path: root/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/ode/
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.math.ode;
+import org.apache.commons.math.MathRuntimeException;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ode.DerivativeException;
+import org.apache.commons.math.exception.util.LocalizedFormats;
+import org.apache.commons.math.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
+import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince853Integrator;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ode.sampling.StepHandler;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ode.sampling.StepInterpolator;
+import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;
+ * This class is the base class for multistep integrators for Ordinary
+ * Differential Equations.
+ * <p>We define scaled derivatives s<sub>i</sub>(n) at step n as:
+ * <pre>
+ * s<sub>1</sub>(n) = h y'<sub>n</sub> for first derivative
+ * s<sub>2</sub>(n) = h<sup>2</sup>/2 y''<sub>n</sub> for second derivative
+ * s<sub>3</sub>(n) = h<sup>3</sup>/6 y'''<sub>n</sub> for third derivative
+ * ...
+ * s<sub>k</sub>(n) = h<sup>k</sup>/k! y(k)<sub>n</sub> for k<sup>th</sup> derivative
+ * </pre></p>
+ * <p>Rather than storing several previous steps separately, this implementation uses
+ * the Nordsieck vector with higher degrees scaled derivatives all taken at the same
+ * step (y<sub>n</sub>, s<sub>1</sub>(n) and r<sub>n</sub>) where r<sub>n</sub> is defined as:
+ * <pre>
+ * r<sub>n</sub> = [ s<sub>2</sub>(n), s<sub>3</sub>(n) ... s<sub>k</sub>(n) ]<sup>T</sup>
+ * </pre>
+ * (we omit the k index in the notation for clarity)</p>
+ * <p>
+ * Multistep integrators with Nordsieck representation are highly sensitive to
+ * large step changes because when the step is multiplied by a factor a, the
+ * k<sup>th</sup> component of the Nordsieck vector is multiplied by a<sup>k</sup>
+ * and the last components are the least accurate ones. The default max growth
+ * factor is therefore set to a quite low value: 2<sup>1/order</sup>.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @see org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.AdamsBashforthIntegrator
+ * @see org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.AdamsMoultonIntegrator
+ * @version $Revision: 1073158 $ $Date: 2011-02-21 22:46:52 +0100 (lun. 21 févr. 2011) $
+ * @since 2.0
+ */
+public abstract class MultistepIntegrator extends AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator {
+ /** First scaled derivative (h y'). */
+ protected double[] scaled;
+ /** Nordsieck matrix of the higher scaled derivatives.
+ * <p>(h<sup>2</sup>/2 y'', h<sup>3</sup>/6 y''' ..., h<sup>k</sup>/k! y(k))</p>
+ */
+ protected Array2DRowRealMatrix nordsieck;
+ /** Starter integrator. */
+ private FirstOrderIntegrator starter;
+ /** Number of steps of the multistep method (excluding the one being computed). */
+ private final int nSteps;
+ /** Stepsize control exponent. */
+ private double exp;
+ /** Safety factor for stepsize control. */
+ private double safety;
+ /** Minimal reduction factor for stepsize control. */
+ private double minReduction;
+ /** Maximal growth factor for stepsize control. */
+ private double maxGrowth;
+ /**
+ * Build a multistep integrator with the given stepsize bounds.
+ * <p>The default starter integrator is set to the {@link
+ * DormandPrince853Integrator Dormand-Prince 8(5,3)} integrator with
+ * some defaults settings.</p>
+ * <p>
+ * The default max growth factor is set to a quite low value: 2<sup>1/order</sup>.
+ * </p>
+ * @param name name of the method
+ * @param nSteps number of steps of the multistep method
+ * (excluding the one being computed)
+ * @param order order of the method
+ * @param minStep minimal step (must be positive even for backward
+ * integration), the last step can be smaller than this
+ * @param maxStep maximal step (must be positive even for backward
+ * integration)
+ * @param scalAbsoluteTolerance allowed absolute error
+ * @param scalRelativeTolerance allowed relative error
+ */
+ protected MultistepIntegrator(final String name, final int nSteps,
+ final int order,
+ final double minStep, final double maxStep,
+ final double scalAbsoluteTolerance,
+ final double scalRelativeTolerance) {
+ super(name, minStep, maxStep, scalAbsoluteTolerance, scalRelativeTolerance);
+ if (nSteps <= 0) {
+ throw MathRuntimeException.createIllegalArgumentException(
+ name);
+ }
+ starter = new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep,
+ scalAbsoluteTolerance,
+ scalRelativeTolerance);
+ this.nSteps = nSteps;
+ exp = -1.0 / order;
+ // set the default values of the algorithm control parameters
+ setSafety(0.9);
+ setMinReduction(0.2);
+ setMaxGrowth(FastMath.pow(2.0, -exp));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a multistep integrator with the given stepsize bounds.
+ * <p>The default starter integrator is set to the {@link
+ * DormandPrince853Integrator Dormand-Prince 8(5,3)} integrator with
+ * some defaults settings.</p>
+ * <p>
+ * The default max growth factor is set to a quite low value: 2<sup>1/order</sup>.
+ * </p>
+ * @param name name of the method
+ * @param nSteps number of steps of the multistep method
+ * (excluding the one being computed)
+ * @param order order of the method
+ * @param minStep minimal step (must be positive even for backward
+ * integration), the last step can be smaller than this
+ * @param maxStep maximal step (must be positive even for backward
+ * integration)
+ * @param vecAbsoluteTolerance allowed absolute error
+ * @param vecRelativeTolerance allowed relative error
+ */
+ protected MultistepIntegrator(final String name, final int nSteps,
+ final int order,
+ final double minStep, final double maxStep,
+ final double[] vecAbsoluteTolerance,
+ final double[] vecRelativeTolerance) {
+ super(name, minStep, maxStep, vecAbsoluteTolerance, vecRelativeTolerance);
+ starter = new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep,
+ vecAbsoluteTolerance,
+ vecRelativeTolerance);
+ this.nSteps = nSteps;
+ exp = -1.0 / order;
+ // set the default values of the algorithm control parameters
+ setSafety(0.9);
+ setMinReduction(0.2);
+ setMaxGrowth(FastMath.pow(2.0, -exp));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the starter integrator.
+ * @return starter integrator
+ */
+ public ODEIntegrator getStarterIntegrator() {
+ return starter;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the starter integrator.
+ * <p>The various step and event handlers for this starter integrator
+ * will be managed automatically by the multi-step integrator. Any
+ * user configuration for these elements will be cleared before use.</p>
+ * @param starterIntegrator starter integrator
+ */
+ public void setStarterIntegrator(FirstOrderIntegrator starterIntegrator) {
+ this.starter = starterIntegrator;
+ }
+ /** Start the integration.
+ * <p>This method computes one step using the underlying starter integrator,
+ * and initializes the Nordsieck vector at step start. The starter integrator
+ * purpose is only to establish initial conditions, it does not really change
+ * time by itself. The top level multistep integrator remains in charge of
+ * handling time propagation and events handling as it will starts its own
+ * computation right from the beginning. In a sense, the starter integrator
+ * can be seen as a dummy one and so it will never trigger any user event nor
+ * call any user step handler.</p>
+ * @param t0 initial time
+ * @param y0 initial value of the state vector at t0
+ * @param t target time for the integration
+ * (can be set to a value smaller than <code>t0</code> for backward integration)
+ * @throws IntegratorException if the integrator cannot perform integration
+ * @throws DerivativeException this exception is propagated to the caller if
+ * the underlying user function triggers one
+ */
+ protected void start(final double t0, final double[] y0, final double t)
+ throws DerivativeException, IntegratorException {
+ // make sure NO user event nor user step handler is triggered,
+ // this is the task of the top level integrator, not the task
+ // of the starter integrator
+ starter.clearEventHandlers();
+ starter.clearStepHandlers();
+ // set up one specific step handler to extract initial Nordsieck vector
+ starter.addStepHandler(new NordsieckInitializer(y0.length));
+ // start integration, expecting a InitializationCompletedMarkerException
+ try {
+ starter.integrate(new CountingDifferentialEquations(y0.length),
+ t0, y0, t, new double[y0.length]);
+ } catch (DerivativeException mue) {
+ if (!(mue instanceof InitializationCompletedMarkerException)) {
+ // this is not the expected nominal interruption of the start integrator
+ throw mue;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the specific step handler
+ starter.clearStepHandlers();
+ }
+ /** Initialize the high order scaled derivatives at step start.
+ * @param first first scaled derivative at step start
+ * @param multistep scaled derivatives after step start (hy'1, ..., hy'k-1)
+ * will be modified
+ * @return high order scaled derivatives at step start
+ */
+ protected abstract Array2DRowRealMatrix initializeHighOrderDerivatives(final double[] first,
+ final double[][] multistep);
+ /** Get the minimal reduction factor for stepsize control.
+ * @return minimal reduction factor
+ */
+ public double getMinReduction() {
+ return minReduction;
+ }
+ /** Set the minimal reduction factor for stepsize control.
+ * @param minReduction minimal reduction factor
+ */
+ public void setMinReduction(final double minReduction) {
+ this.minReduction = minReduction;
+ }
+ /** Get the maximal growth factor for stepsize control.
+ * @return maximal growth factor
+ */
+ public double getMaxGrowth() {
+ return maxGrowth;
+ }
+ /** Set the maximal growth factor for stepsize control.
+ * @param maxGrowth maximal growth factor
+ */
+ public void setMaxGrowth(final double maxGrowth) {
+ this.maxGrowth = maxGrowth;
+ }
+ /** Get the safety factor for stepsize control.
+ * @return safety factor
+ */
+ public double getSafety() {
+ return safety;
+ }
+ /** Set the safety factor for stepsize control.
+ * @param safety safety factor
+ */
+ public void setSafety(final double safety) {
+ = safety;
+ }
+ /** Compute step grow/shrink factor according to normalized error.
+ * @param error normalized error of the current step
+ * @return grow/shrink factor for next step
+ */
+ protected double computeStepGrowShrinkFactor(final double error) {
+ return FastMath.min(maxGrowth, FastMath.max(minReduction, safety * FastMath.pow(error, exp)));
+ }
+ /** Transformer used to convert the first step to Nordsieck representation. */
+ public static interface NordsieckTransformer {
+ /** Initialize the high order scaled derivatives at step start.
+ * @param first first scaled derivative at step start
+ * @param multistep scaled derivatives after step start (hy'1, ..., hy'k-1)
+ * will be modified
+ * @return high order derivatives at step start
+ */
+ RealMatrix initializeHighOrderDerivatives(double[] first, double[][] multistep);
+ }
+ /** Specialized step handler storing the first step. */
+ private class NordsieckInitializer implements StepHandler {
+ /** Problem dimension. */
+ private final int n;
+ /** Simple constructor.
+ * @param n problem dimension
+ */
+ public NordsieckInitializer(final int n) {
+ this.n = n;
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public void handleStep(StepInterpolator interpolator, boolean isLast)
+ throws DerivativeException {
+ final double prev = interpolator.getPreviousTime();
+ final double curr = interpolator.getCurrentTime();
+ stepStart = prev;
+ stepSize = (curr - prev) / (nSteps + 1);
+ // compute the first scaled derivative
+ interpolator.setInterpolatedTime(prev);
+ scaled = interpolator.getInterpolatedDerivatives().clone();
+ for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ scaled[j] *= stepSize;
+ }
+ // compute the high order scaled derivatives
+ final double[][] multistep = new double[nSteps][];
+ for (int i = 1; i <= nSteps; ++i) {
+ interpolator.setInterpolatedTime(prev + stepSize * i);
+ final double[] msI = interpolator.getInterpolatedDerivatives().clone();
+ for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ msI[j] *= stepSize;
+ }
+ multistep[i - 1] = msI;
+ }
+ nordsieck = initializeHighOrderDerivatives(scaled, multistep);
+ // stop the integrator after the first step has been handled
+ throw new InitializationCompletedMarkerException();
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public boolean requiresDenseOutput() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public void reset() {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ }
+ /** Marker exception used ONLY to stop the starter integrator after first step. */
+ private static class InitializationCompletedMarkerException
+ extends DerivativeException {
+ /** Serializable version identifier. */
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4105805787353488365L;
+ /** Simple constructor. */
+ public InitializationCompletedMarkerException() {
+ super((Throwable) null);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Wrapper for differential equations, ensuring start evaluations are counted. */
+ private class CountingDifferentialEquations implements ExtendedFirstOrderDifferentialEquations {
+ /** Dimension of the problem. */
+ private final int dimension;
+ /** Simple constructor.
+ * @param dimension dimension of the problem
+ */
+ public CountingDifferentialEquations(final int dimension) {
+ this.dimension = dimension;
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public void computeDerivatives(double t, double[] y, double[] dot)
+ throws DerivativeException {
+ MultistepIntegrator.this.computeDerivatives(t, y, dot);
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public int getDimension() {
+ return dimension;
+ }
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ public int getMainSetDimension() {
+ return mainSetDimension;
+ }
+ }