path: root/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/simplec.g
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/simplec.g')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/simplec.g b/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/simplec.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa8245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/simplec.g
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+grammar SimpleC;
+options {
+ language=ObjC;
+ : declaration+
+ ;
+/** In this rule, the functionHeader left prefix on the last two
+ * alternatives is not LL(k) for a fixed k. However, it is
+ * LL(*). The LL(*) algorithm simply scans ahead until it sees
+ * either the ';' or the '{' of the block and then it picks
+ * the appropriate alternative. Lookhead can be arbitrarily
+ * long in theory, but is <=10 in most cases. Works great.
+ * Use ANTLRWorks to see the lookahead use (step by Location)
+ * and look for blue tokens in the input window pane. :)
+ */
+ : variable
+ | functionHeader ';'
+ { NSLog(@"\%@ is a declaration\n", $functionHeader.name); }
+ | functionHeader block
+ { NSLog(@"\%@ is a definition\n", $functionHeader.name); }
+ ;
+ : type declarator ';'
+ ;
+ : ID
+ ;
+functionHeader returns [NSString *name]
+@init {
+ name=nil; // for now you must init here rather than in 'returns'
+ : type ID '(' ( formalParameter ( ',' formalParameter )* )? ')'
+ {$name = $ID.text;}
+ ;
+ : type declarator
+ ;
+ : 'int'
+ | 'char'
+ | 'void'
+ | ID
+ ;
+ : '{'
+ variable*
+ stat*
+ '}'
+ ;
+stat: forStat
+ | expr ';'
+ | block
+ | assignStat ';'
+ | ';'
+ ;
+ : 'for' '(' assignStat ';' expr ';' assignStat ')' block
+ ;
+ : ID '=' expr
+ ;
+expr: condExpr
+ ;
+ : aexpr ( ('==' | '<') aexpr )?
+ ;
+ : atom ( '+' atom )*
+ ;
+ : ID
+ | INT
+ | '(' expr ')'
+ ;
+ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*
+ ;
+INT : ('0'..'9')+
+ ;
+WS : ( ' '
+ | '\t'
+ | '\r'
+ | '\n'
+ )+
+ { $channel=HIDDEN; }
+ ;