path: root/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/debugging/debug-mode.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/Ruby/test/functional/debugging/debug-mode.rb')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/debugging/debug-mode.rb b/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/debugging/debug-mode.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db9e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/debugging/debug-mode.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'antlr3'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'antlr3/test/functional'
+#require 'antlr3/test/diff'
+class ANTLRDebugger < Thread
+ self.abort_on_exception = true
+ attr_accessor :events, :success, :port
+ include Timeout
+ def initialize( port )
+ @events = []
+ @success = false
+ @port = port
+ super do
+ timeout( 2 ) do
+ begin
+ @socket = TCPSocket.open( 'localhost', @port )
+ #Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+ #@socket.connect( Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(@port, '') )
+ rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => error
+ $stderr.printf(
+ "%s:%s received connection refuse error: %p\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, error
+ )
+ $stderr.puts( "sleeping for 0.1 seconds before retrying" )
+ end
+ sleep( 0.01 )
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ @socket.readline.strip.should == 'ANTLR 2'
+ @socket.readline.strip.start_with?( 'grammar "' ).should == true
+ ack
+ loop do
+ event = @socket.readline.strip
+ @events << event.split( "\t" )
+ ack
+ break if event == 'terminate'
+ end
+ @socket.close
+ @success = true
+ end
+ end
+ def ack
+ @socket.write( "ACK\n" )
+ @socket.flush
+ end
+end # ANTLRDebugger
+class TestDebugGrammars < ANTLR3::Test::Functional
+ compile_options :debug => true
+ #include ANTLR3::Test::Diff
+ def parse( grammar, rule, input, options = {} )
+ @grammar = inline_grammar( grammar )
+ @grammar.compile( self.class.compile_options )
+ @grammar_path = File.expand_path( @grammar.path )
+ for output_file in @grammar.target_files
+ self.class.import( output_file )
+ end
+ grammar_module = self.class.const_get( @grammar.name )
+ listener = options[ :listener ] or debugger = ANTLRDebugger.new( port = 49100 )
+ begin
+ lexer = grammar_module::Lexer.new( input )
+ tokens = ANTLR3::CommonTokenStream.new( lexer )
+ options[ :debug_listener ] = listener
+ parser = grammar_module::Parser.new( tokens, options )
+ parser.send( rule )
+ ensure
+ if listener.nil?
+ debugger.join
+ return( debugger )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ example 'basic debug-mode parser using a RecordEventListener' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar BasicParser; // line 1
+ options {language=Ruby;} // line 2
+ a : ID EOF; // line 3
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ; // line 4
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ listener = ANTLR3::Debug::RecordEventListener.new
+ parse( grammar, :a, 'a', :listener => listener )
+ lt_events, found = listener.events.partition { |event| event.start_with?( "(look): " ) }
+ lt_events.should_not be_empty
+ expected = [ "(enter_rule): rule=a",
+ "(location): line=3 position=1",
+ "(enter_alternative): number=1",
+ "(location): line=3 position=5",
+ "(location): line=3 position=8",
+ "(location): line=3 position=11",
+ "(exit_rule): rule=a" ]
+ found.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser using a socket proxy to transmit events' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar SocketProxy; // line 1
+ options {language=Ruby;} // line 2
+ a : ID EOF; // line 3
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ; // line 4
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, 'a' )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ 'enter_rule', @grammar_path, 'a' ],
+ [ 'location', '3', '1' ],
+ [ 'enter_alternative', '1' ],
+ [ 'location', '3', '5' ],
+ [ 'look', '1', '0', '4', 'default', '1', '0', '"a"' ],
+ [ 'look', '1', '0', '4', 'default', '1', '0', '"a"' ],
+ [ 'consume_token', '0', '4', 'default', '1', '0', '"a"' ],
+ [ 'location', '3', '8' ],
+ [ 'look', '1', '-1', '-1', 'default', '0', '-1', 'nil' ],
+ [ 'look', '1', '-1', '-1', 'default', '0', '-1', 'nil' ],
+ [ 'consume_token', '-1', '-1', 'default', '0', '-1', 'nil' ],
+ [ 'location', '3', '11' ],
+ [ 'exit_rule', @grammar_path, 'a' ],
+ [ 'terminate' ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by recognition errors' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar RecognitionError;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID EOF;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a b" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "1", "5", "hidden", "1", "1", '" "' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "4", "default", "1", "2", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "4", "default", "1", "2", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "look", "2", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "4", "default", "1", "2", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "begin_resync" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "2", "4", "default", "1", "2", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "end_resync" ],
+ [ "recognition_exception", "ANTLR3::Error::UnwantedToken", "2", "1", "2" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "11" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by semantic predicate evaluation' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar SemPred;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : {true}? ID EOF;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "semantic_predicate", "true", '"true"' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "13" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "16" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "19" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by recognizing a (...)+ block' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar PositiveClosureBlock;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID ( ID | INT )+ EOF;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a 1 b c 3" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "1", "6", "hidden", "1", "1", '" "' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "3", "6", "hidden", "1", "3", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "5", "6", "hidden", "1", "5", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "7", "6", "hidden", "1", "7", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "22" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "25" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by recognizing a (...)* block' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar ClosureBlock;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID ( ID | INT )* EOF;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a 1 b c 3" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "1", "6", "hidden", "1", "1", '" "' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "3", "6", "hidden", "1", "3", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "4", "4", "default", "1", "4", "\"b\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "5", "6", "hidden", "1", "5", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "6", "4", "default", "1", "6", "\"c\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "7", "6", "hidden", "1", "7", '" "' ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "8", "5", "default", "1", "8", "\"3\"" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "22" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "25" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by a mismatched set error' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar MismatchedSetError;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID ( ID | INT ) EOF;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "recognition_exception", "ANTLR3::Error::MismatchedSet", "1", "0", "-1" ],
+ [ "recognition_exception", "ANTLR3::Error::MismatchedSet", "1", "0", "-1" ],
+ [ "begin_resync" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "end_resync" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "24" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser block-location events for subrules' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar Block;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID ( b | c ) EOF;
+ b : ID;
+ c : INT;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a 1" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "1", "6", "hidden", "1", "1", '" "' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "2" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "14" ],
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "2", "5", "default", "1", "2", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "8" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "18" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "21" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser events triggered by a no viable alternative error' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar NoViableAlt;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ID ( b | c ) EOF;
+ b : ID;
+ c : INT;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ BANG : '!' ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a !" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_hidden_token", "1", "7", "hidden", "1", "1", '" "' ],
+ [ "location", "3", "8" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "6", "default", "1", "2", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "6", "default", "1", "2", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "recognition_exception", "ANTLR3::Error::NoViableAlternative", "2", "1", "2" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "recognition_exception", "ANTLR3::Error::NoViableAlternative", "2", "1", "2" ],
+ [ "begin_resync" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "2", "6", "default", "1", "2", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "2", "6", "default", "1", "2", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "end_resync" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "21" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser block-location events triggered by rules' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar RuleBlock;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : b | c;
+ b : ID;
+ c : INT;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "1" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "5", "default", "1", "0", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "2" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "9" ],
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "5", "default", "1", "0", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "5", "default", "1", "0", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "5", "default", "1", "0", "\"1\"" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "8" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "10" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser block-location events triggered by single-alternative rules' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar RuleBlockSingleAlt;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : b;
+ b : ID;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "b" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "7" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "b" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "6" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser block-location events triggered by single-alternative subrules' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar BlockSingleAlt;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ( b );
+ b : ID;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "7" ],
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "b" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "location", "4", "7" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "b" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "10" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode parser block-location events triggered by invoking a cyclic DFA for prediction' do
+ grammar = %q<
+ grammar DFA;
+ options { language=Ruby; }
+ a : ( b | c ) EOF;
+ b : ID* INT;
+ c : ID+ BANG;
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ BANG : '!';
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ >
+ debugger = parse( grammar, :a, "a!" )
+ debugger.success.should be_true
+ expected = [
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "5" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "mark", "0" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "rewind", "0" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "2" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "11" ],
+ [ "enter_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "1" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "5" ],
+ [ "enter_subrule", "3" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "3" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "3" ],
+ [ "enter_alternative", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "5" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "0", "4", "default", "1", "0", "\"a\"" ],
+ [ "enter_decision", "3" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "exit_decision", "3" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "3" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "9" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "1", "6", "default", "1", "1", "\"!\"" ],
+ [ "location", "5", "13" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "c" ],
+ [ "exit_subrule", "1" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "15" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "look", "1", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "consume_token", "-1", "-1", "default", "0", "-1", "nil" ],
+ [ "location", "3", "18" ],
+ [ "exit_rule", @grammar_path, "a" ],
+ [ "terminate" ]
+ ]
+ debugger.events.should == expected
+ end
+ example 'debug-mode AST-building parser events' do
+ grammar = %q/
+ grammar BasicAST;
+ options {
+ language=Ruby;
+ output=AST;
+ }
+ a : ( b | c ) EOF!;
+ b : ID* INT -> ^(INT ID*);
+ c : ID+ BANG -> ^(BANG ID+);
+ ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
+ INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
+ BANG : '!';
+ WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
+ /
+ listener = ANTLR3::Debug::RecordEventListener.new
+ parse( grammar, :a, "a!", :listener => listener )
+ end