool __test_and_clear_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _bittestandreset((LONG *)bitmap, (LONG)pos);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline bool test_and_set_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _interlockedbittestandset((LONG *)bitmap, (LONG)pos);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline bool test_and_clear_bit(size_t pos, volatile size_t *bitmap)
+ return _interlockedbittestandreset((LONG *)bitmap, (LONG)pos);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline void __set_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _bittestandset((LONG *)addr, (LONG)nr);
+// Non-atomic
+static __forceinline void __clear_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _bittestandreset((LONG *)addr, (LONG)nr);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline void set_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _interlockedbittestandset((LONG *)addr, (LONG)nr);
+// Atomic
+static __forceinline void clear_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ _interlockedbittestandreset((LONG *)addr, (LONG)nr);
+static __forceinline unsigned char test_bit(size_t nr, volatile size_t *addr)
+ return _bittest((LONG *)addr, (LONG)nr);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+static __forceinline size_t __ffs(size_t mask)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ _BitScanForward64(&pos, mask);
+ return pos;
+static __forceinline size_t __fls(size_t mask)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ _BitScanReverse64(&pos, mask);
+ return pos;
+static __forceinline size_t __ffs(size_t mask)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ _BitScanForward(&pos, mask);
+ return pos;
+static __forceinline size_t __fls(size_t mask)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ _BitScanReverse(&pos, mask);
+ return pos;
+// Note the difference of linux kernel ffs with BitScanForward
+static __forceinline unsigned int ffs(int x)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ unsigned char ret = _BitScanForward(&pos, x);
+ return ret ? pos + 1 : ret;
+static __forceinline size_t ffz(size_t x)
+ return __ffs(~x);
+static __forceinline unsigned int fls(int x)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ unsigned char ret = _BitScanReverse(&pos, x);
+ return ret ? pos + 1 : ret;
+#ifdef _WIN64
+static __forceinline int fls64(size_t x)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ unsigned char ret = _BitScanReverse64(&pos, x);
+ return ret ? pos + 1 : ret;
+static __forceinline int fls64(__u64 x)
+ __u32 h = x >> 32;
+ if (h)
+ return fls(h) + 32;
+ return fls(x);
+static __forceinline u64 do_div(u64 *n, u64 base)
+ u64 rem = (*n) % base;
+ *n = (*n) / base;
+ return rem;
+#ifdef _WIN64
+static __inline uint64_t div64_u64(uint64_t dividend, uint64_t divisor)
+ return dividend / divisor;
+static __inline uint64_t div64_u64(uint64_t dividend, uint64_t divisor)
+ uint32_t high, d;
+ high = divisor >> 32;
+ if (high)
+ {
+ unsigned int shift = __fls(high);
+ d = divisor >> shift;
+ dividend >>= shift;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d = divisor;
+ }
+ do_div(dividend, d);
+ return dividend;
+#define __read_mostly
+#define HZ 100
+#define module_param_named(a, b, c, d) 0
+#define module_param(a, b, c) 0
+#define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 8
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PRESENT 0 /* is present */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_RW 1 /* writeable */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_USER 2 /* userspace addressable */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PWT 3 /* page write through */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PCD 4 /* page cache disabled */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_ACCESSED 5 /* was accessed (raised by CPU) */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_DIRTY 6 /* was written to (raised by CPU) */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PSE 7 /* 4 MB (or 2MB) page */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PAT 7 /* on 4KB pages */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_GLOBAL 8 /* Global TLB entry PPro+ */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW1 9 /* available for programmer */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW2 10 /* " */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW3 11 /* " */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PAT_LARGE 12 /* On 2MB or 1GB pages */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW4 58 /* available for programmer */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PKEY_BIT0 59 /* Protection Keys, bit 1/4 */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PKEY_BIT1 60 /* Protection Keys, bit 2/4 */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PKEY_BIT2 61 /* Protection Keys, bit 3/4 */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_PKEY_BIT3 62 /* Protection Keys, bit 4/4 */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_NX 63 /* No execute: only valid after cpuid check */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_HIDDEN _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW3 /* hidden by kmemcheck */
+#define _PAGE_BIT_SOFT_DIRTY _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW3 /* software dirty tracking */
+/* If _PAGE_BIT_PRESENT is clear, we use these: */
+/* - if the user mapped it with PROT_NONE; pte_present gives true */
+#define _AT(x, y) y
+#define _PAGE_PRESENT (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PRESENT)
+#define _PAGE_RW (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_RW)
+#define _PAGE_USER (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_USER)
+#define _PAGE_PWT (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PWT)
+#define _PAGE_PCD (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PCD)
+#define _PAGE_ACCESSED (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_ACCESSED)
+#define _PAGE_DIRTY (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_DIRTY)
+#define _PAGE_PSE (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PSE)
+#define _PAGE_GLOBAL (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_GLOBAL)
+#define _PAGE_SOFTW1 (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW1)
+#define _PAGE_SOFTW2 (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_SOFTW2)
+#define _PAGE_PAT (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PAT)
+#define _PAGE_PAT_LARGE (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_PAT_LARGE)
+#define _PAGE_SPECIAL (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_SPECIAL)
+#define _PAGE_CPA_TEST (_AT(pteval_t, 1) << _PAGE_BIT_CPA_TEST)
+#define NMI_VECTOR 2
+#define pr_err_ratelimited DbgPrint
+#define pr_err DbgPrint
+#define pr_debug DbgPrint
+#define FILE_DEVICE_GVM 0xE3E3
+// bit maps
+* This looks more complex than it should be. But we need to
+* get the type for the ~ right in round_down (it needs to be
+* as wide as the result!), and we want to evaluate the macro
+* arguments just once each.
+#define __round_mask(x, y) ((size_t)((y)-1))
+#define round_up(x, y) ((((x)-1) | __round_mask(x, y))+1)
+#define round_down(x, y) ((x) & ~__round_mask(x, y))
+* This is a common helper function for find_next_bit and
+* find_next_zero_bit. The difference is the "invert" argument, which
+* is XORed with each fetched word before searching it for one bits.
+static size_t _find_next_bit(const size_t *addr,
+ size_t nbits, size_t start, size_t invert)
+ size_t tmp;
+ if (!nbits || start >= nbits)
+ return nbits;
+ tmp = addr[start / BITS_PER_LONG] ^ invert;
+ /* Handle 1st word. */
+ tmp &= BITMAP_FIRST_WORD_MASK(start);
+ start = round_down(start, BITS_PER_LONG);
+ while (!tmp) {
+ start += BITS_PER_LONG;
+ if (start >= nbits)
+ return nbits;
+ tmp = addr[start / BITS_PER_LONG] ^ invert;
+ }
+ return min(start + __ffs(tmp), nbits);
+static size_t find_next_bit(const size_t *addr, size_t size, size_t offset)
+ return _find_next_bit(addr, size, offset, (size_t)0);
+static size_t find_next_zero_bit(const size_t *addr, size_t size, size_t offset)
+ return _find_next_bit(addr, size, offset, ~(size_t)0);
+* Find the first zero bit in a memory region
+static size_t find_first_zero_bit(const size_t *addr, size_t size)
+ size_t idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx * BITS_PER_LONG < size; idx++) {
+ if (addr[idx] != ~0UL)
+ return min(idx * BITS_PER_LONG + ffz(addr[idx]), size);
+ }
+ return size;
+* Find the first set bit in a memory region.
+static __inline size_t find_first_bit(const size_t *addr, size_t size)
+ size_t idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx * BITS_PER_LONG < size; idx++) {
+ if (addr[idx])
+ return min(idx * BITS_PER_LONG + __ffs(addr[idx]), size);
+ }
+ return size;
+#define for_each_set_bit(bit, addr, size) \
+ for ((bit) = find_first_bit((addr), (size)); \
+ (bit) < (size); \
+ (bit) = find_next_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))
+#define REPEAT_BYTE(x) ((~0ull / 0xff) * (x))
+#define NR_CPUS 512
+struct cpumask { DECLARE_BITMAP(bits, NR_CPUS); };
+typedef struct cpumask cpumask_t;
+typedef struct cpumask *cpumask_var_t;
+#define cpumask_bits(maskp) (&((maskp)->bits[0]))
+static inline unsigned int cpumask_check(unsigned int cpu)
+ return cpu;
+static __inline void cpumask_set_cpu(unsigned int cpu, struct cpumask *dstp)
+ set_bit(cpumask_check(cpu), cpumask_bits(dstp));
+static __inline void cpumask_clear_cpu(int cpu, struct cpumask *dstp)
+ clear_bit(cpumask_check(cpu), cpumask_bits(dstp));
+static __inline void cpumask_clear(struct cpumask *dstp)
+ memset(dstp->bits, 0, NR_CPUS / 8);
+static __inline unsigned char cpumask_test_cpu(int cpu, struct cpumask *dstp)
+ return test_bit(cpumask_check(cpu), cpumask_bits(dstp));
+static inline bool cpumask_empty(const struct cpumask *srcp)
+ return find_first_bit(cpumask_bits(srcp), MAX_CPU_NUMBERS)
+static _forceinline unsigned int cpumask_next(int n, const struct cpumask *srcp)
+ return (unsigned int)_find_next_bit(cpumask_bits(srcp), MAX_CPU_NUMBERS, n+1, 0);
+* for_each_cpu - iterate over every cpu in a mask
+* @cpu: the (optionally unsigned) integer iterator
+* @mask: the cpumask pointer
+* After the loop, cpu is >= nr_cpu_ids.
+#define for_each_cpu(cpu, mask) \
+ for ((cpu) = -1; \
+ (cpu) = cpumask_next((cpu), (mask)), \
+ (cpu) < MAX_CPU_NUMBERS;)
+#define for_each_online_cpu(cpu) \
+ for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_online_mask)
+#define for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) \
+ for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_online_mask)
+#define VM_FAULT_SIGBUS 0x0002
+* Defines x86 CPU feature bits
+#define NCAPINTS 18 /* N 32-bit words worth of info */
+#define NBUGINTS 1 /* N 32-bit bug flags */
+* CPU type and hardware bug flags. Kept separately for each CPU.
+* Members of this structure are referenced in head.S, so think twice
+* before touching them. [mj]
+struct cpuinfo_x86 {
+ __u8 x86; /* CPU family */
+ __u8 x86_vendor; /* CPU vendor */
+ __u8 x86_model;
+ __u8 x86_mask;
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+ char wp_works_ok; /* It doesn't on 386's */
+ /* Problems on some 486Dx4's and old 386's: */
+ char rfu;
+ char pad0;
+ char pad1;
+ /* Number of 4K pages in DTLB/ITLB combined(in pages): */
+ int x86_tlbsize;
+ __u8 x86_virt_bits;
+ __u8 x86_phys_bits;
+ /* CPUID returned core id bits: */
+ __u8 x86_coreid_bits;
+ /* Max extended CPUID function supported: */
+ __u32 extended_cpuid_level;
+ /* Maximum supported CPUID level, -1=no CPUID: */
+ int cpuid_level;
+ __u32 x86_capability[NCAPINTS + NBUGINTS];
+ char x86_vendor_id[16];
+ char x86_model_id[64];
+ /* in KB - valid for CPUS which support this call: */
+ int x86_cache_size;
+ int x86_cache_alignment; /* In bytes */
+ /* Cache QoS architectural values: */
+ int x86_cache_max_rmid; /* max index */
+ int x86_cache_occ_scale; /* scale to bytes */
+ int x86_power;
+ unsigned long loops_per_jiffy;
+ /* cpuid returned max cores value: */
+ u16 x86_max_cores;
+ u16 apicid;
+ u16 initial_apicid;
+ u16 x86_clflush_size;
+ /* number of cores as seen by the OS: */
+ u16 booted_cores;
+ /* Physical processor id: */
+ u16 phys_proc_id;
+ /* Logical processor id: */
+ u16 logical_proc_id;
+ /* Core id: */
+ u16 cpu_core_id;
+ /* Index into per_cpu list: */
+ u16 cpu_index;
+ u32 microcode;
+extern struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
+#pragma warning(disable : 4214)
+/* 16byte gate */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct gate_struct64 {
+ u16 offset_low;
+ u16 segment;
+ u16 ist : 3, zero0 : 5, type : 5, dpl : 2, p : 1;
+ u16 offset_middle;
+ u32 offset_high;
+ u32 zero1;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+typedef struct gate_struct64 gate_desc;
+#define gate_offset(g) ((g).offset_low | ((size_t)(g).offset_middle << 16) | ((size_t)(g).offset_high << 32))
diff --git a/gvm_ver.h b/gvm_ver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d1aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvm_ver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#define _STR(str) #str
+#define _XSTR(str) _STR(str)
diff --git a/include/asm-generic/kvm_para.h b/include/asm-generic/kvm_para.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa25bec..0000000
--- a/include/asm-generic/kvm_para.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include <uapi/asm-generic/kvm_para.h>
- * This function is used by architectures that support kvm to avoid issuing
- * false soft lockup messages.
- */
-static inline bool kvm_check_and_clear_guest_paused(void)
- return false;
-static inline unsigned int kvm_arch_para_features(void)
- return 0;
-static inline bool kvm_para_available(void)
- return false;
diff --git a/include/kvm/arm_arch_timer.h b/include/kvm/arm_arch_timer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dda39d8..0000000
--- a/include/kvm/arm_arch_timer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Ltd.
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <linux/clocksource.h>
-#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
-#include <linux/workqueue.h>
-struct arch_timer_kvm {
- /* Virtual offset */
- cycle_t cntvoff;
-struct arch_timer_cpu {
- /* Registers: control register, timer value */
- u32 cntv_ctl; /* Saved/restored */
- cycle_t cntv_cval; /* Saved/restored */
- /*
- * Anything that is not used directly from assembly code goes
- * here.
- */
- /* Background timer used when the guest is not running */
- struct hrtimer timer;
- /* Work queued with the above timer expires */
- struct work_struct expired;
- /* Background timer active */
- bool armed;
- /* Timer IRQ */
- struct kvm_irq_level irq;
- /* Active IRQ state caching */
- bool active_cleared_last;
- /* Is the timer enabled */
- bool enabled;
-int kvm_timer_hyp_init(void);
-int kvm_timer_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_init(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_timer_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- const struct kvm_irq_level *irq);
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_terminate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-u64 kvm_arm_timer_get_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *, u64 regid);
-int kvm_arm_timer_set_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *, u64 regid, u64 value);
-bool kvm_timer_should_fire(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_schedule(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_unschedule(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
diff --git a/include/kvm/arm_pmu.h b/include/kvm/arm_pmu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e7e97..0000000
--- a/include/kvm/arm_pmu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Linaro Ltd.
- * Author: Shannon Zhao <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef __ASM_ARM_KVM_PMU_H
-#define __ASM_ARM_KVM_PMU_H
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <asm/perf_event.h>
-struct kvm_pmc {
- u8 idx; /* index into the pmu->pmc array */
- struct perf_event *perf_event;
- u64 bitmask;
-struct kvm_pmu {
- int irq_num;
- struct kvm_pmc pmc[ARMV8_PMU_MAX_COUNTERS];
- bool ready;
- bool irq_level;
-#define kvm_arm_pmu_v3_ready(v) ((v)->arch.pmu.ready)
-#define kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(v) ((v)->arch.pmu.irq_num >= VGIC_NR_SGIS)
-u64 kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 select_idx);
-void kvm_pmu_set_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 select_idx, u64 val);
-u64 kvm_pmu_valid_counter_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_pmu_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_pmu_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_pmu_disable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val);
-void kvm_pmu_enable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val);
-void kvm_pmu_overflow_set(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val);
-void kvm_pmu_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_pmu_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_pmu_software_increment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val);
-void kvm_pmu_handle_pmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val);
-void kvm_pmu_set_counter_event_type(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data,
- u64 select_idx);
-bool kvm_arm_support_pmu_v3(void);
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_set_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_get_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_has_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
-struct kvm_pmu {
-#define kvm_arm_pmu_v3_ready(v) (false)
-#define kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(v) (false)
-static inline u64 kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u64 select_idx)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_pmu_set_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u64 select_idx, u64 val) {}
-static inline u64 kvm_pmu_valid_counter_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_pmu_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_disable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_enable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_overflow_set(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_software_increment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_handle_pmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val) {}
-static inline void kvm_pmu_set_counter_event_type(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u64 data, u64 select_idx) {}
-static inline bool kvm_arm_support_pmu_v3(void) { return false; }
-static inline int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_set_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- return -ENXIO;
-static inline int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_get_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- return -ENXIO;
-static inline int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_has_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- return -ENXIO;
diff --git a/include/kvm/arm_vgic.h b/include/kvm/arm_vgic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 002f092..0000000
--- a/include/kvm/arm_vgic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef __KVM_ARM_VGIC_H
-#define __KVM_ARM_VGIC_H
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/static_key.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/jump_label.h>
-#define VGIC_V3_MAX_CPUS 255
-#define VGIC_V2_MAX_CPUS 8
-#define VGIC_NR_IRQS_LEGACY 256
-#define VGIC_NR_SGIS 16
-#define VGIC_NR_PPIS 16
-#define VGIC_MAX_SPI 1019
-#define VGIC_MAX_RESERVED 1023
-#define VGIC_MIN_LPI 8192
-#define KVM_IRQCHIP_NUM_PINS (1020 - 32)
-enum vgic_type {
- VGIC_V2, /* Good ol' GICv2 */
- VGIC_V3, /* New fancy GICv3 */
-/* same for all guests, as depending only on the _host's_ GIC model */
-struct vgic_global {
- /* type of the host GIC */
- enum vgic_type type;
- /* Physical address of vgic virtual cpu interface */
- phys_addr_t vcpu_base;
- /* GICV mapping */
- void __iomem *vcpu_base_va;
- /* virtual control interface mapping */
- void __iomem *vctrl_base;
- /* Number of implemented list registers */
- int nr_lr;
- /* Maintenance IRQ number */
- unsigned int maint_irq;
- /* maximum number of VCPUs allowed (GICv2 limits us to 8) */
- int max_gic_vcpus;
- /* Only needed for the legacy KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP */
- bool can_emulate_gicv2;
- /* GIC system register CPU interface */
- struct static_key_false gicv3_cpuif;
-extern struct vgic_global kvm_vgic_global_state;
-#define VGIC_V2_MAX_LRS (1 << 6)
-#define VGIC_V3_MAX_LRS 16
-#define VGIC_V3_LR_INDEX(lr) (VGIC_V3_MAX_LRS - 1 - lr)
-enum vgic_irq_config {
-struct vgic_irq {
- spinlock_t irq_lock; /* Protects the content of the struct */
- struct list_head lpi_list; /* Used to link all LPIs together */
- struct list_head ap_list;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu; /* SGIs and PPIs: The VCPU
- * SPIs and LPIs: The VCPU whose ap_list
- * this is queued on.
- */
- struct kvm_vcpu *target_vcpu; /* The VCPU that this interrupt should
- * be sent to, as a result of the
- * targets reg (v2) or the
- * affinity reg (v3).
- */
- u32 intid; /* Guest visible INTID */
- bool pending;
- bool line_level; /* Level only */
- bool soft_pending; /* Level only */
- bool active; /* not used for LPIs */
- bool enabled;
- bool hw; /* Tied to HW IRQ */
- struct kref refcount; /* Used for LPIs */
- u32 hwintid; /* HW INTID number */
- union {
- u8 targets; /* GICv2 target VCPUs mask */
- u32 mpidr; /* GICv3 target VCPU */
- };
- u8 source; /* GICv2 SGIs only */
- u8 priority;
- enum vgic_irq_config config; /* Level or edge */
-struct vgic_register_region;
-struct vgic_its;
-enum iodev_type {
-struct vgic_io_device {
- gpa_t base_addr;
- union {
- struct kvm_vcpu *redist_vcpu;
- struct vgic_its *its;
- };
- const struct vgic_register_region *regions;
- enum iodev_type iodev_type;
- int nr_regions;
- struct kvm_io_device dev;
-struct vgic_its {
- /* The base address of the ITS control register frame */
- gpa_t vgic_its_base;
- bool enabled;
- bool initialized;
- struct vgic_io_device iodev;
- struct kvm_device *dev;
- /* These registers correspond to GITS_BASER{0,1} */
- u64 baser_device_table;
- u64 baser_coll_table;
- /* Protects the command queue */
- struct mutex cmd_lock;
- u64 cbaser;
- u32 creadr;
- u32 cwriter;
- /* Protects the device and collection lists */
- struct mutex its_lock;
- struct list_head device_list;
- struct list_head collection_list;
-struct vgic_dist {
- bool in_kernel;
- bool ready;
- bool initialized;
- /* vGIC model the kernel emulates for the guest (GICv2 or GICv3) */
- u32 vgic_model;
- /* Do injected MSIs require an additional device ID? */
- bool msis_require_devid;
- int nr_spis;
- /* TODO: Consider moving to global state */
- /* Virtual control interface mapping */
- void __iomem *vctrl_base;
- /* base addresses in guest physical address space: */
- gpa_t vgic_dist_base; /* distributor */
- union {
- /* either a GICv2 CPU interface */
- gpa_t vgic_cpu_base;
- /* or a number of GICv3 redistributor regions */
- gpa_t vgic_redist_base;
- };
- /* distributor enabled */
- bool enabled;
- struct vgic_irq *spis;
- struct vgic_io_device dist_iodev;
- bool has_its;
- /*
- * Contains the attributes and gpa of the LPI configuration table.
- * Since we report GICR_TYPER.CommonLPIAff as 0b00, we can share
- * one address across all redistributors.
- * GICv3 spec: 6.1.2 "LPI Configuration tables"
- */
- u64 propbaser;
- /* Protects the lpi_list and the count value below. */
- spinlock_t lpi_list_lock;
- struct list_head lpi_list_head;
- int lpi_list_count;
-struct vgic_v2_cpu_if {
- u32 vgic_hcr;
- u32 vgic_vmcr;
- u32 vgic_misr; /* Saved only */
- u64 vgic_eisr; /* Saved only */
- u64 vgic_elrsr; /* Saved only */
- u32 vgic_apr;
- u32 vgic_lr[VGIC_V2_MAX_LRS];
-struct vgic_v3_cpu_if {
- u32 vgic_hcr;
- u32 vgic_vmcr;
- u32 vgic_sre; /* Restored only, change ignored */
- u32 vgic_misr; /* Saved only */
- u32 vgic_eisr; /* Saved only */
- u32 vgic_elrsr; /* Saved only */
- u32 vgic_ap0r[4];
- u32 vgic_ap1r[4];
- u64 vgic_lr[VGIC_V3_MAX_LRS];
-struct vgic_cpu {
- /* CPU vif control registers for world switch */
- union {
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if vgic_v2;
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if vgic_v3;
- };
- unsigned int used_lrs;
- struct vgic_irq private_irqs[VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS];
- spinlock_t ap_list_lock; /* Protects the ap_list */
- /*
- * List of IRQs that this VCPU should consider because they are either
- * Active or Pending (hence the name; AP list), or because they recently
- * were one of the two and need to be migrated off this list to another
- * VCPU.
- */
- struct list_head ap_list_head;
- u64 live_lrs;
- /*
- * Members below are used with GICv3 emulation only and represent
- * parts of the redistributor.
- */
- struct vgic_io_device rd_iodev;
- struct vgic_io_device sgi_iodev;
- /* Contains the attributes and gpa of the LPI pending tables. */
- u64 pendbaser;
- bool lpis_enabled;
-extern struct static_key_false vgic_v2_cpuif_trap;
-int kvm_vgic_addr(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type, u64 *addr, bool write);
-void kvm_vgic_early_init(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_vgic_create(struct kvm *kvm, u32 type);
-void kvm_vgic_destroy(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_vgic_vcpu_early_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_vgic_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int kvm_vgic_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_vgic_hyp_init(void);
-int kvm_vgic_inject_irq(struct kvm *kvm, int cpuid, unsigned int intid,
- bool level);
-int kvm_vgic_inject_mapped_irq(struct kvm *kvm, int cpuid, unsigned int intid,
- bool level);
-int kvm_vgic_map_phys_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 virt_irq, u32 phys_irq);
-int kvm_vgic_unmap_phys_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned int virt_irq);
-bool kvm_vgic_map_is_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned int virt_irq);
-int kvm_vgic_vcpu_pending_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-#define irqchip_in_kernel(k) (!!((k)->arch.vgic.in_kernel))
-#define vgic_initialized(k) ((k)->arch.vgic.initialized)
-#define vgic_ready(k) ((k)->arch.vgic.ready)
-#define vgic_valid_spi(k, i) (((i) >= VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS) && \
- ((i) < (k)->arch.vgic.nr_spis + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS))
-bool kvm_vcpu_has_pending_irqs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_vgic_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_vgic_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v3_dispatch_sgi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 reg);
- * kvm_vgic_get_max_vcpus - Get the maximum number of VCPUs allowed by HW
- *
- * The host's GIC naturally limits the maximum amount of VCPUs a guest
- * can use.
- */
-static inline int kvm_vgic_get_max_vcpus(void)
- return kvm_vgic_global_state.max_gic_vcpus;
-int kvm_send_userspace_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi);
- * kvm_vgic_setup_default_irq_routing:
- * Setup a default flat gsi routing table mapping all SPIs
- */
-int kvm_vgic_setup_default_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm);
-#endif /* __KVM_ARM_VGIC_H */
diff --git a/include/kvm/iodev.h b/include/kvm/iodev.h
index a6d208b..23228e9 100644..100755
--- a/include/kvm/iodev.h
+++ b/include/kvm/iodev.h
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
@@ -16,7 +18,6 @@
#define __KVM_IODEV_H__
#include <linux/kvm_types.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
struct kvm_io_device;
struct kvm_vcpu;
diff --git a/include/linux/kvm_host.h b/include/linux/kvm_host.h
index 01c0b9c..9fbffc8 100644..100755
--- a/include/linux/kvm_host.h
+++ b/include/linux/kvm_host.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
#ifndef __KVM_HOST_H
#define __KVM_HOST_H
@@ -6,37 +10,17 @@
* the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/hardirq.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/mutex.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/signal.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/bug.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/mmu_notifier.h>
-#include <linux/preempt.h>
-#include <linux/msi.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-#include <linux/ratelimit.h>
-#include <linux/err.h>
-#include <linux/irqflags.h>
-#include <linux/context_tracking.h>
-#include <linux/irqbypass.h>
-#include <linux/swait.h>
-#include <asm/signal.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_para.h>
+#include <uapi/linux/kvm.h>
#include <linux/kvm_types.h>
#include <asm/kvm_host.h>
-#ifndef KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID
+#include <gvm-main.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#ifndef GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID
@@ -44,14 +28,14 @@
* in kvm, other bits are visible for userspace which are defined in
* include/linux/kvm_h.
-#define KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID (1UL << 16)
+#define GVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID (1ULL << 16)
/* Two fragments for cross MMIO pages. */
@@ -59,13 +43,13 @@
* so we can mask bit 62 ~ bit 52 to indicate the error pfn,
* mask bit 63 to indicate the noslot pfn.
-#define KVM_PFN_ERR_MASK (0x7ffULL << 52)
-#define KVM_PFN_ERR_NOSLOT_MASK (0xfffULL << 52)
-#define KVM_PFN_NOSLOT (0x1ULL << 63)
+#define GVM_PFN_ERR_MASK (0x7ffULL << 52)
+#define GVM_PFN_ERR_NOSLOT_MASK (0xfffULL << 52)
+#define GVM_PFN_NOSLOT (0x1ULL << 63)
* error pfns indicate that the gfn is in slot but faild to
@@ -73,7 +57,7 @@
static inline bool is_error_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- return !!(pfn & KVM_PFN_ERR_MASK);
+ return !!(pfn & GVM_PFN_ERR_MASK);
@@ -83,32 +67,29 @@ static inline bool is_error_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
static inline bool is_error_noslot_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- return !!(pfn & KVM_PFN_ERR_NOSLOT_MASK);
+ return !!(pfn & GVM_PFN_ERR_NOSLOT_MASK);
/* noslot pfn indicates that the gfn is not in slot. */
static inline bool is_noslot_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- return pfn == KVM_PFN_NOSLOT;
+ return pfn == GVM_PFN_NOSLOT;
- * architectures with KVM_HVA_ERR_BAD other than PAGE_OFFSET (e.g. s390)
- * provide own defines and kvm_is_error_hva
+ * According to Windows Virtual Space, it is the middle of [0, 2^64-1]
+ * that is least likely to be used. We grab two to server as our
+ * bad hva.
-#ifndef KVM_HVA_ERR_BAD
+#define GVM_HVA_ERR_BAD (0x8000000000000000)
-static inline bool kvm_is_error_hva(unsigned long addr)
+static inline bool kvm_is_error_hva(size_t addr)
- return addr >= PAGE_OFFSET;
+ return addr == GVM_HVA_ERR_BAD || addr == GVM_HVA_ERR_RO_BAD;
static inline bool is_error_page(struct page *page)
@@ -119,13 +100,12 @@ static inline bool is_error_page(struct page *page)
* Architecture-independent vcpu->requests bit members
* Bits 4-7 are reserved for more arch-independent bits.
-#define KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH 0
-#define KVM_REQ_UNHALT 3
+#define GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH 0
+#define GVM_REQ_UNHALT 3
extern struct kmem_cache *kvm_vcpu_cache;
@@ -142,16 +122,15 @@ struct kvm_io_range {
struct kvm_io_bus {
int dev_count;
- int ioeventfd_count;
struct kvm_io_range range[];
enum kvm_bus {
int kvm_io_bus_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr,
@@ -167,26 +146,6 @@ int kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(struct kvm *kvm, enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
struct kvm_io_device *kvm_io_bus_get_dev(struct kvm *kvm, enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
gpa_t addr);
-struct kvm_async_pf {
- struct work_struct work;
- struct list_head link;
- struct list_head queue;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct mm_struct *mm;
- gva_t gva;
- unsigned long addr;
- struct kvm_arch_async_pf arch;
- bool wakeup_all;
-void kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_check_async_pf_completion(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int kvm_setup_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, unsigned long hva,
- struct kvm_arch_async_pf *arch);
-int kvm_async_pf_wakeup_all(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
enum {
@@ -206,66 +165,37 @@ struct kvm_mmio_fragment {
struct kvm_vcpu {
struct kvm *kvm;
- struct preempt_notifier preempt_notifier;
int cpu;
int vcpu_id;
int srcu_idx;
int mode;
- unsigned long requests;
- unsigned long guest_debug;
+ size_t requests;
+ size_t guest_debug;
int pre_pcpu;
struct list_head blocked_vcpu_list;
struct mutex mutex;
struct kvm_run *run;
+ size_t run_userva;
- int fpu_active;
- int guest_fpu_loaded, guest_xcr0_loaded;
- unsigned char fpu_counter;
- struct swait_queue_head wq;
- struct pid *pid;
- int sigset_active;
- sigset_t sigset;
+ int guest_xcr0_loaded;
+ KEVENT kick_event;
+ u64 blocked;
+ PETHREAD thread;
+ KAPC apc;
struct kvm_vcpu_stat stat;
- unsigned int halt_poll_ns;
bool valid_wakeup;
int mmio_needed;
int mmio_read_completed;
int mmio_is_write;
int mmio_cur_fragment;
int mmio_nr_fragments;
- struct kvm_mmio_fragment mmio_fragments[KVM_MAX_MMIO_FRAGMENTS];
- struct {
- u32 queued;
- struct list_head queue;
- struct list_head done;
- spinlock_t lock;
- } async_pf;
+ struct kvm_mmio_fragment mmio_fragments[GVM_MAX_MMIO_FRAGMENTS];
- /*
- * Cpu relax intercept or pause loop exit optimization
- * in_spin_loop: set when a vcpu does a pause loop exit
- * or cpu relax intercepted.
- * dy_eligible: indicates whether vcpu is eligible for directed yield.
- */
- struct {
- bool in_spin_loop;
- bool dy_eligible;
- } spin_loop;
bool preempted;
struct kvm_vcpu_arch arch;
- struct dentry *debugfs_dentry;
static inline int kvm_vcpu_exiting_guest_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -277,36 +207,38 @@ static inline int kvm_vcpu_exiting_guest_mode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
* Some of the bitops functions do not support too long bitmaps.
* This number must be determined not to exceed such limits.
-#define KVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES ((1UL << 31) - 1)
+#define GVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES ((1ULL << 31) - 1)
+struct pmem_lock {
+ /* Lock to prevent multiple fault in to the same pfn
+ * but allow to different pfns.
+ */
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ PMDL lock_mdl;
struct kvm_memory_slot {
gfn_t base_gfn;
- unsigned long npages;
- unsigned long *dirty_bitmap;
+ size_t npages;
+ size_t *dirty_bitmap;
struct kvm_arch_memory_slot arch;
- unsigned long userspace_addr;
+ size_t userspace_addr;
u32 flags;
short id;
+ struct pmem_lock *pmem_lock;
+ /* A link back to KVM for rp_bitmap */
+ struct kvm *kvm;
-static inline unsigned long kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
+#define ALIGN(x, mask) (((x) + (mask - 1)) & ~(mask - 1))
+#define IS_ALIGNED(x, a) (((x) & ((u64)(a) - 1)) == 0)
+#define PAGE_ALIGNED(addr) IS_ALIGNED((size_t)(addr), PAGE_SIZE)
+static inline size_t kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
- return ALIGN(memslot->npages, BITS_PER_LONG) / 8;
+ return ALIGN(memslot->npages, (size_t)BITS_PER_LONG) / 8;
-struct kvm_s390_adapter_int {
- u64 ind_addr;
- u64 summary_addr;
- u64 ind_offset;
- u32 summary_offset;
- u32 adapter_id;
-struct kvm_hv_sint {
- u32 vcpu;
- u32 sint;
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry {
u32 gsi;
u32 type;
@@ -325,15 +257,12 @@ struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry {
u32 flags;
u32 devid;
} msi;
- struct kvm_s390_adapter_int adapter;
- struct kvm_hv_sint hv_sint;
struct hlist_node link;
struct kvm_irq_routing_table {
u32 nr_rt_entries;
* Array indexed by gsi. Each entry contains list of irq chips
@@ -341,17 +270,16 @@ struct kvm_irq_routing_table {
struct hlist_head map[0];
static inline int kvm_arch_vcpu_memslots_id(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return 0;
@@ -365,9 +293,9 @@ static inline int kvm_arch_vcpu_memslots_id(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
struct kvm_memslots {
u64 generation;
- struct kvm_memory_slot memslots[KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM];
+ struct kvm_memory_slot memslots[GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM];
/* The mapping table from slot id to the index in memslots[]. */
- short id_to_index[KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM];
+ short id_to_index[GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM];
atomic_t lru_slot;
int used_slots;
@@ -375,15 +303,16 @@ struct kvm_memslots {
struct kvm {
spinlock_t mmu_lock;
struct mutex slots_lock;
- struct mm_struct *mm; /* userspace tied to this vm */
- struct kvm_memslots *memslots[KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM];
- struct srcu_struct srcu;
- struct srcu_struct irq_srcu;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpus[KVM_MAX_VCPUS];
+ PEPROCESS process;
+ u64 vm_id;
+ struct kvm_memslots *memslots[GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM];
+ size_t *rp_bitmap;
+ u64 rp_bitmap_size;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpus[GVM_MAX_VCPUS];
* created_vcpus is protected by kvm->lock, and is incremented
- * at the beginning of KVM_CREATE_VCPU. online_vcpus is only
+ * at the beginning of GVM_CREATE_VCPU. online_vcpus is only
* incremented after storing the kvm_vcpu pointer in vcpus,
* and is accessed atomically.
@@ -392,56 +321,31 @@ struct kvm {
int last_boosted_vcpu;
struct list_head vm_list;
struct mutex lock;
- struct kvm_io_bus *buses[KVM_NR_BUSES];
- struct {
- spinlock_t lock;
- struct list_head items;
- struct list_head resampler_list;
- struct mutex resampler_lock;
- } irqfds;
- struct list_head ioeventfds;
+ struct kvm_io_bus *buses[GVM_NR_BUSES];
struct kvm_vm_stat stat;
struct kvm_arch arch;
atomic_t users_count;
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring *coalesced_mmio_ring;
- spinlock_t ring_lock;
- struct list_head coalesced_zones;
struct mutex irq_lock;
* Update side is protected by irq_lock.
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table __rcu *irq_routing;
- struct hlist_head irq_ack_notifier_list;
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_table *irq_routing;
- struct mmu_notifier mmu_notifier;
- unsigned long mmu_notifier_seq;
- long mmu_notifier_count;
long tlbs_dirty;
- struct list_head devices;
- struct dentry *debugfs_dentry;
- struct kvm_stat_data **debugfs_stat_data;
+ struct srcu_struct srcu;
+ struct srcu_struct irq_srcu;
#define kvm_err(fmt, ...) \
- pr_err("kvm [%i]: " fmt, task_pid_nr(current), ## __VA_ARGS__)
+ pr_err("kvm: " fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define kvm_info(fmt, ...) \
- pr_info("kvm [%i]: " fmt, task_pid_nr(current), ## __VA_ARGS__)
+ pr_info("kvm: " fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define kvm_debug(fmt, ...) \
- pr_debug("kvm [%i]: " fmt, task_pid_nr(current), ## __VA_ARGS__)
+ pr_debug("kvm: " fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define kvm_pr_unimpl(fmt, ...) \
- pr_err_ratelimited("kvm [%i]: " fmt, \
- task_tgid_nr(current), ## __VA_ARGS__)
+ pr_err_ratelimited("kvm: " fmt, \
+ ## __VA_ARGS__)
/* The guest did something we don't support. */
#define vcpu_unimpl(vcpu, fmt, ...) \
@@ -476,7 +380,7 @@ static inline struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(struct kvm *kvm, int id)
if (id < 0)
return NULL;
- if (id < KVM_MAX_VCPUS)
+ if (id < GVM_MAX_VCPUS)
vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, id);
if (vcpu && vcpu->vcpu_id == id)
return vcpu;
@@ -486,9 +390,23 @@ static inline struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(struct kvm *kvm, int id)
return NULL;
+static inline struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_get_vcpu_by_thread(struct kvm *kvm,
+ PETHREAD thread)
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = NULL;
+ int i;
+ if (!thread < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
+ if (vcpu->thread == thread)
+ return vcpu;
+ return NULL;
#define kvm_for_each_memslot(memslot, slots) \
for (memslot = &slots->memslots[0]; \
- memslot < slots->memslots + KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM && memslot->npages;\
+ memslot < slots->memslots + GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM && memslot->npages;\
int kvm_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm *kvm, unsigned id);
@@ -497,33 +415,10 @@ void kvm_vcpu_uninit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int __must_check vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_vcpu_request_scan_ioapic(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_arch_post_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline void kvm_vcpu_request_scan_ioapic(struct kvm *kvm)
-static inline void kvm_arch_post_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
-int kvm_irqfd_init(void);
-void kvm_irqfd_exit(void);
-static inline int kvm_irqfd_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_irqfd_exit(void)
-int kvm_init(void *opaque, unsigned vcpu_size, unsigned vcpu_align,
- struct module *module);
+int kvm_init(void *opaque, unsigned vcpu_size, unsigned vcpu_align);
void kvm_exit(void);
void kvm_get_kvm(struct kvm *kvm);
@@ -531,9 +426,12 @@ void kvm_put_kvm(struct kvm *kvm);
static inline struct kvm_memslots *__kvm_memslots(struct kvm *kvm, int as_id)
+ return kvm->memslots[as_id];
+#if 0
return rcu_dereference_check(kvm->memslots[as_id],
|| lockdep_is_held(&kvm->slots_lock));
static inline struct kvm_memslots *kvm_memslots(struct kvm *kvm)
@@ -561,7 +459,7 @@ id_to_memslot(struct kvm_memslots *slots, int id)
- * KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION ioctl allows the following operations:
+ * GVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION ioctl allows the following operations:
* - create a new memory slot
* - delete an existing memory slot
* - modify an existing memory slot
@@ -572,10 +470,10 @@ id_to_memslot(struct kvm_memslots *slots, int id)
* differentiation is the best we can do for __kvm_set_memory_region():
enum kvm_mr_change {
int kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
@@ -585,7 +483,7 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
void kvm_arch_free_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *free,
struct kvm_memory_slot *dont);
int kvm_arch_create_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
- unsigned long npages);
+ size_t npages);
void kvm_arch_memslots_updated(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memslots *slots);
int kvm_arch_prepare_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
@@ -596,27 +494,20 @@ void kvm_arch_commit_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_memory_slot *old,
const struct kvm_memory_slot *new,
enum kvm_mr_change change);
-bool kvm_largepages_enabled(void);
-void kvm_disable_largepages(void);
/* flush all memory translations */
void kvm_arch_flush_shadow_all(struct kvm *kvm);
/* flush memory translations pointing to 'slot' */
void kvm_arch_flush_shadow_memslot(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot);
-int gfn_to_page_many_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
- struct page **pages, int nr_pages);
+int gfn_to_pfn_many_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
+ pfn_t *pfn, int nr_pages);
-struct page *gfn_to_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
+size_t gfn_to_hva(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
+size_t gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable);
+size_t gfn_to_hva_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn);
+size_t gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
bool *writable);
-void kvm_release_page_clean(struct page *page);
-void kvm_release_page_dirty(struct page *page);
-void kvm_set_page_accessed(struct page *page);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_atomic(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool write_fault,
@@ -627,31 +518,24 @@ kvm_pfn_t __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
bool atomic, bool *async, bool write_fault,
bool *writable);
-void kvm_release_pfn_clean(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
-void kvm_set_pfn_dirty(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
-void kvm_set_pfn_accessed(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
-void kvm_get_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
int kvm_read_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, void *data, int offset,
int len);
-int kvm_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data,
- unsigned long len);
-int kvm_read_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data, unsigned long len);
+int kvm_read_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data, size_t len);
int kvm_read_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- void *data, unsigned long len);
+ void *data, size_t len);
int kvm_write_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, const void *data,
int offset, int len);
int kvm_write_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
- unsigned long len);
+ size_t len);
int kvm_write_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- void *data, unsigned long len);
+ void *data, size_t len);
int kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- gpa_t gpa, unsigned long len);
+ gpa_t gpa, size_t len);
int kvm_clear_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, int offset, int len);
-int kvm_clear_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, unsigned long len);
+int kvm_clear_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, size_t len);
struct kvm_memory_slot *gfn_to_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
bool kvm_is_visible_gfn(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long kvm_host_page_size(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
+size_t kvm_host_page_size(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
void mark_page_dirty(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn);
struct kvm_memslots *kvm_vcpu_memslots(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -659,18 +543,18 @@ struct kvm_memory_slot *kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn
kvm_pfn_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn_atomic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
kvm_pfn_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
struct page *kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
-unsigned long kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable);
+size_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
+size_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable);
int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, void *data, int offset,
int len);
int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, void *data,
- unsigned long len);
+ size_t len);
int kvm_vcpu_read_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, void *data,
- unsigned long len);
+ size_t len);
int kvm_vcpu_write_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, const void *data,
int offset, int len);
int kvm_vcpu_write_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
- unsigned long len);
+ size_t len);
void kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn);
void kvm_vcpu_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
@@ -681,17 +565,16 @@ void kvm_vcpu_kick(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int kvm_vcpu_yield_to(struct kvm_vcpu *target);
void kvm_vcpu_on_spin(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_load_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void kvm_put_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
+void kvm_save_guest_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_flush_remote_tlbs(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_reload_remote_mmus(struct kvm *kvm);
bool kvm_make_all_cpus_request(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int req);
-long kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg);
-long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg);
-int kvm_arch_vcpu_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vm_fault *vmf);
+long kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl);
+long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl);
int kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(struct kvm *kvm, long ext);
@@ -704,15 +587,14 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
void kvm_arch_mmu_enable_log_dirty_pt_masked(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
gfn_t gfn_offset,
- unsigned long mask);
+ size_t mask);
-int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_dirty_log *log);
+int kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_dirty_log *log);
int kvm_vm_ioctl_irq_line(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irq_level *irq_level,
bool line_status);
-long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg);
+long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct gvm_device_extension *devext, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl);
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu);
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_fpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_fpu *fpu);
@@ -750,9 +632,6 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_setup(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_arch_vcpu_postcreate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_arch_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-bool kvm_arch_has_vcpu_debugfs(void);
-int kvm_arch_create_vcpu_debugfs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int kvm_arch_hardware_enable(void);
void kvm_arch_hardware_disable(void);
int kvm_arch_hardware_setup(void);
@@ -761,9 +640,9 @@ void kvm_arch_check_processor_compat(void *rtn);
int kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
int kvm_arch_vcpu_should_kick(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void *kvm_kvzalloc(unsigned long size);
+void *kvm_kvzalloc(size_t size);
static inline struct kvm *kvm_arch_alloc_vm(void)
return kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm), GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -775,53 +654,7 @@ static inline void kvm_arch_free_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
-void kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm);
-bool kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline void kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
-static inline void kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
-static inline bool kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma(struct kvm *kvm)
- return false;
-void kvm_arch_start_assignment(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_arch_end_assignment(struct kvm *kvm);
-bool kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline void kvm_arch_start_assignment(struct kvm *kvm)
-static inline void kvm_arch_end_assignment(struct kvm *kvm)
-static inline bool kvm_arch_has_assigned_device(struct kvm *kvm)
- return false;
-static inline struct swait_queue_head *kvm_arch_vcpu_wq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return vcpu->arch.wqp;
- return &vcpu->wq;
* returns true if the virtual interrupt controller is initialized and
* ready to accept virtual IRQ. On some architectures the virtual interrupt
@@ -835,21 +668,12 @@ static inline bool kvm_arch_intc_initialized(struct kvm *kvm)
-int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type);
+int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, size_t type);
void kvm_arch_destroy_vm(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_arch_sync_events(struct kvm *kvm);
int kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
void kvm_vcpu_kick(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-bool kvm_is_reserved_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
-struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier {
- struct hlist_node link;
- unsigned gsi;
- void (*irq_acked)(struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian);
int kvm_irq_map_gsi(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *entries, int gsi);
int kvm_irq_map_chip_pin(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin);
@@ -864,29 +688,9 @@ int kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
bool kvm_irq_has_notifier(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin);
void kvm_notify_acked_gsi(struct kvm *kvm, int gsi);
void kvm_notify_acked_irq(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin);
-void kvm_register_irq_ack_notifier(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian);
-void kvm_unregister_irq_ack_notifier(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian);
int kvm_request_irq_source_id(struct kvm *kvm);
void kvm_free_irq_source_id(struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id);
-int kvm_iommu_map_pages(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot);
-void kvm_iommu_unmap_pages(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot);
-static inline int kvm_iommu_map_pages(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_iommu_unmap_pages(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
* search_memslots() and __gfn_to_memslot() are here because they are
* used in non-modular code in arch/powerpc/kvm/book3s_hv_rm_mmu.c.
@@ -928,7 +732,7 @@ __gfn_to_memslot(struct kvm_memslots *slots, gfn_t gfn)
return search_memslots(slots, gfn);
-static inline unsigned long
+static inline size_t
__gfn_to_hva_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn)
return slot->userspace_addr + (gfn - slot->base_gfn) * PAGE_SIZE;
@@ -940,7 +744,7 @@ static inline int memslot_id(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
static inline gfn_t
-hva_to_gfn_memslot(unsigned long hva, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
+hva_to_gfn_memslot(size_t hva, struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
gfn_t gfn_offset = (hva - slot->userspace_addr) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
@@ -964,31 +768,13 @@ static inline hpa_t pfn_to_hpa(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
static inline bool kvm_is_error_gpa(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa)
- unsigned long hva = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gpa_to_gfn(gpa));
+ size_t hva = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gpa_to_gfn(gpa));
return kvm_is_error_hva(hva);
-enum kvm_stat_kind {
-struct kvm_stat_data {
- int offset;
- struct kvm *kvm;
-struct kvm_stats_debugfs_item {
- const char *name;
- int offset;
- enum kvm_stat_kind kind;
-extern struct kvm_stats_debugfs_item debugfs_entries[];
-extern struct dentry *kvm_debugfs_dir;
-static inline int mmu_notifier_retry(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long mmu_seq)
+static inline int mmu_notifier_retry(struct kvm *kvm, size_t mmu_seq)
if (unlikely(kvm->mmu_notifier_count))
return 1;
@@ -998,7 +784,7 @@ static inline int mmu_notifier_retry(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long mmu_seq)
* mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_end to make sure that the caller
* either sees the old (non-zero) value of mmu_notifier_count or
* the new (incremented) value of mmu_notifier_seq.
- * PowerPC Book3s HV KVM calls this under a per-page lock
+ * PowerPC Book3s HV kvm calls this under a per-page lock
* rather than under kvm->mmu_lock, for scalability, so
* can't rely on kvm->mmu_lock to keep things ordered.
@@ -1009,15 +795,8 @@ static inline int mmu_notifier_retry(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long mmu_seq)
-#ifdef CONFIG_S390
-#define KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES 4096 //FIXME: we can have more than that...
-#elif defined(CONFIG_ARM64)
-#define KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES 4096
-#define KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES 1024
+#define GVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES 1024
int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *entries,
@@ -1028,57 +807,8 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *ue);
void kvm_free_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline void kvm_free_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm) {}
int kvm_send_userspace_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi);
-void kvm_eventfd_init(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_ioeventfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_ioeventfd *args);
-int kvm_irqfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args);
-void kvm_irqfd_release(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *);
-static inline int kvm_irqfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args)
- return -EINVAL;
-static inline void kvm_irqfd_release(struct kvm *kvm) {}
-static inline void kvm_eventfd_init(struct kvm *kvm) {}
-static inline int kvm_irqfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args)
- return -EINVAL;
-static inline void kvm_irqfd_release(struct kvm *kvm) {}
-static inline void kvm_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
-void kvm_arch_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm);
-static inline int kvm_ioeventfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- return -ENOSYS;
static inline void kvm_make_request(int req, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -1107,93 +837,7 @@ static inline bool kvm_check_request(int req, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
extern bool kvm_rebooting;
-struct kvm_device {
- struct kvm_device_ops *ops;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- void *private;
- struct list_head vm_node;
-/* create, destroy, and name are mandatory */
-struct kvm_device_ops {
- const char *name;
- /*
- * create is called holding kvm->lock and any operations not suitable
- * to do while holding the lock should be deferred to init (see
- * below).
- */
- int (*create)(struct kvm_device *dev, u32 type);
- /*
- * init is called after create if create is successful and is called
- * outside of holding kvm->lock.
- */
- void (*init)(struct kvm_device *dev);
- /*
- * Destroy is responsible for freeing dev.
- *
- * Destroy may be called before or after destructors are called
- * on emulated I/O regions, depending on whether a reference is
- * held by a vcpu or other kvm component that gets destroyed
- * after the emulated I/O.
- */
- void (*destroy)(struct kvm_device *dev);
- int (*set_attr)(struct kvm_device *dev, struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
- int (*get_attr)(struct kvm_device *dev, struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
- int (*has_attr)(struct kvm_device *dev, struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
- long (*ioctl)(struct kvm_device *dev, unsigned int ioctl,
- unsigned long arg);
-void kvm_device_get(struct kvm_device *dev);
-void kvm_device_put(struct kvm_device *dev);
-struct kvm_device *kvm_device_from_filp(struct file *filp);
-int kvm_register_device_ops(struct kvm_device_ops *ops, u32 type);
-void kvm_unregister_device_ops(u32 type);
-extern struct kvm_device_ops kvm_mpic_ops;
-extern struct kvm_device_ops kvm_xics_ops;
-extern struct kvm_device_ops kvm_arm_vgic_v2_ops;
-extern struct kvm_device_ops kvm_arm_vgic_v3_ops;
-static inline void kvm_vcpu_set_in_spin_loop(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool val)
- vcpu->spin_loop.in_spin_loop = val;
-static inline void kvm_vcpu_set_dy_eligible(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool val)
- vcpu->spin_loop.dy_eligible = val;
-static inline void kvm_vcpu_set_in_spin_loop(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool val)
-static inline void kvm_vcpu_set_dy_eligible(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool val)
-bool kvm_arch_has_irq_bypass(void);
-int kvm_arch_irq_bypass_add_producer(struct irq_bypass_consumer *,
- struct irq_bypass_producer *);
-void kvm_arch_irq_bypass_del_producer(struct irq_bypass_consumer *,
- struct irq_bypass_producer *);
-void kvm_arch_irq_bypass_stop(struct irq_bypass_consumer *);
-void kvm_arch_irq_bypass_start(struct irq_bypass_consumer *);
-int kvm_arch_update_irqfd_routing(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set);
/* If we wakeup during the poll time, was it a sucessful poll? */
static inline bool vcpu_valid_wakeup(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -1205,6 +849,6 @@ static inline bool vcpu_valid_wakeup(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
return true;
diff --git a/include/linux/kvm_irqfd.h b/include/linux/kvm_irqfd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1de05..0000000
--- a/include/linux/kvm_irqfd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * irqfd: Allows an fd to be used to inject an interrupt to the guest
- * Credit goes to Avi Kivity for the original idea.
- */
-#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_IRQFD_H
-#define __LINUX_KVM_IRQFD_H
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/poll.h>
- * Resampling irqfds are a special variety of irqfds used to emulate
- * level triggered interrupts. The interrupt is asserted on eventfd
- * trigger. On acknowledgment through the irq ack notifier, the
- * interrupt is de-asserted and userspace is notified through the
- * resamplefd. All resamplers on the same gsi are de-asserted
- * together, so we don't need to track the state of each individual
- * user. We can also therefore share the same irq source ID.
- */
-struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler {
- struct kvm *kvm;
- /*
- * List of resampling struct _irqfd objects sharing this gsi.
- * RCU list modified under kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock
- */
- struct list_head list;
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier notifier;
- /*
- * Entry in list of kvm->irqfd.resampler_list. Use for sharing
- * resamplers among irqfds on the same gsi.
- * Accessed and modified under kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock
- */
- struct list_head link;
-struct kvm_kernel_irqfd {
- /* Used for MSI fast-path */
- struct kvm *kvm;
- wait_queue_t wait;
- /* Update side is protected by irqfds.lock */
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry irq_entry;
- seqcount_t irq_entry_sc;
- /* Used for level IRQ fast-path */
- int gsi;
- struct work_struct inject;
- /* The resampler used by this irqfd (resampler-only) */
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler *resampler;
- /* Eventfd notified on resample (resampler-only) */
- struct eventfd_ctx *resamplefd;
- /* Entry in list of irqfds for a resampler (resampler-only) */
- struct list_head resampler_link;
- /* Used for setup/shutdown */
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd;
- struct list_head list;
- poll_table pt;
- struct work_struct shutdown;
- struct irq_bypass_consumer consumer;
- struct irq_bypass_producer *producer;
-#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_IRQFD_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/kvm_para.h b/include/linux/kvm_para.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e568f..0000000
--- a/include/linux/kvm_para.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H
-#define __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H
-#include <uapi/linux/kvm_para.h>
-static inline bool kvm_para_has_feature(unsigned int feature)
- return !!(kvm_arch_para_features() & (1UL << feature));
-#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/kvm_types.h b/include/linux/kvm_types.h
index 8bf259d..8f5b576 100644..100755
--- a/include/linux/kvm_types.h
+++ b/include/linux/kvm_types.h
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
@@ -18,8 +20,6 @@
#define __KVM_TYPES_H__
struct kvm;
-struct kvm_async_pf;
-struct kvm_device_ops;
struct kvm_interrupt;
struct kvm_irq_routing_table;
struct kvm_memory_slot;
@@ -27,12 +27,11 @@ struct kvm_one_reg;
struct kvm_run;
struct kvm_userspace_memory_region;
struct kvm_vcpu;
-struct kvm_vcpu_init;
struct kvm_memslots;
enum kvm_mr_change;
-#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
* Address types:
@@ -45,11 +44,11 @@ enum kvm_mr_change;
* hfn - host frame number
-typedef unsigned long gva_t;
+typedef size_t gva_t;
typedef u64 gpa_t;
typedef u64 gfn_t;
-typedef unsigned long hva_t;
+typedef size_t hva_t;
typedef u64 hpa_t;
typedef u64 hfn_t;
@@ -58,8 +57,8 @@ typedef hfn_t kvm_pfn_t;
struct gfn_to_hva_cache {
u64 generation;
gpa_t gpa;
- unsigned long hva;
- unsigned long len;
+ size_t hva;
+ size_t len;
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
diff --git a/include/linux/list.h b/include/linux/list.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f38f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_LIST_H
+#define _LINUX_LIST_H
+/* We don't want to include ntkrutil.h here as we do in other
+ * places, because nrktutil.h depends on list.h.
+ * So this header should be made to work with all dependencies
+ * in gvm_types.h.
+ */
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+* These are non-NULL pointers that will result in page faults
+* under normal circumstances, used to verify that nobody uses
+* non-initialized list entries.
+#define LIST_POISON1 ((void *) 0x100)
+#define LIST_POISON2 ((void *) 0x200)
+struct list_head {
+ struct list_head *next, *prev;
+struct hlist_head {
+ struct hlist_node *first;
+struct hlist_node {
+ struct hlist_node *next, **pprev;
+ * since there is not typeof in MSVC C portion, have to
+ * ask programmer to define the type info befor calling
+ * to these macros.
+#define typeof(a) LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO
+ * Simple doubly linked list implementation.
+ *
+ * Some of the internal functions ("__xxx") are useful when
+ * manipulating whole lists rather than single entries, as
+ * sometimes we already know the next/prev entries and we can
+ * generate better code by using them directly rather than
+ * using the generic single-entry routines.
+ */
+#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
+#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
+ struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
+static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
+ WRITE_ONCE(list->next, list);
+ list->prev = list;
+ * Insert a new__ entry between two known consecutive entries.
+ *
+ * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
+ * the prev/next entries already!
+ */
+static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new__,
+ struct list_head *prev,
+ struct list_head *next)
+ next->prev = new__;
+ new__->next = next;
+ new__->prev = prev;
+ WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, new__);
+extern void __list_add(struct list_head *new__,
+ struct list_head *prev,
+ struct list_head *next);
+ * list_add - add a new__ entry
+ * @new__: new__ entry to be added
+ * @head: list head to add it after
+ *
+ * Insert a new__ entry after the specified head.
+ * This is good for implementing stacks.
+ */
+static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new__, struct list_head *head)
+ __list_add(new__, head, head->next);
+ * list_add_tail - add a new__ entry
+ * @new__: new__ entry to be added
+ * @head: list head to add it before
+ *
+ * Insert a new__ entry before the specified head.
+ * This is useful for implementing queues.
+ */
+static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new__, struct list_head *head)
+ __list_add(new__, head->prev, head);
+ * Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries
+ * point to each other.
+ *
+ * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
+ * the prev/next entries already!
+ */
+static inline void __list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next)
+ next->prev = prev;
+ WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, next);
+ * list_del - deletes entry from list.
+ * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
+ * Note: list_empty() on entry does not return true after this, the entry is
+ * in an undefined state.
+ */
+static inline void __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry)
+ __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
+static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry)
+ __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
+ entry->next = LIST_POISON1;
+ entry->prev = LIST_POISON2;
+extern void __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry);
+extern void list_del(struct list_head *entry);
+ * list_replace - replace old entry by new__ one
+ * @old : the element to be replaced
+ * @new__ : the new__ element to insert
+ *
+ * If @old was empty, it will be overwritten.
+ */
+static inline void list_replace(struct list_head *old,
+ struct list_head *new__)
+ new__->next = old->next;
+ new__->next->prev = new__;
+ new__->prev = old->prev;
+ new__->prev->next = new__;
+static inline void list_replace_init(struct list_head *old,
+ struct list_head *new__)
+ list_replace(old, new__);
+ * list_del_init - deletes entry from list and reinitialize it.
+ * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
+ */
+static inline void list_del_init(struct list_head *entry)
+ __list_del_entry(entry);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(entry);
+ * list_move - delete from one list and add as another's head
+ * @list: the entry to move
+ * @head: the head that will precede our entry
+ */
+static inline void list_move(struct list_head *list, struct list_head *head)
+ __list_del_entry(list);
+ list_add(list, head);
+ * list_move_tail - delete from one list and add as another's tail
+ * @list: the entry to move
+ * @head: the head that will follow our entry
+ */
+static inline void list_move_tail(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head)
+ __list_del_entry(list);
+ list_add_tail(list, head);
+ * list_is_last - tests whether @list is the last entry in list @head
+ * @list: the entry to test
+ * @head: the head of the list
+ */
+static inline int list_is_last(const struct list_head *list,
+ const struct list_head *head)
+ return list->next == head;
+ * list_empty - tests whether a list is empty
+ * @head: the list to test.
+ */
+static inline int list_empty(const struct list_head *head)
+ struct list_head *temp;
+ READ_ONCE(head->next, temp);
+ return temp == head;
+ * list_empty_careful - tests whether a list is empty and not being modified
+ * @head: the list to test
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * tests whether a list is empty _and_ checks that no other CPU might be
+ * in the process of modifying either member (next or prev)
+ *
+ * NOTE: using list_empty_careful() without synchronization
+ * can only be safe if the only activity that can happen
+ * to the list entry is list_del_init(). Eg. it cannot be used
+ * if another CPU could re-list_add() it.
+ */
+static inline int list_empty_careful(const struct list_head *head)
+ struct list_head *next = head->next;
+ return (next == head) && (next == head->prev);
+ * list_rotate_left - rotate the list to the left
+ * @head: the head of the list
+ */
+static inline void list_rotate_left(struct list_head *head)
+ struct list_head *first;
+ if (!list_empty(head)) {
+ first = head->next;
+ list_move_tail(first, head);
+ }
+ * list_is_singular - tests whether a list has just one entry.
+ * @head: the list to test.
+ */
+static inline int list_is_singular(const struct list_head *head)
+ return !list_empty(head) && (head->next == head->prev);
+static inline void __list_cut_position(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head, struct list_head *entry)
+ struct list_head *new___first = entry->next;
+ list->next = head->next;
+ list->next->prev = list;
+ list->prev = entry;
+ entry->next = list;
+ head->next = new___first;
+ new___first->prev = head;
+ * list_cut_position - cut a list into two
+ * @list: a new__ list to add all removed entries
+ * @head: a list with entries
+ * @entry: an entry within head, could be the head itself
+ * and if so we won't cut the list
+ *
+ * This helper moves the initial part of @head, up to and
+ * including @entry, from @head to @list. You should
+ * pass on @entry an element you know is on @head. @list
+ * should be an empty list or a list you do not care about
+ * losing its data.
+ *
+ */
+static inline void list_cut_position(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head, struct list_head *entry)
+ if (list_empty(head))
+ return;
+ if (list_is_singular(head) &&
+ (head->next != entry && head != entry))
+ return;
+ if (entry == head)
+ else
+ __list_cut_position(list, head, entry);
+static inline void __list_splice(const struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *prev,
+ struct list_head *next)
+ struct list_head *first = list->next;
+ struct list_head *last = list->prev;
+ first->prev = prev;
+ prev->next = first;
+ last->next = next;
+ next->prev = last;
+ * list_splice - join two lists, this is designed for stacks
+ * @list: the new__ list to add.
+ * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
+ */
+static inline void list_splice(const struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head)
+ if (!list_empty(list))
+ __list_splice(list, head, head->next);
+ * list_splice_tail - join two lists, each list being a queue
+ * @list: the new__ list to add.
+ * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
+ */
+static inline void list_splice_tail(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head)
+ if (!list_empty(list))
+ __list_splice(list, head->prev, head);
+ * list_splice_init - join two lists and reinitialise the emptied list.
+ * @list: the new__ list to add.
+ * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
+ *
+ * The list at @list is reinitialised
+ */
+static inline void list_splice_init(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head)
+ if (!list_empty(list)) {
+ __list_splice(list, head, head->next);
+ }
+ * list_splice_tail_init - join two lists and reinitialise the emptied list
+ * @list: the new__ list to add.
+ * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
+ *
+ * Each of the lists is a queue.
+ * The list at @list is reinitialised
+ */
+static inline void list_splice_tail_init(struct list_head *list,
+ struct list_head *head)
+ if (!list_empty(list)) {
+ __list_splice(list, head->prev, head);
+ }
+ * list_entry - get the struct for this entry
+ * @ptr: the &struct list_head pointer.
+ * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+ container_of(ptr, type, member)
+ * list_first_entry - get the first element from a list
+ * @ptr: the list head to take the element from.
+ * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Note, that list is expected to be not empty.
+ */
+#define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+ list_entry((ptr)->next, type, member)
+ * list_last_entry - get the last element from a list
+ * @ptr: the list head to take the element from.
+ * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Note, that list is expected to be not empty.
+ */
+#define list_last_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+ list_entry((ptr)->prev, type, member)
+ * list_first_entry_or_null - get the first element from a list
+ * @ptr: the list head to take the element from.
+ * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Note that if the list is empty, it returns NULL.
+ */
+#define list_first_entry_or_null(ptr, type, member) ({ \
+ struct list_head *head__ = (ptr); \
+ struct list_head *pos__ = READ_ONCE(head__->next); \
+ pos__ != head__ ? list_entry(pos__, type, member) : NULL; \
+ * list_next_entry - get the next element in list
+ * @pos: the type * to cursor
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_next_entry(pos, member) \
+ list_entry((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member)
+ * list_prev_entry - get the prev element in list
+ * @pos: the type * to cursor
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_prev_entry(pos, member) \
+ list_entry((pos)->member.prev, typeof(*(pos)), member)
+ * list_for_each - iterate over a list
+ * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ */
+#define list_for_each(pos, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)
+ * list_for_each_prev - iterate over a list backwards
+ * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_prev(pos, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->prev; pos != (head); pos = pos->prev)
+ * list_for_each_safe - iterate over a list safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another &struct list_head to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->next, n = pos->next; pos != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = pos->next)
+ * list_for_each_prev_safe - iterate over a list backwards safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another &struct list_head to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_prev_safe(pos, n, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->prev, n = pos->prev; \
+ pos != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = pos->prev)
+ * list_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_reverse - iterate backwards over list of given type.
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_reverse(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_last_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = list_prev_entry(pos, member))
+ * list_prepare_entry - prepare a pos entry for use in list_for_each_entry_continue()
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a start point
+ * @head: the head of the list
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Prepares a pos entry for use as a start point in list_for_each_entry_continue().
+ */
+#define list_prepare_entry(pos, head, member) \
+ ((pos) ? (pos) : list_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_continue - continue iteration over list of given type
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Continue to iterate over list of given type, continuing after
+ * the current position.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_continue(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_next_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse - iterate backwards from the given point
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Start to iterate over list of given type backwards, continuing after
+ * the current position.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_prev_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = list_prev_entry(pos, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_from - iterate over list of given type from the current point
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Iterate over list of given type, continuing from current position.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_from(pos, head, member) \
+ for (; &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member), \
+ n = list_next_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = list_next_entry(n, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_safe_continue - continue list iteration safe against removal
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Iterate over list of given type, continuing after current point,
+ * safe against removal of list entry.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_safe_continue(pos, n, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_next_entry(pos, member), \
+ n = list_next_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = list_next_entry(n, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_safe_from - iterate over list from current point safe against removal
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Iterate over list of given type from current point, safe against
+ * removal of list entry.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_safe_from(pos, n, head, member) \
+ for (n = list_next_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = list_next_entry(n, member))
+ * list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse - iterate backwards over list safe against removal
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * Iterate backwards over list of given type, safe against removal
+ * of list entry.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse(pos, n, head, member) \
+ for (pos = list_last_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member), \
+ n = list_prev_entry(pos, member); \
+ &pos->member != (head); \
+ pos = n, n = list_prev_entry(n, member))
+ * list_safe_reset_next - reset a stale list_for_each_entry_safe loop
+ * @pos: the loop cursor used in the list_for_each_entry_safe loop
+ * @n: temporary storage used in list_for_each_entry_safe
+ * @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.
+ *
+ * list_safe_reset_next is not safe to use in general if the list may be
+ * modified concurrently (eg. the lock is dropped in the loop body). An
+ * exception to this is if the cursor element (pos) is pinned in the list,
+ * and list_safe_reset_next is called after re-taking the lock and before
+ * completing the current iteration of the loop body.
+ */
+#define list_safe_reset_next(pos, n, member) \
+ n = list_next_entry(pos, member)
+ * Double linked lists with a single pointer list head.
+ * Mostly useful for hash tables where the two pointer list head is
+ * too wasteful.
+ * You lose the ability to access the tail in O(1).
+ */
+#define HLIST_HEAD_INIT { .first = NULL }
+#define HLIST_HEAD(name) struct hlist_head name = { .first = NULL }
+#define INIT_HLIST_HEAD(ptr) ((ptr)->first = NULL)
+static inline void INIT_HLIST_NODE(struct hlist_node *h)
+ h->next = NULL;
+ h->pprev = NULL;
+static inline int hlist_unhashed(const struct hlist_node *h)
+ return !h->pprev;
+static inline int hlist_empty(const struct hlist_head *h)
+ struct hlist_node *temp;
+ READ_ONCE(h->first, temp);
+ return !temp;
+static inline void __hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n)
+ struct hlist_node *next = n->next;
+ struct hlist_node **pprev = n->pprev;
+ WRITE_ONCE(*pprev, next);
+ if (next)
+ next->pprev = pprev;
+static inline void hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n)
+ __hlist_del(n);
+ n->next = LIST_POISON1;
+ n->pprev = LIST_POISON2;
+static inline void hlist_del_init(struct hlist_node *n)
+ if (!hlist_unhashed(n)) {
+ __hlist_del(n);
+ }
+static inline void hlist_add_head(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h)
+ struct hlist_node *first = h->first;
+ n->next = first;
+ if (first)
+ first->pprev = &n->next;
+ WRITE_ONCE(h->first, n);
+ n->pprev = &h->first;
+/* next must be != NULL */
+static inline void hlist_add_before(struct hlist_node *n,
+ struct hlist_node *next)
+ n->pprev = next->pprev;
+ n->next = next;
+ next->pprev = &n->next;
+ WRITE_ONCE(*(n->pprev), n);
+static inline void hlist_add_behind(struct hlist_node *n,
+ struct hlist_node *prev)
+ n->next = prev->next;
+ WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, n);
+ n->pprev = &prev->next;
+ if (n->next)
+ n->next->pprev = &n->next;
+/* after that we'll appear to be on some hlist and hlist_del will work */
+static inline void hlist_add_fake(struct hlist_node *n)
+ n->pprev = &n->next;
+static inline bool hlist_fake(struct hlist_node *h)
+ return h->pprev == &h->next;
+ * Check whether the node is the only node of the head without
+ * accessing head:
+ */
+static inline bool
+hlist_is_singular_node(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h)
+ return !n->next && n->pprev == &h->first;
+ * Move a list from one list head to another. Fixup the pprev
+ * reference of the first entry if it exists.
+ */
+static inline void hlist_move_list(struct hlist_head *old,
+ struct hlist_head *new__)
+ new__->first = old->first;
+ if (new__->first)
+ new__->first->pprev = &new__->first;
+ old->first = NULL;
+#define hlist_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr,type,member)
+#define hlist_for_each(pos, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->first; pos ; pos = pos->next)
+#define hlist_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \
+ for (pos = (head)->first; pos && ({ n = pos->next; 1; }); \
+ pos = n)
+#if 0
+#define hlist_entry_safe(ptr, type, member) \
+ ({ typeof(ptr) ____ptr = (ptr); \
+ ____ptr ? hlist_entry(____ptr, type, member) : NULL; \
+ })
+#define hlist_entry_safe(ptr, type, member) \
+ ( (ptr) ? hlist_entry(ptr, type, member) : NULL )
+ * hlist_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
+ */
+#define hlist_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = hlist_entry_safe((head)->first, typeof(*(pos)), member);\
+ pos; \
+ pos = hlist_entry_safe((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member))
+ * hlist_for_each_entry_continue - iterate over a hlist continuing after current point
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @member: the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
+ */
+#define hlist_for_each_entry_continue(pos, member) \
+ for (pos = hlist_entry_safe((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member);\
+ pos; \
+ pos = hlist_entry_safe((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member))
+ * hlist_for_each_entry_from - iterate over a hlist continuing from current point
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @member: the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
+ */
+#define hlist_for_each_entry_from(pos, member) \
+ for (; pos; \
+ pos = hlist_entry_safe((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member))
+ * hlist_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.
+ * @n: another &struct hlist_node to use as temporary storage
+ * @head: the head for your list.
+ * @member: the name of the hlist_node within the struct.
+ */
+#define hlist_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member) \
+ for (pos = hlist_entry_safe((head)->first, typeof(*pos), member);\
+ pos; \
+ pos = hlist_entry_safe(n, typeof(*pos), member))
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/kvm.h b/include/uapi/linux/kvm.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9213889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/kvm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_H
+#define __LINUX_KVM_H
+ * Userspace interface for /dev/kvm - kernel based virtual machine
+ *
+ * Note: you must update GVM_API_VERSION if you change this interface.
+ */
+#include <uapi/asm/kvm.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <gvm_ver.h>
+struct kvm_memory_region {
+ __u32 slot;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u64 guest_phys_addr;
+ __u64 memory_size; /* bytes */
+struct kvm_userspace_memory_region {
+ __u32 slot;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u64 guest_phys_addr;
+ __u64 memory_size; /* bytes */
+ __u64 userspace_addr; /* start of the userspace allocated memory */
+ * The bit 0 ~ bit 15 of kvm_memory_region::flags are visible for userspace,
+ * other bits are reserved for kvm internal use which are defined in
+ * include/linux/kvm_host.h.
+ */
+#define GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES (1ULL << 0)
+#define GVM_MEM_READONLY (1ULL << 1)
+/* for GVM_IRQ_LINE */
+struct kvm_irq_level {
+ /*
+ * ACPI gsi notion of irq.
+ * For IA-64 (APIC model) IOAPIC0: irq 0-23; IOAPIC1: irq 24-47..
+ * For X86 (standard AT mode) PIC0/1: irq 0-15. IOAPIC0: 0-23..
+ * For ARM: See Documentation/virtual/kvm/api.txt
+ */
+ union {
+ __u32 irq;
+ __s32 status;
+ };
+ __u32 level;
+struct kvm_irqchip {
+ __u32 chip_id;
+ __u32 pad;
+ union {
+ char dummy[512]; /* reserving space */
+ struct kvm_pic_state pic;
+ struct kvm_ioapic_state ioapic;
+ } chip;
+#define GVM_EXIT_IO 2
+#define GVM_EXIT_DEBUG 4
+#define GVM_EXIT_HLT 5
+#define GVM_EXIT_MMIO 6
+#define GVM_EXIT_INTR 10
+#define GVM_EXIT_SET_TPR 11
+#define GVM_EXIT_NMI 16
+#define GVM_EXIT_OSI 18
+#define GVM_EXIT_EPR 23
+#define GVM_EXIT_RAM_PROT 27
+/* Emulate instruction failed. */
+/* Encounter unexpected simultaneous exceptions. */
+/* Encounter unexpected vm-exit due to delivery event. */
+/* for GVM_RUN, returned by mmap(vcpu_fd, offset=0) */
+struct kvm_run {
+ /* in */
+ __u8 request_interrupt_window;
+ __u8 user_event_pending;
+ __u8 padding1[6];
+ /* out */
+ __u32 exit_reason;
+ __u8 ready_for_interrupt_injection;
+ __u8 if_flag;
+ __u16 flags;
+ /* in (pre_kvm_run), out (post_kvm_run) */
+ __u64 cr8;
+ __u64 apic_base;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ __u64 hardware_exit_reason;
+ } hw;
+ struct {
+ __u64 hardware_entry_failure_reason;
+ } fail_entry;
+ struct {
+ __u32 exception;
+ __u32 error_code;
+ } ex;
+ /* GVM_EXIT_IO */
+ struct {
+#define GVM_EXIT_IO_IN 0
+#define GVM_EXIT_IO_OUT 1
+ __u8 direction;
+ __u8 size; /* bytes */
+ __u16 port;
+ __u32 count;
+ __u64 data_offset; /* relative to kvm_run start */
+ } io;
+ struct {
+ struct kvm_debug_exit_arch arch;
+ } debug;
+ struct {
+ __u64 phys_addr;
+ __u8 data[8];
+ __u32 len;
+ __u8 is_write;
+ } mmio;
+ struct {
+ __u64 nr;
+ __u64 args[6];
+ __u64 ret;
+ __u32 longmode;
+ __u32 pad;
+ } hypercall;
+ struct {
+ __u64 rip;
+ __u32 is_write;
+ __u32 pad;
+ } tpr_access;
+ struct {
+ __u32 suberror;
+ /* Available with GVM_CAP_INTERNAL_ERROR_DATA: */
+ __u32 ndata;
+ __u64 data[16];
+ } internal;
+ /* GVM_EXIT_OSI */
+ struct {
+ __u64 gprs[32];
+ } osi;
+ struct {
+ __u64 nr;
+ __u64 ret;
+ __u64 args[9];
+ } papr_hcall;
+ /* GVM_EXIT_EPR */
+ struct {
+ __u32 epr;
+ } epr;
+ struct {
+ __u32 type;
+ __u64 flags;
+ } system_event;
+ struct {
+ __u8 vector;
+ } eoi;
+ struct {
+ __u64 gfn;
+ } rp;
+ /* Fix the size of the union. */
+ char padding[256];
+ };
+ /*
+ * shared registers between kvm and userspace.
+ * kvm_valid_regs specifies the register classes set by the host
+ * kvm_dirty_regs specified the register classes dirtied by userspace
+ * struct kvm_sync_regs is architecture specific, as well as the
+ * bits for kvm_valid_regs and kvm_dirty_regs
+ */
+ __u64 kvm_valid_regs;
+ __u64 kvm_dirty_regs;
+ union {
+ struct kvm_sync_regs regs;
+ char padding[2048];
+ } s;
+/* for GVM_TRANSLATE */
+struct kvm_translation {
+ /* in */
+ __u64 linear_address;
+ /* out */
+ __u64 physical_address;
+ __u8 valid;
+ __u8 writeable;
+ __u8 usermode;
+ __u8 pad[5];
+/* for GVM_INTERRUPT */
+struct kvm_interrupt {
+ /* in */
+ __u32 irq;
+/* for GVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG */
+struct kvm_dirty_log {
+ __u32 slot;
+ __u32 padding1;
+ union {
+ void __user *dirty_bitmap; /* one bit per page */
+ __u64 padding2;
+ };
+struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl {
+ __u32 enabled;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u32 reserved[8];
+struct kvm_vapic_addr {
+ __u64 vapic_addr;
+/* for GVM_SET_MP_STATE */
+/* not all states are valid on all architectures */
+#define GVM_MP_STATE_LOAD 8
+struct kvm_mp_state {
+ __u32 mp_state;
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE 0x00000001
+#define GVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP 0x00000002
+struct kvm_guest_debug {
+ __u32 control;
+ __u32 pad;
+ struct kvm_guest_debug_arch arch;
+/* for GVM_ENABLE_CAP */
+struct kvm_enable_cap {
+ /* in */
+ __u32 cap;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u64 args[4];
+ __u8 pad[64];
+#define KVMIO 0xAE
+ * ioctls for /dev/kvm fds:
+ */
+#define GVM_CREATE_VM _IO(KVMIO, 0x01) /* returns a VM fd */
+#define GVM_GET_MSR_INDEX_LIST _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x02, struct kvm_msr_list)
+ * Check if a kvm extension is available. Argument is extension number,
+ * return is 1 (yes) or 0 (no, sorry).
+ */
+ * Get size for mmap(vcpu_fd)
+ */
+#define GVM_GET_VCPU_MMAP_SIZE _IO(KVMIO, 0x04) /* in bytes */
+#define GVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x05, struct kvm_cpuid)
+#define GVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x09, struct kvm_cpuid)
+ * Extension capability list.
+ */
+#define GVM_CAP_IRQCHIP 0
+#define GVM_CAP_HLT 1
+#define GVM_CAP_VAPIC 6
+#define GVM_CAP_NR_VCPUS 9 /* returns recommended max vcpus per vm */
+#define GVM_CAP_NR_MEMSLOTS 10 /* returns max memory slots per vm */
+#define GVM_CAP_NOP_IO_DELAY 12
+#define GVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU 16 /* Changes to host mmap are reflected in guest */
+#define GVM_CAP_USER_NMI 22
+#define GVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP 54
+#ifdef __GVM_HAVE_XSAVE
+#define GVM_CAP_XSAVE 55
+#ifdef __GVM_HAVE_XCRS
+#define GVM_CAP_XCRS 56
+#define GVM_CAP_MAX_VCPUS 66 /* returns max vcpus per vm */
+#define GVM_CAP_SW_TLB 69
+#define GVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS 74
+#define GVM_CAP_SIGNAL_MSI 77
+#define GVM_CAP_X86_SMM 117
+#define GVM_CAP_MAX_VCPU_ID 128
+struct kvm_irq_routing_irqchip {
+ __u32 irqchip;
+ __u32 pin;
+struct kvm_irq_routing_msi {
+ __u32 address_lo;
+ __u32 address_hi;
+ __u32 data;
+ union {
+ __u32 pad;
+ __u32 devid;
+ };
+struct kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint {
+ __u32 vcpu;
+ __u32 sint;
+/* gsi routing entry types */
+struct kvm_irq_routing_entry {
+ __u32 gsi;
+ __u32 type;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u32 pad;
+ union {
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_irqchip irqchip;
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_msi msi;
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_hv_sint hv_sint;
+ __u32 pad[8];
+ } u;
+struct kvm_irq_routing {
+ __u32 nr;
+ __u32 flags;
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_entry entries[0];
+/* For GVM_CAP_SW_TLB */
+struct kvm_config_tlb {
+ __u64 params;
+ __u64 array;
+ __u32 mmu_type;
+ __u32 array_len;
+struct kvm_dirty_tlb {
+ __u64 bitmap;
+ __u32 num_dirty;
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_ONE_REG */
+#define GVM_REG_ARCH_MASK 0xff00000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_GENERIC 0x0000000000000000ULL
+ * Architecture specific registers are to be defined in arch headers and
+ * ORed with the arch identifier.
+ */
+#define GVM_REG_X86 0x2000000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_SHIFT 52
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_MASK 0x00f0000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U8 0x0000000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U16 0x0010000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U32 0x0020000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U64 0x0030000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U128 0x0040000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U256 0x0050000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U512 0x0060000000000000ULL
+#define GVM_REG_SIZE_U1024 0x0070000000000000ULL
+struct kvm_reg_list {
+ __u64 n; /* number of regs */
+ __u64 reg[0];
+struct kvm_one_reg {
+ __u64 id;
+ __u64 addr;
+#define GVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID (1U << 0)
+struct kvm_msi {
+ __u32 address_lo;
+ __u32 address_hi;
+ __u32 data;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u32 devid;
+ __u8 pad[12];
+#define RP_NOACCESS 0
+#define RP_RDWREX 7
+struct gvm_ram_protect {
+ __u64 pa;
+ __u64 size;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u32 reserved;
+ * ioctls for VM fds
+ */
+#define GVM_SET_MEMORY_REGION _IOW(KVMIO, 0x40, struct kvm_memory_region)
+ * GVM_CREATE_VCPU receives as a parameter the vcpu slot, and returns
+ * a vcpu fd.
+ */
+#define GVM_CREATE_VCPU _IO(KVMIO, 0x41)
+#define GVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG _IOW(KVMIO, 0x42, struct kvm_dirty_log)
+/* GVM_SET_MEMORY_ALIAS is obsolete: */
+#define GVM_SET_MEMORY_ALIAS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x43, struct kvm_memory_alias)
+#define GVM_SET_NR_MMU_PAGES _IO(KVMIO, 0x44)
+#define GVM_GET_NR_MMU_PAGES _IO(KVMIO, 0x45)
+ struct kvm_userspace_memory_region)
+#define GVM_SET_TSS_ADDR _IO(KVMIO, 0x47)
+#define GVM_SET_IDENTITY_MAP_ADDR _IOW(KVMIO, 0x48, __u64)
+#define GVM_KICK_VCPU _IO(KVMIO, 0x49)
+#define GVM_RAM_PROTECT _IOW(KVMIO, 0x50, struct gvm_ram_protect)
+/* Device model IOC */
+#define GVM_GET_IRQCHIP _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x62, struct kvm_irqchip)
+#define GVM_SET_IRQCHIP _IOR(KVMIO, 0x63, struct kvm_irqchip)
+#define GVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x67, struct kvm_irq_level)
+#define GVM_SET_GSI_ROUTING _IOW(KVMIO, 0x6a, struct kvm_irq_routing)
+#define GVM_SET_BOOT_CPU_ID _IO(KVMIO, 0x78)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_SIGNAL_MSI */
+#define GVM_SIGNAL_MSI _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa5, struct kvm_msi)
+ * ioctls for vcpu fds
+ */
+#define GVM_RUN _IO(KVMIO, 0x80)
+#define GVM_VCPU_MMAP _IO(KVMIO, 0x87)
+#define GVM_GET_REGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x81, struct kvm_regs)
+#define GVM_SET_REGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x82, struct kvm_regs)
+#define GVM_GET_SREGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x83, struct kvm_sregs)
+#define GVM_SET_SREGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x84, struct kvm_sregs)
+#define GVM_TRANSLATE _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x85, struct kvm_translation)
+#define GVM_INTERRUPT _IOW(KVMIO, 0x86, struct kvm_interrupt)
+#define GVM_GET_MSRS _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x88, struct kvm_msrs)
+#define GVM_SET_MSRS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x89, struct kvm_msrs)
+#define GVM_GET_FPU _IOR(KVMIO, 0x8c, struct kvm_fpu)
+#define GVM_SET_FPU _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8d, struct kvm_fpu)
+#define GVM_GET_LAPIC _IOR(KVMIO, 0x8e, struct kvm_lapic_state)
+#define GVM_SET_LAPIC _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8f, struct kvm_lapic_state)
+#define GVM_SET_CPUID _IOW(KVMIO, 0x90, struct kvm_cpuid)
+#define GVM_GET_CPUID _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x91, struct kvm_cpuid)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_VAPIC */
+#define GVM_TPR_ACCESS_REPORTING _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x92, struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_VAPIC */
+#define GVM_SET_VAPIC_ADDR _IOW(KVMIO, 0x93, struct kvm_vapic_addr)
+#define GVM_GET_MP_STATE _IOR(KVMIO, 0x98, struct kvm_mp_state)
+#define GVM_SET_MP_STATE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x99, struct kvm_mp_state)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_USER_NMI */
+#define GVM_NMI _IO(KVMIO, 0x9a)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */
+#define GVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG _IOW(KVMIO, 0x9b, struct kvm_guest_debug)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_VCPU_EVENTS */
+#define GVM_GET_VCPU_EVENTS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x9f, struct kvm_vcpu_events)
+#define GVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa0, struct kvm_vcpu_events)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_DEBUGREGS */
+#define GVM_GET_DEBUGREGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa1, struct kvm_debugregs)
+#define GVM_SET_DEBUGREGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa2, struct kvm_debugregs)
+ * vcpu version available with GVM_ENABLE_CAP
+ * vm version available with GVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM
+ */
+#define GVM_ENABLE_CAP _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa3, struct kvm_enable_cap)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_XSAVE */
+#define GVM_GET_XSAVE _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa4, struct kvm_xsave)
+#define GVM_SET_XSAVE _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa5, struct kvm_xsave)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_XCRS */
+#define GVM_GET_XCRS _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa6, struct kvm_xcrs)
+#define GVM_SET_XCRS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa7, struct kvm_xcrs)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_SW_TLB */
+#define GVM_DIRTY_TLB _IOW(KVMIO, 0xaa, struct kvm_dirty_tlb)
+/* Available with GVM_CAP_X86_SMM */
+#define GVM_SMI _IO(KVMIO, 0xb7)
+#define GVM_X2APIC_API_USE_32BIT_IDS (1ULL << 0)
+#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_H */
diff --git a/ntkrutils.c b/ntkrutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2509940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ntkrutils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+struct page** pglist;
+struct cpumask __cpu_online_mask;
+struct cpumask *cpu_online_mask = &__cpu_online_mask;
+unsigned int cpu_online_count;
+u64 max_pagen;
+DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct cpu_getput_cxt, cpu_getput_cxt);
+typedef struct _KAFFINITY_EX {
+ uint16_t Count;
+ uint16_t Size;
+ uint32_t Padding;
+ uint64_t bitmap[20];
+// Fix me: We assume there is not cpu online at this time
+NTSTATUS gvmGetCpuOnlineMap(void)
+ ULONG buffSize = 0;
+ u32 ig;
+ u32 ip;
+ u32 cpuIndex;
+ cpu_online_count = KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx(ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS);
+ rc = KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship(NULL,
+ RelationGroup, NULL, &buffSize);
+ inf = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, buffSize, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if (!inf)
+ rc = KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship(NULL, RelationGroup,
+ inf, &buffSize);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ goto mapout;
+ for (ig = 0; NT_SUCCESS(rc) && ig < inf->Group.ActiveGroupCount; ig++) {
+ pginf = &inf->Group.GroupInfo[ig];
+ for (ip = 0; ip < pginf->MaximumProcessorCount; ip++) {
+ pn.Group = ig;
+ pn.Number = ip;
+ pn.Reserved = 0;
+ cpuIndex = KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber(&pn);
+ if (cpuIndex == INVALID_PROCESSOR_INDEX) {
+ DbgPrint("Cannot find CPU Index for processor \
+ in group %d[%d", ig, ip);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (test_bit(ip, &pginf->ActiveProcessorMask))
+ cpumask_set_cpu(cpuIndex, cpu_online_mask);
+ else
+ DbgPrint("Processor %d inside group %d[%d] \
+ is not active", cpuIndex, ig, ip);
+ }
+ }
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(inf, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ return rc;
+ Timer Stuffs
+ */
+void timer_dpc_fn(struct _KDPC *Dpc,
+ PVOID DeferredContext,
+ PVOID SystemArgument1,
+ PVOID SystemArgument2)
+ struct hrtimer *timer = (struct hrtimer*)DeferredContext;
+ enum hrtimer_restart ret = timer->function(timer);
+ if(ret == HRTIMER_RESTART)
+ hrtimer_restart(timer);
+void hrtimer_init(struct hrtimer *timer, clockid_t clock_id, enum hrtimer_mode mode)
+ KeInitializeTimerEx(&timer->ktimer, SynchronizationTimer);
+ timer->base = &timer->base_hack;
+ timer->base->get_time = ktime_get;
+ KeInitializeDpc(&timer->kdpc, (PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE)timer_dpc_fn, timer);
+int hrtimer_start(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim, const enum hrtimer_mode mode)
+ int r;
+ // We only emulate hrtimer mode that KVM uses
+ ASSERTMSG("Unsupported hrtimer mode", mode == HRTIMER_MODE_ABS_PINNED);
+ timer->due_time.QuadPart = ktime_to_ns(tim);
+ timer->node.expires = tim;
+ do_div(&(u64)timer->due_time.QuadPart, 100);
+ r = (int)KeSetTimer(&timer->ktimer, timer->due_time, &timer->kdpc);
+ return r;
+int hrtimer_cancel(struct hrtimer *timer)
+ int r;
+ r = KeCancelTimer(&timer->ktimer);
+ return r;
+int hrtimer_restart(struct hrtimer* timer)
+ int r;
+ //timer->due_time.QuadPart = (ktime_to_ns(ktime_get()) - ktime_to_ns(timer->node.expires)) / 100;
+ timer->due_time.QuadPart = ktime_to_ns(timer->node.expires);
+ do_div(&(u64)timer->due_time.QuadPart, 100);
+ r = (int)KeSetTimer(&timer->ktimer, timer->due_time, &timer->kdpc);
+ return r;
+struct list_head gvm_mmap_list;
+size_t vm_mmap(struct file *notused, size_t addr, size_t len, size_t prot,
+ size_t flag, size_t offset)
+ return __vm_mmap(notused, addr, len, prot, flag, offset, 0);
+size_t __declspec(noinline) __vm_mmap(struct file *notused, size_t addr,
+ size_t len, size_t prot, size_t flag, size_t offset, size_t keva)
+ PVOID pMem = NULL;
+ struct gvm_mmap_node *node;
+ node = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,
+ sizeof(struct gvm_mmap_node),
+ if (!node)
+ return (size_t)NULL;
+ if (keva)
+ pMem = (PVOID)keva;
+ else {
+ pMem = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, len, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if (!pMem)
+ goto free_node;
+ RtlZeroMemory(pMem, len);
+ }
+ pMDL = IoAllocateMdl(pMem, len, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!pMDL)
+ goto free_pmem;
+ MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(pMDL);
+ UserVA = MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(pMDL, UserMode, MmCached,
+ 0, 0, NormalPagePriority);
+ if (!UserVA)
+ goto free_mdl;
+ node->UserVA = UserVA;
+ node->pMDL = pMDL;
+ node->pMem = pMem;
+ raw_spin_lock(&gvm_mmap_lock);
+ list_add_tail(&node->list, &gvm_mmap_list);
+ raw_spin_unlock(&gvm_mmap_lock);
+ return (size_t)UserVA;
+ free_mdl:
+ IoFreeMdl(pMDL);
+ free_pmem:
+ if (keva)
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(pMem, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ free_node:
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(node, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ return (size_t)NULL;
+int vm_munmap(size_t start, size_t len)
+ return __vm_munmap(start, len, true);
+int __declspec(noinline) __vm_munmap(size_t start, size_t len, bool freepage)
+ struct gvm_mmap_node *node = NULL;
+ int find = 0;
+ raw_spin_lock(&gvm_mmap_lock);
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct gvm_mmap_node
+ list_for_each_entry(node, &gvm_mmap_list, list)
+ if (node->UserVA == (PVOID)start) {
+ find = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (find)
+ list_del(&node->list);
+ raw_spin_unlock(&gvm_mmap_lock);
+ if (!find)
+ return -1;
+ BUG_ON(!node->UserVA);
+ BUG_ON(!node->pMDL);
+ BUG_ON(!node->pMem);
+ MmUnmapLockedPages(node->UserVA, node->pMDL);
+ IoFreeMdl(node->pMDL);
+ if (freepage)
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(node->pMem, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(node, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ return 0;
+struct sfc_data {
+ void (*func)(void *info);
+ void *info;
+ int done;
+ struct spin_lock lock;
+DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct sfc_data, smp_call_function_data);
+static void sfc_dpc_routine(KDPC *Dpc, PVOID DeferredContext,
+ PVOID func, PVOID info)
+ struct sfc_data *sfc_data;
+ sfc_data = &per_cpu(smp_processor_id(), smp_call_function_data);
+ if (sfc_data->func)
+ sfc_data->func(sfc_data->info);
+ sfc_data->done = 1;
+ * smp_call_function_xxx has been changed several times from KeIpiGenericCall
+ * to HalRequestIpi...
+ * Current version used DPC with HighImportance to emulate physical IPIs.
+ * The major concern here is making code easy to debug. Playing with physical
+ * IPIs incorrectly (some time even correctly) can hang the system and WinDbg
+ * cannot debug these cases.
+ * We may later to switch to physical IPIs.
+ * Note: a DPC (or an IPI) issued to current processor just preempts the
+ * code.
+ */
+int smp_call_function_many(cpumask_var_t mask,
+ void(*func) (void *info), void *info, int wait)
+ int cpu;
+ struct sfc_data *sfc_data;
+ for_each_cpu(cpu, mask) {
+ sfc_data = &per_cpu(cpu, smp_call_function_data);
+ spin_lock(&sfc_data->lock);
+ sfc_data->func = func;
+ sfc_data->info = info;
+ sfc_data->done = 0;
+ if (!KeInsertQueueDpc(&per_cpu(cpu, ipi_dpc),
+ DbgBreakPoint();
+ }
+ for_each_cpu(cpu, mask) {
+ sfc_data = &per_cpu(cpu, smp_call_function_data);
+ while (!sfc_data->done)
+ _mm_pause();
+ spin_unlock(&sfc_data->lock);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int smp_call_function_single(int cpu, void(*func)(void *info),
+ void *info, int wait)
+ struct sfc_data *sfc_data;
+ sfc_data = &per_cpu(cpu, smp_call_function_data);
+ spin_lock(&sfc_data->lock);
+ sfc_data->func = func;
+ sfc_data->info = info;
+ sfc_data->done = 0;
+ if (!KeInsertQueueDpc(&per_cpu(cpu, ipi_dpc),
+ func, info))
+ DbgBreakPoint();
+ while (!sfc_data->done)
+ _mm_pause();
+ spin_unlock(&sfc_data->lock);
+ return 0;
+void smp_send_reschedule(int cpu)
+ pKeInitializeAffinityEx(&target);
+ pKeAddProcessorAffinityEx(&target, cpu);
+ pHalRequestIpi(0, &target);
+enum cpuid_reg {
+ CPUID_EAX = 0,
+#define check_cpu_has(name, leaf, reg, bitpos) \
+ do { \
+ __cpuid(cpuid_info, leaf); \
+ CPU_HAS_##name = !!(cpuid_info[reg] & (1 << bitpos)); \
+ } while (0)
+#define check_cpu_has_ex(name, leaf, level, reg, bitpos) \
+ do { \
+ __cpuidex(cpuid_info, leaf, level); \
+ CPU_HAS_##name = !!(cpuid_info[reg] & (1 << bitpos)); \
+ } while (0)
+static void cpu_features_init(void)
+ int cpuid_info[4] = { 0 };
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE, 1, CPUID_ECX, 26);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_OSVW, 0x80000001, CPUID_ECX, 9);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_SVM, 0x80000001, CPUID_ECX, 2);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NX, 0x80000001, CPUID_EDX, 20);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_FXSR_OPT, 0x80000001, CPUID_EDX, 25);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_GBPAGES, 0x80000001, CPUID_EDX, 26);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP, 0x80000001, CPUID_EDX, 27);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_HLE, 7, 0, CPUID_EBX, 4);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_RTM, 7, 0, CPUID_EBX, 11);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_MPX, 7, 0, CPUID_EBX, 14);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_PKU, 7, 0, CPUID_ECX, 3);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_SMEP, 7, 0, CPUID_ECX, 7);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NPT, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 0);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_LBRV, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 1);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NRIPS, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 3);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_FLUSHBYASID, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 6);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_DECODEASSISTS, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 7);
+ check_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AVIC, 0x8000000a, CPUID_EDX, 13);
+ check_cpu_has_ex(X86_FEATURE_XSAVES, 0xd, 1, CPUID_EAX, 3);
+static NTSTATUS prepare_boot_cpu_data(void)
+ /* Check Physical Address Bit*/
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ boot_cpu_data.extended_cpuid_level = cpuid_eax(0x80000000);
+ boot_cpu_data.x86_phys_bits = 36;
+ cpuid(0x80000001, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ if (boot_cpu_data.extended_cpuid_level >= 0x80000008)
+ if (edx & (1 << 29)) {
+ cpuid(0x80000008, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ boot_cpu_data.x86_phys_bits = eax & 0xFF;
+ }
+#define RegName L"\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\RESOURCEMAP\\System Resources\\Physical Memory"
+static NTSTATUS get_physical_memsize(u64 *size)
+ UNICODE_STRING keyName, valName;
+ HANDLE keyHandle;
+ ULONG buffSize, count;
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&keyName, RegName);
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(&keyAttribute,
+ &keyName,
+ NULL);
+ rc = ZwOpenKey(&keyHandle, KEY_READ, &keyAttribute);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&valName, L".Translated");
+ rc = ZwQueryValueKey(keyHandle,
+ &valName,
+ KeyValueFullInformation,
+ 0,
+ &buffSize);
+ if (!(rc == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ||
+ goto key_close;
+ buff = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, buffSize, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if (!buff) {
+ goto key_close;
+ }
+ RtlZeroMemory(buff, buffSize);
+ rc = ZwQueryValueKey(keyHandle,
+ &valName,
+ KeyValueFullInformation,
+ buff,
+ buffSize,
+ &buffSize);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ goto free_buff;
+ res = (PCM_RESOURCE_LIST)((char *)buff + buff->DataOffset);
+ ASSERT(res->Count == 1);
+ list = &res->List[0].PartialResourceList;
+ count = list->Count;
+ pres = &list->PartialDescriptors[count - 1];
+ switch (pres->Type) {
+ case CmResourceTypeMemory:
+ *size = pres->u.Memory.Start.QuadPart +
+ pres->u.Memory.Length;
+ break;
+ case CmResourceTypeMemoryLarge:
+ switch (pres->Flags) {
+ *size = pres->u.Memory40.Start.QuadPart +
+ ((u64)pres->u.Memory40.Length40 << 8);
+ break;
+ *size = pres->u.Memory48.Start.QuadPart +
+ ((u64)pres->u.Memory48.Length48 << 16);
+ break;
+ *size = pres->u.Memory64.Start.QuadPart +
+ ((u64)pres->u.Memory64.Length64 << 32);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ free_buff:
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(buff, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ key_close:
+ ZwClose(keyHandle);
+ return rc;
+ * Init/Deinit Nt Kernel Support Routines
+ */
+NTSTATUS NtKrUtilsInit(void)
+ u64 phy_memsize = 0;
+ int cpu;
+ PROCESSOR_NUMBER cpu_number;
+ cpu_features_init();
+ rc = get_physical_memsize(&phy_memsize);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ max_pagen = (phy_memsize >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 1;
+ rc = prepare_boot_cpu_data();
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ rc = gvmGetCpuOnlineMap();
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ // Prepare smp call function stuffs
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&FuncName, L"HalRequestIpi");
+ pHalRequestIpi = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&FuncName);
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&FuncName, L"KeInitializeAffinityEx");
+ pKeInitializeAffinityEx = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&FuncName);
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&FuncName, L"KeAddProcessorAffinityEx");
+ pKeAddProcessorAffinityEx = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&FuncName);
+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < cpu_online_count; cpu++) {
+ KeInitializeDpc(&per_cpu(cpu, ipi_dpc),
+ sfc_dpc_routine, NULL);
+ rc = KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex(cpu, &cpu_number);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ rc = KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(
+ &per_cpu(cpu, ipi_dpc),
+ &cpu_number);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ return rc;
+ KeSetImportanceDpc(&per_cpu(cpu, ipi_dpc),
+ HighImportance);
+ }
+ pglist = (struct page**)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,
+ max_pagen*sizeof(struct page *),
+ if (!pglist)
+ RtlZeroMemory(pglist, max_pagen*sizeof(struct page *));
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&gvm_mmap_list);
+ spin_lock_init(&gvm_mmap_lock);
+void NtKrUtilsExit(void)
+ u64 i;
+ /* Well implemented code won't rely on freeing here */
+ for (i = 0; i < max_pagen; i++)
+ if (pglist[i])
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(pglist[i], GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(pglist, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ pglist = NULL;
diff --git a/ntkrutils.h b/ntkrutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea0a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ntkrutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1269 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <ntddk.h>
+#include <intrin.h>
+#include <gvm_types.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dos.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+// APC definitions (undocumented)
+typedef enum _KAPC_ENVIRONMENT
+ OriginalApcEnvironment,
+ AttachedApcEnvironment,
+ CurrentApcEnvironment,
+ InsertApcEnvironment
+ _In_ PVOID NormalContext,
+ _In_ PVOID SystemArgument1,
+ _In_ PVOID SystemArgument2
+ );
+ _In_ PKAPC Apc,
+ _Inout_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* NormalContext,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument1,
+ _Inout_ PVOID* SystemArgument2
+ );
+ _In_ PKAPC Apc
+ );
+ _Out_ PRKAPC Apc,
+ _In_ PETHREAD Thread,
+ _In_ KAPC_ENVIRONMENT Environment,
+ _In_ PKKERNEL_ROUTINE KernelRoutine,
+ _In_opt_ PKRUNDOWN_ROUTINE RundownRoutine,
+ _In_opt_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE NormalRoutine,
+ _In_opt_ KPROCESSOR_MODE ApcMode,
+ _In_opt_ PVOID NormalContext
+ );
+ _Inout_ PRKAPC Apc,
+ _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1,
+ _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2,
+ _In_ KPRIORITY Increment
+ );
+// MSDN recommends the string in reverse order
+#define GVM_POOL_TAG '_MVG'
+// cpuid
+static __forceinline void cpuid(unsigned int op,
+ unsigned int *eax,
+ unsigned int *ebx,
+ unsigned int *ecx,
+ unsigned int *edx)
+ int cpuInfo[4];
+ __cpuid(cpuInfo, op);
+ *eax = cpuInfo[0];
+ *ebx = cpuInfo[1];
+ *ecx = cpuInfo[2];
+ *edx = cpuInfo[3];
+static __forceinline void cpuid_count(unsigned int op,
+ unsigned int count,
+ unsigned int *eax,
+ unsigned int *ebx,
+ unsigned int *ecx,
+ unsigned int *edx)
+ int cpuInfo[4];
+ __cpuidex(cpuInfo, op, count);
+ *eax = cpuInfo[0];
+ *ebx = cpuInfo[1];
+ *ecx = cpuInfo[2];
+ *edx = cpuInfo[3];
+static __inline unsigned int cpuid_eax(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ cpuid(op, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ return eax;
+static __inline unsigned int cpuid_ebx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ cpuid(op, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ return ebx;
+static __inline unsigned int cpuid_ecx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ cpuid(op, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ return ecx;
+static __inline unsigned int cpuid_edx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ cpuid(op, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ return edx;
+static __forceinline unsigned int x86_family(unsigned int sig)
+ unsigned int x86;
+ x86 = (sig >> 8) & 0xf;
+ if (x86 == 0xf)
+ x86 += (sig >> 20) & 0xff;
+ return x86;
+static __forceinline unsigned int x86_cpuid_family(void)
+ return x86_family(cpuid_eax(1));
+static __forceinline unsigned int x86_model(unsigned int sig)
+ unsigned int fam, model;
+ fam = x86_family(sig);
+ model = (sig >> 4) & 0xf;
+ if (fam >= 0x6)
+ model += ((sig >> 16) & 0xf) << 4;
+ return model;
+static __forceinline unsigned int x86_cpuid_model(void)
+ return x86_model(cpuid_eax(1));
+static __forceinline unsigned int x86_stepping(unsigned int sig)
+ return sig & 0xf;
+ * cpu_has_vmx
+ */
+static __inline int cpu_has_vmx(void)
+ size_t ecx = cpuid_ecx(1);
+ return test_bit(5, &ecx); /* CPUID.1:ECX.VMX[bit 5] -> VT */
+ * Memory Barriers
+ */
+#define smp_mb() _mm_mfence()
+#define smp_rmb() _mm_lfence()
+#define smp_wmb() _mm_sfence()
+#define mb() _mm_mfence()
+#define rmb() _mm_lfence()
+#define wmb() _mm_sfence()
+#define smp_mb__after_atomic() _mm_mfence();
+// smp_processor_id
+static __inline unsigned int raw_smp_processor_id(void)
+ return KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(NULL);
+static __inline unsigned int smp_processor_id(void)
+ return raw_smp_processor_id();
+ * cpu_get/put for ensure vmx safety
+ */
+struct cpu_getput_cxt {
+ long count;
+ KIRQL irql;
+DECLARE_PER_CPU(struct cpu_getput_cxt, cpu_getput_cxt);
+static __inline unsigned int get_cpu()
+ KIRQL oldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel();
+ unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
+ long newcount = InterlockedIncrement(&per_cpu(cpu_getput_cxt, cpu).count);
+ if (newcount == 1)
+ per_cpu(cpu_getput_cxt, cpu).irql = oldIrql;
+ return cpu;
+static __inline void put_cpu()
+ unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
+ long newcount = InterlockedDecrement(&per_cpu(cpu_getput_cxt, cpu).count);
+ BUG_ON(newcount < 0);
+ if (newcount == 0) {
+ KIRQL oldIrql = per_cpu(cpu_getput_cxt, cpu).irql;
+ per_cpu(cpu_getput_cxt, cpu).irql = 0;
+ KeLowerIrql(oldIrql);
+ }
+#define preempt_disable() KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel()
+#define preempt_enable() KeLowerIrql(PASSIVE_LEVEL)
+// msr access
+static _forceinline void wrmsrl(unsigned int msr, u64 val)
+ __writemsr(msr, val);
+extern struct cpumask *cpu_online_mask;
+extern unsigned int cpu_online_count;
+ * SpinLock Implementation
+ * Compared with Windows Native Support, this implementation does not raise IRQL to DPC level.
+ * KVM has nasty lock nesting that might work on Linux but not directly on Windows.
+ */
+struct spin_lock {
+ volatile LONG lock;
+typedef struct spin_lock spinlock_t;
+typedef struct spin_lock raw_spinlock_t;
+#define DEFINE_SPINLOCK(x) spinlock_t x
+#define DECLARE_SPINLOCK(x) extern spinlock_t x
+#define DEFINE_RAW_SPINLOCK(x) spinlock_t x
+#define DECLARE_RAW_SPINLOCK(x) extern spinlock_t x
+static __forceinline void spin_lock_init(spinlock_t *lock)
+ lock->lock = 0;
+extern __forceinline void __spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock);
+static __forceinline void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock)
+ __spin_lock(lock);
+static __forceinline void spin_unlock(spinlock_t *lock)
+ lock->lock = 0;
+static __forceinline void raw_spin_lock_init(spinlock_t *lock)
+ spin_lock_init(lock);
+static __forceinline void raw_spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock)
+ spin_lock(lock);
+static __forceinline void raw_spin_unlock(spinlock_t *lock)
+ spin_unlock(lock);
+ Mutex Windows Implementation
+ */
+struct mutex
+ FAST_MUTEX mutex;
+typedef struct mutex mutex;
+static __forceinline void mutex_init(struct mutex *lock)
+ ExInitializeFastMutex(&lock->mutex);
+static __forceinline void mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock)
+ ExAcquireFastMutex(&lock->mutex);
+static __forceinline void mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock)
+ ExReleaseFastMutex(&lock->mutex);
+#define __KERNEL_CS 0x10
+#define __KERNEL_DS 0x28
+#define __KERNEL_SS 0x18
+#define __KERNEL_FS 0x53
+ MSR access
+ */
+static __inline void __rdmsr(u32 index, u32 *low, u32 *high)
+ u64 val = __readmsr(index);
+ *low = (u32)val;
+ *high = (u32)(val >> 32);
+static __inline int __rdmsr_safe(u32 index, u32 *low, u32 *high)
+ u64 val = 0;
+ __try {
+ val = __readmsr(index);
+ *low = (u32)val;
+ *high = (u32)(val >> 32);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static __inline int __rdmsrl_safe(u32 index, u64 *val)
+ __try {
+ *val = __readmsr(index);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static __inline u64 native_read_msr_safe(u32 index, int *err)
+ u64 value = 0;
+ *err = __rdmsrl_safe(index, &value);
+ return value;
+static __inline int __wrmsr_safe(u32 index, u32 low, u32 high)
+ u64 val = (((u64)high) << 32) | low;
+ __try {
+ __writemsr(index, val);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static __inline int __wrmsrl_safe(u32 index, u64 val)
+ __try {
+ __writemsr(index, val);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static __inline int native_write_msr_safe(u32 index, u32 low, u32 high)
+ return __wrmsr_safe(index, low, high);
+#define rdmsr(a, b, c) __rdmsr(a, &b, &c)
+#define rdmsr_safe(a, b, c) __rdmsr_safe(a, b, c)
+#define rdmsrl(a, b) b=__readmsr(a)
+#define rdmsrl_safe(a, b) __rdmsrl_safe(a, b)
+#define wrmsr(a,b) __writemsr(a,b)
+#define wrmsrl(a,b) __writemsr(a,b)
+#define wrmsr_safe(a, b, c) __wrmsr_safe(a, b, c)
+#define wrmsrl_safe(a,b) __wrmsrl_safe(a,b)
+ Local Irq Disable
+ */
+static __forceinline void local_irq_disable(void)
+ _disable();
+static __forceinline void local_irq_enable(void)
+ _enable();
+ Timer Stuffs
+ */
+#define MSEC_PER_SEC 1000L
+#define USEC_PER_MSEC 1000L
+#define NSEC_PER_USEC 1000L
+#define NSEC_PER_MSEC 1000000L
+#define USEC_PER_SEC 1000000L
+#define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000L
+#define FSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000000000LL
+union ktime
+ s64 tv64;
+ struct {
+ s32 nsec, sec;
+ } tv;
+typedef union ktime ktime_t;
+#define KTIME_MAX ((s64)~((u64)1 << 63))
+#pragma warning(disable : 4204)
+static __forceinline ktime_t ktime_set(const long secs, const size_t nsecs)
+#if 0
+ if (unlikely(secs >= KTIME_SEC_MAX))
+ return (ktime_t){ .tv64 = KTIME_MAX };
+ return (ktime_t) { .tv64 = (s64)secs * NSEC_PER_SEC + (s64)nsecs };
+/* Subtract two ktime_t variables. rem = lhs -rhs: */
+#define ktime_sub(lhs, rhs) \
+ (ktime_t){ .tv64 = (lhs).tv64 - (rhs).tv64 }
+/* Add two ktime_t variables. res = lhs + rhs: */
+#define ktime_add(lhs, rhs) \
+ (ktime_t){ .tv64 = (lhs).tv64 + (rhs).tv64 }
+ * Add a ktime_t variable and a scalar nanosecond value.
+ * res = kt + nsval:
+ */
+#define ktime_add_ns(kt, nsval) \
+ (ktime_t){ .tv64 = (kt).tv64 + (nsval) }
+ * Subtract a scalar nanosecod from a ktime_t variable
+ * res = kt - nsval:
+ */
+#define ktime_sub_ns(kt, nsval) \
+ (ktime_t){ .tv64 = (kt).tv64 - (nsval) }
+/* Map the ktime_t to timespec conversion to ns_to_timespec function */
+#define ktime_to_timespec(kt) ns_to_timespec((kt).tv64)
+/* Map the ktime_t to timeval conversion to ns_to_timeval function */
+#define ktime_to_timeval(kt) ns_to_timeval((kt).tv64)
+/* Convert ktime_t to nanoseconds - NOP in the scalar storage format: */
+#define ktime_to_ns(kt) ((kt).tv64)
+static __forceinline int ktime_equal(const ktime_t cmp1, const ktime_t cmp2)
+ return cmp1.tv64 == cmp2.tv64;
+ * ktime_compare - Compares two ktime_t variables for less, greater or equal
+ * @cmp1: comparable1
+ * @cmp2: comparable2
+ *
+ * Returns ...
+ * cmp1 < cmp2: return <0
+ * cmp1 == cmp2: return 0
+ * cmp1 > cmp2: return >0
+ */
+static __forceinline int ktime_compare(const ktime_t cmp1, const ktime_t cmp2)
+ if (cmp1.tv64 < cmp2.tv64)
+ return -1;
+ if (cmp1.tv64 > cmp2.tv64)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static __forceinline ktime_t ktime_add_us(const ktime_t kt, const u64 usec)
+ return ktime_add_ns(kt, usec * 1000);
+static __forceinline ktime_t ktime_sub_us(const ktime_t kt, const u64 usec)
+ return ktime_sub_ns(kt, usec * 1000);
+static __forceinline ktime_t ns_to_ktime(u64 ns)
+ static const ktime_t ktime_zero = { .tv64 = 0 };
+ return ktime_add_ns(ktime_zero, ns);
+static __forceinline ktime_t ktime_get(void)
+ s64 nsecs = 0;
+ KeQuerySystemTime(&time);
+ nsecs = time.QuadPart;
+ nsecs *= 100;
+ return (ktime_t){.tv64 = nsecs};
+typedef size_t clockid_t;
+enum hrtimer_mode
+ HRTIMER_MODE_ABS = 0x0, /* Time value is absolute */
+ HRTIMER_MODE_REL = 0x1, /* Time value is relative to now */
+ HRTIMER_MODE_PINNED = 0x02, /* Timer is bound to CPU */
+enum hrtimer_restart
+ HRTIMER_NORESTART, /* Timer is not restarted */
+ HRTIMER_RESTART, /* Timer must be restarted */
+struct timerqueue_node
+ ktime_t expires;
+struct hrtimer_clock_base
+ int index;
+ ktime_t resolution;
+ ktime_t (*get_time)(void);
+ ktime_t softirq_time;
+ ktime_t offset;
+struct hrtimer
+ struct timerqueue_node node;
+ ktime_t _softexpires;
+ enum hrtimer_restart (*function)(struct hrtimer *);
+ struct hrtimer_clock_base *base;
+ size_t state;
+ KTIMER ktimer;
+ KDPC kdpc;
+ LARGE_INTEGER due_time;
+ struct hrtimer_clock_base base_hack;
+void hrtimer_init(struct hrtimer *timer, clockid_t clock_id, enum hrtimer_mode mode);
+int hrtimer_start(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim, const enum hrtimer_mode mode);
+int hrtimer_cancel(struct hrtimer *timer);
+int hrtimer_restart(struct hrtimer* timer);
+static __forceinline void hrtimer_add_expires_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, u64 delta)
+ timer->node.expires = ktime_add_ns(timer->node.expires, delta);
+static __forceinline ktime_t hrtimer_get_expires(struct hrtimer *timer)
+ return timer->node.expires;
+static __forceinline u64 hrtimer_get_expires_ns(struct hrtimer *timer)
+ return ktime_to_ns(timer->node.expires);
+static __forceinline void hrtimer_start_expires(struct hrtimer *timer, int mode)
+ hrtimer_start(timer, timer->node.expires, mode);
+static __forceinline ktime_t hrtimer_expires_remaining(const struct hrtimer *timer)
+ return ktime_sub(timer->node.expires, timer->base->get_time());
+static __forceinline ktime_t hrtimer_get_remaining(const struct hrtimer *timer)
+ ktime_t rem;
+ rem = hrtimer_expires_remaining(timer);
+ return rem;
+ Memory Management Stuffs
+ */
+#define BIT(nr) ((size_t)(1) << (nr))
+#define GFP_KERNEL BIT(0)
+#define GFP_ATOMIC BIT(1)
+#define __GFP_ZERO BIT(3)
+#define GFP_UNALLOC BIT(5)
+ /*
+ * Address types:
+ *
+ * gva - guest virtual address
+ * gpa - guest physical address
+ * gfn - guest frame number
+ * hva - host virtual address
+ * hpa - host physical address
+ * hfn - host frame number
+ */
+typedef size_t gva_t;
+typedef u64 gpa_t;
+typedef u64 gfn_t;
+typedef u64 phys_addr_t;
+typedef size_t hva_t;
+typedef u64 hpa_t;
+typedef u64 hfn_t;
+typedef hfn_t pfn_t;
+typedef struct page
+ void* hva;
+ void* kmap_hva;
+ size_t __private;
+ hpa_t hpa;
+ pfn_t pfn;
+ size_t gfp_mask;
+extern u64 max_pagen;
+extern struct page** pglist;
+#define page_private(page) ((page)->__private)
+#define set_page_private(page, v) ((page)->__private = (v))
+#define __free_page(page) __free_pages((page), 0)
+#define free_page(addr) free_pages((addr), 0)
+#define clear_page(page) memset((page), 0, PAGE_SIZE)
+#define virt_to_page(kaddr) pfn_to_page((__pa(kaddr) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
+static __inline void *kmalloc(size_t size, size_t flags)
+ void* ret = NULL;
+ int zero = 0;
+ if (flags & __GFP_ZERO)
+ zero = 1;
+ ret = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, size, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if(ret && zero)
+ {
+ memset(ret, 0, size);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static __inline void *kzalloc(size_t size, size_t flags)
+ return kmalloc(size, flags | __GFP_ZERO);
+static __inline void kfree(void* hva)
+ if (!hva)
+ return;
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(hva, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+static __inline void *vmalloc(size_t size)
+ return ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, size, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+static __inline void vfree(void* hva)
+ if (!hva)
+ return;
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(hva, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+static __inline void *vzalloc(size_t size)
+ void *addr = vmalloc(size);
+ if (addr)
+ {
+ memset(addr, 0, size);
+ }
+ return addr;
+static __inline void *kmalloc_fast(size_t size, size_t flags)
+ return kmalloc(size, flags);
+static __inline void *kzalloc_fast(size_t size, size_t flags)
+ return kmalloc_fast(size, flags | __GFP_ZERO);
+static __inline void kfree_fast(void* hva)
+ if (!hva)
+ return;
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(hva, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+#define kvfree kfree_fast
+#define VERIFY_READ 0
+#define VERIFY_WRITE 1
+static __inline pfn_t page_to_pfn(struct page* page)
+ return page->pfn;
+static __inline void* page_to_hva(struct page* page)
+ return page->hva;
+static __inline hpa_t page_to_phys(struct page* page)
+ return page->hpa;
+static __inline hpa_t mdl_to_phys(PMDL mdl)
+ return (hpa_t)MmGetPhysicalAddress(mdl->StartVa).QuadPart;
+static __inline struct page* pfn_to_page(pfn_t pfn)
+ return pglist[pfn];
+static __inline hpa_t __pa(void* va)
+ addr_phys = MmGetPhysicalAddress(va);
+ return (hpa_t)(addr_phys.QuadPart);
+static __inline void* __va(hpa_t pa)
+ void* ret = 0;
+ ret = page_to_hva(pfn_to_page(pa >> PAGE_SHIFT));
+ if(!ret)
+ {
+ printk("vmmr0: __va: invalid hpa %p\n", pa);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static __inline struct page *alloc_page(unsigned int gfp_mask)
+ void* page_hva = NULL;
+ PHYSICAL_ADDRESS pageaddr_phys;
+ int zero = 0;
+ struct page* page = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,
+ sizeof(*page),
+ if(!page)
+ goto out_error;
+ page_hva = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if(!page_hva)
+ goto out_error_free;
+ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_ZERO)
+ zero = 0;
+ ASSERT(!((size_t)page_hva & 0xfffull));
+ if(zero)
+ memset(page_hva, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
+ pageaddr_phys = MmGetPhysicalAddress(page_hva);
+ page->hpa = pageaddr_phys.QuadPart;
+ page->pfn = page->hpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ page->hva = page_hva;
+ page->gfp_mask = gfp_mask;
+ page->proc = IoGetCurrentProcess();
+ raw_spin_lock(&global_page_lock);
+ pglist[page->pfn] = page;
+ raw_spin_unlock(&global_page_lock);
+ return page;
+ out_error_free:
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(page, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ out_error:
+ return 0;
+static __inline void __free_pages(struct page* page, unsigned int order)
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(page->hva, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ raw_spin_lock(&global_page_lock);
+ pglist[page->pfn] = 0;
+ raw_spin_unlock(&global_page_lock);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(page, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+static __inline void free_pages(size_t addr, unsigned int order)
+ if (addr != 0)
+ {
+ __free_pages(virt_to_page((void *)addr), order);
+ }
+static __inline void* kmap(PMDL mdl)
+ if (!mdl)
+ return NULL;
+ return MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(mdl, NormalPagePriority);
+static __inline void kunmap(PMDL mdl)
+static __inline void* page_address(struct page* page)
+ BUG_ON(!page->hva);
+ return page->hva;
+static __inline void* get_zeroed_page(unsigned int gfp_mask)
+ struct page* page = alloc_page(gfp_mask);
+ memset(page->hva, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
+ return page->hva;
+static __inline size_t __get_free_page(unsigned int gfp_mask)
+ struct page *page;
+ page = alloc_page(gfp_mask);
+ if (!page)
+ return 0;
+ return (size_t) page_address(page);
+static __inline int get_user_pages_fast(size_t start, int nr_pages, int write,
+ PMDL *mdl)
+ PMDL _mdl;
+ start &= PAGE_MASK;
+ _mdl = IoAllocateMdl((void *)start, nr_pages * PAGE_SIZE,
+ if (!_mdl)
+ return 0;
+ MmProbeAndLockPages(_mdl, KernelMode, IoWriteAccess);
+ *mdl = _mdl;
+ return nr_pages;
+static __inline void kvm_release_page(PMDL mdl)
+ if (!mdl)
+ return;
+ MmUnlockPages(mdl);
+ IoFreeMdl(mdl);
+/* We actually did not copy from *user* here. This function in kvm is used to
+ * ioctl parameters. On Windows, we always use buffered io for device control.
+ * Thus the address supplied to copy_from_user is address in kernel space.
+ * Simple keep the function name here.
+ * __copy_from/to_user is really copying from user space.
+ */
+static __inline size_t copy_from_user(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ return 0;
+static __inline size_t __copy_user(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size,
+ int from)
+ PMDL lock_mdl;
+ HANDLE handle;
+ lock_mdl = IoAllocateMdl(from? src : dst, size, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!lock_mdl)
+ return size;
+ MmProbeAndLockPages(lock_mdl, UserMode, IoWriteAccess);
+ handle = MmSecureVirtualMemory(from? src : dst, size, PAGE_READWRITE);
+ if (!handle)
+ return size;
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ MmUnsecureVirtualMemory(handle);
+ MmUnlockPages(lock_mdl);
+ IoFreeMdl(lock_mdl);
+ return 0;
+static __inline size_t __copy_to_user(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
+ return __copy_user(dst, src, size, 0);
+static __inline size_t __copy_from_user(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
+ return __copy_user(dst, src, size, 1);
+static __inline void *kmap_atomic(PMDL mdl)
+ return kmap(mdl);
+static __inline void kunmap_atomic(PMDL mdl)
+ kunmap(mdl);
+static __inline void *memdup_user(const void *user, size_t size)
+ void *buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!buf)
+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ if (copy_from_user(buf, user, size))
+ return ERR_PTR(-EFAULT);
+ return buf;
+ */
+static __forceinline u64 rdtsc(void)
+ return __rdtsc();
+static __forceinline int check_tsc_unstable(void)
+ return 0;
+static __forceinline int mark_tsc_unstable(void)
+ return 0;
+ File
+ */
+struct file {
+ void *private_data;
+Atomic Operations
+typedef long atomic_t;
+#define ATOMIC_INIT(n) (n)
+static __forceinline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
+ InterlockedIncrement(v);
+static __forceinline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
+ InterlockedDecrement(v);
+static __forceinline int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v)
+ return !InterlockedDecrement(v);
+static __forceinline int atomic_xchg(atomic_t *v, int val)
+ return InterlockedExchange(v, val);
+extern u8 xchg8(u8 *a, u8 b);
+extern u16 xchg16(u16 *a, u16 b);
+#define xchg32(a, b) InterlockedExchange((LONG *)a, b)
+#define xchg64(a, b) InterlockedExchange64((LONG64 *)a, b)
+extern u8 cmpxchg8(u8 *a, u8 b, u8 c);
+extern u16 cmpxchg16(u16 *a, u16 b, u16 c);
+#define cmpxchg32(a, b, c) InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)a, c, b)
+#define cmpxchg64(a, b, c) InterlockedCompareExchange64((LONG64 *)a, c, b)
+#define xchg(a, b) ((sizeof(*a) == 8)? xchg64((u64 *)a, b) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 4)? xchg32((u32 *)a, b) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 2)? xchg16((u16 *)a, b) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 1)? xchg8((u8 *)a, b) : 0))))
+#define cmpxchg(a, b, c) ((sizeof(*a) == 8)? cmpxchg64((u64 *)a, b, c) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 4)? cmpxchg32((u32 *)a, b, c) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 2)? cmpxchg16((u16 *)a, b, c) : \
+ ((sizeof(*a) == 1)? cmpxchg8((u8 *)a, b, c) : 0))))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(a, b, c) cmpxchg(a, b, c)
+static __forceinline int atomic_dec_if_positive(atomic_t *v)
+ int c, old, dec;
+ c = atomic_read(v);
+ for (;;) {
+ dec = c - 1;
+ if (unlikely(dec < 0))
+ break;
+ old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, dec);
+ if (likely(old == c))
+ break;
+ c = old;
+ }
+ return dec;
+#define smp_store_mb(var, value) do { (void)xchg(&var, value); } while (0)
+#define smp_store_release(p, v) \
+do { \
+ smp_mb(); \
+ *p = v; \
+} while (0)
+ cpumask
+ */
+static __inline bool zalloc_cpumask_var(cpumask_var_t *mask, int flags)
+ *mask = NULL;
+ *mask = kmalloc(sizeof(cpumask_t), flags | __GFP_ZERO);
+ return !!(*mask);
+static __inline void free_cpumask_var(cpumask_var_t mask)
+ kfree(mask);
+ vm_mmap/unmap
+ */
+#define PROT_READ 0x1 /* page can be read */
+#define PROT_WRITE 0x2 /* page can be written */
+#define PROT_EXEC 0x4 /* page can be executed */
+#define PROT_SEM 0x8 /* page may be used for atomic ops */
+#define PROT_NONE 0x0 /* page can not be accessed */
+#define PROT_GROWSDOWN 0x01000000 /* mprotect flag: extend change to start of growsdown vma */
+#define PROT_GROWSUP 0x02000000 /* mprotect flag: extend change to end of growsup vma */
+#define MAP_SHARED 0x01 /* Share changes */
+#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x02 /* Changes are private */
+#define MAP_TYPE 0x0f /* Mask for type of mapping */
+#define MAP_FIXED 0x10 /* Interpret addr exactly */
+#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20 /* don't use a file */
+#define MAP_UNINITIALIZED 0x0 /* Don't support this flag */
+typedef struct gvm_mmap_node
+ PVOID pMem;
+ struct list_head list;
+extern struct list_head gvm_mmap_list;
+extern size_t vm_mmap(struct file *file, size_t addr,
+ size_t len, size_t prot, size_t flag, size_t offset);
+extern size_t __vm_mmap(struct file *file, size_t addr,
+ size_t len, size_t prot, size_t flag, size_t offset, size_t keva);
+extern int vm_munmap(size_t start, size_t len);
+extern int __vm_munmap(size_t start, size_t len, bool freepage);
+ smp_call_function
+ */
+extern int smp_call_function_single(int cpu, void(*func)(void *info), void *info, int wait);
+extern int smp_call_function_many(cpumask_var_t mask, void(*func) (void *info), void *info, int wait);
+extern void smp_send_reschedule(int cpu);
+ * srcu tranlation to windows ERESOURCE
+ */
+struct srcu_struct {
+static __inline int srcu_read_lock(struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&sp->eres, true);
+ return 0;
+static __inline void __srcu_read_unlock(struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ ExReleaseResourceLite(&sp->eres);
+#define srcu_read_unlock(sp, idx) __srcu_read_unlock(sp)
+static __inline void *srcu_dereference(void *p, struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ return p;
+static __inline void synchronize_srcu_expedited(struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&sp->eres, true);
+ ExReleaseResourceLite(&sp->eres);
+#define synchronize_srcu(srcu) synchronize_srcu_expedited(srcu)
+static __inline int init_srcu_struct(struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ NTSTATUS rc = ExInitializeResourceLite(&sp->eres);
+ return !NT_SUCCESS(rc);
+static __inline int cleanup_srcu_struct(struct srcu_struct *sp)
+ NTSTATUS rc = ExDeleteResourceLite(&sp->eres);
+ return !NT_SUCCESS(rc);
+ * RCU
+ */
+static __inline __rcu_assign_pointer(void **p, void *v)
+ *p = v;
+ smp_mb();
+#define __rcu
+#define rcu_assign_pointer(p, v) __rcu_assign_pointer(&(void *)p, (void *)v)
+#define rcu_read_lock()
+#define rcu_read_unlock()
+static __inline void *rcu_dereference_raw(void *p)
+ return p;
+#define rcu_dereference(a) rcu_dereference_raw(a)
+#define hlist_first_rcu(head) (*((struct hlist_node __rcu **)(&(head)->first)))
+#define hlist_next_rcu(node) (*((struct hlist_node __rcu **)(&(node)->next)))
+#define hlist_pprev_rcu(node) (*((struct hlist_node __rcu **)((node)->pprev)))
+static __inline void hlist_add_head_rcu(struct hlist_node *n,
+ struct hlist_head *h)
+ struct hlist_node *first = h->first;
+ n->next = first;
+ n->pprev = &h->first;
+ rcu_assign_pointer(hlist_first_rcu(h), n);
+ if (first)
+ first->pprev = &n->next;
+static __inline void hlist_del_rcu(struct hlist_node *n)
+ __hlist_del(n);
+ n->pprev = LIST_POISON2;
+#define hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(pos, head, member) \
+ for (pos = hlist_entry_safe (rcu_dereference_raw(hlist_first_rcu(head)),\
+ typeof(*(pos)), member); \
+ pos; \
+ pos = hlist_entry_safe(rcu_dereference_raw(hlist_next_rcu(\
+ &(pos)->member)), typeof(*(pos)), member))
+ * It is said there is no cpu online/offline for Windows,
+ * so always return true.
+ */
+static bool cpu_online(int cpu)
+ return true;
+ * xsave related functions
+ */
+#define XSTATE_CPUID 0x0000000d
+#define XCR_XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK 0x00000000
+static inline u64 xgetbv(u32 index)
+ return _xgetbv(index);
+static inline void xsetbv(u32 index, u64 value)
+ _xsetbv(index, value);
+extern NTSTATUS NtKrUtilsInit(void);
+extern void NtKrUtilsExit(void);
diff --git a/package/ b/package/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfa5ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Package source codes together with release binary and symbols
+# Run under WSL on Windows 10.
+cd ..
+zip -r package/gvm-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.zip Release/ arch/ asmgen/ gvm* virt/ __asm.* ntkrutils.* include/ assembly/
diff --git a/sign/gvm/.gitignore b/sign/gvm/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7e43e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sign/gvm/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/sign/gvm/gvm.ddf b/sign/gvm/gvm.ddf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f757f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sign/gvm/gvm.ddf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+; Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+; version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; GNU General Public License for more details.
+.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors
+.Set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0
+.Set FolderFileCountThreshold=0
+.Set FolderSizeThreshold=0
+.Set MaxCabinetSize=0
+.Set MaxDiskFileCount=0
+.Set MaxDiskSize=0
+.Set CompressionType=MSZIP
+.Set Cabinet=on
+.Set Compress=on
+.Set DestinationDir=gvm
+;Specify files to be included in cab file
diff --git a/sign/gvm/gvm.inf b/sign/gvm/gvm.inf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..681c2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sign/gvm/gvm.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+; Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+; version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; GNU General Public License for more details.
+Signature = "$Windows NT$"
+Provider = Google
+Class = System
+ClassGuid = {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
+DriverVer = 09/11/2019,
+DriverPackageType = KernelService
+CatalogFile =
+DefaultDestDir = 12
+CopyFiles = gvm.DriverFiles
+AddService = gvm,0x00000002,gvm.Service
+DelFiles = gvm.DriverFiles
+DelService = gvm,0x200
+gvm.sys = 1
+1 = %DISK_NAME%,
+DisplayName = gvm Service
+ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
+ServiceBinary = %12%\gvm.sys
+DISK_NAME = "Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors Installation Media"
diff --git a/virt/kvm/Kconfig b/virt/kvm/Kconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b0cc1a3..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/Kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# KVM common configuration items and defaults
-config HAVE_KVM
- bool
- bool
- bool
- bool
- bool
- select EVENTFD
-config KVM_MMIO
- bool
-config KVM_ASYNC_PF
- bool
-# Toggle to switch between direct notification and batch job
- bool
-config HAVE_KVM_MSI
- bool
- bool
-config KVM_VFIO
- bool
- bool
- bool
- bool
-config KVM_COMPAT
- def_bool y
- depends on KVM && COMPAT && !S390
- bool
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/aarch32.c b/virt/kvm/arm/aarch32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 528af4b..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/aarch32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * (not much of an) Emulation layer for 32bit guests.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2012,2013 - ARM Ltd
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * based on arch/arm/kvm/emulate.c
- * Copyright (C) 2012 - Virtual Open Systems and Columbia University
- * Author: Christoffer Dall <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_hyp.h>
-#ifndef CONFIG_ARM64
- * stolen from arch/arm/kernel/opcodes.c
- *
- * condition code lookup table
- * index into the table is test code: EQ, NE, ... LT, GT, AL, NV
- *
- * bit position in short is condition code: NZCV
- */
-static const unsigned short cc_map[16] = {
- 0xF0F0, /* EQ == Z set */
- 0x0F0F, /* NE */
- 0xCCCC, /* CS == C set */
- 0x3333, /* CC */
- 0xFF00, /* MI == N set */
- 0x00FF, /* PL */
- 0xAAAA, /* VS == V set */
- 0x5555, /* VC */
- 0x0C0C, /* HI == C set && Z clear */
- 0xF3F3, /* LS == C clear || Z set */
- 0xAA55, /* GE == (N==V) */
- 0x55AA, /* LT == (N!=V) */
- 0x0A05, /* GT == (!Z && (N==V)) */
- 0xF5FA, /* LE == (Z || (N!=V)) */
- 0xFFFF, /* AL always */
- 0 /* NV */
- * Check if a trapped instruction should have been executed or not.
- */
-bool kvm_condition_valid32(const struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long cpsr;
- u32 cpsr_cond;
- int cond;
- /* Top two bits non-zero? Unconditional. */
- if (kvm_vcpu_get_hsr(vcpu) >> 30)
- return true;
- /* Is condition field valid? */
- cond = kvm_vcpu_get_condition(vcpu);
- if (cond == 0xE)
- return true;
- cpsr = *vcpu_cpsr(vcpu);
- if (cond < 0) {
- /* This can happen in Thumb mode: examine IT state. */
- unsigned long it;
- it = ((cpsr >> 8) & 0xFC) | ((cpsr >> 25) & 0x3);
- /* it == 0 => unconditional. */
- if (it == 0)
- return true;
- /* The cond for this insn works out as the top 4 bits. */
- cond = (it >> 4);
- }
- cpsr_cond = cpsr >> 28;
- if (!((cc_map[cond] >> cpsr_cond) & 1))
- return false;
- return true;
- * adjust_itstate - adjust ITSTATE when emulating instructions in IT-block
- * @vcpu: The VCPU pointer
- *
- * When exceptions occur while instructions are executed in Thumb IF-THEN
- * blocks, the ITSTATE field of the CPSR is not advanced (updated), so we have
- * to do this little bit of work manually. The fields map like this:
- *
- * IT[7:0] -> CPSR[26:25],CPSR[15:10]
- */
-static void __hyp_text kvm_adjust_itstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long itbits, cond;
- unsigned long cpsr = *vcpu_cpsr(vcpu);
- bool is_arm = !(cpsr & COMPAT_PSR_T_BIT);
- if (is_arm || !(cpsr & COMPAT_PSR_IT_MASK))
- return;
- cond = (cpsr & 0xe000) >> 13;
- itbits = (cpsr & 0x1c00) >> (10 - 2);
- itbits |= (cpsr & (0x3 << 25)) >> 25;
- /* Perform ITAdvance (see page A2-52 in ARM DDI 0406C) */
- if ((itbits & 0x7) == 0)
- itbits = cond = 0;
- else
- itbits = (itbits << 1) & 0x1f;
- cpsr &= ~COMPAT_PSR_IT_MASK;
- cpsr |= cond << 13;
- cpsr |= (itbits & 0x1c) << (10 - 2);
- cpsr |= (itbits & 0x3) << 25;
- *vcpu_cpsr(vcpu) = cpsr;
- * kvm_skip_instr - skip a trapped instruction and proceed to the next
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- */
-void __hyp_text kvm_skip_instr32(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool is_wide_instr)
- bool is_thumb;
- is_thumb = !!(*vcpu_cpsr(vcpu) & COMPAT_PSR_T_BIT);
- if (is_thumb && !is_wide_instr)
- *vcpu_pc(vcpu) += 2;
- else
- *vcpu_pc(vcpu) += 4;
- kvm_adjust_itstate(vcpu);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c b/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a1f63..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Ltd.
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/irq.h>
-#include <clocksource/arm_arch_timer.h>
-#include <asm/arch_timer.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_arch_timer.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-static struct timecounter *timecounter;
-static unsigned int host_vtimer_irq;
-static u32 host_vtimer_irq_flags;
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- vcpu->arch.timer_cpu.active_cleared_last = false;
-static cycle_t kvm_phys_timer_read(void)
- return timecounter->cc->read(timecounter->cc);
-static bool timer_is_armed(struct arch_timer_cpu *timer)
- return timer->armed;
-/* timer_arm: as in "arm the timer", not as in ARM the company */
-static void timer_arm(struct arch_timer_cpu *timer, u64 ns)
- timer->armed = true;
- hrtimer_start(&timer->timer, ktime_add_ns(ktime_get(), ns),
-static void timer_disarm(struct arch_timer_cpu *timer)
- if (timer_is_armed(timer)) {
- hrtimer_cancel(&timer->timer);
- cancel_work_sync(&timer->expired);
- timer->armed = false;
- }
-static irqreturn_t kvm_arch_timer_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = *(struct kvm_vcpu **)dev_id;
- /*
- * We disable the timer in the world switch and let it be
- * handled by kvm_timer_sync_hwstate(). Getting a timer
- * interrupt at this point is a sure sign of some major
- * breakage.
- */
- pr_warn("Unexpected interrupt %d on vcpu %p\n", irq, vcpu);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Work function for handling the backup timer that we schedule when a vcpu is
- * no longer running, but had a timer programmed to fire in the future.
- */
-static void kvm_timer_inject_irq_work(struct work_struct *work)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- vcpu = container_of(work, struct kvm_vcpu, arch.timer_cpu.expired);
- vcpu->arch.timer_cpu.armed = false;
- WARN_ON(!kvm_timer_should_fire(vcpu));
- /*
- * If the vcpu is blocked we want to wake it up so that it will see
- * the timer has expired when entering the guest.
- */
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
-static u64 kvm_timer_compute_delta(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- cycle_t cval, now;
- cval = vcpu->arch.timer_cpu.cntv_cval;
- now = kvm_phys_timer_read() - vcpu->kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff;
- if (now < cval) {
- u64 ns;
- ns = cyclecounter_cyc2ns(timecounter->cc,
- cval - now,
- timecounter->mask,
- &timecounter->frac);
- return ns;
- }
- return 0;
-static enum hrtimer_restart kvm_timer_expire(struct hrtimer *hrt)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- u64 ns;
- timer = container_of(hrt, struct arch_timer_cpu, timer);
- vcpu = container_of(timer, struct kvm_vcpu, arch.timer_cpu);
- /*
- * Check that the timer has really expired from the guest's
- * PoV (NTP on the host may have forced it to expire
- * early). If we should have slept longer, restart it.
- */
- ns = kvm_timer_compute_delta(vcpu);
- if (unlikely(ns)) {
- hrtimer_forward_now(hrt, ns_to_ktime(ns));
- }
- schedule_work(&timer->expired);
-static bool kvm_timer_irq_can_fire(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- return !(timer->cntv_ctl & ARCH_TIMER_CTRL_IT_MASK) &&
- (timer->cntv_ctl & ARCH_TIMER_CTRL_ENABLE);
-bool kvm_timer_should_fire(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- cycle_t cval, now;
- if (!kvm_timer_irq_can_fire(vcpu))
- return false;
- cval = timer->cntv_cval;
- now = kvm_phys_timer_read() - vcpu->kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff;
- return cval <= now;
-static void kvm_timer_update_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool new_level)
- int ret;
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- BUG_ON(!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm));
- timer->active_cleared_last = false;
- timer->irq.level = new_level;
- trace_kvm_timer_update_irq(vcpu->vcpu_id, timer->irq.irq,
- timer->irq.level);
- ret = kvm_vgic_inject_mapped_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu->vcpu_id,
- timer->irq.irq,
- timer->irq.level);
- WARN_ON(ret);
- * Check if there was a change in the timer state (should we raise or lower
- * the line level to the GIC).
- */
-static int kvm_timer_update_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- /*
- * If userspace modified the timer registers via SET_ONE_REG before
- * the vgic was initialized, we mustn't set the timer->irq.level value
- * because the guest would never see the interrupt. Instead wait
- * until we call this function from kvm_timer_flush_hwstate.
- */
- if (!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm) || !timer->enabled)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (kvm_timer_should_fire(vcpu) != timer->irq.level)
- kvm_timer_update_irq(vcpu, !timer->irq.level);
- return 0;
- * Schedule the background timer before calling kvm_vcpu_block, so that this
- * thread is removed from its waitqueue and made runnable when there's a timer
- * interrupt to handle.
- */
-void kvm_timer_schedule(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- BUG_ON(timer_is_armed(timer));
- /*
- * No need to schedule a background timer if the guest timer has
- * already expired, because kvm_vcpu_block will return before putting
- * the thread to sleep.
- */
- if (kvm_timer_should_fire(vcpu))
- return;
- /*
- * If the timer is not capable of raising interrupts (disabled or
- * masked), then there's no more work for us to do.
- */
- if (!kvm_timer_irq_can_fire(vcpu))
- return;
- /* The timer has not yet expired, schedule a background timer */
- timer_arm(timer, kvm_timer_compute_delta(vcpu));
-void kvm_timer_unschedule(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- timer_disarm(timer);
- * kvm_timer_flush_hwstate - prepare to move the virt timer to the cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- * Check if the virtual timer has expired while we were running in the host,
- * and inject an interrupt if that was the case.
- */
-void kvm_timer_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- bool phys_active;
- int ret;
- if (kvm_timer_update_state(vcpu))
- return;
- /*
- * If we enter the guest with the virtual input level to the VGIC
- * asserted, then we have already told the VGIC what we need to, and
- * we don't need to exit from the guest until the guest deactivates
- * the already injected interrupt, so therefore we should set the
- * hardware active state to prevent unnecessary exits from the guest.
- *
- * Also, if we enter the guest with the virtual timer interrupt active,
- * then it must be active on the physical distributor, because we set
- * the HW bit and the guest must be able to deactivate the virtual and
- * physical interrupt at the same time.
- *
- * Conversely, if the virtual input level is deasserted and the virtual
- * interrupt is not active, then always clear the hardware active state
- * to ensure that hardware interrupts from the timer triggers a guest
- * exit.
- */
- phys_active = timer->irq.level ||
- kvm_vgic_map_is_active(vcpu, timer->irq.irq);
- /*
- * We want to avoid hitting the (re)distributor as much as
- * possible, as this is a potentially expensive MMIO access
- * (not to mention locks in the irq layer), and a solution for
- * this is to cache the "active" state in memory.
- *
- * Things to consider: we cannot cache an "active set" state,
- * because the HW can change this behind our back (it becomes
- * "clear" in the HW). We must then restrict the caching to
- * the "clear" state.
- *
- * The cache is invalidated on:
- * - vcpu put, indicating that the HW cannot be trusted to be
- * in a sane state on the next vcpu load,
- * - any change in the interrupt state
- *
- * Usage conditions:
- * - cached value is "active clear"
- * - value to be programmed is "active clear"
- */
- if (timer->active_cleared_last && !phys_active)
- return;
- ret = irq_set_irqchip_state(host_vtimer_irq,
- phys_active);
- WARN_ON(ret);
- timer->active_cleared_last = !phys_active;
- * kvm_timer_sync_hwstate - sync timer state from cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- * Check if the virtual timer has expired while we were running in the guest,
- * and inject an interrupt if that was the case.
- */
-void kvm_timer_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- BUG_ON(timer_is_armed(timer));
- /*
- * The guest could have modified the timer registers or the timer
- * could have expired, update the timer state.
- */
- kvm_timer_update_state(vcpu);
-int kvm_timer_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- const struct kvm_irq_level *irq)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- /*
- * The vcpu timer irq number cannot be determined in
- * kvm_timer_vcpu_init() because it is called much before
- * kvm_vcpu_set_target(). To handle this, we determine
- * vcpu timer irq number when the vcpu is reset.
- */
- timer->irq.irq = irq->irq;
- /*
- * The bits in CNTV_CTL are architecturally reset to UNKNOWN for ARMv8
- * and to 0 for ARMv7. We provide an implementation that always
- * resets the timer to be disabled and unmasked and is compliant with
- * the ARMv7 architecture.
- */
- timer->cntv_ctl = 0;
- kvm_timer_update_state(vcpu);
- return 0;
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- INIT_WORK(&timer->expired, kvm_timer_inject_irq_work);
- hrtimer_init(&timer->timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
- timer->timer.function = kvm_timer_expire;
-static void kvm_timer_init_interrupt(void *info)
- enable_percpu_irq(host_vtimer_irq, host_vtimer_irq_flags);
-int kvm_arm_timer_set_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 regid, u64 value)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- switch (regid) {
- timer->cntv_ctl = value;
- break;
- vcpu->kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff = kvm_phys_timer_read() - value;
- break;
- timer->cntv_cval = value;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- kvm_timer_update_state(vcpu);
- return 0;
-u64 kvm_arm_timer_get_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 regid)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- switch (regid) {
- return timer->cntv_ctl;
- return kvm_phys_timer_read() - vcpu->kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff;
- return timer->cntv_cval;
- }
- return (u64)-1;
-static int kvm_timer_starting_cpu(unsigned int cpu)
- kvm_timer_init_interrupt(NULL);
- return 0;
-static int kvm_timer_dying_cpu(unsigned int cpu)
- disable_percpu_irq(host_vtimer_irq);
- return 0;
-int kvm_timer_hyp_init(void)
- struct arch_timer_kvm_info *info;
- int err;
- info = arch_timer_get_kvm_info();
- timecounter = &info->timecounter;
- if (info->virtual_irq <= 0) {
- kvm_err("kvm_arch_timer: invalid virtual timer IRQ: %d\n",
- info->virtual_irq);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- host_vtimer_irq = info->virtual_irq;
- host_vtimer_irq_flags = irq_get_trigger_type(host_vtimer_irq);
- if (host_vtimer_irq_flags != IRQF_TRIGGER_HIGH &&
- host_vtimer_irq_flags != IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW) {
- kvm_err("Invalid trigger for IRQ%d, assuming level low\n",
- host_vtimer_irq);
- host_vtimer_irq_flags = IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW;
- }
- err = request_percpu_irq(host_vtimer_irq, kvm_arch_timer_handler,
- "kvm guest timer", kvm_get_running_vcpus());
- if (err) {
- kvm_err("kvm_arch_timer: can't request interrupt %d (%d)\n",
- host_vtimer_irq, err);
- return err;
- }
- kvm_info("virtual timer IRQ%d\n", host_vtimer_irq);
- cpuhp_setup_state(CPUHP_AP_KVM_ARM_TIMER_STARTING,
- "AP_KVM_ARM_TIMER_STARTING", kvm_timer_starting_cpu,
- kvm_timer_dying_cpu);
- return err;
-void kvm_timer_vcpu_terminate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- timer_disarm(timer);
- kvm_vgic_unmap_phys_irq(vcpu, timer->irq.irq);
-int kvm_timer_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- struct irq_desc *desc;
- struct irq_data *data;
- int phys_irq;
- int ret;
- if (timer->enabled)
- return 0;
- /*
- * Find the physical IRQ number corresponding to the host_vtimer_irq
- */
- desc = irq_to_desc(host_vtimer_irq);
- if (!desc) {
- kvm_err("%s: no interrupt descriptor\n", __func__);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- data = irq_desc_get_irq_data(desc);
- while (data->parent_data)
- data = data->parent_data;
- phys_irq = data->hwirq;
- /*
- * Tell the VGIC that the virtual interrupt is tied to a
- * physical interrupt. We do that once per VCPU.
- */
- ret = kvm_vgic_map_phys_irq(vcpu, timer->irq.irq, phys_irq);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- /*
- * There is a potential race here between VCPUs starting for the first
- * time, which may be enabling the timer multiple times. That doesn't
- * hurt though, because we're just setting a variable to the same
- * variable that it already was. The important thing is that all
- * VCPUs have the enabled variable set, before entering the guest, if
- * the arch timers are enabled.
- */
- if (timecounter)
- timer->enabled = 1;
- return 0;
-void kvm_timer_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff = kvm_phys_timer_read();
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/timer-sr.c b/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/timer-sr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 798866a..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/timer-sr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - ARM Ltd
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <clocksource/arm_arch_timer.h>
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_hyp.h>
-/* vcpu is already in the HYP VA space */
-void __hyp_text __timer_save_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- u64 val;
- if (timer->enabled) {
- timer->cntv_ctl = read_sysreg_el0(cntv_ctl);
- timer->cntv_cval = read_sysreg_el0(cntv_cval);
- }
- /* Disable the virtual timer */
- write_sysreg_el0(0, cntv_ctl);
- /* Allow physical timer/counter access for the host */
- val = read_sysreg(cnthctl_el2);
- write_sysreg(val, cnthctl_el2);
- /* Clear cntvoff for the host */
- write_sysreg(0, cntvoff_el2);
-void __hyp_text __timer_restore_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm *kvm = kern_hyp_va(vcpu->kvm);
- struct arch_timer_cpu *timer = &vcpu->arch.timer_cpu;
- u64 val;
- /*
- * Disallow physical timer access for the guest
- * Physical counter access is allowed
- */
- val = read_sysreg(cnthctl_el2);
- val &= ~CNTHCTL_EL1PCEN;
- write_sysreg(val, cnthctl_el2);
- if (timer->enabled) {
- write_sysreg(kvm->arch.timer.cntvoff, cntvoff_el2);
- write_sysreg_el0(timer->cntv_cval, cntv_cval);
- isb();
- write_sysreg_el0(timer->cntv_ctl, cntv_ctl);
- }
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v2-sr.c b/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v2-sr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c8aeb7b..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v2-sr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - ARM Ltd
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_hyp.h>
-static void __hyp_text save_maint_int_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- void __iomem *base)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- int nr_lr = (kern_hyp_va(&kvm_vgic_global_state))->nr_lr;
- u32 eisr0, eisr1;
- int i;
- bool expect_mi;
- expect_mi = !!(cpu_if->vgic_hcr & GICH_HCR_UIE);
- for (i = 0; i < nr_lr; i++) {
- if (!(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs & (1UL << i)))
- continue;
- expect_mi |= (!(cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & GICH_LR_HW) &&
- (cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & GICH_LR_EOI));
- }
- if (expect_mi) {
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_MISR);
- if (cpu_if->vgic_misr & GICH_MISR_EOI) {
- eisr0 = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_EISR0);
- if (unlikely(nr_lr > 32))
- eisr1 = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_EISR1);
- else
- eisr1 = 0;
- } else {
- eisr0 = eisr1 = 0;
- }
- } else {
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = 0;
- eisr0 = eisr1 = 0;
- }
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = ((u64)eisr0 << 32) | eisr1;
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = ((u64)eisr1 << 32) | eisr0;
-static void __hyp_text save_elrsr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, void __iomem *base)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- int nr_lr = (kern_hyp_va(&kvm_vgic_global_state))->nr_lr;
- u32 elrsr0, elrsr1;
- elrsr0 = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_ELRSR0);
- if (unlikely(nr_lr > 32))
- elrsr1 = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_ELRSR1);
- else
- elrsr1 = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_elrsr = ((u64)elrsr0 << 32) | elrsr1;
- cpu_if->vgic_elrsr = ((u64)elrsr1 << 32) | elrsr0;
-static void __hyp_text save_lrs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, void __iomem *base)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- int nr_lr = (kern_hyp_va(&kvm_vgic_global_state))->nr_lr;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_lr; i++) {
- if (!(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs & (1UL << i)))
- continue;
- if (cpu_if->vgic_elrsr & (1UL << i))
- cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] &= ~GICH_LR_STATE;
- else
- cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_LR0 + (i * 4));
- writel_relaxed(0, base + GICH_LR0 + (i * 4));
- }
-/* vcpu is already in the HYP VA space */
-void __hyp_text __vgic_v2_save_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm *kvm = kern_hyp_va(vcpu->kvm);
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- struct vgic_dist *vgic = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- void __iomem *base = kern_hyp_va(vgic->vctrl_base);
- if (!base)
- return;
- cpu_if->vgic_vmcr = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_VMCR);
- if (vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs) {
- cpu_if->vgic_apr = readl_relaxed(base + GICH_APR);
- save_maint_int_state(vcpu, base);
- save_elrsr(vcpu, base);
- save_lrs(vcpu, base);
- writel_relaxed(0, base + GICH_HCR);
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs = 0;
- } else {
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_elrsr = ~0UL;
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_apr = 0;
- }
-/* vcpu is already in the HYP VA space */
-void __hyp_text __vgic_v2_restore_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm *kvm = kern_hyp_va(vcpu->kvm);
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- struct vgic_dist *vgic = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- void __iomem *base = kern_hyp_va(vgic->vctrl_base);
- int nr_lr = (kern_hyp_va(&kvm_vgic_global_state))->nr_lr;
- int i;
- u64 live_lrs = 0;
- if (!base)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_lr; i++)
- if (cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & GICH_LR_STATE)
- live_lrs |= 1UL << i;
- if (live_lrs) {
- writel_relaxed(cpu_if->vgic_hcr, base + GICH_HCR);
- writel_relaxed(cpu_if->vgic_apr, base + GICH_APR);
- for (i = 0; i < nr_lr; i++) {
- if (!(live_lrs & (1UL << i)))
- continue;
- writel_relaxed(cpu_if->vgic_lr[i],
- base + GICH_LR0 + (i * 4));
- }
- }
- writel_relaxed(cpu_if->vgic_vmcr, base + GICH_VMCR);
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs = live_lrs;
-#ifdef CONFIG_ARM64
- * __vgic_v2_perform_cpuif_access -- perform a GICV access on behalf of the
- * guest.
- *
- * @vcpu: the offending vcpu
- *
- * Returns:
- * 1: GICV access successfully performed
- * 0: Not a GICV access
- * -1: Illegal GICV access
- */
-int __hyp_text __vgic_v2_perform_cpuif_access(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm *kvm = kern_hyp_va(vcpu->kvm);
- struct vgic_dist *vgic = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- phys_addr_t fault_ipa;
- void __iomem *addr;
- int rd;
- /* Build the full address */
- fault_ipa = kvm_vcpu_get_fault_ipa(vcpu);
- fault_ipa |= kvm_vcpu_get_hfar(vcpu) & GENMASK(11, 0);
- /* If not for GICV, move on */
- if (fault_ipa < vgic->vgic_cpu_base ||
- fault_ipa >= (vgic->vgic_cpu_base + KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE))
- return 0;
- /* Reject anything but a 32bit access */
- if (kvm_vcpu_dabt_get_as(vcpu) != sizeof(u32))
- return -1;
- /* Not aligned? Don't bother */
- if (fault_ipa & 3)
- return -1;
- rd = kvm_vcpu_dabt_get_rd(vcpu);
- addr = kern_hyp_va((kern_hyp_va(&kvm_vgic_global_state))->vcpu_base_va);
- addr += fault_ipa - vgic->vgic_cpu_base;
- if (kvm_vcpu_dabt_iswrite(vcpu)) {
- u32 data = vcpu_data_guest_to_host(vcpu,
- vcpu_get_reg(vcpu, rd),
- sizeof(u32));
- writel_relaxed(data, addr);
- } else {
- u32 data = readl_relaxed(addr);
- vcpu_set_reg(vcpu, rd, vcpu_data_host_to_guest(vcpu, data,
- sizeof(u32)));
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v3-sr.c b/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v3-sr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3947095..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/hyp/vgic-v3-sr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - ARM Ltd
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic-v3.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_hyp.h>
-#define vtr_to_max_lr_idx(v) ((v) & 0xf)
-#define vtr_to_nr_pri_bits(v) (((u32)(v) >> 29) + 1)
-static u64 __hyp_text __gic_v3_get_lr(unsigned int lr)
- switch (lr & 0xf) {
- case 0:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR0_EL2);
- case 1:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR1_EL2);
- case 2:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR2_EL2);
- case 3:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR3_EL2);
- case 4:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR4_EL2);
- case 5:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR5_EL2);
- case 6:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR6_EL2);
- case 7:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR7_EL2);
- case 8:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR8_EL2);
- case 9:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR9_EL2);
- case 10:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR10_EL2);
- case 11:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR11_EL2);
- case 12:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR12_EL2);
- case 13:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR13_EL2);
- case 14:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR14_EL2);
- case 15:
- return read_gicreg(ICH_LR15_EL2);
- }
- unreachable();
-static void __hyp_text __gic_v3_set_lr(u64 val, int lr)
- switch (lr & 0xf) {
- case 0:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR0_EL2);
- break;
- case 1:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR1_EL2);
- break;
- case 2:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR2_EL2);
- break;
- case 3:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR3_EL2);
- break;
- case 4:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR4_EL2);
- break;
- case 5:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR5_EL2);
- break;
- case 6:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR6_EL2);
- break;
- case 7:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR7_EL2);
- break;
- case 8:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR8_EL2);
- break;
- case 9:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR9_EL2);
- break;
- case 10:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR10_EL2);
- break;
- case 11:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR11_EL2);
- break;
- case 12:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR12_EL2);
- break;
- case 13:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR13_EL2);
- break;
- case 14:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR14_EL2);
- break;
- case 15:
- write_gicreg(val, ICH_LR15_EL2);
- break;
- }
-static void __hyp_text save_maint_int_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int nr_lr)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- int i;
- bool expect_mi;
- expect_mi = !!(cpu_if->vgic_hcr & ICH_HCR_UIE);
- for (i = 0; i < nr_lr; i++) {
- if (!(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs & (1UL << i)))
- continue;
- expect_mi |= (!(cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & ICH_LR_HW) &&
- (cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & ICH_LR_EOI));
- }
- if (expect_mi) {
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = read_gicreg(ICH_MISR_EL2);
- if (cpu_if->vgic_misr & ICH_MISR_EOI)
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = read_gicreg(ICH_EISR_EL2);
- else
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = 0;
- } else {
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = 0;
- }
-void __hyp_text __vgic_v3_save_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- u64 val;
- /*
- * Make sure stores to the GIC via the memory mapped interface
- * are now visible to the system register interface.
- */
- if (!cpu_if->vgic_sre)
- dsb(st);
- cpu_if->vgic_vmcr = read_gicreg(ICH_VMCR_EL2);
- if (vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs) {
- int i;
- u32 max_lr_idx, nr_pri_bits;
- cpu_if->vgic_elrsr = read_gicreg(ICH_ELSR_EL2);
- write_gicreg(0, ICH_HCR_EL2);
- val = read_gicreg(ICH_VTR_EL2);
- max_lr_idx = vtr_to_max_lr_idx(val);
- nr_pri_bits = vtr_to_nr_pri_bits(val);
- save_maint_int_state(vcpu, max_lr_idx + 1);
- for (i = 0; i <= max_lr_idx; i++) {
- if (!(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs & (1UL << i)))
- continue;
- if (cpu_if->vgic_elrsr & (1 << i))
- cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] &= ~ICH_LR_STATE;
- else
- cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] = __gic_v3_get_lr(i);
- __gic_v3_set_lr(0, i);
- }
- switch (nr_pri_bits) {
- case 7:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[3] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP0R3_EL2);
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[2] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP0R2_EL2);
- case 6:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[1] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP0R1_EL2);
- default:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[0] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP0R0_EL2);
- }
- switch (nr_pri_bits) {
- case 7:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[3] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP1R3_EL2);
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[2] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP1R2_EL2);
- case 6:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[1] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP1R1_EL2);
- default:
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[0] = read_gicreg(ICH_AP1R0_EL2);
- }
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs = 0;
- } else {
- cpu_if->vgic_misr = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_eisr = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_elrsr = 0xffff;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[0] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[1] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[2] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[3] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[0] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[1] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[2] = 0;
- cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[3] = 0;
- }
- val = read_gicreg(ICC_SRE_EL2);
- write_gicreg(val | ICC_SRE_EL2_ENABLE, ICC_SRE_EL2);
- if (!cpu_if->vgic_sre) {
- /* Make sure ENABLE is set at EL2 before setting SRE at EL1 */
- isb();
- write_gicreg(1, ICC_SRE_EL1);
- }
-void __hyp_text __vgic_v3_restore_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpu_if = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- u64 val;
- u32 max_lr_idx, nr_pri_bits;
- u16 live_lrs = 0;
- int i;
- /*
- * VFIQEn is RES1 if ICC_SRE_EL1.SRE is 1. This causes a
- * Group0 interrupt (as generated in GICv2 mode) to be
- * delivered as a FIQ to the guest, with potentially fatal
- * consequences. So we must make sure that ICC_SRE_EL1 has
- * been actually programmed with the value we want before
- * starting to mess with the rest of the GIC.
- */
- if (!cpu_if->vgic_sre) {
- write_gicreg(0, ICC_SRE_EL1);
- isb();
- }
- val = read_gicreg(ICH_VTR_EL2);
- max_lr_idx = vtr_to_max_lr_idx(val);
- nr_pri_bits = vtr_to_nr_pri_bits(val);
- for (i = 0; i <= max_lr_idx; i++) {
- if (cpu_if->vgic_lr[i] & ICH_LR_STATE)
- live_lrs |= (1 << i);
- }
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_vmcr, ICH_VMCR_EL2);
- if (live_lrs) {
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_hcr, ICH_HCR_EL2);
- switch (nr_pri_bits) {
- case 7:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[3], ICH_AP0R3_EL2);
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[2], ICH_AP0R2_EL2);
- case 6:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[1], ICH_AP0R1_EL2);
- default:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap0r[0], ICH_AP0R0_EL2);
- }
- switch (nr_pri_bits) {
- case 7:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[3], ICH_AP1R3_EL2);
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[2], ICH_AP1R2_EL2);
- case 6:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[1], ICH_AP1R1_EL2);
- default:
- write_gicreg(cpu_if->vgic_ap1r[0], ICH_AP1R0_EL2);
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= max_lr_idx; i++) {
- if (!(live_lrs & (1 << i)))
- continue;
- __gic_v3_set_lr(cpu_if->vgic_lr[i], i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Ensures that the above will have reached the
- * (re)distributors. This ensure the guest will read the
- * correct values from the memory-mapped interface.
- */
- if (!cpu_if->vgic_sre) {
- isb();
- dsb(sy);
- }
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.live_lrs = live_lrs;
- /*
- * Prevent the guest from touching the GIC system registers if
- * SRE isn't enabled for GICv3 emulation.
- */
- write_gicreg(read_gicreg(ICC_SRE_EL2) & ~ICC_SRE_EL2_ENABLE,
-void __hyp_text __vgic_v3_init_lrs(void)
- int max_lr_idx = vtr_to_max_lr_idx(read_gicreg(ICH_VTR_EL2));
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= max_lr_idx; i++)
- __gic_v3_set_lr(0, i);
-u64 __hyp_text __vgic_v3_get_ich_vtr_el2(void)
- return read_gicreg(ICH_VTR_EL2);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/pmu.c b/virt/kvm/arm/pmu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ccce3..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/pmu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Linaro Ltd.
- * Author: Shannon Zhao <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_pmu.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
- * kvm_pmu_get_counter_value - get PMU counter value
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @select_idx: The counter index
- */
-u64 kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 select_idx)
- u64 counter, reg, enabled, running;
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc = &pmu->pmc[select_idx];
- reg = (select_idx == ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX)
- ? PMCCNTR_EL0 : PMEVCNTR0_EL0 + select_idx;
- counter = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, reg);
- /* The real counter value is equal to the value of counter register plus
- * the value perf event counts.
- */
- if (pmc->perf_event)
- counter += perf_event_read_value(pmc->perf_event, &enabled,
- &running);
- return counter & pmc->bitmask;
- * kvm_pmu_set_counter_value - set PMU counter value
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @select_idx: The counter index
- * @val: The counter value
- */
-void kvm_pmu_set_counter_value(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 select_idx, u64 val)
- u64 reg;
- reg = (select_idx == ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX)
- ? PMCCNTR_EL0 : PMEVCNTR0_EL0 + select_idx;
- vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, reg) += (s64)val - kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(vcpu, select_idx);
- * kvm_pmu_stop_counter - stop PMU counter
- * @pmc: The PMU counter pointer
- *
- * If this counter has been configured to monitor some event, release it here.
- */
-static void kvm_pmu_stop_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_pmc *pmc)
- u64 counter, reg;
- if (pmc->perf_event) {
- counter = kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(vcpu, pmc->idx);
- reg = (pmc->idx == ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX)
- ? PMCCNTR_EL0 : PMEVCNTR0_EL0 + pmc->idx;
- vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, reg) = counter;
- perf_event_disable(pmc->perf_event);
- perf_event_release_kernel(pmc->perf_event);
- pmc->perf_event = NULL;
- }
- * kvm_pmu_vcpu_reset - reset pmu state for cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- */
-void kvm_pmu_vcpu_reset(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int i;
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_MAX_COUNTERS; i++) {
- kvm_pmu_stop_counter(vcpu, &pmu->pmc[i]);
- pmu->pmc[i].idx = i;
- pmu->pmc[i].bitmask = 0xffffffffUL;
- }
- * kvm_pmu_vcpu_destroy - free perf event of PMU for cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- */
-void kvm_pmu_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- int i;
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_MAX_COUNTERS; i++) {
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc = &pmu->pmc[i];
- if (pmc->perf_event) {
- perf_event_disable(pmc->perf_event);
- perf_event_release_kernel(pmc->perf_event);
- pmc->perf_event = NULL;
- }
- }
-u64 kvm_pmu_valid_counter_mask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u64 val = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCR_EL0) >> ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_N_SHIFT;
- if (val == 0)
- else
- return GENMASK(val - 1, 0) | BIT(ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX);
- * kvm_pmu_enable_counter - enable selected PMU counter
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @val: the value guest writes to PMCNTENSET register
- *
- * Call perf_event_enable to start counting the perf event
- */
-void kvm_pmu_enable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val)
- int i;
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc;
- if (!(vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCR_EL0) & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_E) || !val)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_MAX_COUNTERS; i++) {
- if (!(val & BIT(i)))
- continue;
- pmc = &pmu->pmc[i];
- if (pmc->perf_event) {
- perf_event_enable(pmc->perf_event);
- if (pmc->perf_event->state != PERF_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE)
- kvm_debug("fail to enable perf event\n");
- }
- }
- * kvm_pmu_disable_counter - disable selected PMU counter
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @val: the value guest writes to PMCNTENCLR register
- *
- * Call perf_event_disable to stop counting the perf event
- */
-void kvm_pmu_disable_counter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val)
- int i;
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc;
- if (!val)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_MAX_COUNTERS; i++) {
- if (!(val & BIT(i)))
- continue;
- pmc = &pmu->pmc[i];
- if (pmc->perf_event)
- perf_event_disable(pmc->perf_event);
- }
-static u64 kvm_pmu_overflow_status(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- u64 reg = 0;
- if ((vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCR_EL0) & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_E)) {
- reg = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMOVSSET_EL0);
- reg &= vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCNTENSET_EL0);
- reg &= vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMINTENSET_EL1);
- reg &= kvm_pmu_valid_counter_mask(vcpu);
- }
- return reg;
- * kvm_pmu_overflow_set - set PMU overflow interrupt
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @val: the value guest writes to PMOVSSET register
- */
-void kvm_pmu_overflow_set(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val)
- u64 reg;
- if (val == 0)
- return;
- vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMOVSSET_EL0) |= val;
- reg = kvm_pmu_overflow_status(vcpu);
- if (reg != 0)
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
-static void kvm_pmu_update_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- bool overflow;
- if (!kvm_arm_pmu_v3_ready(vcpu))
- return;
- overflow = !!kvm_pmu_overflow_status(vcpu);
- if (pmu->irq_level != overflow) {
- pmu->irq_level = overflow;
- kvm_vgic_inject_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu->vcpu_id,
- pmu->irq_num, overflow);
- }
- * kvm_pmu_flush_hwstate - flush pmu state to cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- * Check if the PMU has overflowed while we were running in the host, and inject
- * an interrupt if that was the case.
- */
-void kvm_pmu_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_pmu_update_state(vcpu);
- * kvm_pmu_sync_hwstate - sync pmu state from cpu
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- *
- * Check if the PMU has overflowed while we were running in the guest, and
- * inject an interrupt if that was the case.
- */
-void kvm_pmu_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- kvm_pmu_update_state(vcpu);
-static inline struct kvm_vcpu *kvm_pmc_to_vcpu(struct kvm_pmc *pmc)
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu;
- struct kvm_vcpu_arch *vcpu_arch;
- pmc -= pmc->idx;
- pmu = container_of(pmc, struct kvm_pmu, pmc[0]);
- vcpu_arch = container_of(pmu, struct kvm_vcpu_arch, pmu);
- return container_of(vcpu_arch, struct kvm_vcpu, arch);
- * When perf event overflows, call kvm_pmu_overflow_set to set overflow status.
- */
-static void kvm_pmu_perf_overflow(struct perf_event *perf_event,
- struct perf_sample_data *data,
- struct pt_regs *regs)
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc = perf_event->overflow_handler_context;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = kvm_pmc_to_vcpu(pmc);
- int idx = pmc->idx;
- kvm_pmu_overflow_set(vcpu, BIT(idx));
- * kvm_pmu_software_increment - do software increment
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @val: the value guest writes to PMSWINC register
- */
-void kvm_pmu_software_increment(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val)
- int i;
- u64 type, enable, reg;
- if (val == 0)
- return;
- enable = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCNTENSET_EL0);
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX; i++) {
- if (!(val & BIT(i)))
- continue;
- type = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMEVTYPER0_EL0 + i)
- if ((type == ARMV8_PMUV3_PERFCTR_SW_INCR)
- && (enable & BIT(i))) {
- reg = vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMEVCNTR0_EL0 + i) + 1;
- reg = lower_32_bits(reg);
- vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMEVCNTR0_EL0 + i) = reg;
- if (!reg)
- kvm_pmu_overflow_set(vcpu, BIT(i));
- }
- }
- * kvm_pmu_handle_pmcr - handle PMCR register
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @val: the value guest writes to PMCR register
- */
-void kvm_pmu_handle_pmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 val)
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc;
- u64 mask;
- int i;
- mask = kvm_pmu_valid_counter_mask(vcpu);
- if (val & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_E) {
- kvm_pmu_enable_counter(vcpu,
- vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCNTENSET_EL0) & mask);
- } else {
- kvm_pmu_disable_counter(vcpu, mask);
- }
- if (val & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_C)
- kvm_pmu_set_counter_value(vcpu, ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX, 0);
- if (val & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_P) {
- for (i = 0; i < ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX; i++)
- kvm_pmu_set_counter_value(vcpu, i, 0);
- }
- if (val & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_LC) {
- pmc = &pmu->pmc[ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX];
- pmc->bitmask = 0xffffffffffffffffUL;
- }
-static bool kvm_pmu_counter_is_enabled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 select_idx)
- return (vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCR_EL0) & ARMV8_PMU_PMCR_E) &&
- (vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, PMCNTENSET_EL0) & BIT(select_idx));
- * kvm_pmu_set_counter_event_type - set selected counter to monitor some event
- * @vcpu: The vcpu pointer
- * @data: The data guest writes to PMXEVTYPER_EL0
- * @select_idx: The number of selected counter
- *
- * When OS accesses PMXEVTYPER_EL0, that means it wants to set a PMC to count an
- * event with given hardware event number. Here we call perf_event API to
- * emulate this action and create a kernel perf event for it.
- */
-void kvm_pmu_set_counter_event_type(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 data,
- u64 select_idx)
- struct kvm_pmu *pmu = &vcpu->arch.pmu;
- struct kvm_pmc *pmc = &pmu->pmc[select_idx];
- struct perf_event *event;
- struct perf_event_attr attr;
- u64 eventsel, counter;
- kvm_pmu_stop_counter(vcpu, pmc);
- eventsel = data & ARMV8_PMU_EVTYPE_EVENT;
- /* Software increment event does't need to be backed by a perf event */
- if (eventsel == ARMV8_PMUV3_PERFCTR_SW_INCR &&
- select_idx != ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX)
- return;
- memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(struct perf_event_attr));
- attr.type = PERF_TYPE_RAW;
- attr.size = sizeof(attr);
- attr.pinned = 1;
- attr.disabled = !kvm_pmu_counter_is_enabled(vcpu, select_idx);
- attr.exclude_user = data & ARMV8_PMU_EXCLUDE_EL0 ? 1 : 0;
- attr.exclude_kernel = data & ARMV8_PMU_EXCLUDE_EL1 ? 1 : 0;
- attr.exclude_hv = 1; /* Don't count EL2 events */
- attr.exclude_host = 1; /* Don't count host events */
- attr.config = (select_idx == ARMV8_PMU_CYCLE_IDX) ?
- counter = kvm_pmu_get_counter_value(vcpu, select_idx);
- /* The initial sample period (overflow count) of an event. */
- attr.sample_period = (-counter) & pmc->bitmask;
- event = perf_event_create_kernel_counter(&attr, -1, current,
- kvm_pmu_perf_overflow, pmc);
- if (IS_ERR(event)) {
- pr_err_once("kvm: pmu event creation failed %ld\n",
- PTR_ERR(event));
- return;
- }
- pmc->perf_event = event;
-bool kvm_arm_support_pmu_v3(void)
- /*
- * Check if HW_PERF_EVENTS are supported by checking the number of
- * hardware performance counters. This could ensure the presence of
- * a physical PMU and CONFIG_PERF_EVENT is selected.
- */
- return (perf_num_counters() > 0);
-static int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!kvm_arm_support_pmu_v3())
- return -ENODEV;
- /*
- * We currently require an in-kernel VGIC to use the PMU emulation,
- * because we do not support forwarding PMU overflow interrupts to
- * userspace yet.
- */
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(vcpu->kvm) || !vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm))
- return -ENODEV;
- if (!test_bit(KVM_ARM_VCPU_PMU_V3, vcpu->arch.features) ||
- !kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(vcpu))
- return -ENXIO;
- if (kvm_arm_pmu_v3_ready(vcpu))
- return -EBUSY;
- kvm_pmu_vcpu_reset(vcpu);
- vcpu->arch.pmu.ready = true;
- return 0;
-#define irq_is_ppi(irq) ((irq) >= VGIC_NR_SGIS && (irq) < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- * For one VM the interrupt type must be same for each vcpu.
- * As a PPI, the interrupt number is the same for all vcpus,
- * while as an SPI it must be a separate number per vcpu.
- */
-static bool pmu_irq_is_valid(struct kvm *kvm, int irq)
- int i;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (!kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(vcpu))
- continue;
- if (irq_is_ppi(irq)) {
- if (vcpu->arch.pmu.irq_num != irq)
- return false;
- } else {
- if (vcpu->arch.pmu.irq_num == irq)
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_set_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->attr) {
- int __user *uaddr = (int __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- int irq;
- if (!test_bit(KVM_ARM_VCPU_PMU_V3, vcpu->arch.features))
- return -ENODEV;
- if (get_user(irq, uaddr))
- return -EFAULT;
- /* The PMU overflow interrupt can be a PPI or a valid SPI. */
- if (!(irq_is_ppi(irq) || vgic_valid_spi(vcpu->kvm, irq)))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!pmu_irq_is_valid(vcpu->kvm, irq))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(vcpu))
- return -EBUSY;
- kvm_debug("Set kvm ARM PMU irq: %d\n", irq);
- vcpu->arch.pmu.irq_num = irq;
- return 0;
- }
- return kvm_arm_pmu_v3_init(vcpu);
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_get_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->attr) {
- int __user *uaddr = (int __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- int irq;
- if (!test_bit(KVM_ARM_VCPU_PMU_V3, vcpu->arch.features))
- return -ENODEV;
- if (!kvm_arm_pmu_irq_initialized(vcpu))
- return -ENXIO;
- irq = vcpu->arch.pmu.irq_num;
- return put_user(irq, uaddr);
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-int kvm_arm_pmu_v3_has_attr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->attr) {
- if (kvm_arm_support_pmu_v3() &&
- test_bit(KVM_ARM_VCPU_PMU_V3, vcpu->arch.features))
- return 0;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/trace.h b/virt/kvm/arm/trace.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d8b98..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/trace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(_TRACE_KVM_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
-#define _TRACE_KVM_H
-#include <linux/tracepoint.h>
-#define TRACE_SYSTEM kvm
- * Tracepoints for vgic
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_id, __u32 irq, bool level),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, irq, level),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned long, vcpu_id )
- __field( __u32, irq )
- __field( bool, level )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->irq = irq;
- __entry->level = level;
- ),
- TP_printk("VCPU: %ld, IRQ %d, level: %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->irq, __entry->level)
- * Tracepoints for arch_timer
- */
- TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_id, __u32 irq, int level),
- TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, irq, level),
- TP_STRUCT__entry(
- __field( unsigned long, vcpu_id )
- __field( __u32, irq )
- __field( int, level )
- ),
- TP_fast_assign(
- __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
- __entry->irq = irq;
- __entry->level = level;
- ),
- TP_printk("VCPU: %ld, IRQ %d, level %d",
- __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->irq, __entry->level)
-#endif /* _TRACE_KVM_H */
-#define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH ../../../virt/kvm/arm
-#define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE trace
-/* This part must be outside protection */
-#include <trace/define_trace.h>
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-init.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-init.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cebfbc..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_mmu.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
- * Initialization rules: there are multiple stages to the vgic
- * initialization, both for the distributor and the CPU interfaces.
- *
- * Distributor:
- *
- * - kvm_vgic_early_init(): initialization of static data that doesn't
- * depend on any sizing information or emulation type. No allocation
- * is allowed there.
- *
- * - vgic_init(): allocation and initialization of the generic data
- * structures that depend on sizing information (number of CPUs,
- * number of interrupts). Also initializes the vcpu specific data
- * structures. Can be executed lazily for GICv2.
- *
- * CPU Interface:
- *
- * - kvm_vgic_cpu_early_init(): initialization of static data that
- * doesn't depend on any sizing information or emulation type. No
- * allocation is allowed there.
- */
- * Those 2 functions should not be needed anymore but they
- * still are called from arm.c
- */
-void kvm_vgic_early_init(struct kvm *kvm)
-void kvm_vgic_vcpu_early_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- * kvm_vgic_create: triggered by the instantiation of the VGIC device by
- * user space, either through the legacy KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP ioctl (v2 only)
- * or through the generic KVM_CREATE_DEVICE API ioctl.
- * irqchip_in_kernel() tells you if this function succeeded or not.
- * @kvm: kvm struct pointer
- * @type: KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V[23]
- */
-int kvm_vgic_create(struct kvm *kvm, u32 type)
- int i, vcpu_lock_idx = -1, ret;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- if (irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
- return -EEXIST;
- /*
- * This function is also called by the KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP handler,
- * which had no chance yet to check the availability of the GICv2
- * emulation. So check this here again. KVM_CREATE_DEVICE does
- * the proper checks already.
- */
- if (type == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2 &&
- !kvm_vgic_global_state.can_emulate_gicv2)
- return -ENODEV;
- /*
- * Any time a vcpu is run, vcpu_load is called which tries to grab the
- * vcpu->mutex. By grabbing the vcpu->mutex of all VCPUs we ensure
- * that no other VCPUs are run while we create the vgic.
- */
- ret = -EBUSY;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (!mutex_trylock(&vcpu->mutex))
- goto out_unlock;
- vcpu_lock_idx = i;
- }
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (vcpu->arch.has_run_once)
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- ret = 0;
- if (type == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2)
- kvm->arch.max_vcpus = VGIC_V2_MAX_CPUS;
- else
- kvm->arch.max_vcpus = VGIC_V3_MAX_CPUS;
- if (atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus) > kvm->arch.max_vcpus) {
- ret = -E2BIG;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- kvm->arch.vgic.in_kernel = true;
- kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model = type;
- /*
- * kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base is set on vgic probe (kvm_arch_init)
- * it is stored in distributor struct for asm save/restore purpose
- */
- kvm->arch.vgic.vctrl_base = kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base;
- kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_dist_base = VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF;
- kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_cpu_base = VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF;
- kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_redist_base = VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF;
- for (; vcpu_lock_idx >= 0; vcpu_lock_idx--) {
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, vcpu_lock_idx);
- mutex_unlock(&vcpu->mutex);
- }
- return ret;
- * kvm_vgic_dist_init: initialize the dist data structures
- * @kvm: kvm struct pointer
- * @nr_spis: number of spis, frozen by caller
- */
-static int kvm_vgic_dist_init(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int nr_spis)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu0 = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, 0);
- int i;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dist->lpi_list_head);
- spin_lock_init(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- dist->spis = kcalloc(nr_spis, sizeof(struct vgic_irq), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dist->spis)
- return -ENOMEM;
- /*
- * In the following code we do not take the irq struct lock since
- * no other action on irq structs can happen while the VGIC is
- * not initialized yet:
- * If someone wants to inject an interrupt or does a MMIO access, we
- * require prior initialization in case of a virtual GICv3 or trigger
- * initialization when using a virtual GICv2.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nr_spis; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = &dist->spis[i];
- irq->intid = i + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irq->ap_list);
- spin_lock_init(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->vcpu = NULL;
- irq->target_vcpu = vcpu0;
- kref_init(&irq->refcount);
- if (dist->vgic_model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2)
- irq->targets = 0;
- else
- irq->mpidr = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- * kvm_vgic_vcpu_init: initialize the vcpu data structures and
- * enable the VCPU interface
- * @vcpu: the VCPU which's VGIC should be initialized
- */
-static void kvm_vgic_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- int i;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_head);
- spin_lock_init(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
- /*
- * Enable and configure all SGIs to be edge-triggered and
- * configure all PPIs as level-triggered.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = &vgic_cpu->private_irqs[i];
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irq->ap_list);
- spin_lock_init(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->intid = i;
- irq->vcpu = NULL;
- irq->target_vcpu = vcpu;
- irq->targets = 1U << vcpu->vcpu_id;
- kref_init(&irq->refcount);
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(i)) {
- /* SGIs */
- irq->enabled = 1;
- irq->config = VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE;
- } else {
- /* PPIs */
- irq->config = VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL;
- }
- }
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_enable(vcpu);
- else
- vgic_v3_enable(vcpu);
- * vgic_init: allocates and initializes dist and vcpu data structures
- * depending on two dimensioning parameters:
- * - the number of spis
- * - the number of vcpus
- * The function is generally called when nr_spis has been explicitly set
- * by the guest through the KVM DEVICE API. If not nr_spis is set to 256.
- * vgic_initialized() returns true when this function has succeeded.
- * Must be called with kvm->lock held!
- */
-int vgic_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int ret = 0, i;
- if (vgic_initialized(kvm))
- return 0;
- /* freeze the number of spis */
- if (!dist->nr_spis)
- ret = kvm_vgic_dist_init(kvm, dist->nr_spis);
- if (ret)
- goto out;
- if (vgic_has_its(kvm))
- dist->msis_require_devid = true;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- kvm_vgic_vcpu_init(vcpu);
- ret = kvm_vgic_setup_default_irq_routing(kvm);
- if (ret)
- goto out;
- dist->initialized = true;
- return ret;
-static void kvm_vgic_dist_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- dist->ready = false;
- dist->initialized = false;
- kfree(dist->spis);
- dist->nr_spis = 0;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
-void kvm_vgic_vcpu_destroy(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_head);
-void kvm_vgic_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int i;
- kvm_vgic_dist_destroy(kvm);
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm)
- kvm_vgic_vcpu_destroy(vcpu);
- * vgic_lazy_init: Lazy init is only allowed if the GIC exposed to the guest
- * is a GICv2. A GICv3 must be explicitly initialized by the guest using the
- * @kvm: kvm struct pointer
- */
-int vgic_lazy_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- int ret = 0;
- if (unlikely(!vgic_initialized(kvm))) {
- /*
- * We only provide the automatic initialization of the VGIC
- * for the legacy case of a GICv2. Any other type must
- * be explicitly initialized once setup with the respective
- * KVM device call.
- */
- if (kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model != KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2)
- return -EBUSY;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- ret = vgic_init(kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- }
- return ret;
- * Map the MMIO regions depending on the VGIC model exposed to the guest
- * called on the first VCPU run.
- * Also map the virtual CPU interface into the VM.
- * v2/v3 derivatives call vgic_init if not already done.
- * vgic_ready() returns true if this function has succeeded.
- * @kvm: kvm struct pointer
- */
-int kvm_vgic_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- int ret = 0;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm))
- goto out;
- if (dist->vgic_model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2)
- ret = vgic_v2_map_resources(kvm);
- else
- ret = vgic_v3_map_resources(kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return ret;
-static int vgic_init_cpu_starting(unsigned int cpu)
- enable_percpu_irq(kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq, 0);
- return 0;
-static int vgic_init_cpu_dying(unsigned int cpu)
- disable_percpu_irq(kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq);
- return 0;
-static irqreturn_t vgic_maintenance_handler(int irq, void *data)
- /*
- * We cannot rely on the vgic maintenance interrupt to be
- * delivered synchronously. This means we can only use it to
- * exit the VM, and we perform the handling of EOIed
- * interrupts on the exit path (see vgic_process_maintenance).
- */
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * kvm_vgic_hyp_init: populates the kvm_vgic_global_state variable
- * according to the host GIC model. Accordingly calls either
- * vgic_v2/v3_probe which registers the KVM_DEVICE that can be
- * instantiated by a guest later on .
- */
-int kvm_vgic_hyp_init(void)
- const struct gic_kvm_info *gic_kvm_info;
- int ret;
- gic_kvm_info = gic_get_kvm_info();
- if (!gic_kvm_info)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (!gic_kvm_info->maint_irq) {
- kvm_err("No vgic maintenance irq\n");
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- switch (gic_kvm_info->type) {
- case GIC_V2:
- ret = vgic_v2_probe(gic_kvm_info);
- break;
- case GIC_V3:
- ret = vgic_v3_probe(gic_kvm_info);
- if (!ret) {
- static_branch_enable(&kvm_vgic_global_state.gicv3_cpuif);
- kvm_info("GIC system register CPU interface enabled\n");
- }
- break;
- default:
- ret = -ENODEV;
- };
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq = gic_kvm_info->maint_irq;
- ret = request_percpu_irq(kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq,
- vgic_maintenance_handler,
- "vgic", kvm_get_running_vcpus());
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot register interrupt %d\n",
- kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq);
- return ret;
- }
- ret = cpuhp_setup_state(CPUHP_AP_KVM_ARM_VGIC_INIT_STARTING,
- vgic_init_cpu_starting, vgic_init_cpu_dying);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot register vgic CPU notifier\n");
- goto out_free_irq;
- }
- kvm_info("vgic interrupt IRQ%d\n", kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq);
- return 0;
- free_percpu_irq(kvm_vgic_global_state.maint_irq,
- kvm_get_running_vcpus());
- return ret;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-irqfd.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-irqfd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d918dcf..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-irqfd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
- * vgic_irqfd_set_irq: inject the IRQ corresponding to the
- * irqchip routing entry
- *
- * This is the entry point for irqfd IRQ injection
- */
-static int vgic_irqfd_set_irq(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
- struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id,
- int level, bool line_status)
- unsigned int spi_id = e-> + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- if (!vgic_valid_spi(kvm, spi_id))
- return -EINVAL;
- return kvm_vgic_inject_irq(kvm, 0, spi_id, level);
- * kvm_set_routing_entry: populate a kvm routing entry
- * from a user routing entry
- *
- * @kvm: the VM this entry is applied to
- * @e: kvm kernel routing entry handle
- * @ue: user api routing entry handle
- * return 0 on success, -EINVAL on errors.
- */
-int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
- const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *ue)
- int r = -EINVAL;
- switch (ue->type) {
- e->set = vgic_irqfd_set_irq;
- e->irqchip.irqchip = ue->u.irqchip.irqchip;
- e-> = ue->;
- if ((e-> >= KVM_IRQCHIP_NUM_PINS) ||
- (e->irqchip.irqchip >= KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS))
- goto out;
- break;
- e->set = kvm_set_msi;
- e->msi.address_lo = ue->u.msi.address_lo;
- e->msi.address_hi = ue->u.msi.address_hi;
- e-> = ue->;
- e->msi.flags = ue->flags;
- e->msi.devid = ue->u.msi.devid;
- break;
- default:
- goto out;
- }
- r = 0;
- return r;
- * kvm_set_msi: inject the MSI corresponding to the
- * MSI routing entry
- *
- * This is the entry point for irqfd MSI injection
- * and userspace MSI injection.
- */
-int kvm_set_msi(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
- struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id,
- int level, bool line_status)
- struct kvm_msi msi;
- msi.address_lo = e->msi.address_lo;
- msi.address_hi = e->msi.address_hi;
- = e->;
- msi.flags = e->msi.flags;
- msi.devid = e->msi.devid;
- if (!vgic_has_its(kvm))
- return -ENODEV;
- return vgic_its_inject_msi(kvm, &msi);
-int kvm_vgic_setup_default_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *entries;
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- u32 nr = dist->nr_spis;
- int i, ret;
- entries = kcalloc(nr, sizeof(struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry),
- if (!entries)
- return -ENOMEM;
- for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
- entries[i].gsi = i;
- entries[i].type = KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP;
- entries[i].u.irqchip.irqchip = 0;
- entries[i] = i;
- }
- ret = kvm_set_irq_routing(kvm, entries, nr, 0);
- kfree(entries);
- return ret;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-its.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-its.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4660a7d..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-its.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1570 +0,0 @@
- * GICv3 ITS emulation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015,2016 ARM Ltd.
- * Author: Andre Przywara <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic-v3.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_arm.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_mmu.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-#include "vgic-mmio.h"
- * Creates a new (reference to a) struct vgic_irq for a given LPI.
- * If this LPI is already mapped on another ITS, we increase its refcount
- * and return a pointer to the existing structure.
- * If this is a "new" LPI, we allocate and initialize a new struct vgic_irq.
- * This function returns a pointer to the _unlocked_ structure.
- */
-static struct vgic_irq *vgic_add_lpi(struct kvm *kvm, u32 intid)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(kvm, NULL, intid), *oldirq;
- /* In this case there is no put, since we keep the reference. */
- if (irq)
- return irq;
- irq = kzalloc(sizeof(struct vgic_irq), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!irq)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irq->lpi_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irq->ap_list);
- spin_lock_init(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->config = VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE;
- kref_init(&irq->refcount);
- irq->intid = intid;
- spin_lock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- /*
- * There could be a race with another vgic_add_lpi(), so we need to
- * check that we don't add a second list entry with the same LPI.
- */
- list_for_each_entry(oldirq, &dist->lpi_list_head, lpi_list) {
- if (oldirq->intid != intid)
- continue;
- /* Someone was faster with adding this LPI, lets use that. */
- kfree(irq);
- irq = oldirq;
- /*
- * This increases the refcount, the caller is expected to
- * call vgic_put_irq() on the returned pointer once it's
- * finished with the IRQ.
- */
- vgic_get_irq_kref(irq);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- list_add_tail(&irq->lpi_list, &dist->lpi_list_head);
- dist->lpi_list_count++;
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- return irq;
-struct its_device {
- struct list_head dev_list;
- /* the head for the list of ITTEs */
- struct list_head itt_head;
- u32 device_id;
-#define COLLECTION_NOT_MAPPED ((u32)~0)
-struct its_collection {
- struct list_head coll_list;
- u32 collection_id;
- u32 target_addr;
-#define its_is_collection_mapped(coll) ((coll) && \
- ((coll)->target_addr != COLLECTION_NOT_MAPPED))
-struct its_itte {
- struct list_head itte_list;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- struct its_collection *collection;
- u32 lpi;
- u32 event_id;
- * Find and returns a device in the device table for an ITS.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static struct its_device *find_its_device(struct vgic_its *its, u32 device_id)
- struct its_device *device;
- list_for_each_entry(device, &its->device_list, dev_list)
- if (device_id == device->device_id)
- return device;
- return NULL;
- * Find and returns an interrupt translation table entry (ITTE) for a given
- * Device ID/Event ID pair on an ITS.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static struct its_itte *find_itte(struct vgic_its *its, u32 device_id,
- u32 event_id)
- struct its_device *device;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- device = find_its_device(its, device_id);
- if (device == NULL)
- return NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(itte, &device->itt_head, itte_list)
- if (itte->event_id == event_id)
- return itte;
- return NULL;
-/* To be used as an iterator this macro misses the enclosing parentheses */
-#define for_each_lpi_its(dev, itte, its) \
- list_for_each_entry(dev, &(its)->device_list, dev_list) \
- list_for_each_entry(itte, &(dev)->itt_head, itte_list)
- * We only implement 48 bits of PA at the moment, although the ITS
- * supports more. Let's be restrictive here.
- */
-#define BASER_ADDRESS(x) ((x) & GENMASK_ULL(47, 16))
-#define CBASER_ADDRESS(x) ((x) & GENMASK_ULL(47, 12))
-#define PENDBASER_ADDRESS(x) ((x) & GENMASK_ULL(47, 16))
-#define PROPBASER_ADDRESS(x) ((x) & GENMASK_ULL(47, 12))
-#define GIC_LPI_OFFSET 8192
- * Finds and returns a collection in the ITS collection table.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static struct its_collection *find_collection(struct vgic_its *its, int coll_id)
- struct its_collection *collection;
- list_for_each_entry(collection, &its->collection_list, coll_list) {
- if (coll_id == collection->collection_id)
- return collection;
- }
- return NULL;
-#define LPI_PROP_PRIORITY(p) ((p) & 0xfc)
- * Reads the configuration data for a given LPI from guest memory and
- * updates the fields in struct vgic_irq.
- * If filter_vcpu is not NULL, applies only if the IRQ is targeting this
- * VCPU. Unconditionally applies if filter_vcpu is NULL.
- */
-static int update_lpi_config(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_irq *irq,
- struct kvm_vcpu *filter_vcpu)
- u64 propbase = PROPBASER_ADDRESS(kvm->arch.vgic.propbaser);
- u8 prop;
- int ret;
- ret = kvm_read_guest(kvm, propbase + irq->intid - GIC_LPI_OFFSET,
- &prop, 1);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (!filter_vcpu || filter_vcpu == irq->target_vcpu) {
- irq->priority = LPI_PROP_PRIORITY(prop);
- irq->enabled = LPI_PROP_ENABLE_BIT(prop);
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(kvm, irq);
- } else {
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- }
- return 0;
- * Create a snapshot of the current LPI list, so that we can enumerate all
- * LPIs without holding any lock.
- * Returns the array length and puts the kmalloc'ed array into intid_ptr.
- */
-static int vgic_copy_lpi_list(struct kvm *kvm, u32 **intid_ptr)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- u32 *intids;
- int irq_count = dist->lpi_list_count, i = 0;
- /*
- * We use the current value of the list length, which may change
- * after the kmalloc. We don't care, because the guest shouldn't
- * change anything while the command handling is still running,
- * and in the worst case we would miss a new IRQ, which one wouldn't
- * expect to be covered by this command anyway.
- */
- intids = kmalloc_array(irq_count, sizeof(intids[0]), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!intids)
- return -ENOMEM;
- spin_lock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &dist->lpi_list_head, lpi_list) {
- /* We don't need to "get" the IRQ, as we hold the list lock. */
- intids[i] = irq->intid;
- if (++i == irq_count)
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- *intid_ptr = intids;
- return irq_count;
- * Promotes the ITS view of affinity of an ITTE (which redistributor this LPI
- * is targeting) to the VGIC's view, which deals with target VCPUs.
- * Needs to be called whenever either the collection for a LPIs has
- * changed or the collection itself got retargeted.
- */
-static void update_affinity_itte(struct kvm *kvm, struct its_itte *itte)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- if (!its_is_collection_mapped(itte->collection))
- return;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, itte->collection->target_addr);
- spin_lock(&itte->irq->irq_lock);
- itte->irq->target_vcpu = vcpu;
- spin_unlock(&itte->irq->irq_lock);
- * Updates the target VCPU for every LPI targeting this collection.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static void update_affinity_collection(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- struct its_collection *coll)
- struct its_device *device;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- for_each_lpi_its(device, itte, its) {
- if (!itte->collection || coll != itte->collection)
- continue;
- update_affinity_itte(kvm, itte);
- }
-static u32 max_lpis_propbaser(u64 propbaser)
- int nr_idbits = (propbaser & 0x1f) + 1;
- return 1U << min(nr_idbits, INTERRUPT_ID_BITS_ITS);
- * Scan the whole LPI pending table and sync the pending bit in there
- * with our own data structures. This relies on the LPI being
- * mapped before.
- */
-static int its_sync_lpi_pending_table(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- gpa_t pendbase = PENDBASER_ADDRESS(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.pendbaser);
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- int last_byte_offset = -1;
- int ret = 0;
- u32 *intids;
- int nr_irqs, i;
- nr_irqs = vgic_copy_lpi_list(vcpu->kvm, &intids);
- if (nr_irqs < 0)
- return nr_irqs;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_irqs; i++) {
- int byte_offset, bit_nr;
- u8 pendmask;
- byte_offset = intids[i] / BITS_PER_BYTE;
- bit_nr = intids[i] % BITS_PER_BYTE;
- /*
- * For contiguously allocated LPIs chances are we just read
- * this very same byte in the last iteration. Reuse that.
- */
- if (byte_offset != last_byte_offset) {
- ret = kvm_read_guest(vcpu->kvm, pendbase + byte_offset,
- &pendmask, 1);
- if (ret) {
- kfree(intids);
- return ret;
- }
- last_byte_offset = byte_offset;
- }
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, NULL, intids[i]);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->pending = pendmask & (1U << bit_nr);
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- kfree(intids);
- return ret;
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_ctlr(struct kvm *vcpu,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 reg = 0;
- mutex_lock(&its->cmd_lock);
- if (its->creadr == its->cwriter)
- if (its->enabled)
- mutex_unlock(&its->cmd_lock);
- return reg;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_its_ctlr(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- its->enabled = !!(val & GITS_CTLR_ENABLE);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_typer(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u64 reg = GITS_TYPER_PLPIS;
- /*
- * We use linear CPU numbers for redistributor addressing,
- * so GITS_TYPER.PTA is 0.
- * Also we force all PROPBASER registers to be the same, so
- * CommonLPIAff is 0 as well.
- * To avoid memory waste in the guest, we keep the number of IDBits and
- * DevBits low - as least for the time being.
- */
- reg |= 0x0f << GITS_TYPER_DEVBITS_SHIFT;
- reg |= 0x0f << GITS_TYPER_IDBITS_SHIFT;
- return extract_bytes(reg, addr & 7, len);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_iidr(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return (PRODUCT_ID_KVM << 24) | (IMPLEMENTER_ARM << 0);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_idregs(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- switch (addr & 0xffff) {
- case GITS_PIDR0:
- return 0x92; /* part number, bits[7:0] */
- case GITS_PIDR1:
- return 0xb4; /* part number, bits[11:8] */
- case GITS_PIDR2:
- return GIC_PIDR2_ARCH_GICv3 | 0x0b;
- case GITS_PIDR4:
- return 0x40; /* This is a 64K software visible page */
- /* The following are the ID registers for (any) GIC. */
- case GITS_CIDR0:
- return 0x0d;
- case GITS_CIDR1:
- return 0xf0;
- case GITS_CIDR2:
- return 0x05;
- case GITS_CIDR3:
- return 0xb1;
- }
- return 0;
- * Find the target VCPU and the LPI number for a given devid/eventid pair
- * and make this IRQ pending, possibly injecting it.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- * Returns 0 on success, a positive error value for any ITS mapping
- * related errors and negative error values for generic errors.
- */
-static int vgic_its_trigger_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u32 devid, u32 eventid)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- if (!its->enabled)
- return -EBUSY;
- itte = find_itte(its, devid, eventid);
- if (!itte || !its_is_collection_mapped(itte->collection))
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, itte->collection->target_addr);
- if (!vcpu)
- if (!vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.lpis_enabled)
- return -EBUSY;
- spin_lock(&itte->irq->irq_lock);
- itte->irq->pending = true;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(kvm, itte->irq);
- return 0;
-static struct vgic_io_device *vgic_get_its_iodev(struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- struct vgic_io_device *iodev;
- if (dev->ops != &kvm_io_gic_ops)
- return NULL;
- iodev = container_of(dev, struct vgic_io_device, dev);
- if (iodev->iodev_type != IODEV_ITS)
- return NULL;
- return iodev;
- * Queries the KVM IO bus framework to get the ITS pointer from the given
- * doorbell address.
- * We then call vgic_its_trigger_msi() with the decoded data.
- * According to the KVM_SIGNAL_MSI API description returns 1 on success.
- */
-int vgic_its_inject_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi)
- u64 address;
- struct kvm_io_device *kvm_io_dev;
- struct vgic_io_device *iodev;
- int ret;
- if (!vgic_has_its(kvm))
- return -ENODEV;
- if (!(msi->flags & KVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID))
- return -EINVAL;
- address = (u64)msi->address_hi << 32 | msi->address_lo;
- kvm_io_dev = kvm_io_bus_get_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, address);
- if (!kvm_io_dev)
- return -EINVAL;
- iodev = vgic_get_its_iodev(kvm_io_dev);
- if (!iodev)
- return -EINVAL;
- mutex_lock(&iodev->its->its_lock);
- ret = vgic_its_trigger_msi(kvm, iodev->its, msi->devid, msi->data);
- mutex_unlock(&iodev->its->its_lock);
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
- /*
- * KVM_SIGNAL_MSI demands a return value > 0 for success and 0
- * if the guest has blocked the MSI. So we map any LPI mapping
- * related error to that.
- */
- if (ret)
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
-/* Requires the its_lock to be held. */
-static void its_free_itte(struct kvm *kvm, struct its_itte *itte)
- list_del(&itte->itte_list);
- /* This put matches the get in vgic_add_lpi. */
- if (itte->irq)
- vgic_put_irq(kvm, itte->irq);
- kfree(itte);
-static u64 its_cmd_mask_field(u64 *its_cmd, int word, int shift, int size)
- return (le64_to_cpu(its_cmd[word]) >> shift) & (BIT_ULL(size) - 1);
-#define its_cmd_get_command(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 0, 0, 8)
-#define its_cmd_get_deviceid(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 0, 32, 32)
-#define its_cmd_get_id(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 1, 0, 32)
-#define its_cmd_get_physical_id(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 1, 32, 32)
-#define its_cmd_get_collection(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 2, 0, 16)
-#define its_cmd_get_target_addr(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 2, 16, 32)
-#define its_cmd_get_validbit(cmd) its_cmd_mask_field(cmd, 2, 63, 1)
- * The DISCARD command frees an Interrupt Translation Table Entry (ITTE).
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_discard(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- u32 event_id = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- struct its_itte *itte;
- itte = find_itte(its, device_id, event_id);
- if (itte && itte->collection) {
- /*
- * Though the spec talks about removing the pending state, we
- * don't bother here since we clear the ITTE anyway and the
- * pending state is a property of the ITTE struct.
- */
- its_free_itte(kvm, itte);
- return 0;
- }
- * The MOVI command moves an ITTE to a different collection.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_movi(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- u32 event_id = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- u32 coll_id = its_cmd_get_collection(its_cmd);
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- struct its_collection *collection;
- itte = find_itte(its, device_id, event_id);
- if (!itte)
- if (!its_is_collection_mapped(itte->collection))
- collection = find_collection(its, coll_id);
- if (!its_is_collection_mapped(collection))
- itte->collection = collection;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, collection->target_addr);
- spin_lock(&itte->irq->irq_lock);
- itte->irq->target_vcpu = vcpu;
- spin_unlock(&itte->irq->irq_lock);
- return 0;
- * Check whether an ID can be stored into the corresponding guest table.
- * For a direct table this is pretty easy, but gets a bit nasty for
- * indirect tables. We check whether the resulting guest physical address
- * is actually valid (covered by a memslot and guest accessbible).
- * For this we have to read the respective first level entry.
- */
-static bool vgic_its_check_id(struct vgic_its *its, u64 baser, int id)
- int l1_tbl_size = GITS_BASER_NR_PAGES(baser) * SZ_64K;
- int index;
- u64 indirect_ptr;
- gfn_t gfn;
- if (!(baser & GITS_BASER_INDIRECT)) {
- phys_addr_t addr;
- if (id >= (l1_tbl_size / GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE(baser)))
- return false;
- addr = BASER_ADDRESS(baser) + id * GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE(baser);
- gfn = addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- return kvm_is_visible_gfn(its->dev->kvm, gfn);
- }
- /* calculate and check the index into the 1st level */
- index = id / (SZ_64K / GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE(baser));
- if (index >= (l1_tbl_size / sizeof(u64)))
- return false;
- /* Each 1st level entry is represented by a 64-bit value. */
- if (kvm_read_guest(its->dev->kvm,
- BASER_ADDRESS(baser) + index * sizeof(indirect_ptr),
- &indirect_ptr, sizeof(indirect_ptr)))
- return false;
- indirect_ptr = le64_to_cpu(indirect_ptr);
- /* check the valid bit of the first level entry */
- if (!(indirect_ptr & BIT_ULL(63)))
- return false;
- /*
- * Mask the guest physical address and calculate the frame number.
- * Any address beyond our supported 48 bits of PA will be caught
- * by the actual check in the final step.
- */
- indirect_ptr &= GENMASK_ULL(51, 16);
- /* Find the address of the actual entry */
- index = id % (SZ_64K / GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE(baser));
- indirect_ptr += index * GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE(baser);
- gfn = indirect_ptr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- return kvm_is_visible_gfn(its->dev->kvm, gfn);
-static int vgic_its_alloc_collection(struct vgic_its *its,
- struct its_collection **colp,
- u32 coll_id)
- struct its_collection *collection;
- if (!vgic_its_check_id(its, its->baser_coll_table, coll_id))
- collection = kzalloc(sizeof(*collection), GFP_KERNEL);
- collection->collection_id = coll_id;
- collection->target_addr = COLLECTION_NOT_MAPPED;
- list_add_tail(&collection->coll_list, &its->collection_list);
- *colp = collection;
- return 0;
-static void vgic_its_free_collection(struct vgic_its *its, u32 coll_id)
- struct its_collection *collection;
- struct its_device *device;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- /*
- * Clearing the mapping for that collection ID removes the
- * entry from the list. If there wasn't any before, we can
- * go home early.
- */
- collection = find_collection(its, coll_id);
- if (!collection)
- return;
- for_each_lpi_its(device, itte, its)
- if (itte->collection &&
- itte->collection->collection_id == coll_id)
- itte->collection = NULL;
- list_del(&collection->coll_list);
- kfree(collection);
- * The MAPTI and MAPI commands map LPIs to ITTEs.
- * Must be called with its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapi(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- u32 event_id = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- u32 coll_id = its_cmd_get_collection(its_cmd);
- struct its_itte *itte;
- struct its_device *device;
- struct its_collection *collection, *new_coll = NULL;
- int lpi_nr;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- device = find_its_device(its, device_id);
- if (!device)
- if (its_cmd_get_command(its_cmd) == GITS_CMD_MAPTI)
- lpi_nr = its_cmd_get_physical_id(its_cmd);
- else
- lpi_nr = event_id;
- if (lpi_nr < GIC_LPI_OFFSET ||
- lpi_nr >= max_lpis_propbaser(kvm->arch.vgic.propbaser))
- /* If there is an existing mapping, behavior is UNPREDICTABLE. */
- if (find_itte(its, device_id, event_id))
- return 0;
- collection = find_collection(its, coll_id);
- if (!collection) {
- int ret = vgic_its_alloc_collection(its, &collection, coll_id);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- new_coll = collection;
- }
- itte = kzalloc(sizeof(struct its_itte), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!itte) {
- if (new_coll)
- vgic_its_free_collection(its, coll_id);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- itte->event_id = event_id;
- list_add_tail(&itte->itte_list, &device->itt_head);
- itte->collection = collection;
- itte->lpi = lpi_nr;
- irq = vgic_add_lpi(kvm, lpi_nr);
- if (IS_ERR(irq)) {
- if (new_coll)
- vgic_its_free_collection(its, coll_id);
- its_free_itte(kvm, itte);
- return PTR_ERR(irq);
- }
- itte->irq = irq;
- update_affinity_itte(kvm, itte);
- /*
- * We "cache" the configuration table entries in out struct vgic_irq's.
- * However we only have those structs for mapped IRQs, so we read in
- * the respective config data from memory here upon mapping the LPI.
- */
- update_lpi_config(kvm, itte->irq, NULL);
- return 0;
-/* Requires the its_lock to be held. */
-static void vgic_its_unmap_device(struct kvm *kvm, struct its_device *device)
- struct its_itte *itte, *temp;
- /*
- * The spec says that unmapping a device with still valid
- * ITTEs associated is UNPREDICTABLE. We remove all ITTEs,
- * since we cannot leave the memory unreferenced.
- */
- list_for_each_entry_safe(itte, temp, &device->itt_head, itte_list)
- its_free_itte(kvm, itte);
- list_del(&device->dev_list);
- kfree(device);
- * MAPD maps or unmaps a device ID to Interrupt Translation Tables (ITTs).
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapd(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- bool valid = its_cmd_get_validbit(its_cmd);
- struct its_device *device;
- if (!vgic_its_check_id(its, its->baser_device_table, device_id))
- device = find_its_device(its, device_id);
- /*
- * The spec says that calling MAPD on an already mapped device
- * invalidates all cached data for this device. We implement this
- * by removing the mapping and re-establishing it.
- */
- if (device)
- vgic_its_unmap_device(kvm, device);
- /*
- * The spec does not say whether unmapping a not-mapped device
- * is an error, so we are done in any case.
- */
- if (!valid)
- return 0;
- device = kzalloc(sizeof(struct its_device), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!device)
- return -ENOMEM;
- device->device_id = device_id;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&device->itt_head);
- list_add_tail(&device->dev_list, &its->device_list);
- return 0;
- * The MAPC command maps collection IDs to redistributors.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapc(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u16 coll_id;
- u32 target_addr;
- struct its_collection *collection;
- bool valid;
- valid = its_cmd_get_validbit(its_cmd);
- coll_id = its_cmd_get_collection(its_cmd);
- target_addr = its_cmd_get_target_addr(its_cmd);
- if (target_addr >= atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus))
- if (!valid) {
- vgic_its_free_collection(its, coll_id);
- } else {
- collection = find_collection(its, coll_id);
- if (!collection) {
- int ret;
- ret = vgic_its_alloc_collection(its, &collection,
- coll_id);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- collection->target_addr = target_addr;
- } else {
- collection->target_addr = target_addr;
- update_affinity_collection(kvm, its, collection);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * The CLEAR command removes the pending state for a particular LPI.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_clear(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- u32 event_id = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- struct its_itte *itte;
- itte = find_itte(its, device_id, event_id);
- if (!itte)
- itte->irq->pending = false;
- return 0;
- * The INV command syncs the configuration bits from the memory table.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_inv(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 device_id = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- u32 event_id = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- struct its_itte *itte;
- itte = find_itte(its, device_id, event_id);
- if (!itte)
- return update_lpi_config(kvm, itte->irq, NULL);
- * The INVALL command requests flushing of all IRQ data in this collection.
- * Find the VCPU mapped to that collection, then iterate over the VM's list
- * of mapped LPIs and update the configuration for each IRQ which targets
- * the specified vcpu. The configuration will be read from the in-memory
- * configuration table.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_invall(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 coll_id = its_cmd_get_collection(its_cmd);
- struct its_collection *collection;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- u32 *intids;
- int irq_count, i;
- collection = find_collection(its, coll_id);
- if (!its_is_collection_mapped(collection))
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, collection->target_addr);
- irq_count = vgic_copy_lpi_list(kvm, &intids);
- if (irq_count < 0)
- return irq_count;
- for (i = 0; i < irq_count; i++) {
- irq = vgic_get_irq(kvm, NULL, intids[i]);
- if (!irq)
- continue;
- update_lpi_config(kvm, irq, vcpu);
- vgic_put_irq(kvm, irq);
- }
- kfree(intids);
- return 0;
- * The MOVALL command moves the pending state of all IRQs targeting one
- * redistributor to another. We don't hold the pending state in the VCPUs,
- * but in the IRQs instead, so there is really not much to do for us here.
- * However the spec says that no IRQ must target the old redistributor
- * afterwards, so we make sure that no LPI is using the associated target_vcpu.
- * This command affects all LPIs in the system that target that redistributor.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_movall(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- u32 target1_addr = its_cmd_get_target_addr(its_cmd);
- u32 target2_addr = its_cmd_mask_field(its_cmd, 3, 16, 32);
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu1, *vcpu2;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- if (target1_addr >= atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus) ||
- target2_addr >= atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus))
- if (target1_addr == target2_addr)
- return 0;
- vcpu1 = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, target1_addr);
- vcpu2 = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, target2_addr);
- spin_lock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &dist->lpi_list_head, lpi_list) {
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (irq->target_vcpu == vcpu1)
- irq->target_vcpu = vcpu2;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- return 0;
- * The INT command injects the LPI associated with that DevID/EvID pair.
- * Must be called with the its_lock mutex held.
- */
-static int vgic_its_cmd_handle_int(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- u32 msi_data = its_cmd_get_id(its_cmd);
- u64 msi_devid = its_cmd_get_deviceid(its_cmd);
- return vgic_its_trigger_msi(kvm, its, msi_devid, msi_data);
- * This function is called with the its_cmd lock held, but the ITS data
- * structure lock dropped.
- */
-static int vgic_its_handle_command(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- u64 *its_cmd)
- int ret = -ENODEV;
- mutex_lock(&its->its_lock);
- switch (its_cmd_get_command(its_cmd)) {
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapd(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapc(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapi(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_mapi(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_movi(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_discard(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_clear(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_movall(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- case GITS_CMD_INT:
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_int(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- case GITS_CMD_INV:
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_inv(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- ret = vgic_its_cmd_handle_invall(kvm, its, its_cmd);
- break;
- /* we ignore this command: we are in sync all of the time */
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&its->its_lock);
- return ret;
-static u64 vgic_sanitise_its_baser(u64 reg)
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_BASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_shareability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_BASER_INNER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_BASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability);
- /* Bits 15:12 contain bits 51:48 of the PA, which we don't support. */
- reg &= ~GENMASK_ULL(15, 12);
- /* We support only one (ITS) page size: 64K */
- return reg;
-static u64 vgic_sanitise_its_cbaser(u64 reg)
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_CBASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_shareability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_CBASER_INNER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GITS_CBASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability);
- /*
- * Sanitise the physical address to be 64k aligned.
- * Also limit the physical addresses to 48 bits.
- */
- reg &= ~(GENMASK_ULL(51, 48) | GENMASK_ULL(15, 12));
- return reg;
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_cbaser(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return extract_bytes(its->cbaser, addr & 7, len);
-static void vgic_mmio_write_its_cbaser(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- /* When GITS_CTLR.Enable is 1, this register is RO. */
- if (its->enabled)
- return;
- mutex_lock(&its->cmd_lock);
- its->cbaser = update_64bit_reg(its->cbaser, addr & 7, len, val);
- its->cbaser = vgic_sanitise_its_cbaser(its->cbaser);
- its->creadr = 0;
- /*
- * CWRITER is architecturally UNKNOWN on reset, but we need to reset
- * it to CREADR to make sure we start with an empty command buffer.
- */
- its->cwriter = its->creadr;
- mutex_unlock(&its->cmd_lock);
-#define ITS_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE(baser) ((((baser) & 0xff) + 1) << 12)
-#define ITS_CMD_SIZE 32
-#define ITS_CMD_OFFSET(reg) ((reg) & GENMASK(19, 5))
- * By writing to CWRITER the guest announces new commands to be processed.
- * To avoid any races in the first place, we take the its_cmd lock, which
- * protects our ring buffer variables, so that there is only one user
- * per ITS handling commands at a given time.
- */
-static void vgic_mmio_write_its_cwriter(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- gpa_t cbaser;
- u64 cmd_buf[4];
- u32 reg;
- if (!its)
- return;
- mutex_lock(&its->cmd_lock);
- reg = update_64bit_reg(its->cwriter, addr & 7, len, val);
- reg = ITS_CMD_OFFSET(reg);
- if (reg >= ITS_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE(its->cbaser)) {
- mutex_unlock(&its->cmd_lock);
- return;
- }
- its->cwriter = reg;
- cbaser = CBASER_ADDRESS(its->cbaser);
- while (its->cwriter != its->creadr) {
- int ret = kvm_read_guest(kvm, cbaser + its->creadr,
- cmd_buf, ITS_CMD_SIZE);
- /*
- * If kvm_read_guest() fails, this could be due to the guest
- * programming a bogus value in CBASER or something else going
- * wrong from which we cannot easily recover.
- * According to section 6.3.2 in the GICv3 spec we can just
- * ignore that command then.
- */
- if (!ret)
- vgic_its_handle_command(kvm, its, cmd_buf);
- its->creadr += ITS_CMD_SIZE;
- if (its->creadr == ITS_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE(its->cbaser))
- its->creadr = 0;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&its->cmd_lock);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_cwriter(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return extract_bytes(its->cwriter, addr & 0x7, len);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_creadr(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return extract_bytes(its->creadr, addr & 0x7, len);
-#define BASER_INDEX(addr) (((addr) / sizeof(u64)) & 0x7)
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_its_baser(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u64 reg;
- switch (BASER_INDEX(addr)) {
- case 0:
- reg = its->baser_device_table;
- break;
- case 1:
- reg = its->baser_coll_table;
- break;
- default:
- reg = 0;
- break;
- }
- return extract_bytes(reg, addr & 7, len);
-#define GITS_BASER_RO_MASK (GENMASK_ULL(52, 48) | GENMASK_ULL(58, 56))
-static void vgic_mmio_write_its_baser(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u64 entry_size, device_type;
- u64 reg, *regptr, clearbits = 0;
- /* When GITS_CTLR.Enable is 1, we ignore write accesses. */
- if (its->enabled)
- return;
- switch (BASER_INDEX(addr)) {
- case 0:
- regptr = &its->baser_device_table;
- entry_size = 8;
- device_type = GITS_BASER_TYPE_DEVICE;
- break;
- case 1:
- regptr = &its->baser_coll_table;
- entry_size = 8;
- clearbits = GITS_BASER_INDIRECT;
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- reg = update_64bit_reg(*regptr, addr & 7, len, val);
- reg &= ~clearbits;
- reg |= (entry_size - 1) << GITS_BASER_ENTRY_SIZE_SHIFT;
- reg |= device_type << GITS_BASER_TYPE_SHIFT;
- reg = vgic_sanitise_its_baser(reg);
- *regptr = reg;
-#define REGISTER_ITS_DESC(off, rd, wr, length, acc) \
-{ \
- .reg_offset = off, \
- .len = length, \
- .access_flags = acc, \
- .its_read = rd, \
- .its_write = wr, \
-static void its_mmio_write_wi(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len, unsigned long val)
- /* Ignore */
-static struct vgic_register_region its_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_its_ctlr, vgic_mmio_write_its_ctlr, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_iidr, its_mmio_write_wi, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_typer, its_mmio_write_wi, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_cbaser, vgic_mmio_write_its_cbaser, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_cwriter, vgic_mmio_write_its_cwriter, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_creadr, its_mmio_write_wi, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_baser, vgic_mmio_write_its_baser, 0x40,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_its_idregs, its_mmio_write_wi, 0x30,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
-/* This is called on setting the LPI enable bit in the redistributor. */
-void vgic_enable_lpis(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (!(vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.pendbaser & GICR_PENDBASER_PTZ))
- its_sync_lpi_pending_table(vcpu);
-static int vgic_register_its_iodev(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its)
- struct vgic_io_device *iodev = &its->iodev;
- int ret;
- if (!its->initialized)
- return -EBUSY;
- if (IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(its->vgic_its_base))
- return -ENXIO;
- iodev->regions = its_registers;
- iodev->nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(its_registers);
- kvm_iodevice_init(&iodev->dev, &kvm_io_gic_ops);
- iodev->base_addr = its->vgic_its_base;
- iodev->iodev_type = IODEV_ITS;
- iodev->its = its;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, iodev->base_addr,
- KVM_VGIC_V3_ITS_SIZE, &iodev->dev);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return ret;
-static int vgic_its_create(struct kvm_device *dev, u32 type)
- struct vgic_its *its;
- if (type != KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_ITS)
- return -ENODEV;
- its = kzalloc(sizeof(struct vgic_its), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!its)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mutex_init(&its->its_lock);
- mutex_init(&its->cmd_lock);
- its->vgic_its_base = VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&its->device_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&its->collection_list);
- dev->kvm->arch.vgic.has_its = true;
- its->initialized = false;
- its->enabled = false;
- its->dev = dev;
- its->baser_device_table = INITIAL_BASER_VALUE |
- its->baser_coll_table = INITIAL_BASER_VALUE |
- dev->kvm->arch.vgic.propbaser = INITIAL_PROPBASER_VALUE;
- dev->private = its;
- return 0;
-static void vgic_its_destroy(struct kvm_device *kvm_dev)
- struct kvm *kvm = kvm_dev->kvm;
- struct vgic_its *its = kvm_dev->private;
- struct its_device *dev;
- struct its_itte *itte;
- struct list_head *dev_cur, *dev_temp;
- struct list_head *cur, *temp;
- /*
- * We may end up here without the lists ever having been initialized.
- * Check this and bail out early to avoid dereferencing a NULL pointer.
- */
- if (!its->
- return;
- mutex_lock(&its->its_lock);
- list_for_each_safe(dev_cur, dev_temp, &its->device_list) {
- dev = container_of(dev_cur, struct its_device, dev_list);
- list_for_each_safe(cur, temp, &dev->itt_head) {
- itte = (container_of(cur, struct its_itte, itte_list));
- its_free_itte(kvm, itte);
- }
- list_del(dev_cur);
- kfree(dev);
- }
- list_for_each_safe(cur, temp, &its->collection_list) {
- list_del(cur);
- kfree(container_of(cur, struct its_collection, coll_list));
- }
- mutex_unlock(&its->its_lock);
- kfree(its);
-static int vgic_its_has_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int vgic_its_set_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- struct vgic_its *its = dev->private;
- int ret;
- switch (attr->group) {
- u64 __user *uaddr = (u64 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- unsigned long type = (unsigned long)attr->attr;
- u64 addr;
- if (type != KVM_VGIC_ITS_ADDR_TYPE)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (copy_from_user(&addr, uaddr, sizeof(addr)))
- return -EFAULT;
- ret = vgic_check_ioaddr(dev->kvm, &its->vgic_its_base,
- addr, SZ_64K);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- its->vgic_its_base = addr;
- return 0;
- }
- switch (attr->attr) {
- its->initialized = true;
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int vgic_its_get_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- struct vgic_its *its = dev->private;
- u64 addr = its->vgic_its_base;
- u64 __user *uaddr = (u64 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- unsigned long type = (unsigned long)attr->attr;
- if (type != KVM_VGIC_ITS_ADDR_TYPE)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (copy_to_user(uaddr, &addr, sizeof(addr)))
- return -EFAULT;
- break;
- default:
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static struct kvm_device_ops kvm_arm_vgic_its_ops = {
- .name = "kvm-arm-vgic-its",
- .create = vgic_its_create,
- .destroy = vgic_its_destroy,
- .set_attr = vgic_its_set_attr,
- .get_attr = vgic_its_get_attr,
- .has_attr = vgic_its_has_attr,
-int kvm_vgic_register_its_device(void)
- return kvm_register_device_ops(&kvm_arm_vgic_its_ops,
- * Registers all ITSes with the kvm_io_bus framework.
- * To follow the existing VGIC initialization sequence, this has to be
- * done as late as possible, just before the first VCPU runs.
- */
-int vgic_register_its_iodevs(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_device *dev;
- int ret = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(dev, &kvm->devices, vm_node) {
- if (dev->ops != &kvm_arm_vgic_its_ops)
- continue;
- ret = vgic_register_its_iodev(kvm, dev->private);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- /*
- * We don't need to care about tearing down previously
- * registered ITSes, as the kvm_io_bus framework removes
- * them for us if the VM gets destroyed.
- */
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-kvm-device.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-kvm-device.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1f4ed..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-kvm-device.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 ARM Ltd.
- * Author: Marc Zyngier <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_mmu.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-/* common helpers */
-int vgic_check_ioaddr(struct kvm *kvm, phys_addr_t *ioaddr,
- phys_addr_t addr, phys_addr_t alignment)
- if (addr & ~KVM_PHYS_MASK)
- return -E2BIG;
- if (!IS_ALIGNED(addr, alignment))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(*ioaddr))
- return -EEXIST;
- return 0;
- * kvm_vgic_addr - set or get vgic VM base addresses
- * @kvm: pointer to the vm struct
- * @type: the VGIC addr type, one of KVM_VGIC_V[23]_ADDR_TYPE_XXX
- * @addr: pointer to address value
- * @write: if true set the address in the VM address space, if false read the
- * address
- *
- * Set or get the vgic base addresses for the distributor and the virtual CPU
- * interface in the VM physical address space. These addresses are properties
- * of the emulated core/SoC and therefore user space initially knows this
- * information.
- * Check them for sanity (alignment, double assignment). We can't check for
- * overlapping regions in case of a virtual GICv3 here, since we don't know
- * the number of VCPUs yet, so we defer this check to map_resources().
- */
-int kvm_vgic_addr(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type, u64 *addr, bool write)
- int r = 0;
- struct vgic_dist *vgic = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- int type_needed;
- phys_addr_t *addr_ptr, alignment;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- switch (type) {
- type_needed = KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2;
- addr_ptr = &vgic->vgic_dist_base;
- alignment = SZ_4K;
- break;
- type_needed = KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2;
- addr_ptr = &vgic->vgic_cpu_base;
- alignment = SZ_4K;
- break;
- type_needed = KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3;
- addr_ptr = &vgic->vgic_dist_base;
- alignment = SZ_64K;
- break;
- type_needed = KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3;
- addr_ptr = &vgic->vgic_redist_base;
- alignment = SZ_64K;
- break;
- default:
- r = -ENODEV;
- goto out;
- }
- if (vgic->vgic_model != type_needed) {
- r = -ENODEV;
- goto out;
- }
- if (write) {
- r = vgic_check_ioaddr(kvm, addr_ptr, *addr, alignment);
- if (!r)
- *addr_ptr = *addr;
- } else {
- *addr = *addr_ptr;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return r;
-static int vgic_set_common_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- int r;
- switch (attr->group) {
- u64 __user *uaddr = (u64 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- u64 addr;
- unsigned long type = (unsigned long)attr->attr;
- if (copy_from_user(&addr, uaddr, sizeof(addr)))
- return -EFAULT;
- r = kvm_vgic_addr(dev->kvm, type, &addr, true);
- return (r == -ENODEV) ? -ENXIO : r;
- }
- u32 __user *uaddr = (u32 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- u32 val;
- int ret = 0;
- if (get_user(val, uaddr))
- return -EFAULT;
- /*
- * We require:
- * - at least 32 SPIs on top of the 16 SGIs and 16 PPIs
- * - at most 1024 interrupts
- * - a multiple of 32 interrupts
- */
- if (val < (VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS + 32) ||
- (val & 31))
- return -EINVAL;
- mutex_lock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- if (vgic_ready(dev->kvm) || dev->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis)
- ret = -EBUSY;
- else
- dev->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis =
- mutex_unlock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- return ret;
- }
- switch (attr->attr) {
- mutex_lock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- r = vgic_init(dev->kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- return r;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int vgic_get_common_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- int r = -ENXIO;
- switch (attr->group) {
- u64 __user *uaddr = (u64 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- u64 addr;
- unsigned long type = (unsigned long)attr->attr;
- r = kvm_vgic_addr(dev->kvm, type, &addr, false);
- if (r)
- return (r == -ENODEV) ? -ENXIO : r;
- if (copy_to_user(uaddr, &addr, sizeof(addr)))
- return -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- u32 __user *uaddr = (u32 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- r = put_user(dev->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis +
- break;
- }
- }
- return r;
-static int vgic_create(struct kvm_device *dev, u32 type)
- return kvm_vgic_create(dev->kvm, type);
-static void vgic_destroy(struct kvm_device *dev)
- kfree(dev);
-int kvm_register_vgic_device(unsigned long type)
- int ret = -ENODEV;
- switch (type) {
- ret = kvm_register_device_ops(&kvm_arm_vgic_v2_ops,
- break;
- ret = kvm_register_device_ops(&kvm_arm_vgic_v3_ops,
- if (ret)
- break;
- ret = kvm_vgic_register_its_device();
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-struct vgic_reg_attr {
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- gpa_t addr;
-static int parse_vgic_v2_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr,
- struct vgic_reg_attr *reg_attr)
- int cpuid;
- cpuid = (attr->attr & KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_MASK) >>
- if (cpuid >= atomic_read(&dev->kvm->online_vcpus))
- return -EINVAL;
- reg_attr->vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(dev->kvm, cpuid);
- reg_attr->addr = attr->attr & KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_MASK;
- return 0;
-/* unlocks vcpus from @vcpu_lock_idx and smaller */
-static void unlock_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm, int vcpu_lock_idx)
- struct kvm_vcpu *tmp_vcpu;
- for (; vcpu_lock_idx >= 0; vcpu_lock_idx--) {
- tmp_vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, vcpu_lock_idx);
- mutex_unlock(&tmp_vcpu->mutex);
- }
-static void unlock_all_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
- unlock_vcpus(kvm, atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus) - 1);
-/* Returns true if all vcpus were locked, false otherwise */
-static bool lock_all_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_vcpu *tmp_vcpu;
- int c;
- /*
- * Any time a vcpu is run, vcpu_load is called which tries to grab the
- * vcpu->mutex. By grabbing the vcpu->mutex of all VCPUs we ensure
- * that no other VCPUs are run and fiddle with the vgic state while we
- * access it.
- */
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(c, tmp_vcpu, kvm) {
- if (!mutex_trylock(&tmp_vcpu->mutex)) {
- unlock_vcpus(kvm, c - 1);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- * vgic_attr_regs_access_v2 - allows user space to access VGIC v2 state
- *
- * @dev: kvm device handle
- * @attr: kvm device attribute
- * @reg: address the value is read or written
- * @is_write: true if userspace is writing a register
- */
-static int vgic_attr_regs_access_v2(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr,
- u32 *reg, bool is_write)
- struct vgic_reg_attr reg_attr;
- gpa_t addr;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int ret;
- ret = parse_vgic_v2_attr(dev, attr, &reg_attr);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- vcpu = reg_attr.vcpu;
- addr = reg_attr.addr;
- mutex_lock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- ret = vgic_init(dev->kvm);
- if (ret)
- goto out;
- if (!lock_all_vcpus(dev->kvm)) {
- ret = -EBUSY;
- goto out;
- }
- switch (attr->group) {
- ret = vgic_v2_cpuif_uaccess(vcpu, is_write, addr, reg);
- break;
- ret = vgic_v2_dist_uaccess(vcpu, is_write, addr, reg);
- break;
- default:
- ret = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- unlock_all_vcpus(dev->kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&dev->kvm->lock);
- return ret;
-static int vgic_v2_set_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- int ret;
- ret = vgic_set_common_attr(dev, attr);
- if (ret != -ENXIO)
- return ret;
- switch (attr->group) {
- u32 __user *uaddr = (u32 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- u32 reg;
- if (get_user(reg, uaddr))
- return -EFAULT;
- return vgic_attr_regs_access_v2(dev, attr, &reg, true);
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int vgic_v2_get_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- int ret;
- ret = vgic_get_common_attr(dev, attr);
- if (ret != -ENXIO)
- return ret;
- switch (attr->group) {
- u32 __user *uaddr = (u32 __user *)(long)attr->addr;
- u32 reg = 0;
- ret = vgic_attr_regs_access_v2(dev, attr, &reg, false);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- return put_user(reg, uaddr);
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int vgic_v2_has_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- return vgic_v2_has_attr_regs(dev, attr);
- return 0;
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-struct kvm_device_ops kvm_arm_vgic_v2_ops = {
- .name = "kvm-arm-vgic-v2",
- .create = vgic_create,
- .destroy = vgic_destroy,
- .set_attr = vgic_v2_set_attr,
- .get_attr = vgic_v2_get_attr,
- .has_attr = vgic_v2_has_attr,
-static int vgic_v3_set_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- return vgic_set_common_attr(dev, attr);
-static int vgic_v3_get_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- return vgic_get_common_attr(dev, attr);
-static int vgic_v3_has_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- return 0;
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-struct kvm_device_ops kvm_arm_vgic_v3_ops = {
- .name = "kvm-arm-vgic-v3",
- .create = vgic_create,
- .destroy = vgic_destroy,
- .set_attr = vgic_v3_set_attr,
- .get_attr = vgic_v3_get_attr,
- .has_attr = vgic_v3_has_attr,
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v2.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b44b359..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
- * VGICv2 MMIO handling functions
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-#include "vgic-mmio.h"
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v2_misc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 value;
- switch (addr & 0x0c) {
- value = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.enabled ? GICD_ENABLE : 0;
- break;
- case GIC_DIST_CTR:
- value = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- value = (value >> 5) - 1;
- value |= (atomic_read(&vcpu->kvm->online_vcpus) - 1) << 5;
- break;
- value = (PRODUCT_ID_KVM << 24) | (IMPLEMENTER_ARM << 0);
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return value;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_v2_misc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic;
- bool was_enabled = dist->enabled;
- switch (addr & 0x0c) {
- dist->enabled = val & GICD_ENABLE;
- if (!was_enabled && dist->enabled)
- vgic_kick_vcpus(vcpu->kvm);
- break;
- case GIC_DIST_CTR:
- /* Nothing to do */
- return;
- }
-static void vgic_mmio_write_sgir(struct kvm_vcpu *source_vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- int nr_vcpus = atomic_read(&source_vcpu->kvm->online_vcpus);
- int intid = val & 0xf;
- int targets = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
- int mode = (val >> 24) & 0x03;
- int c;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- switch (mode) {
- case 0x0: /* as specified by targets */
- break;
- case 0x1:
- targets = (1U << nr_vcpus) - 1; /* all, ... */
- targets &= ~(1U << source_vcpu->vcpu_id); /* but self */
- break;
- case 0x2: /* this very vCPU only */
- targets = (1U << source_vcpu->vcpu_id);
- break;
- case 0x3: /* reserved */
- return;
- }
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(c, vcpu, source_vcpu->kvm) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- if (!(targets & (1U << c)))
- continue;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(source_vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->pending = true;
- irq->source |= 1U << source_vcpu->vcpu_id;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(source_vcpu->kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(source_vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_target(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 8);
- int i;
- u64 val = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- val |= (u64)irq->targets << (i * 8);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return val;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_target(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 8);
- int i;
- /* GICD_ITARGETSR[0-7] are read-only */
- if (intid < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, NULL, intid + i);
- int target;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->targets = (val >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
- target = irq->targets ? __ffs(irq->targets) : 0;
- irq->target_vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(vcpu->kvm, target);
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_sgipend(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = addr & 0x0f;
- int i;
- u64 val = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- val |= (u64)irq->source << (i * 8);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return val;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_sgipendc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = addr & 0x0f;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->source &= ~((val >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
- if (!irq->source)
- irq->pending = false;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-static void vgic_mmio_write_sgipends(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = addr & 0x0f;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->source |= (val >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
- if (irq->source) {
- irq->pending = true;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- } else {
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- }
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-static void vgic_set_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_set_vmcr(vcpu, vmcr);
- else
- vgic_v3_set_vmcr(vcpu, vmcr);
-static void vgic_get_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_get_vmcr(vcpu, vmcr);
- else
- vgic_v3_get_vmcr(vcpu, vmcr);
-#define GICC_ARCH_VERSION_V2 0x2
-/* These are for userland accesses only, there is no guest-facing emulation. */
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- struct vgic_vmcr vmcr;
- u32 val;
- vgic_get_vmcr(vcpu, &vmcr);
- switch (addr & 0xff) {
- case GIC_CPU_CTRL:
- val = vmcr.ctlr;
- break;
- val = vmcr.pmr;
- break;
- val = vmcr.bpr;
- break;
- val = vmcr.abpr;
- break;
- val = ((PRODUCT_ID_KVM << 20) |
- (GICC_ARCH_VERSION_V2 << 16) |
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return val;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_vmcr vmcr;
- vgic_get_vmcr(vcpu, &vmcr);
- switch (addr & 0xff) {
- case GIC_CPU_CTRL:
- vmcr.ctlr = val;
- break;
- vmcr.pmr = val;
- break;
- vmcr.bpr = val;
- break;
- vmcr.abpr = val;
- break;
- }
- vgic_set_vmcr(vcpu, &vmcr);
-static const struct vgic_register_region vgic_v2_dist_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_v2_misc, vgic_mmio_write_v2_misc, 12,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_rao, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_senable, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_cenable, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_spending, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_cpending, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_sactive, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_cactive, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_priority, vgic_mmio_write_priority, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_target, vgic_mmio_write_target, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_config, vgic_mmio_write_config, 2,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_sgir, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_sgipend, vgic_mmio_write_sgipendc, 16,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_sgipend, vgic_mmio_write_sgipends, 16,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
-static const struct vgic_register_region vgic_v2_cpu_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif, vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif, vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif, vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif, vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 16,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_vcpuif, vgic_mmio_write_vcpuif, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
-unsigned int vgic_v2_init_dist_iodev(struct vgic_io_device *dev)
- dev->regions = vgic_v2_dist_registers;
- dev->nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v2_dist_registers);
- kvm_iodevice_init(&dev->dev, &kvm_io_gic_ops);
- return SZ_4K;
-int vgic_v2_has_attr_regs(struct kvm_device *dev, struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- int nr_irqs = dev->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- const struct vgic_register_region *regions;
- gpa_t addr;
- int nr_regions, i, len;
- addr = attr->attr & KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_MASK;
- switch (attr->group) {
- regions = vgic_v2_dist_registers;
- nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v2_dist_registers);
- break;
- regions = vgic_v2_cpu_registers;
- nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v2_cpu_registers);
- break;
- default:
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- /* We only support aligned 32-bit accesses. */
- if (addr & 3)
- return -ENXIO;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_regions; i++) {
- if (regions[i].bits_per_irq)
- len = (regions[i].bits_per_irq * nr_irqs) / 8;
- else
- len = regions[i].len;
- if (regions[i].reg_offset <= addr &&
- regions[i].reg_offset + len > addr)
- return 0;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
- * When userland tries to access the VGIC register handlers, we need to
- * create a usable struct vgic_io_device to be passed to the handlers and we
- * have to set up a buffer similar to what would have happened if a guest MMIO
- * access occurred, including doing endian conversions on BE systems.
- */
-static int vgic_uaccess(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_io_device *dev,
- bool is_write, int offset, u32 *val)
- unsigned int len = 4;
- u8 buf[4];
- int ret;
- if (is_write) {
- vgic_data_host_to_mmio_bus(buf, len, *val);
- ret = kvm_io_gic_ops.write(vcpu, &dev->dev, offset, len, buf);
- } else {
- ret =, &dev->dev, offset, len, buf);
- if (!ret)
- *val = vgic_data_mmio_bus_to_host(buf, len);
- }
- return ret;
-int vgic_v2_cpuif_uaccess(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool is_write,
- int offset, u32 *val)
- struct vgic_io_device dev = {
- .regions = vgic_v2_cpu_registers,
- .nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v2_cpu_registers),
- .iodev_type = IODEV_CPUIF,
- };
- return vgic_uaccess(vcpu, &dev, is_write, offset, val);
-int vgic_v2_dist_uaccess(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool is_write,
- int offset, u32 *val)
- struct vgic_io_device dev = {
- .regions = vgic_v2_dist_registers,
- .nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v2_dist_registers),
- .iodev_type = IODEV_DIST,
- };
- return vgic_uaccess(vcpu, &dev, is_write, offset, val);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v3.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d3c76a..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio-v3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
- * VGICv3 MMIO handling functions
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic-v3.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_emulate.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-#include "vgic-mmio.h"
-/* extract @num bytes at @offset bytes offset in data */
-unsigned long extract_bytes(u64 data, unsigned int offset,
- unsigned int num)
- return (data >> (offset * 8)) & GENMASK_ULL(num * 8 - 1, 0);
-/* allows updates of any half of a 64-bit register (or the whole thing) */
-u64 update_64bit_reg(u64 reg, unsigned int offset, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- int lower = (offset & 4) * 8;
- int upper = lower + 8 * len - 1;
- reg &= ~GENMASK_ULL(upper, lower);
- val &= GENMASK_ULL(len * 8 - 1, 0);
- return reg | ((u64)val << lower);
-bool vgic_has_its(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- if (dist->vgic_model != KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3)
- return false;
- return dist->has_its;
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v3_misc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 value = 0;
- switch (addr & 0x0c) {
- case GICD_CTLR:
- if (vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.enabled)
- value |= GICD_CTLR_ENABLE_SS_G1;
- break;
- case GICD_TYPER:
- value = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- value = (value >> 5) - 1;
- if (vgic_has_its(vcpu->kvm)) {
- value |= (INTERRUPT_ID_BITS_ITS - 1) << 19;
- value |= GICD_TYPER_LPIS;
- } else {
- value |= (INTERRUPT_ID_BITS_SPIS - 1) << 19;
- }
- break;
- case GICD_IIDR:
- value = (PRODUCT_ID_KVM << 24) | (IMPLEMENTER_ARM << 0);
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return value;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_v3_misc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic;
- bool was_enabled = dist->enabled;
- switch (addr & 0x0c) {
- case GICD_CTLR:
- dist->enabled = val & GICD_CTLR_ENABLE_SS_G1;
- if (!was_enabled && dist->enabled)
- vgic_kick_vcpus(vcpu->kvm);
- break;
- case GICD_TYPER:
- case GICD_IIDR:
- return;
- }
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_irouter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- int intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 64);
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, NULL, intid);
- unsigned long ret = 0;
- if (!irq)
- return 0;
- /* The upper word is RAZ for us. */
- if (!(addr & 4))
- ret = extract_bytes(READ_ONCE(irq->mpidr), addr & 7, len);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- return ret;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_irouter(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- int intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 64);
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- /* The upper word is WI for us since we don't implement Aff3. */
- if (addr & 4)
- return;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, NULL, intid);
- if (!irq)
- return;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* We only care about and preserve Aff0, Aff1 and Aff2. */
- irq->mpidr = val & GENMASK(23, 0);
- irq->target_vcpu = kvm_mpidr_to_vcpu(vcpu->kvm, irq->mpidr);
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v3r_ctlr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- return vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled ? GICR_CTLR_ENABLE_LPIS : 0;
-static void vgic_mmio_write_v3r_ctlr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- bool was_enabled = vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled;
- if (!vgic_has_its(vcpu->kvm))
- return;
- vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled = val & GICR_CTLR_ENABLE_LPIS;
- if (!was_enabled && vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled)
- vgic_enable_lpis(vcpu);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v3r_typer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- unsigned long mpidr = kvm_vcpu_get_mpidr_aff(vcpu);
- int target_vcpu_id = vcpu->vcpu_id;
- u64 value;
- value = (u64)(mpidr & GENMASK(23, 0)) << 32;
- value |= ((target_vcpu_id & 0xffff) << 8);
- if (target_vcpu_id == atomic_read(&vcpu->kvm->online_vcpus) - 1)
- value |= GICR_TYPER_LAST;
- if (vgic_has_its(vcpu->kvm))
- value |= GICR_TYPER_PLPIS;
- return extract_bytes(value, addr & 7, len);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v3r_iidr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return (PRODUCT_ID_KVM << 24) | (IMPLEMENTER_ARM << 0);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_v3_idregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- switch (addr & 0xffff) {
- case GICD_PIDR2:
- /* report a GICv3 compliant implementation */
- return 0x3b;
- }
- return 0;
-/* We want to avoid outer shareable. */
-u64 vgic_sanitise_shareability(u64 field)
- switch (field) {
- case GIC_BASER_OuterShareable:
- return GIC_BASER_InnerShareable;
- default:
- return field;
- }
-/* Avoid any inner non-cacheable mapping. */
-u64 vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability(u64 field)
- switch (field) {
- return GIC_BASER_CACHE_RaWb;
- default:
- return field;
- }
-/* Non-cacheable or same-as-inner are OK. */
-u64 vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability(u64 field)
- switch (field) {
- case GIC_BASER_CACHE_SameAsInner:
- return field;
- default:
- return GIC_BASER_CACHE_nC;
- }
-u64 vgic_sanitise_field(u64 reg, u64 field_mask, int field_shift,
- u64 (*sanitise_fn)(u64))
- u64 field = (reg & field_mask) >> field_shift;
- field = sanitise_fn(field) << field_shift;
- return (reg & ~field_mask) | field;
- (GENMASK_ULL(63, 59) | GENMASK_ULL(55, 52) | GENMASK_ULL(6, 5))
- (BIT_ULL(63) | GENMASK_ULL(61, 59) | GENMASK_ULL(55, 52) | \
- GENMASK_ULL(15, 12) | GENMASK_ULL(6, 0))
-static u64 vgic_sanitise_pendbaser(u64 reg)
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PENDBASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_shareability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PENDBASER_INNER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PENDBASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability);
- reg &= ~GENMASK_ULL(51, 48);
- return reg;
-static u64 vgic_sanitise_propbaser(u64 reg)
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PROPBASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_shareability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PROPBASER_INNER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability);
- reg = vgic_sanitise_field(reg, GICR_PROPBASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK,
- vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability);
- reg &= ~GENMASK_ULL(51, 48);
- return reg;
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_propbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic;
- return extract_bytes(dist->propbaser, addr & 7, len);
-static void vgic_mmio_write_propbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- u64 old_propbaser, propbaser;
- /* Storing a value with LPIs already enabled is undefined */
- if (vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled)
- return;
- do {
- old_propbaser = dist->propbaser;
- propbaser = old_propbaser;
- propbaser = update_64bit_reg(propbaser, addr & 4, len, val);
- propbaser = vgic_sanitise_propbaser(propbaser);
- } while (cmpxchg64(&dist->propbaser, old_propbaser,
- propbaser) != old_propbaser);
-static unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_pendbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- return extract_bytes(vgic_cpu->pendbaser, addr & 7, len);
-static void vgic_mmio_write_pendbase(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- u64 old_pendbaser, pendbaser;
- /* Storing a value with LPIs already enabled is undefined */
- if (vgic_cpu->lpis_enabled)
- return;
- do {
- old_pendbaser = vgic_cpu->pendbaser;
- pendbaser = old_pendbaser;
- pendbaser = update_64bit_reg(pendbaser, addr & 4, len, val);
- pendbaser = vgic_sanitise_pendbaser(pendbaser);
- } while (cmpxchg64(&vgic_cpu->pendbaser, old_pendbaser,
- pendbaser) != old_pendbaser);
- * The GICv3 per-IRQ registers are split to control PPIs and SGIs in the
- * redistributors, while SPIs are covered by registers in the distributor
- * block. Trying to set private IRQs in this block gets ignored.
- * We take some special care here to fix the calculation of the register
- * offset.
- */
-#define REGISTER_DESC_WITH_BITS_PER_IRQ_SHARED(off, rd, wr, bpi, acc) \
- { \
- .reg_offset = off, \
- .bits_per_irq = bpi, \
- .len = (bpi * VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS) / 8, \
- .access_flags = acc, \
- .read = vgic_mmio_read_raz, \
- .write = vgic_mmio_write_wi, \
- }, { \
- .reg_offset = off + (bpi * VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS) / 8, \
- .bits_per_irq = bpi, \
- .len = (bpi * (1024 - VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)) / 8, \
- .access_flags = acc, \
- .read = rd, \
- .write = wr, \
- }
-static const struct vgic_register_region vgic_v3_dist_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_v3_misc, vgic_mmio_write_v3_misc, 16,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_rao, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_senable, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_cenable, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_spending, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_cpending, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_sactive, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_cactive, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_priority, vgic_mmio_write_priority, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_config, vgic_mmio_write_config, 2,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 1,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_irouter, vgic_mmio_write_irouter, 64,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_v3_idregs, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 48,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
-static const struct vgic_register_region vgic_v3_rdbase_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_v3r_ctlr, vgic_mmio_write_v3r_ctlr, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_v3r_iidr, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_v3r_typer, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_propbase, vgic_mmio_write_propbase, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pendbase, vgic_mmio_write_pendbase, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_64bit | VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_v3_idregs, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 48,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
-static const struct vgic_register_region vgic_v3_sgibase_registers[] = {
- vgic_mmio_read_rao, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_senable, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_enable, vgic_mmio_write_cenable, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_spending, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_pending, vgic_mmio_write_cpending, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_sactive, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_active, vgic_mmio_write_cactive, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_priority, vgic_mmio_write_priority, 32,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit | VGIC_ACCESS_8bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_config, vgic_mmio_write_config, 8,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
- vgic_mmio_read_raz, vgic_mmio_write_wi, 4,
- VGIC_ACCESS_32bit),
-unsigned int vgic_v3_init_dist_iodev(struct vgic_io_device *dev)
- dev->regions = vgic_v3_dist_registers;
- dev->nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v3_dist_registers);
- kvm_iodevice_init(&dev->dev, &kvm_io_gic_ops);
- return SZ_64K;
-int vgic_register_redist_iodevs(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t redist_base_address)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int c, ret = 0;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(c, vcpu, kvm) {
- gpa_t rd_base = redist_base_address + c * SZ_64K * 2;
- gpa_t sgi_base = rd_base + SZ_64K;
- struct vgic_io_device *rd_dev = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.rd_iodev;
- struct vgic_io_device *sgi_dev = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.sgi_iodev;
- kvm_iodevice_init(&rd_dev->dev, &kvm_io_gic_ops);
- rd_dev->base_addr = rd_base;
- rd_dev->iodev_type = IODEV_REDIST;
- rd_dev->regions = vgic_v3_rdbase_registers;
- rd_dev->nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v3_rdbase_registers);
- rd_dev->redist_vcpu = vcpu;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, rd_base,
- SZ_64K, &rd_dev->dev);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- if (ret)
- break;
- kvm_iodevice_init(&sgi_dev->dev, &kvm_io_gic_ops);
- sgi_dev->base_addr = sgi_base;
- sgi_dev->iodev_type = IODEV_REDIST;
- sgi_dev->regions = vgic_v3_sgibase_registers;
- sgi_dev->nr_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(vgic_v3_sgibase_registers);
- sgi_dev->redist_vcpu = vcpu;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, sgi_base,
- SZ_64K, &sgi_dev->dev);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS,
- &rd_dev->dev);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ret) {
- /* The current c failed, so we start with the previous one. */
- for (c--; c >= 0; c--) {
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, c);
- vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS,
- &vgic_cpu->;
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS,
- &vgic_cpu->;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- * Compare a given affinity (level 1-3 and a level 0 mask, from the SGI
- * generation register ICC_SGI1R_EL1) with a given VCPU.
- * If the VCPU's MPIDR matches, return the level0 affinity, otherwise
- * return -1.
- */
-static int match_mpidr(u64 sgi_aff, u16 sgi_cpu_mask, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned long affinity;
- int level0;
- /*
- * Split the current VCPU's MPIDR into affinity level 0 and the
- * rest as this is what we have to compare against.
- */
- affinity = kvm_vcpu_get_mpidr_aff(vcpu);
- level0 = MPIDR_AFFINITY_LEVEL(affinity, 0);
- affinity &= ~MPIDR_LEVEL_MASK;
- /* bail out if the upper three levels don't match */
- if (sgi_aff != affinity)
- return -1;
- /* Is this VCPU's bit set in the mask ? */
- if (!(sgi_cpu_mask & BIT(level0)))
- return -1;
- return level0;
- * The ICC_SGI* registers encode the affinity differently from the MPIDR,
- * so provide a wrapper to use the existing defines to isolate a certain
- * affinity level.
- */
-#define SGI_AFFINITY_LEVEL(reg, level) \
- ((((reg) & ICC_SGI1R_AFFINITY_## level ##_MASK) \
- >> ICC_SGI1R_AFFINITY_## level ##_SHIFT) << MPIDR_LEVEL_SHIFT(level))
- * vgic_v3_dispatch_sgi - handle SGI requests from VCPUs
- * @vcpu: The VCPU requesting a SGI
- * @reg: The value written into the ICC_SGI1R_EL1 register by that VCPU
- *
- * With GICv3 (and ARE=1) CPUs trigger SGIs by writing to a system register.
- * This will trap in sys_regs.c and call this function.
- * This ICC_SGI1R_EL1 register contains the upper three affinity levels of the
- * target processors as well as a bitmask of 16 Aff0 CPUs.
- * If the interrupt routing mode bit is not set, we iterate over all VCPUs to
- * check for matching ones. If this bit is set, we signal all, but not the
- * calling VCPU.
- */
-void vgic_v3_dispatch_sgi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 reg)
- struct kvm *kvm = vcpu->kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *c_vcpu;
- u16 target_cpus;
- u64 mpidr;
- int sgi, c;
- int vcpu_id = vcpu->vcpu_id;
- bool broadcast;
- broadcast = reg & BIT_ULL(ICC_SGI1R_IRQ_ROUTING_MODE_BIT);
- mpidr = SGI_AFFINITY_LEVEL(reg, 3);
- mpidr |= SGI_AFFINITY_LEVEL(reg, 2);
- mpidr |= SGI_AFFINITY_LEVEL(reg, 1);
- /*
- * We iterate over all VCPUs to find the MPIDRs matching the request.
- * If we have handled one CPU, we clear its bit to detect early
- * if we are already finished. This avoids iterating through all
- * VCPUs when most of the times we just signal a single VCPU.
- */
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(c, c_vcpu, kvm) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- /* Exit early if we have dealt with all requested CPUs */
- if (!broadcast && target_cpus == 0)
- break;
- /* Don't signal the calling VCPU */
- if (broadcast && c == vcpu_id)
- continue;
- if (!broadcast) {
- int level0;
- level0 = match_mpidr(mpidr, target_cpus, c_vcpu);
- if (level0 == -1)
- continue;
- /* remove this matching VCPU from the mask */
- target_cpus &= ~BIT(level0);
- }
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, c_vcpu, sgi);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->pending = true;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe1b9f..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
- * VGIC MMIO handling functions
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#include <linux/bsearch.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-#include "vgic-mmio.h"
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_raz(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return 0;
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_rao(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- return -1UL;
-void vgic_mmio_write_wi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr,
- unsigned int len, unsigned long val)
- /* Ignore */
- * Read accesses to both GICD_ICENABLER and GICD_ISENABLER return the value
- * of the enabled bit, so there is only one function for both here.
- */
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- u32 value = 0;
- int i;
- /* Loop over all IRQs affected by this read */
- for (i = 0; i < len * 8; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- if (irq->enabled)
- value |= (1U << i);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return value;
-void vgic_mmio_write_senable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->enabled = true;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-void vgic_mmio_write_cenable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->enabled = false;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- u32 value = 0;
- int i;
- /* Loop over all IRQs affected by this read */
- for (i = 0; i < len * 8; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- if (irq->pending)
- value |= (1U << i);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return value;
-void vgic_mmio_write_spending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->pending = true;
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL)
- irq->soft_pending = true;
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-void vgic_mmio_write_cpending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL) {
- irq->soft_pending = false;
- irq->pending = irq->line_level;
- } else {
- irq->pending = false;
- }
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- u32 value = 0;
- int i;
- /* Loop over all IRQs affected by this read */
- for (i = 0; i < len * 8; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- if (irq->active)
- value |= (1U << i);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return value;
-static void vgic_mmio_change_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_irq *irq,
- bool new_active_state)
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /*
- * If this virtual IRQ was written into a list register, we
- * have to make sure the CPU that runs the VCPU thread has
- * synced back LR state to the struct vgic_irq. We can only
- * know this for sure, when either this irq is not assigned to
- * anyone's AP list anymore, or the VCPU thread is not
- * running on any CPUs.
- *
- * In the opposite case, we know the VCPU thread may be on its
- * way back from the guest and still has to sync back this
- * IRQ, so we release and re-acquire the spin_lock to let the
- * other thread sync back the IRQ.
- */
- while (irq->vcpu && /* IRQ may have state in an LR somewhere */
- irq->vcpu->cpu != -1) /* VCPU thread is running */
- cond_resched_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->active = new_active_state;
- if (new_active_state)
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- else
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- * If we are fiddling with an IRQ's active state, we have to make sure the IRQ
- * is not queued on some running VCPU's LRs, because then the change to the
- * active state can be overwritten when the VCPU's state is synced coming back
- * from the guest.
- *
- * For shared interrupts, we have to stop all the VCPUs because interrupts can
- * be migrated while we don't hold the IRQ locks and we don't want to be
- * chasing moving targets.
- *
- * For private interrupts, we only have to make sure the single and only VCPU
- * that can potentially queue the IRQ is stopped.
- */
-static void vgic_change_active_prepare(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 intid)
- if (intid < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- kvm_arm_halt_vcpu(vcpu);
- else
- kvm_arm_halt_guest(vcpu->kvm);
-/* See vgic_change_active_prepare */
-static void vgic_change_active_finish(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 intid)
- if (intid < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- kvm_arm_resume_vcpu(vcpu);
- else
- kvm_arm_resume_guest(vcpu->kvm);
-void vgic_mmio_write_cactive(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- vgic_change_active_prepare(vcpu, intid);
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- vgic_mmio_change_active(vcpu, irq, false);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- vgic_change_active_finish(vcpu, intid);
-void vgic_mmio_write_sactive(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 1);
- int i;
- vgic_change_active_prepare(vcpu, intid);
- for_each_set_bit(i, &val, len * 8) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- vgic_mmio_change_active(vcpu, irq, true);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- vgic_change_active_finish(vcpu, intid);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_priority(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 8);
- int i;
- u64 val = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- val |= (u64)irq->priority << (i * 8);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return val;
- * We currently don't handle changing the priority of an interrupt that
- * is already pending on a VCPU. If there is a need for this, we would
- * need to make this VCPU exit and re-evaluate the priorities, potentially
- * leading to this interrupt getting presented now to the guest (if it has
- * been masked by the priority mask before).
- */
-void vgic_mmio_write_priority(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 8);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* Narrow the priority range to what we actually support */
- irq->priority = (val >> (i * 8)) & GENMASK(7, 8 - VGIC_PRI_BITS);
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_config(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 2);
- u32 value = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len * 4; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE)
- value |= (2U << (i * 2));
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- return value;
-void vgic_mmio_write_config(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val)
- u32 intid = VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, 2);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len * 4; i++) {
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- /*
- * The configuration cannot be changed for SGIs in general,
- * for PPIs this is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED. The arch timer
- * code relies on PPIs being level triggered, so we also
- * make them read-only here.
- */
- if (intid + i < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- continue;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid + i);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (test_bit(i * 2 + 1, &val)) {
- irq->config = VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE;
- } else {
- irq->config = VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL;
- irq->pending = irq->line_level | irq->soft_pending;
- }
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-static int match_region(const void *key, const void *elt)
- const unsigned int offset = (unsigned long)key;
- const struct vgic_register_region *region = elt;
- if (offset < region->reg_offset)
- return -1;
- if (offset >= region->reg_offset + region->len)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-/* Find the proper register handler entry given a certain address offset. */
-static const struct vgic_register_region *
-vgic_find_mmio_region(const struct vgic_register_region *region, int nr_regions,
- unsigned int offset)
- return bsearch((void *)(uintptr_t)offset, region, nr_regions,
- sizeof(region[0]), match_region);
- * kvm_mmio_read_buf() returns a value in a format where it can be converted
- * to a byte array and be directly observed as the guest wanted it to appear
- * in memory if it had done the store itself, which is LE for the GIC, as the
- * guest knows the GIC is always LE.
- *
- * We convert this value to the CPUs native format to deal with it as a data
- * value.
- */
-unsigned long vgic_data_mmio_bus_to_host(const void *val, unsigned int len)
- unsigned long data = kvm_mmio_read_buf(val, len);
- switch (len) {
- case 1:
- return data;
- case 2:
- return le16_to_cpu(data);
- case 4:
- return le32_to_cpu(data);
- default:
- return le64_to_cpu(data);
- }
- * kvm_mmio_write_buf() expects a value in a format such that if converted to
- * a byte array it is observed as the guest would see it if it could perform
- * the load directly. Since the GIC is LE, and the guest knows this, the
- * guest expects a value in little endian format.
- *
- * We convert the data value from the CPUs native format to LE so that the
- * value is returned in the proper format.
- */
-void vgic_data_host_to_mmio_bus(void *buf, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long data)
- switch (len) {
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- data = cpu_to_le16(data);
- break;
- case 4:
- data = cpu_to_le32(data);
- break;
- default:
- data = cpu_to_le64(data);
- }
- kvm_mmio_write_buf(buf, len, data);
-struct vgic_io_device *kvm_to_vgic_iodev(const struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- return container_of(dev, struct vgic_io_device, dev);
-static bool check_region(const struct kvm *kvm,
- const struct vgic_register_region *region,
- gpa_t addr, int len)
- int flags, nr_irqs = kvm->arch.vgic.nr_spis + VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS;
- switch (len) {
- case sizeof(u8):
- flags = VGIC_ACCESS_8bit;
- break;
- case sizeof(u32):
- flags = VGIC_ACCESS_32bit;
- break;
- case sizeof(u64):
- flags = VGIC_ACCESS_64bit;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if ((region->access_flags & flags) && IS_ALIGNED(addr, len)) {
- if (!region->bits_per_irq)
- return true;
- /* Do we access a non-allocated IRQ? */
- return VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, region->bits_per_irq) < nr_irqs;
- }
- return false;
-static int dispatch_mmio_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_device *dev,
- gpa_t addr, int len, void *val)
- struct vgic_io_device *iodev = kvm_to_vgic_iodev(dev);
- const struct vgic_register_region *region;
- unsigned long data = 0;
- region = vgic_find_mmio_region(iodev->regions, iodev->nr_regions,
- addr - iodev->base_addr);
- if (!region || !check_region(vcpu->kvm, region, addr, len)) {
- memset(val, 0, len);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (iodev->iodev_type) {
- data = region->read(vcpu, addr, len);
- break;
- case IODEV_DIST:
- data = region->read(vcpu, addr, len);
- break;
- data = region->read(iodev->redist_vcpu, addr, len);
- break;
- case IODEV_ITS:
- data = region->its_read(vcpu->kvm, iodev->its, addr, len);
- break;
- }
- vgic_data_host_to_mmio_bus(val, len, data);
- return 0;
-static int dispatch_mmio_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_device *dev,
- gpa_t addr, int len, const void *val)
- struct vgic_io_device *iodev = kvm_to_vgic_iodev(dev);
- const struct vgic_register_region *region;
- unsigned long data = vgic_data_mmio_bus_to_host(val, len);
- region = vgic_find_mmio_region(iodev->regions, iodev->nr_regions,
- addr - iodev->base_addr);
- if (!region || !check_region(vcpu->kvm, region, addr, len))
- return 0;
- switch (iodev->iodev_type) {
- region->write(vcpu, addr, len, data);
- break;
- case IODEV_DIST:
- region->write(vcpu, addr, len, data);
- break;
- region->write(iodev->redist_vcpu, addr, len, data);
- break;
- case IODEV_ITS:
- region->its_write(vcpu->kvm, iodev->its, addr, len, data);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-struct kvm_io_device_ops kvm_io_gic_ops = {
- .read = dispatch_mmio_read,
- .write = dispatch_mmio_write,
-int vgic_register_dist_iodev(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t dist_base_address,
- enum vgic_type type)
- struct vgic_io_device *io_device = &kvm->arch.vgic.dist_iodev;
- int ret = 0;
- unsigned int len;
- switch (type) {
- case VGIC_V2:
- len = vgic_v2_init_dist_iodev(io_device);
- break;
- case VGIC_V3:
- len = vgic_v3_init_dist_iodev(io_device);
- break;
- default:
- BUG_ON(1);
- }
- io_device->base_addr = dist_base_address;
- io_device->iodev_type = IODEV_DIST;
- io_device->redist_vcpu = NULL;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, dist_base_address,
- len, &io_device->dev);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return ret;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.h b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 84961b4..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-mmio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef __KVM_ARM_VGIC_MMIO_H__
-#define __KVM_ARM_VGIC_MMIO_H__
-struct vgic_register_region {
- unsigned int reg_offset;
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned int bits_per_irq;
- unsigned int access_flags;
- union {
- unsigned long (*read)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr,
- unsigned int len);
- unsigned long (*its_read)(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
- };
- union {
- void (*write)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr,
- unsigned int len, unsigned long val);
- void (*its_write)(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_its *its,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
- };
-extern struct kvm_io_device_ops kvm_io_gic_ops;
-#define VGIC_ACCESS_8bit 1
-#define VGIC_ACCESS_32bit 2
-#define VGIC_ACCESS_64bit 4
- * Generate a mask that covers the number of bytes required to address
- * up to 1024 interrupts, each represented by <bits> bits. This assumes
- * that <bits> is a power of two.
- */
-#define VGIC_ADDR_IRQ_MASK(bits) (((bits) * 1024 / 8) - 1)
- * (addr & mask) gives us the _byte_ offset for the INT ID.
- * We multiply this by 8 the get the _bit_ offset, then divide this by
- * the number of bits to learn the actual INT ID.
- * But instead of a division (which requires a "long long div" implementation),
- * we shift by the binary logarithm of <bits>.
- * This assumes that <bits> is a power of two.
- */
-#define VGIC_ADDR_TO_INTID(addr, bits) (((addr) & VGIC_ADDR_IRQ_MASK(bits)) * \
- 8 >> ilog2(bits))
- * Some VGIC registers store per-IRQ information, with a different number
- * of bits per IRQ. For those registers this macro is used.
- * The _WITH_LENGTH version instantiates registers with a fixed length
- * and is mutually exclusive with the _PER_IRQ version.
- */
-#define REGISTER_DESC_WITH_BITS_PER_IRQ(off, rd, wr, bpi, acc) \
- { \
- .reg_offset = off, \
- .bits_per_irq = bpi, \
- .len = bpi * 1024 / 8, \
- .access_flags = acc, \
- .read = rd, \
- .write = wr, \
- }
-#define REGISTER_DESC_WITH_LENGTH(off, rd, wr, length, acc) \
- { \
- .reg_offset = off, \
- .bits_per_irq = 0, \
- .len = length, \
- .access_flags = acc, \
- .read = rd, \
- .write = wr, \
- }
-int kvm_vgic_register_mmio_region(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct vgic_register_region *reg_desc,
- struct vgic_io_device *region,
- int nr_irqs, bool offset_private);
-unsigned long vgic_data_mmio_bus_to_host(const void *val, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_data_host_to_mmio_bus(void *buf, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long data);
-unsigned long extract_bytes(u64 data, unsigned int offset,
- unsigned int num);
-u64 update_64bit_reg(u64 reg, unsigned int offset, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_raz(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_rao(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_wi(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t addr,
- unsigned int len, unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_senable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-void vgic_mmio_write_cenable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_pending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_spending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-void vgic_mmio_write_cpending(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_cactive(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-void vgic_mmio_write_sactive(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_priority(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_priority(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned long vgic_mmio_read_config(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len);
-void vgic_mmio_write_config(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- gpa_t addr, unsigned int len,
- unsigned long val);
-unsigned int vgic_v2_init_dist_iodev(struct vgic_io_device *dev);
-unsigned int vgic_v3_init_dist_iodev(struct vgic_io_device *dev);
-u64 vgic_sanitise_outer_cacheability(u64 reg);
-u64 vgic_sanitise_inner_cacheability(u64 reg);
-u64 vgic_sanitise_shareability(u64 reg);
-u64 vgic_sanitise_field(u64 reg, u64 field_mask, int field_shift,
- u64 (*sanitise_fn)(u64));
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v2.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a063af..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_mmu.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
- * Call this function to convert a u64 value to an unsigned long * bitmask
- * in a way that works on both 32-bit and 64-bit LE and BE platforms.
- *
- * Warning: Calling this function may modify *val.
- */
-static unsigned long *u64_to_bitmask(u64 *val)
-#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN) && BITS_PER_LONG == 32
- *val = (*val >> 32) | (*val << 32);
- return (unsigned long *)val;
-void vgic_v2_process_maintenance(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- if (cpuif->vgic_misr & GICH_MISR_EOI) {
- u64 eisr = cpuif->vgic_eisr;
- unsigned long *eisr_bmap = u64_to_bitmask(&eisr);
- int lr;
- for_each_set_bit(lr, eisr_bmap, kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr) {
- u32 intid = cpuif->vgic_lr[lr] & GICH_LR_VIRTUALID;
- WARN_ON(cpuif->vgic_lr[lr] & GICH_LR_STATE);
- kvm_notify_acked_irq(vcpu->kvm, 0,
- }
- }
- /* check and disable underflow maintenance IRQ */
- cpuif->vgic_hcr &= ~GICH_HCR_UIE;
- /*
- * In the next iterations of the vcpu loop, if we sync the
- * vgic state after flushing it, but before entering the guest
- * (this happens for pending signals and vmid rollovers), then
- * make sure we don't pick up any old maintenance interrupts
- * here.
- */
- cpuif->vgic_eisr = 0;
-void vgic_v2_set_underflow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- cpuif->vgic_hcr |= GICH_HCR_UIE;
- * transfer the content of the LRs back into the corresponding ap_list:
- * - active bit is transferred as is
- * - pending bit is
- * - transferred as is in case of edge sensitive IRQs
- * - set to the line-level (resample time) for level sensitive IRQs
- */
-void vgic_v2_fold_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v2_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2;
- int lr;
- for (lr = 0; lr < vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.used_lrs; lr++) {
- u32 val = cpuif->vgic_lr[lr];
- u32 intid = val & GICH_LR_VIRTUALID;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* Always preserve the active bit */
- irq->active = !!(val & GICH_LR_ACTIVE_BIT);
- /* Edge is the only case where we preserve the pending bit */
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE &&
- (val & GICH_LR_PENDING_BIT)) {
- irq->pending = true;
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(intid)) {
- u32 cpuid = val & GICH_LR_PHYSID_CPUID;
- irq->source |= (1 << cpuid);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Clear soft pending state when level irqs have been acked.
- * Always regenerate the pending state.
- */
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL) {
- if (!(val & GICH_LR_PENDING_BIT))
- irq->soft_pending = false;
- irq->pending = irq->line_level || irq->soft_pending;
- }
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
- * Populates the particular LR with the state of a given IRQ:
- * - for an edge sensitive IRQ the pending state is cleared in struct vgic_irq
- * - for a level sensitive IRQ the pending state value is unchanged;
- * it is dictated directly by the input level
- *
- * If @irq describes an SGI with multiple sources, we choose the
- * lowest-numbered source VCPU and clear that bit in the source bitmap.
- *
- * The irq_lock must be held by the caller.
- */
-void vgic_v2_populate_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_irq *irq, int lr)
- u32 val = irq->intid;
- if (irq->pending) {
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE)
- irq->pending = false;
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(irq->intid)) {
- u32 src = ffs(irq->source);
- BUG_ON(!src);
- val |= (src - 1) << GICH_LR_PHYSID_CPUID_SHIFT;
- irq->source &= ~(1 << (src - 1));
- if (irq->source)
- irq->pending = true;
- }
- }
- if (irq->active)
- if (irq->hw) {
- val |= GICH_LR_HW;
- val |= irq->hwintid << GICH_LR_PHYSID_CPUID_SHIFT;
- } else {
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL)
- val |= GICH_LR_EOI;
- }
- /* The GICv2 LR only holds five bits of priority. */
- val |= (irq->priority >> 3) << GICH_LR_PRIORITY_SHIFT;
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_lr[lr] = val;
-void vgic_v2_clear_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int lr)
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_lr[lr] = 0;
-void vgic_v2_set_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcrp)
- u32 vmcr;
- vmcr = (vmcrp->ctlr << GICH_VMCR_CTRL_SHIFT) & GICH_VMCR_CTRL_MASK;
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->abpr << GICH_VMCR_ALIAS_BINPOINT_SHIFT) &
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->bpr << GICH_VMCR_BINPOINT_SHIFT) &
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->pmr << GICH_VMCR_PRIMASK_SHIFT) &
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_vmcr = vmcr;
-void vgic_v2_get_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcrp)
- u32 vmcr = vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_vmcr;
- vmcrp->ctlr = (vmcr & GICH_VMCR_CTRL_MASK) >>
- vmcrp->abpr = (vmcr & GICH_VMCR_ALIAS_BINPOINT_MASK) >>
- vmcrp->bpr = (vmcr & GICH_VMCR_BINPOINT_MASK) >>
- vmcrp->pmr = (vmcr & GICH_VMCR_PRIMASK_MASK) >>
-void vgic_v2_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- /*
- * By forcing VMCR to zero, the GIC will restore the binary
- * points to their reset values. Anything else resets to zero
- * anyway.
- */
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_vmcr = 0;
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_elrsr = ~0;
- /* Get the show on the road... */
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v2.vgic_hcr = GICH_HCR_EN;
-/* check for overlapping regions and for regions crossing the end of memory */
-static bool vgic_v2_check_base(gpa_t dist_base, gpa_t cpu_base)
- if (dist_base + KVM_VGIC_V2_DIST_SIZE < dist_base)
- return false;
- if (cpu_base + KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE < cpu_base)
- return false;
- if (dist_base + KVM_VGIC_V2_DIST_SIZE <= cpu_base)
- return true;
- if (cpu_base + KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE <= dist_base)
- return true;
- return false;
-int vgic_v2_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- int ret = 0;
- if (vgic_ready(kvm))
- goto out;
- if (IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(dist->vgic_dist_base) ||
- IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(dist->vgic_cpu_base)) {
- kvm_err("Need to set vgic cpu and dist addresses first\n");
- ret = -ENXIO;
- goto out;
- }
- if (!vgic_v2_check_base(dist->vgic_dist_base, dist->vgic_cpu_base)) {
- kvm_err("VGIC CPU and dist frames overlap\n");
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the vgic if this hasn't already been done on demand by
- * accessing the vgic state from userspace.
- */
- ret = vgic_init(kvm);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to initialize VGIC dynamic data structures\n");
- goto out;
- }
- ret = vgic_register_dist_iodev(kvm, dist->vgic_dist_base, VGIC_V2);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to register VGIC MMIO regions\n");
- goto out;
- }
- if (!static_branch_unlikely(&vgic_v2_cpuif_trap)) {
- ret = kvm_phys_addr_ioremap(kvm, dist->vgic_cpu_base,
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base,
- KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE, true);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to remap VGIC CPU to VCPU\n");
- goto out;
- }
- }
- dist->ready = true;
- if (ret)
- kvm_vgic_destroy(kvm);
- return ret;
- * vgic_v2_probe - probe for a GICv2 compatible interrupt controller in DT
- * @node: pointer to the DT node
- *
- * Returns 0 if a GICv2 has been found, returns an error code otherwise
- */
-int vgic_v2_probe(const struct gic_kvm_info *info)
- int ret;
- u32 vtr;
- if (!info->vctrl.start) {
- kvm_err("GICH not present in the firmware table\n");
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- if (!PAGE_ALIGNED(info->vcpu.start) ||
- !PAGE_ALIGNED(resource_size(&info->vcpu))) {
- kvm_info("GICV region size/alignment is unsafe, using trapping (reduced performance)\n");
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va = ioremap(info->vcpu.start,
- resource_size(&info->vcpu));
- if (!kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va) {
- kvm_err("Cannot ioremap GICV\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- ret = create_hyp_io_mappings(kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va,
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va + resource_size(&info->vcpu),
- info->vcpu.start);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot map GICV into hyp\n");
- goto out;
- }
- static_branch_enable(&vgic_v2_cpuif_trap);
- }
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base = ioremap(info->vctrl.start,
- resource_size(&info->vctrl));
- if (!kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base) {
- kvm_err("Cannot ioremap GICH\n");
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- vtr = readl_relaxed(kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base + GICH_VTR);
- kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr = (vtr & 0x3f) + 1;
- ret = create_hyp_io_mappings(kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base,
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base +
- resource_size(&info->vctrl),
- info->vctrl.start);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot map VCTRL into hyp\n");
- goto out;
- }
- ret = kvm_register_vgic_device(KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot register GICv2 KVM device\n");
- goto out;
- }
- kvm_vgic_global_state.can_emulate_gicv2 = true;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base = info->vcpu.start;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.type = VGIC_V2;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.max_gic_vcpus = VGIC_V2_MAX_CPUS;
- kvm_info("vgic-v2@%llx\n", info->vctrl.start);
- return 0;
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base)
- iounmap(kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base);
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va)
- iounmap(kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base_va);
- return ret;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v3.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f0dae3..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic-v3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic-v3.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <kvm/arm_vgic.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_mmu.h>
-#include <asm/kvm_asm.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-void vgic_v3_process_maintenance(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- u32 model = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model;
- if (cpuif->vgic_misr & ICH_MISR_EOI) {
- unsigned long eisr_bmap = cpuif->vgic_eisr;
- int lr;
- for_each_set_bit(lr, &eisr_bmap, kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr) {
- u32 intid;
- u64 val = cpuif->vgic_lr[lr];
- if (model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3)
- intid = val & ICH_LR_VIRTUAL_ID_MASK;
- else
- intid = val & GICH_LR_VIRTUALID;
- WARN_ON(cpuif->vgic_lr[lr] & ICH_LR_STATE);
- kvm_notify_acked_irq(vcpu->kvm, 0,
- }
- /*
- * In the next iterations of the vcpu loop, if we sync
- * the vgic state after flushing it, but before
- * entering the guest (this happens for pending
- * signals and vmid rollovers), then make sure we
- * don't pick up any old maintenance interrupts here.
- */
- cpuif->vgic_eisr = 0;
- }
- cpuif->vgic_hcr &= ~ICH_HCR_UIE;
-void vgic_v3_set_underflow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- cpuif->vgic_hcr |= ICH_HCR_UIE;
-void vgic_v3_fold_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *cpuif = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- u32 model = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model;
- int lr;
- for (lr = 0; lr < vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.used_lrs; lr++) {
- u64 val = cpuif->vgic_lr[lr];
- u32 intid;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- if (model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3)
- intid = val & ICH_LR_VIRTUAL_ID_MASK;
- else
- intid = val & GICH_LR_VIRTUALID;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, intid);
- if (!irq) /* An LPI could have been unmapped. */
- continue;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* Always preserve the active bit */
- irq->active = !!(val & ICH_LR_ACTIVE_BIT);
- /* Edge is the only case where we preserve the pending bit */
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE &&
- (val & ICH_LR_PENDING_BIT)) {
- irq->pending = true;
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(intid) &&
- model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2) {
- u32 cpuid = val & GICH_LR_PHYSID_CPUID;
- irq->source |= (1 << cpuid);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Clear soft pending state when level irqs have been acked.
- * Always regenerate the pending state.
- */
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL) {
- if (!(val & ICH_LR_PENDING_BIT))
- irq->soft_pending = false;
- irq->pending = irq->line_level || irq->soft_pending;
- }
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- }
-/* Requires the irq to be locked already */
-void vgic_v3_populate_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_irq *irq, int lr)
- u32 model = vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model;
- u64 val = irq->intid;
- if (irq->pending) {
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_EDGE)
- irq->pending = false;
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(irq->intid) &&
- model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2) {
- u32 src = ffs(irq->source);
- BUG_ON(!src);
- val |= (src - 1) << GICH_LR_PHYSID_CPUID_SHIFT;
- irq->source &= ~(1 << (src - 1));
- if (irq->source)
- irq->pending = true;
- }
- }
- if (irq->active)
- if (irq->hw) {
- val |= ICH_LR_HW;
- val |= ((u64)irq->hwintid) << ICH_LR_PHYS_ID_SHIFT;
- } else {
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL)
- val |= ICH_LR_EOI;
- }
- /*
- * We currently only support Group1 interrupts, which is a
- * known defect. This needs to be addressed at some point.
- */
- if (model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3)
- val |= ICH_LR_GROUP;
- val |= (u64)irq->priority << ICH_LR_PRIORITY_SHIFT;
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3.vgic_lr[lr] = val;
-void vgic_v3_clear_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int lr)
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3.vgic_lr[lr] = 0;
-void vgic_v3_set_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcrp)
- u32 vmcr;
- vmcr = (vmcrp->ctlr << ICH_VMCR_CTLR_SHIFT) & ICH_VMCR_CTLR_MASK;
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->abpr << ICH_VMCR_BPR1_SHIFT) & ICH_VMCR_BPR1_MASK;
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->bpr << ICH_VMCR_BPR0_SHIFT) & ICH_VMCR_BPR0_MASK;
- vmcr |= (vmcrp->pmr << ICH_VMCR_PMR_SHIFT) & ICH_VMCR_PMR_MASK;
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3.vgic_vmcr = vmcr;
-void vgic_v3_get_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcrp)
- u32 vmcr = vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3.vgic_vmcr;
- vmcrp->ctlr = (vmcr & ICH_VMCR_CTLR_MASK) >> ICH_VMCR_CTLR_SHIFT;
- vmcrp->abpr = (vmcr & ICH_VMCR_BPR1_MASK) >> ICH_VMCR_BPR1_SHIFT;
- vmcrp->bpr = (vmcr & ICH_VMCR_BPR0_MASK) >> ICH_VMCR_BPR0_SHIFT;
- vmcrp->pmr = (vmcr & ICH_VMCR_PMR_MASK) >> ICH_VMCR_PMR_SHIFT;
-void vgic_v3_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_v3_cpu_if *vgic_v3 = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.vgic_v3;
- /*
- * By forcing VMCR to zero, the GIC will restore the binary
- * points to their reset values. Anything else resets to zero
- * anyway.
- */
- vgic_v3->vgic_vmcr = 0;
- vgic_v3->vgic_elrsr = ~0;
- /*
- * If we are emulating a GICv3, we do it in an non-GICv2-compatible
- * way, so we force SRE to 1 to demonstrate this to the guest.
- * This goes with the spec allowing the value to be RAO/WI.
- */
- if (vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.vgic_model == KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3) {
- vgic_v3->vgic_sre = ICC_SRE_EL1_SRE;
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.pendbaser = INITIAL_PENDBASER_VALUE;
- } else {
- vgic_v3->vgic_sre = 0;
- }
- /* Get the show on the road... */
- vgic_v3->vgic_hcr = ICH_HCR_EN;
-/* check for overlapping regions and for regions crossing the end of memory */
-static bool vgic_v3_check_base(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct vgic_dist *d = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- gpa_t redist_size = KVM_VGIC_V3_REDIST_SIZE;
- redist_size *= atomic_read(&kvm->online_vcpus);
- if (d->vgic_dist_base + KVM_VGIC_V3_DIST_SIZE < d->vgic_dist_base)
- return false;
- if (d->vgic_redist_base + redist_size < d->vgic_redist_base)
- return false;
- if (d->vgic_dist_base + KVM_VGIC_V3_DIST_SIZE <= d->vgic_redist_base)
- return true;
- if (d->vgic_redist_base + redist_size <= d->vgic_dist_base)
- return true;
- return false;
-int vgic_v3_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm)
- int ret = 0;
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- if (vgic_ready(kvm))
- goto out;
- if (IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(dist->vgic_dist_base) ||
- IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(dist->vgic_redist_base)) {
- kvm_err("Need to set vgic distributor addresses first\n");
- ret = -ENXIO;
- goto out;
- }
- if (!vgic_v3_check_base(kvm)) {
- kvm_err("VGIC redist and dist frames overlap\n");
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * For a VGICv3 we require the userland to explicitly initialize
- * the VGIC before we need to use it.
- */
- if (!vgic_initialized(kvm)) {
- ret = -EBUSY;
- goto out;
- }
- ret = vgic_register_dist_iodev(kvm, dist->vgic_dist_base, VGIC_V3);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to register VGICv3 dist MMIO regions\n");
- goto out;
- }
- ret = vgic_register_redist_iodevs(kvm, dist->vgic_redist_base);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to register VGICv3 redist MMIO regions\n");
- goto out;
- }
- if (vgic_has_its(kvm)) {
- ret = vgic_register_its_iodevs(kvm);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Unable to register VGIC ITS MMIO regions\n");
- goto out;
- }
- }
- dist->ready = true;
- if (ret)
- kvm_vgic_destroy(kvm);
- return ret;
- * vgic_v3_probe - probe for a GICv3 compatible interrupt controller in DT
- * @node: pointer to the DT node
- *
- * Returns 0 if a GICv3 has been found, returns an error code otherwise
- */
-int vgic_v3_probe(const struct gic_kvm_info *info)
- u32 ich_vtr_el2 = kvm_call_hyp(__vgic_v3_get_ich_vtr_el2);
- int ret;
- /*
- * The ListRegs field is 5 bits, but there is a architectural
- * maximum of 16 list registers. Just ignore bit 4...
- */
- kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr = (ich_vtr_el2 & 0xf) + 1;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.can_emulate_gicv2 = false;
- if (!info->vcpu.start) {
- kvm_info("GICv3: no GICV resource entry\n");
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base = 0;
- } else if (!PAGE_ALIGNED(info->vcpu.start)) {
- pr_warn("GICV physical address 0x%llx not page aligned\n",
- (unsigned long long)info->vcpu.start);
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base = 0;
- } else if (!PAGE_ALIGNED(resource_size(&info->vcpu))) {
- pr_warn("GICV size 0x%llx not a multiple of page size 0x%lx\n",
- (unsigned long long)resource_size(&info->vcpu),
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base = 0;
- } else {
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base = info->vcpu.start;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.can_emulate_gicv2 = true;
- ret = kvm_register_vgic_device(KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot register GICv2 KVM device.\n");
- return ret;
- }
- kvm_info("vgic-v2@%llx\n", info->vcpu.start);
- }
- ret = kvm_register_vgic_device(KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3);
- if (ret) {
- kvm_err("Cannot register GICv3 KVM device.\n");
- kvm_unregister_device_ops(KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2);
- return ret;
- }
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.vcpu_base == 0)
- kvm_info("disabling GICv2 emulation\n");
- kvm_vgic_global_state.vctrl_base = NULL;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.type = VGIC_V3;
- kvm_vgic_global_state.max_gic_vcpus = VGIC_V3_MAX_CPUS;
- return 0;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.c b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6440b56..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/list_sort.h>
-#include "vgic.h"
-#include "../trace.h"
-struct vgic_global __section(.hyp.text) kvm_vgic_global_state = {.gicv3_cpuif = STATIC_KEY_FALSE_INIT,};
- * Locking order is always:
- * its->cmd_lock (mutex)
- * its->its_lock (mutex)
- * vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock
- * kvm->lpi_list_lock
- * vgic_irq->irq_lock
- *
- * If you need to take multiple locks, always take the upper lock first,
- * then the lower ones, e.g. first take the its_lock, then the irq_lock.
- * If you are already holding a lock and need to take a higher one, you
- * have to drop the lower ranking lock first and re-aquire it after having
- * taken the upper one.
- *
- * When taking more than one ap_list_lock at the same time, always take the
- * lowest numbered VCPU's ap_list_lock first, so:
- * vcpuX->vcpu_id < vcpuY->vcpu_id:
- * spin_lock(vcpuX->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- * spin_lock(vcpuY->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- */
- * Iterate over the VM's list of mapped LPIs to find the one with a
- * matching interrupt ID and return a reference to the IRQ structure.
- */
-static struct vgic_irq *vgic_get_lpi(struct kvm *kvm, u32 intid)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- struct vgic_irq *irq = NULL;
- spin_lock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &dist->lpi_list_head, lpi_list) {
- if (irq->intid != intid)
- continue;
- /*
- * This increases the refcount, the caller is expected to
- * call vgic_put_irq() later once it's finished with the IRQ.
- */
- vgic_get_irq_kref(irq);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- irq = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- return irq;
- * This looks up the virtual interrupt ID to get the corresponding
- * struct vgic_irq. It also increases the refcount, so any caller is expected
- * to call vgic_put_irq() once it's finished with this IRQ.
- */
-struct vgic_irq *vgic_get_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u32 intid)
- /* SGIs and PPIs */
- if (intid <= VGIC_MAX_PRIVATE)
- return &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.private_irqs[intid];
- /* SPIs */
- if (intid <= VGIC_MAX_SPI)
- return &kvm->arch.vgic.spis[intid - VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS];
- /* LPIs */
- if (intid >= VGIC_MIN_LPI)
- return vgic_get_lpi(kvm, intid);
- WARN(1, "Looking up struct vgic_irq for reserved INTID");
- return NULL;
- * We can't do anything in here, because we lack the kvm pointer to
- * lock and remove the item from the lpi_list. So we keep this function
- * empty and use the return value of kref_put() to trigger the freeing.
- */
-static void vgic_irq_release(struct kref *ref)
-void vgic_put_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_irq *irq)
- struct vgic_dist *dist = &kvm->arch.vgic;
- if (irq->intid < VGIC_MIN_LPI)
- return;
- spin_lock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- if (!kref_put(&irq->refcount, vgic_irq_release)) {
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- return;
- };
- list_del(&irq->lpi_list);
- dist->lpi_list_count--;
- spin_unlock(&dist->lpi_list_lock);
- kfree(irq);
- * kvm_vgic_target_oracle - compute the target vcpu for an irq
- *
- * @irq: The irq to route. Must be already locked.
- *
- * Based on the current state of the interrupt (enabled, pending,
- * active, vcpu and target_vcpu), compute the next vcpu this should be
- * given to. Return NULL if this shouldn't be injected at all.
- *
- * Requires the IRQ lock to be held.
- */
-static struct kvm_vcpu *vgic_target_oracle(struct vgic_irq *irq)
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&irq->irq_lock));
- /* If the interrupt is active, it must stay on the current vcpu */
- if (irq->active)
- return irq->vcpu ? : irq->target_vcpu;
- /*
- * If the IRQ is not active but enabled and pending, we should direct
- * it to its configured target VCPU.
- * If the distributor is disabled, pending interrupts shouldn't be
- * forwarded.
- */
- if (irq->enabled && irq->pending) {
- if (unlikely(irq->target_vcpu &&
- !irq->target_vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.enabled))
- return NULL;
- return irq->target_vcpu;
- }
- /* If neither active nor pending and enabled, then this IRQ should not
- * be queued to any VCPU.
- */
- return NULL;
- * The order of items in the ap_lists defines how we'll pack things in LRs as
- * well, the first items in the list being the first things populated in the
- * LRs.
- *
- * A hard rule is that active interrupts can never be pushed out of the LRs
- * (and therefore take priority) since we cannot reliably trap on deactivation
- * of IRQs and therefore they have to be present in the LRs.
- *
- * Otherwise things should be sorted by the priority field and the GIC
- * hardware support will take care of preemption of priority groups etc.
- *
- * Return negative if "a" sorts before "b", 0 to preserve order, and positive
- * to sort "b" before "a".
- */
-static int vgic_irq_cmp(void *priv, struct list_head *a, struct list_head *b)
- struct vgic_irq *irqa = container_of(a, struct vgic_irq, ap_list);
- struct vgic_irq *irqb = container_of(b, struct vgic_irq, ap_list);
- bool penda, pendb;
- int ret;
- spin_lock(&irqa->irq_lock);
- spin_lock_nested(&irqb->irq_lock, SINGLE_DEPTH_NESTING);
- if (irqa->active || irqb->active) {
- ret = (int)irqb->active - (int)irqa->active;
- goto out;
- }
- penda = irqa->enabled && irqa->pending;
- pendb = irqb->enabled && irqb->pending;
- if (!penda || !pendb) {
- ret = (int)pendb - (int)penda;
- goto out;
- }
- /* Both pending and enabled, sort by priority */
- ret = irqa->priority - irqb->priority;
- spin_unlock(&irqb->irq_lock);
- spin_unlock(&irqa->irq_lock);
- return ret;
-/* Must be called with the ap_list_lock held */
-static void vgic_sort_ap_list(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock));
- list_sort(NULL, &vgic_cpu->ap_list_head, vgic_irq_cmp);
- * Only valid injection if changing level for level-triggered IRQs or for a
- * rising edge.
- */
-static bool vgic_validate_injection(struct vgic_irq *irq, bool level)
- switch (irq->config) {
- return irq->line_level != level;
- return level;
- }
- return false;
- * Check whether an IRQ needs to (and can) be queued to a VCPU's ap list.
- * Do the queuing if necessary, taking the right locks in the right order.
- * Returns true when the IRQ was queued, false otherwise.
- *
- * Needs to be entered with the IRQ lock already held, but will return
- * with all locks dropped.
- */
-bool vgic_queue_irq_unlock(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_irq *irq)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&irq->irq_lock));
- vcpu = vgic_target_oracle(irq);
- if (irq->vcpu || !vcpu) {
- /*
- * If this IRQ is already on a VCPU's ap_list, then it
- * cannot be moved or modified and there is no more work for
- * us to do.
- *
- * Otherwise, if the irq is not pending and enabled, it does
- * not need to be inserted into an ap_list and there is also
- * no more work for us to do.
- */
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /*
- * We have to kick the VCPU here, because we could be
- * queueing an edge-triggered interrupt for which we
- * get no EOI maintenance interrupt. In that case,
- * while the IRQ is already on the VCPU's AP list, the
- * VCPU could have EOI'ed the original interrupt and
- * won't see this one until it exits for some other
- * reason.
- */
- if (vcpu)
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * We must unlock the irq lock to take the ap_list_lock where
- * we are going to insert this new pending interrupt.
- */
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* someone can do stuff here, which we re-check below */
- spin_lock(&vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /*
- * Did something change behind our backs?
- *
- * There are two cases:
- * 1) The irq lost its pending state or was disabled behind our
- * backs and/or it was queued to another VCPU's ap_list.
- * 2) Someone changed the affinity on this irq behind our
- * backs and we are now holding the wrong ap_list_lock.
- *
- * In both cases, drop the locks and retry.
- */
- if (unlikely(irq->vcpu || vcpu != vgic_target_oracle(irq))) {
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- goto retry;
- }
- /*
- * Grab a reference to the irq to reflect the fact that it is
- * now in the ap_list.
- */
- vgic_get_irq_kref(irq);
- list_add_tail(&irq->ap_list, &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_head);
- irq->vcpu = vcpu;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- return true;
-static int vgic_update_irq_pending(struct kvm *kvm, int cpuid,
- unsigned int intid, bool level,
- bool mapped_irq)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- int ret;
- trace_vgic_update_irq_pending(cpuid, intid, level);
- ret = vgic_lazy_init(kvm);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, cpuid);
- if (!vcpu && intid < VGIC_NR_PRIVATE_IRQS)
- return -EINVAL;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(kvm, vcpu, intid);
- if (!irq)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (irq->hw != mapped_irq) {
- vgic_put_irq(kvm, irq);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (!vgic_validate_injection(irq, level)) {
- /* Nothing to see here, move along... */
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(kvm, irq);
- return 0;
- }
- if (irq->config == VGIC_CONFIG_LEVEL) {
- irq->line_level = level;
- irq->pending = level || irq->soft_pending;
- } else {
- irq->pending = true;
- }
- vgic_queue_irq_unlock(kvm, irq);
- vgic_put_irq(kvm, irq);
- return 0;
- * kvm_vgic_inject_irq - Inject an IRQ from a device to the vgic
- * @kvm: The VM structure pointer
- * @cpuid: The CPU for PPIs
- * @intid: The INTID to inject a new state to.
- * @level: Edge-triggered: true: to trigger the interrupt
- * false: to ignore the call
- * Level-sensitive true: raise the input signal
- * false: lower the input signal
- *
- * The VGIC is not concerned with devices being active-LOW or active-HIGH for
- * level-sensitive interrupts. You can think of the level parameter as 1
- * being HIGH and 0 being LOW and all devices being active-HIGH.
- */
-int kvm_vgic_inject_irq(struct kvm *kvm, int cpuid, unsigned int intid,
- bool level)
- return vgic_update_irq_pending(kvm, cpuid, intid, level, false);
-int kvm_vgic_inject_mapped_irq(struct kvm *kvm, int cpuid, unsigned int intid,
- bool level)
- return vgic_update_irq_pending(kvm, cpuid, intid, level, true);
-int kvm_vgic_map_phys_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 virt_irq, u32 phys_irq)
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, virt_irq);
- BUG_ON(!irq);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->hw = true;
- irq->hwintid = phys_irq;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- return 0;
-int kvm_vgic_unmap_phys_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned int virt_irq)
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- if (!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm))
- return -EAGAIN;
- irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, virt_irq);
- BUG_ON(!irq);
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- irq->hw = false;
- irq->hwintid = 0;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- return 0;
- * vgic_prune_ap_list - Remove non-relevant interrupts from the list
- *
- * @vcpu: The VCPU pointer
- *
- * Go over the list of "interesting" interrupts, and prune those that we
- * won't have to consider in the near future.
- */
-static void vgic_prune_ap_list(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq, *tmp;
- spin_lock(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry_safe(irq, tmp, &vgic_cpu->ap_list_head, ap_list) {
- struct kvm_vcpu *target_vcpu, *vcpuA, *vcpuB;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- BUG_ON(vcpu != irq->vcpu);
- target_vcpu = vgic_target_oracle(irq);
- if (!target_vcpu) {
- /*
- * We don't need to process this interrupt any
- * further, move it off the list.
- */
- list_del(&irq->ap_list);
- irq->vcpu = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /*
- * This vgic_put_irq call matches the
- * vgic_get_irq_kref in vgic_queue_irq_unlock,
- * where we added the LPI to the ap_list. As
- * we remove the irq from the list, we drop
- * also drop the refcount.
- */
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- continue;
- }
- if (target_vcpu == vcpu) {
- /* We're on the right CPU */
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- continue;
- }
- /* This interrupt looks like it has to be migrated. */
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- spin_unlock(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
- /*
- * Ensure locking order by always locking the smallest
- * ID first.
- */
- if (vcpu->vcpu_id < target_vcpu->vcpu_id) {
- vcpuA = vcpu;
- vcpuB = target_vcpu;
- } else {
- vcpuA = target_vcpu;
- vcpuB = vcpu;
- }
- spin_lock(&vcpuA->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- spin_lock_nested(&vcpuB->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock,
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /*
- * If the affinity has been preserved, move the
- * interrupt around. Otherwise, it means things have
- * changed while the interrupt was unlocked, and we
- * need to replay this.
- *
- * In all cases, we cannot trust the list not to have
- * changed, so we restart from the beginning.
- */
- if (target_vcpu == vgic_target_oracle(irq)) {
- struct vgic_cpu *new_cpu = &target_vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- list_del(&irq->ap_list);
- irq->vcpu = target_vcpu;
- list_add_tail(&irq->ap_list, &new_cpu->ap_list_head);
- }
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- spin_unlock(&vcpuB->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- spin_unlock(&vcpuA->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- goto retry;
- }
- spin_unlock(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
-static inline void vgic_process_maintenance_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_process_maintenance(vcpu);
- else
- vgic_v3_process_maintenance(vcpu);
-static inline void vgic_fold_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_fold_lr_state(vcpu);
- else
- vgic_v3_fold_lr_state(vcpu);
-/* Requires the irq_lock to be held. */
-static inline void vgic_populate_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct vgic_irq *irq, int lr)
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&irq->irq_lock));
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_populate_lr(vcpu, irq, lr);
- else
- vgic_v3_populate_lr(vcpu, irq, lr);
-static inline void vgic_clear_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int lr)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_clear_lr(vcpu, lr);
- else
- vgic_v3_clear_lr(vcpu, lr);
-static inline void vgic_set_underflow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (kvm_vgic_global_state.type == VGIC_V2)
- vgic_v2_set_underflow(vcpu);
- else
- vgic_v3_set_underflow(vcpu);
-/* Requires the ap_list_lock to be held. */
-static int compute_ap_list_depth(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- int count = 0;
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock));
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &vgic_cpu->ap_list_head, ap_list) {
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- /* GICv2 SGIs can count for more than one... */
- if (vgic_irq_is_sgi(irq->intid) && irq->source)
- count += hweight8(irq->source);
- else
- count++;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- }
- return count;
-/* Requires the VCPU's ap_list_lock to be held. */
-static void vgic_flush_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- int count = 0;
- DEBUG_SPINLOCK_BUG_ON(!spin_is_locked(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock));
- if (compute_ap_list_depth(vcpu) > kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr) {
- vgic_set_underflow(vcpu);
- vgic_sort_ap_list(vcpu);
- }
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &vgic_cpu->ap_list_head, ap_list) {
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (unlikely(vgic_target_oracle(irq) != vcpu))
- goto next;
- /*
- * If we get an SGI with multiple sources, try to get
- * them in all at once.
- */
- do {
- vgic_populate_lr(vcpu, irq, count++);
- } while (irq->source && count < kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr);
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (count == kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr)
- break;
- }
- vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.used_lrs = count;
- /* Nuke remaining LRs */
- for ( ; count < kvm_vgic_global_state.nr_lr; count++)
- vgic_clear_lr(vcpu, count);
-/* Sync back the hardware VGIC state into our emulation after a guest's run. */
-void kvm_vgic_sync_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (unlikely(!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm)))
- return;
- vgic_process_maintenance_interrupt(vcpu);
- vgic_fold_lr_state(vcpu);
- vgic_prune_ap_list(vcpu);
-/* Flush our emulation state into the GIC hardware before entering the guest. */
-void kvm_vgic_flush_hwstate(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- if (unlikely(!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm)))
- return;
- spin_lock(&vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
- vgic_flush_lr_state(vcpu);
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu.ap_list_lock);
-int kvm_vgic_vcpu_pending_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct vgic_cpu *vgic_cpu = &vcpu->arch.vgic_cpu;
- struct vgic_irq *irq;
- bool pending = false;
- if (!vcpu->kvm->arch.vgic.enabled)
- return false;
- spin_lock(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(irq, &vgic_cpu->ap_list_head, ap_list) {
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- pending = irq->pending && irq->enabled;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- if (pending)
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&vgic_cpu->ap_list_lock);
- return pending;
-void vgic_kick_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int c;
- /*
- * We've injected an interrupt, time to find out who deserves
- * a good kick...
- */
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(c, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (kvm_vgic_vcpu_pending_irq(vcpu))
- kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
- }
-bool kvm_vgic_map_is_active(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned int virt_irq)
- struct vgic_irq *irq = vgic_get_irq(vcpu->kvm, vcpu, virt_irq);
- bool map_is_active;
- spin_lock(&irq->irq_lock);
- map_is_active = irq->hw && irq->active;
- spin_unlock(&irq->irq_lock);
- vgic_put_irq(vcpu->kvm, irq);
- return map_is_active;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.h b/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9e014..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/arm/vgic/vgic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ARM Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef __KVM_ARM_VGIC_NEW_H__
-#define __KVM_ARM_VGIC_NEW_H__
-#include <linux/irqchip/arm-gic-common.h>
-#define PRODUCT_ID_KVM 0x4b /* ASCII code K */
-#define IMPLEMENTER_ARM 0x43b
-#define VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF (-1)
-#define IS_VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF(_x) ((_x) == VGIC_ADDR_UNDEF)
-#define VGIC_PRI_BITS 5
-#define vgic_irq_is_sgi(intid) ((intid) < VGIC_NR_SGIS)
-struct vgic_vmcr {
- u32 ctlr;
- u32 abpr;
- u32 bpr;
- u32 pmr;
-struct vgic_irq *vgic_get_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- u32 intid);
-void vgic_put_irq(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_irq *irq);
-bool vgic_queue_irq_unlock(struct kvm *kvm, struct vgic_irq *irq);
-void vgic_kick_vcpus(struct kvm *kvm);
-int vgic_check_ioaddr(struct kvm *kvm, phys_addr_t *ioaddr,
- phys_addr_t addr, phys_addr_t alignment);
-void vgic_v2_process_maintenance(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v2_fold_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v2_populate_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_irq *irq, int lr);
-void vgic_v2_clear_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int lr);
-void vgic_v2_set_underflow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int vgic_v2_has_attr_regs(struct kvm_device *dev, struct kvm_device_attr *attr);
-int vgic_v2_dist_uaccess(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool is_write,
- int offset, u32 *val);
-int vgic_v2_cpuif_uaccess(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool is_write,
- int offset, u32 *val);
-void vgic_v2_set_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr);
-void vgic_v2_get_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr);
-void vgic_v2_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int vgic_v2_probe(const struct gic_kvm_info *info);
-int vgic_v2_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm);
-int vgic_register_dist_iodev(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t dist_base_address,
- enum vgic_type);
-static inline void vgic_get_irq_kref(struct vgic_irq *irq)
- if (irq->intid < VGIC_MIN_LPI)
- return;
- kref_get(&irq->refcount);
-void vgic_v3_process_maintenance(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v3_fold_lr_state(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v3_populate_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_irq *irq, int lr);
-void vgic_v3_clear_lr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int lr);
-void vgic_v3_set_underflow(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-void vgic_v3_set_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr);
-void vgic_v3_get_vmcr(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vgic_vmcr *vmcr);
-void vgic_v3_enable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int vgic_v3_probe(const struct gic_kvm_info *info);
-int vgic_v3_map_resources(struct kvm *kvm);
-int vgic_register_redist_iodevs(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t dist_base_address);
-int vgic_register_its_iodevs(struct kvm *kvm);
-bool vgic_has_its(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_vgic_register_its_device(void);
-void vgic_enable_lpis(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int vgic_its_inject_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi);
-static inline int vgic_register_its_iodevs(struct kvm *kvm)
- return -ENODEV;
-static inline bool vgic_has_its(struct kvm *kvm)
- return false;
-static inline int kvm_vgic_register_its_device(void)
- return -ENODEV;
-static inline void vgic_enable_lpis(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-static inline int vgic_its_inject_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi)
- return -ENODEV;
-int kvm_register_vgic_device(unsigned long type);
-int vgic_lazy_init(struct kvm *kvm);
-int vgic_init(struct kvm *kvm);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/async_pf.c b/virt/kvm/async_pf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index efeceb0..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/async_pf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- * kvm asynchronous fault support
- *
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Author:
- * Gleb Natapov <>
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/mmu_context.h>
-#include "async_pf.h"
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-static inline void kvm_async_page_present_sync(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work)
- kvm_arch_async_page_present(vcpu, work);
-static inline void kvm_async_page_present_async(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_async_pf *work)
- kvm_arch_async_page_present(vcpu, work);
-static struct kmem_cache *async_pf_cache;
-int kvm_async_pf_init(void)
- async_pf_cache = KMEM_CACHE(kvm_async_pf, 0);
- if (!async_pf_cache)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return 0;
-void kvm_async_pf_deinit(void)
- kmem_cache_destroy(async_pf_cache);
- async_pf_cache = NULL;
-void kvm_async_pf_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vcpu->async_pf.done);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vcpu->async_pf.queue);
- spin_lock_init(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
-static void async_pf_execute(struct work_struct *work)
- struct kvm_async_pf *apf =
- container_of(work, struct kvm_async_pf, work);
- struct mm_struct *mm = apf->mm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = apf->vcpu;
- unsigned long addr = apf->addr;
- gva_t gva = apf->gva;
- might_sleep();
- /*
- * This work is run asynchromously to the task which owns
- * mm and might be done in another context, so we must
- * use FOLL_REMOTE.
- */
- __get_user_pages_unlocked(NULL, mm, addr, 1, NULL,
- kvm_async_page_present_sync(vcpu, apf);
- spin_lock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- list_add_tail(&apf->link, &vcpu->async_pf.done);
- apf->vcpu = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- /*
- * apf may be freed by kvm_check_async_pf_completion() after
- * this point
- */
- trace_kvm_async_pf_completed(addr, gva);
- /*
- * This memory barrier pairs with prepare_to_wait's set_current_state()
- */
- smp_mb();
- if (swait_active(&vcpu->wq))
- swake_up(&vcpu->wq);
- mmput(mm);
- kvm_put_kvm(vcpu->kvm);
-void kvm_clear_async_pf_completion_queue(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- spin_lock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- /* cancel outstanding work queue item */
- while (!list_empty(&vcpu->async_pf.queue)) {
- struct kvm_async_pf *work =
- list_first_entry(&vcpu->async_pf.queue,
- typeof(*work), queue);
- list_del(&work->queue);
- /*
- * We know it's present in vcpu->async_pf.done, do
- * nothing here.
- */
- if (!work->vcpu)
- continue;
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- flush_work(&work->work);
- if (cancel_work_sync(&work->work)) {
- mmput(work->mm);
- kvm_put_kvm(vcpu->kvm); /* == work->vcpu->kvm */
- kmem_cache_free(async_pf_cache, work);
- }
- spin_lock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- }
- while (!list_empty(&vcpu->async_pf.done)) {
- struct kvm_async_pf *work =
- list_first_entry(&vcpu->async_pf.done,
- typeof(*work), link);
- list_del(&work->link);
- kmem_cache_free(async_pf_cache, work);
- }
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- vcpu->async_pf.queued = 0;
-void kvm_check_async_pf_completion(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_async_pf *work;
- while (!list_empty_careful(&vcpu->async_pf.done) &&
- kvm_arch_can_inject_async_page_present(vcpu)) {
- spin_lock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- work = list_first_entry(&vcpu->async_pf.done, typeof(*work),
- link);
- list_del(&work->link);
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- kvm_arch_async_page_ready(vcpu, work);
- kvm_async_page_present_async(vcpu, work);
- list_del(&work->queue);
- vcpu->async_pf.queued--;
- kmem_cache_free(async_pf_cache, work);
- }
-int kvm_setup_async_pf(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gva_t gva, unsigned long hva,
- struct kvm_arch_async_pf *arch)
- struct kvm_async_pf *work;
- if (vcpu->async_pf.queued >= ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU)
- return 0;
- /* setup delayed work */
- /*
- * do alloc nowait since if we are going to sleep anyway we
- * may as well sleep faulting in page
- */
- work = kmem_cache_zalloc(async_pf_cache, GFP_NOWAIT | __GFP_NOWARN);
- if (!work)
- return 0;
- work->wakeup_all = false;
- work->vcpu = vcpu;
- work->gva = gva;
- work->addr = hva;
- work->arch = *arch;
- work->mm = current->mm;
- atomic_inc(&work->mm->mm_users);
- kvm_get_kvm(work->vcpu->kvm);
- /* this can't really happen otherwise gfn_to_pfn_async
- would succeed */
- if (unlikely(kvm_is_error_hva(work->addr)))
- goto retry_sync;
- INIT_WORK(&work->work, async_pf_execute);
- if (!schedule_work(&work->work))
- goto retry_sync;
- list_add_tail(&work->queue, &vcpu->async_pf.queue);
- vcpu->async_pf.queued++;
- kvm_arch_async_page_not_present(vcpu, work);
- return 1;
- kvm_put_kvm(work->vcpu->kvm);
- mmput(work->mm);
- kmem_cache_free(async_pf_cache, work);
- return 0;
-int kvm_async_pf_wakeup_all(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct kvm_async_pf *work;
- if (!list_empty_careful(&vcpu->async_pf.done))
- return 0;
- work = kmem_cache_zalloc(async_pf_cache, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!work)
- return -ENOMEM;
- work->wakeup_all = true;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&work->queue); /* for list_del to work */
- spin_lock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- list_add_tail(&work->link, &vcpu->async_pf.done);
- spin_unlock(&vcpu->async_pf.lock);
- vcpu->async_pf.queued++;
- return 0;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/async_pf.h b/virt/kvm/async_pf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ec4cfa2..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/async_pf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * kvm asynchronous fault support
- *
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * Author:
- * Gleb Natapov <>
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#ifndef __KVM_ASYNC_PF_H__
-#define __KVM_ASYNC_PF_H__
-int kvm_async_pf_init(void);
-void kvm_async_pf_deinit(void);
-void kvm_async_pf_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-#define kvm_async_pf_init() (0)
-#define kvm_async_pf_deinit() do {} while (0)
-#define kvm_async_pf_vcpu_init(C) do {} while (0)
diff --git a/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.c b/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 571c1ce..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * KVM coalesced MMIO
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Bull S.A.S.
- * Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * Author: Laurent Vivier <>
- *
- */
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include "coalesced_mmio.h"
-static inline struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *to_mmio(struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- return container_of(dev, struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev, dev);
-static int coalesced_mmio_in_range(struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev,
- gpa_t addr, int len)
- /* is it in a batchable area ?
- * (addr,len) is fully included in
- * (zone->addr, zone->size)
- */
- if (len < 0)
- return 0;
- if (addr + len < addr)
- return 0;
- if (addr < dev->zone.addr)
- return 0;
- if (addr + len > dev->zone.addr + dev->zone.size)
- return 0;
- return 1;
-static int coalesced_mmio_has_room(struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev)
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring *ring;
- unsigned avail;
- /* Are we able to batch it ? */
- /* last is the first free entry
- * check if we don't meet the first used entry
- * there is always one unused entry in the buffer
- */
- ring = dev->kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring;
- avail = (ring->first - ring->last - 1) % KVM_COALESCED_MMIO_MAX;
- if (avail == 0) {
- /* full */
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static int coalesced_mmio_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
- struct kvm_io_device *this, gpa_t addr,
- int len, const void *val)
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev = to_mmio(this);
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring *ring = dev->kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring;
- if (!coalesced_mmio_in_range(dev, addr, len))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- spin_lock(&dev->kvm->ring_lock);
- if (!coalesced_mmio_has_room(dev)) {
- spin_unlock(&dev->kvm->ring_lock);
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- /* copy data in first free entry of the ring */
- ring->coalesced_mmio[ring->last].phys_addr = addr;
- ring->coalesced_mmio[ring->last].len = len;
- memcpy(ring->coalesced_mmio[ring->last].data, val, len);
- smp_wmb();
- ring->last = (ring->last + 1) % KVM_COALESCED_MMIO_MAX;
- spin_unlock(&dev->kvm->ring_lock);
- return 0;
-static void coalesced_mmio_destructor(struct kvm_io_device *this)
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev = to_mmio(this);
- list_del(&dev->list);
- kfree(dev);
-static const struct kvm_io_device_ops coalesced_mmio_ops = {
- .write = coalesced_mmio_write,
- .destructor = coalesced_mmio_destructor,
-int kvm_coalesced_mmio_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct page *page;
- int ret;
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO);
- if (!page)
- goto out_err;
- ret = 0;
- kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring = page_address(page);
- /*
- * We're using this spinlock to sync access to the coalesced ring.
- * The list doesn't need it's own lock since device registration and
- * unregistration should only happen when kvm->slots_lock is held.
- */
- spin_lock_init(&kvm->ring_lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->coalesced_zones);
- return ret;
-void kvm_coalesced_mmio_free(struct kvm *kvm)
- if (kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring)
- free_page((unsigned long)kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring);
-int kvm_vm_ioctl_register_coalesced_mmio(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone *zone)
- int ret;
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev;
- dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dev)
- return -ENOMEM;
- kvm_iodevice_init(&dev->dev, &coalesced_mmio_ops);
- dev->kvm = kvm;
- dev->zone = *zone;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, zone->addr,
- zone->size, &dev->dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto out_free_dev;
- list_add_tail(&dev->list, &kvm->coalesced_zones);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return 0;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kfree(dev);
- return ret;
-int kvm_vm_ioctl_unregister_coalesced_mmio(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone *zone)
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev *dev, *tmp;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- list_for_each_entry_safe(dev, tmp, &kvm->coalesced_zones, list)
- if (coalesced_mmio_in_range(dev, zone->addr, zone->size)) {
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, KVM_MMIO_BUS, &dev->dev);
- kvm_iodevice_destructor(&dev->dev);
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return 0;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.h b/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bca74c..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/coalesced_mmio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * KVM coalesced MMIO
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Bull S.A.S.
- *
- * Author: Laurent Vivier <>
- *
- */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_dev {
- struct list_head list;
- struct kvm_io_device dev;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone zone;
-int kvm_coalesced_mmio_init(struct kvm *kvm);
-void kvm_coalesced_mmio_free(struct kvm *kvm);
-int kvm_vm_ioctl_register_coalesced_mmio(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone *zone);
-int kvm_vm_ioctl_unregister_coalesced_mmio(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone *zone);
-static inline int kvm_coalesced_mmio_init(struct kvm *kvm) { return 0; }
-static inline void kvm_coalesced_mmio_free(struct kvm *kvm) { }
diff --git a/virt/kvm/eventfd.c b/virt/kvm/eventfd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a29786d..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/eventfd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,956 +0,0 @@
- * kvm eventfd support - use eventfd objects to signal various KVM events
- *
- * Copyright 2009 Novell. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * Author:
- * Gregory Haskins <>
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_irqfd.h>
-#include <linux/workqueue.h>
-#include <linux/syscalls.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/poll.h>
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/eventfd.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/srcu.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/seqlock.h>
-#include <linux/irqbypass.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include <kvm/iodev.h>
-static struct workqueue_struct *irqfd_cleanup_wq;
-static void
-irqfd_inject(struct work_struct *work)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(work, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, inject);
- struct kvm *kvm = irqfd->kvm;
- if (!irqfd->resampler) {
- kvm_set_irq(kvm, KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, irqfd->gsi, 1,
- false);
- kvm_set_irq(kvm, KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, irqfd->gsi, 0,
- false);
- } else
- irqfd->gsi, 1, false);
- * Since resampler irqfds share an IRQ source ID, we de-assert once
- * then notify all of the resampler irqfds using this GSI. We can't
- * do multiple de-asserts or we risk racing with incoming re-asserts.
- */
-static void
-irqfd_resampler_ack(struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler *resampler;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd;
- int idx;
- resampler = container_of(kian,
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler, notifier);
- kvm = resampler->kvm;
- resampler->notifier.gsi, 0, false);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- list_for_each_entry_rcu(irqfd, &resampler->list, resampler_link)
- eventfd_signal(irqfd->resamplefd, 1);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
-static void
-irqfd_resampler_shutdown(struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler *resampler = irqfd->resampler;
- struct kvm *kvm = resampler->kvm;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- list_del_rcu(&irqfd->resampler_link);
- synchronize_srcu(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- if (list_empty(&resampler->list)) {
- list_del(&resampler->link);
- kvm_unregister_irq_ack_notifier(kvm, &resampler->notifier);
- resampler->notifier.gsi, 0, false);
- kfree(resampler);
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- * Race-free decouple logic (ordering is critical)
- */
-static void
-irqfd_shutdown(struct work_struct *work)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(work, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, shutdown);
- u64 cnt;
- /*
- * Synchronize with the wait-queue and unhook ourselves to prevent
- * further events.
- */
- eventfd_ctx_remove_wait_queue(irqfd->eventfd, &irqfd->wait, &cnt);
- /*
- * We know no new events will be scheduled at this point, so block
- * until all previously outstanding events have completed
- */
- flush_work(&irqfd->inject);
- if (irqfd->resampler) {
- irqfd_resampler_shutdown(irqfd);
- eventfd_ctx_put(irqfd->resamplefd);
- }
- /*
- * It is now safe to release the object's resources
- */
- irq_bypass_unregister_consumer(&irqfd->consumer);
- eventfd_ctx_put(irqfd->eventfd);
- kfree(irqfd);
-/* assumes kvm->irqfds.lock is held */
-static bool
-irqfd_is_active(struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd)
- return list_empty(&irqfd->list) ? false : true;
- * Mark the irqfd as inactive and schedule it for removal
- *
- * assumes kvm->irqfds.lock is held
- */
-static void
-irqfd_deactivate(struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd)
- BUG_ON(!irqfd_is_active(irqfd));
- list_del_init(&irqfd->list);
- queue_work(irqfd_cleanup_wq, &irqfd->shutdown);
-int __attribute__((weak)) kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *irq,
- struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id,
- int level,
- bool line_status)
- return -EWOULDBLOCK;
- * Called with wqh->lock held and interrupts disabled
- */
-static int
-irqfd_wakeup(wait_queue_t *wait, unsigned mode, int sync, void *key)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(wait, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, wait);
- unsigned long flags = (unsigned long)key;
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry irq;
- struct kvm *kvm = irqfd->kvm;
- unsigned seq;
- int idx;
- if (flags & POLLIN) {
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- do {
- seq = read_seqcount_begin(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
- irq = irqfd->irq_entry;
- } while (read_seqcount_retry(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc, seq));
- /* An event has been signaled, inject an interrupt */
- if (kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic(&irq, kvm,
- false) == -EWOULDBLOCK)
- schedule_work(&irqfd->inject);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- }
- if (flags & POLLHUP) {
- /* The eventfd is closing, detach from KVM */
- unsigned long flags;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&kvm->irqfds.lock, flags);
- /*
- * We must check if someone deactivated the irqfd before
- * we could acquire the irqfds.lock since the item is
- * deactivated from the KVM side before it is unhooked from
- * the wait-queue. If it is already deactivated, we can
- * simply return knowing the other side will cleanup for us.
- * We cannot race against the irqfd going away since the
- * other side is required to acquire wqh->lock, which we hold
- */
- if (irqfd_is_active(irqfd))
- irqfd_deactivate(irqfd);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kvm->irqfds.lock, flags);
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-irqfd_ptable_queue_proc(struct file *file, wait_queue_head_t *wqh,
- poll_table *pt)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd =
- container_of(pt, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd, pt);
- add_wait_queue(wqh, &irqfd->wait);
-/* Must be called under irqfds.lock */
-static void irqfd_update(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd)
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry entries[KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS];
- int n_entries;
- n_entries = kvm_irq_map_gsi(kvm, entries, irqfd->gsi);
- write_seqcount_begin(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
- e = entries;
- if (n_entries == 1)
- irqfd->irq_entry = *e;
- else
- irqfd->irq_entry.type = 0;
- write_seqcount_end(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
-void __attribute__((weak)) kvm_arch_irq_bypass_stop(
- struct irq_bypass_consumer *cons)
-void __attribute__((weak)) kvm_arch_irq_bypass_start(
- struct irq_bypass_consumer *cons)
-int __attribute__((weak)) kvm_arch_update_irqfd_routing(
- struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int host_irq,
- uint32_t guest_irq, bool set)
- return 0;
-static int
-kvm_irqfd_assign(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd, *tmp;
- struct fd f;
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd = NULL, *resamplefd = NULL;
- int ret;
- unsigned int events;
- int idx;
- if (!kvm_arch_intc_initialized(kvm))
- return -EAGAIN;
- irqfd = kzalloc(sizeof(*irqfd), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!irqfd)
- return -ENOMEM;
- irqfd->kvm = kvm;
- irqfd->gsi = args->gsi;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irqfd->list);
- INIT_WORK(&irqfd->inject, irqfd_inject);
- INIT_WORK(&irqfd->shutdown, irqfd_shutdown);
- seqcount_init(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
- f = fdget(args->fd);
- if (!f.file) {
- ret = -EBADF;
- goto out;
- }
- eventfd = eventfd_ctx_fileget(f.file);
- if (IS_ERR(eventfd)) {
- ret = PTR_ERR(eventfd);
- goto fail;
- }
- irqfd->eventfd = eventfd;
- if (args->flags & KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_RESAMPLE) {
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd_resampler *resampler;
- resamplefd = eventfd_ctx_fdget(args->resamplefd);
- if (IS_ERR(resamplefd)) {
- ret = PTR_ERR(resamplefd);
- goto fail;
- }
- irqfd->resamplefd = resamplefd;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&irqfd->resampler_link);
- mutex_lock(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(resampler,
- &kvm->irqfds.resampler_list, link) {
- if (resampler->notifier.gsi == irqfd->gsi) {
- irqfd->resampler = resampler;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!irqfd->resampler) {
- resampler = kzalloc(sizeof(*resampler), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!resampler) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- goto fail;
- }
- resampler->kvm = kvm;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&resampler->list);
- resampler->notifier.gsi = irqfd->gsi;
- resampler->notifier.irq_acked = irqfd_resampler_ack;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&resampler->link);
- list_add(&resampler->link, &kvm->irqfds.resampler_list);
- kvm_register_irq_ack_notifier(kvm,
- &resampler->notifier);
- irqfd->resampler = resampler;
- }
- list_add_rcu(&irqfd->resampler_link, &irqfd->resampler->list);
- synchronize_srcu(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- }
- /*
- * Install our own custom wake-up handling so we are notified via
- * a callback whenever someone signals the underlying eventfd
- */
- init_waitqueue_func_entry(&irqfd->wait, irqfd_wakeup);
- init_poll_funcptr(&irqfd->pt, irqfd_ptable_queue_proc);
- spin_lock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- ret = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(tmp, &kvm->irqfds.items, list) {
- if (irqfd->eventfd != tmp->eventfd)
- continue;
- /* This fd is used for another irq already. */
- ret = -EBUSY;
- spin_unlock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- goto fail;
- }
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- irqfd_update(kvm, irqfd);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- list_add_tail(&irqfd->list, &kvm->irqfds.items);
- spin_unlock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- /*
- * Check if there was an event already pending on the eventfd
- * before we registered, and trigger it as if we didn't miss it.
- */
- events = f.file->f_op->poll(f.file, &irqfd->pt);
- if (events & POLLIN)
- schedule_work(&irqfd->inject);
- /*
- * do not drop the file until the irqfd is fully initialized, otherwise
- * we might race against the POLLHUP
- */
- fdput(f);
- if (kvm_arch_has_irq_bypass()) {
- irqfd->consumer.token = (void *)irqfd->eventfd;
- irqfd->consumer.add_producer = kvm_arch_irq_bypass_add_producer;
- irqfd->consumer.del_producer = kvm_arch_irq_bypass_del_producer;
- irqfd->consumer.stop = kvm_arch_irq_bypass_stop;
- irqfd->consumer.start = kvm_arch_irq_bypass_start;
- ret = irq_bypass_register_consumer(&irqfd->consumer);
- if (ret)
- pr_info("irq bypass consumer (token %p) registration fails: %d\n",
- irqfd->consumer.token, ret);
- }
- return 0;
- if (irqfd->resampler)
- irqfd_resampler_shutdown(irqfd);
- if (resamplefd && !IS_ERR(resamplefd))
- eventfd_ctx_put(resamplefd);
- if (eventfd && !IS_ERR(eventfd))
- eventfd_ctx_put(eventfd);
- fdput(f);
- kfree(irqfd);
- return ret;
-bool kvm_irq_has_notifier(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin)
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian;
- int gsi, idx;
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- gsi = kvm_irq_map_chip_pin(kvm, irqchip, pin);
- if (gsi != -1)
- hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(kian, &kvm->irq_ack_notifier_list,
- link)
- if (kian->gsi == gsi) {
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- return true;
- }
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
- return false;
-void kvm_notify_acked_gsi(struct kvm *kvm, int gsi)
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian;
- hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(kian, &kvm->irq_ack_notifier_list,
- link)
- if (kian->gsi == gsi)
- kian->irq_acked(kian);
-void kvm_notify_acked_irq(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned irqchip, unsigned pin)
- int gsi, idx;
- trace_kvm_ack_irq(irqchip, pin);
- idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- gsi = kvm_irq_map_chip_pin(kvm, irqchip, pin);
- if (gsi != -1)
- kvm_notify_acked_gsi(kvm, gsi);
- srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->irq_srcu, idx);
-void kvm_register_irq_ack_notifier(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian)
- mutex_lock(&kvm->irq_lock);
- hlist_add_head_rcu(&kian->link, &kvm->irq_ack_notifier_list);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->irq_lock);
- kvm_vcpu_request_scan_ioapic(kvm);
-void kvm_unregister_irq_ack_notifier(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_irq_ack_notifier *kian)
- mutex_lock(&kvm->irq_lock);
- hlist_del_init_rcu(&kian->link);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->irq_lock);
- synchronize_srcu(&kvm->irq_srcu);
- kvm_vcpu_request_scan_ioapic(kvm);
-kvm_eventfd_init(struct kvm *kvm)
- spin_lock_init(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->irqfds.items);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_list);
- mutex_init(&kvm->irqfds.resampler_lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->ioeventfds);
- * shutdown any irqfd's that match fd+gsi
- */
-static int
-kvm_irqfd_deassign(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd, *tmp;
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd;
- eventfd = eventfd_ctx_fdget(args->fd);
- if (IS_ERR(eventfd))
- return PTR_ERR(eventfd);
- spin_lock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- list_for_each_entry_safe(irqfd, tmp, &kvm->irqfds.items, list) {
- if (irqfd->eventfd == eventfd && irqfd->gsi == args->gsi) {
- /*
- * This clearing of irq_entry.type is needed for when
- * another thread calls kvm_irq_routing_update before
- * we flush workqueue below (we synchronize with
- * kvm_irq_routing_update using irqfds.lock).
- */
- write_seqcount_begin(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
- irqfd->irq_entry.type = 0;
- write_seqcount_end(&irqfd->irq_entry_sc);
- irqfd_deactivate(irqfd);
- }
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- eventfd_ctx_put(eventfd);
- /*
- * Block until we know all outstanding shutdown jobs have completed
- * so that we guarantee there will not be any more interrupts on this
- * gsi once this deassign function returns.
- */
- flush_workqueue(irqfd_cleanup_wq);
- return 0;
-kvm_irqfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_irqfd *args)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (args->flags & KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_DEASSIGN)
- return kvm_irqfd_deassign(kvm, args);
- return kvm_irqfd_assign(kvm, args);
- * This function is called as the kvm VM fd is being released. Shutdown all
- * irqfds that still remain open
- */
-kvm_irqfd_release(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd, *tmp;
- spin_lock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- list_for_each_entry_safe(irqfd, tmp, &kvm->irqfds.items, list)
- irqfd_deactivate(irqfd);
- spin_unlock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- /*
- * Block until we know all outstanding shutdown jobs have completed
- * since we do not take a kvm* reference.
- */
- flush_workqueue(irqfd_cleanup_wq);
- * Take note of a change in irq routing.
- * Caller must invoke synchronize_srcu(&kvm->irq_srcu) afterwards.
- */
-void kvm_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_kernel_irqfd *irqfd;
- spin_lock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- list_for_each_entry(irqfd, &kvm->irqfds.items, list) {
- irqfd_update(kvm, irqfd);
- if (irqfd->producer) {
- int ret = kvm_arch_update_irqfd_routing(
- irqfd->kvm, irqfd->producer->irq,
- irqfd->gsi, 1);
- WARN_ON(ret);
- }
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&kvm->irqfds.lock);
- * create a host-wide workqueue for issuing deferred shutdown requests
- * aggregated from all vm* instances. We need our own isolated
- * queue to ease flushing work items when a VM exits.
- */
-int kvm_irqfd_init(void)
- irqfd_cleanup_wq = alloc_workqueue("kvm-irqfd-cleanup", 0, 0);
- if (!irqfd_cleanup_wq)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return 0;
-void kvm_irqfd_exit(void)
- destroy_workqueue(irqfd_cleanup_wq);
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ioeventfd: translate a PIO/MMIO memory write to an eventfd signal.
- *
- * userspace can register a PIO/MMIO address with an eventfd for receiving
- * notification when the memory has been touched.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-struct _ioeventfd {
- struct list_head list;
- u64 addr;
- int length;
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd;
- u64 datamatch;
- struct kvm_io_device dev;
- u8 bus_idx;
- bool wildcard;
-static inline struct _ioeventfd *
-to_ioeventfd(struct kvm_io_device *dev)
- return container_of(dev, struct _ioeventfd, dev);
-static void
-ioeventfd_release(struct _ioeventfd *p)
- eventfd_ctx_put(p->eventfd);
- list_del(&p->list);
- kfree(p);
-static bool
-ioeventfd_in_range(struct _ioeventfd *p, gpa_t addr, int len, const void *val)
- u64 _val;
- if (addr != p->addr)
- /* address must be precise for a hit */
- return false;
- if (!p->length)
- /* length = 0 means only look at the address, so always a hit */
- return true;
- if (len != p->length)
- /* address-range must be precise for a hit */
- return false;
- if (p->wildcard)
- /* all else equal, wildcard is always a hit */
- return true;
- /* otherwise, we have to actually compare the data */
- BUG_ON(!IS_ALIGNED((unsigned long)val, len));
- switch (len) {
- case 1:
- _val = *(u8 *)val;
- break;
- case 2:
- _val = *(u16 *)val;
- break;
- case 4:
- _val = *(u32 *)val;
- break;
- case 8:
- _val = *(u64 *)val;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return _val == p->datamatch ? true : false;
-/* MMIO/PIO writes trigger an event if the addr/val match */
-static int
-ioeventfd_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_device *this, gpa_t addr,
- int len, const void *val)
- struct _ioeventfd *p = to_ioeventfd(this);
- if (!ioeventfd_in_range(p, addr, len, val))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- eventfd_signal(p->eventfd, 1);
- return 0;
- * This function is called as KVM is completely shutting down. We do not
- * need to worry about locking just nuke anything we have as quickly as possible
- */
-static void
-ioeventfd_destructor(struct kvm_io_device *this)
- struct _ioeventfd *p = to_ioeventfd(this);
- ioeventfd_release(p);
-static const struct kvm_io_device_ops ioeventfd_ops = {
- .write = ioeventfd_write,
- .destructor = ioeventfd_destructor,
-/* assumes kvm->slots_lock held */
-static bool
-ioeventfd_check_collision(struct kvm *kvm, struct _ioeventfd *p)
- struct _ioeventfd *_p;
- list_for_each_entry(_p, &kvm->ioeventfds, list)
- if (_p->bus_idx == p->bus_idx &&
- _p->addr == p->addr &&
- (!_p->length || !p->length ||
- (_p->length == p->length &&
- (_p->wildcard || p->wildcard ||
- _p->datamatch == p->datamatch))))
- return true;
- return false;
-static enum kvm_bus ioeventfd_bus_from_flags(__u32 flags)
- return KVM_PIO_BUS;
- return KVM_MMIO_BUS;
-static int kvm_assign_ioeventfd_idx(struct kvm *kvm,
- enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
- struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd;
- struct _ioeventfd *p;
- int ret;
- eventfd = eventfd_ctx_fdget(args->fd);
- if (IS_ERR(eventfd))
- return PTR_ERR(eventfd);
- p = kzalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!p) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail;
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->list);
- p->addr = args->addr;
- p->bus_idx = bus_idx;
- p->length = args->len;
- p->eventfd = eventfd;
- /* The datamatch feature is optional, otherwise this is a wildcard */
- p->datamatch = args->datamatch;
- else
- p->wildcard = true;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- /* Verify that there isn't a match already */
- if (ioeventfd_check_collision(kvm, p)) {
- ret = -EEXIST;
- goto unlock_fail;
- }
- kvm_iodevice_init(&p->dev, &ioeventfd_ops);
- ret = kvm_io_bus_register_dev(kvm, bus_idx, p->addr, p->length,
- &p->dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto unlock_fail;
- kvm->buses[bus_idx]->ioeventfd_count++;
- list_add_tail(&p->list, &kvm->ioeventfds);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- return 0;
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- kfree(p);
- eventfd_ctx_put(eventfd);
- return ret;
-static int
-kvm_deassign_ioeventfd_idx(struct kvm *kvm, enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
- struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- struct _ioeventfd *p, *tmp;
- struct eventfd_ctx *eventfd;
- int ret = -ENOENT;
- eventfd = eventfd_ctx_fdget(args->fd);
- if (IS_ERR(eventfd))
- return PTR_ERR(eventfd);
- mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &kvm->ioeventfds, list) {
- bool wildcard = !(args->flags & KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_DATAMATCH);
- if (p->bus_idx != bus_idx ||
- p->eventfd != eventfd ||
- p->addr != args->addr ||
- p->length != args->len ||
- p->wildcard != wildcard)
- continue;
- if (!p->wildcard && p->datamatch != args->datamatch)
- continue;
- kvm_io_bus_unregister_dev(kvm, bus_idx, &p->dev);
- kvm->buses[bus_idx]->ioeventfd_count--;
- ioeventfd_release(p);
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
- eventfd_ctx_put(eventfd);
- return ret;
-static int kvm_deassign_ioeventfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- enum kvm_bus bus_idx = ioeventfd_bus_from_flags(args->flags);
- int ret = kvm_deassign_ioeventfd_idx(kvm, bus_idx, args);
- if (!args->len && bus_idx == KVM_MMIO_BUS)
- kvm_deassign_ioeventfd_idx(kvm, KVM_FAST_MMIO_BUS, args);
- return ret;
-static int
-kvm_assign_ioeventfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- enum kvm_bus bus_idx;
- int ret;
- bus_idx = ioeventfd_bus_from_flags(args->flags);
- /* must be natural-word sized, or 0 to ignore length */
- switch (args->len) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 8:
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* check for range overflow */
- if (args->addr + args->len < args->addr)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* check for extra flags that we don't understand */
- if (args->flags & ~KVM_IOEVENTFD_VALID_FLAG_MASK)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* ioeventfd with no length can't be combined with DATAMATCH */
- if (!args->len && (args->flags & KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_DATAMATCH))
- return -EINVAL;
- ret = kvm_assign_ioeventfd_idx(kvm, bus_idx, args);
- if (ret)
- goto fail;
- /* When length is ignored, MMIO is also put on a separate bus, for
- * faster lookups.
- */
- if (!args->len && bus_idx == KVM_MMIO_BUS) {
- ret = kvm_assign_ioeventfd_idx(kvm, KVM_FAST_MMIO_BUS, args);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto fast_fail;
- }
- return 0;
- kvm_deassign_ioeventfd_idx(kvm, bus_idx, args);
- return ret;
-kvm_ioeventfd(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_ioeventfd *args)
- if (args->flags & KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_DEASSIGN)
- return kvm_deassign_ioeventfd(kvm, args);
- return kvm_assign_ioeventfd(kvm, args);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/irqchip.c b/virt/kvm/irqchip.c
index 3bcc999..3885f42 100644..100755
--- a/virt/kvm/irqchip.c
+++ b/virt/kvm/irqchip.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
* Copyright (c) 2013, Alexander Graf <>
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
@@ -25,11 +26,7 @@
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/srcu.h>
-#include <linux/export.h>
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
-#include "irq.h"
+#include "arch\x86\kvm\irq.h"
int kvm_irq_map_gsi(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *entries, int gsi)
@@ -38,13 +35,15 @@ int kvm_irq_map_gsi(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
int n = 0;
- irq_rt = srcu_dereference_check(kvm->irq_routing, &kvm->irq_srcu,
- lockdep_is_held(&kvm->irq_lock));
+ irq_rt = kvm->irq_routing;
if (irq_rt && gsi < irq_rt->nr_rt_entries) {
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry
hlist_for_each_entry(e, &irq_rt->map[gsi], link) {
entries[n] = *e;
return n;
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ int kvm_send_userspace_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi)
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry route;
- if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm) || (msi->flags & ~KVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID))
+ if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm) || (msi->flags & ~GVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID))
return -EINVAL;
route.msi.address_lo = msi->address_lo;
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ int kvm_send_userspace_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi)
route.msi.flags = msi->flags;
route.msi.devid = msi->devid;
- return kvm_set_msi(&route, kvm, KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, 1, false);
+ return kvm_set_msi(&route, kvm, GVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, 1, false);
@@ -83,11 +82,9 @@ int kvm_send_userspace_msi(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_msi *msi)
int kvm_set_irq(struct kvm *kvm, int irq_source_id, u32 irq, int level,
bool line_status)
- struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry irq_set[KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS];
+ struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry irq_set[GVM_NR_IRQCHIPS];
int ret = -1, i, idx;
- trace_kvm_set_irq(irq, level, irq_source_id);
/* Not possible to detect if the guest uses the PIC or the
* IOAPIC. So set the bit in both. The guest will ignore
* writes to the unused one.
@@ -120,10 +117,13 @@ static void free_irq_routing_table(struct kvm_irq_routing_table *rt)
struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e;
struct hlist_node *n;
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry
hlist_for_each_entry_safe(e, n, &rt->map[i], link) {
+ n = e->;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void kvm_free_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm)
/* Called only during vm destruction. Nobody can use the pointer
at this stage */
- struct kvm_irq_routing_table *rt = rcu_access_pointer(kvm->irq_routing);
+ struct kvm_irq_routing_table *rt = kvm->irq_routing;
@@ -149,18 +149,20 @@ static int setup_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
* Do not allow GSI to be mapped to the same irqchip more than once.
* Allow only one to one mapping between GSI and non-irqchip routing.
+#define LIST_ENTRY_TYPE_INFO struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry
hlist_for_each_entry(ei, &rt->map[ue->gsi], link)
- if (ei->type != KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP ||
- ue->type != KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP ||
+ if (ei->type != GVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP ||
+ ue->type != GVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP ||
ue->u.irqchip.irqchip == ei->irqchip.irqchip)
return r;
e->gsi = ue->gsi;
e->type = ue->type;
r = kvm_set_routing_entry(kvm, e, ue);
if (r)
goto out;
- if (e->type == KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP)
+ if (e->type == GVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP)
rt->chip[e->irqchip.irqchip][e->] = e->gsi;
hlist_add_head(&e->link, &rt->map[e->gsi]);
@@ -169,9 +171,10 @@ out:
return r;
-void __attribute__((weak)) kvm_arch_irq_routing_update(struct kvm *kvm)
+void kvm_arch_irq_routing_update_default(struct kvm *kvm)
+#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:kvm_arch_irq_routing_update=kvm_arch_irq_routing_update_default")
int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *ue,
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
int r;
for (i = 0; i < nr; ++i) {
- if (ue[i].gsi >= KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES)
+ if (ue[i].gsi >= GVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES)
return -EINVAL;
nr_rt_entries = max(nr_rt_entries, ue[i].gsi);
@@ -198,8 +201,8 @@ int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
return -ENOMEM;
new->nr_rt_entries = nr_rt_entries;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < KVM_IRQCHIP_NUM_PINS; j++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_IRQCHIPS; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < GVM_IRQCHIP_NUM_PINS; j++)
new->chip[i][j] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < nr; ++i) {
@@ -210,8 +213,8 @@ int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
r = -EINVAL;
switch (ue->type) {
- if (ue->flags & ~KVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID)
+ if (ue->flags & ~GVM_MSI_VALID_DEVID)
goto free_entry;
@@ -227,9 +230,7 @@ int kvm_set_irq_routing(struct kvm *kvm,
old = kvm->irq_routing;
- rcu_assign_pointer(kvm->irq_routing, new);
- kvm_irq_routing_update(kvm);
- kvm_arch_irq_routing_update(kvm);
+ kvm->irq_routing = new;
diff --git a/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c b/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
index 5c36034..e521da2 100644..100755
--- a/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
+++ b/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006 Qumranet, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Authors:
* Avi Kivity <>
@@ -19,68 +20,13 @@
#include <kvm/iodev.h>
#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/kvm.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/percpu.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/reboot.h>
-#include <linux/debugfs.h>
-#include <linux/highmem.h>
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/syscore_ops.h>
-#include <linux/cpu.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/cpumask.h>
-#include <linux/smp.h>
-#include <linux/anon_inodes.h>
-#include <linux/profile.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_para.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include <linux/mman.h>
-#include <linux/swap.h>
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/compat.h>
-#include <linux/srcu.h>
-#include <linux/hugetlb.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/sort.h>
-#include <linux/bsearch.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/ioctl.h>
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-#include "coalesced_mmio.h"
-#include "async_pf.h"
-#include "vfio.h"
-#include <trace/events/kvm.h>
+#include <uapi/linux/kvm.h>
+#include <ntkrutils.h>
+#include <gvm-main.h>
/* Worst case buffer size needed for holding an integer. */
#define ITOA_MAX_LEN 12
-/* Architectures should define their poll value according to the halt latency */
-static unsigned int halt_poll_ns = KVM_HALT_POLL_NS_DEFAULT;
-module_param(halt_poll_ns, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-/* Default doubles per-vcpu halt_poll_ns. */
-static unsigned int halt_poll_ns_grow = 2;
-module_param(halt_poll_ns_grow, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-/* Default resets per-vcpu halt_poll_ns . */
-static unsigned int halt_poll_ns_shrink;
-module_param(halt_poll_ns_shrink, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
* Ordering of locks:
@@ -90,47 +36,129 @@ module_param(halt_poll_ns_shrink, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
static DEFINE_RAW_SPINLOCK(kvm_count_lock);
+static LONG64 global_vm_id = -1;
static cpumask_var_t cpus_hardware_enabled;
static int kvm_usage_count;
static atomic_t hardware_enable_failed;
struct kmem_cache *kvm_vcpu_cache;
-static __read_mostly struct preempt_ops kvm_preempt_ops;
-struct dentry *kvm_debugfs_dir;
-static int kvm_debugfs_num_entries;
-static const struct file_operations *stat_fops_per_vm[];
-static long kvm_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int ioctl,
- unsigned long arg);
-static long kvm_vcpu_compat_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int ioctl,
- unsigned long arg);
static int hardware_enable_all(void);
static void hardware_disable_all(void);
static void kvm_io_bus_destroy(struct kvm_io_bus *bus);
-static void kvm_release_pfn_dirty(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
+void kvm_release_pfn_dirty(kvm_pfn_t pfn);
static void mark_page_dirty_in_slot(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot, gfn_t gfn);
-__visible bool kvm_rebooting;
-static bool largepages_enabled = true;
+* bsearch - binary search an array of elements
+* @key: pointer to item being searched for
+* @base: pointer to first element to search
+* @num: number of elements
+* @size: size of each element
+* @cmp: pointer to comparison function
+* This function does a binary search on the given array. The
+* contents of the array should already be in ascending sorted order
+* under the provided comparison function.
+* Note that the key need not have the same type as the elements in
+* the array, e.g. key could be a string and the comparison function
+* could compare the string with the struct's name field. However, if
+* the key and elements in the array are of the same type, you can use
+* the same comparison function for both sort() and bsearch().
+void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t num, size_t size,
+ int(*cmp)(const void *key, const void *elt))
+ size_t start = 0, end = num;
+ int result;
+ const char *__base = base;
+ while (start < end) {
+ size_t mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
+ result = cmp(key, __base + mid * size);
+ if (result < 0)
+ end = mid;
+ else if (result > 0)
+ start = mid + 1;
+ else
+ return (void *)(__base + mid * size);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void generic_swap(void *a, void *b, int size)
+ char t;
+ char *__a = a, *__b = b;
+ do {
+ t = *__a;
+ *__a++ = *__b;
+ *__b++ = t;
+ } while (--size > 0);
-bool kvm_is_reserved_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (pfn_valid(pfn))
- return PageReserved(pfn_to_page(pfn));
+* sort - sort an array of elements
+* @base: pointer to data to sort
+* @num: number of elements
+* @size: size of each element
+* @cmp_func: pointer to comparison function
+* @swap_func: pointer to swap function or NULL
+* This function does a heapsort on the given array. You may provide a
+* swap_func function optimized to your element type.
+* Sorting time is O(n log n) both on average and worst-case. While
+* qsort is about 20% faster on average, it suffers from exploitable
+* O(n*n) worst-case behavior and extra memory requirements that make
+* it less suitable for kernel use.
+static void sort(void *base, size_t num, size_t size,
+ int(*cmp_func)(const void *, const void *),
+ void(*swap_func)(void *, void *, int size))
+ /* pre-scale counters for performance */
+ int i = (num / 2 - 1) * size, n = num * size, c, r;
+ char *__base = base;
+ if (!swap_func) {
+ swap_func = generic_swap;
+ /* heapify */
+ for (; i >= 0; i -= size) {
+ for (r = i; r * 2 + size < n; r = c) {
+ c = r * 2 + size;
+ if (c < n - size &&
+ cmp_func(__base + c, __base + c + size) < 0)
+ c += size;
+ if (cmp_func(__base + r, __base + c) >= 0)
+ break;
+ swap_func(__base + r, __base + c, size);
+ }
+ }
- return true;
+ /* sort */
+ for (i = n - size; i > 0; i -= size) {
+ swap_func(__base, __base + i, size);
+ for (r = 0; r * 2 + size < i; r = c) {
+ c = r * 2 + size;
+ if (c < i - size &&
+ cmp_func(__base + c, __base + c + size) < 0)
+ c += size;
+ if (cmp_func(__base + r, __base + c) >= 0)
+ break;
+ swap_func(__base + r, __base + c, size);
+ }
+ }
@@ -140,27 +168,20 @@ int vcpu_load(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int cpu;
- if (mutex_lock_killable(&vcpu->mutex))
- return -EINTR;
+ mutex_lock(&vcpu->mutex);
cpu = get_cpu();
- preempt_notifier_register(&vcpu->preempt_notifier);
kvm_arch_vcpu_load(vcpu, cpu);
- put_cpu();
- return 0;
+ return cpu;
void vcpu_put(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- preempt_disable();
- preempt_notifier_unregister(&vcpu->preempt_notifier);
- preempt_enable();
+ put_cpu();
-static void ack_flush(void *_completed)
+void ack_flush(void *_completed)
@@ -173,7 +194,7 @@ bool kvm_make_all_cpus_request(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int req)
zalloc_cpumask_var(&cpus, GFP_ATOMIC);
- me = get_cpu();
+ me = smp_processor_id();
kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
kvm_make_request(req, vcpu);
cpu = vcpu->cpu;
@@ -191,19 +212,18 @@ bool kvm_make_all_cpus_request(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned int req)
smp_call_function_many(cpus, ack_flush, NULL, 1);
called = false;
- put_cpu();
return called;
void kvm_flush_remote_tlbs(struct kvm *kvm)
- * Read tlbs_dirty before setting KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH in
+ * Read tlbs_dirty before setting GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH in
* kvm_make_all_cpus_request.
- long dirty_count = smp_load_acquire(&kvm->tlbs_dirty);
+ long dirty_count;
+ READ_ONCE(kvm->tlbs_dirty, dirty_count);
* We want to publish modifications to the page tables before reading
@@ -216,66 +236,65 @@ void kvm_flush_remote_tlbs(struct kvm *kvm)
* kvm_make_all_cpus_request() reads vcpu->mode. We reuse that
* barrier here.
- if (kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH))
+ if (kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, GVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH))
cmpxchg(&kvm->tlbs_dirty, dirty_count, 0);
void kvm_reload_remote_mmus(struct kvm *kvm)
- kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, KVM_REQ_MMU_RELOAD);
+ kvm_make_all_cpus_request(kvm, GVM_REQ_MMU_RELOAD);
int kvm_vcpu_init(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm *kvm, unsigned id)
- struct page *page;
int r;
vcpu->cpu = -1;
vcpu->kvm = kvm;
vcpu->vcpu_id = id;
- vcpu->pid = NULL;
- init_swait_queue_head(&vcpu->wq);
- kvm_async_pf_vcpu_init(vcpu);
+ vcpu->thread = NULL;
vcpu->pre_pcpu = -1;
- page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO);
- if (!page) {
+ /*
+ * KVM(Lin) allocates two seperate pages for vcpu->run and MMIO Emulation page
+ * vcpu->arch.piodata. These two pages will be mapped to userland as continuous
+ * virtual address space. Linux API allows to do that but I did not find a
+ * Windows equivalent API. So keep the physical pages also continuous.
+ */
+ vcpu->run = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, 2 * PAGE_SIZE, GVM_POOL_TAG);
+ if (!vcpu->run) {
r = -ENOMEM;
goto fail;
- vcpu->run = page_address(page);
- kvm_vcpu_set_in_spin_loop(vcpu, false);
- kvm_vcpu_set_dy_eligible(vcpu, false);
vcpu->preempted = false;
+ KeInitializeEvent(&vcpu->kick_event, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_init(vcpu);
if (r < 0)
goto fail_free_run;
return 0;
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->run);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(vcpu->run, GVM_POOL_TAG);
return r;
void kvm_vcpu_uninit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- put_pid(vcpu->pid);
- free_page((unsigned long)vcpu->run);
+ if (vcpu->run_userva)
+ __vm_munmap(vcpu->run_userva, 2 * PAGE_SIZE, false);
+ ExFreePoolWithTag(vcpu->run, GVM_POOL_TAG);
static inline struct kvm *mmu_notifier_to_kvm(struct mmu_notifier *mn)
return container_of(mn, struct kvm, mmu_notifier);
@@ -283,7 +302,7 @@ static inline struct kvm *mmu_notifier_to_kvm(struct mmu_notifier *mn)
static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_page(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
+ size_t address)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
int need_tlb_flush, idx;
@@ -324,7 +343,7 @@ static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_page(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static void kvm_mmu_notifier_change_pte(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address,
+ size_t address,
pte_t pte)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
@@ -340,8 +359,8 @@ static void kvm_mmu_notifier_change_pte(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_start(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end)
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
int need_tlb_flush = 0, idx;
@@ -366,8 +385,8 @@ static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_start(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_end(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end)
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
@@ -392,8 +411,8 @@ static void kvm_mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_end(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static int kvm_mmu_notifier_clear_flush_young(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end)
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
int young, idx;
@@ -413,8 +432,8 @@ static int kvm_mmu_notifier_clear_flush_young(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static int kvm_mmu_notifier_clear_young(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long start,
- unsigned long end)
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
int young, idx;
@@ -443,7 +462,7 @@ static int kvm_mmu_notifier_clear_young(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
static int kvm_mmu_notifier_test_young(struct mmu_notifier *mn,
struct mm_struct *mm,
- unsigned long address)
+ size_t address)
struct kvm *kvm = mmu_notifier_to_kvm(mn);
int young, idx;
@@ -485,16 +504,16 @@ static int kvm_init_mmu_notifier(struct kvm *kvm)
return mmu_notifier_register(&kvm->mmu_notifier, current->mm);
static int kvm_init_mmu_notifier(struct kvm *kvm)
return 0;
-static struct kvm_memslots *kvm_alloc_memslots(void)
+static struct kvm_memslots *kvm_alloc_memslots(struct kvm *kvm)
int i;
struct kvm_memslots *slots;
@@ -508,8 +527,10 @@ static struct kvm_memslots *kvm_alloc_memslots(void)
* code of handling generation number wrap-around.
slots->generation = -150;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM; i++) {
slots->id_to_index[i] = slots->memslots[i].id = i;
+ slots->memslots[i].kvm = kvm;
+ }
return slots;
@@ -529,9 +550,27 @@ static void kvm_destroy_dirty_bitmap(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
static void kvm_free_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memory_slot *free,
struct kvm_memory_slot *dont)
+ struct pmem_lock *pl;
+ int i;
if (!dont || free->dirty_bitmap != dont->dirty_bitmap)
+ if (!dont || free->pmem_lock != dont->pmem_lock)
+ if (free->pmem_lock) {
+ for (i = 0; i < free->npages; i++) {
+ pl = &free->pmem_lock[i];
+ if (!pl->lock_mdl)
+ continue;
+ spin_lock(&pl->lock);
+ MmUnlockPages(pl->lock_mdl);
+ IoFreeMdl(pl->lock_mdl);
+ pl->lock_mdl = NULL;
+ spin_unlock(&pl->lock);
+ }
+ kfree(free->pmem_lock);
+ }
kvm_arch_free_memslot(kvm, free, dont);
free->npages = 0;
@@ -550,61 +589,7 @@ static void kvm_free_memslots(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_memslots *slots)
-static void kvm_destroy_vm_debugfs(struct kvm *kvm)
- int i;
- if (!kvm->debugfs_dentry)
- return;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(kvm->debugfs_dentry);
- if (kvm->debugfs_stat_data) {
- for (i = 0; i < kvm_debugfs_num_entries; i++)
- kfree(kvm->debugfs_stat_data[i]);
- kfree(kvm->debugfs_stat_data);
- }
-static int kvm_create_vm_debugfs(struct kvm *kvm, int fd)
- char dir_name[ITOA_MAX_LEN * 2];
- struct kvm_stat_data *stat_data;
- struct kvm_stats_debugfs_item *p;
- if (!debugfs_initialized())
- return 0;
- snprintf(dir_name, sizeof(dir_name), "%d-%d", task_pid_nr(current), fd);
- kvm->debugfs_dentry = debugfs_create_dir(dir_name,
- kvm_debugfs_dir);
- if (!kvm->debugfs_dentry)
- return -ENOMEM;
- kvm->debugfs_stat_data = kcalloc(kvm_debugfs_num_entries,
- sizeof(*kvm->debugfs_stat_data),
- if (!kvm->debugfs_stat_data)
- return -ENOMEM;
- for (p = debugfs_entries; p->name; p++) {
- stat_data = kzalloc(sizeof(*stat_data), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!stat_data)
- return -ENOMEM;
- stat_data->kvm = kvm;
- stat_data->offset = p->offset;
- kvm->debugfs_stat_data[p - debugfs_entries] = stat_data;
- if (!debugfs_create_file(p->name, 0444,
- kvm->debugfs_dentry,
- stat_data,
- stat_fops_per_vm[p->kind]))
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- return 0;
-static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type)
+static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(size_t type)
int r, i;
struct kvm *kvm = kvm_arch_alloc_vm();
@@ -613,14 +598,12 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- atomic_inc(&current->mm->mm_count);
- kvm->mm = current->mm;
- kvm_eventfd_init(kvm);
+ kvm->process = IoGetCurrentProcess();
+ kvm->vm_id = InterlockedIncrement64(&global_vm_id);
atomic_set(&kvm->users_count, 1);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->devices);
r = kvm_arch_init_vm(kvm, type);
if (r)
@@ -630,15 +613,9 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type)
if (r)
goto out_err_no_disable;
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&kvm->irq_ack_notifier_list);
r = -ENOMEM;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
- kvm->memslots[i] = kvm_alloc_memslots();
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++) {
+ kvm->memslots[i] = kvm_alloc_memslots(kvm);
if (!kvm->memslots[i])
goto out_err_no_srcu;
@@ -647,7 +624,7 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type)
goto out_err_no_srcu;
if (init_srcu_struct(&kvm->irq_srcu))
goto out_err_no_irq_srcu;
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_BUSES; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_BUSES; i++) {
kvm->buses[i] = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_io_bus),
if (!kvm->buses[i])
@@ -662,8 +639,6 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type)
list_add(&kvm->vm_list, &vm_list);
- preempt_notifier_inc();
return kvm;
@@ -673,12 +648,11 @@ out_err_no_irq_srcu:
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_BUSES; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_BUSES; i++)
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++)
kvm_free_memslots(kvm, kvm->memslots[i]);
- mmdrop(current->mm);
return ERR_PTR(r);
@@ -686,7 +660,7 @@ out_err_no_disable:
* Avoid using vmalloc for a small buffer.
* Should not be used when the size is statically known.
-void *kvm_kvzalloc(unsigned long size)
+void *kvm_kvzalloc(size_t size)
if (size > PAGE_SIZE)
return vzalloc(size);
@@ -694,71 +668,43 @@ void *kvm_kvzalloc(unsigned long size)
return kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-static void kvm_destroy_devices(struct kvm *kvm)
- struct kvm_device *dev, *tmp;
- /*
- * We do not need to take the kvm->lock here, because nobody else
- * has a reference to the struct kvm at this point and therefore
- * cannot access the devices list anyhow.
- */
- list_for_each_entry_safe(dev, tmp, &kvm->devices, vm_node) {
- list_del(&dev->vm_node);
- dev->ops->destroy(dev);
- }
static void kvm_destroy_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
int i;
- struct mm_struct *mm = kvm->mm;
- kvm_destroy_vm_debugfs(kvm);
- kvm_arch_sync_events(kvm);
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_NR_BUSES; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_NR_BUSES; i++)
- kvm_coalesced_mmio_free(kvm);
- mmu_notifier_unregister(&kvm->mmu_notifier, kvm->mm);
- kvm_destroy_devices(kvm);
- for (i = 0; i < KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM; i++)
kvm_free_memslots(kvm, kvm->memslots[i]);
+ kfree(kvm->rp_bitmap);
- preempt_notifier_dec();
- mmdrop(mm);
void kvm_get_kvm(struct kvm *kvm)
void kvm_put_kvm(struct kvm *kvm)
if (atomic_dec_and_test(&kvm->users_count))
-static int kvm_vm_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
+NTSTATUS kvm_vm_release(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp)
- struct kvm *kvm = filp->private_data;
- kvm_irqfd_release(kvm);
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm *kvm = devext->PrivData;
return 0;
@@ -770,7 +716,7 @@ static int kvm_vm_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
static int kvm_create_dirty_bitmap(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot)
- unsigned long dirty_bytes = 2 * kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(memslot);
+ size_t dirty_bytes = 2 * kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(memslot);
memslot->dirty_bitmap = kvm_kvzalloc(dirty_bytes);
if (!memslot->dirty_bitmap)
@@ -802,7 +748,7 @@ static void update_memslots(struct kvm_memslots *slots,
- while (i < KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM - 1 &&
+ while (i < GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM - 1 &&
new->base_gfn <= mslots[i + 1].base_gfn) {
if (!mslots[i + 1].npages)
@@ -836,10 +782,10 @@ static void update_memslots(struct kvm_memslots *slots,
static int check_memory_region_flags(const struct kvm_userspace_memory_region *mem)
- u32 valid_flags = KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES;
+ u32 valid_flags = GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES;
- valid_flags |= KVM_MEM_READONLY;
+ valid_flags |= GVM_MEM_READONLY;
if (mem->flags & ~valid_flags)
@@ -888,7 +834,7 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
int r;
gfn_t base_gfn;
- unsigned long npages;
+ size_t npages;
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
struct kvm_memory_slot old, new;
struct kvm_memslots *slots = NULL, *old_memslots;
@@ -908,14 +854,7 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
goto out;
if (mem->guest_phys_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))
goto out;
- /* We can read the guest memory with __xxx_user() later on. */
- if ((id < KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS) &&
- ((mem->userspace_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) ||
- !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE,
- (void __user *)(unsigned long)mem->userspace_addr,
- mem->memory_size)))
- goto out;
- if (as_id >= KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM || id >= KVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM)
+ if (as_id >= GVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM || id >= GVM_MEM_SLOTS_NUM)
goto out;
if (mem->guest_phys_addr + mem->memory_size < mem->guest_phys_addr)
goto out;
@@ -924,7 +863,7 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
base_gfn = mem->guest_phys_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
npages = mem->memory_size >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- if (npages > KVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES)
+ if (npages > GVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES)
goto out;
new = old = *slot;
@@ -936,17 +875,17 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
if (npages) {
if (!old.npages)
- change = KVM_MR_CREATE;
+ change = GVM_MR_CREATE;
else { /* Modify an existing slot. */
if ((mem->userspace_addr != old.userspace_addr) ||
(npages != old.npages) ||
- ((new.flags ^ old.flags) & KVM_MEM_READONLY))
+ ((new.flags ^ old.flags) & GVM_MEM_READONLY))
goto out;
if (base_gfn != old.base_gfn)
- change = KVM_MR_MOVE;
+ change = GVM_MR_MOVE;
else if (new.flags != old.flags)
- change = KVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY;
+ change = GVM_MR_FLAGS_ONLY;
else { /* Nothing to change. */
r = 0;
goto out;
@@ -956,16 +895,16 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
if (!old.npages)
goto out;
- change = KVM_MR_DELETE;
+ change = GVM_MR_DELETE;
new.base_gfn = 0;
new.flags = 0;
- if ((change == KVM_MR_CREATE) || (change == KVM_MR_MOVE)) {
+ if ((change == GVM_MR_CREATE) || (change == GVM_MR_MOVE)) {
/* Check for overlaps */
r = -EEXIST;
kvm_for_each_memslot(slot, __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id)) {
- if ((slot->id >= KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS) ||
+ if ((slot->id >= GVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS) ||
(slot->id == id))
if (!((base_gfn + npages <= slot->base_gfn) ||
@@ -975,36 +914,43 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
/* Free page dirty bitmap if unneeded */
- if (!(new.flags & KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES))
+ if (!(new.flags & GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES))
new.dirty_bitmap = NULL;
r = -ENOMEM;
- if (change == KVM_MR_CREATE) {
+ if (change == GVM_MR_CREATE) {
new.userspace_addr = mem->userspace_addr;
if (kvm_arch_create_memslot(kvm, &new, npages))
goto out_free;
/* Allocate page dirty bitmap if needed */
- if ((new.flags & KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) && !new.dirty_bitmap) {
+ if ((new.flags & GVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES) && !new.dirty_bitmap) {
if (kvm_create_dirty_bitmap(&new) < 0)
goto out_free;
+ /* Allocate physical page pinning data structure */
+ if (!new.pmem_lock) {
+ new.pmem_lock =
+ kzalloc(sizeof(struct pmem_lock) * new.npages, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!new.pmem_lock)
+ goto out_free;
+ }
slots = kvm_kvzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_memslots));
if (!slots)
goto out_free;
memcpy(slots, __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id), sizeof(struct kvm_memslots));
- if ((change == KVM_MR_DELETE) || (change == KVM_MR_MOVE)) {
+ if ((change == GVM_MR_DELETE) || (change == GVM_MR_MOVE)) {
slot = id_to_memslot(slots, id);
- slot->flags |= KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID;
+ slot->flags |= GVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID;
old_memslots = install_new_memslots(kvm, as_id, slots);
- /* slot was deleted or moved, clear iommu mapping */
- kvm_iommu_unmap_pages(kvm, &old);
/* From this point no new shadow pages pointing to a deleted,
* or moved, memslot will be created.
@@ -1027,8 +973,9 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
goto out_slots;
/* actual memory is freed via old in kvm_free_memslot below */
- if (change == KVM_MR_DELETE) {
+ if (change == GVM_MR_DELETE) {
new.dirty_bitmap = NULL;
+ new.pmem_lock = NULL;
memset(&new.arch, 0, sizeof(new.arch));
@@ -1040,20 +987,6 @@ int __kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
kvm_free_memslot(kvm, &old, &new);
- /*
- * IOMMU mapping: New slots need to be mapped. Old slots need to be
- * un-mapped and re-mapped if their base changes. Since base change
- * unmapping is handled above with slot deletion, mapping alone is
- * needed here. Anything else the iommu might care about for existing
- * slots (size changes, userspace addr changes and read-only flag
- * changes) is disallowed above, so any other attribute changes getting
- * here can be skipped.
- */
- if ((change == KVM_MR_CREATE) || (change == KVM_MR_MOVE)) {
- r = kvm_iommu_map_pages(kvm, &new);
- return r;
- }
return 0;
@@ -1063,7 +996,6 @@ out_free:
return r;
int kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
const struct kvm_userspace_memory_region *mem)
@@ -1075,12 +1007,11 @@ int kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
return r;
static int kvm_vm_ioctl_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_userspace_memory_region *mem)
- if ((u16)mem->slot >= KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS)
+ if ((u16)mem->slot >= GVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS)
return -EINVAL;
return kvm_set_memory_region(kvm, mem);
@@ -1092,13 +1023,13 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memslots *slots;
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
int r, i, as_id, id;
- unsigned long n;
- unsigned long any = 0;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t any = 0;
r = -EINVAL;
as_id = log->slot >> 16;
id = (u16)log->slot;
goto out;
slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id);
@@ -1113,7 +1044,7 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm,
any = memslot->dirty_bitmap[i];
r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(log->dirty_bitmap, memslot->dirty_bitmap, n))
+ if ( __copy_to_user(log->dirty_bitmap, memslot->dirty_bitmap, n))
goto out;
if (any)
@@ -1123,9 +1054,7 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm,
return r;
* kvm_get_dirty_log_protect - get a snapshot of dirty pages, and if any pages
* are dirty write protect them for next write.
@@ -1154,14 +1083,14 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_memslots *slots;
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot;
int r, i, as_id, id;
- unsigned long n;
- unsigned long *dirty_bitmap;
- unsigned long *dirty_bitmap_buffer;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t *dirty_bitmap;
+ size_t *dirty_bitmap_buffer;
r = -EINVAL;
as_id = log->slot >> 16;
id = (u16)log->slot;
goto out;
slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id);
@@ -1174,13 +1103,13 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
n = kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(memslot);
- dirty_bitmap_buffer = dirty_bitmap + n / sizeof(long);
+ dirty_bitmap_buffer = dirty_bitmap + n / sizeof(size_t);
memset(dirty_bitmap_buffer, 0, n);
*is_dirty = false;
- for (i = 0; i < n / sizeof(long); i++) {
- unsigned long mask;
+ for (i = 0; i < n / sizeof(size_t); i++) {
+ size_t mask;
gfn_t offset;
if (!dirty_bitmap[i])
@@ -1201,32 +1130,18 @@ int kvm_get_dirty_log_protect(struct kvm *kvm,
r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(log->dirty_bitmap, dirty_bitmap_buffer, n))
+ if ( __copy_to_user(log->dirty_bitmap, dirty_bitmap_buffer, n))
goto out;
r = 0;
return r;
-bool kvm_largepages_enabled(void)
- return largepages_enabled;
-void kvm_disable_largepages(void)
- largepages_enabled = false;
struct kvm_memory_slot *gfn_to_memslot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
return __gfn_to_memslot(kvm_memslots(kvm), gfn);
struct kvm_memory_slot *kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
@@ -1237,51 +1152,31 @@ bool kvm_is_visible_gfn(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot = gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn);
- if (!memslot || memslot->id >= KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS ||
- memslot->flags & KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
+ if (!memslot || memslot->id >= GVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS ||
+ memslot->flags & GVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
return false;
return true;
-unsigned long kvm_host_page_size(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
+size_t kvm_host_page_size(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
- unsigned long addr, size;
- size = PAGE_SIZE;
- addr = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gfn);
- if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
- return PAGE_SIZE;
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- vma = find_vma(current->mm, addr);
- if (!vma)
- goto out;
- size = vma_kernel_pagesize(vma);
- up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- return size;
+ return PAGE_SIZE;
static bool memslot_is_readonly(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot)
- return slot->flags & KVM_MEM_READONLY;
+ return slot->flags & GVM_MEM_READONLY;
-static unsigned long __gfn_to_hva_many(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
+static size_t __gfn_to_hva_many(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
gfn_t *nr_pages, bool write)
- if (!slot || slot->flags & KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
- return KVM_HVA_ERR_BAD;
+ if (!slot || slot->flags & GVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
+ return GVM_HVA_ERR_BAD;
if (memslot_is_readonly(slot) && write)
- return KVM_HVA_ERR_RO_BAD;
+ return GVM_HVA_ERR_RO_BAD;
if (nr_pages)
*nr_pages = slot->npages - (gfn - slot->base_gfn);
@@ -1289,39 +1184,36 @@ static unsigned long __gfn_to_hva_many(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
return __gfn_to_hva_memslot(slot, gfn);
-static unsigned long gfn_to_hva_many(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
+static size_t gfn_to_hva_many(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
gfn_t *nr_pages)
return __gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, nr_pages, true);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
+size_t gfn_to_hva_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, NULL);
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
+size_t gfn_to_hva(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_hva_many(gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn), gfn, NULL);
-unsigned long kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
+size_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_hva_many(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn), gfn, NULL);
* If writable is set to false, the hva returned by this function is only
* allowed to be read.
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
+size_t gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
gfn_t gfn, bool *writable)
- unsigned long hva = __gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, NULL, false);
+ size_t hva = __gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, NULL, false);
if (!kvm_is_error_hva(hva) && writable)
*writable = !memslot_is_readonly(slot);
@@ -1329,177 +1221,39 @@ unsigned long gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot,
return hva;
-unsigned long gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable)
+size_t gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable)
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot = gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn);
return gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(slot, gfn, writable);
-unsigned long kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable)
+size_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva_prot(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, bool *writable)
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
return gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(slot, gfn, writable);
-static int get_user_page_nowait(unsigned long start, int write,
- struct page **page)
- if (write)
- flags |= FOLL_WRITE;
- return get_user_pages(start, 1, flags, page, NULL);
-static inline int check_user_page_hwpoison(unsigned long addr)
- int rc, flags = FOLL_HWPOISON | FOLL_WRITE;
- rc = get_user_pages(addr, 1, flags, NULL, NULL);
- return rc == -EHWPOISON;
* The atomic path to get the writable pfn which will be stored in @pfn,
* true indicates success, otherwise false is returned.
-static bool hva_to_pfn_fast(unsigned long addr, bool atomic, bool *async,
+static bool __hva_to_pfn(size_t addr,
bool write_fault, bool *writable, kvm_pfn_t *pfn)
- struct page *page[1];
- int npages;
- if (!(async || atomic))
- return false;
- /*
- * Fast pin a writable pfn only if it is a write fault request
- * or the caller allows to map a writable pfn for a read fault
- * request.
- */
- if (!(write_fault || writable))
- return false;
- npages = __get_user_pages_fast(addr, 1, 1, page);
- if (npages == 1) {
- *pfn = page_to_pfn(page[0]);
- if (writable)
- *writable = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * The slow path to get the pfn of the specified host virtual address,
- * 1 indicates success, -errno is returned if error is detected.
- */
-static int hva_to_pfn_slow(unsigned long addr, bool *async, bool write_fault,
- bool *writable, kvm_pfn_t *pfn)
- struct page *page[1];
- int npages = 0;
- might_sleep();
if (writable)
*writable = write_fault;
- if (async) {
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- npages = get_user_page_nowait(addr, write_fault, page);
- up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- } else {
- unsigned int flags = FOLL_TOUCH | FOLL_HWPOISON;
- if (write_fault)
- flags |= FOLL_WRITE;
- npages = __get_user_pages_unlocked(current, current->mm, addr, 1,
- page, flags);
- }
- if (npages != 1)
- return npages;
/* map read fault as writable if possible */
- if (unlikely(!write_fault) && writable) {
- struct page *wpage[1];
- npages = __get_user_pages_fast(addr, 1, 1, wpage);
- if (npages == 1) {
- *writable = true;
- put_page(page[0]);
- page[0] = wpage[0];
- }
+ if (!write_fault && writable)
+ *writable = true;
- npages = 1;
- }
- *pfn = page_to_pfn(page[0]);
- return npages;
-static bool vma_is_valid(struct vm_area_struct *vma, bool write_fault)
- if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & VM_READ)))
- return false;
- if (write_fault && (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE))))
- return false;
+ *pfn = __pa((void *)addr) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
return true;
-static int hva_to_pfn_remapped(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long addr, bool *async,
- bool write_fault, kvm_pfn_t *p_pfn)
- unsigned long pfn;
- int r;
- r = follow_pfn(vma, addr, &pfn);
- if (r) {
- /*
- * get_user_pages fails for VM_IO and VM_PFNMAP vmas and does
- * not call the fault handler, so do it here.
- */
- bool unlocked = false;
- r = fixup_user_fault(current, current->mm, addr,
- (write_fault ? FAULT_FLAG_WRITE : 0),
- &unlocked);
- if (unlocked)
- return -EAGAIN;
- if (r)
- return r;
- r = follow_pfn(vma, addr, &pfn);
- if (r)
- return r;
- }
- /*
- * Get a reference here because callers of *hva_to_pfn* and
- * *gfn_to_pfn* ultimately call kvm_release_pfn_clean on the
- * returned pfn. This is only needed if the VMA has VM_MIXEDMAP
- * set, but the kvm_get_pfn/kvm_release_pfn_clean pair will
- * simply do nothing for reserved pfns.
- *
- * Whoever called remap_pfn_range is also going to call e.g.
- * unmap_mapping_range before the underlying pages are freed,
- * causing a call to our MMU notifier.
- */
- kvm_get_pfn(pfn);
- *p_pfn = pfn;
- return 0;
* Pin guest page in memory and return its pfn.
* @addr: host virtual address which maps memory to the guest
@@ -1514,70 +1268,67 @@ static int hva_to_pfn_remapped(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
* 2): @write_fault = false && @writable, @writable will tell the caller
* whether the mapping is writable.
-static kvm_pfn_t hva_to_pfn(unsigned long addr, bool atomic, bool *async,
+static kvm_pfn_t hva_to_pfn(size_t addr,
bool write_fault, bool *writable)
- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
kvm_pfn_t pfn = 0;
- int npages, r;
- /* we can do it either atomically or asynchronously, not both */
- BUG_ON(atomic && async);
- if (hva_to_pfn_fast(addr, atomic, async, write_fault, writable, &pfn))
+ if (__hva_to_pfn(addr, write_fault, writable, &pfn))
return pfn;
- if (atomic)
- npages = hva_to_pfn_slow(addr, async, write_fault, writable, &pfn);
- if (npages == 1)
- return pfn;
+static int gvm_pin_user_memory(size_t addr, struct pmem_lock *pmem_lock)
+ pmem_lock->lock_mdl = IoAllocateMdl((PVOID)addr, PAGE_SIZE,
+ if (!pmem_lock->lock_mdl)
+ return -1;
+ MmProbeAndLockPages(pmem_lock->lock_mdl, UserMode,
+ IoWriteAccess);
+ return 0;
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (npages == -EHWPOISON ||
- (!async && check_user_page_hwpoison(addr))) {
- goto exit;
- }
+static int kvm_is_ram_prot(struct kvm* kvm, gfn_t gfn);
+static int kvm_should_ram_prot_exit(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
+ struct kvm_vcpu* vcpu;
- vma = find_vma_intersection(current->mm, addr, addr + 1);
- if (vma == NULL)
- else if (vma->vm_flags & (VM_IO | VM_PFNMAP)) {
- r = hva_to_pfn_remapped(vma, addr, async, write_fault, &pfn);
- if (r == -EAGAIN)
- goto retry;
- if (r < 0)
- } else {
- if (async && vma_is_valid(vma, write_fault))
- *async = true;
- }
- up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- return pfn;
+ if (!kvm_is_ram_prot(kvm, gfn))
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * We assume get user pages always run
+ * in the vcpu thread requesting that
+ * page.
+ */
+ vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu_by_thread(kvm, PsGetCurrentThread());
+ vcpu->run->exit_reason = GVM_EXIT_RAM_PROT;
+ vcpu->run->rp.gfn = gfn;
+ return 1;
kvm_pfn_t __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
bool atomic, bool *async, bool write_fault,
bool *writable)
- unsigned long addr = __gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, NULL, write_fault);
+ size_t addr = __gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, NULL, write_fault);
+ struct pmem_lock *pmem_lock = NULL;
+ /* We removed async pafe fault support for gvm*/
+ BUG_ON(async);
- if (addr == KVM_HVA_ERR_RO_BAD) {
+ if (addr == GVM_HVA_ERR_RO_BAD) {
if (writable)
*writable = false;
if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr)) {
if (writable)
*writable = false;
- return KVM_PFN_NOSLOT;
+ return GVM_PFN_NOSLOT;
/* Do not map writable pfn in the readonly memslot. */
@@ -1586,10 +1337,22 @@ kvm_pfn_t __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
writable = NULL;
- return hva_to_pfn(addr, atomic, async, write_fault,
- writable);
+ if (kvm_should_ram_prot_exit(slot->kvm, gfn))
+ return 0;
+ pmem_lock = &slot->pmem_lock[gfn - slot->base_gfn];
+ spin_lock(&pmem_lock->lock);
+ if (!pmem_lock->lock_mdl) {
+ gvm_pin_user_memory(addr, pmem_lock);
+ if (!pmem_lock->lock_mdl) {
+ spin_unlock(&pmem_lock->lock);
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&pmem_lock->lock);
+ return hva_to_pfn(addr, write_fault, writable);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool write_fault,
bool *writable)
@@ -1597,49 +1360,44 @@ kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, bool write_fault,
return __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn), gfn, false, NULL,
write_fault, writable);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_memslot(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn)
return __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn, false, NULL, true, NULL);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_memslot_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn)
return __gfn_to_pfn_memslot(slot, gfn, true, NULL, true, NULL);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn_atomic(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_pfn_memslot_atomic(gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn), gfn);
kvm_pfn_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn_atomic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_pfn_memslot_atomic(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn), gfn);
kvm_pfn_t gfn_to_pfn(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_pfn_memslot(gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn), gfn);
kvm_pfn_t kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
return gfn_to_pfn_memslot(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn), gfn);
-int gfn_to_page_many_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
- struct page **pages, int nr_pages)
+int gfn_to_pfn_many_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
+ pfn_t *pfn, int nr_pages)
- unsigned long addr;
+ size_t addr;
gfn_t entry;
+ size_t i;
+ struct pmem_lock *pmem_lock;
addr = gfn_to_hva_many(slot, gfn, &entry);
if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
@@ -1648,32 +1406,36 @@ int gfn_to_page_many_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
if (entry < nr_pages)
return 0;
- return __get_user_pages_fast(addr, nr_pages, 1, pages);
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++) {
+ if (kvm_should_ram_prot_exit(slot->kvm, gfn + i))
+ return 0;
-static struct page *kvm_pfn_to_page(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn))
- if (kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn)) {
- WARN_ON(1);
+ pmem_lock = &slot->pmem_lock[gfn + i - slot->base_gfn];
+ spin_lock(&pmem_lock->lock);
+ if (!pmem_lock->lock_mdl) {
+ gvm_pin_user_memory(addr + i * PAGE_SIZE, pmem_lock);
+ if (!pmem_lock->lock_mdl) {
+ spin_unlock(&pmem_lock->lock);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&pmem_lock->lock);
- return pfn_to_page(pfn);
+ nr_pages = i;
+ while(i--)
+ pfn[i] = __pa((void*)(addr + i * PAGE_SIZE)) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ return nr_pages;
-struct page *gfn_to_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
+static struct page *kvm_pfn_to_page(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- kvm_pfn_t pfn;
- pfn = gfn_to_pfn(kvm, gfn);
+ if (is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn))
- return kvm_pfn_to_page(pfn);
+ return pfn_to_page(pfn);
struct page *kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
@@ -1683,63 +1445,8 @@ struct page *kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
return kvm_pfn_to_page(pfn);
-void kvm_release_page_clean(struct page *page)
- WARN_ON(is_error_page(page));
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(page_to_pfn(page));
-void kvm_release_pfn_clean(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (!is_error_noslot_pfn(pfn) && !kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn))
- put_page(pfn_to_page(pfn));
-void kvm_release_page_dirty(struct page *page)
- WARN_ON(is_error_page(page));
- kvm_release_pfn_dirty(page_to_pfn(page));
-static void kvm_release_pfn_dirty(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- kvm_set_pfn_dirty(pfn);
- kvm_release_pfn_clean(pfn);
-void kvm_set_pfn_dirty(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (!kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn)) {
- struct page *page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
- if (!PageReserved(page))
- SetPageDirty(page);
- }
-void kvm_set_pfn_accessed(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (!kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn))
- mark_page_accessed(pfn_to_page(pfn));
-void kvm_get_pfn(kvm_pfn_t pfn)
- if (!kvm_is_reserved_pfn(pfn))
- get_page(pfn_to_page(pfn));
-static int next_segment(unsigned long len, int offset)
+static int next_segment(size_t len, int offset)
if (len > PAGE_SIZE - offset)
return PAGE_SIZE - offset;
@@ -1750,13 +1457,13 @@ static int next_segment(unsigned long len, int offset)
static int __kvm_read_guest_page(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
void *data, int offset, int len)
- int r;
- unsigned long addr;
+ int r = 0;
+ size_t addr;
addr = gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(slot, gfn, NULL);
if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
return -EFAULT;
- r = __copy_from_user(data, (void __user *)addr + offset, len);
+ r = __copy_from_user(data, (char __user *)addr + offset, len);
if (r)
return -EFAULT;
return 0;
@@ -1769,7 +1476,6 @@ int kvm_read_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, void *data, int offset,
return __kvm_read_guest_page(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, void *data,
int offset, int len)
@@ -1778,9 +1484,8 @@ int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, void *data,
return __kvm_read_guest_page(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
-int kvm_read_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data, unsigned long len)
+int kvm_read_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data, size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int seg;
@@ -1793,14 +1498,13 @@ int kvm_read_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data, unsigned long len)
return ret;
offset = 0;
len -= seg;
- data += seg;
+ //data += seg;
return 0;
-int kvm_vcpu_read_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, void *data, unsigned long len)
+int kvm_vcpu_read_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, void *data, size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int seg;
@@ -1813,43 +1517,29 @@ int kvm_vcpu_read_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, void *data, unsigned l
return ret;
offset = 0;
len -= seg;
- data += seg;
+ //data += seg;
return 0;
static int __kvm_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm_memory_slot *slot, gfn_t gfn,
- void *data, int offset, unsigned long len)
+ void *data, int offset, size_t len)
- int r;
- unsigned long addr;
+ int r = 0;
+ size_t addr;
addr = gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot(slot, gfn, NULL);
if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
return -EFAULT;
- pagefault_disable();
- r = __copy_from_user_inatomic(data, (void __user *)addr + offset, len);
- pagefault_enable();
+ r = __copy_from_user(data, (char __user *)addr + offset, len);
if (r)
return -EFAULT;
return 0;
-int kvm_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, void *data,
- unsigned long len)
- gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- struct kvm_memory_slot *slot = gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn);
- int offset = offset_in_page(gpa);
- return __kvm_read_guest_atomic(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
- void *data, unsigned long len)
+ void *data, size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
struct kvm_memory_slot *slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
@@ -1857,18 +1547,17 @@ int kvm_vcpu_read_guest_atomic(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa,
return __kvm_read_guest_atomic(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
static int __kvm_write_guest_page(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot, gfn_t gfn,
const void *data, int offset, int len)
- int r;
- unsigned long addr;
+ int r = 0;
+ size_t addr;
addr = gfn_to_hva_memslot(memslot, gfn);
if (kvm_is_error_hva(addr))
return -EFAULT;
- r = __copy_to_user((void __user *)addr + offset, data, len);
+ r = __copy_to_user((void __user *)(addr + offset), data, len);
if (r)
return -EFAULT;
mark_page_dirty_in_slot(memslot, gfn);
@@ -1882,7 +1571,6 @@ int kvm_write_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn,
return __kvm_write_guest_page(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
int kvm_vcpu_write_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
const void *data, int offset, int len)
@@ -1891,10 +1579,9 @@ int kvm_vcpu_write_guest_page(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn,
return __kvm_write_guest_page(slot, gfn, data, offset, len);
int kvm_write_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
- unsigned long len)
+ size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int seg;
@@ -1907,15 +1594,14 @@ int kvm_write_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
return ret;
offset = 0;
len -= seg;
- data += seg;
+ //data += seg;
return 0;
int kvm_vcpu_write_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
- unsigned long len)
+ size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int seg;
@@ -1928,15 +1614,14 @@ int kvm_vcpu_write_guest(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gpa, const void *data,
return ret;
offset = 0;
len -= seg;
- data += seg;
+ //data += seg;
return 0;
int kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- gpa_t gpa, unsigned long len)
+ gpa_t gpa, size_t len)
struct kvm_memslots *slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
int offset = offset_in_page(gpa);
@@ -1970,10 +1655,9 @@ int kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
return 0;
int kvm_write_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- void *data, unsigned long len)
+ void *data, size_t len)
struct kvm_memslots *slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
int r;
@@ -1996,10 +1680,9 @@ int kvm_write_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
return 0;
int kvm_read_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
- void *data, unsigned long len)
+ void *data, size_t len)
struct kvm_memslots *slots = kvm_memslots(kvm);
int r;
@@ -2021,17 +1704,13 @@ int kvm_read_guest_cached(struct kvm *kvm, struct gfn_to_hva_cache *ghc,
return 0;
int kvm_clear_guest_page(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn, int offset, int len)
- const void *zero_page = (const void *) __va(page_to_phys(ZERO_PAGE(0)));
- return kvm_write_guest_page(kvm, gfn, zero_page, offset, len);
+ return kvm_write_guest_page(kvm, gfn, pZeroPage, offset, len);
-int kvm_clear_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, unsigned long len)
+int kvm_clear_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, size_t len)
gfn_t gfn = gpa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
int seg;
@@ -2048,15 +1727,14 @@ int kvm_clear_guest(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa, unsigned long len)
return 0;
static void mark_page_dirty_in_slot(struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot,
gfn_t gfn)
if (memslot && memslot->dirty_bitmap) {
- unsigned long rel_gfn = gfn - memslot->base_gfn;
+ size_t rel_gfn = gfn - memslot->base_gfn;
- set_bit_le(rel_gfn, memslot->dirty_bitmap);
+ set_bit(rel_gfn, memslot->dirty_bitmap);
@@ -2067,7 +1745,6 @@ void mark_page_dirty(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
memslot = gfn_to_memslot(kvm, gfn);
mark_page_dirty_in_slot(memslot, gfn);
void kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
@@ -2076,138 +1753,52 @@ void kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn)
memslot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
mark_page_dirty_in_slot(memslot, gfn);
-static void grow_halt_poll_ns(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned int old, val, grow;
- old = val = vcpu->halt_poll_ns;
- grow = READ_ONCE(halt_poll_ns_grow);
- /* 10us base */
- if (val == 0 && grow)
- val = 10000;
- else
- val *= grow;
- if (val > halt_poll_ns)
- val = halt_poll_ns;
- vcpu->halt_poll_ns = val;
- trace_kvm_halt_poll_ns_grow(vcpu->vcpu_id, val, old);
-static void shrink_halt_poll_ns(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- unsigned int old, val, shrink;
- old = val = vcpu->halt_poll_ns;
- shrink = READ_ONCE(halt_poll_ns_shrink);
- if (shrink == 0)
- val = 0;
- else
- val /= shrink;
- vcpu->halt_poll_ns = val;
- trace_kvm_halt_poll_ns_shrink(vcpu->vcpu_id, val, old);
static int kvm_vcpu_check_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
if (kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable(vcpu)) {
- kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_UNHALT, vcpu);
+ kvm_make_request(GVM_REQ_UNHALT, vcpu);
return -EINTR;
if (kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer(vcpu))
return -EINTR;
- if (signal_pending(current))
+ if (vcpu->run->user_event_pending)
return -EINTR;
return 0;
+static void hardware_disable_nolock(void *junk);
+static void hardware_enable_nolock(void *junk);
* The vCPU has executed a HLT instruction with in-kernel mode enabled.
void kvm_vcpu_block(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- ktime_t start, cur;
- bool waited = false;
- u64 block_ns;
- start = cur = ktime_get();
- if (vcpu->halt_poll_ns) {
- ktime_t stop = ktime_add_ns(ktime_get(), vcpu->halt_poll_ns);
- ++vcpu->stat.halt_attempted_poll;
- do {
- /*
- * This sets KVM_REQ_UNHALT if an interrupt
- * arrives.
- */
- if (kvm_vcpu_check_block(vcpu) < 0) {
- ++vcpu->stat.halt_successful_poll;
- if (!vcpu_valid_wakeup(vcpu))
- ++vcpu->stat.halt_poll_invalid;
- goto out;
- }
- cur = ktime_get();
- } while (single_task_running() && ktime_before(cur, stop));
- }
+ expire.QuadPart = (u64)-1000000;
- for (;;) {
- prepare_to_swait(&vcpu->wq, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- if (kvm_vcpu_check_block(vcpu) < 0)
+ vcpu->blocked = 1;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (kvm_vcpu_check_block(vcpu))
- waited = true;
- schedule();
+ KeWaitForSingleObject(&vcpu->kick_event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &expire);
- finish_swait(&vcpu->wq, &wait);
- cur = ktime_get();
+ vcpu->blocked = 0;
+ KeClearEvent(&vcpu->kick_event);
- block_ns = ktime_to_ns(cur) - ktime_to_ns(start);
- if (!vcpu_valid_wakeup(vcpu))
- shrink_halt_poll_ns(vcpu);
- else if (halt_poll_ns) {
- if (block_ns <= vcpu->halt_poll_ns)
- ;
- /* we had a long block, shrink polling */
- else if (vcpu->halt_poll_ns && block_ns > halt_poll_ns)
- shrink_halt_poll_ns(vcpu);
- /* we had a short halt and our poll time is too small */
- else if (vcpu->halt_poll_ns < halt_poll_ns &&
- block_ns < halt_poll_ns)
- grow_halt_poll_ns(vcpu);
- } else
- vcpu->halt_poll_ns = 0;
- trace_kvm_vcpu_wakeup(block_ns, waited, vcpu_valid_wakeup(vcpu));
-#ifndef CONFIG_S390
void kvm_vcpu_wake_up(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- struct swait_queue_head *wqp;
- wqp = kvm_arch_vcpu_wq(vcpu);
- if (swait_active(wqp)) {
- swake_up(wqp);
- ++vcpu->stat.halt_wakeup;
- }
+ if(vcpu->blocked)
+ KeSetEvent(&vcpu->kick_event, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
* Kick a sleeping VCPU, or a guest VCPU in guest mode, into host kernel mode.
@@ -2218,224 +1809,36 @@ void kvm_vcpu_kick(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
int cpu = vcpu->cpu;
- me = get_cpu();
- if (cpu != me && (unsigned)cpu < nr_cpu_ids && cpu_online(cpu))
+ me = smp_processor_id();
+ if (cpu != -1 && cpu != me && cpu_online(cpu))
if (kvm_arch_vcpu_should_kick(vcpu))
- put_cpu();
-#endif /* !CONFIG_S390 */
-int kvm_vcpu_yield_to(struct kvm_vcpu *target)
- struct pid *pid;
- struct task_struct *task = NULL;
- int ret = 0;
- rcu_read_lock();
- pid = rcu_dereference(target->pid);
- if (pid)
- task = get_pid_task(pid, PIDTYPE_PID);
- rcu_read_unlock();
- if (!task)
- return ret;
- ret = yield_to(task, 1);
- put_task_struct(task);
- return ret;
- * Helper that checks whether a VCPU is eligible for directed yield.
- * Most eligible candidate to yield is decided by following heuristics:
- *
- * (a) VCPU which has not done pl-exit or cpu relax intercepted recently
- * (preempted lock holder), indicated by @in_spin_loop.
- * Set at the beiginning and cleared at the end of interception/PLE handler.
- *
- * (b) VCPU which has done pl-exit/ cpu relax intercepted but did not get
- * chance last time (mostly it has become eligible now since we have probably
- * yielded to lockholder in last iteration. This is done by toggling
- * @dy_eligible each time a VCPU checked for eligibility.)
- *
- * Yielding to a recently pl-exited/cpu relax intercepted VCPU before yielding
- * to preempted lock-holder could result in wrong VCPU selection and CPU
- * burning. Giving priority for a potential lock-holder increases lock
- * progress.
- *
- * Since algorithm is based on heuristics, accessing another VCPU data without
- * locking does not harm. It may result in trying to yield to same VCPU, fail
- * and continue with next VCPU and so on.
- */
-static bool kvm_vcpu_eligible_for_directed_yield(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- bool eligible;
- eligible = !vcpu->spin_loop.in_spin_loop ||
- vcpu->spin_loop.dy_eligible;
- if (vcpu->spin_loop.in_spin_loop)
- kvm_vcpu_set_dy_eligible(vcpu, !vcpu->spin_loop.dy_eligible);
- return eligible;
- return true;
-void kvm_vcpu_on_spin(struct kvm_vcpu *me)
- struct kvm *kvm = me->kvm;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- int last_boosted_vcpu = me->kvm->last_boosted_vcpu;
- int yielded = 0;
- int try = 3;
- int pass;
- int i;
- kvm_vcpu_set_in_spin_loop(me, true);
- /*
- * We boost the priority of a VCPU that is runnable but not
- * currently running, because it got preempted by something
- * else and called schedule in __vcpu_run. Hopefully that
- * VCPU is holding the lock that we need and will release it.
- * We approximate round-robin by starting at the last boosted VCPU.
- */
- for (pass = 0; pass < 2 && !yielded && try; pass++) {
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, kvm) {
- if (!pass && i <= last_boosted_vcpu) {
- i = last_boosted_vcpu;
- continue;
- } else if (pass && i > last_boosted_vcpu)
- break;
- if (!ACCESS_ONCE(vcpu->preempted))
- continue;
- if (vcpu == me)
- continue;
- if (swait_active(&vcpu->wq) && !kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable(vcpu))
- continue;
- if (!kvm_vcpu_eligible_for_directed_yield(vcpu))
- continue;
- yielded = kvm_vcpu_yield_to(vcpu);
- if (yielded > 0) {
- kvm->last_boosted_vcpu = i;
- break;
- } else if (yielded < 0) {
- try--;
- if (!try)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- kvm_vcpu_set_in_spin_loop(me, false);
- /* Ensure vcpu is not eligible during next spinloop */
- kvm_vcpu_set_dy_eligible(me, false);
-static int kvm_vcpu_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
+NTSTATUS kvm_vcpu_release(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = vma->vm_file->private_data;
- struct page *page;
- if (vmf->pgoff == 0)
- page = virt_to_page(vcpu->run);
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86
- else if (vmf->pgoff == KVM_PIO_PAGE_OFFSET)
- page = virt_to_page(vcpu->arch.pio_data);
- else if (vmf->pgoff == KVM_COALESCED_MMIO_PAGE_OFFSET)
- page = virt_to_page(vcpu->kvm->coalesced_mmio_ring);
- else
- return kvm_arch_vcpu_fault(vcpu, vmf);
- get_page(page);
- vmf->page = page;
- return 0;
-static const struct vm_operations_struct kvm_vcpu_vm_ops = {
- .fault = kvm_vcpu_fault,
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = devext->PrivData;
-static int kvm_vcpu_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- vma->vm_ops = &kvm_vcpu_vm_ops;
- return 0;
-static int kvm_vcpu_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = filp->private_data;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(vcpu->debugfs_dentry);
return 0;
-static struct file_operations kvm_vcpu_fops = {
- .release = kvm_vcpu_release,
- .unlocked_ioctl = kvm_vcpu_ioctl,
- .compat_ioctl = kvm_vcpu_compat_ioctl,
- .mmap = kvm_vcpu_mmap,
- .llseek = noop_llseek,
- * Allocates an inode for the vcpu.
- */
-static int create_vcpu_fd(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- return anon_inode_getfd("kvm-vcpu", &kvm_vcpu_fops, vcpu, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
-static int kvm_create_vcpu_debugfs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
- char dir_name[ITOA_MAX_LEN * 2];
- int ret;
- if (!kvm_arch_has_vcpu_debugfs())
- return 0;
- if (!debugfs_initialized())
- return 0;
- snprintf(dir_name, sizeof(dir_name), "vcpu%d", vcpu->vcpu_id);
- vcpu->debugfs_dentry = debugfs_create_dir(dir_name,
- vcpu->kvm->debugfs_dentry);
- if (!vcpu->debugfs_dentry)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ret = kvm_arch_create_vcpu_debugfs(vcpu);
- if (ret < 0) {
- debugfs_remove_recursive(vcpu->debugfs_dentry);
- return ret;
- }
- return 0;
- * Creates some virtual cpus. Good luck creating more than one.
- */
-static int kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, u32 id)
+static int kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, void *arg)
int r;
struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm *kvm = devext->PrivData;
+ HANDLE handle;
+ int id = *(int *)arg;
+ KAFFINITY Affinity;
- if (id >= KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID)
+ mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
+ if (id >= GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID)
return -EINVAL;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- if (kvm->created_vcpus == KVM_MAX_VCPUS) {
+ if (kvm->created_vcpus == GVM_MAX_VCPUS) {
return -EINVAL;
@@ -2449,16 +1852,10 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, u32 id)
goto vcpu_decrement;
- preempt_notifier_init(&vcpu->preempt_notifier, &kvm_preempt_ops);
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_setup(vcpu);
if (r)
goto vcpu_destroy;
- r = kvm_create_vcpu_debugfs(vcpu);
- if (r)
- goto vcpu_destroy;
if (kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(kvm, id)) {
r = -EEXIST;
@@ -2469,8 +1866,14 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, u32 id)
/* Now it's all set up, let userspace reach it */
- r = create_vcpu_fd(vcpu);
- if (r < 0) {
+ r = gvmCreateVMDevice(&handle, kvm->vm_id, id, vcpu);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(r)) {
+ kvm_put_kvm(kvm);
+ goto unlock_vcpu_destroy;
+ }
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &handle, sizeof(handle));
+ if (r) {
+ gvmDeleteVMDevice(NULL, 0, id);
goto unlock_vcpu_destroy;
@@ -2486,11 +1889,16 @@ static int kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(struct kvm *kvm, u32 id)
+ Affinity = (KAFFINITY)1 << (
+ cpu_online_count - 1
+ - 2 * vcpu->vcpu_id / cpu_online_count % 2
+ - vcpu->vcpu_id * 2 % cpu_online_count);
+ KeSetSystemAffinityThread(Affinity);
return r;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(vcpu->debugfs_dentry);
@@ -2500,64 +1908,171 @@ vcpu_decrement:
return r;
-static int kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_sigmask(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, sigset_t *sigset)
+static int kvm_vm_ioctl_kick_vcpu(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, void *arg)
- if (sigset) {
- sigdelsetmask(sigset, sigmask(SIGKILL)|sigmask(SIGSTOP));
- vcpu->sigset_active = 1;
- vcpu->sigset = *sigset;
- } else
- vcpu->sigset_active = 0;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm *kvm = devext->PrivData;
+ int id = *(int *)arg;
+ if (id >= GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ vcpu = kvm_get_vcpu_by_id(kvm, id);
+ if (!vcpu)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ kvm_vcpu_kick(vcpu);
return 0;
-static long kvm_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+static bool kvm_is_valid_prot_flags(u32 flags)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = filp->private_data;
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
- int r;
- struct kvm_fpu *fpu = NULL;
- struct kvm_sregs *kvm_sregs = NULL;
+ return (flags == RP_NOACCESS || flags == RP_RDWREX);
- if (vcpu->kvm->mm != current->mm)
- return -EIO;
+static int kvm_adjust_rp_bitmap(struct kvm *kvm, u64 size)
+ int old_size, new_size;
+ size_t *old_bitmap, *new_bitmap;
- if (unlikely(_IOC_TYPE(ioctl) != KVMIO))
- return -EINVAL;
+ if (kvm->rp_bitmap_size >= size)
+ return 0;
-#if defined(CONFIG_S390) || defined(CONFIG_PPC) || defined(CONFIG_MIPS)
- /*
- * Special cases: vcpu ioctls that are asynchronous to vcpu execution,
- * so vcpu_load() would break it.
- */
- if (ioctl == KVM_S390_INTERRUPT || ioctl == KVM_S390_IRQ || ioctl == KVM_INTERRUPT)
- return kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
+ new_size = ALIGN(size, (u64)BITS_PER_LONG) / 8;
+ new_bitmap = kvm_kvzalloc(new_size);
+ if (!new_bitmap)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ old_size = kvm->rp_bitmap_size;
+ old_bitmap = kvm->rp_bitmap;
+ memcpy(new_bitmap, old_bitmap, old_size);
+ kvm->rp_bitmap = new_bitmap;
+ kvm->rp_bitmap_size = new_size;
+ return 0;
+ * For set bulk bitmap instead of looping set_bit
+ */
+static inline void set_bits_in_long(size_t *byte, int start, int nbits, bool set)
+ size_t mask;
- r = vcpu_load(vcpu);
+ BUG_ON(byte == NULL);
+ BUG_ON(start < 0 || start > BITS_PER_LONG);
+ BUG_ON(nbits < 0 || start + nbits > BITS_PER_LONG);
+ mask = ((1 << nbits) - 1) << start;
+ if (set)
+ *byte |= mask;
+ else
+ *byte &= ~mask;
+static void set_bit_block(size_t *bitmap, u64 start, u64 nbits, bool set)
+ u64 first_long_index = start / BITS_PER_LONG;
+ u64 last_long_index = (start + nbits - 1) / BITS_PER_LONG;
+ u64 i;
+ int first_bit_index = (int)(start % BITS_PER_LONG);
+ int last_bit_index = (int)((start + nbits - 1) % BITS_PER_LONG);
+ if (first_long_index == last_long_index) {
+ set_bits_in_long(&bitmap[first_long_index], first_bit_index, (int)nbits,
+ set);
+ return;
+ }
+ set_bits_in_long(&bitmap[first_long_index], first_bit_index,
+ BITS_PER_LONG - first_bit_index, set);
+ for (i = first_long_index + 1; i < last_long_index; i++) {
+ bitmap[i] = set ? (size_t)-1 : 0;
+ }
+ set_bits_in_long(&bitmap[last_long_index], 0, last_bit_index + 1, set);
+static int kvm_is_ram_prot(struct kvm *kvm, gfn_t gfn)
+ if (!kvm->rp_bitmap)
+ return 0;
+ return test_bit(gfn, kvm->rp_bitmap);
+static int kvm_vm_ioctl_ram_prot(struct kvm *kvm, struct gvm_ram_protect *rp)
+ int r = -EFAULT;
+ gfn_t first_gfn = rp->pa >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ gfn_t last_gfn = (rp->pa + rp->size - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ if (!rp->reserved)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!kvm_is_valid_prot_flags(rp->flags))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ r = kvm_adjust_rp_bitmap(kvm, last_gfn + 1);
if (r)
return r;
+ set_bit_block(kvm->rp_bitmap, first_gfn, last_gfn + 1 - first_gfn,
+ rp->flags == RP_NOACCESS);
+ /* only need flush shadow when page access right is lowered */
+ if (rp->flags == RP_NOACCESS)
+ kvm_arch_flush_shadow_all(kvm);
+ return 0;
+NTSTATUS kvm_vcpu_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl)
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = devext->PrivData;
+ void __user *argp = (void __user *)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+ int r;
+ struct kvm_fpu *fpu = NULL;
+ struct kvm_sregs *kvm_sregs = NULL;
+ if (vcpu->kvm->process != IoGetCurrentProcess())
+ return -EIO;
switch (ioctl) {
- case KVM_RUN:
+ case GVM_RUN:
r = -EINVAL;
- if (arg)
- goto out;
- if (unlikely(vcpu->pid != current->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pid)) {
- /* The thread running this VCPU changed. */
- struct pid *oldpid = vcpu->pid;
- struct pid *newpid = get_task_pid(current, PIDTYPE_PID);
- rcu_assign_pointer(vcpu->pid, newpid);
- if (oldpid)
- synchronize_rcu();
- put_pid(oldpid);
+ if (vcpu->thread != PsGetCurrentThread()) {
+ vcpu->thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
+ KeInitializeApc(&vcpu->apc, vcpu->thread,
+ OriginalApcEnvironment,
+ gvmWaitSuspend,
+ KernelMode,
+ NULL);
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run(vcpu, vcpu->run);
- trace_kvm_userspace_exit(vcpu->run->exit_reason, r);
- case KVM_GET_REGS: {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ size_t mmap_size = 2 * PAGE_SIZE;
+ size_t userva = __vm_mmap(NULL, 0, mmap_size, PROT_READ |PROT_WRITE,
+ MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, (size_t)vcpu->run);
+ if (!userva)
+ break;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &userva, sizeof(userva));
+ if (r) {
+ __vm_munmap(userva, 2 * PAGE_SIZE, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ vcpu->run_userva = userva;
+ break;
+ case GVM_GET_REGS: {
struct kvm_regs *kvm_regs;
r = -ENOMEM;
@@ -2567,15 +2082,15 @@ static long kvm_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_regs(vcpu, kvm_regs);
if (r)
goto out_free1;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, kvm_regs, sizeof(struct kvm_regs)))
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, kvm_regs, sizeof(struct kvm_regs));
+ if (r)
goto out_free1;
r = 0;
- case KVM_SET_REGS: {
+ case GVM_SET_REGS: {
struct kvm_regs *kvm_regs;
r = -ENOMEM;
@@ -2588,7 +2103,7 @@ out_free1:
- case KVM_GET_SREGS: {
+ case GVM_GET_SREGS: {
kvm_sregs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_sregs), GFP_KERNEL);
r = -ENOMEM;
if (!kvm_sregs)
@@ -2596,13 +2111,13 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_sregs(vcpu, kvm_sregs);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, kvm_sregs, sizeof(struct kvm_sregs)))
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, kvm_sregs, sizeof(struct kvm_sregs));
+ if (r)
goto out;
r = 0;
- case KVM_SET_SREGS: {
+ case GVM_SET_SREGS: {
kvm_sregs = memdup_user(argp, sizeof(*kvm_sregs));
if (IS_ERR(kvm_sregs)) {
r = PTR_ERR(kvm_sregs);
@@ -2612,19 +2127,16 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_sregs(vcpu, kvm_sregs);
- case KVM_GET_MP_STATE: {
+ case GVM_GET_MP_STATE: {
struct kvm_mp_state mp_state;
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_mpstate(vcpu, &mp_state);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &mp_state, sizeof(mp_state)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &mp_state, sizeof(mp_state));
- case KVM_SET_MP_STATE: {
+ case GVM_SET_MP_STATE: {
struct kvm_mp_state mp_state;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -2633,7 +2145,7 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_mpstate(vcpu, &mp_state);
struct kvm_translation tr;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -2642,13 +2154,10 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_translate(vcpu, &tr);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &tr, sizeof(tr)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &tr, sizeof(tr));
struct kvm_guest_debug dbg;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -2657,30 +2166,7 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_set_guest_debug(vcpu, &dbg);
- struct kvm_signal_mask __user *sigmask_arg = argp;
- struct kvm_signal_mask kvm_sigmask;
- sigset_t sigset, *p;
- p = NULL;
- if (argp) {
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&kvm_sigmask, argp,
- sizeof(kvm_sigmask)))
- goto out;
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (kvm_sigmask.len != sizeof(sigset))
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&sigset, sigmask_arg->sigset,
- sizeof(sigset)))
- goto out;
- p = &sigset;
- }
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_sigmask(vcpu, p);
- break;
- }
- case KVM_GET_FPU: {
+ case GVM_GET_FPU: {
fpu = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kvm_fpu), GFP_KERNEL);
r = -ENOMEM;
if (!fpu)
@@ -2688,13 +2174,10 @@ out_free1:
r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_fpu(vcpu, fpu);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, fpu, sizeof(struct kvm_fpu)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, fpu, sizeof(struct kvm_fpu));
- case KVM_SET_FPU: {
+ case GVM_SET_FPU: {
fpu = memdup_user(argp, sizeof(*fpu));
if (IS_ERR(fpu)) {
r = PTR_ERR(fpu);
@@ -2705,260 +2188,57 @@ out_free1:
- r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
+ r = kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(devext, pIrp, ioctl);
- vcpu_put(vcpu);
return r;
-static long kvm_vcpu_compat_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = filp->private_data;
- void __user *argp = compat_ptr(arg);
- int r;
- if (vcpu->kvm->mm != current->mm)
- return -EIO;
- switch (ioctl) {
- struct kvm_signal_mask __user *sigmask_arg = argp;
- struct kvm_signal_mask kvm_sigmask;
- compat_sigset_t csigset;
- sigset_t sigset;
- if (argp) {
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&kvm_sigmask, argp,
- sizeof(kvm_sigmask)))
- goto out;
- r = -EINVAL;
- if (kvm_sigmask.len != sizeof(csigset))
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&csigset, sigmask_arg->sigset,
- sizeof(csigset)))
- goto out;
- sigset_from_compat(&sigset, &csigset);
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_sigmask(vcpu, &sigset);
- } else
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl_set_sigmask(vcpu, NULL);
- break;
- }
- default:
- r = kvm_vcpu_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
- }
- return r;
-static int kvm_device_ioctl_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- int (*accessor)(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr),
- unsigned long arg)
- struct kvm_device_attr attr;
- if (!accessor)
- return -EPERM;
- if (copy_from_user(&attr, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(attr)))
- return -EFAULT;
- return accessor(dev, &attr);
-static long kvm_device_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int ioctl,
- unsigned long arg)
- struct kvm_device *dev = filp->private_data;
- switch (ioctl) {
- return kvm_device_ioctl_attr(dev, dev->ops->set_attr, arg);
- return kvm_device_ioctl_attr(dev, dev->ops->get_attr, arg);
- return kvm_device_ioctl_attr(dev, dev->ops->has_attr, arg);
- default:
- if (dev->ops->ioctl)
- return dev->ops->ioctl(dev, ioctl, arg);
- return -ENOTTY;
- }
-static int kvm_device_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
- struct kvm_device *dev = filp->private_data;
- struct kvm *kvm = dev->kvm;
- kvm_put_kvm(kvm);
- return 0;
-static const struct file_operations kvm_device_fops = {
- .unlocked_ioctl = kvm_device_ioctl,
- .compat_ioctl = kvm_device_ioctl,
- .release = kvm_device_release,
-struct kvm_device *kvm_device_from_filp(struct file *filp)
- if (filp->f_op != &kvm_device_fops)
- return NULL;
- return filp->private_data;
-static struct kvm_device_ops *kvm_device_ops_table[KVM_DEV_TYPE_MAX] = {
- [KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_20] = &kvm_mpic_ops,
- [KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_42] = &kvm_mpic_ops,
- [KVM_DEV_TYPE_XICS] = &kvm_xics_ops,
-int kvm_register_device_ops(struct kvm_device_ops *ops, u32 type)
- if (type >= ARRAY_SIZE(kvm_device_ops_table))
- return -ENOSPC;
- if (kvm_device_ops_table[type] != NULL)
- return -EEXIST;
- kvm_device_ops_table[type] = ops;
- return 0;
-void kvm_unregister_device_ops(u32 type)
- if (kvm_device_ops_table[type] != NULL)
- kvm_device_ops_table[type] = NULL;
-static int kvm_ioctl_create_device(struct kvm *kvm,
- struct kvm_create_device *cd)
- struct kvm_device_ops *ops = NULL;
- struct kvm_device *dev;
- bool test = cd->flags & KVM_CREATE_DEVICE_TEST;
- int ret;
- if (cd->type >= ARRAY_SIZE(kvm_device_ops_table))
- return -ENODEV;
- ops = kvm_device_ops_table[cd->type];
- if (ops == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (test)
- return 0;
- dev = kzalloc(sizeof(*dev), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dev)
- return -ENOMEM;
- dev->ops = ops;
- dev->kvm = kvm;
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- ret = ops->create(dev, cd->type);
- if (ret < 0) {
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- kfree(dev);
- return ret;
- }
- list_add(&dev->vm_node, &kvm->devices);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- if (ops->init)
- ops->init(dev);
- ret = anon_inode_getfd(ops->name, &kvm_device_fops, dev, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
- if (ret < 0) {
- ops->destroy(dev);
- mutex_lock(&kvm->lock);
- list_del(&dev->vm_node);
- mutex_unlock(&kvm->lock);
- return ret;
- }
- kvm_get_kvm(kvm);
- cd->fd = ret;
- return 0;
static long kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension_generic(struct kvm *kvm, long arg)
switch (arg) {
- return 1;
- return KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID;
+ return GVM_MAX_VCPU_ID;
return kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(kvm, arg);
-static long kvm_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+NTSTATUS kvm_vm_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl)
- struct kvm *kvm = filp->private_data;
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ struct kvm *kvm = devext->PrivData;
+ void __user *argp = (void __user *)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
int r;
- if (kvm->mm != current->mm)
+ if (kvm->process != IoGetCurrentProcess())
return -EIO;
switch (ioctl) {
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(kvm, arg);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu(pDevObj, pIrp, argp);
struct kvm_userspace_memory_region kvm_userspace_mem;
r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&kvm_userspace_mem, argp,
- sizeof(kvm_userspace_mem)))
- goto out;
+ RtlCopyBytes(&kvm_userspace_mem, pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, sizeof(kvm_userspace_mem));
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_memory_region(kvm, &kvm_userspace_mem);
struct kvm_dirty_log log;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -2967,46 +2247,18 @@ static long kvm_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(kvm, &log);
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone zone;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&zone, argp, sizeof(zone)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_register_coalesced_mmio(kvm, &zone);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_kick_vcpu(pDevObj, pIrp, argp);
- }
- struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone zone;
+ struct gvm_ram_protect rp;
r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&zone, argp, sizeof(zone)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_unregister_coalesced_mmio(kvm, &zone);
+ RtlCopyBytes(&rp, pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, sizeof(rp));
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_ram_prot(kvm, &rp);
- }
- case KVM_IRQFD: {
- struct kvm_irqfd data;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&data, argp, sizeof(data)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_irqfd(kvm, &data);
- break;
- }
- struct kvm_ioeventfd data;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&data, argp, sizeof(data)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_ioeventfd(kvm, &data);
- break;
- }
- case KVM_SIGNAL_MSI: {
+ case GVM_SIGNAL_MSI: {
struct kvm_msi msi;
r = -EFAULT;
@@ -3016,32 +2268,28 @@ static long kvm_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- case KVM_IRQ_LINE: {
struct kvm_irq_level irq_event;
r = -EFAULT;
if (copy_from_user(&irq_event, argp, sizeof(irq_event)))
goto out;
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_irq_line(kvm, &irq_event,
- ioctl == KVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_irq_line(kvm, &irq_event, true);
if (r)
goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (ioctl == KVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS) {
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &irq_event, sizeof(irq_event)))
+ if (ioctl == GVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS) {
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &irq_event,
+ sizeof(irq_event));
+ if (r)
goto out;
r = 0;
struct kvm_irq_routing routing;
struct kvm_irq_routing __user *urouting;
struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *entries = NULL;
@@ -3050,7 +2298,7 @@ static long kvm_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp,
if (copy_from_user(&routing, argp, sizeof(routing)))
goto out;
r = -EINVAL;
goto out;
if (routing.flags)
goto out;
@@ -3071,178 +2319,66 @@ out_free_irq_routing:
- struct kvm_create_device cd;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&cd, argp, sizeof(cd)))
- goto out;
- r = kvm_ioctl_create_device(kvm, &cd);
- if (r)
- goto out;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &cd, sizeof(cd)))
- goto out;
- r = 0;
- break;
- }
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension_generic(kvm, arg);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension_generic(kvm, *(long *)argp);
+ gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &r, sizeof(r));
- r = kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
+ r = kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(devext, pIrp, ioctl);
return r;
-struct compat_kvm_dirty_log {
- __u32 slot;
- __u32 padding1;
- union {
- compat_uptr_t dirty_bitmap; /* one bit per page */
- __u64 padding2;
- };
-static long kvm_vm_compat_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+static int kvm_dev_ioctl_create_vm(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp, unsigned long arg)
- struct kvm *kvm = filp->private_data;
- int r;
- if (kvm->mm != current->mm)
- return -EIO;
- switch (ioctl) {
- struct compat_kvm_dirty_log compat_log;
- struct kvm_dirty_log log;
- r = -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(&compat_log, (void __user *)arg,
- sizeof(compat_log)))
- goto out;
- log.slot = compat_log.slot;
- log.padding1 = compat_log.padding1;
- log.padding2 = compat_log.padding2;
- log.dirty_bitmap = compat_ptr(compat_log.dirty_bitmap);
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_dirty_log(kvm, &log);
- break;
- }
- default:
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
- }
- return r;
-static struct file_operations kvm_vm_fops = {
- .release = kvm_vm_release,
- .unlocked_ioctl = kvm_vm_ioctl,
- .compat_ioctl = kvm_vm_compat_ioctl,
- .llseek = noop_llseek,
-static int kvm_dev_ioctl_create_vm(unsigned long type)
- int r;
struct kvm *kvm;
- struct file *file;
+ HANDLE handle;
+ unsigned int type = arg;
kvm = kvm_create_vm(type);
if (IS_ERR(kvm))
return PTR_ERR(kvm);
- r = kvm_coalesced_mmio_init(kvm);
- if (r < 0) {
- kvm_put_kvm(kvm);
- return r;
- }
- r = get_unused_fd_flags(O_CLOEXEC);
- if (r < 0) {
- kvm_put_kvm(kvm);
- return r;
- }
- file = anon_inode_getfile("kvm-vm", &kvm_vm_fops, kvm, O_RDWR);
- if (IS_ERR(file)) {
- put_unused_fd(r);
- kvm_put_kvm(kvm);
- return PTR_ERR(file);
- }
- if (kvm_create_vm_debugfs(kvm, r) < 0) {
- put_unused_fd(r);
- fput(file);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- fd_install(r, file);
- return r;
+ rc = gvmCreateVMDevice(&handle, kvm->vm_id, -1, kvm);
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(rc))
+ gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &handle, sizeof(handle));
+ return rc;
-static long kvm_dev_ioctl(struct file *filp,
- unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg)
+NTSTATUS kvm_dev_ioctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp,
+ unsigned int ioctl)
long r = -EINVAL;
+ struct gvm_device_extension *devext = pDevObj->DeviceExtension;
+ void* pin = pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
switch (ioctl) {
- if (arg)
- goto out;
+ gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &r, sizeof(r));
- r = kvm_dev_ioctl_create_vm(arg);
+ r = kvm_dev_ioctl_create_vm(pDevObj, pIrp, 0);
- r = kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension_generic(NULL, arg);
+ r = kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension_generic(NULL, *(long *)pin);
+ gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &r, sizeof(r));
- if (arg)
- goto out;
- r = PAGE_SIZE; /* struct kvm_run */
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86
- r += PAGE_SIZE; /* pio data page */
- r += PAGE_SIZE; /* coalesced mmio ring page */
- break;
+ long mmap_size = 2 * PAGE_SIZE;
+ r = gvmUpdateReturnBuffer(pIrp, 0, &mmap_size, sizeof(mmap_size));
- return kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(filp, ioctl, arg);
+ return kvm_arch_dev_ioctl(devext, pIrp, ioctl);
return r;
-static struct file_operations kvm_chardev_ops = {
- .unlocked_ioctl = kvm_dev_ioctl,
- .compat_ioctl = kvm_dev_ioctl,
- .llseek = noop_llseek,
-static struct miscdevice kvm_dev = {
- "kvm",
- &kvm_chardev_ops,
static void hardware_enable_nolock(void *junk)
int cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();
@@ -3260,6 +2396,8 @@ static void hardware_enable_nolock(void *junk)
pr_info("kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU%d failed\n", cpu);
+ return;
static int kvm_starting_cpu(unsigned int cpu)
@@ -3296,7 +2434,7 @@ static void hardware_disable_all_nolock(void)
if (!kvm_usage_count)
- on_each_cpu(hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
+ smp_call_function_many(cpu_online_mask, hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
static void hardware_disable_all(void)
@@ -3315,8 +2453,7 @@ static int hardware_enable_all(void)
if (kvm_usage_count == 1) {
atomic_set(&hardware_enable_failed, 0);
- on_each_cpu(hardware_enable_nolock, NULL, 1);
+ smp_call_function_many(cpu_online_mask, hardware_enable_nolock, NULL, 1);
if (atomic_read(&hardware_enable_failed)) {
r = -EBUSY;
@@ -3328,26 +2465,6 @@ static int hardware_enable_all(void)
return r;
-static int kvm_reboot(struct notifier_block *notifier, unsigned long val,
- void *v)
- /*
- * Some (well, at least mine) BIOSes hang on reboot if
- * in vmx root mode.
- *
- * And Intel TXT required VMX off for all cpu when system shutdown.
- */
- pr_info("kvm: exiting hardware virtualization\n");
- kvm_rebooting = true;
- on_each_cpu(hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
- return NOTIFY_OK;
-static struct notifier_block kvm_reboot_notifier = {
- .notifier_call = kvm_reboot,
- .priority = 0,
static void kvm_io_bus_destroy(struct kvm_io_bus *bus)
int i;
@@ -3463,6 +2580,7 @@ int kvm_io_bus_write(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr,
bus = srcu_dereference(vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx], &vcpu->kvm->srcu);
+ bus = vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx];
r = __kvm_io_bus_write(vcpu, bus, &range, val);
return r < 0 ? r : 0;
@@ -3480,6 +2598,7 @@ int kvm_io_bus_write_cookie(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
bus = srcu_dereference(vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx], &vcpu->kvm->srcu);
+ bus = vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx];
/* First try the device referenced by cookie. */
if ((cookie >= 0) && (cookie < bus->dev_count) &&
@@ -3514,7 +2633,6 @@ static int __kvm_io_bus_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_io_bus *bus,
/* kvm_io_bus_read - called under kvm->slots_lock */
int kvm_io_bus_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr,
@@ -3530,6 +2648,7 @@ int kvm_io_bus_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr,
bus = srcu_dereference(vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx], &vcpu->kvm->srcu);
+ bus = vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx];
r = __kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, bus, &range, val);
return r < 0 ? r : 0;
@@ -3542,8 +2661,7 @@ int kvm_io_bus_register_dev(struct kvm *kvm, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr,
struct kvm_io_bus *new_bus, *bus;
bus = kvm->buses[bus_idx];
- /* exclude ioeventfd which is limited by maximum fd */
- if (bus->dev_count - bus->ioeventfd_count > NR_IOBUS_DEVS - 1)
+ if (bus->dev_count > NR_IOBUS_DEVS - 1)
return -ENOSPC;
new_bus = kmalloc(sizeof(*bus) + ((bus->dev_count + 1) *
@@ -3604,6 +2722,7 @@ struct kvm_io_device *kvm_io_bus_get_dev(struct kvm *kvm, enum kvm_bus bus_idx,
srcu_idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
bus = srcu_dereference(kvm->buses[bus_idx], &kvm->srcu);
+ bus = kvm->buses[bus_idx];
dev_idx = kvm_io_bus_get_first_dev(bus, addr, 1);
if (dev_idx < 0)
@@ -3616,241 +2735,35 @@ out_unlock:
return iodev;
-static int kvm_debugfs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
- int (*get)(void *, u64 *), int (*set)(void *, u64),
- const char *fmt)
- struct kvm_stat_data *stat_data = (struct kvm_stat_data *)
- inode->i_private;
- /* The debugfs files are a reference to the kvm struct which
- * is still valid when kvm_destroy_vm is called.
- * To avoid the race between open and the removal of the debugfs
- * directory we test against the users count.
- */
- if (!atomic_add_unless(&stat_data->kvm->users_count, 1, 0))
- return -ENOENT;
- if (simple_attr_open(inode, file, get, set, fmt)) {
- kvm_put_kvm(stat_data->kvm);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- return 0;
-static int kvm_debugfs_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- struct kvm_stat_data *stat_data = (struct kvm_stat_data *)
- inode->i_private;
- simple_attr_release(inode, file);
- kvm_put_kvm(stat_data->kvm);
- return 0;
-static int vm_stat_get_per_vm(void *data, u64 *val)
- struct kvm_stat_data *stat_data = (struct kvm_stat_data *)data;
- *val = *(ulong *)((void *)stat_data->kvm + stat_data->offset);
- return 0;
-static int vm_stat_get_per_vm_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- __simple_attr_check_format("%llu\n", 0ull);
- return kvm_debugfs_open(inode, file, vm_stat_get_per_vm,
- NULL, "%llu\n");
-static const struct file_operations vm_stat_get_per_vm_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .open = vm_stat_get_per_vm_open,
- .release = kvm_debugfs_release,
- .read = simple_attr_read,
- .write = simple_attr_write,
- .llseek = generic_file_llseek,
-static int vcpu_stat_get_per_vm(void *data, u64 *val)
- int i;
- struct kvm_stat_data *stat_data = (struct kvm_stat_data *)data;
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
- *val = 0;
- kvm_for_each_vcpu(i, vcpu, stat_data->kvm)
- *val += *(u64 *)((void *)vcpu + stat_data->offset);
- return 0;
-static int vcpu_stat_get_per_vm_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- __simple_attr_check_format("%llu\n", 0ull);
- return kvm_debugfs_open(inode, file, vcpu_stat_get_per_vm,
- NULL, "%llu\n");
-static const struct file_operations vcpu_stat_get_per_vm_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .open = vcpu_stat_get_per_vm_open,
- .release = kvm_debugfs_release,
- .read = simple_attr_read,
- .write = simple_attr_write,
- .llseek = generic_file_llseek,
-static const struct file_operations *stat_fops_per_vm[] = {
- [KVM_STAT_VCPU] = &vcpu_stat_get_per_vm_fops,
- [KVM_STAT_VM] = &vm_stat_get_per_vm_fops,
-static int vm_stat_get(void *_offset, u64 *val)
- unsigned offset = (long)_offset;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_stat_data stat_tmp = {.offset = offset};
- u64 tmp_val;
- *val = 0;
- spin_lock(&kvm_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
- stat_tmp.kvm = kvm;
- vm_stat_get_per_vm((void *)&stat_tmp, &tmp_val);
- *val += tmp_val;
- }
- spin_unlock(&kvm_lock);
- return 0;
-DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(vm_stat_fops, vm_stat_get, NULL, "%llu\n");
-static int vcpu_stat_get(void *_offset, u64 *val)
- unsigned offset = (long)_offset;
- struct kvm *kvm;
- struct kvm_stat_data stat_tmp = {.offset = offset};
- u64 tmp_val;
- *val = 0;
- spin_lock(&kvm_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list) {
- stat_tmp.kvm = kvm;
- vcpu_stat_get_per_vm((void *)&stat_tmp, &tmp_val);
- *val += tmp_val;
- }
- spin_unlock(&kvm_lock);
- return 0;
-DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(vcpu_stat_fops, vcpu_stat_get, NULL, "%llu\n");
-static const struct file_operations *stat_fops[] = {
- [KVM_STAT_VCPU] = &vcpu_stat_fops,
- [KVM_STAT_VM] = &vm_stat_fops,
-static int kvm_init_debug(void)
- int r = -EEXIST;
- struct kvm_stats_debugfs_item *p;
- kvm_debugfs_dir = debugfs_create_dir("kvm", NULL);
- if (kvm_debugfs_dir == NULL)
- goto out;
- kvm_debugfs_num_entries = 0;
- for (p = debugfs_entries; p->name; ++p, kvm_debugfs_num_entries++) {
- if (!debugfs_create_file(p->name, 0444, kvm_debugfs_dir,
- (void *)(long)p->offset,
- stat_fops[p->kind]))
- goto out_dir;
- }
- return 0;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(kvm_debugfs_dir);
- return r;
-static int kvm_suspend(void)
+ * The following two functions are kept here so that they
+ * could be used once hooking driver with Windows Power State
+ * chage.
+ */
+int kvm_suspend(void)
if (kvm_usage_count)
- hardware_disable_nolock(NULL);
+ smp_call_function_many(cpu_online_mask,
+ hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
return 0;
-static void kvm_resume(void)
- if (kvm_usage_count) {
- WARN_ON(raw_spin_is_locked(&kvm_count_lock));
- hardware_enable_nolock(NULL);
- }
-static struct syscore_ops kvm_syscore_ops = {
- .suspend = kvm_suspend,
- .resume = kvm_resume,
-static inline
-struct kvm_vcpu *preempt_notifier_to_vcpu(struct preempt_notifier *pn)
- return container_of(pn, struct kvm_vcpu, preempt_notifier);
-static void kvm_sched_in(struct preempt_notifier *pn, int cpu)
+void kvm_resume(void)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = preempt_notifier_to_vcpu(pn);
- if (vcpu->preempted)
- vcpu->preempted = false;
- kvm_arch_sched_in(vcpu, cpu);
- kvm_arch_vcpu_load(vcpu, cpu);
-static void kvm_sched_out(struct preempt_notifier *pn,
- struct task_struct *next)
- struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu = preempt_notifier_to_vcpu(pn);
- if (current->state == TASK_RUNNING)
- vcpu->preempted = true;
- kvm_arch_vcpu_put(vcpu);
+ if (kvm_usage_count)
+ smp_call_function_many(cpu_online_mask,
+ hardware_enable_nolock, NULL, 1);
-int kvm_init(void *opaque, unsigned vcpu_size, unsigned vcpu_align,
- struct module *module)
+int kvm_init(void *opaque, unsigned vcpu_size, unsigned vcpu_align)
int r;
- int cpu;
r = kvm_arch_init(opaque);
if (r)
goto out_fail;
- /*
- * kvm_arch_init makes sure there's at most one caller
- * for architectures that support multiple implementations,
- * like intel and amd on x86.
- * kvm_arch_init must be called before kvm_irqfd_init to avoid creating
- * conflicts in case kvm is already setup for another implementation.
- */
- r = kvm_irqfd_init();
- if (r)
- goto out_irqfd;
if (!zalloc_cpumask_var(&cpus_hardware_enabled, GFP_KERNEL)) {
r = -ENOMEM;
goto out_free_0;
@@ -3860,98 +2773,27 @@ int kvm_init(void *opaque, unsigned vcpu_size, unsigned vcpu_align,
if (r < 0)
goto out_free_0a;
- for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
- smp_call_function_single(cpu,
- kvm_arch_check_processor_compat,
- &r, 1);
- if (r < 0)
- goto out_free_1;
- }
- r = cpuhp_setup_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_KVM_STARTING, "AP_KVM_STARTING",
- kvm_starting_cpu, kvm_dying_cpu);
- if (r)
- goto out_free_2;
- register_reboot_notifier(&kvm_reboot_notifier);
- /* A kmem cache lets us meet the alignment requirements of fx_save. */
- if (!vcpu_align)
- vcpu_align = __alignof__(struct kvm_vcpu);
- kvm_vcpu_cache = kmem_cache_create("kvm_vcpu", vcpu_size, vcpu_align,
- 0, NULL);
- if (!kvm_vcpu_cache) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_free_3;
- }
- r = kvm_async_pf_init();
- if (r)
- goto out_free;
- kvm_chardev_ops.owner = module;
- kvm_vm_fops.owner = module;
- kvm_vcpu_fops.owner = module;
- r = misc_register(&kvm_dev);
- if (r) {
- pr_err("kvm: misc device register failed\n");
- goto out_unreg;
- }
- register_syscore_ops(&kvm_syscore_ops);
- kvm_preempt_ops.sched_in = kvm_sched_in;
- kvm_preempt_ops.sched_out = kvm_sched_out;
- r = kvm_init_debug();
- if (r) {
- pr_err("kvm: create debugfs files failed\n");
- goto out_undebugfs;
- }
- r = kvm_vfio_ops_init();
- WARN_ON(r);
+ kvm_arch_check_processor_compat(&r);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto out_free_1;
return 0;
- unregister_syscore_ops(&kvm_syscore_ops);
- misc_deregister(&kvm_dev);
- kvm_async_pf_deinit();
- kmem_cache_destroy(kvm_vcpu_cache);
- unregister_reboot_notifier(&kvm_reboot_notifier);
- cpuhp_remove_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_KVM_STARTING);
- kvm_irqfd_exit();
return r;
void kvm_exit(void)
- debugfs_remove_recursive(kvm_debugfs_dir);
- misc_deregister(&kvm_dev);
- kmem_cache_destroy(kvm_vcpu_cache);
- kvm_async_pf_deinit();
- unregister_syscore_ops(&kvm_syscore_ops);
- unregister_reboot_notifier(&kvm_reboot_notifier);
- cpuhp_remove_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_KVM_STARTING);
- on_each_cpu(hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
+ smp_call_function_many(cpu_online_mask,
+ hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1);
- kvm_irqfd_exit();
- kvm_vfio_ops_exit();
diff --git a/virt/kvm/vfio.c b/virt/kvm/vfio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd087d..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/vfio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
- * VFIO-KVM bridge pseudo device
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Author: Alex Williamson <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/mutex.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/vfio.h>
-#include "vfio.h"
-struct kvm_vfio_group {
- struct list_head node;
- struct vfio_group *vfio_group;
-struct kvm_vfio {
- struct list_head group_list;
- struct mutex lock;
- bool noncoherent;
-static struct vfio_group *kvm_vfio_group_get_external_user(struct file *filep)
- struct vfio_group *vfio_group;
- struct vfio_group *(*fn)(struct file *);
- fn = symbol_get(vfio_group_get_external_user);
- if (!fn)
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
- vfio_group = fn(filep);
- symbol_put(vfio_group_get_external_user);
- return vfio_group;
-static void kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(struct vfio_group *vfio_group)
- void (*fn)(struct vfio_group *);
- fn = symbol_get(vfio_group_put_external_user);
- if (!fn)
- return;
- fn(vfio_group);
- symbol_put(vfio_group_put_external_user);
-static bool kvm_vfio_group_is_coherent(struct vfio_group *vfio_group)
- long (*fn)(struct vfio_group *, unsigned long);
- long ret;
- fn = symbol_get(vfio_external_check_extension);
- if (!fn)
- return false;
- ret = fn(vfio_group, VFIO_DMA_CC_IOMMU);
- symbol_put(vfio_external_check_extension);
- return ret > 0;
- * Groups can use the same or different IOMMU domains. If the same then
- * adding a new group may change the coherency of groups we've previously
- * been told about. We don't want to care about any of that so we retest
- * each group and bail as soon as we find one that's noncoherent. This
- * means we only ever [un]register_noncoherent_dma once for the whole device.
- */
-static void kvm_vfio_update_coherency(struct kvm_device *dev)
- struct kvm_vfio *kv = dev->private;
- bool noncoherent = false;
- struct kvm_vfio_group *kvg;
- mutex_lock(&kv->lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvg, &kv->group_list, node) {
- if (!kvm_vfio_group_is_coherent(kvg->vfio_group)) {
- noncoherent = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (noncoherent != kv->noncoherent) {
- kv->noncoherent = noncoherent;
- if (kv->noncoherent)
- kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma(dev->kvm);
- else
- kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma(dev->kvm);
- }
- mutex_unlock(&kv->lock);
-static int kvm_vfio_set_group(struct kvm_device *dev, long attr, u64 arg)
- struct kvm_vfio *kv = dev->private;
- struct vfio_group *vfio_group;
- struct kvm_vfio_group *kvg;
- int32_t __user *argp = (int32_t __user *)(unsigned long)arg;
- struct fd f;
- int32_t fd;
- int ret;
- switch (attr) {
- if (get_user(fd, argp))
- return -EFAULT;
- f = fdget(fd);
- if (!f.file)
- return -EBADF;
- vfio_group = kvm_vfio_group_get_external_user(f.file);
- fdput(f);
- if (IS_ERR(vfio_group))
- return PTR_ERR(vfio_group);
- mutex_lock(&kv->lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvg, &kv->group_list, node) {
- if (kvg->vfio_group == vfio_group) {
- mutex_unlock(&kv->lock);
- kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(vfio_group);
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- }
- kvg = kzalloc(sizeof(*kvg), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!kvg) {
- mutex_unlock(&kv->lock);
- kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(vfio_group);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- list_add_tail(&kvg->node, &kv->group_list);
- kvg->vfio_group = vfio_group;
- kvm_arch_start_assignment(dev->kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&kv->lock);
- kvm_vfio_update_coherency(dev);
- return 0;
- if (get_user(fd, argp))
- return -EFAULT;
- f = fdget(fd);
- if (!f.file)
- return -EBADF;
- vfio_group = kvm_vfio_group_get_external_user(f.file);
- fdput(f);
- if (IS_ERR(vfio_group))
- return PTR_ERR(vfio_group);
- ret = -ENOENT;
- mutex_lock(&kv->lock);
- list_for_each_entry(kvg, &kv->group_list, node) {
- if (kvg->vfio_group != vfio_group)
- continue;
- list_del(&kvg->node);
- kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(kvg->vfio_group);
- kfree(kvg);
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- kvm_arch_end_assignment(dev->kvm);
- mutex_unlock(&kv->lock);
- kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(vfio_group);
- kvm_vfio_update_coherency(dev);
- return ret;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int kvm_vfio_set_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- return kvm_vfio_set_group(dev, attr->attr, attr->addr);
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static int kvm_vfio_has_attr(struct kvm_device *dev,
- struct kvm_device_attr *attr)
- switch (attr->group) {
- switch (attr->attr) {
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- return -ENXIO;
-static void kvm_vfio_destroy(struct kvm_device *dev)
- struct kvm_vfio *kv = dev->private;
- struct kvm_vfio_group *kvg, *tmp;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(kvg, tmp, &kv->group_list, node) {
- kvm_vfio_group_put_external_user(kvg->vfio_group);
- list_del(&kvg->node);
- kfree(kvg);
- kvm_arch_end_assignment(dev->kvm);
- }
- kvm_vfio_update_coherency(dev);
- kfree(kv);
- kfree(dev); /* alloc by kvm_ioctl_create_device, free by .destroy */
-static int kvm_vfio_create(struct kvm_device *dev, u32 type);
-static struct kvm_device_ops kvm_vfio_ops = {
- .name = "kvm-vfio",
- .create = kvm_vfio_create,
- .destroy = kvm_vfio_destroy,
- .set_attr = kvm_vfio_set_attr,
- .has_attr = kvm_vfio_has_attr,
-static int kvm_vfio_create(struct kvm_device *dev, u32 type)
- struct kvm_device *tmp;
- struct kvm_vfio *kv;
- /* Only one VFIO "device" per VM */
- list_for_each_entry(tmp, &dev->kvm->devices, vm_node)
- if (tmp->ops == &kvm_vfio_ops)
- return -EBUSY;
- kv = kzalloc(sizeof(*kv), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!kv)
- return -ENOMEM;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kv->group_list);
- mutex_init(&kv->lock);
- dev->private = kv;
- return 0;
-int kvm_vfio_ops_init(void)
- return kvm_register_device_ops(&kvm_vfio_ops, KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO);
-void kvm_vfio_ops_exit(void)
- kvm_unregister_device_ops(KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO);
diff --git a/virt/kvm/vfio.h b/virt/kvm/vfio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab88c7d..0000000
--- a/virt/kvm/vfio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __KVM_VFIO_H
-#define __KVM_VFIO_H
-int kvm_vfio_ops_init(void);
-void kvm_vfio_ops_exit(void);
-static inline int kvm_vfio_ops_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void kvm_vfio_ops_exit(void)