package /** * Marker for a change made to an Onboarding component. * * All changes in Onboarding must be marked by a [ChangeId] and fully flagged. * * The value should be the ID of a Buganizer issue related to the change. * * @param owner A username who is responsible for this change * @param breaking Reasons that this change will cause breakages in current callers. Empty if none. * @param changeRadius The radius of impact of this change. See [ChangeRadius] docs for details. * @param dependsOn Another Change ID that must be enabled for this change to work. [DEFAULT] for * none. * @param expedited A reason that this change may skip the usual rollout process. * [ExpeditedReason.NOT_EXPEDITED] if none. */ @Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD) annotation class ChangeId( val owner: String, val breaking: Array, val changeRadius: ChangeRadius, val dependsOn: Long = DEFAULT, val expedited: ExpeditedReason = ExpeditedReason.NOT_EXPEDITED ) { companion object { private const val DEFAULT = -1L } }