# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Unit tests for shell.bzl.""" load("//lib:shell.bzl", "shell") load("//lib:unittest.bzl", "asserts", "unittest") def _shell_array_literal_test(ctx): """Unit tests for shell.array_literal.""" env = unittest.begin(ctx) asserts.equals(env, "()", shell.array_literal([])) asserts.equals(env, "('1')", shell.array_literal([1])) asserts.equals(env, "('1' '2' '3')", shell.array_literal([1, 2, 3])) asserts.equals(env, "('$foo')", shell.array_literal(["$foo"])) asserts.equals(env, "('qu\"o\"te')", shell.array_literal(['qu"o"te'])) return unittest.end(env) shell_array_literal_test = unittest.make(_shell_array_literal_test) def _shell_quote_test(ctx): """Unit tests for shell.quote.""" env = unittest.begin(ctx) asserts.equals(env, "'foo'", shell.quote("foo")) asserts.equals(env, "'foo bar'", shell.quote("foo bar")) asserts.equals(env, "'three spaces'", shell.quote("three spaces")) asserts.equals(env, "' leading'", shell.quote(" leading")) asserts.equals(env, "'trailing '", shell.quote("trailing ")) asserts.equals(env, "'new\nline'", shell.quote("new\nline")) asserts.equals(env, "'tab\tcharacter'", shell.quote("tab\tcharacter")) asserts.equals(env, "'$foo'", shell.quote("$foo")) asserts.equals(env, "'qu\"o\"te'", shell.quote('qu"o"te')) asserts.equals(env, "'it'\\''s'", shell.quote("it's")) asserts.equals(env, "'foo\\bar'", shell.quote("foo\\bar")) asserts.equals(env, "'back`echo q`uote'", shell.quote("back`echo q`uote")) return unittest.end(env) shell_quote_test = unittest.make(_shell_quote_test) def _shell_args_test_gen_impl(ctx): """Test argument escaping: this rule writes a script for a sh_test.""" args = [ "foo", "foo bar", "three spaces", " leading", "trailing ", "new\nline", "tab\tcharacter", "$foo", 'qu"o"te', "it's", "foo\\bar", "back`echo q`uote", ] script_content = "\n".join([ "#!/usr/bin/env bash", "myarray=" + shell.array_literal(args), 'output=$(echo "${myarray[@]}")', # For logging: 'echo "DEBUG: output=[${output}]" >&2', # The following is a shell representation of what the echo of the quoted # array will look like. It looks a bit confusing considering it's shell # quoted into Python. Shell using single quotes to minimize shell # escaping, so only the single quote needs to be escaped as '\'', all # others are essentially kept literally. "expected='foo foo bar three spaces leading trailing new", "line tab\tcharacter $foo qu\"o\"te it'\\''s foo\\bar back`echo q`uote'", '[[ "${output}" == "${expected}" ]]', ]) out = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".sh") ctx.actions.write( output = out, content = script_content, is_executable = True, ) return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))] shell_args_test_gen = rule( implementation = _shell_args_test_gen_impl, ) def shell_test_suite(): """Creates the test targets and test suite for shell.bzl tests.""" unittest.suite( "shell_tests", shell_array_literal_test, shell_quote_test, )