AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-27update release notes for 1.0.3 (#270)upstream/1.0.3aiuto
2020-08-20Move bzl ext (#265)Ivo List
2020-08-20Improve inspect_output_dirs_test bin_dir comparison (#267)c-parsons
2020-08-11Prettify failure message of asserts.set_equals. (#263)Ivo List
2020-08-10Add missing bzl_library for analysis_test.bzl (#262)Jonathan B Coe
2020-07-31rm last usage of --experimental_build_setting_api (#260)Julie
2020-07-24Stop depending on rules_pkg through the federation. (#259)aiuto
2020-07-22Add `new_sets` as a dep of `sets` bzl_library (#253)Bocete
2020-07-10copy_file: Add parameter to allow symlinks (#252)Yannic
2020-06-26Create Gazelle language for Starlark (#251)Andrew Z Allen
2020-06-24Remove --experimental_build_setting_api usage (#249)Julie
2020-06-24Add myself to codeowners for rules (#256)Julie
2020-06-19Address lint errors (#254)Andrew Z Allen
2020-04-15Add license and copyright notice (#245)Laurent Le Brun
2020-04-14Fix diff_test when filepath includes external (#241)Robbert van Ginkel
2020-04-03Depend on bzl_library, not on individual bzl files (#244)Laurent Le Brun
2020-04-02Update visibility of files (#243)Laurent Le Brun
2020-03-25Fix type parsing errors on "always true" conditions. (#239)Greg
2020-03-19Fix the comment to match the code. (#238)Thomas Van Lenten
2020-02-27Create a helper rule for selecting a file from outputs of another rul… (#233)irengrig
2020-02-18Run buildifier over the directory. (#235)Thomas Van Lenten
2020-02-18Fix buildifier issue failing on CI. (#234)Thomas Van Lenten
2020-02-06Add absolute path tests for Windows (#230)Bor Kae Hwang
2020-02-03Migrate code for the flag --incompatible_disable_depset_items (#232)Laurent Le Brun
2020-02-03Remove old_sets.bzl (#231)Laurent Le Brun
2020-01-16Remove flag --incompatible_remap_main_repo (#227)Laurent Le Brun
2019-10-30Migrate for --incompatible_use_platforms_repo_for_constraints (#214)Marcel Hlopko
2019-10-29make select_tests resilient to default configuration differences (#212)c-parsons
2019-10-29Remove links to maprules (#213)Marc Plano-Lesay
2019-10-28Remove unnecesssary license BUILD comment (#209)c-parsons
2019-10-09Fix execute bit on empty_test.sh (#206)upstream/1.0.2aiuto
2019-10-08Remove genfiles_dir retrieval method (#203)upstream/1.0.1c-parsons
2019-10-08Fix to 1.0.1 - add missing .bzl files (#201)aiuto
2019-10-08Expose target_under_test's bin and genfiles path (#202)Samuel Freilich
2019-10-07fix distribution so that we get the right dependencies load (#200)aiuto
2019-10-04Update version and changelog in prep for 1.0.0 release (#196)upstream/1.0.0aiuto
2019-10-04Avoid some repetition in _make_analysis_test (#197)Samuel Freilich
2019-10-02Pass `fragments` through to analysis tests rule constructors. (#190)Gabe Giosia
2019-10-02load rules thorugh maybe so we can simultaneous updates (#195)aiuto
2019-09-17Add types.is_set() to test whether an arbitrary object is a set as defined by...TechSY730
2019-09-17Delete maprule. Fix Buildifier lint errors. (#192)László Csomor
2019-08-23Update "Getting Started" instructions to 0.9.0 release. (#172)easy
2019-08-23Update selects documentation. (#170)Greg
2019-08-23Use rules_pkg to make the skylib tarball for a release. (#185)aiuto
2019-08-23add aiuto as code owner. direct changes to distribution/ to them (#187)aiuto
2019-08-22Scope buildkite badge to the master branch (#186)c-parsons
2019-08-21Add jin to codeowners (#175)c-parsons
2019-08-13Comply with the standards of the Bazel federation (#182)Florian Weikert
2019-07-22`print`->`fail` and suppress the warning in another case. (#177)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-07-16Make config_setting_group visibility aware (#168)kwasimensah