'> ]> &common; &find-apr; &find-apr-util; &find-libesmtp; Ant build file for log4cxx Common invocations: > ant will attempt to locate APR and APR-util in /usr, /usr/local/apr and .. Builds and tests log4cxx. > ant -Dwith-apr=APRPATH -Dwith-apr-util=APUPATH Builds and tests log4cxx using APR and APR-Util at specified location > ant -p Displays available targets > ant build-projects-vc6 Builds Microsoft Visual Studio 6 projects. -vc7, -vc8, -vc9 and -xcode for Visual Studio .NET, 2005, 2008 and Apple Xcode 2 and later. respectively. Command line options: -Ddebug=[true|false] -Doptimize=[speed|size|none] -Dversion=n.n.n -Denable-shared=[yes|no] (default yes) -Denable-static=[yes|no] (default yes) -Denable-char=[0, 1] (expose char* API, default 1) -Denable-wchar_t=[0, 1] (expose wchar_t* API, default 1) -Denable-unichar=[0, 1] (expose UniChar API, default 0) -Denable-cfstring[0, 1] (expose CFString API, default 0) -Dwith-charset=[auto|utf-8|iso-8859-1|usascii|ebcdic] (default auto) -Dwith-logchar=[utf-8|wchar_t|unichar] (default=utf-8 on Unix, wchar_t on Windows) -Dwith-apr=APRPATH -Dwith-apr-util=PATH -Dwith-SMTP=[libesmtp, no] (default no) -Dwith-ODBC=[unixODBC, iODBC, Microsoft, no] (default no) force-ant: ${force-ant} Could not locate apr library or source. Could not locate apr-util library or source. Could not locate libesmtp library or source. #include "${header}" #include "${header}" Requires GCC compiler apr is ${apr.lib.type} and apr-util is ${apr-util.lib.type}, must be same type. &libsets; &license; &libsets; &license; &libsets; &license; &libsets; &license; output/dom³ was ${dom3-status} created in DOMTestCase::test3 output/dom㆕ was ${dom4-status} created in DOMTestCase::test4 output/dom³ was ${dom3-status} created in DOMTestCase::test3 output/dom㆕ was ${dom4-status} created in DOMTestCase::test4 /* &license; */ /* Minimal replacement for GPL'd doxygen.css */ /* &license; */ /* Minimal replacement for GPL'd tabs.css */ DIV.tabs { display : none ; } <html <!-- &license; --><html body { /* &license; */ body { #banner /* &license; */ #banner