path: root/rules/android_library/impl.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/android_library/impl.bzl')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/android_library/impl.bzl b/rules/android_library/impl.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232899c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/android_library/impl.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+load("@rules_android//rules:acls.bzl", "acls")
+load("@rules_android//rules:attrs.bzl", _attrs = "attrs")
+load("@rules_android//rules:common.bzl", _common = "common")
+load("@rules_android//rules:data_binding.bzl", _data_binding = "data_binding")
+load("@rules_android//rules:idl.bzl", _idl = "idl")
+load("@rules_android//rules:intellij.bzl", _intellij = "intellij")
+load("@rules_android//rules:java.bzl", _java = "java")
+ "@rules_android//rules:processing_pipeline.bzl",
+ "ProviderInfo",
+ "processing_pipeline",
+load("@rules_android//rules:proguard.bzl", _proguard = "proguard")
+load("@rules_android//rules:resources.bzl", _resources = "resources")
+load("@rules_android//rules:utils.bzl", "get_android_sdk", "get_android_toolchain", "log", "utils")
+load("@rules_android//rules/flags:flags.bzl", _flags = "flags")
+ "The android_library rule will be deprecating the use of deps to export " +
+ "targets implicitly. " +
+ "Please use android_library.exports to explicitly specify the exported " +
+ "targets of %s."
+ "The srcs attribute of an android_library rule should not contain label " +
+ "with resources %s"
+ "The 'idl_import_root' attribute of the android_library rule was set, " +
+ "but neither 'idl_srcs' nor 'idl_parcelables' were specified."
+ "Do not import '%s' directly. You should either move the file to this " +
+ "package or depend on an appropriate rule there."
+# Android library AAR context attributes.
+_PROVIDERS = "providers"
+_VALIDATION_OUTPUTS = "validation_outputs"
+_AARContextInfo = provider(
+ "Android library AAR context object",
+ fields = {
+ _PROVIDERS: "The list of all providers to propagate.",
+ _VALIDATION_OUTPUTS: "List of outputs given to OutputGroupInfo _validation group",
+ },
+def _uses_deprecated_implicit_export(ctx):
+ if not ctx.attr.deps:
+ return False
+ return not (ctx.files.srcs or
+ ctx.files.idl_srcs or
+ ctx.attr._defined_assets or
+ ctx.files.resource_files or
+ ctx.attr.manifest)
+def _uses_resources_and_deps_without_srcs(ctx):
+ if not ctx.attr.deps:
+ return False
+ if not (ctx.attr._defined_assets or
+ ctx.files.resource_files or
+ ctx.attr.manifest):
+ return False
+ return not (ctx.files.srcs or ctx.files.idl_srcs)
+def _check_deps_without_java_srcs(ctx):
+ if not ctx.attr.deps or ctx.files.srcs or ctx.files.idl_srcs:
+ return False
+ gfn = getattr(ctx.attr, "generator_function", "")
+ if _uses_deprecated_implicit_export(ctx):
+ if (acls.in_android_library_implicit_exports_generator_functions(gfn) or
+ acls.in_android_library_implicit_exports(str(ctx.label))):
+ return True
+ else:
+ # TODO(b/144163743): add a test for this.
+ if _uses_resources_and_deps_without_srcs(ctx):
+ if (acls.in_android_library_resources_without_srcs_generator_functions(gfn) or
+ acls.in_android_library_resources_without_srcs(str(ctx.label))):
+ return True
+ return False
+def _validate_rule_context(ctx):
+ # Verify that idl_import_root is specified with idl_src or idl_parcelables.
+ if (ctx.attr._defined_idl_import_root and
+ not (ctx.attr._defined_idl_srcs or ctx.attr._defined_idl_parcelables)):
+ # Verify that idl_srcs are not from another package.
+ for idl_src in ctx.attr.idl_srcs:
+ if ctx.label.package != idl_src.label.package:
+ log.error(_IDL_SRC_FROM_DIFFERENT_PACKAGE_ERROR % idl_src.label)
+ return struct(
+ enable_deps_without_srcs = _check_deps_without_java_srcs(ctx),
+ )
+def _exceptions_processor(ctx, **unused_ctxs):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "exceptions_ctx",
+ value = _validate_rule_context(ctx),
+ )
+def _process_resources(ctx, java_package, **unused_ctxs):
+ # exports_manifest can be overridden by a bazel flag.
+ if ctx.attr.exports_manifest == _attrs.tristate.auto:
+ exports_manifest = ctx.fragments.android.get_exports_manifest_default
+ else:
+ exports_manifest = ctx.attr.exports_manifest == _attrs.tristate.yes
+ # Process Android Resources
+ resources_ctx = _resources.process(
+ ctx,
+ manifest = ctx.file.manifest,
+ resource_files = ctx.attr.resource_files,
+ defined_assets = ctx.attr._defined_assets,
+ assets = ctx.attr.assets,
+ defined_assets_dir = ctx.attr._defined_assets_dir,
+ assets_dir = ctx.attr.assets_dir,
+ exports_manifest = exports_manifest,
+ java_package = java_package,
+ custom_package = ctx.attr.custom_package,
+ neverlink = ctx.attr.neverlink,
+ enable_data_binding = ctx.attr.enable_data_binding,
+ deps = ctx.attr.deps,
+ exports = ctx.attr.exports,
+ # Processing behavior changing flags.
+ enable_res_v3 = _flags.get(ctx).android_enable_res_v3,
+ # TODO(b/144163743): remove fix_resource_transitivity, which was only added to emulate
+ # misbehavior on the Java side.
+ fix_resource_transitivity = bool(ctx.attr.srcs),
+ fix_export_exporting = acls.in_fix_export_exporting_rollout(str(ctx.label)),
+ android_test_migration = ctx.attr._android_test_migration,
+ # Tool and Processing related inputs
+ aapt = get_android_toolchain(ctx).aapt2.files_to_run,
+ android_jar = get_android_sdk(ctx).android_jar,
+ android_kit = get_android_toolchain(ctx).android_kit.files_to_run,
+ busybox = get_android_toolchain(ctx).android_resources_busybox.files_to_run,
+ java_toolchain = _common.get_java_toolchain(ctx),
+ host_javabase = _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ instrument_xslt = utils.only(get_android_toolchain(ctx).add_g3itr_xslt.files.to_list()),
+ res_v3_dummy_manifest = utils.only(
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).res_v3_dummy_manifest.files.to_list(),
+ ),
+ res_v3_dummy_r_txt = utils.only(
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).res_v3_dummy_r_txt.files.to_list(),
+ ),
+ xsltproc = get_android_toolchain(ctx).xsltproc_tool.files_to_run,
+ zip_tool = get_android_toolchain(ctx).zip_tool.files_to_run,
+ )
+ # TODO(b/139305816): Remove the ability for android_library to be added in
+ # the srcs attribute of another android_library.
+ if resources_ctx.defines_resources:
+ # Verify that srcs do no contain labels.
+ for src in ctx.attr.srcs:
+ if AndroidResourcesInfo in src:
+ src[AndroidResourcesInfo].label)
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "resources_ctx",
+ value = resources_ctx,
+ )
+def _process_idl(ctx, **unused_sub_ctxs):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "idl_ctx",
+ value = _idl.process(
+ ctx,
+ idl_srcs = ctx.files.idl_srcs,
+ idl_parcelables = ctx.files.idl_parcelables,
+ idl_import_root =
+ ctx.attr.idl_import_root if ctx.attr._defined_idl_import_root else None,
+ idl_preprocessed = ctx.files.idl_preprocessed,
+ deps = utils.collect_providers(AndroidIdlInfo, ctx.attr.deps),
+ exports = utils.collect_providers(AndroidIdlInfo, ctx.attr.exports),
+ aidl = get_android_sdk(ctx).aidl,
+ aidl_lib = get_android_sdk(ctx).aidl_lib,
+ aidl_framework = get_android_sdk(ctx).framework_aidl,
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_data_binding(ctx, java_package, resources_ctx, **unused_sub_ctxs):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "db_ctx",
+ value = _data_binding.process(
+ ctx,
+ defines_resources = resources_ctx.defines_resources,
+ enable_data_binding = ctx.attr.enable_data_binding,
+ java_package = java_package,
+ deps = utils.collect_providers(DataBindingV2Info, ctx.attr.deps),
+ exports = utils.collect_providers(DataBindingV2Info, ctx.attr.exports),
+ data_binding_exec = get_android_toolchain(ctx).data_binding_exec.files_to_run,
+ data_binding_annotation_processor =
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).data_binding_annotation_processor[JavaInfo],
+ data_binding_annotation_template =
+ utils.only(get_android_toolchain(ctx).data_binding_annotation_template.files.to_list()),
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_proguard(ctx, idl_ctx, **unused_sub_ctxs):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "proguard_ctx",
+ value = _proguard.process(
+ ctx,
+ proguard_configs = ctx.files.proguard_specs,
+ proguard_spec_providers = utils.collect_providers(
+ ProguardSpecProvider,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ ctx.attr.plugins,
+ ctx.attr.exported_plugins,
+ idl_ctx.idl_deps,
+ ),
+ proguard_allowlister =
+ get_android_toolchain(ctx).proguard_allowlister.files_to_run,
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_jvm(ctx, exceptions_ctx, resources_ctx, idl_ctx, db_ctx, **unused_sub_ctxs):
+ java_info = _java.compile_android(
+ ctx,
+ ctx.outputs.lib_jar,
+ ctx.outputs.lib_src_jar,
+ srcs = ctx.files.srcs + idl_ctx.idl_java_srcs + db_ctx.java_srcs,
+ javac_opts = ctx.attr.javacopts + db_ctx.javac_opts,
+ r_java = resources_ctx.r_java,
+ deps =
+ utils.collect_providers(JavaInfo, ctx.attr.deps, idl_ctx.idl_deps),
+ exports = utils.collect_providers(JavaInfo, ctx.attr.exports),
+ plugins = (
+ utils.collect_providers(JavaInfo, ctx.attr.plugins) +
+ db_ctx.java_plugins
+ ),
+ exported_plugins = utils.collect_providers(
+ JavaInfo,
+ ctx.attr.exported_plugins,
+ ),
+ annotation_processor_additional_outputs = (
+ db_ctx.java_annotation_processor_additional_outputs
+ ),
+ annotation_processor_additional_inputs = (
+ db_ctx.java_annotation_processor_additional_inputs
+ ),
+ enable_deps_without_srcs = exceptions_ctx.enable_deps_without_srcs,
+ neverlink = ctx.attr.neverlink,
+ strict_deps = "DEFAULT",
+ java_toolchain = _common.get_java_toolchain(ctx),
+ )
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "jvm_ctx",
+ value = struct(
+ java_info = java_info,
+ providers = [java_info],
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_aar(ctx, java_package, resources_ctx, proguard_ctx, **unused_ctx):
+ aar_ctx = {
+ }
+ starlark_aar = _resources.make_aar(
+ ctx,
+ manifest = resources_ctx.starlark_processed_manifest,
+ assets = ctx.files.assets,
+ assets_dir = ctx.attr.assets_dir,
+ resource_files = resources_ctx.starlark_processed_resources if not ctx.attr.neverlink else [],
+ class_jar = ctx.outputs.lib_jar,
+ r_txt = resources_ctx.starlark_r_txt,
+ proguard_specs = proguard_ctx.proguard_configs,
+ busybox = get_android_toolchain(ctx).android_resources_busybox.files_to_run,
+ host_javabase = _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ )
+ # TODO(b/170409221): Clean this up once Starlark migration is complete. Create and propagate
+ # a native aar info provider with the Starlark artifacts to avoid breaking downstream
+ # targets.
+ if not ctx.attr.neverlink:
+ aar_ctx[_PROVIDERS].append(AndroidLibraryAarInfo(
+ aar = starlark_aar,
+ manifest = resources_ctx.starlark_processed_manifest,
+ aars_from_deps = utils.collect_providers(
+ AndroidLibraryAarInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ ),
+ defines_local_resources = resources_ctx.defines_resources,
+ ))
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "aar_ctx",
+ value = _AARContextInfo(**aar_ctx),
+ )
+def _process_native(ctx, idl_ctx, **unused_ctx):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "native_ctx",
+ value = struct(
+ providers = [
+ AndroidNativeLibsInfo(
+ depset(
+ transitive = [
+ p.native_libs
+ for p in utils.collect_providers(
+ AndroidNativeLibsInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ )
+ ],
+ order = "preorder",
+ ),
+ ),
+ AndroidCcLinkParamsInfo(
+ cc_common.merge_cc_infos(
+ cc_infos = [
+ info.cc_info
+ for info in utils.collect_providers(
+ JavaCcLinkParamsInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ idl_ctx.idl_deps,
+ )
+ ] +
+ [
+ info.link_params
+ for info in utils.collect_providers(
+ AndroidCcLinkParamsInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ idl_ctx.idl_deps,
+ )
+ ] +
+ utils.collect_providers(
+ CcInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ idl_ctx.idl_deps,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_intellij(ctx, java_package, resources_ctx, idl_ctx, jvm_ctx, **unused_sub_ctxs):
+ android_ide_info = _intellij.make_android_ide_info(
+ ctx,
+ java_package = java_package,
+ manifest = ctx.file.manifest,
+ defines_resources = resources_ctx.defines_resources,
+ merged_manifest = resources_ctx.merged_manifest,
+ resources_apk = resources_ctx.resources_apk,
+ r_jar = utils.only(resources_ctx.r_java.outputs.jars) if resources_ctx.r_java else None,
+ idl_import_root = idl_ctx.idl_import_root,
+ idl_srcs = idl_ctx.idl_srcs,
+ idl_java_srcs = idl_ctx.idl_java_srcs,
+ java_info = jvm_ctx.java_info,
+ signed_apk = None, # signed_apk, always empty for android_library.
+ aar = getattr(ctx.outputs, "aar", None), # Deprecate aar for android_library.
+ apks_under_test = [], # apks_under_test, always empty for android_library
+ native_libs = dict(), # nativelibs, always empty for android_library
+ idlclass = get_android_toolchain(ctx).idlclass.files_to_run,
+ host_javabase = _common.get_host_javabase(ctx),
+ )
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "intellij_ctx",
+ value = struct(
+ android_ide_info = android_ide_info,
+ providers = [android_ide_info],
+ ),
+ )
+def _process_coverage(ctx, **unused_ctx):
+ return ProviderInfo(
+ name = "coverage_ctx",
+ value = struct(
+ providers = [
+ coverage_common.instrumented_files_info(
+ ctx,
+ dependency_attributes = ["assets", "deps", "exports"],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+# Order dependent, as providers will not be available to downstream processors
+# that may depend on the provider. Iteration order for a dictionary is based on
+# insertion.
+ ExceptionsProcessor = _exceptions_processor,
+ ResourceProcessor = _process_resources,
+ IdlProcessor = _process_idl,
+ DataBindingProcessor = _process_data_binding,
+ JvmProcessor = _process_jvm,
+ ProguardProcessor = _process_proguard,
+ AarProcessor = _process_aar,
+ NativeProcessor = _process_native,
+ IntelliJProcessor = _process_intellij,
+ CoverageProcessor = _process_coverage,
+# TODO(b/119560471): Deprecate the usage of legacy providers.
+def _make_legacy_provider(intellij_ctx, jvm_ctx, providers):
+ return struct(
+ android = _intellij.make_legacy_android_provider(intellij_ctx.android_ide_info),
+ java = struct(
+ annotation_processing = jvm_ctx.java_info.annotation_processing,
+ compilation_info = jvm_ctx.java_info.compilation_info,
+ outputs = jvm_ctx.java_info.outputs,
+ source_jars = depset(jvm_ctx.java_info.source_jars),
+ transitive_deps = jvm_ctx.java_info.transitive_compile_time_jars,
+ transitive_exports = jvm_ctx.java_info.transitive_exports,
+ transitive_runtime_deps = jvm_ctx.java_info.transitive_runtime_jars,
+ transitive_source_jars = jvm_ctx.java_info.transitive_source_jars,
+ ),
+ providers = providers,
+ )
+def finalize(
+ ctx,
+ resources_ctx,
+ intellij_ctx,
+ jvm_ctx,
+ proguard_ctx,
+ providers,
+ validation_outputs,
+ **unused_ctxs):
+ """Creates the DefaultInfo and OutputGroupInfo providers.
+ Args:
+ ctx: The context.
+ resources_ctx: ProviderInfo. The resources ctx.
+ intellij_ctx: ProviderInfo. The intellij ctx.
+ jvm_ctx: ProviderInfo. The jvm ctx.
+ proguard_ctx: ProviderInfo. The proguard ctx.
+ providers: sequence of providers. The providers to propagate.
+ validation_outputs: sequence of Files. The validation outputs.
+ **unused_ctxs: Unused ProviderInfo.
+ Returns:
+ A struct with Android and Java legacy providers and a list of providers.
+ """
+ transitive_runfiles = []
+ if not ctx.attr.neverlink:
+ for p in utils.collect_providers(
+ DefaultInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ ):
+ transitive_runfiles.append(p.data_runfiles.files)
+ transitive_runfiles.append(p.default_runfiles.files)
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
+ files = (
+ (resources_ctx.r_java.runtime_output_jars if resources_ctx.r_java and not ctx.attr.neverlink else []) +
+ ([ctx.outputs.lib_jar] if (ctx.attr.srcs or ctx.attr.idl_srcs) and not ctx.attr.neverlink else [])
+ ),
+ transitive_files = depset(transitive = transitive_runfiles),
+ collect_default = True,
+ )
+ files = [ctx.outputs.lib_jar]
+ if getattr(ctx.outputs, "resources_src_jar", None):
+ files.append(ctx.outputs.resources_src_jar)
+ if getattr(ctx.outputs, "resources_jar", None):
+ files.append(ctx.outputs.resources_jar)
+ providers.extend([
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = depset(files),
+ runfiles = runfiles,
+ ),
+ OutputGroupInfo(
+ compilation_outputs = depset([ctx.outputs.lib_jar]),
+ _source_jars = depset(
+ [ctx.outputs.lib_src_jar],
+ transitive = [jvm_ctx.java_info.transitive_source_jars],
+ ),
+ _hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_ = depset(
+ resources_ctx.validation_results,
+ transitive = [
+ info._hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_
+ for info in utils.collect_providers(
+ OutputGroupInfo,
+ ctx.attr.deps,
+ ctx.attr.exports,
+ )
+ ] + [proguard_ctx.transitive_proguard_configs],
+ ),
+ _validation = depset(validation_outputs),
+ ),
+ ])
+ return _make_legacy_provider(intellij_ctx, jvm_ctx, providers)
+_PROCESSING_PIPELINE = processing_pipeline.make_processing_pipeline(
+ processors = PROCESSORS,
+ finalize = finalize,
+def impl(ctx):
+ """The rule implementation.
+ Args:
+ ctx: The context.
+ Returns:
+ A legacy struct provider.
+ """
+ java_package = _java.resolve_package_from_label(ctx.label, ctx.attr.custom_package)
+ return processing_pipeline.run(ctx, java_package, _PROCESSING_PIPELINE)