path: root/value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/builder.vm
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Diffstat (limited to 'value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/builder.vm')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/builder.vm b/value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/builder.vm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..630330ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/builder.vm
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+## Copyright 2014 Google LLC
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+## Template for AutoValue and AutoBuilder builders.
+## This template uses the Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).
+## The variables ($isFinal, $props, and so on) are defined by the fields of AutoValueOrBuilderTemplateVars.
+## Comments, like this one, begin with ##. The comment text extends up to and including the newline
+## character at the end of the line. So comments also serve to join a line to the next one.
+## Velocity deletes a newline after a directive (#if, #foreach, #end etc) so ## is not needed there.
+## That does mean that we sometimes need an extra blank line after such a directive.
+## Post-processing will remove unwanted spaces and blank lines, but will not join two lines.
+## It will also replace classes spelled as (e.g.) `java.util.Arrays`, with the backquotes, to
+## use just Arrays if that class can be imported unambiguously, or java.util.Arrays if not.
+#foreach ($a in $builderAnnotations)
+#if (!$autoBuilder) static #end##
+#if ($isFinal) final #end##
+class ${builderName}${builderFormalTypes} ##
+#if ($builderIsInterface) implements #else extends #end
+ ${builderTypeName}${builderActualTypes} {
+#foreach ($p in $props)
+ #if ($p.kind.primitive)
+ private $types.boxedClass($p.typeMirror).simpleName $p;
+ #else
+ #if ($builderPropertyBuilders[$p.name])
+ ## If you have ImmutableList.Builder<String> stringsBuilder() then we define two fields:
+ ## private ImmutableList.Builder<String> stringsBuilder$;
+ ## private ImmutableList<String> strings;
+ private ${builderPropertyBuilders[$p.name].builderType} ##
+ ${builderPropertyBuilders[$p.name].name};
+ #end
+ private $p.type $p #if ($p.optional && !$p.nullable) = $p.optional.empty #end ;
+ #end
+ ${builderName}() {
+ }
+#if ($toBuilderConstructor)
+ private ${builderName}(${origClass}${actualTypes} source) {
+ #foreach ($p in $props)
+ this.$p = source.${p.getter}();
+ #end
+ }
+#foreach ($p in $props)
+ ## The following is either null or an instance of PropertyBuilderClassifier.PropertyBuilder
+ #set ($propertyBuilder = $builderPropertyBuilders[$p.name])
+ ## Setter and/or property builder
+ #foreach ($setter in $builderSetters[$p.name])
+ @`java.lang.Override`
+ ${setter.access}${builderTypeName}${builderActualTypes} ##
+ ${setter.name}(${setter.nullableAnnotation}$setter.parameterType $p) {
+ ## Omit null check for primitive, or @Nullable, or if we are going to be calling a copy method
+ ## such as Optional.of, which will have its own null check if appropriate.
+ #if (!$setter.primitiveParameter && !$p.nullable && ${setter.copy($p)} == $p)
+ #if ($identifiers)
+ if ($p == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException("Null $p.name");
+ }
+ #else
+ ## Just throw NullPointerException with no message if it's null.
+ ## The Object cast has no effect on the code but silences an ErrorProne warning.
+ ((`java.lang.Object`) ${p}).getClass();
+ #end
+ #end
+ #if ($propertyBuilder)
+ if (${propertyBuilder.name} != null) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(#if ($identifiers)"Cannot set $p after calling ${p.name}Builder()"#end);
+ }
+ #end
+ this.$p = ${setter.copy($p)};
+ return this;
+ }
+ #end
+ #if ($propertyBuilder)
+ @`java.lang.Override`
+ ${propertyBuilder.access}$propertyBuilder.builderType ${p.name}Builder($propertyBuilder.propertyBuilderMethodParameters) {
+ if (${propertyBuilder.name} == null) {
+ ## This is the first time someone has asked for the builder. If the property it sets already
+ ## has a value (because it came from a toBuilder() call on the AutoValue class, or because
+ ## there is also a setter for this property) then we copy that value into the builder.
+ ## Otherwise the builder starts out empty.
+ ## If we have neither a setter nor a toBuilder() method, then the builder always starts
+ ## off empty.
+ #if ($builderSetters[$p.name].empty && $toBuilderMethods.empty)
+ ${propertyBuilder.name} = ${propertyBuilder.initializer};
+ #else
+ if ($p == null) {
+ ${propertyBuilder.name} = ${propertyBuilder.initializer};
+ } else {
+ #if (${propertyBuilder.builtToBuilder})
+ ${propertyBuilder.name} = ${p}.${propertyBuilder.builtToBuilder}();
+ #else
+ ${propertyBuilder.name} = ${propertyBuilder.initializer};
+ ${propertyBuilder.name}.${propertyBuilder.copyAll}($p);
+ #end
+ $p = null;
+ }
+ #end
+ } #if (!$propertyBuilder.propertyBuilderMethodParameters.empty) else {
+ ## This check only happens if the property-builder method has a parameter.
+ ## We don't know if the existing builder was created with the same parameter,
+ ## so we throw to avoid possibly giving you a builder that is different from
+ ## the one you asked for.
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Property builder for $p.name is already defined");
+ }
+ #end
+ return $propertyBuilder.name;
+ }
+ #end
+ ## Getter
+ #if ($builderGetters[$p.name])
+ @`java.lang.Override`
+ ${p.nullableAnnotation}${builderGetters[$p.name].access}$builderGetters[$p.name].type ${p.getter}() {
+ #if ($builderGetters[$p.name].optional)
+ if ($p == null) {
+ return $builderGetters[$p.name].optional.empty;
+ } else {
+ return ${builderGetters[$p.name].optional.rawType}.of($p);
+ }
+ #else
+ #if ($builderRequiredProperties.contains($p))
+ if ($p == null) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(#if ($identifiers)"Property \"$p.name\" has not been set"#end);
+ }
+ #end
+ #if ($propertyBuilder)
+ if (${propertyBuilder.name} != null) {
+ return ${propertyBuilder.name}.build();
+ }
+ if ($p == null) {
+ ${propertyBuilder.beforeInitDefault}
+ $p = ${propertyBuilder.initDefault};
+ }
+ #end
+ return $p;
+ #end
+ }
+ #end
+## build() method
+ @`java.lang.Override`
+ ${buildMethod.get().access}${builtType} ${buildMethod.get().name}() ${buildMethod.get().throws} {
+#foreach ($p in $props)
+ #set ($propertyBuilder = $builderPropertyBuilders[$p.name])
+ #if ($propertyBuilder)
+ if (${propertyBuilder.name} != null) {
+ this.$p = ${propertyBuilder.name}.build();
+ } else if (this.$p == null) {
+ ${propertyBuilder.beforeInitDefault}
+ this.$p = ${propertyBuilder.initDefault};
+ }
+ #end
+#if (!$builderRequiredProperties.empty)
+ if (#foreach ($p in $builderRequiredProperties)##
+ this.$p == null##
+ #if ($foreach.hasNext)
+ || #end
+ #end) {
+ #if ($identifiers) ## build a friendly message showing all missing properties
+ #if ($builderRequiredProperties.size() == 1)
+ `java.lang.String` missing = " $builderRequiredProperties.iterator().next()";
+ #else
+ `java.lang.StringBuilder` missing = new `java.lang.StringBuilder`();
+ #foreach ($p in $builderRequiredProperties)
+ if (this.$p == null) {
+ missing.append(" $p.name");
+ }
+ #end
+ #end
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required properties:" + missing);
+ #else ## just throw an exception if anything is missing
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ #end
+ }
+ #if ($builtType != "void") return #end ${build}(
+#foreach ($p in $props)
+ this.$p #if ($foreach.hasNext) , #end
+#end );
+ }