/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.lang3.builder; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; /** */ public class MultilineRecursiveToStringStyleTest { private final String BR = System.lineSeparator(); @Test public void simpleObject() { final Transaction tx = new Transaction("2014.10.15", 100); final String expected = getClassPrefix(tx) + "[" + BR + " amount=100.0," + BR + " date=2014.10.15" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(expected, toString(tx)); } @Test public void nestedElements() { final Customer customer = new Customer("Douglas Adams"); final Bank bank = new Bank("ASF Bank"); customer.bank = bank; final String exp = getClassPrefix(customer) + "[" + BR + " name=Douglas Adams," + BR + " bank=" + getClassPrefix(bank) + "[" + BR + " name=ASF Bank" + BR + " ]," + BR + " accounts=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(customer)); } @Test public void nestedAndArray() { final Account acc = new Account(); final Transaction tx1 = new Transaction("2014.10.14", 100); final Transaction tx2 = new Transaction("2014.10.15", 50); acc.transactions.add(tx1); acc.transactions.add(tx2); final String expected = getClassPrefix(acc) + "[" + BR + " owner=," + BR + " transactions=" + getClassPrefix(acc.transactions) + "{" + BR + " " + getClassPrefix(tx1) + "[" + BR + " amount=100.0," + BR + " date=2014.10.14" + BR + " ]," + BR + " " + getClassPrefix(tx2) + "[" + BR + " amount=50.0," + BR + " date=2014.10.15" + BR + " ]" + BR + " }" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(expected, toString(acc)); } @Test public void noArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void boolArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.boolArray = new boolean[] { true, false, true }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray={" + BR + " true," + BR + " false," + BR + " true" + BR + " }," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void charArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.charArray = new char[] { 'a', 'A' }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray={" + BR + " a," + BR + " A" + BR + " }," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void intArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.intArray = new int[] { 1, 2 }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray={" + BR + " 1," + BR + " 2" + BR + " }," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void doubleArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.doubleArray = new double[] { 1, 2 }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray={" + BR + " 1.0," + BR + " 2.0" + BR + " }," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void longArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.longArray = new long[] { 1L, 2L }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray={" + BR + " 1," + BR + " 2" + BR + " }," + BR + " stringArray=" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void stringArray() { final WithArrays wa = new WithArrays(); wa.stringArray = new String[] { "a", "A" }; final String exp = getClassPrefix(wa) + "[" + BR + " boolArray=," + BR + " charArray=," + BR + " intArray=," + BR + " doubleArray=," + BR + " longArray=," + BR + " stringArray={" + BR + " a," + BR + " A" + BR + " }" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(wa)); } @Test public void testLANG1319() throws Exception { final String[] stringArray = {"1", "2"}; final String exp = getClassPrefix(stringArray) + "[" + BR + " {" + BR + " 1," + BR + " 2" + BR + " }" + BR + "]"; assertEquals(exp, toString(stringArray)); } private String getClassPrefix(final Object object) { return object.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object)); } private String toString(final Object object) { return new ReflectionToStringBuilder(object, new MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle()).toString(); } static class WithArrays { boolean[] boolArray; char[] charArray; int[] intArray; double[] doubleArray; long[] longArray; String[] stringArray; } static class Bank { String name; Bank(final String name) { this.name = name; } } static class Customer { String name; Bank bank; List accounts; Customer(final String name) { this.name = name; } } static class Account { Customer owner; List transactions = new ArrayList<>(); public double getBalance() { double balance = 0; for (final Transaction tx : transactions) { balance += tx.amount; } return balance; } } static class Transaction { double amount; String date; Transaction(final String datum, final double betrag) { this.date = datum; this.amount = betrag; } } }