/* * Copyright 2018 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.auto.value.processor; import static com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors.getAnnotationValue; import static com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotations.generatedAnnotation; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreElements.getPackage; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreElements.isAnnotationPresent; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreStreams.toImmutableList; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreStreams.toImmutableMap; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreStreams.toImmutableSet; import static com.google.auto.value.processor.ClassNames.AUTO_VALUE_PACKAGE_NAME; import static com.google.auto.value.processor.ClassNames.COPY_ANNOTATIONS_NAME; import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement; import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.union; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toCollection; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet; import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.constructorsIn; import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements; import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes; import com.google.auto.common.Visibility; import com.google.auto.value.processor.MissingTypes.MissingTypeException; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableBiMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.Writer; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Inherited; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.QualifiedNameable; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8; import javax.lang.model.util.Types; import javax.tools.Diagnostic; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; /** * Shared code between {@link AutoValueProcessor}, {@link AutoOneOfProcessor}, and {@link * AutoBuilderProcessor}. * * @author emcmanus@google.com (Éamonn McManus) */ abstract class AutoValueishProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { private final String annotationClassName; private final boolean appliesToInterfaces; /** * Qualified names of {@code @AutoValue} (etc) classes that we attempted to process but had to * abandon because we needed other types that they referenced and those other types were missing. * The corresponding value tells the name of the missing type, if known, or is empty otherwise. */ private final Map deferredTypeNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); AutoValueishProcessor(String annotationClassName, boolean appliesToInterfaces) { this.annotationClassName = annotationClassName; this.appliesToInterfaces = appliesToInterfaces; } /** * The annotation we are processing, for example {@code AutoValue} or {@code AutoBuilder}. */ private TypeElement annotationType; /** The simple name of {@link #annotationType}. */ private String simpleAnnotationName; private ErrorReporter errorReporter; @Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) { super.init(processingEnv); errorReporter = new ErrorReporter(processingEnv); annotationType = elementUtils().getTypeElement(annotationClassName); if (annotationType != null) { simpleAnnotationName = annotationType.getSimpleName().toString(); } } final ErrorReporter errorReporter() { return errorReporter; } final Types typeUtils() { return processingEnv.getTypeUtils(); } final Elements elementUtils() { return processingEnv.getElementUtils(); } /** * Qualified names of {@code @AutoValue} (etc) classes that we attempted to process but had to * abandon because we needed other types that they referenced and those other types were missing. * This is used by tests. */ final ImmutableList deferredTypeNames() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(deferredTypeNames.keySet()); } @Override public final SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion() { return SourceVersion.latestSupported(); } /** * A property of an {@code @AutoValue} (etc) class, defined by one of its abstract * methods. An instance of this class is made available to the Velocity template engine for each * property. The public methods of this class define JavaBeans-style properties that are * accessible from templates. For example {@link #getType()} means we can write {@code $p.type} * for a Velocity variable {@code $p} that is a {@code Property}. */ public static class Property { private final String name; private final String identifier; private final String type; private final TypeMirror typeMirror; private final Optional nullableAnnotation; private final ImmutableList availableNullableTypeAnnotations; // 0 or 1 private final Optionalish optional; private final String getter; private final String builderInitializer; // empty, or with initial ` = `. private final boolean hasDefault; Property( String name, String identifier, String type, TypeMirror typeMirror, Optional nullableAnnotation, Nullables nullables, String getter, Optional maybeBuilderInitializer, boolean hasDefault) { this.name = name; this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type; this.typeMirror = typeMirror; this.nullableAnnotation = nullableAnnotation; this.availableNullableTypeAnnotations = nullables.nullableTypeAnnotations(); this.optional = Optionalish.createIfOptional(typeMirror); this.builderInitializer = maybeBuilderInitializer.isPresent() ? " = " + maybeBuilderInitializer.get() : builderInitializer(typeMirror, nullableAnnotation); this.getter = getter; this.hasDefault = hasDefault; } /** * Returns the appropriate initializer for a builder property. The caller of the {@code * Property} constructor may have supplied an initializer, but otherwise we supply one only if * this property is an {@code Optional} and is not {@code @Nullable}. In that case the * initializer sets it to {@code Optional.empty()}. */ private static String builderInitializer( TypeMirror typeMirror, Optional nullableAnnotation) { if (nullableAnnotation.isPresent()) { return ""; } Optionalish optional = Optionalish.createIfOptional(typeMirror); if (optional == null) { return ""; } return " = " + optional.getEmpty(); } /** * Returns the appropriate type for a builder field that will eventually be assigned to this * property. This is the same as the final property type, except that it may have an additional * {@code @Nullable} annotation. Some builder fields start off null and then acquire a value * when the corresponding setter is called. Builder fields should have an extra * {@code @Nullable} if all of the following conditions are met: * *
  • the property is not primitive; *
  • the property is not already nullable; *
  • there is no explicit initializer (for example {@code Optional} properties start off as * {@code Optional.empty()}); *
  • we have found a {@code @Nullable} type annotation that can be applied. *
*/ public String getBuilderFieldType() { if (typeMirror.getKind().isPrimitive() || nullableAnnotation.isPresent() || !builderInitializer.isEmpty() || availableNullableTypeAnnotations.isEmpty()) { return type; } return TypeEncoder.encodeWithAnnotations(typeMirror, availableNullableTypeAnnotations); } /** * Returns the name of the property as it should be used when declaring identifiers (fields and * parameters). If the original getter method was {@code foo()} then this will be {@code foo}. * If it was {@code getFoo()} then it will be {@code foo}. If it was {@code getPackage()} then * it will be something like {@code package0}, since {@code package} is a reserved word. */ @Override public String toString() { return identifier; } /** * Returns the name of the property as it should be used in strings visible to users. This is * usually the same as {@code toString()}, except that if we had to use an identifier like * "package0" because "package" is a reserved word, the name here will be the original * "package". */ public String getName() { return name; } TypeMirror getTypeMirror() { return typeMirror; } public String getType() { return type; } public TypeKind getKind() { return typeMirror.getKind(); } /** * Returns an {@link Optionalish} representing the kind of Optional that this property's type * is, or null if the type is not an Optional of any kind. */ public Optionalish getOptional() { return optional; } /** * Returns a string to be used as an initializer for a builder field for this property, * including the leading {@code =}, or an empty string if there is no explicit initializer. */ public String getBuilderInitializer() { return builderInitializer; } /** * Returns the string to use as a method annotation to indicate the nullability of this * property. It is either the empty string, if the property is not nullable, or an annotation * string with a trailing space, such as {@code "@`javax.annotation.Nullable` "}, where the * {@code ``} is the encoding used by {@link TypeEncoder}. If the property is nullable by virtue * of its type rather than its method being {@code @Nullable}, this method returns the * empty string, because the {@code @Nullable} will appear when the type is spelled out. In this * case, {@link #nullableAnnotation} is present but empty. */ public final String getNullableAnnotation() { return nullableAnnotation.orElse(""); } public boolean isNullable() { return nullableAnnotation.isPresent(); } /** * Returns the name of the getter method for this property as defined by the {@code @AutoValue} * or {@code @AutoBuilder} class. For property {@code foo}, this will be {@code foo} or {@code * getFoo} or {@code isFoo}. For AutoBuilder, the getter in question is the one that will be * called on the built type to derive the value of the property, in the copy constructor. */ public String getGetter() { return getter; } boolean hasDefault() { return hasDefault; } } /** A {@link Property} that corresponds to an abstract getter method in the source. */ public static class GetterProperty extends Property { private final ExecutableElement method; private final ImmutableList fieldAnnotations; private final ImmutableList methodAnnotations; GetterProperty( String name, String identifier, ExecutableElement method, TypeMirror typeMirror, String typeString, ImmutableList fieldAnnotations, ImmutableList methodAnnotations, Optional nullableAnnotation, Nullables nullables) { super( name, identifier, typeString, typeMirror, nullableAnnotation, nullables, method.getSimpleName().toString(), Optional.empty(), /* hasDefault= */ false); this.method = method; this.fieldAnnotations = fieldAnnotations; this.methodAnnotations = methodAnnotations; } /** * Returns the annotations (in string form) that should be applied to the property's field * declaration. */ public List getFieldAnnotations() { return fieldAnnotations; } /** * Returns the annotations (in string form) that should be applied to the property's method * implementation. */ public List getMethodAnnotations() { return methodAnnotations; } public String getAccess() { return SimpleMethod.access(method); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof GetterProperty && ((GetterProperty) obj).method.equals(method); } @Override public int hashCode() { return method.hashCode(); } } void addDeferredType(TypeElement type, String missingType) { // We save the name of the type containing the problem, rather than its TypeElement, because it // is not guaranteed that it will be represented by the same TypeElement on the next round. We // save the name of the missing type for better diagnostics. (It may be empty.) deferredTypeNames.put(type.getQualifiedName().toString(), missingType); } @Override public final boolean process(Set annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { if (annotationType == null) { // This should not happen. If the annotation type is not found, how did the processor get // triggered? processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Did not process @" + annotationClassName + " because the annotation class was not found"); return false; } ImmutableMap deferredTypes = deferredTypeNames.entrySet().stream() .collect( toImmutableMap( entry -> elementUtils().getTypeElement(entry.getKey()), Map.Entry::getValue)); if (roundEnv.processingOver()) { // This means that the previous round didn't generate any new sources, so we can't have found // any new instances of @AutoValue; and we can't have any new types that are the reason a type // was in deferredTypes. deferredTypes.forEach( (type, missing) -> { String including = missing.isEmpty() ? "" : ("including " + missing); errorReporter.reportError( type, "[%sUndefined] Did not generate @%s class for %s because it references" + " undefined types %s", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName, type.getQualifiedName(), including); }); return false; } Collection annotatedElements = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotationType); List types = new ImmutableList.Builder() .addAll(deferredTypes.keySet()) .addAll(ElementFilter.typesIn(annotatedElements)) .build(); deferredTypeNames.clear(); for (TypeElement type : types) { try { validateType(type); processType(type); } catch (AbortProcessingException e) { // We abandoned this type; continue with the next. } catch (MissingTypeException e) { // We abandoned this type, but only because we needed another type that it references and // that other type was missing. It is possible that the missing type will be generated by // further annotation processing, so we will try again on the next round (perhaps failing // again and adding it back to the list). addDeferredType(type, e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { String trace = Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e); errorReporter.reportError( type, "[%sException] @%s processor threw an exception: %s", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName, trace); throw e; } } return false; // never claim annotation, because who knows what other processors want? } /** * Validations common to all the subclasses. An {@code @AutoFoo} type must be a class, or possibly * an interface for {@code @AutoBuilder}. If it is a class then it must have a non-private no-arg * constructor. And, since we'll be generating a subclass, it can't be final. */ private void validateType(TypeElement type) { ElementKind kind = type.getKind(); boolean kindOk = kind.equals(ElementKind.CLASS) || (appliesToInterfaces && kind.equals(ElementKind.INTERFACE)); if (!kindOk) { String appliesTo = appliesToInterfaces ? "classes and interfaces" : "classes"; errorReporter.abortWithError( type, "[%sWrongType] @%s only applies to %s", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName, appliesTo); } checkModifiersIfNested(type); if (!hasVisibleNoArgConstructor(type)) { errorReporter.reportError( type, "[%sConstructor] @%s class must have a non-private no-arg constructor", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName); } if (type.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.FINAL)) { errorReporter.abortWithError( type, "[%sFinal] @%s class must not be final", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName); } } /** * Analyzes a single {@code @AutoValue} (etc) class, and outputs the corresponding implementation * class or classes. * * @param type the class with the {@code @AutoValue} or {@code @AutoOneOf} annotation. */ abstract void processType(TypeElement type); /** * Returns the appropriate {@code @Nullable} annotation to put on the implementation of the given * property method, and indicates whether the property is in fact nullable. The annotation in * question is on the method, not its return type. If instead the return type is * {@code @Nullable}, this method returns {@code Optional.of("")}, to indicate that the property * is nullable but the method isn't. The {@code @Nullable} annotation will instead appear * when the return type of the method is spelled out in the implementation. */ abstract Optional nullableAnnotationForMethod(ExecutableElement propertyMethod); /** * Returns the ordered set of {@link Property} definitions for the given {@code @AutoValue} or * {@code AutoOneOf} type. * * @param annotatedPropertyMethods a map from property methods to the method annotations that * should go on the implementation of those methods. These annotations are method annotations * specifically. Type annotations do not appear because they are considered part of the return * type and will appear when that is spelled out. Annotations that are excluded by {@code * AutoValue.CopyAnnotations} also do not appear here. */ final ImmutableSet propertySet( ImmutableMap propertyMethodsAndTypes, ImmutableListMultimap annotatedPropertyFields, ImmutableListMultimap annotatedPropertyMethods, Nullables nullables) { ImmutableBiMap methodToPropertyName = propertyNameToMethodMap(propertyMethodsAndTypes.keySet()).inverse(); Map methodToIdentifier = new LinkedHashMap<>(methodToPropertyName); fixReservedIdentifiers(methodToIdentifier); ImmutableSet.Builder props = ImmutableSet.builder(); propertyMethodsAndTypes.forEach( (propertyMethod, returnType) -> { String propertyTypeString = TypeEncoder.encodeWithAnnotations( returnType, ImmutableList.of(), getExcludedAnnotationTypes(propertyMethod)); String propertyName = methodToPropertyName.get(propertyMethod); String identifier = methodToIdentifier.get(propertyMethod); ImmutableList fieldAnnotations = annotationStrings(annotatedPropertyFields.get(propertyMethod)); ImmutableList methodAnnotationMirrors = annotatedPropertyMethods.get(propertyMethod); ImmutableList methodAnnotations = annotationStrings(methodAnnotationMirrors); Optional nullableAnnotation = nullableAnnotationForMethod(propertyMethod); Property p = new GetterProperty( propertyName, identifier, propertyMethod, returnType, propertyTypeString, fieldAnnotations, methodAnnotations, nullableAnnotation, nullables); props.add(p); if (p.isNullable() && returnType.getKind().isPrimitive()) { errorReporter() .reportError( propertyMethod, "[%sNullPrimitive] Primitive types cannot be @Nullable", simpleAnnotationName); } }); return props.build(); } /** Defines the template variables that are shared by AutoValue, AutoOneOf, and AutoBuilder. */ final void defineSharedVarsForType( TypeElement type, ImmutableSet methods, Nullables nullables, AutoValueishTemplateVars vars) { vars.pkg = TypeSimplifier.packageNameOf(type); vars.origClass = TypeSimplifier.classNameOf(type); vars.simpleClassName = TypeSimplifier.simpleNameOf(vars.origClass); vars.generated = generatedAnnotation(elementUtils(), processingEnv.getSourceVersion()) .map(annotation -> TypeEncoder.encode(annotation.asType())) .orElse(""); vars.formalTypes = TypeEncoder.typeParametersString(type.getTypeParameters()); vars.actualTypes = TypeSimplifier.actualTypeParametersString(type); vars.wildcardTypes = wildcardTypeParametersString(type); vars.annotations = copiedClassAnnotations(type); Map methodsToGenerate = determineObjectMethodsToGenerate(methods); vars.toString = methodsToGenerate.containsKey(ObjectMethod.TO_STRING); vars.equals = methodsToGenerate.containsKey(ObjectMethod.EQUALS); vars.hashCode = methodsToGenerate.containsKey(ObjectMethod.HASH_CODE); vars.equalsParameterType = equalsParameterType(methodsToGenerate, nullables); vars.serialVersionUID = getSerialVersionUID(type); } /** Returns the spelling to be used in the generated code for the given list of annotations. */ static ImmutableList annotationStrings(List annotations) { return annotations.stream() .map(AnnotationOutput::sourceFormForAnnotation) .sorted() // ensures deterministic order .collect(toImmutableList()); } /** * Returns the name of the generated {@code @AutoValue} (etc) class, for example {@code * AutoOneOf_TaskResult} or {@code $$AutoValue_SimpleMethod}. * * @param type the name of the type bearing the {@code @AutoValue} (etc) annotation. * @param prefix the prefix to use in the generated class. This may start with one or more dollar * signs, for an {@code @AutoValue} implementation where there are AutoValue extensions. */ static String generatedClassName(TypeElement type, String prefix) { String name = type.getSimpleName().toString(); while (MoreElements.isType(type.getEnclosingElement())) { type = MoreElements.asType(type.getEnclosingElement()); name = type.getSimpleName() + "_" + name; } String pkg = TypeSimplifier.packageNameOf(type); String dot = pkg.isEmpty() ? "" : "."; return pkg + dot + prefix + name; } private static boolean isJavaLangObject(TypeElement type) { return type.getSuperclass().getKind() == TypeKind.NONE && type.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS; } enum ObjectMethod { NONE, TO_STRING, EQUALS, HASH_CODE } /** * Determines which of the three public non-final methods from {@code java.lang.Object}, if any, * is overridden by the given method. */ static ObjectMethod objectMethodToOverride(ExecutableElement method) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); switch (method.getParameters().size()) { case 0: if (name.equals("toString")) { return ObjectMethod.TO_STRING; } else if (name.equals("hashCode")) { return ObjectMethod.HASH_CODE; } break; case 1: if (name.equals("equals")) { TypeMirror param = getOnlyElement(method.getParameters()).asType(); if (param.getKind().equals(TypeKind.DECLARED)) { TypeElement paramType = MoreTypes.asTypeElement(param); if (paramType.getQualifiedName().contentEquals("java.lang.Object")) { return ObjectMethod.EQUALS; } } } break; default: // No relevant Object methods have more than one parameter. } return ObjectMethod.NONE; } /** Returns a bi-map between property names and the corresponding abstract property methods. */ final ImmutableBiMap propertyNameToMethodMap( Set propertyMethods) { Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Set reportedDups = new HashSet<>(); boolean allPrefixed = gettersAllPrefixed(propertyMethods); for (ExecutableElement method : propertyMethods) { String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString(); String name = allPrefixed ? nameWithoutPrefix(methodName) : methodName; ExecutableElement old = map.put(name, method); if (old != null) { List contexts = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(method)); if (reportedDups.add(name)) { contexts.add(old); } // Report the error for both of the methods. If this is a third or further occurrence, // reportedDups prevents us from reporting more than one error for the same method. for (ExecutableElement context : contexts) { errorReporter.reportError( context, "[%sDupProperty] More than one @%s property called %s", simpleAnnotationName, simpleAnnotationName, name); } } } return ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(map); } private static boolean gettersAllPrefixed(Set methods) { return prefixedGettersIn(methods).size() == methods.size(); } /** * Returns an appropriate annotation spelling to indicate the nullability of an element. If the * return value is a non-empty Optional, that indicates that the element is nullable, and the * string should be used to annotate it. If the return value is an empty Optional, the element is * not nullable. The return value can be {@code Optional.of("")}, which indicates that the element * is nullable but that the nullability comes from a type annotation. In this case, the annotation * will appear when the type is written, and must not be specified again. If the Optional contains * a present non-empty string then that string will end with a space. * * @param element the element that might be {@code @Nullable}, either a method or a parameter. * @param elementType the relevant type of the element: the return type for a method, or the * parameter type for a parameter. */ static Optional nullableAnnotationFor(Element element, TypeMirror elementType) { if (isNullable(elementType)) { return Optional.of(""); } List elementAnnotations = element.getAnnotationMirrors(); OptionalInt nullableAnnotationIndex = nullableAnnotationIndex(elementAnnotations); if (nullableAnnotationIndex.isPresent()) { AnnotationMirror annotation = elementAnnotations.get(nullableAnnotationIndex.getAsInt()); String annotationString = AnnotationOutput.sourceFormForAnnotation(annotation); return Optional.of(annotationString + " "); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } private static OptionalInt nullableAnnotationIndex(List annotations) { return IntStream.range(0, annotations.size()) .filter(i -> isNullable(annotations.get(i))) .findFirst(); } private static boolean isNullable(TypeMirror type) { return isNullable(type, 0); } private static boolean isNullable(TypeMirror type, int depth) { // Some versions of the Eclipse compiler can report that the upper bound of a type variable T // is another T, and if you ask for the upper bound of that other T you'll get a third T, and so // ad infinitum. To avoid StackOverflowError, we bottom out after 10 iterations. if (depth > 10) { return false; } List typeAnnotations = type.getAnnotationMirrors(); // TODO(emcmanus): also check if there is a @NonNull bound and return false if so. if (nullableAnnotationIndex(typeAnnotations).isPresent()) { return true; } if (type.getKind().equals(TypeKind.TYPEVAR)) { TypeVariable typeVariable = MoreTypes.asTypeVariable(type); TypeMirror bound = typeVariable.getUpperBound(); if (bound.getKind().equals(TypeKind.INTERSECTION)) { return MoreTypes.asIntersection(bound).getBounds().stream() .allMatch(t -> isNullable(t, depth + 1)); } return isNullable(bound, depth + 1); } return false; } private static boolean isNullable(AnnotationMirror annotation) { return annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getSimpleName().contentEquals("Nullable"); } /** * Returns the subset of the given zero-arg methods whose names begin with {@code get}. Also * includes {@code isFoo} methods if they return {@code boolean}. This corresponds to JavaBeans * conventions. */ static ImmutableSet prefixedGettersIn(Collection methods) { return methods.stream() .filter(AutoValueishProcessor::isPrefixedGetter) .collect(toImmutableSet()); } static boolean isPrefixedGetter(ExecutableElement method) { String name = method.getSimpleName().toString(); // Note that getfoo() (without a capital) is still a getter. return (name.startsWith("get") && !name.equals("get")) || (name.startsWith("is") && !name.equals("is") && method.getReturnType().getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN); } /** * Returns the name of the property defined by the given getter. A getter called {@code getFoo()} * or {@code isFoo()} defines a property called {@code foo}. For consistency with JavaBeans, a * getter called {@code getHTMLPage()} defines a property called {@code HTMLPage}. The * rule is: the name of the property is the part after {@code get} or {@code is}, with the * first letter lowercased unless the first two letters are uppercase. This works well for * the {@code HTMLPage} example, but in these more enlightened times we use {@code HtmlPage} * anyway, so the special behaviour is not useful, and of course it behaves poorly with examples * like {@code OAuth}. */ static String nameWithoutPrefix(String name) { if (name.startsWith("get")) { name = name.substring(3); } else { assert name.startsWith("is"); name = name.substring(2); } return PropertyNames.decapitalizeLikeJavaBeans(name); } /** * Checks that, if the given {@code @AutoValue}, {@code @AutoOneOf}, or {@code @AutoBuilder} class * is nested, it is static and not private. This check is not necessary for correctness, since the * generated code would not compile if the check fails, but it produces better error messages for * the user. */ final void checkModifiersIfNested(TypeElement type) { checkModifiersIfNested(type, type, simpleAnnotationName); } final void checkModifiersIfNested(TypeElement type, TypeElement reportedType, String what) { ElementKind enclosingKind = type.getEnclosingElement().getKind(); if (enclosingKind.isClass() || enclosingKind.isInterface()) { if (type.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) { errorReporter.abortWithError( reportedType, "[%sPrivate] @%s class must not be private", simpleAnnotationName, what); } else if (Visibility.effectiveVisibilityOfElement(type).equals(Visibility.PRIVATE)) { // The previous case, where the class itself is private, is much commoner so it deserves // its own error message, even though it would be caught by the test here too. errorReporter.abortWithError( reportedType, "[%sInPrivate] @%s class must not be nested in a private class", simpleAnnotationName, what); } if (!type.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { errorReporter.abortWithError( reportedType, "[%sInner] Nested @%s class must be static", simpleAnnotationName, what); } } // In principle type.getEnclosingElement() could be an ExecutableElement (for a class // declared inside a method), but since RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith doesn't // return such classes we won't see them here. } /** * Modifies the values of the given map to avoid reserved words. If we have a getter called {@code * getPackage()} then we can't use the identifier {@code package} to represent its value since * that's a reserved word. */ static void fixReservedIdentifiers(Map methodToIdentifier) { for (Map.Entry entry : methodToIdentifier.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getValue(); if (SourceVersion.isKeyword(name) || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(name.codePointAt(0))) { entry.setValue(disambiguate(name, methodToIdentifier.values())); } } } private static String disambiguate(String name, Collection existingNames) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(name.codePointAt(0))) { // You've defined a getter called get1st(). What were you thinking? name = "_" + name; if (!existingNames.contains(name)) { return name; } } for (int i = 0; ; i++) { String candidate = name + i; if (!existingNames.contains(candidate)) { return candidate; } } } /** * Given a list of all methods defined in or inherited by a class, returns a map indicating which * of equals, hashCode, and toString should be generated. Each value in the map is the method that * will be overridden by the generated method, which might be a method in {@code Object} or an * abstract method in the {@code @AutoValue} class or an ancestor. */ private static Map determineObjectMethodsToGenerate( Set methods) { Map methodsToGenerate = new EnumMap<>(ObjectMethod.class); for (ExecutableElement method : methods) { ObjectMethod override = objectMethodToOverride(method); boolean canGenerate = method.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT) || isJavaLangObject(MoreElements.asType(method.getEnclosingElement())); if (!override.equals(ObjectMethod.NONE) && canGenerate) { methodsToGenerate.put(override, method); } } return methodsToGenerate; } /** * Returns the encoded parameter type of the {@code equals(Object)} method that is to be * generated, or an empty string if the method is not being generated. The parameter type includes * any type annotations, for example {@code @Nullable}. * * @param methodsToGenerate the Object methods that are being generated * @param nullable the type of a {@code @Nullable} type annotation that we have found, if any */ static String equalsParameterType( Map methodsToGenerate, Nullables nullables) { ExecutableElement equals = methodsToGenerate.get(ObjectMethod.EQUALS); if (equals == null) { return ""; // this will not be referenced because no equals method will be generated } TypeMirror parameterType = equals.getParameters().get(0).asType(); // Add @Nullable if we know one and the parameter doesn't already have one. // The @Nullable we add will be a type annotation, but if the parameter already has @Nullable // then that might be a type annotation or an annotation on the parameter. ImmutableList extraAnnotations = nullableAnnotationFor(equals, parameterType).isPresent() ? ImmutableList.of() : nullables.nullableTypeAnnotations(); return TypeEncoder.encodeWithAnnotations(parameterType, extraAnnotations); } /** * Returns the subset of all abstract methods in the given set of methods. A given method * signature is only mentioned once, even if it is inherited on more than one path. If any of the * abstract methods has a return type or parameter type that is not currently defined then this * method will throw an exception that will cause us to defer processing of the current class * until a later annotation-processing round. */ static ImmutableSet abstractMethodsIn(Iterable methods) { Set noArgMethods = new HashSet<>(); ImmutableSet.Builder abstracts = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (ExecutableElement method : methods) { if (method.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) { MissingTypes.deferIfMissingTypesIn(method); boolean hasArgs = !method.getParameters().isEmpty(); if (hasArgs || noArgMethods.add(method.getSimpleName())) { // If an abstract method with the same signature is inherited on more than one path, // we only add it once. At the moment we only do this check for no-arg methods. All // methods that AutoValue will implement are either no-arg methods or equals(Object). // The former is covered by this check and the latter will lead to vars.equals being // set to true, regardless of how many times it appears. So the only case that is // covered imperfectly here is that of a method that is inherited on more than one path // and that will be consumed by an extension. We could check parameters as well, but that // can be a bit tricky if any of the parameters are generic. abstracts.add(method); } } } return abstracts.build(); } /** * Returns the subset of property methods in the given set of abstract methods, with their actual * return types. A property method has no arguments, is not void, and is not {@code hashCode()} or * {@code toString()}. */ ImmutableMap propertyMethodsIn( Set abstractMethods, TypeElement autoValueOrOneOfType) { DeclaredType declaredType = MoreTypes.asDeclared(autoValueOrOneOfType.asType()); ImmutableSet.Builder properties = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (ExecutableElement method : abstractMethods) { if (method.getParameters().isEmpty() && (method.getReturnType().getKind() != TypeKind.VOID || propertiesCanBeVoid()) && objectMethodToOverride(method) == ObjectMethod.NONE) { properties.add(method); } } return new EclipseHack(processingEnv).methodReturnTypes(properties.build(), declaredType); } /** True if void properties are allowed. */ boolean propertiesCanBeVoid() { return false; } /** * Checks that the return type of the given property method is allowed. Currently, this means that * it cannot be an array, unless it is a primitive array. */ final void checkReturnType(TypeElement autoValueClass, ExecutableElement getter) { TypeMirror type = getter.getReturnType(); if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { TypeMirror componentType = MoreTypes.asArray(type).getComponentType(); if (componentType.getKind().isPrimitive()) { warnAboutPrimitiveArrays(autoValueClass, getter); } else { errorReporter.reportError( getter, "[AutoValueArray] An @%s class cannot define an array-valued property unless it is a" + " primitive array", simpleAnnotationName); } } } private void warnAboutPrimitiveArrays(TypeElement autoValueClass, ExecutableElement getter) { boolean suppressed = false; Optional maybeAnnotation = getAnnotationMirror(getter, "java.lang.SuppressWarnings"); if (maybeAnnotation.isPresent()) { AnnotationValue listValue = getAnnotationValue(maybeAnnotation.get(), "value"); suppressed = listValue.accept(new ContainsMutableVisitor(), null); } if (!suppressed) { // If the primitive-array property method is defined directly inside the @AutoValue class, // then our error message should point directly to it. But if it is inherited, we don't // want to try to make the error message point to the inherited definition, since that would // be confusing (there is nothing wrong with the definition itself), and won't work if the // inherited class is not being recompiled. Instead, in this case we point to the @AutoValue // class itself, and we include extra text in the error message that shows the full name of // the inherited method. boolean sameClass = getter.getEnclosingElement().equals(autoValueClass); Element element = sameClass ? getter : autoValueClass; String context = sameClass ? "" : (" Method: " + getter.getEnclosingElement() + "." + getter); errorReporter.reportWarning( element, "[AutoValueMutable] An @%s property that is a primitive array returns the original" + " array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this is OK, you can" + " suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings(\"mutable\"). Otherwise, you should" + " replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the" + " original array.%s", simpleAnnotationName, context); } } // Detects whether the visited AnnotationValue is an array that contains the string "mutable". // The simpler approach using Element.getAnnotation(SuppressWarnings.class) doesn't work if // the annotation has an undefined reference, like @SuppressWarnings(UNDEFINED). // TODO(emcmanus): replace with a method from auto-common when that is available. private static class ContainsMutableVisitor extends SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8 { @Override public Boolean visitArray(List list, Void p) { return list.stream().map(AnnotationValue::getValue).anyMatch("mutable"::equals); } } /** * Returns a string like {@code "private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234L"} if {@code * type instanceof Serializable} and defines {@code serialVersionUID = 1234L}; otherwise {@code * ""}. */ final String getSerialVersionUID(TypeElement type) { TypeMirror serializable = elementUtils().getTypeElement(Serializable.class.getName()).asType(); if (typeUtils().isAssignable(type.asType(), serializable)) { List fields = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(type.getEnclosedElements()); for (VariableElement field : fields) { if (field.getSimpleName().contentEquals("serialVersionUID")) { Object value = field.getConstantValue(); if (field.getModifiers().containsAll(Arrays.asList(Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL)) && field.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.LONG && value != null) { return "private static final long serialVersionUID = " + value + "L;"; } else { errorReporter.reportError( field, "serialVersionUID must be a static final long compile-time constant"); break; } } } } return ""; } /** Implements the semantics of {@code AutoValue.CopyAnnotations}; see its javadoc. */ static ImmutableList annotationsToCopy( Element autoValueType, Element typeOrMethod, Set excludedAnnotations, Types typeUtils) { ImmutableList.Builder result = ImmutableList.builder(); for (AnnotationMirror annotation : typeOrMethod.getAnnotationMirrors()) { String annotationFqName = getAnnotationFqName(annotation); // To be included, the annotation should not be in com.google.auto.value, // and it should not be in the excludedAnnotations set. if (!isInAutoValuePackage(annotationFqName) && !excludedAnnotations.contains(annotationFqName) && annotationVisibleFrom(annotation, autoValueType, typeUtils)) { result.add(annotation); } } return result.build(); } /** * True if the given class name is in the com.google.auto.value package or a subpackage. False if * the class name contains {@code Test}, since many AutoValue tests under com.google.auto.value * define their own annotations. */ private static boolean isInAutoValuePackage(String className) { return className.startsWith(AUTO_VALUE_PACKAGE_NAME) && !className.contains("Test"); } ImmutableList copiedClassAnnotations(TypeElement type) { // Only copy annotations from a class if it has @AutoValue.CopyAnnotations. if (hasAnnotationMirror(type, COPY_ANNOTATIONS_NAME)) { Set excludedAnnotations = ImmutableSet.builder() .addAll(getExcludedAnnotationClassNames(type)) .addAll(getAnnotationsMarkedWithInherited(type)) // // Kotlin classes have an intrinsic @Metadata annotation generated // onto them by kotlinc. This annotation is specific to the annotated // class and should not be implicitly copied. Doing so can mislead // static analysis or metaprogramming tooling that reads the data // contained in these annotations. // // It may be surprising to see AutoValue classes written in Kotlin // when they could be written as Kotlin data classes, but this can // come up in cases where consumers rely on AutoValue features or // extensions that are not available in data classes. // // See: https://github.com/google/auto/issues/1087 // .add(ClassNames.KOTLIN_METADATA_NAME) .build(); return copyAnnotations(type, type, excludedAnnotations); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } /** Implements the semantics of {@code AutoValue.CopyAnnotations}; see its javadoc. */ ImmutableList copyAnnotations( Element autoValueType, Element typeOrMethod, Set excludedAnnotations) { ImmutableList annotationsToCopy = annotationsToCopy(autoValueType, typeOrMethod, excludedAnnotations, typeUtils()); return annotationStrings(annotationsToCopy); } /** * Returns the contents of the {@code AutoValue.CopyAnnotations.exclude} element, as a set of * {@code TypeMirror} where each type is an annotation type. */ private static Set getExcludedAnnotationTypes(Element element) { Optional maybeAnnotation = getAnnotationMirror(element, COPY_ANNOTATIONS_NAME); if (!maybeAnnotation.isPresent()) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List excludedClasses = (List) getAnnotationValue(maybeAnnotation.get(), "exclude").getValue(); return excludedClasses.stream() .map(annotationValue -> (DeclaredType) annotationValue.getValue()) .collect(toCollection(TypeMirrorSet::new)); } /** * Returns the contents of the {@code AutoValue.CopyAnnotations.exclude} element, as a set of * strings that are fully-qualified class names. */ static Set getExcludedAnnotationClassNames(Element element) { return getExcludedAnnotationTypes(element).stream() .map(MoreTypes::asTypeElement) .map(typeElement -> typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString()) .collect(toSet()); } static Set getAnnotationsMarkedWithInherited(Element element) { return element.getAnnotationMirrors().stream() .filter(a -> isAnnotationPresent(a.getAnnotationType().asElement(), Inherited.class)) .map(a -> getAnnotationFqName(a)) .collect(toSet()); } /** * Returns the fully-qualified name of an annotation-mirror, e.g. * "com.google.auto.value.AutoValue". */ private static String getAnnotationFqName(AnnotationMirror annotation) { return ((QualifiedNameable) annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement()) .getQualifiedName() .toString(); } static ImmutableListMultimap propertyMethodAnnotationMap( TypeElement type, ImmutableSet propertyMethods, Types typeUtils) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); for (ExecutableElement propertyMethod : propertyMethods) { builder.putAll(propertyMethod, propertyMethodAnnotations(type, propertyMethod, typeUtils)); } return builder.build(); } static ImmutableList propertyMethodAnnotations( TypeElement type, ExecutableElement method, Types typeUtils) { ImmutableSet excludedAnnotations = ImmutableSet.builder() .addAll(getExcludedAnnotationClassNames(method)) .add(Override.class.getCanonicalName()) .build(); // We need to exclude type annotations from the ones being output on the method, since // they will be output as part of the method's return type. Set returnTypeAnnotations = getReturnTypeAnnotations(method, a -> true); Set excluded = union(excludedAnnotations, returnTypeAnnotations); return annotationsToCopy(type, method, excluded, typeUtils); } final ImmutableListMultimap propertyFieldAnnotationMap( TypeElement type, ImmutableSet propertyMethods) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); for (ExecutableElement propertyMethod : propertyMethods) { builder.putAll(propertyMethod, propertyFieldAnnotations(type, propertyMethod)); } return builder.build(); } private ImmutableList propertyFieldAnnotations( TypeElement type, ExecutableElement method) { if (!hasAnnotationMirror(method, COPY_ANNOTATIONS_NAME)) { return ImmutableList.of(); } ImmutableSet excludedAnnotations = ImmutableSet.builder() .addAll(getExcludedAnnotationClassNames(method)) .add(Override.class.getCanonicalName()) .build(); // We need to exclude type annotations from the ones being output on the method, since // they will be output as part of the field's type. Set returnTypeAnnotations = getReturnTypeAnnotations(method, this::annotationAppliesToFields); Set nonFieldAnnotations = method.getAnnotationMirrors().stream() .map(a -> a.getAnnotationType().asElement()) .map(MoreElements::asType) .filter(a -> !annotationAppliesToFields(a)) .map(e -> e.getQualifiedName().toString()) .collect(toSet()); Set excluded = ImmutableSet.builder() .addAll(excludedAnnotations) .addAll(returnTypeAnnotations) .addAll(nonFieldAnnotations) .build(); return annotationsToCopy(type, method, excluded, typeUtils()); } private static Set getReturnTypeAnnotations( ExecutableElement method, Predicate typeFilter) { return method.getReturnType().getAnnotationMirrors().stream() .map(a -> a.getAnnotationType().asElement()) .map(MoreElements::asType) .filter(typeFilter) .map(e -> e.getQualifiedName().toString()) .collect(toSet()); } private boolean annotationAppliesToFields(TypeElement annotation) { Target target = annotation.getAnnotation(Target.class); return target == null || Arrays.asList(target.value()).contains(ElementType.FIELD); } private static boolean annotationVisibleFrom( AnnotationMirror annotation, Element from, Types typeUtils) { Element annotationElement = annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement(); Visibility visibility = Visibility.effectiveVisibilityOfElement(annotationElement); switch (visibility) { case PUBLIC: return true; case PROTECTED: // If the annotation is protected, it must be inside another class, call it C. If our // @AutoValue class is Foo then, for the annotation to be visible, either Foo must be in the // same package as C or Foo must be a subclass of C. If the annotation is visible from Foo // then it is also visible from our generated subclass AutoValue_Foo. // The protected case only applies to method annotations. An annotation on the AutoValue_Foo // class itself can't be protected, even if AutoValue_Foo ultimately inherits from the // class that defines the annotation. The JLS says "Access is permitted only within the // body of a subclass": // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-6.html#jls- // AutoValue_Foo is a top-level class, so an annotation on it cannot be in the body of a // subclass of anything. return getPackage(annotationElement).equals(getPackage(from)) || typeUtils.isSubtype(from.asType(), annotationElement.getEnclosingElement().asType()); case DEFAULT: return getPackage(annotationElement).equals(getPackage(from)); default: return false; } } /** * Returns the {@code @AutoValue} or {@code @AutoOneOf} type parameters, with a ? for every type. * If we have {@code @AutoValue abstract class Foo} then this method will * return just {@code }. */ private static String wildcardTypeParametersString(TypeElement type) { List typeParameters = type.getTypeParameters(); if (typeParameters.isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { return typeParameters.stream().map(e -> "?").collect(joining(", ", "<", ">")); } } // TODO(emcmanus,ronshapiro): move to auto-common static Optional getAnnotationMirror(Element element, String annotationName) { for (AnnotationMirror annotation : element.getAnnotationMirrors()) { TypeElement annotationElement = MoreTypes.asTypeElement(annotation.getAnnotationType()); if (annotationElement.getQualifiedName().contentEquals(annotationName)) { return Optional.of(annotation); } } return Optional.empty(); } static boolean hasAnnotationMirror(Element element, String annotationName) { return getAnnotationMirror(element, annotationName).isPresent(); } /** True if the type is a class with a non-private no-arg constructor, or is an interface. */ static boolean hasVisibleNoArgConstructor(TypeElement type) { return type.getKind().isInterface() || constructorsIn(type.getEnclosedElements()).stream() .anyMatch( c -> c.getParameters().isEmpty() && !c.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)); } final void writeSourceFile(String className, String text, TypeElement originatingType) { try { JavaFileObject sourceFile = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(className, originatingType); try (Writer writer = sourceFile.openWriter()) { writer.write(text); } } catch (IOException e) { // This should really be an error, but we make it a warning in the hope of resisting Eclipse // bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=367599. If that bug manifests, we may get // invoked more than once for the same file, so ignoring the ability to overwrite it is the // right thing to do. If we are unable to write for some other reason, we should get a compile // error later because user code will have a reference to the code we were supposed to // generate (new AutoValue_Foo() or whatever) and that reference will be undefined. errorReporter.reportWarning( originatingType, "[AutoValueCouldNotWrite] Could not write generated class %s: %s", className, e); } } }