/* * Copyright 2012 AndroidPlot.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.androidplot.xy; import android.graphics.*; import android.util.Pair; import com.androidplot.exception.PlotRenderException; import com.androidplot.util.ValPixConverter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Renders a point as a line with the vertices marked. Requires 2 or more points to * be rendered. */ public class LineAndPointRenderer extends XYSeriesRenderer { public LineAndPointRenderer(XYPlot plot) { super(plot); } @Override public void onRender(Canvas canvas, RectF plotArea) throws PlotRenderException { List seriesList = getPlot().getSeriesListForRenderer(this.getClass()); if (seriesList != null) { for (XYSeries series : seriesList) { //synchronized(series) { drawSeries(canvas, plotArea, series, getFormatter(series)); //} } } } @Override public void doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas canvas, RectF rect, LineAndPointFormatter formatter) { // horizontal icon: float centerY = rect.centerY(); float centerX = rect.centerX(); if(formatter.getFillPaint() != null) { canvas.drawRect(rect, formatter.getFillPaint()); } if(formatter.getLinePaint() != null) { canvas.drawLine(rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, rect.top, formatter.getLinePaint()); } if(formatter.getVertexPaint() != null) { canvas.drawPoint(centerX, centerY, formatter.getVertexPaint()); } } /** * This method exists for StepRenderer to override without having to duplicate any * additional code. */ protected void appendToPath(Path path, PointF thisPoint, PointF lastPoint) { path.lineTo(thisPoint.x, thisPoint.y); } protected void drawSeries(Canvas canvas, RectF plotArea, XYSeries series, LineAndPointFormatter formatter) { PointF thisPoint; PointF lastPoint = null; PointF firstPoint = null; Paint linePaint = formatter.getLinePaint(); //PointF lastDrawn = null; Path path = null; ArrayList> points = new ArrayList>(series.size()); for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) { Number y = series.getY(i); Number x = series.getX(i); if (y != null && x != null) { thisPoint = ValPixConverter.valToPix( x, y, plotArea, getPlot().getCalculatedMinX(), getPlot().getCalculatedMaxX(), getPlot().getCalculatedMinY(), getPlot().getCalculatedMaxY()); points.add(new Pair(thisPoint, i)); //appendToPath(path, thisPoint, lastPoint); } else { thisPoint = null; } if(linePaint != null && thisPoint != null) { // record the first point of the new Path if(firstPoint == null) { path = new Path(); firstPoint = thisPoint; // create our first point at the bottom/x position so filling // will look good path.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y); } if(lastPoint != null) { appendToPath(path, thisPoint, lastPoint); } lastPoint = thisPoint; } else { if(lastPoint != null) { renderPath(canvas, plotArea, path, firstPoint, lastPoint, formatter); } firstPoint = null; lastPoint = null; } } if(linePaint != null && firstPoint != null) { renderPath(canvas, plotArea, path, firstPoint, lastPoint, formatter); } // TODO: benchmark this against drawPoints(float[]); Paint vertexPaint = formatter.getVertexPaint(); PointLabelFormatter plf = formatter.getPointLabelFormatter(); if (vertexPaint != null || plf != null) { for (Pair p : points) { PointLabeler pointLabeler = formatter.getPointLabeler(); // if vertexPaint is available, draw vertex: if(vertexPaint != null) { canvas.drawPoint(p.first.x, p.first.y, formatter.getVertexPaint()); } // if textPaint and pointLabeler are available, draw point's text label: if(plf != null && pointLabeler != null) { canvas.drawText(pointLabeler.getLabel(series, p.second), p.first.x + plf.hOffset, p.first.y + plf.vOffset, plf.getTextPaint()); } } } } protected void renderPath(Canvas canvas, RectF plotArea, Path path, PointF firstPoint, PointF lastPoint, LineAndPointFormatter formatter) { Path outlinePath = new Path(path); // determine how to close the path for filling purposes: // We always need to calculate this path because it is also used for // masking off for region highlighting. switch (formatter.getFillDirection()) { case BOTTOM: path.lineTo(lastPoint.x, plotArea.bottom); path.lineTo(firstPoint.x, plotArea.bottom); path.close(); break; case TOP: path.lineTo(lastPoint.x, plotArea.top); path.lineTo(firstPoint.x, plotArea.top); path.close(); break; case RANGE_ORIGIN: float originPix = ValPixConverter.valToPix( getPlot().getRangeOrigin().doubleValue(), getPlot().getCalculatedMinY().doubleValue(), getPlot().getCalculatedMaxY().doubleValue(), plotArea.height(), true); originPix += plotArea.top; path.lineTo(lastPoint.x, originPix); path.lineTo(firstPoint.x, originPix); path.close(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Fill direction not yet implemented: " + formatter.getFillDirection()); } if (formatter.getFillPaint() != null) { canvas.drawPath(path, formatter.getFillPaint()); } //} // draw any visible regions on top of the base region: double minX = getPlot().getCalculatedMinX().doubleValue(); double maxX = getPlot().getCalculatedMaxX().doubleValue(); double minY = getPlot().getCalculatedMinY().doubleValue(); double maxY = getPlot().getCalculatedMaxY().doubleValue(); // draw each region: for (RectRegion r : RectRegion.regionsWithin(formatter.getRegions().elements(), minX, maxX, minY, maxY)) { XYRegionFormatter f = formatter.getRegionFormatter(r); RectF regionRect = r.getRectF(plotArea, minX, maxX, minY, maxY); if (regionRect != null) { try { canvas.save(); canvas.clipPath(path); canvas.drawRect(regionRect, f.getPaint()); } finally { canvas.restore(); } } } // finally we draw the outline path on top of everything else: if(formatter.getLinePaint() != null) { canvas.drawPath(outlinePath, formatter.getLinePaint()); } path.rewind(); } }