path: root/rules/licenses_core.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'rules/licenses_core.bzl')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/licenses_core.bzl b/rules/licenses_core.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42702bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/licenses_core.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Rules and macros for collecting LicenseInfo providers."""
+load("@rules_license//rules:filtered_rule_kinds.bzl", "aspect_filters")
+load("@rules_license//rules:user_filtered_rule_kinds.bzl", "user_aspect_filters")
+ "@rules_license//rules:providers.bzl",
+ "LicenseInfo",
+ "LicensedTargetInfo",
+TraceInfo = provider(
+ doc = """Provides a target (as a string) to assist in debugging dependency issues.""",
+ fields = {
+ "trace": "String: a target to trace dependency edges to.",
+ },
+def _trace_impl(ctx):
+ return TraceInfo(trace = ctx.build_setting_value)
+trace = rule(
+ doc = """Used to allow the specification of a target to trace while collecting license dependencies.""",
+ implementation = _trace_impl,
+ build_setting = config.string(flag = True),
+def should_traverse(ctx, attr):
+ """Checks if the dependent attribute should be traversed.
+ Args:
+ ctx: The aspect evaluation context.
+ attr: The name of the attribute to be checked.
+ Returns:
+ True iff the attribute should be traversed.
+ """
+ k = ctx.rule.kind
+ for filters in [aspect_filters, user_aspect_filters]:
+ always_ignored = filters.get("*", [])
+ if k in filters:
+ attr_matches = filters[k]
+ if (attr in attr_matches or
+ "*" in attr_matches or
+ ("_*" in attr_matches and attr.startswith("_")) or
+ attr in always_ignored):
+ return False
+ for m in attr_matches:
+ if attr == m:
+ return False
+ return True
+def _get_transitive_licenses(ctx, trans_licenses, trans_deps, traces, provider, filter_func):
+ attrs = [a for a in dir(ctx.rule.attr)]
+ for name in attrs:
+ if not filter_func(ctx, name):
+ continue
+ a = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, name)
+ # Make anything singleton into a list for convenience.
+ if type(a) != type([]):
+ a = [a]
+ for dep in a:
+ # Ignore anything that isn't a target
+ if type(dep) != "Target":
+ continue
+ # Targets can also include things like input files that won't have the
+ # aspect, so we additionally check for the aspect rather than assume
+ # it's on all targets. Even some regular targets may be synthetic and
+ # not have the aspect. This provides protection against those outlier
+ # cases.
+ if provider in dep:
+ info = dep[provider]
+ if info.licenses:
+ trans_licenses.append(info.licenses)
+ if info.deps:
+ trans_deps.append(info.deps)
+ if info.traces:
+ for trace in info.traces:
+ traces.append("(" + ", ".join([str(ctx.label), ctx.rule.kind, name]) + ") -> " + trace)
+def gather_licenses_info_common(target, ctx, provider_factory, namespaces, filter_func):
+ """Collect license info from myself and my deps.
+ Any single target might directly depend on a license, or depend on
+ something that transitively depends on a license, or neither.
+ This aspect bundles all those into a single provider. At each level, we add
+ in new direct license deps found and forward up the transitive information
+ collected so far.
+ This is a common abstraction for crawling the dependency graph. It is parameterized
+ to allow specifying the provider that is populated with results. It is
+ configurable to select only licenses matching a certain namespace. It is also
+ configurable to specify which dependency edges should not be traced for the
+ purpose of tracing the graph.
+ Args:
+ target: The target of the aspect.
+ ctx: The aspect evaluation context.
+ provider_factory: abstracts the provider returned by this aspect
+ namespaces: a list of namespaces licenses must match to be included
+ filter_func: a function that returns true iff the dep edge should be ignored
+ Returns:
+ provider of parameterized type
+ """
+ # First we gather my direct license attachments
+ licenses = []
+ if ctx.rule.kind == "_license":
+ # Don't try to gather licenses from the license rule itself. We'll just
+ # blunder into the text file of the license and pick up the default
+ # attribute of the package, which we don't want.
+ pass
+ else:
+ if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "applicable_licenses"):
+ for dep in ctx.rule.attr.applicable_licenses:
+ if LicenseInfo in dep:
+ lic = dep[LicenseInfo]
+ # This check shouldn't be necessary since any license created
+ # by the official code will have this set. However, one of the
+ # tests has its own implementation of license that had to be fixed
+ # so this is just a conservative safety check.
+ if hasattr(lic, "namespace"):
+ if lic.namespace in namespaces:
+ licenses.append(lic)
+ else:
+ fail("should have a namespace")
+ # Now gather transitive collection of providers from the targets
+ # this target depends upon.
+ trans_licenses = []
+ trans_deps = []
+ traces = []
+ _get_transitive_licenses(ctx, trans_licenses, trans_deps, traces, provider_factory, filter_func)
+ if not licenses and not trans_licenses:
+ return [provider_factory(deps = depset(), licenses = depset(), traces = [])]
+ # If this is the target, start the sequence of traces.
+ if ctx.attr._trace[TraceInfo].trace and ctx.attr._trace[TraceInfo].trace in str(ctx.label):
+ traces = [ctx.attr._trace[TraceInfo].trace]
+ # Trim the number of traces accumulated since the output can be quite large.
+ # A few representative traces are generally sufficient to identify why a dependency
+ # is incorrectly incorporated.
+ if len(traces) > 10:
+ traces = traces[0:10]
+ if licenses:
+ # At this point we have a target and a list of directly used licenses.
+ # Bundle those together so we can report the exact targets that cause the
+ # dependency on each license. Since a list cannot be stored in a
+ # depset, even inside a provider, the list is concatenated into a
+ # string and will be unconcatenated in the output phase.
+ direct_license_uses = [LicensedTargetInfo(
+ target_under_license = target.label,
+ licenses = ",".join([str(x.label) for x in licenses]),
+ )]
+ else:
+ direct_license_uses = None
+ return [provider_factory(
+ target_under_license = target.label,
+ licenses = depset(tuple(licenses), transitive = trans_licenses),
+ deps = depset(direct = direct_license_uses, transitive = trans_deps),
+ traces = traces,
+ )]