path: root/rules/android_application/android_application_rule.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/android_application/android_application_rule.bzl')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/android_application/android_application_rule.bzl b/rules/android_application/android_application_rule.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab26456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/android_application/android_application_rule.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""android_application rule."""
+load(":android_feature_module_rule.bzl", "get_feature_module_paths")
+load(":attrs.bzl", "ANDROID_APPLICATION_ATTRS")
+ "@rules_android//rules:aapt.bzl",
+ _aapt = "aapt",
+ "@rules_android//rules:bundletool.bzl",
+ _bundletool = "bundletool",
+ "@rules_android//rules:busybox.bzl",
+ _busybox = "busybox",
+ "@rules_android//rules:common.bzl",
+ _common = "common",
+ "@rules_android//rules:java.bzl",
+ _java = "java",
+ "@rules_android//rules:providers.bzl",
+ "AndroidBundleInfo",
+ "AndroidFeatureModuleInfo",
+ "StarlarkAndroidResourcesInfo",
+ "@rules_android//rules:utils.bzl",
+ "get_android_toolchain",
+ _log = "log",
+ "srcs",
+def _verify_attrs(attrs, fqn):
+ for attr in UNSUPPORTED_ATTRS:
+ if hasattr(attrs, attr):
+ _log.error("Unsupported attr: %s in android_application" % attr)
+ if not attrs.get("manifest_values", default = {}).get("applicationId"):
+ _log.error("%s missing required applicationId in manifest_values" % fqn)
+ for attr in ["deps"]:
+ if attr not in attrs:
+ _log.error("%s missing require attribute `%s`" % (fqn, attr))
+def _process_feature_module(
+ ctx,
+ out = None,
+ base_apk = None,
+ feature_target = None,
+ java_package = None,
+ application_id = None):
+ manifest = _create_feature_manifest(
+ ctx,
+ base_apk,
+ java_package,
+ feature_target,
+ ctx.attr._android_sdk[AndroidSdkInfo].aapt2,
+ ctx.executable._feature_manifest_script,
+ ctx.executable._priority_feature_manifest_script,
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).android_resources_busybox,
+ _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ )
+ res = feature_target[AndroidFeatureModuleInfo].library[StarlarkAndroidResourcesInfo]
+ binary = feature_target[AndroidFeatureModuleInfo].binary[ApkInfo].unsigned_apk
+ has_native_libs = bool(feature_target[AndroidFeatureModuleInfo].binary[AndroidIdeInfo].native_libs)
+ # Create res .proto-apk_, output depending on whether this split has native libs.
+ if has_native_libs:
+ res_apk = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "/" + feature_target.label.name + "/res.proto-ap_")
+ else:
+ res_apk = out
+ _busybox.package(
+ ctx,
+ out_r_src_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file("R.srcjar", sibling = manifest),
+ out_r_txt = ctx.actions.declare_file("R.txt", sibling = manifest),
+ out_symbols = ctx.actions.declare_file("merged.bin", sibling = manifest),
+ out_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file("AndroidManifest_processed.xml", sibling = manifest),
+ out_proguard_cfg = ctx.actions.declare_file("proguard.cfg", sibling = manifest),
+ out_main_dex_proguard_cfg = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ "main_dex_proguard.cfg",
+ sibling = manifest,
+ ),
+ out_resource_files_zip = ctx.actions.declare_file("resource_files.zip", sibling = manifest),
+ out_file = res_apk,
+ manifest = manifest,
+ java_package = java_package,
+ direct_resources_nodes = res.direct_resources_nodes,
+ transitive_resources_nodes = res.transitive_resources_nodes,
+ transitive_manifests = [res.transitive_manifests],
+ transitive_assets = [res.transitive_assets],
+ transitive_compiled_assets = [res.transitive_compiled_assets],
+ transitive_resource_files = [res.transitive_resource_files],
+ transitive_compiled_resources = [res.transitive_compiled_resources],
+ transitive_r_txts = [res.transitive_r_txts],
+ additional_apks_to_link_against = [base_apk],
+ proto_format = True, # required for aab.
+ android_jar = ctx.attr._android_sdk[AndroidSdkInfo].android_jar,
+ aapt = get_android_toolchain(ctx).aapt2.files_to_run,
+ busybox = get_android_toolchain(ctx).android_resources_busybox.files_to_run,
+ host_javabase = _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ should_throw_on_conflict = True,
+ application_id = application_id,
+ )
+ if not has_native_libs:
+ return
+ # Extract libs/ from split binary
+ native_libs = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "/" + feature_target.label.name + "/native_libs.zip")
+ _common.filter_zip(ctx, binary, native_libs, ["lib/*"])
+ # Extract AndroidManifest.xml and assets from res-ap_
+ filtered_res = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "/" + feature_target.label.name + "/filtered_res.zip")
+ _common.filter_zip(ctx, res_apk, filtered_res, ["AndroidManifest.xml", "assets/*"])
+ # Merge into output
+ _java.singlejar(
+ ctx,
+ inputs = [filtered_res, native_libs],
+ output = out,
+ exclude_build_data = True,
+ java_toolchain = _common.get_java_toolchain(ctx),
+ )
+def _create_feature_manifest(
+ ctx,
+ base_apk,
+ java_package,
+ feature_target,
+ aapt2,
+ feature_manifest_script,
+ priority_feature_manifest_script,
+ android_resources_busybox,
+ host_javabase):
+ info = feature_target[AndroidFeatureModuleInfo]
+ manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "/" + feature_target.label.name + "/AndroidManifest.xml")
+ # Rule has not specified a manifest. Populate the default manifest template.
+ if not info.manifest:
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add(manifest.path)
+ args.add(base_apk.path)
+ args.add(java_package)
+ args.add(info.feature_name)
+ args.add(info.title_id)
+ args.add(info.fused)
+ args.add(aapt2.executable)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ executable = feature_manifest_script,
+ inputs = [base_apk],
+ outputs = [manifest],
+ arguments = [args],
+ tools = [
+ aapt2,
+ ],
+ mnemonic = "GenFeatureManifest",
+ progress_message = "Generating AndroidManifest.xml for " + feature_target.label.name,
+ )
+ return manifest
+ # Rule has a manifest (already validated by android_feature_module).
+ # Generate a priority manifest and then merge the user supplied manifest.
+ priority_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ ctx.label.name + "/" + feature_target.label.name + "/Prioriy_AndroidManifest.xml",
+ )
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add(priority_manifest.path)
+ args.add(base_apk.path)
+ args.add(java_package)
+ args.add(info.feature_name)
+ args.add(aapt2.executable)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ executable = priority_feature_manifest_script,
+ inputs = [base_apk],
+ outputs = [priority_manifest],
+ arguments = [args],
+ tools = [
+ aapt2,
+ ],
+ mnemonic = "GenPriorityFeatureManifest",
+ progress_message = "Generating Priority AndroidManifest.xml for " + feature_target.label.name,
+ )
+ _busybox.merge_manifests(
+ ctx,
+ out_file = manifest,
+ manifest = priority_manifest,
+ mergee_manifests = depset([info.manifest]),
+ java_package = java_package,
+ busybox = android_resources_busybox.files_to_run,
+ host_javabase = host_javabase,
+ manifest_values = {"MODULE_TITLE": "@string/" + info.title_id},
+ )
+ return manifest
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # Convert base apk to .proto_ap_
+ base_apk = ctx.attr.base_module[ApkInfo].unsigned_apk
+ base_proto_apk = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "/modules/base.proto-ap_")
+ _aapt.convert(
+ ctx,
+ out = base_proto_apk,
+ input = base_apk,
+ to_proto = True,
+ aapt = get_android_toolchain(ctx).aapt2.files_to_run,
+ )
+ proto_apks = [base_proto_apk]
+ # Convert each feature to .proto-ap_
+ for feature in ctx.attr.feature_modules:
+ feature_proto_apk = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ "%s.proto-ap_" % feature.label.name,
+ sibling = base_proto_apk,
+ )
+ _process_feature_module(
+ ctx,
+ out = feature_proto_apk,
+ base_apk = base_apk,
+ feature_target = feature,
+ java_package = _java.resolve_package_from_label(ctx.label, ctx.attr.custom_package),
+ application_id = ctx.attr.application_id,
+ )
+ proto_apks.append(feature_proto_apk)
+ # Convert each each .proto-ap_ to module zip
+ modules = []
+ for proto_apk in proto_apks:
+ module = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ proto_apk.basename + ".zip",
+ sibling = proto_apk,
+ )
+ modules.append(module)
+ _bundletool.proto_apk_to_module(
+ ctx,
+ out = module,
+ proto_apk = proto_apk,
+ unzip = get_android_toolchain(ctx).unzip_tool.files_to_run,
+ zip = get_android_toolchain(ctx).zip_tool.files_to_run,
+ )
+ metadata = dict()
+ if ProguardMappingInfo in ctx.attr.base_module:
+ metadata["com.android.tools.build.obfuscation/proguard.map"] = ctx.attr.base_module[ProguardMappingInfo].proguard_mapping
+ if ctx.file.rotation_config:
+ metadata["com.google.play.apps.signing/RotationConfig.textproto"] = ctx.file.rotation_config
+ if ctx.file.app_integrity_config:
+ metadata["com.google.play.apps.integrity/AppIntegrityConfig.pb"] = ctx.file.app_integrity_config
+ # Create .aab
+ _bundletool.build(
+ ctx,
+ out = ctx.outputs.unsigned_aab,
+ modules = modules,
+ config = ctx.file.bundle_config_file,
+ metadata = metadata,
+ bundletool = get_android_toolchain(ctx).bundletool.files_to_run,
+ host_javabase = _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ )
+ # Create `blaze run` script
+ subs = {
+ "%bundletool_path%": get_android_toolchain(ctx).bundletool.files_to_run.executable.short_path,
+ "%aab%": ctx.outputs.unsigned_aab.short_path,
+ "%key%": ctx.attr.base_module[ApkInfo].signing_keys[0].short_path,
+ }
+ ctx.actions.expand_template(
+ template = ctx.file._bundle_deploy,
+ output = ctx.outputs.deploy_script,
+ substitutions = subs,
+ is_executable = True,
+ )
+ return [
+ ctx.attr.base_module[ApkInfo],
+ ctx.attr.base_module[AndroidPreDexJarInfo],
+ AndroidBundleInfo(unsigned_aab = ctx.outputs.unsigned_aab),
+ DefaultInfo(
+ executable = ctx.outputs.deploy_script,
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles([
+ ctx.outputs.unsigned_aab,
+ ctx.attr.base_module[ApkInfo].signing_keys[0],
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).bundletool.files_to_run.executable,
+ ]),
+ ),
+ ]
+android_application = rule(
+ fragments = [
+ "android",
+ "java",
+ ],
+ executable = True,
+ implementation = _impl,
+ outputs = {
+ "deploy_script": "%{name}.sh",
+ "unsigned_aab": "%{name}_unsigned.aab",
+ },
+ toolchains = ["@rules_android//toolchains/android:toolchain_type"],
+ _skylark_testable = True,
+def android_application_macro(_android_binary, **attrs):
+ """android_application_macro.
+ Args:
+ _android_binary: The android_binary rule to use.
+ **attrs: android_application attributes.
+ """
+ fqn = "//%s:%s" % (native.package_name(), attrs["name"])
+ # Must pop these because android_binary does not have these attributes.
+ app_integrity_config = attrs.pop("app_integrity_config", default = None)
+ rotation_config = attrs.pop("rotation_config", default = None)
+ # Simply fall back to android_binary if no feature splits or bundle_config
+ if not attrs.get("feature_modules", None) and not (attrs.get("bundle_config", None) or attrs.get("bundle_config_file", None)):
+ _android_binary(**attrs)
+ return
+ _verify_attrs(attrs, fqn)
+ # Create an android_binary base split, plus an android_application to produce the aab
+ name = attrs.pop("name")
+ base_split_name = "%s_base" % name
+ # default to [] if feature_modules = None is passed
+ feature_modules = attrs.pop("feature_modules", default = []) or []
+ bundle_config = attrs.pop("bundle_config", default = None)
+ bundle_config_file = attrs.pop("bundle_config_file", default = None)
+ # bundle_config is deprecated in favor of bundle_config_file
+ # In the future bundle_config will accept a build rule rather than a raw file.
+ bundle_config_file = bundle_config_file or bundle_config
+ for feature_module in feature_modules:
+ if not feature_module.startswith("//") or ":" not in feature_module:
+ _log.error("feature_modules expects fully qualified paths, i.e. //some/path:target")
+ module_targets = get_feature_module_paths(feature_module)
+ attrs["deps"].append(str(module_targets.title_lib))
+ _android_binary(
+ name = base_split_name,
+ **attrs
+ )
+ android_application(
+ name = name,
+ base_module = ":%s" % base_split_name,
+ bundle_config_file = bundle_config_file,
+ app_integrity_config = app_integrity_config,
+ rotation_config = rotation_config,
+ custom_package = attrs.get("custom_package", None),
+ testonly = attrs.get("testonly"),
+ transitive_configs = attrs.get("transitive_configs", []),
+ feature_modules = feature_modules,
+ application_id = attrs["manifest_values"]["applicationId"],
+ )