/* * Copyright 2012 AndroidPlot.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.androidplot.xy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.RectF; import com.androidplot.exception.PlotRenderException; import com.androidplot.util.ValPixConverter; /** * Renders a point as a Bar */ public class BarRenderer extends XYSeriesRenderer { private BarRenderStyle renderStyle = BarRenderStyle.OVERLAID; // default Render Style private BarWidthStyle widthStyle = BarWidthStyle.FIXED_WIDTH; // default Width Style private float barWidth = 5; private float barGap = 1; public enum BarRenderStyle { OVERLAID, // bars are overlaid in descending y-val order (largest val in back) STACKED, // bars are drawn stacked vertically on top of each other SIDE_BY_SIDE // bars are drawn horizontally next to each-other } public enum BarWidthStyle { FIXED_WIDTH, // bar width is always barWidth VARIABLE_WIDTH // bar width is calculated so that there is only barGap between each bar } public BarRenderer(XYPlot plot) { super(plot); } /** * Sets the width of the bars when using the FIXED_WIDTH render style * @param barWidth */ public void setBarWidth(float barWidth) { this.barWidth = barWidth; } /** * Sets the size of the gap between the bar (or bar groups) when using the VARIABLE_WIDTH render style * @param barGap */ public void setBarGap(float barGap) { this.barGap = barGap; } public void setBarRenderStyle(BarRenderStyle renderStyle) { this.renderStyle = renderStyle; } public void setBarWidthStyle(BarWidthStyle widthStyle) { this.widthStyle = widthStyle; } public void setBarWidthStyle(BarWidthStyle style, float value) { setBarWidthStyle(style); switch (style) { case FIXED_WIDTH: setBarWidth(value); break; case VARIABLE_WIDTH: setBarGap(value); break; default: break; } } @Override public void doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas canvas, RectF rect, BarFormatter formatter) { canvas.drawRect(rect, formatter.getFillPaint()); canvas.drawRect(rect, formatter.getBorderPaint()); } /** * Retrieves the BarFormatter instance that corresponds with the series passed in. * Can be overridden to return other BarFormatters as a result of touch events etc. * @param index index of the point being rendered. * @param series XYSeries to which the point being rendered belongs. * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") protected T getFormatter(int index, XYSeries series) { return getFormatter(series); } public void onRender(Canvas canvas, RectF plotArea) throws PlotRenderException { List sl = getPlot().getSeriesListForRenderer(this.getClass()); TreeMap axisMap = new TreeMap(); // dont try to render anything if there's nothing to render. if(sl == null) return; /* * Build the axisMap (yVal,BarGroup)... a TreeMap of BarGroups * BarGroups represent a point on the X axis where a single or group of bars need to be drawn. */ // For each Series for(XYSeries series : sl) { BarGroup barGroup; // For each value in the series for(int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) { if (series.getX(i) != null) { // get a new bar object Bar b = new Bar(series,i,plotArea); // Find or create the barGroup if (axisMap.containsKey(b.intX)) { barGroup = axisMap.get(b.intX); } else { barGroup = new BarGroup(b.intX,plotArea); axisMap.put(b.intX, barGroup); } barGroup.addBar(b); } } } // Loop through the axisMap linking up prev pointers BarGroup prev, current; prev = null; for(Entry mapEntry : axisMap.entrySet()) { current = mapEntry.getValue(); current.prev = prev; prev = current; } // The default gap between each bar section int gap = (int) barGap; // Determine roughly how wide (rough_width) this bar should be. This is then used as a default width // when there are gaps in the data or for the first/last bars. float f_rough_width = ((plotArea.width() - ((axisMap.size() - 1) * gap)) / (axisMap.size() - 1)); int rough_width = (int) f_rough_width; if (rough_width < 0) rough_width = 0; if (gap > rough_width) { gap = rough_width / 2; } //Log.d("PARAMTER","PLOT_WIDTH=" + plotArea.width()); //Log.d("PARAMTER","BAR_GROUPS=" + axisMap.size()); //Log.d("PARAMTER","ROUGH_WIDTH=" + rough_width); //Log.d("PARAMTER","GAP=" + gap); /* * Calculate the dimensions of each barGroup and then draw each bar within it according to * the Render Style and Width Style. */ for(Number key : axisMap.keySet()) { BarGroup barGroup = axisMap.get(key); // Determine the exact left and right X for the Bar Group switch (widthStyle) { case FIXED_WIDTH: // use intX and go halfwidth either side. barGroup.leftX = barGroup.intX - (int) (barWidth / 2); barGroup.width = (int) barWidth; barGroup.rightX = barGroup.leftX + barGroup.width; break; case VARIABLE_WIDTH: if (barGroup.prev != null) { if (barGroup.intX - barGroup.prev.intX - gap - 1 > (int)(rough_width * 1.5)) { // use intX and go halfwidth either side. barGroup.leftX = barGroup.intX - (rough_width / 2); barGroup.width = rough_width; barGroup.rightX = barGroup.leftX + barGroup.width; } else { // base left off prev right to get the gap correct. barGroup.leftX = barGroup.prev.rightX + gap + 1; if (barGroup.leftX > barGroup.intX) barGroup.leftX = barGroup.intX; // base right off intX + halfwidth. barGroup.rightX = barGroup.intX + (rough_width / 2); // calculate the width barGroup.width = barGroup.rightX - barGroup.leftX; } } else { // use intX and go halfwidth either side. barGroup.leftX = barGroup.intX - (rough_width / 2); barGroup.width = rough_width; barGroup.rightX = barGroup.leftX + barGroup.width; } break; default: break; } //Log.d("BAR_GROUP", "rough_width=" + rough_width + " width=" + barGroup.width + " <" + barGroup.leftX + "|" + barGroup.intX + "|" + barGroup.rightX + ">"); /* * Draw the bars within the barGroup area. */ switch (renderStyle) { case OVERLAID: Collections.sort(barGroup.bars, new BarComparator()); for (Bar b : barGroup.bars) { BarFormatter formatter = b.formatter(); PointLabelFormatter plf = formatter.getPointLabelFormatter(); PointLabeler pointLabeler = null; if (formatter != null) { pointLabeler = formatter.getPointLabeler(); } //Log.d("BAR", b.series.getTitle() + " <" + b.barGroup.leftX + "|" + b.barGroup.intX + "|" + b.barGroup.rightX + "> " + b.intY); if (b.barGroup.width >= 2) { canvas.drawRect(b.barGroup.leftX, b.intY, b.barGroup.rightX, b.barGroup.plotArea.bottom, formatter.getFillPaint()); } canvas.drawRect(b.barGroup.leftX, b.intY, b.barGroup.rightX, b.barGroup.plotArea.bottom, formatter.getBorderPaint()); if(plf != null && pointLabeler != null) { canvas.drawText(pointLabeler.getLabel(b.series, b.seriesIndex), b.intX + plf.hOffset, b.intY + plf.vOffset, plf.getTextPaint()); } } break; case SIDE_BY_SIDE: int width = (int) barGroup.width / barGroup.bars.size(); int leftX = barGroup.leftX; Collections.sort(barGroup.bars, new BarComparator()); for (Bar b : barGroup.bars) { BarFormatter formatter = b.formatter(); PointLabelFormatter plf = formatter.getPointLabelFormatter(); PointLabeler pointLabeler = null; if (formatter != null) { pointLabeler = formatter.getPointLabeler(); } //Log.d("BAR", "width=" + width + " <" + leftX + "|" + b.intX + "|" + (leftX + width) + "> " + b.intY); if (b.barGroup.width >= 2) { canvas.drawRect(leftX, b.intY, leftX + width, b.barGroup.plotArea.bottom, formatter.getFillPaint()); } canvas.drawRect(leftX, b.intY, leftX + width, b.barGroup.plotArea.bottom, formatter.getBorderPaint()); if(plf != null && pointLabeler != null) { canvas.drawText(pointLabeler.getLabel(b.series, b.seriesIndex), leftX + width/2 + plf.hOffset, b.intY + plf.vOffset, plf.getTextPaint()); } leftX = leftX + width; } break; case STACKED: int bottom = (int) barGroup.plotArea.bottom; Collections.sort(barGroup.bars, new BarComparator()); for (Bar b : barGroup.bars) { BarFormatter formatter = b.formatter(); PointLabelFormatter plf = formatter.getPointLabelFormatter(); PointLabeler pointLabeler = null; if (formatter != null) { pointLabeler = formatter.getPointLabeler(); } int height = (int) b.barGroup.plotArea.bottom - b.intY; int top = bottom - height; //Log.d("BAR", "top=" + top + " bottom=" + bottom + " height=" + height); if (b.barGroup.width >= 2) { canvas.drawRect(b.barGroup.leftX, top, b.barGroup.rightX, bottom, formatter.getFillPaint()); } canvas.drawRect(b.barGroup.leftX, top, b.barGroup.rightX, bottom, formatter.getBorderPaint()); if(plf != null && pointLabeler != null) { canvas.drawText(pointLabeler.getLabel(b.series, b.seriesIndex), b.intX + plf.hOffset, b.intY + plf.vOffset, plf.getTextPaint()); } bottom = top; } break; default: break; } } } private class Bar { public XYSeries series; public int seriesIndex; public double yVal, xVal; public int intX, intY; public float pixX, pixY; public BarGroup barGroup; public Bar(XYSeries series, int seriesIndex, RectF plotArea) { this.series = series; this.seriesIndex = seriesIndex; this.xVal = series.getX(seriesIndex).doubleValue(); this.pixX = ValPixConverter.valToPix(xVal, getPlot().getCalculatedMinX().doubleValue(), getPlot().getCalculatedMaxX().doubleValue(), plotArea.width(), false) + (plotArea.left); this.intX = (int) pixX; if (series.getY(seriesIndex) != null) { this.yVal = series.getY(seriesIndex).doubleValue(); this.pixY = ValPixConverter.valToPix(yVal, getPlot().getCalculatedMinY().doubleValue(), getPlot().getCalculatedMaxY().doubleValue(), plotArea.height(), true) + plotArea.top; this.intY = (int) pixY; } else { this.yVal = 0; this.pixY = plotArea.bottom; this.intY = (int) pixY; } } public BarFormatter formatter() { return getFormatter(seriesIndex, series); } } private class BarGroup { public ArrayList bars; public int intX; public int width, leftX, rightX; public RectF plotArea; public BarGroup prev; public BarGroup(int intX, RectF plotArea) { // Setup the TreeMap with the required comparator this.bars = new ArrayList(); // create a comparator that compares series title given the index. this.intX = intX; this.plotArea = plotArea; } public void addBar(Bar bar) { bar.barGroup = this; this.bars.add(bar); } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class BarComparator implements Comparator{ @Override public int compare(Bar bar1, Bar bar2) { switch (renderStyle) { case OVERLAID: return Integer.valueOf(bar1.intY).compareTo(bar2.intY); case SIDE_BY_SIDE: return bar1.series.getTitle().compareToIgnoreCase(bar2.series.getTitle()); case STACKED: return bar1.series.getTitle().compareToIgnoreCase(bar2.series.getTitle()); default: return 0; } } } }