# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Attributes.""" load("//rules:android_neverlink_aspect.bzl", "android_neverlink_aspect") load( "//rules:attrs.bzl", _attrs = "attrs", ) load("//rules:dex_desugar_aspect.bzl", "dex_desugar_aspect") load( "//rules:native_deps.bzl", "split_config_aspect", ) load("//rules:providers.bzl", "StarlarkApkInfo") def make_deps(allow_rules, providers, aspects): return attr.label_list( allow_files = True, allow_rules = allow_rules, providers = providers, aspects = aspects, cfg = android_common.multi_cpu_configuration, ) DEPS_ALLOW_RULES = [ "aar_import", "android_library", "cc_library", "java_import", "java_library", "java_lite_proto_library", ] DEPS_PROVIDERS = [ [CcInfo], [JavaInfo], ["AndroidResourcesInfo", "AndroidAssetsInfo"], ] DEPS_ASPECTS = [ dex_desugar_aspect, android_neverlink_aspect, ] ATTRS = _attrs.replace( _attrs.add( dict( srcs = attr.label_list( # TODO(timpeut): Set PropertyFlag direct_compile_time_input allow_files = [".java", ".srcjar"], ), deps = make_deps(DEPS_ALLOW_RULES, DEPS_PROVIDERS, DEPS_ASPECTS), enable_data_binding = attr.bool(), instruments = attr.label(), manifest_values = attr.string_dict(), manifest_merger = attr.string( default = "auto", values = ["auto", "legacy", "android", "force_android"], ), native_target = attr.label( allow_files = False, allow_rules = ["android_binary", "android_test"], ), generate_art_profile = attr.bool( default = True, doc = """ Whether to generate ART profile. If true, the ART profile will be generated and bundled into your APK’s asset directory. During APK installation, Android Runtime(ART) will perform Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation of methods in the profile, speeding up app startup time or reducing jank in some circumstances. """, ), startup_profiles = attr.label_list( allow_empty = True, allow_files = [".txt"], doc = """ List of baseline profiles that were collected at runtime (often from start-up) for this binary. When this is specified, all baseline profiles (including these) are used to inform code optimizations in the build toolchain. This may improve runtime performance at the cost of dex size. If the dex size cost is too large and the performance wins too small, the same profiles can be provided as a dep from an android_library with `baseline_profiles` to avoid the runtime-focused code optimizations that are enabled by `startup_profiles`. """, ), proguard_specs = attr.label_list(allow_empty = True, allow_files = True), resource_apks = attr.label_list( allow_rules = ["apk_import"], providers = [ [StarlarkApkInfo], ], doc = ( "List of resource only apks to link against." ), ), resource_configuration_filters = attr.string_list(), densities = attr.string_list(), nocompress_extensions = attr.string_list(), shrink_resources = _attrs.tristate.create( default = _attrs.tristate.auto, ), dexopts = attr.string_list(), main_dex_list = attr.label(allow_single_file = True), main_dex_list_opts = attr.string_list(), main_dex_proguard_specs = attr.label_list(allow_empty = True, allow_files = True), min_sdk_version = attr.int(), incremental_dexing = _attrs.tristate.create( default = _attrs.tristate.auto, ), proguard_generate_mapping = attr.bool(default = False), proguard_optimization_passes = attr.int(), proguard_apply_mapping = attr.label(allow_single_file = True), multidex = attr.string( default = "native", values = ["native", "legacy", "manual_main_dex"], ), _java_toolchain = attr.label( default = Label("//tools/jdk:toolchain_android_only"), ), _defined_resource_files = attr.bool(default = False), _enable_manifest_merging = attr.bool(default = True), _cc_toolchain_split = attr.label( cfg = android_common.multi_cpu_configuration, default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain", aspects = [split_config_aspect], ), _optimizing_dexer = attr.label( cfg = "exec", allow_single_file = True, default = configuration_field( fragment = "android", name = "optimizing_dexer", ), ), _desugared_java8_legacy_apis = attr.label( default = Label("//tools/android:desugared_java8_legacy_apis"), allow_single_file = True, ), _bytecode_optimizer = attr.label( default = configuration_field( fragment = "java", name = "bytecode_optimizer", ), cfg = "exec", executable = True, ), _legacy_main_dex_list_generator = attr.label( default = configuration_field( fragment = "android", name = "legacy_main_dex_list_generator", ), cfg = "exec", executable = True, ), ), _attrs.COMPILATION, _attrs.DATA_CONTEXT, _attrs.ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_ATTRS, _attrs.AUTOMATIC_EXEC_GROUPS_ENABLED, ), # TODO(b/167599192): don't override manifest attr to remove .xml file restriction. manifest = attr.label( allow_single_file = True, ), )