# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Bazel common library for the Android rules.""" load(":utils.bzl", "ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE", "get_android_toolchain", _log = "log") load("//rules/android_common:reexport_android_common.bzl", _native_android_common = "native_android_common") # Suffix attached to the Starlark portion of android_binary target _PACKAGED_RESOURCES_SUFFIX = "_RESOURCES_DO_NOT_USE" # Validates that the packages listed under "deps" all have the given constraint. If a package # does not have this attribute, an error is generated. def _validate_constraints(targets, constraint): for target in targets: if JavaInfo in target: if constraint not in java_common.get_constraints(target[JavaInfo]): _log.error("%s: does not have constraint '%s'" % (target.label, constraint)) TARGET_DNE = "Target '%s' does not exist or is a file and is not allowed." def _check_rule(targets): _validate_constraints(targets, "android") def _get_java_toolchain(ctx): if not hasattr(ctx.attr, "_java_toolchain"): _log.error("Missing _java_toolchain attr") return ctx.attr._java_toolchain def _get_host_javabase(ctx): if not hasattr(ctx.attr, "_host_javabase"): _log.error("Missing _host_javabase attr") return ctx.attr._host_javabase def _filter_zip_include(ctx, in_zip, out_zip, filters = []): """Creates a copy of a zip file with files that match filters.""" args = ctx.actions.args() args.add("-q") args.add(in_zip.path) args.add_all(filters) args.add("--copy") args.add("--out") args.add(out_zip.path) ctx.actions.run( executable = get_android_toolchain(ctx).zip_tool.files_to_run, arguments = [args], inputs = [in_zip], outputs = [out_zip], mnemonic = "FilterZipInclude", progress_message = "Filtering %s" % in_zip.short_path, toolchain = ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE, ) def _filter_zip_exclude( ctx, output = None, input = None, filter_zips = [], filter_types = [], filters = [], check_hash_mismatch = False, compression_mode = "DONT_CARE"): """Filter out entries from a zip file based on the filter types and filter zips. Args: ctx: The Context. output: File. The output zip. input: File. The input zip. filter_zips: List of Files. The zips used as filters. Contents in these files will be omitted from the output zip. filter_types: List of strings. Only contents in the filter Zip files with these extensions will be filtered out. filters: List of strings. The regex to the set of filters to always check for and remove. check_hash_mismatch: Boolean. Whether to enable checking of hash mismatches for files with the same name. compression_mode: String. The compression mode for the output zip. There are 3 modes: * FORCE_DEFLATE: Force the output zip to be compressed. * FORCE_STORED: Force the output zip to be stored. * DONT_CARE: The output zip will have the same compression mode with the input zip. """ args = ctx.actions.args() args.add("--inputZip", input.path) args.add("--outputZip", output.path) if filter_zips: args.add("--filterZips", ",".join([z.path for z in filter_zips])) if filter_types: args.add("--filterTypes", ",".join(filter_types)) if filters: args.add("--explicitFilters", ",".join(filters)) if check_hash_mismatch: args.add("--checkHashMismatch", "ERROR") else: args.add("--checkHashMismatch", "IGNORE") args.add("--outputMode", compression_mode) ctx.actions.run( executable = get_android_toolchain(ctx).zip_filter.files_to_run, arguments = [args], inputs = [input] + filter_zips, outputs = [output], mnemonic = "FilterZipExclude", progress_message = "Filtering %s" % input.short_path, toolchain = ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE, ) def _create_signer_properties(ctx, oldest_key): properties = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s/keystore.properties" % ctx.label.name) ctx.actions.expand_template( template = ctx.file._bundle_keystore_properties, output = properties, substitutions = {"%oldest_key%": oldest_key.short_path}, ) return properties common = struct( PACKAGED_RESOURCES_SUFFIX = _PACKAGED_RESOURCES_SUFFIX, check_rule = _check_rule, create_signer_properties = _create_signer_properties, get_host_javabase = _get_host_javabase, get_java_toolchain = _get_java_toolchain, filter_zip_include = _filter_zip_include, filter_zip_exclude = _filter_zip_exclude, ) android_common = _native_android_common