BCEL 5.3 RELEASE NOTES ===================== Compatibility with 5.2 ---------------------- Binary compatible - Yes Source compatible - Yes Semantic compatible - Yes Deprecations from 5.2 --------------------- public org.apache.bcel.util.ClassVector implements java.io.Serializable Bug fixes from 5.2 ------------------ 32664 Examples with enum breaks Gump (JDK1.5) Enhancements from 5.2 --------------------- 32945 Wrap JavaClass repository class (map values) with... BCEL-163 - Incorporate patch file from Findbugs Feedback -------- Open source works best when you give feedback: http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel Please direct all bug reports to Bugzilla http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?product=BCEL Or subscribe to the bcel-user mailing list The BCEL Team