load("distribution.bzl", "remove_internal_only") load("@bazel_skylib//:version.bzl", "version") load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar") load("@rules_pkg//:mappings.bzl", "pkg_files", "strip_prefix") package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) remove_internal_only( name = "distro_workspace", src = "//:WORKSPACE", out = "WORKSPACE", ) remove_internal_only( name = "distro_module_bazel", src = "//:MODULE.bazel", out = "MODULE.bazel", ) # remove "distribution/" path prefix pkg_files( name = "distro-files-without-prefix", srcs = [ "distro_module_bazel", "distro_workspace", ], strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_pkg(), ) pkg_tar( name = "bazel-skylib", srcs = [ "distro-files-without-prefix", "//:distribution", ], out = "bazel-skylib-%s.tar.gz" % version, extension = "tar.gz", mode = "0644", # Make it owned by root so it does not have the uid of the CI robot. owner = "0.0", strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_root(), ) # @bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//:WORKSPACE refers to bazel-skylib in the parent # directory. For distribution, use the minimal WORSKPACE.bzlmod instead. pkg_files( name = "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin-distro_workspace", srcs = ["@bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//:WORKSPACE.bzlmod"], renames = {"@bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//:WORKSPACE.bzlmod": "WORKSPACE"}, ) pkg_files( name = "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin-without-external-prefix", srcs = [ "@bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//:distribution", "@bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//bzl:distribution", ], strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_root(), ) pkg_tar( name = "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin", srcs = [ "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin-distro_workspace", "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin-without-external-prefix", "//:LICENSE", ], out = "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin-%s.tar.gz" % version, extension = "tar.gz", mode = "0644", # Make it owned by root so it does not have the uid of the CI robot. owner = "0.0", ) # Build the artifacts to put on the github release page. filegroup( name = "distribution", srcs = [ "bazel-skylib", "bazel-skylib-gazelle-plugin", ], )