/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.lang3.text; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import org.apache.commons.lang3.AbstractLangTest; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; /** * Unit tests for WordUtils class. */ @Deprecated public class WordUtilsTest extends AbstractLangTest { @Test public void testConstructor() { assertNotNull(new WordUtils()); final Constructor[] cons = WordUtils.class.getDeclaredConstructors(); assertEquals(1, cons.length); assertTrue(Modifier.isPublic(cons[0].getModifiers())); assertTrue(Modifier.isPublic(WordUtils.class.getModifiers())); assertFalse(Modifier.isFinal(WordUtils.class.getModifiers())); } @Test public void testWrap_StringInt() { assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, 20)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, -1)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", 20)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", -1)); // normal final String systemNewLine = System.lineSeparator(); String input = "Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; String expected = "Here is one line of" + systemNewLine + "text that is going" + systemNewLine + "to be wrapped after" + systemNewLine + "20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20)); // long word at end input = "Click here to jump to the commons website - https://commons.apache.org"; expected = "Click here to jump" + systemNewLine + "to the commons" + systemNewLine + "website -" + systemNewLine + "https://commons.apache.org"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20)); // long word in middle input = "Click here, https://commons.apache.org, to jump to the commons website"; expected = "Click here," + systemNewLine + "https://commons.apache.org," + systemNewLine + "to jump to the" + systemNewLine + "commons website"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20)); // leading spaces on a new line are stripped // trailing spaces are not stripped input = "word1 word2 word3"; expected = "word1 " + systemNewLine + "word2 " + systemNewLine + "word3"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 7)); } @Test public void testWrap_StringIntStringBoolean() { assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, 20, "\n", false)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, 20, "\n", true)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, 20, null, true)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, 20, null, false)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, -1, null, true)); assertNull(WordUtils.wrap(null, -1, null, false)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", 20, "\n", false)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", 20, "\n", true)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", 20, null, false)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", 20, null, true)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", -1, null, false)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.wrap("", -1, null, true)); // normal String input = "Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; String expected = "Here is one line of\ntext that is going\nto be wrapped after\n20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); // unusual newline char input = "Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; expected = "Here is one line of
text that is going
to be wrapped after
20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "
", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "
", true)); // short line length input = "Here is one line"; expected = "Here\nis one\nline"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 6, "\n", false)); expected = "Here\nis\none\nline"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 2, "\n", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, -1, "\n", false)); // system newline char final String systemNewLine = System.lineSeparator(); input = "Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; expected = "Here is one line of" + systemNewLine + "text that is going" + systemNewLine + "to be wrapped after" + systemNewLine + "20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, null, false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, null, true)); // with extra spaces input = " Here: is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; expected = "Here: is one line\nof text that is \ngoing to be \nwrapped after 20 \ncolumns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); // with tab input = "Here is\tone line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; expected = "Here is\tone line of\ntext that is going\nto be wrapped after\n20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); // with tab at wrapColumn input = "Here is one line of\ttext that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns."; expected = "Here is one line\nof\ttext that is\ngoing to be wrapped\nafter 20 columns."; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); // difference because of long word input = "Click here to jump to the commons website - https://commons.apache.org"; expected = "Click here to jump\nto the commons\nwebsite -\nhttps://commons.apache.org"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); expected = "Click here to jump\nto the commons\nwebsite -\nhttps://commons.apac\nhe.org"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); // difference because of long word in middle input = "Click here, https://commons.apache.org, to jump to the commons website"; expected = "Click here,\nhttps://commons.apache.org,\nto jump to the\ncommons website"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", false)); expected = "Click here,\nhttps://commons.apac\nhe.org, to jump to\nthe commons website"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 20, "\n", true)); } @Test public void testWrap_StringIntStringBooleanString() { //no changes test String input = "flammable/inflammable"; String expected = "flammable/inflammable"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 30, "\n", false, "/")); // wrap on / and small width expected = "flammable\ninflammable"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 2, "\n", false, "/")); // wrap long words on / 1 expected = "flammable\ninflammab\nle"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 9, "\n", true, "/")); // wrap long words on / 2 expected = "flammable\ninflammable"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 15, "\n", true, "/")); // wrap long words on / 3 input = "flammableinflammable"; expected = "flammableinflam\nmable"; assertEquals(expected, WordUtils.wrap(input, 15, "\n", true, "/")); } @Test public void testCapitalize_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.capitalize(null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.capitalize("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.capitalize(" ")); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalize("I") ); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalize("i") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalize("i am here 123") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalize("I Am Here 123") ); assertEquals("I Am HERE 123", WordUtils.capitalize("i am HERE 123") ); assertEquals("I AM HERE 123", WordUtils.capitalize("I AM HERE 123") ); } @Test public void testCapitalizeWithDelimiters_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.capitalize(null, null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.capitalize("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.capitalize(" ")); char[] chars = { '-', '+', ' ', '@' }; assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalize("I", chars) ); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalize("i", chars) ); assertEquals("I-Am Here+123", WordUtils.capitalize("i-am here+123", chars) ); assertEquals("I Am+Here-123", WordUtils.capitalize("I Am+Here-123", chars) ); assertEquals("I+Am-HERE 123", WordUtils.capitalize("i+am-HERE 123", chars) ); assertEquals("I-AM HERE+123", WordUtils.capitalize("I-AM HERE+123", chars) ); chars = new char[] {'.'}; assertEquals("I aM.Fine", WordUtils.capitalize("i aM.fine", chars) ); assertEquals("I Am.fine", WordUtils.capitalize("i am.fine", null) ); } @Test public void testCapitalizeFully_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.capitalizeFully(null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.capitalizeFully(" ")); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I") ); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i am here 123") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I Am Here 123") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i am HERE 123") ); assertEquals("I Am Here 123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I AM HERE 123") ); } @Test public void testCapitalizeFullyWithDelimiters_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.capitalizeFully(null, null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.capitalizeFully(" ")); char[] chars = { '-', '+', ' ', '@' }; assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I", chars) ); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i", chars) ); assertEquals("I-Am Here+123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i-am here+123", chars) ); assertEquals("I Am+Here-123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I Am+Here-123", chars) ); assertEquals("I+Am-Here 123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i+am-HERE 123", chars) ); assertEquals("I-Am Here+123", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("I-AM HERE+123", chars) ); chars = new char[] {'.'}; assertEquals("I am.Fine", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i aM.fine", chars) ); assertEquals("I Am.fine", WordUtils.capitalizeFully("i am.fine", null) ); } @Test public void testContainsAllWords_StringString() { assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords(null, (String) null)); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords(null, "")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords(null, "ab")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("", (String) null)); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("", "")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("", "ab")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("foo", (String) null)); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("bar", "")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("zzabyycdxx", "by")); assertTrue(WordUtils.containsAllWords("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "ipsum", "lorem", "dolor")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "ipsum", null, "lorem", "dolor")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("lorem ipsum null dolor sit amet", "ipsum", null, "lorem", "dolor")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("ab", "b")); assertFalse(WordUtils.containsAllWords("ab", "z")); } @Test public void testUncapitalize_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.uncapitalize(null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.uncapitalize("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.uncapitalize(" ")); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I") ); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i") ); assertEquals("i am here 123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i am here 123") ); assertEquals("i am here 123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I Am Here 123") ); assertEquals("i am hERE 123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i am HERE 123") ); assertEquals("i aM hERE 123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I AM HERE 123") ); } @Test public void testUncapitalizeWithDelimiters_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.uncapitalize(null, null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.uncapitalize("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.uncapitalize(" ")); char[] chars = { '-', '+', ' ', '@' }; assertEquals("i", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I", chars) ); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i", chars) ); assertEquals("i am-here+123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i am-here+123", chars) ); assertEquals("i+am here-123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I+Am Here-123", chars) ); assertEquals("i-am+hERE 123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("i-am+HERE 123", chars) ); assertEquals("i aM-hERE+123", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I AM-HERE+123", chars) ); chars = new char[] {'.'}; assertEquals("i AM.fINE", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I AM.FINE", chars) ); assertEquals("i aM.FINE", WordUtils.uncapitalize("I AM.FINE", null) ); } @Test public void testInitials_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("")); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ")); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.initials("I")); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i")); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee")); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials(" Ben \n John\tLee\t")); assertEquals("BJ", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee")); assertEquals("BJ.L", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee")); assertEquals("iah1", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123")); } @Test public void testInitials_String_charArray() { char[] array = null; assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("S", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials(" Ben \n John\tLee\t", array)); assertEquals("BJ", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJ.L", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("KO", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("iah1", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); array = new char[0]; assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" Ben \n John\tLee\t", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); array = " ".toCharArray(); assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("S", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJ", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals("B\nJ", WordUtils.initials(" Ben \n John\tLee\t", array)); assertEquals("BJ.L", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("KO", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("iah1", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); array = " .".toCharArray(); assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("S", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("KO", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("iah1", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); array = " .'".toCharArray(); assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("S", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals("BJL", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("KOM", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("iah1", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); array = "SIJo1".toCharArray(); assertNull(WordUtils.initials(null, array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("", array)); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.initials(" ", array)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.initials("I", array)); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.initials("i", array)); assertEquals("C", WordUtils.initials("SJC", array)); assertEquals("Bh", WordUtils.initials("Ben John Lee", array)); assertEquals("B.", WordUtils.initials("Ben J.Lee", array)); assertEquals(" h", WordUtils.initials(" Ben John . Lee", array)); assertEquals("K", WordUtils.initials("Kay O'Murphy", array)); assertEquals("i2", WordUtils.initials("i am here 123", array)); } @Test public void testSwapCase_String() { assertNull(WordUtils.swapCase(null)); assertEquals("", WordUtils.swapCase("")); assertEquals(" ", WordUtils.swapCase(" ")); assertEquals("i", WordUtils.swapCase("I") ); assertEquals("I", WordUtils.swapCase("i") ); assertEquals("I AM HERE 123", WordUtils.swapCase("i am here 123") ); assertEquals("i aM hERE 123", WordUtils.swapCase("I Am Here 123") ); assertEquals("I AM here 123", WordUtils.swapCase("i am HERE 123") ); assertEquals("i am here 123", WordUtils.swapCase("I AM HERE 123") ); final String test = "This String contains a TitleCase character: \u01C8"; final String expect = "tHIS sTRING CONTAINS A tITLEcASE CHARACTER: \u01C9"; assertEquals(expect, WordUtils.swapCase(test)); } @Test public void testLANG1292() { // Prior to fix, this was throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException WordUtils.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 70); } @Test public void testLANG1397() { // Prior to fix, this was throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException WordUtils.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }