cc_library { name: "libarm-optimized-routines", host_supported: true, recovery_available: true, native_bridge_supported: true, cflags: [ "-Werror", "-O2", // We're actually implementing bionic here, so we don't want // to try to be helpful by renaming long double routines. "-D__BIONIC_LP32_USE_LONG_DOUBLE", "-DWANT_ROUNDING=0", "-DWANT_ERRNO=0", "-DFLT_EVAL_METHOD=0", "-ffp-contract=fast", ], srcs: [ "math/*.c", ], // arch-specific settings arch: { arm64: { cflags: [ "-DHAVE_FAST_FMA=1", ], }, }, target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, linux_bionic: { enabled: true, }, }, stl: "none", static: { system_shared_libs: [], }, } // adb shell "/data/nativetest64/mathtest/mathtest /data/nativetest64/mathtest/test/testcases/directed/*" // adb shell "/data/nativetest/mathtest/mathtest /data/nativetest/mathtest/test/testcases/directed/*" cc_test { name: "mathtest", gtest: false, host_supported: true, cflags: ["-Werror", "-Wno-missing-braces"], srcs: [ "math/test/mathtest.c" ], data: ["math/test/testcases/directed/*.tst"], local_include_dirs: ["math/include"], target: { darwin: { enabled: false, }, linux_bionic: { enabled: true, }, }, }