path: root/velocity-engine-core/src/main/parser/Parser.jjt
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Diffstat (limited to 'velocity-engine-core/src/main/parser/Parser.jjt')
1 files changed, 2630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/velocity-engine-core/src/main/parser/Parser.jjt b/velocity-engine-core/src/main/parser/Parser.jjt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecfef164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/velocity-engine-core/src/main/parser/Parser.jjt
@@ -0,0 +1,2630 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+ * NOTE : please see documentation at bottom of this file. (It was placed there its tiring
+ * to always have to page past it... :)
+ */
+ /** The default package for this parser kit. This is now done from Maven.
+ NODE_PACKAGE="org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser";
+ */
+ /** A source file will be generated for each non-terminal */
+ MULTI=true;
+ /**
+ * Each node will have access to the parser, I did this so
+ * some global information can be shared via the parser. I
+ * think this will come in handly keeping track of
+ * context, and being able to push changes back into
+ * the context when nodes make modifications to the
+ * context by setting properties, variables and
+ * what not.
+ */
+ /**
+ * The parser must be non-static in order for the
+ * above option to work, otherwise the parser value
+ * is passed in as null, which isn't all the useful ;)
+ */
+ STATIC=false;
+ /**
+ * Enables the use of a visitor that each of nodes
+ * will accept. This way we can separate the logic
+ * of node processing in a visitor and out of the
+ * nodes themselves. If processing changes then
+ * the nothing has to change in the node code.
+ */
+ VISITOR=true;
+ /**
+ * Declare that we are accepting unicode input and
+ * that we are using a custom character stream class
+ * Note that the char stream class is really a slightly
+ * modified ASCII_CharStream, as it appears we are safe
+ * because we only deal with pre-encoding-converted
+ * Readers rather than raw input streams.
+ */
+ /**
+ * for debugging purposes. Those are now handled from within javacc-maven-plugin debugging flags in pom.xml
+ DEBUG_PARSER = true;
+ */
+package org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.apache.velocity.Template;
+import org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException;
+import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices;
+import org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.*;
+import org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.*;
+import org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.MacroParseException;
+import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants;
+import static org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants.SpaceGobbling;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ * This class is responsible for parsing a Velocity
+ * template. This class was generated by JavaCC using
+ * the JJTree extension to produce an Abstract
+ * Syntax Tree (AST) of the template.
+ *
+ * Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is
+ * what controls the generation of this class.
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:jvanzyl@apache.org">Jason van Zyl</a>
+ * @author <a href="mailto:geirm@optonline.net">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
+ * @author <a href="hps@intermeta.de">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>
+ * @version $Id: $
+public class ${parser.name}Parser implements Parser
+ /**
+ * Parser debugging flag.
+ * When debug is active, javacc Parser will contain (among other things)
+ * a trace_call() method. So we use the presence of this method to
+ * initialize our flag.
+ */
+ private static boolean debugParser;
+ static
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ ${parser.name}Parser.class.getDeclaredMethod("trace_call", String.class);
+ debugParser = true;
+ }
+ catch(NoSuchMethodException nsfe)
+ {
+ debugParser = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Our own trace method. Use sparsingly in production, since each
+ * and every call will introduce an execution branch and slow down parsing.
+ */
+ public static void trace(String message)
+ {
+ if (debugParser) System.out.println(message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keep track of defined macros, used for escape processing
+ */
+ private Map macroNames = new HashMap();
+ /**
+ * Current template we are parsing. Passed to us in parse()
+ */
+ public Template currentTemplate = null;
+ /**
+ * Set to true if the property
+ * RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT_ESCAPE is set to true
+ */
+ public boolean strictEscape = false;
+ /**
+ * Set to true if the propoerty
+ * RuntimeConstants.PARSER_HYPHEN_ALLOWED is set to true
+ */
+ public boolean hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers = false;
+ VelocityCharStream velcharstream = null;
+ private RuntimeServices rsvc = null;
+ @Override
+ public RuntimeServices getRuntimeServices()
+ {
+ return rsvc;
+ }
+ private Logger log = null;
+ /**
+ * This constructor was added to allow the re-use of parsers.
+ * The normal constructor takes a single argument which
+ * an InputStream. This simply creates a re-usable parser
+ * object, we satisfy the requirement of an InputStream
+ * by using a newline character as an input stream.
+ */
+ public ${parser.name}Parser( RuntimeServices rs)
+ {
+ /*
+ * need to call the CTOR first thing.
+ */
+ this( new VelocityCharStream(
+ new ByteArrayInputStream("\n".getBytes()), 1, 1 ));
+ /*
+ * then initialize logger
+ */
+ log = rs.getLog("parser");
+ /*
+ * now setup a VCS for later use
+ */
+ velcharstream = new VelocityCharStream(
+ new ByteArrayInputStream("\n".getBytes()), 1, 1 );
+ strictEscape =
+ rs.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT_ESCAPE, false);
+ hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers =
+ rs.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.PARSER_HYPHEN_ALLOWED, false);
+ /*
+ * and save the RuntimeServices
+ */
+ rsvc = rs;
+ /*
+ * then initialize customizable characters
+ */
+ dollar = '${parser.char.dollar}';
+ hash = '${parser.char.hash}';
+ at = '${parser.char.at}';
+ asterisk = '${parser.char.asterisk}';
+ }
+ /**
+ * This was also added to allow parsers to be
+ * re-usable. Normal JavaCC use entails passing an
+ * input stream to the constructor and the parsing
+ * process is carried out once. We want to be able
+ * to re-use parsers: we do this by adding this
+ * method and re-initializing the lexer with
+ * the new stream that we want parsed.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public SimpleNode parse( Reader reader, Template template )
+ throws ParseException
+ {
+ SimpleNode sn = null;
+ currentTemplate = template;
+ try
+ {
+ token_source.clearStateVars();
+ /*
+ * reinitialize the VelocityCharStream
+ * with the new reader
+ */
+ velcharstream.ReInit( reader, 1, 1 );
+ /*
+ * now reinit the Parser with this CharStream
+ */
+ ReInit( velcharstream );
+ /*
+ * do that voodoo...
+ */
+ sn = process();
+ }
+ catch (MacroParseException mee)
+ {
+ /*
+ * thrown by the Macro class when something is amiss in the
+ * Macro specification
+ */
+ log.error("{}: {}", template.getName(), mee.getMessage(), mee);
+ throw mee;
+ }
+ catch (ParseException pe)
+ {
+ log.error("{}: {}", currentTemplate.getName(), pe.getMessage());
+ throw new TemplateParseException (pe.currentToken,
+ pe.expectedTokenSequences, pe.tokenImage, currentTemplate.getName());
+ }
+ catch (TokenMgrError tme)
+ {
+ throw new ParseException("Lexical error: " + tme.toString());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ String msg = template.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage();
+ log.error(msg, e);
+ throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
+ }
+ currentTemplate = null;
+ return sn;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method gets a Directive from the directives Hashtable
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Directive getDirective(String directive)
+ {
+ return (Directive) rsvc.getDirective(directive);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method finds out of the directive exists in the directives Map.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isDirective(String directive)
+ {
+ return rsvc.getDirective(directive) != null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Produces a processed output for an escaped control or
+ * pluggable directive
+ */
+ private String escapedDirective( String strImage )
+ {
+ int iLast = strImage.lastIndexOf("\\");
+ String strDirective = strImage.substring(iLast + 1);
+ boolean bRecognizedDirective = false;
+ // we don't have to call substring method all the time in this method
+ String dirTag = strDirective.substring(1);
+ if (dirTag.charAt(0) == '{')
+ {
+ dirTag = dirTag.substring(1, dirTag.length() - 1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this is a predefined derective or if we detect
+ * a macro definition (this is aproximate at best) then
+ * we absorb the forward slash. If in strict reference
+ * mode then we always absord the forward slash regardless
+ * if the derective is defined or not.
+ */
+ if (strictEscape
+ || isDirective(dirTag)
+ || macroNames.containsKey(dirTag)
+ || rsvc.isVelocimacro(dirTag, currentTemplate))
+ {
+ bRecognizedDirective = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* order for speed? */
+ if ( dirTag.equals("if")
+ || dirTag.equals("end")
+ || dirTag.equals("set")
+ || dirTag.equals("else")
+ || dirTag.equals("elseif")
+ )
+ {
+ bRecognizedDirective = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * if so, make the proper prefix string (let the escapes do their thing..)
+ * otherwise, just return what it is..
+ */
+ if (bRecognizedDirective)
+ return ( strImage.substring(0,iLast/2) + strDirective);
+ else
+ return ( strImage );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check whether there is a left parenthesis with leading optional
+ * whitespaces. This method is used in the semantic look ahead of
+ * Directive method. This is done in code instead of as a production
+ * for simplicity and efficiency.
+ */
+ private boolean isLeftParenthesis()
+ {
+ char c;
+ int no = 0;
+ try {
+ while(true)
+ {
+ /**
+ * Read a character
+ */
+ c = velcharstream.readChar();
+ no++;
+ if (c == '(')
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * if not a white space return
+ */
+ else if (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(IOException e)
+ {
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ /**
+ * Backup the stream to the initial state
+ */
+ velcharstream.backup(no);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check whether there is a right parenthesis with leading optional
+ * whitespaces. This method is used in the semantic look ahead of
+ * Directive method. This is done in code instead of as a production
+ * for simplicity and efficiency.
+ */
+ private boolean isRightParenthesis()
+ {
+ char c;
+ int no = -1;
+ try {
+ while(true)
+ {
+ /**
+ * Read a character
+ */
+ if (no == -1)
+ {
+ switch (getToken(1).kind)
+ {
+ case RPAREN:
+ return true;
+ case NEWLINE:
+ no = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ c = velcharstream.readChar();
+ no++;
+ if (c == ')')
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * if not a white space return
+ */
+ else if (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(IOException e)
+ {
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ /**
+ * Backup the stream to the initial state
+ */
+ if (no > 0) velcharstream.backup(no);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * We use this method in a lookahead to determine if we are in a macro
+ * default value assignment. The standard lookahead is not smart enough.
+ * here we look for the equals after the reference.
+ */
+ private boolean isAssignment()
+ {
+ // Basically if the last character read was not '$' then false
+ if (token_source.getCurrentLexicalState() != REFERENCE) return false;
+ char c = ' ';
+ int backup = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Read through any white space
+ while(Character.isWhitespace(c))
+ {
+ c = velcharstream.readChar();
+ backup++;
+ }
+ // This is what we are ultimately looking for
+ if (c != '=') return false;
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ velcharstream.backup(backup);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Template getCurrentTemplate()
+ {
+ return currentTemplate;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void resetCurrentTemplate()
+ {
+ currentTemplate = null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public char dollar()
+ {
+ return dollar;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public char hash()
+ {
+ return hash;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public char at()
+ {
+ return at;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public char asterisk()
+ {
+ return asterisk;
+ }
+ private char dollar = '$';
+ private char hash = '#';
+ private char at = '@';
+ private char asterisk = '*';
+ private int fileDepth = 0;
+ private int lparen = 0;
+ private int rparen = 0;
+ private int curlyLevel = 0;
+ List stateStack = new ArrayList(50);
+ private boolean inComment;
+ private boolean inSet;
+ /**
+ * Our own trace method. Use sparsingly in production, since each
+ * and every call will introduce an execution branch and slow down parsing.
+ */
+ public static void trace(String message)
+ {
+ ${parser.name}Parser.trace(message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Switches to a new state (add some log to the default method)
+ */
+ public void switchTo(int lexState)
+ {
+ trace(" switch to " + lexStateNames[lexState]);
+ SwitchTo(lexState);
+ }
+ public int getCurrentLexicalState()
+ {
+ return curLexState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * pops a state off the stack, and restores paren counts
+ *
+ * @return boolean : success of operation
+ */
+ public boolean stateStackPop()
+ {
+ ParserState s;
+ try
+ {
+ s = (ParserState) stateStack.remove(stateStack.size() - 1); // stack.pop
+ }
+ catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
+ {
+ // empty stack
+ lparen=0;
+ switchTo(DEFAULT);
+ return false;
+ }
+ trace(" stack pop (" + stateStack.size() + ")");
+ lparen = s.lparen;
+ rparen = s.rparen;
+ curlyLevel = s.curlyLevel;
+ switchTo(s.lexstate);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * pushes the current state onto the 'state stack',
+ * and maintains the parens counts
+ * public because we need it in PD & VM handling
+ *
+ * @return boolean : success. It can fail if the state machine
+ * gets messed up (do don't mess it up :)
+ */
+ public boolean stateStackPush()
+ {
+ trace(" (" + stateStack.size() + ") pushing cur state : " + lexStateNames[curLexState] );
+ ParserState s = new ParserState();
+ s.lparen = lparen;
+ s.rparen = rparen;
+ s.curlyLevel = curlyLevel;
+ s.lexstate = curLexState;
+ stateStack.add(s); // stack.push
+ lparen = 0;
+ curlyLevel = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears all state variables, resets to
+ * start values, clears stateStack. Call
+ * before parsing.
+ */
+ public void clearStateVars()
+ {
+ stateStack.clear();
+ lparen = 0;
+ rparen = 0;
+ curlyLevel = 0;
+ inComment = false;
+ inSet = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ public void setInSet(boolean value)
+ {
+ inSet = value;
+ }
+ public boolean isInSet()
+ {
+ return inSet;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Holds the state of the parsing process.
+ */
+ private static class ParserState
+ {
+ int lparen;
+ int rparen;
+ int curlyLevel;
+ int lexstate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * handles the dropdown logic when encountering a RPAREN
+ */
+ private void RPARENHandler()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Ultimately, we want to drop down to the state below
+ * the one that has an open (if we hit bottom (DEFAULT),
+ * that's fine. It's just text schmoo.
+ */
+ boolean closed = false;
+ if (inComment)
+ closed = true;
+ while( !closed )
+ {
+ /*
+ * look at current state. If we haven't seen a lparen
+ * in this state then we drop a state, because this
+ * lparen clearly closes our state
+ */
+ if( lparen > 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * if rparen + 1 == lparen, then this state is closed.
+ * Otherwise, increment and keep parsing
+ */
+ if( lparen == rparen + 1)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rparen++;
+ }
+ closed = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * now, drop a state
+ */
+ if(!stateStackPop())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Tokens
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The VelocityCharStream will send a zero-width whitespace
+ just before EOF to let us accept a terminal $ or #
+ <LONE_SYMBOL: "\u200B" >
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+/* In all other states, drop the zero-width whitespace */
+ <BEFORE_EOF: "\u200B">
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ switchTo(REFINDEX);
+ }
+ |
+ <LOGICAL_OR_2: "||">
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ |
+ <PIPE: "|">
+ {
+ if (curlyLevel == 1)
+ {
+ switchTo(ALT_VAL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ <LBRACKET: "[">
+| <RBRACKET: "]">
+| <COMMA:",">
+ <DOUBLEDOT : ".." >
+ <COLON : ":" >
+ <LEFT_CURLEY : "{" >
+ {
+ ++curlyLevel;
+ }
+ |
+ <RIGHT_CURLEY : "}" >
+ {
+ --curlyLevel;
+ if (curLexState == ALT_VAL && curlyLevel == 0)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ <LPAREN: "(">
+ {
+ if (!inComment)
+ lparen++;
+ /*
+ * If in REFERENCE and we have seen the dot, then move
+ * to REFMOD2 -> Modifier()
+ */
+ if (curLexState == REFMODIFIER || curLexState == OLD_REFMODIFIER )
+ switchTo( REFMOD2 );
+ }
+ * we never will see a ')' in anything but DIRECTIVE and REFMOD2.
+ * Each have their own
+ */
+ <RPAREN: ")">
+ {
+ RPARENHandler();
+ }
+ /*
+ * in REFMOD2, we don't want to bind the whitespace and \n like we
+ * do when closing a directive.
+ */
+ {
+ /*
+ * need to simply switch back to REFERENCE, not drop down the stack
+ * because we can (infinitely) chain, ala
+ * $foo.bar().blargh().woogie().doogie()
+ */
+ switchTo( REFMOD3 );
+ }
+ *
+ * escape "\\" handling for the built-in directives
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ * We have to do this, because we want these to be a Text node, and
+ * whatever follows to be peer to this text in the tree.
+ *
+ * We need to touch the ASTs for these, because we want an even # of \'s
+ * to render properly in front of the block
+ *
+ * This is really simplistic. I actually would prefer to find them in
+ * grammatical context, but I am neither smart nor rested, a receipe
+ * for disaster, another long night with Mr. Parser, or both.
+ */
+ <ESCAPE_DIRECTIVE : (<DOUBLE_ESCAPE>)* "\\${parser.char.hash}" (<WORD> | <BRACKETED_WORD>) >
+ * We added the lexical states REFERENCE, REFMODIFIER, REFMOD2 to
+ * address JIRA issue VELOCITY-631. With SET_DIRECTIVE only in the
+ * DEFAULT lexical state the following VTL fails "$a#set($b = 1)"
+ * because the Reference token uses LOOKAHEAD(2) combined with the
+ * fact that we explicity set the lex state to REFERENCE with the $
+ * token, which means we would never evaluate this token during the
+ * look ahead. This general issue is disscussed here:
+ *
+ * http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/JavaCC-FAQ/javacc-faq-ie.htm#tth_sEc3.12
+ *
+ */
+ <SET_DIRECTIVE: ("${parser.char.hash}set" | "${parser.char.hash}{set}") (" "|"\t")* "(">
+ {
+ if (! inComment)
+ {
+ trace(" #set : going to DIRECTIVE" );
+ stateStackPush();
+ setInSet(true);
+ switchTo(DIRECTIVE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * need the LPAREN action
+ */
+ if (!inComment)
+ {
+ lparen++;
+ /*
+ * If in REFERENCE and we have seen the dot, then move
+ * to REFMOD2 -> Modifier()
+ */
+ if (curLexState == REFMODIFIER || curLexState == OLD_REFMODIFIER )
+ switchTo( REFMOD2 );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Note : DOLLARBANG is a duplicate of DOLLAR. They must be identical.
+ */
+ <DOLLAR: ("\\")* "${parser.char.dollar}">
+ {
+ if (! inComment)
+ {
+ /*
+ * if we find ourselves in REFERENCE or PRE_REFERENCE, we need to pop down
+ * to end the previous ref
+ */
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ int preReferenceState = parser.hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers ? PRE_OLD_REFERENCE : PRE_REFERENCE;
+ trace( " $ : going to " + lexStateNames[preReferenceState]);
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ switchTo(preReferenceState);
+ }
+ }
+| <DOLLARBANG: ("\\")* "${parser.char.dollar}" ("\\")* "!">
+ {
+ if (! inComment)
+ {
+ /*
+ * if we find ourselves in REFERENCE or PRE_REFERENCE, we need to pop down
+ * to end the previous ref
+ */
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ int preReferenceState = parser.hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers ? PRE_OLD_REFERENCE : PRE_REFERENCE;
+ trace( " $ : going to " + lexStateNames[preReferenceState]);
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ switchTo(preReferenceState);
+ }
+ }
+| "${parser.char.hash}[["
+ {
+ if (!inComment)
+ {
+ inComment = true;
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ switchTo( IN_TEXTBLOCK );
+ }
+ }
+| <"${parser.char.hash}${parser.char.asterisk}${parser.char.asterisk}" ~["${parser.char.hash}","\u200B"]>
+ {
+ if (!inComment)
+ {
+ input_stream.backup(1);
+ inComment = true;
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+| "${parser.char.hash}${parser.char.asterisk}"
+ {
+ if (!inComment)
+ {
+ inComment=true;
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+| <HASH : "${parser.char.hash}" >
+ {
+ if (! inComment)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We can have the situation where #if($foo)$foo#end.
+ * We need to transition out of REFERENCE before going to DIRECTIVE.
+ * I don't really like this, but I can't think of a legal way
+ * you are going into DIRECTIVE while in REFERENCE. -gmj
+ */
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_OLD_REFERENCE || curLexState == REFMODIFIER || curLexState == OLD_REFMODIFIER )
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ trace(" # : going to PRE_DIRECTIVE" );
+ /* do not push PRE states */
+ if (curLexState != PRE_REFERENCE && curLexState != PRE_DIRECTIVE && curLexState != PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ switchTo(PRE_DIRECTIVE);
+ }
+ }
+// treat the single line comment case separately
+// to avoid ##<EOF> errors
+ <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_START: "${parser.char.hash}${parser.char.hash}">
+ {
+ if (!inComment)
+ {
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_REFERENCE || curLexState == PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ inComment = true;
+ stateStackPush();
+ }
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * *_COMMENT Lexical tokens
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n">
+ {
+ inComment = false;
+ stateStackPop();
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == REFMOD3)
+ {
+ // end of reference: pop again
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ <FORMAL_COMMENT: "${parser.char.asterisk}${parser.char.hash}" >
+ {
+ inComment = false;
+ stateStackPop();
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == REFMOD3)
+ {
+ // end of reference: pop again
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ <MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: "${parser.char.asterisk}${parser.char.hash}" >
+ {
+ inComment = false;
+ stateStackPop();
+ if (curLexState == REFERENCE || curLexState == REFMOD3)
+ {
+ // end of reference: pop again
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ <TEXTBLOCK: "]]${parser.char.hash}" >
+ {
+ inComment = false;
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ < ~[] >
+ < ~["\u200B"] >
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * DIRECTIVE Lexical State (some of it, anyway)
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ <WHITESPACE : ([" ","\t"])+>
+| <NEWLINE : ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n") >
+ {
+ trace(" NEWLINE :");
+ /* if (isInSet()) */
+ setInSet(false);
+ }
+/* needed for stuff like #foo() followed by ( '$' | '#' )* followed by ( <WHITESPACE> | <ENDLINE> )
+ so that directive postfix doesn't eat the '$'s and '#'s
+ <SUFFIX: ([" ","\t"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n")>
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+// <STRING_LITERAL: ( "\"" ( ~["\"","\n","\r"] )* "\"" ) | ( "'" ( ~["'","\n","\r"] )* "'" ) >
+ ("\""
+ ( (~["\"","\u200B"])
+ | ("\\"
+ ( ["n","t","b","r","f"]
+ | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
+ | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]
+ | "u" ["0"-"9", "a"-"f", "A"-"F"] ["0"-"9", "a"-"f", "A"-"F"] ["0"-"9", "a"-"f", "A"-"F"] ["0"-"9", "a"-"f", "A"-"F"]
+ )
+ )
+ | ("\"\"")
+ | ( "\\" (" ")* "\n")
+ )*
+ "\""
+ )
+ |
+ ("\'"
+ ( (~["\'","\u200B"])
+ | ("''")
+ | ( "\\" (" ")* "\n")
+ )*
+ "\'"
+ )
+ >
+ {
+ /*
+ * - if we are in DIRECTIVE and haven't seen ( yet, then also drop out.
+ * don't forget to account for the beloved yet wierd #set
+ * - finally, if we are in REFMOD2 (remember : $foo.bar( ) then " is ok!
+ */
+ if( curLexState == DIRECTIVE && !isInSet() && lparen == 0)
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ <TRUE: "true">
+| <FALSE: "false">
+ <MINUS: "-">
+| <PLUS: "+">
+| <MULTIPLY: "*">
+| <DIVIDE: "/">
+| <MODULUS: "%">
+| <LOGICAL_AND: "&&" | "and" >
+| <LOGICAL_OR: "||" | "or" >
+| <LOGICAL_LT: "<" | "lt" >
+| <LOGICAL_LE: "<=" | "le" >
+| <LOGICAL_GT: ">" | "gt" >
+| <LOGICAL_GE: ">=" | "ge" >
+| <LOGICAL_EQUALS: "==" | "eq" >
+| <LOGICAL_NOT_EQUALS: "!=" | "ne" >
+| <LOGICAL_NOT: "!" | "not" >
+| <EQUALS: "=" >
+ <END: ( "end" | "{end}" )>
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+| <IF_DIRECTIVE: "if" | "{if}">
+ {
+ switchTo(DIRECTIVE);
+ }
+| <ELSEIF: "elseif" | "{elseif}">
+ {
+ switchTo(DIRECTIVE);
+ }
+| <ELSE: "else" | "{else}">
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ <#DIGIT: [ "0"-"9" ] >
+ /*
+ * treat FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL and INTEGER_LITERAL differently as a range can only handle integers.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Note -- we also define an integer as ending with a double period,
+ * in order to avoid 1..3 being defined as floating point (1.) then a period, then a integer
+ */
+| <INTEGER_LITERAL: ("-")? (<DIGIT>)+ ("..")? >
+ {
+ /*
+ * Remove the double period if it is there
+ */
+ if (matchedToken.image.endsWith("..")) {
+ input_stream.backup(2);
+ matchedToken.image = matchedToken.image.substring(0,matchedToken.image.length()-2);
+ }
+ /*
+ * check to see if we are in set
+ * ex. #set($foo = $foo + 3)
+ * because we want to handle the \n after
+ */
+ if ( lparen == 0 && !isInSet() && curLexState != REFMOD2 && curLexState != REFINDEX && curLexState != ALT_VAL)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ ("-")? (<DIGIT>)+ "." (<DIGIT>)* (<EXPONENT>)?
+ | ("-")? "." (<DIGIT>)+ (<EXPONENT>)?
+ | ("-")? (<DIGIT>)+ <EXPONENT>
+ >
+ {
+ /*
+ * check to see if we are in set
+ * ex. #set $foo = $foo + 3
+ * because we want to handle the \n after
+ */
+ if ( lparen == 0 && !isInSet() && curLexState != REFMOD2 && curLexState != ALT_VAL)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ <#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
+ * TODO, the "@" symbol for block macros to be correct really should prefix WORD
+ * and BRACKETED_WORD, e.g., <WORD ["@"] ( <LETTER... etc...
+ * However, having the conditional character at the beginning screws up
+ * Macro parse. As it is now you can have #@1234 defined as a macro
+ * Which is not correct.
+ */
+ <#LETTER: [ "a"-"z", "A"-"Z" ] >
+| <#DIRECTIVE_CHAR: [ "a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "_" ] >
+| <WORD: ( <LETTER> | ["_"] | ["${parser.char.at}"]) (<DIRECTIVE_CHAR>)* >
+| <BRACKETED_WORD: "{" ( <LETTER> | ["_"] | ["${parser.char.at}"]) (<DIRECTIVE_CHAR>)* "}" >
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * REFERENCE Lexical States
+ *
+ * This is more than a single state, because of the structure of
+ * the VTL references. We use three states because the set of tokens
+ * for each state can be different.
+ *
+ * $foo.bar( "arg" )
+ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ * | | | | |
+ * |_________________ > PRE_REFERENCE : state initiated by the '$' character.
+ * | | | | (or PRE_OLD_REFERENCE if '-' is allowed in identifiers)
+ * |________________> REFERENCE : state initiated by the identifier. Continues
+ * | | | until end of the reference, or the . character.
+ * |_____________ > REFMODIFIER : state switched to when the <DOT> is encountered.
+ * | | (or OLD_REFMODIFIER if '-' is allowed in identifiers)
+ * | | note that this is a switch, not a push. See notes at bottom.
+ * |_________ > REFMOD2 : state switch to when the LPAREN is encountered.
+ * | again, this is a switch, not a push.
+ * |_ > REFMOD3 : state only checking for a possible '.' or '[' continuation.
+ *
+ * During the REFERENCE, REFMODIFIER or REFMOD3 lex states we will switch to:
+ * - REFINDEX if a bracket '[' is encountered: $foo[1], $foo.bar[1], $foo.bar( "arg" )[1]
+ * - ALT_VAL if a pipe '|' is encountered (only for formal references): ${foo|'foo'}
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ <#ALPHA_CHAR: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "_"] >
+| <#IDENTIFIER_CHAR: [ "a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "_" ] >
+ {
+ if (curLexState == PRE_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ switchTo(REFERENCE);
+ }
+ }
+ <#OLD_ALPHA_CHAR: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "_"] >
+| <#OLD_IDENTIFIER_CHAR: [ "a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "_", "-" ] >
+ {
+ if (curLexState == PRE_OLD_REFERENCE)
+ {
+ switchTo(REFERENCE);
+ }
+ }
+ <DOT: "." <ALPHA_CHAR>>
+ {
+ /*
+ * push the alpha char back into the stream so the following identifier
+ * is complete
+ */
+ input_stream.backup(1);
+ /*
+ * and munge the <DOT> so we just get a . when we have normal text that
+ * looks like a ref.ident
+ */
+ matchedToken.image = ".";
+ int refModifierState = parser.hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers ? OLD_REFMODIFIER : REFMODIFIER;
+ trace("DOT : switching to " + lexStateNames[refModifierState]);
+ switchTo(refModifierState);
+ }
+ <LCURLY: "{">
+ {
+ ++curlyLevel;
+ }
+| <RCURLY: "}">
+ {
+ /* maybe it wasn't for our state */
+ while (curlyLevel == 0 && curLexState != DEFAULT)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ /* At this point, here are all the possible states:
+ * - DEFAULT, which means the '}' is schmoo
+ * - DIRECTIVE or REFMOD2, which means the '}' is a closing map curly
+ * - one of the other REFERENCE states or ALT_VAL, which means the '}' ends the reference
+ * If we're in the last case, pop up state.
+ */
+ if (curLexState != DEFAULT && curLexState != DIRECTIVE && curLexState != REFMOD2)
+ {
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /*
+ * push every terminator character back into the stream
+ */
+ input_stream.backup(1);
+ trace("REF_TERM :");
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+ {
+ trace("DIRECTIVE_TERM :");
+ input_stream.backup(1);
+ stateStackPop();
+ }
+/* TEXT must end with a newline, and contain at least one non-whitespace character in the first line,
+ so that the <WHITESPACE> <NEWLINE> sequence is not read as a TEXT (needed for space gobbling)
+ <DOUBLE_ESCAPE : "\\\\">
+| <ESCAPE: "\\" >
+| <TEXT: (~["${parser.char.dollar}", "${parser.char.hash}", "\\", "\r", "\n","\u200B"])* (~["${parser.char.dollar}", "${parser.char.hash}", "\\", "\r", "\n", " ", "\t","\u200B"])+ (~["${parser.char.dollar}", "${parser.char.hash}", "\\", "\r", "\n","\u200B"])* <NEWLINE> ((~["${parser.char.dollar}", "${parser.char.hash}", "\\", "\r", "\n","\u200B"])* <NEWLINE>)* >
+ <INLINE_TEXT: (~["${parser.char.dollar}", "${parser.char.hash}", "\\", "\r", "\n","\u200B"])+ >
+ * This method is what starts the whole parsing
+ * process. After the parsing is complete and
+ * the template has been turned into an AST,
+ * this method returns the root of AST which
+ * can subsequently be traversed by a visitor
+ * which implements the ParserVisitor interface
+ * which is generated automatically by JavaCC
+ */
+SimpleNode process() :
+ boolean afterNewline = true;
+ ( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind != EOF }) afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline) )* <EOF>
+ { return jjtThis; }
+ * These are the types of statements that
+ * are acceptable in Velocity templates.
+ */
+boolean Statement(boolean afterNewline) #void :
+ LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == IF_DIRECTIVE || afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && getToken(2).kind == IF_DIRECTIVE } ) afterNewline = IfStatement(afterNewline) { return afterNewline; }
+| LOOKAHEAD(2) Reference() { return false; }
+| LOOKAHEAD(2) afterNewline = Comment() { return afterNewline; }
+| Textblock() { return false; }
+| LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == SET_DIRECTIVE || afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && getToken(2).kind == SET_DIRECTIVE } ) afterNewline = SetDirective(afterNewline) { return afterNewline; }
+| EscapedDirective() { return false; }
+| Escape() { return false; }
+| LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == WORD || getToken(1).kind == BRACKETED_WORD || afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && ( getToken(2).kind == WORD || getToken(2).kind == BRACKETED_WORD ) } ) afterNewline = Directive(afterNewline) { return afterNewline; }
+| afterNewline = Text() { return afterNewline; }
+| (<NEWLINE>) #Text { return true; }
+| (((<INLINE_TEXT>) { afterNewline = false; } ) ((<TEXT>) { afterNewline = true; })? ) #Text { return afterNewline; }
+| (<WHITESPACE>) #Text { return false; }
+| (<SUFFIX>) #Text { return true; }
+ * used to separate the notion of a valid directive that has been
+ * escaped, versus something that looks like a directive and
+ * is just schmoo. This is important to do as a separate production
+ * that creates a node, because we want this, in either case, to stop
+ * the further parsing of the Directive() tree.
+ */
+void EscapedDirective() : {}
+ {
+ Token t = null;
+ }
+ {
+ /*
+ * churn and burn..
+ */
+ t.image = escapedDirective( t.image );
+ }
+ * Used to catch and process escape sequences in grammatical constructs
+ * as escapes outside of VTL are just characters. Right now we have both
+ * this and the EscapeDirective() construction because in the EscapeDirective()
+ * case, we want to suck in the #<directive> and here we don't. We just want
+ * the escapes to render correctly
+ */
+void Escape() : {}
+ {
+ Token t = null;
+ int count = 0;
+ boolean control = false;
+ }
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ )+
+ {
+ /*
+ * first, check to see if we have a control directive
+ */
+ switch(t.next.kind ) {
+ case ELSE :
+ case ELSEIF :
+ case END :
+ control = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if that failed, lets lookahead to see if we matched a PD or a VM
+ */
+ String nTag = t.next.image.substring(1);
+ if (strictEscape
+ || isDirective(nTag)
+ || macroNames.containsKey(nTag)
+ || rsvc.isVelocimacro(nTag, currentTemplate))
+ {
+ control = true;
+ }
+ jjtThis.val = "";
+ for( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ jjtThis.val += ( control ? "\\" : "\\\\");
+ }
+boolean Comment() : {}
+| <MULTI_LINE_COMMENT> { return false; }
+| <FORMAL_COMMENT> { return false; }
+void Textblock() : {}
+void FloatingPointLiteral() : {}
+void IntegerLiteral() : {}
+void StringLiteral() : {}
+ * This method corresponds to variable
+ * references in Velocity templates.
+ * The following are examples of variable
+ * references that may be found in a
+ * template:
+ *
+ * $foo
+ * $bar
+ *
+ */
+void Identifier() : {}
+void Word() : {}
+ <WORD>
+ * Supports the arguments for the Pluggable Directives
+ */
+int DirectiveArg() #void : {}
+ Reference()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE;
+ }
+| Word()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTWORD;
+ }
+| StringLiteral()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTSTRINGLITERAL;
+ }
+| IntegerLiteral()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTINTEGERLITERAL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Need to put this before the floating point expansion
+ */
+| LOOKAHEAD( <LBRACKET> (<WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE>)* ( Reference() | IntegerLiteral()) (<WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE>)* <DOUBLEDOT> ) IntegerRange()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTINTEGERRANGE;
+ }
+| FloatingPointLiteral()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTFLOATINGPOINTLITERAL;
+ }
+| Map()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTMAP;
+ }
+| ObjectArray()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTOBJECTARRAY;
+ }
+| True()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTTRUE;
+ }
+| False()
+ {
+ return ParserTreeConstants.JJTFALSE;
+ }
+void DirectiveAssign() : {}
+ Reference()
+ * Supports the Pluggable Directives
+ * #foo( arg+ )
+ * @return true if ends with a newline
+ */
+boolean Directive(boolean afterNewline) :
+ Token id = null, t = null, u = null, end = null, _else = null;
+ int argType;
+ int argPos = 0;
+ Directive d;
+ int directiveType;
+ boolean isVM = false;
+ boolean isMacro = false;
+ ArrayList argtypes = new ArrayList(4);
+ String blockPrefix = "";
+ ASTBlock block = null, elseBlock = null;
+ boolean newlineAtStart = afterNewline;
+ [
+ (t = <WHITESPACE>)
+ {
+ // only possible if not after new line
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ /*
+ * note that if we were escaped, that is now handled by
+ * EscapedDirective()
+ */
+ ((id = <WORD>) | (id = <BRACKETED_WORD>))
+ {
+ String directiveName;
+ int p = id.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (id.kind == StandardParserConstants.BRACKETED_WORD)
+ {
+ directiveName = id.image.substring(p + 2, id.image.length() - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ directiveName = id.image.substring(p + 1);
+ }
+ d = getDirective(directiveName);
+ /*
+ * Velocimacro support : if the directive is macro directive
+ * then set the flag so after the block parsing, we add the VM
+ * right then. (So available if used w/in the current template )
+ */
+ if (directiveName.equals("macro"))
+ {
+ isMacro = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * set the directive name from here. No reason for the thing to know
+ * about parser tokens
+ */
+ jjtThis.setDirectiveName(directiveName);
+ if ( d == null)
+ {
+ if( directiveName.charAt(0) == at )
+ {
+ // block macro call of type: #@foobar($arg1 $arg2) astBody #end
+ directiveType = Directive.BLOCK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * if null, then not a real directive, but maybe a Velocimacro
+ */
+ isVM = rsvc.isVelocimacro(directiveName, currentTemplate);
+ directiveType = Directive.LINE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ directiveType = d.getType();
+ }
+ /*
+ * now, switch us out of PRE_DIRECTIVE
+ */
+ token_source.switchTo(DIRECTIVE);
+ argPos = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Look for the pattern [WHITESPACE] <LPAREN>
+ */
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD( { isLeftParenthesis() } )
+ /*
+ * if this is indeed a token, match the #foo ( arg, arg... ) pattern
+ */
+ (
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD({ !isRightParenthesis() }) (<WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE>)* [<COMMA> (<WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE>)*]
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD( { isMacro && isAssignment() })
+ DirectiveAssign() (<WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE>)* <EQUALS> ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )*
+ {
+ argtypes.add(ParserTreeConstants.JJTDIRECTIVEASSIGN);
+ }
+ ]
+ LOOKAHEAD( { !isRightParenthesis() } )
+ (
+ argType = DirectiveArg()
+ {
+ argtypes.add(argType);
+ if (d == null && argType == ParserTreeConstants.JJTWORD)
+ {
+ if (isVM)
+ {
+ throw new MacroParseException("Invalid argument "
+ + (argPos+1) + " in macro call " + id.image, currentTemplate.getName(), id);
+ }
+ }
+ argPos++;
+ }
+ )
+ |
+ {
+ if (!isMacro)
+ {
+ // We only allow line comments in macro definitions for now
+ throw new MacroParseException("A Line comment is not allowed in " + id.image
+ + " arguments", currentTemplate.getName(), id);
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ |
+ {
+ token_source.stateStackPop();
+ }
+ )
+ { afterNewline = false; }
+ [
+ // Conditions where whitespace and newline postfix is eaten by space gobbling at this point:
+ // - block directive
+ // - new line before directive
+ // - backward compatibility mode
+ // - #include() or #parse()
+ LOOKAHEAD(2, { directiveType != Directive.LINE || newlineAtStart || rsvc.getSpaceGobbling() == SpaceGobbling.BC || d != null && (d instanceof Include || d instanceof Parse) })
+ ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ afterNewline = true;
+ if (directiveType == Directive.LINE)
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPostfix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ blockPrefix = (t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ }
+ t = u = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ {
+ if (d != null)
+ {
+ d.checkArgs(argtypes, id, currentTemplate.getName());
+ }
+ if (directiveType == Directive.LINE)
+ {
+ return afterNewline;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * and the following block if the PD needs it
+ */
+ (
+ (
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind != END && getToken(1).kind != ELSE && ( !afterNewline || getToken(1).kind != WHITESPACE || getToken(2).kind != END && getToken(2).kind != ELSE ) }) afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline)
+ )*
+ {
+ block = jjtThis;
+ block.setPrefix(blockPrefix);
+ blockPrefix = "";
+ }
+ )
+ #Block
+ )
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD( 1, { afterNewline })
+ (t = <WHITESPACE>)
+ {
+ block.setPostfix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ /*
+ * then an optional #else for the #foreach directive
+ */
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD( { d != null && (d instanceof Foreach) && getToken(1).kind == ELSE } )
+ (
+ (_else = <ELSE>)
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ t = u = null;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind != END && (!afterNewline || getToken(1).kind != WHITESPACE || getToken(2).kind != END) })
+ afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline)
+ )*
+ {
+ elseBlock = jjtThis;
+ }
+ )
+ #Block
+ {
+ int pos = _else.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ block.setMorePostfix(_else.image.substring(0, pos));
+ }
+ block = elseBlock;
+ }
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD( 1, { afterNewline })
+ (t = <WHITESPACE>)
+ {
+ block.setPostfix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ ]
+ (
+ (end = <END>)
+ { afterNewline = false; }
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2, { newlineAtStart || rsvc.getSpaceGobbling() == SpaceGobbling.BC })
+ ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPostfix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ t = u = null;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ {
+ int pos = end.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ block.setMorePostfix(end.image.substring(0, pos));
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ {
+ /*
+ * VM : if we are processing a #macro directive, we need to
+ * process the block. In truth, I can just register the name
+ * and do the work later when init-ing. That would work
+ * as long as things were always defined before use. This way
+ * we don't have to worry about forward references and such...
+ */
+ if (isMacro)
+ {
+ // Add the macro name so that we can peform escape processing
+ // on defined macros
+ String macroName = jjtThis.jjtGetChild(0).getFirstToken().image;
+ macroNames.put(macroName, macroName);
+ }
+ if (d != null)
+ {
+ d.checkArgs(argtypes, id, currentTemplate.getName());
+ }
+ /*
+ * VM : end
+ */
+ return afterNewline;
+ }
+ * for creating a map in a #set
+ *
+ * #set($foo = {$foo : $bar, $blargh : $thingy})
+ */
+void Map() : {}
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) Parameter() <COLON> Parameter() (<COMMA> Parameter() <COLON> Parameter() )*
+ |
+ )
+ /** note: need both tokens as they are generated in different states **/
+void ObjectArray() : {}
+ <LBRACKET> [ Parameter() ( <COMMA> Parameter() )* ] <RBRACKET>
+ * supports the [n..m] vector generator for use in
+ * the #foreach() to generate measured ranges w/o
+ * needing explicit support from the app/servlet
+ */
+void IntegerRange() : {}
+ ( Reference() | IntegerLiteral())
+ (Reference() | IntegerLiteral())
+ * A Simplified parameter more suitable for an index position: $foo[$index]
+ */
+void IndexParameter() #void: {}
+ (
+ Expression()
+ )
+ * This method has yet to be fully implemented
+ * but will allow arbitrarily nested method
+ * calls
+ */
+void Parameter() #void: {}
+ (
+ StringLiteral()
+ | IntegerLiteral()
+ | LOOKAHEAD( <LBRACKET> ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* ( Reference() | IntegerLiteral()) ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* <DOUBLEDOT> ) IntegerRange()
+ | Map()
+ | ObjectArray()
+ | True()
+ | False()
+ | Reference()
+ | FloatingPointLiteral()
+ )
+ * This method has yet to be fully implemented
+ * but will allow arbitrarily nested method
+ * calls
+ */
+void Method() : {}
+ Identifier() <LPAREN> [ Expression() ( <COMMA> Expression() )* ] <REFMOD2_RPAREN>
+void Index() : {}
+void Reference() : {}
+ /*
+ * A reference is either $<FOO> or ${<FOO>} or ${<FOO>'|'<ALTERNATE_VALUE>)
+ */
+ (
+ ( <IDENTIFIER> | <OLD_IDENTIFIER> ) (Index())*
+ (LOOKAHEAD(2) <DOT> (LOOKAHEAD(3) Method() | Identifier() ) (Index())* )*
+ )
+ |
+ (
+ ( <IDENTIFIER> | <OLD_IDENTIFIER> ) (Index())*
+ (LOOKAHEAD(2) <DOT> (LOOKAHEAD(3) Method() | Identifier() ) (Index())* )*
+ [ <PIPE> Expression() ]
+ )
+void True() : {}
+ <TRUE>
+void False() : {}
+ * This is somewhat of a kludge, the problem is that the parser picks
+ * up on '$[' , or '$![' as being a Reference, and does not dismiss it even though
+ * there is no <Identifier> between $ and [, This has something to do
+ * with the LOOKAHEAD in Reference, but I never found a way to resolve
+ * it in a more fashionable way..
+ */
+ <EMPTY_INDEX : ("$[" | "$![" | "$\\![" | "$.")>
+ * This method is responsible for allowing
+ * all non-grammar text to pass through
+ * unscathed.
+ * @return true if last read token was a newline
+ */
+boolean Text() :
+ Token t = null;
+ <TEXT> { return true; }
+ | <DOT> { return false; }
+ | <RPAREN> { return false; }
+ | <LPAREN> { return false; }
+ | <INTEGER_LITERAL> { return false; }
+ | <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL> { return false; }
+ | <STRING_LITERAL> { return false; }
+ | <ESCAPE> { return false; }
+ | <LCURLY> { return false; }
+ | <RCURLY> { return false; }
+ | <EMPTY_INDEX> { return false; }
+ | <PIPE> { return false; }
+ {
+ /* Drop the ending zero-width whitespace */
+ t.image = t.image.substring(0, t.image.length() - 1); return false;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Defined Directive Syntax
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+boolean IfStatement(boolean afterNewline) :
+ Token t = null, u = null, end = null;
+ ASTBlock lastBlock = null;
+ boolean newlineAtStart = afterNewline;
+ [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> )
+ {
+ // only possible if not after new line
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ t = u = null;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ {
+ (getToken(1).kind != ELSEIF && getToken(1).kind != ELSE && getToken(1).kind != END) &&
+ (!afterNewline || getToken(1).kind != WHITESPACE || (getToken(2).kind != ELSEIF && getToken(2).kind != ELSE && getToken(2).kind != END))
+ })
+ afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline) )*
+ {
+ lastBlock = jjtThis;
+ }
+ ) #Block
+ [ LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == ELSEIF || (afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && getToken(2).kind == ELSEIF) })
+ ( LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == ELSEIF || (afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && getToken(2).kind == ELSEIF) }) ( lastBlock = ElseIfStatement(lastBlock, afterNewline) { afterNewline = lastBlock.endsWithNewline; } ))+ ]
+ [ LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind == ELSE || (afterNewline && getToken(1).kind == WHITESPACE && getToken(2).kind == ELSE) } ) lastBlock = ElseStatement(lastBlock, afterNewline) { afterNewline = lastBlock.endsWithNewline; } ]
+ [ LOOKAHEAD( 1, { afterNewline } ) ( t = <WHITESPACE> )
+ {
+ lastBlock.setPostfix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ (end = <END>)
+ { afterNewline = false; }
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2, { newlineAtStart || rsvc.getSpaceGobbling() == SpaceGobbling.BC } )
+ ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPostfix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ {
+ int pos = end.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ lastBlock.setMorePostfix(end.image.substring(0, pos));
+ }
+ return afterNewline;
+ }
+ASTBlock ElseStatement(ASTBlock previousBlock, boolean afterNewline) :
+ Token t = null, u = null, _else = null;
+ ASTBlock block = null;
+ [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> )
+ {
+ previousBlock.setPostfix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ (_else = <ELSE>)
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ t = u = null;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ ( LOOKAHEAD( { getToken(1).kind != END && (!afterNewline || getToken(1).kind != WHITESPACE || getToken(2).kind != END) }) afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline) )*
+ {
+ block = jjtThis;
+ block.endsWithNewline = afterNewline;
+ }
+ )
+ #Block
+ {
+ int pos = _else.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ previousBlock.setMorePostfix(_else.image.substring(0, pos));
+ }
+ return block;
+ }
+ASTBlock ElseIfStatement(ASTBlock previousBlock, boolean afterNewline) :
+ Token t = null, u = null, elseif = null;
+ ASTBlock block = null;
+ [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> )
+ {
+ previousBlock.setPostfix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ (elseif = <ELSEIF>) ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )*
+ <LPAREN> Expression() <RPAREN>
+ (
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ t = u = null;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ }
+ ]
+ ( LOOKAHEAD( { (getToken(1).kind != ELSEIF && getToken(1).kind != ELSE && getToken(1).kind != END) && (!afterNewline || getToken(1).kind != WHITESPACE || (getToken(2).kind != ELSEIF && getToken(2).kind != ELSE && getToken(2).kind != END)) }) afterNewline = Statement(afterNewline) )*
+ {
+ block = jjtThis;
+ block.endsWithNewline = afterNewline;
+ }
+ )
+ #Block
+ {
+ int pos = elseif.image.lastIndexOf(hash);
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ previousBlock.setMorePostfix(elseif.image.substring(0, pos));
+ }
+ return block;
+ }
+ * Currently support both types of set :
+ * #set( expr )
+ * #set expr
+ */
+boolean SetDirective(boolean afterNewline) :
+ Token t = null, u = null;
+ boolean endsWithNewline = false;
+ [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> )
+ {
+ // only possible after new line
+ jjtThis.setPrefix(t.image);
+ t = null;
+ }
+ ]
+ <SET_DIRECTIVE>(( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* Reference() ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* <EQUALS> Expression() <RPAREN>
+ {
+ /*
+ * ensure that inSet is false. Leads to some amusing bugs...
+ */
+ token_source.setInSet(false);
+ }
+ [
+ LOOKAHEAD(2, { afterNewline || rsvc.getSpaceGobbling() == SpaceGobbling.BC } )
+ ( [ ( t = <WHITESPACE> ) ] ( u = <NEWLINE> ) )
+ {
+ jjtThis.setPostfix(t == null ? u.image : t.image + u.image);
+ endsWithNewline = true;
+ }
+ ] )
+ {
+ return endsWithNewline;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Expression Syntax
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void Expression() : {}
+// LOOKAHEAD( PrimaryExpression() <EQUALS> ) Assignment()
+void Assignment() #Assignment(2) : {}
+ PrimaryExpression() <EQUALS> Expression()
+void ConditionalOrExpression() #void : {}
+ ConditionalAndExpression()
+ ( ( <LOGICAL_OR> | <LOGICAL_OR_2> ) ConditionalAndExpression() #OrNode(2) )*
+void ConditionalAndExpression() #void : {}
+ EqualityExpression()
+ ( <LOGICAL_AND> EqualityExpression() #AndNode(2) )*
+void EqualityExpression() #void : {}
+ RelationalExpression()
+ (
+ <LOGICAL_EQUALS> RelationalExpression() #EQNode(2)
+ | <LOGICAL_NOT_EQUALS> RelationalExpression() #NENode(2)
+ )*
+void RelationalExpression() #void : {}
+ AdditiveExpression()
+ (
+ <LOGICAL_LT> AdditiveExpression() #LTNode(2)
+ | <LOGICAL_GT> AdditiveExpression() #GTNode(2)
+ | <LOGICAL_LE> AdditiveExpression() #LENode(2)
+ | <LOGICAL_GE> AdditiveExpression() #GENode(2)
+ )*
+void AdditiveExpression() #void : {}
+ MultiplicativeExpression()
+ (
+ <PLUS> MultiplicativeExpression() #AddNode(2)
+ | <MINUS> MultiplicativeExpression() #SubtractNode(2)
+ )*
+void MultiplicativeExpression() #void : {}
+ UnaryExpression()
+ (
+ <MULTIPLY> UnaryExpression() #MulNode(2)
+ | <DIVIDE> UnaryExpression() #DivNode(2)
+ | <MODULUS> UnaryExpression() #ModNode(2)
+ )*
+void UnaryExpression() #void : {}
+ (
+ <LOGICAL_NOT> UnaryExpression() #NotNode(1)
+ | <MINUS> PrimaryExpression() #NegateNode(1)
+ | PrimaryExpression()
+ )
+void PrimaryExpression() #void : {}
+ (
+ StringLiteral()
+ | Reference()
+ | IntegerLiteral()
+ | LOOKAHEAD( <LBRACKET> ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* ( Reference() | IntegerLiteral()) ( <WHITESPACE> | <NEWLINE> )* <DOUBLEDOT> ) IntegerRange()
+ | FloatingPointLiteral()
+ | Map()
+ | ObjectArray()
+ | True()
+ | False()
+ | <LPAREN> Expression() <RPAREN>
+ )
+/* ======================================================================
+ Notes
+ -----
+ template == the input stream for this parser, contains 'VTL'
+ mixed in with 'schmoo'
+ VTL == Velocity Template Language : the references, directives, etc
+ schmoo == the non-VTL component of a template
+ reference == VTL entity that represents data within the context. ex. $foo
+ directive == VTL entity that denotes 'action' (#set, #foreach, #if )
+ defined directive (DD) == VTL directive entity that is expressed
+ explicitly w/in this grammar
+ pluggable directive (PD) == VTL directive entity that is defined outside of the
+ grammar. PD's allow VTL to be easily expandable w/o parser modification.
+ The problem with parsing VTL is that an input stream consists generally of
+ little bits of VTL mixed in with 'other stuff, referred to as 'schmoo'.
+ Unlike other languages, like C or Java, where the parser can punt whenever
+ it encounters input that doesn't conform to the grammar, the VTL parser can't do
+ that. It must simply output the schmoo and keep going.
+ There are a few things that we do here :
+ - define a set of parser states (DEFAULT, DIRECTIVE, REFERENCE, etc)
+ - define for each parser state a set of tokens for each state
+ - define the VTL grammar, expressed (mostly) in the productions such as Text(),
+ SetStatement(), etc.
+ It is clear that this expression of the VTL grammar (the contents
+ of this .jjt file) is maturing and evolving as we learn more about
+ how to parse VTL ( and as I learn about parsing...), so in the event
+ this documentation is in disagreement w/ the source, the source
+ takes precedence. :)
+ Parser States
+ -------------
+ DEFAULT : This is the base or starting state, and strangely enough, the
+ default state.
+ PRE_DIRECTIVE : State immediately following '#' before we figure out which
+ defined or pluggable directive (or neither) we are working with.
+ DIRECTIVE : This state is triggered by the a match of a DD or a PD.
+ PRE_REFERENCE : Triggered by '$'. Analagous to PRE_DIRECTIVE. When '-' is
+ allowed in identifiers, this state is called PRE_OLD_REFERENCE.
+ REFERENCE : Triggered by the <IDENTIFIER>
+ REFMODIFIER : Triggered by .<alpha> when in REFERENCE, REFMODIFIER or REFMOD3. When '-'
+ is allowed in identifiers, this state is called OLD_REFMODIFIER.
+ REFMOD2 : Triggered by '(' when in REFMODIFIER
+ REFMOD3 : Triggered by the corresponding ')'
+ REFINDEX : Array index. Triggered by '[' in REFERENCE, REFMODIFIER, REFMOD3.
+ ALT_VAL : Alternate value. Triggered by '|' in REFERENCE, REFMODIFIER, REFMOD3.
+ (cont)
+ Escape Sequences
+ ----------------
+ The escape processing in VTL is very simple. The '\' character acts
+ only as an escape when :
+ 1) On or more touch a VTL element.
+ A VTL element is either :
+ 1) It preceeds a reference that is in the context.
+ 2) It preceeds a defined directive (#set, #if, #end, etc) or a valid
+ pluggable directive, such as #foreach
+ In all other cases the '\' is just another piece of text. The purpose of this
+ is to allow the non-VTL parts of a template (the 'schmoo') to not have to be
+ altered for processing by Velocity.
+ So if in the context $foo and $bar were defined and $woogie was not
+ \$foo \$bar \$woogie
+ would output
+ $foo $bar \$woogie
+ Further, you can stack them and they affect left to right, just like convention
+ escape characters in other languages.
+ \$foo = $foo
+ \\$foo = \<foo>
+ \\\$foo = \$foo
+ What You Expect
+ ---------------
+ The recent versions of the parser are trying to support precise output to
+ support general template use. The directives do not render trailing
+ whitespace and newlines if followed by a newline. They will render
+ preceeding whitespace. The only exception is #set, which also eats
+ preceeding whitespace.
+ So, with a template :
+ ------
+ #set($foo="foo")
+ #if($foo)
+ \$foo = $foo
+ #end
+ ------
+ it will render precisely :
+ ------
+ $foo = foo
+ ------