/* * Double-precision vector e^x function. * * Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Arm Limited. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "mathlib.h" #include "v_math.h" #if V_SUPPORTED #include "v_exp.h" #if V_EXP_TABLE_BITS == 7 /* maxerr: 1.88 +0.5 ulp rel error: 1.4337*2^-53 abs error: 1.4299*2^-53 in [ -ln2/256, ln2/256 ]. */ #define C1 v_f64 (0x1.ffffffffffd43p-2) #define C2 v_f64 (0x1.55555c75adbb2p-3) #define C3 v_f64 (0x1.55555da646206p-5) #define InvLn2 v_f64 (0x1.71547652b82fep7) /* N/ln2. */ #define Ln2hi v_f64 (0x1.62e42fefa39efp-8) /* ln2/N. */ #define Ln2lo v_f64 (0x1.abc9e3b39803f3p-63) #elif V_EXP_TABLE_BITS == 8 /* maxerr: 0.54 +0.5 ulp rel error: 1.4318*2^-58 abs error: 1.4299*2^-58 in [ -ln2/512, ln2/512 ]. */ #define C1 v_f64 (0x1.fffffffffffd4p-2) #define C2 v_f64 (0x1.5555571d6b68cp-3) #define C3 v_f64 (0x1.5555576a59599p-5) #define InvLn2 v_f64 (0x1.71547652b82fep8) #define Ln2hi v_f64 (0x1.62e42fefa39efp-9) #define Ln2lo v_f64 (0x1.abc9e3b39803f3p-64) #endif #define N (1 << V_EXP_TABLE_BITS) #define Tab __v_exp_data #define IndexMask v_u64 (N - 1) #define Shift v_f64 (0x1.8p+52) #if WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT #define TinyBound 0x200 /* top12 (asuint64 (0x1p-511)). */ #define BigBound 0x408 /* top12 (asuint64 (0x1p9)). */ VPCS_ATTR static NOINLINE v_f64_t specialcase (v_f64_t x, v_f64_t y, v_u64_t cmp) { /* If fenv exceptions are to be triggered correctly, fall back to the scalar routine to special lanes. */ return v_call_f64 (exp, x, y, cmp); } #else #define Thres v_f64 (704.0) VPCS_ATTR static v_f64_t specialcase (v_f64_t s, v_f64_t y, v_f64_t n) { v_f64_t absn = v_abs_f64 (n); /* 2^(n/N) may overflow, break it up into s1*s2. */ v_u64_t b = v_cond_u64 (n <= v_f64 (0.0)) & v_u64 (0x6000000000000000); v_f64_t s1 = v_as_f64_u64 (v_u64 (0x7000000000000000) - b); v_f64_t s2 = v_as_f64_u64 (v_as_u64_f64 (s) - v_u64 (0x3010000000000000) + b); v_u64_t cmp = v_cond_u64 (absn > v_f64 (1280.0 * N)); v_f64_t r1 = s1 * s1; v_f64_t r0 = v_fma_f64 (y, s2, s2) * s1; return v_as_f64_u64 ((cmp & v_as_u64_f64 (r1)) | (~cmp & v_as_u64_f64 (r0))); } #endif VPCS_ATTR v_f64_t V_NAME(exp) (v_f64_t x) { v_f64_t n, r, r2, s, y, z; v_u64_t cmp, u, e, i; #if WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT /* If any lanes are special, mask them with 1 and retain a copy of x to allow specialcase to fix special lanes later. This is only necessary if fenv exceptions are to be triggered correctly. */ v_f64_t xm = x; cmp = v_cond_u64 ((v_as_u64_f64 (v_abs_f64 (x)) >> 52) - TinyBound >= BigBound - TinyBound); if (unlikely (v_any_u64 (cmp))) x = v_sel_f64 (cmp, v_f64 (1), x); #else cmp = v_cond_u64 (v_abs_f64 (x) > Thres); #endif /* n = round(x/(ln2/N)). */ z = v_fma_f64 (x, InvLn2, Shift); u = v_as_u64_f64 (z); n = z - Shift; /* r = x - n*ln2/N. */ r = x; r = v_fma_f64 (-Ln2hi, n, r); r = v_fma_f64 (-Ln2lo, n, r); e = u << (52 - V_EXP_TABLE_BITS); i = u & IndexMask; /* y = exp(r) - 1 ~= r + C1 r^2 + C2 r^3 + C3 r^4. */ r2 = r * r; y = v_fma_f64 (C2, r, C1); y = v_fma_f64 (C3, r2, y); y = v_fma_f64 (y, r2, r); /* s = 2^(n/N). */ u = v_lookup_u64 (Tab, i); s = v_as_f64_u64 (u + e); if (unlikely (v_any_u64 (cmp))) #if WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT return specialcase (xm, v_fma_f64 (y, s, s), cmp); #else return specialcase (s, y, n); #endif return v_fma_f64 (y, s, s); } VPCS_ALIAS #endif