path: root/rules
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-16update links to bazel docs (#306)aiuto
2021-05-03to_json/to_proto methods on structs are deprecated and will be removed (#295)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2020-08-10Add missing bzl_library for analysis_test.bzl (#262)Jonathan B Coe
2020-07-10copy_file: Add parameter to allow symlinks (#252)Yannic
2020-06-26Create Gazelle language for Starlark (#251)Andrew Z Allen
2020-04-15Add license and copyright notice (#245)Laurent Le Brun
2020-04-14Fix diff_test when filepath includes external (#241)Robbert van Ginkel
2020-04-02Update visibility of files (#243)Laurent Le Brun
2020-02-27Create a helper rule for selecting a file from outputs of another rul… (#233)irengrig
2020-02-03Migrate code for the flag --incompatible_disable_depset_items (#232)Laurent Le Brun
2019-10-09Fix execute bit on empty_test.sh (#206)upstream/1.0.2aiuto
2019-10-08Fix to 1.0.1 - add missing .bzl files (#201)aiuto
2019-09-17Delete maprule. Fix Buildifier lint errors. (#192)László Csomor
2019-08-23Use rules_pkg to make the skylib tarball for a release. (#185)aiuto
2019-07-12fix formatting problem (#169)upstream/0.9.0aiuto
2019-07-03Give BuildSettingInfo's value field a description (#167)Julie
2019-07-03Create new stardoc target for common_settings.bzl (#166)Julie
2019-06-14Create common build settings (#154)Julie
2019-05-28Fix for --incompatible_no_support_tools_in_action_inputs on Windows (#157)Laurent Le Brun
2019-05-23Fix repository for compatibility with --incompatible_no_support_tools_in_acti...Laurent Le Brun
2019-05-21run_binary: runs an executable as an action (#153)László Csomor
2019-05-14New rules: native_binary and native_test (#152)László Csomor
2019-05-13copy_file: expose the copying logic (#151)László Csomor
2019-05-09write_file: support different line endings (#150)László Csomor
2019-05-08Minor formatting changes plus doc updates (#147)c-parsons
2019-05-07Fix a number of misc issues to allow google usage of bazel-skylib (#146)c-parsons
2019-05-01Add licenses() to all BUILD files. (#141)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-04-12diff_test: add rule and tests (#136)László Csomor
2019-04-02Reformat with buildifier --warnings=all (#138)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-03-25maprule: move functionality to maprule_util.bzl (#132)László Csomor
2019-03-20maprule: hide it, not ready for public use. (#133)upstream/0.8.0László Csomor
2019-03-20maprule: add basic integration test (#131)László Csomor
2019-03-19write_file: add rule and tests (#122)László Csomor
2019-03-18copy_file: add rule and tests (#123)László Csomor
2019-03-04maprule: use ctx.resolve_tools (#117)László Csomor
2019-02-28add documentation pages for rules/ and lib/ (#119)c-parsons
2019-02-22fix a number of warnings found by Starlark analyzer (#114)c-parsons
2019-02-19Add analysis_test rulec-parsons
2019-01-28Add rules to the test_deps target. (#102)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-01-28Fix example load directive. (#101)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-01-25Some doc fixes (#100)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-01-25Add a build_test rule. (#97)Thomas Van Lenten
2019-01-08maprule: an improved version of genrule() (#86)László Csomor