path: root/rules/aapt.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/aapt.bzl')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/aapt.bzl b/rules/aapt.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..284d89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/aapt.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Bazel AAPT Commands."""
+def _link(
+ ctx,
+ out_r_java,
+ out_resource_apk,
+ manifest = None,
+ java_package = None,
+ assets = depset([]),
+ assets_dirs = [],
+ compiled_resources = depset([]),
+ config_filters = [],
+ make_r_java_ids_non_final = False,
+ compatible_with_resource_shrinking = True,
+ enable_debug = False,
+ enable_static_lib = False,
+ android_jar = None,
+ aapt = None):
+ """Links compiled Android Resources with AAPT.
+ Args:
+ ctx: The context.
+ out_r_java: A File. The R.java outputted by linking resources.
+ out_resource_apk: A File. The Resource APK outputted by linking resources.
+ manifest: A File. The AndroidManifest.xml.
+ java_package: A string. The Java package for the generated R.java.
+ assets: A list of Files. The list of assets from the transitive closure of
+ the project.
+ assets_dirs: A list of strings. The list of asset directories in the
+ transitive closure of the project.
+ compiled_resources: List of intermediate compiled android resource files.
+ config_filters: A list of Strings. The configuration filters.
+ make_r_java_ids_non_final: A bool. Makes the R.java produced from linkin
+ have non-final values.
+ compatible_with_resource_shrinking: A bool. When enabled produces the
+ output in proto format which is a requirement for resource shrinking.
+ enable_debug: A bool. Enable debugging
+ enable_static_lib: A bool. Enable static lib.
+ android_jar: A File. The Android Jar.
+ aapt: A FilesToRunProvider. The AAPT executable.
+ """
+ # Output the list of resources in reverse topological order.
+ resources_param = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ out_r_java.basename + ".params",
+ sibling = out_r_java,
+ )
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.use_param_file("%s", use_always = True)
+ args.set_param_file_format("multiline")
+ args.add_all(compiled_resources, expand_directories = True)
+ ctx.actions.run_shell(
+ command = """
+# Reverses the set of inputs that have been topologically ordered to utilize the
+# overlay/override semantics of aapt2.
+set -e
+echo $(tac $1) > $2
+ arguments = [args, resources_param.path],
+ outputs = [resources_param],
+ inputs = compiled_resources,
+ )
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("link")
+ if enable_static_lib:
+ args.add("--static-lib")
+ args.add("--no-version-vectors")
+ args.add("--no-static-lib-packages") # Turn off namespaced resource
+ args.add("--manifest", manifest)
+ args.add("--auto-add-overlay") # Enables resource redefinition and merging
+ args.add("--override-styles-instead-of-overlaying") # mimic AAPT1.
+ if make_r_java_ids_non_final:
+ args.add("--non-final-ids")
+ if compatible_with_resource_shrinking:
+ args.add("--proto-format")
+ if enable_debug:
+ args.add("--debug-mode")
+ args.add("--custom-package", java_package)
+ args.add("-I", android_jar)
+ args.add_all(assets_dirs, before_each = "-A")
+ args.add("-R", resources_param, format = "@%s")
+ args.add("-0", ".apk")
+ args.add_joined("-c", config_filters, join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = True)
+ args.add("--java", out_r_java.path.rpartition(java_package.replace(".", "/"))[0])
+ args.add("-o", out_resource_apk)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ executable = aapt,
+ arguments = [args],
+ inputs = depset(
+ [android_jar, resources_param] +
+ ([manifest] if manifest else []),
+ transitive = [assets, compiled_resources],
+ ),
+ outputs = [out_resource_apk, out_r_java],
+ mnemonic = "LinkAndroidResources",
+ progress_message = "ResV3 Linking Android Resources to %s" % out_resource_apk.short_path,
+ )
+def _compile(
+ ctx,
+ out_dir,
+ resource_files,
+ aapt):
+ """Compile and store resources in a single archive.
+ Args:
+ ctx: The context.
+ out_dir: File. A file to store the output.
+ resource_files: A list of Files. The list of resource files or directories
+ to process.
+ aapt: AAPT. Tool for compiling resources.
+ """
+ if not out_dir:
+ fail("No output directory specified.")
+ if not out_dir.is_directory:
+ fail("Output directory is not a directory artifact.")
+ if not resource_files:
+ fail("No resource files given.")
+ # Retrieves the list of files at runtime when a directory is passed.
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add_all(resource_files, expand_directories = True)
+ ctx.actions.run_shell(
+ command = """
+set -e
+declare -A out_dir_map
+for f in ${RESOURCE_FILES}; do
+ res_dir="$(dirname $(dirname ${f}))"
+ if [ -z "${out_dir_map[${res_dir}]}" ]; then
+ out_dir="${OUT_DIR}/$((++i))"
+ mkdir -p ${out_dir}
+ out_dir_map[${res_dir}]="${out_dir}"
+ fi
+ # Outputs from multiple directories can overwrite the outputs. As we do not
+ # control the outputs for now store each in its own sub directory which will be
+ # captured by the over_dir.
+ # TODO(b/139757260): Re-evaluate this one compile per file or multiple and zip
+ # merge.
+ "${AAPT}" compile --legacy "${f}" -o "${out_dir_map[${res_dir}]}"
+""" % (aapt.executable.path, out_dir.path),
+ tools = [aapt],
+ arguments = [args],
+ inputs = resource_files,
+ outputs = [out_dir],
+ mnemonic = "CompileAndroidResources",
+ progress_message = "ResV3 Compiling Android Resources in %s" % out_dir,
+ )
+def _convert(
+ ctx,
+ out = None,
+ input = None,
+ to_proto = False,
+ aapt = None):
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("convert")
+ args.add("--output-format", ("proto" if to_proto else "binary"))
+ args.add("-o", out)
+ args.add(input)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ executable = aapt,
+ arguments = [args],
+ inputs = [input],
+ outputs = [out],
+ mnemonic = "AaptConvert",
+ progress_message = "ResV3 Convert to %s" % out.short_path,
+ )
+aapt = struct(
+ link = _link,
+ compile = _compile,
+ convert = _convert,