path: root/rules/native_deps.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/native_deps.bzl')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/native_deps.bzl b/rules/native_deps.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7702e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/native_deps.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Defines the native libs processing and an aspect to collect build configuration
+of split deps
+load("//rules:common.bzl", "common")
+SplitConfigInfo = provider(
+ doc = "Provides information about configuration for a split config dep",
+ fields = dict(
+ build_config = "The build configuration of the dep.",
+ ),
+def _split_config_aspect_impl(__, ctx):
+ return SplitConfigInfo(build_config = ctx.configuration)
+split_config_aspect = aspect(
+ implementation = _split_config_aspect_impl,
+def process(ctx, filename):
+ """ Links native deps into a shared library
+ Args:
+ ctx: The context.
+ filename: String. The name of the artifact containing the name of the
+ linked shared library
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (libs, libs_name) where libs is a depset of all native deps
+ and libs_name is a File containing the basename of the linked shared
+ library
+ """
+ actual_target_name = ctx.label.name.removesuffix(common.PACKAGED_RESOURCES_SUFFIX)
+ native_libs_basename = None
+ libs_name = None
+ libs = dict()
+ for key, deps in ctx.split_attr.deps.items():
+ cc_toolchain_dep = ctx.split_attr._cc_toolchain_split[key]
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain_dep[cc_common.CcToolchainInfo]
+ build_config = cc_toolchain_dep[SplitConfigInfo].build_config
+ linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
+ owner = ctx.label,
+ user_link_flags = ["-Wl,-soname=lib" + actual_target_name],
+ )
+ cc_info = cc_common.merge_cc_infos(
+ cc_infos = _concat(
+ [CcInfo(linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(
+ linker_inputs = depset([linker_input]),
+ ))],
+ [dep[JavaInfo].cc_link_params_info for dep in deps if JavaInfo in dep],
+ [dep[AndroidCcLinkParamsInfo].link_params for dep in deps if AndroidCcLinkParamsInfo in dep],
+ [dep[CcInfo] for dep in deps if CcInfo in dep],
+ ),
+ )
+ libraries = []
+ native_deps_lib = _link_native_deps_if_present(ctx, cc_info, cc_toolchain, build_config, actual_target_name)
+ if native_deps_lib:
+ libraries.append(native_deps_lib)
+ native_libs_basename = native_deps_lib.basename
+ libraries.extend(_filter_unique_shared_libs(native_deps_lib, cc_info))
+ if libraries:
+ libs[key] = depset(libraries)
+ if libs and native_libs_basename:
+ libs_name = ctx.actions.declare_file("nativedeps_filename/" + actual_target_name + "/" + filename)
+ ctx.actions.write(output = libs_name, content = native_libs_basename)
+ return AndroidBinaryNativeLibsInfo(libs, libs_name)
+def _all_inputs(cc_info):
+ return [
+ lib
+ for input in cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()
+ for lib in input.libraries
+ ]
+def _filter_unique_shared_libs(linked_lib, cc_info):
+ basenames = {}
+ artifacts = {}
+ if linked_lib:
+ basenames[linked_lib.basename] = linked_lib
+ for input in _all_inputs(cc_info):
+ if input.pic_static_library or input.static_library:
+ # This is not a shared library and will not be loaded by Android, so skip it.
+ continue
+ artifact = None
+ if input.interface_library:
+ if input.resolved_symlink_interface_library:
+ artifact = input.resolved_symlink_interface_library
+ else:
+ artifact = input.interface_library
+ elif input.resolved_symlink_dynamic_library:
+ artifact = input.resolved_symlink_dynamic_library
+ else:
+ artifact = input.dynamic_library
+ if not artifact:
+ fail("Should never happen: did not find artifact for link!")
+ if artifact in artifacts:
+ # We have already reached this library, e.g., through a different solib symlink.
+ continue
+ artifacts[artifact] = None
+ basename = artifact.basename
+ if basename in basenames:
+ old_artifact = basenames[basename]
+ fail(
+ "Each library in the transitive closure must have a " +
+ "unique basename to avoid name collisions when packaged into " +
+ "an apk, but two libraries have the basename '" + basename +
+ "': " + artifact + " and " + old_artifact + (
+ " (the library compiled for this target)" if old_artifact == linked_lib else ""
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ basenames[basename] = artifact
+ return artifacts.keys()
+def _contains_code_to_link(input):
+ if not input.static_library and not input.pic_static_library:
+ # this is a shared library so we're going to have to copy it
+ return False
+ if input.objects:
+ object_files = input.objects
+ elif input.pic_objects:
+ object_files = input.pic_objects
+ else:
+ # this is an opaque library so we're going to have to link it
+ return True
+ for obj in object_files:
+ if not _is_shared_library(obj):
+ # this library was built with a non-shared-library object so we should link it
+ return True
+ return False
+def _is_shared_library(lib_artifact):
+ if (lib_artifact.extension in ["so", "dll", "dylib"]):
+ return True
+ lib_name = lib_artifact.basename
+ # validate against the regex "^.+\\.((so)|(dylib))(\\.\\d\\w*)+$",
+ for ext in (".so.", ".dylib."):
+ name, _, version = lib_name.rpartition(ext)
+ if name and version:
+ version_parts = version.split(".")
+ for part in version_parts:
+ if not part[0].isdigit():
+ return False
+ for c in part[1:].elems():
+ if not (c.isalnum() or c == "_"):
+ return False
+ return True
+ return False
+def _get_build_info(ctx):
+ return cc_common.get_build_info(ctx)
+def _get_shared_native_deps_path(
+ linker_inputs,
+ link_opts,
+ linkstamps,
+ build_info_artifacts,
+ features,
+ is_test_target_partially_disabled_thin_lto):
+ fp = []
+ for artifact in linker_inputs:
+ fp.append(artifact.short_path)
+ fp.append(str(len(link_opts)))
+ for opt in link_opts:
+ fp.append(opt)
+ for artifact in linkstamps:
+ fp.append(artifact.short_path)
+ for artifact in build_info_artifacts:
+ fp.append(artifact.short_path)
+ for feature in features:
+ fp.append(feature)
+ fp.append("1" if is_test_target_partially_disabled_thin_lto else "0")
+ fingerprint = "%x" % hash("".join(fp))
+ return "_nativedeps/" + fingerprint
+def _get_static_mode_params_for_dynamic_library_libraries(libs):
+ linker_inputs = []
+ for lib in libs:
+ if lib.pic_static_library:
+ linker_inputs.append(lib.pic_static_library)
+ elif lib.static_library:
+ linker_inputs.append(lib.static_library)
+ elif lib.interface_library:
+ linker_inputs.append(lib.interface_library)
+ else:
+ linker_inputs.append(lib.dynamic_library)
+ return linker_inputs
+def _link_native_deps_if_present(ctx, cc_info, cc_toolchain, build_config, actual_target_name, is_test_rule_class = False):
+ needs_linking = False
+ for input in _all_inputs(cc_info):
+ needs_linking = needs_linking or _contains_code_to_link(input)
+ if not needs_linking:
+ return None
+ # This does not need to be shareable, but we use this API to specify the
+ # custom file root (matching the configuration)
+ output_lib = ctx.actions.declare_shareable_artifact(
+ ctx.label.package + "/nativedeps/" + actual_target_name + "/lib" + actual_target_name + ".so",
+ build_config.bin_dir,
+ )
+ link_opts = cc_info.linking_context.user_link_flags
+ linkstamps = []
+ for input in cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
+ linkstamps.extend(input.linkstamps)
+ linkstamps_dict = {linkstamp: None for linkstamp in linkstamps}
+ build_info_artifacts = _get_build_info(ctx) if linkstamps_dict else []
+ requested_features = ["static_linking_mode", "native_deps_link"]
+ requested_features.extend(ctx.features)
+ if not "legacy_whole_archive" in ctx.disabled_features:
+ requested_features.append("legacy_whole_archive")
+ requested_features = sorted(requested_features)
+ feature_config = cc_common.configure_features(
+ ctx = ctx,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ requested_features = requested_features,
+ unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features,
+ )
+ partially_disabled_thin_lto = (
+ cc_common.is_enabled(
+ feature_name = "thin_lto_linkstatic_tests_use_shared_nonlto_backends",
+ feature_configuration = feature_config,
+ ) and not cc_common.is_enabled(
+ feature_name = "thin_lto_all_linkstatic_use_shared_nonlto_backends",
+ feature_configuration = feature_config,
+ )
+ )
+ test_only_target = ctx.attr.testonly or is_test_rule_class
+ share_native_deps = ctx.fragments.cpp.share_native_deps()
+ linker_inputs = _get_static_mode_params_for_dynamic_library_libraries(cc_info.linking_context.libraries_to_link)
+ if share_native_deps:
+ shared_path = _get_shared_native_deps_path(
+ linker_inputs,
+ link_opts,
+ [linkstamp.file() for linkstamp in linkstamps_dict],
+ build_info_artifacts,
+ requested_features,
+ test_only_target and partially_disabled_thin_lto,
+ )
+ linked_lib = ctx.actions.declare_shareable_artifact(shared_path + ".so", build_config.bin_dir)
+ else:
+ linked_lib = output_lib
+ cc_common.link(
+ name = ctx.label.name,
+ actions = ctx.actions,
+ linking_contexts = [cc_info.linking_context],
+ output_type = "dynamic_library",
+ never_link = True,
+ native_deps = True,
+ feature_configuration = feature_config,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ test_only_target = test_only_target,
+ stamp = ctx.attr.stamp,
+ grep_includes = ctx.file._grep_includes,
+ main_output = linked_lib,
+ use_shareable_artifact_factory = True,
+ build_config = build_config,
+ )
+ if (share_native_deps):
+ ctx.actions.symlink(
+ output = output_lib,
+ target_file = linked_lib,
+ )
+ return output_lib
+ else:
+ return linked_lib
+def _concat(*list_of_lists):
+ res = []
+ for list in list_of_lists:
+ res.extend(list)
+ return res