diff options
authorandroid-autoroll <android-autoroll@skia-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com>2024-04-29 23:42:17 +0000
committerandroid-autoroll <android-autoroll@skia-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com>2024-04-29 23:42:17 +0000
commited1ec6b274859128ace390d9667b7cfbe50d24e5 (patch)
parent1db21666b6905e95392de6a45395cdd2c7512089 (diff)
parentb839e05ba7e3775b3e501a15d2414e676b87191d (diff)
Roll ANGLE from f51f2bc55b1f to b839e05ba7e3 (3 revisions)
https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle.git/+log/f51f2bc55b1f..b839e05ba7e3 Please enable autosubmit on changes if possible when approving them. If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller using the controls here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/angle-android-autoroll Please CC angle-team@google.com,cnorthrop@google.com,rmistry@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human is aware of the problem. To file a bug in ANGLE: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/angleproject/issues/entry To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug: https://issues.skia.org/issues/new?component=1389291&template=1850622 Documentation for the AutoRoller is here: https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot/+doc/main/autoroll/README.md Test: Presubmit checks will test this change. Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: The autoroll bot does not require owner approval. Bug: b/336844257 Change-Id: I72ab4c345fc35eb0da1d1f5cb2df40455b0b0b7a
7 files changed, 150 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/include/platform/autogen/FeaturesVk_autogen.h b/include/platform/autogen/FeaturesVk_autogen.h
index b43a1afc70..896fa7435e 100644
--- a/include/platform/autogen/FeaturesVk_autogen.h
+++ b/include/platform/autogen/FeaturesVk_autogen.h
@@ -1424,6 +1424,13 @@ struct FeaturesVk : FeatureSetBase
&members, "http://anglebug.com/8676"
+ FeatureInfo useVkEventForImageBarrier = {
+ "useVkEventForImageBarrier",
+ FeatureCategory::VulkanFeatures,
+ "Uses VkEvent instead of VkCmdPipelineBarrier for image barriers",
+ &members, "https://issuetracker.google.com/336844257"
+ };
inline FeaturesVk::FeaturesVk() = default;
diff --git a/include/platform/vk_features.json b/include/platform/vk_features.json
index 0a0de11ab6..a915735d87 100644
--- a/include/platform/vk_features.json
+++ b/include/platform/vk_features.json
@@ -1554,6 +1554,14 @@
"VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_16bit_storage extension and has the storageInputOutput16 feature"
"issue": "http://anglebug.com/8676"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "use_vkEvent_for_image_barrier",
+ "category": "Features",
+ "description": [
+ "Uses VkEvent instead of VkCmdPipelineBarrier for image barriers"
+ ],
+ "issue": "https://issuetracker.google.com/336844257"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/translator/glsl/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorGLSL.cpp b/src/compiler/translator/glsl/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorGLSL.cpp
index 622566d542..8835dc311f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/translator/glsl/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorGLSL.cpp
+++ b/src/compiler/translator/glsl/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorGLSL.cpp
@@ -80,33 +80,28 @@ void InitBuiltInAtanFunctionEmulatorForGLSLWorkarounds(BuiltInFunctionEmulator *
" else if (x < 0.0 && y < 0.0) return atan(y / x) - 3.14159265;\n"
" else return 1.57079632 * sign(y);\n"
- static const std::array<TSymbolUniqueId, 4> ids = {
- BuiltInId::atan_Float1_Float1,
- BuiltInId::atan_Float2_Float2,
- BuiltInId::atan_Float3_Float3,
- BuiltInId::atan_Float4_Float4,
- };
- for (int dim = 2; dim <= 4; ++dim)
- {
- std::stringstream ss = sh::InitializeStream<std::stringstream>();
- ss << "emu_precision vec" << dim << " atan_emu(emu_precision vec" << dim
- << " y, emu_precision vec" << dim << " x)\n"
- << "{\n"
- " return vec"
- << dim << "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
- {
- ss << "atan_emu(y[" << i << "], x[" << i << "])";
- if (i < dim - 1)
- {
- ss << ", ";
- }
- }
- ss << ");\n"
- "}\n";
- emu->addEmulatedFunctionWithDependency(BuiltInId::atan_Float1_Float1, ids[dim - 1],
- ss.str().c_str());
- }
+ emu->addEmulatedFunctionWithDependency(
+ BuiltInId::atan_Float1_Float1, BuiltInId::atan_Float2_Float2,
+ "emu_precision vec2 atan_emu(emu_precision vec2 y, emu_precision vec2 x)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return vec2(atan_emu(y[0], x[0]), atan_emu(y[1], x[1]));\n"
+ "}\n");
+ emu->addEmulatedFunctionWithDependency(
+ BuiltInId::atan_Float1_Float1, BuiltInId::atan_Float3_Float3,
+ "emu_precision vec3 atan_emu(emu_precision vec3 y, emu_precision vec3 x)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return vec3(atan_emu(y[0], x[0]), atan_emu(y[1], x[1]), atan_emu(y[2], x[2]));\n"
+ "}\n");
+ emu->addEmulatedFunctionWithDependency(
+ BuiltInId::atan_Float1_Float1, BuiltInId::atan_Float4_Float4,
+ "emu_precision vec4 atan_emu(emu_precision vec4 y, emu_precision vec4 x)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return vec4(atan_emu(y[0], x[0]), atan_emu(y[1], x[1]), atan_emu(y[2], x[2]), "
+ "atan_emu(y[3], x[3]))\n;"
+ "}\n");
// Emulate built-in functions missing from GLSL 1.30 and higher
diff --git a/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h b/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h
index 7a4c4466a4..d173a106e1 100644
--- a/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h
+++ b/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h
@@ -61,6 +61,112 @@ using ImageLayerWriteMask = std::bitset<kMaxParallelLayerWrites
using StagingBufferOffsetArray = std::array<VkDeviceSize, 2>;
+// Imagine an image going through a few layout transitions:
+// srcStage 1 dstStage 2 srcStage 2 dstStage 3
+// Layout 1 ------Transition 1-----> Layout 2 ------Transition 2------> Layout 3
+// srcAccess 1 dstAccess 2 srcAccess 2 dstAccess 3
+// \_________________ ___________________/
+// \/
+// A transition
+// Every transition requires 6 pieces of information: from/to layouts, src/dst stage masks and
+// src/dst access masks. At the moment we decide to transition the image to Layout 2 (i.e.
+// Transition 1), we need to have Layout 1, srcStage 1 and srcAccess 1 stored as history of the
+// image. To perform the transition, we need to know Layout 2, dstStage 2 and dstAccess 2.
+// Additionally, we need to know srcStage 2 and srcAccess 2 to retain them for the next transition.
+// That is, with the history kept, on every new transition we need 5 pieces of new information:
+// layout/dstStage/dstAccess to transition into the layout, and srcStage/srcAccess for the future
+// transition out from it. Given the small number of possible combinations of these values, an
+// enum is used were each value encapsulates these 5 pieces of information:
+// +--------------------------------+
+// srcStage 1 | dstStage 2 srcStage 2 | dstStage 3
+// Layout 1 ------Transition 1-----> Layout 2 ------Transition 2------> Layout 3
+// srcAccess 1 |dstAccess 2 srcAccess 2| dstAccess 3
+// +--------------- ---------------+
+// \/
+// One enum value
+// Note that, while generally dstStage for the to-transition and srcStage for the from-transition
+// are the same, they may occasionally be BOTTOM_OF_PIPE and TOP_OF_PIPE respectively.
+enum class ImageLayout
+ Undefined = 0,
+ // Framebuffer attachment layouts are placed first, so they can fit in fewer bits in
+ // PackedAttachmentOpsDesc.
+ // Color (Write):
+ ColorWrite,
+ MSRTTEmulationColorUnresolveAndResolve,
+ // Depth (Write), Stencil (Write)
+ DepthWriteStencilWrite,
+ // Depth (Write), Stencil (Read)
+ DepthWriteStencilRead,
+ DepthWriteStencilReadFragmentShaderStencilRead,
+ DepthWriteStencilReadAllShadersStencilRead,
+ // Depth (Read), Stencil (Write)
+ DepthReadStencilWrite,
+ DepthReadStencilWriteFragmentShaderDepthRead,
+ DepthReadStencilWriteAllShadersDepthRead,
+ // Depth (Read), Stencil (Read)
+ DepthReadStencilRead,
+ DepthReadStencilReadFragmentShaderRead,
+ DepthReadStencilReadAllShadersRead,
+ // The GENERAL layout is used when there's a feedback loop. For depth/stencil it does't matter
+ // which aspect is participating in feedback and whether the other aspect is read-only.
+ ColorWriteFragmentShaderFeedback,
+ ColorWriteAllShadersFeedback,
+ DepthStencilFragmentShaderFeedback,
+ DepthStencilAllShadersFeedback,
+ // Depth/stencil resolve is special because it uses the _color_ output stage and mask
+ DepthStencilResolve,
+ MSRTTEmulationDepthStencilUnresolveAndResolve,
+ Present,
+ SharedPresent,
+ // The rest of the layouts.
+ ExternalPreInitialized,
+ ExternalShadersReadOnly,
+ ExternalShadersWrite,
+ TransferSrc,
+ TransferDst,
+ TransferSrcDst,
+ // Used when the image is transitioned on the host for use by host image copy
+ HostCopy,
+ VertexShaderReadOnly,
+ VertexShaderWrite,
+ // PreFragment == Vertex, Tessellation and Geometry stages
+ PreFragmentShadersReadOnly,
+ PreFragmentShadersWrite,
+ FragmentShadingRateAttachmentReadOnly,
+ FragmentShaderReadOnly,
+ FragmentShaderWrite,
+ ComputeShaderReadOnly,
+ ComputeShaderWrite,
+ AllGraphicsShadersReadOnly,
+ AllGraphicsShadersWrite,
+ TransferDstAndComputeWrite,
+ InvalidEnum,
+ EnumCount = InvalidEnum,
+VkImageCreateFlags GetImageCreateFlags(gl::TextureType textureType);
+ImageLayout GetImageLayoutFromGLImageLayout(Context *context, GLenum layout);
+GLenum ConvertImageLayoutToGLImageLayout(ImageLayout imageLayout);
+VkImageLayout ConvertImageLayoutToVkImageLayout(Context *context, ImageLayout imageLayout);
// A dynamic buffer is conceptually an infinitely long buffer. Each time you write to the buffer,
// you will always write to a previously unused portion. After a series of writes, you must flush
// the buffer data to the device. Buffer lifetime currently assumes that each new allocation will
@@ -1799,112 +1905,6 @@ class CommandBufferRecycler
std::vector<CommandBufferHelperT *> mCommandBufferHelperFreeList;
-// Imagine an image going through a few layout transitions:
-// srcStage 1 dstStage 2 srcStage 2 dstStage 3
-// Layout 1 ------Transition 1-----> Layout 2 ------Transition 2------> Layout 3
-// srcAccess 1 dstAccess 2 srcAccess 2 dstAccess 3
-// \_________________ ___________________/
-// \/
-// A transition
-// Every transition requires 6 pieces of information: from/to layouts, src/dst stage masks and
-// src/dst access masks. At the moment we decide to transition the image to Layout 2 (i.e.
-// Transition 1), we need to have Layout 1, srcStage 1 and srcAccess 1 stored as history of the
-// image. To perform the transition, we need to know Layout 2, dstStage 2 and dstAccess 2.
-// Additionally, we need to know srcStage 2 and srcAccess 2 to retain them for the next transition.
-// That is, with the history kept, on every new transition we need 5 pieces of new information:
-// layout/dstStage/dstAccess to transition into the layout, and srcStage/srcAccess for the future
-// transition out from it. Given the small number of possible combinations of these values, an
-// enum is used were each value encapsulates these 5 pieces of information:
-// +--------------------------------+
-// srcStage 1 | dstStage 2 srcStage 2 | dstStage 3
-// Layout 1 ------Transition 1-----> Layout 2 ------Transition 2------> Layout 3
-// srcAccess 1 |dstAccess 2 srcAccess 2| dstAccess 3
-// +--------------- ---------------+
-// \/
-// One enum value
-// Note that, while generally dstStage for the to-transition and srcStage for the from-transition
-// are the same, they may occasionally be BOTTOM_OF_PIPE and TOP_OF_PIPE respectively.
-enum class ImageLayout
- Undefined = 0,
- // Framebuffer attachment layouts are placed first, so they can fit in fewer bits in
- // PackedAttachmentOpsDesc.
- // Color (Write):
- ColorWrite,
- MSRTTEmulationColorUnresolveAndResolve,
- // Depth (Write), Stencil (Write)
- DepthWriteStencilWrite,
- // Depth (Write), Stencil (Read)
- DepthWriteStencilRead,
- DepthWriteStencilReadFragmentShaderStencilRead,
- DepthWriteStencilReadAllShadersStencilRead,
- // Depth (Read), Stencil (Write)
- DepthReadStencilWrite,
- DepthReadStencilWriteFragmentShaderDepthRead,
- DepthReadStencilWriteAllShadersDepthRead,
- // Depth (Read), Stencil (Read)
- DepthReadStencilRead,
- DepthReadStencilReadFragmentShaderRead,
- DepthReadStencilReadAllShadersRead,
- // The GENERAL layout is used when there's a feedback loop. For depth/stencil it does't matter
- // which aspect is participating in feedback and whether the other aspect is read-only.
- ColorWriteFragmentShaderFeedback,
- ColorWriteAllShadersFeedback,
- DepthStencilFragmentShaderFeedback,
- DepthStencilAllShadersFeedback,
- // Depth/stencil resolve is special because it uses the _color_ output stage and mask
- DepthStencilResolve,
- MSRTTEmulationDepthStencilUnresolveAndResolve,
- Present,
- SharedPresent,
- // The rest of the layouts.
- ExternalPreInitialized,
- ExternalShadersReadOnly,
- ExternalShadersWrite,
- TransferSrc,
- TransferDst,
- TransferSrcDst,
- // Used when the image is transitioned on the host for use by host image copy
- HostCopy,
- VertexShaderReadOnly,
- VertexShaderWrite,
- // PreFragment == Vertex, Tessellation and Geometry stages
- PreFragmentShadersReadOnly,
- PreFragmentShadersWrite,
- FragmentShadingRateAttachmentReadOnly,
- FragmentShaderReadOnly,
- FragmentShaderWrite,
- ComputeShaderReadOnly,
- ComputeShaderWrite,
- AllGraphicsShadersReadOnly,
- AllGraphicsShadersWrite,
- TransferDstAndComputeWrite,
- InvalidEnum,
- EnumCount = InvalidEnum,
-VkImageCreateFlags GetImageCreateFlags(gl::TextureType textureType);
-ImageLayout GetImageLayoutFromGLImageLayout(Context *context, GLenum layout);
-GLenum ConvertImageLayoutToGLImageLayout(ImageLayout imageLayout);
-VkImageLayout ConvertImageLayoutToVkImageLayout(Context *context, ImageLayout imageLayout);
// The source of update to an ImageHelper
enum class UpdateSource
diff --git a/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_renderer.cpp b/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_renderer.cpp
index d6b224e82a..6ab2a187e9 100644
--- a/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_renderer.cpp
+++ b/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_renderer.cpp
@@ -5057,6 +5057,10 @@ void Renderer::initFeatures(const vk::ExtensionNameList &deviceExtensionNames,
ANGLE_FEATURE_CONDITION(&mFeatures, supportsExternalFormatResolve, false);
+ // Disable use of VkCmdWaitEvent for image barriers for now.
+ // https://issuetracker.google.com/336844257
+ ANGLE_FEATURE_CONDITION(&mFeatures, useVkEventForImageBarrier, false);
// Disable memory report feature overrides if extension is not supported.
if ((mFeatures.logMemoryReportCallbacks.enabled || mFeatures.logMemoryReportStats.enabled) &&
diff --git a/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.cpp b/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.cpp
index ec503e9fc1..173269fbbb 100644
--- a/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.cpp
+++ b/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.cpp
@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ constexpr PackedEnumMap<Feature, const char *> kFeatureNames = {{
{Feature::UseSystemMemoryForConstantBuffers, "useSystemMemoryForConstantBuffers"},
{Feature::UseUnusedBlocksWithStandardOrSharedLayout, "useUnusedBlocksWithStandardOrSharedLayout"},
{Feature::UseVertexInputBindingStrideDynamicState, "useVertexInputBindingStrideDynamicState"},
+ {Feature::UseVkEventForImageBarrier, "useVkEventForImageBarrier"},
{Feature::UseVmaForImageSuballocation, "useVmaForImageSuballocation"},
{Feature::VaryingsRequireMatchingPrecisionInSpirv, "varyingsRequireMatchingPrecisionInSpirv"},
{Feature::VertexIDDoesNotIncludeBaseVertex, "vertexIDDoesNotIncludeBaseVertex"},
diff --git a/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.h b/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.h
index 9b57149f74..ec9ac8e00b 100644
--- a/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.h
+++ b/util/autogen/angle_features_autogen.h
@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ enum class Feature
+ UseVkEventForImageBarrier,