load("//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library") licenses(["notice"]) package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) # export bzl files for the documentation exports_files( glob(["*.bzl"]), visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], ) bzl_library( name = "collections", srcs = ["collections.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "dicts", srcs = ["dicts.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "partial", srcs = ["partial.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "paths", srcs = ["paths.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "selects", srcs = ["selects.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "sets", srcs = ["sets.bzl"], deps = [ ":new_sets", ], ) bzl_library( name = "new_sets", srcs = ["new_sets.bzl"], deps = [ ":dicts", ], ) bzl_library( name = "shell", srcs = ["shell.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "structs", srcs = ["structs.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "subpackages", srcs = ["subpackages.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "types", srcs = ["types.bzl"], ) bzl_library( name = "unittest", srcs = ["unittest.bzl"], deps = [ ":new_sets", ":partial", ":sets", ":types", ], ) bzl_library( name = "versions", srcs = ["versions.bzl"], ) filegroup( name = "test_deps", testonly = True, srcs = ["BUILD"] + glob(["*.bzl"]), ) # The files needed for distribution filegroup( name = "distribution", srcs = glob(["*"]), visibility = [ "//:__pkg__", "//distribution:__pkg__", ], ) bzl_library( name = "old_sets", srcs = ["old_sets.bzl"], )