#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # gen_gl_enum_utils.py: # Generates GLenum value to string mapping for ANGLE # NOTE: don't run this script directly. Run scripts/run_code_generation.py. import sys import os import registry_xml template_gl_enums_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT. // Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}. // // Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // gl_enum_utils_autogen.h: // mapping of GLenum value to string. # ifndef LIBANGLE_GL_ENUM_UTILS_AUTOGEN_H_ # define LIBANGLE_GL_ENUM_UTILS_AUTOGEN_H_ namespace gl {{ enum class GLenumGroup {{ {gl_enum_groups} }}; }} // namespace gl # endif // LIBANGLE_GL_ENUM_UTILS_AUTOGEN_H_ """ template_gl_enums_source = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT. // Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}. // // Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // gl_enum_utils_autogen.cpp: // mapping of GLenum value to string. #include "libANGLE/capture/gl_enum_utils_autogen.h" #include "libANGLE/capture/gl_enum_utils.h" namespace gl {{ namespace {{ const char *UnknownGLenumToString(unsigned int value) {{ constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 64; static thread_local char sBuffer[kBufferSize]; snprintf(sBuffer, kBufferSize, "0x%04X", value); return sBuffer; }} }} // anonymous namespace const char *GLenumToString(GLenumGroup enumGroup, unsigned int value) {{ switch (enumGroup) {{ {gl_enums_value_to_string_table} default: return UnknownGLenumToString(value); }} }} }} // namespace gl """ template_enum_group_case = """case GLenumGroup::{group_name}: {{ switch (value) {{ {inner_group_cases} default: return UnknownGLenumToString(value); }} }} """ template_enum_value_to_string_case = """case {value}: return {name};""" exclude_gl_enums = { 'GL_NO_ERROR', 'GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED', 'GL_INVALID_INDEX', 'GL_VERSION_ES_CL_1_0', 'GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_1', 'GL_VERSION_ES_CL_1_1' } exclude_gl_enum_groups = {'SpecialNumbers'} def dump_value_to_string_mapping(gl_enum_in_groups, exporting_enums): exporting_groups = list() for group_name, inner_mapping in gl_enum_in_groups.items(): string_value_pairs = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] in exporting_enums, inner_mapping.items())) if not string_value_pairs: continue # sort according values string_value_pairs.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0])) # remove all duplicate values from the pairs list # some value may have more than one GLenum mapped to them, such as: # GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING and GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING # GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB and GL_BLEND_EQUATION # it is safe to output either one of them, for simplity here just # choose the shorter one which comes first in the sorted list exporting_string_value_pairs = list() for index, pair in enumerate(string_value_pairs): if index == 0 or pair[1] != string_value_pairs[index - 1][1]: exporting_string_value_pairs.append(pair) inner_code_block = "\n".join([ template_enum_value_to_string_case.format( value='0x%X' % value, name='"%s"' % name, ) for name, value in exporting_string_value_pairs ]) exporting_groups.append((group_name, inner_code_block)) return "\n".join([ template_enum_group_case.format( group_name=group_name, inner_group_cases=inner_code_block, ) for group_name, inner_code_block in sorted(exporting_groups, key=lambda x: x[0]) ]) def main(header_output_path, source_output_path): xml = registry_xml.RegistryXML('gl.xml', 'gl_angle_ext.xml') # build a map from GLenum name to its value all_gl_enums = dict() for enums_node in xml.root.findall('enums'): for enum in enums_node.findall('enum'): name = enum.attrib['name'] value = int(enum.attrib['value'], base=16) all_gl_enums[name] = value # Parse groups of GLenums to build a {group, name} -> value mapping. gl_enum_in_groups = dict() enums_has_group = set() for enums_group_node in xml.root.findall('groups/group'): group_name = enums_group_node.attrib['name'] if group_name in exclude_gl_enum_groups: continue if group_name not in gl_enum_in_groups: gl_enum_in_groups[group_name] = dict() for enum_node in enums_group_node.findall('enum'): enum_name = enum_node.attrib['name'] enums_has_group.add(enum_name) gl_enum_in_groups[group_name][enum_name] = all_gl_enums[enum_name] # Find relevant GLenums according to enabled APIs and extensions. exporting_enums = set() # export all the apis xpath = "./feature[@api='gles2']/require/enum" for enum_tag in xml.root.findall(xpath): enum_name = enum_tag.attrib['name'] if enum_name not in exclude_gl_enums: exporting_enums.add(enum_name) for extension in registry_xml.supported_extensions: xpath = "./extensions/extension[@name='%s']/require/enum" % extension for enum_tag in xml.root.findall(xpath): enum_name = enum_tag.attrib['name'] if enum_name not in exclude_gl_enums: exporting_enums.add(enum_name) # For enums that do not have a group, add them to a default group default_group_name = registry_xml.default_enum_group_name gl_enum_in_groups[default_group_name] = dict() default_group = gl_enum_in_groups[default_group_name] for enum_name in exporting_enums: if enum_name not in enums_has_group: default_group[enum_name] = all_gl_enums[enum_name] # Write GLenum groups into the header file. header_content = template_gl_enums_header.format( script_name=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), data_source_name="gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml", gl_enum_groups=',\n'.join(sorted(gl_enum_in_groups.keys()))) header_output_path = registry_xml.script_relative(header_output_path) with open(header_output_path, 'w') as f: f.write(header_content) # Write mapping to source file gl_enums_value_to_string_table = dump_value_to_string_mapping(gl_enum_in_groups, exporting_enums) source_content = template_gl_enums_source.format( script_name=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), data_source_name="gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml", gl_enums_value_to_string_table=gl_enums_value_to_string_table, ) source_output_path = registry_xml.script_relative(source_output_path) with open(source_output_path, 'w') as f: f.write(source_content) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': inputs = [ 'gl.xml', 'gl_angle_ext.xml', 'registry_xml.py', ] gl_enum_utils_autogen_base_path = '../src/libANGLE/capture/gl_enum_utils_autogen' outputs = [ gl_enum_utils_autogen_base_path + '.h', gl_enum_utils_autogen_base_path + '.cpp', ] if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'inputs': print(','.join(inputs)) elif sys.argv[1] == 'outputs': print(','.join(outputs)) else: sys.exit( main( registry_xml.script_relative(outputs[0]), registry_xml.script_relative(outputs[1])))